Amber Rose Plus More FBI Lies… | Candace Ep 26
Candace- 374 views
- 17 Jul 2024
Amber Rose speaks at the RNC and we still have lingering questions about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
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All right, guys, we are live once again. How much fun are we having? I've always wanted to go live, and some people thought maybe that's not a good idea if you make mistakes, but I don't really care. I love just seeing what you guys are thinking about these stories. And boy, oh, boy, do we have a lot of topics to discuss today? Again, forgive us if the audio is not perfect. I'm hearing a lot of sirens. I'm out here in Los Angeles. But the RNC, whatever you think about it, I feel that the Twitter chatter was quite split. There were definitely some moments. Some people felt like the RNC was a appealing to people on the basis of DEI initiatives. Other people thought that it was really well done. I mean, there were definitely some good moments and some bad moments. We're going to go over a few of those. First and foremost, and I say this with the most kindness in my heart, I actually love her as a lawyer. I think she has been tremendous in fighting for American freedoms and defending the Constitution. Harmeet Dylan. I'm going to go ahead and show you guys in case you missed it.
But She is a leader. Obviously, she's a Republican leader, and she decided to lead the Republican National Convention with something known as an Ardass. I guess it's a song. It's also a prayer, and it is something that is done if you adhere to Sikhism. I just want to go ahead and show you guys a clip of that taking place on the RNC stage.
Take a listen.
. Dear Wahhi Guru, our one true God, we thank you for creating America as a unique haven on this Earth, where all people are free to worship according to their faith. We seek your blessings and guidance for our beloved country. I'll let you guys comment. For me, I just thought, first and foremost, what is this? Secondly, who is this for? Who is the intended audience? I guess, what is the RNC for? What's the purpose of the RNC? What is this convention about? Are we trying to bring voters in? Are we just trying to assert who we are as Conservatives? If it is the former, how does this help? If it is the latter, how does this help? That's where I was. It's just, what is this? Literally, why? Why is this? I thought to myself. Again, this is not a personal job at Harmy Dylan. She's definitively somebody who punches for America and should be supported. But whose is the worst part. This has been confirmed. He was spotted on the rooftop 26 minutes before the shooting occurred. Don't be a conspiracy theorist, you guys. Don't I don't want you to think. If you're watching this and you're thinking about thinking, please stop. Please wait until the experts come out and tell you what to think about that.Let's wait to hear from Rachel Maddo, Dawn Lemon, people that went to the schools where they know how to process information They know how to learn between disinformation and misinformation. They know what is a conspiracy theory and what is not a conspiracy theory. Let me tell you something. It is perfectly normal, I'm sure they're going to tell us, that the Secret Service would spot somebody on a rooftop with a rifle 26 minutes before he fires the president. That means that the Secret Service agent, and this is what is being alleged, had his scope on the shooter and allowed the shooter to fire first before he took him out. That would be allowing six shots to go out and then shooting at him. But again, this was all just a remarkable failure of intelligence. That's literally, obviously what it was. You're not even going to believe this headline. Actually, you are going to believe it. If you watch this show, I've I'm telling you, the elites have already decided that we're going to war. So get on board. Get on board, everybody. We're going shopping. I've been covering this quite literally for years that it's very obvious in the rhetoric that they want war with Russia and Iran.What do you know, guys? Lo and behold, in one presidency where we're suddenly inching ever closer to war with Russia because we just got to help Ukraine out. They're just such good people over in Ukraine. They've suspended elections. They're locking down the churches. The Bolsheviks are back, baby. The Bolsheviks are in charge, and they're coming after the Christians again. But you're not even going to know. Rather, the Christians are just going to be quiet and allow this to happen and forget what happened in that region not so long ago. Anyways, now, obviously, the rhetoric has been increasing against Iran. This headline ran in CNN. Exclusive, Secret Service ramped up security after receiving intel of Iranian plot to assassinate Trump. No known connection to shooting. Yeah, no known connection yet. This is what we term a false flag event. So if Trump had died, maybe they would have blamed it on Iran. Who knows? But are they actually trying to sell us to the public that Iran was plotting to shoot Trump. We're supposed to believe that not only did they increase his Secret Service presence, but despite that, despite this real-life threat from Iran, the country that they keep telling us that they want us to go die for, they want us to die on behalf of fighting