Danny McBride
Busy Philipps is Doing Her Best- 1,733 views
- 21 Oct 2020
This week, Busy, Shantira & Caissie are doing their best to deal with body image issues, career issues, boob issues & dog issues. Then Busy’s bud, the hilarious creator & star of East Bound & Down & The Righteous Gemstones Danny McBride rolls up to talk about how he’s succeeding in Hollywood by...not living in Hollywood!Sponsors:Function of Beautyfunctionofbeauty.com/bestVizzy Hard Seltzervizzyhardseltzer.comCare/ofTakeCareOf.com and enter code: best50PrettyLitterprettylitter.com and enter promo code: bestWarnerswarners.com
And I pull it back. Oh, no. It's a full dead wing of a bird. Oh, God. Oh, my fucking wing of a bird.
Hello, hello, hello, hello. It's that time of the year again, time for a new episode of Busy.
Phillips is doing her best. And you know, we're getting close. Guys, we're getting to the time when, fingers crossed, we are years, he'll turn back to the days will no longer be years and the hours will no longer feel like decade.
But we're not complacent. We are who we are. So close. No, I voted, we hope. Yeah. Yes. Joining me, of course, Casey S. A. Jackson. Hello. I voted. I'm in New York. I voted. I it felt very cathartic.
I thought me I was trying to kind of like muster some emotion. Have you ever done that? Like, you know, I'm so super emotional all the time anyway. But when I was voting, I was like, can I cry? Is there a way I should like, am I going to cry? Should I, like, really think about this moment?
I didn't I didn't have it in me.
It didn't it like because it's also because it just didn't feel like maybe if I was going to the polls or something, it would feel different.
Like I remember when I took Burty to vote for Obama and she was.
A baby, she had just been born, she was. Three months old about yeah, and. I don't remember where the fuck Mark was, but that was that was par for the course at that time in my life. And I put her in her stroller and went down the huge hill like we lived at the top of this big hill.
And I strolled her down the hill over to the senior center where the voting was set up. And I went in with her and.
I like really. Was excited to bring her with me to vote for Obama. It felt so monumental and so special and see, now I'm going to cry talking about Obama and voting for him for the first time. And I.
You know, you're not supposed to take pictures inside of yeah, yeah, yeah, in the booth, but I asked one of the poll workers if she would take Burty and my picture after I vote so that I would have it for Birdie for when she got older, because I think it was such an incredibly historic and beautiful moment, you know?
And so we took that picture. I have it. I'll try to find it somewhere. Oh, Jesus.
The beauty now is that my photos, right. Everything's on the phone now, which is very helpful.
Like Nike, though. Nametag. I'm saying now. Now everything like this could be like you just type in a date or a month or a city and your iPhone or something, and you could see it. So these kids don't even know how good they got.
I got super emotional voting in 2016 for Hillary and like did the whole nine like the whole thing that makes everybody roll their eyes. Like, I was like, oh, I am wearing a pantsuit also, you know, grab them by the pussy happened. I'm going to wear a leopard coat over it. And this is like my whole statement.
And, you know, it's all buttoned up over, you know, whatever like my Hillary Underoos and and, you know, obviously took a picture of myself and just felt so like this is happening.
And that was so meaningful to me to be voting for like the first potential woman president. So I just think that I was very, like affectless doing this. I was like, let me just be transactional about this and not invest too much emotionally in it because I can't you know, I can't have a repeat.
It's actually true. Will you voted for.
Hillary, we took the girls market, we went to an early voting place, we took the girls and we also have a picture of that.
And I I also was like emotional and really excited and, like, brought them in with me and, like, showed them her name and, you know, I mean, all of it.
Right. But, yeah, this was not this does not I mean, I'm, like, super excited to vote for Carmela and Joe Biden, but I it did feel more just like this. And let's get this going.
Yeah. I like I'm yeah. I'm just I don't want to jinx anything. I know.
So I was just like, let me just put my, you know, like put my ballot in the in the drop box without much fanfare. Yeah. But I was that was not made by weird Republicans.
We have Republican Dropbox's here in California. So I was like, let's just drop it. My husband and I went to drop it, but we were behind like we were immediately behind like some type of influence or tick Tucker, who did like several takes of putting her ballot in the box and something I say something as a as someone who is a lot of things.
But one thing that people do know miaows is like sort of, you know, like an influence or. Yeah, yeah. I would say with with a lot of confidence that I have. Very, very rarely retaken or like restaged a thing like like I don't think it's the thing that I like, if I miss a moment, I'm like I what a bummer. Yeah. You move on. That is true. I can I can attest to that.
You're always right.
Well, it's also happened if you can't read, like sometimes it's just like it's a vibe and then like if you miss it, like that's it's got the vibe.
Yeah. Oh my God. Like yesterday you guys. Holy shit. I have to tell you what happened. So, you know, we're in the new place. I'm trying to get it to look cute. I thought of a good fix for this weird, ugly thing behind me the the grey Christian grey closet doors. Yeah. I ordered the stuff removable like stick on wallpaper. Yeah.
I'm going to try, I'm going to try it. We're going to brighten it up. But anyway, I had gotten some cute throws from Anthropologie that I was using over the white sofa downstairs.
You know, everything's like white, black or grey in. Yeah but we're adding the color. It's coming in. Yeah. So anyway, Gina and I wake up early the pub and I always like take her out and I make my put let her out into the little like backyard area and I make my coffee and then she.
Trots around and goes to the bathroom and comes back and we talk a little bit, and then I give her her breakfast and her water, and then eventually when Mark gets up, he'll take her either to walk, to go get his coffee, or he'll take her to doggy daycare or something.
She had her weekly groom yesterday. Anyway, we picked her up, took her home at like close to five, I would say. Yeah, we were home around five. So then everybody is like downstairs. We're all playing dog running around. And then Bertie went over, was trying to like, get, you know, like sometimes kids get well, my kid gets where they just like want the dogs. They want the animals to like love them.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like same same.
So things like trying to get Jeana to like and also she had just been groomed so she was like peek fuzzy cute like super fluffy, like trying to get her to like snuggle and just sort of just like keeps wanting to go to the couch, to the throw blanket and.
Jesus, so we were like I was like, Birdie, just go sit on the couch because she obviously wants to be there so pretty when, like, snuggled up Gina like jumped up and birdie was like pulling the throw.
And then all of a sudden she was like, oh my God, there's something really gross. There's something really terrible in the throat. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.
And we could see Gina was like nosing in. I was like, what? Mark? I was like I was like, pretty what isn't? She's like, no, no, no. It's really bad. It's really bad. It's like something really bad. I was like, how bad could it be? Gina's been taking these like Peapod things in from outside that do kind of look weird at first glance, but they're just like little plant things, know?
So it's like, Marc, just go look, so Marc is there and he was like freaking out and he was come on, he was like kind of afraid to pull back.
I'm sure it's fine. I call it back.
Oh, no. It's a full dead wing of a bird. Oh, God. Oh, my fucking wing of a bird.
Oh, my God. That has clearly been buried underneath the throw at least since like eight thirty in the morning you murder.
And that's why she. No, no. She wanted to go back to what she found.
OK, no, she's not a murderer. Murderer, murderer. She is, she is slightly I don't want to call her stupid like she's she's like a puppy. She's just a baby. She's just new to the world. And she found something she liked. She found I think it was a cat. I've seen some neighborhood cats. Yeah, that's right. That's a cat. Cats are the ones that rip birds apart. Yeah, that's a cat move.
And like big dogs.
Like right. Like retrievers. Maybe Jesus found the tree.
She found the tree. She didn't destroy a bird. I met Gina. Yeah.
There's no way that she I mean she's afraid of birds at the park like afraid of pigeons when we're walking. So she found this full wing of a bird.
Oh, she thought it was a button. Yes. I was making my bulletproof coffee, therefore not looking.
She trotted in with it, buried it in our so the new anthropology now and then Mark came and took her for her bath and she was like, OK, I'll be back later.
But later that I go trying to find it, going for it. And then birdie like, oh my God, did I ever tell you disgusting.
Did I ever tell you about the dog and bunny story? Oh no.
OK, so when I'll try to tell it really fast. When I was a kid, my cousins were tenants on a farm. I lived on a farm to my cousins, were tenants and rented the bottom of this farmhouse. And then the farmer and his wife lived upstairs and they had all their farm animals, all kinds of things, pigs and horses, cows and like a hutch full of rabbits. My cousins had this big Saint Bernard dog, Joshua, and the farmer's wife hated that dog, Joshua, and she was always like Joshua, menacing my chickens.
And Joshua is like giving the pigs a hard time. And like, if one more thing happens with Joshua and the animals, that's you guys are getting evicted and like they were not in a good position to get evicted. So anyway, one day we're like we went to the park to play. We come back, we see Joshua on the porch and he's like nuzzling something. And we're like, oh, no, what is it? And we go over and Joshua has like a bunny, like on his he's like sitting there and the but he has like a dead bunny.
And we were like, oh fuck, we were little kids.
So we were like, fuck.
Like you guys are going to get evicted from this farm house because Joshua murdered this rabbit. And so we were like, what do we do? What do we do? So we're like, OK, we have a plan. The rabbit is basically unscathed. Like, I don't know if Joshua, like, smothered it or whatever.
So we're like, we're just going to take the rabbit and put it back in the rabbit hutch. And just when she finds out, she'll just be like, oh, that sad. One of my rabbits died of natural causes.
That's sad. So we like God. We get the rabbit away from Joshua. We take the poor little passed away. Rabbit goes and put it back in the rabbit.
I close the door behind us and then we're like, OK, never tell anyone. I swear we'll never tell a word.
I know. I know what you did last summer. My. Yeah. Oh, my God. So then we go in the house and we're watching like Dukes of Hazzard or cartoons or whatever, and then all of a sudden we hear a blood curdling scream, oh, my God.
And we ran outside and we're like, oh, my God, what happened in the farmer's wife is like one of my friends died and I put it in a box and buried it and put it back. It got that. Ha ha ha ha. And we were like, that's not gonna happen. Oh, my God. So. Oh, my God. Did anyone ever come clean? Oh, my God. Oh, I mean, like, I'm glad you guys did.
You guys do. You can't be getting evicted.
We are together. It was all together. It was like really life or death for them. Like ordinate.
I don't condone lying. But, yeah, we just I don't like lie if you need to lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, nothing's real.
Anyway, I personally, they probably went to her grave thinking that Satan worshippers were, like, coming around her far.
That's about. I also love dogs with people names. I love Joshua. I love Gina. I love what a dog is, just like Brian. Don't touch that, Brian. I love dogs just like regular as like people.
