How To Create The Perfect Webinar Step By Step - Russel Brunson CEO of ClicksFunnels
Happy Scribe's Favorites- 1,859 views
- 26 Oct 2020
Well, I'm excited, man, thanks for having me on, and I'm really excited because I taught a lot of these pieces in separate, different places and this is the first time I've ever kind of taught it all together. So it should be kind of fun on my screen. Looks like a mess right now because I have everything open you learn about today. But then I'll start I'll make it more organized here, here in a minute. So it should be kind of cool.
All right. So we've got about two hours. So Joel gave me, which is be kind of fun to go through a bunch of stuff. And I'm going to be showing you guys, first off, what I call my perfect webinar, and I'll be breaking down the perfect webinar funnel. I'm going to show you guys the pages in our webinar funnels. I'm going to show you guys my actual webinar. I'm just it'll be fun. I got I got nothing to hide.
So I'm sure you guys anything and everything you want. If you have questions and feel free to to ask me throughout, I'll be I'll be looking at the questions here as well.
I'm going to go in and we should have a lot of fun here.
So I'm excited for this and excited for opening this whole thing on.
All right. So to begin with so we're going to start over here with the perfect webinar. How many guys have ever seen this before? I'm going to make it big. She has the whole screen. This is the focus of right now. All right, so this is the perfect webinar and some some back story on this, and this is something that I didn't really invent it myself. It was it was initially actually let me step back even further.
So when I first got in this business, I wanted to be an Internet nerd. Right. That's all I knew. That's all I understood.
And I was I was online trying to sell things. It was really cool. And one day there was this guy who was one of my my early mentors. And I looked up to his name is Ahmed Morne. And he was talking about he had the seminar at the time called The Big Seminar. And it was Internet Marketing Seminar where you can learn, come and learn how to be an Internet marketer. I'm like, oh, I'm doing Internet marketing called like, see how to grow it.
Plus it'd be cool to see to actually meet other entrepreneurs. I'm not sure about you guys, but I always said, like, being an entrepreneur is like the loneliest job in the world. Right. There's nobody that really gets you in half the times. Like your your spouses don't understand what you're doing. Your friends don't like you're like the weird guy. Right. And so I didn't have any, like, friends I could relate with. I'm like I can go somewhere.
I was like two thousand dollars for take. I can go two thousand bucks. I can go and spend this time and get to know other entrepreneurs and maybe just hang out. I was so excited. So I went to this event and when we got there, there's I think about about 500 people in the room and I get that first day and I got my notepad out, my my laptop. I'm so excited.
And first speaker gets up there and he starts talking and he speaks for about 90 minutes.
And then when he's done, he he tells everyone to go in the back of the room and sign up for his program, which I think was like two grand. And I was like, that was weird.
But then also I looked around, I saw all these people, like, popping up all around the room, turn out and running to the back and then like throwing money at this guy. And I were like, you know, I wasn't that good at math.
But I looked back and I started doing the math. I was like two, four, six, eight. And, you know, whatever I was like that guy made just made 60000 dollars. Like, that was the craziest thing I've ever seen. And the next next speaker gets up and he's selling like a five thousand dollar package and he's even better salesperson. He goes to the whole pitch at the end of it. Everyone runs to the runs to the back and starts starts buying again.
I'm doing five, 10, 15, and we just made one hundred grand next week or next week over three days. I watch this. And at the time some people don't believe me when I say this. But at the time I was a shy, awkward, nervous kid who just wanted to hide, minicomputer, didn't dare to talk in front of people, didn't dare to do that stuff. But but I was like, I've just seen that over and over and over again.
I'm like, I got to learn how to do this, because that was amazing. Like I never seen someone make one hundred thousand dollars in ninety minutes before.
I'm like, that's possible. Then I got to figure out how to do it. So it kind of started my whole my journey to kind of figure to figure this stuff out. And and back then it was before webinars were ever even thought of. We were using tele seminars initially. And so I started, you know, kind of test things out, like I'm going to do a tell a seminar. It sounds like talk to people to dress up.
So certain things will tell a seminar on my little list ahead of the time. And first I go and tell seminar. I just talk for an hour and then try to sell people stuff. And and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't.
And and it was cool because every week or so I do tell a seminar and I would just I would try different things. I would try something weird. I try this and try that. And some things just didn't work and some things worked really good. And eventually I kind of started seeing, like, OK, when I do things like this, people buy. When I do things like this, nobody buys. Right?
And again, I was never a good student, but like, I liked money and I liked when I, you know, when something worked that I was going to make money. I wanted to do that again. So I kept I just I started watching, noticing what was working.
And about that time, this guy named Alex Mendooran, who's still just one of the most brilliant marketers I've ever met. He had his course called Tell a seminar Secrets. And it was a thousand dollars.
And they do they did this big old product launch and they did it through tell seminar's funny enough. So I'm listening. And day after day after day to always tell a seminar from everyone trying to help themselves course.
And and I was like, so nervous. And I know a thousand dollars is a lot of money. I dare to do it or not dare to do it. And finally, all of my friends said, Russell, how many tell seminars I've done, I was like, I don't know, like fifteen or something. He's like, how much money do you make on all of them? I was like, you know, each one makes anywhere from, you know, a thousand to, you know, eight or nine thousand dollars or whatever was the time I remember.
And he said he said if you made one or two extra cells from one tell similar from one to one idea you give from this course, like it would be a thousand bucks back then, they have everything from that point forward.
Everything else is free money. And I was like you you're you're right. Like it's a thousand bucks. Why am I freaking out about this? Like I sell people stuff all the time.
Like if I'm going to be a good, you know, get some stuff, I got to become good at purchasing things as well. So I put the risk that I bought the thing and I went through this whole tell seminar course and it was cool. It was the first time I'd ever thought about like like the process.
Like when someone's on the phone, what do you actually say and in what order do you say and how do you do it? Prior to that? I would just get on. I would just talk and I would teach. I would just, you know, whatever came to my head, I would do any kind of start talking about, like, his script and like how he would do things. So I say, oh, so I started kind of taking some of those ideas.
And implementing him into what I was doing for my presentation and on my seminars and I had some increased successes like, wow, this is these were cool, he's really good ideas.
And he had ideas everywhere from, you know, how to get people on the tell a seminar to closing on the tell seminar to what happened afterwards, which a lot of you know, a lot of what I do now is was inspired from that initially almost a decade ago.
And so, again, you guys will see a lot of that over the next two hours with some of the stuff I'll be sharing with you.
But that was kind of my first time ever where I said, step back, start thinking about this process. I remember doing one tell a seminar with this guy named Mike Chen, and before I could tell some of them, I got on with me to kind of prep me for the tell seminar. And I remember one thing powerful he taught me. He said he said, look, when when I sold my product, he said, these are the three questions that everybody has.
No one was, you know, why does it cost so much? Why does it whatever? He had the three questions.
He said, well, I need you to do is during this during the seminar, I need you to ask me these questions in this in this way. Like you need a phrase in the exact same way I give it to you.
And the first question was like, hey, Mike.
So I you know, with all the features that inside the software, I can't believe you're only selling it for 300 dollars.
He said, you know, and why do you why did you do that? And he had me ask the question that he knew in people's heads like Wall three or Bucks is a lot. But then they hear me say, wow, everything is in this. How why are you only selling it for 300 dollars? Like, why is it so cheap?
And suddenly it changes their their perspective. Right. And so he had me do that. And there's two other questions. I came they were now but two other questions, the same way that I addressed his main concerns. And we did that. And that tells seminar. It was the first telecentre ever had the broke five figures.
I think it was like he made seventeen or eighteen thousand dollars on it, which I was for me was just insane. Like that was more money than I ever dreamt of. And it came in one back. There were 60 minute call. And so I just became like I was saying, this stuff is awesome.
A little while later, one of my friends might feel same to me as I know him.
He invited me to come out to to one of his his events and come and speak on it and marketing and and so I'm like, sure. Like, I never done that before. Only then I'd ever been to his arm in a couple of months earlier. So I kind of seen that.
And he said, when you come, I want you to sell something. I was like, oh, OK, cool, I can sell some stuff. And then, you know, I've been doing these health seminars. I had a little bit of knowledge, but I still didn't really get it yet.
And I remember thinking, you know, when I was it was Almond's event, like I knew more about Internet marketing than any of the guys who are up there speaking. I was like, I'm going to go to this event and I'm going to teach all my best. I'm just going to blow their minds like I will give them so much value that they will run to the back room. They're they're going to give me money because, like, I'm going out teach everybody else.
And that was my thought going to this thing.
And so I spent weeks, weeks and weeks preparing this presentation, which is many if you know me, you know, it's not really my style. I'm a lot more I'm a lot more like, you know, I just kind of see my my my pants.
But I prepare and I prepare and I prepare and I and I created I still think to this day it was one of my best presentations ever. And it taught some of the most amazing things, the Internet marketing and really simple, simple format.
And I did the presentation at the end of it. I tried to sell my product. And again, I put the word tried in there because I tried to sell my product and and I did my little pitch at the end, just like I had seen other speakers do from stage. And and I did it.
And nothing nobody moved like I could literally hear the crickets in the in the audience or and I'm looking out over this room about two hundred people. And I'm just like embarrassed and devastated and like freaked out. And I just done my pitch is pitch you completely quiet.
No one's talking, there's no music playing.
You just kind of dead and I'm done. I'm like, now what do I do? Like how, you know, I got to walk to the back of the room over there. And I was like, so scared, cause I think that's a long it's a long walk away.
I walk through all these people and it was like the walk of shame and walking back there all awkwardly and people trying to get up in their seats. And you came back to asking me questions and a couple of things. One thing people that and that was the most amazing presentation I ever saw.
A country. Twenty percent of them told me that. And then they walked away and it didn't buy none of them, but none of them bought.
I was like, how in the world? Like what I thought was so amazing. Like it was everything they needed to be successful. Like why in the world are they not buying my my thing?
I was so confused and I was embarrassed honestly. So I shook hands talking with people really quick. And then I went to a hotel room and I was so embarrassed I literally did not leave my hotel room.
The next three days I locked myself in the room and I just watched cable TV order of service and did not know once leave the room the rest of the trip. I remember being so depressed and so embarrassed. I did not want to see anyone else of the event because I was so embarrassed. And so I'm hiding in my room. And then I was like in my head. I was like, I will never, ever be a public speaker again.
That was so painful, so horrible. And I made zero dollars out of I did pay my own way here, payment hotel. I didn't make a penny. I lost money. Why would I ever do this again?
And so I walked away from it and I did for a while and and I kept doing seminars which were working.
And I kept getting better and better, though, and started implementing some of these things. We'll talk about here in a minute. Got better and better at it, but but I didn't want to speak to him and a couple of months later I got an invite to speak at another event, I told them no, and they kept asking me and asking me and in finance, like, OK, I'm going to I'm going to come and do the same thing, you know, prepare an amazing presentation.
I'm like, OK, this time, like and I'd kind of done like a basic you know, I had kind of sold at the end of the last some kind of baskis like I'm a change how I do my pitch, you know, as like I feel like last time I was insulting their intelligence. I was trying to do it like how the other speakers do. And I'm like, you know, that's not me. Like, I'm just going to be like, straight up.
Straight up. So goes the guys have been set up on stage. NEWSROOM's a little smaller, maybe 100, 150 people. And I do my presentation at the end of it. These are my words. And so I'm like, looking back on it now, it's funny to me, but I said I'm not going to do with the other speakers. Do it. Insult your intelligence with talking about what this is worth and dropping the price. I'm just going to tell you the prices.
It's nine hundred ninety seven dollars and you're going to try to you know you know how valuable it is any more of this.
And you meet me in the back of the room to sign up, and I ended and saved the crickets at night. This is horrible. I have so much pain associated this. I don't want to do this again and find out, like, you know, what other people are doing it.
Like, I got to figure out what in the world other people are doing to figure out how this is how they're doing. Because it works. Obviously, it works. I'm not that dumb. I got to be able to figure it out. Maybe there's there's something I can do. And so, again, that was this is ten years ago now. Seems crazy that that whole experience happened. And so and so by the time I started thinking, well, who is doing it?
