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OK, BFE loaded episode here, we're going to have Tim Dillon join us in a little bit. We also last week did a segment I thought was really good with it. And Ron. Yeah. And then we finished and he got embroiled in this controversy, which, by the way, I wish we could ask him about because I had questions about it.


But the thing exploded almost as we're getting ready to press play on the issue.


So we're like, you know what, let's hold on and see what's going on with this. So we postponed his interview, which we did last week.


And it will be in this episode that makes sense because it was before the timing was actually kind of surreal.


It was like the last second before we could have asked him about it. But it was, too.


He's wearing all the same clothes, you know, videos that he went viral. He was like he stepped out of our interview. Yeah. It went viral on the video. And then we're like, OK, what do we do with this?


Because I think I think he was commenting on the side while we were actually asking him questions.


I think because he kept going away, popping away on the screen, he might have been doing that.


So we filmed it right before. And he was getting the hate for it during the podcast. So he was like, fuck.


And I never like you can't win when you get involved in issues.


And it was the basketball player is the K word I what I don't get about it and I don't want it. He's not here so we're not going. He's Jewish. According he said he's Jewish. Yeah. That that's all I would have said the entire time.


And it's like it doesn't clarify everything. It's like I'm Jewish.


You can agree or disagree, but like I'm Jewish and whatever, it's blown over. I liked them in the interview. So it's in their. You got to say, yo, what's going on? I me, yeah, we can hear us. Yeah, yeah. How are you doing?


Good, good. Thanks for coming on. Of course, man. All right.


So we go to our record and we've got to end it. And Ross, join the show and let's set the premise of why he's on the show, how we got him on the show because we did our game Boomer versus Zoomer, like two weeks ago, and he was on it, which I think is a compliment to be on it to begin with, because it means you're famous in some regard.


He got pissed. We'll watch watch how it laid out his reaction and then we'll go from there. So I think it's like three minutes or something. So let's roll.


What we got, I got. What the fuck is this? I just heard something. Yeah. What is this like? Oh, wait here. This looks like every kid that I went to high school with. Yeah. Just like their Instagram feed. Bathing a perfect I still don't know what that is. Me either. Yeah, I don't know, but a shout out to Eden is a real. Famous tech talker, but not I'm not even a famous tech.


That's not what I do, bro, bro. Like, here's my thing. You don't know who I am. What does he say after this? But a shout out, he's a world famous. OK, what's this guy's name?


OK, there he is. Geez, Dave. Oh, yeah. All right, guys, I guess I would have say yeah, everybody got it. Respectfully, respectfully, I will take my Alvira respectfully. I will take my L. He can't say shit. I really can't. Respectfully, I will take that out. Yeah. I can't say that there's no point in raising him guys. Yeah but he a hundred. It's a million, 20 dollars million fucking network bro.




I can get a Twitter ratio buju literally by by my fucking house bro. Just stop guys. I'm out racing in the. He owns Barthel Sports. Bro, Barstow's literally slid him ideas multiple times round, sort it up. So maybe it wasn't him. Why wasn't him running the problem?


It's the front page, literally been in my dreams multiple times because remember when I remember that remember I talked to LeBron like literally SportsCenter bleacher. They were all fucking, like, hitting me. I'll just type in ratio. How how long can you fuck me with your rich cock with that? I'm not famous. I know.


I know not I can't go to Italy and my career like he gave it to me by bro. He get by me bro. He literally buy me literally.


Get them out of the I'm out of town. What does that was? David Greene by Jeff. All right, let's go to the ship to go right to the ship, and that goes on a little bit. He talked about me before. We talked about on the show last week. The you're going to do something to a ratio.


You're going to race are already raised. You and I are just reasonable guys.


What's so fucked is ratio. I mean, I said, look, I went to your Twitter and I went, you like your guys? His most recent tweets and I just commented ratio. And I was dreaming about the way that's what I am. I'm alive.


Well, yeah. No, and that was the origin of like to me it's like, oh, I didn't even disrespect this guy like.


So we do that boomer zoomer game where because Josh is so much younger than me, we do people he would recognize from his generation, people I recognize from mine, why I said he can't be that famous. Whoever told me you were a tech talker, if you're a famous tech talker, you're going to of course.


And I. I should probably know you. Yeah, I should probably know you're here. Yeah, we yeah.


We thought you were a tech sucker. That's why we said that. Right. So when when when they're like, oh, he's a famous tech talker and it's like those two. I'm like, well, he can't be that famous if they don't know. And you were in a different lane. And then people said, yeah, I'm like, all right, what's going on? I thought it was funny.


And then it turns out, you know, we got more because you got Brawne. I saw the clip. So I hate LeBron. I fucking hate LeBron.


What this is like. I don't get it. I don't get this is like an ongoing ty.


Well, I'll tell you why. There's a couple of reasons why I'm a Celtics guy, so I fucking reseeded easy.


What's your team? I mean, I go wherever LeBron goes.


Oh, that's the biggest front runner all time.


Yeah, I was I was a Knicks fan.


I'm not I'm not patient with the Knicks anymore. I follow LeBron now. So I thought I was like, why don't you to Ohio State, the Cowboys, Yankee Indians. Yeah, yeah.


I like all New York teams, whatever. But, you know, the Knicks just have to play. Well, it's just fun to just fall LeBron and watch him complete his legacy and see Michael Jordan and everything.


Oh, that makes me want to people tell me what makes me want to set you up with the nets or what you like.


You like Brooklyn's like new team they're putting together.


I saw like if I just went there, they're all very. Can I curse on here at all. Yeah, you can do whatever. Yeah, of course. I think they're all sophomores and I think LeBron is going to beat them. You're drinking that drinking that brawny cool. Listen, it doesn't matter if they have James Harden, Blake Griffin, I don't get them, Chirikure, they're still going to lose. You have LeBron James smoking on that Bronnie pack.


Well, I mean, Moken on that front.


He didn't beat Durant before, right? He has been there. And before he be OK. Oh, yeah, he did that. You know why he did that? Because what's his name? He fucking took a flop. And what's his green to the game. That's why they beat them.


Didn't really kick him in the balls. It was a flop. It was a Brawne. I'm talking about.


I'm talking about, I'm talking about the heat versus OK like years ago.


But I will say this. It's just sad that people really think that LeBron is not better than Jordan. He is looking at to go against the seventy three night warriors with one hundred percent beat the seventy two in 10 bulls. White guys are saying that different game now.


No add when you add Kevin Durant, the best offensive player of all time to a roster that's already seventy three nine. I'm sorry, that's the best team.


I mean the Brawne he's got an eight Brawne career. I mean LeBron created the super team like Jordan, you know, they built around him. LeBron started the whole super team movement. I wouldn't say that.


Not one, not two, not three, not eight. I mean, it's not clear he started it. He's still right.


But you've got to think you've got to think like there's other super teams have been formed in the past. I'm sure enough time ahead. But I think for this generation, you're right, the super team, the Miami Heat super team was that. I agree. I agree with you.


And what do you think? So there was a rivalry like so I was there. I was Celtics. Like, you ask why I don't like it because the Celtics, one of my favorite teams, the Garnette, the Rondo, and they fucking hated LeBron. So I did. And then the decision, the way he the decision, I just I just want it like that was the most selfish, arrogant thing I've seen in so long and since then.


Is it. No, it wasn't. Are you talking about wait, you talk when we went to Miami, I'm talking about the process of how we announced the actual decision on ESPN.


All right. Well, look, look, I get what you're saying when it comes to that. You know, he made it so televised and stuff, but it was hyped up. And, you know, I'm sure he got paid a big check for that. You can hang on somebody. They can write off that. And it's just like, you know, I get it. It's a little bit odd, like it's extra to do that, all that.


But fuck it. But here's my thing, though. It's like you got I mean, there was a baseball player that just was doing that to, like, hyping up his trade.


And he was like tweeting and like playing where he was going to go forward.


Yeah, but a lot of people hate him. That's he's he is polarizing, that's for sure, but it also like brown people, people argue that social media and yeah, people argue that, like social media is becoming part of like this part of the game when you're a celebrity, like when LeBron isn't just a player like I mean, he's a celebrity, too, so.


Yeah, exactly. Josh, he's just like he's like he's just a part of everything.


I'll send you an article. He also charge twenty people twenty thousand dollars to go to his birthday back in the day. The decision was a joke. Listen, he's one of my All-Time, right?


Look, look, look, look, look, look. You say all you want about that. But let me tell you something. You know, Jordan was selfishly making sure Scottie Pippen was being paid dogshit. You know that, right? Like, Jordan has done some pretty fucked up things, too.


And that's one I've never heard that Jordan was making sure Pippen wasn't paid. Well, were you getting that information from he made.


Are you sure? Yeah, is that how you have this dog ass wi fi? Yeah, your wife does. I'm not actually homeless right now.


Why? Wow, I'm so I'm I'm I'm I'm staying place to place, you know, with like I'm I'm going from place to place. My friend's house trashed my boys houses. I moved to L.A. like a week ago or whatever, and my house has been ready. Like, I'm moving I'm moving into a house with six banks, rice, gum, and like all those dudes summer, you know. So it's not right yet. I don't know.


See, that's where it's like I don't know that I know the phase because Nick Marks. We do.


I know Josh. I know Josh knows them for sure. Yeah. I've hung out with most of those people.


Yeah, so what's it like? I found it funny, like I watch your thing when you were you were going in and all that I thought was funny, like, so when you explode and all that. Like what? What like what's your rise? And by the way, on here says you're dating Karina cough. And then it's like they've split into teams and it's like talking about which I did by the way.


But it's like you're not you are not.


So I started like really take it off. I went from game to game, bro, like just being like streamers like if they only seen one game, they're going have a hard time expanding. So I go to the NBA 2k to just chatting to Grand Theft Auto. So I kind of just had it like a highlight moment, each and every single one a category. And that's why I took off. But lately, in the past few months, whatever.


But I mean, credit is really tight. Friends were cool, tight.


What I'm jumping all over because my brain is like I know the the Brawne. How'd you get Brawne Jr. on my notes?


It's saying, like, that was a big moment for obviously he's enabling LeBron. I don't he's gigantic. He's like his own entity. So how did you get hooked up with him?


Oh, I know. Like a year now. He used to just fuck with me, watch my streams when I play NBA. I would have a thousand twenty six at that time like a year ago and brought him just be in there, fuck with me. And we just became best friends, my guy and he's like he's like a brother to me, like honestly like really help me out in life. Like he, I looked up to him a lot because that motherfucker for how famous he is, how much money he has comes from he's just a very humble down to earth kid.


And that's that's my guy.


