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Hey, what's up, guys, it's big cat. Before you start listening to this episode, I want to let you know that we're running a special sale on all BASTABLE merch, go to store barstool sports, dotcom and use code podcast for 10 percent off, go to store barstool sports, dotcom and use code podcast for 10 percent off.


OK, another episode of PFS myself, obviously.


Josh Bryanna, I don't think I don't know if we're doing an episode next week. I haven't figured that out. I'm heading to Miami tomorrow. Josh already home. Yeah, going back.


Yeah, I'm going back. Where are you from. Boston. Yeah.


So I thought, oh she's finally on literally so scared. Can you hear us. Why are you scared. Yeah. What are you scared about. Know no one should ever let you talk out like you just did.


You're doing the whole like kind of game at a bar. So did Alex. Yeah. Last week. Right.


I'm kind of on a weird barstool press run, but it's all by chance. I didn't, like, suck any Dick Gephardt.


So you would know that. Yeah, I would know.


And there no, that hasn't been stop fucking nowhere, to be honest. But I'm here and I'm excited and. Yeah. So you're not so.


Well, I don't know why Alex invited you. I know why we did.


I assume it's kind of the same reason that's such a fucking new thing to say. Oh, well, it's true. You're right. You are one hundred percent right. I to be honest with you, the entire experience was very interesting because I think that even throughout it, I was kind of questioning her like, why am I here? You know, even my fans were like Cannas energy is a little you know, it was different. It was a different experience.


I don't know why they did it. I feel like it was very cariddi of them. You know, I was supposed to be their first guest. And the reason why they never had guests.


Yeah, because you blew them off. Right. You did a no show.


Oh, yeah. No, I mean, there's a lot of moving factors. But I guess the the moral of it is I was an irresponsible cat, a piece of shit back in the day and I didn't go to the podcast and they made a viral YouTube video about it. And Alex has always said, like, the reason why we actually never had guessed is because of our podcast. So I was just kind of sitting there the entire time, like, I don't know why you're doing this.


Do your thing. Ch'orti like, I'm very grateful that she was down to even hear me out and kind of get to know me now versus how I was then.


And that thing exploded with that was so what I was saying, what you said was a me thing to say. So we started this, Josh and I, what we've been doing now for, what, two months?


Yeah, well, a little longer than that, probably maybe two and a half, three.


And we just are looking for like people who can have the it factor for whatever reason on social media, YouTube tick talk. And you're kind of top of the list now.


Oh, nice of you. I don't know what list that is. We mean like the drama controversy, what you say. I said we mean like the drama and controversy list.


Yeah, I was going to say like I feel like you guys have been having, like, really polarizing figures like the Tricia episode. I honestly I just watched her episode and I was like, holy fuck, I feel like mine is going to be like that. Like so I it's not that I believe. I just I don't know. She was savage.


So I'm catching up on everything. And I said it in the thing I actually didn't because my world is so different. And I was out in L.A. when I met Josh and I did like impulsive and met with, like Nele guys. And I did I don't know, I called the L.A. thing, but we're sort of isolated, I feel like in New York, where it's not the same vibe of all these creators working together. I've always I I equate it to like Game of Thrones, where we're just like the north.


We're just kind of sitting here by ourselves and we're in our own world. It is different. So when you slid into my DMS, what you did when we have them here and I don't know if you are actually we have to dive into that, to be honest with you.


I think that's why I'm nervous and I'm nervous and because I've been anticipating this conversation. But also I'm ready now. And that's obviously why I came on.


I do have a lot to say about, well, you didn't really do anything that crazy. You just said hello.


And then there was like you asked for drinks, you asked for drinks, too. So there is a little like a little tan and trying to bit.


Yeah, she's just you're right. I'm not for drugs. And that's work, to be honest. I was debating the deniability of it all. I saw your clip and I was like, oh, I could just say I was saying hi. And they wanted to podcast. And then I went back and read it and it was the drinks that really set me like, there's nothing you can say to, like, you know, like justify that. Like, I don't.


So I wasn't totally aware and I looked it's like, holy shit, she's got a bazillion followers. And not only that, like I had a gazillion of the same. So a lot of people followed me. It's like, all right, so she's real.


But and I asked a couple of girls who I know, I'm like, do you know this girl? And I think she slid into my DMS and they all had the same reaction. They're all, yup. Be careful. That was like. To a tee, what they all said, honestly, that's well, that explains why he left me on scene.


I didn't leave you on scene. It was we were on the other side of the country. I got the vibe a little bit from you and I said this, and it was a little different from and you guys are also incestuous out there.


But Julia Rose, same kind of vibe. It's like this girl is just trying to get like I almost like Klodt because you have it. But a new audience, like, I didn't think you were actually interested. So the question is of ten.


The question is, were you trying to get with Dave for clout or do you think Dave's a good looking guy or is it the or is it the Dave has fuck you money.


I'm going to be real. Obviously, I knew at the time he had all of these like call her daddy ass bitches around him, you know what I mean? Like a million loud, flamboyant, like dumb bitches, like yelling about sex. Like, it's not like I could offer him anything in that sense. It's more so at this time. I honestly just really wanted a sugar daddy. And I have this assistant who was fixated on you. It actually was like a like a dare.


Like we were like drunk. It's like I think we're in New York City. I think that they like they a lot of people in my group wanted me to see, you know, if I could conquer that, if the bar was that they thought you were like either. I also show fucking rich ass dude. And you're actually you know, you're scandalous. It's scandalous.


How am I scandalous? I'm not fucking scum. I mean, I'm not really scandalous. I actually thought it was the. What's up?


You're outspoken. You're far less passive than I ever thought you would be. Oh, yeah. Right, correct. That somebody who has no idea who I am, if they think I'm like a soft spoken little like flower. Yeah, definitely not it.


I don't you know, I was like, oh, maybe like barstool CEO. We'll get Yaguchi back when I'm in New York.


But like, it's like, you know, I don't know, it's different now, but I did find it. I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to lie about it. I think that it's important. Sometimes you see successful driving single CEOs.


And it's important to me that was what I see. And from my perspective, when I went to L.A. and did impulsive, I got a wave of people who are interacting with me as if they just found out I existed there because like Logan was asking like different questions, like, I know you've been doing it for a while.


And I think at one point, like, yeah, we sold for fucking shit ton of money to Penn and all these girls who look very different from a traditional like DM's Yoenis fake titties out is like is like, all right. They just heard me on this podcast. I've no fucking clue.


I am Darians for the lower challenge. It all of them. Your fucking Beyonce. I 100 percent believe it. I think that yeah. Obviously when you're just going when you're speaking on that big of the platform about how much money you have, you're going to have a lot. But I'd like to say I did it before a lot of girls. Right.


I know you worked the exact time. I feel like you listen to the Logan thing and then you come in and that's how it's going to work.


But I was the same did this and I like literally did that on just like a basic fucking law was in your hands.


Well, no, I really thought I was Klodt. I mean, and this game, it's actually probably a good Segway.