Going to start looking around? Some people I was learning from and some of the mentors I had and stuff like that. And one of my one of my top mentors was a guy named Dan Kennedy. And he I went to one of his events and then I saw the same thing, people running in the back. And I was like, this is so cool.
And so I went back to the in there, the back of the room. They have all the courses they sell.
And they had two different public speaking courses. One was Dan Kennedy's public speaking course and one was Bill Glazer's.
So I bought both of them. And Mike, I got to figure this stuff out. So I'm listening to these courses. And and there's one like resounding theme I keep hearing throughout the whole thing with this with their with them, their courses.
And if they kept saying over and over and over again says, look, you as a as a teacher. Right. Like you want to go up there and teach and give and share. So the problem is you're doing that you're doing your audience a huge disservice because there's no way in 90 minutes you can change someone's life. Like you can't give them the tools and the training and everything they need to be successful, said your only job.
Your only responsibility during that 90 minutes is to inspire them and have give them belief that what you are able to do will work for them.
That's it. He said that your job at 90 minutes is to inspire them and they give them belief that what it is that you are selling can help them. OK, that's it.
If you can inspire them and if you can give them a belief that what you have will help them, they will give you money. That's it. You impressing them with how much you know, how good of a teacher you are will not. Well, first off, not going to help them because they're going to leave with an end, with an incomplete, you know, understanding to be able to implement what you showed them. And second off, they're not going to give you money.
And she kept saying over and over and over again, I say that seems so backwards from from logic for me should be like where we get the most value, gets the most money. Right.
And that's true in parts of life, but not in a webinar or stage pitch when you're selling, it's different.
And so so I said, you know, fine, I'm going to just trust these guys. And so I started learning how they were doing their stuff and I watched their presentations. I model their doing. I went to my next event, had my new presentation where I had said teaching a whole bunch of stuff.
I was trying to inspire them and give them belief that what I had to sell would help, could help them and did my first pitch. And I remember I sold six people, a thousand bucks a pop, six thousand dollars, which again was a lot of money. I was just like, boom, like, OK, this is working now, now, now I got a working model how to make this better and what can I do and how can I make this better?
And so I started going through a whole bunch of other people's public speaking trainings and let me sit back, not public speaking training, because that's in my mind a bad thing. Like it's not public speaking, like how to be polished and clean. Right. If you hear my webinars, you hear me right now like I stutter. I say things wrong. But, man, I can get in front of a stage and I can close the room.
I know how to do that now. It's not from from speaking eloquently. It's from understanding the right way to give a presentation. And so I started going there. I study, I bought and I spent tens of thousands of dollars on different people's speaking courses.
I found the best people, guys like Ted Thomas and I, a whole concept called trial closing from Ted Thomas. I probably talked about later on in the perfect webinar he taught me trial closes. Add that to our webinars. We saw an increase. We were averaging nine dollars per webinar registrant. It jumped to over sixteen dollars per registered just by adding in trial close. It's not changing anything else. The pitch adding trial closes went to blanked on their names.
Ron the ground is real estate guy to his public speaking training and learned how he did it. Went learn from so many, so many people. They were struggling through it.
And so remember, the biggest thing I learned and I'll share this with you guys, I walk you through how it all works.
I was at a Dan Kennedy event and Armin Morin, the guy who ran the big seminar my very first time, and I went to a speaking and he gets up on stage and he's telling a thousand our thing and he literally close over like, I don't know, like four or five hundred thousand dollars in sales. Like, it was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen. And I was just watching that. It was like it was like watching someone do art.
Right. Like their painting is the most amazing thing in the world. And and I'm watching this. And and afterwards, like, I kind of lingering around, someone talked to him. Just tell him, you know, like how cool is. And I was actually I was speaking at his event two weeks later, first time I ever spoke in the big seminar, which I was excited for because that was my first event I ever went to Europe.
And so and so he does his pitch and he makes all the money. And then at the end of it, everyone's talking. They finally leave and he walks up to me. He's got the stack of order forms that like it look like when you go to Staples, you buy big like, you know, big old block of paper. That's it. Look like he hold that up. He said here also, you want you want a stack of order forms like this like heck you have man like I love to make a half million dollars in ninety minutes like you just did.
He said there's one thing you got to learn like all right, what's that? And he said, it's a concept I call the stack. I said, OK, what that means is that you walk back his presentations, that you see how I did this thing. You walk me through what he did and yeah, that was kind of cool. He said, in two weeks when you speak at my event, he's like, when you do when you close do the stack.
If you do the stack, you will be rich. If you don't, you're going to bomb. And I was like, OK. And the way you kind of show and I say, well, it's kind of it's kind of embarrassing like you. I'm going to show you guys that here in a minute. But I was like, that's kind of embarrassing. He's like, just do it. I'm like, OK, like, I don't want to screw this up.
Like, this is awesome. And more like I was so scared. Right? So I did my presentation and I just modeled his stack as close as I could remember it when she was about two weeks later and did over one hundred thousand dollars in sales from the states like by far the biggest like had a table rush, people sprinting to the back. I was like, man, that is amazing. So I start adding stack into my webinar presentations and it just crushed every time.
Boom, my clock was crushed, crushed him. After a while I remember I thought I was too smart for the stack.
And I'm like, you know what? This embarrassing like I don't like doing it. So I pulled it out of a presentation. First time in my life I ever blinked on webinar, didn't make a single cell.
And I was like, you know what? This is the lesson to me. I will never, ever, ever sell again from a webinar or stage presentation without a sec. Like, I just it's my hard, fast rule. I will stack every single time. And as I've. Showed my students and people the stack, like it just it works like magic every time and every time people tell me first time I was really embarrassed and then they do it and then they make a bunch of money and suddenly they're not embarrassed anymore.
It's really weird. We had a big event last week here, here. And Rob, for some guys may know, Rob, he was he was here. And I was talking we're talking about webinar finals and he raises his hand. He's like he's got a Grumpy's, like he's like Russell. I have some some bad news for you, probably good for you, but bad for me. He's like, I learned your perfect webinar and I thought it was the stupidest thing I ever heard.
So two weeks ago or three weeks ago, I did my I did a webinar to my list and I did it my way, which was the the better way, the right way. And I made two sales and I was really depressed. And so I went back and I put the stack. And like you said, it was so embarrassing. I did the same webinars, the same lizarazo, the same offer, but hadn't bought and did it again.
We made 17 sales.
All he did was just change it by adding the stack like it's magic. And I'm giving these ideas. So I want to presell and get you excited about this.
We're going to go through all the content here in a minute.
But I want to understand that this wasn't something I just made up overnight. I was just 10 years. I mean, learning from all these people and bringing pieces in and trying things and testing things and and that's what this has become. The perfect webinar came from that one of the kind of back story of a cool thing that that I learned and which would kind of tie more into the webinar sequences. We'll talk about it in the second hour.
But when when I was Armin's event, he kind of pulled me aside before I spoke.
He said he's like, I'm going to teach you one thing that'll double your sales. And a guy with said he said the biggest thing that'll impact your sales at an event outside doing the presentation. Right, he says, is how the is how the the host of the event, how they introduce you. Like, really he's like, yep.
He's like, if you if I go to an event and he's like in the the host like introduces me bad, he's like the presentation will bomb is that they come in and introduce me the right way. Then, then it's, it'll all make a bunch of money.
And so he started doing was actually manipulating how the introduction happened, what was said during that introduction to him. So he would he would make a video ahead of time. So you watch the video and then you come on stage so he could control that pre frame and of the webinar also I guess the funnel. But by by us positioning the funnel the way we do, I'm pre framing.
That's when someone shows up on the webinar. They're already predisposed to by most people when they show up on the webinar.
And my webinar is right now closed consistently at fifteen percent every single time, which I've heard people brag about.
Numbers are higher, but I've never seen anyone's numbers who actually will be willing to show me their numbers because fifteen percent every single time on a live webinar and then on from from stage we get pretty close to 50 percent every single time when I'm speaking on stage. So so again, these numbers work in the process works. And that's why that's why it's so awesome.
So anyway, with that said, I prefer that you guys are you excited to learn about this now? I hope. All right, cool.
So with all that said, I always try to take these complex processes, right? All these things that we do and like how do I simplify it? Like, I'm not I'm not, like the smartest dude in the room. I understand that.
Like, I, I didn't agree in college, in grade school. One thing I'm really, really good at is taking these super complex things and trying to build out something that I can look at and then remember things instantly really, really quick over and over and over again.
And so that's what is perfect webinar is every time I would tweak it and find new things and build new things and change things, I would come back and I would keep adding to this graphic until it became what it kind of is in this template right here in the last man.
In the last lesson, I think ten months, the last ten months, this this Templer has made me personally over ten million dollars. I know it's made bunch of our students like Liz Beny learned about it about a year ago. I think that she just passed six hundred thousand dollars in sales and her perfect webinar, I can go person after person after person.
Like if someone came to me, I've had people ask me, it's like, Russell, what would you do if, you know, if you lost your email list and you lost all your friends and and you lost everything and you had to start over from scratch, then you need to become a millionaire as quick as possible. What would you do? And you only have a thousand dollars in your pocket or whatever right out of the exact same thing. Like I said, first thing I would do is I would print out the perfect webinar script.
Then I would open up PowerPoint. I'd find a product I like. I would build out a perfect webinar around that product. I would go to Facebook. I spent a thousand hours Facebook ads driving to the perfect webinar, and then I would make my first sales and, you know, whatever whatever that gets, I first money that's I take that money, reinvest in more ads, reinvest more ads, reinvest in more ads. And within a few months, I'd be a millionaire again.
Think that's it. So if you want to like what my secret is like, it's this like I don't hold anything back from you guys like this is it? It just works. And it's been tested over and over and over again. So there's a perfect webinar.
So I'm like, yes, there's basically there's three parts here in the perfect webinar. There's the introduction, which this is we're talking about like the pre framing everything you're doing before groundsmen gets on the webinar decapitator. Attention and make sure they show up. The biggest drop off race and webinars are two spots. One is the first 10 minutes. And number two is right. When you transition to your clothes so much, she has things to do to strengthen those who keep people on the first of the introduction.
Next is the content section.
And then the last is the clothes is the stack is how we close it out and walk us through all all three, all three pieces to that.
So the first is the introduction. Now, the beginning of the introduction is you cannot be boring. OK, I used to webinars and tell us in terms of first class, it's funny. I've listened to some my old health seminars and I was just like a shy, nervous kid.
So I kind of like, hey, everyone, can you hear me if you can hear me out in the box over there, OK? Hey, my name is Russell and I were just kind of like I was so nervous and I lost half my audience before I even got to like anything. Cool. OK, you have to change that. When someone gets on a webinar, it's I think about like you're in your home office and you done this thing and you're you're probably shutting the doors and you're kind of like, OK, is this like this can be worth an hour.
Like, I have time for this. You've got to grab him instantly and like, just shake them and think this is going to be amazing. Right. The first thing I do is the second I start my webinar, I typically start about five to ten minutes early. I get on there and I'm not just like, hey guys, this is Russell. I'll be on a little bit and quiet.
I want energy and emotion and noise and things happening right when I get on, the first thing I get on like, Hey, this is Russell Brunson. You guys, I am so excited for the webinar today. If you are just logging in, we're about to get started. This woman, we're going be talking about bubble. But whatever the thing is I'm talking about, I think it's going to be amazing. And I know where you started about six and a half minutes was six 1/2 minutes.
Right now we're going to get started. And I'm excited for you as it turns. You guys log it in right now. And and for those guys are just jumping. I'm going to welcome you to the webinar. Ms. Russell Brunson, going to be your host today. And we're about five minutes away from from go time. And I'm just excited to have you guys here. And when the webinar starts, I'm going to be covering one of my favorite topics in the world, which is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
OK, now for those guys who are just jumping on a welcome to the webinar, we're about four and a half minutes from you see, I'm doing this.
So there's constant talking for ten minutes where I'm just talking in a loop because people are logging in every about thirty seconds. OK, well, you'll see, like, if you have a big webinar, right. Every second new people are logging in, OK? And so I'm on like a little twenty to thirty second track where I was looping this and looping this and loopy. I'm trying to say different ways. I was a little interesting and exciting, but I'm telling them how much, you know, how much longer is what's the hook, what's why is this going to be Saidy?
