President Joe Biden's Townhall
Hodgetwins- 1,825 views
- 18 Feb 2021
Hodgetwins discuss President Joe Biden's Townhall.
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Give you twenty one percent of. Yes, today's topic. The most popular president in U.S. history, the man who got over 80 million votes and if he were to campaign, actually came out and campaigned instead of staying in his basement. I think he could have told Texas. He could go to Florida, too, he could have to Ohio. I think he could have got John. Here he could get. Do Ukraine. You've got Russia. That man is not referring to China and Ukraine helping him, I was I was thinking of his family and his business dealings.
Just want to put it in context. Bin Laden had some great business up. All right. President Vice President Biden had a town hall the other night, and it was ridiculous, of course. Of course, if he if he's not going to be with teleprompter, he's going to have some gaffes.
Yeah, he's got to tell people on the left like to call him gaffes. Some people would say some of the things he say might be racially insensitive here. Some people could even say just downright racist. Depends on who you ask, I guess, yeah, the. Who you want to start with, show me the first video. Let's start with the white woman. The white woman for last oh man. This is about the black and brown people first.
All right. Check this video out.
The the other part portion is a lot of people don't know how to register. Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and the African-American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and or inner city districts, know how to use know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that covid vaccination at at the Walgreens or at the particular may.
See, let me let me break it down for you. Black and brown folks out there voted for this man. Would he mean by I mean, what he's trying to say is makes perfect sense to him, to him from Joe Biden's point of view. Just think of just look at it this way. If you're dumb enough to vote for Joe Biden after things he said about black and brown people, then of course, without question, you do not know how to use the computer.
You are clinically brain dead. If you had the ability to do any kind of research, you would have known that this man should not be president, the United States. I mean, I'm not shocked at what he said. I mean, this is how he sees black and brown people, like what's the thing they say about the voting if the voter I.D. laws? Right. They say if you force black and brown people to present an I.D., that's racist.
Yeah. What are they really saying? The reason why they say they think black and brown people do not have the brain capacity, mental capacity, the wherewithal, the mental ability to figure out how to go get an I.D. They don't know what the hell the DMV is right now. And you put that in the context, what he said. It makes perfect sense. That's how he sees black and brown people. If they got the capacity to bring an I.D. to vote, how the hell would they have to figure out how to use the Internet in a computer?
Yeah, you got to turn it on. Got a tape.
Got to know how to read and write to Brown. People can't do that aside. Joe Biden sees it. Yeah. Yo, slow yo yo don't have the education. I mean, other than y'all coming out Satchel's TPE billion and that's for y'all can't handle real life. Yeah. That's how Joe and Stichter building fires with sticks and killing your wife and killing game and cooking it on your own cooking in front of your TPE. That's how Joe Biden, Sérgio Yo and that Civilise yo bunch in the NFL.
Who the hell don't know how to use a computer, the internet. Yeah. I mean, he really I mean, what does he say? He says if you don't vote for him, he's you're not black. He also said poor kids are just as smart as white kids. I mean, and he likes to get in the pool, let the kids play with the hair on his legs. I mean, if the media with it did their job and painted dismantle the the man that he is.
Yeah, he wouldn't. Yeah, definitely let his family off the hook of what happened while he was in while he was the vice president. He wouldn't be. I mean, if Twitter, Twitter, Facebook, they censored all this stuff about his family. Mm hmm. And then when when when this man says these crazy things, you don't see these celebrities and Hollyweird coming out, telling pointing these things out. No, that's my president. Yeah.
And they attack. They attack us. Yeah. They say we are betraying our own race. Yeah. Call us Uncle Tom and stuff like, you know what it's like. How are you gonna say I'm betraying my race? I don't have the power. To betray a race of people know what the fact of the matter is, is black people have betrayed each other. Yeah. Since the white man hit Africa in boats. Yeah. You're always preaching that the white man is for slavery, no less.
No, no. Who sold your black? Who sold your black and white people, got on the boat, sailed down to Africa, was stuck on that boat for six months. These old white men just jumped off that boat and chased down young, vibrant thoroughbreds.
