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Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by Hillsdale College now and it's one hundred and seventy fifth year. Hillsdale is a truly independent institution where learning is prized and intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to Hillsdale for their sponsorship is here.


Now, broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Hello, America. Mark Levin, our number is eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. I must confess, I like so many Democrats four years ago, I chose not to attend the Biden inauguration.


That is, I didn't watch a second of it on television. I didn't listen to a second of it. Mr. Biddu said, pull clips together. No, no, no, no. It's an amazing thing, isn't it? There were riots four years ago, attacks on police cars burning. Black Lives Matter and Antifa were nowhere to be seen, the women's marchers nowhere to be seen. Nowhere to be seen. Peaceful transition four years ago was not a peaceful transition, but now it's a peaceful transition.


25000 National Guardsmen, many of them armed in Washington, D.C., you know what amazes me? I read Bill ba ba ba ba is doing a lot of interviews now, I guess, with British media and others. And he was kind of annoyed. He said, you know, Trumper, Voxer, Sunwear, it said he would Trump kept pressuring him. He got to do something. You got to do something to put down the rioters, bring in the military.


And apparently BERZON Well, we can't bring in the military. We can't. We can't. And this was part of the problem between the two near the end.


And yet they brought in the military. They brought in the military for the inauguration so you can bring in the military. But the president's lieutenants chose not to use the military to put down their rioters and the insurrectionists, the Marxists who attacked the White House and federal courthouse in our cities and so forth, so it can be done. And it was done. So much for that, but unity, ladies and gentlemen, I explained yesterday at some length and I've written about this, that when the left talks about unity, they mean conformity.


They mean repression. And so important, apparently, were my pearls of wisdom that it's been repeated all damn day long by others, but that's OK. All they have to do is read the books, my books. But now we're supposed to be unified unity, ladies and gentlemen, around what? Well, self-hate. Selfe. Particularly if you're a white male, you have to hate yourself. Not only do you have to hate yourself, you have to say it over and over again in front of a group.


And that group has to decide if you really mean it. That's what's going on with teachers. All over this country now, but self-hate, you got to unify around self-hate, you got to unify around open borders. You got to unify around legalizing millions of millions of illegal aliens. You got to unify around the 16 19 project. You know, there was a 1776 commission that put out the report. As I said, my wife was one of the members.


And they immediately one of the first things they did is ripped it off their Web site. The White House website that tells you where their heads are. What else should we unify around? Ladies and gentlemen, the gender wars, that is. It's not what you have biologically that matters when it comes to what's between your legs, it's what's between your ears that determines what's between your legs. Well, this is a sort of perverse thing. But it's now the new thing, and you better embrace it.


What else should unify taxpayer funded abortion on demand right up to the last second? Oh, that's something we can all get around, right? Appeasement towards our overseas enemies, the Palestinian Authority. That's right, enemy. Iran, China, they're licking their chops, they can't they can't wait. They can't wait. What else can we unify around massive tax increases, massive regulations, putting a lot of you out of work, a lot of your businesses will be shuttered.


Make America California. Oh, we got to unite around that one. That's a good one. How about the the appointment of radical activist judges, should we unite behind that, the Green New Deal, that's a war on capitalism and wealth and prosperity and opportunity. Yes, let's unite around that. In other words, what Biden did today with executive orders and what he wants to do throughout the government with massive regulations and what he wants to do by getting rid of the filibuster rule.


You notice he said, well, that's something I got to think about, not really thinking about it anymore. Is the institute, the Biden Sanders manifesto that I've gone over with you in the past months? It is a radical ultra left wing manifesto. He gets up there and he talks about unity. He thinks he's Abraham Lincoln. Well, he doesn't really believe in unity, you look throughout his career, he's never been a unifier. Neither is his vice president.


So what do they want us to unify around? Remember what I said? It's not about unity, it's about conformity. And it's about repression. And it's about trying to make. Individuals who object to a number of these policies persona non grata in our society, that's the goal. And they're already hit the ground running. Look at this. Biden reverses on change to U.S. ambassador to Israel, tweeted name to include West Bank and Gaza. This is in the Friedgen, in other words.


The U.S. ambassador to Israel, which included the West Bank. And Gaza. Will now be called the U.S. ambassador to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, in other words, they're not recognizing the fact. That Israel has any historic claim, legal claim over any of Judea and Samaria. Think about that. And I'll get more into that later. By the administration, delete 1776 commission page from White House site within seconds of him being sworn in. Because that teaches American history and we can't have that.


Now, Chuck Todd, who, of course, is a scholar and former professor, I think he may be a college dropout, I could be wrong, but that's all right.


He called it this thing, which is racist. Ladies and gentlemen. I'll tell you what's racist. The fact that they the host of Meet the Press is white. Why is he white? Why should he be there? Why shouldn't there be a minority there? The fact that the main host on Good Morning America, George Stephanopoulos, is white. Oh, I know there's minorities, but why should he be there? He's white, white guilt and white privilege.


Jake Tapper, Wolf Blitzer, the two main hosts on CNN White. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, white. Yes. Talk about privilege, there's privilege right there. Pushing the 16 19 project, should we unite around that, ladies and gentlemen? Joe Biden could have made many unifying statements during his inauguration like. I'm asking my party. To put an end. To their impeachment effort against the prior president of the United States, he didn't do that.


I'm asking my party not to eliminate the filibuster rule, which in one form or another has been with us for over 200 years.


He didn't say that. I'm asking my party to leave the independence of the Supreme Court alone, do not pack the Supreme Court.


He never said that. None of those things. Like a parrot, he kept repeating the word unity, unity, unity, unity. Unity. No, they mean exactly what I said, conformity. That's what the neo Marxists, the statists, the whatevers. That's what they mean. I'll be right back. My love in. I know you love freedom. How do I know that? Because you listen to my show and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and the form of government that secures it for us.


It's the same with Hillsdale College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time, because Hillsdale is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty. Hillsdale teaches stellar students to defend freedom no matter what they may, in whether it's science or music or economics or business, whatever. Hillsdale teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that for you, too, through their free monthly digest of constitutional thought.


It's called in Primus, five point six million Americans receiving Prima's for free each month. And you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it, too. You can subscribe for free at Lhevinne, for Hillsdale Dotcom, that's elevon for Hillsdale Dotcom, no strings attached. Generous donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations make it possible for all of us and for Hillsdale to send in Prima's to you for no cost every month. Start receiving and reading and Primus so you can know how to defend the freedom you love.


Visit Levin for Hillsdale Dotcom. That's eleven free Hillsdale Dotcom Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom.


This is the third term of Obama that the radicals always wanted in and out of the media that Donald Trump and we disrupted, and that's why they sought to destroy Donald Trump and they wanted to make sure he could never get elected again. And that's why they embrace.


Mitt Romney and Republicans like that because they know they can roll them. You can see that with Mitch McConnell. Mitch McConnell is now at war with constitutional conservatives.


He's a war with the base of his own party. And he does this constantly runs for reelection. He behaves himself. He wins re-election. Then he tries to destroy the conservative constitutional base of the Republican Party, whether it's the Tea Party or whether it's it's the Trump people.


And the reason he does that is because he's a corporatist. His goal is to be the Republican leader for the rest of his life. Sort of Baby Doc McConnell. I want to remind you in 2017, four years ago today. There were riots, there was arson, there were assaults in the street of Washington, D.C., we didn't have National Guard like we have now. In response to the election of Donald Trump, he hadn't done a thing yet.


Except when election. And I want to remind you of some of the coverage, Mr. Producer, put this together, George Stephanopoulos, Rachel Maddow, Michael Beschloss, Lester Holt, schmuck Todd. Hayley Jackson, Chris Matthews, Chris Matthews kind of has been replaced by Chris Wallace with the up the leg thing, hasn't he, Mr. Producer? I think so. I want you to listen to this. From four years ago, Donald Trump just sworn in.


Got one go. Students of history will take note of that slogan, America First. It's a loaded term in American history. However, it carries with it overtones from the 1930s when an anti Semitic movement saying we don't want to get involved in Europe's war, it's the Jews fault in Germany, Charles Lindbergh led them in, is that it is a term, as he defined it his way. But the words themselves carry very.


Is that not unbelievable? Is that not sickening? Signee. Does Joe Biden have a Jewish daughter, a Jewish son in law? I don't think so.


I know he has a son who's under criminal investigation that wasn't mentioned once today. Did you notice that, Mr. Producer?


Not once.


But look at look at this. They're already comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler. After his inauguration. Unbelievable. Go ahead, this was a workmanlike speech, and it was it was militant and it was dark. The crime, the gangs, the drugs, the American carnage, disrepair, decay. You can't imagine the outgoing president giving a speech like that.


