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One of the single biggest things that college teaches you is that you have to take control of your own life. Nobody is going to create your college experience for you. You have to learn how to ask for what you need to advocate for what you want. This isn't high school. Your parents aren't around. Get your butt out of your college dorm room and go ask for help. You're not trapped. You're not stuck. And what I see too often is that people get to school and they don't like where they're at or they don't like their roommate. And so suddenly, I got a transfer. I gave up. No, you don't. Give it a year. And before you jump ship, make sure you actually take the helm and you try to steer this sucker in a good direction. You don't like your classes? Change your classes. You don't like your going to do it for you, but you don't have to do it alone. Take control of your experience. You're not stuck. I wish somebody had told me. Now I've told you, and you know it.