Why am I so excited? Why should they be excited? And I just keep going through I'm looping that and looping that. And you'll notice when you jump on a webinar like that where I'm enjoying or someone that understands this process is doing it instantly.
There's a different change in energy. You get on, you're like, wow, this is this is this is going to be cool. Something's happening here. Right.
As opposed to like everyone. We're going to start in a few minutes. Hey, we're testing the audio. We'll try to get on in a few more minutes. You know, make it just changed the whole state, right? I'm very big in like, if you have ever studied NLP, he talks a lot about refrains and states and things like that.
Like I can affect your state really, really easily based on a frame then taking you through. Right. So if I want you to buy if I'm going to be asking you for money over here, everything else is happening before. Here's the frame, right? Each each every time you move from one step that you're entering through a frame. And so I want to control that frame the best I can and make that experience amazing, because the better that is, the more likely you're going to buy it.
You're going to do it on the next page and the next page and keep moving through. Right.
So it starts with me with a whole bunch of energy, getting them excited for what's about to happen right now in the webinar about Sharmarke. Hey, guys, we are at the top of the hour. We always certain time I'm ready. Get started. I hope you guys ready. Get started. Let's jump right into this. Okay, my name again. And even though I've said it 50 times, I'm starting. And my name is Russell Brunson.
When working as to the webinar today. Now, where are you on for between 60 and 90 minutes and before this webinar ends, blah, I'm giving them a bold promise. I have to give them a ruler by which to measure success by OK, if you don't give people a ruler to measure their success by then, what happens at the end of the webinar? They make up their own way to judge success and nine times out of ten it's not going to be pretty.
OK, so I have to tell them at the very beginning, like this is what success will be like at the end, this webinar.
OK, so I might say something like that. Let me grab my grab my slides. You can see I've done this presentation more times than almost anything on Earth, so I'll just kind of show you some of these things. OK, can you see my screen there? All right, so First Lady Kaso, during this presentation, I'm going to show you guys my weird niche phones currently make me seventeen thousand dollars per day, which is pretty awesome. Right.
But the cool thing, because that's cool for me, doesn't matter for you. I'm going to show you guys how to ethically knock it off in less than ten minutes. How many hours we'll learn to knock off my funnel in less than ten minutes, OK?
I sent him a bold promise. I won't show you. A funnel is making 18 grand a day and mystery is how to knock it off. That's it. Now they know like and then this webinar he's in from his final exam. And if I get those two things this hour has been has been successful. OK, does that make sense? Yes.
So you've got to you've got to give him a bold promise, because that's what's going to judge you by someone who wants to go jump the web and start teaching at the end of the week. Why was they even like why was he even on that? It was so weird, right? So you've got to you've got to you got to do that.
All right. So bold promise.
Second thing is we got to hook to the end.
So if you look at mine down here, slide number six, I say now I got a I got a gift for you guys, for everyone who stays till the end. I created a cell phone called Phonology. And I'm going to give you this funnel for free. This one looks like right here. This is four pages. It says right here, I'm going to give you this as a gift for free, just for saying till the end, nothing else you to pay anything.
You get this for free if you stay to the end quote. I do. Well, I've got their attention, so I only got it for a few minutes before lawmakers start jumping off. I've got to grab them and I've got to give them a hook to the end. Why should you say to them kiddo's has to be a free funnel sometimes? Like one of my webinars, my best selling ones is my high tech secrets. And I say, how many you guys want to see my call center?
It's a little tiny two person operation. My cool. So what we do is that everyone is stays. Then I'm going to pick up my laptop, we're going to walk over there. The call said yes and check it out and see exactly what it looks like. OK, and people are going nuts. They want to see it, right. So it can be it doesn't have to be something tangible. It can help you. I see a lot people go like this.
There's going to give away free iPod, which I'm not a big fan of those because it's so unrelated. And yet people stay just for, you know, for whatever. But if you can find something that's just kind of interesting and unique to something, you know, I'm I'm willing to give to sell to you because I'm basically selling you your time. I mean, so this time in the hopes that I'll get this thing at the end. OK, so hooking then is big.
Keep commanding attention. This starts from the second you start the webinar, me talking loud energy, you know, commanding attention and you commit to qualifying yourself, like, why should they care about you.
So I come here, I'm like, Hey, I'm Russell, here's me, Tony Robbins, me, Richard Branson, here's me sleeping. And it's kind of like I'm showing them that they should care, that I'm the one presenting, OK, so I'm qualified myself and then and then I future pace. OK, future pacing is all about kind of putting themselves in into what it could be. So for me, I future space a little bit earlier right here.
So I tell my story. This is kind of like my earnings disclaimer slash feature pacing. I'm saying, look, by this webinar, I promise you you will not make seventeen thousand hours a day in fact. Oh my gosh. Sorry. I just want to cover some bills. One does as an intel seminar, someone told me how they were a millionaire and I thought, I want to be a millionaire and so I'll be a millionaire. You make two thousand dollars a day.
And for me I started making small funnels and most of them flop and everyone's while one would work and some made ten dollars a day, some eight hundred dollars a day. And then everyone survived. One blows up and I got one and now makes twenty seven thousand dollars or seventeen thousand hours per day. Right now my coming at twenty seven funnels. Imagine you have one funnel working for you and then imagine you have to imagine you have ten and the majority of twenty seven.
We're doing over ten million dollars a year because we're twenty seven funnels and you're not going to start that way. But you, but you're going to start with one. Imagine it'll be like when you have, when you have a bunch of them case on future. Imagine like imagine with this outcome. That's true for me right now is true for you wallaby like can and that's my deductions.
Does that make sense guys. You see how that introduction I you're like man I get like this is going to be amazing. I want to see, I want to see how it works. Yeah. All right. Good questions. Okay. All right. So that's kind of my introduction. Okay. And you guys have fun. You don't like fall. I don't be like me. Just follow it to a t like I was making fun. Interesting.
And then I always see like everyone is copy's me. It's like for me I talk about this and I'm like, now you got to make me a promise. Promise me after I show you this, you're not going to use these powers for evil and everyone laughs. And then two weeks later I see this on everybody's interest like like hey promise me you I can use these powers for evil.
I don't don't copy me like plug something else in here. That's cool.
That's more fitting for your personality, you know.
Anyway, so Babilonia introduction just have a lot of energy.
If you do that, that's going to keep you warm, because that's going to be a big drop off points. I remember back with Alex Mendoza and telling them in our course he should tell them in our timeline. It was like I was like 10 minutes of the drop off point in 50 minutes to top up points. It's like you are going to pass a ten minute mark and you keep him past 50 50 minute mark and you can see things just increase how much money you make.
That's the two drop off points. So introduction is is big.
All right. Now we're going to transition over here to the content.
And this is something that's this is this is like for me was the missing piece. I didn't I used to do the intro and then I would just talk for like an hour, and then I would go over into the stack in the closes. And and I learn this concept from a guy named Jason Flatlanders, me as we know him.
He's got a webinar product and the webinar product was good. It was really good. But the biggest thing I got out of it was how to structure the content. And I changed how I do it a little bit.
But definitely like I was heavily influenced by by his by what he was doing, because you can just teach to teach. But if you teach the right way, if you teach this way, this will every single thing you're doing will set up to sell at the end. And it'll make it'll have people leave feeling amazing.
All right. So here's kind of the first thing I'm a huge believer in. This is you webinar. I should focus on one thing. What is the one thing you're trying to help somebody to accomplish?
OK, I had a conversation with Perry Belchers, one of my friends, and he was talking about he's a great copywriter, but he was talking about how he how he had gone. And they don't want to test on their different selves videos and webinars and things they had done. He said that he said that they found is that if they ever tried to convince somebody of more than one thing in a sales video of two things or three things, whatever that was, that it would 910 would bombe, and the more simple the the concept was and and there was only one thing that the offers made the most money, all the one thing they all in common was they were all focus on one thing, one thing you're trying to convince somebody of.
OK, and so for you, you know, it's not about you know, I'm assure you that the seven different ways to increase traffic to your website, like, that's that's not it. It's understanding like, well, the one thing what's the one thing that that they've got to understand, if they believe that one thing, then then everything else fits. Everything else will work. So for me, my my one thing I'm trying to convince them of is that they can quickly create sales funnels.
That's my one thing. OK, so it's kind of I kind of you know, I never says that like it's the thing. So it's kind of wrapped in this headline headlines, the headlines, my weirdness. It's that makes me seventeen thousand two hundred forty seven dollars per day and I effort knock off in ten minutes. OK, the point of that, that headline is what's the one thing you learned you're going to learn? First off, what a what a good funnel is and how to knock it off.
OK, how to create your own funnel. That's my one thing. You I feel like what's the one, the one belief you're trying to give someone.
And then inside of that we're embedding three secret secret one secret two and secret three. OK, to each of these secrets, the goal of those secrets is not just to teach random stuff, it's to identify what their false belief patterns are and then chatroom. And that has been shattered then rebuild it. OK, so let me show you the report. We had a whiteboard here and now I just whiteboard this, but we don't. So we open up my paint program.
I can I can doodle some stuff for you here. All right, this is key, if you can understand this part of it, right? All right, so here, here's my one thing by one thing, and from here there are three secrets. So the first thing I figure out is for somebody to believe my one thing, right? Because my whole goal is if I get them.
I told you before, like the only goal of a presentation is to get them to believe that what you have will work for them. That's it. If I need you to believe that what I have worked for you, you will give me money.
OK, so the one thing this is what they got to believe. OK, now look at that. Now they know this is what they got to believe. They got to believe that, you know, that eating eating butter for breakfast is the secret to losing weight. Right.
If that's the one thing, then I feel like what are the three false belief patterns they have based on that?
OK, if the one thing is like that that they need to use Facebook to try, you know, Facebook's the the best source to generate leads online. So I know that's what it is. Then one of my three faults were the three false belief patterns that people have about that.
OK, one thing I want to add to this, too, if you're struggling family, you're one thing is when the easiest ways to do it is if you can fill in the sentence right here to probably work how to link.
With out blink. OK, so right here, how to blame. This is what they want. So how to drive Unlimitedly Schweppes and how to lose a million pounds in five minutes, how to whatever it is they want.
So here's their one. Without the things that they hate, without cutting out carbs. Right.
Know how to make how to make one of my best selling webinars as high tech a secrecies.
How to how to how to sell super high expensive things on the phone without ever hassle super high ticket packages without ever talking on the phone.
They all want to sell high things without thinking that they hate is talking on the phone right now about how to do whatever the cool thing is you have without the thing that they hate.
That's my headline nine times out of ten on a webinar and ties back to this one thing I forgot the three the three false belief patterns case.
Let me come back here so I'll show you this here. My webinar. So transition here I go through. Here's my three secrets.
OK, so Sigma one is how to ask. Still over a million dollars with the phone Hawksmoor competitors for under a hundred dollars.
OK, number two, how to call in the phone in less than ten minutes. Number three is how you get the same customers are coming to your website instead.
OK, so for me, my three false belief patterns kind of show this in scale kind of relates back to my my presentation. Right.
The first belief pattern that people have is that for you to be able to create a good sales funnel, that it's really hard. You've got to go through and have you know, you've got to have designers and programmers and yet they test similarly things. And it's going to be really hard, right. So that creating sales funnels hard. So that's the belief pattern right here, is that this is really, really hard. OK, so my goal my job with this is to basically take that belief.
They have it's hard. I have to smash it. It is not hard. In fact, it's easy.
So I was saying here is as I got to break it and then rebuild it. OK, so it's really, really hard to break that during the content and then rebuild it.
OK. Next thing here.
So next one is that it takes a lot of time, takes so much time, so hard to build the cells. So that's their belief. I have to smash that belief and then I rebuild the new belief, OK. And the third one is it's really hard. Even if I had a funnel would be hard to get people kind of come to a website.
So for me, the traffic traffic is really, really hard. That's their beliefs I have to smash. That belief is is really, really easy.
OK, now if I've done that effectively, I've been this, this and this and then thereby proves that this one thing is true. That makes sense, you guys. And we're going into the deep, you know, concepts and strategies here, which makes me laugh because, like, I was the worst of all time.
I hated school. I really struggle with it.
