Episode 11 - Chelsea Handler
Just B with Bethenny Frankel- 1,930 views
- 15 Dec 2020
On ayahuasca and online dating
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Hi, so I've been thinking about talking about dating and dating apps, of course, being single. I've been thinking about this, but I've thought about this in the past. I think it's a very interesting space. The dating app space is fascinating.
I had a friend who was at three over three years ago that is in our 40s, and she asked me if I had ever been on a dating app and I said no and not like judging, but maybe a little judging and just thought I would never do that. That's just not me and not even really totally as a public person, as a person from a different generation and just.
I don't know, it just did not feel like it applied to me. It's like I don't eat fish, I'm allergic to fish, so I just never even look at it on the menu. So I just thought, no. And she said, well, I'm on this app. And she showed me pictures of the guys and they looked like real like they were walking upright. They had all their teeth, like they were cute. I just like, wow.
And they had jobs. I was just like, wow, they're real human beings, online dating. And so she said, yeah, but you have to make time for it. It becomes sort of like a job. You can't just be in a time when you don't have any time to do anything, which is a lot of my life.
By the same token, if you don't have any time to do anything and I'm very antisocial, I'm very much a homebody and very surprisingly insular.
And so online dating is great because I think that nobody on there knows who I am just because I'll put, like, just be as my name and there's never anything is just like three pictures and no profile. The only thing I ever would say was I only sweat the small stuff, but now I've taken it down to the sticks where if I was online dating, it says nothing. And so you think like that. No one's ever going to like you because like other people are like have kids, don't want more smoke, don't smoke Jewish.
If you like Trump's swipe to the left, if you fucking 511, you know, I'm going to whine like long walks to the bar, short strolls on the beach.
I mean, people get really fucking into it. And I don't read any of that, by the way. I really don't.
I just look to see where someone lives, try to get a sense of their job and, you know, maybe look at a watch like look at, you know, to see if they're like some of them where there's like sort of glasses that look very like that, just says I just drink beer with a cozy on the back of a boat.
And I'm just like, that person's not for me or just like, you know, they're in a fleece. They're just like a fleece in a college sweatshirt. And they're like 52. I'm like, that's not for me. You know, just you try to get a sense and then, you know, you could take it to the next level where I'm thinking, oh, OK, there's no way this person to be able to handle my whole program.
So you start thinking all these things and then you're just like, fuck, why would I even do this? And then you'll realize that someone knows who you are. And then they a lot of people think I'm punky them. Is this really Bethenny Frankel? And I know a couple of really famous people that do some do like the mass apps like I'm talking about. And then there are so many, like there are ones that are like whinge and I don't know what that means.
Whinge. I think it means like, you know, somebody that they know somebody in occupied. I remember I know somebody who met somebody and it was like shocking to me that he was going to marry her.
And those seem like more granular. And you got to be some sort of an expert like I think of it as. So there's Rhia you've probably heard about, which is like quote unquote for famous people and a lot.
Yeah, a lot of green juice, a lot of yoga poses a lot of, you know, meditating on there. One person said to me, to people, to people on Rice said, you're the best dressed person, I'm Rice. And that's because the other women aren't dressed. They're not wearing clothing. So I was like, not that big of and they're wearing fucking bikinis. So thank you. And there are a lot of skullcaps in August, people on motorcycles, a lot of tattoos, silver jewelry, a lot of those sort of tribal tattoos, lot of people surfing.
So for me, the Rhia is like. The Ashtray Department of Barney's or their home department used to have like 400 all candles and like sharkskin backgammon sets and like you might be able to find something in there, but you really have to search through. And things are from Sweden and Europe. Oh, by the way, there's a whole fucking international section. So you're like scrolling in. Rhia And then all of a sudden, just like four days, everybody's from Stockholm and Germany.
Australia, like, sorry, I had a fucking problem with Boston. I don't need to be dating. So I'm from Stockholm. I'm not even good at geography, nor am I aware of where that is. But at Sweden. But like, is that, what, nine hours on a plane? I've been to Australia. It's fucking far, OK. You could plan that once every fucking millennium. OK, so there's a whole multiple day fucking you know, it's a small world after all.