That is so funny. Joshua was just like a badass dog.
Shinjiro. How are you doing this week? Are you doing your best? What are you doing your best? Also, I watched your thing on Ambers show and it was so funny and made me so funny.
And then I was I was like, I'm going to repost this. And then I it's so hard. It's so fucking hard. It's why it took I like it's hard to repost anything. That's a video on Instagram. It's so confusing. I am like pretty tech savvy. I had to text D'Wayne. I was like, do you know how to do this? And then I was like, I'm confused. So, yes, thank you. I'm just thinking about reposting it is enough because it's so hard.
Yeah, I literally thought about it like this is like, say I don't have I don't know as a person whose video it was. If you look and see when I posted it and when Amber posted it, you will see that there are quite a few hours. Yeah. I was like, oh this is no right. I'm doing great. I like I made the appointment to go see the breast reduction doctor, so I'm going there.
Oh, next. Congratulations Friday. So like I am putting into motion the things that I'm saying I want to do. So I'm really excited to go that doctor and be like, have you what?
Do you know anyone who's done that? OK, straight up, one of the our listeners looks like I got a breast reduction. I too she was like, I've gotten to and it's the best thing I've ever done. And she was like, I'm in L.A. and I was like, who did you go to? And she was like, Actually, I've had quite a few friends who had them. She gave me like four doc recommendations. Yeah.
I also have just amazing I have a really close friend in L.A. who had it last year, my pre pandemic. And if you want to talk to her, I'll put you guys in touch. Yes. Yes. It's always nice to talk to someone who.
Yeah. You know, so like, I have a consultation on on Friday.
So, like, I'm excited to like I am very excited for you because I think anything that it takes, like a little courage, you know, sometimes to just, like, get the ball rolling.
I'm like, I, I put it on my to do list. Yeah. I actually do it.
And it was like four fifty five and their office closed at five and I was like, oh I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it now and then I felt really good about it.
Shinta, once you get it done we'll have to throw you a new bra shower.
Oh my God. You know what fun. It will be so much cheaper. I'll get bras for the price of formerly the one because I know you hate to spend money on bras.
I mean, the last bra I got, it was one hundred and sixty dollars. Yeah.
I wonder once you get a reduction though if like they. Do it as such that you don't even have to wear a bra because your boobs are just like real, real, real tight. I'm going to see. I'm going to talk. They now move.
I'll keep you guys posted next week and tell you how the consultation goes.
I have to go to Beverly Hills, so maybe I'll never come back. I think Beverly Hills is probably really weird right now.
I had to go to Beverly Hills for a doctor's appointment before a split town, and it was just like the stores.
The retail stores were all sort of like boarded up and it was like a little kind of wild.
Yeah, neighborhood. I don't know what it's like right now. Well, plastic surgery is open.
It's like actually, if you are not afraid to go get it done, I guess it's kind of the perfect time.
Yeah. That they had there was like a whole thing about it. Like plastic surgeons had to fight to get reopened, probably rheumatologists, something about Botox. But I do think I mean, like I'm just going to the consultation. So I don't know what the because I know, like in Florida with my mom, it's like all like selective surgeries are like on the back burner. Like, if you ain't got to be in the hospital, they're like, please don't come.
So I'll go to the consultation and see. And then I'll just like tell you guys what they what they tell me.
Tell me if boob jobs are done at surgery centers or are at a hospital or at a hospital. Yeah. Because I think that they can be done like when I had guys very similar my colonoscopy last year, you know, you get put kind of like under. Yeah I had under, I had an endoscopy so I had put on there last December because they went through my throat from my acid reflux.
You know, we're all like eighty five years old, acid reflux, colonoscopy, me, we're all just getting it checked out right now. That was not at a hospital it was at. A surgery center in Beverly Hills that was really weird, like it was weird, I you go into it looks like an office building and you go in and then they take you in through a door and then through another door and you're like, oh, my God, I'm in a hospital.
Like, it's weird. But I think that a lot of plastic surgery they do that for, I don't know, things that aren't major.
I think that that's an aspect, too. I think that I do think that I will be able to get it done. I don't I don't think I'll have to go to a hospital because they do like this particular doctor. They like Nip Tuck, like there's a team of them work on you at the same time.
So, like, yeah, I like one boob better than the other. Yeah, I really. What are you going to do. They got each other's paper. You go under for less time, but there's like two doctors and I was like OK, I need to nip Tuck was while but I am on board for what you guys are trying to present to me so we'll see what they do on Friday.
That's really exciting. I'm so. Yeah.
So I'll, I'll let everybody know how it's going next week. That's very exciting in my, in my health that I'm trying to take care of. I have yet to find a doctor to laser my toenail here. So now I'm really just stalled out of my healing my toe fungus gang.
We could find somebody. I know. I know. I know.
I've asked several people to get on it and hopefully somebody well, I want to talk about something that I'm not doing my best at and I just want to, like, air it out because I feel like I just have to do it, which is this, you know, I'm going back to work, which means I will be on camera playing a character. And we had our, like, hair, makeup and wardrobe tests on Thursday of last week.
And I started to remember that part of the reason why I declared I didn't want to be an actor anymore is because I started to feel bad about myself, like about my appearance and like my body and stuff. And it wasn't like anyone's doing. I just was like, oh, this is really hard to like. Yes, he put. On display and that way, you know what I mean, and I just I think I'm just more aware now at this point in my life and also older.
And I just was like, oh, no, I can't let this be a thing that, like, becomes a fucking thing, you know, because I, you know, my feelings about, like Botox and filler and all that stuff, like I've never done it and I don't want to ever do it not and I have no judgment about other people that want to do it.
But for me, it just feels like, well, first of all, also, I'm sure I would have a reaction, like I would be like I'd be the person who's, like, body rejected it and like. And then, like. Like I remember once years ago, I was doing press for something in this actress, I do not want to reveal her name because I don't want to put her on blast like that. But we were talking I was very young at the time.
I was like in my very young I was in my late 20s and she was talking about about Botox. And she told me a story about how the doctor put it in and like one of her eyelids dropped. Yeah.
And then she was like and we couldn't shoot. And they had to use this tape underneath my hair and my bangs and, like, taped my eyebrow up. So it wasn't like and that story really impacted me. And I was like, oh, I'm never doing that. I would be the one with the droopy brow, you know what I mean? Yeah.
I think that that's the kind of thing, too, that you have to do that when you're like off and see how it goes.
You know, I was I was like right before you started shooting. Yeah. It's like it's like you test your makeup for your wedding before the wedding. It's like if I was going to try Botox for the first time, I would do it like like like Thanksgiving week if I wasn't going home like a week without I have all so I could just like see how it feels, how it looks. Because like if you end up with the droopy eye, like.
I would that's what I would say I would not be either, you know, fixing I think you just have to wait. You've got to wait it out. Yeah. Anyway, my point is that I was like. Looking at myself, whatever, and then I was like, oh, yeah, I can see why women get like I started, like doing it. I started doing the thing that's like it's a dangerous, slippery slope and it's really unnatural to like, I don't know, just to have that and OK.
And I know I still haven't watched the social dilemma. OK, I promise I'm going to, but. For whatever reason, for me, I think, because.
I don't know I don't know why it does the social media thing doesn't impact me in the same way, but I think whatever it is that happens to me when I'm acting and having people like lighting me and like fussing with like, you know, making sure that I look the way they want me to look, that's maybe that's it. I haven't been to my therapist about those yet guys for you. But like, maybe that's what it has to do with is that like I everybody else is evaluating me.
And it's like if it's like, are they happy? You know what I mean? And I'm such a people pleaser. I want them to be. Yeah. You don't want to let people down. Yes. With my like face that doesn't have filler under my eyes. So I have like dark circles. So you're going to have to like figure out how to light that or like, you know what I mean. Like what.
Yeah, but can I just can I say one thing. Can I interrupt you. You're there because of your acting talent. It's not you're not there to be a model. I know.
But it's also intrinsically tied in this industry.
And and it I mean, it was for me, just because of like when I started and yeah, I like massages. I feel like I got. Yeah, it's in your body. So like my partner have been talking about this, it's like how our brains and our bodies, like we always talk about how they're like the like connected but like your body remembers stuff that your brain forgets. Right. So even though you've done all this work in your head like 19 year old, there's still stuff from in your body from when you were twenty.
And then like you just got there in your head, you're like, why do I feel like this in your body's like grow? We are remembering what it was like before. So sometimes there's just like a disconnect because of what's going on in your head and your body. It's just like when you, like, have a crush on somebody and your body like, oh my God, that person is so cute in your head. Like, that's a bad person.
I'm like, you're feeling that way because you're like you're being on camera and stuff. But I just want you to know, like, obviously it goes without saying that women who aren't on camera feel that way too. And so, you know, and I have had fillers because like like, you know, just because I got to a point where I was like, feeling so bad, but I had the not to go to dark, but I had a friend who passed away, like way too soon.
She was sick.
And in the days leading up to her death, you know, she was just always, like, encouraging people and like really answering very hard questions about how to talk about mortality, all that, you know, all that shit that we're all, like, trying to run away from or whatever. So I do say to myself, like, whenever I'm looking in the mirror and I'm like, oh, look at under my eyes. I'm like, oh, Lisa Adams would fucking kill to have old looking eyes.
Yeah. Yes, I do. Now I do know that. And I know so many people would kill to be on fucking TV or have to have a job, whatever.
Yeah. But I'm with you. It messes with your head. And I do think a little bit for me just that thing, because I, because I know I haven't seen the the documentary, I really am going to watch the social dilemma when I have five. No pressure of time, guys. No, I really want to watch it. But like, I don't necessarily feel like it fucks with me the way that being on camera as an actor has fucked with me.
Yeah. Body keeps the score.
Shinohara is a book that's about, um, I just had to Google it because a friend of mine is reading it and I want to get it. It's about how your your body remembers trauma and how. Yeah. Trauma.
Yeah, it remembers everything. And I think that we have to give our bodies more credit and we also have to give our minds credit for like protecting us in that way. Like, yeah, just me and my friends just talking. And I was like in my head I think I remember like eight days of school, like something really good happened and then like something really bad happened. Like I remember, like when I, like, became first chair the flu.
But then I also remember when I broke my basketball goggles. And those are like only two things I remember in school, you know, so like but my body, like you remember like if you're in a mall, you just like see a group of teenage girls. There's nothing more powerful, you know, and then your body's like you remember that even when you're like forty, even when you're thirty, you remember in your body what it felt like to like walk by a Clair's and be like, keep it together.