For this and for people don't know why everyone is probably saying be careful because, like is your and we've asked everybody here was your original kind of like burst on to YouTube, was just airing out like stories. Right.


Stories from my life, like not necessarily other peoples in the very, very beginning, because I, I was I was more apprehensive at that time. But I also had nothing to lose at that time because very quickly the apprehension faded, obviously, as you see throughout my career, like my first story to ever like because I was doing daily blogs to like I was inspired by just bloggers who lost their lives. I had no idea that I would end up doing story time or talking about my life.


So like I was blogging my retail job and shit. And then one of the videos I happened to make was telling a story about a stalker. And it's like second grade and kind of getting into that. And obviously I was this young girl from Vegas talking about a lot of crazy shit. Storytime has ended up staying, working. And then over time, it's like, well, do you want to know about other people or even just over time?


I guess I became more and more. It's like when people love that authenticity about you.


So if we went on a date. Do I just assume that everything that happens on that date is like on the record? It's a valid question and I'm not I don't I don't, you know, detest you in any way for asking it because you have every. Right.


Yeah, I guess. Yeah, right. If you are you know, if you date anyone who is a part of their job, is incorporating, you know, a percentage of their real life, I guess there's a chance if you're a part of their real life, that you're going to be a part of it. But at the same time, if I sat down on you and you said, am I going to get a fucking video? And I said, well, are you going to do something terrible or worthy or psycho of a video?


You usually have to be in a caliber of crazy to get a video. So maybe that's a problem. And then secondarily, you know, do you want that? I mean, usually if someone is like, no, I hate this world. I hate this because why are you on the date with me? First of all, if you're going to know that it's Amodeo and she's crazy, like, you know what I mean? So then then I would probably just flip it to be like, well, leave and you don't want a story.


I'm not like I don't know.


I care about you more than the more that love can can can of a guy and a girl be is a weird question. I'm not going to say the name, but can we can I think you can like, you know how if two guys sleep with the same girl, they're like, oh, Eskimo brothers. Yeah.


So me and Tana are Eskimo, whatever you want siblings. And I don't know if she knows that and I'm not going to say the name, but we are. Wait, wait, wait, wait.


How are you saying we fuck the same bitch. This always fucking happens to me is all I know. Yes.


Because I don't, I don't toss Richard this year. It's like his little tick tock son. He's like, well, like Eskimos. I want to get Josh. I knew you would do something eventually that would prove my mom.


You're saying? Nope, not scandalous. But we are all brothers.


We're Eskimo siblings.


I guess it's a sibling. It would have to be siblings. So I said, brother, no, no, we're not brothers or Eskimo siblings. Maybe later, again, I'm not going to say the name because I don't think that wants to be out there. But we are.


So you going to. Are you going to go on a date with Tanne? David, what would you would you have said?


Yes, I've had sex with now to think about who Dave and I honestly have come to my conclusion. If I had to guess if there was a gun to my head, I think I know who were. Eskimo's over. However, I'm shocked. What did you do that?


Well, I don't know that you know, the right person, so it's a game he said, she said, but I don't know that you got the right person.


What could we probably wouldn't like? I can sit there and know I've never. It wasn't Bella Thorne. I was thinking it might have been Bella Thorne. No, I've never met Bella Thorne.


I had a crush on has never been Bella Thorne. So. And it was one day maybe you'll figure it out.


So you and this is kind of your thing, which is also you've hooked up with like a million famous people.


It was this great calling and then letting me apologize.


No, it's all apologize. But we have a game that Brianna set up. So real chicken prices set up this game for us. And I jump from Josh. How familiar. I'm always trying to get the air. When we said we're getting Tanner, were you like, oh, I know everything about her or is she a little above? Like, where does she fit in on your frame scale? Oh, my fame scale.


Like, how I when I'm like, we've got Tanana like outerwear and I dance to a fucking sound and get more views than all of her YouTube videos. I don't think you know, I know, I know pretty much everything. Like I see all of tennis get scandals like the Biden. But so for Biden, I saw that one like you. I see them all. I usually see everyone I know.


I've always wondered that. Actually, I think it's not like you're one of the last people I've asked pretty much everyone else. I know their gauge. Always good, Charlie. Like, did you see my stand? Like, I'll see how far it gets. Almost like into the community. And I always wondered if you saw my symbols. I don't know. You're in this way. Boys know you're like a little scandal, right?


Your boys are a little like cam better than it is the way boys are edgy. Yeah. Yeah.


You're like I haven't decided they may be fake. There's real edgy, which I would say is myself. And then there's kind of like, where do you think I fall.


They're edgy, edgy like you, same kind of thing. The difference is I think she's more calculated. Edgy. Yes, I could be wrong. Well, let's talk about her latest story, time on YouTube.


Did Dave just call me smart? If you hit you saying, oh, I don't think what you do is by accident, like and I don't think you were sliding into my DMS because, like, always hot, like, I think you're calculated. So what is the latest controversy?


Well, your latest controversy, Tanne, of your best friend hooking up with your fuck buddy, was that like. Oh, that's that's my biggest controversy.


It's funny because I feel like I have. I'm not going to lie because for me, there's a lot that don't go full blown like I'm saying like mini ones. I mean one like, you know what I mean to me, since the my best fucking my buddy, I probably got the one hundred scandalous things happen.


But that is the most public and best friend who are naming names here, like always one called mehndi in the story time. So you're your best friend, fucked your fuck buddy. You had a problem with that in my house.


I caught them. I didn't necessarily have a problem. My master was just telling the story. But I guess I had a problem.


I just said that I wouldn't want that. I don't think it's like you're fuck, buddy. I told you about a lot of things happened. My ex made a really bad song about me.


I didn't like that tattoo. We have so much in common. We both got songs written about us. Oh, my God. Wait. OK, so Balafon also just released. Oh yes. I've had some anger released about me in twenty three.


Got his game. I forgot it. No, no, no, no, no. Sonny Maalouf. Sonny Maloof came out with a song about me like two weeks ago. A different girl came up with a song about how many girls you got.


Another one. That one. Josh no.


She's saying Nessa's like now you have like a repertoire musician is now the Bella Thorne.


That was real, that relationship. Yes, absolutely. But I mean, Harry Giles, you actually just put me onto the term cloud forming and I can not get it out of my head. I mean, it's so funny. I always say, like, you were my ex forming like these girls or whatever. And I think that sometimes something could be based in cloud form. You meet someone and you're like, this can be a crazy opportunity and you like, let's do a photo shoot, let's go crazy.


Let's go fucking somewhere. This is before paparazzi ruled everything. So now it's like, let's go hold hands with Kevin in front of Kevin Wong in front of, you know. But that time it was like, let's post a photo kissing or whatever. But then obviously when you're spending a lot of time doing with someone doing something to someone I like, if I hate you, I can do it.


So let me ask you this then what you just said.


It has to get real dumb, like for me to be like one hundred percent. I'm not just going to sit in something that is entirely fake and like, I have to love that person. I have to like them with a significant other, you know. So.