Epcot adventure that happens. I'm Rhia. That's really fucking frustrating. Figure out your fucking geography. But also you run through the Rhia in so fast like you're just out of your fucking supermarket cart is empty real fast.
And then you're like. All right, so famous people have a very small selection like that section of Barney's, then if you're on Bumble, that's like Macy's, there could be you know, there could be some gems in there. You know, there's also some crap in there, too. Like you got to weed through a lot of shit, you know, to get to something good. And you got to go through a lot of these like Oakley glasses, you know, drinking beer out of cozies, fucking fishing boat types, you know, that are like throwing out with me and my buddies like that type.
And it's like not for me, but then you'll have like there's like a dangling shiny I mean, out of there like billionaires there. But there's like a dangling shiny.
Successful banker in there, but you've got to fucking wade your way through like you're that guy on the ocean spray cranberry commercial on those fucking galoshes.
So that's a challenging thing. And then there's another one that's Ligue, which is like I guess the concept is supposed to be that. Everybody's educated, I would say Ivy League educated, I guess that's their goal, but then they probably do bring in some risk because you can see there's not enough.
So the league is like, I don't like Brooks Brothers, you know, like a little dorky and stodgy, but you could find something in there that's that's like nice that you would wear. But you're going through a lot of Oxford buttoned down collar, you know. Stodgy kind of shit in there, so. That's what online dating is like, and there's a world of matchmakers and there's a world of matchmakers for richer people, and then there are like also like.
I don't want to say blue collar people, but like a more affordable matchmakers are heard of, but some of them, some of them like they're basically hooker wranglers, like they've got a bunch of billionaires, but they don't mind throwing them some bimbos to to make the time go by in between finding them a wife and then other ones who can't be in their own relationship. And they have like sort of some like schlocky version. They're just like sort of narrowing down what's on these apps I've just described to you or.
Yeah, it's like a lot. Then there's like the central pay hooker set where it's like these billionaire guys who say they want a wife, but they really want to get the bang down from some of the Instagram models that are over on radio stations that are cross promote. So dating datings, just a fucking dream, let's just put it that way.
I'm excited to do it. Sounds delightful.
All right. So what do you think about online dating? Have you done it? Do you have experience? Are you scared? Is it intimidating? Does it seem counterintuitive? I was a dinosaur. I didn't realize how prevalent it is and how it's really the way of the world. Do you think there's a stigma on it or do you see it as something that is just courage and a sign of the times?
Movies, music, celebrities embarrassing themselves, Crooked Medias Weekly podcast, Keep It Has It All.
Each week, host IRA Madisen, the Third Lewis fatele and IRA Osborne are joined by comedians, journalists, actors, musicians, activists, politicians and more to discuss the latest ways pop culture and entertainment have intersected with politics and society, expect funny guests, Oscars, trivia and endless amount of shade. And for the month of October, expect the Keepit crew to cover all things election from their voting plan to candidates they're excited about, to candidates they wish they could just keep it.
Guests have included Kristen Bell, Jesus and Miro, Mandy Moore, Angela Bassett, Busi Phillips and soon to be me, Bethenny Frankel on this week's episode. So make sure to listen to my episode on Keep It on Wednesday, October 10th, and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
Crooked Media's Hysteria is a weekly podcast hosted by political commentator and comedy writer Aaron Ryan, who's joined by former White House deputy chief of staff for operations Alissa M. Monaco, who I happen to know, by the way, plus a bicoastal squad of funny, opinionated women.
They cover everything from reproductive rights to rom coms, breaking down the political news of the week, plus the topics, trends and cultural stories that affect women's lives. For the month of October, Steria will be focusing on spotlighting listeners pet issues, speaking to lesser known Democratic candidates and highlighting important races. New episodes are out every Thursday. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. I'm excited for Chelsea Handler. She is a comedian, a writer, a TV host, a producer, politically active.
She is crazy. She likes to cook crazy foods. She is just wild and unique and has built her own brand of brand. So Chelsea has a new special on HBO, Max. Chelsea Handler Evolution. She is the author of several books, including her latest New York Times best seller, Life Will Be The Death of Me. So Chelsea and I discuss online dating politics, cannabis and her success in the industry.
