

It’s a lighthearted nightmare in here, weirdos! Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. Join us for a heavy dose of research with a dash of comedy thrown in for flavor.

Episode 564: Fred & Rose West (Part 1)


  • 9 months ago
  • 01:04:45

In this four part series, we dive into the horrific crimes of Fred & Rose West. We begin by exploring Fred's formative years which laid a foundation for his callousness and depraved appetites.Thank you to the wondrous Dave White of Bring Me the Axe Podcast for Research!ReferencesAmis, Martin. 2000. When darkness met light. May 11. Accessed March 21, 2024. https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2000/may/11/features11.g2.BBC News. 1998. Fred West 'admitted killing waitress'. March 25. Accessed March 19, 2024. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/69928.stm.—. 2001. How many more did Fred West kill? September 27. Accessed March 19, 2024. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/1567038.stm.—. 2021. The 12 victims of Fred and Rosemary West. May 27. Accessed March 18, 2024. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-gloucestershire-57182844.Bennett, Will. 1995. Step-daughter Charmaine was first to die. November 22. Accessed March 19, 2024. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/stepdaughter-charmaine-was-first-to-die-1583071.html.Birmingham Evening Mail. 1974. "Missing girls theory." Birmingham Evening Mail, January 7: 1.Birmingham Post. 1968. "Missing waitress mystery deepens." Birmingham Post, January 23: 2.—. 1974. "Student missing for six days may return ton university-police." Birmingham Post, January 2: 2.—. 1968. "Yard detectives join search for Gloucester girl." Birmingham Post, January 9: 1.Campbell, Duncan. 1995. "How a string of girls came to die in depraved and appalling circumstances." The Guardian, October 7.Duce, Richard. 1995. "West's suicide avenged killings, QC tells jurors." The Times, November 16.Duce, Richard, and Bill Frost. 1995. "Court told of depravity at 25 Cromwell Street." The Times, October 7: 4.Evening Post. 1968. "Helicopter joins hunt for Mary." Evening Post, January 8: 1.Evening Standard. 1974. "Have you spotted this girl?" Evening Standard, July 4: 18.Frost, Bill. 1995. "Cromwell Street murders case man is dead." The Times, Janaury 2.Frost, Bill, and Richard Duce. 1995. "I'm being made a scapegoat, says West." The Times, November 2.—. 1995. "No place for sentiment, West jurors are told." The Times, October 4.—. 1995. "West: I fell under Fred's spell." The Times, October 31.Gloucester Echo. 1994. "Did builder know Mary?" Gloucester Echo, March 8: 3.—. 1994. "Graden bodies: Who were they?" Gloucester Echo, March 2: 1.Gloucestershire Echo. 1995. "From angelic child to coldest of killers." Gloucestershire Echo 5.—. 1995. "Fred West found dead." Gloucestershire Echo, January 2: 1.—. 1995. "I'll see you in court, Rose." Gloucestershire Echo, January 4: 1.Knight, Adam. 2014. Fred West's brother denies incest claims. November 7. Accessed March 17, 2024. https://www.herefordtimes.com/news/11587578.fred-wests-brother-denies-incest-claims/.Lee, Adrian, Tim Jones, and Damian Whitworth. 1996. "Fred West's brother hangs himself." The Times, November 29.Ovington, Paul. 1974. "Hunt steps up as fear grows for Lucy, 21." Western Daily Press and Times, January 4: 1.Sounes, Howard. 1995. Fred & Rose: The Full Story of Fred and Rose West and the Gloucester House of Horrors. New York, NY: Open Road Media.United Press International. 1995. "British jury convicts West of 10 murders." UPI Archive, November 22.West, Mae, and Neil McKay. 2018. Love as Always, Mum: The True and Terrible Story of Surviving a Childhood with Fred and Rose West. London, UK: Seven Dials Press.Williams, Martin. 1994. "'Our sister is still alive'." Gloucester Echo, February 26: 1.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 563: A Deeper Look at the Crimes of Joran van der Sloot With Christopher Cassel


  • 9 months ago
  • 58:51

We are joined by Christopher Cassel, Director of 'Pathological: The Lies of Joran Van Der Sloot', We discuss his documentary which dives deep into the crimes of the Van Der Sloot, and the countless people his actions have negatively impacted. Want to see the documentary? Stream it now on Peacock!See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 562: The Murder of Natalee Holloway


