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Hey, listen, if you're willing to go with me on income inequality and what's happening to opportunity and we can even make it to why we need to break up Amazon, I am like so in with whatever you want to talk about.


Di di Di, welcome back to another episode of Girls Got to you. It's Elizabeth Warren. Oh, my God. Happy Yom Kippur, where I'm a Jew, that my mom is like, you can't release this on Yom Kippur, I was like a Christmas mom.


People are listening to podcast. Wait, it's the twenty eighth. It starts on the twenty seven. So yesterday and it ends tonight on the twenty eighth.


I have a really hard time understanding Jewish holidays, like at the same way I have a hard time understand like medical stuff like when someone's trying to describe something medical to me I'm like oh huh. I'm trying to retain it, I cannot retain it. You have told me so many times and I'm not not listening. I don't understand. You're like it starts here. It ends here. You do this. And I'm like, well I. I went to Jewish school K through eight.


I used to speak fluent Hebrew. I knew it. I can barely explain it to you. You do explain it really well. I just I cannot retain it. I'm sorry. I say happy Yom Kippur or whatever. I don't think it's that. And that one time I just kept saying Jewish church. And you're like actually it's we don't say the word church. Stop saying church, you know, like Jewish church. And you're like you please stop.


We're going to get back to this right after thinking are we some really fun Brayne partners today. Thank you. To Frame Bridge for supporting girls. Got a brain bridge, makes it easier and more affordable than ever to frame your favorite things without ever leaving the house instead of the one hundred you'd pay at a framing store. Prices start at thirty nine dollars and all shipping is free. Plus our listeners get fifteen percent off their first order at framer's dotcom.


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I was thinking while you're reading, why do I have more stuff to say about Jewish stuff? That's it. That's it. And to my knowledge it's just I respect it. But there is a lot to know. Like Christmas. We're like yeah whatever. Like Jesus is born that day we do a tree and presents. It's a that's it. It's also the same day every year. Jewish characters. Yes. Even more confusing. Don't want to think Jewish people are like they're just smarter and they can do all this complicated shit in there.


Like try to remember it. Yeah that is true. Yeah. We remember it all. Jews couldn't remember the shit. I have to Google it every year and I am a Jew every year. I'm like one is Rosh Hashanah. But yeah I mean I'm sure that most people if it's different every year, how are you.


So I don't know what Easter is. I'm also not out here. It's like a raging Christian.


I sort of, you know, changed. I mean. Oh yeah, it does change around about time, but yeah, Easter Sunday is different every year. Oh yeah.


Because the date of that sun changes every year. Yeah. And Good Friday. I think I got a math major. OK, but I did go home Parashar Sharna. I try to either go in for a country on Quapaw every year. I'm completely non-religious. I don't know, I'm telling you that I'm telling everybody else but it makes my mom happy. So yes, he was happy. She was as happy as she could be. She made me dinner outside and not go near her.


But it's OK. Maybe by Thanksgiving she'll let me sit. And your mom was like Mascotte bitch. She can make the mask. And we sat outside. I stayed with a friend, but I wanted to tell you my, my my life in Pittsburgh is really different. All my friends are married. They all have a bunch of kids. They old houses have nothing in common with any of them anymore. Yeah, but Friday last week I had like this mommy, daddy, my friend was like, well, my mommy, daddy.


So first we went to socially decent yoga in the park. It was beautiful. There was a fountain. I've never taken yoga before and I did it. Yeah. And then came out of the gate. Yeah. Came out hard. So my two Miami friends and I, I was like, what else are we going to do as a mommy day? And so then we like smoothie bowls and juices and then we bought pot on an app. There's an app you can buy weed.


And we went to the pot store and got to, I'd say, pot of smoke weed everyday. Then we went got pot at the pot store, then we just like hung out. My one mommy friend rolled a joint for me and then we went pick their kids up at school.


Why? These are I was like, is this of course, he's like, cool moms know about the pot up the pot. And I was like, hey guys, you download the app for free up dot com for twenty percent of your first Danquah Vergennes. But I was like, is this. And then we just like they did by the way they did not smoke and then go pick up their OK, I'm glad you clarified. I was like, oh god my friends would never do that.


They're like citizens. Yeah. Ah yeah. So we did that and we picked up their kids, we played with our kids. It was the best day. I love that. I love a mom day. I can do that. I could be a mom if that was my dad. Every yeah. I recently went and saw some family of ours with three kids, my cousin's kids. So much fun.


I love her so much fun. They're like such good. Ages, there are four, six and eight, and the two girls are six and eight, the little boys four and they like build this, you know, they did they took this big box that, ah, all my all formed chair came in and they made the sport the flowers. They like a door that opened. They would make you knock on the door. It's a dogs allowed on the front.


It was so fun. My mom set up a pumpkin hunt for them like mini pumpkins and they did like an Easter egg hunt. Yeah, it was just so fun. I love these kids and they're such a fun age. Like, I don't know what to do with the baby, but like, I really have fun with, like, cool, smart little kids there. They at age three and up. And when they're talking and I'm just like, this is fun.


They can talk to you. So like they actually personality they're not so old that they think you're like, not cool. Yeah. You're like this cool like cousin that just like hangs out with them and they can say stuff to you. Yeah, man, we had a lot of fun and they like they always kind of preferred Matt, which is totally fine. Matt's like a kid person kids. I gravitate towards them but he wasn't around all the time.


So like I did get to have a lot of time with them. And it was really it was really fun. So I mean, it's so funny. We're like both around all these kids. It's unlike us. I was like, there's just nothing but kids on our Instagram stories. And I had a lot of my kids really like me oddly, like you're their size. They think you're just a big kid. Yeah. That's why I really like kids under eight, because after that they're like, yeah, that was probably taller than you.


I like sex. Absolutely. If you guys are new listener, Ashley's brother is, what, six, eight or six now? He's OK, girl. I said it. He's six, seven. But I want to jump in here and talk about, you know, I love LeBron. Shut up to the front. No, I want to be LeBron. When we went, I didn't know. I never knew. I actually wanted to be LeBron.


We went to barstool. We did the answer, the Internet. This was a while back. And they said, if you could have anybody's body, who would you have?


And Rayna said, Emily, radicals, radicals, Radnedge, Wolski, Kaletsky, whatever.


And I said, LeBron James. And they were like, what the. Oh, so anyway, love LeBron. I didn't know his exact height. I did look it up recently. It is six nine. Of course it is. But my brother is six seven of course. Of course you want to be six foot nine. And I have a funny story about a guy that's also six seven doing to tell it, obviously. No, you know what?


I'm also OK, this is like one funny thing I want to tell you. So I was hanging out with some girlfriends like two weekends ago. I guess at this point, I don't know. And I have this thing that that's trust. No, Steve. So besides Steve from Sex the City, which is not a real character, Steve's cannot be trusted. And you can I'm sure you guys know a great Steve, just like, you know, Great Britain in my experience with me and my life.


And my girlfriends know Steve's trust. No, Steve, like Steve and different, but with the men that choose to go by. Steve No, you're right. I don't know any Steve that I like super light. So I always say trusting Steve, maybe we should be commercial. I don't know. So I Steve came up with me. I was like with like five girlfriends and somebody brought up some some asshole named Steve. And I was like, trust.


No, Steve.


I start popping off about Steve and then I have notification on him. I'm not kidding you. Within five minutes, Steve is like, are you on edge? And why was this Steve hot six, seven? He's like volleyball legend. And I was like somebody age was listening and served up bitch hot Steve. Find the tall Steve in the database, send it to him, then get her to match with them. Send it to her. I was dying.


They are listening. There's no trust. No Steve. Steve the Steve that sent me the hottest, tallest Steve they had in the database. Jesse Meglio, the founder of had you just sitting in his dad's office like we heard. Actually it's like a small talk me. We'll talk about this next week. People want us to talk about the social dilemma, but like the dramatization that we can't stand. But, you know, when they're like people, boop, boop, boop.


And they're like listening and controlling you, Campbell. Yeah, yeah. Like, that's the like in him. They're like, we want to find this Benja boyfriend social promote us instead of dragging us. So give her a hot steam. But then what were you with. I'm just shocked by this. I can't believe it was it. It was within minutes and I was like girls, this is so crazy.


And then so I told my brother we were just chatting and I was like, wouldn't it be so funny if I also dated like a volleyball person because his fiancee played like college volleyball, then she coached at the school like she's like all all-American volleyball you got and everything she might have said. And she sticks to you know, she's this all star volleyball player. And I said, would it be so funny? Like, I ended up with, like, all star volleyball player, too.


And he was like, fuck no. What's so him and Steph can just be out in the yard hitting back and forth. He can, like, try to correct her form. Oh, that's all they'll talk about. They'll probably start hooking up. Absolutely not. You cannot date that guy. And I was like, say no more. It's like, okay, so how do you. He's young, right. OK, you you both lose your significant Harbi, right.