Hi, Bethany, how are you? I'm good, how are you? I mean, ready to kill myself, you know, fucking election if you don't already.
You really if you let it lives inside your body like you literally do, you do break out like do you not sleep? How deep does this go?
Well, I have Xanax and I have edibles, so I sleep. But I mean, it's the daytime. I have the problem with.
Well, I was shocked that you were doing the show. I thought that what the fuck? Chelsea Handler was doing my show like, does she even know who I am? And she just she like, why would she do my show? And like, you know, you are a fucking force.
You know, I think we don't realize the power of our own personalities or the power of our own words. I didn't think I was like that. I thought I was just like I really believed. I was just telling people the truth. Like, you know, you're you're an idiot. This person did it. Your belt. Exactly. You need to get your shit together, like sitting on my little pedestal. That from who? From E you know, like I had this kind of misplaced confidence and arrogance, definitely arrogance.
And I didn't realize that that fierceness and that toughness, you know, when you're that fierce and you're that type, you're usually protecting yourself from from something that happens and you're protecting yourself from vulnerability. Absolutely.
And the entertainment industry rewards bad behavior. So no one's telling you it's working for you. You're on television, you're being opinionated. You know, your dog is more famous than than most celebrities. And why would you stop at that time? You know, I mean, that's that's that was your identity.
Yeah, it was working for me. And, you know, when you when you're really successful and you get one opportunity thrown, you know, as you know, you get one opportunity thrown at you after another and you say yes. And you start thinking about the why of it and you just keep going at the same kind of alacrity that you become accustomed to. And so you're for me, I was doing my show. I was writing my books.
I was doing standup tours always year round, back to back to back to back, because I didn't want to sit still and sit with my thoughts. That was a scary place for me to have to go. And I don't want to deal with that. I was like, no, no, no, I'm not in this whole manifestation. Gratitude yoga retreat. Khail bullshit scene of L.A.. I'm from New Jersey. I'm not going down that road. Right.
You know what I mean? I thought it was just like it made me clench my vagina shut when I would hear people talk about meditation and and retreats and, you know, I get then and then, you know, there's a way to there's a way to get in to therapy and get all the stuff out of it without without participating in all of that.
You still. Yeah. You still don't have to be a douche bag in the middle of the day. Hang out at a coffee bean for four hours in overalls drinking green juice. You can still be your version of the I'm the same version as you are of that. Like I get on the app for a couple of minutes. It makes me feel like I'm changing the world. I'll sit in a sauna and, you know, I hate water more than you do.
I fucking hate water. It's it should be it's just a nightmare. And when you talked about in your special warm water, it's a fucking offense. Leave me alone now. Your time I came had a cold with ice like fuck you. Who cares if it's best consumed like urine. It's bullshit. It's I don't know the difference between any water either. I don't like all this. I'll drink water out of a fucking toilet bowl. It doesn't matter.
It's still water.
It still tastes like nothing. What's even more annoying than warm water is when they put in like a couple of ice cubes, it's like, hey, hey, hey, come back here with a big boatload of ice wedge and then maybe I can fucking drink.
And it's like little slivers of ice or it's like a couple of sprigs of mint. Like, I know that's nothing. Lemon, there's canterlot pieces in that urn of water, like what the fuck is that going to do. Nobody wants to drink cantaloupe flavored water. It's all a nightmare. All of it. It's bullshit. So you're right, I'll get into it after we do this interview. But let's let's have a quick reminder that there are children in Africa that are trying to get clean water.
And in Detroit, actually, I should say that as a caveat, that where we have our white privilege complaints, we ask, do we have to because we're going to be in big trouble for this. So we'll be editing out the water portion, which is the best portion, OK, which is the only fucking question people care about. So my next question for you is, so I watch the Howard Stern on Letterman Netflix interview and they both agreed that they had been sort of working and focused on work.
And Howard said it was to his detriment of his family. And Letterman said the same thing. He was just so singular focus on his show. And I'm just curious if you if you had that same experience, you're saying that the doing all this was your identity and you didn't want to sit still and you didn't want to, like here, just the natural noise of your own thoughts. So you were just running. And all these projects where your identity is that is it similar to what they were talking about?
