AEE Bonus: Don't Miss this Webclass! Idioms for Taking Risks
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- 2 Mar 2021
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This is an all ears English bonus. Don't miss this Web class idioms for taking risks.
Welcome to the All Ears English podcast downloaded more than 200 million times. Are you feeling stuck with your English? We'll show you how to become fearless and fluent by focusing on connection, not perfection, with your American hosts. Obreht Carter, the Eilts whiz and former Eilts examiner Jessica Beck coming to you from Arizona and Portland, Oregon U.
S a how can you describe taking a risk and sound like a confident native?
Today, you'll learn three idioms to describe taking professional risks and get more details about our upcoming Free Live Webcast.
Aubrey, we're back on all the English oh, oh, it's so great, I am having a really great morning.
I went for a run this morning, which I don't usually do.
This is rare for me and I feel like I really accomplished something totally I love even if it's just like a mile. I love getting out there and like doing that before I start work. And guys, we are going to teach you some amazing vocabulary today related to taking risks, because this is something we are going to talk about in the upcoming webcast.
Guys, March 6th and 9th, sign up, grab your spot all in English, dotcom slash promotion. It's free, it's alive and it's going to be amazing. So we are going to teach you the three step strategy to grab that next opportunity, get that promotion, get that raise in English, of course. So we're going to talk about vocabulary for taking risks today.
Yeah, you guys need high level vocabulary, idioms, expressions so that you can sound native because some of these situations, when you're putting yourself out there, it can be awkward. But if you're using very native natural phrases, it takes that awkwardness out of it.
And suddenly it's just like a natural it's a very natural thing to do. So we're going to give you some great expressions for that today.
Exactly, guys, because what you get in the Web class and you're going to see a little bit of that today, guys, is that in order to grab that next promotion level up in your career, you have to connect with the person you're asking in the first place, right?
Like if you rock up to your manager and you're like, hello, how are you?
Good morning, sir. I am great at my job. I want a raise or whatever.
Like, no, they're going to be like, you're weird. I don't understand you awkward.
But if you use some of these natural phrases, this is how we connect with people, how they're going to trust you and actually listen to what you're saying. So this first phrase, guys go out on a limb. This is actually a phrase that you will learn in the Web class. This is like something you used to introduce a new idea maybe that you're you think the other person might not be sure of. Right. Or maybe you're taking a guess, a little risk.
This is a good introduction phrase. Do you use this?
Yeah, definitely. Right.
Instead of think how awkward it would be if you have an idea at work and you're just like, I would like to explain this idea like very directly, natives don't do that.
We'll use a phrase like this, be like, all right, I'm going to go out on a limb here.
I know this is a little you know, I don't have a lot of experience with this, but I have this great idea that I think would really work to drive up our marketing numbers. And you've used this great native idiom and it's just natural.
You're building rapport.
Exactly, because this is one of the things that we will encourage you to do with language and specific strategies and the Web classes to be proactive. Right. You have to you have to ask for these opportunities, guys. You cannot wait for these things to just magically happen. OK, so the next phrase you can use to take some risks in your professional life is to take a calculated risk. So this is a risk that maybe isn't super risky, right?
This is a risk that, like, you have some data and you're pretty sure it's going to be worth it. So, for example, if you're at work and let's see, maybe you want your boss to start paying for ads on social media.
And thus far, they have not wanted to spend money on an advertising budget. Right. But you put in some work beforehand before you go and ask them and you're like, OK, we have our target market is on Instagram. These, like thousands of people are going to see this ad. It will be worth it. And then you take that data to your boss and you're like, I believe it is in our best interest to take a calculated risk and experiment with paid ads.
Right. So that whole phrase. Right. I believe it is in our best interest to take a calculated risk. That's impressive.
That is that's so impressive.
And I mean, you're whoever you're speaking to, a manager, boss, a co-worker is going to take you very seriously and be impressed not only by your English, but by your willingness to put yourself out there.
Right. That willingness to take that risk, to throw at an idea that you're you're risking, you know, rejection. You're risking them saying this isn't going to work. But with the calculated risk you have put in, like you said, you've put in some footwork, some groundwork ahead of time to look into it, to see and that.
Also, you guys have to be driven to put in that extra effort you are wanting. Yeah. You know, and then once you have those stats, then throw it out there.
Don't be afraid to put yourself out there.
And you know what guys like if you if you want to level up in your career, it is it is about these things, right.
Being proactive, using this native language and know like not all of your ideas will be accepted. Right.
But you will stand out among your co-workers and whoever is above you, whatever manager or CEO you want to impress, they're going to remember that even if they don't take this idea, they'll they'll keep you in mind and they'll be like, you know, who would be great for this project?
And maybe you'll get another offer in the future. OK, so this last phrase, this last phrase is kind of on the other extreme right from the so to take a calculated risk. That's like we said, you have data. It's not super risky. There might be something new, but like you're pretty sure it's going to work the next one. You just you're just going out and taking a huge risk. Right. And there is a there is a chance that it might fail spectacularly.
So what's the next phrase, Aubrey? It's to throw caution to the wind.
And just like Jessica was saying, this means we don't care about all of the risk. This might not work, but we're going to ignore all of the signs that are telling us this might not work.
We're going to take a big risk here and try because it might work and say so.
For example, at work, you could say, all right, guys, in a meeting, I think we should throw caution to the wind here and really invest in this company, even though, you know, we're not sure about it.
It might work totally.
I love this phrase so much. So this is just like you, you know, what does that phrase big risk? Big reward requires big risk or something like a high risk, high reward risk leads to great reward, something like that. So it's like these the biggest these biggest accomplishments require the biggest risks as the point.
Right. So that's something that you can introduce with that phrase.
So guys, be ready to learn more language like this to get the exact actions that you can take now and in the future to level up your career. Sign up for this webcast, guys. Aubrey and I will be there live. You will get to interact with us, unlike on the podcast. Right? So sign up, guys. All in English dotcom slash promotion nece.
I love these web classes because it is really fun for us to have a chance to find out where you are from and interact and hear your, you know, your answers to all the questions.
That's very interactive. It's definitely a class where you can give your feedback and answer questions. It's very fun. Make sure and sign up guys. All English dotcom promotion.
All right. Awesome. You have a great day Obree. You do. I'll see you in the Web class. Bye bye.
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