You know, no, Obama would never give a speech like that. Obama gave Hate America speeches left and right and preferably overseas when he was visiting with one enemy or another.


Go ahead. You hear an inaugural address and it's an effort to bring the nation together as much as possible, and I think that is not the role that Donald Trump took today. It was dark. It was. This is one of the so-called historians.


They roll out liberals, maybe Democrats. Tell us history condemns Donald Trump like history, condemned Ronald Reagan, as I recall. Go ahead, Lester Holt.


I think when we heard the word carnage in the speech, we knew this was going to be an unusual message. Look, I my first reaction was I thought it was shockingly divisive for an inaugural. And I was surprised because I thought it was unnecessarily. Well, there's Chuck Todd.


Stupid is as stupid does. Now, I want you to remember, prior to the inauguration, the media were in the hate trump mode from day one. And there they are. On the attack, they were shocked that he got elected. They were shocked that he prevented the third term of the Obama administration. They fought like hell to make sure that Obama third term would happen. We're looking at it right now. Now I have Hayley Jackson from NBC go ahead, throwing verbal grenades at that very establishment surrounding him, looking past them to those who put him in office.


But I was thinking when he said today, America first, it was not just a racial I mean, I should say racial to Hitlerian background to it. It's hard to Rachel. It's hard to fire your son in law. Yeah, that's the tricky part, although was a lost there. But Mussolini had a great solution that he had to execute it. You go.


There you go. Whatever happened to Christmas? You see, Chris, you're not even a footnote to a footnote in history. All that slobbering all those years.


An embarrassment. Unbelievable. Now I want you to listen, and that's Mr. Producer could have done this all day and I want you to listen to the montage. For Joe Biden, Joe Biden, I want to remind you, who embraced segregationists. Who opposed integration? For the early part of his life, he said some of the most racist things even during the course of this election. There's a long record of hate. A propaganda plagiarism, they're trying to remake Joe Biden into something that he's not a statesman.


So we won't have time, we only have one minute here till the break, so I want to play this after the break. Of all the slobbering praise for Joe Biden, of course, this is infuriating to you. That's why I don't watch it. I make Mr. Producer watch. And he pulls the clips together and he makes these montages as he has. But you know damn well they don't support unity. They support repression, not one damn one of them has spoken up against big tech.


Not one of them.


Not one of them has said stop with this unconstitutional trial you have in mind.


Not one of them. Not one of them is trying to slow down the radicals among them.


They've embraced it. And it's going to get worse and uglier as time goes on and the Praetorian Guard media will do its very best to defend their man. And let's make no mistake about it. That's their man, Joe Biden. I'll be right back. I know you love freedom. How do I know that? Because you listen to my show and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and the form of government that secures it for us.


It's the same with Hillsdale College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time, because Hillsdale is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty. Hillsdale teaches stellar students to defend freedom no matter what they major in, whether it's science or music or economics or business, whatever. Hillsdale teaches them how to defend liberty. And they do that for you, too, through their free monthly digest of constitutional thought.


It's called in Primus, five point six million Americans receiving Prima's for free each month. And you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it, too. You can subscribe for free at Lhevinne, for Hillsdale Dotcom, that's LEVIEN. For Hillsdale Dotcom, no strings attached. Generous donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations make it possible for all of us and for Hillsdale to send in Prima's to you for no cost every month. Start receiving and reading and Primus so you can know how to defend the freedom you love.


Visit Levin for Hillsdale Dotcom. That's Levien Free. Hillsdale Dotcom Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom. Mark Levin, radio's hell raising intellectual call now eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.


What is the point of letting all these illegal aliens are aliens into the country right now?


He's signing an executive order as Biden. So we all have to wear masks on federal property, you have to wear mask in a federal building anyway, but whatever. Seems like he's doing something. People coming across the border, are they going to comply with the mask requirements and the. Six feet apart requirements, have you noticed that they're not wearing masks, most of them. How many of them have the coronavirus, they are going to be tested at the border?


No. See, the American people are becoming a second class citizens in this country, and some people apparently like it. Who vote Democrat? Some people apparently like it, look at our employment situation, they want to spend trillions of dollars, they say, to help employment, but a lot of it has nothing to do with it. But let's just follow the propaganda.


And yet they want to bring in what? Tens of thousands of. Low income individuals who would take jobs at the bottom of the rung of the ladder. Take it away from people in our own country, especially minorities in our inner cities. What's that all about? I'll tell you what it's all about voting, voting and voting. There was a piece in one of our not so great newspapers. That made the point about a week or two ago that in Georgia, what really happened was two things.


You have Democrats fleeing blue states, going into red states and still voting Democrat.


And then you have a second generation of immigrants born of illegal aliens who are born in the United States and therefore are considered citizens. And you have chain migration on top of that. When people say President Trump got 35 percent of the Hispanic vote, that's big, but that means the Democrats get 65 percent. You see the point. So even if you make some headway in some of these voting groups, one, two thirds are voting Democrat. That's why they're having open borders.


That's why they're not testing him and could care less. That's why they're not building a wall. That's why the Democrat Party switched positions in about 10 to 12 years from fighting illegal immigration and standing up for union workers and so forth to this.


It's all about votes, it's all about politics, it's all about power, so unite around that, ladies and gentlemen. Unite around a one party system, the California of America, just just embrace it. That's what they told us to do. Now, you heard the hate, the vile, the poison coming from the media when Donald Trump. Was not only elected president, but gave his inaugural speech the media. Really are the most divisive force in this country, the worst?


The worst, these are radical Democrats dressed up as journalists and most of them have pedigrees as having worked on the Hill or working in a Democrat administration or campaign or their wives or husbands have done the same. Every single one of them. Chuck Todd Stephanopoulos, Tapper, the three big stooges right there. Cuomo can't even hide it. Of course. And now today they got their boy, Biden, the Praetorian Guard, they covered up all the stuff that was going on with China, all the stuff that was going on with Hunter.


They told us he was a moderate, even though I told you he's not a moderate, look at the manifesto. They never went through the manifesto on and on and on. Now they're going to slobber all over their man. Van Jones, Byron Pitts, ABC, Major Garrett, CBS, Nancy Cordes, CBS, Chuck Todd. My God, is he not the turd in the swimming pool, Mr. Producer and Brian Williams. He's got his own issues, Joy Reid.


With all her issues, they promoted MSNBC cut to go, you know, he spoke from the depths of his soul and we needed this. That was beautiful. You know, beauty heals. Beauty heals. There was not one part of that that wasn't just medicine in the world.


Watching this moment, today's inauguration felt more like a church service. Joe Biden today, certainly he was commander in chief who was also poppa in chief in the middle. It sounded almost like a homily. I mean, a breaking down of all this big language into very simple colloquial terms. I'm just talking to you. I'm in this vaunted position, but like a priest explaining something from the Bible or something. What I kept thinking as I was listening to this speech with its overwhelming theme of unity, that there are few politicians in Washington, perhaps no politicians in Washington, who can lay claim to that kind of message.


He is the better angels. President Joe Biden believes he's eternally optimistic. He's not cynical. Now let's stop.


He's the better angel president. He's compared to a priest. He's giving a church like service sermon. It was beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. These people are all reporters. Go ahead. Kind of inaugural address our presidents used to give as hopeful as the man delivering it, yet an honest reflection of a great country at its modern day low point. I mean, we've gone from indecency to decency. You know, Joe Biden is a decent man.


Thanks, Joy. You would know and decency. You've lived it for so long as you've spewed your hate all over the Internet. I doubt you've been banned. But she wasn't done.


She's a great scholar of the Civil War. She's a great scholar of American history. Joy Reid, MSNBC today had tip news busters cut three go. There is an old America and there is a new America and the new America and the old America essentially went to war in twenty twenty physically in the same capital. And New America won because New America got 80 million votes in Old America got 72.


Oh, no, no. Almost 75 men, old American women. I just want you to understand these people want unity. They want America to come together under the great Joe Biden, everybody's known for 47 years. That Joe Biden is he's Jesus like he's Moses like. These Mohammed, like we've never seen anything like Joe Biden. Unbelievable, Uncle Joe, lunch bucket, Joe Scranton, Joe Wilmington, Joe Amtrac Joe, we've never seen anything like this, but those bastards had voted for Trump.


That's old America.


Now we have a new America. Just follow Joy ride to the Promised Land now she'll give us a history lesson because God knows she knows her history. Go ahead.


We're still basically at war. And you have a new president now who wants to declare a peace. It is really incredibly time for peace and unity.


Ladies and gentlemen, just move hard left. Move hard, abandon all the principles you stand for, whether it's taxpayer funded abortion on demand and open border, whatever, it is, a ban on it.


