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Yeah, got a new show for y'all before we start show. Remember, you can always support the Hawks, twins and official hawks twins.


Dutko Pick, you are a patriotic T-shirt today and hat.


I can give you 20 percent off. Just type in discount code Chinese Bowery's. Yeah, the 20 percent, of course, great guys. And we love this country. CNN, I can't believe you have the audacity, y'all are so brazen to say we're just seeing this video I'm about to show, you know, why don't you? I'll tell you where. Joe Biden is your president, they just picked up some they got the House of Representatives, they got picked up a couple more seats in the Senate.


Yeah, they got power when you when you give a little bit a little bit of power and you give them and they run with it, may they become radical. Yeah. They become, in essence, just by Mother Nature, the more power a man or woman, both liberal or conservative, has. Yeah. You're much more likely to be corrupted. That's why you actually need the left and right. Yeah, we need it's like checks and balances.


Yeah, we need the media because us being, you know, just naturally being just being human, we all are flawed. We're not perfect. So we need everybody left, right the media to keep everybody in line. Yeah. That's the importance though. Yeah. Of free speech. Oh man. That is so important. Free speech.


When you don't have free speech, you always got the Second Amendment to ensure you got a look the of. But CNN doesn't feel that way. Check this out now we're talking about domestic audience in the United States and the challenge is going to be partially that ISIS did not have a domestic constituency in the United States Congress. But there is over half of the Republicans in Congress voted to overturn the election and there will be a continual political pressure on the companies to not take it seriously.


So I think first you have to focus on those violent extremists and those companies have to be brave in that way. And second, we have to turn down the capability of these conservative influencers to reach these huge audiences. There are people on YouTube, for example, that have a larger, larger audience than daytime CNN, and they are extremely radical and pushing extremely radical views. And so it's up to the Facebook and YouTube in particular to think about whether or not they want to be effectively cable networks for disinformation.


And then we're going have to figure out the way and then and Newsmax problem, you know that these companies have freedom of speech, but I'm not sure we need Verizon, AT&T, Comcast and such to be bringing them into tens of millions of homes. This is allowing people to seek out information if they really want to, but not pushing it into their faces, I think is where we're going to have to go here and just do crazy to hear these radical.


Yeah, he's real radical. He just said a majority of Republicans decided they wanted to vote to overturn the election. I mean, they didn't agree with what happened. There was a lot of abnormalities. I mean, look what I did to Trump. You never realize him as our president now said he colluded with Russia with no evidence, no experience. Y'all investigated, man, for two years, and you don't call it radical. Yeah, I can't let you be radical if I'm a conservative, if I'm a Republican, I see the abnormalities, I look at the evidence and I feel that we should overturn the election because I see the evidence.


I see the facts that were investigated over two years, spent over 30 million dollars. No evidence. Yeah. You didn't find out he was Clun when anybody and y'all don't call that Russia collusion. Whole pretext, radical leftism.


Yeah, it's just it's disinformation. Everything that the Republicans did in Congress, it's it's in the Constitution. Surely you don't think that the Constitution is radical? Yeah. Those Republicans were following the Constitution. It's in our Constitution. Our framers of the Constitution put that in in case. Yeah, there's some something like this happen.


Oh, that's right. You don't know the Constitution. You know what this guy's talking about.


OK, he doesn't he believe the guy says, I believe in freedom. He says that he follows that up with look, he's he's cool. Will speak from the left. No, he didn't mention anything about, you know, silence and people on the left. It was all on the right. Yeah. And he says, you know, these networks, like on Newsmax cable networks, need to not have these people on because they're disinformation and they shouldn't be easy for people to find this kind of news.


But then again, where should they go? Let's say they go to YouTube like we are. Disney brings up YouTube, right? Like, they can't go on YouTube neither, where can the conservative voice be heard if Facebook YouTube is going to censors, where can we go? You just took Paul away from us. You just you took cableway. You taking YouTube away work in a conservative voice be heard just on a street corner with a damn bullhorn? Yeah.


I mean, where can we go? So people can find us, there's no place we can go if you can't see us on YouTube, you can't see us on Facebook, if we can't have a right leaning app that this for conservatives, I mean, what can we have?


I can have nothing.


You know what that's called. That's not freedom of speech as fascism. That's communism. That's what they do in China. You just get news from the government what they want you to hear. Yeah. You guys supposed to be. Making sure the left and the right is doing they're doing their part to make this country great, just lean hard left. I mean, how can you say if Republicans don't agree with this election, it just pass and then you go investigate a president with a fake dossier, spend 30 million dollars of our tax dollars to investigate a president who you say Cluedo Arutz with no evidence, but we all know right.


Is radical simply for the fact that we're following the Constitution. You know, it's crazy. He even compared assizes.