So I already know the answers. You're never going to say anything bad. But one of my things, LeBron has been quoted as saying like he regrets naming him after himself because he thought he put too much pressure on him. But then if you watch clips of LeBron at Brawne Junior's game, he goes bananas like one. He's dunk and he's making shirt. So it's like he says one hand, he doesn't want the pressure. But then he LeBron seniors in the dunk lineups before a game, which brings a ton of eyeballs, ton of pressure to him.


That's one of the things. It's like, well, which one is it, Bron? Like you want because he is going to have a fucking ton of pressure. I think you know what it is, I mean, I've talked to Bronnie like in a personal conversation, it's like he has to really go today for the rest of his life. But the kid, the kid, his own kid, you know, he's going to have his own legacy.


He's going to be great. He's going to do huge shit. And that I mean, it sucks because, yeah, the pressure gets I don't think it gets them at this point if he always thinks about it. But he's used to it now. He's just so older and used to it. So he's going to be great. So did you know what barstool sports was when you like, so you did that thing, people are like, Oh, it's Dave, it's like the respectful l like, did you have any did you know a person?


Was it all I knew I was like a page or whatever. I mean, like I felt like like over time Donkers highlights, I knew like one of those types of ages, you know, so that's not respectful.


I was going to say, Dave, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. That's a fucking road just on our more disrespectful than I said. Wow.


He just said, like you're like the same as like fucking a highlight or something. Yeah. Yeah. The fucking let me tell you this, the fucking I don't think the overtime guy's like his net worth can't be 120 million.


And by the way that I like. I get, I get, I get.


I guess not but we've been around for twenty years before that shit even existed.


So you know, gee we're an Oggy Oggy of like so it would started as newspaper Bastable and that morphed into, you know, online and now we do a bunch of different shit like there may be people you've heard about. It didn't even know like we were associated with.


But yeah, we have like that's just one part of it. The people know us all different ways. Some people know me as eating pizza. Some people know me as like I start Barthel.


Some people know it like you do like the it's all over the place but house highlight's is down somewhere, so there's no paying my first employee who like does.


Paul, you still there. Yeah. That was tough. Yeah. Yeah. It was tough to fuck in here.


But I gotta say, I've got to say I started up but I respect that. I know you're doing it for a long time. That's just fucking dope. Like you really did this shit before social media, right? Yeah.


Yeah, yep. We like we had gone before.


I remember MySpace like I'm like I'm not getting on fucking MySpace. I don't know what that is. That's how long we've been doing it forever.


And we are new to it. And like the reason we're doing this podcast with Josh is tech talk. It's like I'm older. So it's like how do we stay relevant?


Josh is looking, how do I get like I think a more like a crowd that is existed for a long time.


So it's like, all right, we can introduce each other to the audience, but I don't know, like the twitch shit all we've examined it. Do you like we have a guy, big cat. Do you ever hear of him. Because he he played he played college football during covid live on Twitch. He had like seventy thousand concussions. It was exploded. It was like the number one thing on Twitch every time he went on and he was just playing.


What game was it.


Old E.A. like college football I think NCAA football. Fourteen. They're bringing that back game. It was not pleased. Yeah, and so we just do a bunch of different ship and from what I do, kind of like the second I heard you talking on your live. I'm like, oh, this guy is really funny. It's just I didn't. Yeah, I'm not in that world. I'm not no.


Is just a different world, you know, and I'm an entertainer and, you know, like it's just exactly. It's just that if we didn't we just kind of cool and different worlds crossed paths, you know. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, yeah. Yeah.


I mean like for me it's kind of cool. Cool. It's to you. You obviously are streamer and everything. How I like blew up. No one. Not a lot of people really know this, but like how I kind of like started in social media was on live streaming for musically like I didn't really do the musically. I was like live streaming every day for four hours a day from 10 p.m. to two a.m. like just like. Wow. Consistently going like like I think I was fourteen or something like that.


But that was like my everyday schedule was like go like for four hours, make sure I'm hitting it. That's kind of like because I saw there was this page called literally just like the live section and it was pretty untap. No one was really focusing on live streaming back then. So I was like just, you know, doing games. It's kind of like the just chatting like you would do on Twitch.


But what's like what's your schedule for for streaming.


I know. Like, I got pretty tired of it. After two years of streaming every day for four hours, I was kind of mentally drained. Do you ever find like you reach that point or what?


First of all, bro, that's awesome. You told me that. Congratulations, I respect you another level now because I like a lot of technologies, don't really do shit like that.


They blow up on video and shit. They don't play. I did it for like three and a half years.


Well, good for you. Good for you. Seriously, that's awesome. So for me, honestly, bro, it is really draining. It's very draining, especially like especially like every day. But I would say it's like for me right now because I'm my actual self, I'm going to set up a set up. I'm just doing random shit. But I definitely, definitely got I keep like a good system like five to seven hours streams every day when I'm back in my normal setup.


So we so we we like we were bought by a casino company, a bar stool, like a year ago. And we hired Nick Merks as like he he promoted. So he does. And that's one of the things I learned with the I'm always like, hey, can you do this or whatever. It's like I'm streaming all day. He's like, I'm just streaming all the nick.


Nick So he talks to me. Nick, I love I love Nick. Well, he's just a different breed. He's just like Nick Merks is like a he's really like that.


Like, yeah. I always liked watching the streams. I love it. I love him. He's just a good dude. I know he's I don't know him yet personally.


But, you know, I saw you I saw you at a Lambo truck in your recent, like, picture on Twitter. Did you buy Lambo truck.


Just bought a Lambo truck. How how the fuck much money.


Why are you giving me the no disrespect and you're buying a Lamborghini. How much fucking money do you buy?


Did you or did you. Lisa, don't don't fucking bullshit. Did you buy it?


I bought it. I put a car. That's a Lamborghini truck. Yeah.


Yes, I know. They made fucking Lamborghini. So what are you talking about? When you look at my net worth and you're like, no, no disrespect, what will you say?


You have no house, bro. Like you could have bought you know, you could buy a house with that, right?


No need to. I just I really we really signed everything up. We're about a you know, we're about to fucking get our brand new fucking house, which I'm shown on the brand. How much is a Lamborghini truck cost?


Like two fifty to sixty.


Some shit like that. To a minimum, either you're spending money or you're fucking rich as fuck, I could afford it. You know, I've been working my ass off saving bread and, you know, I just had to get. You fucking people, that's just what I saw. You took me 20 years to get these fucking. Come on. What do you got? I got I got a e 63 s. It's fucking wicked. Yeah. Eight seventy horsepower shit fucking.


I got a 1970 Bronco that doesn't turn on. I want a Bronco and I didn't want rich bitch. I got no. What if that's true Dave. I got no what. Oh I see you.


I see you buying two dollars million in Amazon Amazon stock. Just like that Dave. Like nothing.


You just throw around left and right bro. Don't try to talk to me about how you bought it.


I, I trade a lot in stock. I go up and down and I do that shit. I do do that shit.


So yeah. Yeah. A lot of I feel like sometimes it's a lot of down it like it's just I'm a gambler by nature.


It's my fucking. Yeah. It's, I never expected to have any money so it's like I love this too.


I know what you mean by that. I think that's crazy.


Well I appreciate you coming on. So what's that? You're going out to L.A. You're dating.


Karina was hot. So good for you. No, no, no, no.


We're not there.


No, no, no, no. I'm missing my notes here. It's like we just we just grab. But look, here's my thing. It's like I'm not going to get a girlfriend this year. I'm actually I'm done. I already announced this on my Twitter. I'm done having sex all of twenty, twenty one I'm doing now.


So since you announced on streaming all year. I'm just going to grind, yeah, banks are going to fucking make me do YouTube. I'm about to just take over and I'll say having no sex in twenty one, no show. Right. What is.


Why she said this about. I'm conservative. I'm concerned about energy. Yeah. OK, to conserve. I was like, I mean, all right, whatever. It's not going to get dark tonight either. I got this thing.


I got, I got you're taking baths with Julia Rose and Corona conf. The guy is saying he's not having sex. All right. Yeah, fine.


So I got one coming up with Sabari coming up. Stay tuned for that. Where you bathe with her, yeah, I'm not sure I know who that is, Sumara You definitely do. She's famous for. For that, that's art right there. Yeah, you know, I don't know the only reason I know the other Julie Rose always tries to, like, get me to, like, act like she's interested in me just so I'll do, like, a picture of you with her and I just call her out on it.


And obviously I know the polls, but I actually don't know who this that lady was. So that's why nobody should be disaffected. But yeah, no, I'd watch the stream.


How, by the way, question for you, just on the Twitter stream, how much of it is your personality versus being good at the game for me?


One hundred percent personality. So are you any good at the games now? Oh, wow. So it's just been an entertainer.


I just talked to somebody about this yesterday. I'm doing a Gary. Gary.


Yeah, I did. I mean, by the way, put aside like 17 hours because he doesn't let you off.


I know. I know. I love it. I love Gary like he's cool, but what was I going to tell you? So I talked about that. It's like you. I tell my mother fuckers like Yobbo, you don't want to just be good at the game. You got to what happens in the game becomes shitty. Like for tonight, for example, the game is arsenis. People are like globulus use declining. It's not because of the game is just horrible.


So it's like you got to get tired of has to write like they don't want that.


You can't watch the same game forever. You're going to want to watch.


Yeah, yeah. Nah. They got to love you for you. They got all they got to watch your streams. You got people doing this like two screens like I can't picture and again I didn't grow up in this but I can't picture just watching one stream streamer for like four hours straight. So are they doing something else and like have you in the background or are they just focusing on you, like, permanently?


Not really. Just me permanently. That's crazy. So I feel like there's definitely a marathon.


I feel like people some people watch streams almost kind of like podcast though, where it's like you can be like a background thing a little bit, too. Exactly. Yes, exactly. Yeah. And trust so. Well, it's crazy.


I love learning about all this new shit. So I keep saying we've talked about the Internet's like the ocean, like there's people like right there only only like six percent of that shit is discoverable.


Yeah. You're only you don't even know exist.


Like I didn't know Mr. Beast was like two months ago. It's like, dude, I run the internet. Where have you been?


So it's crazy. I appreciate it. I'm glad you came on. It was a funny clip.


We have we have a game that we can play. Oh, let's play the game. Yeah. Yeah, that's running. Fuck myself, fuck, marry, kill, even though you're not having sex anymore. Fuck. So you're going to what the fuck are celibate? Yeah. OK. Oh, my God. Julia, roll my eyes shut. But who's the middle one?


Yeah, what's what's. Oh, mind. What is going on there?


Is she related to you somehow? She's a streamer.


Anchorena, this. This is simple. Marry her.


Fuck Julia Rose Kill Pokémon hokey man says it's like Pokemon. All right. But we do have to answer that to you. So it's for you. Oh.