And join the Unity Party, the Democrat Party, the Unity Party, Joe Biden, the unity man, just. Drop your opposition, drop your principles, drop your faith, drop your beliefs, just embrace, then we can have unity. Except you white folks out there, sorry. You are systemically. And interminably. Bigots, go ahead to me how history moves, because we do have sort of another person trying to do what Lincoln did, trying it again, and we're going to take a second shot at trying to end this civil war.


What the hell are you talking about, moron? May I call you a moron? You are a moron. The civil war, the civil war, over 700000 casualties. A war over keeping the country united. I mean, physically united and to end slavery. Now, Joe Biden's, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln. He's more like Millard Fillmore. You're kidding. Abraham Lincoln. Now, keep in mind, he hasn't even been president for 24 hours, he's Abraham Lincoln, think what Abraham Lincoln did and what he went through.


Joe Biden is already Abraham Lincoln. Unbelievable, the stupidity is beyond I mean, it's beyond it's beyond words. But I must say, alas. Chris Wallace on Fox News. My favorite cable channel. But I can't ignore this, this was said publicly. This was said publicly, Chris is furious, I'm sure, with Donald Trump as a result of the first debate. And I guess he really holds a grudge, but that said. That aside.


I want you to listen to this one cut for a go. We must end this uncivil war and the way we can do it is if we show each other a little tolerance and humility. Martha, I thought it was a great speech. I've been listening to these inaugural addresses since 1960 when John F. Kennedy ask not. I thought this was the best inaugural address I ever heard above a.


It's the best inaugural speech he ever heard. So first we have Abraham Lincoln, then we have angelic. A priest we have describing the Bible and now we have the greatest inaugural speech Chris has ever heard.


Better than John Kennedy's great speech, better than any of. Reagan's great inaugural speeches, this, you see. This is the one that's the winner. Because nobody can say the word unity as many times as Joe Biden. Unbelievable. We really needed this speech, ladies and gentlemen. We needed it. Now, the perpetrators in the media. You heard the first montage. They take no responsibility for what's taken place in this country, none whatsoever. And I made the case yesterday and I'll continue to make the case that, in fact, the media have incited violence in this country over and over and over again.


They've not only excused it in many cases, they've celebrated it. The media have created a powder keg in this country with their left friends, Obama, the Obama administration, Talib Omar Pressley, AOC and their ilk.


Pelosi calling law enforcement storm troopers. Clyburn calling law enforcement storm troopers and God knows how many times we hear on MSNBC and CNN references to Adolf Hitler when talking about Trump voters, Trump supporters and Trump himself. But no, no, no, no, no, they don't incite anything. They contribute to the nation's civility and the nation's deliberative debate. Ladies and gentlemen, these are serious, important people. We've never heard an inaugural speech like this in our light that great Joe Biden.


Gave a Churchillian, no, not Churchillian. A godlike speech. Bigger than Churchill, bigger than Reagan, bigger than John Kennedy. And he knows he's heard a lot of inaugural speeches go ahead. A lot of this event today, a lot of the president's speech was was colored by the emotion of the fact that exactly two weeks ago, 14 days ago, there was a mob of thugs, of insurrectionists, of domestic terrorists on the inaugural stand. And Joe Biden was saying that democracy prevailed.


Democracy was always going to prevail.


A few hundred or a few thousand militants, violent, crazed criminals charging the Capitol building was not going to take out our country.


Why don't you? Why don't you just report the news, for God's sakes? Just report the news. And, of course, Black Lives Matter. They're not domestic terrorists, even though they say they want to overthrow the country. No, no, you don't understand. No, no, no, no. Antifa. No, no, no. Washington Post tells us really they're against fascism. Oh, OK. They don't want to overthrow the country.


No, no, no, no. They just cannot be honest about the Klan, the neo-Nazis, these militants and Tifa Black Lives Matter. These are people trying to destroy this country, tearing this country. Appart. Every chance they get. Well, no, we're supposed to pick among them, you see, not that one is righteous. That one is not righteous. He would never call in for domestic terrorists, why? Remember Trump's inauguration four years ago in the riots that took place, were they trying to prevent his inauguration?


Yes, yes. No, no, no.


Those are mostly peaceful protesters. This is why you hate the media. This is why you hate the double standards beyond belief. And they hate Trump. Because Trump was not part. Of them, not part of the establishment, not part of Washington, and he really wanted nothing to do with it, and so they attacked him from day one, they spied on him from day one. They tried to impeach him on day one. They tried to send him to prison.


On day one, they tried to break him financially on day one.


And now we're supposed to listen to them moralizing, isn't this beautiful, Joe Biden? Joe Biden. Really, as a senator. One of the biggest punks in the United States Senate. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't say Hitler style, I said punk, I said, punk, that's all. But we need to unite, so I'm uniting I'll be right back, my love globin. I know you love freedom. How do I know that? Because you listen to my show and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and the form of government that secures it for us.


It's the same with Hillsdale College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time, because Hillsdale is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty. Hillsdale teaches stellar students to defend freedom no matter what they may, in whether it's science or music or economics or business, whatever. Hillsdale teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that for you, too, through their free monthly digest of constitutional thought.


It's called in Primus, five point six million Americans receiving Prima's for free each month. And you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it, too. You can subscribe for free at Lhevinne, for Hillsdale Dotcom, that's LEVIEN. For Hillsdale Dotcom, no strings attached. Generous donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations make it possible for all of us and for Hillsdale to send in Prima's to you for no cost every month. Start receiving and reading and Primus so you can know how to defend the freedom you love.


Visit Levin for Hillsdale Dotcom. That's Levien Free. Hillsdale Dotcom Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom.


We only have a small amount of time in this segment, but I want to address something in the next hour, two columns, a kind of underscore what's going on in this country in many respects. One by Paul Farhi of The Washington Post.


It's the second time he's really taken and targeted talk radio. He's very upset with conservative talk radio and he's basically lobbing major corporate broadcast companies to destroy themselves.


Because of the inflammatory rhetoric, quote unquote, that's on conservative talk radio now, there's no inflammatory rhetoric in The Washington Post, is there? It's page to page inflammatory rhetoric, there's non complimentary rhetoric at the National Review, and the second piece will be Mona Charen. Republicans must confess complicity in the Big Lie, another one that quotes Goebbels till we hear confessions and corrections from right wing leaders and conservative media will continue to inhabit a dark cave as a country.


Now she is an obsessed, unhinged buffoon, never Trumper, in my humble opinion.


So we'll address both of these, the never Trump and the hard leftists that are dressed up as reporters when we return. Because I am not going to tolerate them taking their shots and then walking off and thinking they've accomplished something. They've accomplished nothing.


Unity, ladies and gentlemen, they want unity. I'll be back soon to show you why they don't believe in it.


Not for a second. We'll be right back. From the Westwood One podcast network. He's here he's here now broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mike. Hello, America. Mark Levin, our number is eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.


Just to show you how preposterous Joy Reid and the other really mental lightweights in the media are when they dare to compare Joe Biden to Abraham Lincoln.


Joe Biden was a segregationist early in his career. Abraham Lincoln, well, I guess we can pull down the Joe Biden Monument Center, right? I want to remind you about Abraham Lincoln. Because the truth shall set you free, we cannot allow these lies to stand. In November 1864, Abraham Lincoln won a resounding electoral victory over Democrat George McClellan. Whom he had removed a few years earlier as major general, the union army. Although McClellan was popular with the troops, Lincoln lost trust in McClellan due to his indecisiveness and at times defiance.


Lincoln's re-election initially in some doubt was improved significantly by a number of union battlefield victories of the late summer of 1864.


Especially the battle of Atlanta and the March to the Sea, led by Major General William Tecumseh Sherman. A March 4th, 1865, as his second inauguration and on a day that began with miserable weather and heavy rain. Lincoln gave what many, including Lincoln himself, consider his greatest speech wasn't as good as, you know, Bidens, but nonetheless.


Yes, even more profound than the Gettysburg Address, it was a speech delivered as the Civil War seemed to be coming to a close. With important victories in South and North Carolina as well as Virginia, among other places. Indeed, 36 days later, Confederate General Robert E. Lee would surrender at Appomattox Courthouse on April nine, 1865.


Tragically, 41 days after his second inauguration, Lincoln would be assassinated by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865. Booth, along with other conspirators, was among the onlookers in the crowd that Inauguration Day. Also, president listening attentively to Lincoln's speech was Frederick Douglass. The former slave was a courageous and outspoken leader of the abolitionist movement. Douglas was originally skeptical of Lincoln's commitment to ending slavery, but after their meeting on Lincoln's issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation on January one, 1863, among other things, Frederick Douglass became a and admire.


Douglass also attended the inaugural reception at the White House that evening.


