Ep.24 (Cheat Week 2) - M*A*S*H: Tonight's Film is M*A*S*H
Golden Talkies- 1,269 views
- 22 Nov 2020
Join Jamie and Duncan for their second ever cheat week, where we watch the hit film M*A*S*H (1970), directed by Robert Altman and starring friend of the podcast Elliott Gould, alongside Donald Sutherland, Sally Kellerman and Tom Skerritt.
Hello, everybody, welcome back to Golden Talkies into things had been a while and had been a fan, how long has it been? Like a week and a half. Yeah, but we can ask this before they actually. Jesus Christ. Wow.
So let's give an explanation. There were, as we mentioned at the end of last week, not last week. So no film or at least. No, we had little access to which I mean, Dongfang are very big believers in paying for what we watch when it's convenient and watching it on YouTube when it isn't. But we couldn't find an option. So we're in démarche. But there were no film, but we just didn't have the motivation. And you can't tell us because this is a one way communication stream so high.
But conveniently, there are no films this week either.
So anyway. Yeah, so there was one like I think it was a TV movie adaptation of a Hemingway novel. Yeah. So we figured, you know, why don't we just watch MASH anyway. So this is our second tweet actually rules.
I believe this will probably be our last one of the year once again to December.
There's some pretty major releases I think will be quite interesting to get before I forget the last episode of the year as a woman, when I get to all of December, I don't get to record with my buddy.
Exactly. So, yeah, this is our second week last week. Last week we did was General Patton Pachi tweets are they are where we go back and watch films that we missed in this case because we hadn't started the podcast by then that are significant basically for the years progress as a whole.
It's the last time we watched General Patton, which was a big Oscar winner. But I think this week's film, which is MASH researchers say, was a very big cultural moment for the 1970s.
It did also win an Oscar. I did also win a lot more than one Oscar. I think no one won. It won best adapted screenplay.
It was nominated for a while, but it certainly seems to have been strong. It's still the most popular film that came out in 1970 and caused ripples perfectly yet interesting.
And of course, the hit sitcom, which of course, more familiar with the run for seven seasons.
Yeah. When I when I told people I was watching MASH the first of my TV show. So there you go. How do I sound, Jimmy? They sound fine to me, buddy boy. You've got a new microphone. Creamy chocolate. Oh, that's nice. And longer than you. I've got the microphone I have is an on camera mic, which means there's no way to set it up. I thought to hold it. So I'm currently holding it and we'll be holding it for the rest of the episode.
So I admire your dedication. That's going to be really fun. I might find a way.
I think next week I might try to like attach it to my camera, set my camera up on the desk and I get that I don't know, maybe get my tripod or something.
And it all work. And because already my arms are not hurting, but they're definitely they know that they're being held up. You know, I knew a few minutes. And so that's fun and it's fun.
And so shall we get to the sticky of sticky? Do you want to do your contact? I would love to.
So I realized I actually did a sort of context when the film came out rather than for this week. So I don't know if you want it quickly.
Well, I, I'm actually looking for it right now, so you can do so.
Another so the film can 22 January 1970. And I was trying to because for for Patin we we claimed it wasn't a cheap week because it came in somewhere. I can't remember it came out. And that week, however, we were seven weeks away from the nearest states and Hong Kong about seven weeks ago, and it comes out in Serbia in seven weeks in the future. So we're we're really, really fucked this one in terms of cheating there. We are just fully cheating.
But anyway, 25th of January and I sort of throwback Jimmy, uh, rain raindrops keep pulling in my head and I want you back here in the US charts.
Oh, nice. I've heard of both of those. Both of those, remember, with some minor but incredibly important point. Do you think I want you back? Is like like it's impossible to tell. Definitely not an ABC, I'm sure the same tune, but like, I always get confused like hours.
I don't know if I would say it's impossible to tell the difference, but they're very similar songs. Mm. Yeah, certainly. And they have, they have lots of similar components. And do you remember when we sang Raindrops Keep Pulling My Head at school.
I do get smart Mr. Blue Sky and I can see clearly now no obvious theme. I don't think I'll spell out of respect for our viewers.
Intelligence is pretty good though. It was in the order. So wasn't it. Raindrops fell in my head. Mr. Blue Sky, Iceland.
No, I can see now. I can see clearly now that Mr. Blue Sky because like nobody you know. Yeah, it was. Raindrops keep falling on my head because it's raining. I can see clearly now because it's clearing up and the blue sky because now the weather's gone, you know? No, no.
Mr. Blue Sky is about the blue skies coming out, isn't it? Oh, no, you're right.
Yeah. Yeah, it's being sunshine. Yeah. I think it's like, please, why had to hide away for so long. Yeah. Yeah of course. And then. And then I can see clearly now. I can see clearly now. Yeah, so. Yeah, it was an interesting medley, wasn't it? There were two songs about being sunny and one today.
Well, I can see clearly now is very specifically about the right no longer being there, whereas Mr. Blue Sky does not mention rain.
It does so make you fucking idiot. Let's see. The third line is it stopped raining. Everybody's playing. Oh, yes. All right. So that was the dumbest thing you've ever said in the podcast.
So the whole course is about you, of course, asking why you had to hide away for so long, Mr. Blue Sky, where he was hiding.
Apologize. Oh, and then it becomes nighttime.
Of course, that was a medley. It was daytime, it was raining. It was sunny with blue skies. But then nighttime came along. Hmm. Yeah. OK, cool. That was yeah. That was thing. And then in the UK charts, uh can you guess who had the number one hit all the way back to the England World Cup squad.
No, no, that would be great. But I think I don't I don't think we'll hear from them again in four years. Maybe. I don't know. See, um, this is a person that was that perhaps would not be so popular nowadays, say, oh, so Jimmy Savile or something close.
Very close. Oh, Gary Glitter.
No, I'm not like a real famous paedophiles Australian, Australian and UK seventies. Now I'm drawing a blank thing. Rolf Harris. Oh, those two little boys by provice, which is aged very poorly, there was no one.
Uh, Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley was also in the charts. I remember that was one that was kicking off the charts when we started back in the day. Elvis's later career, obviously everyone's favorite part of Elvis. Oh, absolutely.
I mean, it's the best. Um, OK, so have you did you get the chance to look up?
Yeah. OK, so great stuff that happened over the last week or so. On November 16th, Elton John recorded a show in New York City, which would later be released as an album on the Seventeen Came to Man was shot by the AH by the IRA and South Vietnamese vice president defended an operation in Cambodia saying that communist forces could have overrun South Vietnam within twenty four hours.
