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Welcome back to a very special, very different film on the Rocks Patriot episode, I'm Brooke and as always, I'm joined by Nate.


Nate, how are you doing, man? I'm doing good. And I'm feeling a little spooky tonight and for good reason.


You tell us why so. Well, so Nate had a really fun idea that we should for the Patriot since October, we should tell ghost stories, tell scary stories that we have sort of. Are these like personal stories, Nate, that you're sharing today? Um, one is personal. One is more of just like a general story from the motherland. OK, go. Yeah. Where's the motherland? I talked to over you, uh, Puerto Rico.


Yeah. And I got my I do have a personal ghost story as well. I know people might be like, what the hell's going on with them on the rocks in this episode? But this is just like a really fun thing to do. We're not talking about movies today. This is just a really fun bonus thing for October and for Halloween. I don't know about you, Nate, but I've always I grew up always liking the like ghost hunters shows.


I don't know if you ever watch those. That's that was an obsession for me, my sister. Oh, same. It's like a story that I'm going to be sharing today. Is it an experience I had while ghost hunting? And it was quite, quite the experience. OK, my I also have a ghost hunting story, so this is like perfect because to preface this and I have not shared our stories with each other, we're both each sending each other pictures to react to my story for a personal ones.


I don't really have pictures for the the general story. So this is going to be this is going to be fun. The format, you know, just shooting the shit type of thing. And I'll be putting these pictures together on maybe like a PowerPoint and I will it will have these uploaded on the page here and as well. So so you listening can have some sort of visual aid to like what we're talking about. So you see how creepy like these places where that at least I don't know, I don't know of yours is like you stayed somewhere.


I stayed somewhere creepy. So you can kind of see these pictures and everything and some of the stuff I found, which was wild.


But yeah, this is just a little fun treat. There's nothing to do with movies. We're also going to have like a really I'm go ahead to snap my fingers.


That's me starting a fire, grab a nice little fire campfire sound playing in the background. It's so warm. Oh, that's a good fire record. Oh, thanks. So, yeah. So that's a I don't know what to say to that. That was like oddly sensual. I hated that. I hated saying it. I hated hearing your reaction. So yeah, that's what we're doing tonight. But so this was your idea. I like this.


How do you wanna go about it. You want to go first? You want me to go first? We wanna do. Yeah, we'll popcorn it. So I'm going to tell two stories. Burger is going to share is one story. And if this turns out well hopefully we can do this more, maybe not even just in the month of October. But uh we're playing around with a bunch of ideas. Yeah. I'll, I'll go first and and then you and then me sounds like.


Oh yeah. I just thought I'd like the perfect name for this spirit's on the rocks because you know it's a lose. Yeah. Well OK. A little double entendre. Yeah. Play on words a pun if you will. All right. I am ready to be spooked. OK, so this this first story is something that originates in my the motherland, my home country, Puerto Rico. And specifically this comes from the town of Kaiya. This is where a majority of my family is from on the island.


And to describe the town, it's it's like a mountain town with a bunch of rivers and that's it. It's just that's it. And there there are a few stories that kind of go along with this. And they all pretty much solely are based around the terrain of the city of this town, really. But the most famous one is the tale of actual centennial. So what does that mean? Anything? No, this is his name. OK, I know he is.


He was a fisherman. Right. And the setting of this is like middle 20th century. So what is that like 1950s? Mm hmm. And he was just he was a peasant and he was a fisherman, a night fisherman at that. And one night, OK, just to preface this, he was like a very religious man. You know, he always carried his cross with him. And wherever he went, he was a devout Catholic man and he's not fishing one night.


And he I guess he he ran out of out of, like, torch. So he was, you know, about to kind of be stuck in the darkness in the middle of this river on his boat. Oh, yeah. And he hears like a voice calling to him, kind of provoking him. And it's provoking him to to light the cross. It gives him the idea to light the cross, use that as your torch to guide you home so you can make it back home.


So he does so with his final match. He lights his wooden cross and it guides him home. And so he makes it and we don't really know what happens. But like a few days later, he falls ill and he passes away. And upon his passing, you know, he proceeds to go to the gates of heaven and he's denied and he's denied because he burned the cross to guide his way home on that one night of night fishing. And he is commanded to he is not allowed to return to heaven until he is collected.


Each and every ash that fell in the river while he was dying, well, he burned the cross to get himself home. So they say to this day, you can see, like, his glowing. Spirit just kind of wandering the river throughout the night looking for every single ash. So if you go out and you call out to him in Spanish and you say that U.S.A., I have I have ashes for you, then you'll actually see like like a bolt of light kind of coming towards you because he wants to collect these ashes so he can go to to heaven.


And this is kind of like this whole crazy thing, because it it adds this kind of adds to like the doom that goes with actual centennial is that there are five major rivers that flow together in Puerto Rico. Oh, wow. So at this point, like, the ashes could be anywhere. So he's pretty much pretty much bound to walk on the earth as a spirit for the rest of time day. That's does has anybody in your family gone down to this river before or.


Yes. Really? Yes. Yes. So my dad, he comes from a family with a lot of boys, and they all used to just do boy things and go to the river and and mess around. And they would all call out to him. And my dad, like, swears on it. He swears on it that he had like a bowl of light come at him really when he called out to him. Yeah. And he just never went to the river again.


And he never and it was crazy because, like, the way I heard the stories, we were visiting family and we were just kind of driving around. You show me his town and and then his cousin, like, makes a joke about the river. And my dad's like, no, no, no, I don't want to talk about that really. Kind of like provokes him. And then my dad, like, proceeds to share and he is just like completely spooked.