I mean, those people actually kidnap people and cut their heads off the terrorists. Jesus Christ, may you look at me, you see ISIS. Does that make sense? No, it doesn't make sense. I mean, they talk in hyperbole, like it worked great with the president. You call them a white supremacist. People bought it without any proof. So now you're labeling people on the right as ISIS like without any proof. It's just everybody on there is just not in agreement.


Yup. That's ISIS. Somebody please tell Brian Stelter, take that makeup of his face. He's got way too much blood. I even think he's got some lipstick on. Yeah, that's what. That's what that's just you being a Srna. You just hogging the whole TV and you get these two people. You just get no pun intended.


Hogan, you know what you should do? You should go ahead and shave your head, grow beard, a nice goatee coming in, look like like a man.


You know what he said, he said was radical with they are the senators and Republicans did overturn the election, you know, was, you know, what was radical, impeaching a president just because you had the votes twice. We're too impatient for one. How did he break? Yeah, he didn't break any laws, did he break will already break. He didn't break the law. Yeah, but now impeached a man over opinions, over opinion, not facts, opinions.


Two times y'all use impeachment supposed to be there for. A president like Nixon, somebody who breaks the law like I do, but it it brings in an intern and gets oral sex, I don't even agree. I don't even agree with Clinton being impeached. That should I mean, that was was only abuse of power. Yeah. He should not abuse of power. And our president insisted that he come in here. What's your name, Monica. Oh, my.


That's a pretty dress, Monica.


You know Tomatis, don't you?


Inside the Oval Office, he and I'm the president of the United States. Time for you to make me happy. Yeah. You know, that that impeachment of Clinton because of that that's I don't agree with that's why they're doing that to Trump. And that's why going forward, politicians is going to use impeachment is a political tool against their. Yeah, that's not what impeachment is for. I would say that's radical. Yeah. That was radical. What they did Clinton that was between him and his wife.


But that's nothing radical. I mean, is he talking about us on YouTube as being radical? Look, we believe in the Constitution, you know, freedom of speech, right, for both sides. Yeah. You know, right to bear arms, limited government. What's radical about that? You called us radical, a radical, a radical conservative. That's an oxymoron, you moron. Yeah. Those two go together, radical, conservative, everything that conservatives believe in.


You can't have fascism. You can't have a dictator in office because the principle of conservatism is limited government, lower taxes. The government should stay out of my life, my right to bear arms. It keeps it keeps your government in check. Conservatism, the only way fascism is going to come into this country is to liberalism. Leftism. Yeah, yeah. You guys you guys are censoring us. You're actually saying on. On a major news network on cable, yeah, they can only believe in free speech from the left.


Yeah. That's not free speech. It's nowhere near, and if YouTube takes us away or limit us, Facebook, if they do away with us. OK. You already say you don't want Elian in Fox has cable networks, Newsmax, we develop in that. I mean, I didn't personally develop that, but it was an app called Parler and it was right leaning. That app is gone and it was open to everybody. It's open to everybody.


Just not just not people on the right. I mean, Paula was open for everybody, but because somebody that has strong conservative values did a word that what where can we go? So people can hear our voices. Yeah, the truth be told, you don't want people to hear us. Yeah, you want everybody to agree, but take your price and look at your face.


A cup of Negroes on YouTube thinking for themselves. Oh, we can't. Oh, hell no. You see them to them, to black guys. They actually think they can think for themselves. We can't let the other black folks listen and they might start thinking for themselves. Do. Yeah, that's I guess I could see why they called us radical, yeah, because we actually think for ourselves, because when black people come to action, when they see us talking here, what we sounded like.


Why wouldn't black people why wouldn't you agree with me? Why wouldn't you want to be free to do what you want your government out of your life, the right to bear arms, the right to do what you want, so long as you're not bothering or hurting anybody right to free speech? Yeah. Why do you want your government to take care of you and you call yourselves kings and queens? No, you're not your slaves. Anything a government can give you can very easily take that away from you.


Yeah. Look at look what they did to the Native American. They gave him reparations.


Look how they lived. Yeah. I mean, you're asking for the government to make your home when your child was born in the best country in the world, y'all was born free. There's more opportunity here in America than anywhere else. And you'll continue to call yourself slaves in this country. Why? Because the people on the left is telling you that because they still want you to vote for them. They don't want you to sit and think for yourself and say, damn, I live in a best country where I can do whatever I want.


Now they tell you that this country is racist. Yeah. So you need your government. That's why they need to wipe off wipe wipe out any conservative leaning voice, black or white. Yes. Why? I mean, jeez, man, just to compare us to ISIS, I mean, that is crazy. It's like night and day ISIS I'm Christian. Christians don't believe in chopping people's heads off. It's not a true Christian.


I mean, you could take an extremist from every religion in there, use the book of of religion to cause harm to. That's an extremist. No, true.