All right, then to to go a little bit deeper. I like that to cloud farming, whether it's Bella Thorne or Jake Paul. Is it like Kopay, like you want to get some clout? Like how does that start?


I think that that's what people say. I think that people often envision my relationships with people in Hollywood. I never respond to what you said, but I guess you are right. A lot of my image is dating other celebrities, hooking up with the celebrities. What am I I don't know. I've been around the bullshit. Right?


Yeah, but like when dating these people, I think that people think that it's like I face time vilifying.


And I was like, please give me a clout right now, please. I'm going to die if I don't have it. And then I sat down at a round table of one hundred executives and we were like, we are going to have a wedding. Yes. Like that. But that's not what's happening, you know what I mean? Like, I think that everything happens by accident or like by genuine. You know, I met them at a music festival.


Her and I were just like blackout drunk, like raging together. I think it was on Molly, honestly. And I was like, I want to kiss you. Let's do it. Like and I tweeted a couple of weeks prior, I want to date Goldkorn next. She was like, I thought she was so hot at that time. Like I was so into it, I was gone. And so then we took that photo and started for real dating, honestly.


And then Jake, Jake and I were hooking up and then we got caught and then it was like, well, we could run with this or not. And we're both just crazy people.


So that's kind of the very small that whole world is so just wild, incestuous. It's like the same names bounce in a funny way to put it. Like, honestly, the first time you said that I spent my dear, you got twenty minutes ago. This is the most incestuous, disgusting, the influence your world all led by you.


Yeah, I was going to say ten. I was going to say you're out of the world, you're number one.


You're not wrong. I'm not saying I'm not a part of it. I'm just saying it it just I don't think it happens anywhere else in the world. You know, Josh, all of your friends have fucked like, you know, I can honestly say that they're my friends, too, right? Yeah. No, one hundred percent. I'm like counting as friends. I fuck.


Have you fucked any of his friends, Tenno?


Yes. Yes, you have. Who just said yes. I mean, I'm sure. I'm sure. Come on.


Well I mean Josh said yeah. So well I'm not about to, I'm not but he said yes I did cut it out.


I'm not out.


And no one you can just Google search and figure it out. OK, I will after. All right. So what is the game here, Brianna, that we put together for her?


OK, so like you just said, Tana fucks a lot of famous people. They re dating games on free podcast this week. This is the first game.


That makes us sound lame. I was about to say I love our our games, I think go viral, so I like them, so hopefully ours is better.


He says went so viral response. I should stop this podcast.


You know, when Bryce Hall is weighing in, I'm not allowed to say anything about him because he's soft as fuck and marshmallow, but he's the softest dude ever so publicly.


First I canceled Bryce Hall before it was popular. Like she to like.


I mean, I tend to tend to embrace stuff like the biggest beef, but public crazy beef.


And it's actually funny because we squashed it. You call me the other day and, you know, you can finally feel because I'm relevant again. Oh Christ.


Will will squash it at one point. And honestly, it's like I don't even know what he's mad about. And then Josh gets fucking dragged for not defending him.


But it's like we really haven't said anything. Alex said he looked like Sid from Ice Age and like who fucking cares.


Honestly, I think especially also if you could it you have to be able to take it. I think that's a general look of this space. That's why I eye because I'm like, how are you going to take your bitch? Which makes me think people are.


Yeah, some people are cut differently, like I have the thickest skin ever and have people just like it doesn't bother me. That's like just my nature. All right. Smash your pass. Have you played this yet? But some people are people you've already smashed.


One of my first, like, viral videos was doing a smash hit pass.


OK, yeah, I see. I had a smash past YouTube video once and then I couldn't release it.


Davidovich Davido.


Brooke, I am Josh smashup house video. I want to know. Well this is for you. No, I'm just trying to get anyone else's to Davidovich Smash. Absolutely. Yesterday.


Tomorrow for for Klout. No for love. I love you.


Oh, you love him for real.


OK, I'm so in love with you, ok? I love him. I think he's the smartest like. Dobis individual, like my love for him, is like platonic. Obviously, I make a lot of jokes, but I honestly also like if he was down, I'd be down with, like, so platonic, but not at all.


OK, right.


It's my whole life. I also have an issue where I would fuck all my friends. I want to say that like I've done a lot of my friends, like I don't my lines of friendship are very yeah, I feel like this game is just going to be smash.


Like Smash is just going to be smash. Yeah. It should have just been. How many people will say smash two.


I mean this guy I've no idea who fucking this guy is, but he's gorgeous.


Look, just me the other there's a level to this that I think you have to also understand and that is that realistically all camera's off. I probably smashed most of this like gas station, but when I hook up with him like we're at a party, we're not sure we can make out. We could stop whatever what I clean when I publicly.


OK, what would I say? We were just friends. What I what I say now, you know what I mean. Like so that's a level of it too I think. And he's someone that I, you know, I would say publicly like what I'd be like smashing gas and oil.


Is this gas station boy. Yeah.


He works at a gas station and I'm sure was video station FOX at a gas station. I got it.


I love who knows where his career is going to go. I also really, really like I like multifaceted people. I like people who like do a lot of shit like I don't, you know.


Well, how do you think this is this is just what he does, what he's famous for.


Oh, Fox.


Oh, he puts out facts as to what the world has finally started and it's crazy.


I never thought twenty twenty would end with me, like walking in a gas station with my clothes off with like this man.


How did that video come about? That's his trend. That's yeah. But like, how did you guys get connected.


I think we just started messaging on our Instagram. Nothing like that. Fun. That's what's cool about Tick-Tock is it's easy like youchoose back in the day. It would be like you have to have your teen reach out to their team and set up the lab eight months from now and it's eight hours long and then it's sending to a team of their PR to get approved and go, tick tock. It's like, yo, what's good? I want to walk at a gas station.


I think that's because it's definitely more like what a world.


Well, we know that. I mean, hard to pass woodblocks. Well, you don't like her now. You would Bokser.


We we are. We're fighting. And she just made a song about me called Stupid Fucking Bitch. That's the name of the song, an entire music video where she employed the girl. She's currently fucking to play me and then smashes a cake in her face like just like has been coming for me so much.


But I just I, I have enough respect for you where I could almost see this being like a work where like you guys are going to be like now one of these celebrity fights and make a gazillion dollars.


See what I definitely what I'm not going to like. I don't know where she stands and I'm not going to lie. The beef is also like a little real, but also that makes it fun, like Jason Karsai or Logan not going to get Alcides beef was like a little real. Like that is what kind of makes it. She would be my number one smash, I don't know that she's that like I haven't seen her. I used to fucking love Bella Thorne.


You would be your number one. You're telling me.


Ho, ho, ho, ho. Just like what we're talking about here. Not in the world.


Not in a world where you go on a podcast and someone tells you that NSA is your dream smash like your ex-girlfriend.


And you're just sitting there like, how is it that was it. That's a compliment to you? Like, I would love that. Sounds like my dream smashes my ex-girlfriend like. Yeah, well, you can't get her.