And he's like, you know, let's just we'll move on. We'll move on from this. I don't want to talk about it. So that's why he saw something. Yeah. Yeah. Dang that's really cool. Yeah. So that's one of like three, three big ones in that town. But it's my favorite personally with you say like how he's a fisherman like automatically made me think of I know what you did, I know what you did last summer because the, the children that is a fisherman but he's a fisherman.


Oh wow. Yeah. I don't think that 2010 was like dangerous. Only like a bad spirit or it doesn't seem like like a bad. Oh, I trying to say, you know, like in high school people always are trying to like tease or like tempt each other like. Oh I bet. You bet. You're not man enough to go to a spooky house, you know, or whatever. But you I have to go like Bloody Mary.


Mary. Yeah that's it. Yeah. Kind of thing. Yeah. No it's not like that but I mean she goes oh forget anybody honestly. I guess so. My story is kind of long. That's fine. OK, so this takes so the setting of this was 2010, this was the summer in between my sophomore and junior year of high school. I was going into my junior year of high school and like I said, I always grew up watching those ghost hunter shows.


And it's something that I have always wanted to do was to like do an overnight and to, like, do the same test that they did to see if I could like basically I was like wanting to do experiments and see if I could have some sort of contact or interaction with but with Ghost. And for the record, I am a believer, but I'm a very skeptical believer. Like, I don't think everything is like I don't think everything is ghost or anything like that.


I am very skeptical, but I, I do lay on the believing side, but like, I have to like rule out a lot of things before I could go there anyways. So I was talking to my my really good friend at the time Blak we were talking about how we wanted to kind of do this because he is a non-believer, like he doesn't believe in ghosts or anything like that at all, but he's all up for adventure and we're talking to my aunt and we're actually trying to stay at, um, what's that famous hotel in Chattanooga.


There's like rumored to be haunted juju, not the choo choo. It's on it's off of Martin Luther King. And like Market Street, I think. Oh, like like the historic the famous one. The the Red House. The Red House. That's it. We try to stay at the Reed House because, like, one of the hotel rooms there is rumored to be like extremely haunted. But when we called there, they said that they couldn't guarantee us that room and which I think is just them saying, like we just to let people stay in that room.


So anyways, I found I did some searching and I found this town in Tennessee called Rugby Tennessee. And it's it's a. Very like his old historic settlement in Tennessee, and it's like a one stop sign kind of town. Mm hmm. And there's the bed and breakfast there called the Newberry House. And if you want to, I sent you that link in the little chat thing if you want to just kind of see the picture of it. So the Dewberry House is rumored to be one of the most haunted places in Tennessee.


And actually, I think it's like been on a couple of ghost hunter shows before. Oh, gross. It looks. It looks it. Yes. And is this like at the middle? Nowhere in this town. And so and I read it like on TripAdvisor, like a lot of people talked about how it is haunted on TripAdvisor. I was like, perfect. Like something's bound bound to go down here. So my the back story to the Newberry House is that I think it was built in the late 18th, mid to late eighteen hundreds.


And this man had come to rugby to like, if I like English, but we have to sort of like report on how the colony was doing. And he actually fell in love with a small town and he wrote back saying that his wife and kid needed to this is where he wanted to live now. And he became ill and he unfortunately passed away the day before his son arrived. And so it's rumoured that his his spirit walks around the house looking for his son, waiting for him.


There is also there's like many, if you like, look online for like Newbury House, Tennessee. There's Rugby, Tennessee. There's lots of different stories, but I think that's the main one. Was also another one. And this is important for later in the story that one of the rooms, a wife killed her husband because he was cheating on her like she stabbed him in his sleep. That's important later. But anyways, so my aunt decides that she wants to go goes hunting, too.


So she takes me in to my friend's Blake and Michael and we go for one night and it was like a four hour drive or something like that. Anyways, so this is like a running bed and breakfast. People can still go there today if you want to. Like, I plan on going back at some point and this was so sketchy. So we didn't, like, meet a person to get the key. Like, they just we just got like MapQuest.


It was like back. It was like MapQuest instructions to go to this, like, mail box somewhere in the town. And that's where the key would be an envelope. And it was there, but there was nobody there to, like, meet us. Like, they just left the key in this envelope in a mailbox. And we got, like, just Google map instructions to just go there and pick it up. Like, that's it. We didn't meet any person.


We're like, OK, this is kind of weird. And so we get to the house and we get out in here. I'm going to text you a picture instead of just like the front of the house. That's my buddy Blake in it in this this picture will be in the slideshow. So, um, as soon as we pull in, we get into the house. I'm like, super stoked. I'm like, oh, my God, this place looks creepy.


As soon as soon as we get in, the power goes out. I'm not kidding. I as soon as all five of us or four of us stepped into the house, the power just went out. And like, that's kind of weird. But I guess let's just go explore the town. We're pretty hungry. We need some dinner anyways. And this was like a really small town. There was a diner just across the street within walking distance.


So we walked over to the diner and, uh, the really small town. It's obvious that we're tourists and not from the area. So our waitress is sending us down and she goes, oh, so y'all are like passing by like, oh, yeah, yeah. We're from Nashville where we're staying here for the night. And she's like, you know, putting down our forks and napkins. She's Oh, where are you staying? We're staying at the Newberry house.