He'd be behind her being like move your hips this way would be like a yoga pose. He'd be like just Bennetto it a little more. You matter looking out the window, step back in her ass up into giant volleyball player. But like we're joking but not really. Like I actually thought about it. I actually thought about like and I'm not dating this guy. We exchanged, like, two things in Hanjin clearly. Then it's worked out, but I thought about that, like if I had a significant other and my significant other had this crazy thing in common that like was their whole life, you know, growing up, adult life, that was part of their career.


Like, of course, they would just talk about it all the fucking time. Of course, they'd be in the yard playing volleyball at holidays. And I was like, say no more. And stuff is so sweet. Like, she would never see it coming, you know, like I would be like when you touch me for what the fuck are you doing back there? Like, I would see it coming because I know that men are all dirty little trash assholes.


But Steph would be like he's just being nice, he's just being nice. And Matt would be like, I'm not to knock this guy out. She's you know, she's you dressing.


I'm I'm not going to do volleyball, Steve, but thank you to him for trying. I'm trying to think like what my sister in law is like into that. Like, I could data do it. They'd be like into the same thing as her. Like, I can't think of any. She just has like a big ass and big tits. So, like, I can't let anybody go near her, but I'm thinking about that.


Like, what if I like what if I was with this guy? He was like, I mean, a man suffer so much in love. So it's not really comparable. But again, what if I was like with this guy and he was OK? He was kind of funny.


And then I went and met his what sisters man who was like this amazing comedian or something, you know what I mean? Like, I'm ready for the same type of life and we would connect over it, so.


Well, I'm glad I made you laugh. Well, that is all we have. Should we start our political discussion? Yes. Surprise. We weren't on the show today. Yeah. Ever heard of her. But we want to tell you guys that this is a political episode.


So I just up top, like I wanted to address this narrative or this critique that we only show one side of the political spectrum. So first of all, we aren't a news podcast and we're not claiming to be a bi partisan political outlet. So just want to say that up top, we talk about politics here and there, as you guys know, and obviously more often leading up to this extremely important election. But we're still dating podcast. So I just want to give a friendly reminder that this is our platform that we built.


We can do whatever we want with it and we will.


And our goal is to lift up voices that we respect that empower people, especially women, and that contribute to the world becoming a better place, a world that we want to live in.


That is our goal. So that is why we're not going to bring on someone like Tommy Lawren or Candice Owens, which we got a few messages about her to spew their beliefs that we find so toxic. And there are alternative facts in some cases, if you want to see what they stand for, it's all easily accessible in on the Internet. Go watch Candice Owens argue with Joe Rogan about whether climate change is real or not. Go to both of their Twitters and see what they have to say about the Brianna Taylor verdict.


And I say all this just to let you guys know that we are well aware that there is another side. We are just not going to give our platform to it because we want to stand for what we believe is right and is the right side of history.


And, you know, perhaps if the situation was different, we would be, quote unquote, showing both sides. But we feel at this time that the stakes are just too high and the current president is a threat to our democracy and a danger to this country and to all the progress that we're trying to make, because we will always encourage people to strive for a country and a world that believes in equality for all values, compassion and honesty, trust.


Science gives women the right to choose what to do with their bodies, has leaders that are respected on the world stage, doesn't give billionaires more tax breaks than the working class and isn't run by greedy, rich white men. So we're giving our platform to voices that we want to empower and that are going to make the world a better place. I'm glad you said this and obviously always I co-sign everything that actually says we talk about this stuff ahead of time.


And I think a lot about you guys feeling like you're in a safe space and you're heard and that we're not sort of turning our backs on some of your beliefs and thoughts.


So I wanted to talk a little bit about just the division in this country in general and what's happening. And I think as a country, we've fallen into this us versus them mentality as if there's only two sides and one is right and the other side is the devil. And we vilify the other side. We want to taunt them and scream at them on social media. And I feel like let's wave the flag a little and start to see this as a human rights issue and not some partisan battle.


And I'm not ever going to say the Democrats are all good and Republicans are all bad. You're not even a terrible person because you vote for Donald Trump in the first election. I wouldn't have done it, but I try to understand it. And I think you can vote for Joe Biden and still be a Republican. I've heard a lot of people say that they're they're Republicans, so they're torn. I absolutely think you can vote for a candidate and still be a part of a different party, just like I think you can be pro-life and still vote for other people's rights to choose.


You can be confused by the phrase defund the police and still vote to uphold the rights of minorities that are in this. Suitably, disproportionately targeted by law enforcement, you can be Republican and still vote for a candidate that isn't a climate change denier. And as someone who admitted on tape to lying to the American public about the coronavirus pandemic and that allowed 200000 people to die, you know. Yeah, you don't have to just do one thing. There isn't just two ways of looking at the world.


And I think that we forget a lot that we essentially are all the same. We're all Americans, right? We all want the same things. We want to feel safe. We want to have our rights honored. We want our children to be protected. We want access to medicine and education and equal pay. We have never in history seen such polarization and division in this country. And it's not a coincidence, right, that the people at the top and the person at the top loves this.


He loves the chaos. He loves the dissent because it deflects from the actual problem, which is him. And you can say whatever you want about Barack Obama. But I do feel like he was a great man and he worked every day to unite this country and be a president for the people. And that's who I want to vote for. I want to vote for somebody that even if I don't believe in all of their values, that they are trying to be a president for everybody and unite the country respected by the rest of the world.


Yes. And better world all. You know, I just I think that we've just become part of this climate where, like, everybody is just like this, us versus them thing. And if you don't believe what I believe, then you're an idiot and you're the worst. And I don't believe that. And I don't believe the people that are Republicans or conservatives are terrible people. But I still vote for a candidate that is in your best interest.


Yeah, I. I hate this division. I don't really love how divided it has become and it continues to get more divided. Like, I don't agree with everything the Democratic Party does. I have critiques, you know, I may lean more conservatively or more moderately in some areas, like I think that a lot of people feel the same way.


You know, you can hold beliefs from both sides. I wanted to talk about my uncle, who I saw and spoke to recently. We've we've talked politics on numerous occasions. He is a registered Republican, probably voted Republican most elections in his life. He was a Navy pilot. He was in the Navy with John McCain. I think John McCain was a squadron leader. They stayed close, big Republican energy on that guy. And he is proudly voting for Joe Biden in this election.


He is horrified at the way Donald Trump has, quote unquote, led this country and what he's done to this country. And he knows him on a little bit deeper level with some business stuff. But he is choosing country over party wholeheartedly. And I just think that that might be a lot of people's story. There is this difference between Republicans and Trump Republicans. And I'm sure someone like my uncle may resonate with some of you listening or your parents or your family members.


So I did want to bring that up.


And, you know, at the end of the day, I am a Democrat, but it's more that I'm just a progressive and it's just that you just want progress in the country, you know what I mean? I don't understand how that can be looked at negatively.


You know, if you want a country where women have less rights, the white race is superior.


Gay and trans folks are discriminated against. We separate immigrant families at the border. Climate change is ignored. Our police system continues as it is with senseless murders. Daily mass shootings continue because there's no sensible gun control. The president lies about the severity of a deadly virus.


Like you mentioned, I could go on and on if you want that we got a guy for you, like if you want that and if you're open about it and those are things that you hold dear in this, make America great again means a different time before progress, OK? Mm hmm. It's out there for you.


And I want to take a minute and talk about Joe Biden. We are well aware that he wasn't everyone's top choice. We know the criticisms of him. We get it. That's why there's a whole Instagram account that keeps gaining popularity by the day called Settle for Biden. That speaks to people that aren't super enthusiastic about voting for him. But there is a wealth of information about why he is unequivocally the best option for this country. I really recommend it a lot of great info, actually, because that's how a lot of people feel, you know.


But I will say I have always had a place in my heart for Joe, especially being from Delaware and a proud Delawarean. He has had a lifetime of serving his state and then his country alongside Barack Obama. He has long stood up for women, including establishing the Violence Against Women Act. And he wants to build our economy stronger. He wants to create jobs, continue the fight for racial equality. He believes in a sustainable infrastructure and a future with clean energy, criminal justice reform, better education and health care systems.


The list goes on and on. You can always check out what he stands for on his website, and he will lead with compassion. You know, above all, this is a man who has empathy and compassion. It's so important for our leaders to not be power hungry narcissists and to see their constituents as human beings. And I have so much respect for ECOMIL as well. I think she'll be a huge part of leading this country as well, whoever else he appoints.


Maybe our guest today knows, because it's not just the president leading and making decisions for the country. This isn't a dictatorship contrary to what the current president may believe and act. As such, so I do believe that the Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, will lead us towards actual progress. And the last thing I want to say is that I do know that people are frustrated with both parties in the system in general, like I've talked to people, I've listened to interviews, I've seen tweets, especially from a lot of black individuals in this country, that the same thing.