Yeah, you know, I did, but I didn't have a family or personal life that it was affecting in a deleterious way in a way that they did because they were both married, you know. I at least was I knew I was so career driven from such an early age and I was so ambitious that I didn't care about that. I'm like, I don't care about men. I care about my career. I care about having a voice and I care about becoming something I didn't ever want to be reliant on a man for for reasons that I talk about in my special, the men that I relied on the most disappointed me when I was a little girl.
They lied to me in my mind, you know. And so as growing up, I was like, that's the last thing I want to worry about. Now I'm out of place.
I'm forty five and I'm like, OK, ready right now. Do you need someone? You know me well so I have one I that's going bald. I have to shave my face now because of all the hair that grows on my face and I orthotics in every pair of shoes. It's like I'm in decline and now I'm ready to get serious. But it's liberating.
And you know what men really like women who are not like fucking coquettish and all laced up and baby doll men like women who are just like, you know, you're entertaining, you're smart, you're fun. I feel that embracing that. And that way, men don't really give a shit. Real men don't give a shit about any of that stuff. They want a real person to really talk to who's entertaining and stimulating. I really believe that because I am not you know, once in a while I'll get get get bombed and put some lingerie on just like, all right, I've got to fucking do this now, just like giving a blowjob, you know, in the right way.
But by and large on the back looks like shit and the guys don't really care about that stuff. I feel I think you're right.
It's just more of my personality. That seems to be the roadblock for me with with men. I you know, I talk about in my special how I like older man. I really do. But now that I'm forty five, it's like, well wait a second, I don't want them to be that much older, you know what I mean? We're getting into territory here where the margin needs to be slim a little bit.
But do you need do you need to be with someone who's as or more successful. I'm pretty transparent about being like, listen, you got to someone has to be able to understand a really big career. Otherwise the relationship wouldn't work. And I feel like you want someone to go with you into the end zone and just be like your partner. This is amazing. We're in rare air. Let's do this. So what what do you think could what do you really think could get it done?
Like what do you really need and want in a relationship?
For me? I need somebody. No, they don't have to be like more successful or more money than me or anything like that. They just have to be confident about the fact that I'm confident and that I'm going to have this career and I'm going to be outspoken and I'm going to air my dirty laundry and I'm going to protect you in that. If you're not comfortable with it, fine. But you need to be able to accept, like, you know, to be part of it.
Like I don't have to sit there and talk about our sex life. If you're not comfortable that I'll always respect somebody who wants to, you know, be private as long as they conduct themselves with respect towards me as well. You know what I mean? But I what I'm looking for, first of all, I want somebody who can fucking ski. I need a steer because that is really what I care about the most about. That's my most joyful time of year is from December through March.
And so they could be black, white. They could be they could be anything. I'm I'm open to dating anyone, anyone, you know, obviously not a Republican at this point in time. So that's all that's like 40 percent of the country. So let's cross those guys off the list. So we have a skiing Democrat.
Yeah, ski. I forgot how funny you are, Bethanie. You were saying Democrat. Sounds like, wow, you really are at the bottom. You see, maybe it's the orthotics. Really what they do is they have to be they have to be masculine, like more mass. I like guys that are physically bigger than me, that are physically dominant. You know, I like to be like tossed around a little bit. I like I want a guy who could tell me to shut up and sit down, OK, you know.
Yeah, that's why that's why a gangster, a mafia person doesn't work for you because they don't ski. You will be good. But the Italian guy is the Dansky, you know what I mean? We'll think about this.
So you said you always knew you wanted to be successful, you didn't know at what you wanted to be, do you want it to be loved? You wanted to be known. You just wanted to make a mark, wanted to make money. Like what drives you? Where did this all come from?
You know, I think when I was young, I wanted people to know that I was a leader, like I wanted to lead. I don't have to be the leader, but I want to be a leader. And I want to I wanted to influence people. And I wanted I knew I had I knew I could spread goodness and light and joy and ideas, and I knew I could influence people. It came so easily to me growing up, like I always have a gaggle of girlfriends and I'd be at the head of the group being like, OK, this is what we're going to do.