She froze and stopped what she was doing. And she looked me in the eye and she said, lock your doors at night. And then she went, had somebody else wait on us. She did not want anything to do with us for the rest of the night. And that was like we were all like, holy shit. That's like something that happened at the beginning of a horror movie. And I was so stoked. I was like, fuck, yes, there's some shit's going to happen, man.


Uh, but yeah, as soon as we told her that we were staying at the Newberry house, she wanted nothing to do with us. She got a different waitress to wait on us. And we told the waitress she because she was like she's like kind of spooked. Like, did you say something rude to her or something like, I don't know what to say to the NewBay housecats. Oh yeah. Yeah. Just and she said the same thing.


Be sure to lock your doors and like that's that's weird. But like, I'm here for it, so anyway, so we have dinner and we walk back to the Newberry house and we see we can see that the power's back on because we see the lights through the window are on. Oh, sweet walk in power goes right back out. And now, like the sun is setting, it's like starting to get dark out. And so we're all trying figure out what to do.


We're exploring the house. We got like some really creepy pictures. Um, I unfortunately don't have any of them, but it's it's almost like it's too it's like too small to think to really, like, go into detail about anyways. But we got some creepy pictures, but like, we can't really discern they were like real did we, because one of them was like it looked like a face we saw, but like it could just be like our brains trying to see something.


So I said, hey, I saw that there was a cemetery there down the road on our way. And I've always wanted to go to a cemetery at night. So, like, let's go do that. So my aunt, my poor aunt, she gets us in the minivan and it's like a two mile drive, like it's not far. So we drive like two miles to the cemetery in the sun has gone down by this point like it is dark.


And my aunt is kind of scared, wants to get to the cemetery and she is not want to get out of the van. And she says, y'all, y'all just go to everyone. I'm gonna stay here. Well, my friends pulled a prank on her, so they got out of the van and they doubled back. They circled back and she didn't see them and they lit some like firecrackers underneath the car. And so they they they popped exploded.


And she was she was pissed, but she was like laughing with us. Whatever she was like. We knew she was too scared. She wouldn't actually come out of the car. So she just rolled down the windows, like to scream like, fuck you guys. So anyways, so it's just us three walking around the cemetery and do there was some really old headstones like I saw stuff from the sixteen hundreds in this like cemetery, which I didn't even know that like this far into Tennessee was had was populated by like anybody but super old headstones.


So anyway, so we all kind of like separate a little bit to me, my friend Michael kind of like get back together. And I swear, you know, you hear the story about like shadow people or whatever, like walking around. I swear I saw a bunch of that. But like, again, I just be my brain playing tricks on me. But something happened that I can't explain. So and me and my friend Michael describe the same exact thing.


So we are kind of just like standing and talking. And we see this woman like, I don't know, like maybe like fifty feet, fifty feet in front of us. And it's just kind of like the short woman with like dark curly hair. And she looked like my aunt honestly, that's with us on the trip. So I thought was my aunt and I'm like, hey, Michael, do you see this woman? She goes, Yeah, yeah.


That looks like Michelle, my aunt. So it was like, Michelle, what are you doing? So we start calling her name, but she's not responding. She's just standing there and like, that's weird. I thought you were too scared out of the car. And then she started to walk towards us and she walks like a couple of feet, stops in front of this headstone, and she just vanished into thin air. And me and my friend described the exact same thing.


And so we go to that headstone and there's like like I said, there's old headstones there. But there's also some many modern ones because, like, the town is populated by people currently. So we go to that headstone. And this was like when I was like a really fancy expensive headstones because there was a picture of a woman with, like, dark, curly hair on the headstone. It looked like the woman that we just saw. And it was just that was like the first thing that happened.


Like, I couldn't explain on this trip. I was like, I don't know what that was. Could it be my brain playing tricks on me? It could. But that's really weird that we both saw the same thing and that she stopped from this headstone where there's a picture of a woman that looked just like what we just saw. So I'm starting to get a little freaked out.


It's so, you know, around the Blake and we go back in the van and we head home or, you know, back to the bed and breakfast. And so, uh, we kind of stuff is happening like all night. And we go, me and Michael decide to go down to the basement. And this basement looked like it did look like some kind of a horror movie, like it was just like a like postering light bulb in the center of the room.


That's the only way you could turn a light on. And it was it just looked like somebody was sacrifice down here. I mean, it just looks super scary. But there's this far wall and I can see that I can see that this wall was added on at some point. It wasn't part of the original architecture. The house, when it was built in the eighteen hundreds, you know, it would make sense why there might be some updates, but it would be weird to add like a whole nother wall somewhere.


And I could see that there's a hole in it. And so I, like, shine my flashlight in it. And Nate, I'm going to send you two pictures here real quick to to see what was on the other side. And when I look on the other side, I see what looks like a well, and it's it's like this half semicircle of, like bricks and it's like filled in with rocks. And it looks like a well, you see you see what I'm talking about.


Yeah. So I'm like, why did this get walled off? So I'm like, Michael, do you want to see what's in there? Because I'm not going in there. I'll hold a flashlight for you about not getting in there. So I said, OK, man. So I crawl into the hole and I get on the other side and I start to it looks like something's buried and not that I'm trying to like what am trying to say like this shovel like like a proper burial or whatever.


But there's something down there and like this is being blocked off for a reason. So I start to take the rocks out.


This is blocked off for the reason. So I went in it.


This is this is some white people shit. So it is. So excuse me. So I'm starting to like remove the rocks and after a few I put my hand back in there and my hand is in like a space. It's not touching anything like I mean like a little gap, like I'm not touching a rock, I'm not touching the wall, like it's not touching anything. And I feel I swear I felt something. Slap the shit out of my hand, like, don't fucking do that.