And teachers talk about surveys was so boring to me. But this is fascinating because this equals insane amounts of money to grasping this and understanding this will make you a millionaire faster than anything else I know on Earth. OK, so that's why I'm spending time with the way I understand it. That's what it is.
And so this is the one thing they believe. This one thing they're going to give you money. Here are my three false belief patterns that are keeping them currently from giving me money. I've got to show them that their belief pattern is wrong. I've got to break it and then I've got to rebuild it to show that it's easy. OK, here's a belief pattern. I destroy it and I'll rebuild it, destroy it, rebuild it. And now.
I approve this, one thing is true now they have belief now give me money, they really is that simple. When I said don't get so there's the concept so you can take over here. So here's my theory. Secrecy about how to ethically silver million dollars worth of luxury competitors for under one hundred dollars.
He's now got to help them understand.
That's the first thing I talk about is here's how to ethically do it or there's a secret that I start teaching.
Right. You got to model success. If you don't mind success, you can get shot arrows in the back. And I'm just teaching I'm showing you some examples of how I did something right. Like, I just model people are successful. So here's some insight. I model it. Here's a one sided model of it. And then all did it cost me like, oh, I did all work, cost me a hundred bucks.
And anyway, this doesn't make sense for you because you haven't obviously I've seen the presentation, but I'm just making it as quick as possible.
The easiest possible showing showing that that is really easy. OK, the thing they thought was going to be hard is actually rather easy to show that at the end of it now show this is how would do it. Like, wow, that is easy, Russell. I could actually do that. The show would also.
Denzel, you do step one, go click click of a mark, please button this up to find an approximation, a crap ton of money. Number three, buy their products, see what they're selling at number four sketched out. Could everybody here do that?
Can you all go to click? When can you all find something already so we can all buy someone's product? And if so, that's how easy this is. OK, now that I crap, it is easy. Even I could do that. Right. It's not hard.
This is really, really easy. Russell took my belief Pareto's hard. He showed me how easy was it destroyed my my belief pattern now I believe. Thanks Russell. This is webinar. This is actually easy. I can do this. OK, snoozers thinking that you got him. OK, now he transitions to number two. OK, now now initiate her probe, closing the funnel in less than ten minutes. Now this is what you probably thinking. You gotta get designers, webmasters and programmers and all these people make it really, really hard right now.
You believe do you believe this is really hard to take? A lot of time. A lot of money? That's probably right. Well, guess what? You are wrong.
Let me smash that belief, because here is the new way, a better way. It's called click funnels. I click funnels. And also in there like, oh, my gosh, that is amazing. This is easy. Now I'm in. So I just took that that thing. And then, like, I play with this really hard. Like it's a matter of like, you know, this one used to have I have design or how many other things to be successful.
You've got to have all these pieces and they're like, yeah, they're all overwhelmed.
And if they weren't overwhelmed, I'm trying to overwhelm them here, OK? Because they don't have that belief yet. I want to give them the false beliefs so I can destroy it. OK, so that's just kind of. Yeah.
So I'm trying to give them that that false beliefs that I can destroy it after I destroyed it. Now I can rebuild it.
Now it's like, wow, Russell's right. I don't need a designer, webmaster, programmer, analytics person. It doesn't take a lot of time. I can do it in less than ten minutes.
This is now suddenly easy boom. Which strengthens my one thing, that transition to the last one. Am I OK? So how many guys. This is amazing. But you're right.
This is cool Russell. But how do you people look on my website. It's really, really hard, right? Because they believe it's the last belief pattern. If I can shatter this one, they've got no excuses. They have to give me money because this is the only last excuse they could possibly have. So a third excuse here.
I can't get traffic. I show here as how easy to get traffic. I show them a really simple process.
Again, notice that I showed one.
OK, my mistake that I would have done in the past and the most in New York. Let me show you one way to get traffic and you start showing all these things. That's wrong. Yes. No one comes back to the one thing I'm the one thing is the court, the webinar. But it's also the to each secret, like, what's the one thing of the secret? The one thing, the one like the one thing is like should be the overarching theme of entire presentations.
Everything is like the one thing. Right. It's within the secret. What's the one thing they got to do to get traffic. Because I sure you have fifty ways to get traffic, but I'm not doing that.
She is the one that's going to be the simplest and easiest I shall miss. I go a similar web.
They find out with their competitors, traffic is coming from and they just go and reverse engineer it and then look how easy it is. And in five minutes, my ads on the same site and if I model worked, do you that you could be successful this as well? Yes, I can. So I took their their last belief. We smashed it.
Now they've got no legs to stand on. The only thing we can believe now is that this one thing, this one thing is true. And if they believe this one thing is true, then they have to give me money unless they don't have it. But they have money. I've just I've just destroyed the three the three belief patterns that were keeping them from giving me money, that was keeping them from believing that this would work for them. And I literally obliterated them now that they're gone.
Right. It's it they they have to buy now.
They've taken me all the friction, all those kind of things. And that's how we that's how we teach the content. You guys OK? My students are doing that by webinar. Closing rates went from, you know, five to six percent, up to ten, fifteen. And then. I said live stage, we're closing about 50 percent now from a room, which is amazing, walking room a thousand people, you're like there are half these people will die before I'm done.
Half a million bucks. It's really exciting. Right.
And that's what's really important to understand, you guys, is, is that when I smash these and obliterate them, they they have to be my one thing since they have to give me money. All right. So there we go. Now, we've gone through the content stuff.
We have broke their belief patterns and rebuilt the ones that we need them to have. Now we got to transition to where we asked for money.
OK, now this typically is like the most awkward and embarrassing part for most people. It's funny, I went to like a network marketing meeting. One of my friends is like, hey, we're having a little home party.
Would you like to come? And for me, I was like, yes, I do what times I went to this thing. Right. And then we show up. There's like five or six people and they were selling essential oils. Reisler Everyone's trying these oils and sniffing them to do a presentation, talking about it. And the lady up front talking, she's doing great presentation, like it was really, really good and all. And you could tell, like now she needed to ask people for money and make her face gets red and starts talking really, really fast.
And she's sweating and she gets nervous. And the more nervous she gets, the more nervous she gets. And it keeps just like compounding and building ourselves. She's freaking out and she's like, oh, you know what I'm going to do? And then she's like, oh, you know, if you want to buy, you can go in and buy. But, you know, I probably wouldn't buy because most people wouldn't buy it. It's just, you know, but if you are interested, give us money.
You should definitely talk to us, but not to worry about it. I was like, whoa, what did she just blurt out?
Like, it's so painful and probably has it for most years. That's how it's probably going to be. And it was for me, I would get to the selling part and I get nervous. I like I only speak fast anyway.
I also and also my my voice is just like I would speed up even faster. And so and so I had like I feel like how do we transition this? And Armin told me this, he said this is the easiest transition in the world. After you've gone through everything, then all you say, say a let me ask you guys a question. That's the transition. That's it. Yes. Let me ask you as a question. We've been talking last sixty minutes and I think it's been a good experience that a lot of fun has a lot of cool things.
But, you know, 60 Minutes is hard to cover everything in sixty minutes. So I have a question for you.
How many you guys how many guys would like to to have, you know, or have you guys be interested in? If I if I had a way for you to be able continue this conversation, to be able to continue continue. We learned today how many as we interested, everyone's like, oh, they're go crazy. And for me, I like asking permission. So I say, well, if you don't mind, I put together a special package today.
So here's my let me ask you a question. Picture like this. Now, I do mine and I've sent twenty people copy this picture. I go find your own picture. You guys, this is mine anyway. But conceptually this I say say so. Let me ask you a question. How do you guys feel a little bit like this right now?
I show this picture and then I laugh and I'm like I'm like I know I talk really, really fast. Yes. I'm guessing that, you know, last sixty minutes has been fun, but some guys probably feel a little like this man. Right, right. Yes. I'm OK. I totally get that.
So what I wanted to do because of that is we put together a special package called Funnel Hack's and funnel phone box is is is a way for you guys to be able to implement this stuff over the next six weeks.
And I just want to share as commissioner.
Okay, if I if I take a minute to share with you what's inside a funnel hacks, then I wait and it's always awkward. But you got to you've got to you've got to be OK with awkward. OK, I learned from Joe Bower again, one the public speaking classes I went through, he said you always ask permission before you sell because they said, yes, you can sell to me.
I get it changed everything right.
So I always ask them permission.
So do you guys mind if I just spend it in real quick and show you show you this package, funnel x.
And I wait, it is awkward silence, and if I'm in a seminar, also hear people say, yes, yes, there's screaming, I was like, yes, yes, you just tell us what it's like. There's all start screaming. And then I know I'm in of webinar.
I sit there and also and also I start seeing all these people go to webinar, say, like, OK, OK, I'm in I'm in heaven.
And and they give you permission. If somebody gave you permission to sell, they're more likely to buy.
OK, so I want I like to ask them for permission. All right. So there's prior permission. They're going to come here as we got now, we start going over here into into the stack and then the closes. OK, now I'm going to go through the stack because this is the most important and I'm sure some of these close I'm not going to go through all the clothes because there's this is what there's 16 of them here. I spend like 20 minutes in each one and one on time for that.
Also, like, there's a lot more. And this is just the ones I use, like, all the time. And there's a whole bunch more they you sometimes. And there's so I'm not going to go to all these, but I'll show you, there's a bunch of them. If you're interested in learning all these, I, I have a presentation on perfect weather I give away for free that goes into all of these. And if you just got a perfect webinar, secrets dotcom, you can get that DVD and it goes through all the different clothes.
So I know I'm going to have time to go through all of them, so I'll go through a bunch of them. But just if you wanted to dig deep into that, you can get that for free. It's like four ninety five shipping handling DVD out to you. That goes through all of them.
So OK, so the stack. So this is the stack that I learned from ARM and more now for this stack to make sense of the key concept behind the arm.
And Tommy, he said, he said that most speakers get on stage right now. OK, this is where my package is. Boom. No, you go first thing, you get this. Then you get this and you get this and you get this. They show you all these cool things. And then the last thing they show you is usually like just one of their bonuses. Right. You're going to get this really cool calculator watch or whatever.
Right. And then you're like, OK, and all it costs is ten thousand dollars. And so the problem is that people's attention span is like super short. Right. Like like like shorter than you will ever believe. Right. People's attention span is just like almost out there. And so when you say the price is only ten thousand dollars, the only thing that they associate that price with is the last bonus she showed them. So if you showed them like all this cool stuff, like you're going to buy a car and a house, an airplane and a you know, I'm going to give it a name, Mars, after you and you is cool calculator watch.
And the price is only ten thousand dollars. All the right, because they all they remember is like, oh, it's ten grand for a calculator watch.
And that's, that's a lot of money. Right. Is that, that's how people's brains work. And so what you have to do is you have to restack what's in the offer over and over and over again and right before you reveal the price it's restacking. And so they associate the price with everything. OK, so I'll I'll show you how that works in a minute. But if you see these little images here, I hear him saying component one is this, I talk about it.
And I said, OK, now number two, you get this plus this. I talk about that. This is that means you're going to get this, plus this, plus this. I talk about it. I say keep stacking, I keep restacking it. Then I sell in the price and I move on. I'll talk about the stuff here in a minute. OK, so that works. So I come to this presentation and I talk about the first thing.
So this is my stack slides as OK, so I just talked about first thing and the one year enterprise account click phones for free. It's the first thing is when you're in private, kind of click phone. So here's the first of my stack. Right.
You can get this total value of three thousand five hundred sixty four dollars.
And next thing, you're going to get a transition to my next thing you know, the master class, which is this and this. This is why it's amazing your testimonials. People loved it and how much money they made.
Bah bah bah bah bah bah bah. Who works for then I stacked against.
That means you're going to get the one year enterprise zones and the six week for master class, the total value of six thousand five point sixty one dollars because I stack the two parts of the offers so far.
Now I transition to the third thing with thirty you get you need traffic. So I talk about traffic. Wow, awesome.
And then I stack up against that means you get the one you're going to click for the six week for masterclass, instant traffic access, total value, eight thousand five hundred fifty dollars.
Then the next thing you need copywriting to talk about. My copy part of my product and I go through all that is how cool is this amazing talk about email sequences. They stack again. So that means you're going to get and you guys, I promise you, you feel awkward doing this first few times, OK, but it's it's worth it so and don't gloss over what people can make. So that means you can get all the stuff for eleven thousand.