It's like, you know, we couldn't fix these things when we had a black president. Like the Democrats couldn't fix this. You know, even when the Democrats controlled every area of the government, like we still had all these issues. And it's like, that's totally fair. And I hear those people and I see them. But like I do think that we have a revolution on the horizon if we're not really in it already. I do think that more people than ever before are, quote unquote woak.


So many white people are finally waking up and seeing these systems of oppression and wanting to do something about it. And it needs to be like that because it needs to be all of us in it together. We are on the precipice of change. I really do believe it. I have to believe it, that I have to have hope. I'm not out here just going to, like, abandon the country and fuck and leave. Like, I still have hope.


And I just understand why people don't trust the Democrats and they they don't think either party is going to help them. But like, we still have to try. And there really is only one candidate in this race that still does believe in our democracy and won't undermine it at every chance he gets.


You know, and I wonder sometimes I'm like, maybe we weren't as adamant about looking at racism when we had a black president. I think about that, too, with Hillary. Like, what if Hillary would have won? What is many women would have been fucking angry and fired up to run for office, to run for positions of power, like, I think Donald Trump's presidency. The best part about it is it lit a fire under so many people's asses.


And it is why we have more women wanting to be involved in politics and more people of color. Like I can always find the positives. And I think that's the positive. I just hope he doesn't get elected again. I think that will be really detrimental to our country.


But I just want to hear people that are like, I don't trust the Democrats either. It's like, yeah, we get it. But there is only one option. If you really want to try to move the needle, like we can't just burn to the ground right now. I know some people feel that way. And I hear them and I and I see them. But I do think we can make the system work for us, I hope.


Mm hmm. I'd want to talk to people that think, well, I don't like either candidate. So what's the difference? And maybe it's just the president maybe doesn't affect that much. So I do want to, like, educate people a little bit more about, like, why you vote for more than why you need to vote and like what it affects, because I just don't think I paid attention to it that much growing up.


I just didn't I don't know what like twenty one years old. I'm going to rattle off all the things the president appoints. And I think a lot of people say, I don't necessarily want to vote. I don't care. I don't know enough. I don't like either side. So I want to talk to those people and to you. I want to say first and foremost, a vote for No. One is a vote for Donald Trump. Just be clear on that.


And the person in office will be your president. Whether or not you vote, you can say this is not my president. I can say Donald Trump is not my president. President? Yeah, I live in this country. I'm not going to defect to Canada like I live here and I'm living here. The person I is will be your president. Whether or not you voted and you live in your country, in this country, that your president you should have a say in that.


Absolutely. And when you look back at the election four years ago, Hillary did not lose by any type of margin. First of all, a third of the country didn't even show up to vote. So. Right. That's part of the problem in general. So many people didn't even show up to vote. And if you think it's just the president, it doesn't affect me. I do want to, like, educate you and not like a mansplaining kind of way, but in a way that I didn't even know to stop growing up.


The president is responsible for putting in place the heads of every department in this country that affects you. So the Supreme Court nominees who can serve for life, which, of course, we will talk about that because it's such an important topic right now. He appoints the cabinet, which if you don't have that is it is fifteen executive departments. It is the secretary of state, secretary of education, labor, energy, Defense, Agriculture, Commerce, Housing and Urban Development.


Do you live in a home? The secretary of that shit is appointed by Donald Trump. OK, the secretary of Education. Do you have kids? You're affected by that, right? I don't care who you are or what you do for a living where you live. The heads of these departments and subsequent decisions, they make matter to you and your life. And lastly, the president controls and appoints tons of independent executive agencies. So we're talking the CIA, the FBI and the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency.


And I don't think people currently in California, in Oregon and Washington state want somebody who's a climate change denier right in the office. This affects a lot of people. This affects housing and child care and so many other things. And even I'm like a small micro level. Look at what the first lady of the country did for us in the last eight years and then the current one. And what a huge difference that's been. And right now, he brings into the into the White House the vice president and the first lady.


And those things have a huge reverberating effect on this country. So it is absolutely not just the president, your local elections to aside from what just look at your ballot, study it, do mail and so you can bring it home with you or fill out a sample. Want to bring it in with you and do. And research, because even the people that affect what the police are doing, it's the sheriff, which is like a funny word, sounds like we're the 40s.


The attorney general, like you said, like I posted my Instagram story, all the things that affect the police are like in your state, in your city, in your town, like we can make so much change. Look at it and see. No one thought she would win. She wasn't expected to win. You know, that was a local election. She was running for president. Like, look what she's been able to do now in Congress.


Like, sorry. So you say, no, I love it. I didn't direct me. I, I just think, you know, there's so many people to say I don't know what to do and maybe this doesn't affect me. Yes, it does. Do you live in a home? Do your children's education. Do you live near the woods. The Secretary of Agriculture is appointed by Donald Trump. So if you live on the Earth, you like nature or do you want it to get hotter?


So many things are affected by this person.


And just like any company or any government, it trickles down from the top. So I genuinely, you know, I'm sure there's a lot of layers to Brianna Taylor verdict, but I do genuinely feel like that judge and jury was empowered by the person in the presidency and the attorney general to make those decisions. And these type of decisions are made because it trickles down from the top from somebody who says that the words Black Lives Matter is hate speech. And let's not have somebody in office that feels like that.


Yeah, I mean, the president is a brazen, racist, misogynist, science denier. Liar like this isn't a secret, you know what I mean? Like people like how is he racist? I don't know, man. How much time you got Goulette. It's all out there. He's not trying to hide it. You know, it's like that's what's so offensive. It's like he knows his followers don't care. And I think a lot of times people are like, well, how does everybody not feel like me?


You know, how does everybody not read the same stuff that I read and expose the same things I'm exposed to? They just they genuinely aren't. And I mean, I could talk all day about, like, documentaries about this. You guys could go watch The Great Hack on Netflix, but other people are genuinely not being served the same content as you. So I, I think that you should consume media responsibly and take everything with a grain of salt.


But understand, the people that believe in the stuff is served a totally different thing on social media by social media, and that they are completely swayed by it. And you are, too. And I am too. So there's lots of information, the social dilemma and the great hacker, both great if you guys really want to understand it better.


Yeah. And I mean, at the end of the day you can oh you can rely on The New York Times, The Washington Post. I mean, whether you like what they're reporting or not, they are the facts. They're trustworthy publications with real journalists. They are fact checked. They're the real deal. There's more out there. But those are just two off the top of my head. I highly recommend paying to subscribe to them both. I do.


And while we're talking about things that we encourage you guys to spend your money on to enhance your life, we are just going to take a quick break to talk about a couple of our partners for this episode. I am telling you guys about a new partner, pretty Laeter, best name for cat litter, ever, ever. So I don't have a cat. My parents have a number of them. I know a lot about litter litter boxes. They keep the litter box in the laundry room.


Obviously, I live with my parents for three months. I did a lot of laundry, always litter under my feet, a turd in the litter box. It smelled be like, Mom, can you come change the litter box? There's cat poop right here and there's grains of litter under my feet. There's nothing I hate more for people to have like a cat. And there's like they keep the litter box in the bathroom and then you, like, use their bathroom.


You like cat litter under your feet. I hate it. So I my mom got the cat litter and she is given a full review and she says that that is the number one thing. The cat litter is not coming out of the litter box. There's no cat litter on the floor. And she says that there's not this smell. So these are just things that for me, like what I think makes it so different, pretty litter is kitty litter reinvented.


It has these super crystals that trap odor and release moisture. So it results in dry, low maintenance litter that doesn't smell. It's virtual dust free, which again, the Greens I was talking about, it's manufactured with a specialized dusting process. Let us know us. The other thing, too, is that it's a health indicator. This is the number one thing. It monitors your cattle by changing colors when it detects potential underlying issues. When the cat pees, it's magic.


There's different colors for like different stuff that's wrong with the cat. It's genius. I know. It's incredible. Pretty litter arrived safely at your door in a small lightweight bag. It lasts up to a month. You get an auto ship, too. So you don't just like, deal with like last minute trips to the store. Shipping is free, so the Heseltine's cannot recommend it. If my mom is a big cat lady, we have three cats in the house and I just hate cat litter so much.


Like the reason I would never have a cat is mainly because I do it, but also because I hate the litter box and this takes away all those issues and my mom has confirmed it. We know other people that use kitty litter. We cannot recommend enough for you, for your cats. Get in here for a second, I have another recommendation. OK, listen, if I had pretty letter at my house, I would listen. I would be on it.


You know, I want to know how healthy I am getting up iron.


It turns different colors for different stuff. It's like wrong with you. So I, I don't have a cat. I might get pretty alliterations. Oh my God, I am dead. You have someone like oh I saw a litter box in the bathroom. You have a cow. You're like, no, that's just for me. When I wear I do my see if I'm hydrated trying to cast iron levels. What are their issues like purple, green and red spots all over when you came over and you're like, are you OK, girl?