Moving on to the Tuesday, the Sun picked up its first ever Pin-Up girl on page three.
Oh, wow. That is such a big news. Stephanie run. Yeah, I thought that, didn't they? Just recently, it seems recently changed. It kind of is a few years ago now, but yeah. Yeah. Semi recently.
And the scale of anyone who doesn't know because I assume we have an international audience obviously um because actually uh for many, many years there's a long tradition of a nude picture on page three, which was scandalous at the time. Well, at the time it was just sort of racy and then eventually became probably inappropriate. And so they stopped it.
Um, Douglas Engelbart received the patent for the first computer mouse mouse sorry, my first experience out of the first unmanned remote controlled vehicle on the moon.
FUSTER Oh, cool. That's cool. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, a little stuff.
Did you do you don't think about the Russians in the moon really. D Well the thing is, I think the Russians have had basically every single space race victory other than landing on the moon.
But like once the Americans got that in the back 1000, maybe because the thing is, like at the time, they're the object of the space race wasn't seen as let's get a person on the moon. It was just like, you know, let's get activity in space. But because the Americans like that one thing they made, they like presented that as being the goal all along, as it were.
Yeah, exactly. And and then you don't think about the Russians because the Russians got the moon first, so then they just didn't do it. Yeah. With people it was like a very specific thing. So I'm looking at Sun Page briefing here. Right. And it's next to an article about the United States being infested with mice.
And they've got Pomfrey puns. Right. They've got a sort of headline to headline. It says, No Blamey OK, then a headline says Eki Buntine, which I don't get, I guess something to do of Manchester. Then there's a picture of a mouse right where your manuscript says you've been a Mickey Mouse team lately. And then the headline Manetti Stadium is infested with mice and then there's a sub headline saying FITA screens mice are giving you a headache. And then as a poster it says of Mice and Men, you Ananda's.
Yeah. So that's one, two, three, four, five, six. Sort of Pollyanna ish jokes before everyone in the writers room.
So it comes up with one partner and you don't want anyone to feel left. Stickum, all is horrible. I'm going to send a the I think you'll appreciate this. And I'm not going to put it on the screen because I fear that we may get canceled for encouraging page free stuff.
Moving on to the I believe Wednesday, Joe Frazier won the heavyweight boxing title Famous Boy.
Obviously, Johnny Bench won the baseball thing and Linus Pauling declared that large doses and C could ward off colds, which I am surprised that did not know in 1970, Netherlands, that Albania formed diplomatic relations and Russia landed a self-propelled probe on the moon, which is apparently separate from the other thing I did. Oh, cool. I'll Dickinson died on the 19th. Nothing much interest happened on the 20th of the U.N. General Assembly except that the membership of the People's Republic of China.
Oh, yeah.
Fuck Taiwan, I guess. Yeah. Or is it Taiwan? No. Patriot. On the 21st, there was a coup d'etat where Gen.. Hafez al Assad became prime minister of Syria following a coup.
Did he did he go on TV in full uniform military uniform on the news station and say this is not a coup like that guy did in wherever it was?
Sadly, that sort of visionary, that visionary diplomatic rafid was not established. That was.
Do you remember that? When I do remember that, I mean, that's quite funny.
Existents like these. I'm sure it's not funny if you live there, but.
No, but it's just like on the news for you. This is not the military takeover is pretty good. Good stuff. Yeah. That's all the interesting stuff that happened this week. I will go ahead and say that I think the most interesting of those is the starting page for you.
Yeah, I think so. And have you at the thing that I just sent you on Facebook, the amazing.
Now I'll have a look right now. Incredible, actually, just. OK, so what Duncan neglected to mention or perhaps he mentioned and I just didn't notice, is that the guy saying we've been a Mickey Mouse team lately is a Manchester United player with a mouse had Photoshopped on him.
I said that. I said the other. I said, it's amazing how many strip. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, if you can't do that, then I guess that's six total.
Yeah it is right next to is next to you on a stunning apology. Let's clarify that this is page three 1/2 of who spent the last two days. I would like to clarify this is unclear what they're apologizing for because they do a good apology.
Do you think I could probably I could probably put that in the podcast. Right. You have might not. Well, you have my permission to do so. Just don't leave it the entire time.
No, I'm going to have it is like the background of the podcast, but I might flash up and so people can see it if only if they're visual, visual walcher, if you're an audio.
I mean, it's not like we make money from the same. Exactly. I don't I don't think the sun's going to it's probably fair use because you're commenting on it. We're reviewing it. Right. That's fair use maybe. Yeah. I don't know how fair use works in the UK. You're a lawyer, though.
Well, yeah, but I did my intellectual property course in Canada, so, uh, that's a shame, right?
Can we talk about the mobile army surgical whole hospital hospital.
Yeah, probably has been 15 minutes. It has.
So I suppose to just give a general outline of what the thing is. Uh, MASH follows the adventures of some army surgeons, the misadventures, the misadventures, even for that brackets.
And then you got some poster.
You know, they are Hawkeye Pierce, Trapper Duke.
They all have fun nicknames, basically, and they're Army sergeants. They have very nihilistic sense of humor, but they're trying to make the best of it. They sort of swagger around the Army hospital.
They make themselves nice martinis and they just make each other basically, and they try and rebel against the sort of stickler army types who are big on discipline, like, uh, Hot Lips.
Houlihan or Frank can't remember his nickname Burns. Frank Burns. I think they just call him Burns. Yeah. Burns.
So, yeah, it's really just a serious it's not really much of an longer it's more of a series of isolated episodes of various comic hijinx. Yeah. Try to maintain their sanity as it were. Yeah. Yeah. So that's a good uh guess. Yeah. Um, I don't know if there's anything, anything that stands out to you. You want to mention, uh, about the events of the film. Um.
Oh bloody bloody hell Jamie. You're really Jimmy Jimmy vision.
You can go for them one by one of your own.
You can vaguely go various vignettes so that as they arrive they steal a jeep first. So yes, well, they write another army, whatever. And instead of taking the transport top, so they steal someone's jeep, which is a recurring joke for the film. And there's a nice not to not to spoil the ending, but a nice bit at the end where and I think it's almost a catch 22 style line where they've they've stolen a jeep, they drive it there.
Still, there's a whole conversation about them seeing the Jeep. And then as they leave, they say, oh, no, that they steal that jeep. And he said, no, that's when they write.