You can't just gloss over it like I've tried it before and it drops your conversion like you have to say it again every time I come back as I say. So that means you're going to get when you're you going to click.
Follows a six week fetlocks masterclass Instant Traffic Act's Inception Secrets Soap Opera, Painful Secrets, Total Dive eleven thousand five hundred fifty two dollars Kishida.
So I stack it over and over and over and over and over. I'm going to do a couple more times too, by the way, but I do everything and now this is my offer. OK, total value eleven thousand five hundred fifty two dollars. Now before I transitioned to like don't worry, I'm not going to charge. This is really. Going to charge you, I have to get them to believe that it's worth that amount of money right there, if I cannot get them to say yes, Russel's worth eleven thousand dollars, they're not going to pay me 997.
So I have to get them to justify this price. OK, so I do. That is through a process called if all statements. I learned this from Dave Van who's OK if all statements. So why do you have to say this, those packages. Eleven thousand or so obviously I'm not going to charge you has eleven thousand five hundred fifty two dollars. I think it's worth it. I'm not going to charge you as that.
But I need to ask you as a question, if all that the final tax package did was so if all if all that this did was blah, would it be worth it if all this did was blank? Would it be worth it if all this did was blank? Would it be worth it to three times to get three?
Yes, yes, yes, yes. I need them to say yes three times that if all that this package did was something and it'd be worth eleven thousand dollars, I can say yes, three times. So first off, if she did was finally give you found was profitable, would it be worth it. Yes. If all it did was to help you share your message with more people, would it be worth it? Yes.
If all the shares give you the ability to cancel all the monthly tools you're currently using to glue together your funds, would it be worth it?
Yes, yes, yes, yes. Three times they told me it's worth eleven thousand five hundred fifty dollars. OK, so now they come back and say it's only a thousand. If they don't buy it, then they're lying to themselves. They told me is worth eleven grand. I'll give them a 90 percent discount. Hastie was important. So I'm taking this price the top value and then I have to give them to in their own mind to say it's worth that.
I do that through false statements. I mean, if I'll slide three at least three different times, three guesses, I can transition. And this is all through this one.
My closes by come back through and then I give them actual price. Ninety seven percent of the price. And then after that and I just some more closes altogether. And second I go back through all the way to the end and then I take my last slide here where then you see the prices, see what to do. This is call action, this is recap and bunch of cool stuff. OK, so that's basically how the stack stack works. OK, right here on slide 111, I restacked it again.
Right. I do like they've come back here.
I did here I talk about the prices and I do some drawings, some my closes in here to help close them and they come back and again I restack it one more time and then I get my my my call to action to the action takers and they come to letter here.
OK, so I'm going to close your second. But a couple of cool things on state.
One thing, this this last slide here in the bunch, we've tested we've tested this a lot and walked some other pieces.
One other thing it's cool is if you can do this for your product.
So we obviously we offer people they can just buy normally, which is which is awesome. But then we come back and say, hey, PayPal.
Actually, you you guys know that PayPal has got a financing program and it's not for everyone, but it's subject to credit approval.
It's only for US based customers. But my guess is right now, for most you guys. Seventy five percent of your audience is probably US based. So this will work for most of your clients. So I threw a slide in here.
This basically says, hey, and all of you, they buy through PayPal. They can use PayPal's financing right. Where people were like when they go through PayPal, a little thing will pop up saying, hey, you want to use PayPal, bill me later program or the IT change name recently.
But it used to be Bill me later. And you say yes. What happens? PayPal goes and does the instant credit check. If they if they approved buma drops a thousand dollars in the account, they buy it. You get the money instantly. You didn't cost them a penny and they got six months with no payments and no interest.
This was the most powerful slide in our presentation. I say, look, some guys like I know you want to maybe can afford it if you're nervous or whatever. So what we can do is we set up a deal with people that actually finance this whole thing for you. You know, it's not for everyone. You've got to be subject to credit approval. You got to be in the US. But if if you qualify for this, you son, that means you go in there, you don't pay a penny right now.
You get access to everything I talked about. You can go through and you can use it for next month, two months, five months, six months. You can every month make a thousand one hundred grand a month for six months. And in six months from now, then you pay people back and you're not paying a whole bunch of interest. There's no payments, no interest for six, four months. That crazy. OK, so that's a gift PayPal's giving us based customer.
So if you're on the fence and you want financing, boom, there it is. PayPal will finance you. You can use this, make a crap ton of money, and then in six months from now, then you can pay it off that. Awesome.
Have you want that? All right, go. You know, I do that now. Damons, last slide, this slide.
I tested so many things here. In fact, I'm gonna make it live to see exactly what I do.
OK, so this is some cool stuff. All right, first off. You see that all pretty well, first off, I recap my offer on the slide three somebody, that is because every time we get to slide, everybody asks me what was in it again.
What's in it again? I'm like, are you kidding me? I've stuck this 80 times. How in the world do not know always in my package at this point in our relationship. Right. But they don't. So I have here so they can just see it again. OK, I had the big oil price and green because green means go. I have a call to action which is whatever dot com stocks go because I want to go. I have a countdown clock now.
We started these countdown clocks when I was speaking live events. I put a ten minute or ten or fifteen minute countdown clock and it would get people's butts seat running to the back. So I started doing it with with webinars.
And what we did initially is we would do, I think, a ten minute countdown clock. And I would just be talking to the ten minutes and why while I was talking to this ten minutes selves be coming in second, the clock hit zero.
Sales stopped just every time I was I got annoying so that we made a clock that went fifteen minutes and sales came in at fifteen minutes. They just the second the clock is zero, people stop buying. I was like, well screw that. Let's put this in. This is a 30 minute clock. So we bumped out thirty minutes and then I sit on for thirty minutes during Q&A and the whole thirty minutes people are buying usually about 30 minutes is when it starts trickling down.
It stops. But it's crazy me.
I did webinars for almost a decade where I would do the clothes, say the price and I'd end where I know that more than half my sales by three fourths of my sales come during this. Twenty eight minutes during this thirty minute countdown clock.
OK, it is maybe so much more money. I don't know how I didn't do it before, but it's amazing, right.
People are like how do you make a countdown clock and PowerPoint. I just found a clock there 8:00 online. I recorded in campaigns to turn into a video file and out of the video to my slide. This is the video files.
They can posit and push play like it's not a real countdown clock. It's a little video because I can figure out how to make a countdown clock. So there you go. That's right. It so countdown clocks huge. Then the next question, like, what do you do for thirty minutes while the countdown clock is happening? OK, same thing you do the introduction. You've got to talk constantly. I got to keep the energy high, keep them pumped up, keep them excited, because if I have a low, they're going to stop buying.
OK, so I can't have a little. So I'd use them.
I went through after this webinar thirty or forty times. I know what everybody's top questions are, so I just preloaded here my slides and they go through and I ask, I answer questions. People they have in it go to webinar. So like I, I, I'm answering questions live.
But I also preload all the questions that no. I get over and over and over again and that's got to be on slightness.
Click through here where you can't even count the answer it. I'm OK. Next question. Oh what happens after the first year. And I answer it also I need an answer and I go three days and for thirty minutes I keep answering these questions.
Everyone's like Russell, how in the world did you make it so they can do Cunard's like that PowerPoint.
So I'm not a PowerPoint ninja so I just wrote out every one of these questions and then I literally had a slide like every one of these little questions in here.
It took forever. And then I just animated them all out and then I just stacked on top of each other. Now it's a big, huge, blurred mess of things. So there's probably no easy way to do it. But that's how I do it. That's in there. There's like fifty questions and looks like a bunch of, like, just mumbo jumbo, but that's what it is. And so that's how that's how I use the slide. Like I said, is is very important.
I say these two slides are probably two of the most important. They're using people financing and then using this.
This is a tool to keep closing cells all day on. OK. All right, because, again, this is making sense to you. All right, a couple of things. One thing I just did. Yes, right there. I just dropped three trial closes on you. So something I just think what is a trial? Close trial, close to something that I am embedding all throughout my presentations. I learned this from Ted Thomas. Ted Thomas, his nickname is the Pied Piper.
I see videos of him speaking at Robert Kiyosaki events where he will have a line of a thousand people all holding their credit cards above their head, waving it, following him to the back of the room.
And they call him Pied Piper because he's the best at getting people to do that.
And so I was speaking at an event and I had heard rumors of Ted Thomas never met him. I'm doing my presentation. Look at all of the eyes in the back of the room. I see this old man.
And I was like, I think that's Ted Thomas. I am so nervous right now that the king of closing is sitting here watching me speak.
Right. I my presentation. And we did some sales and it wasn't, like, amazing, but it was good. And I was like kind of proud of it. And he was kind of hanging out after the webinar excuse me, the seminar.
And then after everyone had disappeared, he came to me, said, Hey, Russell, my name is Ted Thomas. I'm like, Oh, yeah, I know you are at work.
And he's like, can I take you to lunch at the office? So he took me lunch.
We start talking. He starts asking all these questions question after question after question, and then he stops. He says, Russell, look at your head right now. And I looked at my head's like just nodding is like zero heads and moving like, yeah, he's like, what did you see? Did you. I just did a whole bunch of trial closes, which is why you were nodding. Yes. Right now he's like, when I was in your room, said you were engaging speaker, you're getting people to buy, you know, people when things were good.
But I wasn't in the back room and I noticed that not a single person's head was moving in the entire room. He said, if you watched me speak from the second segment on stage, the entire presentation, everybody's heads nodding.
Yes, the whole time, I'd really say, yeah.
They've said yes to me about a million times before I was asking for money.
I was like, well, how do you do that? So there's this little thing I call trial closes. It's where a trial closes as you ask people little questions, yes or no questions. And the answer is obviously yes. And they say yes and they say yes again.
And even if you're home in a webinar, your head is probably nodding when I'm doing my webinar. OK, so I'm using these clauses throughout the entire thing. So, for example, here's my interest side.
So, hey, guys, welcome to the webinar. We're talking about my weirdness. France make me seventeen thousand two hundred forty seven. How many guys would love to see behind the scenes of a funnel speaking seventy grand a day?
Wouldn't that be awesome? OK, well, I'm going to show you guys that you guys excited for that. The three truckloads they told me.
Yes, three times reading the first part, the headline, OK, I say, but not all marriages that I'm not to show something is even better for you because other things cool for me.
Right truckloads. But I'm not sure there's something I want you guys. How you can absolutely knock it off in ten minutes. How many as one. 130. Knock knock off my funnels in less than ten minutes we're going to the Yes case with about six yeses. My very first line now is you guys do me a favor before I show you this. Can you just please promise me you're not going to use these powers for evil?
What did I say? Yes, ok, ok. OK, so what it is, I should an disclaimer. First off, I promise you as you are not going to make seventeen thousand dollars per day right now, you just probably knew that you were going to go right to trial closes now and I start going through. And so every time I'm saying something, I'm inter, I'm interacting with the audience. I'm saying this makes sense because getting this this awesome, he is excited.
Does that make sense? Right. Right. And then say yes, yes, I should cancel.
Now, if you count all my webinars, I probably asked you to say yes at least a thousand times in my presentation, if not more.
Even if you do want me to critique a webinar, I start watching within five minutes. I know exactly what's wrong.
Then they didn't interact with you. They didn't say yes.
And because usually they're embarrassed, they feel stupid or whatever. But that is what gets people to nod their head and then nodding their head the entire ninety minutes if I'm not asking for money.
OK, a couple of cool things that truckloads of work the best for is when you show testimonials. OK, so for example, this is Liz, right?
So a lot of people show testimony and they move on like here's Liz's testimony. She said with our new funnel, which is the webinar funnel this month, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. And we're on track to make this month. Next testimonies make sense and move on. That's the worst thing you could do when you share a testimonial, you've got a future pace and drop a million child after every single one.
So I really this thing, this will Liz said, she said with our new funnel, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. Right. Yes. Imagine what it would be like to get one hundred new clients. It's not amazing. Like what would you do with your clients this month.
I'm sure some years thinking that's probably you know, that's not likely for me. Right. And I get that like a lot of guys that may not make a lot of sense, might not be possible. But I promise if you'd asked Liz a few months ago, that would be possible for her.