So what's it like in your head? You're like, why am I doing that in your body? You're like, because this is what we do. So, I mean, I think we should just give ourselves a break. I think we should, too.
But also, like, it's so funny on our show, I'm busy tonight.
I never felt that way. And I think that was cause I was you got my hearing. But you being yourself and I was in charge. Yeah, you're in charge.
And I think that that is a big thing. And I think that like every sitcom we've ever seen, it's like the king of Queens where it's like this like big husky guy with fucking the hottest wife ever, you know what I mean? So, like. When you get to Cura, you get what you. You know what I mean? Yeah, it was like I saw what I wanted. I like we would do my hair and makeup, how I felt like at that day, like, yeah, it was me.
And I never felt like bad about myself or bad about my body. Even like if I had gained a few pounds during that run, I was like, you know, had my period or whatever, like whatever it was, or I was hung over and tired and I never was like my appearance. My body was never a thing that I thought about when we were doing that show. Well, yeah, I'm glad I'm glad you have that experience, I'm glad you got to have that feeling in your career, you know what I mean?
Because it sounds like this one that you're going to be my fucking life. Well, maybe you will again. I think you will.
And I think that this is the thing to where, like, you have that experience and then you get to hopefully curate this experience more to what you know you like, because if that was the one time you had it, it's like, oh, I didn't know that was possible. And like, now you're like, actually, I know what it feels like to feel good all the time and I'm going to be chasing that. OK, OK, ladies, this was helpful for me.
Thank you so much. We got you. I guess I was doing that was I wasn't doing my best at that this week. I am doing my best though, trying to help political causes. And in these days leading up to the election and yeah. I don't know.
Casey, what are you doing your best shot this week? Um, I didn't do my best at a lot of things. I just kind of like I don't know, you know, like I'm like just in a holding pattern, sort of. And this was a week when. But guys centera what. Yeah. We need to have an intervention with Casey, right? I mean, it's just no, you know, I stop you have to stop your texting last night.
She needs to have it. We have to do a pivot for a pivot.
I mean, because you are doing your best. Yes. Just it's frustrating, you know, to be in a place where, like, just nothing's moving forward.
And so, like, I had that thing this week where I just was like, hit a wall and just, you know, it's just it just is how it is, you know?
But I I feel like I'm trying to be proactive, but I'm also trying to be understanding, like, busy. You know, you and I have, like, sent out feelers about things and then just like literally not heard back from somebody who was like, I love you. I want to marry you like, you know, the week prior.
And then, like, radio silence. True. Yeah, that's that's like my every week now I send out a bunch of, like, missives on Monday. I never hear back.
Like maybe he'd feel I don't know. I just feel like. I feel like our. Thing that. Then literally just crumbled into the ground once the pandemic started, was really smart and good and I think we could.
Possibly return to it at some point. I hope so, but. But if not like, then that has to be OK to you know, I go around telling people all the time, like, whatever you're doing, it's OK. It's like, you know, you're doing what you have to do. So I feel like I feel like I'm trying. I feel like I'm doing the things that I'm capable of doing. I feel like I'm cutting myself slack on, like, not doing dishes or whatever.
And then, you know, to be honest, like I've spent a lot of time on social media, speak of the devil, speak of speak of the the social dilemma. And like, while it can be a cesspool, it can also be like a means of, you know, just staying in touch with people. So, like, the highlight probably of my week was talking with Michael MacKean on Twitter about Halloween candy.
You know. I know. I know. But here's a simple pleasures. But here's what I think a little bit, because I do think you're I think you're like a bit of a rut and like as many people are right now. Yeah.
As this is like all about this thing is all about Pivot's and, you know, look like I am not I don't know the arbiter of any fucking thing, but I know how talented you are. And I know, like how brilliant you are. And I feel like we have an interview. Guys, it's not this week's This Week. We're talking with Danny McBride. But in a couple of weeks, we're going to air an interview that we had with someone.
And she said, you know, if the phone's not ringing, you got to call yourself. And like ever since we talked to her and she said that I've been thinking about you and I've been thinking about like that, it's time for you to call yourself. And I and I think that that might look like a different application of your talents than what you've done for 20 years. Like I should, like, write a script, like a scripted thing or.
A novel, I feel like I've done that I pass another, but, you know, I just I mean, I think that there's like I think that there's a thing that is in you that that is uniquely you and I.
Think that like in this moment right now, you could. You could pull up. Oh, my God, what was that guy's name who created Desperate Housewives? What was his name, Matthew Chair? No, not Matthew Cherry. Yeah, was you know, it was that one cherry. Yes. There are two. Matthew Cherry. Matthew Chance. Yeah. I only know the black and yellow yellow, I know HRB, yeah, not hair love Matthew Cherry.
Matthew Cherry, its cherry. Or Matthew, hold on the. It's probably got to be like David Cherry, Marc Cherry, cherry. Good call. Good call. OK, you're both you cherry here, love. Haven't watched love. It's amazing. So Marc Cherry was like like having like a he was having like a career crisis basically. Yeah. Like wrote the pilot of Desperate Housewives on spec. And then it was like the number one show, you know, for like.
Yeah. For sure. For sure. I also feel like I think I have pivoted a lot in the last year. So I have like pivot cramps, you know what I mean, like last year. But like, I, like, left my long term job to move across the country to do this other job. And then that ended. And I was sad about that. And so I had to pivot away from that. And then I had a thing where I had a project set up that wasn't a TV project that got postponed for a year.
But that was like the project that I was depending on, like making a living from which I 100 percent understand. But then I was pivoting back to trying to do this.
It isn't hard for me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, so I'm just like I have like a little bit of pivot exhaustion and pivot cramps. But yeah, I have to like, you know, what am I going to do otherwise?
I guess the only thing I would say is that within the pivot sometimes like I look at the things that I've called my own pivot and aside from me, logit like deciding to up and move to New York. Yeah.
Career wise, everything's like kind of all in the same family, you know what I mean? It's entertainment. Like I'm just doing entertainment, you know, I just want I want to hear you talk about. Yourself, the way you would talk about me to someone that makes sense. Yeah, like, I just want to hear you say, like, obviously, like things are. Yeah, obviously I'm going to get like I'm going to land in the right place and I'm going to get the best.
Thing, you know, and I feel like I just keep hearing you say like. It's not great, it's not I mean, we'll see. We'll see, we'll see. We'll see. There's a lot of we'll see is and I just feel like you see, it's not for me with you. It's not a will see. It's like it's there, you know, you just you're it's going to be the thing when it's the thing. I know.
I'm sorry about setting up know. I know. I mean, I'm putting stuff.
I'm trying, you know, it just hasn't the thing hasn't happened yet. So I think the trying is hard, too. At the end of the day, there's always like. I think that you I always just, like, lay in the bathtub and like I think that, like, some days you do everything you can and even if it's good, you just got to lay in the bathtub. So I think that, like, lay in the bathtub.
And then I also think that we're all getting like a light because there is some good stuff about 20, 20.
But there's, like so much fucked up stuff happening that even when you're like, that was a good hour and then you, like, open a window and you're like, oh, OK, everything's on fire.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that there is like.
I think we're all I think it's the duality of it all we talked about before of just being like I am doing my best. It sucks to be so good to someone who could do both. But also, you know, I was just going to say, like, career isn't everything either, you know, it's just like it has been such a big part of my life.
I'm so weepy, you guys. I'm so sorry.
But even crying now, it's been a big part of my life and it's just not a big part of my life right now. So it's a little bit figuring out, like, who am I without that?
Because there is there is no guarantee, you know, and that's OK. You know, it's just my career isn't everything. So everything else is like, OK, it's just normal pandemic shit, you know?
But it's just a very not just it's just a very different place, even though I've had a I've had a job since I was 14 years old, you know.
And so this is my first time ever, like having an extended period, not working, not taking care of, you know, the people that I'm taking care of. So it's just a little bit of like figuring out like who I am.
Yeah, well, that oh, I love you, first of all. But also that to me is like maybe for you what you need to start, like looking as the gift of this time for you, because I realized I had a really fucking hard time right in the beginning of the pandemic. Yeah.
Like, you know, I was paralyzed basically. Yeah. Like I couldn't. And part of the reason why is because I have like you we're we're so similar in so many ways. Yeah. And I had I would fill my fucking days with shit. Right. I was so busy and working so hard all the time, doing a million fucking things right.
And then it just all stopped. And when it all stopped I had to like really deal with some shit that I hadn't been dealing with. Oh my God, I'm like her and I and that comes down to like things that you think you've dealt with. And then you're like, oh, shit, there is that thing again. Yeah. Like I think that goes back to when your body. Yeah. That goes back to it's nearby because we're always so much more gentle with our friends and other people than we are with ourselves, you know.
And I think when I like like when I was improvising all the time, one of the things too is that like I, I would genuinely be like is this if I never did this again, would I be OK? And like I ever want to think about that, it's really hard. And I think that once we I always say that, like, especially in this industry, like nothing's real. Like you can't ever be like, oh, I'm a writer.
I'm like, I'm sitting here and I write. That's how I always present. Like, I always try to, like, keep it in check. Because unless you are in charge of it, like when we were in charge of the visit tonight, unless you are in charge of so much of it has nothing to do with you. And that's really hard when you're a hard worker and you know what you're capable of. Yeah, it's like this is the only industry like if you want to be a brain surgeon, you, like, go to school for neurology and like become a good surgeon.
But like, you're an amazing writer and it's like that. This sounds weird, but like that doesn't matter. It doesn't. This is the only industry we're truly like. I think your talent obviously does matter, but this is the only industry where, like, you can have like a neuroscience degree in writing, in comedy. And then someone can still be like, you look like my ex-girlfriend, right.
You will get a job.
Well, it's trying out for cheerleader over and over and over. And you can already do a back tuck standing. Yeah. And so but it's just like, oh, we have like a full squad or you know, we were looking for someone who is like five foot two or whatever. It's it's a lot like acting in that way, you know, and like and the truth is, like I have been doing this a long time and I have seen women who are like, you know, have had similar careers to mine where they just like tap out at some point.
And I hate that for them. And I don't want that to be for me. But I can understand how they were like, you know what, I'm not going to I don't think I'm going to do this. I had a man who became a nurse. No shit.
She like did like twenty years of comedy.
And then she was like, I don't wanna do this anymore and was a nursing school. And I was like, shout out to Beth Toth.
But like, well, you know what what will be inspiring to talk to our guests today? Yes, he's very funny. He has a very successful entertainment career. He has a great pivot.