And even though they already which is pretty funny, I thought, I don't know how well they're chasing.
They come across the beginning part of the film. I think a lot of fumero people shouting over while I watch a lot of the towns of all the things we've watched.
Yeah, I was. I was yeah. I was going to say it for the end, but I think the film gets a little better as it goes on. I really was not a fan of the star. I was like, this is just going to be people chitchatting with each other the whole film, then I'm going to lose it. But it gets a lot better. Mm. Yeah.
And then what happens when they arrive at the camp and I think they start their, you know, devil may care thing. We get a very annoyed by Frank Burns because he's a Christian praying all the time and that irritates them. According to one critic, this was the first film that I ever like, sort of laughed at people for being questioned, not because like they were doing it wrong just because they were Christian trysting. So it was the first breaking that to me.
This was also the first film to have fucking it by a major studio in a major studio.
But that's a. That's a contested claim, so it's a very quick buck, it's not like a big impact one, you know, I mean, it sort of rolls off the tongue.
Mm hmm. It said very briefly during a football game.
Yeah. Maybe that was an improvised line, I think. Yeah. Which is why.
So they arrive and he immediately shakes one of the nurses and it's like they're both married to his devil may care attitude, baby.
Yeah, I think that sets the tone for the film. Yeah. Pretty nicely.
We got I think our first scenes from the surgery I suppose are Yeah. Worth mentioning, they're very not violent but they're very gory. They don't shy away from the blood and it's incredibly unhygienic, although I suppose that's just the way it was, was you can really have actually did the best they could what they had. Yeah.
I mean they had to fear they were wearing masks and surgical scrubs and that kind of thing because it's made in a tent, in a dirt floor and stuff.
So it's made very clear multiple times throughout the film that Hawkeye and Trapper and the rest do actually take their jobs very seriously. But doing them, they care deeply about hygiene and professional standards. As one of the earlier on hijinx with Trumper is that Frank Burns blames the loss of a patient unlike his young assistant. And they seem like very clearly that takes it seriously and is really upset that he's been told he's killed this man and genuinely gets furious at him for not accepting responsibility.
It was pretty brutal. Yeah, it is a brutal, pretty brutal. It was pretty brutal when he said he role.
But even when. But, yeah, whilst I don't take any of the surrounding decorum of the military seriously at all, it's clear that they do care about, you know, healing well. Oh yeah, exactly. Which is nice. Yeah. It's what grounds them. Yeah, it would because it would've been easy to just make them complete, but yeah it would have been a much lesser film if they had. Yeah. Like being complete. Bakowski Exactly.
Around the entire time.
Um so yeah the first thing is that they sort of conspire to get Frank Burns turned out and we've gotten how we do that.
It's the exchange with the commander of the camp and you got Frank thrown out in exchange for OK.
Doing something or other. Yeah. I can't remember who it is but yeah they, they try, I only I can remember. Let me see if I wrote it then. Oh he punches.
No, no that's was what the chopper comes in to replace Frank Burns and.
Well yeah. Tarapur does punch someone and then gets pulled off which is. Yeah but this is after his full body. Yeah. Yeah. Right love.
I'm sure the truck with him replaced Frank Burns. He is played by Elliot Gould.
Familiar face problem is so straight. He is good in this film. I've decided I like him as an actor. I would like to see him and more things. Yes, it's very good understanding and complaining, which are one of the things they listen to. So if you and I like to start, I am curious as to whether he had to keep the moustache or getting straight off doing this film.
Um, oh, interesting. Or vice versa. Yeah, no, probably not. Maybe vice versa.
Yeah. No kidding. I feel like the moustache is character a lot more than getting straight guys.
And he just has a very thick moustache or whatever reason and say with the stuff with Tripa punching Frank Burns and being told off.
Well we know. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And I believe this is where Major Houlihan makes her appearance. Yeah. She arrives, she's like shell shocked. And the the behaviour of these gentlemen, the slovenly behaviour is very disciplined. And she wants to get this place into shape, much like much like Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Yes. I feel it was quite she's quite similar in a way.
And yeah, not not exactly the same, definitely, but has lost some of it.
Yeah. But yeah. I'm going to talk about this later actually because I have opinions here, but uh OK, HRO Hoolahan sort of sort of gets annoyed at them and wants them to, you know, shave off a bit and in revenge they record her having sex with Frank Burns and then play up the entire camp.
And that's where she gets the nickname from. Yeah, that's what she says during her bedroom top.
What happens, I think, is this where the dental dentist. So they're going to kill himself. Who thinks he's gay? No, I think Frank Frank goes first, yeah, Frank goes first because he's Frank, yes. Really any punches in Torquay? And then he's declared insane.
And so they basically they take the piss, they record of having sex and you take the piss out of Frank and any punches, OK. Or Trepp or one of them and then gets. Yeah, it's OK.
And yeah, OK. He is very deliberately goading them and completely.
Yes. And then then it's the gay dentist. Yeah. Yeah. Then the dentist who they've talked about in the conference. So famously large penis. Yeah. But it's not getting the fat anymore. And so he's convinced that he's repressed homosexual and that this because this is the 70s, this means he has to kill himself.
Yet it's the only two logical leaps because this isn't working. You're gay, you're gay. You have to get the today.
I would not say this film comes out glowingly on the LGBT front, but no, I don't think so. Not outwardly cruel to him because of it there. I think it's based more on the fact that he's like delusional. Well, yeah, they know that he's not gay, I guess. Yeah, I know. I also know that he's not. Yeah. You don't know how they would act if he was which. Yeah.
And you know, that's, that's a neutral sometimes that's all we can hope for.
Yeah. But yeah. So he kills himself or he pretends to kill himself.
And then a bizarre scene that shot like the Last Supper.
Yeah. And did you ever see the Kenneth Branagh Poirot film? No. But he's a really obvious, like genuinely funny because of how Phumzile it's done the Last Supper scene. And I would just like to say this one is much better, which is good because it's quite hard to do Last Supper scene. So it's very hard to justify why everyone would sit on one side of the table.
Yeah, exactly. And I was about to say that there's a there's a whole thing about that painting making no sense because there are elements in the table. But this one is because the coffin they've got a coffin firm which is on the other side of the table. So it's like a ceremonial and they're on one side looking at it thing. Yeah.
So they give them a film, which I think I like, it's pretty clear isn't going to actually kill them. It's just gonna knock them out, whatever. Oh man. They the suicide is painless. It's like it's on its own. It's apparently I've heard it was written by the directors. Fourteen year old son really. And it's definitely interesting guys. Coldstone related to the mike open that the director kills himself.