You good doctor. Yeah. So guys, we get our argument and you tag us in your cute Instagram stories with your cats listening to Girl's got to eat. If you have a cat, if you have a cat and you have a litter box, I hope you do. I don't know what else you'd be doing. You guys get to get on pretty litter and we have a discount for you always. So get the world's smartest litter without leaving home by visiting pretty litter dotcom and use promo code for 20 percent off your first order.


That's pretty litter dotcom promo code for twenty percent off pretty litter dotcom promo code GGGI and tag us in literally anything if that changes color when your cat takes the peep. Tagus. I want to see, I want to see that pretty litter. I see a tie that one of these all tied items to have a different color there. OK, I am really excited to talk about we have a big announcement we do with this brand.


Frame gate. OK, we have a new partner. It's called Frame Bridge. I'm really excited because no one has more gallery walls in the world than me. But Ashley has an update. Well, OK. No, it's not for everybody. I've been so much talk about this. If you guys remember Frame Gate, it was from. Right. It was from Brian Parks episode in July. And Rayna popped off about how this gift that Frances Ellis had gotten me, this framed photo of us, was bigger than the frame she had gotten for me, the size of a headboard.


Oh, my God, it's not that big a float down the river. Oh, my God. How do you get a baby could float down a river on it. Stop it even came over and they said it's not as big as rain because you've made it out to be. So anyway, it was a frame, bridge frame, frame, frame by frame. When he sent me that, I remember thinking, this frame is so beautiful. What an amazing gift.


I took the card out of the box that said Frame Bridge, and I talked it away because I wanted to remember it for Christmas gifts and whatnot. And four gallery walls, like I have been so excited about framework for so long. And we literally had this whole conversation about the frame and it was a framework frame and they are a partner now. I am so juiced up for this. I know this more excited than actually, but need to talk about you need to pop off about your gallery.


I see you guys ask me all the a lot have you been asking in my bedroom and am I actually my bedroom. I live in my kitchen. I have a gallery wall in each place. It is so annoying to, like, get stuff from the poster store. I like to get the actual art then to figure out how to find frames like you get stuff. And it's hard to trust the quality. There's not a lot of options that is affordable.


And also then I'm stuck doing all the framing myself. I getting a lot of people to buy it because they're like, I don't know how to like I know it sounds silly, really. I don't want to hang a picture in a frame like a lot of you are, just like I told you guys, like the maps and everything. And then if you go to Framestore, it's so expensive, like it's honestly this very weirdly expensive thing, like, can you just frame the picture right.


And customizes or there's only five sizes of frames unless you go to like IKEA and they like weird ties like 19, 19 inches and three quarters. Who's out here with a photo that size? Get out of here. So Freyberg is now. We'll tell you. Abramovitch So you go to framer's, you go to the website, you upload your photo and they will not only frame it, they send it back to you. So it's already taken care of.


You preview it online. They have dozens of frame styles and gallery wall layouts. You can preview all of this like how it is going to look in your apartment online. It's fun, by the way. Like it's so cool. It's so fun. You just you choose all of your favorites or they'll give you free recommendations from designers like it's a one stop shop for a gallery wall. And I just think it makes your apartment so, so beautiful.


It's my favorite thing about my apartment. They will custom frame your item. They deliver it finished directly to your door. It's ready to hang. It takes a lot of the anxiety and stress out of a wall. I think a lot of people are like people ask me all the time, like, how did you do that? It's like, I don't know. I went to like three different places and I waited forever for a time. A pain in the ass.


Yeah. So instead of like the hundreds, also the opposite, Framestore, is all of their prices start at thirty nine dollars. So it's super affordable, all the shipping is free and we're going to give you guys a discount as well. We really can't recommend this enough. It is so, so great. Yeah. You a beautiful frame. Well and even if you don't do a gallery wall, I mean this photo for instance got me is really it's big.


It just props up against the window. It looks great there. The light comes through it. So it's like it's not just small frames for a gallery, small ish frames for gallery wall. It's as big as you want. Like this is the best gift to give someone. Just find a picture, you frame it, give it to them for holidays or for the birthday anniversaries, all the things also like if you want to give somebody a gift for as a frame, you have to like order to thank you to get the photo and the frame and then to give it to them.


This he was able to upload a photo and send you send it to me and to do anything perfect. Well, he had to text me and ask for your address fair. But it is the perfect thing for a gift because I think framed photos of the past. But like, I always end up having to go to multiple stores and it's so it's great. It's a really cool thing. You guys just go online, play around with it, see the layouts.


They're really fun and it's affordable. And of course, we give you guys a discount so you can get started today and bring your photos and send someone the perfect gift. You got a frame bridge dotcom and use the promo code to save an additional 15 percent off your first order. Just go to Frame Bridge Dotcom promo cogie that's framer's dotcom promo code GGGI. And you guys guys can check our website for that as well. Yes. OK, we want to talk about one more thing, and that is the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, which was so devastating because we lost such an iconic, influential role model and leader in this country.


She was one of the most incredible women that is ever lived. You know, like I recommend watching RBG, the documentary on the basis of sex, which is the story about her life, too. But what is it like that dramatization? Is that what you call it when there's actors, a movie?


I mean, it's like, oh, OK, what is it with Actors Act?


A dramatization? Oh, my God. Yeah, it's about a movie about her life. Oh, wow.


OK, so her death means that we. Have a vacancy in the Supreme Court, which the president and the Republican senators, not all, but most are desperately trying to fill with a month until the election. And we're going to get to that. We know that's what Ruth would want us to talk about, because it was her dying wish that they wouldn't fill the seat until after the presidential election. But as for her, we just wanted to give a tribute to her.


She accomplished so much in her lifetime and she pioneered so much positive change. And her legacy was really gender equality and not just for women. I mean, what she did for women was so important. She is a feminist icon. She is the reason why we get paid the same as men for doing the same work, why we can get credit cards and buy houses without men. But she fought for men, too, and to make sure they weren't discriminated against on the basis of sex, she truly wanted every human in this country to be treated equally.


And that is her legacy. And of course, yes, she was pro-choice as well. But it has enraged me that some uneducated people out there just want to peg her as the abortion lady and degrade her life's work in such a way. Like, yes, of course, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was staunch in her pro-choice stance. But first of all, she was even on the Supreme Court when Roe v. Wade was decided. She was actually critical of it.


People have no idea about that. It's just this, like, crazy narrative. Don't get me started. I just get so fired up with this diminishing of her accomplishments down to abortion when she has done so much for all of us in this country and how we get to live our lives, how we as women have financial independence, equality in the workplace. We get to choose what to do with our own bodies. So her legacy will live on, hopefully, which does bring us to the filling of her Supreme Court seat.


I'm sure most of you are aware, but the Republicans are rushing to fill the seat. They're blatantly abusing their power in the most insanely hypocritical way as a similar situation happened in twenty sixteen where Antonin Scalia died and Barack Obama not nominated Merrick Garland to fill the seat with six months to the election. And he was blocked from doing so, of course, with senators like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham at the helm saying that they couldn't fill the seat in an election year, that they should let the people decide when the people elected their next president and now they're just completely going against their word.


This is a complete bankruptcy of morals and a fuck you to the American people. The woman Trump has nominated to fill the seat is Judge Amy CONI Barrett, who is a conservative. She's been criticized for her religious beliefs affecting her legal proceedings and her opinions. You know what? Someone like her, things like abortion, access, affordable health care, any hope of sensible gun control, things like that could very much be at risk. And if she was appointed, we would have the most conservative Supreme Court since the 1930s.


It just doesn't match what most of us are striving for in this country. So just remember how hypocritical and unethical it is that the president and his senators would push to fill the seat a month out from election, hold these people accountable, make calls, donate to their opponents. If you have a Republican senator in your state, see what they're planning on doing. Check out what their stance was in 2016 and let them know how you feel because they work for us.


This is what happens in a dictatorship. You know, people don't care about your rights and what you want. They're just rushing to put forward their agenda and to make sure this person gets in there, because, yes, even if Donald Trump is not in office, they might still be in office. And this is so undemocratic to try to rush something like, yes, it is a lifetime position. Yes. Well, it's not something you rush in thirty nine days.


Yes. Presidential campaigns go on for years. Right. We're going to fill a lifetime seat in a couple days. And they're just like, we got to advance our agenda, stick somebody in there. So it's important. Think about it. Think about why somebody would want to rush a decision like this. No unfair. That is to you on either side of the coin. If you're a staunch Republican conservative, it's not fair to you either to rush something like this.