This is what we're gonna do. And and I wanted to take that. And I wanted to be first. I think my my impulse to come to Hollywood and to become successful and to become well known was simply it was just as simplistic as wanting to be heard, you know, out of a family of six.
And after my brother died, you know, I had been the center of attention up until my brother died. And then so not only did I lose him, but I lost my place in my family because no one was paying attention to me. No one was paying attention to each other. There was no nothing to do but grieve. And so I had to look for that outlet elsewhere, which made me do it at school. And I wanted attention, but not for my brother.
I didn't want negative attention.
I wanted to distract and deflect. And so and then I think, you know, growing up and having success and evolving, you know, that's why the specials called Evolution is because I realize now I'm growing into myself. I understand what my responsibility is now. I understand that I can be a beam of light instead of a beam of criticism, or I can make people feel good and I can impact people and I can have influence over things and and open people's eyes to things that they may not have thought about as deeply.
You know, and I understand that responsibility. And I take a lot of pride and that's a self assessment. So obviously you can take it or leave it. But I do have that.
I feel that responsibility now. And it makes sense now to me why I had to go through all of that to get to a more peaceful, more grounded, focused, clear place. You know what?
I've read your books. I have books actually signed by you. And what percentage are the stories actually true? And then what what percentage of hyperbole is on them?
I mean, it's hard to know because once you change a story, you can't remember what the truth was and what it wasn't. Even when I was writing my book, like a couple of years ago, I was like, wait, is this I was talking about that that scene with my brother in the serial, you know, having this last moment with him that I remember. And I and then after a while I was like talking to my sisters and she was like, I never knew that that happened right before he left for that trip with you.
And I was like, God, I don't know if that happened either. Shot us like it did happen. You told me about it like like three days after he died. And I was like I did. And she was yes. He told me I was like, oh, thank God. Because, you know. Yeah, with even well, with grief, it's one thing to change things up in your mind, you know, and in trauma, like in 9/11.
I remember this Malcolm Gladwell podcast. I listen to that talking about like how people remember themselves in different places than they actually were on traumatic occasions. But it's the same with comedy because I'm always adding a line here or there. That's not necessarily true. But, you know, makes it even funnier, makes it sharper or makes or is a callback.
But I would say I mean, listen, I just came home from a vacation in Maine. That is going to be the first chapter of my next book. And it all comes from real experience. It's like I literally went on this vacation. I was like, well, after I left, I go, well, here we go. This is Chapter one. I've got a whole new book in me. And my sister is like, Yeah, yeah, you do, because they come from real experiences.
But of course there's there's a there are embellishments and little, you know, little extra comedic flair bits for comedic flair. It's amazing.
And your call backs are hysterical. I mean, hysterical. I mean, just you're referencing what she's she's talking about a salesperson comparing them to a koala because they're just moving so cuddly and slowly. And I'm like fucking crying because it's just the references are just good and random. All right. So you've always loved the cannabis space. I'm getting into the cannabis space, but I like where you're coming from with it because you're coming from a place of health and anti opioids and anti Ambien and and what's the other Klonopin?
And you're saying like there are issues that people have with sleeping and anxiety, et cetera. And you're talking about cannabis. And I like I like the way you're doing it. I like the message.
Well, I like listen, I really like pharmaceuticals as well. I'm like I consider myself to be a pharmacological into it. And a lot of people depend on me for this knowledge because I can seriously look at someone's body and talk to them for five minutes and be like, OK, you're not going to be able to handle an edible like a strong one. You're going to. Something lighter or you're going to just need CBD or you're going to survive, like you're going to have the personality that's going to do great on ayahuasca.
You're the type of personality who should never do ayahuasca.
I don't even know what that is. What's ayahuasca? Hold on. You haven't even seen me. You're just talking to me. And you could tell that I shouldn't do ayahuasca. No, you don't.
You should have do ayahuasca. It would be too it would be too intense for you because you're already at a very high vibration USCA so no cancel so. Right. No ayahuasca.