I'm going to marry Crenna, OK, I'm going to fuck Julia and then I'm going to I don't like to say that word, but I'm like, OK, OK, yeah I think every single human make.


Josh, what would you do?


I don't know if I should answer Joe Johns, because, like, this is a hypothetical, it's a hypothetically. I would. You don't have to and I would I would I would cut my come on, hypothetically. This is entertainment. It's show business. I don't know NASA's stance.


I get mad. It kind of is like the one I'm getting a vasectomy. That's what I do. I'm getting a vasectomy. It already happened. I can't answer the question now.


Go ahead and turn it into the The Pussy Show.


That's funny. Josh, we can't let you get caught. Come on. That's what I'm saying. He ain't coming back.


All right. These three just I don't know these people, so I don't know their names. Jess Blevins, a lenity fourth grade. Did I say that right? Valkyr?


I have heard of Pi. I already got this one. Forget, but Mary Belgrad, I'm going to. Who's Jess, who is that that doesn't just white his wife. Yeah, and his wife. Oh, then respectfully, we have to kill her, OK.


Respectfully murder. I'll marry upbring. I'll let it be OK.


Jesus Christ, what a sick. Oh, yeah, I think I would go Ma'ariv and I mean, I don't know these people, but I, I would marry Valkyr, I'd respectfully fuck. Yes.


And by the way, that's a compliment if like and I like ninja, but if you're married like that, that's a compliment. Is it's like you girls hot and like lenity. Joshua, respectfully decline. All right, it just past, I guess I have to say. What kind of game? This is the sixth. I don't know. So this is if I don't know them, it's very inventive. Stern.


I think he did. Did I don't I don't know who Bell is, but I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to marry Nicole, OK?


She's. I think Brooke is dating my boy Symphonie. To to killer. I'm going to have to respectfully, Kay, because I wish that I felt OK, I got the same answers as you.




OK, so we've got Nextel is the one who sells her bathwater online. Oh, right.


Get the fuck out of here. What's right? Oh, yes. She sells her bathwater and like, has a very popular only fans page your day job.


A quick job, a quick million bathwater. You're investing her bathwater.


Standdown budget sells for that's crazy.


And then Nico Nico was the one who buys that shit down that I don't care right there. You after a year of not having sex, that's what I want you there.


You in six areas like anime. Right.


And those people are fucking Nanami because I know what you really are. Yeah. Said you just said and you're a big time.


Nico was the one that did the OK Boomer with the like Bernie Bernie Sanders, the Bernie Sanders shirt if you remember that day.


Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then. Yep. Brooke is dating Aiden's friend Symfony. Yeah. Well, are you fucking. What is this, you can do it this way, it's the way we do it, everyone does. The guys tell it's not like it's like a hypothetical. Fuck, you don't actually. All right.


All right. I'm literally I'm literally fucking he's so hot. And then I'm I'm going to marry you and kill Ninja, OK?


And I thought, oh, I'm marrying next since we work with them all. I like ninja eyed fucking ninja for a day and then I don't know, see, so I'm going to kill him, right? I would have to I would have to agree with you, Dave.


He's the biggest twitch you right now says. See, now, you know, there's no disrespect. When I was like, I don't know because I don't know any of these people apparently. So he's bigger than he's a bigger what's was stream of games.


All of them. Everything. Yes, everything is ninja still New Jersey falling off.


I know he was like the fortnight guy, right? Oh, he's not pulling like one hundred anymore, but he's still doing numbers. Interesting. What are what are like crazy numbers in the streaming world, like what are big numbers? I mean, I think the top four on Twitch are now, but it's like it depends what you mean by that. I think just pulling even like five games a lot.


I was about to say, like, 10K concurrence has to be like kind of crazy on twitch.


Yeah. I'm averaging like forty thousand. I think Nick gets like 50 to 60. Excuse gets like seventy.


So every time you go live you got like forty thousand people.


Yeah but I'll peak, I'll pick around 50 every night. Got it. Yeah.


That really shows not to my own. That got our guy big cat when he he never streambed he never streambed and I'm, I mean what did he talk about at Paul.


Do we know he had one hundred and fifty thousand during like the national championship. One hundred and fifty thousand. Wow. Wow. That's crazy.


That's crazy. That's fucking that's like that's like ninja prime for nighttime, yet is in it all came out of in a weird Bastable story, he made up a fictional character, a head coach called Coach Dugs. And he's like, I'm just going to play a college football schedule. There are no sports. And he was the University of Tennessee playing their schedule and it just caught fire.


The character that he built was this big, fat, like traditional college football looking guy.


And then a real guy showed up that looked exactly like them and started like going to the college stadiums.


And we actually fucking hired the guy based on the fake character.


Like this guy was what the, like, emoji looked like.


And now he's a real life human who works for us.


Wow, that's awesome. That's great. Coach Dugs.


Yeah. So that was the fake guy. Yeah. And then that was the real guy that we didn't know existed until after he started this game. That's pretty funny. It was put on this earth, were that all right? I think that's one more. One more. Oh, Mary, kill. Oh, you're moving in some of these guys. All of them, all of us. They're all my roommates. You live on my own with Mike and Mike, Michael and I broke up somebody live with these mikes of a barstool superfan.


Oh, yeah, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike is the one who told me to do this, all right. OK, I know he could do duties from my home in the woods.


And I love Mike. Mike is like literally like my fucking dad. I love that motherfucker. Him in banks like my stepdad's.


I got no idea who banks is. And I don't know. I know banks.


Banks is cool. I fuck. Yeah.


Is he a Boston guy? Yeah, he is, yeah. Oh, yes, yes. Wow, you only get my shit together. So, look, truth be told, I've already had sex with all three of them. So, right, if you're if you're like nothing that makes the market jump, what happened with that?


They broke up. You got to look it up. They broke up over like roleplay. That's what I saw when they broke up over that shit. Basically, he was talking to girls in group and like a lot, I got mad.


But there's something because, you know, I mean, we don't know that you might as well just have been talking in Chinese that he was talking in GTA and basically talking to girls over Grand Theft Auto while he was screaming or something.


Yeah. OK, so Aiden has a big grand theft auto server.


I don't know if you want to talk about it, but like Travis Scott plays on it and there's like a few other guys. But Mike was on that and then he was flirting with another girl. And I guess that probably just led to relationship issues. Yes.


OK, so I got a big server drive shack called Cactus Jack Do during there we have young thug joining. We have Drake joining that plays.


Don't know these rappers, Dave, but I know Josh. Yeah, I know, I know.


But I mean Navid Drake from six so I know Dre.


Yeah, yeah. So they're all going to be joining in the week weekend. My work is cash his manager. So natural like I run a big server and basically he was just talking to a girl in it and want to go mad juice. Yeah.


Just like so fucking this world now is like what happened in a relationship talking to a fucking girl on GTA today.


We don't want to create any roommate drama before you guys move in. But Aiden, you got to answer the question you have to do thank me for that.


What should I tell you right now? Mary Banks, right? Oh, fuck. You know what? Mike, Mike. You got a murder one. How to kill someone? You know what I'm fucking making, I'm killing rice, I'm sorry, Rice, I love you, but rest in peace. Wow.


Oh, fuck, I'm in heaven. It's big. All right. That's perfect. I appreciate you coming on. Chuckles Got a million. And I guess I think that's it. Yeah. All right, awesome worlds collide. I love it. Thanks, man. Show brought to you by Steve Madden. Dotcom BFX appreciates everything they do. Hopefully all the fans are get involved here. You get 20 percent off Steve Martin's men's collection at Steve Mann Dotcom one use per customer from Fab 24th to April 30th.


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But they are going to have this official. Right? Is this you guys is this trailer?


Oh, I don't I don't know if this is a trailer fight or who's putting it on, but Bryce definitely took the I mean, he posted a story screenshot of the contract and it was five million dollars to fight. Guaranteed.


Guaranteed. Who's paying him? You got to wonder, like, who is funding this shit, yeah, who's sponsoring it, who's paying so we can talk like business out loud, Josh, because I know I've wanted to talk to you, so we and I always take credit for everything.


Right. That's like people like, oh, Dave says he invented this word that I've been doing it for so long. I honestly think we helped spark this celebrity boxing.


And there's different celebrity boxing, but we own we own our boxing company. And before Logan and the Pauls were involved, like Jake Paul, we were talking before.


They were like, hey, we have this box. So we're early to it. And but we never really went the celebrity route. We just got like redneck funny fights and things like that. The first time we did it was our last fight with Jose Canseco.


In it, we had like one hundred and forty thousand paper views, the most we've ever had. So people put asses in seats. So we've been talking like, you know, we should collab with Josh because he knows. And I think there was some confusion whether you I meant we should find tech talkers because like. All right, I might be down to fight that.


Oh, definitely down. You're down to fight.


Yeah. Who would you like, honey? What do you need?


I mean, a lot. Like I when we talked about fights before, I think it was like two million in a month.


And how much of it like do these guys, just Bryce in Austin actually have beef or is this just. I I don't know, Bryce has been like throwing shots. He does not fuck with the guy.


There's no way that this guy is a bad guy like he's canceled for being like a shitty guy who cheats on his wife and he like it's creepy towards his daughter in some videos. So. Yeah, guys creepy towards his daughter.


Yeah. People make an iffy guy.


It's like he's like flying to Miami and like hiring strippers and prostitutes and shit while his wife is back home raising his kid. And then he goes back home to proper tense his. Yeah. And his wife by filming videos of them. So it's I you know, yeah, I hope Bryce, honestly. Yeah, so I mean, it's not good doodler really bad. All right.


So bad, Geiler, you're a I consider you you're like, my God, Josh, on marketing, do you think there's going to be a huge fight?


I think Bryce has the ability to make the fight huge. Yeah. Would you pay for it if it's you? Would you pay? How much does in the contract say how much Austin is getting? Are they both getting five million? I heard they're both getting about that.


That's that's what I've heard, which is a crazy budget for this fight, like they go.


So that's that's the question. Like, would you and we like Paul Kaminis, like, would you pay that much for these guys? I don't know. I'd have to do the math. Can say we did one hundred and forty thousand. So how many paper views would we have to do? Do we have a math guy?


We'd have to do what, like 500000, depending on what you want to say.


It says 30 bucks a fight because what was Logan Logan calls like? I don't know how much it cost. Here's what's crazy. Yeah, I don't think it was cheap. Because if you can build the controversy, it pays for itself. There's obviously a risk. I think prices kind of fail proof, you know, like he's going to put asses in seats.


Well, the thing about Bryce is, like he's going to everyone's going to know about the fight. He's going to make sure everyone knows about the fight. Right. So then at that point, it's just going to be like, are people going to care enough about the Austin versus Bryce part of it? Like they're going to know about it.