And I put the rocks back and I got out of that wall as fast as I could. What. And I told Michael, like Michael, something just slapped me. He's like, dude, get the fuck out of there. And so I was like, OK, I want to I did not want to be in the basement anymore. I was like, OK, let's let's go somewhere else. So we got out of the basement. And so a lot of stuff has been going on.


I mean, like stuff like isn't it like to you think it's just creepy now. Now I'm like really creeped out because we saw that woman and I felt like something just slapped me. Um, so you know, about like doubles our like three and three and. OK, yeah. So if people listening aren't familiar three and supposed to be when you get the most paranormal activity because it's like marking the death of Christ because he died at three p.m. and allegedly that's that's the reason for that.


Um, so I wanted to do that. I've always wanted to do like stay of three am and see if I could get any sort of more activity. So we do that around a living room and we're like all night we're taking like random pictures just to see if we get anything. And I swear, I got in or this wasn't a three a.m. to be clear, this was like a little bit before, like it was like one or two.


Um, and I just sent you a picture. It's so it looks so I'm going to have this on the page as well. But you can see it like over the couch. It's not because you can see my friend is clearly holding a cell phone. It's not that. Oh, I thought, oh, you see that going over the couch. So, I mean, it could be dust, it could be a bug. But that was like the clearest looking orb I've ever seen, actually.


And that was at like 1:00 or 2:00 a.m.. Where are you taking these pictures with the potato? My God, this was like 2010. It was with whatever flip phone I had, man. Oh. Um, so anyways, so that happened, which was really cool. But OK, so let's go back to like three a.m. so we stay up to three a.m. and nothing's happening like nothing's happening. My friend Blake, who is a skeptic, is like saying all this shit.


He provoked them, like calling the ghost of pussy and all the stuff, you know, like he's just like one. It's like Agramonte macho Brod's, which I'm like me and Michael. Hey, dude, let's not, like, piss him off because like, what if it is real, but nothing happens. And so me and Michael, we're sharing a room and also people know this is a six this was a six room house. So there's like lots of rooms in this old Victorian.


But he and I are sharing a room and. Double beds and a. so we get in bed, it's like three thirty. Well, I'm kind of bummed that nothing happened. Like, I really thought that, like, if anything's going to happen, would have been at 3:00 a.m. So we get in bed and then Michael's phone starts going crazy. I forgot to mention that we didn't have cell reception here and we haven't. We have a guy like we haven't been able to make phone calls or receive phone calls or text, anything like that since we've been in rugby, you know, rural tenancy problems.


And his phone just light up like it, just like alerts of all his missed voicemails and phone calls and texts that he supposedly missed out on throughout the day. And it's like loud. And, you know, it's just like spitting in here like 12 missed things and then his phone shuts off, like, that's really fucking weird. And then we start hearing, like, footsteps in the bedroom above us where nobody was staying. And we just heard some of the scariest noises ever.


We just heard like growling and scratching, like coming from all around us. Like it just consumed the room of, like, just growling and scratching, like it was every growling, scratching in, like, the footsteps up to like it was just so like we were terrified. Like this was the most scared I've ever been, I think. And like we like this was like the only time we, like, legitimately thought about like we should just leave right now.


But we were both literally too scared to get out of our beds. Like, we just it was terrifying because, like, it went on for what felt like hours is probably just like a few minutes, but it just felt like it went on forever. Eventually did stop. But like like it didn't like, fade out. It just like stopped like just it all stopped at once. And we were like, like what the fuck. Like nobody else is up.


Nobody is staying in that room. Where did the growling and scratching come from. I don't I like the next morning the first thing I did was confirm that nobody was up there, like the bed was made, like nobody was staying up there. And I so remember when I told you that a woman murdered her husband, we were apparently staying in that room. Oh, and I it's so maybe that could have I don't know. But that was I cannot we cannot explain those noises.


We heard it was the scariest situation I've been in. I think so. Uh, yeah. And then the next day, uh, we had breakfast packed up and left and we were just like that was fucking crazy. Yeah. So that was that was my trip to the Opera House and rugby tennesee. Oh my God.


What the hell. I want to go back so badly.


Take me with you.


It would be so bad. I bet you might be cheap whenever covid over. Yeah. We get every to do that. Oh that's I would use PTO for that. That sounds awesome. Holy crap. Yeah. I wanna go back to the cemetery. I wanna go back to that house. Once you see the basement dude you're gonna be like I'm not going fucking down there. Like this was the scariest basement have ever seen. No, no. A few comments.


Your aunt. What a fucking trooper, huh. She she she told me like some stuff happened, like because there's a couple of times where, like, we left the house like me, my friends, like we like walked around the town by ourselves. She stayed there, she said like she heard creepy shit when she's there by herself. So she just left and just went to the diner by herself. She's like, I'm not staying in his house by myself.


After we left, she said she she would hear a noise like, no, I'm hoping out of this. So, yeah, my aunt was a trooper. She was. Yeah. So I don't know how late we got any sleep that night, especially after those noises. But yeah, it's so weird because like after those noises, like my memory gets so foggy, like it's almost just like, like my brain is suppressing something or something. But yeah.


Like I just remember they just randomly stopped and that's like where my memory ends. Besides, like, me, Michael going, what the fuck do you want to leave. And then like my memory just goes blank after that. Like I can't explain. It is so weird. Do you think that they wiped your memory? They wait. I don't know.