But was initially prevented from entering the East Room by policemen, he pushed his way past them and was quickly noticed by Lincoln. As Douglas himself recounted, Lincoln called out, Here comes my friend Douglas. Lincoln shook Frederick Douglass hand and said, Douglass, I see in the crowd today listening to my inaugural address. There's no man's opinion that I value more than yours. What do you think of it? And Douglas replied, Mr. Lincoln, it was a sacred effort.


It would be the last time Douglas would see Lincoln. And a sacred effort it was. On so many levels, Lincoln's second inaugural address is among the most impressive of all speeches delivered by history's great statesman.


Of course, it wasn't as good as abidance, I'm just pointing it out, although Eimear 703 words and seven minutes in duration, not much longer than the 271 word Gettysburg Address and the second shortest inaugural speech of any president, Baj George Washington's second inaugural speech.


Lincoln could have claimed vindication or gloated about the unions all but certain triumph, as so many political demagogues would have. In fact, the speeches devoid of the kind of endless personal references to self familiar in the prose of modern presidents.


Nor did Lincoln set forth a long list of specific tasks confronting the nation, an attempt to rally the people to their discharge, as many had expected, instead as at Gettysburg. Lincoln delivered the ideal speech, a speech where every word was carefully chosen, every sentence carefully structured, was a tour de force, not only in its precision, but more importantly, for its message of tolerance and reconciliation. And he not only gave a message of tolerance and reconciliation.


He acted to do exactly that. Lincoln knew well that every corner of the country had been impacted by the war. The casualties are unimaginable with hundreds of thousands dead, post-war reconstruction will be an incredibly difficult and complex task involving the restoration of the economy, rebuilding cities and towns, assimilating regions, promoting racial harmony, caring for the maimed and widows, legal and constitutional challenges and so much more. Although Lincoln would not live to lead the reconstruction efforts. The spirit and direction of his intentions could not have been clear.


They were best exemplified by these magnificent and most memorable words. With malice toward none, with charity for all. During the course of the war, Lincoln was known to pray, frequently seeking strength from God and his hand and guidance. Some noted, including Frederick Douglass, that Lincoln's speech seemed fashioned after a sermon. Now, you know why they keep Biden sounds like he's a priest giving a biblical sermon, he sounds angelic.


Get it? In fact, nearly half the speech invokes references to God or scripture. Lincoln spoke of the world due to those by whom the offence of slavery came, he observed that both northerners and senators, southerners read the same Bible and pray to the same God and each invokes his aid against the other. The prayers of both could not be answered, he said. Lincoln proclaimed that American slavery was a blight that God now wills to remove, and despite the tolls and lives and treasure, the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.


There's ever any doubt that the civil war was fought not only to maintain the union, but in the end the drive, the horror of slavery from the land, there was no more.


It's reported by numerous reliable observers that when Lincoln began his second inaugural address, the stormy weather clouds of the day gave way to the light of a shining sun.


It's an image that underscores Lincoln's exceptionality, he was not only an extraordinary president, but a remarkable man.


Whose wisdom will continue to span generations. That was written by my father, Jack Levin, and I want to read to you the second inaugural address won't take long. At the second, appearing to take the oath, the president of the presidential office, there's less occasion for an extended address and there was at the first.


He said in your hands. I dissatisfied fellow countrymen and not mine is the momentous issue of the Civil War. The government will not assail you. You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the government. Well, I shall have the most solemn one to preserve, protect and defend.


Now, at the expiration of four years during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and face the great contest, which still absorbs the attention, I mean, grosz's the energies of the nation.


Little that is new could be presented. The progress of our arms upon which all else chiefly depends, is as well known to the public as to myself, and it is, I trust, reasonably satisfactory and encouraging to all.


With high hope for the future, no prediction in regard to it has ventured. On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago, all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war, all dreaded it.


All sought to avert it. Yeah, and the war came. And the war came. Neither party expected for the war, by the way, the magnitude of the duration, which it has already attained, Lincoln said neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease.


Each look for an easier triumph and a result less fundamental. An astounding.


Both read the same Bible and each invokes and prays the same God. His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men could dare to ask just God's assistance in ringing their bread from the sweat of another man's faces, but let us judge not that we not be judged. The prayers of both could not be answered, that of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has his own purposes. Woe unto the world because of offenses, for it must needs be that offenses come.


But woe to the man by whom the offense cometh. If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of the offenses which in the providence of God must needs come, but which, having continued through his appointed time, he now wills to remove that he gives to both the north and the South this terrible war, as the world would do to those by whom the offence came. Shall we discern there in any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to him fondly, do we hope fervently?


Do we pray that this mighty scourge of war might speedily pass away?


Yet if God will set it continue until the all the wealth piled by the bondsman, 250 years of unrequited toil shall be sunk.


Until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said 3000 years ago. So still, it must be said that judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.


My comrades. Of the Confederate Army. But another general. Let me just finish this up here. That, in fact, brings us to the end. They're not many radio hosts who will read to you the second inaugural address of Abraham Lincoln certainly wasn't published in The New York Times of The Washington Post because Lincoln truly was a man.


Who sought to bring the country together after the civil war? I've looked at the transcript of Biden's speech and he takes little shots left and right. At Trump, the Trump supporters. The race baiting and so forth, there was none of that. By Lincoln, none of it. He was urged. To give a speech in victory, in defiance. The assassination of Lincoln set this country back, I would say 100 years. As my dad wrote, reconstruction was a very complicated matter.


Andrew Johnson wasn't up to the task because he didn't believe in it. Democrat from Tennessee. Ulysses S. Grant was, in fact, a big believer in the rights. The freed slave fact, he opposed slavery even though he married a wife. His family had had slaves. And they were given a slave and he freed the slave. He was offered a thousand 1500 dollars for this human being and he said no, he freed the slaves, he wanted nothing to do with it.


He sent the United States military into the south. To fight the Ku Klux Klan, which was a vile, vicious. Remnant of the Confederacy, and he defeated it fairly effectively at that time. And so. Black Lives Matter was pulling down monuments to Lincoln, monuments to grant monuments to the first black unit that fought in the Union against the Confederacy. And people praised Black Lives Matter. That's a speech that's not Joe Biden. Not even close. When we come back.


And when I have to go back into the gutter, back into the sewer to deal with Paul Farhi, emotive Sharon and there are pieces. We'll be right back.


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So we start with Paul Farhi at The Washington Post, this guy doesn't know how to write an accurate story, in my opinion, and conservative talk radio efforts to tone down inflammatory rhetoric appear limited.


This is second one of these articles. He doesn't talk about inflammatory rhetoric. On MSNBC in the Scarborough show, it doesn't talk about inflammatory rhetoric on MSNBC and and CNN, he doesn't talk about inflammatory, inflammatory rhetoric in his own publication.


The Washington Post. And he keeps getting it wrong, he's really focused on Cumulous in a memo to managers of its stations, the Atlanta based companies top programming executive Brian Phillips said he will not tolerate any suggestion that the election has not ended. There will be no dog whistles about stolen elections, civil wars or any of the language that infers violent public disobedience is warranted ever.


Would have been nice if this was written four years ago for the rest of the media, if you transgress this policy, you can expect to separate from the company immediately.


I never got that memo. I didn't need that memo. Cumulous memo was a sharp change in direction for a company that has allowed and even encouraged hosts to engage in polarizing and sometimes extreme political talk to increase ratings and ad revenue. Nobody's ever told me what kind of language to engage in. And I'm the biggest house in this company.


And no, I don't say things for ratings and ad revenue, I say things that I believe in. I thought The New York Times and The Washington Post write things. For sales and ad revenue, no. So this jerk is projecting his own opinions on top of us. For ratings and revenue. I've been doing this almost 20 years, I've been a conservative since I've been in my teens, I've written multiple books. How about other media platforms? I'm a believer in this country, the constitution, the declaration, individual liberty, capitalism.


Ratings are no ratings, ad revenue or no ad revenue. What a joke, yet it remains unclear how and indeed whether its new policy will be enforced in a medium dominated by hosts who have reinforced and reshaped conservative opinion for a generation. So you see conservative opinion reshaped and reinforced for a generation is inflammatory, it's extreme political talk.


They even read what crap comes out of their own newspaper in the mouths of their own idiot reporters. Cumulus hasn't responded to numerous requests for of course not, you're a kook, leaving questions about its new policy unanswered. It's none of your damn business. It isn't clear, for example, how many of its 3000 plus employees receive Phillips memo and whether the order applies to the big name national voices and syndicates to stations across the country, as well as its many local hosts.