Just are they going to care enough to watch it like I watch Fight?


Would you rather see this one or Jake? Paul and I'll never forget versus the Krypto guy.


Oh, definitely. This Bryce fight.


See, I would much rather see the Jake Paul fight because there's an element, Jake, Paul's cross. I don't know how good he is in fighting the guy who got knocked out, but he's a UFC, Ben Ben Asprin, who's a legit like fighter like Dana White. I don't know if you saw that clip. Dana White said he put a million dollars on Ben Asprin to be J. And then Jake Paul's like, let's make it double or nothing, which in hindsight made no sense.


It's just make it a two million dollar that. But like, there's an element of talent here. The Bryce versus Austin, it's I don't know what to expect. I'm not overly into that one.


But you don't know what's so rough and rowdy is usually 20 bucks. You got to do two hundred and fifty thousand just to get to five million.


So you didn't have to do like 600000 views. You have to charge to make to make money.


I think if it was to take talkers fighting, then you could easily do that. Like if it was Josh versus Bryce, you could make so crazy money.


Oh yeah. Well, I mean, Bryce and I, if we would have gone into a fight, let's say, like the whole like beef actually like turn into something real. And we did a boxing match that.


Now that's what you could you could have you could have worked it. You could have been like, hey, you just fucking play this up and make fucking a bow. I need to make five million dollars in one 15 minutes. 20 minutes of work is insane.


It's crazy because like, essentially you don't have to train if it's guaranteed you can do nothing no matter, say, fell down in eight seconds, never got hit and didn't get up.


He made over a million dollars insane.


Which sucked, sucked. I was so excited for that fight.


So anyways, that's all you all the people listening BFE right now are going to be like, what are they talking?


I was like, well, I want to talk Josh get you with us rough and rowdy. You get a new help. We just need to find the people and then we can you don't have to get punched in the face and we can make a lot of money. So, yeah, it is a crazy thing right now.


It's you know, what's crazy is I actually I walk into jadedness room the other day, this guy has I Carleo and we'll just ignore that. But Guy has a Carlyon. First thing it says in the episode is how they're starting a social media boxing league. There's no correlation, I can hardly think about that crazy whoever was like someone stole that idea from my car.


Someone should have just watched Ikari Craven. They could have just had so many amazing ideas, millions of dollars of ideas.


I Akali started it all for real. So you're you're Leray wants to fight you, that's on it, but you don't want to fight him, correct?


OK, I'm not saying I'm not going to go out there and say Luray wants to fight me.


I'm pretty sure me and the rare friends, what I got was a text from Kareem from the first team, sends me a picture of Luray or not even doesn't even just says, hey, would you want to do rough and Rowdy Luray wants to fire you or something like that.


And I'm like, What's that about? And I'm like, No, no, no. I got a text. We have the text messages. Laura's team reached out asking if he would fight Josh for a seven figure paycheck, like, look, it's all here.


I mean, so, yeah, he texted me about fighting him and then he said, like, his team reached out and asked and I said, Luray, who? Because I was like, it can't be the luray I'm thinking about. I was like that. That's not that doesn't make sense. And then it was the last thing. He sent me a picture and I was like, oh yeah.


So so would you if he wanted to just I feel Lara is gay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I heard Josh his answer. He's right. And this is nothing against one of our best athletes at Passell Sports. Gay Pat fought and rough and rowdy one.


And he was like, he would beat me too. But like, it's tough to be a straight guy and go in the ring and lose.


Like if you beat the gay guys, like, oh, you'll be the gay guy if you lose a gay guy. You lost the gay guy. I'm not saying it's right, but it's not in a situation as the straight guy.


Yeah, you are a fact. Yeah. It's a tough position to be in because I don't want to be like I like I feel like that I'm technically wrong for saying I won't fight them right now.


People can jump on that either way. But it's always the and if you guys are friends, like, call me crazy, I need fights. I don't get interested in watching friends, friends fight unless they're you've got two guys. It's like the heavyweight champion in the world. They're both unbelievably good, right? It's like, OK, who's the best? But if it's just two people, that to me feels like I'm getting robbed. Like I don't want to see two people like each other.




Yeah. Like how much how much was it really like the insult game, you know, the back and forth before. Like that's so a part of it. And you're always going to be on the edge of saying something like, if I'm like dissing them, that people are just going to like take it the wrong way. They're going to be like, oh, you're homophobic.


Because actually in real boxing, in real UFC and shit like that, they can say whatever they want. And for whatever reason, it is in the vacuum of the fight world, it never makes out. That would not happen with, like, the ticktock were canceled.


No, I've I've watched clips of some of the stuff that like the UFC, like just like talking to each other. It's wild.


Conor McGregor. And said, like, brutal shit in the world. It is a beep.


Have you heard, like, the Tyson one when Tyson's, like, yelling at the guy that he's going to literally like?


Yeah, he's going to eat his children.


Yeah, I've just heard some from Tyson and I'm like, oh man.


That's he likes to he like to hold another guy gay and then said he was going to like fuck him right after he he to a female journalist asked him a question is like I only answer if I fornicate with you first. He said it in public to like a roomful of people is like I only answer if I fuck you first. That's crazy. And it's just like, oh, that's boxing.


And it's like Josh ever canceled career, right? Nothing. It's just right.


They're fighters. I have a question. Josh, would you ever box Jackson Mahomes, you know.


You know, it's so funny, Dave. You know how many people came up to me when I was in New Jersey with the Shoprite in any energy and talked about Jackson the like so many people were asking me about like fighting him or like signing a picture of me and you shirtless. And they were like, yo, can you say, like, fuck you, Jackson, I want it. And I was like, yeah, right. That I was New York.


How long were you here for? I was only really there for probably like I would say, a day I flew in and it was like 1:00 a.m. when I got in because my flight got delayed. So yeah, that pretty much went to bed, woke up, had the whole day there, slept there and then left the next morning. Got you.


Speaking of there's very few videos that I see where I'm like drinking my coffee. Just spit it out. Mm. This video in a show, I watched it, I didn't have any contacts.


I spit my drink out. I'm like, what is this. I can't believe.


Yeah. It gave you a little little.


Oh so let's let's show Josh and Bryce at a shop. Right. Have you seen this silent one.


Oh my God. Is this one just like they were just doing this comfortably in somebody.


Films that from the side. Let's play this video.




Oh no this is video. Oh. To open this with no contact, no cringe. It's so bad without like that.


So the girl like she's like this is your boy. You better talk about this on BFE. I was, I sat in stunned silence for like ten. I'm like what was that girl just wanted Klau.


I mean, that's what that girl did. Let's let's just cut the shit. She knew that she just videoed us. It would get a lot of likes.


But after did you guys have an airport in there? No, we the I don't know how her phone didn't pick up the audio. The audio was just like blaring out. It was just filmed on the phone, like I could hear it. I don't get how she couldn't hear it came out so.


But it was like it was like the old astron that we did to still softish. It was like the dance. We were like it was a really weird music video. I don't know if you've ever seen the still softish music video, but so yeah, we were like, oh, it's kind of like nostalgic, you know, our energy drink in a store, let's do a little throwback. So then we like, throw on the distracted the little.


Was it a commercial. Like what, what we like was that being filmed for commercial. You guys like it's just going to come. No I suppose there's a ticktock from the front. Do you, do you have that cream. The actual one.


This is the this is the real one right here. This is what it was supposed to be. That's the real one. It's not as not as awkward, still awkward, just not know. It's still pretty fucking awkward because you're in a shop, right? You've got to shop, right?


Well, no, you got to. So still softish is about a man's penis because he leaked it. Right? So it's like that's the joke. We were like making fun and like humping the air, whatever in the original distraction. We're like bringing back the dance because it's like really old. It's like a year old now. And we were like, oh, look, our energy drinks in the stores, it's like, you know, look at all this hard work we've done.


So then we did like an old tribute throwback.


But you're still drunk in in Shoprite humping the air. I get that it's like an old video, but so that was just to go viral that.


Yeah, no, 100 percent. So like the people how many people are watching you when you did this?


Maybe like 50, 25. So you guys have climbed up whose idea you're just like, hey, let's climb up on this. I was like, why don't we just like do this still softish on top of the cases.


Did you have any, like, embarrassment doing it? Like, no, this is killing.


I don't really I feel like to be a talker, you can't really get embarrassed. Kind of goes against each other. If you get in back, you're probably not making it as a tech talker. Let's be for real. I know it's like I was just made fun of in school for. But that's true, that's true, but you'll get affected by that. No, it's the Shoprite factor, it's like being like a little sale sign and like the groceries and then it's like it did workers, like it's almost like that.


And I get it's the car that that I was I was like taken aback. And by the way, I do shit all the time and Paul's been with me enough. Like, I don't like when I have to do it, it's like I'm going to make an ass out of myself right now.


And then I get you some of this for, like, you know, you got to get the views are like you got to get you put it aside.


But still in the only shitty dance, you made that girl film for you one time. Remember Dave, right? Yes. It's like that. Yes. And I go into a different world. It's like, oh, my God, I'm just going to do it.


Dave's leaving the building. Entertainer Dave's coming, but still the shop, right?


Wow. I mean, we were so we went to one shop, right. We filmed that. We were on the cases and then we go to the next shop. Right. Because we we went to two anyways. We get to the other one. 500 people are outside just like waiting to get in to get a.. So we were just like out there, like shotgunning on top of like this like table in front of the shop. Right. There's like this group of five hundred people, shotgun and drinks.


It was crazy. Felt like like a frat party.


Been there not getting energy drinks. Yeah. No, not good. I probably shukan like a heart attack drinks in like the span of an hour.


Did you get a lot of stuff.


I feel like oh there were one more here than there so many people that were talking about.


OK, so I saw that, that was like I said, that it took my breath away. I literally could do that.


I don't like we need this. We need this. We need this price first. When we know when we had her on the show, she hates Bryce, their Twitter, their Twitter feed for a little bit.


Yeah. And Bryce is watching us because he hit her up with. So basically, yeah. Quen was mad that he little Nowzad did something with Bryce and they go back and forth and Bryce tweeted, If you have to repeatedly call yourself a comedian, you're the farthest from it. That was from our part, I believe, when she was continually saying it. I like this beef. I mean, I like when I like well, I don't like where we're civil now.


I so not not much to it to get any more thoughts on that one.


No, I think it's kind of funny. I wonder if like if if they actually met up with each other, if they would.


You know, what's crazy is we filmed we filmed the Luras music video for like his district. He did it was called a canceled or whatever. And me and Bryce were sitting.


Right beside or right like in front of Quinn or something like that, and I didn't know her at the time, right. So I thought I recognized her. I was like, is that the girl that always gives us like hell of a fucking shit for partying? And like, his eyes were like really old sweat. When we were going out all the time, I was like, is this that is that that girl is that the girl making fun of Bryce all the time?


