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All right, so we all set you up. All right, BFE new episode, we're all remote again, Brianna is in New York, it's, what, 20 engross you said there, Brianna?


Yeah, it's miserable. I'm very jealous of you, Dave.


So, yeah, I've been in Miami is supposed to come back. I'm like, fuck it, I'm going to stay here longer. So Studio and Josh, are you in L.A.?


Yeah, I'm at I'm at the I'm actually at this house right now. OK, so there it is. So that he's going to be our guest today, Bryce Hall, which, you know, I didn't know whether we get them back on the show, but because he did the fake, he did the hey, I want to come on the show. Yeah. You asshole type thing.


But then you add a little bit of a little clip on us.


Yeah, he did a quick based on us and then he came back and I guess texted you. He's like, hey, once it was like, all right, awesome.


So it is he ready. Yeah, he is ready. I mean I think we can introduce it all. Are we getting like is I'll give him a little intro.


You know, some people some people may have referred to him as the founder of a youth club, maybe Hercules. A few on this podcast has referred to him as, you know, said the slots.


So without further ado, Bryce, Bryce, all everyone. Yeah, I don't know, on you like punkt.


I don't know, like what's going to happen right now.


Like, if you sit down, there he is. All right. A round of applause. Yeah.


Bryce Hall, what's up. My local BFX.


So Bryce, you were on the first episode of this, correct? Right. Was it the first? I think second. All right. Second at second. And then I don't really know what happened. So we have all the background in Josh and I have talked on the side. You guys are obviously buddies. Josh and I are bodies now.


Brianna and I are buddies, so I don't really know what fucking happened between us, but I think we had I think you truly don't like me.


All right. But I've said this off camera a bunch of times. I don't hate you. I just kind of thought I was trolling. I'm completely trolling. So.


All right, then. Here's the question, because in the basics and I don't think I miss any of it. You were on the second episode.


Find no issues. We have Alex from caller Daudi on and she's going through all this way.


Boys say you look like Sid from Ice Age and then that kind of like started it. I think like in almost thought it was a joke and I and I thought you were in on it trolling all that. The only thing that changes at one point, I'm sure, you know, Josh, like, texted me on the side and he was serious, like, we can't talk about Bryce anymore. I'm like, why?


There was there was one point there was one point where I was not too fond of both of you so much.


So what pissed you off? Because I look back, it's like I didn't even say anything really that would make me and it seemed like you bust balls all that. So I missed when it got to an ad, you were like, fuck, these guys are fuck Dave.


Like, what set you off that you like? What the fuck? What are they talking about?


It was mainly the the beef that it was. I wouldn't even say it was beef between us, but it was the tension between us. We weren't as friendly as we were before the podcast. And then you guys making the jokes about me. And I'm like, I'm not even cool with that, you know?


So that was something that had nothing to do with in this. You're saying you guys had tension before the start? Yes.


Yeah. Well, it was like it was like off camera stuff, actually, about mainly just like YouTube in every YouTube content, YouTube content, just like both our past.


We're so aligned usually for like the last year and a half. And then they kind of went very differently. So then it just kind of started like this had clashing kind of behind the scenes.


OK, so that makes a little more sense because that's why I was so like, I don't know what the fuck he's mad about. And that's I did the tissue paper because, like, dude, Alex called him, said this. I don't even think I've said anything beyond that, like, negative about him. There was a little bit like you went off on me on Twitter where I was like, whoa, he he's fucking mad.


And that was that was like our social media account.


Karim, who's in I think he said something like between Addison Rae and like little Yadi or something. Right.


Was there something that and I didn't even know what the cause was there there was some some Twitter beef I like to to go off on Twitter when when someone goes off on me. So when you're constantly coming at me and like your team is coming at me. I loved it. I loved every second of it. And I was I was responding to all of it, just kind of shooting all of your guys, his insults down.


So that's where though, it got confusing because that's how I would have seen it, like, OK, he's on social media, he's doing his thing yet. But then, like, while that was happening, I was getting the side messages legitimately from Josh. I mean, I just try to avoid him is like, well, how do I avoid him? Because he's he's talking about us. So we got to talk about him. That's where I got confused because that's where he's like, wait, no, he's serious.


He's like, look at and I am an old guy, but I'm fucking not as old as you're making out.


You're out of like like five years, ten years, 20 years, like 30 years.


Every time I fucking go, I was like, everything we do is like an extra five years. Yeah. It was always doing that.


So now. Going back on it where you guys was, the tea talk thing, was that a stem of because that was you guys doing that together? Was that just you, Josh?


Oh, that was both of us. But that wasn't that was. No. A part of anything. This was this is kind of like tea talk.


Right. Well, I know he Josh, at one point when we started this, he was sort of like, you know what, I'm going to phase out the tea talk because this thing was starting to get some legs. And I didn't know if that was part of what caused, like, an issue at all.


No, I think I think like the tea talk as well. Like, I really it was making everything different. Like that was that was OK. Yeah. Yeah.


Tea talk was like we were filming together. Fine. That was the one thing we were still doing together that was kind of like normal. So I don't think t talk really was a negative at all. So then. All right.


And you guys explained it. The tension was your career. Paths were going different and just different roads.


Yeah, it's like Bryce is obviously like he's he's a king at entertainment. Right. Like, that's his path 100 percent. It's like the YouTube being so up in Energis, like he can do that really great.


I'm more of I'm, I'm some of that entertainment stuff and doing this podcast everything. But I'm also like an entrepreneur, so I focus along with the business side. So it was just kind of. Ah, ah, like we said, like our just kind of went off in different directions. So was there already tension the first time that I met you guys at the White House? First I met you, Josh, as well. We're just saying, was there already tension at that point?


No, no, no, I don't think so at all.


So then what's changed that now? Like Bryce, you're here and seeming like chill like did you guys patch it up?


Or so we also had a full agreement. I said we would film if if he filmed my first you club video because everyone was asking why we stopped filming together and we kind of just gave half assed answers. We went in full depth on the Q Club, which I've just launched.


So I was my first video and then I said, in return he'll come on this podcast.


So you guys are like fuckin negotiating behind this. It's almost like each other and you don't want to give each other like.


