Ep. 27 - Curious Capers and Spiritual Speculations
My Victorian Nightmare
- 19 days ago
- 37:55
On today's episode, Genevieve will discuss the 5 Points slum, a church lunatic, a woman that takes investment advice from her dead husband, a cannibalistic affair between 2 ladies, the curious caper of an unruly cow, a locomotive disaster, mayhem, mysterious tragedies and a man who saved an entire New Hampshire town because he loved his girlfriend a little too much. References for today's episode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_Our_Lady_of_the_Scapular%E2%80%93St._Stephen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Points,_Manhattan#:~:text=The%20local%20politics%20of%20%22the,racial%20integration%20in%20American%20history
Ep. 26 - The Grave Trains of London
My Victorian Nightmare
- 26 days ago
- 40:26
In today’s episode, Genevieve will discuss the grizzly history of the graveyard that is London, and the subterranean train system built in the Victorian era within and around the final resting places of literally millions of tightly packed Londoners. References for today’s episode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enon_Chapel https://gizmodo.com/how-corpses-helped-shape-the-london-underground-1493312117 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-66507599 https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/london-crossrail-bedlam-big-dig https://www.timeout.com/london/news/londons-victorian-necropolis-railway-station-is-for-sale-060424 https://www.mylondon.news/news/nostalgia/london-underground-station-built-right-21001175 https://www.avantiwestcoast.co.uk/where-we-go/blog/the-forgotten-story-of-london-necropolis-railway https://thehistorypress.co.uk/article/the-forgotten-men-of-the-london-underground/
Ep. 25 - Murder, Blackmail, and Raving Maniacs
My Victorian Nightmare
- about 1 month ago
- 38:21
On today's show, Genevieve has a robber who becomes a raving maniac in prison, a very shocking confession followed by a very grizzly request, a woman poisoned by laudanum and nearly frozen to death, a footrace between a phrenologist and a zippy young lady, a thief who nearly blows his own head off, a wife’s vengeance with a pen knife, murder, blackmail, and an unfortunate sled accident on an historic Boston Street, among a few others. References for today's episode: https://www.murderbygaslight.com/2015/06/the-murder-of-pet-halsted.html https://pages.vassar.edu/realarchaeology/2017/03/05/phrenology-and-scientific-racism-in-the-19th-century/ https://www.schenectadyhistory.org/families/hmgfm/shields.htmlhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centennial_Exposition
Ep. 24 - Welcome to the Murder Castle
My Victorian Nightmare
- about 1 month ago
- 52:46
In this week's episode, Genevieve gives a full, very dramatic review of Nosferatu, and dives into the truly diabolical murders of H.H. Holmes. References for todays episode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._H._Holmes https://www.newspapers.com/image/668069816/?terms=h.h.%20holmes https://www.history.com/news/murder-castle-h-h-holmes-chicago https://www.ranker.com/list/hh-holmes-origin-story/hannah-gilham https://www.bustle.com/p/quotes-from-hh-holmes-memoir-provide-insight-into-the-american-ripper-69194 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/enduring-mystery-hh-holmes-americas-first-serial-killer-180977646/