I don't know how that plays out, but yeah, they play that fantasy there. Yeah. Yeah I'm here.
I did it for a bit because you were talking right.
And this sappy Pasic and I was just saying it's interesting that the guy is called Painless that kills himself. That's his nickname. Oh yeah.
Oh yeah. Reciters painless is a shitty pun. Yeah. And but nice song nonetheless. Yeah.
So he's sort of lying down and then Hawkeye, defender of women everywhere, says that the Nazis sleeping will simply have to have sex with him while he's unconscious. Yeah. And she does so well but not uncomfortable but clearly annoyed. Like if you told her she had to take the bins out, sort of level of emotional irritation at having to have sex because, um.
Yeah, I believe after this is the scene, not seeing the series of events where they have a battle over whether Major Houlihan is a natural blonde or not. Another great moment for respecting women everywhere as they trick you into going into and then they pull down the tent so that the entire time can stay on her.
Yeah, which is a little bit a little bit of the time and not the most. Yeah.
She really has a very horrible time of it. See, the thing is, I was wondering, I think it's supposed to be intentional, like how obviously cool is the revenge of the nerds style. Laughs Then I don't think they'd concentrate on our reaction so much. But I'm like credit to like the actress who plays Hamlet. She's genuinely horrified. Like really getting traumatized by this experience is horrible. Yeah, yeah.
But I think, you know, I think it's maybe intentional, although I think we should have a conversation about this topic now.
I think that the tone of this film is a little too cool for me to enjoy. It is my take.
Right. Do you have any more elaborate? I would say I vaguely agree.
I don't know if I want to hear what your liberation's.
Well, I feel obviously almost all these jokes around the expense of other people, usually innocent people. Yeah. And I feel it's a little too meanspirited for me personally to find it funny. I read Roger Ebert essay on MASH before recording this and his take is that like the idea is supposed to be that the war has turned them into these brutal beings who can only like they're forced to be brutal and willing to maintain their sanity. Yeah, they sort of hate particularly overhunting, Frank Burns, because they aren't affected by the violence.
Yeah. And I think that's behind the forum and sort of the Automator. And so they they feel an instinctive need to pull them down to their levels that they're all suffering together. Yeah. Which I think is a valid read of the film and very interesting one at least has a comment. It doesn't make it any funnier for me. I find it's a bit too a bit too mean personally, although again, that is the spirit of the film.
It's supposed to be a mean spirited film, I think is supposed to be mean spirited and funny. And I'm not getting that second book fair.
I think I yeah, I kind of agree not I probably find it more funny than than that, but I still agree. Yeah. Mm. Well I say I'm going on.
If I forget any of the vignettes here, I'm going off memory because I didn't make notes on the trapper gets an offer to go to Japan to do an operation on Congressman Son.
He says the chopper is the only surgeon who could ever be skilled enough to do it. And Chopper takes one look at the x ray like discusses. I was a really easy operation. Anyone could do it, but I had to go get free shit for Japan, for him and all high and they can go play golf.
Yeah. So so I passed way into the surgery and they operate on the congressman's son. The major of the base there tries to stop them in the middle of it, but they get really annoyed these, you know, infecting the room. Yeah. And then afterwards they antagonized them mercilessly.
And they say that just going to go play golf or, you know, they have to accept otherwise they're going to tell the congressmen they have a fun little time as they play their golf and then they go.
So he's a nice looking meal in a brothel. The brothel is connected to a sort of children's hospital. They ask them to operate on a baby. It's got something wrong with their trachea so they can't eat properly and they suggest taking them to the military hospital. But that's all that's legal. And the general has a very strict rule, not helping civilians using military equipment. Yeah, if they saw that and they operate on the boy anyway, and then when the when the major catches them, they drug him and then they film him in bed with a prostitute and they use that to blackmail him so that they can get away with it, which again, is sort of the idea that they're very cruel people, but they are also good people in their own way.
Yeah, like torturing that general and, you know, for a grievous sexual assault, but also in the service of helping a young boy who he was too selfish to help. I don't even selfish, too wedded to decorum and discipline. Yeah. So, you know, that's that's the essence of them, I suppose. The actress I don't believe the actress in that scene was a native Japanese speaker, which is my one of the only. Critique of the show.
The one is Japanese. Yes, I think she was. Yeah. Is American.
My guest is starting to sound right.
Yeah. I mean, you're that you're the expert and obviously. Well, she was just stricken. Giovinco again, two oh oh. Oh, right.
Yeah. Yeah, sure. So I just for some reason I thought you had a bad streak, but I lost that last week.
I'm sorry. Yeah, I was sad. Yeah. My doorbell just once. I hope it's not wasn't anything important.
I wouldn't want to keep you from anything.
Yeah I'm. Yeah. Then last sort of vignette is that there's a football game between them and a rival base and the match boys cheat by drugging the other players and by hiring a ringer, although the other team also was watching us.
And then they do some stuff that I can't understand for the rules of American football.
Yeah, I read I read a review. And that said that exactly. That for people that don't understand the rules, they're not really going to enjoy the scene. Yeah. Which I can get the. Do you enjoy the scene. Someone who I assume is the rules at this point.
I did enjoy the scene. If someone is played for six years or five years or whatever it is, they might have just been facing knowing the rules this whole time.
This could have been could have been better. It's not really my style, although I do think the the play that they use to win is a bit dubious. And I'm 90 percent sure you not like to put the ball up your jersey and or at least from what I've heard. So, uh, yeah.
Yeah. What else is there? OK, so that's basically in the film Hawkeye gets to go home and Duke and done so he steals the jeep on his way out as I think to recent an arrival or possibly to misbehaved. So he has to stay.
Yeah, I think they get to go home for good behavior, which I yeah. I don't really get. But then the guy in charge of the base doesn't really care. Yeah. When when Hotlinks goes to complain to him about the show scene, he tells her, fine, just, just resign then you know. Yeah. He doesn't look very, very happy with that. So yeah. Yeah he's he's in bed with one of the nurses and she walks and he goes oh just resigned.
You go down commission. And so and he also calls their whole lives, which is like the name she can put into it. So yeah. And I don't know why the other one doesn't get to home but yeah. And and then the credits are done very nicely. And so for the film there's loudspeaker announcements and about random stuff, half of it's like little comedy bits and half of its stuff for the poor and half of it's to do whatever.