Is that fair to say then?


Like, well, I mean, it's a mutual it's a mutual benefit relationship. Yeah, right. I think I think also, like, when you go from somewhere that's like has tension at the start, it was just like it also like you got to kind of slowly go back into it, you know. Yeah.


And I guess I could see based on what you're saying, Bryce, your points like, fuck you, why am I going to help your podcast? Like what? It's almost like how are you guys going to help each other, which is crazy. I actually think that's pretty interesting from like an outsider perspective.


And I assume that's not just you to assume that's everybody in this world look at each other, eyeballing each other, being like, well, if I'm going to build your brand, you're going to make sure I like is going to be a yin and yang.


Is that fair to say?


I wouldn't say everybody's like that. Yeah, I would say smarter people are like that.


And how do you judge that this will be like kind of personal? Because, you know, everyone you ask price is like, who's the number one person on social media? Tick tock. It's Addison. So like, do you ever is that something that's ever because you obviously date her?


That seems like a real fucking thing. But she's also huge for your personal brand because you're dating her. Yeah, no, she she's she's my girlfriend. I mean, there's no are you saying in a in a competitive way?


No, I think, like I if I'm getting what you're saying, Dave, I think you're meaning like is there if people are using each other and friendships, are people using each other in like relationships to.


Yes. A little bit like do you ever think that like she can she's so big that like if she's like, hey, why jump in? And obviously you're dating, but like there's no other person from what I've gathered who who right now has views going back to.


Yeah. We don't really we don't talk about numbers much. I started talking to her before she was even you know, Addison Ray, her Instagram was still Addison Easterling name back.


She had forty three thousand followers. I thought she was attractive. So I was like, yo, what's up?


She came to Bryce's place back in the summer of like twenty nineteen.


Like, it was like we it was like I think it was October, December, September.


Does she fucking hate this podcast. She she does. And by the way, that one, you want to go to Michael Gruene and I don't want to drag him in, but him saying he can people on the show, he's always like, we can get Addisons like mother on the show. I'm like, I don't think so. I don't think we're going to be able to get any related. But that's one of his people he throws out there because she is a celebrity, too.


Right. And some I was popping.


Yeah, yeah. That's what was getting more Instagram likes and most the Superboy's. Now that's it's kind of sad on the IT part on here.


It's like NASA.


NASA didn't like me in the beginning. She likes me now. Once you get on the fucking podcast, everyone likes everybody becomes a big family.




So I mean I kind of thought that's how this would go. The can't arms it when it turns out the people. Why didn't you say did you know that Josh when I'm like was he because I kept asking you with I'm like why is it so fucking not like what.


I don't even understand what we're talking about here, what to start. I think it was kind of like we were figuring, you know, so I didn't really know, like, where our position was like how, you know, like between me and Bryson was weird. So I didn't really want to also, like, come on the podcast and just air out and be like, yeah, me and bracer are just put before.




It's like you don't want to come out and say that because I knew there was still it probably was just going to make it more, it was going to negatively affect it. If I just and it was it was pretty obvious to like the common Joe that there was tension. We were filming every single YouTube video together and then we just randomly stopped out of nowhere.


And it was like for three months in a row. Yeah.


So our world doesn't know that. Like, I didn't know that because I'm so new to this world. And I don't think most of the people who follow us, most the people who follow us were just like, yo, what's this fucking kid's problem like? Why is he so bent out of shape?


Did you get a lot of blowback from our crowd at all or not?


Not really nice blowback like like a lot of just people chirping you. Oh, I mean, on on the ticktock that I posted, remember the the YouTube video that I did the opposite.


Yeah. None of the one after that. The the when you were doing cool and everything remember.


Well yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.


I said that when they posted the snippet on Tic-Tac and all the comments were calling me snowflake tissue paper, all that shit.


So I was like all right, yeah. They both was dead.


I didn't realize you have such a strong Tick-Tock fan audience now. No, they put me.


Yeah no but Dave just got out of jail from tech talk like they literally all his videos were going so crazy at the start of this podcast, like you should just like everybody was as millions of, you know, like shadow bands.


Oh so they shadow and then recently they're just going crazy again. Yeah.


I guess. Right. Well you're not allowed to bully. I don't know if they thought were like, you know, we put up a video and get it like taken down. I mean you had to even though I still think the best video are people ever made was the like the the like the Disney song.


Yes. Right.


The driver's license video, the drivers. We're like you're kind of like crying and you get the best.


I saw that was pretty good. Yeah, I was, I was.


I've been dog. No, I don't know who made that. The VIN dog. The VIN dog's a weapon. You can't go out the window dog.


I was going to say I was going to give him props if he made that one. No, he didn't make that's way above his head. Dog's Twitter. Yeah.


Vin dog's Twitter and Vin dog makes his own like he makes live action means real quick ones.


Yeah. And he filmed himself like in the bathroom.


His kid like flushing the thing and then literally take his kid and just make it like shove his head kid's head into the toilet to make him just so he can like do something with it. OK, yeah.


He's he's live action. Me, me. All right. I think that's Briana you're going to question. I mean, I think that kind of settles it. I notice Brianna.


Yo, Brianna, what's good? What do you mean?


You were you were throwing shots more than Dave. When what did I say? I have so many shots.


I watched the podcast. I hear you like usually he's a fan. Yeah. Usually it gets spoken over, but you're like, fuck that guy.


Yeah. No Mycenaean. So soft pussy.


It seemed like you were like actually fucking upset with Dave. And I was like, dude, come on, you can't actually be mad at him or Alex. Like I was I was kind of upset with you.


I thought you were better. I could understand Alex more than Dave.


No, I wasn't even really mad at you were just trolling. You were just trolling for the Internet now.


Well, no, he was fucking mad.


That's what we are getting now, is it was more like the dynamic between like George and Ray Rice, because there's listen, I've met plenty of guys who are like sensitive or whatever, Josh.


I mean, Bryce never came across that, but it was incapable, like Brianna once said, off camera, like he can't be.


Matt, what's the meanest thing we've said is that I couldn't believe it. It made no sense. But you did seem really mad and you weren't mad, so it just made no sense. That's why what is wrong with this fucking dude makes a little more sense that there's background stuff we didn't know about.