She would hold, you know, two key guys getting this. You see how that works just makes sense. You are you get excited like I'm so I'm excited for Liz. Are you excited for. All right. Maybe one of my kids.
I drove like, fifty trial clothes. They said yes, like 80 times around Liz and just drove that they made that testimony. So real friends, they said yes. Over and over and over again. I tell my story and I'm like, Zach, who are you guys? Can you imagine I'd be like if you were Mike Hughes, Brad freakin knew and now he's rich.
Like, would that be like for you to have that same process? OK, tropical cyclones, same thing, I'm sure. Like cool features, like choices like I'm sure my Soulwax. How many hours of my soul haddock's you would be awesome. Who was my medium by Hack's. All right. So I thought was pretty cool. Right.
I'm pretty sure, you know, I just tried closing throughout. OK, truckloads are huge right now coming into these other clothes. So again, there's a whole bunch like I'm tried closing every every sentence. I'm almost closing.
And as I start transitioning here, you'll start seeing you start seeing some of them, if I can find some of them buried in here.
OK, so here's my transition we're going to get when your votes count. Hmm. OK, so this is called a false statement to show you that I had two choices. That's your two choices, that this is one Choco's, right. Or one close right here? No, I'm not using all of them on every presentation.
I find the ones that fit that make sense and I plug them in. So I'm going to have a bunch of it here. But I'm not.
In fact, I think my first ah mapping is all that went to my high tech a secret webinar. I put every single one in. So I had like I had what are 16 of these ones in here. And it was kind of cool. But know it's kind of overkill for me. I feel kind of awkward. So I started I do a lot less of them now, but I always have probably seven or eight or nine of them in here.
OK, so here's my I had two choices. Option one, I could go as cheap as possible and as many as possible. But the problem is it didn't really incentivize me to stack on the value for you. So my second option, which requires a little bit higher investment, but exchange, I can devote more resources, help guarantee your success.
OK, so then in my next suite, you can charge me more. Right. That's my goal with that close going to make suite can.
All right, now we got, um, there are two choices here.
Obviously, the price look, now you've got two options. Here's your first option. Don't do anything and not take this leap of faith, which is one percent risk free.
Or second option is just point out this tiny little investment today compared to all the value that you're going to get to turn and just give it a shot if you can't make because I believe my company, if I can't make you money thousands of years.
OK, so that's not a closer's I'm using now that they've got two choices. So before it's like I've got two choices and I lead the way, I phrase it only one logical option. And then for here you only have two choices. OK, obviously a lot of choices.
They can hang up the phone, they can walk away. But I need to make them believe there's only two choices. One makes them look like a fool. Number two is amazing.
The right suite. Right? Those are my two options. I only have two choices and says right here, I don't want the first option. Do nothing. I want the second option. That's amazing. OK, guarantees are good.
The real question. I call that, you know, over here. Anyway, um, I called them different. The real question is working. I mean, if you miss your time to check it out, which even is half what it claimed, today's trading will pay for itself in your very first one was live.
And you can see there throughout here, like I said, I would go through all of them.
But we are already I got excited telling you guys stories were already an hour, fifteen minutes.
And so, again, if you want to if you want to watch all the rest of these, if you go to a perfect webinar, secrets dot com, there's a DVD. It's four dollars. Ninety five cents. We ship it out to you. It's DVD plus copies of the paper version. This you can have it, but the DVR, I go through all 16 of them actually examples and she's exactly what that in but hope that helps again find the ones you like find put your own in there as well.
But how you're closing throughout the whole thing. I'm dropping closing slides throughout this whole stack here. It's about time at the end again between trial closes, these closes and the stack like it's hard for people not to buy, especially if you've if you structure this the right way. We've taken away everything, every logical excuse they have. You know, you smash you rebuilt it, shown how it is possible with this one thing.
Then when you showed me, here's one thing and then you you sell it the correct way, like we showed through here. It's hard for people not to buy.
OK, like I said, we close consistently. Fifteen percent.
It's amazing Supergrass on account the people and that I was right down to no I'm OK if I get fifty percent means I will have made eighty three thousand dollars and I do the webinar and almost every time like clockwork we hit whatever number it is that I, that I forecast the beginning because I know that consistently, almost every single time we close the exact same rate, it's like the weirdest thing in the world.
Does it make sense to me how that works? But it just just works. OK, so it's good to get it. Now, if you ask me, I say, well, how come we won't have to be Russell? Because of my experience. If you can get a webinar that closes at a at, you know, seven or eight percent, like that's a good webinar. I me a lot of money that you get. Ten percent.
That's a million dollar webinar. You get above that, you know, I mean we're at fifteen percent and it's been less than a year and we're just shy of ten dollars million on this one webinar and it's not slowing down at all. Like it's, it's amazing. So that kind of gives us some, some groundwork. Why, why is it so important to test these things and try them over and over and over and over again? Why is it important just to learn the skills?
Because shifting, you know, two or three percentage points is between a seven figure your company and eight figure your company like it's just it's those little tiny tweaks all added in together. And so you has have the benefit. Obviously, revenues for ten years standing up on stage is embarrassing myself over and over and over again. So you guys could just kind of use a shortcut, not go through all that and just kind of pick up where I left off.
And I give you guys this is a gift because I do care about your success and I want you guys to have successes. I care about what Joel is doing. He's that done an amazing job. And it's just I want I wanted to give this to you and hopefully it'll help you guys a lot.
So that's kind of first part here. All right. So next thing we're going to cover. So that's that's the webinar when somebody gets on. Right. The next piece we want to cover is what do we how do we get someone on the web and what's the process for that?
So let me shrink this screen and. And Michael asked, how does Russell identify the top three beliefs to kill? They just go for the obvious ones. So I wonder if you could kind of shed some light on your three secrets, like which three beliefs do you usually shoot for?
Great question. The question is, what? Three beliefs I used to shoot for.
So for me, well, it depends on what like what what does I'm selling has got to tie into that. Right. Somehow it's got to it's got to weave back.
You know, for me, like the reason why I am showing you find my slide or quick summary slides.
Where's my number one, OK.
The reason why I'm showing you guys my process of this is because I'm trying to get them, you know, like this helps my my case, for they learn how to defend like someone then they don't want you to click Vinals. If they then learn how you click Vaswani, you click on that. They believe they get traffic that what you click. Right. So it's like it's got to support what it is I'm selling at the end of the day, it's that's the first part.
The second part of it though is, is most people have the same issues and and they're usually tied to to to time, to money, to things like that.
And so I try to figure out how to how to how to base it.
So I don't have, like, a hard, fast rule for that really lavish just kind of knowing knowing your market and knowing like what what it is that keeps them from from taking action, you know. But I would venture to guess it's pretty similar in most markets, right. Like let's say it's the weight loss market, for example. And, you know, everyone's tried a different diet.
So y y and then had success in the past. One of them is like they you know, maybe they heard they to get rid of carbs. And so they love doughnuts. They're not giving up doughnuts or bread or whatever. Right. So it's like if you know that that's the majority people's concern. You say, look, the cool thing is you can do this without cutting out carbs. I seriously, I not cut out cards like how is this possible.
Right. Or, you know, they've tried in the past and they lost them to get it right back. That's a common concern. So how do you make this was not this was a lifestyle change, not your diet or whatever those things are.
So I think it really you know, the key is, is understanding your market and understanding like what pain they've gone through to get to where they're at right now. Right. People people take action to get on webinar. They're buying things because they're they're they're usually in some kind of pain and they're trying to get out of that pain. And so if you can identify, like the last ten times they try to get out of that pain, like what was the issues they probably ran into.
Like, I know with my market, you know, the issues were they don't know what to do, OK? Which is why we shall not have fun, like, you know what to do. I don't know how to do it. I can't afford programer. So. OK, that's cool. Let me show you how to do with click funnels. And I thought, OK, well that's cool. But if I did do it right, I can get traffic.
OK, let me show you that too.
You know, like those are the three core things that my people struggle with. And so if you're Markis, I think I like what the you know, the last ten things they've tried in the past, like why do they fail? Why do they think they failed? If you can answer that, then it becomes really easy. So I hope that helps.
Yeah. I'll just kind of chime in here real quick. It's really, really simple to come up with your three core core concepts and ninety five percent of the time it's going to come down to either time or money. How can you save them time? How can you save them money or make them more money? And and then you usually throw one other thing in there. So I mean, even with secret No. One, how to steal over a million dollars a funnel for under a hundred bucks, like how to make more money without spending a whole lot money, you know how to clone the funnel in less than ten minutes, like how to get the stuff done in very little time.
And then you usually just throw in one other one, that common pain point that they've that that you know, that they're that they're having. So, yeah, man, keep it up, man. You're doing an awesome job. So we got a lot of people that are excited. So I just want to bring that question to your attention.
Very cool. Awesome kid. All right, let's try this now. I got another forty minutes.
So next forty minutes, I want to show you guys the process of what we're doing now to get tons of people on the webinars and get them excited and get them show up and all those kind of things and kind of walk us through the funnel, the funnel process.
So I'm going to pull this down here now. So this is one of like ten different registration pages.
Let me show you. It's a whole bunch of them here. Just you can get different ideas of what we're doing and how we're doing it. But this is this is one of my this is the control this one is made is a lot of money. And so a couple of things about it. The first thing I want you to notice is, you know, so here we got the one thing in the three secrets. So if you got a page like the only copy on this page almost is here's my one thing.
And down here, my three secrets. Right. If you thought through your one thing in your three secrets, a lot like that's gonna be the best copy you got. So so I, I that's basically my landing page. That's number one.
Number two, the thing that gets people to register for webinar or join a squeeze page or whatever that is, is curiosity. Curiosity and pain, those are the two things, right? And so I need them to like whenever my one thing is there, my headline is for this thing, it has to be something they cannot figure out in their mind on their own. OK, and this my weirdness farms currently making seventeen thousand hours per day and how to ethically knock it off in less than ten minutes.
The human mind looks that doesn't make any sense. How could you make 17 grand a day and how can I ethically, ethically knock it off in less than ten minutes? Like there's so much curiosity wrapped in that thing that you have to like. If you read that for the rest of your life, you be thinking like, what the crap? What was that thing? Again, I wish I could find that webinar because I had to figure out what his weirdness funnel is like.
I got to see what that thing is. Right. It was funny. We did our certification program last week and when the camera guys, as it was, he's a main camera guy that he's like to come and help me, a 16 year old kid. And and the kid like afterwards came to me is like, hey, I have a question for you. So I saw one of you. I say this webinar thing on my Facebook, whatever is like it said that you make seventeen thousand dollars per day.
That true? And I was like, I like actually like we make a lot more now, but one of our phones makes 70 grand. Yes.
It was like, oh, that's so cool. And he was like, so excited. You they did think it was true. And the way he found it was true that he was just like they go nuts because they want to figure it out. Right. And so they see this like it's just it's curious. Like, I can't figure that out because people all the time, they're like their headlines are like the fastest way to lose weight. The problem is that I can think like what's fascinating is we probably can now carbs.
My head, I think I can answer it, so then I don't register because I think I can answer it. You have to leave it so curious because they can't just answer in their head if you do that, asking them to register and get them to show up because those people don't show up because it's not curious enough. OK, so that's the key as you've got. You've got to like, invoke curiosity. That's I can't stress that enough.
If our split test that we've done over the last five years, like what I found consistently across the board, is that the cure, the more curiosity based, the headline is on the landing page, the the more people will respond. If it's opting in registry for registrar, whatever.
That's that's it. OK, and so, again, that that ties in the hole. Now that because of how my presentation that becomes my one thing that ties into my three secret. So all those pieces kind of come on here. A couple of things. Those are the picture back here.
So you see this picture like what's it look like? It doesn't make any sense. Right. OK, there's a theme here like here's me doing the hang loose sign is that a phone is the hang loose. I'm holding this like pictures, like a website in the background. There's this huge website back there. I like what is there. It's just raw curiosity. I don't know what this is. We tested tons of pictures back here, a beach, scenes, all sorts of things.
This one crushes them every single time. I think it's because, like, it doesn't make any sense, right? Like what in the world is that doesn't make any sense. So there's kind of your the less sense you make on your registration page, in the more curious space you are, the more people are going to opt in.