And then I was like, no, I can't, because she's not saying anything. She's not looking at us. She's just sitting there. She's not saying it. I was like, can't here it was her. Cut to the chase, it was nice, it was like, yeah, but no, they they always go back and forth. It's funny because it's like she'll never say anything to me in person. She'll never say anything to me in person.


I don't think either of them would.


I always if I see somebody that I've talked shit, I always lead off like, you know, I've talked a ton of shit about you and it generally breaks the ice, but it's better than ignoring. It's like, yeah, I've said like, all right, horrible.


I feel like being silent is just like way worse.


It just makes it like makes you both look like, like weird little bitches like like kindergarten. Yeah. Like high school.


That's what I had to do with I saw when I saw a couple of weeks ago odel back. I kill Odell Beckham like I've been telling him for years. It's like he can't win. I saw him. I am like oh I trashed you nonstop. He was fine with it. Like as I think people get more upset if it's just you pretend your best friends without.


Well if you go up my dress many times you heard someone go up to them and be like, I'm your biggest fan, I'm your biggest fan. And then I be like, they couldn't name like fucking the last team he played against, you know what I'm saying? So it's like for someone to go up to him and be like, yo, I talk my shit about you.


He's probably like, all right, fair enough. Respect. Lauren Kettering from not a contest house. I'm a little bit leery this accused of dog abuse.


I consider myself like an all time dog guy.


So too I haven't seen this. Do you think it is not what you want to get him? Oh, all right, let's do it. Why don't we don't want to join the show? No, take a quick break.


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So you go. You can hear us now. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I apologize. All right. So welcome Tim Dillon to Piaf's. You basically invited yourself on.


I think this is my goal. I've done every big podcast in America except this. I tried to get into this White House being thirty six and overweight. I have faced a lot of discrimination in the tech community. Very few people are interested in my wisdom. So I love this podcast. I do watch it. I watch all the online beats and the people that are feuding and I just always want to get on it for coming on. And I, I've called CAA, my worthless agency, and they go pick a movie or whatever, and I go, kids, get me on fucking BFX, please, and we'll be done.


First of all, are you are you going to like a Holiday Inn right now? I was just coming back. What is this is the worst backdrop, but it's a it's a hotel called the Don Cesar in Saint Petersburg, Florida. It's like a nice hotel, but it looks it's Florida. I mean, it's what you know, it's it's nice.


It's not a Holiday Inn that that the what do you call curtain rape? Looks like a crash. Yeah, that's what this nursing home. All right. Yeah. Got these drapes have seen things.


The only thing I'll say about that, what you just said of being thirty six and overweight. Yeah. Discriminated against the I mean I'm forty three. Right. And I'm a host with Georgia so I don't know that, that but.


But you're in shape and a multi multi multimillionaire. And here's what I've learned about America. If you're a multi multi multimillionaire and you're in better shape, it is a better, it's a better run.


OK, fair. Now, you know, I've heard you. I've never know. We spoke once and I heard you. I've gotten mixed reviews on like whether you took a shot at me. I don't really think you did. I did. No, I don't think you did either. So just to give just like I was I was asked by the guy who's no longer here, but he's like, hey, will you do feel Vaughn's podcast? I'm like, sure, I'll do it.


I showed up to the Theo van parked. Yes. It just wasn't his podcast. So it came on. I was like, Where's Theo? I know. Well, he's not here. It's like, that's weird. But it was a totally different podcast, so I didn't care. I was just confused.


Right now it's funny because I just saw Brandon Scheib was lying because Brandon lies a lot. So I saw Brandon who just made something up because Brandon is like, oh, important or not, it's going to be great. I'm like, he knows it's us. He goes, Yeah, he's really excited about it. So he's just making things up. So that's all I was talking about on my show is how hilarious you were like, what the fuck is going on?


Why am I talking to these two idiots, but it was fun, it was a good conversation, but you seem like you seemed a little messed up front, like you were like, wait a minute. Hold on. I don't quite get it and I don't blame you.


I was more I was probably pissed, but not like I love Brandon. So he has to go on his part. I go in two seconds. But when you have a guy, your guy telling you what you're doing, he just tells you a totally different show. It's like, bro, what how do you fuck that up? Right. Right. Nothing to do with it.


So we let we like barstool a lot. And I love what you did with the small businesses. Like, that was really cool. And I see. And I thought that, like the media should have, I do blame you for losing eighteen hundred dollars on an AMC stock. And and I mean, that's just my own personal thing. But and I, you know, you and Shamas are my mortal enemies. But as far as bars, we love it and we love like what you guys did for the small businesses and shit that the government didn't care about.


I appreciate that you also made fun of Josh. So we have that clip. Right. And we saw that like we didn't make fun of me a lot, actually. I love you.


Well, Josh, as you know, you got it. You can make fun of a good looking nineteen year old billionaire. Who can you make fun out, Sissy? Even even good looking nineteen year old billionaire's face discrimination.


That's very true. They have to you guys, someone's got to knock you down. You know, every day I find out Josh owns three more companies like everything on Twitter and it's like Business Insider, Insider, whatever it's called now it's like Josh Josh Richards now owns ten percent of just cats, you know, like if you buy a cat in America, Josh Richardson, ten percent of it. He owns ten percent of like basketball. He's got a new energy drink.


He's a private investor in the Starbucks egg bite. Whatever it is, it's like Michael grew in his turn, these kids into and it's amazing. Like the notifications I get, it'll be like, would you like to hear a conversation between Bryce Hall and Warren Buffett? I'm like, I guess so. I know what's going on.


I saw you talked about that. Let's play the clip of you making fun, by the way. I'm very curious after after this on your. I'm choking on your Gruene take. Yes. I said, when can we do a fake war with Syria and we're just bombing the shit out of Syria? No one really knows why. I think it's because the Bitcoin story is over.


I think that's literally what happened. Like AMC stock tanked. I lost 18 hunch. The next time I see Dave Portnoy, I'm going to lunge at him when he's reviewing a sound bite. His fucking neck, one bite on.


He won't have me on that podcast with that tick tock. I've tried to get on multiple times. No, he won't have me on beefs with him and the child that they discuss.


Have you watched that? He does his thing, says whatever he says. Then the kid is like, Yeah. The response to everything Dave says is like businesses like this, the kids. Yeah, that's fine. I had dinner with that kid. We all went out to dinner and that kid came to dinner and I was sitting there and literally we're all deciding on the appetizers and, you know, he's like sitting there and he's like. And I go because I love Bari's via.


I was like, OK. Does your crowd have any fucking clue who Josh or I like that guy in the middle, that guy in the middle doesn't know who we are, right?


Are they just laughing?


Because the way you tell your story or because they know the guy in the middle knows you, Dave?


Of course, I think even Josh, a lot of people know, I think maybe six months ago. No, but I think there's people that are really online that are kind of I think they know like if I make a joke about the Little Sisters or something, everybody knows who it is. Like nobody's like, you know, we're six months or a year ago, nobody would know. But like I think pretty much people are Bryce Hall trends on Twitter all the time.


Like people know it's there. Now, obviously, there's a certain amount of people that don't know. Right. But I think a lot of people know what's funny about that dinner is Gruene was like, no appetizers. And then when the appetizers came, he was all over it. I mean, he was like, no, I'm good. I'm good on the appetizers. They came in. He was like double fisting, truffle pizzas and calamari. But as far as the GRU intake, he's a fascinating Batman villain.


I think, like, he's amazing.


He's one of the most interesting people I've ever met. I think within five minutes of meeting him, I turn to the guy who doesn't my pizza, he's drinking like that's the most obnoxious dude I've ever met in my life.


Now I know him better. It takes a while to figure out. And we talk about is he just all talk and he's not he's just an interesting cat. He's an interesting dude. How did that dinner come up that you guys were together?


Michael grew and just I don't know what happened, but Michael grew and just set up a call with me out of nowhere. We had never spoken to Piers and I think he life man.


It's just like it happens. It's my thing he comes when he's needed. That's just how it works. Whenever you need him in his life, you won't even know it.


But he'll be he's he's a character from a movie and he just kind of set up he called me and told me to move to Austin and he listed all these really persuasive reasons. And I did it like I actually moved my operation, my podcast down to Austin. I said he called me out of nowhere and just kind of gave me this weird pitch that L.A. was kind of collapsing and that Miami and Austin, we're going to be these these new cities.


And I found it interesting enough to say, hey, let me take a year or two and see what a cheaper state is, you know, and but then you we're on the south called clubhouse. And we were doing you know, he does these rooms on clubhouse. So we kind of bullshit late at night. And he's very funny. And I'm a comedian and I have a pretty good judge of humor. He's very abrasive and he's obnoxious. And everything you said about him, Dave, is true.


He is he's like he's pushy, but he's very smart. And I think if you're very smart to me, you can be abrasive, an obnoxious and I'll listen to you as long as you're not full of shit and he's not full of shit. He's very, very intelligent. He's just an interesting character. I don't know where he came from. I can't I know that he has a family, but I can't imagine that. I can't imagine he was raised from a baby.


I can't imagine that a mother and father fed him. I imagine he came like the penguin in Batman, like he just emerged from like a river talking about NFTE. Like, I feel like that's who he is and he just stalks the night. He's like the one guy Batman doesn't want to fuck with. Like, that's the one guy. It's the one fight where Batman goes. You know what? I got to be honest, I don't want to do it today.


Like, let me do it Thursday. He's a he's an amazing character. He's twenty two, but he could be seventy and and he could also just be a figment of my imagination. I don't even know if he's real. He's just he's an amazing character.


He's like, you know, like Wonder Woman. Have you seen Wonder Woman when like the bad guy is whispering thoughts into other people and swang what they do and they just disappears.


That's kind of like growing. I swear to God, if Gruene and I talk for more than a minute, it ends up in like a full fledged fight.


Like it's like you fucking is. Well, I don't know.


I've heard they really fadli that. No, we butt heads all the time, but I don't hate them.


But it's like he just drives me insane. I can't I can't get my mind around him. He's an interesting, interesting cat. So he's the one who convinced you to move to Austin?


Yeah. Dude, I'm not kidding. He literally called you didn't know who he was.


And you're like, hey, oh, this random guy is telling me to go to my bags.


I knew he owned this house of 12 year olds. They were making all this money. Like, that's all I knew about it. All I knew was that he owned the Sway House, which, again, I just started laughing like the head guy look like him, which I loved, like I loved it. The head guy looks like a mafia boss from Staten Island and he just tells these kids to go shake their ass in a stairwell and then tells them how he's going to like, I don't know, get the.