Iran, rather.But now they're trying to sell to us that the Secret Service got this intel, saw this man on a rooftop for 26 minutes, just watched his hair swaying in the wind. They just wanted to see what was going to happen. Trust the experts, guys. Believe this intel. I know it fits a perfect piece of a puzzle that they have been wanting to go to war with Russia and Iran, and suddenly now they're trying to tell you that there's an excuse. Intel, by the way, if you're for disinformation and misinformation. The intel agencies are just dropping these things because false flag events are real. We know that because there once was a president named JFK, and he was told via Operation Northwood, you can look this up, and you should look this up, and you should look this up. Just go to Wikipedia, that the CIA wanted to establish a false flag event back in the '60s because they wanted to go to war with Cuba. They were going to kill Americans. They were going to stage a fake terror attack Blame it on the Cubans, kill either American troops or American civilians, and they had different options.We should kill them down in Miami. We can kill them down in New York, and they'll blame it on Cuba, or we could just down a ship or a fighter jet. Whatever we want to do, we could down it, and then we'll tell the American people that now we have to go to war with Cuba. That's a real thing that happened. But that brave Catholic President said, No, I will not do this morally to the American people. Then unfortunately, you guys, he was involved in a car accident. By involved in a car accident, I mean, he was accidentally shot by those same agencies who he said no to. That's just the reality of things. I just want to make sure that you guys know that that is actually happening. That's what's actually going on in our society. I would just like people to be willing to call it out, to say exactly what it is. We understand what's happening. We understand the risk to Donald Trump's life. Yesterday, I was talking to you all about how I didn't really know how to feel about JD Vans, but I felt optimistic just based on his voting record and me believing at the time that he had stood up to the military-industrial complex.I started getting text messages from a lot of my friends who were saying, What are you talking about? He also is beholden. Some people were saying he's Peter Thiel's puppet. Basically, what it means is that Peter Thiel, that is the billionaire who is definitively Republican, who did fund much of JD Vance's career. But they're saying that he is a part of the military-industrial complex. I saw a clip of him, and I'm not going to show it because I don't want to take him out of context, but he was definitely talking about Iran at the RNC, speaking to a Fox News host about how to deal with them. Now, I took from the clip that he could have been saying, When Trump dealt with Iran, He attacked Solomoni, and that was it. It did not lead to a broader conflict. He was also talking about the Abraham Accords. But just in my opinion, I just would like to know if it's possible, and let me know if I'm crazy. Hear me out. This is an idea, but you can tell me if I'm crazy. Could we just not bomb the Middle East? Could we just, America, could we just stop bombing the Middle East and stop selling to us that we're doing this for peace and prosperity and freedom?We've been bombing the Middle East for, I don't know, decades. It's not freer. We're not more prosperous. We're not safer. Nobody's buying this rhetoric anymore. I mean, seriously, how many people in the Middle East have to die for Americans to wake up and realize that we are up to no good? How many people, how many bombs have to be dropped in Syria for the American people to wake up and recognize this is not about making us freer or more safe? There is something operating just beneath the surface called the military-industrial complex, and what their initiatives are are not aligned with the American people's interests. And so any person who does not have the spine or the backbone to stand up and say, Hey, you elect me and I will vote against every measure, every measure that makes it so that you have to go to work and we have to spend your dollars overseas until America is fixed. Find me those individuals because they are so few and far between because the majority of people in Congress and in Hollywood, from DC to Hollywood, are blackmailed. There is no real power in DC. There are a bunch of spineless, feckless politicians who are all blackmailed, and a bunch of men who are way too puny to stand to say things out of fear of not getting lobby dollars.We're pathetic. We are pathetic. We don't produce men like we used to anymore. Of course, there's one or two who pop up. Rand Paul, Thomas Massey, These are the people, the one, two, three, or four people that we have in Congress that are actually serving the American interests. I don't know. I don't know what to think about JD Vans just yet. I am hopeful he is going to develop a spine. I am hopeful that That I can trust Tucker Carlson's analysis of JD Vance. But at the same time, I am becoming increasingly more cynical. Increasingly more cynical, but everybody has got a master somewhere. For whatever reason, that master is never the American people. That's all I'm going to say on that topic. Now, what I do want to