The RAREST name in all of the world
OfflineTV Podcast- 582 views
- 28 Apr 2024
offlinetv #brodin #lilypichu #quarterjade.
You have a very nice name. Broden is also really unique, and I don't know any Brodens. I had a weird instance at E3 once where I was walking around and then I saw someone, and her name on the name tag was Lexie Broden. And then she saw me, saw Broden Plet. And then we ran to each other from across the con, and we're like, What's to do with your name? She's like, I'm part Swedish. Are you? I'm like, I'm Swedish. And she goes, I actually come from a family of Brodens.
I imagine a Rick and Morty planet where it's just you. Just little Brodens, big Brodens, all kinds of Brodens.
What's funny is she said three things. She's come from a whole family of Brodins. There's a whole town of Brodins in Sweden. There's a whole graveyard of Brodins.