Yes. And it's like we're about to decide in a month, forty days, whatever, what we want as a country, it would be insane to push through somebody with an ideal that is not going to reflect what we're about to vote on. Should we get a new president? Should we flip the Senate to blue, you know, like all these things? Anyway, our RBD, my hero, so devastated to hear of her passing her dying wish was to to not fill the seat until the president was elected, whoever it may be, and really hold these lawmakers accountable.


They're trying to push it through. And as always, fuck Mitch McConnell. There's some funny action items, anti Mitch action items at the end of this year. And how you guys your action, if we're going to tell you your action items, I just want throw in one more thing before we roll into the phenomenal interview with Elizabeth Warren is that a lot of you asked us, how do I talk to my parents about this? How do I talk to a significant other about this stuff?


I don't agree with them. My parents are racist. I'm trying to talk about how not to be. We did have some really good episodes. We touch on that. We touched on that with Fred Smith. I want to give you the exact date on June 8th. And exactly one week later, we have an episode called Are We Too Different? On June 15th, we talk about. Having different political views is your significant other. I don't know, you know, I think that you're fighting against decades of breeding when you're trying to talk to somebody about the stuff, you're probably not going to change people's minds completely.


I think that, you know, it's important to approach any conversation where you're trying to change somebody's mind with real facts, with real information, with a calm demeanor, if that's even possible. And you know me, cold Pam Pant with a detailed plan. If you guys don't watch Step Brothers, please get in there. Call me. I know I am the first to admit I have. I got into a screaming fight with a girlfriend of mine about Donald Trump.


A couple of years ago, I walked out of a restaurant. I'm not saying it is an easy task, but like, just try you can accept that you're not going to change other people's opinions. And if you really feel like your significant other is never going to see things like you see them, I think right now the first time in history that, like when you're significant other doesn't see things politically, like you see them. They are a different kind of person than you are.


And maybe that's not your person. I don't know. Like I was talking to somebody I used to date the other day, and he was he is of the ilk of like, I don't need a vote. It doesn't matter to me. And I had a conversation then. But again, that's not a person I'm going to be with. This is not where we don't line up. So I admire that so many. You want to have constructive conversations with your other and your family.


It's just hard. So try to approach it with as much, I guess, kindness and facts as you can and just know you're not going to change everybody. Yeah, and I think also we understand we've talked a lot about social issues during this episode and those are really important to us. And those are the things that like are dividing the country right now. But we know there's so much more to politics and things that people care about and prioritize everything from, you know, economic growth, national security, taxes.


But on that note, research this stuff, too, because right now the Trump campaign and the Republican Party want everyone to think that if Biden wins, everyone will have to pay more taxes and you're going to get screwed on taxes and read up on it. Read about Joe Biden's proposed tax laws. It really is not affecting people other than the than the wealthy for the most part. So just do your research. I mean, there's just a lot of misinformation out there.


So I always want to recommend that if that's something you're worried about. I mean, I just read three articles on it. I feel like I have a good grasp on it and who it's actually going to impact. And it is not the majority of Americans and it should piss you off when either party lies and spreads misinformation in their campaigns to you. So it's something to keep in mind. But yeah, I mean, that being said, I think that if you're talking about romantic partners.


Yeah. You can disagree about things like tax goes, foreign policy, things like that. But in terms of police reform and gay marriage and abortion access, like if if we don't align on that, we're not going to be mad. If you don't think there should be protection for minorities in this country, they should have every opportunity that you do. I don't think we can date. Yep. And look at that. We wrapped up the political discussion and tied it back in the data and nailed it.


OK, so before we get into it with Senator Warren, we are just going to wrap up our partners for this episode. We want to cut into our chat with her at all. So I am going to tell you guys about Helix. You guys know how he looks? Madres, I was at my parents house not too long ago and I got to sleep on it. It's like my favorite thing about when I get to go there, I get to sleep on my moonlight.


Lux Matra not seeing them and not seeing. No, I don't care. I mean, I don't even see that. I just stay and I'm just here for the mattress. I'm just here the mattress. So I am trying to figure out how to get it to New York because I just love it so much and the best sleep in my life. You guys know we're all one of a kind people, and that's why we sleep on a Hilux mattress designed specifically for our body types and sleep preferences.


And you can, too. You go to he likes sleep dotcom. You take their sleep quiz, it takes two minutes to complete and they use the answers to match your body type and sleep preference to the perfect mattress for you. So everybody likes them in different. Some people like soft mattresses, firm, medium, bouncy USIP in your side or your back, your stomach or you sleep hot with your looks. There's a specific mattress for each and everybody's unique taste.


They have a ten year warranty. You get to try it out for one hundred nights risk free. And if you don't love your mattress, you know you will. But in case you don't, they will pick it up from you and give you a refund. It's super easy. Again, I took the quiz. I am try to sleep on my back most of the night. I will be on my side sometimes. And again, I've said it before.


If I wake up my stomach, I don't know what happened. But my hot sleeper, I like a really sort that I don't really have back issues, so I like to sleep on it. Really soft, fluffy cloud of a bed. Do not put me on a firm mattress. I want nothing to do with it. So I have the moonlight locks. I love it so much. Again, I can't wait to get it to New York so I can have better sleep.


And we've talked about it before. But Helix has such rave reviews on the internet. No one best overall mattress pick of twenty eighteen by GQ and Wired magazine. You guys can see the other reviews. Two people really love them. A lot of you guys have gotten your helix mattresses and you've tagged us and things and you're just loving the sleep that you're getting on them. You're doing cute, unboxing the whole thing. We love it and we both have the pillows, too, and we are obsessed, obsessed.


Cannock and I threw my pillows, my existing pillows away the minute they came. Girl go off the pillow for me is so important. I go to a hotel. Remember I called downstairs that one hotel too. I remember. I was like I was like, I hate her. I got to go. I got to leave this hotel.


I actually was like, hi, these guys are too small, do you like a medium six minute? I can't.


They weren't going to name the little because we do love them, but the pillows are not on par, so I can go check it out for yourself. I'm just going to call down there. And I think they were like, Pam, that's our pillows, OK? I should've brought my own. So go check it out for yourself. Go to Helix Sleep Dotcom blog, take the two minutes sleep and they'll match you to a mattress that will give you the best sleep of your life.


And right now, Helix is offering a two hundred dollars off all mattress orders for our listeners at Helix Sleep Dotcom. You just go to the link and all your discounts and everything will be built in your life. You love it. I in your little bedtime photos and then we are telling you guys about neutrophil. It's for a haircare. You guys have talked to heard me talk on lots of episodes about how my hair is just like thinner and doesn't grow as much as it used to.


And it always made me feel super insecure because I grew up with this like long hair, you great hair. And I just it always made me feel like not great about myself. You know, I'm like, what is happening here? It's not growing. So I actually like working on this brand because they basically look like, you know, like everybody's dealing with this. 30 million women are impacted by weekend or thinning hair. And there are solutions out there.


And I been taking new travel and taking back control of our hair and your confidence as well. So the two targeted formulas for women that are clinically shown to improve hair growth and thickening with less shedding at all stages of life. Obviously, there's so many products out there. So you're like, you know, does this actually work? You'll begin to see thicker, stronger hair in three to six months. We've been taking it for quite a few months.


It not only makes your hair better, it makes your nails grow more. Gosh, we have had the greatest nails through the whole quarantine. They've been looking amazing in a clinical study. Eighty six percent of women reported improved hair growth in six months. More than fifteen hundred top doctors recommend neutrophils and effective and high quality solution for healthier hair. So again, there's a million products out there. This one is backed by all kinds of reviews and recommendations.


And we've been taking it to and we love it. So you guys can check it out. We'll give you a great discounted you can feel better, grow thicker, healthier hair and support our show by going to neutrophil dotcom. And you can use the promo code GGGI and new customers will get twenty percent off. This is their best offer available anywhere, plus free shipping on every order you get. Twenty percent off at Neutrophil Dotcom and I'll spell it for you guys.


It's an Uttara Folo dotcom promo code. Get you some sexy your hair. I got to say I post an Instagram story last weekend. We before I mean I did grow my hair, but like, I probably got like a dozen DMS and about like your hair looks so good. And a lot of people are like, I see you use your full. Your hair looked amazing. I've been taking it. It's it's worked for me. Like, I noticed that about two or three months in and like it really has.


And there's also so much other vitamins in it. Like it's just kind of I'm not saying it can act as a multi. I'm not going to make a claim like that, but like there's a lot of good stuff in it for you, aside from just like the biotin and the hair growing ingredients and stuff.


So, OK, well, it's about that time.


Yes. Oh, my God, I'm so nervous. We are really this is one of the greatest honors for us as the podcast in years. We have a really amazing guest today, has already know who it is, but we'll tell you about her anyway. She is the U.S. senator from Massachusetts serving since 2013 as a member of the Democratic Party and a progressive. She is one of the nation's leading progressive voices, fighting for big structural change that would transform our economy and rebuild the middle class.