do, guys, is just very quickly jump into the comments here. I see that you guys are saying, This is the best channel. Thank you, Courtney. I see you. I see you. It is sending an awful message about us to the rest of the world. Absolutely. People, by the way, we're developing enemies all around the world, and we don't really know why we have all these enemies.It's because people around the world think that we are our deep state. That's why it's important for us to signal to them that we're not. We disagree with what they're doing, too. We are absolutely helpless as well. They've turned America into baby Babylon. I don't even think it's baby Babylon. I think it's adolescent Babylon or adult Babylon. Let me think this is grandma Babylon. I don't even know. We're quite progressed on this Satanic agenda that is being operated and people hate us for what our deep state is doing. This person says money is their master. Yes, and that is why the Bible preaches against it. I know a lot of people are commenting that the neocons support Vance, and that is the reason why we should know that he's not good. Yes, there are some voices in the media who support Vance that I wouldn't trust a thing that comes out of them out. In fact, there are some voices, there are some neocons that are so neocony that if they support anything, I know it's bad. The litmus test is, do the neocon support it? If the answer is yes, we love him, then I instantly know that we should not.But again, I want to give Vance a little bit of runway, but I'm suspicious. This person writes, Christ is King. Indeed, he is. I couldn't agree more with you. Yey, 24. Money and power, spot on. Term limits for all members of Congress and Senate. Yeah, that would help. Term limits would help because I think they They wouldn't be able to spend the blackmail fast enough if they knew that new people were being elected all the time. The people that were in office would not be incentivized by lobbying dollars because they would go, Okay, I'm only going to be an officer for four years. Then I have to go back and be a regular citizen. I want to make sure that the taxes are low, and I want to make sure that the taxes are low, and I want to make sure that government is restricted, and I want to make sure that we deregulate the economic environment. Deregulate the economic environment. I definitely believe that that would help a tremendous amount if we could actually do that. Neocony, trademark this. Yes, they are neocony, and I can't stand them. I have such contempt for neocons because it's just the way that they act, the audacity to pretend that they care about Trump.It's just like everything you have done has been antithetical to freedoms in this country because you serve the master of money and power. But you say a couple of talking points that are conservative and you've somehow earned an audience. You've spent all of your time trying to make sure Trump didn't get elected, which would mean that you Hillary Clinton to get elected back in 2016. Now you get to flip it and pretend that you're an expert on anything while you refer to... Because they hold contempt for the American people. They are the people that genuinely believe that their degree means something. We are smarter than you Americans, you can't figure it out. I mean, that's why I love people that just embody common sense, like gut instinct, people that come from nothing, work hard, just want to feed their families. To me, They are way more illustrative of what the American dream is and who the American people are. Anyways, you guys, I'm going to wrap this stream up, but I just want to thank you guys for joining us today. I've been loving going live. I see that you guys are loving it as well.We're going to continue to do this for the rest of the week. I'll see you guys back tomorrow.
is the worst part. This has been confirmed. He was spotted on the rooftop 26 minutes before the shooting occurred. Don't be a conspiracy theorist, you guys. Don't I don't want you to think. If you're watching this and you're thinking about thinking, please stop. Please wait until the experts come out and tell you what to think about that.
Let's wait to hear from Rachel Maddo, Dawn Lemon, people that went to the schools where they know how to process information They know how to learn between disinformation and misinformation. They know what is a conspiracy theory and what is not a conspiracy theory. Let me tell you something. It is perfectly normal, I'm sure they're going to tell us, that the Secret Service would spot somebody on a rooftop with a rifle 26 minutes before he fires the president. That means that the Secret Service agent, and this is what is being alleged, had his scope on the shooter and allowed the shooter to fire first before he took him out. That would be allowing six shots to go out and then shooting at him. But again, this was all just a remarkable failure of intelligence. That's literally, obviously what it was. You're not even going to believe this headline. Actually, you are going to believe it. If you watch this show, I've I'm telling you, the elites have already decided that we're going to war. So get on board. Get on board, everybody. We're going shopping. I've been covering this quite literally for years that it's very obvious in the rhetoric that they want war with Russia and Iran.