A sponsorship with a protein powder, it was like I just found it was so L-A to me, it was so amazing that this big kind of New York character at Craggs is throwing fistfuls to Kamari down his throat and then telling, like, you know, Griffin Johnson, he needs to do more sit ups. It was perfect.


Was my favorite part when I first met him. It is a boy band vibe when I was at the White House. And then you'll have Drouyn sitting.


And if you remember this, Josh, when we first met, he just was obsessed with ordering like Shake Shack or some burger or just like ordering anything like wanting to get food so badly.


Yeah, I was going to eat because he. Good. And then he would be like, oh, that guy's gross. I look at that girl. She's not. It's like, dude, have you what we're talking about here. So that was like when I met him.


Yeah, that's what's amazing. I just I love that he will say anything like he got in a fight with Whitney Cummings on clubhouse and he's like, listen, you won't say anything, by the way.


He'll own it when I says, like, dude, you're gross. He's like, no shit, I'm gross. Like, so that's what then I'm like, OK, I like that. He has me totally always like kind of off balance. But you make people do.


That's what I respect about him as a comedian. We love people, I think that are like honest almost to a fault, because that's like what comedy is. It's like we're saying, shit, we shouldn't say that. We just say, hey, we're going to say this is how we feel at the moment, doesn't mean we're right or wrong. But that's what Gruene seems to me to be a guy who just says whatever comes into his head and like he does own it.


I love that he's like to me that he was in a war. He's in wars with, like, these children. It's the funniest thing in the world to me that he's a maybe he was in a fight with Josh, his girlfriend, one time, or whatever it is like to me, it's funny because I forget he's young. I forget kroons. It's twenty two. Right. He knows he's only he's only twenty two year old and he feels like a man who's been divorced multiple times.


Or if the sun hits them they'll melt like one or something. Just strange speaking a comedy. A question I just had of it because you know you're definitely the stand up. Are you in the in the climate or in. It's something I've dealt with a lot. Are you careful about certain subjects that you won't touch now? I am. Are you?


Well, I don't think I'm careful about subjects, but we're very careful about social media. Like, we're very careful about how we title something on YouTube or we're very careful about words. We might use an algorithm, but like I think in context of a podcast or a stand up routine or even a video that we might make, I'm not as worried about topics, but I am very worried about people being able to dismiss something by looking at a title or, you know, the way that we clip something.


So it is in our head because we want to make sure that like we stay relevant and we stay in for lack of a better term. It's like the algorithm or whatever, like so we're conscious of that. But I think the opportunity for guys like me now is to go into those topics and be funny enough that we can talk about them. I think that's the whole game is like if we're funny enough about something, we can talk about it.


And our goal is never for anyone to ever be mad. That's what people don't realize like that when you're on stage or when you put anything out there, the worst reaction you could ever have is an audience go like, hey, man, what, what, what? Like no one wants that. Everybody wants somebody to laugh and go. That's really funny. Even the people whom the joke is at their expense, you know, and there's always at someone's experience.


I joke around about myself. Sometimes it's at my expense. But like, you know, when you joke around about somebody, if you're good enough that they shouldn't be mad, like I I make fun of Jake Paul all the time when I go on Rogen and Jake, Paul loves it and he'll text me and go, that was so funny because he gets that it's funny. Like when he had the whole gun thing, I was like, I want Jake pulled out more guns.


You know, I think, you know, L.A. is going to collapse and the only people left are going to be like, take talkers. I want you to Addison Ray to be walking around the machete. And if you get it, you get it right. See if you like. I said, I wanted to just be stockpiling em. Sixteen's but it's goofy. It's silly and stupid. And like most people get it, most people are not hopefully not like mad about it.


Yeah. But that shit's like safe like that. No one's going to. I'm talking like I example I generally will live tweet the end of The Bachelor. The first and last episode I just live tweeted I make jokes. I think like entertains me to no end. I watched last night.


It was like racially motivated.


There's a lot of different things going on. I just stopped tweeting because even if I think I have something like funny, it's an area that I've learned I'm not going to wade into because it the thought of offending certain people, it's not worth it. There's an. If people who don't like me, even if what you said, which I believe has been one of the things I've said in my 20 years of doing this, I only have tried to make people laugh like that is really what I've tried to do.


If you want to say something I've said is off color or not. Right. That's everyone's entitled to that. But there's nobody who can ever look at the things that I've said. Like the intent was to make people jokes. It didn't hit. But there's enough people who who don't like me now and in the world we're in. If I say it, it's out the door. And it will cause major problems for advertisers to print everything. So I guess that was.


Go ahead. Sorry.


The example is like I have a joke about trans people that I haven't done in a while because I put it on a Netflix special and it was like, you know, was about trans people in the military. And then I said a trans Navy SEAL SEALs on CNN. And I was like, that's an interesting person, because that's a kid that goes up and says, you know, I don't know what I am, but I know that I'm a killer.


You know, like that's like it was a joke where I was like, I don't know, a bathroom over the years. But when I leave, I know I'm going to murder somebody. I'm like, what an interesting kid to race, you know? And that joke was funny enough that when I did it, it people were like, they got it.


It's not about trans people, right? I mean, I'm not going to do blackface unless there's really good reason. Like, there's certain things I'm not going to do. Right. Like there's certain things where I'm like but pretty much, you know, in terms of topics, I'm not really afraid of a topic, but I'm afraid of like somebody being able to and not even afraid to like what people are able to do now is like take a few things you said out of context.


So if I do a five minute rant on my podcast and you clip 20 seconds of it and go look at this and then but in that, there's it's clearly a joke. It's clearly ironic or sarcastic or something. And people in bad faith take that out of context. The great thing about it is that there is that chunk of thing there that I can just put out and go, hey, guys, listen to the full context of this. I'm not as worried about that stuff, but I mean, I'm worried about social media.


I'm worried about, like, you know, somebody looking at something those 20 seconds. Oh, that's not good. And then just can't get out of here or whatever. I mean, that concerns me.


I mean, Dave, I think we've had our fair share of people taking clips from the pot and putting like ten seconds of it on social media and then everyone being like, there's such evil people, the faces, the bad guys. And then everyone that watches our podcast, though, is like, this is the best podcast in the fucking more. I agree.


Now, the only difference is where the ones or the ones could make it. So it's like our media guys know, but talk to me like assholes, but ticktock from does it themselves or two there's a control room.


Is that true selves they'll like grab just like whatever they want. Take the like ten second clip. You're thrown around by the way.


Tim like oh Josh is a billionaire. I'm making all this money. Twenty thousand people five bucks a month.


That's, that's the money that. Yeah. So you're rolling in it despite the curtain. Hmm. Yeah.


No I mean the hotel is nice hotel. Not really Gonzales. It's it's an iconic hotel in St. Pete Beach. So I don't love the Reno. They did, but they didn't ask me.


You literally look like you're in like a casino, like there's always a walkway and wrapped in those sheets in this hotel, there's four dead bodies.


There's four dead hookers in this room right now. And Michael go into the bathroom watching blood on his hands. Other than that, it's a lovely hotel. The breakfast is great.


They just brought this hotel. This looks nothing like your hotel. Oh, my. I'm out right now. This is exactly the hotel.


I'm having a hard time believing it.


What are you doing? The janitor closet. Like, you got to be the Don Cesar.


It's a nice hotel. I'm telling you, it's good.


But yeah, we're doing well. We're in the top ten podcasts on Patreon and like I think we're one of the top comedy podcasts there. I think with it's certainly the top one with one person hosting it. Yeah, it's been really good.


So it's just you when you say where it's just you, it's just me and my producer, my producers on screen.


And you know, I primarily talk for the hour, but, you know, he talks sometimes and we'll giggle.


Got it. Oh, that makes sense. I mean, that's that's big numbers. How long so when did you don't you blow it. I know at times we talked about bringing your podcast here. You way past that. When did when did all this happen for you or is this a stupid question?


No, I mean, I think Joe Rogan has been the biggest help, to be very honest. Is he not like me? I don't think he dislikes you.


Why do you think that? Because the number one question that I people ask, like, go on, Joe. I'm not going to ask to go on a podcast. It's like I'm sure he's at some level aware. And if he wanted me on the podcast, he would ask. But I get asked all the time like you.


It's just there's been no communication point. Sometimes I think I must have done something that he doesn't like. Small businesses, he was like, oh, that's great, like we talked. And so I think he likes you. I just he's such a busy guy and I know this seems like a cop out, but, like, the guy is busy on a level, just a physical regimen, the amount of time he works out and then the amount of podcasts he does, the amount of stuff he reads, the amount of stand up he does.


He's a dad. He's a husband.


It's like you're really you're really like taking out the violin. I'm not that right that you had to fucking, like, put a scroll down to read all the shit. I was just asking why he didn't like me.


I don't know. I think if you want to go on, you should ask him.


You don't. He doesn't. You don't ask to go on. Well, you did. I guess I was like, that's so fucking humiliating to ask. No, kid. He reached out to me. But then I don't think it's humiliating to ask what you did it you asked him you asked your way on here.


So obviously and this is the greatest this is the highlight of my career. That's why it has to be on, because this is the best artistic experience I've ever had. I think you should ask to do the things that you want to do in life. And you're an entrepreneur. You've asked for things and received them.


I don't know that I've ever. Asked Eyeshot Davis about this had to be something in the beginning, or you can ask people to come on your stuff, you got to ask people to, like, debate you, like, hated me on your show.


Yeah, if somebody trashes me, I always want the opportunity to, like, respond or but not really being the guest. I was just curious more so I mean, I don't I don't know that would do it in a big how he had me on like seven or eight times.


It's like that's the biggest platform a comedian will get really in the world. And so that I think is I'm extremely grateful to him for that.


Yeah, that makes sense.


What what can I see this? He did call her daddy audition.


I thought I was I wanted I really was upset again that I was not considered.


Listen, I couldn't that's a show that we theoretically own.


And I can't get myself on that show. I want to get on that show. So, like, she she does what she wants.


I thought. Hi, this is my audition for Call Her Daddy, the podcast. How are you? But you come back. It's still in one of our readers. Right. Hey, guys, love you. How long do they know a guy before I let him come in my ass? And the answer is as long as it takes him to get hard and fuck you in the ass. I think it's so important to vote if you are not hot, literally get raped, literally.


That's how you're going to get invited to parties. Just grease that hole up and let them do it. Pep Boys style. Oh my God. So we're doing blowjob classes right now. It's so important. You know how to suck a cock, you stupid whore. This is an average cock with with like Pyrenees disease, which means it curves up a lot of guys.


Cox curve up. Take this off the mike is another cock. So picture there's one cock getting ready to go and then you have one cock right now. So now this is like another cockatoo just hitting you in the back of the head of three cocks. It was three Cox and this is abi la la la la la la la la la la.


