Coach O, The Falcons Won A Game, And NFL Week 8 Preview
Pardon My Take- 1,168 views
- 30 Oct 2020
The Falcons won a game when everyone expected them to lose it in terrible fashion (2:18 - 10:34). Trevor Lawrence got the CoCo (10:34 - 14:10). NFL Week 8 preview and a contender game between the Ravens and the Steelers (14:10 - 45:02). Fantasy Daddy's are back (45:02 - 56:43). Coach O joins the show to talk about his new book, spending time with Ray Baker, the last time we interviewed him, and why Stephen Jones calls him Hip Sled Ed (56:43 - 77:26). We finish the show with the cant lose parlay and fyre fest of the week.
Well, today is part of my take, we have our good friend Kocho back on the show, great friend, new book out Kocho.
We love Kocho.
I mean, he's the best, he is the best all time voice. He and Matthew McConaughey. They should actually do a swap. They should do audio book swap.
I mean, I would just love to see a travel show with the two of them. Yes. So, Kocho, great interview. NFL Week eight preview. Great. Great week of football, weekend of football. Coming up, we have fire first of the week. We have fantasy daddies, not dads, not fuck boys, but daddy's also.
We have daylight savings, right? Yes. This week, word for word. All right. So we're going to talk about all of it. Part of my take is brought to you by Kashyap, not only the easiest place, send money to your friends. It's the safest. Go download the cash app right now. Use code bar so you get ten dollars free. Ten dollars. The ASPCA, the cash app is great for everything. Sending money to friends, family.
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Today is Friday, October 30th.
And the Falcons won a football game about that. It looked like they weren't going to. Yeah. I mean, they tried their very best to give it away. Todd Gurley ran out of bounds when he should have stayed in bounds. Yeah, little Marion Barber asked on his part right there. Don't say that. Like, sorry, it looked like they were doing everything possible to give it away again. But the defense ended up making a play and it was that guy's name, like, is his name bloody?
Yeah, I don't know. It was kind of a weird game, too, at the sideways rain. But the Falcons did it and PJ Walker appearance, Teddy Bridgewater getting absolutely smoked.
I wouldn't say great game, but it was a game. We're actually time traveling right now. So we are recording on Zoome for the first five minutes of the show. Then we're going to get to our NFL preview and everything, but. We knew that if the Falcons won this game, we were always going to watch the game and then record something after, but especially if the Falcons actually won the game. And I have a theory, pfft. As soon as the Internet catches on to something, that's when it's done.
And if you watch the timeline and everyone talking in the fourth quarter, they're like, how are the Falcons going to blow this?
Right. Falcons aren't going to play any more games. Now, Falcons might even go on a run because as soon as everyone starts figuring it out and making the same joke, it's like, all right, this is over. Like, there's no chance that the Falcons will lose this game. I don't think it was the Internet. I think it was a good canary in a coal mine is figuring out once Troy Aikman starts getting in on the joke. Yes.
At that point, it becomes like it's over. Like I was tweeting out some of the wind probabilities just because I love the Falcons when probabilities to me those are still fair game. When they get up into the like ninety four, ninety five, ninety six percentile and then watching them come back to earth like they always do. But once Troy starts making a little comments like and if you're a Falcons fan, I don't know if you're feeling comfortable right now, no matter heck, you could have a ten fifteen point lead.
Once Troy starts getting those like little jokes off his chest, then you know that something has been run into the ground pretty far. And then if it didn't help that Arthur Blank went down to the sidelines again. Yes. If you're a Falcons player that has got to piss you off like you don't want, no one wants their boss standing next to them, watching them work. Arthur Blank prowling around like like a cat that walks into its owner's like bedroom when they're sexting somebody just staring like, what are you doing?
What are you doing? It's got to be annoying as fuck. Yes, it does.
Like staring at your computer screen where you're where you're always, like, on edge being like, oh, my God, someone's going to look at my computer screen. I'm not doing work. I'm more I'm on like a fake Excel spreadsheet.
That's Arthur Blank. But yeah, you're right. The trick when getting in on it, it just it just felt like that like it's it's never it can never last forever. Right. Like the Falcons have already defied all statistics and probability. So of course they would have a game where, like even they gave you the article where they missed the extra point. So it's an eight point game were like, oh, it's only a one possession game. But still, I like I mean, I bet on the Panthers and Teddy Bridgewater is going down the field.
I'm like, I don't think they're going to get it because the Falcons, like they can't keep losing like this every single week, eventually has to stop and eventually it's going to stop when everyone catches on to it.
Right. But let's not act like the Falcons streak of losing games and Heartbreakers is over for good. Like are you saying that maybe they are not the Falcons are going to go undefeated from here on out? It was just like it was too good to be true for it to happen in a primetime game. Yeah. And keep this streak going intact. Like, don't get me wrong, Atlanta is going to get back to their own ways. Yes. Oh, they will.
But I don't know if they'll ever get back to like the full on full on that the streak that they've had where it's like what was the stat we found the three the three games to start the season with that ninety eight win percentage win probability.
They're going to take a break, a small break from that. They're still the Falcons. You're absolutely right. But they're going to take a small break from that to give it a rest to like lull people back in, because that's really what it comes down to. Is the reason why the Falcons were so exceptional in their heartbreak is that you didn't you saw coming, but you didn't fully see it coming. You know what I mean? Like even the Cowboys game, you're like, no, they can't actually blow this.