It's it's weird. I'm not like that. I didn't say that jokingly. I'm dead serious. I have no idea which all this is a pretty shitty people, as if I don't believe it goes like, well, these fucking losers. But like I swear, like all this stuff happened like it was. I can't explain it. There are some other. Stuff like I've been able to sort of like explain that away like anyways, but yeah, it was just it was just like the most fun, but also like the creepiest experience I've had, like like I actually love that.


Like, I want to go back and do it again because, like, I know you get like a weird high off of it is is goes something that you and your friends would do often. You know, this is like a one time thing. This was like a one time thing. So what what kind of like enticed you guys to want to do this? I was just fucking wanting to do it, like, you know, like it was the summer.


I was 16. I was like, man, I want to go do something while I was looking for adventure, really. And I was like, this was something that was on my bucket list. Kind of I was like, I've always wanted to go go something like legitimately like go stay somewhere haunted and fucking test all these theories out. So yeah, that's crazy. I love that. Oh my gosh. Did did you ever do like the ghost tours at at her alma mater?


No, but I would see them going around downtown and going through the school and stuff and I always wanted to tag along. I think it was one of those things that I thought I was going to be in that town a lot longer than I was. But I mean, I literally just went there for school, two rounds of school and bounced. So I just never I never did it. I kept putting it off. Did you did you do it?


Mm hmm. Yeah, I did. I was it it was great. We went to so for those that, you know, didn't go to UTC or and I went for undergrad, um, there was there's a cemetery across the street from the school and it's a Confederate cemetery actually from back from the Civil War right next to a Jewish cemetery. I didn't know about the Jewish cemetery. Yeah. It's closer to like the opposite direction to the right.


Godchaux You're looking at it. So I've actually done like I mean, it's I think it's illegal to just kind of like walk through there. But I've done that a couple of times while I lived on campus. Um, but I did do a proper, like, tour through there at night. It was really cool. Um, they have like like the spirit box thing going. And I got like a cool pick I, I need to go through, uh, my like it was all my laptop.


I don't know if I have the picture anymore, but like I got like a really cool picture of like what looked like a face over like a headstone again. But um yeah. Going to the Confederate cemetery was like super spooky, really, really cool. And I also did an overnight stay at the chapel that was on campus. Oh, Peyton Chapel. Yes, yes, yes. Penn Chapel. The the one on campus. Yeah. I, uh, I did it overnight.


Stay there. And it was it was it was fine. But like we only had one creepy thing happened and I still don't know if it was just like my head playing. I basically thought I heard a voice. So like that we this was like before I learned this information, but we were hanging out in the in the church. And we're kind of just discussing things like for what we're going to do that night. And this was part of like a paranormal like club I was in for a semester.


This wasn't just like me and some friends breaking into a church. This was like all sanctioned. And so I was like, we're talking whenever I like here behind me, like like maybe like ten feet behind me. Like there's a woman's voice. Yeah. I can't make out what it's what she is saying, but I just hear like this woman's voices behind me and I keep like looking around like, do you hear that. Like I'm talking like the person like do you hear someone talking behind us.


And so I later found out that there was a there's been two suicides that I know of to happen in this chapel. And this was one of them. A woman was left at the altar, a bride was she like slit her wrist in the bride's room and the bride's room. And behind me was the bride's room when I heard all this. Yeah. So, I mean, again, like I mean, I will say, like, I didn't know that story beforehand.


I learned I found out after the fact, but like, still it could just be my head playing with me. Or maybe I did hear something I don't know. So that that was weird. And we went up to that tower. Nothing happened in the tower. Unfortunately, the other the other suicide was the janitor, correct? Oh, I don't know about the janitor. I know about the student. Oh. What's the student. One you told me the janitor.


One that I think he was just he hung himself. He hung himself in the. Through oh, that's one I did not know about. Yeah, yeah, so I think it's three suicides that I know of. Yeah. The soldiers, the other one that I knew of and like other people had told me this before, like like professors like told me this story as well. It's like up in the the tower. So this university has been around for a long time.


It didn't always used to be university since he tried to get it used to be a University of Chattanooga. I know you know that name because you you had to know that. But that's what the folks at home. So but there is a a student, a male student there, and he came from like a prominent like like a well respected family at the town. Like, I don't know what they did exactly, but, you know, small town, everybody knew them and they were kind of like a wealthier family.


Yeah. And he was flunking out of college. And basically the whole town knew and like, oh, man, you know, the that kid of like, you know, the respected family is like failing out. And he hung himself in that tower. And I've heard that story from so many people. And I'm saying, like, I'm not like using specific names because I forgot all of them. But like when I was told these stories, I was told they specific names and families.


But I just can't remember off the top of my head, OK, OK, you just. That's crazy. You just reminded me. So the janitor did not didn't hang himself in the bride's room. I just remembered what actually happened. OK, were you finished. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm good. OK, so the janitor so the building that the buildings that are connected to the chapel used to be the university itself. And so the section directly next to the church was the chemistry lab.


And he was in I guess like the closet. He was cleaning up the closet where they keep all of like the tinctures, the different chemicals and stuff. And he had knocked over some of the some of the just the glasses and the fumes consumed the room. He had locked himself in that closet by accident, like the door shut on him. And then those fumes just kind of like filled the room and suffocated him. So that's how he passed.