  • 9 months ago
  • 01:36:59

On the afternoon of May 30, 2005, the senior students from Mountain Brook High School gathered at the airport in Aruba to make their return flight to Alabama after their celebratory trip, when chaperones noticed that one of the students was missing. Eighteen-year-old Natalee Holloway was last seen around 1:30 am that morning, leaving a bar with a student from the local International School of Aruba, but no one had seen or heard from her since and when they checked the hotel, Natalee’s luggage and other belongings were still in her room. It would take nearly twenty years before her killer was held responsible and the truth about her disappearance was brought to light.Thank you to the wondrous Dave White of Bring Me the Axe Podcast for Research!ReferencesABC News. 2006. Exclusive: van der Sloot talks about night out. February 22. Accessed March 26, 2024. https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=1648218.Associated Press. 2005. "Three young suspects can be held in case of missing girl, judge rules." New York Times, June 12.—. 2005. "Two suspects to be held in girl's case." New York Times, June 9.—. 2012. "Natalee Holloway declared dead by judge six years after disappearance." The Guardian, January 12.Burrough, Bryan. 2006. "Missing White Female." Vanity Fair, November 20.Chandler, Kim. 2023. "Attorney describes Joran van der Sloot's confession." Montgomery Advertiser, November 11: 1.CNN News. 2010. Interpol: Van der Sloot tried to extort Holloway's mother. June 9. Accessed March 27, 2024. http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/06/08/us.van.der.sloot.alabama/.CNN Wire. 2012. Van der Sloot sentenced to 28 years for Peru murder . January 13. Accessed March 27, 2024. https://www.cnn.com/2012/01/13/world/americas/peru-van-der-sloot-sentence.Holloway, Beth. 2007. "My daughter disappeared." Good Housekeeping, November 1: 185.Holloway, Dave, R. Stephanie Good, and Larry Garrison. 2023. Aruba: The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee Holloway and Corruption in Paradise. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishing.Lybrand, Holmes, Jean Casarez, and Evan Perez. 2023. FBI details how van der Sloot’s confession in Natalee Holloway’s death came together. October 24. Accessed March 27, 2024. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/24/us/joran-van-der-sloot-holloway-plea-deal/index.html.Lyman, Rick. 2005. "Missing woman's case spurs discussion of news coverage." New York Times, August 7.NBC News. 2005. Aruban police again search landfill for Holloway. July 28. Accessed March 26, 2024. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna8745217.—. 2010. Van der Sloot admits Holloway family extortion plot: 'Why not?'. September 6. Accessed March 27, 2024. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna39023617.Nelson, Andrew. 2005. "Missing teen's friends, family continue hope." Birmingham Post-Herald, June 6: 24.News, ABC. 2006. "Dutch teen tells Primetime about night with Natalee Holloway." ABC News, February 23.Norton, Michael. 2005. "FBI answers mother's plea to aid search." Montgomery Advertiser, June 4: 1.Robinson, Carol. 2023. Listen to Joran van der Sloot describe Natalee Holloway’s final moments in chilling confession. October 18. Accessed March 27, 2024. https://www.al.com/news/2023/10/listen-to-joran-van-der-sloot-describe-natalee-holloways-final-moments-in-chilling-confession.html.Robinson, Carol, and Ivana Hrynkiw. 2023. Joran van der Sloot confesses to killing Natalee Holloway: ‘You terminated her dreams,’ mother says. October 18. Accessed March 27, 2024. https://www.al.com/news/2023/10/joran-van-der-sloot-expected-to-plead-guilty-in-natalee-holloway-extortion-case-today-latest-updates.html.Robinson, Gene. 2005. "Missing white women and the media." Washington Post, June 14.The Independent. 2010. "Sex, lies and a murder suspect with a story to sell." The Independent, June 23.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 561: “Jolly Jane” Toppan: Angel of Mercy (Part 2)


  • 9 months ago
  • 01:07:29

Considered among the first (and certainly the most prolific) American female serial killers and so-called angels of mercy, Jane Toppan’s killing spree went unnoticed for more than fifteen years, as she transitioned from one hospital to another, leaving an unprecedented trail of carnage in her wake. Jane was finally arrested in 1901, after killing the entire family of a man for whom she’d been hired to provide care. The arrest and trial were a sensation, as murder and cruelty were a direct contradiction of the norms and standards long relied upon to define American womanhood. Thank you to the amazing Dave White of Bring me the Axe Podcast for research!ReferencesBoston Globe. 1902. "Agree that she's insane." Boston Globe, April 6: 1.—. 1901. "Alden P. Davis' death due to another cause." Boston Globe, November 21: 1.—. 1901. "Hint to watch Miss Toppan." Boston Globe, October 31: 5.—. 1901. "Inquiry is under way." Boston Globe, August 31: 1.—. 1902. "Is Miss Toppan sane." Boston Globe, March 26: 1.—. 1904. "Jane Toppan an imbecile." Boston Globe, July 10: 6.—. 1902. "Jane Toppan insane, found not guilty." Boston Globe, June 24: 1.—. 1938. "Jane Toppan, poisoner of 31, dies in hospital at age pf 81." Boston Globe, August 18: 1.—. 1901. "Marriage and money." Boston Globe, November 1: 1.—. 1901. "Murder by poison." Boston Globe, October 31: 1.—. 1901. "No cause for suspicion." Boston Globe, November 4: 2.Lowell Historical Society. 2022. Lowell’s ties to “Jolly” Jane, Massachusetts’ Female Serial Killer. October 29. Accessed March 28, 2024. https://www.lowellhistoricalsociety.org/lowells-ties-to-jolly-jane-massachusetts-female-serial-killer/.New York Times. 1904. "Jane Toppan, an extraordinary case of moral insanity." New York Times, October 23: A2.—. 1938. "Miss Jane Toppan, 84, Mass poisoner, dies." New York Times, August 18: 15.Schechter, Harold. 2012. Fatal: The Poisonous Life of a Female Serial Killer. New York, NY: Pocket Books.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 559: The Murder of Timothy Coggins


  • 10 months ago
  • 01:47:31

On the evening of October 9, 1983, twenty-three-year-old Timothy Coggins met up with some friends for a night out at the People’s Choice club, a popular night club in Griffin, Georgia, a rural area about forty-five minutes outside of Atlanta. When Tim didn’t return home the next day, his family assumed he’d stayed at a friend’s house, as he often did on nights he stayed out late. Those assumptions were shattered one day later, when investigators showed up at the Coggins’ front door carrying a photograph of what would be identified as Tim’s dead, mutilated body.At first, local investigators assured the Coggins family they would find whoever was responsible for Tim’s brutal murder; however, within just a couple weeks, it was clear they didn’t have any leads or evidence, nor did they seem all that interested in investigating Tim’s death. Eventually, the months passed into years and the case went completely cold and Tim’s family lost any hope of his killers being brought to justice. Then, more than three decades after his death, investigators contacted the Coggins family and told them they’d found the men responsible for Tim’s death.Timothy Coggins’ story is yet another reminder of how in many parts of the United States, the hideous beliefs of a bygone era are still alive and well, devastating families and perverting the justice system. Thank you to the incredible Dave White of Bring Me the Axe and 99 Cent Rental Podcasts for Research!ReferencesBoone, Christian. 2018. "Well proves crucial in cold murder case." Atlanta Journal Constitution, July 1.—. 2017. "2 boasted of dragging black man behind pickup truck." Atlanta Journal-Constitution, December 1.—. 2018. "Race center stage at trial's opening." Atlanta Journal-Constitution, June 21.Franklin Gebhard v. The State of Georgia. 2019. S19A1582 (Supreme Court of Georgia, December 23).Gomez, Melissa, and Matt Stevens. 2018. "Conviction after 34 years in murder of Black man." New York Times, June 27.Helm, Nelson. 2017. "5 arrested in connection with '83 murder in Spaulding County." Atlanta Constitution, October 14: B1.—. 2017. "Dragging death case was racial." Atlanta Journal-Constitution, November 2.2022. Cold Case Files. Directed by Ricky Lewis. Performed by Ricky Lewis.Lowery, Wesley. 2020. "A Brutal Lynching. An Indifferent Police Force. A 34-Year Wait for Justice." GQ Magazine, July 17.McLaughlin, Eliott C. 2017. "Killers meant to 'send a message,' sheriff says of 1983." CNN Wire, October 20.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 557: The Glove Guy (With Jordan Bonaparte from The Night Time Podcast)