I guess this just in the party animal is tissue paper. He has feelings.


It's like, yeah, maybe maybe he has a sensitive side that. The world didn't know about his emotions. Fuck that fuck, do you remember mad when people the other things you really get mad or is this just trolling when guys, like, hit on Adderson online? Because that's another. Oh, do I get mad about that?


Oh, never. No, there's never like any any like anger towards that. Like you never, never get jealous at all. Like just a little because like with your ideas are not to get just like how you use the ideas.


The example. Yeah I know. I saw that as like, like an opportunity to get some press. Right. It's like little Yardie makes a song about my girlfriend.


Of course I'm going to shoot them on Twitter. It's funny, right?


Because you're kind of you're confident enough in your relationship.


So it's like, you know, it's like I don't think I zero doubt in my mind that that Adesina leave me. Right.


So then you just get the views that they pretty much bring you. So essentially they're just helping you by talking. Yeah.


And then me and little Yadi, we went on the podcast or on live streaming live stream and then we were just going at it.


It was so funny. I don't want actual beef with little Yardie.


I'm pretty sure he's. Gang affiliated side, like I'm not about that life at all. What about what was this like? Was this on purpose to this fake, like, dating thing that you did? Now, the Lauryn Gray thing. Oh, yeah, that was that was it was a failed attempt, though, because I on my phone.


Right, the microphone. Yeah. All right.


So that clears, I think, a lot of it. What do we want to play? Is there anything else I forgot on the sheets that we want to clear with him?


Oh. You don't think so, it seems like you guys squash the beef prices. Josh and Bryce post video high as fuck like you get away with that. If I even mention weed, I get Shadowman. See, this is what I was saying. You've got to bring back Monster Only Club.


I did. And they took it down and put me in jail. Three seconds later, I posted one on, ticked off and literally it was down in a second.


It was Brice's like best video of like oh yeah. We that song that put that put me on a little bit more. Again, that was a great video for that video. That video got over two million likes.


Yeah. But it was actually funny, we didn't even think we were going to do it until we started smoking it and 40 percent of it, it was being said, we have to pull it up.


What I'm sure the. Who the fuck is that, Rafi, who's Rafi? My assistant. That's the whole video.


She has a great job, that's all video.


It was just like watermelon, sugar. And then, you know. You know, the high. Yeah, like high in that one.


Crazy viral.


This this I still don't always get social media like that video when I couldn't because it's that to smoking. Everyone was comparing great stories in the comments.


Yeah I did. Yeah. Well I actually see such a sound like on this notorious stanislao on him on the podcast I have his merch. Your story.


You have a stoner. Yeah. Yes, yeah. We have his merch.


It's like well yeah. Like on social media.


Stoner he's he's there. Yeah. He's like Jacob's because he has the most respect in the stoner community because he's like that guy, you know.


Shit isn't he like being sarcastic. No, no. He actually aged like everyone forgot. But you didn't get stuck in musically. Yeah no. He's actually grew up alongside all of us. He's eighteen. Yeah. No shit.


Yeah. I thought he was only really I have all of that. One of our guys want to wrestle them like we have a guy here was a wrestler. He wanted to like fight him.


He went back and forth but I, I, I chose so I'm like oh I hope he kicks your ass.


No he has a great song. I cannot believe Jacob is literally only one year younger than you. Yeah. It's true that it still just blows my mind. I'm like, yeah, I'm crazy.


All right, let's let's do this game than that. We got Brianna, OK, the marriage fight.


Kill one. Yeah, well, the one you have a game for Bryce don't you. Fight kill it's fight Mary. I kill.


Oh wait, hold on. You got Addison right. A seventy thousand dollar chain blat bad bleep chain. Yeah I did.


Which is that fucking mean. Like bad bitch. Bad bleep.


Yeah. Yeah you know that. You know that. I know it's bad bleep but what's the bleep that bitch thing. Yeah. Yeah I believe it's like that.


She did a what was that. That one genius. She did do you two. Yeah. Yes. Or whatever for that kid Laroy song. That's like I need that bitch Adderson right it. But I need a bad bleep like she didn't want to cuss on the on the big right.


She's like got er so like completely went viral. It was like a meme so that these guys hit me up saying they wanted to do a gift for Addison and I was like fuck yeah. Can you make like a custom bad bleep I.


So did you have to pay for that or did they just give it here.


There's a I did have to put in some money. Yes.


But not like you didn't pay 70 grand for that. No, no, no. OK, it was discounted. That's yeah. God damn.


But are you trying to be sly? I mean, there's no way that fucking Addison thought you paid seventy grand for it.


Just dropping down the change. Oh my God.


It is seventy grand. That's too much money. Yeah. Fuck that for a bad bleep chain. But still that is it benefits. I guess that's like I was I, I get her in this economy.


I'm going to get I'm getting roasted all over the place lately. But it is what it is.


What you got on Dave. What, what changes. We notice the change. What changes that. Oh so I had. It's a little like Diamond Pirate Dog, so basically I went through a phase, I know if you can see it, I went through a phase where it's like I want to wear a chain, but I don't play sports. I'm not religious. So what do I get for change? Because I don't want to be like a dickhead.


And pirate dog became like an alternate logo for us. It's kind of like something I used to draw. We sold merch and it's kind of like, you know, an alternate brand, like kind of like a pirate ship type thing. So I had this made I actually like the chain part. I like how this looks.


I don't the medallion I generally tuck in, I kind of nazo chains. Yeah. You have it out. But that, that what is yours. PKU party in the party. Yeah.


So that I mean you're younger, you can do that me wearing it out. It's, it's, I'm aware, I'm age aware just contrary to belief. It's like I do. I want rock a diamond pirate dog on the outside.


It's kind of it's like kind of shows like Hey what's up. It's a statement. You know. I said something Dave. Did you say yes. That's going viral of you in Miami this weekend on Ticktock.


Yeah, well, I'm not talking about the Dave Portnow show. Do we have it? Is it already during? All right. Play this video. This is bullshit.