Yeah. Oh, yeah. But yeah, lots of lots of haunting things. So I actually had a similar situation to you about like experiencing something in that area. So the summer of 2014, I want to say I was an orientation leader. So we were we were living on campus during the summer, like when everybody was gone. And because we were like guiding people around, they gave us all like swipe card access into all the buildings. And I just mean, like, two friends had the bright idea, like, oh, let's go into Penn Chapel and like, let's just mess around and see if we find a ghost.


And this is like one o'clock in the morning. And so we do that. We slept in the building. We just kind of walk in the halls like shooting the shit. We're standing next to the chapel because the doors, like, locked to get inside. No, no, no. It wasn't locked. It had been it was propped open. This is what I remember. It was propped open and with, like, the foot, the door, a little knob, and nothing was happening to report.


So that's when we started walking the halls. And on our way back, we heard that door slam shut because it was the last straw. And you can kind of hear it rattle. And then we hear like very brisk footsteps coming towards us. So our initial reaction was Buchmann campus police got us. And so we're kind of just like hiding a little bit, but there's really nowhere to hide and we're kind of accepting our fate. And then nothing happened.


And we, like, hear the footsteps coming up the stairs and like, all right, well, let's just, like, walk up to him and act like we were supposed to be here. Right. And then just like play it off like, oh, woops, we'll leave. So we start walking towards the stairs, going down with us. Footsteps are coming up at us. And then we like, turn the corner in the stairwell and there's literally nothing there.


Oh, shit. Literally, literally nothing there. Because in that moment, I mean, obviously we're expecting to see the campus police that we know, like we expect to see a human face. And then when we turn the corner, I think we were all kind of initially like, what the fuck? And then we all looked at each other. And I remember looking at my friend McKayla in the eyes and both of her eyes, like, shot open at the same time, like, oh, oh, my God, oh, my God.


And McKayla would pale. She went completely pale. The I had goose bumps and like the hairs, like standing up in the back of my neck and the other our other friend Morgan, who who was with us. She starts hyperventilating. She's freaking out and mind you, like Morgan is like very tough and she's very, like, not fazed by a lot of things. So for her for like for this to happen to her, like she was like completely spooked.


Anyways, you brought that out of me. I had to tell that story. It was absolutely crazy. We ended up running out, running out of that building. I didn't lock anything behind me. It was that was a dang dude, like kind of jealous of that. Like like I wish I was in all that little hunt that we need, go back to Chad and get them down of down.


And I think I actually still have a swipe card access points. Yeah, yeah. I tested it while I was in grad school and I was like, oh shit, they never took this away. So I kept that in mind. I never actually did use it, but it was good to know. Sorry, that wasn't my story. Oh. Do you mind if you mind if I go ahead and share. Please go ahead. OK, sorry.


There's like a motorcycle like raging. OK, it's gone. You go. OK, I'll do. Let me just say like this fire going right now. It's an awesome atmosphere we set in the mood. Oh oh guys. Rucker and I are listening to it in our ears and we're going to put the audio on the track. But like yeah it's really it's working, dude. Yeah. So my story is set in the next to my hometown in Tennessee town, by the way.


OK, sorry. Yeah, I just yeah I thought it was but another for like effects like I don't know if we talked about that. Sorry. Go ahead. I think I've just ever openly talked about it. It's just like I just say I'm from around Nashville. Let me know if you want me to believe that out. Uh, maybe but you don't have to believe this next town. So this this town is called Adams, Tennessee. It's you know what I'm talking about.


I think I do. Some people might be familiar with what it's known for the bell, which, you know. Yes, OK. Huge, huge, huge, huge tourism going on for that. The bell, which cave? There's a little cave tours. So that was the initial appeal. So me, my friends and I, we were in our own little ghost hunting group. We actually called ourselves Team Death Squad.


OK, I know, I know. But I didn't name it. It was my my future Nashville roommate, Cody, who named it. And it was funny when I when I joined the group, I had to be initiated. You have the like so what do you think? And I'm like, this is cool. I was like, the name is just so stupid. I would be Cody would probably be and was just like I, I named it.


Oh. How old were you. We were juniors in high school. Junior in high school again. Um so about the same age when I went to the neighboring house. OK, but that age. But it's, it's the adventurous age is what it is. Yeah. It's the whole like let's do bad shit before we all go off to college the next year before we have to like buckle down and focus on our grades. Yeah. Like we finally have cars.


We could go where we want. Yeah. Yes. Oh that's it. We all got our licenses. Um so we go to Adams with the intent on going to the bell which cave and the whole thing with the cave. Uh, I'm not going to get into the whole book though. Which thing you guys can look that up. It's super creepy. I'm a believer. It's fun. Yeah, it's it's super the record. I would never go there.


For the record, I would. Yeah. Yeah, no. Well, let me let me tell you why you never fucking should go there, because that whole town is a shit show. That's a slam. That's a one stop TripAdvisor review of. Oh no like not a shit show isn't. It's bad, it's just that whole town is really fucking haunted. And like I, I was the skeptic of the group like you were saying for yourself, I was like, everything is explainable.


This is all bullshit because I mean, I'd grown up watching the shows. But anyways, we go with the intent of going to the show which cave. And to preface this, the whole thing with the cave tours is that if you have long hair, which was to put it in a bun because it's like it's a very for some reason, it's like a common thing for people to leave in, like chunks of their hair had been pulled out or their hair has been tugged on talk.


And they have you they ask that you wear like my glasses. If you have glasses, wear glasses because like, pebbles will be thrown at you like small rocks or debris will be tossed in your face. And I know. Super fucking random, I don't know, but anyways, we we wanted to make the most of this night because I think it was right before school was about to start. It was the summer. And so there is like this Freemason house that is right across from the super creepy quote.