Now black people can't. You sold you to white men? Yeah. And now white people here, white liberals are telling you they preach this thing known as white privilege and systemic racism. And that's why you need them. If black history actually told and taught history how it happened, y'all would have an eye on a white man and a black man, because till today, I mean, up until today, you still have black people selling you out, calling us racist.
Oftentimes when they're the real sellouts, they don't want getting paid. They don't want to get in the movie deals. These are these are people getting a sponsorship. The commercials. They selling you out. Not me. Yeah. They doing fine, I'm doing fine. You ain't doing but marching up and down the street burning.
Yeah, you don't even understand what's going on because like Joe Biden says, you don't have the mental wherewithal or the mental capacity to use the damn computer. That's how I see you now. Don't have the mental acuity to go get a damn ID card. Yeah, well. Shoot, man. Where's the outrage yet? I was gonna say something. Where's the outrage? Why don't you say anything about this? Is it just a gaffe? Is that how you see all he's I mean, he's talking down to you.
Hey. I when you go there, it's taking it too far. Let's go to the next video. Yeah, that is the nice white lady in lights, the white lady. Too bad she's shut up. Let's go to the video. Student loans are crushing.
My family, friends and fellow Americans to the American dream is to succeed. But how can we fulfill that dream when debt is many people's only option for a degree? We need student loan forgiveness beyond the potential ten thousand dollars your administration has proposed. We need at least a 50 thousand dollar minimum. What will you do to make that happen? I will not make that happen.
Man, this is so sad, right? Yeah. He's a white woman, Thornleigh all her white privilege on nationwide TV begging for money from the govt.
It don't get no certain that you're a white woman in the best country in the world. You got white privilege. You got white supremacy backing you. Why y'all to be begging the government to give you money? Hey, you know what, I went to college. I got it, a great man got a good agreement count financed. I got it online.
Yeah, I was too lazy to go in because I didn't hear that it have the mental wherewithal to go inside. I couldn't use it. I couldn't go inside. Yeah. Hey. So I met my son in what is known as a promissory note. Yeah. Just they show you, OK, you're going for a bachelor's degree in finance. Yeah. This is how much it's going to cost you. And this is the interest rate and guessing that and you can't file bankruptcy.
You got to pay this back. Yeah. You can't you can't weasel your ass out of this. Yeah. You got to pay this. You sign the dotted line, they even go into detail if you don't pay it, they to garnish wages, they can make your life a living hell.
Yeah. I mean, nobody told you to go to school and pay like sixty thousand dollars for them education, one hundred thousand dollars in education, and it gives you any gives you a job where your wages only ten dollars an hour, you should. Hadija damn homework. Yeah. Let me schools. You said you knew what you you knew what she was getting involved in. You know, you, you want to tell you you should be a responsible adult, you sign your name on it.
Nobody put a gun to your head. You said, OK, I can pay it back later after I graduate school. Man Now you want to back out of it. Yeah. And no, you know, and how many people went to school didn't finish. So this is not for me. Yeah. Right, yeah, they they still got to pay that, yeah, you know, I'm saying but you're going to forgive all of this. Yeah.
For people to just quit and for you people say this, they said and then they go to the. Now, you always said, I'm cutting you off, you cut me off, I'm cutting you off. Then Joe Biden says now we aren't doing it. I like that he snapped on your ass. Joe Biden kind of grew on me on it in that instance. I'm starting to like Joe Biden. He's he's putting you black and brown people in your place.
These white people you put in, these white liberals in a place to look you black people. I understand black, brown, y'all don't have y'all can't use a computer. That's why you can find out what a damn covid-19 vaccine. And white people, they should be ashamed yourself. Want more money than ten thousand dollars to pay off your college. You should help the black people in the brown people came find where to get AIDS and vaccines. We need to pay that college first before we can pay you.