There's my hard, fast rule for that. All right. So that is one of our education pages.
I'm coming to click funnels and.
But I think this is the right one. OK, so for me in my market, like I know that for my webinar like this is this is like the majority, my market I'm going after these Internet marketers is business opportunity seekers as people who this would be interesting to him. Right. But I know that my product, as I scale this is growing. I know there's going to be other markets that I also want to go after that this message isn't going to resonate with them.
Right. Like a chiropractor's going to see this and they're not going to resonate with it. And so but if they were on the webinar, it would resonate with them. They would buy the product. So I reach out my my front end page to kind of to to to speak to different audiences, if that makes sense.
So awesome corsini application or live. So I'll show you some other variations of the pages here in a second. All right. I'm going to go through this. So here's my first page here.
I'm going to register so I'll register here and you'll see.
Now it takes me to page number two in the funnel. It was after the registration deadline on this page and on this page, this is where, you know, my job's not done yet. I caused some curiosity, but now I got to, like, drive it home and get them to actually show up. A couple of things I do here. First, they had a video of me saying, hi, thank you so much registering and I'm talking to them like this webinar classes to be amazing.
This is what's called again. So you're going to learn I'm really getting him fired up and excited for that for that webinar.
Right. That's first thing to do on this page here. Next thing I do is for me.
I like to have people, first of all, write down the date and time of the events. And don't forget, you have the date time here.
I ended this because some people like they registered to go to urban areas and the email for some reason, like I need the email again. So I didn't know pages like the new webinar. You can reregister here. Just take them directly to the good webinar page. So it's just kind of like a second backup. It's like when I was skydiving the dude that was hooked on my back, he had two parachutes. And so I'm kind of a big believer in that, just like throwing out a second parachute just in case.
So that's my that's my second parachute. For some reason, they didn't give the go to webinar link right there over here now is I want them to do stuff before they show up to the event.
There's a couple of different schools of thought on this. One of them is this is like Franken. He always sells something on his on his thank you page to try to cover his ad cost for the webinar. Right.
So because if somebody if I spent you know, I think on average we're spending between three and five dollars for someone to register for our webinar on Facebook.
So we want to make sure that I, I recoup those costs before the webinar. So I usually on the thank you page, I'm selling something. So so for me, what I'm saying is I give people a free two week trial to click funnels. So my video sends us I hate it. So much for energy for the webinar. Now, before you get the webinar, I'm going to talk to be talking about click. You need to go get a trial to click Fineman's.
If not, you're a moron. I want say that, but go get the trial, click on the button, download, go get a free trial. They click on that, they go get a free trial and it starts putting them into that process. They start using the software. So now they show up for the webinar. They're predisposed to understand it.
They're more likely to buy back. The concept again is like, let's say you're selling whatever you're selling a thousand dollar video course on a on the webinar you might want to do like, hey, I've got a twenty seven dollar video QuickStart guide. Go by that right now. It's a quick start. Help you get started into this whole video marketing, whatever. Right. So I'm selling something to kind of help cover the costs. But secondly is I want to get people in the in the process of buying with me, OK?
Human beings are really interesting characters like like can we start like when we were in motion? It's hard to stop us when we not motion is hard to get it started. Right. And so I want to get the process started.
I would rather somebody have bought something for me before I pitched them a thousand other things. They're not so much I to that here on this page.
So if me I'm selling the the the free trials. I'm not buying anything to put their credit card before the webinar. Right. And then I started this down here just to again make more money. Our lead costs and I have September one. Here's the times of the webinar said no to go get your free trial at seven or three, go buy my book. So I'm kind of selling two things here, but they're just kind of like easy. They're really simple offers, free trial, free book.
They put their credit card, but now, like, I'm making money before the ever starts, that makes sense. So that's kind of I'm doing my registration page. A lot of different things. The core things. I'm really getting them excited about the webinar, making sure they write down dates and time them trying to sell them something. That's what I want to thank you, Page. All right.
This is called the death of a website. And so this is what I target when we're sending, like chiropractors and doctors and dentists and professionals, people who don't know what a funnel is, but they know what a website is. And it's one converted. Awesome.
I like a sales letter, version of registration page, also a video version that I get normally. I could find like three seconds, but it's just a little bit longer and it's kind of explain them like the death of a website. Right. So I find something that something that, again, my the webinar doesn't have to change.
I'm still teaching the same thing, but it's a different hook that'll get that audience engaged because you'll find if you start you know, you're building a webinar on Facebook traffic and let's say after a while you're going to run out of people to show you that gear and showed everyone in that market right after usually a couple of months, we have what we call ad fatigue, where people seen that offer so many times they stops responding as well. And you go from two or three dollars registrants like ten dollars or fifteen dollars and gets more expensive.
So for me, so that I can reach the front end, then we target different audience. So this is one version we had targeted. I was trying to do a bunch of them, but conceptually I can see how that how that all works.
All right, cool. I'm here.
The next thing is to show you the other registration are the pages. So if I can find them real quick. Well, let's talk about conceptuality and I'll find the pages for you later. So here's conceptually now what we do. We call this the perfect webinar funnel web.
And people always ask me what is the best way to webinar and how long our Sherpas are promoting and what say all these things like that. So I'll kind of walk us through what we what we do.
And this isn't this isn't a hundred percent like the same for every everything. Right. Like if this USLAW these things are happening. If I have somebody who's sending emails from the webinar, if I'm news on Facebook is going to change a little bit, but not dramatically.
So I just can't keep that in mind that this process will tweak based on the type of traffic you're sending to again.
But I'm going to I'm going to kind of explain it as if I have a joint venture partner who's promoting this webinar and then they'll kind of tweak and show you how we do it, if it's Facebook or some other type of or scan.
So you can call us the perfect webinar funnel. So in my perfect world, I like do my webinars on Wednesday and then again on Friday. OK, so I'm doing two webinars each week, OK? And the reason is a lot of people I know it is funny.
We're a bunch of students who are doing webinars once they're doing like every Thursday or whatever. And so the webinar end on Thursday and Friday started buying ads and they drive ads Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. And the show breaks were horrible. And the first they're all Freakonomics like, oh, nobody's showing up. But we started digging deeper analytics and we found that was interesting is that their show rates, people that register Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday were really low, but people register Wednesday and Thursday.
We're awesome. Like they're all showing up you just because, like most people get getting attention spans are so short that they don't remember that far out. And so it's compressed that time. So for me, I like about a two and a half day lead time to webinar if I go in maybe three and a half days max, but not any longer than that. So that's why I like Wednesdays. I like to start my promotion on Monday to Monday promotion Tuesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, the Wednesday webinar, and then kind of through there, because I, I don't want more than two and a half days from when the first could hear about it, too.
And whatever happens if it goes further than that, the show just starts taking care. All right. So Saturday so Monday I would have a joint venture partner promote my webinar registration page, OK?
And then people will hit the confirmation page and then they're going to hopefully buy something.
Right. So you guys saw that process already. Then after they register for the webinar, I send them what we call an indoctrination process or some indoctrination pages. These are pages to get them excited about, about the webinar. OK, now, in a perfect world, what would happen if someone register on Monday? Then Monday they watch the video No. One Tuesday to watch the two Wednesday morning to watch the number three. And then they show up on the webinar.
And so many people stressed out, like roughly they register on on a Tuesday in the webinar happened. Then they got the other videos later and it's all messed up. And I keep trying to stress like it doesn't really matter whose indoctrination pages are amplifiers, they're not necessary to the cell. They're there to help strengthen the cell zloties. He will register the watch the number one, then they get on webinar and they watch the video to you in the video three.
Then they buy three video three. Right. It doesn't matter kind of where where these hit. It's just having them there because it intensifies their desire and their likelihood to purchase when they're actually on the webinar. OK, that makes sense. So just don't stress out about, like, the timing, the sequencing measures. Perfect, because it won't ever be so don't worry about it.
OK, so the register on Monday, boom. And then they get start getting each day, number one and number two. But number three and some of that time they're watching the webinar and I'm trying to sell them. We push really hard for this live. When's the webinar? So Monday mail, Tuesday mail, Wednesday, we mail in the morning and then Wednesday we an hour before the webinar actually happens again. And a couple other tricks. I know Joel knows.
There's a couple of things we do. If you're using go to webinar. A cool trick you can do is go to webinar, will send a message out an hour before the webinar saying, don't forget your webinar starts in an hour.
So what we do is that ten, ten to fifteen minutes before the webinar starts, I log in to go to webinar and then I change the title of the webinar from Russel's Call Webinar to Asterisk.
Asterisk. Starting now are bold caps, asterisk, asterisk and then Russel's Cool webinar. So I changed the title of it and it says, Hey, do you want to notify all participants of the change of title? I say Yes and go to webinar. You know everybody. Ten to fifteen minutes before the webinar with big email subject line says starting now. And that is when the biggest things we use to get people to actually show up for the webinar.
It's amazing. Couple of tricks. If you read if you grab cell phone numbers and you text text using our webinar, then again, like ten minutes for a webinar. So so using that works as well. Those are all things that need to get people to show up the webinar. Right. And again, if I've used a lot of curiosity, if my indoctrination videos strengthen the webinar, get people more excited, more interested in showing up, it'll increase your show brings all those I mean, there's a lot of pieces going to have it.
All those things together will help increase your show. Rates can. On the if your short rates are under 20 percent, like you're in trouble, like either the market's horrible or, you know, I get emails or it could be a lot of different things. But if it's sub 20 percent, it can be hard to make the metrics work between 20 percent and like 40 percent is awesome. If you're above 40 percent, give me a call and let me know how you did it, because that's amazing.
OK, so that's how it is. So then the webinar happens on Wednesday. We do this one live and I love doing webinars live. And I want to I want to sell you on why you should do webinars live first. One of the main reasons why you need to do it live a whole bunch of times, not just once. Every time you webinar, you learn different things about why people are not buying. In fact, the very first time I did the The Click Follows webinar, I was at a I was at an event in San Diego speaking of my Phil event, and I think I close like 30 percent of the room was it was awesome.
Was like my first. It was the first it was the first time I had done the webinar stage presentation and it worked. And then the next morning I was flying out and I met this lady in the lobby and she's like, hey, your presentation was awesome. And I wish I could have boppin like I don't have a supplement. What do you mean? She's like, well, I have a submarine I can't really buy. Like, well, this isn't about supplements is about anything I just showed to something is an example.
She's like really like what do you do. She's like, oh I'm a coach. I'm like this. This is like made for coaches. She's like, really. I'm like, yeah. So she's like, well me and my three my friends want to buy but we have a supplement, but if we can buy it we're going to buy.
So they ran back and like ended up buying the next day when they found out that it worked for anyone. Right.
And I was like what always worked for anyone, but she just didn't know that. But I never did know that either. She didn't tell me so she told me that. And so what happened next was if I can show you my story, my slides.
So after she told me that, I went back to my slides and check this out. You have to see how I transition this.
So after I teach the very first thing, I show my supplement funnel, they come right here, I say I say because Gmail shelter shares their cell phone, violent video. That's why they're like, oh, I wish I had something in front of my kids. So I came back. I had this. I said, like, who is this work for?
Obviously works. People submit phones, but also works for coaching funnels and info product phones and e-commerce funnels and real business followers for all types of businesses. For example, here's my coaching funnel. How many guys are coaches? We you want to be a coach and then like half the audience, I'm like, cool, this is my coaching funnel. Makes me 70 grand a week. You should knock it off. How many guys sell information products? Here's my info product function.
Knock it off. Here's my e-commerce function. Knock it off. Here's my chiropractor's. Finally knock it off. So I'm showing them all these examples. And now if they're a chiropractor like, oh, this does work for me or if they're an e-commerce site. Oh, works for me. Can they also they get in all these other these other markets. And I didn't know that until she told me that, that she didn't understand. So she told me I tweak that and increase my conversions.
Right. Then the next time we got back in event the next Tuesday I did a webinar, two webinars that day, one in the morning, one the afternoon. We had more people registered for the morning webinar. I did the webinar and did all right. I mean, like thirty thousand dollars in sales.