This is what your pussy should look like after you've been Fox and then you like fucking throw it out. You get another one I loved call her daddy. I watch every episode of Call her daddy. That's how I learned how to suck off. My uncle gave Portnoy I don't care what you do. You want to throw me down a flight of stairs. That's fine. You know what's going to happen at the bottom of that flight of stairs? I'm going to come.


I don't even care if my next broke. I'm just going to call daddy going.


So that was my I tried. And again, nothing. Not in an email. Not a call, not a meeting.


It's fairly accurate, but it's. Yeah, no, you're not going to get a call on that. Listen, they they do their own thing.


We've had internal fights here. We've had videos of our people making fun of them. They do their own thing. Alex fucking does her. I don't she does what she wants when she wants, how she wants. They don't want your bad for their brand. It's very true. Yeah.


They don't like you feel like wearing call her daddy merch. If she saw you walking down the street with a caller that he has to take it off your head and burn it like that.


She's like, oh, you're bad for the brand. So yeah.


Well, I mean, I respect what they do. I think it's important art and I want to be involved, that's all. As a collaborator is somebody that, you know, it's, I think an important show. And I think it moves society forward. And I don't say that about a lot of things, but that I'll call her daddy to me will be looked at years later as one of the greatest contributions to thought in the twenty first century.


That's my opinion.


It's not I think you're being a little facetious, but I will say I think can tell if he's being sarcastic.


No, he's been fucking sorry. But when this is done, when this is done, that shows revolutionary. If you write like the history of podcasts, yes, it already will be on. And it's changed a lot of I guess, like it's almost there's not too many podcasts in my mind that have spawned, like a vertical of that house, like those girls you do. It's like the sex podcast. Everyone wants to be in college. And she she's brilliant.


But that was a very accurate representation of I try. I think it was very good.


You guys got anything else? Do we want to go see this next video?


See what I mean? Tim, I got a question. How many, like, do you think a comedian has to continuously tell people their comedian? No, I tweeted retweeted Bryce the other day because I thought he he had a lot of kind of a point, I don't know who he's talking about.


I was just wondering, just like when it's a girl when she was on the pod last week. Yeah. Yeah. And who is she? Tick tock.


I need to study the tick tock world. I'm surprised you don't know this girl. I only know the top people. I'm not trying to with low rent tick tock blues on the show.


We you can't throw that sheet. We asked her. No. Yeah she she is. She's pretty big. She gets. And is she a comedian. Yeah. Yeah. I think she's funny.


I'm going to say I know she's not, I've never seen anything she's ever done.


Yes I actually. You like that. Yeah. Yeah.


No, no she she likes she does. She cracks eggs with a vagina. OK. Yeah. OK, well watch out. George Carlin made you smile though. That's almost a laugh so. Yeah. I mean listen I don't know, I, I don't know. I'm sure she's great. The club we keep crack eggs with our vaginas together.


You know, she actually she is like that was just funny. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we'll collaborate please.


We'll crack eggs on, call your daddy with our vaginas.


I have a question for Tim. Do you think it would be bad if Josh boxed a gay guy? We were talking about this before the gay guy, like, look like me.


No, but it was like a twink gay guy and Josh one. But Josh is a small kid, too. I don't know. I there's no sympathy for people like me. You would have to buy. It was like a like a frail bird, like gay dude. And Josh Peterman. I won't I don't care, but I don't know, maybe people will be mad.


What kind of gay do we talk in that another tech talker. I don't know if you know, I'm a black guy in charge, beat him up.


I mean, I don't know if I would like to take that out, George, take that fight.


I think I just like just like go in the ring and just get beat. I don't know, I mean, I think it'll be fine. I don't think I don't think it's why are we going to. What are you going to box in for charity or is to launch a new product?


Everyone's making bank celebrity boxing. That's why everybody's OK. Yeah, man, if the money's there, I think barstool pat box today and one.


How long have you so, you know, you're like with how long you've been like a Basel guy for.


I know all the bars you guys. Well, not all of them, but a lot of them I know like, you know, KFC and Big Cat and all those guys. And I pay attention to what's going on with media. And I've always, like I always used to I used to make fun of Saturdays with the boys. Right. Because I had so many friends in Long Island that would put that on their profile Saturdays for the boys. I'm like, no Saturdays for finding a job.


You don't have a job. You live with your mother. You don't get a weekend for the boys. You know, you should be raising your child. But I became conscious of it. I like kind of the sensibility, a bar stool that you guys are just trying to be funny, a little irreverent. And I think you need that in the media world right now because everybody takes themselves way too seriously.


I'd agree with that. So let's go to this next. We can all get our reactions. I'm a huge fucking dog guy, as I was saying. So Lauren Kettering from not a content house accused of dog abuse. And we got the video. And the question is, do we think this dog abuse? I hate watching this shit.


My guess it's not bad. OK, let's watch it then.


But people really think his dog abuse. Yeah, they're freaking out.


Fucking rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock. Yeah.


I mean, I'm I'm like a real softy when it comes to dogs. So that went on a little too too long for my taste.


Right. Right. Like he I mean you could take it. I heard it breathe. I'm pretty happy that.


Yeah. Maybe a picture and then take it off. It's like funny when your dog does it but then you get off as opposed to. But again, anything. I'm a dog guy. I feel like what Tim. I feel like you're going to be comedian and say something. Whatever you say. What do you want.


I, I was a little uncomfortable with how long it went on, but I thought it was going to be much worse than that. Right.


When I hear dog abuse, I'm thinking like someone's like really beating a dog.


You I guess I thought she was like going to blow a dog or something.


Oh yeah. Well, it didn't happen. Here's what Lauren Kettering said. I'm going to say is this is there is alcohol and abuse at an animal abuse that occurs in my situation to reflect it. This is actually a huge issue. So maybe we should focus the attention on situations where it actually happens. Dogs need to be helped and rescued. I appreciate all the positive comments that understand the situation. I know that no way was I trying or whatever harm our dog.


So, I mean, you got to be pretty you don't have a good sense.


And I've done idiotic things I've posted. But to watch that be like it just went on too long.


But what is supposed to. Yeah. Yeah.


I don't think she meant to hurt the dog. No. I think she meant to be free.


Go in in tock drama. Another creator accuses Bree of talking shit about her tick tock. So let's see what we got.


Jeez. And by the way, it got squashed. I feel like I'm fucking sick of these guys. Want to hang up. You can do that.


I I'm very curious about Bree and I want to get involved.


Let's do it right. I need to tell you guys a reason why I hate New York City and I love New York City. But it's a love hate relationship. So everyone here, especially the girls, think that they are. So I'm really fond of everyone. I think that they are so different and like, cool, I don't know. And they shit on people that are like being sick. Like, I was out last night and this girl was making fun of another girl for wearing leggings.


She was like, that's so basic. Like I haven't shopped retail in like five years. Like, you know, stupid.


No, like I would agree with her. But like, that's oddly specific to a video I just made. Like, you know, when you see things you don't want to directly at the person. So you kind of extrapolate and you make up a whole story just so you can actually be passive as fuck to them. Like you make up a story so that you can lokey shit on them, but you're not shitting on them.


I feel like a lot of people regret moving here over L.A. sometimes. And then she brought barstool into it. Yes, well, so then she tried for who is this person? Yeah, I mean, this is a girl that's like up and coming on to talk. She has gained like 500000 followers in the past two months, like she's kind of blowing up. But she so I don't even know what you made fun of.


OK, so I don't even know I don't see the video.


So I was making fun of girls who say I don't shop retail, I don't shop retail anymore.


I like making fun of people that don't thrift because they think they're cool because they thrift. So I posted that she thought I was talking about her more days, I don't know, so stupid. And then she said, she started saying I was misogynistic for working for you. They brought up your stupid joke that you made that always gets tied into me somehow. This one is the one that went viral on tech talk and then just try to, like, destroy barstool and say that we're all shitty people.


And then she made a huge apology video and was like, I was actually wrong. Barstool is not shady. I use that to attack you because I was offended by what you. Oh, so she apologized to us.


But still you just have her like really she just had like her own beef with herself and then figured it out.


It seems like you had brought me into it for nothing. She tried to say I made a whole fake story to make fun of her.


That's like eight years before she came after you.


I've seen her on my Facebook page and follow her now.


So we have the video. We have the video that she thinks she copied, like she thinks she made this up. Tell me if you think that Bri copied it.


I haven't bought a pair of jeans retail in almost four years. I thought a girl was making fun of another girl for wearing leggings. She was like that. So basically, I haven't shopped retail in like five years. That's not even related.


What is boiling on my like every side is itching to come out.


Like, first off, like, I doubt anybody's ever said that I've never heard in New York City, but tried just somebody like that. If anything, they'll just be like, nah, nah, nobody ever says that. Other people here I don't know where the fuck you are. And we should celebrate people who consciously object from shopping retail, whose closet isn't solely fast fashion because it is so detrimental to the environment. And if you read me saying I don't shop retail as being this woman is tedious.


Yes, yes, it is tedious. I get gay or watching it.


So it's it's a very it's a weird and I said that I would get I, I can't say what you just said without doing a major thing.


Well he's gay. I'm going to pass. Am I wrong. But am I wrong. Oh yeah.


Yeah he can say that. All right. Never mind. Carry on. Am I wrong. She's tedious. Right. It dragged on. It was crazy.


And her whole fans attacking me, sitting across the table from her and having dinner every night, you would kill yourself. That's the reality.


Both sides. What is this like to do in this May to other like do we know this retail thing was a thing? I didn't really know this was a thing.


Can't shop retail anymore.


It's bad for the environment. I don't know. That whole thing seemed crazy. Like it's tech talk. It's crazy. The cancer culture is crazy. You can get canceled. Tick tock, tick tock. Tick tock. Takes everything literally. Yeah.


Personally and everyone is so sensitive.


Issues take talks on its way. It feels like it's not. I don't want to be on his way out but it feels like it's like not the height of the epidemic. It's like the hottest thing now. Feels like it's cooling off. Do you feel that Josh or am I wrong.


No, I talked about this last week.


I don't know what it was on, but I talked about it and I was saying I liked to talk. Isn't mainstream like it's not getting that mainstream attention anymore. It used to get every like every day. All you got was tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. Everywhere you looked. Right. If you were on like Twitter news, like any social media news, if you were on to filter, if you were on Forbes, if you weren't like it was just tick tock everywhere.


And now it's just like people aren't talking about it as much in the mainstream. So it's just become in it's like going to like find its place among all the other social media, I think platforms. And it's just going to sit there like it's or like you think that house kids Big Portnoy do you go on clubhouse?