He has a great yes. It's so. Yeah, so refreshing. And is our guest today is the incredible Danny McBride. And he was actually, I think like the first or second person we even talked to was either. It was gillion and he was the first. He was the first. So it was like our practice. Weird. Yeah.
If the interview seems weird or like we're bad at it, we are.
We were out of. We're out of practice. And I was like, I don't I don't even know. I was it was crazy. But I do. I love Danny. I was always a huge fan of his. And then I write about it in my book. But my job post Cougar Town, I wasn't sure what I was going to do or what I wanted to do. And he had this new show, Vice Principals that they were doing for HBO.
And there was nothing.
I didn't even know what the part was. I had no idea of how big the role was, but I just knew I wanted to work with him. So Danny was kind enough to let us interview him.
When we have not interviewed anyone yet, the three of us, that's a good that's a good friend and here it is, Danny McBride, you know what time it is.
It's time to get busy, get busy with. We're getting busy with it. Listen, we all have had a time in our lives when we've had to make a very difficult choice. Standing there looking at two items that on the surface look very similar and maybe interchangeable even. But then sometimes there's just one little extra thing, and it makes our choice so much easier. Busy. Stands out by having something all the other hard seltzer's don't. Disease got antioxidant vitamin C, you know, we've talked about it before, those other girls wish they had vitamin C, they wish that they knew the ASALA cherry, the super fruit with 30 times more vitamin C per cup than an orange.
That's just insane to me. That's insane. But vices like, no, I got this one, put it in me and they did. And then you're going to want to. Put it in you. Listen, it never hurts to add some vitamins and antioxidants into the mix. It's a hard zeltzer. It tastes delicious. It's fizzy. I love it. Over ice, pineapple, mango, black, cherry, lime, strawberry, kiwi, blue, pomegranate, blueberry pie, monogram 08 planogram.
How many blueberry had pomegranate? It is 111 in the afternoon. Casey.
I have had at least two. I just think you should all upgrade your hard zeltzer with vizi. I just love the name, too. I love it because it rhymes with Busi, I love it because we immediately thought of getting busy with it.
It rhymes with Fizi. If this is our Fizi, they'll keep you busy. Everything good?
Everything little extra antioxidant, vitamin C, you're going to be feeling pretty great about things to find out where you can purchase our favorite heard Seltzer Vizi go to visit Zeltzer Dotcom. That's Vizi v zwi hard zeltzer dot com. Obviously you have to be 21 and over to drink it. It's got alcohol and it goes.
Hair of what is care of you must take care of yourself and maintain your health goals with customized vitamin plans anyway, but been giving out a lot of free jingles because I know when people advertise on a podcast, they're not they're just they just want you to talk about their great product that.
But you've been doing a lot of just on your own, out of, like, enthusiasm for the product of coming up with a jingle. Listen, I love a vitamin moment. I want I have specific things I want to address. I go to the vitamin aisle in my local health food store and I am overwhelmed.
And you know what? It is not the person who was assigned to work that aisle that day is responsibility to try to help me navigate all of those vitamins, you know what I mean?
So I know you do that.
I looks the most harried in this store situation, the vitamin aisle person, because the vitamin aisle person is like yesterday I was in fruits and vegetables.
Today I am here, ma'am. I do not know any more than you what is going to help your hair and nails.
I just don't calcium questionmark. I don't know about fish oil. Who knows, Karl Rove knows their best in their doing their best, but the care of knows, care of knows and they have an in-depth five minute online quiz and ask you questions about your diet, your lifestyle, your your health concerns, and it helps you address your specific wellness goals. It's a holistic approach. It's like getting a one on one consultation with a nutritionist, all without leaving your house, which I am really is increasingly I am now becoming more and more comfortable with.
I don't know about you, but like, not just yet.
You're you're not comfortable leaving your house or you are comfortable leaving your house? I like to stay in and get things delivered to me still. No, that's what I'm saying. I'm now in a place where people are like a little bit more reopened. Yeah, but I now realize that the vibe. Is not. Loading up on stuff and having to lug at home now, staying home, doing some online quizzes and having things hand delivered to you. And it's a fun quiz.
I thought it was a fun, fun quiz, and I like Wisbech and I like that, you know, you get a little pack, so it's got everything you need, all the vitamins. It's not like you're scrambling, trying to put them together every day. I need a time saver. I'm in a crunch. It's crunch time. I have too much going on. Anyway, Karev has really been. An amazing addition to my vitamin routine, and, you know, listen, I'm just trying to.
Stay healthy as the seasons change. I'm going back to work. I'm going to be around a lot of people. Yes, there are so many different things in place to keep us all healthy. However, I want my immune system to just be as strong as it can right now. So thank you. Care of and listen. This is what you should do for 50 percent off your first year of order, go to take care of dotcom and enter code best 50.
So 50 percent off. That's awesome. Amazing. Your first care of order. Go to take care of dotcom and enter code best 50. Done.
Can you hear me? How's it going? You're you're our first guest ever. Thank you for sharing your interview.
Look out. The bar has been set. Not at all. So I can do anything here.
Hi, Danny. Thank you so much for talking to us. So I'm going to introduce I don't know what it looks like on your screen, but this lady right here is Casey St. George, and she was my partner. Show runner on Busy tonight was that way, right?
That's what it was. And then she a.. Jackson is she was one of my writers and she's my friend. And and on the show, I remember her.
Yeah. Yes. Thank you, Danny. And as I have watched the show you, sometimes I forget I was on it. I was in Ohio and a right like a lady in Ohio. I, like, went to her shop, but she was like, you're a writer. And I was like, oh, my God, is this bitch psychic? How does she know she was, like, busy tonight? I was like that big since I was on TV a couple of times.
My dad.
Danny, how many times a week does someone shout out at you on the street?
Well, I guess this has been covid probably not that many, but prie covid like I've been liking covid for that reason with the mask and everything, because it's like I could just roll into stores anywhere and no one knows who I am.
I just look like an old Western bandit coming into town and but like before covid like I always get white chicks or or like a lot of times it's it's totally wrong. It's like hot girls like that. And I'm like, that's not the name of the movie are like there was that other one with what's his name, David Spade called the Hot Chick. And they'll be like, Were you in the white chicks and or the white guy or the hot chicks?
And I'm like, no, that's not the name of the movie. Do people just do people what's the number one? Is that Kenny Powers is what you get?
Oh, you know what it was when E Band was out? It was definitely Kenny Powers the most. But after that I just stopped going to bars and just doing things like that. I just couldn't you know, I, I said, I want to ask you, what are you talking about? You never know. But they're like it's a we're like sequestered and like a little table with twelve of us where there's lots of. That's true. Yeah, we do.
Also, I would say because we've we have been to many, many bars together that yeah, there is like a protective but there's always like a round of shots that shows up from some body at the bar. Is that a is that ever a bummer.
It's never a bummer unless it's like something like fireball that they sent over. Just something real, like, I don't want to feel all right.
I know what your preferred is, but let's just give it to the people so that if they ever see you in a bar and they want to send a round of shots to your table, what are they said?
Not to be picky, but I would go with tequila and I would probably go with a with a rep or an asshole. Just take shots of silver somehow.
You know, you want to night you want a nineteen forty two. Danny McBride, you can be sure you could just say that you put it out there. I want you to like put it like secret it for yourself, do that.
And I'm sure that just says that Don Julio.
Nineteen forty two. I bet some will arrive to your house. Now this episode is brought to you by Don.
Who knows. We wish we kind of do wish.
But also Danny, how did you and I first meet. Do you remember.
How do we first meet. I feel like I met you before the audition didn't I, that we crossed paths at some point, or was it when you came in for a.
Well, I feel like we did. The person who would really remember is Mark, but I don't know. I was super excited when I got the audition for vice principal is Cougar Town was ending. And I just because I was such a huge fan of yours for so long and and I loved it down and down and then had seen first way after eastbound and down and. Yeah. And I think that was the first time I met you. And I remember I was just like, no, you guys just didn't give any information about what we were auditioning for.
All and every actor I knew every like all my actor friends were texting. Is anyone going in for this new Danny McBride show? What is it? What what is the character? What are we auditioning for? And I was like, I don't know, but I'm going to get it.
So and I did. And then we and then we and then we went out of town to shoot it over the summer.
I feel like you've done a really cool thing. And I wanna talk to you about. This is like we're we're talking to people about their pivot's in life, either like work or personal, and I feel like you've had several pivot's in your life and career, but you've had some in the last several years that have really worked out for you.
And since you and I've become friends, I've been able to witness them firsthand.
So, you know, you always sort of. Return to the south to shoot your stuff, correct? It's just like, what is it about, you know, I guess it's just because our stuff is, you know, our stuff just takes place here and it's like such a specific, like vibe that we kind of go go for about portraying the South, that it just would feel like disingenuous to shoot it somewhere else. You know, like, you know, you can't duplicate these incredible shopping centers just anywhere.
You have to come to the south. And and, you know, we also love working with, like, non experienced actors. So if we're going to set something like eastbound in the south or this way in the south, we like to just populated with people that are from the area. So it just has that flavor and the actors have that sort of dialect that doesn't have to be taught so much. It's about authenticity, I guess is why we've always come back here.
And is that like a decision that you and Jody Hill and David Gordon Green, who they're your longtime collaborators, is that a thing that you guys talked about back at North Carolina School of the Arts or like? Was that how did you how did you decide that that was going to be the vibe? You know, a little bit of it was just because we were from North Carolina, so we knew where we all met which school in North Carolina. So we do a lot of people from the film school that we went to school, the that kind of stuck around North Carolina, whether it's like Charlotte.
And so when we first started getting things going, we just kind of went back to north trying to shoot just because we knew people who had worked for free and they would and they would show up to do it. But I guess as time went on, we also like every time we get an opportunity to do something, we're always barely allowed to do it. So we always have to go to every state.
We've never been allowed to shoot anything in L.A. anywhere where there's not like a substantial rebate. They're just not interested.
Right, but but that's really worked for you. I feel like you've leaned into that thing. And that is the thing that has been like one of the things that's like major stuff. Stand out, don't you?
Well, you know, I just have these different ideas about the film industry. Like, I think if you look at the film industry, it's so odd that it's like an art form that's like based out of like in Los Angeles, one city. I mean, it's like music was only based in America out of like one city. I mean, how boring would the sound be? And so I feel like that should be something like I wish that there were pockets of film communities all over the states.
Just I think that's how you really capture these different unique voices and unique stories is just stop just green lighting. All the stories that come out of, like the two biggest cities in the country go out there and really find different people.