Well, I mean, who's this? Well, I think I have similar taste, I guess.


So if anything, my smile surpasses yours, not surpassed what I am saying to ask them to give me the give me the initial.


The girl you think were the same, the first. No, because like the whole world will lose their fucking minds. Hey, what are you doing. No minds are famous. Is she blonde now. Oh, my God, she's not famous, it's a bitch in New York and I know exactly who it is. Her name starts with and you fuck this girl in New York that I know.


This is this is awesome, dude. This is selling all the T right now. This is the best thing I actually thought it was.


I thought, you know, she's Davido like Sipah O credit card for whatever it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh no, no. I've talked to a couple. I've never, I've never met her.


Nothing while I did this girl in New York, I really didn't mean to fuck her. I was blackout drunk and she was just like hot. I don't do that a lot, though, I actually really don't like one standard. OK.


You and I, without exception for you, what also pass and the last you can end up together, Cheska Fargo. I mean, this girl smoking hot.


I mean, it's hard to because I'm passing people I've to like. I fucked her, but like I would pass now, you know, she.


Who's Francheska Fargo? That's a good handle on Netflix with Harry. I don't really know her. When we started, we just we really got to it.


We really got to know if there was no OK, she's hot. But we also platformed. Speaking of platforming. No, but Franceschini definitely I think we like you know, she definitely likes the Daily Mail, if at all.


I'm not saying I don't. I'm saying I think someone like her looks at someone like me and it's like, oh, we can go hold hands and it will make me a lot of money, like, you know. So I think that. Yeah.


So in terms of cloud farming, where does this fall on the scale? At this point or just in general, just the whole thing, the whole fake wedding and all that chick hall now I like, it's hard because obviously nobody can get legally married.


That was like that was a fake. There's nothing you can say to say it was. And I guess I mean, like something wrong. Like we were like, yes, we feel this like this is a vibe like let's do it, let's make this video. This is crazy. All this stuff is crazy, like, you know what I mean. But like. The emotion of it all was real, it's real, like it's real for me, it always will be.


I've loved it more than anyone I've ever loved and probably always loved. I guess that's like dignity.


Yeah, that just got super deep. That's just like when you're, like, stuck in a lot of life with someone. I love him now. So much more is like a best friend, you know what I mean? Like, I think that sometimes you have to decide that you and someone would be better off as DFS, you know, as as friends because it can get a little toxic and stuff like that. And I think we're also both in places of our life where, like.


You know, I care about him so much. It's like I could marry him, I could think it like but not a place of life where it's like either one of us could expect loyalty. We're both very open people. Like there's just so many factors that I think make it where it's like, OK, we should be friends. And maybe that's more so from my side. I don't know.


I mean, you get in deep, there's something there. It's like getting this was really just.


Do you think that as time goes on, like I look at Jake as like someone who's never done me wrong, someone who's always been there for me, someone if I killed someone I could call like there is a point where now it's like, of course I can make all the jokes like I wish it was.


It would literally have been easier, like looking heart like. But I'm also honest about it at this point. Like, I think that so many of the things like business wise that I'm doing right now, like if I'd never met him, I would have never, like, gain that knowledge, make those connections, learn those things. I think I would be like a lot dumber. I could have seen myself falling off. I think he was the first person to really teach me how to make this like a business and what I mean to like it just.


Yeah. And it's like when someone does exactly what you do and they understand everything that you go through and like the scandals and the pain, my family lives don't get me wrong, that's trauma bonding. Yet another reason that we should be friends. But like, regardless to have someone like by your side that understands what you're going through, I think Josh can obviously attest to this as well. It's rare to meet someone who gets the struggles of your life.


So it's when you do, you're like shit that's different.


So this is a smasher. Oh, listen, I know people on the smash absolute smash.


I would die. So hook up with her, but I know that is like scandalous to say now, like I Shipherd Brize.


No, but you've been pretty public saying you're going to, like, steal Addison. That's what you've been been putting out and really, really like in person.


Yeah. Like to her. Yeah. I've definitely spoken to her like since the getting at her in like a way and what's dope joke about. But I could never figure it out without us. And if she what. She's really just nice. Right. Like there's no way she was flirting back with me like that. That's what it all comes back down to. I'm like there's a part of me where I'm like, OK, but like she's clearly just like, ha ha ha.


That's so sweet. Like I'm of course I'm hot. I'm like, it's not like she's like Oh yeah.


I think she's a cloud farmer.


I think she's smart from and I don't have anything, but I think she's smart enough to know, like playing the playing a little bit along could be like just good. Like she's just building her like persona. She's a genius. Yeah.


I was about to say she is a super smart girl when it comes to social media and business. Like she she has a great head for social media. She knows what she's doing.


And there's an element of you can have, like, you know, the teeny bopper crowd who loves you. But then you may want to bit of an older crowd. You may want an edgier crowd. You want it all.


So like you bring a little bit of an edgier crowd with like Brody Jenner after, like she's going to have no problems. I think there's also a level of like I have to look at if I would want to, like, corrupt someone.


Yeah. Where did that just come from? That's like in my mind, Brody Jenner, like, move the clock back to, what, two thousand and one the same because he's affiliated with the Kardashian.


I was saying, look, I could see her being with like a stalker type on like Kourtney approved type of man. That's like.


Oh right. Just forgetting about them. Yes, I guess that I just don't see relationships in Hollywood lasting to the point that I look at, it's not one I look at.


It was like, oh, were they going to date night with David? And I was like, oh, I'm excited. Like, it's not like I just how I look at things, which is they could be thinking, well, that's your world.


We're definitely going to cancel the podcast, by the way, after this, Josh, which is not my fucking fault record.


I know, but I'm saying that Brad isn't. I'm shipping them and I'm keeping them so everyone better realize that I'm not on Tyneside side. Fuck, Tanne, I'm sticking up for them. Fuck you guys. You're the worst. I love it. I love to. All right.


Let's go now back to Smart. If I'm going down, don't try to go down this.


You will cancel like we're doing the right thing, whether you're scandalous. Yeah.


Harry Jocie, Harry Giles, you have to tune into my newest video to find out if he does.


I mean, obviously, I'll tune into the video I encourage, but obviously fuck him. You fuck everybody.


And he's like, pretty well known.


Well, I guess if you want him, you'll have to check out our we will be clarified if you've ever hooked up with me.


This is all to call her daddy had Alex had him on. Alex had you on. It's like this merging of worlds. This guy had no idea what he was till till Alex had him on.


I was like, who the fuck is Harry and Francesco were such like they just came out of nowhere, you know? And I remember just out of fucking nowhere. What do you mean? You're right. He walked up very fast. But he's also smart, like he's scandalous as fuck and like knows what he's doing and wants to build a brand. I don't think he also wants to follow in the footsteps of Jake, though, like in some ways, like I could see him boxing.


He just he was just me a like just like I could I could literally see him having, like, a wedding. I mean, he did propose to Francesca. I could see him taking it all the way. All right. Next.