Three of its most prominent syndicated hosts, conservatives Mark Levin, Dan Bongino and Ben Shapiro, said last week they didn't receive the Phillips memo. No, we didn't. Nobody has threatened me, Levin wrote in an email last week, nobody sent me a memo. Asked if he had nevertheless altered any of his commentaries since the memo was issued, he doesn't write exactly what I wrote back. So he cherry picks because that's the nature of the beast over there.


Levin, supporter of President Trump, called such questions absurd, inflammatory, nonsensical and idiotic.


His questions were so stupid. Ladies and gentlemen. When did you stop beating your wife? Those kinds of questions, then he goes on. Goes on just more and more crap from this guy and his employer. We'll be right back. Come and show the pool feed for the conservative media dive now eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.


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There's a sort of a gaggle or a cabal of these never trumpeter's who basically can meet in a telephone booth.


And they don't give the president, the United States or the former president any credit for any of his accomplishments. They can't. They're obsessed. They're unhinged.


And Mona Charen is one of them. She's actually one of the more vicious among them, I've pretty much ignored her as of now. We knew each other in the Reagan administration, but she can't control her hate. And so I must confront it. And she she talks about the American Thinker in the apology that they made to the lawyers, the d'Avignon Dominion voting system, American Thinker operates on a shoestring, so I'm sure they can't afford to defend themselves.


Mr. Bitties, I barely even talked about the Dominion voting system, did I?


Minimal. My entire argument, almost entire argument was on the Constitution, which is still something that needs to be addressed in the states or we're never going to win the presidency again. She says Fox News has issued similar retractions, this is the beginning, not the end of the story.


So she's one of the leaders of the new French Revolution dominionist sent letters to 20 other entities and individuals, including one America news network, Newsmax, Linwood White House counsel Patts Apollonian, Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, the cracken lawyer, and Donald Trump's orbit.


She writes, got more than a warning. She was slapped with a one point three dollars billion defamation lawsuit for her outrageous and outlandish claims. And it goes on.


Paul has yet to grovel, as the American Thinker did, but you would be wise to start.


Got that? She says, I wish Dominion every success against the other defendants. But what of the country that has taken a severe hit? Can Dominion also sue Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Mark Levin?


Anybody sues me, I will kick their ass from one end of this country to the other legally, legally. But I don't know why Dominion would sue me since I barely even mention them. Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingram, the Federalists, the 17 state attorneys general who joined the Ludicrus, Ken Paxton lawsuit challenging the election results in four states. Kevin McCarthy, listen to this. For the one hundred and twenty one House Republicans and six Senate Republicans who voted to reject the Electoral College ballots of Arizona.


Everyone didn't base that on Dominion, many of them base that on the Constitution. Mona, because until we hear confessions and corrections from conservative media, we will continue to inhabit a dark cave as a country. The 20000 plus National Guard presence in Washington, along with smaller forces arrayed in state capitals, may, God willing, get us through the inauguration without any further spasms of violence. But unless the propagandists of the right wing media confess and correct the record, unless they forthrightly admit that they spread lies about the election being rig, the fury they have incited among a huge swath of Americans will continue to endanger the lives of public officials and cracked the foundations of this republic.


What if I sue Mona Charen for millions, Mister Producer?


The lie they propagated, see, everybody said exactly the same thing. That's how you know. She's become a crackpot, the lie they propagated is what propelled those deluded people to storm the Capitol. Now, that's not true either, but it doesn't matter. She's a never Trumper. Of course, the perpetrators of the violence are fully responsible for their decisions, almost like a footnote. And some of them were clearly mentally unbalanced or extremists or criminals of airstrikes.


But there was also a thout. There were also thousands of otherwise normal people who were deceived into believing that their democracy had been fatally compromised and millions now who harbored doubts about our system's legitimacy. Let me move on, the goons who defied that, who defiled the Capitol on smash poles into the heads of police thought what they were doing was righteous. They think of themselves as patriots, the cynical liars like Whorley and Levin and the rest who took advantage of their ignorance for their own purpose, drape them.


You know what? You're a disgusting buffoon.


You're an ignorant for. I speak on the radio Lytvyn TV on Fox. I believe she's a lawyer. In a very poor one at that. Tell moaner, article two, Section one, clause two, what does it say? Can you read? What does it mean when you read that, Mona? And so you had several states for at least. With the election laws were changed. By Democrats, by lawsuits. Purposeful. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the governor of Pennsylvania, the attorney general, the excuse me, the secretary of state of Pennsylvania.


And I've talked about this endlessly, not just that state, several others. So where's the lie? Or as you would quote, Goebbels, the big lie, Mona. The fact that you're a constitutional illiterate and you're obsessed with a hate on on Trump a stalking columnist is not something I can fix.


Maybe the whole group of you can get a special rate. All of you never trumpet's. A special rate, maybe with a social worker, somebody can work you through your hate. But I doubt it. Now we unite behind Joe Biden. You see, ladies and gentlemen. We have a French Revolution going on with big tech, big media. The never trump the Democrats. Who who intend to do severe damage to our country, whether it's the court or the election system or what have you, and you better shut up.


You better not say a word or Mona is going to come for you. And the other reprobates in the never Trump movement and over at the Lincoln Project, where one of them had to drop out because apparently he's a pervert, that's the I mean, I don't know that, but apparently that's the case. Anyway, there we are, unity, America, unity. Just give it up. Years and years of Russian collusion. What did Mona have to say about that?


Didn't seem to be troubled by that at all. Boy, what a what a shameful disgrace. I'll be right back, my love in. Forty nine percent of Americans say their top New Year's resolution is to save money in the next year. Well, let's check that box right now. When your family switches to talk from AT&T, Verizon or T-Mobile, you could save over 800 dollars a year. That's real money every single month right back in your pocket.


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So the president, the former president had that statue of Andrew Jackson in his office and it was replaced, according to The Washington Post, with the bust of Martin Luther King Jr., Robert Kennedy good.


As well as Cesar Chavez. Cesar Chavez, you see Cesar Chavez, Biden doesn't know anything about Cesar Chavez.


Those of you a million and a half or more who read Liberty and Tyranny, you know all about Cesar Chavez.


Now, Cesar Chavez tried to organize the farm workers of America into a union, had minimal success.


And I want to tell you about this in the 1960s, and this isn't liberty and tyranny. Cesar Chavez, one of the founders of the United Farm Workers UFW.


Vehemently opposed to legal immigration, arguing it undermined his efforts to unionize farm workers and improve working conditions and wages for American citizen workers.


The UFW even reported illegal immigrants to the Immigration and Naturalization Service back then, Chavez.


What have armies of union members? Monitoring the border. And turning in or reporting. The actions of illegal aliens coming across the border, and he wasn't the only one. This just shows you how things have changed in 60 years.


In 1969, Cesar Chavez led a march accompanied by Ralph Abernathy, who had been, of course, Martin Luther King's right hand man, he was president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and Senator Walter Mondale.


Along the border with Mexico, protesting the farmers use of illegal immigrants. And most unions, period, supported that position in the 1960s and early 70s. In fact, Cesar Chavez called them and we have this audiotape on a radio station in San Francisco, remember that Mr. Producer, he called them wetbacks.


He despised illegal aliens, he felt they were used by big. Agriculture to undermine his union movement. And so Joe Biden. Has a statue of him now in the Oval Office. It's really quite amazing. The media won't call him out on it, no, no, no, no. It Cesar Chavez, we don't call out. Joe Biden on Cesar Chavez because Joe Biden is very progressive now. But all the big unions, the Democrat Party. The UFW, the United Farm Workers Union, headed by and founded by Cesar Chavez, they opposed illegal immigration.


For decades. They felt it was a rich Republican way of getting around the minimum wage, of undermining union organizing. Of putting down minorities who are United States citizens, we don't think that way anymore. See, United States citizens are second class citizens. So what of the farm workers today?


Who are first or second generation some? From south of the border, what happens when illegal aliens come into this country? Why do you think the Chamber of Commerce supports. But Joe Biden wants to do with immigration. Joe Biden is a human rights advocate, ladies and gentlemen, he's never been. Joe Biden's about Joe Biden, that's the way it's always been. To pay to be cutting deals with segregationists, he'd do it for paid to reject them and then and then take a different position.


That's what he would do. And right now, he's been told by Bernie Sanders and others, you can be bigger than Franklin Roosevelt and Barack Obama.


So that's where his head is. And it is the third term of Barack Obama. When was this rich, I forget, I believe it was I think it was 1969, give or take, on a San Francisco radio station. Chavez is being interviewed here.


It is going to really destroy the farmworker movement and to destroy it in such a way that will take away the rights of the workers to do basically two very important things in order to defend themselves and win contracts. One is that it takes the right to strike from us and also take the right of boycotting. Why do you need those rights? Well, what's so important about that?