Yeah. Yeah, that's extremist. But anyway, you know, I was thinking the other day. What? I like to think, you know. Yeah, me too, me. Come on, ideas, brainstorm, how can I make my life better? Let me tell them what I was thinking.


A stake in a. But when he's. Well, he wasn't really on the campaign trail. Dude, never campaigned like this, do openly came out and said, I'm reasonable his taxes, but I'm a raised the rich, his taxes more. Yeah. When you look throughout history, anybody who ran for president, that's the one question they were dogs did not answer, right? They wouldn't come out, Sam, come out campaign, I'm raising your taxes.


Yeah, right. Not only did he do that. He won election. And he got the most votes in history and do never even campaign got over 80 million votes. Yeah, he kept saying that he's just going to make the rich pay their fair share in taxes. Anybody comes out willingly saying some radical or insinuation that rich people don't pay their fair share in taxes. You Ukraine, they never become president. Nobody wants to pay our taxes. Just think about it.


People just taking the rich don't pay their fair share. You are crazy. They pay more taxes than anybody. Yeah. You think you pay a lot of taxes making sixty seventy eighty thousand dollars a year. These people make billions. They make millions. Without them we have nothing. You have no government. You have no tax revenue. That's what all the money comes from. That's what all the jobs come from. And you don't bite the hand that feeds you.


Is that really going to help our economy? Yeah. What's crazy is he's going to tax the hell out of the rich and then raise the minimum wage. I mean, you're already I mean, how much money is there to go around?


You've got to tax the hell out to be taxing the hell out. And you don't pay your employees double fifteen dollars an hour. That's right. How can you do that during a global pandemic? Does that make sense to you and win the election? Do you think there's going to be some repercussions if they're going to start taxing the rich at a higher rate than they normally being taxed at and then on top of that, force them to pay their employees?


Damn it, twice as much? Don't you think there's going to be some repercussions? Do you actually honestly believe that? Joe Biden can do that. This is a man who's never ran his own business. He don't even know what a problem with a W-2 form is. It was. But when you think of the word fair, that's a subjective word. You know what's fair? In my opinion, everybody pays the same amount of tax, whether it's 10 percent, five percent, six percent of your income.


It goes to taxes whether you make a hundred million dollars or you make five dollars. Yeah, that's fair in my eyes. Yeah. Why would you tax somebody if they make more money? What gives the incentive to this chump change? Dude, over here ain't making no money. Just just broke ass. Yeah. What gives him the incentive to make more money when he knows he's got to pay more taxes? It takes away the incentive of the entrepreneur, the common ideas to start a business.




Apple. All these big tech companies, where would they be if you tax the rich, if you taxed the entrepreneur at a higher rate?


You will kill innovation. You will kill innovation. The point of all this is to support the left and the right. See how we debate and putting our ideas. That's how the country moves forward with this free speech and open debate. Jackass on CNN, they all want to do what we would all just add this matter. Not all ideas matter, not diversity of thought from from the left and right. Not they just want to hear ideas from the left.


Yeah. Think about this.


Martin Luther King, conservative. Makes no if he was silenced. Yeah. You know, white supremacy was rampant in this country. They couldn't did that back then if they wanted to. Back in the 60s, they could a science team, yeah, I mean, in a way they did white supremacists. I mean, in a way they did him and Malcolm X, but the speech got out there and it was loud to everybody to hear it because of those ideas.


Because the debate. Jim Crow, all that stuff was thrown out. Everybody is equal under the Constitution, no matter your skin color. They keep saying it free speech, they keep using the pretext of some free speech is dangerous. No free speech. It's just like a pretext is dangerous. Some people don't know. It's just like freedom of speech tells you who the bad guys are. The good guys are. Yeah. That's calling people radicals and extremists.


That's just a lie. So do you want a limited speech from certain people because they want to achieve their agenda? Yeah. Free speech can never be dangerous. If you got a white man wearing a damn Graham with the KKK shouting kill people of color and all this, that's not freedom of speech. Lets us know that's the bad guy. Yeah. If you take away free speech, you don't know who the good guys and who the bad guys are.


Noer, because they're not willing to sit down together at a table in debate and allow you to determine who's the good guys and the bad guys. People on the left, they're just telling you everybody on the right is racist and they're the bad guys. They're the good guys. Yeah. That's why they want to do with freedom of speech. That's why they want to keep saying, oh, he's private corporation. They can do what they want. Huh.


You didn't tell it to the guy who was selling, didn't want to sell a wedding cake to two gay men or two women? No, it's not a private organization then. But when it comes to Facebook, YouTube, which is a private organization. Oh, but oh, tell that to the restaurants who couldn't open during the pandemic. Yeah. You know, and you know what, just hypocrisy. Everything on the left is hypocrisy. Yeah. I mean everybody on the left, I'm pretty sure they failed philosophy.