No, I would not smash, but one of my favorite books just because of the Jake thing. Yeah, I would I would rather pass away. I am sorry for him. Like, best human ever. Like, I love his brain, but I would rather die. He's like my brother, actually, like when I hang out with.


And that's when would you have a threesome with them if they were willing to run. What goes through your brain. I get it. I get it.


You've got to have you know what you know, like I'm definitely what I don't believe you for a fucking second one day said this.


That's an all time Klodt farm move. That's the biggest farm.


There is no Nadhum just what they're doing and they want to it again. I want to put it fucking past how you're getting weird.


Yeah. All right. You're the way you blind stepper.


OK, all right.


Next, I'm here to win and win over these next three.


Moreno is literally right there.


I guess, you know, he lives I mean, you're like eight inches. I'm like, pass. What are you doing up to this?


Who is he? I don't mean to disrespect him because I know he's right there. But who's under Marino?


He's my roommate and my best friend. And you've never hooked up with them. OK, you have. So that's a smash up bullshit.


I'm out here busting it for everyone we've never fucked. OK, I believe you, I don't know why you'd lie. All right, next, you did say you sometimes. Oh, there's me through me. And at the end, a look great quote, absolute smash. Well, I don't know now because of your personality. Is that maybe not because it's not good.


But I'm saying, like, you're an icon. Like I know I have dealt with you. I could see you telling, like, you know, like I worried about me telling you what to say over you Tenno you can like.


Huh. You think Dave is going to be the one to go to social media over you? You'd be the one to make a video about one hundred percent.


And I don't want to toot my own horn, but like because you fuck, like, really good looking guys and famous guys, I'm like a totally different category for you. I'm like, oh, Tannum must be smart. Like I think most people like Dave Smart business. You're in like the social influencer world.


Dave, are you trying to pitch yourself to Tanner right now? Would you say? Josh, I said, Dave, are you trying to pitch yourself to Tanner right now?


No, I'm just saying fucking like, no, I'm just saying it wouldn't be me to go like public tanno would fucking run to the presses.


I'm just I expose I am the route of getting exposed just as much. And people love to to pull on me, on me. So I will say that. So I mean, I don't put anything past any one of my trust is on absolute zero. So a part of me always does going to something like they could expose me to, I guess especially when you're the one that's like the.


But how am I get no one knows anybody that I've hooked. How would I expose you? Everyone knows every single person you've hooked up with.


Here's the difference. I would smash Dave Portnoy two years ago because he didn't have this podcast within the tick space. He was. He was. You change Dave Portnoy.


I don't believe you at all. Right. Not even a little bit. That's why you reached out to me when I it's like, oh, this like when I went to L.A., whatever. We'll agree to disagree.


But the whole point of this whole thing is that I really probably fuck any of these people. So who am I really safe? I would. I would.


Yeah, I know. I think you would fuck me for all the wrong reasons, not because you had any interest in me, not because you were attracted to me. But I think I'm a good clout farm there.


I would develop interest probably to be fair. Yeah, I can be charming like I like. But you're right. I guess my intentions going into it wouldn't be correct. No, no, definitely not.


Oh my God. Would you like a good thing about being a fucking sugar beet farmers? I like the gist of it all. So then I do end up talking to these people.


You know that that's been my vibe on this. It smart, like very smart, like half good, half bad, half genuine, half not kind of just like my whole career.


That's the vibes I got. That's the vibes I got. So we appreciate. Do you have a question? Did you have anything that you want to ask her?


I wanted to talk about a little bit more about the Bella song, like what was your reaction to that? And Madsen wrote a song about you two. What do you think when you hear these songs about you?


I'm really excited to hear Josh's perspective on this, too, because you just said he had some girl write a song. I can't wait to know the two of you. Should he go? Should I go? You go.


OK, it's this has been a fucking really interesting experience. I've always been used to people kind of releasing songs about me. I guess what bothered me so much about the Bebo one is it's terrible. It's not good. And I hate it. Like, if it was like, good. I like what I said. You know, I've I've dated other singers to have made, like, poetic, beautiful music about me and like, you're calling me a liar, but it sounds fucking beautiful.


So do your thing. But I'm like, you're calling me stupid fucking bitch. And you sound terrible and you're a stupid fucking bitch, you know what I mean? Like, it just it's not this hasn't been it. The mod son of it all. I don't really say his name. I started off when I did the story. Time about it. Like not saying his name, but obviously people just found out. And then it's like I look like a hard ass because I should have just said his name.


I'm not on stuff. I don't love that song. I'll be like that. Wouldn't hurt though. I think that's also the difference is, you know, my son is like a smart musician. He taught me a lot about music. We have a lot of likes, history type. So his record was more thought out and like actually and that to me is what's also more impressive. If you can make a record that strikes a chord, even if it is anger or something like that's what speaks so much more volumes over that.


Whereas, Bella, I just want to shut her up.


So who was your song about tonight? Because you have a song to Anna. So was your song about someone without you? I saw that today. I found that song.


Yeah. Yeah. I was thinking of, you know, some things when I wrote it. That was. And Hafner had Bella in the video trajectory as well. And there was honesty about her because I was I was dissing black there because Black Bear came from me on Twitter and was like to say, you guys might as well be talking Greek right now like Black Bear.


And what would. You say after do you meet Hugh Hefner, she won't have you should check it out. Do you?


It's actually not that bad.


Well, that's what happened because I got the Josh Richards generation to somehow believe that this terrible record. It's like all I remember is the the the Hugh Hefner part, where it's like, fuck on your bitch. Like I'm Hefner.


That part I was telling black men I was black and it's not bad. Should I be rapper again?


I've been working on a reason. Oh, maybe. Maybe it's a still softish Hefner remix that needs to happen.


I told like I was you while ago. I think it literally was you that I wanted to do is still softish. Like I would gladly write rap about talking soft.


What do you mean you told him? How well do you guys know each other?


What you just said you told Josh I reached out to Josh or at some point I told you I wanted to do a still softish or was it that I wanted to be on top?


Oh, it was t talk. It was t talk to you wanted to be on t talk. Yeah. I like I just if I see Josh I'm like, what. Yeah.


How often you guys see each other. So each other in Miami we always saw each other in Miami. I was blackout drunk and he was with Noah back and Noveck terrifies me when I'm drunk because I that so fucking nice. And I only think I can remember this Noah back in Miami looking at us conversing and I just remember being like, I'm so fucking drunk.


Well, I think it's because we were both just probably sloshed. And then Noah is like a sober Salleh. He's.


So where were you guys? All right, fair. I also this question, I really don't know my having a beach attorney. Yeah, I don't care that you were Ufuk Jay Alvarez. Did he coconut oil you?


A great, great transition into that amazing, amazing work you're doing.


Well, I mean, it's. Did I say so far you did fuck them, right? We kind of like it. So, yes, it is like a loose one that really we dated.


So, yeah. You fucked Dedi coconut oil. You. Yes, he did. Wow, everyone that's like his thing, he just doesn't did you know it was coming? You like, what the fuck are you doing?