She was a Democratic candidate in twenty twenty four, the US presidential election. Please welcome to the show Senator Elizabeth Warren. I love that that's the kind of introduction right into that at that point, we all are ready to go. So I feel a little choked up here if you ever need to bring Raina on the road with you. She'll be your hype girl. There we go. There we go. We need to play a little Dolly Parton now in the back.


No, I got you on that. I'll do that part of it. And I have a lot in common just between the neck and a belly button right here.


Just that part.


Well, we're so excited to have you on your expertise on the show today to talk to people about voting and why it's important and what the what the issues are.


Yeah, and that's what we're going to do because there's a bunch on the ballot this year. Yeah. And so we don't have you we could talk to you for hours, but we have you for a limited amount of time. Your you might be a little bit busy, so let's just get right into it and talk about some of the issues in this country and what our current government is perpetuating in terms of wealth disparity. What you like to discuss in your your career has been dedicated to it, trying to change this.


So we'll just let you kind of educate our audience.


Well, let's talk together about this. Let's talk a little bit about income inequality, OK?


And a little bit about wealth gap. And the reason for that is not because we're in America where we say every single person has to have exactly the same amount of money and exactly the same things to do.


But it's really part of this is about how families at the very, very top have two things going for him. They got a whole lot of wealth, a hugely disproportionate amount of the wealth in this country.


But they also have a hugely disproportionate amount of the power and that power is exercised in Washington.


And what do they get for all that power? Well, they get things like tax laws that work for them and don't work for much of anyone else. So think of it this way. If you are in the top one tenth of one percent, that's like tippy tippy right there, right up there at the very, very top, you have more wealth in about half of America. OK, you got a lot a lot of money. But here's the best part of being up there.


Last year, you would have paid about three point two percent of your total wealth in taxes. OK, but everybody else, that ninety nine percent, they would have paid about seven point two percent of their total wealth in taxes. So think about it this way.


One of the things that's happening in this country is not just there are the very, very rich and everyone else.


It's there are the very, very rich who have gotten their hands around our federal government and keep just very quietly, just an inch at a time, twisting the tools of government to help them get richer.


And let's face it, that means, relatively speaking, not only does everybody else get poor, everybody else is going to pick up the slack.


Somebody has got to pay for the roads, the bridges. Somebody has got to pay right for all the keep the lights on at the federal government. Somebody's got to pay for our military. Somebody's got to pay for all this stuff. And what's happened and that's just one example, is this tiny group at the top has said, I know, let's make everybody who's poorer pay because their voices aren't heard in Washington. So for me, that's just one way to think about why elections are so important.


So here we are. We're coming up on November 3rd. We've got this election's big deal, big national election, a lot of state offices as well.


But one of the things that fundamentally is on the ballot is who does government work for?


Or I guarantee rich folks have been making campaign contributions and have been lobbying Congress and have been building these these think tanks and have just armies working to make sure that that government in Washington works for them.


The only way that we just get a little fairness back in the system is if lots of people to show up to vote and say, hey, I want a government that works for everyone. And that's what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are all about. And the way we make that difference is I will vote dot com, make a plan to vote you, make a plan to vote, and you make a vote not just for Joe and for Kamala, but for an America.


There's just a little bit fairer. That's how I think about this. Mm hmm. And that's it really is the only thing some people have. I love that. You know, there's the rich people have all the resources. They have people doing the work for them. They have all the money in the world and all the time, not their time, but other people's time to dedicate to making a government that works for them. And some people all you have is just showing up and voting for the right people.


That'll make it happen for you.


So that's right. And, you know, actually, that's the thing in a democracy. That means, at least in theory, come on, everybody has one vote, every citizen has a vote.


And there's a whole lot more of us than there is of them in this billionaire scale, in this multi millionaire scale, there's a whole lot more than ninety nine percent by definition.


But it only matters if you figure out what's going on and then you go in and vote and you don't let yourself get influenced by know crazy conspiracy theories on the Internet or. Right.


But you understand just kind of the basics about how power in Washington works and says, look, I want a government that's not just there for rich folks, not just there to give tax breaks to billionaires. I want a government that works for me. I want government like Joe and Carmela are going to get out there and fight for.


So we've identified that we have this economy and it's government that's working for the one percent. So we want to talk about how do we support the 99 percent and how do we make an economy that supports the middle class and the lower class. And, you know, we're creating fairness in the economy, in the workplace. So it's a loaded question. We can speak for hours, but if there's some talking points you have about some plans for that, it would be fantastic.


Great question.


Right. Here's how I think about this. I think of it as opportunity. It's it's that this is something government can do. Government can help us build opportunity and we do this all the time.


For example, as a government, we invest in roads and bridges and electricity and clean water.


And, you know, one of the main reasons we do that is so that if somebody wants to start a small business, they don't have to go build a road to do that, because all you can do right is you you can go to the building and build your building if you have to. But the roads are going to be there. The electricity is going to be there, the infrastructure is going to be there.


And because all of us pitched in nickols to that infrastructure through our taxes, whether we use a particular road or not or how much water we use. Now, that's not what this is about. It's that we built this infrastructure and it lets everybody have a little more opportunity, opportunity to get to work, opportunity to start a small business. What I want to think about is how we expand that opportunity. So let me give you one example, and that is child care.


Right now in America, if you have a baby, what America says is pretty much you're on your own, good luck for finding child care for that baby.


And here's the thing. It is really expensive. And about half the states in the country, child care a year in child care for baby cost, more than a year at the state university. And parents got to pay for that real time. Not not on down the line. Now, why does this matter?


Because we don't invest in child care.


There are lots of folks and let's face it, mostly women who cut short their educations can't go back to school when they have baby or cut short their jobs, can't take a promotion, can't go from part time to full time, can't take your job at all because child care either is not available or if it is available, it costs more than they're going to make out there in that job.


I have talked to so many people. I've talked to teachers and lawyers. I have talked to people who did cleaning. I've talked to people who just say I want to work and I can't make the numbers work or can't find a place for my baby. So what if we think about child care the same way we think about roads and bridges?


It's an investment in our infrastructure so that millions of parents can finish their education, can go to work and have an opportunity to create more economic security for their own family and boost the GDP in the whole country. And understand this.


This is not one where if we did this, we would be so amazing as a country ahead of the whole rest of the world.


Now, we are so behind so far the world.


So what is it about the thirty sixth richest nations in the world where thirty six in terms of the investment we make in child care?


And so when you think about how you want to build an economy going forward, you make that investment in child care. It creates more opportunity for individual families. It boosts the GDP. And let me give you a couple of more features to it. Child care workers are among the lowest paid people in this country.


A lot of people leave child care in order to take orders at McDonald's because they're going to make more money at McDonald's than they will taking care of our children.


So if we make a federal investment into child care, we get more child care slots, we can reduce that cost to zero for most families, maybe a token amount for others.


And we can raise the wages and the the educational experiences and training for all of our child care workers like we do for public school, make that commitment that gets money into a part of the economy that's dominated by black and brown women, gets more money into their pockets and helps lift them and their families. And then just one more part.


It's good for the babies have a better caregiver to have caregivers who have more training, more money. So think about that.


That's just one way in which we can make an investment in child care, create more opportunity for young people who are trying to start their families or trying to start their economic lives and for their children. And we could do that over and over and over. And let me know if you want to talk about student loan debt and housing and lots of ways that we could do this.


But you get the basic idea. Well, I'm glad that you brought up students and people that are recently entering the workforce. And what does that look like right now? And I cut you off. Did you want to finish? Yeah, I want to talk about student debt and then also touch on the challenges of starting a small business or running a small business because of the corruption with with big business and how I mean, they've obviously been hit so hard with with covid, but some people just don't even want to bother because we have these monopolies in certain industries and whatnot.


So I know one of your platforms is just making it easier to start a small business, run a small business. So it maybe those are the two final things we touch on. But, yeah, we'd love to talk about student debt, too, but for people entering the workforce, that's great. Starting a business. I think a lot of people you can start a business, if you will. So it all goes to show that we're killing so close that we focus on this.


But notice that you want to do two questions. They're not two questions. They're one sneaky question all wound together. So let's start with student debt portion of this, because it happens a little earlier in life. Right.


So right now, what we're dealing with in America is about one and a half trillion dollars in total student loan debt.


Think about them, a trillion and a half dollars. And it has been growing the. Out of student loan debt, thick about every year, some people graduate and start to pay off their loans, some people finish paying off their loans, some people take out some new loans.


It ought to be pretty steady amount of debt. Right.


People are struggling so hard to deal with that. Student loan debt falling behind, paying penalties, interest is mounting up. Student loan debt has been growing at about a hundred billion dollars a year.


And I mean, this is a real stone on people, right?


This is rocks in your head. I go to college. Declined exactly like start your life in the red. That's exactly right.