But you say we maintain that every culture is different. It's always been different this way. Every culture and farmworkers were never organized before. As long as we have a poor country bordering California is going to be very difficult to win strikes. Air strikes are won normally by the unions with an employer, as is the case right now. One of the strikes that we have with the with the gas and oil company where we've closed them down, they have been unable to get strikebreakers or they've gotten very few.


And then all of a sudden yesterday morning, they brought in 220 wetbacks. These are the illegals from Mexico.


So they brought in 220 wetbacks to quote Cesar Chavez, basically to break their strike from Mexico. That's what he said. And so how come bringing illegal aliens in today is healthy for the country? Back then, it wasn't. So it's whatever the Democrats decide, they don't have any moral rudder. And so Cesar Chavez, his past is now in the Oval Office because Joe Biden is trying to make a statement.


Let's see if any reporter, Tamara, any asks him about that, any. Forty nine percent of Americans say their top New Year's resolution is to save money in the next year. Let's check that box right now. When your family switches to pure talk from AT&T, Verizon or T-Mobile, you could save over 800 dollars a year. Why am I opinion they're ripping you off? That's why. And that's real money every single month right back in your pocket.


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Simply smarter wireless. So today we learn that Joe Biden is Abraham Lincoln. That he's going to unite the country. I just heard his spokesperson say when questioned about impeachment. That he believes the Senate's capable of or she believes on behalf of Biden, that the Senate's capable of doing business and. Pursuing a trial if it wishes to do so. Mr. Unity, there would be an unconstitutional impeachment. You don't impeach. And you don't try individuals who are no longer in public office.


That's not what the impeachment clause is for, it's never been when it's for to chase somebody down in the private sector, they do that in fascistic and Marxist regimes.


We don't do it here in America or do we? Unity, right, ladies and gentlemen, unity for a lie, for a lie by the media, for the lie by the never Trump. That Donald Trump brought that mob to Washington and incited an attack against the Capitol building. The only problem with that is it is a lie from top to bottom. And accidentally, The New York Times and The Washington Post, a couple of stories we haven't seen any more lately.


Talk about. How this was preplanned and the attack was pre prepared. Now, hundreds of thousands of people who showed up in support of the president, United States. We are now under attack, the senators who dared to say we want to challenge and count the electors from this state or that state, something that's been gone on every election cycle, by the way, doesn't make it right. Doesn't make it wrong. But the language from the never trumpets, maybe at National Review in The Wall Street Journal, the language from the leftists at The Washington Post and The New York Times, the language from the reprobates at CNN and MSNBC and the Democrats.


That, of course, doesn't incite anything.


You see, ladies and gentlemen, it's harmless calling people liars and Nazis and white supremacists, Klansmen on and on, calling people those names. No, that has no effect whatsoever.


I'll be right back. From the Westwood One podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final hour of the podcast is sponsored exclusively by American Association of Mature American Citizens. Now over two million conservative members, Strong EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we care about faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amen. And you can become a member at Armacost U.S. Join.


He's here now broadcasting from the underground command post here, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Hello, America. Mark Levine here are number eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. You know, they're making much of the fact the president wasn't there at the inauguration. And if the president had been there, what would they have said about.


They would attract them. They would attract the. I think the president made the right decision. The former president made the right decision. Now, I keep telling you about the media, I wrote an entire book on it that was released about a year and a half, almost two years ago on freedom of the press. Every word of it has been demonstrated to be factual and true monitoring.


Might want to do a review of that book. She can read it.


Here's Jim Acosta on CNN today. Just listen to this low life cut six go.


This is looking like, you know, a president or a foreign head of state leaving Washington. And, you know, in a way, because the president is defying these traditions of not being a part of the inauguration of President Joe Biden. He's almost leaving town like a an autocrat ousted from power heading off into exile. Here you go.


That's a very perverse and sick man there. Very perverse and six men, I wonder if he's part of the Lincoln Project. No, he's not part of Lincoln Project. But he's a complete loser. This is what CNN promotes. We have Dana Bash on CNN today. That's seven go. He looks small, he just looks like a small man, and that is exactly the way that he has handled his presidency since.


So I guess Hillary looks like a small man, too, right, Mr. Producer? Because of the way she's handled her loss, do they call Hillary a small man now?


I call her a small man because I don't think it's right for me to assign a gender to Hillary Clinton. Remember, the biological is not relevant, so it's what's between your ears. That determines what's between somebody's legs. So Dana Bash would never say Hillary Clinton looks like a small man, what she. No, I don't think so. She would never say that Al Gore looks like a small man. He kept bringing lawsuit after lawsuit in Florida.


She never said that about Al Gore. She never would. What she. Now, of course not. So this is CNN, they got their. They're their orders. And there is a conga line of buffoons, and then there's Wolf Blitzer, I don't know how this guy stays on TV. I really don't. I really don't. His brain dead, Wolf Blitzer, CuDeco, what a difference a year makes. He had a very impressive future.


Oh, you mean the riots that took place four years ago, going after Donald Trump? Those. The attacks on police and law enforcement, the the breaking of glass, the burning of automobiles, is that what you're talking about?


No, no, no, no, of course not. Those were mostly peaceful, go ahead, inauguration, it's going to be a little pathetic, a tiny, little crowded Joint Base Andrews where he's going to say goodbye because they were there by invitation, Dopy.


Dopey, they were there by invitation, they didn't invite 40000 people. That's what I tell you, it doesn't matter. Whatever Trump did or does, it doesn't matter. CNN, what a pathetic joke. Just a sickening joke.


Now, again, in the effort to bring the country together, we have Pete Budish, who wants to be secretary, his broad expertise when it comes to highways, I don't know why why would he be secretary of transportation?


Let's listen to his unity speech cut 11 go volumes are going to be written about the harms that have been done in the last four years, a time when we needed to shut up, idiot.


Now we have Al Gore. Man who wants to bring unity to the nation as well, K12 go. Well, I listened with interest when Mitch McConnell spoke yesterday and indicated, in effect, that Donald Trump was responsible.


Let's stop there. Let's stop there. Mitch McConnell. Needs to be ousted, he needs to be defeated, he's never Trumper he took advantage of Trump to get whatever he could for the state of Kentucky. And of course, he had his wife on the Trump payroll as secretary of transportation. But Mitch McConnell has now given. Fuel. To the argument, the lie that has been regurgitated now. So even. Dumb people like Al Gore are quoting. I listened with I listened with interest to Mitch McConnell.


How the hell did he ever get elected to anything? Cut 13 go, if I were still in the Senate, I would vote to convict. Wow, you would.


No way. I would I would vote to convict, I really would. Didn't he hit on some mazouz or something or what happened there, Mr. B., you remember that? They need to do something like that. But he's a man of great morality. Oh, yeah, he's a stand up guy, so to speak. Oh, yeah. Al Gore, everybody wants to know where Al Gore stands now, don't they? I think so. By the way, how did Dana Bash, I wonder all the how did she get her job at CNN?


How do all these people get their jobs in the media? Really, I just it's just very curious to me. All right, let's take some calls. Let's go to. Martha, Tenafly, New Jersey, the great WIBC Martha, how are you? Good evening, Mark. Within your first of all, I'm very conservative. I'm 91 years old. Wow. Got one of my favorite American patriot and just wanted to make a comment before my purpose in calling.


I just wanted to say that Donald Trump is the third greatest president of the United States of America. He was not the first person that did not attend the inauguration. John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Johnson did not attend. And we had the greatest first lady, Mrs. Trump, who was brilliant, elegant.


And look at look at how they treated the first lady. It was it's an abomination and purpose in calling. You had mentioned that this is Obama's third term. I had said this to my husband a long time ago. There was a purpose in Obama not moving out of D.C., but purchasing a four million dollar house up the street from the White House. He was promised by Hillary and Biden. If they won, he would be put on the Supreme Court, which would be the first.


No, no, I don't agree. I'll tell you why he wouldn't make enough money on the Supreme Court. You see, Barack Obama, the neo Marxists, is apparently a neo capitalist when it comes to himself. Like most neo Marxists, they want to make a lot of money while they're trashing the system. So, no, I don't think so, because because he likes luxury.


He likes the lap of luxury while he's trashing the people who actually produce it.


But anyway, I want to thank you for your lovely call, Martha. I know where Tenafly is. I have a buddy there by the name of Danny Danny, a former police officer. All right. You take care of yourself. Thank you, Martha.


I very much appreciate it. Lovely lady. Let's go to Martin Gainesville, Florida, the great Dubosc, why go? Yes, he won, first of all, yes, Martha, what a lovely call she had there. Yeah, I just want to say this and thank you for reading Lincoln's second inaugural address and juxtaposing it with the clownish inaugural address from Biden. And I listen to Trump's speech on his way out the door. And this is what I took from it.