They have no logic at all. I mean they, they took leftism one on one. They worked all the way up till then. They did take philosophy. They took hypocrisy went on. And you know what's so disheartening, man, was this. When I go to the polls because I did my homework, I was once liberal. I'm now conservative. No reason why liberals, because I was naive and I, I didn't do my homework. Well, now understand the difference, right.


They told us Wright was racist. Yeah, it was right. And I fell for it. Yeah. Stupid me, but I did my homework. I know between liberalism and conservatism, I know the exact difference. It has nothing to do with skin color, has nothing to do with race, has nothing to do with gender. It's just two different ideologies. Yeah. One side. It's not racist. Now the side is not good. No, it's just B.S..


What bothers me the most is I know that I ran out running a business. I know what it takes to run a business. I know how to I know how to do my own taxes. And I know, I know, I know how to achieve the American dream by working hard and making great decisions. So I go to the poll because I believe in Second Amendment, the First Amendment, the Constitution. I believe in the Constitution. Right.


But then you got some jackass on the left who vote for Joe Biden because he thinks Trump is a racist. Yeah. And is his or her vote counts just like my dick. Their vote carries the same amount of weight. That's the only depressing thing about a pure democracy.


It sucks because I did my work, my homework. I know what's going on. I know what's going down. Yeah, but you have somebody that votes and say, oh, he's a racist. That's why I voted for bad or he's going to he's going to tax the rich and make sure they pay their fair share. Oh, I heard this woman or some white man are going to tell me what I can and can't do with my body, stuff like that.




Just stupid that if you just listen and just stop and listen and start thinking for yourself, no matter how low your damn IQ is, if you liberal, if you sat down and debated a conservative, no liberal can beat a conservative when it comes to debating about policies.


Well, it's not I don't think they're liberal anymore. A leftist. Yeah, well, these liberals, they're pretty stupid, too. I think that today's Republican is liberal.


Yeah, the left is leftist.


That's not even liberal. I mean, look at these debates, these past debates. I mean, look at all that. I mean, just look at debates, the debates, the questions they ask. It doesn't even matter. It's about Kennedy and Reagan and all. Yeah. If you go back to old debates, you see on YouTube, it was about what's important to America. Now, the left, they are bought all those tough questions about the Second Amendment, but free to speak about all those questions.


Yeah, they talk about this man's tax returns. Yeah. And they ask the guy, hey, can you denounce white supremacy? Why you don't ask the other candidate that question. You know why? Because they are trying to paint this guy. Yeah. That he's actually a white supremacist. Yeah. Even though Joe Biden he's the only one with ties with the KKK member, that guy that was dirty talked at his eulogy. Yeah. He not he didn't talk in his eulogy.


He gave a eulogy at his funeral. Yeah. He gave me he gave became a eulogy at his funeral. Right. Talked a eulogy. Had strong ties. I mean, that guy, Senator Byrd. Yeah. He was a he used to be in the KKK. He was actually a recruiter for the KKK, but he denounced Nazism. He denounced that then. But it still doesn't change the fact that the dude was in the KKK. Not only that, he was a recruiter for the KKK.


Right. Does it change all that has no ties to the KKK? And y'all still think he a white supremacist? Yeah. This debate between Trump and but. They didn't address any of the issues that's going on in big tech about freedom of speech. Yeah, that's what's really important to this country. So I'm telling you right now, these damn debates, they're rigged to lean hard left. They don't bring up free speech. None of that because they don't want to look like jackasses on TV.


Yes. So my question is this. So what is a Republican senators and House of Representatives? What are we going to do about this?


Yeah, I mean, I'm not expecting what the Democrats don't unless they have a hearing on reparations every four years to rile up the black people, to get them to come out and vote, like going to get reparations one day. Now we will be different. All right. We are going to do about this. Yeah, I'm starting to think the whole system is rigged because if you can go in a loud debate, you're more worried about the president's tax returns and asking him a question.


If he's a white supremacist, then you really don't really care about the true issues in this country, because we all know white supremacy is not a problem in this country. It's nowhere near a problem in this country. Problem we have in this country right now is freedom of speech. And youd fail to even bring that up. In that last debate, you got companies like Paula being thrown away just because they are conservative. You got people like us on Facebook being censored.


We used to get eight to 10 million views a video. Now we are lucky to get five hundred thousand.


I mean, I'm still happy with the 500000 Facebook article where they can stop twenty five thousand five hundred views that I just don't want to go to zero. Yeah, but then you got people on CNN saying this nonsense, this pretext to say the free speech that people want to write is radical. It's just a lie to take away our rights. That's all it is. Yeah. Those doing a good oficial, half twins, dotcom, and take you out a patriotic T-shirt today.


Hell, I mean, to give you 20 percent of disturbing discount code Chinese virus. We call it Chinese because it's from China. We make it T-shirts. Great again. We are.