I'm going to clarify that for both nations. It the first day you can get this this compensation me no love for the first degree in the world. That's great. Master at his birthday back home, the birthday gift birthday masterpiece from the birthplace of Super Bowl.


Yeah, and the girl tagged me in that video, yeah, and she's like, Thanks, Dave, for like the best 21st birthday ever.


So everyone's everyone's saying a like I bought her. I guess those shoes she bought are like 15 grand or something to your daughter.


Yes, they're crazy. Yeah. Those are very rare, too.


Yeah. So everyone's like paying a fuck this 21 year old on her birthday and buying her, like, these fucking expensive Jordans. I didn't buy her fucking dick like I know that girl's older sister who's like twenty five. There's an article in New York Post that saying, I fucking date this girl. Did the cheerleaders text cheerleader?


Was that there's an article that says you're dating like an ex NFL cheerleader like this morning?


Yes. I saw that in our PR team sent it to me. They're like they're writing this article. Do you have any comment? And I wrote back seriously, I go, I'm a single man. I fuck. That's what I wrote back.


And they didn't send it. They didn't send it back to me.


I'm like, I didn't quote you on the single man.


And I fuck I'm a single I'm a single forty year old guy. I have I fucked. That's what it's like because they're like, are you dating this girl?


Which I'm not. But I do know her and I've known her for a long time. She's from Philadelphia. She's like twenty five. Twenty six. She was in Miami. I was in Miami. So I was like hey you want to hang out and say, yeah, let's hang out. It was our younger sisters 21st birthday. So it's like she was with the thing. But everyone I'm with because the girl was on social media and I felt like a dick being like, put your camera away because I know her sister.


It looks like we we are the dicks and we said, put your camera away. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.


I was going to Fred, it happened.


Miami Prince Fred is like. I don't think he's a real prince, but everyone knows him in Miami, he has like Ferraris, Lamborghinis, he bought her the shoes. I wasn't even out that night, but she put that thing together where it made it look like I wouldn't know.


Yeah, I don't know. The first thing about sneakers, I don't even know where to buy a pair of sneakers like that.


She deleted the video. She deleted she deleted the ticktock. She did. Yeah.


She must have been getting hate for, like, the no masks shit and then deleted it.


Or she can I almost I almost texted her sister being like, you're making me look like a giant fucking asshole here.


You look like shit like look on your show is exactly what I fucking look like.


It's like it's just you partying with like 12 girls. So I mean, it's yes.


It's going to be a sugar daddy. No, no, no. I like to be like, oh, OK, back.


Does it make you look bad that you were around like twelve, you know, twenty one to twenty five year old girls.


It makes it look bad when she shows the part. That was the sneakers like that. So it makes you look like you kind of paint like looks like you're paying to have sex with her. Right. It looks like I'm paying.


Thank you, Brianna. That's exactly what it looks like. It looked like I was paying to fuck them. I didn't spend a cent on them. I would never.


And it's like I would never you never know. I want it. It's like so it just made it look like I was paying and whatever it is, what it is, she taking it.


So it's a guy. All right, we got to go somewhere. Well, let's clarify. There's one for each of you. There's a slide for Dave. Josh in Bryce.


OK. It's what is it, Mary, Mary, fight, kill instead of Mary Sakiko, because you said hard to say because you're the beastmaster though.


So we put in Mary Fickell.


You like to fight, Mary. Fight, kill.


Yeah. All right. This is for you, Bryce. Dude, I swear to God, I didn't know about this. Who the fuck is Thomas Petero? Well, you got it. You got it. You got your fight, Alexandrea. I got this. I got this. And Thomas settled beef. I'm going to say I'm going to marry Thomas. Alex Cooper called me Sid the sloth.


That bitch is getting their hands fight Alex Cooper. And then I guess we're killing little Yadi because he made a song about my girlfriend.


What was the beef with you in the Thomas Petrow, who is.


That's the kid from the other house right outside Pybus. What was your beef? It was just kind of rival houses, yeah, it.


And that was totally a joke, I would never hit a woman, so I just want to put that out there and they're going to cut the little yardie clip and it's just going to be like a clip of rice being like, yeah, I'll kill Yadi and it's going to go viral on the Internet and it's going to go by and people are going to be like all saying, you can kill Yardie, it's going to go over, you know, Bryce Hall says he will kill Bryce.


I'll testify as Anaka.


What's the next one? Yeah.


Oh. Oh. We got soup, man, Roger Goodell and Vladimir, I don't know. Yeah, I believe Vladimir Tetun live right now because I'm told he saw he's Robin Hood CEO. He's a fucking fraud, cost me 700 grand and a lot of everyday people, a ton of money by rigging the system. And he's a fucking clown. You know what?


No, I'm going to fight him because I don't fight anybody. And I think he looks like a little weak, like Roger Goodell's fucking huge. So I know he'd probably kick my ass soup, man, I fucking hate. So where Marrie fight?


Oh, this is tough. Yeah. If I'm fighting to love then. You know what, I'd marry Goodell because then I'd be attached to him and I could like just more personalities where if I can ruin your life, I'm willing to ruin mine with it, like I'll take the whole ship down. So I just be in his asshole constantly being like, you lying, Roger, you're lying. And I'd kill Superman, even though he may not be worth.


I don't know what he's up to anymore.


Yeah, that was awarded weird. Did you say you were going to be in that you were going to be in his asshole. Yeah.


No, I say that like buddy like if you watch, like, old NFL films be like I'm going to be like Lawrence Taylor, linebacker will tell the quarterback you're going to Rasouli and.


Yeah. And as I said, that's how I said that's like I'm going to be in your ass bothering you all night in your house, bothering you all night. It's not getting better. It's getting worse.


That's kind of you. Oh, that's a good I'm standing by that like I'm going to be by fucking ass away or something like not my dick, but like me.


No. Yeah. Good vibes, dick in his ass.


Not going to be in his ass, Dave Portnoy says he would like to be in good health. All right. This is a great one. Yeah.


So Saleema Jackson Holmes and little hottie for Josh. Um, all right, so.


I guess I feel like I feel like my beef with the little hottie is kind of over now. I think that, like, we don't really beef anymore in America.