And, and then at the end they say that tonight's film is MASH and then it's sales people starring. And as you say, that it cuts to other people starring it, starring in it. And then the film just ends like that.
Yeah. And I like this because they did the credits at the start, right? Yes.
And Untoasted started keeping track of it. This is, I think, the best opening credits we've seen so far. Good. Some good style. I liked it. Yeah. A helicopter is really cool. Yeah. I would say second only to that was a crooked man in terms of opening credits. That was a good one. Yeah.
Because I was, that was, that was the great baby. That was the fucking. Exactly.
And so there's one, there's one big net or being that the best thing yet that you missed. And these were the but well um the word well apparently they were when they filmed the film.
So this is this is going off track bit. When they filmed the film, they were a lot more and Binetti like like individual bits. And then the studio, first of all, the studio was worried that it wouldn't be clear that it was a Korean War. Yeah. And rather than Vietnam War, which we'll talk about later. And I'm sure but, um, they added most of the late speaker scenes were added in to confirm that. But they also added in a bunch of loudspeaker ones, they like linked episodes together.
So apparently initially it was a lot more like episodic. And then at the same time as he added to the loudspeaker saying, like the Korean whatever, and given the context, he also added ones that link to scenes for you, you know, saying, well, whoever come to surgery now and stuff like that.
And so I guess it kind of almost vignettes. And certainly it's not like an overarching plot, particularly, you know, if you look at the the plot, it's they arrive and then you go home. You know, it's like little episodes actually kind of linked together. But anyway, the one that you missed was when they go into town and there's a film crew filming around town and and then they come across one of the boys that was helping them in the the camp.
And he's been he's been drafted into the Korean army and and the doctor finds out that the Americans have been giving him drugs to try and make it look like he's ill and can't join up, which is interesting.
Yeah, yeah, that's cool. On that note, because you were sort of hinting towards we should address the elephant in the room, which is obviously that MASH, I think is very clearly part of the growing American distrust of the media, which is not the military that is taking place around this time. Yeah, very much.
One of a bit like actually like they who is a Vietnam film, but not really. And that is just sort of a thin veneer of not being exactly. I imagine. I think people talk less about the Korean War. I seem to like to place and sort of after World War two. But I imagine it's.
Yeah, it was quite Shahrizat, wasn't it.
Yeah, well, I'm not sure, but relatively Korean War I think is not the first one. I would agree it was a bad idea and the Americans probably lost or at least it was a draw.
Yeah, well, I think I think they lost less than they lost Vietnam, like Vietnam. I mean, absolutely a loss unless you are an American schoolteacher. Yeah, exactly. The Korean War and the Korean War lasted four years. American. Yeah. And yeah.
What did we say about catch 22 in regards to the Vietnam War?
Oh yeah. So I mean, not as not as strongly really.
It's more just a general war thing compared when you compare it. Two of the heroes of day, you know.
Yeah, well certainly there is also like has like a jungle such thing. And it's very much about guerrilla warfare. You want to miss it. Yeah. Where I would still I would say that this film also on a sliding scale from catch 22 to Vietnam, I would say sorry to do like here is closer to that to to like the here in that I think catch 22 is like lessons as a word can be applied to any war, whereas I would say it feels a lot more like something that can only really be applied to like Vietnam or Cold War battles of the war, although I dare say most military might enjoy it or would enjoy it.
I would prefer I do.
I think the big lesson of March suppose, is that the military are to their own asses to be decent human beings and they've lost sight of humanity yet, which is which is a pretty strong female in catch 22.
Yes, there's a lot of similarities to catch you in as well. Yeah. The thing is, even like a scene where someone gets sent home for being insane and then someone's like, well, you know, if I just do the same stuff, can I go home too? Which is was a very catch 22 moment. Yeah.
And I think I preferred catching it by really being a that. But as I as I said, we watched catch until I kind of see it as the the book and the TV show and that film and. Yeah. Rather than just the film, I can connect them all.
So maybe I kind of bounce. I bounced off of both of them. I'm still sure that if I read Catch 22, I'd like it because it's definitely like glimpses of something really brilliant in there. But as if we just compare the films and I think I like much more just because I enjoyed the energy of it more. I really liked Donald Sutherland and I like to go golden this. I like the rapport. It's not something where, like, I laughed out loud laugh, but like I it was a comfy dynamic and I found it enjoyable.
Yeah. Which is an issue I was not supposed to be comfortable, but, you know, no, certainly no. I'm, uh.
Yeah, presentation, as I hinted on before, I would say is by the what sorry. Preposition. WOMAN Yeah.
Yeah. I mean, it's not the worst. There are female characters that speak and have their own opinions and stuff, but not not to any real extent.
You know, I would say all this film actually reminded me of more than anything. I think it came before most of them. I'm wondering if Mashonaland influence is like it's like college films, like if you imagine like the MASH boys were like Delta House or something. Yeah, those are very similar character, actually. Like me, unlike Frank Burns was like that unscrupulous Dean who was destroying the party. Yeah.
Uh, it's like a virus. Yeah. That's the kind of fight they're going for it definitely. Yeah.
Well, because, like, I don't think most films really existed at that time. Um, so I'm wondering if like, no. Maybe inspired the vibe, like we should do something similar to MASH. What's like another looks like a lower state, less violent way. We can have like a group of guys together who need to have fun and, you know, college.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um hey.
Being part of a fraternity. But I want to give it, I go uh yeah.
Well you have to go over to us to do a Masters or something then, because clearly I don't think your current university has many fraternities.
You know, even my university and we had two and one was only four Jewish students.
Uh, why didn't you join the other one? I forget I think it was very much like neither of them were like real fraternity. So they weren't like, you know, the fucking mansions that they are. They mostly have, at least in the US college films.
Yeah. I mean, I think those do exist, but I think I think they do exist. I think they they don't exist in the same. Yeah. Quantity or regularity as they do in these films where there's like a street food. And um but it's interesting that that whole thing I just find really weird, and especially since all the colleges have rules on drinking and stuff which.
Yeah, I was just find to say, I think far from the movies, which is all I can talk about because I seen the experience of like you joined the fraternity in your first year. Right. I'm like, if you're American, you're not going to be able to legally drink them. So.
Yeah, yeah, exactly. So and presumably these are A super illegal and B really obviously illegal in the way that cops could quite easily take advantage of. Exactly.