  • 10 months ago
  • 01:08:48

Trigger warning: Please be aware that adult subject matter is discussed within this episode and is not recommended for young listeners.Jordan Bonaparte from the Night Time Podcast joins us to talk about his deep dive into the lore of the nefarious 'Glove Guy'. Initially, he thought the man to be little more than an urban legend and published a post asking for people to tell about their experiences. Men of Halifax, Canada, flooded his inquiry with stories claiming to have EXTREMELY strange late night interactions with the man. The stories are odd, but what Jordan experienced after his podcast released was truly unexpected.Resources:Author unknown. 2016. Warning men of Halifax: The Glove Man. Accessed April 08, 2024. https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/6qqr7c/warning_men_of_halifax_the_glove_man/.Bonaparte, Jordan. 2024. "The Halifax Glove Guy." Night Time Podcast. Halifax, Nova Scotia, April 11-14. Accessed April 08, 2024. https://www.nighttimepodcast.com/episodes/gloveguy.Jackson Weaver. 2019. How a podcast on Halifax's 'Glove Guy' led to an intellectual property dispute. July 12. Accessed April 08, 2024. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/nighttime-podcast-name-disputed-1.5203527.Lamoureux, Mack, and MJ Banias. 2019. This Late-Night Glove Salesman Masturbating Story Is Very Weird But Also True. August 30. Accessed April 08, 2024. https://www.vice.com/en/article/3kxb9n/this-late-night-glove-salesman-masturbating-story-is-very-weird-but-also-true.Love the Gloves. No date. Love the Gloves. Accessed April 08, 2024. https://web.archive.org/web/20180715035720/http://lovethegloves.com/.—. 2013. LoveTheGloves Halifax, Nova Scotia. Accessed April 08, 2024. https://www.youtube.com/@lovethegloveshalifaxnovasc6534?app=desktop.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 556: The Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murders


  • 10 months ago
  • 01:18:20

On the evening of February 4, 1972, middle school friends Maureen Sterling and Yvonne Weber left their homes with a plan to hitchhike to the Redwood Empire Ice Arena in Santa Rosa, California—it was the last time either girl would be seen alive. Nearly one year later, the bodies of Maureen and Yvonne were discovered at the foot of a steep embankment in a rural part of Santa Rosa, identifiable only by the jewelry Maureen had been wearing the night she left the house. By the time the remains of Sterling and Weber were discovered, three other young women from the Santa Rosa area had gone missing or been found murdered, all of whom had been seen hitchhiking just prior to their disappearance. In time, law enforcement officials would link Sterling and Weber’s murders to the other three woman discovered in 1972, and three others that occurred in the year that followed, all believed to have been killed by the same man or men. The Santa Rosa hitchhiker murders, as they’re informally known, are one California’s most perplexing cold cases in the state’s history. In addition to the eight women believed to be victims of the same killer, there are several others who disappeared under similar circumstances and could potentially be additional victims. Although there have been several theories as to who was responsible for the deaths, including Ted Bundy and the Zodiac Killer, there has never been any evidence to positively identify the killer.Thank you to the brilliant David White, of the Bring Me the Axe podcast, for research!ReferencesCook, Stephen. 1975. "Death census--young women, hitchhikers, strangulation." San Francisco Examiner, April 25: 24.Dowd, Katie. 2022. "Search continues for Bay Area serial killer who murdered at least 7 women and girls." San Francisco Chronicle, March 13.Fagan, Kevin. 2011. "Ted Bundy a suspect in Sonoma County cold cases." San Francisco Chronicle, July 7.Johnson, Julie, and Randi Rossmann. 2011. "40-year-old mystery." Press Democrat, July 29: 1.LaFever, Matt. 2022. 49 years ago, a southern Humboldt woman was killed on her way home for Christmas. July 21. Accessed March 13, 2024. https://mendofever.com/2022/07/21/49-years-ago-a-southern-humboldt-woman-was-killed-on-her-way-home-for-christmas-by-the-santa-rosa-hitchhiker-murderer/.Press Democrat. 1974. "FBI says nylon rope little help in slaying investigation ." Press Democrat, January 10: 3.—. 1972. "Female hitchhikers and the pain of Kim's mother." Press Democrat, April 27: 1.—. 1972. "Femnale hitchhikers and the pain of Kim's mother." Press Democrat, April 27: 1.—. 1972. "Hitchhiking SRJC coed is missing." Press Democrat, April 27: 1.—. 1972. "Lawmen say woman's killer could be injured." Press Democrat, March 9.—. 1972. "Slain woman was tortured; no identity yet." Press Democrat, March 8.Reid, James. 1973. "$2,000 offered in death of girls." Press Democrat, January 3: 1.—. 1973. "Another slain girl found east of SR." Press Democrat, August 1: 1.—. 1973. "Who is the slain girl found off county road?" Press Democrat, August 2: 1.—. 1975. "Zodiac theory doubted." Press Democrat, April 24: 1.Rossmann, Randi. 1989. "Police don't like to give up on slayings." Press Democrat, March 5: 1.Saludes, Bony. 1973. "Bodies identified as two missing SR girls." Press Democrat, Janaury 1: 1.Sonoma County Sheriff's Office. 1972. Female Homicide Victims Report (Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murders). Law enforcement, Santa Rosa, CA: Sonoma County Sheriff's Office.United Press International. 1973. "Officers seek link in deaths of 5 girls." Los Angeles Times, August 17: 3.Volkerts, Art. 1972. "Secret witness--can you help solve a crime?" Press Democrat, December 27: 1.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 555: Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield (Part 3)