Well, I guess my question to you is your pivot in the last several years is like you made a decision to actually just leave L.A., which is kind of wild for someone who you're a writer and an actor and a producer. You do your own stuff and you have your own you have a company that has a deal you like.
And most people think like, oh, that company is based in L.A. But after we filmed vice principals, you guys were just like, we're out. What was that and how did you come to that decision? And were you worried at all and how that worked out? Yeah, give them to us.
And one, you know you know, I think what we would come to the South to shoot these different shows. It was we all lived in Los Angeles for years. I moved out there in nineteen ninety nine and I'm.
So wait, what did you do. What did you do in nineteen ninety nine. What did I do. I waited tables. I was the night manager at the Burbank in the Holiday Inn in Burbank, was a P.A. for years, got into motion control which is like four behind the music. It was like pushing in on still photographs like in and out from behind the music. And you should do that.
Do you do that with your, like, family photos and stuff? Does Guia ever make you.
I put those I put those days behind me. I don't know, Danny. I feel like be a really nice present. Just one of those videos like a behind the music, you know, of your family. I see that you said that. What else are you doing right now? Did I know nothing podcast?
But I think after being out there, like it was just one of those places where I always just felt a little crazy in Los Angeles, you know, I always just felt dread there. And so then when we would go away to shoot, I always just felt a little bit more myself like and it wouldn't even have to be to shoot an s just any time I got out of Los Angeles to shoot anything anywhere, I just always felt a little bit more at ease.
And so I guess after years of doing it, I was just like, what am I doing? Why am I why am I sticking around someplace that like in my heart and my gut is telling me it's not the city for me. And so I think once I had kids, it started to kind of wear on me more of like, you know, I kind of want to be the best version of myself I can be to raise these kids.
And so maybe getting out of the city would be helpful. And honestly, it really was like, I feel like it nothing against Los Angeles. I think it's just my own chemistry with that city. And I think because I'm someone who constantly likes to work and keep myself busy, I think it's like living in a town that's like geared around the entertainment industry was just a constant. Like, I just really couldn't shut things off. I was constantly looking at billboards.
Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. It's like a constant reminder of shit you're not doing living in L.A. And so since you relocated your business and like, you know, I would say. Most everybody that worked with you at Ruff House also moved, correct? We did. We moved out here. I think we moved out here in twenty seventeen and it was we came out here with about seven families and they were all guys that, you know, guys we worked with a lot of them.
I doing Danny only works with men, guys, just so you know, he's not he just isn't into it. Right. You're just like you're like little lady is getting married.
Well, our company is three of three men. It is three days. But you guys, here's what I will say.
And like one thing that I always will say to people about you, you know, when you're not in the room, is that one thing I really respect and like so much about you and the work that you do is your loyalty and to your friends and the people that you came up with and that like you consistently hire the same people again and again on shows. And, you know, when things work, you just you just have like a strong sense of community and family within the industry.
And I feel like that I don't know. I think that it can be rare. I don't think I don't think everybody has that. You generate a lot of goodwill. I feel like we're just so lucky to be able to do what we do, that to me it just seems like why not just try to make it as nice as it could be for the people you work with and the people that come back? Like, I never get it.
When people get to have this job and then act like assholes and treat people like shit, it just kind of doesn't seem like it matches. And I can understand, if you've been out here trying to do it and you haven't achieved what you want, then by all means be an asshole to everyone. But if you're getting to do what you want to do, it kind of seems ridiculous to not just pay it forward.
You know what I heard a really long time ago and I love it and I keep it in my back pocket of and actually there's been some stuff in the news this week, kind of like. So in order to be successful and have longevity in this business, I didn't make this up. I heard it all.
But now I'm here. There are three things that you need, you have to be talented, you have to be a really hard worker and you have to generate goodwill. And for a period of time, if you only have two of those things, you can get by. But eventually, if you don't have all three, it will catch up with you and it'll be over and the rug will get pulled out.
And to me, if you look at like any time anyone hasn't survived, let's make it a positive.
Guys, if you look at the people who have career longevity and who really keep working and being successful, they all have those three things in addition to the ability to, like, pivot when they need to.
Do you feel like moving here made your work better? You you weren't you didn't have the idea for righteous gemstones when you moved here. You were working on Halloween, right?
That's right. So we as soon as we moved here, we wrote Halloween and then shot that year. And then at the same time I which was like, by the way, a huge fucking hit.
It was it was like a huge movie, right? It was like but it was like it was that was a I remember being so excited for you guys because that was like I feel like it was like a big deal that that movie did so back, right?
Yeah, it was awesome. It was nice to have something that people liked that that's rare for us, like a lot of times to have stuff. Some people like it, some people hate it. It's was something that worked. And we didn't everyone didn't want to kill us afterwards. So that was a positive step for Mike Myers.
Moving from the south, from Los Angeles. Did that, like, impact your work positively?
Yeah. You know, like when I moved here, I think that it was like I was ready to have a adventure with my family. You I have two young kids and and I was spending a lot of time just working. So I felt like let's move away from what we know and what we're comfortable with and try something new where we have to kind of rely on each other. And I think just doing that, focusing on another aspect of my life besides my job for a while, I think then when I came back to start writing again, I don't feel like I was just in a better headspace and I was just kind of in touch with I don't know if stuff that was engaging me a little bit more weird.
It writes, Gemstones is my favorite show, one of my favorite shows of last year. You know, my other one. Danny is busy tonight. No, no, besides busy tonight. Did you watch it? Did you watch. I haven't. I haven't I. I heard. It's awesome.
I told you six weeks ago what's happened.
I don't I don't watch anything. I watch, like, reality TV shows. And that's. I know you love.
I know you really. What's happening right now? You're on Christly explains it all or whatever. What's his name.
That's the standard in our house, but. Right. That's your favorite right now. Below but below deck Mediterraneans. What we're all about was Teko just got fired. I'm very upset with Captain Sanday.
Remember, we tried to reach out to below deck to see if we could do it. Do you remember this? Yeah. And they basically were like, yeah, they can do it if they rent the yacht for like two million dollars and they pay and we're like, wait, what? No, that's not that's not what we know.
We're not we should just rent the yacht and make our own show. Yeah. We don't need you. We don't want to be on your show. I mean, we do. We like the show. We like we're fans. We actually our fans. Well, I stopped watching it when I was like here with you guys. I watched it more just because then I wanted to have stuff to talk to you about. And it was, you know, I was just like all good.
But the last time I recommended a TV show to you, it was search party.
And you watched it and loved it. I loved it. I know. So I'm right about Dave, but I'm also right about right. Just Jemison's is the best show of last year.
Did you guys get nominated for Emmys? I'm sorry, I don't know that is that we never get nominated for an Emmy. I know you don't. But you know what? But, Danny, that is to me, it's such a fucking injustice. I hate it. I hate it for you. I hate awards. Anyway, they're bullshit, but like. But that's bullshit, like you and Eddie, everybody on that show should have gotten a nomination.
Don't you guys do you think that do you think that has anything to do with sort of working outside the Hollywood system? Yes, it does.
I don't know. I think you probably for those awards, you have to play the game a little bit. I think you probably have to like call it a little bit. And that's just not something I'm kind of that into. But at the end of the day, I mean, I don't even watch the Emmys. Who gives a shit but gets nominated or who wins.
No, I know. I know that people do care and like, it's annoying, actually, but it doesn't really. I guess if it doesn't impact your business, then it doesn't matter. Right. What does it even mean now at this point, like with covid Black Lives Matter and everything that's happened in the last six months, like, does anyone want to watch a bunch of fucking actors get a star?
I want to watch black people win them. So that's my goal. It's like I think it means you're stupid until all the black people had that. I think that's cool.
Yeah, that's what I was. I was just like you, Ray and Wanda Sykes and Angela Bassett. Truly the only person I care about ever winning an Emmy is Angela Bassett.
I love her daddy. I want you to win one, too. But Angela, only one who will never let us down, baby. I mean, not yet.
No. Oh, well, anyway, how did the idea of righteous gemstones, like where did it come from, was that a collaboration or was that like just your sort of because I know you had like you and I talked about some other ideas that you were thinking about for your next show.
You know, it just it kind of just, you know, part of why I want to move here was just to kind of be around people that don't make movies and don't make TV. It just kind of see what are people all about outside of the city, like, what are they into? And, you know, they're the people that ultimately we're trying to entertain. So it's kind of cool to know what's happening out there. And when I moved to Charleston, I just kind of like I mean, everywhere you go, there's churches on the dial.
It's the holy places. Yeah, the holy city. And I don't I just kind of made me remember about like I said, I grew up going to church and my parents were like Sunday school teachers and my mom did puppet ministry. So the church was definitely a big part of my childhood. But I have a puppet ministry.
That was my question as well. Yeah. Can you get into what is Pop? I'm sorry, Danny. What what is what is puppet ministry?
So my mom had some puppets and she would write scripts for children's ministry. And then during the bit during big church, she would have these puppets and do these like little kind of Bible lessons, I guess, you know, for kids. Oh, yeah. Did you ever do your puppets with her? I never did. I watch them all? I never did. But yeah, maybe I thought we would have stuck with it for longer. I would have been able to voice them, but I just watched.
Do you know she still has the puppet? I have the puppets. Yeah. They're in like a box here in my house. Yeah.
Wow, wow, wow, wow. Can we. I love that. I'm going to need that.
I feel like you should. I want a picture of those puppets. I feel like they should be on display. Are they super cute.
They're kind of like generic puppets that you would just get like the Bible book store at the mall. But you had different wigs and different to where I grew up.
There wasn't a Bible book store at the mall.
Just FYI, I know you there was you just didn't you didn't know there was one everywhere. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, I grew up Southern Baptist, so I taught Sunday school before. I'm not a heathen now, but close and I have seen many a dance troupe for the Lord. I have seen a a play for the Lord. I have seen a many I've seen a mini a different abstract art way to get you to the Lord in that bookstore somewhere.
OK, I believe you guys, I guess by the time I could pay attention I shut it off.
Not interested. You have like a pretty great working relationship with HBO.
I feel like they sort of like let you do what you want. How how the fuck did you do that?
You know what? I just you know, we've just been really lucky with them. You know, I just like working with them, you know, like their notes. We'd like to try to take on, like, tricky material. And and so you got to have good executives who are, like, willing to have a little bit of faith that, like, your heart's in the right place and, you know, and that you're not trying to like I don't know that there's some intelligence behind what you're trying to make.
Like they've never told us to back away from any jokes they've never been scared of, like anything we've done. Like if they give us notes, it's always in service of, like, the story or like that emotional beat. Stop hitting the way it should. And I don't know, once you kind of trust the executives that way, I think you can start to have an easier relationship with them, because every time you get notes to them, it doesn't like you're not turning to all the other writers being like these people.