Yeah, because I looked up I looked up a video and there's there's this university, coastal Carolina. And and there there there there was a video about their football team and how they're like a crazy party or whatever. And so I looked up and there's like another video, like partying or whatever, and I didn't really watch it, but I clicked on it. And all the comments like, oh, I hope I hope all the people in the have graduated because otherwise are going to be in big trouble if this gets leaked.
And I was like, well, they're just they're just partying. And then I realized that, of course, like if they're like college, they're mostly going to be under 21 and like, you know, they're all drinking and doing drugs and smoking and stuff in the video. And I'm like, well, yeah, actually, that's probably not not great.
21 is the drinking age. I just, you know. Twenty one. Yeah. Yeah.
It's implied in this the just to give the official go and talk his political stance. Eighteen is a good age.
I personally favor lowering it on sixteen. I think really.
I think, I think sixteen four. Well I was going to say sixteen for some things but I think it's hard to manage.
I think the reason is eighteen is that they know people are going to do it below that, but they can kind of you know, they can play it by ear.
Or can I look at the exact situation for the selfish thing about keeping it at eighteen? I would like less children in the pubs because they irritate me.
But yeah, I mean, I yeah, if you have six years in a pub and I know so it's really dodgy. If you have six year olds in the club, you know, and you people don't know that they're sixteen, I think that's really dodgy.
That's fair. I think stuff like that needs to be eighteen. I think I think you can say drinking. I drinking in a pub or club. You have to be eighteen. But you can but you can, you can have a meal at sixteen. Yeah. So which I think is fine. I think they could, what they could do is they could change the rules for like private households and. Yeah. Although you're all right to do that aren't you.
I don't think.
Well I think there's some, I think there's some rule where like in a private house there's there's a lot of a lot of exceptions or.
Yeah, well, I mean, obviously it's impossible to enforce anyway. But like also I think obviously the sale of alcohol to ratings, which is the crime. Right. It might be like, OK, where like possessing it. It's a crime, but like using it isn't. Technically, yeah, exactly, so I think the UK is pretty good Seafair around it and like can a 16, 16 for some things, 18 for most things, I think is it works because it matches up with other ages that you can do things.
But certainly at the very least. Yeah.
Whereas like twenty one is just so high and you know, I even even if it was like the same is here where it's like 21 for some things, but you can do most things at base like literally, you know, 20 ones. The only thing which is weird is it seems really OK. And that was a big tangent.
Well what's the aim of the show in it gets exactly. It's going. I hate talking about films, actually. Just tangents, please.
And I fucking hate it the whole time. Um, yeah.
I think about what we want to discuss.
Yeah. So the film the film was made by 20th Century Fox. As we mentioned, it was one of the first big studio films to use the word fuck and.
But what other two films, Jamy were made alongside this film by 20th Century Fox, uh, were made alongside the flu films we've seen.
I'm going to say, while at the same time that may that may be in competition with this film. Oh, for fuck. Or just know for for funding and, uh, studio resources, et cetera.
I think of films that I made, which is not your fault. I'm going to assume for absolutely no reason from.
Well, uh, um, look, these are films we've seen on this film.
I'm going to guess maybe it's going to be one that we've seen we've seen both of these films, OK, although Look-Up are not going to be very formal. Bess's OK. I mean, you can tell me if they're right. OK, Magnus's one five easy pieces, two to two.
I want to say about Towers, I think it was May 20th Century Fox. No, man last one.
Let's go for it wouldn't be passing with it let's say to Tortora. Yes. OK. And also Patin. Oh I'm all right. Yeah.
So 20th Century Fox had two incredibly high budget war films going on this time.
What's more, toward making both pretty expensive, obviously. Yeah. Patton entered her to a BOPE, made it this time both very expensive war films and at Altman, who directed this film over Altman and said he knew that as long as he kept under budget and kept steaming along, he'd be all right because, you know, yeah, he knew the other two would be going way over budget and et cetera. So he tried to put his own kind of spin on the machine.
He didn't seem something. Yeah, I would say this film very much seems made for light being adapted into a sitcom in that third location. It's mostly about character chemistry, obviously, as we talked about, mostly vignettes. Yeah, I can see why it made the transition easily. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, I can I'm not surprised that it was cheaper to make so good for that.
I don't know how, I don't know how cheap. It probably wasn't like cheap but that relativity pattern into our territory. It was, yeah.
It was three million which really has to be adjusted for inflation but made one million at the box office. That's right.
That's pretty good. And they also won the Pandor. Oh, that's nice. Which it wasn't called the panda at the time, but that the equivalent prize at Cannes in 1979.
So it's kind of a surprise they go for that. Yeah, well, I like the Palme d'Or. They seem to seem to know what's up, what's down, you know, what's going on. And there's a porn film festival in Cannes as well.
No, I didn't know that. I guess it's more your department.
No, I remember. Where did I hear about that? I read about that. I think it was a book or I can't remember what it was. But there was something where like, oh, it was on the Trainspotting the first nor the second Trainspotting did they make a porn film. And they take it to the Cannes Film Festival. And there's like a porn fest. I don't know if it's real.
I'm going to look up now incognito mode so it doesn't pop up and maybe it's not. Or maybe it's just something that everyone else made up for the big. Yeah. Uh, I mean, they they have porn awards, I'm sure.
Uh, uh, maybe, you know, I don't know the whole tour.
Oh yeah. There was right from 1990 to 2001 in Cannes. You could win the hot or by the French journal Hot Video. Nice like uh.
Yeah, it was the inaugural is held there two weeks in May in a hotel complex at exactly the same time as the Cannes Film Festival.
That's nice. Uh, and it was it was noted for the lavish parties that accompanied it, particularly those held on board a yacht, which is what happens in the big you go. So so if you're ever reading porno by Irvine Welsh, they can porn festival is real. It happens the same time as the Cannes Film Festival. There you go, and I'm glad I remembered what I got that from, because otherwise I could have sounded really like I was.
You just reminded me of a hanging Fred. We left earlier. I was going to say what we're talking about, Hoolahan and Ratshit. I was going to say the treatment of Hoolihan really bothers me in the film. The treatment. Rochard, whilst also problematic, bothers me less so. And I think that's because Houlihan's more of a well-rounded character, whereas as we mentioned when we were complaining about the prequel, I think it's more of a force of nature or a sort of cipher.
It's you problem, I would agree. But just to explain where I feel the difference in in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, she's kind of just a little bit more of a plot point. Yeah.
That they can take advantage of, as in this one. Hot Lips. Hot Lips. Houlihan is very much a character with thoughts and feelings in all sorts and wretched. You can see that also much worse. Yeah, exactly.