I'm like, no, I was going to just fight them, OK? Just because, like, I can't marry Sonny Maloof and I'm going to kill Jackson.


A little hudis on like my Hall of Fame list of people. So I do. Yeah, you have to. Yeah, you have to fire.


So I'm going to marry Huddy, box up Sonny. And then and then just I guess I'll kill Jack. Some homes taken out.


You could also have that box set up. That was my original arm off to sleep when I wake up. What you said, if the you're going to box, you're going to box it up with Sunny could also be like a quote that we could use on a cold board.


You guys are just you're going to beat up one Bryce and Josh beating up women.


Oh, OK. Maybe I'll sell I'll give you the one to Mayweather or something that's better than you. That is a quote that could also quote that tweet that I'm getting donations.


Guys, we're going to get a little. How do you think we'll ever get a little hottie on this? I don't know, I mean, look who we have on right now, right? Miracle. That's true. Warren Buffett. Well, I thought price would come on at some point because the whole thing seems so ridiculous. So that's not, like, shocking to me. But I'm to communicate a little hardly at all. And I know you had real beef with him at one point.


Yeah, that's the thing. It was pretty like it was pretty intense.


So I don't know if he wants to share, if not so good. All right, so that, I think is everything right? You can stick around or bolt. I don't know what else you got to do, but, you know, it's up to you, your call. Hey, I'm going to I'm going to head out, but thank you guys so much for having me on the podcast. Hey, Dave, we are working to mend this relationship.


Yeah, that was big steps. That was big stuff. Two time guest of BFX two. I think next week she'll be the second. So awesome.


Yeah, I'm just going to last thing, just don't forget to sign up for the new club. That's you. Club Dotcom, mostly content on a different platform, exclusive content art piece. All right.


So I think that squash the beef for the most part.


We'll see. You know, you could go I make a video in two seconds with him. You never know.


You just have to take chances of this. Actually, one of the most interesting things. And it's not like shocking, but you're the beef that you're saying you had with him that I had no idea about. Do people like that? That was interesting shit.


OK, take a quick break for Hello Fresh, which is America's number one meal kit where it's pre measured ingredients. I've been using Hello Fresh since I was in college before I dropped out, and I still use it while I'm in here in New York City because I hate going to the grocery store.


I absolutely hate going and buying things. I like getting it delivered straight to my door, which hello fresh does. And it's so easy to do. Dave, are you a good cook? Would you say no?


And I feel that grocery store thing because New York does not have like real grocery stores is a disaster trying to go to get anything half the time. You got to walk too far. You can't carry it the other half. They're just like gross groceries.


Yeah, it's awful. And if you're a bad cook, like you just said, I guarantee with how fresh you'd be able to make a good meal. It's so easy, the food's so good and you can pick healthy shit. You can pick food that is like bad for you. You can pick whatever you want. I always pick the chicken is my favorite with roasted tacos. That's my favorite thing that I've gotten from how fresh so you can go to hell.


A fresh Starcom BFX 10 and use code BFX ten for ten free meals, including free shipping. That's how a fresh Starcom BFX ten and use code BFX ten for ten free meals including free shipping. All right, let's get back to the show.


Yeah. No, it's the thing is this. It's not really talked about publicly on social media. Like he just talked about his little club that he has. It's a video just got posted on there, I think yesterday, the day before about it.


But this is the first time in, like public you could go find it anywhere that we talk about how he got attention.


But people did kind of know of it. The fans were starting to kind of put pieces together just because they're like FBI investigators and they were commenting on all our posts. If you went to half of our tech talks, they were saying stuff like, when is Brash coming back?


When are you guys filming together, etc. You kind of you kind of let me then take get steamrolled when people are like days breaking up sweat house. I had nothing to do with it. I was just taking shrapnel for no fucking reason.


Everyone is like Josh is the worst human being in the world. Those are covid trust me. They're like Josh is a terrible, terrible guy.


But they didn't I don't think people got it was like it was just more like personal shit. It wasn't anything to do with social media.


So, yeah, I mean, it's a very like I think common thing that is no different than like a band. It's no different than like no different than anything that when multiple people are having success and career paths are different, it's like keeping an eye. It's like there's bound to be I don't want to say jealousy, but there's something like you've got to make sure you're taking care of yourself and not just like helping someone else and not helping your brand.


So those are real issues. Yeah.


And I mean, think about being in a house with like seven other dudes, right. For like a year that are all your age and like you're all friends and everything. But best friends still get into like little like fights or whatever, you know what I mean? So I think that the fact that it was a year and a half with nothing and there was like one little tension in the whole year, like. Yeah, yeah, not bad, bad, not bad, not bad is a different sense of what you're saying.


It's seven people who didn't really know each other, who became friends, who have opportunities that are our life changing what we kind of knew each other before the war handled it.


Yeah, but as long as it's not like somebody you grew up and went to, like, elementary school with and you've turned your whole life.


That's true. That's true. Tick tock headlines. Jamie Charles had a wild week. He went from pregnant to bald. What a headline. That is a headline for sure. He's getting a lot of backlash for it to people are people are like trying to cancel him for doing the pregnant thing.


Why? Because he was dressing up as housey. He did like the same photo shoot as her and she had a miscarriage before. And people are like trying to tie that in. And people are like, you don't know the struggles of pregnant woman. What are you doing? People are just so sensitive.


They're trying to cancel people over everything.


James Charles could tell me he got pregnant and I'd be like, OK, I believe it. Yeah, you.


Yeah. Well, you know what was going to be like? Yo, I just got pregnant as a dude. It's like James. Charles.


Yeah. I guess he would be the first dude to be pregnant, I guess. And so how people how do you know, let's be honest, how did he even do the photo? Like, how did he get his belly like that? It's got to be Photoshop, right, man?


I mean, it asked me he was wearing a fake belly, like he made a whole YouTube video about it, like being pregnant for a day. Yeah. They have the fake who is the person everyone thought fake pregnant. There was a super famous. Was it. Beyonce at one like there was like photos that people showed they thought she wore like fake belly, like a pregnancy belly, I don't know if it was it was somebody super famous.


It may not have been her, but they show pictures of it.


That's weird, huh? So then do you think The Bold is to get the press to talk about something else so he can, like, escape the pregnancy?