What do you know, guys? Lo and behold, in one presidency where we're suddenly inching ever closer to war with Russia because we just got to help Ukraine out. They're just such good people over in Ukraine. They've suspended elections. They're locking down the churches. The Bolsheviks are back, baby. The Bolsheviks are in charge, and they're coming after the Christians again. But you're not even going to know. Rather, the Christians are just going to be quiet and allow this to happen and forget what happened in that region not so long ago. Anyways, now, obviously, the rhetoric has been increasing against Iran. This headline ran in CNN. Exclusive, Secret Service ramped up security after receiving intel of Iranian plot to assassinate Trump. No known connection to shooting. Yeah, no known connection yet. This is what we term a false flag event. So if Trump had died, maybe they would have blamed it on Iran. Who knows? But are they actually trying to sell us to the public that Iran was plotting to shoot Trump. We're supposed to believe that not only did they increase his Secret Service presence, but despite that, despite this real-life threat from Iran, the country that they keep telling us that they want us to go die for, they want us to die on behalf of fighting Iran, rather.
But now they're trying to sell to us that the Secret Service got this intel, saw this man on a rooftop for 26 minutes, just watched his hair swaying in the wind. They just wanted to see what was going to happen. Trust the experts, guys. Believe this intel. I know it fits a perfect piece of a puzzle that they have been wanting to go to war with Russia and Iran, and suddenly now they're trying to tell you that there's an excuse. Intel, by the way, if you're for disinformation and misinformation. The intel agencies are just dropping these things because false flag events are real. We know that because there once was a president named JFK, and he was told via Operation Northwood, you can look this up, and you should look this up, and you should look this up. Just go to Wikipedia, that the CIA wanted to establish a false flag event back in the '60s because they wanted to go to war with Cuba. They were going to kill Americans. They were going to stage a fake terror attack Blame it on the Cubans, kill either American troops or American civilians, and they had different options.
We should kill them down in Miami. We can kill them down in New York, and they'll blame it on Cuba, or we could just down a ship or a fighter jet. Whatever we want to do, we could down it, and then we'll tell the American people that now we have to go to war with Cuba. That's a real thing that happened. But that brave Catholic President said, No, I will not do this morally to the American people. Then unfortunately, you guys, he was involved in a car accident. By involved in a car accident, I mean, he was accidentally shot by those same agencies who he said no to. That's just the reality of things. I just want to make sure that you guys know that that is actually happening. That's what's actually going on in our society. I would just like people to be willing to call it out, to say exactly what it is. We understand what's happening. We understand the risk to Donald Trump's life. Yesterday, I was talking to you all about how I didn't really know how to feel about JD Vans, but I felt optimistic just based on his voting record and me believing at the time that he had stood up to the military-industrial complex.
I started getting text messages from a lot of my friends who were saying, What are you talking about? He also is beholden. Some people were saying he's Peter Thiel's puppet. Basically, what it means is that Peter Thiel, that is the billionaire who is definitively Republican, who did fund much of JD Vance's career. But they're saying that he is a part of the military-industrial complex. I saw a clip of him, and I'm not going to show it because I don't want to take him out of context, but he was definitely talking about Iran at the RNC, speaking to a Fox News host about how to deal with them. Now, I took from the clip that he could have been saying, When Trump dealt with Iran, He attacked Solomoni, and that was it. It did not lead to a broader conflict. He was also talking about the Abraham Accords. But just in my opinion, I just would like to know if it's possible, and let me know if I'm crazy. Hear me out. This is an idea, but you can tell me if I'm crazy. Could we just not bomb the Middle East? Could we just, America, could we just stop bombing the Middle East and stop selling to us that we're doing this for peace and prosperity and freedom?
