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Hello and welcome to this very special episode of Film On the Rocks. I'm Brookhurst and I'm Nate, and we are doing something super fun and we are doing our first commentary.


This is our first what we're calling a drink along or watch a longs. We're going to be sitting down and watching Scream from 1996. We're going to be playing with our drinking rules and kind of just having a lot of fun talking over the movie and whatnot is this is going to be a lot of fun. I'm really excited to do this. Yeah, this is super cool, man. I, I was wondering how the logistics were going to work going into this, but I think we kind of got the setup right.


I think it's good. I think we're good. Yeah. Yeah. I think this is gonna be a total blast. So if you're at home wondering what this is going to be. So like I said, it's gonna be like a kind of like a DVD commentary on this. But if you just want to listen to this like a normal podcast, you can absolutely do that because we are going to be talking throughout the movie. But if you want to, you can sync this up with the movie and kind of like watch along with us and play the drinking games with us or whatnot.


I think it'd be a lot of fun just so that everybody knows. If you are thinking this up with the movie, we are starting at timecode zero zero seven. We are right now paused at seven seconds into the movie. What's on the screen is the Dimension Film's logo, and that's where we're going to start. I will let you know when we hit play. We haven't hit play yet, so just wait for my cue. Yeah, Dimension logo.


And then we just heard the thunder, the thunder played and then dimensioned. Cool. Yes. So this is like a fun little project that I've been wanting to do for over a year. I think I think it would be really fun for us to do a movie or even TV show commentaries in the industry. A lot of fun.


Um, this is actually something this is like one of the first things you wanted to do, right? Um, yeah. The podcast actually started in October and you're just like, dude, let's hit Halloween so hard. Yeah.


It's like, oh fuck, I don't think I'm ready, but it's finally happening. Yeah. And of course, people who pay attention to the podcast have listened for a while. Just know I'm a crazy Scream fan and this is also just a very fun movie to sort of just watch with a friend. So I really like to kind of do this. And if people listening is kind of like we're all watching it together, we'll fill in the rocks.


Movie Party is a lot of fun, family time and family time. I just want to mention that Nate and I, we both live in apartments and art. We can't our girlfriends that live with us do have lives. So you might hear them walk around the background a little bit. I mean, I don't think would be anything super crazy, but we can't keep them locked in the bedroom for like three hours.


So, yeah, yeah. You might hear my dog, like, tip tapping on my floors. Yeah. But I'll, I'll try to meet it whenever that happens. And I'll definitely pause whenever I got I got movie snacks, I got some pretzels, I got my beer. I'll definitely pause or not pause. I'll shoot myself whenever I'm munching. Or if you don't hear one of us for like ten seconds we probably got up to go get another beer.


So just let everybody know this. What's going on. So, uh, this will be like, fine. I just want to kind of remind people, if you are playing this with us, doing the drinking rules, I just want to remind everyone to drink responsibly. Uber, get a lift if you're going somewhere or just stay home and do this. That's the safest thing to do. But just kind of remind people to drink responsibly, make sure you get some food on you, because these drinking games get sometimes get a little out of hand.


And I'm a little nervous because it's a school night and it is. It's frickin Wednesday. Then what are we doing right now for the podcast? And you're listening to this, a on subscriber. Thank you so much for your for, you know, supporting the show and everything gets going towards this movie rental. So thank you. Thank you so much. So we'll go over kind of some quick things like what are we drinking tonight, the drinking rules.


And and I kind of want to ask you, when was the last time you watched Scream? It was it was when we did the podcast. What was it like almost exactly a year ago? Yeah, eerie. I know. To the day. Who knew? I never thought I'd be doing this year later. Yeah, you just you didn't know you were friends with a freak. But I knew that.


I knew that I knew like I said, I normally watch this movie like once a month, but I've actually been on a scream hiatus. It's been a long time since I've actually watched this. I've been keeping tabs on the scream screen credits and everything. But I remember the last time I saw this, it was the last time I was in my office before lockdown happened. So that was and that was way back in March. So it's been. It's been a few months for me, so this is this is my official scream trial for my October movie festival.


