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Yeah. Got a new show for y'all, but before we start this great show, don't forget you can always put the twins at official hall twins Dotcom Picciotto Patriotic T-shirt today and hat and don't forget, always use discount called Chinese vase aguy 20 percent of. You know why? Because we're good guys.


Yeah, Joe Biden making his picks for his administration because he said we don't rebuild this country together, which is where I think the country is fine, is just that we got too many Democrats in it, always wanted when they say they're going to rebuild, like rebuild what they use the word infrastructure.


Sounds presidential. That's why they say I think Obama started it.


But in a way, Joe Biden picks his assistant health secretary. I didn't know you needed an assistant health secretary. Just need a health secretary. You have to think about that, why you need an assistant. What is this? This is going to be doing that the actual health secretary can't do them damn self al-Dawa as the president.


Go get the coffee, man. And Sokol's take notes, messages. Yeah, hey, Mr. Secretary, got a call today. Hey, how'd you like a couple nice hot coffee for me? For you?


Should I look? Hey, what do you think about my new sexy red dress I got on the back?


That's so funny when I tell you who he picked. Yeah, well, not really.


It's not really funny. Well, kind of really funny about a biological man wearing a dress.


Yeah. That's true. I mean, I guess it depends on who you ask. Tanavoli picked me, I'm going to tell them. Her name is Rachel, Dr. Rachel Levine. She's a doctor. Yeah, but she's got a Ph.D.. Yeah. Takes brains to get a peace deal. Yeah, well I thought you need brains to get the I mean, I've rented some space days, like, wow, you're a doctor.


But anyway, yeah, it's you got a Ph.D. or you became an attorney.


Don't mean you're going to be a good doctor. Don't mean you're going to be a good attorney. Yeah, but in a way. This assistant. I mean, not prosector, this assistant health secretary made history, how she make history may. Hey, everybody, take a wild guess how this lady made history. Take a look at this photo. Take a wild guess. Why can you use a photo?


That was some better photos I thought was very good for why you saw some of the feminine photos. Definitely.


It's got too much wear whatever first. Federal transgender official in history, that woman deserves a salute. Joe Biden is making history. Thank you for your service. Well, Democrats cannot cannot pay respects to this woman, this transgender woman to first of all time that deserves a salute. She's she's breaking breaking something. She's breaking barriers. Yeah. Put your damn hand down. Thank you for your service. Come on. I hope you do a whole lot better job than you did in Pennsylvania because you suck in Pennsylvania.


Yeah, she was the health secretary of Pennsylvania. But everybody deserves second chances. I don't think so. I mean, you got to ask yourself, especially when Democrats are selecting people, did you select them based on their merits, their qualifications, or did you select them because they're female or because they're black or because they're transgender? Personally, I think Joe Biden picked Rachel. Not for qualifications. OK. You think he picked her because she's wearing a dress?


You know what? I was right. Yeah, not really. You said she was wearing a dress, you didn't say he's wearing a dress. I thought I said he the you know what? Stop using them. Damn pronouns. We don't get in trouble. Let's just refer to her. Is they know why that's. You already know the pronouns. Look, name's Rachel. Yes. That's that's that's a woman as female as female. You're wearing dresses.


Yeah. Don't forget she's wearing makeup too as female. So let's I think it's safe to say use pronouns. She. I would agree with that, but you know what, no word is safe today, especially with Democrats. Yeah, well, I hear we're going to go we'll just call a doctor. They can't be offended over that she's a doctor. I mean, Dr. Rachel Maddow, you want what, Rachel Maddow? I mean, not a damn.


I got a confused dead chicken neck. That woman on MSNBC, I met Rachel then. They don't look like you don't know how to get them to compete. They literally upped that name. Both the names Rachel.


Yeah, not Rachel Maddow is Dr. Rachel Levine, one of his only kin to Mark Levine in a chance in hell.


I know he's a great conservative, but. Yeah, but the greatest conservatives of all time ain't a chance in hell that he's related to Dr. Rachel Levine. They got the same last name. Never know. But anyway, you know the reason why I bring up that? The reason why Joe Biden picked her is that based on the merits of who this individual is, the qualifications, I say not because of this doctor's history. As press health secretary, over 10000 people died in nursing homes.


They actually required nursing homes to take in them. Once they'd been diagnosed with Kovik, they had to take them back so they could free up beds for a hospital. I thought that's what hospitals was for.


Right. Think about this, everybody.


She wrote a memorandum memorandum requiring all. Yeah. All right. Look for them to accept. Yeah. Patients into nursing homes. This covid-19, they had to it was no guess. Maybe you had to take these people back. You were required. Even though we got room in hospitals, they wrote a memo right now you have to go home and get better.