Obviously, when I first started talking to him, I didn't know the first time he did it. I remember because I remember being like, what the fuck were in my town? Like, I'll never forget it.


Like, it's definitely very interesting because he carried in a fanny pack. That's my question.


No, no, not oil the first time. And then one time we just had coconut oil in Greece. Did you like it? Is it like a good move? We debated this. It's OK. I think the Jane feels like it's more exponential maybe than it is. You know, like he's very like, why is put this on my like. Do you think it's going to age my dick and I'm going to go, sir. It's like he's just like like, you know, I'm going to eat coconut for dinner with you are what you eat dude.


Like that's like how he is. I am like very straight but I would fall for that. Like I love surfer vibe like fucking point break. If like a girl is doing that I'd be like I'm in like coconut oil and like fucking surf the north shore. I'd be like yeah.


Where we'll just because it's like why and honestly why. And the sex tape. Would you ever like jump shot to yourself? Like, OK, I need the answer of the tea break.


Does he take a tea break halfway through. Is it like a little intermission. He's like, let me go warm it up.


I haven't seen the sex tape because I was in sex tape like I saw like ten seconds of it. But like, I live. Right.


So did he pause when you guys were doing it? Like, would you be like, yo, babe, I know you're, like, ready to go. Let me take 20 minutes to go warm up some coconut oil right now, and I'll be right back.


There is times that I feel like I'm going to warm up the coconut oil, let's buy like, you know, like it was, you know, but also like, wow, like I definitely like if I look back and have one thought, I would just listen to anything. That's another important aspect of the girl in the video. Spezza at one time he was dating me and her at the same time. And I caught her calling here from work in Athens, Greece, and he told me that she was his cousin.


So, you know, the next day he flew to Russia to see her and then told me he was just like at the store in Athens, Greece. And then I found out that he was like in Russia, seeing this girl who wasn't his cousin.


How long did it take you to realize he wasn't at the store? Right. He's in fucking Russia. I mean, that's a long trip to the fucking store.


Holy shit, I. No, no, like like we both were doing other stuff in the day without a photo shoot. And he was like doing stuff like with his friends in Greece, like going shopping, which he gave me this whole day plan of like Athens. And then next thing I knew, he was in Russia. All right.


So the man's all right. That's true. In the coconut oil thing, people are saying, by the way, he Photoshopped, not that I care like you did like Photoshop or he's made his dip because a lot of people saying he did this because Alexis Rhen, who I knew who she was, I just knew him as like the guy who data.


But he wants to make his dick look bigger than that for the rest of his life. Jay might be slightly egotistically burdened by the fact that Alexis is like I think that some people just I kind of imagine dating for years and years and years. All the big stuff when you break up is.


Yeah, but that's like a go to move. Like, I want care because I broke up. It's like, well, obviously she said that we just broke up. And what do you do when you break up.


Yeah. I just never seen it on a high caliber like you always see it like in life. But on Twitter like that, I've never seen it so savage and I think just couldn't handle it. But I do also think he has like a big ass dick and I don't think that you can like surgically. What I don't know what people do to their deaths, you know, I don't have a death right now, I think you can do shit, but you've got to be, like, pretty psycho to do it.


No. Yeah, no. Like, I think you do have some pretty crazy injections.


Yeah. Jason Nash got dick injections. I don't know who that is. That's Tricia has paid us his X. Oh yeah. Yeah. David's best friend.


He doesn't look like it's Josh's job to almost educate.


Well, that's what I'm saying. It's two different worlds. It's like we just operate in in my I'm a little older, but just different different spaces, like what barstool was growing.


And we weren't like in this social we were just doing things different. It's a different crowd. These different everything. This is the first time is kind of being a little bit of a crossover.


It's making me want to have a podcast with, like a neuroscientist. It's like just someone so smart. Right?


You're saying I'm as smart as a neuroscientist and then you and Dave are like the same caliber type things that we're doing right now?


Yeah. OK, cool. That's what I was thinking.


Yeah, that is exactly how. Yeah. You know. Josh Rogers, thank you. Part of a new report. I also saw you guys talking about. What is it? You're talking to me a few times on this podcast, have we. Yeah, there was another time right where you were roasting the antitoxin. What are you looking for? Some take me or Josh.


I haven't rose to do anything on a screen. Oh, you did? You were saying that I was lying about how much money you take me, right? Like, there's no way he makes that much money.


I said that the rich. Oh, right. Oh, yeah. Was the rich goes the rich tick tock video. Yeah. It was like it was the trend we were watching. Debray It was like the most bizarre or like the most rich thing you've ever heard in ten was talking about how like Jake got like the Maybach and like all this other shit was like renting, spending all this money.


Yeah, that was, that was I wasn't all a you I forget what it was, but it seemed like insane. Insane.


Whatever the story I don't remember was you just calling me poor for like ten straight.


It was you know, it wasn't it was me doubting what, what he was doing was like he bought like one hundred Ferraris so we could like crash them all into a wall or something. It was like something just bananas.


That is literally such a weird thing. That literally sounds right.


All right. Well, I appreciate you coming on. Yeah, it was very and so I feel like I'm learning more about the Internet and everything.


Cloud farming every day I'm done. This is what I really thought I was going to get interrogated. No, we're nice.


No, people just have a bad rep for us. You gave Tricia the opportunity to have like a global scandal, you didn't even give me that. What do you want? What do you want? I don't know.


Do you want to tell us who the next marriage is going to be? Or, like, I'm just fucking with you.


I have enough scandals coming on my own. I'm actually really surprised you guys are so nice. And this is such a great experience for me to come out farm with the two of you.


What was your reaction after going on, which I thought was funny? I'll leave you like when you did call her daddy with Alex. Was the response big?


The response was life changing. I was going to say a lot of people, like, gained the respect for you that lost it in the barstool fandom. Right.


Like Pockley. And I think that, you know, throughout scandalous and offensive periods of time, like at least for me, I've had a lot of those, like shooting a reality show. I feel like I lost my authenticity. There was a time in my career where I wanted I literally was like, I'm like the Ace family. Jake and I are going to start a family channel. Like, what the fuck? Which. Right. The dumb fuck.


Like how far away from Panama can you be that you are literally debating starting a family channel?


I got off that full time when there was just so you know what I mean, like inauthentic. And it was like I got very far away from a lot of the scenes.


Whose fucking phone is that? Oh, can you hear that? Yeah, it's learning through my earphones.


I'm oh, no, no, no. Tanning salons blowing your ass up.


Honestly, my assistant, which is ironic because, I mean, I'm just making money as I get these probably Jay Jay Alvares, like getting ready to warm up the coconut oil.


He's letting me know he's texting me, like really texting me like misu I'd rather die.


But point being I guess is that, you know, when you're not authentic like that for a minute, like people obviously lost respect for me throughout scandals. Right. Apologies, bad response and stuff like that. So for Alex to kind of give me such a big platform to, like, be really authentic and her like, I'm honestly grateful for her demeanor as well, her roasting, her cooking me, her being like, bitch, you lost your authenticity.