So I'm going to send you a picture of the Freemason house that we were going to go to. One second, OK, so this is the Freemason House, just let me know when you get it. Oh, shit, right, creepy that dude. So when we drove into town, we we saw that and it's got like a Freemason's some on the front. That's why I call the Freemason house. And we're like, well, we have this tape recorder.


We might as well, like, leave it inside that that house while we go look at this cave. And then we can be like, come back and grab it and listen to it and see what happens. So, like, I mean, we had nothing we know nothing about this spot. So we climb up those stairs. And so it was Codina that did it and super rested, super dangerous. I'm surprised either one don't have tetanus or two fell and broke my neck because steps were like breaking beneath us anyways.


So Cicconi leaves the tape recorder on top of a piano inside the room and we leave. And right behind the Freemason house there are train tracks. And these train tracks lead you directly to the belt, which came so fast forward. We're almost to the cave. And then we get up to it and we realize that there's a fucking gate like closing off the cave, of course. So we're like, well, this was a wash. Like, we didn't we wasted so much time being here.


And like, there's like six of us. We're all like walking back and I'm like starting to get pissed off because, like, I feel like rocks getting thrown at me, like in the back of my neck. And I'm like, hey, there's this guy named Ryan who was in the group. And we didn't really Kody and I didn't really like him. We thought he was a little bit off. We didn't like him. So and he went to a different school.


It was a whole thing. But I was like, Hey, Ryan, because he had been like dicking around the whole night. I was like, you can you, like, not do that? He's like, what are you talking about? And I hear his voice and he's actually walking in front of me. So it's like, oh, who's behind me?


Who's throwing rocks at me? And it's starting to like pick up a little bit to the point where it was all just like, OK, maybe we should all like definitely leave. So we run back down, running down the train tracks and at some point we got tired. So we started walking and we're walking. Mind you, it's it's nighttime. It's like midnight. Um, I don't know what happened, but it was like it got darker, like a wave of darkness came over us from behind and like made the entire area a lot a lot darker.


And it became a lot harder to see what it was supposed to be like a full moon. And my thought was like maybe there was a cloud. It was a clear sky. It was a clear sky. So that was eerie. I was like, well, that's not what you want. It's not a good. So, um, so we're like, let's get this tape recorder and let's get the fuck up out of here. So we climb up in we get the tape recorder.


No problem. Um, but right across the street, we see this little thing running towards us from this building I across the street from the Freemason building. And it's like this old abandoned church that I just, you know, like so this abandoned church, it looks super creepy.


And we're like, OK, well, since we didn't get to go see the bill, which cave weird. Got this recording from the House. OK, let's go check out this church a big no from me. I'm sorry for interrupting a big no for me or when the windows are boarded up from the outside like yes. Like that in the front doors being kicked in. Mm hmm. OK, go on. OK, so that's the abandoned church and we're like, let's go check that out at least.


But the little creature that had run up on us was a dog. It was dog. It wasn't aggressive or by any means, let's say I've heard rumors, but I think it's OK. Go on. Going on. Um, so this dog comes running up on us and it's like very like, I already don't know breeds of dogs, but I couldn't, I could I still couldn't tell you like what this was like this, it was some sort of not very friendly but a very obviously did not want us on the property of the church.


So we're like, oh, like somebody must like own this property. He like kind of just lives there and doesn't want us there. So every every step we try to take towards this little church, he would like body us and like stop us and like guide us a different direction. Huh. Like it in front of you. Oh yeah. And he was like a herd dog man. He was like really doing a good job of keeping us all the way.


And except for Ryan. So Ryan, I don't know what was going on. Like again, like I said, we. Thought he was a little bit off, but this dog was like growling at Ryan, super friendly to us, let us pet him. But whenever Ryan tried to pet him, the dog just like were like really like, I'm going to bite your fucking fingers off. You touch me type of thing. So me and Cody looked at each other.


We're like dogs. No people. We know he's fucking off.


But yeah. Anyway, so we were just like, OK, well, I guess we're not going to go to this church like a really we're really hoping to because it was super creepy. So we're like super disappointed and we're like, man, our last hope from like salvaging this night for something scary is on that tape recorder. And so they're not about the tape recorder, the tape recorder yet. So we're listening to the tape recorder. We're listening back to it.


And while they're doing recordings of the tape recorder, while they're listening to it, Cody and or the friend and Ryan, I'm just looking up stuff about the town just to see, like what we could have seen while we were there. And I come across an article about hellhounds. So hellhounds are dogs in the physical realm, our realm that guard portals to hell. And their whole thing is they don't want to let anybody get near these portals to hell because they don't want anybody to open it and release whatever's inside.


And the characteristics of a hellhound are an indistinguishable breed, just a mutt, a mutt dog. They do not bark, but they will grow and they will keep you away from from the home. And we had named this dog Spook's because he was just like a spooky night. It's a cute baby. And so I'm like reading it back to to my friends.


And at the same time, we all look at each other like, oh, fucking Spook's is a hellhound.


Oh, this dog was guarding us from what we believe to be a portal to hell, like, oh my God, like other things must be super creepy. So we're listening to the recording. And sure enough, we hear like the piano's being played. Oh, are you serious? The piano is being played in the tape recorder. It is calling out the name of of one of our friends. And it's slowly like crack. Crack is very breathy crack.