  • 10 months ago
  • 01:29:06

What drove the mild-mannered farmer to commit such hideous and depraved acts in America’s heartland, and why do people from around the world continue to find him so infamous?Thank you to the magical Dave White of Bring Me the Axe Podcast for research!ReferencesAssociated Press. 1968. "Gein prosecution winds up murder testimony." Capital Times, November 9: 9.—. 1968. "Gein ruled fit to stand trial." Green Bay Press-Gazette, January 16: 1.Capital Times. 1958. "Bar Gein house admission fees." Capital Times, March 12: 4.—. 1957. "Claims ten skulls came from graves ." Capital Times, November 18: 1.—. 1958. "Gein insane, psychiatrist tells court." Capital Times, January 6: 3.—. 1957. "Nearly wed gein, woman reveals." Capital Times, November 20: 1.—. 1957. "Plan to open at least two." Capital Times, November 23: 1.—. 1957. "Weeping Gein joins minister in prayer." Capital Times, November 22: 1.—. 1957. "'Won't believe' graves robbed ." Capital Times, November 19: 1.Daily Tribune. 1954. "Believe Bancroft tavernkeeper was slain." Daily Tribune, December 9: 1.—. 1944. "Rites today for the man who died in Roche-a-Cri fire." Daily Tribune, May 19: 1.Engel, Dave. 2005. "Whatever happened to Mary Hogan?" Daily Tribune, December 5: 6.La Crosse Tribune. 1957. "State pushes murder charges against ." La Crosse Tribune, November 22: 1.Portage Daily Register. 1957. "New rifle in shop used in slaying storekeeper." Portage Daily Register, November 19: 1.Schechter, Harold. 1998. Deviant: The Shocking True Story of Ed Gein, the Original Psycho. New York, NY: Gallery Books.Stevens Point Journal. 1958. "Ed Gein's real estate sold for under $4,000." Stevens Point Journal, March 31: 1.—. 1958. "Gein farmhouse leveled by early morning blaze." Stevens Point Journal, March 20: 1.—. 1958. "Open house at Gein farm draws crowds." Stevens Point Journal, March 24: 1.—. 1957. "Results of lie test announced." Stevens Point Journal, November 20: 1.—. 1954. "Woman's disappearance hints slaying at Pine Grove tavern." Stevens Point Journal, December 9: 1.United Press. 1957. "Hospital gets ready for Gein." Capital Times, November 23: 2.United Press International. 1968. "Ed Gein found guilty of 1957 murder in Plainfield." Capital Times, November 14: 2.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 554: Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield (Part 2)


  • 10 months ago
  • 01:17:10

When hardware store owner Bernice Worden disappeared from her store on the morning of November 16, 1957, sheriff’s deputies traced the last sale made that morning to fifty-one-year-old recluse and occasional handyman Ed Gein. During a cursory search of the Gein property, investigators quickly located Worden’s decapitated and mutilated body in a shed on Gein’s property, but that was only one of the many horrors that awaited them on the farmstead. Inside the house, deputies found one of the most shocking and horrifying scenes ever documented in the history of American crime, revealing that the mild-mannered handyman locals had always believed harmless, was in fact a profoundly psychotic killer.Thank you to the magnificent Dave White of Bring Me the Axe Podcast for research!ReferencesAssociated Press. 1968. "Gein prosecution winds up murder testimony." Capital Times, November 9: 9.—. 1968. "Gein ruled fit to stand trial." Green Bay Press-Gazette, January 16: 1.Capital Times. 1958. "Bar Gein house admission fees." Capital Times, March 12: 4.—. 1957. "Claims ten skulls came from graves ." Capital Times, November 18: 1.—. 1958. "Gein insane, psychiatrist tells court." Capital Times, January 6: 3.—. 1957. "Nearly wed gein, woman reveals." Capital Times, November 20: 1.—. 1957. "Plan to open at least two." Capital Times, November 23: 1.—. 1957. "Weeping Gein joins minister in prayer." Capital Times, November 22: 1.—. 1957. "'Won't believe' graves robbed ." Capital Times, November 19: 1.Daily Tribune. 1954. "Believe Bancroft tavernkeeper was slain." Daily Tribune, December 9: 1.—. 1944. "Rites today for the man who died in Roche-a-Cri fire." Daily Tribune, May 19: 1.Engel, Dave. 2005. "Whatever happened to Mary Hogan?" Daily Tribune, December 5: 6.La Crosse Tribune. 1957. "State pushes murder charges against ." La Crosse Tribune, November 22: 1.Portage Daily Register. 1957. "New rifle in shop used in slaying storekeeper." Portage Daily Register, November 19: 1.Schechter, Harold. 1998. Deviant: The Shocking True Story of Ed Gein, the Original Psycho. New York, NY: Gallery Books.Stevens Point Journal. 1958. "Ed Gein's real estate sold for under $4,000." Stevens Point Journal, March 31: 1.—. 1958. "Gein farmhouse leveled by early morning blaze." Stevens Point Journal, March 20: 1.—. 1958. "Open house at Gein farm draws crowds." Stevens Point Journal, March 24: 1.—. 1957. "Results of lie test announced." Stevens Point Journal, November 20: 1.—. 1954. "Woman's disappearance hints slaying at Pine Grove tavern." Stevens Point Journal, December 9: 1.United Press. 1957. "Hospital gets ready for Gein." Capital Times, November 23: 2.United Press International. 1968. "Ed Gein found guilty of 1957 murder in Plainfield." Capital Times, November 14: 2.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 553: Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield (Part 1)