Like you had nothing to lose then. Now you have so much to lose. It's obvious you're not as real to talk about that. She actually challenged the fuck out of me. And I think that with her challenging me, we made something great. And I'm very grateful for that because it's like, honestly, this year I feel like she's one of the only people to really challenge me and give me like a platform like that to kind of vindicate myself.


It's crazy because we had her on here and like a lot of the tick tock people literally like, why do you have this old lady on? They didn't know who she was. It's like she's got this huge platform. I obviously know, but there's such disconnects between like the audience is like, who the fuck is this girl to be Rostand?


Like this warboys guy almost. Exactly. And that's it's funny too, because it's almost come full circle like that too, because like in my comments, that's what it will be like. Oh my God, why does this go on before. But then it's like the Twitter people who know how fucking dare you Balon call her daddy. Yeah. And but that also is one thing I'm also grateful for is Alex. Fans are very much like my fans, like we both talk about like we're very authentic.


We talk about our lives, our dating life. We talk about something, we talk about. So it's almost like a lot of her fans were ones that were angry at me for some shit I've done.


So she she almost gave me an opportunity that no one else could because it was like talking to all of these people that should have been your fans or could have been your fans that you pissed off, essentially, because like and to be honest, all we're all doing this for the same.


Weirdly, it's like we have our brands. It's like new audiences. And Tock, Tanne, Alex, you Josh, it's like that's what we're doing is like find out more people, get more people, you know, find out. So interesting.


I don't know that we're ever going to date.


I think the Dems are in the past now, Tanne, but people want a really good friendship based on me being like, OK, but I love it.


Love. Thank you for coming on. Next wedding today is going to be you and Dave. That's next. Controversial wedding. Fake wedding.


Yeah, I'm very ready to sort of full scandal for weddings before we're going to be good for the headlines.


I guess for me, it's fun to talk with you. Some punch. It's emotional, but. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Thank you for coming on board.


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By the way, I tried to repost that the monster hits it got taken down, like, instantly. No way. Yeah, they don't let it. That's why we stopped doing it. It's like said, anywhere, anywhere I posted it gets deleted. I get strikes.


So did your tweet when you tweeted at me get taken down or. No, I posted it on on Tick-Tock because I knew people like we've done so much. I knew a lot of people don't even know what that is.


That club was exploding for a while, right? It was like the place to be. But at no point when you can't do it like we were doing.


That's so weird that it's getting taken down like that. I know. And especially now it has kind of legal.


That's what that's the other thing I was thinking is like now it's legalized. And like so many people, just like I've seen so much content around week, like ten, I know ten of posters of smoking all the time makes no sense.


Yeah. Like we're quick, like people are on us.


Just quick anything like that or Mario is like bullshit about that because Hank got in before she did this.


Well because she's like Hank doesn't really smoke.


That's funny. I saw some of your fans were really like calling me out. They were like Joshes is not ready for the club. They were like he he like he's not ready for the club. And I was like, I'm sure I'm experienced enough to take them on street.


Ironically, the dude in that original video, Butterbean. Is like the biggest pothead in the world, he didn't get in, he you have to legitimately choke, right? Like you have to take a hit that's so big that you're just, like, uncontrollably coughing all over the place. Correct. That would be a monster hit.


Right. So he was just such a pothead, he just couldn't even cough. And, yeah, he couldn't go past the point of coughing.


And I saw call him like little Dunk's around the office and got like upset. And right now Budha, like, there's certain things that like get to him. Right. But I just kept calling him Little Doit's to his face and he's like, stop doing that. That's funny. That is awesome.


This I got very excited when somebody sent me. That's this way.


I was clean up and we got a girl, Sunny Maluka, who basically she's on the tick room saying Josh left our heartbroken and we did. We reach out to try to get her on late I think admittedly late. And I know Josh you like to see this so I thought there was a chance we get her right. You may reach out to late Kowalke. I haven't seen, I saw her talking in a very like serious tone as.


Oh yeah. She had been like done real dirty by you. So let's get this video of Sonny Maloof and now she's sixteen so like you know, kid gloves. But let's see what you did to this girl.


I don't want to release his name or expose him, but it's my story. So I just I wrote the song about Josh Richards and he left me heartbroken. I'm not afraid to say he left me heartbroken. It's my past. That's why if you listen disposable, you understand what I went through. OK, do you have the song? Disposable. Yeah, yeah, that is the song, you know, she actually sent me the song like four months before she put it out.


Really? Yeah, like it was a good while before she put it out. She said she asked me to be in the music video. I kind of like this girl.


She was like, yo, do you want to be in the music video I wrote? This song about you is from like us during the summer. I still like you, blah, blah, blah.


And I was like, I listen to the song. It was just shitting on me. And I was like, yeah, I think I'll just like politely pass on on this one. Might might not be in the music video.


I love this guy kind of confusing me, blue eyed, time consuming dad and I chuckle Joga my mom's car for like forever, but we never got that far, nor was it just a game at all. A play. Why are you gonna lie, lie, lie, lie, cheat, embarrassment. Could it be your. Not bad. So what is the story here? Is there a story? Yeah, there's a little bit of a story.


I mean, dude, it was like, OK, I know I don't want to be rude to this girl if I actually did, like, hurt her feelings or something.


But it was it was a year and a half ago or two years ago now.


I mean, this girl like. I think we hung out for like a week, like we hung out in person. Yeah, we hung out. It was like a big group of people.


We ended up like, you know, how things go. And then it's like. Developed into something little, then I left and kind of like went on tour again for social media. Kind of was being like just a guy on tour going around blah, blah, met NASA and then was kind of like, oh, this girl has something.


When I met NASA, I like fell for NASA, like head over heels and then just like started get it like just started developing my relationship with NASA in like a hole like we had.


I think we had hung out as like friends since that point. One of my friends did ended up getting like like they started being like a thing like.


So it was like this girl. Sunny Yeah. So it was like I did not feel like there was like beef between us, like I wish or a happy birthday for her birthday last year, like or whatever. Like texturally rich. I was like, oh happy birthday. Just like being nice.


And then it was like she randomly like perfect timing, text me like when me and NESA post our breakup video. Right. Like two, three, four months ago or whatever it was like when me and I broke up online.


She Sunny obviously like text me, perfect timing right after the video and it's like, hey Josh. And then, you know, starts like trying to like, talk with me, stop with me and everything says how she misses me and like how she didn't like I don't know.


And then says, yo, I wrote a song and I was like, oh cool. And she was like, yeah, it's about you. And I literally was like lol ha ha. And then she's like, no, I'm being serious. And I was like. Oh, OK, and then she's like, you won't hear it, and I was like, Sure. So she sent it to me, listen to it.


And I was like, oh, wow. That was that wasn't a great song about me kind of shit.


It's actually kind of catchy. So what's your take on it? Is it you think she actually like was hurt or she's just trying to get her music career going?


By the way, for those who don't know, we said it out there, Sonny Maloof, that's her name. This is a big time family like they own the Sacramento Kings, the Maloof brothers. They own, I think the Palms at one point in Vegas.