And it's kind of like there's a I don't want to hate unvirtuous too much in terms of the film I can hear on TV show, but in terms of the film, I do think she the character's done well in the she has these moments where you kind of see what she was or like the character beneath the facade. But the facade is so strong that you can still get behind kind of pulling her.
I'm not complaining about her. I think she's done well. I yeah, I wouldn't want her done and I wouldn't want her to have that, which is the whole thing. So yeah, I think both characters work fine. And there although I would say the treatment of Hot Lips is a bit upsetting more to a modern viewer than it would be, then I'm going to take perhaps that's the way it's supposed to be.
Yeah, so perhaps, uh, anything else you want to touch on, let me have a look at my notepads here. OK, we can talk about the cast and the Hawkeye's played by Donald Sutherland, who was in The Hunger Game. Yeah, he was present Snow and Elliot Goldthwaite. Really?
Yeah, I didn't know that. You're just saying. You're just saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Well yeah.
Well you you don't sound like I knew, I knew of other thing but that old belongs to young girls so it's like well that's a shock to me. I like it. Uh I like, I really like his.
Well, Donald Sutherland is Kiefer Sutherland that he's a guy from 24.
He also played Kiefer Sutherland, also played Snake and not with the solid five. Yeah, which is because David Hayter was a really iconic voice. And then could you replace them for a big Hollywood name?
Because these Kushima and which is sad is a big shame actually, given that as Kiefer Sutherland to, you know, not to be returned Phantom, especially arresting as an actor, I have not seen 24.
My parents are big 24 fans and they say I should watch it, John, and watch Duncan.
My life has surprised me less than hearing that your parents are 24 24. His reputation.
Was was just like the arch Republican conservative. Sure. Like the movie 9/11 Paranoia. It's credited with increasing support for torture among American citizens by 43 percent. That's very funny, and apparently it's a cool show looking at that and Jamie, well, I was very popular.
I'm sure it's also fun, but yeah, it's gotten older.
He's also the designated survivor, which I think they're fun of.
You know, if that one's the title, that's probably pretty.
Uh, I think one doesn't really know the answer to that, which is his young face was very familiar to me.
Uh, or maybe you just imagined him with the beard? I just imagined him with the beard.
And it's connected to me or perhaps I know super well from might be British film, something like the Great Train Robbery, obviously.
Of course. Yeah. I don't know what it's going to be.
And he looks very different as President Snow with the big, bold, big beard. He's older. Exactly.
Oh, he's Dr. Sedin Final Fantasy. The spirits within that must be where I know from. Right. He was in the Dirty Dozen. Yeah, that's a good.
I should have seen he was in 2000. Fresia telling jokes.
Yeah, I've seen a bit of although I think I think I've seen he's probably too old for me to recognize. Yeah.
And I think he's in a magical spot. And, you know, he was in Alex in Wonderland.
Oh, Alice in Wonderland came out in 1970. We missed that one. Must have missed that one. Oh, no. It came out on December 17th. Jimmy, we could still watch Alice in Wonderland.
Like the summer is pretty packed with good stuff.
So it'll be interesting to see exactly where we, uh, that we will try.
But I promise to you, as an American, I don't know how well this film is rated.
It's not very well. So I don't know. Sometimes it's fun, though, and. Right. Right. So, yeah. Uh, presidents. No. And you recognize and Elliott Gould was trapper from Oceans and getting straight. We already talked about the subtlely Kellerman was Hoolihan.
You know her. Have I seen her in all the things I know?
I didn't recognize any of the other things. So I don't know if you want to have a shooting Star Trek, maybe.
Oh, some stuff right now, which would be the original.
I mean, like, uh oh, is she not in surgery? Oh, wait. I don't know if she was in for some. It came up when I looked up Sally Kellerman search came up. But now that I've looked up.
Oh I think she oh she was in one episode. Oh it was the name of the character.
Right. Yeah, probably. Okay. Yeah. Oh, no, no, she said in one episode. Yeah, so far it looks like it was an important episode. Uh, she starred in a pilot episode.
This is the second pilot, which is. Yeah, that's form.
Um, so that's pretty cool.
I've watched some episodes of the original series of Star Trek.
I haven't given it a dedicated to playing the muscularly and I Duke Duke was played this Tom Skerritt by Tom Skerritt, uh, who was in Top Gun. He was like the the boss. I guess I can remember what rank the guy is, but the one with the mustache and the hair, that guy and whatever his name is and and and Gary Berghof is Radar and Radar was the only he was the only actor to reprise his role in a TV TV show.
Radar does not have many lines in this film, so I know I be happy to.
So yeah, he doesn't have any license for me, the only one in the TV show. And also they tried to do a spin off of the TV show that was just about the character of radar, like as a civilian once he's finished in the army at home. And and I think they just did a pilot and it failed. And maybe maybe he's more of a character in the TV show. Given that he came over from the film, I don't know what's in it.
And and finally, Robert Duvall is Frank Burns, and he was in Apocalypse Now. He's the, uh, the I'd sure love the smell of napalm in the morning.
Oh, wow. Good for him. And said the suffering did feel great. Yeah. And that's good film. We talked about it a couple weeks ago and I think, of course, you haven't seen it. No, I hadn't seen it.
And now I have. Let me talk to her very, very well done. Thank you. All right. Let me have a look at my handwritten notes here and just see see what I've written down. Uh, if there's anything. Right. I don't think there is and we're getting down to the end here. Um, oh, yeah. It's something that I found interesting was for the the football game. They seem to have found Phuket for everyone.
Oh, Andrea, it seemed very well supplied, although I think it's like hinted that like minded imply that, like, the other outfit is very attractive. Yeah.
I mean, they are, but I'm not quite sure how or match he's got. Yeah.
Got helmets with stickers on him and stuff. Anyway it was that was cool. And there's a nice little cheerleader chant where they say Sixty-nine is divine.
Uh which is pretty funny a way.
Oh the the music in the football scene was bizarre. Well it's like very cartoony like.
Yeah. Womp, womp, womp, womp.
We put them down like people say it's like it's from yeah it's the comedy and MASH is quite understated I suppose, whereas like that's a very outand out film.
Yes. It's a very and slapstick part of the film. So I guess they just took into account of the music. Makes sense. What about the other music in the film and the like, the kind of Japanese versions of American songs that you like?
Is that what they were? I did not. I assume so. I mean, they were Japanese people singing in English. So I just find it was. Yeah, it's like Radio Tokyo now. Wouldn't want it all the way, I think.