  • 10 months ago
  • 01:24:26

Not since Jack the Ripper or H.H. Holmes had a criminal so thoroughly shocked and captivated the public imagination; yet Gein’s crimes went far beyond what anyone imagined a person could be capable of. Indeed, he has served as the basis for some of Hollywood’s most iconic horror films including Psycho, Silence of the Lambs, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. And, while he is only known to have killed two people during his active period, the list of crimes he is suspected of having committed is long and likely to remain a source of speculation for a long time to come.Thank you to the magical Dave White of Bring Me the Axe Podcast for research!ReferencesAssociated Press. 1968. "Gein prosecution winds up murder testimony." Capital Times, November 9: 9.—. 1968. "Gein ruled fit to stand trial." Green Bay Press-Gazette, January 16: 1.Capital Times. 1958. "Bar Gein house admission fees." Capital Times, March 12: 4.—. 1957. "Claims ten skulls came from graves ." Capital Times, November 18: 1.—. 1958. "Gein insane, psychiatrist tells court." Capital Times, January 6: 3.—. 1957. "Nearly wed gein, woman reveals." Capital Times, November 20: 1.—. 1957. "Plan to open at least two." Capital Times, November 23: 1.—. 1957. "Weeping Gein joins minister in prayer." Capital Times, November 22: 1.—. 1957. "'Won't believe' graves robbed ." Capital Times, November 19: 1.Daily Tribune. 1954. "Believe Bancroft tavernkeeper was slain." Daily Tribune, December 9: 1.—. 1944. "Rites today for the man who died in Roche-a-Cri fire." Daily Tribune, May 19: 1.Engel, Dave. 2005. "Whatever happened to Mary Hogan?" Daily Tribune, December 5: 6.La Crosse Tribune. 1957. "State pushes murder charges against ." La Crosse Tribune, November 22: 1.Portage Daily Register. 1957. "New rifle in shop used in slaying storekeeper." Portage Daily Register, November 19: 1.Schechter, Harold. 1998. Deviant: The Shocking True Story of Ed Gein, the Original Psycho. New York, NY: Gallery Books.Stevens Point Journal. 1958. "Ed Gein's real estate sold for under $4,000." Stevens Point Journal, March 31: 1.—. 1958. "Gein farmhouse leveled by early morning blaze." Stevens Point Journal, March 20: 1.—. 1958. "Open house at Gein farm draws crowds." Stevens Point Journal, March 24: 1.—. 1957. "Results of lie test announced." Stevens Point Journal, November 20: 1.—. 1954. "Woman's disappearance hints slaying at Pine Grove tavern." Stevens Point Journal, December 9: 1.United Press. 1957. "Hospital gets ready for Gein." Capital Times, November 23: 2.United Press International. 1968. "Ed Gein found guilty of 1957 murder in Plainfield." Capital Times, November 14: 2.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 552: Marie Robards


  • 11 months ago
  • 01:23:51

When thirty-eight-year-old Steven Robards died unexpectedly in the winter of 1993, everyone including the coroner believed his death to have been the result of a heart attack—unusual for someone so young, but certainly not unheard of. It wasn’t until the following year, when Steven’s teenage daughter, Marie, was practicing for the school play, that the girl confessed the truth to her friend: Steven Robards didn’t die from a heart attack, he was murdered by his daughter with chemicals she’d stolen from the high school chemistry lab.In the United States, it’s exceedingly rare for a child to kill a parent, and rarer still for that child to be female. The truth about Steven Robards murder shocked the residents of the Fort Worth area and divided the community between those who were sympathetic to her claims of desperation and those who saw her as nothing more than a craven predator who’d do anything to get what she wanted. Indeed, Marie claimed she had only wanted to make her father sick so she could return to living with her mother, from whom she’d been separated since her parents’ divorce, and she had never wanted to kill him.Ultimately a jury didn’t buy Marie’s story and sentenced her to twenty-seven years in prison, of which she served only seven years before being paroled. Was Marie Robards really just a confused teenager who acted impulsive without regard for the consequences of her actions? Or was she really the calculating self-serving killer some believed her to be?Thank you to David White, of the Bring Me the Axe podcast, for research assistance!ReferencesBlaney, Betsy. 1997. "Trial near for NRH teen accused of killing father." Fort Worth Star-Telegram, August 17: 1.Cochran, Mike. 1996. "Ex-UT student headed for patricide trial." Austin American-Statesman, May 6: 11.—. 1996. "Teen says she didn't mean to kill dad." Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 6: 1.Hanna, Bill, and Kathy Sanders. 1994. "Daughter appears in court." Fort Worth Star-Telegram, October 20: 21.Hollandsworth, Skip. 1996. "Poisoning Daddy." Texas Monthly, July 01.Hood County News. 1994. "City staff's reactions mixed on poison suspect's presence." Hood County News, November 2: 1.Vozzella, Laura. 1996. "Accused dreamed of being coroner, prosecutor says." Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 8: 50.—. 1996. "Chemistry student gets 28-year term in father's death." Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 11: 1.—. 1996. "Teen is found guilty of poisoning her father." Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 10: 15.—. 1996. "Teacher says chemical hidden from police." Fort Worth Star-Telegraph, May 9: 21.2001. Forensic Files. Directed by David Wasser. Performed by David Wasser.Alaina's 2nd book in the Dr Wren Muller Series, THE BUTCHER GAME will be released on September 17th, 2024! To Pre-order go to (https://zandoprojects.com/books/the-butcher-game/) PLUS! If you preorder the book, get an autographed poster while supplies last by visiting (http://thebutchergame.com/)See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 551: Happy Land Social Club Arson