Thing is that nobody knows what the bald is or what he's doing with the bald. Can we be honest? He looks fucking sick. Bald.


That's what I was like about to say that, like all like jokes aside, the bald look, it's kind of cool.


He looks like an X-Men. Yeah. He looks like a villain or something. Yeah.


He looks straight up like a superhero or super villain or something.


Big time like a hundred percent should be that that's the most maybe like bald cap I've ever seen.


Was it a ball cap? No way, James Charles shaved his head, no way. I thought he did know what he did for real, his hair.


James Charles is talking. I'm going to say he's awesome looking. He can be anything. Is it like pregnant? He can be bald.


He can be fuckin in Madison. But he is like just good looking.


He just has a good face. Yeah. He's he looks like almost Ruby Rose a little bit. Yeah.


Could just be whatever you want. Looks good. Time.


He just has that face where it's like man I can be anything. I mean a hot guy, a hot girl, a bald guy, fat girl, whatever. And I fucking rocket.


Good for him. I'm turning into James. Charles, stand right before our eyes. Right. That's what I was going to say. Wow. Yeah, it's crazy.


That may have been too much for me. Yeah, I was. I was I was I was I was too far to come on really fast.


Like, it's like I just blacked out for a second day and come back. Fuck is Miami.


CNN may are unproblematic. Queen is in trouble. How is that possible? War dead.


I'm saying Mirch today and she's getting canceled for that. Yes. Yeah. So she's essentially trying to I believe she was trying to just put out a positive message about body image and.


Yeah, you should see this. Yeah. Some people.


Right. But people I think they were trying to say there was a homeless aspect.


Right. I think there was one thing about that. They were saying, like, that's offensive. And then I saw comments. I mean, I saw the comments. Josh saw one.


And then it's about people.


No, no, no. It's not just about that. I went Entercom and psychotic because I knew we were probably going to end up talking about it and I wanted to be able to defend her. But and then they were also saying how?


She wouldn't understand an eating disorder, stuff like that, like they were kind of trying to say that it's just not her place, but then she then discontinued the merch, all the money that the merch made, she donated to a charity anyway, still, and she seemed to go about it the right way.


This is where I've always gotten myself and Bastable and in trouble because I could never backtrack on something like this, infuriate me.


If people are like chirping, I mean, this is a positive message. Did you eat today? To me, it's just like, hey, don't worry, I don't like. Do you like don't worry about body image and fucking if you're hungry, eat. That's like a positive to get mad about that. This used to be all the way back. I remember I wrote the Pepsi or Coke came out like a skinny can.


It was just like low calorie and people like they're like, oh, you're skinny kids promoting eating the sauce.


Like what fucking psychopath are you? Connect those dots. So that sucks for our UN.


And by the way, if you come on the show, which she did, I'll fucking defend your ass.


So, yeah, she deserved the heat she's getting. She's 16 to people after or 17.


So know, I don't even think she is 17. I think she is 16. And people are saying she was trying to capitalize off of like mental illness, like an eating disorder, which it's like she's just not promoting it.


She's you have a disorder.


If you think she's trying to capitalize on a mental disorder, then you have the Met shots, like when I posted Brady's kids, baby Dick, who was fucking like an infant, he had a Howitzer. And people like you're sexualizing this kid. It's like if you think I'm sexualizing the kid, then you're fucked up. It's a fucking, like, two week old baby. Like, what are you talking about? Right.


Yeah. Oh, yeah. She literally her whole account.


Those are developments like body image and body positivity and supporting people and like not caring about how she looks and then how like she how could she be the person to try to capitalize off of that.


Yeah, she's going to turn a heel suddenly and become like a body shamer after she's. Yeah. Exact opposites.


Crazy people just want to be mad. Yeah. This not a court house first manager. So that's the name of the not a content house. I assume it is a content house even though this is not a continental.


Yes. It's pretty ironic isn't it. Ironic. So it's no longer a thing because management just a house is the manager of the house, not their individual managers. I know what the fuck this means. This I want to break this down for me.


Yeah. I'm going to give it a little bit of a go right now and I'll try to explain. But essentially, the girls were talking about how the manager in that house is creepy as fuck. There's something about him.


This is what the girls are saying. I don't know the full story. I don't know.


But asking them to, like, flirt with certain people when they're working with them, kind of like trying to, like, sexualize them, I guess, essentially to benefit the not a content house or like the company and make more money. So they were also like forcing them to stay in the house, not letting apparently, like Cynthia go home, she was saying. So she lives in Canada. She was trying to like go back to see her family.


They were just like all these weird seems like rules that were set in place or positions that they were put in that they shouldn't have been.


And all the girls in that house, I believe, are under the age of 18.


Yes, they are girls. They're all minors. So that's the other weird part. Are they all they were without. I don't even know I see them. Are they like attractive girls? They're all just like young pretty girls that make tech stocks. But they were basically just like used and they didn't see half the money that they were making the house and they weren't allowed to leave.


And then they kind of came forward and were like, fuck this. Like we're exposing them and leaving. So then, you know, I'm always sort of. And I'm seeing I don't know who Petroff TV, this house has been run by criminals the whole time, that's tried to ruin my life for six months from people hacking my accounts, lawsuits, physical threats, because I used to work with them from the start. I'm glad all those girls got out of this terrible situation.


I don't know whose petrol that's Thomas Thomas. Yeah, the one that Bryce had a beef with from us at one point that we talked to, you know, one of the things about this and it's always a little bit of a he said, she said, and even though I'm content a lot of times, I'm also management with a stool and stuff.


And I'm just always these beefs.


Like, I don't know if these people were anybody before they went in the house or it's the house that you get in the house and it blows you up and you become a personality. And then there's always like, well, I don't need the house anymore because I'm big. So I want to make all the money myself. So there's always going to be kind of that, you know, headbutting like, why do I need you? Well, you did need me in the beginning.


Now you don't. But now you can't bounce. You've got to like you've got to earn what? So I see both sides.


I'm not saying the sexuality and not letting them leave being creepy, that's all totally different.