You know, you're you're kind of interested in what they have to say.
Oh, hi. Oh, my daughter is here. Just crushed in front of her. Great. Well, I have headphones on and also, you know, you understand that. Let me write it out then.
I don't know how to do Minecraft can do it. I do.
I wish your dad can I ask a question while busies doing Minecraft. I thought you never would. Let's do it.
Do you have a story about like your lowest moment in L.A. when you knew this city was not for you?
Oh, man. I think I was traumatized in my early twenties. Just I mean, I literally moved to L.A. with like twenty bucks in my pocket with just friends from college and instantly trying to get a job waiting tables or else you weren't going to have enough money for rent in two weeks. And, you know, I was hand to mouth the whole time I lived there. Honestly, I was always in overdraft every week, not even until I got my first paycheck from a studio.
I was like, that's the first time I was cash positive in my life ever. And so L.A. is just a tough city when you're trying to claw your way in. I mean, it feels like it can sense when things are going bad for you and just throws other shit at you. Like, I think the first year I moved out there, I had no money and racked up like two grand worth of parking tickets. And I just felt like every time you'd make any positive steps, like ten more things would happen.
And so it was just a tough town, I think. I never shook that. I never shook that anxiety, I think.
OK, and then in when you made the big move to the to South Carolina, was there ever a second where you're like, oh, shit, was this a mistake?
You know, since I got here, it's never felt that way. But before I got here for sure, like we you know, my wife and I had kind of discussed it and we, like, put an offer on a house and then they accepted it. And then suddenly the idea just became real, where both of us were like, shit, we're doing this. So we really moving away from here.
And my wife's and also, yeah, I was going to say, yeah. And also, like Danny, his wife is from L.A., all of her family for like generations, like the everybody who lives in L.A. So she was like living where she grew up. Yeah.
Yeah. But it was, you know, any time you try to take that first step off into the unknown, it's like terrifying. It's so easy to kind of like, stick with what you know. But I guess. My head, I was thinking, worst case scenario, this is like a total bad move and I get hosed and have to just move back to Los Angeles. It wouldn't be the end of the world. But we got here and it was just awesome.
We really kind of fell into a good groove here.
But also, I have to say, like, I think the. The security of moving with like eight of your friends and their families is to a new place. It's like you guys rolled up into this town with a full crew that was like a fucking cult.
It is a fun cult.
It's like the opposite of pioneers. Instead of going to the West, we are coming to the east. We saw what the West had to offer in return.
And you're like, no, thank you. We are out.
That was awesome. I mean, it did feel it made close friends turn into a family, which was nice for sure.
Well, obviously, a lot's happened in the last six months. And you guys were just about you had written season two of Righteous Gemstones and you were, what, a week into shooting?
Yeah, we had a very good shot. We had shot for two days, two days, OK? Not even a week. Not even we. Gemstones obviously takes place in a megachurch. So there's tons of extras. There's, you know, it's kind of hard to fake it. And so but it was all happening at once. I mean, this was I think our last day of shooting was on a Friday night. And on that Monday is when they closed schools down here.
The NBA shut down like all these. Tom Hanks got it. Every everything happened at once. And everyone was like, oh, shit, this is real. You know, then we were thinking at the time we'd be down for like two weeks, three weeks, I'm sure, like everybody thought. Yeah. And and now it's just my new existence. It's great every day, the same thing.
But what I thought was interesting is that I think a lot of people I don't know, I, I don't know how people, creative people are everybody's handling this differently.
But when I talk to you about season two of righteous gemstones, you're like, we're going to start over.
Is that the I'll keep some stuff from it, but it just feels like the world is going to be so I mean, we're going to shoot this and we'll hopefully we'll be able to start shooting again in February and it would come out next fall. I mean, it just seems like the world is so different than it was six months ago that I don't know. I just don't want it to be out of date. I think it has to kind of like I don't know, I'm kind of looking forward, just figuring out like, well, what is the world going to be now and how does this fit into it?
So I kind of I like the idea of it. I think it'll be a nice challenge.
Can I have this one thing that I have always found really interesting about your work is how prescient I feel like it is. I say that word right. Prescient. Sometimes your words, you know, you have words that, like you write down a lot, but you don't say out loud, they help me out. Come on, give me an impression. Got it. I said, prescient. You should have corrected me, President.
Pression that just when you do that just makes you feel uncertain, uncertain. You just kind of mumble or whisper the last part of the words.
At least you didn't say yo Semite. Who said, oh, yeah, I forty. The president of the United States referred to Yosemite as Yosemite yesterday. That's not true. Is that true? It's absolutely true. Two times. Two times everything feels wrong and not real, but it is still running through.
No need to make Danny relive Prussian oppression. Well, here is here is why fashion. Here is why. I mean, but that forty five is like a perfect example of precedent.
When you wrote Vice Principals, it was before Trump was even like a thought. And it feels like when you watch that series that you're speaking to just that moment in time, how do you.
And then same with righteous gemstones, I feel like you I don't know, I just feel like you have this you're very, very able creatively to tap into this thing of what's going to resonate in like because, you know, there's a delay in filming and getting things made right in this industry. So, like, when you brought vice principals to them, they're like, OK, I guess.
And then when it came out a full year and a half later, two years after you wrote it. Yeah.
Two years after you wrote it was like in the midst of the Trump. I don't even know what what are we calling it? He was like, I think he was running then when we ran, after he started, he started the he started to run when we started shooting. Right.
Because that was didn't he start to run like in the like may something I remember it's like rapping and like coming all of us coming back and watching debates and just being like, could you believe this?
There's no way, there's no way this guy is going to win anyway.
How do you what's your process for thinking about the world and how it informs these, like, stories that you're telling about a very specific places and people in like a different world than a lot of other people are putting into the world? The world. I said the world so many times, guys, I'm a terrible interviewer. I'm so sorry. I'm really I really do my best.
You know, I have I have no clue. I mean, it's like maybe it has a little bit to do with just even the idea that we like to shoot stuff outside of L.A. I think it's just trying to get that perspective of what's really happening in the world outside of the city.
And you think like the media catches up two years later. Oh, shit, this is what's happening. I'm going to we're going to write to this. This is the story. And then two years later, the coasts are like, this is the story.
I didn't even even with eastbound, it's like we were making fun of, like, toxic masculinity before. That was even like a catchword, you know, 200 person. It was like a total character piece on someone who, like, suffers from it to the extreme and how it affects his life and the people around him. And what I be like I said, those are just that's based on just people that I grew up around and people that I knew.
So I guess in some extent it's just kind of keeping your eyes open to the world around you and seeing what's percolating and what's building and then trying to figure out a way to tell a story that's relevant.
OK, this is not having to do with anything. But I genuinely do want to know, Danny, you're right. You grew up in this world like it is. You portray these characters that I know so many people, unlike annoyingly think is just who you are. You know, I have zero tolerance for a white man like I played.
I like well, I mean, yeah, I guess no, but like, I would do anything for you. How the fuck did you avoid becoming that dude? What was it? I'm not kidding. I really want to know you like every all the conditions are right for you to be horrible and you are truly. It's like you have all the ingredients and you are. So kind, so like loyal, not a creep, like a family man, where it's like not just lip service, where he's like, I just am doing everything.
When I look into my kids eyes, I see, like, whatever, like you're like a real person who's just the best. How did you avoid becoming a horrible, toxic man? Well, you know what? I don't know. I have no clue, I mean, I guess just common sense and, you know, just like all men are bad Busi, we're cool. There's a lot of us that are awesome.
I'm going to give it to your mom and say those Bible puppets, the Bible puppets. Sounds like it sounds like you're a good listener, too. I think that probably has a lot to do with it. You probably believe people when they're in their struggles. Maybe I'm trying to help you.
I believe you right now.
Yes. Yes. I think you have a lot of self awareness.
Yeah. And I also just think I mean, I grew up in the South and but I went to an art school like I mean, everybody else was like hunting. I was like tracking down, like, you know, foreign films from Blockbuster Video in my neighborhood. It's like I just have been an odd bird that's just sort of like a spectator of Southern culture as opposed to like someone that necessarily is like constantly Britisher. It's my dad.
My dad's here, by the way. I love that we got an appearance from Cricket and Frequency Cracklin they we haven't because covid guys, we haven't been able to get the kids together this summer, but I really felt like this was going to be the summer they were going to fall in love. I know. Well next summer.
I know, but I just, I really I think that that's a really interesting I don't know.
I think that's really interesting that you were always like I suspect that you viewed yourself as a spectator of a culture that you were immersed in as you grew up.
And I guess that's it. Even when I went to school, the arts in Enoteca School, the arts and met guys like Jodie and David, they were guys that were similar to me, which is, you know, they also grew up in the South and they were fascinated with movies and storytelling and all this stuff, too. So it was cool to to just find a place you could meet. People like that kind of had the same situation as you and kind of see the world in a similar way.
All right. Well, what pivot is next for you? Do you have one? Oh, gosh. I mean, it's going to be like eventually just putting pants back on and having to, like, face the world I've really gotten accustomed to, just like I mean, this is a big deal to just, like, put my computer on and do a Zune call for an hour. I mean. Yeah. I know now I am really excited that hopefully you'll get to shoot in February.
We can get some more righteous gemstones in our lives. Are you writing anything else right now? Halloween's being finished. I know that. Right?
We finished that. We finished the third, the third, the writing, the third installment of it. And I've just been trying to write and keep myself busy. And just when I feel the creative juices flow, I'll follow them. And if I don't, I'll just sit on my ass and do nothing.
Will you, like, regather the writer's room for righteous gemstones at some point, or are you just going to, like, wait and see?
I'll probably just try to handle the rewrite on my own maybe and just kind of just like I've always like look forward to that.
Like every time we've ever done the real Tyler Perry. Exactly.
I'm going to knock it out. But we've always TV is so different than movies in the sense that like with movies, you don't get to make the movie most of the time until the script is finished. You know, there's obviously times. So that's not the case. But with television, it's always writing to it being shot. So every time we've ever written anything, it's just like pedal to the metal. The stress level is out the roof and you're trying to crack a story while productions asking you what the sets look like.
And so it'll be kind of nice to have this fall to kind of like take my time with it and not feel that big locomotive, like on my ass coming down the tracks on the.
Did you direct on Eastbound and Down? When did you start directing?
You know, I went to I went to film school for directing. I didn't go to school for acting like I met Jodie and David at film school and friends.