  • 11 months ago
  • 01:23:05

On the evening of March 24, 1990, nearly one hundred patrons gathered to celebrate Carnivale at the Happy Land Social Club, a small informal night club in the Bronx that catered to a mostly Honduran clientele. The evening took a deadly turn when, around 3:30 am, an explosion of fire roared up the stairway leading to the second-floor club, blocking the only exit from the building and trapping the patrons in a room rapidly filling with toxic smoke and fire. It’s unknown how many patrons managed to escape the fire, but by the time the fire department had extinguished the blaze, eighty-seven people were dead.Thank you to the amazing Dave White of Bring Me the Axe Podcast for research!ReferencesBarbanel, Josh. 1990. "Bronx social club's sublease: How a firetrap skirted the line." New York Times, March 28: B1.—. 1990. "Tracing the club's owners." New York Times, March 27: B2.Barron, James. 1990. "The living search the faces of the dead." New York Times, March 26.Blumenthal, Ralph. 1990. "Fire in the Bronx; 87 die in blaze at illegal club." New York Times, March 26.Gelman, Mitch, Alexis Jetter, and Beth Holland. 1990. "87 die in arson called act of spurned lover." Newsday, March 26: 3.Gilbert, Allison. 2020. "A faded tragedy's long shadow." New York Times, March 29.Golden, Tim. 1990. "In the saddest way, New York learns about Hondurans." New York Times, April 1.Hernandez, Raymond. 1995. "Survivors call settlement 'unjust'." New York Times, July 7.Hevesi, Dennis. 1992. "Guilty plea by landlord in fire case." New York Times, May 9.Hirsch, James. 1988. "Most social clubs run the gamut of illegality." New York Times, August 22.Kerr, Peter. 1986. "Social Clubs: Modern Mob still uses a few as offices." New York Times, April 15.Lambert, Bruce. 1991. "Confession tape on Bronx blaze is heard by jury." New York Times, August 1.Lorch, Donatella. 1991. "Ex-girlfriend recalls threat before flames." New York Times, July 31.—. 1991. "Witness tells of visit by Happy Land fire suspect." New York Times, July 31.Maykuth, Andrew. 1990. "N.Y. fire suspect described as 'down to his last hope'." Philadelphia Inquirer, 03 27: 1.McFadden, Robert. 1990. "The Knights of the Padlock Sweep Forth." New York Times, March 31.New York Times. 1990. "7 victims: their stories, struggles and dreams of better lives." New York Times, March 29.Nieves, Evelyn. 1991. "Refugee found guilty of killing 87 in Bronx Happy Land fire." New York Times, August 20.People of the State of New York v. Julio Gonzalez. 1995. 163 Misc. 2d 950 (New York Supreme Court, Bronx County, February 10).Purdy, Matthew. 1995. "More than five years after the arson fire at the Happy Land Social Club..." New York Times, July 7.Roberts, Sam. 2016. "Julio Gonzalez, arsonist who killed 87 at a nightclub in the Bronx, dies at 61." New York Times, September 15.Schanberg, Sydney. 1990. "Please, some respect for 87 who died." Newsday, April 13: 62.Stanley, Alessandra. 1991. "At Happy Land mass-murder trial, days of tears, humor and boredom." New York Times, July 28.Stanley, Allessandra. 1990. "25 years to life for the arsonist at Happy Land." New York Times, September 20.Strom, Stephanie. 1990. "Hispanic residents rally against closing of social clubs." New York Times, April 6.Terry, Don. 1990. "Social club crackdown is the latest in a series." New York Times, March 26: A1.Wichers, Christine. 1990. "Male violence the real cause of Bronx fire." New York Times, April 10.THE BUTCHER GAME will be released on September 17th, 2024! To Pre-order go to (https://zandoprojects.com/books/the-butcher-game/) PLUS! If you preorder the book, get an autographed poster while supplies last by visiting (http://thebutchergame.com/)See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 550: Listener Tales 84


  • 11 months ago
  • 01:14:01

BIG, BIG NEWS AHEAD!!!! We are SO excited to announce that The SEQUEL, yes, the 2nd book of The Dr. Wren Muller Series- THE BUTCHER GAME will be released on September 17th, 2024! To Pre-order go to https://zandoprojects.com/books/the-butcher-game/ (https://zandoprojects.com/books/the-butcher-game/) PLUS! If you preorder the book, get an autographed poster while supplies last by visiting thebutchergame.com (http://thebutchergame.com/) Also-- IT'S LISTENER TALES!!!!! And this month's episode is brought to you by gut feelings! In this episode, we hear about a ghostly visitor during an awkwardly intimate moment, a run in an elderly couple near an abandoned asylum, a portal to Marrakesh in a Weirdo's room, a UFO sighting on a beach, and a weird encounter with a car in a ditch!If you’ve got a listener tale please send it on over to Morbidpodcast@gmail.com with “Listener Tales” somewhere in the subject line :)See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 549: The Lipstick Killer (Part 2)


  • 11 months ago
  • 01:19:46

The brutal murders of Ross, Brown, and Degnan shocked the city of Chicago and terrified and outraged the city’s residents, who wanted only to feel safe once again. Under intense pressure from the press, the public, and city officials, investigators were desperate to catch the killer and solve the case by any means necessary, even if they had to break more than a few rules and ignore some inconvenient facts in order to do it.Thank you to the incredible Dave white of Bring Me the Axe & 99 Cent Rental Podcast for research!ReferencesAmended Petition for Executive Clemency. 2002. C-06103 (Illinois Prisoner Review Board, April).Arizona Republic . 1946. "Defendant fails in plea to jury." Arizona Republic, June 20: 18.Banks, Joe. 1946. "Prisoner says he killed girl." Tucson Daily Citizen, June 26: 1.Chicago Tribune. 1946. "Police resift all clues in Degnan case." Chcago Tribune, January 12: 1.—. 1946. "2 rewards offered for 'execution' of girl's kidnap-slayer." Chicago Tribune, January 8: 2.—. 1946. "Call Heirens sane; today's plea in doubt." Chicago Tribune, September 4: 1.—. 1946. "Child stolen from her bed during the night." Chicago Tribune, January 8: 1.—. 1945. "Ex-WAVE slain, plea written in red on wall." Chicago Tribune, December 11: 1.—. 1946. "Handwriting similarity to killer's shown." Chicago Tribune, June 27: 1.—. 1946. "Heirens gets new grilling following 'futile' lie test." Chicago Tribune, July 1: 1.—. 1946. "Heirens made choice of plea, attorneys say." Chicago Tribune, August 7: 12.—. 1946. "Murders, assaults, thefts, shooting; Heirens' story." Chicago Tribune, August 7: 1.—. 1945. "Mystery grows in WAVE slaying." Chicago Tribune, December 12: 1.—. 1943. "Organize posse of tenants and catch prowler." Chicago Tribune, August 9: 18.—. 1946. "Repudiates his 'confession' in Degnan slaying." Chicago Tribune, June 29: 6.—. 1946. "Student held in Degnan case puzzles police." Chicago Tribune, June 29: 1.—. 1946. "Tubs in basement, saw and ax held best clews." Chicago Tribune, January 9: 1.—. 1946. "U.C. Sophomore, facing police quiz, fakes coma." Chicago Tribune, June 29: 1.—. 1946. "Use of serum in Heirens quiz still mystery." Chicago Tribune, July 1: 5.—. 1945. "Widow is found in home; suitor quizzed." Chicago Tribune, June 6: 10.Decatur Daily Review. 1946. "Chicago girl kidnapped; note demands $20,000." Decatur Daily Review, January 7: 1.—. 1946. "Janitors grilled in kidnap-death." Decatur Daily Review, January 9: 1.Decatur Herald. 1945. "Brutal WAVE slayer sought." Decatur Herald, December 12: 1.Higgins, Michael. 2007. "1940s killer denied parole." Chicago Tribune, August 3: 1.—. 2007. "Is 61 years in prison enough retribution." Chicago Tribune, July 29: 1.Kennedy, Dolores. 1991. William Heirens: His Day in Court. New York, NY: Bonus Books.New York Times. 1946. "Heirens confesses in no-chair deal." New York Times, August 7: 36.Pantagraph. 1945. "Former Wave found brutally slain in Chicago bathtub." Pantagraph, December 10: 1.People of the State of Illinois v William Heirens. 1954. 33165 (Supreme Court of Illinois, September 23).People of the State of Illinois v William Heirens. 1995. 1-90-2240 (Appellate Court of the State of Illinois, March 15).Priddy, Gladys. 1945. "Slain ex-WAVE a friend to all, roomate says." Chicago Tribune, December 14: 3.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 548: The Lipstick Killer (Part 1)