But not now. Joe Biden said the word free. Yeah, he keeps using that word free. And to the white lady that asked that question. Free, you really believe it's free, you can't be that ignorant, nothing in its world is for free. For free, nothing for free. Yeah, who paid for the books to pay for their damn lectures, them damn lights on, who pay for that damn bill, who pay for that damn teacher standard because they're teaching sitting there for free?
Who paying for who paid for the gas? Going to teach a good school. What did you just think the government can give everybody vouchers. No, somebody paid for it. Somebody is going to pay for that. Just who's paying for it? Take a wild guess, you stupid mother.
Well, I didn't say in a sense of myself, who paid for you pay for it, you pay for it, huh? You stupid motherfucker.
I tell you, he's paying for it. Listen very carefully. Yeah. Your taxes going up? Yeah, and let me tell you this, for not only do I have to pay for our kids education, education, and we'll pay for my own kids money, you pay for your kids? I got my kids. Yeah, but now now you will go back. Said not only are you going to pay for your own kids education, you got to pay for it by us too.
It's going to come in the form of taxes is how that's how it works as hell on earth. I got to take care if you make over one hundred twenty thousand dollars a year, I got to make sure I help my kids pay for education. And on top of that, to make things worse, to add insult to injury, I got to pay for some deadbeat liberals education. Yeah, they can go get brainwashing. Call me a racist.
Yeah, that's good. Is cruel and unusual punishment, man. Yeah. And how many people went to college and just quit. Yeah. How many people went to college just to get that student loan money. Yeah. Just get those loans and then just drop out.
How did it first save me. I, I'm like I'm going to school. I'm just getting loans. Give me a couple Pell grants. We'll go get this Cadillac, get you to get some rims on it and we'll get all kinds of women and we'll be forced. No, I'm just gonna be driving school in my new Cadillac with them rims on it, picking them girls up some dumb ass as well.
Yeah, but with liberal, my dumb ass, dumb ass little black dudes. Me. Hey, no, man, don't listen to Snoop Dogg.
Let's have some gin and juice. What'd you say. And came a long way, man. Man, we grew up. We came a long way. We actually start listening to both sides. Yeah, anybody's got half of the mental acuity, half of the mental capacity. If you listen to both sides, no matter what your race is, black, white, brown, polka dot, whatever. Nobody could be a liberal man if you actually think about.
Well, the problem with that is I say this all the time. People's biases affect the way they think. Your skin color. Yeah. People can use religions, people's sexuality. I mean, people on both sides. But people can't remain objective. I mean, it happens to all of us. Yeah, right. And I'm just I'm just saying, people on the right, they are a lot more objective, right. Than people on the left.
I mean, people love I don't know how y'all make it through life with the stuff y'all say, man. Now, sad man. Look at that white girl, big in money from the government. It's saying it's almost as bad as black people are asking for reparations.
I think it's actually worse. You got white privilege. Yeah. What would you call it, circular reasoning, yes, circular reasoning like like this I'm privileged because I'm white. Yeah, but did you see white people here need my student loans paid? Yeah, I want this paid off. It's like I mean, it's like if you really believe in white privilege. But I do agree with one thing Joe said. But, you know, if you went to like Yale and Harvard and by paying your shit off.
Yeah. You shouldn't get anything. I did like that, but I don't think good. Nobody like like people with money shouldn't receive that benefit. But he went on to say, if you go to community college, that should be free, which is it sounds good, but it's but it's not free. You know me. You know, when I was younger, if somebody said I can go to community college, yeah. I can finally make something out of my life.
I could I could be somebody. I can be like these white people were suit tie snorting cocaine between lunch breaks and give me some of this damn privilege, you know, but but on top of that, he says you can go to a state college like Cal State Fullerton, probably historically black university, and get your college people free.
Sounds good, but I'm telling you not to free everybody's taxes going up. Yeah, we already paid too much money in taxes. You know, not going to want to take more money, more of our money. And you know what? When you make something free, then whatever that is, you make free, devalue it, devalues it me just think about if you could go into a grocery store and get free water. Where did that water come from?