It's for many, many people. They start there. They're kind of grown up ready to go into the world of work already. One full mortgage behind the starting line. They're going to have to pay off the equivalent of a mortgage, pay off the equivalent of a couple of cars before they get to debt.


Flat broke and ready to start their lives because they've got so much student loan debt and then one more part time student loan debt because it goes right where you were before the pandemic. We had already seen the impact of the student loan debt as it was increasing fewer people able to leave mom and dad's house, fewer people able to buy cars, fewer people able to buy homes and start building wealth through homes. And the one you identified, fewer people able to start small businesses.


And we were starting to see this this division.


If you were lucky enough to be born into a family that could afford to pay for your education without loading you with debt, then you could start your own business because you could decide you were going to live on ramen noodles and have seven roommates, at least for a while, and give it a try, rolling the dice, see if you can launch this great business.


But if you've got to make that student loan debt payment of four hundred and eighty six dollars a month no matter what, seven hundred and twenty one dollars a month, no matter what, you've got to go work for a big corporation, not even a small business.


You've got to work for big business. That's going to turn out that regular paycheck.


And that means we get fewer small businesses starting. But it also means that opportunity.


That's why you keep raising this opportunity, that opportunity to follow your dream, that opportunity that you're going to open that great yoga studio, that opportunity to bring this terrific app to market.


All of that gets divided along whether or not you grow up in a family that had a lot of money or not. And again, for me, this just goes back to basic fairness. So what should we do about this?


How about let's cancel a big chunk of that student loan debt? We could cancel student loan debt for about forty three million Americans.


I have a plan to do this. It would cancel about fifty thousand dollars worth of student loan debt. And here's the thing about doing that. I'll put one more twist in this.


It would not only help people get on their feet faster, help them be able to buy homes and start businesses.


It would also start to close the black white wealth gap. In fact, among people with student loan debt, it would close it by roughly about twenty, twenty five points.


And the reason for that is that African-Americans and Latinos are more likely to have to borrow money to go to college, borrow more money while they're in college, and have a harder time paying it off when they get out of college. So by saying, wait a minute, we can't keep this up, we need to invest in young people canceling out a big chunk of that student loan debt.


And then for the next generation coming along, making sure that everybody's got access to technical school, two year college, four year college without having to take out any student loan debt. Let's do that tuition free, just like we do K-12.


By making that available, then people can start their economic lives on pretty sound footing and opportunities are there, whether you grew up, you know, as the daughter of a corporate CEO or like I did, the daughter of a janitor, you'd all have a chance.


And I think that's the kind of America that we we want to build.


And I I talk about this every chance I get with Joe Biden. I talk about it with Comilla. I talk about it with the Democrats in the Senate because we want to make this happen.


We've got the bills were ready to go. What we need are the voters to show up on November 3rd.


We got enough people voting for Democrats up and down the ticket. We can make a real change here. We could cancel out a bunch of that student loan debt.


And helped create opportunity for everyone. I love that and then, I mean, also breaking up some of the businesses that have broken up, too.


I mean, yes, I'm so glad you mentioned this. Exactly right.


So here's another way we can open up opportunity for small businesses, and that is it's time to bust up some of the big businesses. And, yes, big tech. I'm looking at you.


And let me just, you know, just think about the examples, how to think about this.


One hundred years ago, a little over one hundred years ago, we had the monopolies of the railroads. Right. And the steel mills.


And we passed antitrust laws to say, wait a minute, you want to get this market working, you've got to break up these big monopolies and let small businesses have a chance to get a foothold.


That's what I want to see us do now with these big tech companies. So think about what's happening with these giant corporations. First of all, remember how we started on the question of fairness? Amazon.


Oh, last year, Amazon reported a little over 10 billion dollars in profits. You know, they're going hungry.


They're right here. Amazon stock to how much they paid in taxes, corporate taxes.


I don't want it. Don't it? Don't say it. It's going to be a nice round number like zero.


Nothing. I think it's important that people understand that.


You know, that I was kidding. Definitely. No, I'm not like, actually, shut up if you're out there waiting tables.


Right. And you paid taxes last year, you had some money withheld from your paycheck and you paid taxes at the end of the year, paid as you went along, you paid more than Amazon.


That's a tough pill to swallow.


Everybody can take a break and digest that and think about that.


It's it's back to that first point that I started with. I was talking about how the billionaires had twisted the government. No billionaire owners of Amazon, right.


There we go. And the big corporations that have invested in this.


So there is part one part to watch what Amazon does. So right now, if you want to sell a product and you want to do it online, let's face it, you basically have to be at Amazon.


And just thinking about market dominance, Wal Wal-Mart, about nine percent of all retail sales that happen physically happen at Walmart. About forty nine percent of all online sales happen at Amazon. So, I mean, this is the monster of the monster in this space.


OK, so you have this little business, you've got this just fab idea and you're going to sell your fancy pet treats online.


I say that because Baily's long there.


We have one two right here. That's right. You're going to sell fancy pet treats and you struggle and you get your little business going. And here's what Amazon does. They provide the platform so that you can meet your buyers. Great. They also collect information about your sales. And when they see that you're starting to make real money, Amazon can say if Lizzies Gourmet Pet Treats is making big bucks, how about we do Amazon's or make Petrie's? And just so everybody will be fooled about we want to call it Amazon's will call it Lisas Gourmet Pet Treats.


And on the search page, we'll just move Lizzies. That would be our competitor down to page seven so nobody will ever find her. And your little business just goes here. So here's my view on that.


We got to break Amazon apart and here's the way we break it apart. You can be the platform I still want to be able to order online. I think that's great.


You can run the platform or you can be one of the businesses competing on the platform, but you don't get to do both.


And I think that a lot of bear right software. I used to work at Amazon. I have nothing nice to say about it.


But, you know, I think a lot of people don't really understand that Amazon controls all e-commerce and so many small businesses still on there. And then Amazon has full reign to steal your idea marketed as their own and sell it and and post it at the top of the page. So I don't think that that's common knowledge. And it's really interesting. We have a friend that has small business that she just she couldn't her business couldn't function because people wouldn't pay the shipping.


People are so used to free shipping and free two day shipping. So we we we sell the e-commerce side of our business and you're there. So. Program to want this thing that's so unrealistic for a small business to even offer, we can't offer free two day shipping, that will be a crazy thing. So you're almost forced to go on there now? I'm just spiraling. But anyway, so I like that example.


You are right. And the reason you're so right is I care about you're trying to do this. I care about your friend.


I care about markets that work because markets don't work when you've got one giant sucking up all the profits out of them.


And we figured that out one hundred and twenty years ago in the United States.


Back then, it was a different set of companies that were doing it, but it was the same kind of problem. It's not even here that we need a whole bunch of new laws. There may be some places we could tweak it, but what we really need are people with the courage to enforce the laws we've got.


So we got some basic fairness in the system or I'll go back to my old theme, create more opportunity. I want you to try your business. I want your friend to be able to try her business. I want that business to have a chance to reach its customers, seeing what it's got to offer and if it if it's got a good product to be able to grow.


And it's scary, too, with Facebook, they have a marketplace, too. They can promote whatever they want and Instagram, too, they can do whatever they want. It's just kind of a scary a scary thought.


So, yes. And Apple just I mean, I've been following all these all the all the tech trials, but in case people to Apple also controls all of the apps and what gets prioritized on there as well. So your access to things like apps are fully controlled by Apple. That's why we need a government on your side. And the only way we get a government on your side is if you get out and vote. You know, believe me, the Googles and Apples of the world, they're corporate executives will make their voices heard in Washington.


Yeah. The only way to make your voice heard in Washington is to vote on November 3rd. And this is a big deal. And that's why I was pushing I will vote dotcom. People make a commitment and it forces us to think through.


OK, so exactly how am I going to do this and am I registered and what does it take to be registered where I live and do I want to vote early? You kind of get a chance to see the options, pick an option and make a commitment, because the only way we're going to make this country work for all of us is if we get out there and vote on November 3rd. Mm hmm.


Well, thank you so much. We love that. We we tied it back into voting. Of course, that's the obvious call to action here. We wanted you can say no to this if you want. But we we are we're dating podcast. You are in a successful relationship.


Do you have one tip for making your marriage work or do you give anything? This is just a fun thing.


But just to go with our our overall favorite question, I could ask your time about this in advance.


So I think what I think my husband may be listening, I he can come on in.




I think what I would go with is when you find someone. You really like I mean, like I just love I think like it's hard, it's hard and it's a lot long term, like, very hard.


That's right, because I think that's really an important point when you find someone you really like.


Hang on to him and I say that by way of a guidance when other bumps come, but, you know, this is someone you really like.


You may decide this bumps are not nearly so important, not nearly worth fighting about. Yes, we have disagreements on how to load the dishwasher.


But in a world where I get to live with someone I love and like in the dishwasher's not quite so important. Elizabeth.