But I know from my experience of the caller, daddy that potentially they're going to be like they're creepy when we weren't if that's how they're going to get out of their contract.


I know what you're saying for sure. I think the thing is, is a lot of them were already established before they went in that house like they already had their careers or they were already known on social media.


Like, I know for a fact, Deb and Winckler, she's one of the girls in the house. She was already big. I know that. Cynthia, same with Cynthia.


Cynthia has been around for a long time, actually. Same with and she's been around for a while. She was pretty big. So, I mean, that's like half the girls right there and that's just off the top of my head.


They they already were. It kind of established. So, yeah, they're not for sure. Change is an interesting, interesting thing.


Houses on the way out. Josh, I feel like we talk about a little bit every year.


Yeah. I think that they're just not having as much success anymore. I think that people are always trying to do them.


But it's like your house isn't going to blow up now because it's just a content house.


If you would have been like the first, as in high powered or sway or like maybe the next one after Hsueh, you would have gotten hype and you would have blown up or gotten a lot of good publicity just for being a content house. Now, there's like there's one on every fucking street, right?


It's like McDonald's now. David Brooks, new house that I guess went viral, he's sitting on some fuckin huge ass bed with a huge ass fruit punch fountain, his new house is insane.


Yeah, insane. Crazy. How much do you think that is worth? I must say, 100 grand, really, 100 grand.


Yes, that I mean, I know like Drake has bought in a 400 thousand dollar bed before, so I'm thinking like that size it's Davit. Maybe 50 grand. Maybe 50 grand. Yeah.


David Tilbrook. Fuck. That's the thing about. That's the thing about like nobody knows, but yeah, that's kind of the mystery.


But so many hot girls love him and he wants to fuck like he won't flirt or kiss them in his videos. Meanwhile, I'm out here getting fucking like running around Miami, getting how it is like I want it to be on camp, like someone would get you.


I can't take a step like anywhere without someone saying, no, he's never won one.


He's never caught, never. So maybe he does really freaky shit either in his house or he just is like a pat.


I think it's just like, oh, sweetie pie. Yeah. There's no such thing, though. Nobody nobody who has access and fame is just like a sweetie pie.


That's just not how people are wired. I don't know.


No, I bet he's right. Deep weird shit. But he does not even his drinking is fucking like he's doing. Who's the guy who poured the cocoa?


Jason Alvarez. He's doing something with that. Yeah.


He's got some like coconut oil syndrome or something. Something he built like a whole room with no cameras, like just Kool-Aid coming down.


Yeah, I don't know who knows what.


It's like a Vaseline belt or Vaseline covered room. She's starting rumors. You just can't be. I mean, he's. He's so big and so famous and like never is, he's never linked to anybody.


It's crazy. That's why it's like maybe he doesn't because there's never been anything that comes out about this guy, Brianna.


He's squeaky clean. I think he fucks famous people. I think like he fucks people on the same level as him. So you have no such thing as squeaky.


Do you think, though, because he's not like a good looking guy, he's not a gross, but like like if somebody on his level is who know people are obsessed with David.


Yeah. Girls. Very good looking girls. Madison Beer is obsessed. Yeah. I think yes, she was. And so it was like Coryna. Yeah.


Like they all wanted to fuck him and he was like, no, there was another one too. Like what do you mean no Wolfie not Wolf, Sandy or whatever that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Well she was going crazy about him too. She's like a soup for real, and he's just like, no, I'm not going to fuck this girl. I mean, there on the vlog, so who knows, he could have been like, yo, act like you want to. Yes. Suck my dick for this vlog.


But I'm assuming that it wasn't like that. But who knows, you know, mystery.


This may be something I got a crack. I may just not figure this one unwind.


Maybe maybe this is a BFE mystery that needs to be solved. Yeah, we just keep like doing it. All right. Fucking Dobra. I'm looking at this picture.


You just looking at like I was looking at his one red liquid, his fruit plate. That's just when you have so much money you don't want to do, like how do you even come up with I'm going to put a like I call those bubblers, Brianna, you probably do, too.


Yes, I'm on that with you. That's a very northeast Massachusetts, like we call water fountains here.


Bubblers, right. We just call them the fountain water. Yeah, that's a bubbler. He's got a Kool-Aid bubbler. OK, Zoomer versus Boomer.


Let's hit it. Oh, Nicolas Cage, yup.


Oh, yeah, I see, I like a rhyme or reason, like on how you were so clear, like, Oh de Nicolas Cage like that. Surprise me, didn't he? He he was on fire in a movie, Ghost Rider or something. Yeah.


I mean, that's the movie you pick of him like crazy.


But yeah I like the look he's in like he loses his face and one he's also he's just like a caricature of himself at this point.


Yeah. People make fun of him. I think that's how I know Nicholas Cage's. Silence. No, I know he's a singer, but I'm having a hard time coming up with his I want to say, like, I'm going to say something here, I think very stupid. I think that's like Bob Dylan. But isn't Bob Dylan like dead?


Who is? Oh, it is Bob Dylan, is Bob Dylan alive?


I had no clue of Bob Dylan look like that's a good question. Is Bob Dylan alive? Does anyone know? Yeah, he's alive. He's always good for gosh. Yeah. Good for him. Good for him.


And keep it keep it up, Bobby. Keep living. Good job, Dave.


Nice. Well, what did you say, a little pump? Dude, you're going to get fucking flame like people are going to hate you for saying that. You know what?


They should really hate me because I saw a little pump like two days ago in Miami. It was wearing, like, pink things in his hair.


I think you should I took a picture with them, which is in the sky pink, right? Yeah.


He has like, yeah. He's like red or something.


And yeah, he I saw him and he came in with a crew. It was like, holy shit, I should've known that wasn't little pump.


I've no idea. What is this smell.


Yeah, it's ok. I didn't want to say too lax.


And now if I was going to look like I kind of like Louis Vuitton, like get up he was wearing there. He died. So he died like recently. Yeah he did. Yeah. Yeah.


That's what people said when you put dead people, because then I'm going to like all people, going to be like so disrespectful.


Yeah. You didn't say a lot about it. You did after you called them little punk because he's like, he's like he's he's seen as like the top top like rapper. Like real rapper like New York. It's just yeah.