But but David was like obsessed with you as an actor as we would we would act for each other because we didn't really, like, know actors.
And so we would just put each other in stuff that was a wait.
But the the you're like start in the business. Do you guys know this about all the have you guys seen all the real girls? David Gordon Green's movie. You guys both looked frozen, I'm not even kidding you, I thought the computer froze. So I'm trying to think Zooey Deschanel isn't the guy that got fired off. Parks and Rec was like the lead, right?
No, it's Paul Schneider. Yes, I was. Yeah, Paul Schneider. Is that Brad Benowitz? Yeah. He was like such a such a bummer on that on Parks and Rec and all the real girls.
But but this wasn't the story that like there was somebody cast in the part that you play in the movie and that person dropped out or something happened like dropped out. Right. Or they couldn't do his contract.
No, I think it was. It was an actor who was supposed to be and it was the it was it wasn't Freaks and Geeks, it was oh my God.
Yes. What's his name?
Who had the best? The teeth. And then he got them fixed him sharp.
So he was not saying anything that's not like out in the world, guys. He had like, messed up teeth and then he had them fixed. You know, this is how my brain works, guys. We saw it with Tim. It was Tim Sharp. And then what happened? He he dropped out or something. Well, I was at the time, that's what I was working at behind the music and doing all that motion control stuff that you think I should do for my family now, I was doing that.
And yeah, I agree. David Greene was about to shoot the movie and the sector dropped out and he called and asked if I would come play. And I was like, man, I've been busting my ass for two years to, like, get a steady job with benefits and here I am. And so for a moment, I almost didn't take the role because I was like, man, what am I going to do? Go do this independent movie for two months?
And then I have to look for a new job in L.A. But then I just said, fuck it and quit my job, went down there, acted in it, and then came back to L.A. and look for another job and then didn't act. And things for that was the first real taste of acting, though. But it got I feel like it got you a lot of attention right now. It got me a little bit, I guess a 10 foot fist way was kind of what did it.
Jodi and I were like decided to make something together. And, yeah, then that's kind of where where most of this stuff came from. But I guess that was a pivot. What's the pivot that was behind the music to all the real girls and and then there was no turning back for Danny McBride?
Can I ask one more question?
So for someone who's maybe not a moviemaker or TV maker, just someone who's considering a pivot in their life where they want to make a big move, do you have a big move from one place to another? Do you have any advice for them and for surviving a big move? Oh, man, I guess the stuff that helped me get through was just kind of knowing that, like, moving isn't like the end of the world, you know, that if if you're trying to pivot into something else, I mean, the worst that can happen is it doesn't pan out.
And you come back to what you were doing with a little more insight or maybe some some new scars and some new lessons. But I guess just here's the main thing. If you're just like Whitlock's, so many of us up from, like, really putting ourselves out there and going for things that we know would maybe serve us better. So conquer your fear.
You can't let fear control you. That's right. You can't make fear based decisions.
No shame based decisions are fine if you're afraid of fear that those are smart.
Actually, shame based decisions are why I think that that's like a great no no fear based decisions, but shame based decisions are fine.
Danny, I really appreciate this. Thank you so much for time.
Can't believe I was the first one. Look at me, huh? What a day. I know. I'm so glad I didn't do any preparation. I didn't have any questions to ask you. I'm really not great at this so far, but this was the best I could do this morning.
Well, thank you for putting it all out there for me.
I love you, Danny, but you're not going to you're not going to go back to work until it's like you're it's like done right or what?
We were going to shoot a Christmas special. I wrote a Christmas special that was going to take two weeks to shoot. But the numbers here are so crazy. I just didn't want to put anybody in harm's way. Yeah.
Oh, I know. And like also it's kind of a little bit for me. Like for what?
You know what like not that I wouldn't really enjoy a Christmas special, but maybe you guys could do maybe like you and maybe you guys could all you could do like a zoom Christmas special thing, you know, for charity.
There you go.
I mean, I'll ask you one last question, then I'm letting you go. Have you taken up any new hobbies since you moved out of the city into a more.
Country life, God, no, you can't run away from yourself, I'm still just the same old dumbass I was in L.A. I still make up lots of excuses of why I don't want to leave my house.
And harder to get weed here, though. That year.
Yeah, I've had a role in high school, again as a high school student to try to find a match, that's all.
All right, guys, well, I think you are doing your best. I think you've always been doing your best. Do you feel like you've always been doing your best?
Try to. I try to do my best.
You're kind of like living your best life. Is that what that means more than anyone? I'm friends with what? That this is living your best life?
Yeah. Art, don't you feel like you are trying to be happy?
I try to not waste time doing stuff I don't like.
Yeah, you don't. You like literally our person. That's like. Yeah, no I don't feel like doing. I'm not going to do that. I don't care. All right. Anyway, I think that that's great. Don't make fear based decisions. Danny, thank you so much.
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That is a function of beauty. You know, I love it, you know, Birdie loves it. You know, cricket loves it now. Casey Enchanter, I love it. Oh, yeah. You guys, what's the function of beauty? Update L.A.. How's it going? I mean, I haven't gotten it yet.
All right. We'll come back to that. We'll just. But I am excited for it. It's on the way. It's supposed to be coming to my new house, but I made it a specially made it. And I'm really excited because I want you get your suitcase.
Yeah, I got mine a while ago and I just like I have the full range of products because you know what I love?
I love getting like a whole set of something. Yeah. I just want to have, like, every, you know, every product in the line. And so I have a full set that I'm just going through and trying everything and experimenting with. And like you guys know, you know me in real life, my hair is very abused.
Like it's it's bleached often and not by a professional, by me at home.
And so I really need to treat it with TLC on a daily basis because it feels like I'm plastic doll hair and restorative treatments. Yeah. So I've been using the hair mask and the leave in conditioner, all those things.
And, you know, I just look like I have real human hair now which listen, this is the thing though, because it's not one size fits all and the shampoo and conditioner that you get is going to be different than the shampoo and conditioner that Casey gets. Because you take a quiz, guys. We love the quizzes. The quizzes make an algorithm. They determine what it is that we need and we trust them because robots are smarter than human.
Well, I'll tell you, it scratches that itch in me.
That mist is like taking a love quiz in Seventeen magazine. Oh, yeah.
I mean, it's why BuzzFeed is like a thing, right? Like quizzes. People love quizzes. I honestly will be like, I wonder like what rugrats I am. And then like there's a quiz for that. So I love I love this option. The tailor for tailor made for me actually helpful.
Yes. I want to know everything. What Princesa am I, what does my hair need. What kind of vitamins am I taking. Like I want to know it all and if it's a quiz let's take it. And function of butis got that quiz so you tell them what your hair is like.
They determine the right blend of ingredients, they bottle your custom to order formula and they deliver it personalized right to your door. Cute little bottle, your favorite color and fragrance. I know they're really cute. I just I'm Birdie's just came again and I put it up in her little new bathroom.
It looks real. You if you have a weird name, they personalize your bottle with your name on it. That also pushes a childhood button. That's very important for me. Yeah.
I never had a fucking license plate that said busy ones. Yeah. Shantaram never got anything. Yeah. I've never had personalized on vacation personalized things. That's sad for us. Yeah but but now we're living our best lives were bottles of shampoo and conditioner with our names on them. So guys, what are you waiting for. Go to a function of beauty dotcom slash. Best to take your four part hair profile quiz and save twenty percent on your first order.
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Oh, my God. I love Danny so much. So funny and so kind. Funny. So kind. The nicest. He really did not need to just spend a morning doing that. Like when he he's just chillin with his family.
But he did because he likes me and we're friends and I know I was giving him a hard time about money, didn't work with women, but he totally does.
And he like works with the same women over and over again, too, like Eddie, our friend Eddie, who's on so funny, just gemstones and writes with him.
And and he and I had a show together. We sold a show to HBO after Vice Principals. Now did it did not get made.
That was not our fault that the show didn't get made.
But I loved working with him and I love working with, you know, his whole team. But I do like also feel like there's a lot of validity and a lot of fun to be had when it's just all ladies. I love it and. Yeah, like. For sure, on Busy tonight, we had as many women representing holes like on the floor.
Oh yeah. Eighty nine percent women there was like eighty nine percent women. And I was like, constantly, like shinta. I feel like you said this once before, but was like just like a very positive.
It was so awesome because like, you would get a new shirt because when you work with people you always know there's clothes, like you would get a new shirt and then the whole office of women would be like new shirt girl.
And you'd be like, oh, my God, thank you, Ed.. Thank you so much.
I'm like, we always used to be like we're happy that, like, H.R. isn't here because it's just you walk by a room and like three women would be like, you look so cute.
You be like that. You know, we did the last chanting just like a true blessing. And I that was like all by design because I had spent so many years in this industry and a had never had a female show runner and all the television that I had been a part of, which was a bummer, like I always had wanted to work for a woman with a woman, whatever.
And that was just like very important to me.
And then, you know, crew wise, our director was a woman.
We had like women in the sound department.
Camera operator. Yeah, operator. It was really cool props.
And like, I just it's just nice to look around and not feel like, OK, so, for instance, you know, I do like I do a lot of brand work and work with brands guys. I work with brands and I do commercials sometimes and sometimes I do like pose for Instagram or whatever. And sometimes they're like a weird hybrid of the two alerts, like we're going to shoot a commercial, but it's only a live online or whatever.
And I'm like, great, OK.
So I sometimes am able to say I would like to have a preference of a director, you know, like have a like can we hire all women. I try to do that. Like if I can get that in my contract, my agent knows it's a priority and we try to do that and.
Like a year, and I was on busy tonight when this happened and I did one of these things and they were really jerky about it, like, no, it's absolutely not.
She can not have any like like approval over the director or whatever, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. OK, fine. But this job, it's a lot of money. You can take it. I show up on that. And when I tell you it is wall to wall sausage fest, there was legit, not a lady to be found. And aside from Kendra and Kiki and I think it was Grace doing my wardrobe. So Kendra and Kiki who did my hair makeup and I was like, oh my God.
It was like so shocking to me that after coming from busy tonight and like, I was just like, wow, what the we're still doing?
This is really shut down. It shut me down. And I was like, this is wild. And the DP was like, what? I was like, oh, it just literally not you don't have one woman on your crew, dude. And he was like, oh, is there not a way I didn't notice. And I was like, well, I guess you wouldn't. Yeah. And and I just like left. That was such a bad feeling and it was just not great.
And I also just didn't like like the whole day wasn't fun. Like it just was there was. I didn't like it.