Sorry, Senator Warren. She's like, we're going to call her senator the whole time. So unprofessional.


I was like, actually, when the call is it Senator Warren go off.


I love that pick. You pick your battles, ultimately pick your battles. That's right. Yeah.


Pick them not just in the which ones are going to win. That's how I pick my battles in the Senate.


Not always, actually. And where can I inflict pain on the people who need a little pain? What is pick them in terms of does this really matter.


Mm hmm. We are talking about people you love and like. Is this one really worth fighting over? Mm hmm. I love that. Well, thank you for providing us with that.


We don't know if you're going to go for it, so we appreciate it. You. I am here. Thank you so much for your fabulous.


Hey, listen, if you're willing to go with me on income inequality and what's happening to opportunity and we can even make it to why we need to break up Amazon, I am like so in with whatever you want to talk about.


This was really phenomenal. Thank you. And this is a great thank you on behalf of our listeners, too. I know that they're going to love that. Yes. Thank you, Senator Warren. Bye bye. All right. You guys enjoy it. Are you OK?


Right. She's so great. Just like what an icon. What an amazing human being. She really, like, explain things to me in the way that I understood alcoholism. You should adopt me. She's listening. Radio talk show on Amazon. You're my favorite. You're my number one enemy of sidestepping stuff.


OK, we asked you guys what you're doing actionable surrounding the election. And we wanted to share what we're doing. And I want you to say, as far as I just love it, I'm really going to do it, too. But you're already your.


I bet you're doing it. I want to do it together. Just to say I actually I heard about this on The Daily Show. So this is Trevor Noah's recommendation. But I'm going to volunteer at the polls. I signed up Power the polls dog. And I mean, you literally just submit to do it. They'll review your application. They'll tell you a location. It's not it's just a really important way to make sure that all these people can vote.


And if you could just donate your time, it is a long time. It's a full day. You're there all day long and you have to go to a class beforehand to learn how to actually do it. How are the polls? But it is so important and there's so many communities in our country that are underprivileged where people are going to have to wait in line for hours and there's not enough polling people, there's not enough actual voter machines, there's not enough people working there.


And people have to spend hours in line. So if there's anything I can do to alleviate that, that's what I'm doing. Power the polls, dawg, decided to be a poll worker actually has to come with me. I want to be together. I know. I have to read about it, make sure that we can be together. I don't think we can be I think to quit for those two girls. Can we be together at the same place?


They're going to be like this is deeper than that. I would be like, I don't I don't care. I just don't. We're the record of life, I guess. No, I love that you're doing that. I want to do it, too. I have been donating to women candidates who can actually flip the Senate seat to Amy McGrath. Definitely donate. We don't know what's going to happen. It seemed unlikely that she would beat Mitch McConnell, but who knows?


Because he is just making himself look worse and worse day by day. Jamie Harrison again going up against Lindsey Graham. But a few people, Sarah Gideon, she is running in Maine. Teresa Greenfield is running in Iowa, Dr. Barbara Berlei, Bollier in Kansas, and MJ Hagar in Texas. I looked at platforms, all their platforms, things like poverty reduction, green economy, investing in education funding, public schools, Medicaid expansion and manja in Texas is a veteran.


She served three tours in Afghanistan. She received a Purple Heart. So she is obviously wanting to support our military and veterans and with humanitarian assistance. So I just love that I love a veteran in general that is going to continue their service to the country. But again, Maine, Iowa, Kansas, Texas, these women could win their election and become the new senators. We can flip the Senate.


I'm laughing because you always call Mitch McConnell Dusty Mitch McConnell, and it makes me laugh every time. Let's get these dusty old men out. Hey, not a bad one, but just get them out of here. I have been talking to Mitch McConnell since we started this fucking podcast. Remember that fucking kill? It was like Mitch McConnell or Ted Cruz. I'm in a bar just thinking about it, actually, as a pioneer.


She's hated Mitch McConnell since before. There's no way.


Honestly, like, they they played audio, him speaking on a recent episode of The Daily. And I, I have asked for it more. So is that even Trump? I hate him with such a passion. OK, well, you guys are you guys doing we asked you what you're doing. We've sort of interspersed really funny stuff with real actual items. So we're just going to run through them. And you guys, can we put them on our story, too?


You guys can get some information. All right. I'm going to. Art and goes through the first half, OK, asking all my Tinder matches what they're voting plan is and sending links to register to vote, I love that I cleared out my following and Facebook friends can't take the negativity. And hey, that's great. Protect your energy, only giving head to guys who register to vote. Beautiful, asking people why they're voting for someone rather than just telling them they're wrong.


I love this. The more I know it's hard, guys, but the more you can have those calm, calm, rational conversation than running a get out to vote campaign for my college campus. I asked my gf, I asked my gym to stop airing Fox News and they said no. So fuck them. Say the gym says, what was it? We'll stop going to OK. Second date, a guy told me he wasn't registered. Third date, watched him register, then fucked him.


I love this. I'm getting turned on learning that that the media is not all bad. You just have to learn how to consume it wisely. Screaming Vote Trump out every time I come and this is the last one I'm going to read. Right? I'm brand creating a voodoo doll of Mitch McConnell. Haven't you done that already? That came from Ashley. Get rich or die trying our original. No, it's not. But I have something in that vein coming up.


Sending tax via powered by the people to get people to vote.


There's what you could just start saying, tax straight. There's a guy text you back with the voter registration mindset shift. The election doesn't start November 3rd. It ends November 3rd. Convincing all the boys I'm talking to, it is a lot of them to vote for Biden. She had the flag donating to we got the vote dog to help restore felons right. To vote in Florida, writing letters and postcards to people about the importance of voting through at Vote Forward or the website is vote F.W. de Dog.


Instead of a normal girls night out, a bunch of us signed up to the polls together. That's so cute. Yard signs that say grab him by the ballot. Making my boyfriend, who was previously involved in politics research for ten minutes per night. You have homework and sit down. Your parents are still rage donations specifically to get your die. Try casting spells that impede Trump voters from ever having orgasms. And very important, I register men to vote before I fuck them.


Yes, I love that. And I recently did some of the occupied who we love. We we partner with them before and they have the voter badge on their profiles. So I'm going to sort of vote you says twenty twenty voter on your OK Cupid profile. I think bumbles doing something similar to.


So we love that Instagram has made it very easy. Also they have a sticker. It won't leave you alone at all, but they have a sticker that has registered to vote. If you just touch it on somebody else's Instagram story, a prompt will pop up and see what state you live in and they will register you. Yes, it is never been easier in the world. Of course, all of you said that you are volunteering, you're donating your having type conversations.


Please continue to do that. Sign up for being a poll worker. All these things are important. Every little bit helps. We have lots of resources of resources. Verve's of vote America Dotcom of course registered to vote. Yep. Vote out. Or if you guys don't know if you're registered to vote. I can't stress this enough. It takes two seconds. You live in this country, you need to vote. And let me say this because I got a lot of messages asking about a lot of you been asking me and I put them Instagram story able to plenty of you guys don't follow me.


They listen to podcast. Whatever your loss. I registered to vote before I had a New York license. It was at Vogue. You fill out the information and other states allow this to. But just for New York, you fill out the information you hit. Let me submit paperwork. I think whatever. It's easy, you'll figure it out. You have to submit the last four digits of your social rather than a license that you don't have for the state and then you mail it off.


When I mailed mine off, I did certified mail, but I got my voter approval and my voter card back in like a week. Again, New York is really on top of their shit, so I can't speak for other states. But it was super easy. I mailed this paperwork out, got my voter card without a New York license. So anyway, people asked me, Vogue, they got you and they just had me back. Also, they have lists for the deadlines in every state to register and to send mail that mail in ballots.


So there is no reason to not know this information. You guys all have the Internet. We all have a computer in our pocket. Just reach on in there and grab it. And if you feel like you're not educated enough, hopefully this podcast helped. And again, research the other side, whatever. You just just find credible sources and sit down time. And it's not like that boy. That girl make her boyfriend do like that boy's doing.




All right, guys. Well, that is so many action items, but still, check us out. There are no tickets left for any live shows. But Girls got a podcast is our website. You can go there and just peruse around. Anyway, we'll be announcing live shows maybe we don't know. We're still working to try to figure out where we can perform safely. Also, before you move on, it's a couple of people just recently. The website has every episode you can search it.


If you guys are new listener. We have tons of episodes on there, all of our partners, all of our lives, everything is there. One stop shop, all of our press love that is so much pride in our website. She should she if she was in charge of it. Girl's Got to Eat podcast on Instagram. Ash has Ranaghat Greenberg Girls Underscore Got to eat on Twitter and YouTube. Dotcom slash girl's got to eat. Get out there, November 3rd.


I'll be back next week with some sexy talk. We're laying it up. OK, guys, have a great week. Bye bye.