And it's just like getting very aggressive and it's saying it louder. And we're like, what the fuck? And then as it's getting louder and like, the piano's kind of like picking up, it's its cadence a little bit. A fucking train blares in the tape recording. Oh, my gosh, isn't that insane? And we all just jump. We like, scream like, oh my God, we're all getting closer and closer to this tape recorder and it just blares in our ears.


Um, but that's to say we we ended up going up inside the church later on and there were like the upside down crosses. Oh, there were like salt circles and candles inside the various pentagrams inside. So it's hard for me. Dog, that's a big, big fucking no. Should have never gone in there too. There might have been like people in there. I mean, I'm not saying that to explain like the noises here, but there could have been like Coulters in there.


Like in the house. Yes. Like doing shit. And I mean, like I'm saying like that could have been like a really unsafe scenario for you and your friend. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. But just like the fact that they knew one of our names, like because we weren't saying each other's names, you know, when we were in the area. So we just thought it was super weird how how they knew. But yeah, that's that whole night was insane.


Like so much shit happened, like we thought it was a wash. But in the end, like we walked away with with more than enough proof for ourselves. And I actually tried to get that recording, but Greg lost it. He doesn't know where it is, Greg. So I know. I know. So if I were Greg, I would burn that tape, too. So I'm sure he did. He he lost it. Yeah, he he got rid of that.


I wouldn't do that. I do that. I literally get chills when you talk about, like with the piano started playing or whatever. Really. Yes. That's fucking creepy. It was weird. It was weird. That whole night was insane. We had so many different adventures. But that's the one that just sticks out to us. The. And it president lead with that, but holy shit, that was that was a story, dude, holy shit in these pictures.


Looks like we're going to share these. Yeah, like that slideshow I mentioned, these are fucking creepy places. Like they look like no. Mm hmm. And across the street from the Freemason House. So the Freemason house, the church and this building I just sent you were all in the same. They're all like they form a triangle like they're all in the same little corner. That can't be good in this building. This building has this quote on it.


It says, In autumn, Geronimo weeps no pony with a blanket. So I looked it up like, what the fuck does that even mean? Um, and so it's from a series of haikus from a man named Oops, I just lost it. Jack Kerouac. He published a book of haikus, and I've heard that name before, but go on. Sorry. Right. It sounds familiar, but the the series of haiku, this is just one of five that are supposed to reflect a feeling of loneliness and melancholy.


Yeah, I get that. And feelings of detachment where it's just like you kind of feel nothing in the face of, like, suffering and death. Like that's what that's how he interpreted it. And the fact that we're just kind of walking around this place completely, not knowing what it is we're around in those moments is just so, like, eerie to me. And it's so creepy because it's like we were going for one thing and we experienced something completely different.


So I was I'm sorry of you or I said this. So this is in Adams, Tennessee was this close. Tennessee was this close to your hometown. It's right next to it. Yeah. I always thought Adams Tennessee was on the other side of the state for some reason. No, no. Right on the border. Kentucky, it's right there. Oh, wow. Yeah. This sounds like a place this is like just forgotten by like by God or whatever you believe in.


It's just like just left in the dust. It's yeah. The whole town feels bleak honestly. Like it just feels empty. I don't know if people don't know about the Blair Witch. I'm pretty sure you can find like several podcasts. I've covered it if you're unfamiliar. I'm not educated enough to actually like the bill, which. Yeah, the bill. Which is that what I said? You said the Blair Witch. Oh, I'm sorry. The bill, which I'm sorry if people aren't familiar with the bill, which there's several podcasts that have covered it, I'm not educated enough to give information on it, which so I'm I to refrain from that.


But go if you haven't heard about this, look it up. It'll add to just how fucking creepy all this shit is. I'm shocked that you I would never I would like like I said, I'm a skeptic and everything because I've heard, like, stories about like, you know, like this rocks you're talking about like that will hit you. I've heard stories of people taking those rocks home and then just like horrible shit happens to them now, you know, would never there.


So the fact that, um, you spooked me, you got me with the piano real good. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That was good. Bad. Oh, good. Good. I'm glad. I'm glad that was good deed. Good stories. Yeah. I think, I think we got I think each October you and I need to go on a ghost adventures that way. We have more stories for this each year. Uh dude dude I have so many team death squad stories.


He does stories.


We export a lot of stuff. There's a lot of stuff that we've seen. So. Oh, jeez, buddy, we got to have some shared experiences to come down to Texas and we'll look into some crazy stuff. We'll go to Waco or something. I just feel like we get shot. But yeah, I'm just kidding. Let's do it. They'll be fine. Uh, yeah. Uh, did did you want to wrap things up or was there other stuff that you had other stories planned.


No, no. I don't want to show all my cards at once. I just thought it'd be funny to share these couple of stories. Yeah. Maybe we can keep doing this, but, uh, no, that's that's all for me. You got anything I got I get like a short story, but I didn't want to say that for the next time.


Whenever we do this cliffhanger, I love it. Well, this was a really fun idea. Nate, thanks for bringing this up. I mean, be like you're bringing it to life. I think this would be like a really fun Halloween treat for our listeners or patrons. Uh, thank you so much for supporting the show. We love this show so much. You have no idea. And it just blows our minds that people like you want to support us in this way.


So cheers to you guys. Happy Halloween. Stay safe and let us know what is No. Will your Halloween plans are, you know, what you're dressing up as or if you get spooky stories you want to share for the next time we do something like this, that'll be really cool to me. All right. Well, that's all for me. And I'm just going to let this fire play out. Happy Halloween by.