I was kind of upset. And so I was like, why are people buying? And I told my staff, like, export all the Q&A from go to webinar to see why people are buying. And so I spent like thirty minutes reading every single question people had submitted and all sounds like, wow, everyone's having questions about this and about this and about this. And I found out all these questions. I went back in, I tweaked my slides, I changed how much stuff.
I move things around, I change the order, I share cases that would help strengthen positioning things. I tried to answer all the questions people had. And then after I did that, then that is like four hours later I had the webinar.
I'm going as fast as I can. The webinar happens. I get on with less people in the webinar. I did the webinar and that when we closed we did a hundred and twenty thousand dollars in sales on the live webinar, four times as much from a couple of weeks. Now webinar is over. I was like, holy crap, we made way more money. Hey, explore all the questions and find out what people are stuck at and explore the questions.
I read them all came back. Tweak my size, my slides three as they presentation boom to 150 gram cells and explore the questions. And I've done the webinar live probably more than 40 or 50 times. Every time we explore the questions, I change my slides. So it's the living, breathing thing. It's always changing, always evolving. If I didn't want automated webinar and then just use that, I would left millions and millions of dollars in line.
So there's a long way to tell you to do your webinars live the first time. Right.
So we're to live on Wednesday when it's when it's when it's done.
Then I transitioned over. We say to someone directly, like, hey, there's a replay because the problem is like live. You get on webinar on the road waiting for replay. And so they never show up. And and I will always make more money if they show up. And so I need them show up. So what we do is we try training. The webinar is over and say, hey, webinar is amazing.
Ton of people want, you know, our interested audience.
What we're going to do is we're gonna do a live encore and realize that we're doing an encore webinar this Friday at the exact same time you need to be on it.
OK, so then we wrote that Thursday, say, Friday's webinars to have them go reregister and reregister gets them. The videos were set to begin on Friday morning and Friday. Now before hey webinar is happening. And now we've got all these people reengaged in the sequence. Watch the videos and now a huge percentage show up. They didn't show up the first time because. Right, man, this is so good. I missed it. The on course happenings, they with Oncor and then we sell them again now, this time on the Friday webinar.
I do not do those live. I take the recording from the earlier Wednesday webinar and then we replay that for us to use go to webinar and replay it through, go to webinar. And that's how we do the the Friday webinar. Hey, there's people you can hire. There's a couple different companies that will actually they'll login. You go to webinar, count the recorded Wednesday webinar and they'll go in to push play on a video. And it looks like it's like people have no idea it's not alive because it's it looks live.
And I have my entire staff logged in to go to webinar answering Q&A during the webinar. And so it makes it seem very, very live and usually will get not quite as many, but almost as many salesmen. Friday webinar as you on Wednesday webinar. Then when Friday one is over. Now we transition into like our into like and replay.
They can go watch online. So Saturday morning and email for replay and Sunday morning they get email for the replay.
Plus what we do is we print out the cliff notes of the webinar, which is basically take a screenshot of everyone, the slides and with some text that kind of explains they kind of they can read through the webinar. And I'm having a big PDF like a seventy page PDF. So it's like, here's the replay.
But if you're in a rush, print out the cliff flows right now and go read these because it offers going away tonight at midnight. You need to go, you know, here's the Cliff Notes really, really quick. And then Sunday we do one more one more email. Six hours before we and we close the card, which gives them the replay, gives me the cliff notes, plus gives them urgency and scarcity. Now, I know what it is about humans, but if we don't have urgency and scarcity half the times we won't ever move.
We get about a third of our sales in the last six hours every single time.
And it comes from saying six hours left is off or disappears forever. If you want quick phones for free for a year, you've got you've got six hours. Go and people. All seven are good at making decisions when something's about to disappear and that right there is a sequence we take them through. So that's what I call the perfect webinar final. Now, again, this is based on a joint venture partner in their list or assembling this.
Right. There's only one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 emails, which may seem like a lot.
Some people will never send you 10 emails.
Some people will. So we try to get that in there. Like I'm going to 10 e-mails about, OK, how about you do Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and others do a Thursday and whatever it is.
Right. I get as many as I can out him because the more they get, the more money they'll make, the more money will make. OK, now I want to give you guys and I did how much more money you can make with this. So I've done the webinar with the finance, Mike, those same three times the last eight months.
First time we did it, we did like 150 grand. Second time he did, like, I know, 80 or 90 grand. But it was like three months later. Mike obviously is everybody's are going to buy.
And we did it one more time, like last month and last month we said, let's follow this process to a T. So we mapped out we did it on the webinar live. We did eighty thousand live. And then through the whole sequence, we all said, no, we had to do two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in total sales. So we more than doubled ourselves from the webinar through this replay sequence.
So it was worth it. Heck yes, it was worth it. Right.
So it's awesome. And some guys may not have JV partners are emailing. She even said how's how's work for me. Same process. I'd be driving Facebook ads Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at the registration page and then Thursday, Friday I change the message to webinar was amazing. Encore replay happening here and she is my Facebook ads to here Saturday, Sunday, Sunday and also have the afternoon registers here. Then the email sequence internally is going through and pushing people to Thursday, Friday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Sunday.
So that's kind of how we we do it. Hopefully that makes sense. All right. Let me show you, as I said, I think I might have found the three indoctrination pages.
Let me see if I can pull them up real quick.
So we're in this process with JBWere on Thursday, so a couple of days and this is this is the sequence he is following. We just went with him a couple months ago and he's doing it again. And my guess is it'll do amazing. All right.
Cause registration. Boom, boom, boom. So this will be. Obviously, the first round the landing page told you what this Curiosity based registration features work like crazy.
OK, let me see. This is right page. I think it is.
All right, cool. This is the right one. So this is loading here. OK, so these are the videos after the register I sent out these three videos here in the room. So this is video number one. All right. And I kind of sometimes I get the Mattrick that I were DEMATTE dramatic. I get all excited as we do these high production videos. You don't have to these most of our students just do iPhone videos. But we filmed holding the oxygen is really fun, right?
So no one was the anatomy of 500000. Armont Sales Funnel Verolme choose how to design your funnel environment series. How to build your funnel in ten minutes. So I kind of similar like a product launch of a steam product launches before it's the first thing giving them a one. Hey, here's the anatomy of a five hundred thousand dollars a month funnel. So you to watch this video, it's kind of fun, entertaining, so not bored.
It kind of just it's a tryout. And this is where I show the funnel and I just kind of see that process right now. A couple of things about and reminding them, hey, the webinar is happening here. Don't forget your free click files account.
Here's a three secret side, these other things on the page as well as keep reminding them this is happening.
But that's kind of that's page number one, right? Then the next day to get video number two.
Which is right here. This is my talk about how design your funnel, so it starts in the octagon back here at these guys. So and then I come here to the office and actually we map out awesome. And we map out a funnel together. Me and Mandy, it gets them all excited. And I see here's the funnel sexual and how designer funnel.
Now they're like, oh, cool. I design a funnel cake and video number three now is then I show.
So hopefully I show like, here's Chris, who's like a really good designer. Here's Mandy, who's like an author who's never done anything. And Mandy is able to be Chris, how fast to build their their cells.
So like, she built the whole funnel on time. He started like halfway through the landing page, which is kind of fun.
And then we transition and I do demonically funnels.
So you see, I like those three videos. This gets them excited. I click funnels in the webinar on what's happening, all those kind of things. And that's kind of the point of these, is just to get people excited and actually want to show up on the webinar.
And everything on the page around here is here's your ticket again. The webinar is happening in two days right down these steps.
Here's a video talking about what Kallick finals is. And so it gives them more and more size when they show up the webinar. And how many hours of a click funnels is how like, oh, I signed up yesterday.
Oh, I just found out about click funnels. And a lot times it's funny, they they don't even remember that. Like, I'm the one that told them to sign up, but they're like, oh, I heard about that somewhere the other day.
It's like, yeah. And the emails I sent out to you are talking about Click Funnel, which is kind of fun.
Know one or more metric I want to share with you guys on this kind of drive, this whole thing home.
So when we launched this webinar initially and again, we've gone from, you know, click phones, we first started trying to sell click funnels. We did a big product launch on it and completely bombed. We had I mean, way less times. I thought I was kind of embarrassed. And so for about two months, I was just like depressed. I mean, we spent like millions of dollars building click funnels, like, I know it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, but nobody's buying, like, what's wrong.
And and luckily, my friend might feel the same, was like, hey, man, I want you come to my event and so click finance. I was like, I can't. So I have free trial. Nobody's even buying it, man. I don't get it. He's like, I don't care. I've got you on the docket. People are planning you and you speaking on click finals.
You got to figure it out and you have to sell something for a thousand bucks. And I was like, oh, man. And I literally didn't even start my presentation until these events started. I was still in Boise, Idaho, was starting in San Diego, and they're streaming live online. So I had it on one of my monitors. I'm watching this thing. Right. And then so I'm watching this. The webinar happened a real live event.
So this is like Friday. This Friday, I started my presentation. I'm flying out Saturday morning and I speak Saturday afternoon. And so, like, I literally all I did, I started this process same way you guys should start it. I, I open up the perfect webinar script, open my PowerPoint. I started fill in the blanks. I'm literally watching this event happen live while I'm filling in the PowerPoint here.
Took me out a day to get this whole thing a hard day because I, you know, I was working too hard to get all then holding together, jumped in a plane the next morning, flew to San Diego, got up on stage, gave the presentation, just fold my own template, didn't even deviate, just followed it to a tee. And we closed thirty percent the room and it just worked. And I went through the process like I told you guys about.
And and it's been less than a year since that back two months from when that webinar happens and that that webinar is taking click funds from being this tiny little company to we'll do we're doing over a million dollars a month right now and soon will be about two million dollars a month, just growing really, really rapidly. And all came off this webinar. One hundred percent. Now, what happens is a percentage will come into this funnel. They watch the webinar and then they buy.
But we found every single person who buys live on the webinar. Three people sign up for the trial. And so while you're not, everybody's on the webinar, a huge percentage of joining our continuity program and now getting now paying us monthly to be in there. And so it's just grown the residuals of our business as well. And so if you look at that as a whole, I want to I'm not telling this to brag. You guys inspire you that that like one webinar can change your whole can change your life.
I remember when I was growing up and this whole marketing world, I read a thing from Gary Halberd. He said that one idea properly exploited while walking when I did, you have a walking on a beach, properly exploited, will make more money, can make more money than ten lifetimes of hard work. He also said that you're only one sales letter away from being from from being rich. And I'm a big believer that with webinars like one webinar can change your life as it has for me one webinar and has changed my life since my family's life, changed my team's life, changed my entire focus in life because it worked, because it inspires people.
It gets them to take action if you the right way. It's not something like you're selling something, like people love it. They love being inspired and getting ideas. And and when you shatter their belief patterns now, they're like, wow, this is like, I can actually do this now. Like, you are changing people's lives.
And and the result from that is, is the money that you're able to make on the back side of it.
So I want to stress that that's why I came on this. I know what Joel is doing is powerful. I've seen what he's done with other clients. It's been fun watching him. I know what is done for my company, I know it can do for you guys company, and that's why I came volunteer my time. I'm not making any money off this. I just want to share this with you guys, because if you do this, you can become financially free and it's worth studying is worth figuring out how to create the perfect webinars work.
Doing tons and tons of tests is worth embarrassing yourself on stage for 10 years and hopefully want to do that because they give you guys, you know, a new starting point, but it's worth it. One good idea, properly exploited is worth more in ten lifetimes of hard work. And I believe that. And it's it's true with with this webinar. So I hope that was beneficial for you guys.
I hope you enjoyed what I shared the last two hours. And I want to thank Joel for let me be part of this. And hanging out with the guys today has a lot of fun.
Ross, thank you so much. Man, that was just jam packed full of, like, valuable, valuable, valuable content. Like literally guys people pay, you know, Russell and other marketing gurus like tens of thousands of dollars to to map out what Russell is showing you right here on the screen. And it's completely worth it because like, if you're generating eighty thousand dollars, one hundred fifty thousand dollars from one replay from from one webinar, like it's completely worth of rust.
Thank you so much, man four for taking taking the time. And and I just want to give you a big thank you. And I know everyone that's on board right now. They've been they've been loving the content. So thanks a lot, man. I do appreciate it. Very cool.
And no worries, man. Appreciate it.