And she was the press. Let the press. I keep saying press the health secretary of the state of Pennsylvania. Yeah. Being a health official, being a doctor. I mean, knowing that her qualifications as a doctor, you were everybody should know. Even I know you're in a global pandemic. The most vulnerable is the sick, the weak, the elderly. Yeah. People with prior health conditions, you know, are the most vulnerable. Why would she do well?


Would you send somebody? Suffering from coronavirus to where are most vulnerable live? Why would you do that? Yeah, and they all cooped up in that one building. But that's why I say being a doctor doesn't mean you're going to be a good doctor. Yeah, so but the reason why I bring that up, she required that. But guess who was in nursing homes up in Pennsylvania? She's got a mother. The doctor has a mother. Right.


When this pandemic hit, did she leave? Did the doctor leave her mother in there? No, she did. Why? Because you know how dangerous it was. Yeah, she knew that people in nursing homes are the most vulnerable when it comes to a global pandemic, to any pandemic virus, any rules for the.


But not for me. She took her mother out because she knew how dangerous it was, but she required everybody else to take in people that was diagnosed with covid-19. You know, so poor leadership. Yeah.


Now, that's been, what, 19000 deaths? Almost half of the deaths, I think happened in nineteen thousand deaths in Pennsylvania from coronavirus. Yes. How many was from nursing homes.


Yeah, over 10000 who have two deaths in that state was from nursing homes allowed. Now you can pinpoint that and say a majority of the deaths in Pennsylvania was because of her leadership.


You can say that technically and you can't even call it incompetence. Yeah, she knew it was wrong. Why you took her mother out because she took her mother. That's malpractice. Yeah, that's like a damn, you know, a malpractice. This is like a damn doctor said, hey, we ain't got no hearts. We need you need open heart surgery. So I'm a go down here to the farm and rip one out of a pig and give it to you.


That's malpractice. That's not incompetence. He know what's wrong, but he's going to go get a damn heart out of a freaking pig. That's not malpractice.


That's insanity. And it's insanity for what she did. Yeah, it is. Because she knew that. Yeah, she knew what would happen. That's why she was stuck on people's death sentences when she said that's why she took a mom out. But Joe Biden picking her, picked her of all the qualified people in this country, which makes me think, did he pick her because. Transgender. Or did he pick a four qualifications in her leadership? Well, I don't think she's really going to be doing much of anything.


Did you see that title, assistant health secretary? She's answering phones, fetching coffee. He or she might even be watching the car. But the lead health secretary, he's not going to be making news that she's assistant she's a secretary. I think Joe Biden picked her because he's virtually signalling for the alphabet community. Oh, look, that's what I'm saying. He's down with the transgender community. I can't I don't care if Rachel was once a man.


I don't care. Yeah, I only care. But I hate when people get selected based on a race, their gender. Yeah, that's what I hate. You picked on your qualification. The race or gender has nothing to do with anything.


It's about your competence, about your experience, about, you know, how well you perform at your job, your work history, your prior work history tells everybody you're not fit to even be a health professional or a health professional. You are one of the leaders of Pennsylvania that led to over 10000 deaths because of your poor leadership.


Yeah, I'm not saying that nobody would have ever died in nursing homes, but that was going to happen. But you sent them to the hospital. You don't send them back to infect everybody else there.


Yeah. And it was extremely contagious. Everybody's getting it now, yeah. That's the that's the person Joe Biden went along with, yeah, Korona, but she's just in a system.


She is going to be doing much of anything but answered phones and taking messages. OK. I mean, we have no idea being responsible. One of the leaders responsible for thousands of deaths and she shouldn't be nowhere near the assistant health secretary anywhere where she can answer some phones and text messages, man.


Maybe, you know, take the car, take the are you crazy to say take it, take the main person's car out and get it washed with the health secretary's car? Yeah. Hey, right. You ready to take the car and wash it for me today? I'm busy and whatever, it's sexy Chrissy Roman. It makes you look more like a woman, I guess you could say, oh, man, now we're poking fun or not because of her gender.


I mean, I pick on everybody. It's just that if if she had a great track record, if she was one of the people that stood up and say, hey, we can't send these people to nursing homes, we need to keep these people in hospital, the most vulnerable people in our population took mine. When a pandemic is the early days and lead by example, don't take your mother. If you really stand by what you say, why don't you take your mother out of the nursing home?


You didn't even believe in your own rules, your own regulations. You know that she was putting on the pot because it's when it comes to Democrats, it's rules for the not for me. I can do what I want. But these rules you got to barber. You prove that by your actions, you took your own mother out of a nursing home while you sent other people to their deaths. You can't deny that you state health secretary of Pennsylvania, whether you're transgender or not, you should be criticized just like everybody else.


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