We've been bombing the Middle East for, I don't know, decades. It's not freer. We're not more prosperous. We're not safer. Nobody's buying this rhetoric anymore. I mean, seriously, how many people in the Middle East have to die for Americans to wake up and realize that we are up to no good? How many people, how many bombs have to be dropped in Syria for the American people to wake up and recognize this is not about making us freer or more safe? There is something operating just beneath the surface called the military-industrial complex, and what their initiatives are are not aligned with the American people's interests. And so any person who does not have the spine or the backbone to stand up and say, Hey, you elect me and I will vote against every measure, every measure that makes it so that you have to go to work and we have to spend your dollars overseas until America is fixed. Find me those individuals because they are so few and far between because the majority of people in Congress and in Hollywood, from DC to Hollywood, are blackmailed. There is no real power in DC. There are a bunch of spineless, feckless politicians who are all blackmailed, and a bunch of men who are way too puny to stand to say things out of fear of not getting lobby dollars.
We're pathetic. We are pathetic. We don't produce men like we used to anymore. Of course, there's one or two who pop up. Rand Paul, Thomas Massey, These are the people, the one, two, three, or four people that we have in Congress that are actually serving the American interests. I don't know. I don't know what to think about JD Vans just yet. I am hopeful he is going to develop a spine. I am hopeful that That I can trust Tucker Carlson's analysis of JD Vance. But at the same time, I am becoming increasingly more cynical. Increasingly more cynical, but everybody has got a master somewhere. For whatever reason, that master is never the American people. That's all I'm going to say on that topic. Now, what I do want to do, guys, is just very quickly jump into the comments here. I see that you guys are saying, This is the best channel. Thank you, Courtney. I see you. I see you. It is sending an awful message about us to the rest of the world. Absolutely. People, by the way, we're developing enemies all around the world, and we don't really know why we have all these enemies.
It's because people around the world think that we are our deep state. That's why it's important for us to signal to them that we're not. We disagree with what they're doing, too. We are absolutely helpless as well. They've turned America into baby Babylon. I don't even think it's baby Babylon. I think it's adolescent Babylon or adult Babylon. Let me think this is grandma Babylon. I don't even know. We're quite progressed on this Satanic agenda that is being operated and people hate us for what our deep state is doing. This person says money is their master. Yes, and that is why the Bible preaches against it. I know a lot of people are commenting that the neocons support Vance, and that is the reason why we should know that he's not good. Yes, there are some voices in the media who support Vance that I wouldn't trust a thing that comes out of them out. In fact, there are some voices, there are some neocons that are so neocony that if they support anything, I know it's bad. The litmus test is, do the neocon support it? If the answer is yes, we love him, then I instantly know that we should not.
But again, I want to give Vance a little bit of runway, but I'm suspicious. This person writes, Christ is King. Indeed, he is. I couldn't agree more with you. Yey, 24. Money and power, spot on. Term limits for all members of Congress and Senate. Yeah, that would help. Term limits would help because I think they They wouldn't be able to spend the blackmail fast enough if they knew that new people were being elected all the time. The people that were in office would not be incentivized by lobbying dollars because they would go, Okay, I'm only going to be an officer for four years. Then I have to go back and be a regular citizen. I want to make sure that the taxes are low, and I want to make sure that the taxes are low, and I want to make sure that government is restricted, and I want to make sure that we deregulate the economic environment. Deregulate the economic environment. I definitely believe that that would help a tremendous amount if we could actually do that. Neocony, trademark this. Yes, they are neocony, and I can't stand them. I have such contempt for neocons because it's just the way that they act, the audacity to pretend that they care about Trump.
It's just like everything you have done has been antithetical to freedoms in this country because you serve the master of money and power. But you say a couple of talking points that are conservative and you've somehow earned an audience. You've spent all of your time trying to make sure Trump didn't get elected, which would mean that you Hillary Clinton to get elected back in 2016. Now you get to flip it and pretend that you're an expert on anything while you refer to... Because they hold contempt for the American people. They are the people that genuinely believe that their degree means something. We are smarter than you Americans, you can't figure it out. I mean, that's why I love people that just embody common sense, like gut instinct, people that come from nothing, work hard, just want to feed their families. To me, They are way more illustrative of what the American dream is and who the American people are. Anyways, you guys, I'm going to wrap this stream up, but I just want to thank you guys for joining us today. I've been loving going live. I see that you guys are loving it as well.
We're going to continue to do this for the rest of the week. I'll see you guys back tomorrow.