Anyway, cut to, as offered, a brand thing for Warner Brothers, who we've talked about before on this show, and I truly have bought Warners and like the old by Warner Brothers for years because, like, I don't know, they would sell them at a big store that I would shop at when I was when you were a kid. When you go to the mall shop I shop at. Right. And and I just like, want very specific things from bras.
Like, I'm not. I don't. Like, I was never into the things where they needed to be like really bright colors, I just like want them to look cute under dresses and like me, make my boobs look cute under dresses. And so anyway, so Warners asked me if I want to work with them. And I was like, you know what? Yes. Because I like the whole thing about their brand and that they've like, you know, been doing this forever.
Like one over one hundred and forty years. This company has been making Brazil. It's like women run. I remember.
Look, yeah, it's it's the Warners is designed and run by women. Right. There you go. So, yeah. And I knew I looked them up because now I research. I mean, I always researched the brands that I was going to work with and they are designed by women, run by women. And I just was like, yeah, that sounds, that sounds right. And I truthfully. My agent asked and was like, you know, busy, would like to have.
If if it's possible, like she would love to see the list of directors, we just had some things in the past, she's not thrilled. And they were like, oh, well, she could just be it's going to be a woman. And I was like, OK, well, if it's going to be a woman, then fine.
Like, it'll be it'll be great because. Yeah, you know, whatever. Yeah. Especially a thing where you're going to be like, you know, underwear and your underwear. Yeah.
And I just was like, I you know, the other thing is to like when we talk about. Industry standards and like making sure that things are more equitable in the entertainment industry like that needs to be behind the scenes as well as in front of the camera. Right. Like we have as much representation as possible.
And and the way that people get jobs and continue to get jobs is by experience. And so sometimes it's really seems like people are like, how can you say you only want to work with a woman director? And like, because I know that for every woman director that gets hired, another woman director is going to get a shot. Yeah. You know, and so and that she likely will hire, you know, women camera operators or she'll have assistant director or an assistant director or a woman shadowing her.
She's mentoring like Leslie Linklater, who is one of my favorite television directors that I've worked with since Freaks and Geeks. And she always has a young woman like who she's mentoring from film school who wants to get into television directing, who shadows her for every episode of television that she does. I mean, that is just like an immediate pay it forward, right, to have someone experience. So then Warners was like, I was coming to New York.
I was doing a bunch of work for other stuff. I was seeing friends. I had like a bunch of stuff. And then I get this memo and they're like, just so she knows, it's going to be like an entirely all female crew, as was.
That must have felt amazing also that you didn't have to beg for it, you know what I mean? Like you didn't have it, wasn't it?
I didn't even have to ask. Yeah, you'd have to ask for that. Like to show up and be like, oh yes, you fucking get it.
Well, that's such a nice thing because you say that you always like to represent brands that you believe in or whatever.
And so to have a brand like put their money where their mouth is without even having to be asked about like what their mission is, that's that must be a really good feeling. And like you you like you picked, right?
Yeah. And I mean, yes. And the director, Carla Braun, was the best and she's so sweet. And we're friends on Instagram now, IDM each other and you know, and we just have like a really, really nice day.
And interestingly enough, it was my last day on set before the pandemic. The shutdown. Wow. And I got I say that's a nice way to go out. You left a note.
Yeah, I swear. I was going to say I had a really nice time and I left feeling very empowered and like, yes, women run the world like proud to be a part of this Warner's campaign. I like love how I looked in the bras and the no side effect bra. And I thought I was all real cute and, you know, and then, you know, the world shut down and people were like, do we ever wear bras again?
And I was like, yes, yes, we do. Special leaders, comfortable bras. It's yeah. So. That's all I have to say about that. I love them and now they're advertising on our show, which is so nice, which is very cool. Yeah, I'm glad you have that cool experience because that meant a lot to me. I'm busy tonight. I remember one day Tina Fey's girls and your girls were on the set and I heard them talking and they were saying, like, everyone that works here is a girl.
And that was the day that I was kind of like. You know, like that's legit, you know what I mean? It was a thing that we did intentionally and, you know, and we had guys that worked there and they're really amazing guys. But to have, like little girls notice that everyone running about, like doing their business was all girls was like the day that I got it that, like, it made an impression on them.
I know. I know it really did. And like I think my daughters think of me as a boss, you know, even though I've been many things in my life, like they do think of me because of that experience and being on set with me, I was like a boss. One last thing about Werner's and Olga by orders, I just want to say is that they also are a part of the time to vote initiative, which is nonpartisan coalition of companies that are committed to making sure that everyone has the opportunity to vote.
And so everyone that works for their company, every one of their associates having the opportunity to vote is a part of the company's purpose. And so on Election Day on November 3rd, all everyone that works for Warners and Olga by Warners is getting provided with the tools and the time to cast their ballots, and they have implemented new policies to make it easier for. That's really wonderful, US associates, and I feel like that's very cool.
And I don't know if you work in retail or at a company and maybe you can say, hey, are you guys a part of the hashtag Time to vote initiative? Who do I talk to?
Yes. So that's like leading by example. We need all all companies to to be stepping up and letting people have the time that they need, especially now when it actually takes some time to vote. Yeah, thanks to thanks to so many, so many broken systems that are in place.
We need every company to understand, like, you know, we got to let people vote. Well, listen, guys. You know, my favorite tagline, did I come up with this one or did they come up with it? Say goodbye to your problem.
And hello to Warners and Olga by Warners anyway, if you guys want, you can visit. Warner's dotcom, so you can find real comfort today. Real comfort. Are you boobs, you came up with that one? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm just curious when after the boob surge, maybe awareness is in your future.
I mean, I have them right now. They're big.
I might go down a couple of cups, like, yeah, we got to show you that shower and get you some fresh water.
I give you some fresh was I'm trying to go to that that because baby to it down. So I'll keep you posted. Shout out to one. I'm basically a support girl. I support the girls, which my shoulder really hurts. I did.
I know I slept weird on it. I don't know what's happening. I was tired.
This bed is grey. Everything in there is gray. It's going to get some color. We're getting some life into it. I feel. Here's what I feel, I feel hopeful this week, guys. I hope nothing terrible has happened in the two days that just you at home.
We taped it to tape this on Sunday because I'm filming the pilot this week. So we were worried that we wouldn't have time to do it on Tuesday in our usual day before Rin's day show.
So, like, literally anything could have happened. So if you're listening to this and something horrible has happened and you're like these callous bitches are not even talking, we're not we're not callous.
We're not I don't know yet. We don't know the care. And I live in a world where every day there is something so alive, something's happening.
Like seven big things happen every day. Yeah. So like up up till Sunday we got to cover. And that's pretty cool, I think. I can't wait.
I can't wait till things are boring.
We sort of have like dropped off of even talking about like who is doing their best in the world. We were going to talk about Ben Affleck is so skinny.
What happened in that video with Matt Damon, Matt Damon.
And they admitted like having been does and yeah, it was I mean, but he seemed happy.
He did seem happy. Like there was I felt like there's a lot to unpack there. He also looked like he had just shaved. Yes. Like he was like shiny like, you know, how like some guy shaves and he gets shiny. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what fascinated by him I have to say. Yeah, obviously. I mean I'm from Massachusetts so he's like he's like he's not a Kennedy but he's like the step below a Kennedy to us.
I don't think about him very much. I'd be a fair Santería. Let's say him like I don't either.
But like yesterday, but like when he ever is in the news, I'm always like, so we're like such an interesting. Yeah.
So interesting. Yeah. Like, like the big like no the big back tattoo.
He was like, I'll be honest when it comes to him, I do think about that Dragon tattoo. There's two things I think about with him.
That big one is the dragon or a Phoenix. It's a Phoenix. Oh. Like something big about a big one. And then I think about him being on a balcony and smoking cigarettes and like, oh, when he like is you could you see him like the weight of the world, the weight of the world. And I'm just the same. So those are the things I think of the fact that he dated Jaylo and also I think about how his teeth look like little boy teeth.
I've never noticed that. But now I'm fascinated. When he smiles, he looks like a grade school photo.
Well, and that's what we leave you with baby teeth. But maybe that maybe the baby teeth are because of the Dunkin Donuts.
I saw all those ice. Coffee is just rotten. Those teeth. He's stunted his tooth growth.
He's done donuts, iced coffee. Oh, guy, is today's show brought to you by Dunkin Donuts, ice stunting Bostonians Chief Growth.
My teeth are giant and I have clearly been drinking giant Dunkin Donuts coffee since I was. All three of us have giant teeth. Oh yeah. These are my teeth are the best shout out to my orthodontist. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not going to lie. Then I wore braces for three and a half years. This is the great kiss. I won't stop these great eyebrows. Great teeth. They say everything in between. Thank you. All right, G.A., let's go eat some waffles.
I got anything I guys, we love you. We're sending you our best. If you would like to please email us at BP doing her best at Gmail dot com.
That's not the address. No shit. It's busy doing her best.
All right. All right. At Gmail dot com. OK, busy doing her best at Gmail dot com. Email us. Hit us up. Let us know what's on your mind or how it can be of service.
Yeah. Our Instagram is at BP is doing her best. We love when you follow us there and chat with us. They're so fun. And yeah we have a lot of things in the works. I know we keep telling you guys. Oh, we're working on that. We're working on that.
We really are really hard. We are hard to do stuff. Yeah. And yeah, honestly, you know, it's hard to do stuff so. Yeah.
So much more just coming. Majano We got to show off the magic show happening. We have to do the magic show.
So all these things we swear we're working on it. It's just we this is like our time to talk. It's the podcast.
So maybe what about hey, wait, wait, I have an idea. Let me talk to Diane. You guys know how like when you go home for Thanksgiving and the night before Thanksgiving, that Wednesday night, you're like, oh, I'm stuck at my parents house. And normally you would go to like the bar that.
The local bar. Yeah, yeah. Bars and make out with someone from your mom's from high school. Yeah. Or like just. Glare at someone from your high school? Yeah, yeah, then maybe glare at someone in the makeup.
Oh, that's in person she a.. Oh, I feel like that was a personal one. OK, anyway, why don't we do it Wednesday night before Thanksgiving. Yeah, we'll see if Harrison's available. I'm going to email him right now, Harry.
OK, sorry you did. Did he email me saying thank you for. I don't think he even knows you guys.
He he's doing magic. He's like a you know, he's, he's got to do I'm not a fan, you know, not like very busy doing magic and probably not listening to our podcast.
He probably magic podcasts. If any podcasts those, right, well, we'll ask him when you email him, so we're working on all that stuff and we love that you guys are waiting for it. Thank you for you guys watching.
We love it. We love you. We love it. Love you. Have a great year by.