It's like cocaine or something. It's like Special K or one of those like ones. No, no, no. It's it's it's psychedelic.
No, no. No, no. One time. No, thank you.
No, I just want you to know that I took my shirt off and put it back on during this podcast because I was so hot. You had some air, you run away. That's why I hate room temperature. Fucking water heater.
OK, sorry, I keep going with your drugs.
So the drugs with the with the edibles, I just like once I was able to pivot from first of all, from alcohol to to pharmaceuticals. I still drink. I just my drinking was cut in half the minute I discovered edibles because now we're in a situation where you take two and a half milligrams and you microdots, it's like it's just a little since it's only the edges óglaigh it's not. Yeah, it's on a doughnut. It's a way to make everybody a little bit less annoying.
Yes. And you are so right by the way. I have my entire life I've had chronic constipation, I mean my whole life. So your thing about magnesium taking magnesium, no one ever told us this. Like Milk of magnesia is not just taking magnesium. Everyone's got all these like mirror lacks in such a cell. And fiber and magnesium is amazing for constipation. If you take it regularly, as you said.
Yeah, I had no idea. Like, I just thought all girls didn't go to the bathroom for, like, you know, that we went to the bathroom like twice a week. You know, I didn't know that that I had a problem. And then I was just like, this can't be you know, when you hear people, my best friend Mary's a problem, go to the bathroom. Well, that's great. Yeah, you're annoying. Exactly.
You're an anomaly. And most women do. But instead, she instead of sympathizing with my play, all she does is brag about how easy it is for her. Very low magnesium 007. I take three of those every single night. Absolutely. It helps me. Oh my God. Yeah. Gather all the time.
I keep saying this oh seven in my cabinet there's one that's called like Malnati or something MLT and I got to send you the bottle because that's the one. I took that. But I'm going to try the 070. But I didn't know. By the way, I think any magnesium will work this way. But you have a very specific oh seven. It's like a James Bond formula. Yeah, it's a James Bond formula. And you start out with I'm not and this isn't a paid endorsement or anything.
This is a true customer review. If you start out with four for people who are close to doing if you take those, you start out with four. And then once you go to the bathroom one morning, from then on you would go you reduced to three persons. I broke the CNN. Yes. And then you're and then you're it's an easy stream, even if I miss a day. Now, I've been doing it for like two years and I used to not be good about taking my supplements until I started getting older.
I'm like, oh, this is desperation. I have to take stuff. But if you if now even if I don't take a night, like if I miss a night, I'm still regular the next morning. So I'm on a real system and I would encourage everybody who has trouble go to the bathroom to get on my sister.
And I feel like we should record this to be on like an audio dating app for our profiles. I think this is very sexy.
This is one of the first things I bring out, the same as saying I order spinach and just say sauteed oily vegetables and magnesium.
007 will be a great morning. So so wait. We just you just said something about that. You said about the Neesham is going to buy me something. Oh, I'm going to send you my supplements because I have something that's not for this thing, but I'll send them in for intimacy that really actually work for intimacy here. It's going to send you. Yeah, I know. All right. So how important is sex really to you? Because I just feel like you make me feel like I'm not masturbating enough or like having sex with people in foreign countries enough.
And I just want to understand how important great sex is to you.
I don't have listen, I don't have a lot of sex either. I'm trying to get something going, like I need to start having sex before it becomes a year that I haven't had. You know, I like I think I had sex last March right before covid struck. So, like, I'm trying to get something going. So, yeah, I'm on Rhia. I sometimes have you hook ups on Rya. That's good. My best way to like get sex without being going on dates.
So you're a very sexual being because you can I'm that loser that needs to like connect with someone and would not won't have sex because of my child. And I've seen some pretty bad sex following abuse. So I have weird issues with sex. But if I don't trust someone or if I connect with them like I, I would like to sort of have goals of just like having sex and be like it's cool. Like you're like a sex person that I like and you're my friend and like I would love to maybe have a friend with benefits.
I've just never been able to do that. And you sound like a perfect. That, like, you can really detach emotionally, oh, no, no, I have problems with the superficial shit like belts and shoes, like if I see a belt even I mean, this guy came over here the other night and I was like, OK, this is good. He seems reasonable. I can have sex with him. We talked for an hour and a half.