She also like I mean, when you it's a club farm thing like that new term, we just learn 100 percent my name to get streams for their song because they know they will.


And then at the same time, it's like they've done that before, that her parents paid for her to be in Team Ten. Oh, yes. Yeah, but so that all makes sense, yes, she wants us. So all right. So this to me would be a call for I don't think, you know, you're I'm sure you're like you. All the little girls get the Josh Richards posters on. There was this girl, I think is just trying to, like, get fame.


What does NASA think about the song? She commented LOL. So he said he thought we can get both of them on at once.


Yeah, I thought that would be all right. Crazy. Let that I was hoping maybe it could still happen. I think the girl would do it if we're pegging the girl correctly, that she's now NASA doesn't seem like this would be her job. She's not like she's not a clout girl. NASA doing things for clout. She just does whatever the hell she wants.


So it's like she'll do it if she wants to, maybe like like go at it with the girl and, like, beef with her. But that's also not ness. Ness is like a pretty nice person. All right.


So we got are we going to do this? Next thing, the trends we're going to watch react. We get this and then we'll do the SBF. So because I was along with Tanne Trends, we're going to just watch this and I guess react to it. I have no idea what it is. You got to go and get some those Justin Bieber fans. You know, I travel with, of course, the overnight attack.


So I called over every Saturday when I and the guy sitting next to me filming this in my fucking kitchen, which was by itself quite awkward.


Yeah, I went through a beeber phase, so everything Beeber did, I fucking copied, I mean, everything I actually like two weeks before I went on vacation, I went, what do they call them?


Henna tattoos. I literally had, like a henna artist. I had every beeber tattoo on my body and they didn't disappear for like a month and a half. So I was just on vacation, fully tattooed as Beeber. But yeah, I did everything he did. So we're trying to, like, mimic that video.


Someone cut that up and put it on tick tock and people are disgusted. Disgusted, it didn't get clicks, it didn't get anything. People are like, that's disgusting. Yeah, I had to stop myself from, like, hurling in my own mouth there for a little bit, but, yeah, it's probably.


Probably worse than my singing video, I would say, well, that go before you say yes, let's let's clarify. One was supposed to be like a Saturday Night Live skit that was clearly like meant to not be, like, serious. One fucking Santa Clause was meant to be serious.


OK, that's that's true. Yours were serious. Josh, I was just but that was just that was a brutal video.


If you look at the video, it's pretty close of the I'm sorry video. It's pretty bad. It's not great.


It's not great. All right. And let's get into the questions then we can wrap this episode.


OK, first question that everyone keeps asking is a March update. When's the march going to drop?


That's a question. Both Josh and I don't know, I ask every day. So, ah, the issue is and Josh is right, not issue. We have these like specially made. They're not just like a traditional sweatshirt. We have they're sweet. They have a little you'll see them, but they're not something that's a special order. So we don't want to put on sale before we know we can fulfill them quickly. Didn't want to put them on sale before Christmas.


If people are ordering it for a gift.


I'm just waiting for when they're here. I think they can sell out quickly.


But no, I think that, like, the people are the first people that order them, they're going to like, put them on and be like, holy shit, I'm buying every merch drop from BFW there is, because this is the best quality merchandise.


Yeah, they're very nice and they're good looking, but that's why we're just waiting for our merch department coming soon. Yeah. OK, second question, dream guest for this podcast. I think we know Dave's answer. Who's mine.


Oh, oh Dixie. I have we have Dixie Stand T-shirts. I'm honestly moving up the rankings is Brice but Dixie would be cool.


Dixie. OK, jeez I don't know. I'd like both of them together, but maybe like maybe. Maybe Chase would be cool eventually Chase would be great, like eventually, right, like but but yes.


And here's what people I don't think get outside the price thing. Like if Chase is on, I think we come out being like, oh, we like him.


Like, we're not it's not we're not bringing him on to the tackle. Yeah. Tana was surprised at the episode. No, I wouldn't I wouldn't want to bring on Chase to, like, start shitting on him and just write. There's no point. Then we just look like it's like it looks bad and it's just not fun either. It's not a good podcast.


Yeah, no, totally. So that's a good call. I think we're also in it's such a weird thing because we want people to say stuff we just don't.


And that's why, like, Tana's fucking perfect. So we don't want somebody who's just going to be like quiet and, you know, so you've got to be willing to say things which is hard always to find and resonates sorta with two different crowds.


Yeah, yeah. OK, third question. What was your first? I made it moment with fame like any. Holy shit. I'm actually famous moments.


I think I know mine, but it was a different level than like where I'm at now, where Josh is clearly at. But we did in 2010. We did like a concert tour. This dude, Sam Adams, who was like kind of blowing up at the time. And we did like six concerts around New England and we had a bus. And I mean, we showed up like you and H. UMass, and they had like our signs in the window.


And they're like people like chasing the fucking bus. We're like outselling like, you know, how colleges have like their fall concert, like, huge acts. We were, like, destroying them. It was crazy.


That was the first. I'm like, oh, there's also the first time we're outside of Boston. So it was like, OK, there's something here now.


I don't know. What about you? They literally pretty much the same story it was when I went on tour two summers ago, it was just like seeing that like thousands of people were buying tickets to just come take a picture with us. It's like it was it was a meet and greet tour. It wasn't like we were performing on stage and singing. So the fact that people were paying literally just come like take a photo, say hi for like ten minutes was ridiculous to me.


I'd always think to be. More interesting from the Jewish perspective, although he was grinding for a while, doing it like ours was very gradual in a way. It's like I've been doing it for so long and every day it would grow a little bit. But it wasn't, you know, and Josh may not be the perfect example.


Yeah, but there's no way he acts like a literal example. What's Noah, Becs? A perfect example of a kid that, like, posted and then wakes up with like seven million followers type situation. Right. It's like for me, it was like two years of being like nobody like no one knew me.


And then after that, that third year, it started building, building, building. And then this last year was like my big year.


Yeah. And that's crazy that that I can't imagine like the no back angle where you just go to sleep one night, nobody knows. You wake up and it's like everyone knows you. That's nuts. It's crazy. Scary. I have one more question if you guys want it. Sure. OK, if you guys didn't have the jobs you had right now, like, what the hell do you think you would be doing?


I had a sales job before I started this. I probably would have gone back. I always knew I would try my own thing like this was started as a business. So I think if this didn't work, I would have just tried something else and hopefully hit.


But I don't know, I could never be a nine to five guy wasn't.


Yeah, that's same for me. I knew since I was seven years old that I wasn't going to go to like college into a regular nine to five. It was going to be like either coming up with a business or I had like a hockey shirt company and lacrosse company when I was a kid, like when I was 12 and 14 and stuff like that.


So it was like I always knew I was doing something different.


All right. Good episode. So I think we are we're going to do this one. Take a week off, probably in between Christmas and New Year's, maybe something big happens and we'll do a little update. Good, right. All right. We'll be back. Better than ever.