They're going to be like like Dave is invalid. Yeah.


That's what they're going to say.


Dave's not valid, Dave. Invalid. Well, I'm not a rap guy so. Yeah, it's all good. Contextless. He looks like a racecar driver. He's the he's in the Beatles. Oh, it's not Paul McCartney. No, it's Sonny Bono. Oh, well, uh, Sonny Bono, I want to say everyone's John Sonny Bono.


So it is Ringo Starr. I've never even heard that name before.


I'm going to get killed again. This one's not going great. Who's Sonny Bono? Dave, you kind of suck lately at this. Yeah. Yeah, I fucking miss one of my generation I knew is in the Beatles. I got confused. All right. Who's Sonny Bono? They did share. Ship on The View, oh, I've met her a bunch, yeah, oh, I know she is.


She's like a huge model model. Yes, yeah. She's she's in Miami a lot.


I know her name, but I want you to guess. Do you not know. I don't know her name. Whitney. Whitney Harlow, right?


Yes. Yes. When I met her, she wanted to say she's met me because. But I've met her. She's nice. Yes, super nice.


I mean, well, she is tough to be mean when, like, your friend is introducing. Hey, there's Whitney. Hello. Nice to meet you. But she'd have no clue in that.


Yeah, no. Right. That's how you always tell where you are on the spectrum.


Like, I've for sure met her multiple times and she for sure has no idea she.


Yeah. So you can tell. Oh, Punky Brewster nipples out, I just want to say that her full ass nipple. Yeah, her nipples are out.


This girl's like 14 and her nipples are out. This is the key. People say where what's going on with the guy?


Her name, she's in her hair. That song stiffened her hair. Is the eye liner around his eyes. Who's that guy? I'm more interested in that weirdo.


I'm getting like clown vibes, like from last week. I'm trying to like everyone's holding our hair on both sides, talking. I feel like her artist name would be something like Cry Baby Girl or something. Yeah, like me maybe.


Cry, cry, baby. That's my heart girl, baby. It was. I actually got no fucking clue, I know what you're saying on tick tock. I wouldn't know what to judge. It's like the thought, I don't want you to play it, because I know Josh will know which one is. Is this like her song?


It was like it was I was trading on to like, I think. Why do you want to. I'm scared.


Oh, yeah. It's like saying, oh God, I need to you. I go colocation. See this. Yes, I got I mean, I don't know there reasons to think that I needed to be getting these seasonal spicy food once you have you heard that?


She totally. Went to the gigolo thing or whatever it was, a hundred percent, she's just smear blood all over it looks like the clown people are more nervous talking about her badly than I was about pop smoking.


She'll come for you. All right. Janet Jackson. See, I don't want to say I hold my tongue because I don't know Janet Jackson. That wasn't easy. And she didn't she have like a mishap at a Super Bowl or something? Yeah, Teddy came out.


Yeah. Justin Timberlake. Like a new proclaimed asshole. That's just like sucks. Why? What happened to him?


He's getting canceled right now for ruining Britney Spears life and.


Yeah. What was that all about? I'm like on this island. How is trying to get sun and then like Timberlake apologize and fucking Chris Harrison's apologizing. Like every time I look someone else get their ass canceled.


What did Timberlake do when Britney Spears, the Britney Spears documentary came out where like, oh, my held captive? I don't know. Is she actually being held captive? Pretty, pretty convincing.


I believe it. Her dad's, like, has a censorship over her and Justin Timberlake basically just like made fun of, I don't know, like sexualized her and like used her for to for content when she cheated on him. Back in the day, she cheated on him. Don't cheat on your boy, then you made fun of. That's like fair game. He's got canceled. Wait, he's getting canceled for being mean. The British, he's cheated on him.


He went into interviews and like I said, like really bad things about her. Yeah. Because she cheated on him. I don't know.


Yeah. His heart is probably he's getting cancer. He also, like, ripped Janet Jackson's tit out at the Super Bowl and now he's apologizing for that. Yeah, you can't do that.


Can't wait. He's apologizing now for that. I thought that was like so long ago. It was so long ago.


Now he's apologizing. Everything's fair game, though. You can get canceled for anything like you've ever done your life, even ripping a teddy out of the Super Bowl.


OK, was it on purpose? So was it like that's what people are trying to say it was. God damn, and I don't know. By the way, he was maybe he was she knew it. He didn't like the way he wanted to deprived because Britney Spears was out cheating on him.


So he just wanted to see some titties he just wanted. Well, I'm just saying the Super Bowl, there's no way if he did it on purpose that Janet was in on it. It's not like he caught her with a surprise like Tiddy at the Super Bowl.


They make to make a stir. I don't know. Maybe, though, he got off. All right.


Next. No fucking clue. She looks like my. Is she on what's the show? On it's a reality show that Jax Taylor, that dude's on, I don't want to fuck, yes, I thought she was one of those reality.


She looks like a political woman or something. She does.


Oh, Olivia Newton John, one of the hottest women of all time. She has that video like the workout video that's she wears like tights and stuff back in the day. Super hot.


Hmm. Well, congrats to her. Oh, this is is this this is. Oh, you know what, Cyrus? That's who it is. Yes.


Oh, yeah. I wouldn't not have known that, like, probably three months ago.


Four months ago. Really did not introduce me to that artist.


So that's Miley's sister. Yes. Yes. She's also a singer.


Cool. Set it up. That's it ended on Noah, Iris, OK. And then. I think that's enough we have if we need to fill time, Karen, misdeal, but I think this is what time is it now? We're good.


Yeah, that was a small part. Yes. It'll be big numbers, Bryce.


Yeah. Yeah. Good topic, guys.


We could do anything else.


People, people, questions. Do we have to do questions. Oh yeah. Those two questions.


I always do that every single episode I forgot about.


OK, question is Josh a barstool employee like how does his contract with BFE work. No, so I can answer that, I mean, Ajka, but we basically just mutually like it's half his half hours and we just both came together to do it. There isn't there's no like one person has more of it or more incentive or Morganstein 50 50 right down the middle.


Yeah, that's perfect to answer. OK, cool.


All right, that's the only question we'll see you guys next week.