The damn toilet bowl is where it came from. Right. Yeah. Dementia's it, man. It just diminishes it. Like you heard me say this for forgetting how many people let's say they do. This is free state Majendie schools are going to be overcrowded. It's going to be like these border towns where all these illegal immigrants coming in. And it's a big stress on the school system. Yeah, but not prepared for that. But I want to say this.
How many people are going to go ahead and go to school because free they can probably get two thirds or half way or third way through and they're just going to quit all that wasted tax money paid for this moron to do this very easily manipulate the system. Yeah, they could very well get a couple thousand. Get some Pell Grants. Pell Grants. You ain't got to pay back. Go to school, say this is not for me. You drop out, you ain't got to pay that money back.
It's just another loophole where people can take advantage of the system. Yeah, I know. But you bring up an interesting point. All the schools get overarm, too many people in there and more it's more expensive. There's more books, there's more classes, more teachers, even more taxes will happen. It's just going to devalue the whole experience.
Yeah. In anything. People, anything the government touches, man, it ruins, yeah, it ruins. That's why you look at public schools, you compare it to a private school. Private schools can run circles around a public school. Yeah, because, I mean, it's just it's just a fact, man. If you want a good quality education, got good quality health care. Yeah. You got to pay money. Yeah. You can't make certain things for free or you just everybody's screwed.
Everybody's education, free housing. It looks good when he first put it up, but then he put that label s.L on it and then look what happened. A bunch of people moving a day ain't got the mental acuity, he got the mental capacity, used the damn computer and and on top of that, yeah, what devalues that Section eight housing they didn't work for didn't earn it. So they don't take care of the neighborhood. They don't take care of where they live in that neighborhood turns into a crime infested place.
People starting to feel entitled to everything. Yeah. That's what it comes down when you take a horse aside and they feel like they don't have to work for anything and should be given to that government is way too powerful. That government has too much say. So in your life here, if your government is that big, you have no freedoms, you have no liberty. You answer to your government, you're a sellout. You're Uncle Sam, you calling us sellouts.
And then we have masses and all that. I don't ask nobody. I don't have a boss. Y'all actually begging for the government to take care of you. You're a sellout. You won't go masser your government to take care of you. Conservatism is limited government. Everybody's everybody's voting for Joe Biden. It's big government. Yeah. Do you have a mass? I don't. I don't. But anyway, before we let you go, man, for me in this video, like Lindale, owner of my pillow, just because he supported the president.
Yeah, liquid. These are liquid. The liberal media has banned them for social media. Yeah. They're taking his merchandise out of stores. Yeah. They're trying to cripple his business. Aren't they trying to ruin this man just because he has a different opinion, just a political party, because he has a bad product, is hurting people, is making people sick. He has a wonderful product. He sold millions of pills. He has a great I got his policies blankets.
He has a great product. The reason why they take him out, because he has a different opinion. That is the most dangerous thing any society could start doing to its citizens. Yeah, I mean, they've taken him out of eighteen stores. Yeah. I mean, it's really sad. But any way to support his business. Yeah. Go to my pillow dotcom and you can use discount cold hawks, twins and you'll get up to 60 percent off.
We cannot let the left get away with this. Yeah. This man has worked from where he started. Yeah. He in his book he was a drug addict. He came from some very low places and lose the epitome of the American dream. Look what this man has accomplished. You came from a drug addict to a CEO of a major corporation. Yeah. And now overnight, the left's just trying to crush might exist. Yeah. That is the most un-American is unethical.
And it's just it's just sad that something like this could happen in the United States of America, in the United States of America. This is not China. So go to my pillow. Dotcom.
Yeah, discount called hawks. Twins get up to 60 percent off. He support fellow patriot. Yeah. That's all we got to say about no matter what, you stole my line, I was supposed to say that. Well, say it. So we got to say about. What should Nancy Pelosi to hit a table? That was a damn good show. Forget good official horse twins that can't go to the fight censorship tab, hit the links, follow on telegram, follow us on Rumpo and follow us on YouTube.
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