All right, folks, are we getting to the bottom of the barrel. Interesting stuff with MASH.
That was that the music was the last thing I heard something great.
Try and move on to a ratings I think of one.
So thinking aloud, I would write this a.
I'm going to be a little cruel, I think, and as I watch of its own, I don't think the film deserves necessarily, but I don't think there's enough in it, at least today to recommend going out to see it specifically. I recognize that you're going to see it in the cinema. Yeah, a lot. Very controversial. And I was. I'm struggling with this, to summarize my opinion, I think I like the chemistry between the cast performances, but I think it's a little too meanspirited for me to find it funny.
And I don't necessarily get as much out of it thematically as it's perhaps offering, but it does connect with me in that way.
Yeah. Um hmm. I'm not sure in this one, to be honest. And I'm going to read to a watch that don't pay for it stream and.
Yeah. Stream just because I think if I think it'd be unfair, both of us to say watch this on. I can't understate the the quality of the film and the cultural importance of it. But I'm a I'm attentive stream.
OK, so it didn't connect to us either. I love us in the same way that the audiences in the 1970s and perhaps that's to be expected.
Yes, I think that's right. I think you've hit the nail on the head there. Right.
Have you been up to much this week, my pal? This is the point of the podcast for me. And I can ask each other about our lives because we only talk once a week.
Yeah. And in this case, not for ages forever. And have I been up to. No, not really. Uh, jeez, I had I said you then I took a weekend off and then I had loads of work to do and because I taken the weekend off and that left me with lots of stuff to do.
Now I've got I've got a film to make in a short, short while. It's a visual project thing. And I've got to make that and write an essay about that. And yeah. So I've just been working mostly to be honest.
And, uh, I've also been working mostly I'm going to describe my upcoming week. I shall describe as hell week to essays. You and I have to do work for a seminar. Uh, so I'm thinking about me working every day. I have been working every day since Friday. Yeah. Well I was on the beach three days obviously, but yeah. Sandra and I say youth criminal law. I study law, by the way. I feel I should mention that more often.
I feel I'm sure it's very impressive, but it's pretty impressive, so unnecessary for criminal law.
And then I go to seminar, I think, property law. And then I go and I say to you for health care law, which is all going to be quite painful, but at least the assets are fairly short. They are short answer. The short answer is the criminal law.
One requires five research how sure they furnival's a thousand words, including all that's so pretty painless. It's just the result will be an issue on medical loss. One thousand five hundred bits about stuff we've done in the course of are less reasonable.
Excuse me one. I think my my one. I can't remember if it's a thousand five hundred, probably one thousand five hundred six in the fourth year and which usually go up by five insurers, which is not bad.
And I feel a thousand birds is like a good afternoon. Right. Yeah, exactly. So it's really just one thousand five hundred, quite a little bit more work but not much once, once you get two percent above it, it's kind of like an essay. Yeah.
And, but a long, very long messager second semester and I'm not quite sure I'm going to, I'm going to try to my dissertation over winter and we'll see as the weeks go on as to whether or not I promise.
Yeah. I've got my dissertation to do so I've been emailing people about that and she's saying, what's your dissertation on the game?
I'm not sure and I don't have to I've got to submit in five days. And I tell you, I'm pretty sure no. And I'm not I'm not one hundred aren't sure. And I'm thinking of doing old age and film and last night and I'm going to I'm going to make a film about an aging actor who keeps getting offered very stereotypical roles and he doesn't feel like he deserves them because he feels like he's a fit and active guy. And why is he always dying and stuff in these films?
And then I'm going to do the piece of writing alongside that. And it's like clichéd films and also about more abuse.
Have you ever seen the Michael Keaton film? Yeah, no.
That's a really good film about page three. I feel direct. Well, I'll check out personal insights.
But yeah, the main the main thing is that I'm not really sure of covid I'm going to be late to. And and if I'm not going to be able to make this film that I have planned, I'll probably write about something else, because the main driving force is the film and I can't make it then I don't really want to be stuck writing and do like a pack of film. So I'm hoping that early in the week I find out for sure how likely it is I'll be making it and then I can decide.
But anyway, yeah, that's that's.
Outside next semester, outside of complaining about work, I started playing golf because I quami so rich, I would like to briefly highlight that I really love the game because of zero.
It's sort of an open world thing, but set in a very small, open world. So I packed full of stuff to do. It's got a lot of really goofy sci fi stuff is really genuinely one of the funniest things I've ever played.
So I let you there are a lot and there are six other mainline Yakuza games that I intend to work very, very slowly.
But because Khiyami is a piece for a remake of the original game and I found I'm quite mixed on it because I think it's not as clearly at that point the series The Roots of My Identity, because the substories aren't funny, they're just very straightforward, which is a shame. Same that's where most of the fun was. But the main plot, that's really good. And it's like based on like a betrayal by a friend, the like, because I've played the prequel first.
Like there is a genuine friendship between the two, like it hits harder. You know, I really invested in that and like the melodrama of it all. But yeah, I think it's sad, I suppose that polishing it off as much as I can and I like some of the extra contents a bit more goofy. I feel it's not quite the same spirit as the game I loved, OK. It's been an experience and that game is only 20 quid because I think this new thing and I have to steal the tradition and I like to steal books, please buy me steal book things.
Listeners there. Yeah, send over still books to the P.O. Box. Uh, Golden Talkies. One, two, three. Mm hmm. Though P.O. Box dot net and. Right. I think, um, I don't think I have really not been up to much in terms of games or films or anything. And I even watch anything interesting.
I watched The Mummy Returns. I've never seen the original mummy. I watched The Mummy Returns with what even I saw that would not work. Yeah. So those are really awful CGI, which is to be seen to be believed.
You might have seen Dwayne the Rock Johnson Scorpion, which is also on the Rock. And it simply is it has to be seen to be believed.
Yeah. The rock. Yeah. You of a bit there but yeah I know the one. You mean the scorpion one.
OK, shall I go next week's film. Because I mean yeah. Go for it.
Usually next week the glut of the samba films and quite started yet but we'll be watching The Hammer of God, which is a foundational kung fu film from China.
It stars Kung Fu first superstar Jimmy Wang. You, uh, so this one is actually unusually for us, available for available frim. You don't have to pay anything extra. Uh, so you know, why not this so you can follow along as we discuss it next week. You're not got anything else to say then shall we say something so truly out. See around the block kids call by everyone.