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Hello, everyone, thanks for joining me for today's life workouts. We are going to do a 15 minute full body workout, which is beginner friendly. There's nothing standing, no standing exercise. We don't have any squats. We don't have any lunges. We don't have any jumps. Everything is going to be down on the mat. So it's also very knee friendly. Anyways, I haven't included any breaks in this workout. So if you need a break, feel free to take it.


It's really no problem. If you need a small rest, just take the rest, get your strength back and then join me as soon as you can. Again, also, if there's an exercise which is too difficult for you, just skip the exercise and join me for the next one again. And as always, I have pre workout schedules on my Instagram channel. You can find them in my highlights, workout plans and they are also beginner friendly.


Let's get right into it. We are going to start with crunches and all of the F stuff. You have to pay attention because I want you to stay at the highest point possible and then everything is going to be from here. So don't lower your upper back, always scrunch up and then stay here.


And I'm going to explain the rest to you. Let's go.


Time it. OK, the first one are high crunches, so you crunch up at the highest point and then from here you crunch up even higher.


Let's start come up to the highest point and then crunch up even higher. So for me, my shoulder blades are off the ground. There's nothing happening down on the mat. And I just see very tiny crunches at that point. I don't have a big range of motion. Everything is very small and very controlled. And I sit in my act every time I try to keep. Now, looks to me like that put your hands on your knees and then tap with one foot to the floor, one after the other and tap into my upper body is still up upper position.


And I add the little floor to it's only a small movement, but do it very controlled.


He pretends to be. Now, one arm and one leg like this, and then you crunch it again for me and the left side and keep me my upper body in the same position and I'm only extending my arm and leg if that's too hard. You can also do only that. They are only the arm. Just do what possible for your left wrist. Which side? Extend the other arm and the other leg. You can do both at the same time.


Or only the leg. Only the arm.


Most important is that to keep the tension in your arms, your lower back is flat on the floor. Very good. You say you the point can put your arms to the side and now you trust your knees to your face one after the other.


I also tried to lift myself in my head even more towards my knees with every promise that if your neck starts to hurt, you can also lay down and only punch.


But I encourage you to stay up and now torture. Put your floor and lift our bodies up to which my feet are so wide apart. I have all the weight of my details.


I don't have any weight on my toes and lift my up and down. To the highest point, so it's in one line with my knees in my head as lords and enlisted again and every time I see my feet. Now you walk your feet out a little wider to wider sense, and then you perform the whole.


And now that we are kind of into the movement, I want you to pay attention to really squeeze the glute every time you go up and then you hold the tents on the way down and just squeeze even more in the hole, the tension and squeeze through more.


Drop your feet together to most and hold the tension on the way down, squeeze all the way up as hard as you can. We have a piece of paper in our budget that we are trying to bring down that piece of paper falling on the floor.


We hold the tension and squeeze hold the tension and squeeze.


Now, he say at the highest point, and we only do little pulses, so we have maximum engagement, maximum tension in our lives, and we only do minimal movement of our hands up and down, always squeezing together to make progress. Very good.


And now we hold I'm walking my feet to a normal stand so they are not so close together anymore, like this far apart. And we hold and we don't really hope. I really want you to squeeze your butt cheeks together. They're rock solid for me.


Squeeze even more, lift your hip a little higher and hold it.


OK, let me turn around to come to the table, top position and pick with one need everyone put to the ceiling and squeeze our food every time we kick up the hole, the tension on the way down, and we need more at the balls of tension and pull the tension and now extend your leg and do the same thing with a straight leg.


Remember to always hold the tension and then squeeze even more on the way up. Don't please always hold the tension in your hand. And I also want you to make sure that your hips are not twisted like this, but they're always in one line. Your back is straight. You don't collapse like this. Everything is straight, your core is strong.


And now we just hold up the upper point. Squeezed the boot. And it's paying attention.


Who's texting girls that we hold when you think about pulling your abs, the claws strong because of the humor be working with.


And we switched sides, kick your other people to the ceiling with all the tension on the way down and we needed more on the way up, all the tension going for the hip is neutral. Don't question it. Everything was be like line. Ensure that you're pulling your ass all the time and remember to always feel the pinch even on the window. Extend your leg and do the same thing again because there's a difference.


You can release the tension on the way down and just relax and then kick up again. But I want your blood to be engaged all the time.


Very good. Stick with me and squeeze and squeeze. And we hope lift your legs up as high as you possibly can, squeeze the glute, my inner thighs burning and squeezes harvesting in the next few weeks and everybody word we're going to do a pushup and we're going to do the easy version of the need for clothing.


And we push our part of the pump lower and we push ourselves to the next neutral. So I kind of make sure, as I have in my pelvis and type in my hip, so I'm not sticking it out in the air.