  • 11 months ago
  • 01:18:34

BIG, BIG NEWS AHEAD!!!! We are SO excited to announce that The SEQUEL, yes, the 2nd book of The Dr. Wren Muller Series will be released on September 17th, 2024! To Pre-order go to https://zandoprojects.com/books/the-butcher-game/ PLUS! If you preorder the book, get an autographed poster while supplies last by visiting thebutchergame.com.On June 5, 1945, forty-three-year-old Josephine Ross was found stabbed to death in her Chicago apartment. Nothing had been stolen from Ross’ apartment and it appeared as though there were ritualistic aspects to the murder, but with little evidence and no suspects, the case hit a dead end almost as soon as it started. Ross’ murder came to detectives’ minds six months later, when another Chicago woman, Frances Brown, was found murdered in her apartment. This time an ominous message was scrawled on the wall in red lipstick: “For heavens sake catch me before I kill more I cannot control myself.” The brutal nature of the two murders, and the implication that the killer would strike again, terrified the women of Chicago, and that fear was stoked by the city’s five major newspapers, who were in a daily battle for readers’ attention. The story reached a fever pitch just one month later when six-year-old Suzanne Degnan was abducted from her bedroom by someone who’d entered through an open window. Despite the presence of a ransom note demanding $20,000, investigators discovered Degnan’s dismembered body in the sewer a short time later.Thank you to the incredible Dave white of Bring Me the Axe & 99 Cent Rental Podcast for research!See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 547: Lizzie Borden and other Dark Nursery Rhymes (with Special Guests Sabrina & Corinne from Two Girls One Ghost)


  • 11 months ago
  • 01:33:10

Sabrina & Corinne from Two Girls One Ghost join us on this week's episode to talk about the dark histories behind childhood nursery rhymes. Fresh off of our ghost hunting experience at the Lizzie Borden house, we talk about the childhood rhyme and where it went wrong, as well as talk about others that SEEMED so innocent! Don't forget to check the episode on the Two Girls One Ghost feed where we talk about our ghost hunting experiences! It was WILD! Thank you to the wonderful Dave White of Bring me the Axe Podcast for research!ReferencesBurton-Hill, Clemency. 2015. The dark side of nursery rhymes. June 10. Accessed February 6, 2024. https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20150610-the-dark-side-of-nursery-rhymes.Hazlett, Lisa A. 2009. "The use of British nursery rhymes and contemporary technology as venues for creating and expressing hidden literacies throughout time by children, adolescents, and adults." Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table. Opie, Iona, and Peter Opie. 1952. The Oxofrd Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.Roberts, Chris. 2005. Heavy Words Lightly Thrown: The Reason Behind the Rhyme. Sheridan, WY: Gotham Books.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 546: Matthew Wales and the Society Murders


  • 11 months ago
  • 01:29:15

When millionaire Australian socialite Margaret Wales-King and her husband, Paul King, disappeared in April 2002, friends and family became concerned something serious had happened to the older couple. Those fears and concerns were confirmed a few weeks later, when park rangers discovered their bodies in a shallow grave in Marysville, Victoria. Margaret and her husband had been clubbed and strangled to death.The press dubbed the murders “the society killings” and the tragedy captured the Australian public’s attention for the ways it seemed to have been pulled right out of a classic mystery novel. Yet for all the couple’s wealth, nothing appeared to be missing from their home and their bodies were discovered still wearing jewelry and in possession of credit cards and other valuables. Under the circumstances, police looked to Wales-King’s children, who stood to gain a great deal of money in the event of Margaret’s death. Within a week the case started to come together, and a suspect was revealed.While most of the family responded to the Wales-King murders in a manner one would expect, thirty-four-year-old Matthew Wales behavior was erratic, explosive, and suspicious. Upon interviewing Matthew, investigators learned he was the last person to have seen his mother and stepfather the night they were murdered, after having dinner with Matthew and his wife, Maritza. A few weeks later, after multiple interviews, Matthew Wales confessed to murdering his parents; though why he had done it came as a shock to everyone who knew the family.ReferencesAnderson, Paul, Philip Cullen, and Mark Butler. 2002. "Bodies of missing couple in shallow grave." Advertiser, May 1.Bonney, Hilary. 2003. The Society Murders: The true story of the Wales-King murders. Crows Nest, Australia: Allen and Unwin.Clifton, Brad. 2002. "From high society to a grave in the bush." Daily Telegraph, May 4.Daily Telegraph. 2002. "Son guilty of family killing." Daily Telegraph, October 18.Green, Sue. 2002. "Crowds gather as search unfolds - son, wife charged over murders." Daily Telegraph, May 13.Medew, Julia. 2007. "Wife of 'society murderer' avoids jail on ring theft." The Age, February 21.Monroe, Ian. 2002. "The wayward youngest son." The Age, October 18.Murphy, Padric. 2002. "Couple's disappearance baffles police." The Age, April 11.Ross, Norrie, and Mark Buttler. 2003. "Death family vendetta, wife of killer brother will not profit." The Mercury, April 12.Silvester, John. 2003. "Murder in the Family." The Age, April 11.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 545: The Career Girl Murders (Part 2)