I'm really excited this will be so much fun and will be kicking out the whole time, folks. And the rules, the rules that we're using are from the from the original episode. The original Scream episode. Yes. So some things are going to be a little familiar, some rules for me personally that I look back on some of my rules. I was like, OK, that's dumb now that we're like preparing for it. But yeah, I think it's going to be a lot of fun still.


Oh, my goodness. I went back listen to that episode to kind of prep for this to be like, what did we talk about in that episode? Oh my gosh, I am so happy that the podcast has gone better. Oh, damn. That was like that was a me episode, too. So fuck you. I'm just kidding. No.


Do I like hated just like everything that like I had to say or like I was just all over the place and it's hilarious. I don't ever remember not knowing anybody's name anything. I think I kept calling that one of the dudes Shaggy because he was shaggy methuselahs do.


Yeah. We don't either. We don't repeat that but yeah. Am sorry, I'll be better. All right. So let's kind of just refresh people on what the drinking rules are. So Nate, what were your drinking rules from that episode. Oh from that episode. OK, let me pull it up. So mine were where every time the door was locked or obstructed. Take a drink every time you heard the phone ring, take a drink every time you think I wouldn't do that to drink.


And that was one of the ones you like that I kind of like. That was one that was one of those kind of like I don't think I would. Oh, well, now that you're saying it, I think I think it's cool. Now, every time the characters are self-aware, take a drink. And then every time you see an outdated electronic pointed out and your friend has to take a drink. So you get it's like a a race to the finish.


It's a good one. Yeah. And then I had a little bonus rule that that I just came up with. Now, recently was while we're watching the movie, if we just if we point out a point in the movie where we think we're going to die like that, we would have died in that situation, take three drinks pouring out like that. So my drinking rules were, uh, every time that they break the rules of horror movie, whenever the phone rings, whenever somebody mentions Cindy's mom's death, do we get to make fun of when they make a movie reference and whenever Ghostface is hit and or like it falls to the ground because he's very clumsy and flailing a lot in this.


So, uh, so those are my rules. The rules I'm going to be officially playing by. I want to officially be playing by whenever the phone rings, I'm going to be drinking movie references made. Ghostface is hit or falling and I am going to take Nate's rule on whenever a door is locked or obstructed. Oh, thank you. OK, so I am going to do every time the phone rings so we'll tag team that one, the outdated electronics one.


I think that'll be fun to make you drink personally. Uh, door locked in an obstructed and then I'm going to take one of yours whenever Ghostface is hit or falls cool's I'm playing by four four and then that fifth one same whatever. Whenever we come across. Yes, we will be playing his electronic outdate electronic rule. We'll both be trying to point it out for the other person. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. All right. Well, I'm trying to think I'm going to look for my notes real quick.


I don't think I got anything else to say. But so again, we are starting this at the seven seconds in. That's what reports that. So if you want to get things done as we're at and I was just doing three, two, one, go and I'll go hit play. OK. I just realized you were talking to me. Let's do it. All right. Three, two, one, go. Oh, shit, it's happening.


Oh, this. So the phones are ringing. I miss that sound of like that, that household phone, that that corded phone and then it starts hot. Yeah. Oh, best 12 minutes of a movie. It still gets she goes, wow, that's a quick call back to you, that's freaky. That's two drinks, by the way. Oh, yes. Also, that's a quartet phone. Oh, dear. I was waiting to see how long it would take.


I'm already losing.


I love the 900 number is not a website I don't count that is outdated. Oh damn do haircuts count is outdated because she's got like that's not technology.


This was a total blast and probably the most fun I've had recording for this podcast, if you want to listen to the rest of our screen commentary, had to put you on Dotcom Slashfilm on the rocks and it is available at a two dollar level. All right. Thanks for checking this out and take it easy.