Keep the faith, because the people that voted for Trump weren't voting just for Trump. They were voting for the American ideal. And we are not going anywhere. And I just wanted to call and say thank you for all that you do and to tell you that we are out here and we're going to be active. We're not going to be sitting around licking their wounds. We've got to do what the Democrats have tried to do, get on county boards, mayoral positions, school boards, et cetera.


We've got to become active and that's what we're going to do. We're not going anywhere. And I'm keeping the faith. And thank you for what you do.


And God bless you, Martin. And then I think there's tens of millions of us who feel the same way.


We're not going to join in with the with the attempt to destroy this nation's economic system, constitutional system and its civil society. We're not going to participate in that. That that's that's what incites violence to what we're going to do is object to these things one after another. We're not going to change who we are as a matter of principle. We're not going to allow these people to define us into something that we are not we're not going to be threatened.


We're not going to be intimidated by big media or big or big tech. I know I'm on their hit list, so damn well be it. And I will continue to push back. We're not responsible for any violence anywhere at any time we talk about law and order. We talk about the Constitution and it's that simple. That simple? And we are damn consistent about all of it. I'll be right back. Much love in. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them, a man who believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk.


AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us.


We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for. Join amoc instead. A m a c us.


I have a Politico piece here that tipped to right scoop linked to. About writing a speech for Joe Biden, it can be hell. That was before the inaugural. And let me get to the portion that you want to hear.


Quote, I would never say this, unquote, Biden once snapped in an aide aghast over the prepared remarks he was reviewing, according to a person in the room during a speech prep session last year. What did you get this from?


Biden barked. The aide explained that Biden had just said it in a public speech a couple of weeks earlier. Mr. Producer.


Now, why would Politico run this piece? Slowly but surely, step by step. They will lay the foundation for Kamala Harris slowly but surely, step by step. That's why. They promote him as Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln says the great Joy Reid. Laffoon. And. He's a uniter. Our friend Chris Wallace says this was the greatest inaugural speech he's ever heard and that includes Kennedy and Reagan.


So they all have something running up their leg, don't they, Mr. Producer? It's Joe Biden, he's no he's no Trump. Not only 100 days of a honeymoon, we'll give them 24 months, two years and then skedaddle, Joe. Skedaddle. Because slowly but surely. Slowly but surely, we will tell the American people that you're an imbecile. No, no, no, no, not because we disagree with what you're doing, but we need to make way for Komala because Joe doesn't even know what he said two weeks before.


I would never say this. Who wrote this?


And this is leaked to Politico, a left wing. So-called news site, of course, it's not it's left wing, but nonetheless. All right, let's take another call, shall we? I think we shall. Jerry, Passaic, New Jersey, the great WIBC Jerry, you're on go. This speech by Biden more reminiscent of what say someone like Chavez or Castro would say, what all the troops. That's number one. And number two is.


Oh, wait a minute. So that optics really got to you there, huh? All the troops in the street. The Republican leadership of Cheney of of my council, I'll tell you, we're very disappointed here, and Kevin McCarthy, too, he won't come back.


I don't think he should really. Go ahead and, oh, let's throw a macdaniels, because maybe she means well, but they lost everything that whole bunch should be.


Let me tell you a little story about that. You're exactly right. The insider there is MacDaniels really is establishment.


She's held on. She was challenged by conservatives and they defeated the conservatives they all met in Amelia Island, Florida, notice they never meet in Trenton, New Jersey.


Mr. Producer, despite the sign on the bridge that is only half lit up, what Trenton makes the world takes. I've told you this before, ladies enjoy what Trenton makes the world takes. Nobody knows what Trenton makes, by the way. We used to have in Philadelphia, they were called Trenton Cracker's. Like oyster, I don't even think Trent makes that anymore. Trenton, the capital of New Jersey, isn't it? Mr. Producer certainly doesn't have the foggiest idea.


He has no clue. How about Mr. Cochran, it doesn't he live in New Jersey? Yes, I'm correct, Trent, and I know my capitals of at least five states. So you're quite white and you're quite you're quite right. Jerry. Anything else, my friend? Well, what I'm going to do, you know, I'm self-employed, I have a marketing company, but not to put a pull up. But what I'm thinking, because I also, you know, I have most of your books, all except the men in Black in terms of all your political books.


And thank you. Each one I've read one always surpassed the other. And I was absolutely flabbergasted. How do you put one piece of great work after another piece of work? It's absolutely.


I have to ask Mona Charen and Paul Farhi, don't you think you know what I was thinking of doing, the way of contributing a educating people on the street? And since I've been in in marketing and sales 60 years, go to a university which is still two miles away from me and see if I can't get a teaching job as an opportunity lecturer. And I would combine economics. Really.


Good luck, sir. I don't I don't think so. That's a very ancestral operation. And these faculty. They wean out the Patriots, you know, they win out people who actually embrace the declaration of the Constitution.


As a matter of fact, as I mentioned earlier in the program, the 1776 report from that commission that the president put together was immediately removed from the White House website because 1776 is not.


What they advocate, 16, 19, so I guess they're going to have fireworks not on July 4th, 1776, but.


Someday in 16, 19, I guess the fireworks, because why have fireworks on July 4th if you don't believe in 1776? All right, my friend, thank you for your call. All of you Democrats who intend to vote Democrat have created the cesspool environment of your politicians, your government, your taxes and your regulations and your crime, stay where you are.


Stop moving to red states and ruining our communities. You've destroyed my state of Virginia, which when I came in, the Reagan administration said, no way am I going to Maryland or D.C. I want to be in a rock solid state in 10 years. They turn this state upside down. Same with Georgia now, where we're almost can't win a presidential election, but don't worry, Mona Charen says she'll defend us and then they're all going to move into Florida and then turn Florida and Texas and it's over all of where shall we go?


March. There's nowhere to go yet done. I guess we'll go to Trenton.


I'll be right back. AMEC, the Association of Major American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them, a, who believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy.


Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for.


Join amoc instead a c us.


This is America's Constitutional Convention, the Mark Levin Show call now eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.


It is amazing, though, isn't it, Mr. Producer, that we have this massive military force out today? And when we had attacks on the White House, we couldn't call out a massive military force, we had ex generals telling us we better not, they were signing letters. Apparently the attorney general at the time rejected the idea. We saw it happen at the Portland courthouse for over three months under attack, we didn't send the military out then. It really is bizarre, isn't it, ladies and gentlemen?


We don't protect our cities, we don't protect our White House, we don't protect our courthouses with the military, we will protect the Capitol building when they're under assault, why don't we protect them all?


Can't use the Insurrection Act, they tell us, which has been used many times for matters much smaller than this. And then we got the attacks on Trump, who was urging the attorney general, the secretary of defense, do something, do something, but they didn't do enough, in my opinion.


They really didn't. It's it's a quandary for me, it confounds me, I don't I don't get it, quite frankly. By the way, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, one on one for the full hour with Newt Gingrich.


You won't want to miss that we've had them on once or twice before in the last three years. And it's always fascinating. And we delve into a variety of issues, so it'll be me and Gingrich take a law firm, Levin, Gingrich, no, not Gingrich, Levin, Levin, Gingrich. And that'll be on Sunday, 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time.


I hope you'll watch it. I believe today is the last day. That Israel's ambassador to the United States is the ambassador to the United States. I believe the ambassador to the United Nations and the Netanyahu administration will now be the ambassador from Israel to the United States. And the gentleman's name you've heard him on this show before, is Ron Dermer. And Ron Dermer does his job diplomatically. He does his job without a lot of fanfare. He doesn't seek awards, he doesn't seek letters.


He doesn't seek plaque's. In fact, he doesn't get them for some reason, I don't know why I what I was hoping that the White House or the State Department would recognize him. So I recognize the.


All these magnificent achievements between the United States and the state of Israel. Would not be possible without several individuals. Including and that's not especially Ambassador Ron Dermer. Now, the interesting thing about him, he was originally born in the Miami area. His father. Was a mayor, Democrat, his brother, mayor, Democrat, but moderate to conservatives, brother is hilarious and solid as a rock. David. And we've gotten to know that Dermo family, I consider them my best friends, as a matter of fact.


And his lovely wife, Rhoda, and they're wonderful kids, I think, at number 17 or 18 now. No, I'm just kidding. But he will be missed a lot. He's what we call a mensch. He treats people with respect. He's not an egomaniac. He doesn't seek attention, although, of course, he draws attention because who he is. The Israelis are going to have their work cut out for them now because Biden has picked virtually every.