  • 11 months ago
  • 01:00:09

While the tragic loss of two young lives was particularly shocking, the Career Girl Murders is better remembered as one of the most egregious cases of police coercion and abuse in the state’s history. Eight months after the murder, investigators arrested nineteen-year-old George Whitmore, an intellectually disabled day laborer from whom they elicited a false confession, not only for the murder of Hoffert and Wylie, but also for the murder of a single mother in Brooklyn. Eight more months would pass before the charges against Whitmore were dropped, and several more years before police arrested Wylie and Hoffert’s real killer, twenty-two-year-old drug addict and burglar Richard Robles. The murders of Emily Hoffert and Janice Wylie were just two of several high-profile New York City murders that reshaped how wealthy and middle-class white people thought of urban life in the 1960s. More importantly, however, it’s more important legacy is the extent to which it shined a light on how race and class can influence a police investigation and jury verdict, and how justice can be delayed or diverted in the interest of efficiency and the illusion of safety.ReferencesAnderson, David. 1965. "Jury that convicted Whitmore to be questioned on race bias." New York Times, January 15: 19.Bigart, Homer. 1963. "Killing of 2 girls yields no clue; police question 500 in a month." New York Times, September 27: 1.Buckley, Thomas. 1964. "Youth is accused in Wylie slaying." New York Times, April 26: 1.Clark, Alfred E. 1963. "Girl got phone threats 10 days before murder." New York Times, August 30: 13.Gansberg, Martin. 1964. "East Side tenants sigh in relief at capture of slaying suspect." New York Times, April 27: 21.Johnson, Marilynn S. 2011. "The Career Girl Murders: Gender, Race, and Crime in 1960s New York." Women's Studies Quarerly (The Feminist Press at City University of New York) 244-261.Jones, Theodore. 1965. "Jury finds Robles guilty in Wylie-Hoffert killings." New York Times, December 2: 1.—. 1965. "Witness says Robles pondered murdering girls." New York Times, November 4: 40.Kihiss, Peter. 1964. "Brooklyn indicts 3-slaying suspect." New York Times, April 29: 48.Lefkowitz, Bernard, and Ken Gross. 1969. The Victims: The Wylie-Hoffert Murder Case and its Strange Aftermath. New York, NY: Putnam.National Registry of Exonerations. n.d. George Whitmore, Jr. Accessed January 17, 2024. https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Pages/casedetailpre1989.aspx?caseid=358.New York Times. 1963. "2 girls murdered in E. 88th St. flat." New York Times, August 29: 1.—. 1975. "Max Wylie, writer, murder victim's father, is suicide." New York Times, September 23: 24.—. 1946. "Suspect in slaying of 2 career girls found sane here." New York Times, October 17: 31.—. 1964. "Whitmore guilty of rape attempt in Brooklyn case." New York Times, November 19: 43.Roth, Jack. 1965. "Trial fading out in Wylie murder." New York Times, January 22: 17.The People of the State of New York, v. Richard Robles. 1970. 27 N.Y.2d 155 (Court of Appeals of the State of New York, September 24).Tolchin, Martin. 1964. "Victim describes Brooklyn attack." New York Times, November 13: 30.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 544: The Career Girl Murders (Part 1)


  • 11 months ago
  • 01:02:18

On August 28, 1963, Patricia Tolles returned home from work to find her New York City apartment ransacked, a bloody knife in the bathroom, and her roommates, Emily Hoffert and Janice Wylie, nowhere to be found. Patricia went to the lobby and called Janice’s father, Max Wylie, who came over immediately and searched the apartment, finding the bodies of his daughter and Hoffert in one of the bedrooms. Labeled by the press as the “Career Girl Murders,” the murders of Wylie and Hoffert shook the relatively quiet Upper East Side neighborhood and left many residents—particularly young women—feeling vulnerable and afraid. Thank you to the wondrous Dave White of Bring me the Axe Podcast for research!ReferencesAnderson, David. 1965. "Jury that convicted Whitmore to be questioned on race bias." New York Times, January 15: 19.Bigart, Homer. 1963. "Killing of 2 girls yields no clue; police question 500 in a month." New York Times, September 27: 1.Buckley, Thomas. 1964. "Youth is accused in Wylie slaying." New York Times, April 26: 1.Clark, Alfred E. 1963. "Girl got phone threats 10 days before murder." New York Times, August 30: 13.Gansberg, Martin. 1964. "East Side tenants sigh in relief at capture of slaying suspect." New York Times, April 27: 21.Johnson, Marilynn S. 2011. "The Career Girl Murders: Gender, Race, and Crime in 1960s New York." Women's Studies Quarerly (The Feminist Press at City University of New York) 244-261.Jones, Theodore. 1965. "Jury finds Robles guilty in Wylie-Hoffert killings." New York Times, December 2: 1.—. 1965. "Witness says Robles pondered murdering girls." New York Times, November 4: 40.Kihiss, Peter. 1964. "Brooklyn indicts 3-slaying suspect." New York Times, April 29: 48.Lefkowitz, Bernard, and Ken Gross. 1969. The Victims: The Wylie-Hoffert Murder Case and its Strange Aftermath. New York, NY: Putnam.National Registry of Exonerations. n.d. George Whitmore, Jr. Accessed January 17, 2024. https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Pages/casedetailpre1989.aspx?caseid=358.New York Times. 1963. "2 girls murdered in E. 88th St. flat." New York Times, August 29: 1.—. 1975. "Max Wylie, writer, murder victim's father, is suicide." New York Times, September 23: 24.—. 1946. "Suspect in slaying of 2 career girls found sane here." New York Times, October 17: 31.—. 1964. "Whitmore guilty of rape attempt in Brooklyn case." New York Times, November 19: 43.Roth, Jack. 1965. "Trial fading out in Wylie murder." New York Times, January 22: 17.The People of the State of New York, v. Richard Robles. 1970. 27 N.Y.2d 155 (Court of Appeals of the State of New York, September 24).Tolchin, Martin. 1964. "Victim describes Brooklyn attack." New York Times, November 13: 30.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Episode 543: The Execution of Hamida Djandoubi (with Special Guests Alvin & Fran From Affirmative Murder Podcast)


  • 12 months ago
  • 01:05:12

Alvin & Fran from Affirmative Murder Podcast join us today to tell us about the execution of Hamida Djandoubi. On September 10th, 1977, Djandoubi's execution sentence was carried out by Guillotine, and marked the last time it was used for capital punishment in the western world. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.