I haven't been on clubhouse. People have explained clubhouse to me. I don't fucking get clubhouse. We're doing clubhouse here. I don't fucking get it. It seems like something I can do without having a clubhouse. What. What. Like if I want to go fucking talk to live chat. Nine thousand things. What is clubhouse do that's different than anything else.


You can allow them to speak to you. So it's kind of like a live podcast. I can't do that on Zoome the listener.


But you can't have you can't have not like you can't have like four thousand people in your zone. Yeah. You can't, I don't know and you can choose who gets to speak.


So like people raise their hand and they can. I thought you didn't see anybody in. It's like voice audio only.


OK, so I can choose to let people speak, but how do I see them raising their hands?


That's like a little it's a little like a yeah emoji comes up and it is actually fun.


I was on the same page for club clubhouse. I don't know. I just I didn't get it.


I know we're using it here. I'm also like Laoghaire. To help that, it's like, what right, what am I giving them all these users, like, what do I get out of it except helping them get on there?


I saw that that made me sweat a little bit when Ellen went on my. Oh, he's on there. I better get my ass in gear.


But I don't you know, you went on once or twice. I think you went on twice. I brought Joe on once. Joe went on once. And I don't get them. And this will never go on again.


So to get anything out of it, I look what a forty thousand followers on there. I just goof around to me in my career. I'm like, hey man, if it gets someone over to my podcast which sells tickets and it's it's no negative to me and I get bored sometimes late at night, um, you know, just fucking around. I could go on this app and talk to people or watch Michael grow and abuse someone or whatever. I mean it just kind of like goofy, but it's getting a little old, a little you know, it does run its course was like the novelty is over.


We're like, OK, we get it.


So do you. When you go on, is the primary reason you're using it to allow some? Because like you go on Instagram live, I can you know, if I want to go talk to people, I can talk to all two million people on my Instagram live and I actually can let people into it as well.


Yes. So to me, clubhouse is like I there's all these room titles. You title the room and obviously there's people talk about investments and bitcoin and there's people talking about whatever cultural representation, whatever. I try to title rooms very ridiculously funny rooms like, you know, should women be allowed to own Bitcoin was one of my rooms or like how to be a cancer influencer or whatever. And then just I just, you know, we just try to have fun on there and be goofy and silly.


And I think that a lot of people like that because there's a lot of, like, serious networking shit going on. And then I'll just come on and go. All right. We're just going to be ridiculous now. And people are kind of into that, too. Like I brought David Spade on. He had no idea what it was. And he's like a boomer. We're trying to explain to him, like, how to download an app.


Oh, my my profile pic is it's me and you shirtless, actually, because I think I made my club. I was like, right in here. It was pretty close.


Oh, I thought you said you and Tim. I was like, oh yeah. It's my profile pic. Is you and Dave shirtless as well on clubhouse. It's all three of you shirtless on clubhouse is my profile picture. Oh no, no, that's OK. It was just me and Dave, so I'm going to tape myself.


I know Paul probably it sounds like a well, like instant message. You're like the AOL chat rooms back in the day where they you'd see like titles of rooms and you could go in and, like, chat with people. It would be like it's kind of like a dumbed down platform, like it's not the Internet.


Everyone's pretending to be an expert in everything. So. Yeah, yeah. So let's just it's like where all the LinkedIn douchebags can go and chat to each other. That's that's like the platform. Think about it like that. So everyone that if you want something, you know, it's kind of like, I mean shit on iCloud.


So when you go on clubhouse you just on the right or something, there's a million rooms and you can just go like, oh, I want to join this one or join that one and join be like talking about the biometrics of some shit who gives a fuck something like that. And then they'll be like all these rooms listed a bunch of different like people in them. You usually see like a couple of like the top people that are in each of the rooms.


And you can go join if you like, know any of them.


So I mean, I, I'm this podcast and why I got involved in tech talk was to reach a new audience that I feel I was reaching through any of our existing home. Is clubhouse like this clubhouse have that like I haven't gotten that vibe right. It's not new audience.


It's just you're reaching people you could reach anyway, which are I guess the thing that's interesting to me about clubhouse is there's a lot of people I might not necessarily meet, like from the venture capitalist world or the tech world. I know of me or my comedy and I probably know them or their company is. But like, I've never had interactions with those people.


And as a you know, as somebody who just is interested in things and people, it's fun to meet people. And I you know, I'm now I've often have conversations with a lot of people on that app grew and nominated me for. Yeah.


And it's just kind of it's interesting. But I think like everything else, it's we're kind of in an economy right now is like the boredom economy. We're like it's like when things when everything's all open and we're all kind of back to doing what we're doing. Does anyone we're going to want to go on clubhouse instead of like going and hanging out with your friends or something? I don't know. Like why we I don't know.


Why would you listen to clubhouse over like. A podcast or something while you're cleaning the dish. You know what I mean? Like, there's so many different different angles and clubhouses, like losing it's about not losing its value because I see the value of like a business creator, like the new social media influencer that's like really business focused or intellectual. But like clubhouse. The first attraction was it was so limited who was on it? No one was on the app.


So it was like you only could get this app with invites. So then it was all these like really important people. You're like the top venture capitalists, you're meeting the best founders, you're meeting like all these CEOs. And so, like, you couldn't really get into a clubhouse or a room unless you were somebody. So it was like a great networking app, almost. And that's like what the whole buzz around club was at the start and what got it big.


But then now it's like if you have it, everybody can have it. Yeah. Yeah.


And so I didn't realize that it's like an exclusive like dating site like it kind of. Yeah.


You think it's going to be interesting when you're when your aunt is on clubhouse talking about Kuhnen, it's like, OK, that's it. So that's why I still don't have the blue checkmark on tech talk.


When I wanted to on Twitter, when I wanted the blue checkmark, it was like exclusive. I stormed into Twitter headquarters, demanded it. They wanted to give it to me. We actually got escorted out by the police and now everybody gets it. I don't want it. So it's like if anyone, you know, similar thing. Interesting. That's the tech. I didn't really get that. I'm glad you brought that up.


And I think that's about it. I think we've run our course with you.


Well, listen, man, this is we're done with you, man. This was my goal I've reached in your life goals.


Next, do you have a next one is like, what is there? What's the next light colored Audi? Now, it's not like last night, I got to be honest, this is the pinnacle, what's left to do? I've done like eight times, like this is it now I'm dead serious. Like, so you just want and the end your life after this or something.


I mean, let's not get hysterical. Josh just seems to be extremely sad. This is the pinnacle.


You said, are you moving to Texas to already live there?


I live in Austin right now. Yeah, OK. But I'm on the road so it's like, you know, I move around a lot.


I get bored a good deal. I go to Florida, I go wherever, you know. But no thank you for letting me realize a dream. I'm glad we could have a dream.


What's funny move to Austin is a funny story. I haven't told it yet. And you guys, maybe it's not that funny, but I did an interview about the bar fund. It was like a follow up. And it's the New York Post and they're asking about New York bouncing back. I just I'm moving slowly.


I'm going to establish residency in Florida for a lot of the same reasons you said. But the reporter, I just bought the house and it's like so over fucking priced because the market's ridiculous loft in Miami. It's like everything I could have bought like six months ago for one one billionth of what it is. Fine, whatever. I finally came to grips that I'm getting fucked. The reporters like, hey, I hear everyone's moving from Florida back to New York.


Like property values are like plummeting now in Miami and Florida. That's great for New York. Right. And I'm sitting here.


I just closed this place in Miami. And I don't want to trash New York because, like, the barstool fun is bouncing back. So I was trying to answer it, but I think proper is still going to be OK. Miami is a tough spot to be in right after that. But same as you. It's like the taxes, everything, warm weather, much money, it's too much money.


And they got if they want people to come back to the cities, which they need people to come back, they got to figure out how people can live there and not be just completely decimated with these taxes and get less and less for it. Like L.A., you get less and less for it in terms of like with the industries that are there, even even like the natural environment, I mean, it's on fire half the year. So, I mean, it's like a bad it's a bad investment.




I think New York will bounce back because it's just the city will hopefully look like I think once people are allowed to go out fully and things like that, restaurants, it's a very you know, I don't like Austin in Miami.


Become New York and L.A. With all due respect, I don't believe that will ever happen. And I think the people that are saying that are crazy. But I think what'll happen is New York and L.A. come back. Those are still the banner cities in the country.


I agree. I agree with that. Well, thank you for coming on. Thank you, guys. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Is the cooler daddy girl some apple juice? I'm available.


I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for that audition in my back pocket. Yes. Thank you, darling.


Where do people go to just sign up?


Tim Dillane, show on YouTube. And Tim Dillon. Tim Jay dealing on everything. Twitter, Instagram, all that bullshit.


Thank you. Thanks, guys. Thank you.


Thanks a lot, guys. Dude.


Twenty twenty thousand sign ups at five dollars.


He makes a hundred thousand a month or something like that.


That's great money to Yelp and a subscription model. It's like it just as always. Now do we have questions today or.


Yeah. Do you have a couple of questions. OK, they're a little crazy. Oh. Is there any way I can make my sex life more spontaneous and seem like a part of a routine with my boyfriend.


Hmm. For you too. Spontaneous is important. I was spontaneous. What did you say guys earlier?


Spice it up in the sack is that those are too spontaneous and part of a routine or the opposite.


So it seems less like a part of our teen mom. Well, I mean, like. Just like I and things up back home, if you're Jewish, yeah, how do you spice it up all the time? It's the same shit over and over. Right. Routine.


Maybe they change the location. Maybe just like do it in random places, you know, porn. Porn, I wouldn't watch porn, just porn and watch porn, shit like that. I don't know, I don't like have your boyfriend come home and there's just porn playing banks by stop. I mean, that is spicy.


That's one way to it. Back if I walk back in my girls is playing porn. I guess I'm like, oh this is different.


Yeah, that's true. That's true. That is true.


OK, ok. This one. I have zero attraction for my boyfriend anymore but I still love him. Do I tell him to see if we can work it out or should I just break up with him. It's pretty obvious right now.


It's like that's like I feel like that's just a ride to cheating.


I feel like it's just like this slow, like stable. Someone is like it too.


Yeah, that's tough. That's tough. I think you got this is like you've been keeping a horse alive that all their legs are broken. It's just fucking cruel. Yeah. That's sad. I screwed up. OK, last one.


I'm talking to a D1 athlete but keep getting mixed signals from head when we are together. He is great, but I keep hearing rumors from him being with other girls. What do I do.


He just fucking everybody goes broke and everybody is a D1 athlete.


He's at the pinnacle. He's I like the hype of his life. He's fucking everyone. He's talking to everybody.


The rumors are true. Even rumors. They're not rumors. They're facts. Either live with it or don't. But they'll be like, oh, my God, you know, he's fucking ever. Yeah. What do you expect him to do? An athlete.


So that's it for questions. All right.


That's the episode.