I do need to have a connection. I just can't just have sex with anybody. I'm with you on that part, OK? I don't maybe need as much of a connection as you do, but I definitely need to be like, they can't be stupid. I don't.
And they can't hold on to just have sex with them. They can't be stupid. If I were able to just have sex with a mute, who cares?
Well, this guy said that he doesn't think masks work. So that is that's a protocol. I agree. That's a I OK. I can't fuck somebody who says masks don't work. I can't fuck that. I like I get it. But you can't have sex if somebody has a bad belt or shoes.
Yeah, that's a problem for me. I did having sex with them. Like you're not going to you're going to do this because you're interviewing a regular. Won't ever get that far. It will get that far if they're wearing an air base belt.
I'm not going. Yeah, no I'm not going. No, it's not happening. I can't forget that you wore that.
Wait, someone came to your house and a belt on the actual like the H. It wasn't at my house.
It was a date that I went on like a couple of years ago. I met this guy at a hotel bar and he walked in with so much cologne and belts and I had one cocktail. He's like, should we order some food? I'm like, it's not going to be necessary. And I left because I can't have sex with somebody like that. I just am turned off and then I can't turn back.
Wow. No, that that no that I get back, I get I'm dying to know what the rest of the outfit was. And it sounds like he was on the show Shores of Sunset because they all have all.
Yeah. It sounds like it. Maybe he was and I hadn't seen that show so I didn't know about it because they all have like big ages and cardie.
Wow. All right. Well, I think you're great. I just think you're fun and honest and I'm happy that you're in the best place. And you know what? You came from a place of yes. You've used the pandemic. You know that people are like starving and homeless and unwell, but and it's stressful year. But you've used the pandemic from a place of. Yes. Saying let me get my my mental health and my physical health together.
And I think that's admirable because I've been saying to people, self care, it sounds cheesy and kalasz like you were saying, but the truth is it's the time to just say there are things I can't control. Let me focus on what I can control. You know, let me try to just drink water if I could, which I won't, or meditate or whatever your version is. I like that you've just embraced that and taken that's taken that on.
First of all, thank you for all of that.
Thank you. It was really fun to talk to you and do your podcast. And I hope to talk to you again sometime soon. And next time in Europe, we'll go for a drink and not drink water together. I would love to go for a drink and take an edible and not drink water together.
The show continues to just please me and surprise me, and I just never know what I'm walking into with a conversation, I have had the experience that everyone has come to play and just have a real conversation, which just humbles me. And it just really makes me so happy.
I just love the conversation because it was a mix of humor and dating and business and drive. I really liked her and we have a lot in common. Chelsea's HBO special is out now and it is so hilarious.
It is so unique and authentically her. But I mean, honestly, I was crying, laughing. So please go check it out. The takeaway here is you'll keep making the same mistake until you learn the lesson that could be in relationships, that could be in business.
You know, at some point we all have to grow up. At some point we have to sort of take care of ourselves and be aware. And the same thing doesn't work over and over. And I think that that would be what Chelsea has really, really learned and taught me and that she wanted to be a leader. And she took a very circuitous route to getting now she's a leader through communicating, through humor, through her own message. But there are many different ways to lead or shine or communicate or teach or be inspired.
And so I think that's really interesting. And, you know, she had her drive early on or at least she was listening to what she wanted to do and she just made that happen.
So, you know, we can learn and we can we can help our kids with these situations. So thank you so much for listening. Please continue to rate review and subscribe.
Really helps. It's making a difference to me and it's keeping us going. And I really appreciate it. So thank you so much.
GSP has hosted and executive produced by me, Bethenny Frankel, Bedrail Productions and Endeavor Content. Our managing producer is Samantha Allison and our producer is Caroline Hamilton. Corey for Venture is our consulting producer with the ever faithful. Sarah Cattan Act as our assistant producer or development executive is Nayantara Boy Just Be is a production of Endeavor Content and smoke media. This episode was mixed by Sam Baer. And to catch more moments from the show, follow us on Instagram at just.