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I'll tell you, when I was raising the kids, I did a lot of standup, and this is a true story about Microsoft. They asked me to do the church play with Microsoft and with the dress. And I said, I don't I don't sell out that character. I don't do that. And they told me what they were going to pay me. I said, I'll get the bitches dress on right now.


And I'm in this giant arena with Bill Gates in the dress, 10000 Microsoft nerds, and they revere Bill Gates. He's next to me. He's got the thing.


OK, here we go. And. And they're leaning in intense, the nerves are like getting bail, they're going to do a funny skit at. And I just start to adlib, I go, wow, wow, wow, Mr. Bill Gates, we like ourselves. Don't wait. Apparently, we made a deal with the devil, the devil said we can have 50 billion, but we have to go through life looking like a turtle. So that the air got sucked out of the room, that was not a good move.


Bill Gates decides to add live, I'm not a turtle. And I just think I'm on a roll, you know? Wow, wow, wow, there we go. We like ourselves. We make a lot of money and feel a little superior, and it's just getting quieter and quieter. I just couldn't read the room. I'm into the character. We made windows, didn't we? So we can creep up to the window at night and look at the fornicators.


So it's getting really dark in there I go, let's do a superior dance in the middle. This kid, he goes, No, thank you, goodbye. I walked backstage, it's a disaster, it's like it's like Lord of the Rings intensity back there. I'm surrounded by Microsoft nerds and they're like, oh, my God. You made fun of that, brash. Watch Dana Carvey, straight white male on Netflix now.