Obama sleazeball imaginable. And I know many of you care about the state of Israel. This is from the lid, anti-Israel malhi joining Biden, a special Iran envoy. His uncle, Yasser Arafat, will be so proud. And they say Biden's latest anti-Israel move, her Jewish insider, President Biden's considering adding another Israel hater to his team, Robert Malley, who shared his anti-Israel views as part of the Clinton and Obama administrations, an adviser to Bernie Sanders.


And grew up with a socialist father who was a close friend of terrorist Yasser Arafat, according to the report, Malley will be joining the Rio Barmer administration.


Now, that's a good name for this. As Biden's special envoy to Iran. The potential appointment of Mali comes as members of the Biden transition team have begun to lay out the president elect's vision, you can tell us a couple of days on.


And so Biden is really loading up the State Department, the NSA. And overseas, the embassy. With a real bunch of Israel haters, it's going to be tough.


Malley grew up in France, where his Egyptian born father, Simon Malley, in New York, Ray's mother, Barbara Silverstein Malley, were radical publishers of a controversial magazine about African so-called Third World, while his parents were rabidly anti-Israel and countered Yasser Arafat as a personal friend.


Well, there's no problem with this. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Yasser Arafat after almost. But he wasn't a domestic terrorist. He was a foreign terrorist. So foreign terrorist. And you look at you look at Obama, who he hung out with, Ayres and Dawn. And you look at Bill Clinton and who he pardoned most of the failed domestic terrorists. And you look at him pardoning Linda Dean and Susan Rosenberg at the at the urging of Jerry Nadler. And those are individuals, in the case of Linda Evans, who wanted to blow up the Capitol building.


You hear none of this on the news, do you, because it's time to unite. Unite, it's time to unite. Unfreedom, believable. It just really is. Let's go to Morris, Brooklyn, New York, Morris on the great WIBC. Go right ahead, my friend. Hi, the great one. Thank you, sir.


So some people refer to me, you know, as the great big one, and I'm much like that. But it happens. No, I can imagine why there would be no. You are truly the great, great one I have is really. Yes, sir.


And what a friend. What a friend that we could say goodbye to for now.


Yes. Look what. Look what they've done. Yes. Yes. Well, thank you for your call.


I know you're referring to Ron Dermer. One day when the history's written. Maybe I'll write the history. What do you think of that, Mr. Bruce? I'm working on another book now that I think you folks are going to find yourself. Got another book?


OK, fine. I'm working on another book.


You got to keep at it. You can keep pounding away. I think you're going to find this one incredibly compelling. But that aside. Maybe I'll write the book on Azriel. You think I should, Mr. Producer? But anyone by anybody be interested in. Maybe I will. Not my next one, but maybe the one after that, you never know. Let us continue, Robert Lowell, Maryland, the great webmail go. That's correct. Hello, Mark.


Yes, I grew up in Laurel, Maryland, you know, across from you, based in Laurel, Maryland, not Laurel, Maryland.


I know where Laurel, Maryland is. Yes, Laurel. Yes, yes. Yes. And, you know, back then we had we had Washington Star. We had The Washington Post. Oh, yeah. So if you read both, you know what?


The star was considered more moderate, the conservative. Well, if you read it, if you read it, at least you got somewhere in the middle here, I was concerned that my father encouraged me to read them and everything else. And I think the one thing that no one is talking about besides habeas corpus is is is is there's no way to break through our friends still that believe the fake Dossie and and the impeachment trials for Trump are all true.


And that's because the media are inciting not only violence, but stupidity. It's it's unconscionable and I think it's treasonous and, well, I don't know about treasonous.


You want to kill people over my side talks no sidewalks on radio, wi fi. I applaud your effort.


I don't know what neither side talk says. All right. Thanks for your call.


Somebody Sleater that some goofball, Mr. Producer, whatever it is, don't go there outside. Talks nights I talk. Okay. Sounds like a goofball. May I say, with all due respect. Mara Rora, how are you, Mara, in Aurora on the Mark Levin at. I'm good, I'm really a privilege to speak with you, so I told you to call about the first one I ran out of time. But the one thing is I found the entire.


How is the state of Illinois today in a state of confusion, I think. Oh, it's pretty crummy because we have Priska, so the dictator. But I found that I found the 1776 commission report after I went to the White House page of the script. And it's on Wikimedia Commons.


So it's on Wikimedia. It's also a Mark Levin show. Dotcom, isn't it, Mr. Producer? So if you want to see that report and everything else I'm posting, we are now posting my comments and thoughts, obviously not on Twitter, Facebook and parlor's still muscling through. We want to help them in any way we can, but I'm posting them on my mother ship, Mark Levin Show Dotcom. I'm posting my comments that, you know, multiple comments a day as well as because so many people go to that site anyway.


And we did post the 1776 report. And when you read it, you'll be able to tell that that illiterates like Chuck Todd did not read it.


He just decided to slam it. And this is the problem with the media. We're dealing with ideologues who are Democrats who are literally stupid as hell.


We really are. All right, Mara, thank you, my friend, I appreciate it. We'll be right back. Much love in. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. EMAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond.


Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amax US. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for.


Join AMOC instead a a U.S..


Alessa Briscoe, Texas, the great WBA Bapi, how are you, Melissa? Thank you for taking my call. Yes, I'm going to have to put you on speaker. I'm driving. Sorry. Yes, yes.


I wanted to share with you a conversation that I had with an old classmate of mine, someone I've known for. Oh, gosh, 35 years. All right.


Go right ahead. Today, I posted on Facebook a picture of Donald Trump, and I just said thank you for your four years of service and something, I don't even remember what it was. I got private messages from her and she went off on me and then unfriended me. She was telling me that she knows for a fact Melania was a call girl and that that is how she met Trump. And she was telling me, you know, she just says that I'm a cult follower and I've lost my way and she's going to be praying that I get my life right with God.


And she sounds like an absolute buffoon. Yeah, I'm just totally shocked by how she write for The Wall Street Journal or National Review. I'm sorry. Well, I would not be her friend anymore if she's going to treat you that way and talk about Melania Trump that way. I just I'm just shocked. No, this this really does bring out the the hate in some people and the irrationality in some people. It's amazing thing. I've seen it, too.


It's just it's just incredible. And I think that in part is due that they're not used to somebody like Trump in politics and the media have done a hell of a job trying to create a Hitlerian figure.


And Donald Trump and the media have enormous power, and that's why when they lost the 2016 election, they lost it along with their party, the Democrat Party, they spent every waking moment thereafter trying to destroy Donald Trump, destroy his supporters, and are now doing exactly the same thing.


This unity stuff is all B.S. They don't mean it. And Biden doesn't mean it because he hasn't done a damn thing for unity, period, there's things he can do right now, this minute, but he won't do it. So to two pieces of recommendations to you. Juan, get the hell off Facebook. And number two, the hell with this woman, I know it's upsetting 45 years, but in the end she wound up to be a moron.


Yeah, I have a business on Facebook. That's the only reason that I have to stay on their wall.


As long as you're making money off them and they're not making that much of you go for it. Are you all right, Melissa? You'll get over it, trust me. Yeah, I know it's just upsetting. It is upsetting me all day.


Well, stay away from her. Make a new friend. Seriously. Yes, sir. Do you have a dog? Yes. Well, let's get on the floor and cuddle with the dogs because they won't turn on you. Yeah. All right, Melissa, God bless you, my friend. Amazing, is it? Let's go to Jeff, Cape Coral, Florida, the great WBAY. Go ahead, Jeff. Oh, thanks so much for taking my call.


The reason I called is that, you know, I moved down here in 1998 after I got out of the Navy and I always thought about running for city council and everything. And I've been listening to forever. And I feel that it's time for me to do that. And I have no way to know how about to do it. But I know there's there's tens of thousands of other people like me. And what's what's the first steps?


I mean, how do I know I'm not really a political, you know, consultant or that sort of thing?


But I would imagine the first steps when I was a kid, I did this and I won office, is to go to these Republican meetings, take a measure of who's there, who's take a measure of people you might have to run against in a primary.


Bring conservatives with you, you may have to organize outside of the Republican structure, which is what I did when I was 19 years old, and start to organize like they do start to be an activist like they are.


And so you can't just snap your fingers, look for an opportunity and go for it.


Two to, you know, have a good start and, well, I tried my best to explain what I would do. That's what I did. I mean, when I was 19, going to law school every night, I was having what we call coffee klatches, meeting with 10, 20, 30 people at a time. I formed a group called the Committee for Tax Limitation.


We had a tax revolt and cited a tax revolt. I really did. And we won the primary and went on to win my office. So you got to get your hands dirty and figure it out. Each locality is different. Ladies and gentlemen, we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel. Stay strong, America, and our great National Town Hall meeting. I'll see you again tomorrow. God bless. From the Westwood One podcast network.