Right, like the Todd Gurley game, like, you know, last week. They can't actually blow this now that everyone's like, oh, they can actually blow this. The heartbreak wouldn't be the same if they did, in fact, blow it. I would actually say that the reason that the Falcons didn't blow this game is because it would have been too normal of a game right. Team to blow like the big the big headline in the break tomorrow morning, would it have been Falcons give up ninety five yard drive with three minutes left to have the game tied and then losing overtime?
That's a pretty normal headline for for a Falcons loss. That's too normal, actually. Like in order for it to be like a real heartbreaker, it would have been like the Cowboys game are like the Lions game where they lose in some weird, fucked up way that Jigsaw himself could not have come up with. Yes. Yes.
And the same goes for which we have done on this show Respect and Teddy Bridgewater. I think maybe we respected Teddy Bridgewater too much. Do we have to start disrespecting him again so that he can start playing well again? And on the offensive line was bad tonight, and they actually made the Falcons defense look like somewhat competent, which is incredible in its own right. But Teddy Bridgewater is the same thing where it's like he's got to fly a little more under the radar for him to actually outperform our expectations.
Like we're starting to put some expectations on Teddy Bridgewater. That's not where he wants to be. We'll let's let's start doing that. Let's. Disrespect Teddy Bridgewater respectfully less, let's respectfully, Teddy, you take a lot of sacks and when you take your pads, make a really loud, crunchy sound. Mm hmm. And right.
And let's see respectfully what else? I mean, he yeah. He wasn't great tonight. He wasn't he wasn't so, so bad, but he was definitely missed some open guys. And like even Troy Aikman kept on saying, like, why is gemologist not getting past the ball ever? And there was just some weird stuff. I don't know. It was it was a game. I don't really know what else to say. Besides, it was football.
It was football.
Respectfully, Teddy, your head, Bob around side to side when you run a lot. Yes. Yes, that's true.
That to that to believe. Did you have any thoughts on the game before we get to. Oh, we didn't get Billy. We didn't get your Berserker parlay. You want to give it to us real quick?
Well, you know, had the Falcons, Nostradamus, the Hedgehog. Yeah. So what's his record. Oh, it's thirteen and three now.
She's joining. Here is his picks for the rest of the weekend. Yes. Detroit plus three Browns minus two and a half bills, minus four Steelers, plus four Seahawks, minus three Bengals plus five and a half. And then I'm calling this the Bill de Blasio. You can't lay the Giants in the Jets and it's got like an insane payout's.
I'm definitely tone five bucks on that.
On the off chance is a lot of we saw it's one dollar that pays out sixty nine. So suck it de Blasio parlay.
Yeah. Yeah. Actually perfect. I think doing Todd Gurley is a Russian agent.
He's sabotaging that. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Well I see, I see Russian agent because he's just sabotaging the Falcons.
Here you go. Spy. I mean that's also from Russia. Got it. Yeah. We don't need anything more besides that.
That's good enough for me. All right. Thank you, Billy. So that's that's that's pretty much everything we had from Thursday Night Football. Trevor Lawrence got the cocoa. Oh, yeah. Trevor Lawrence to get the cocoa. He probably was hanging out with the Wisconsin team. I'm not talking about everyone victim shaming cocoa, but yes, I blame you and Coach Chris. He didn't follow the guidelines, guys. He didn't follow the guidelines. The guidelines could easily keep him from getting it.
I do think it's a little odd that much like Cam Newton was the only person on the Patriots that really came down with it, nobody else on Clemson is coming down with it.
And his leadership got it, too.
But yeah, Stephon Gilmore did have to cocoa's well, he got a couple other people had it. He got you have to question the leadership if nobody else has it. But I did read that he he lives by himself off campus. Well, yeah. That's weird. He's engaged. I think so.
It's not that weird. If you if you put that in there, if that fact in there, he probably loses his fiancee, I would imagine. Well, maybe not, because he's I think he's a traditionalist. So he's probably waiting till marriage. But either way, I will never, ever blame any of these kids for getting coronavirus because the whole thing is just so stupid like it.
I still can't. Of course, it's going to happen if you send kids to a college campus and be like, don't go outside, wear a mask, please be safe, OK? They're 20 years old. All they want to do is drink and fuck. Right. Did they disinfect the rock every time somebody touched that one rock that everybody touches on the ground?
Yeah, which because no offense to Clemson, but a lot smaller than I thought. Like, I thought that rock was a lot bigger. No, like I've said about Clemson, it's two gas stations in Iraq. That's all you get in South Korea. Maybe one of the gas stations has like decent barbecue, but everyone thinks of it as like the good barbecue place because it's better than the other gas stations. Yes, that's what you get in Clemson.
Also, I want to give a shout out just to college football fans in general for being very good at immediately jumping to the conclusion of how is playing at Trevor Lawrence lists Clemson team going to affect our strength of schedule when it comes down to the coaches ranks? So like Notre Dame fans, Boston College fans, you name it, they're all like they're sitting down being like, wait, how badly is this going to affect us if we beat them without him on the team, without even taking into account that the backup at Clemson is a fucking monster, is a five star.
He hasn't really his hasn't been great when he's been in, but he's playing with backups as well. So and they're probably not like running a full offense. You know, he went in against Citadel. My favorite thing, too, is in the in the age of coronavirus. And like the crazy gambling world, people just trying to chase the news.
I feel like it never works out. If you if you immediately bet Boston College for Saturday, Clemson's now going to win by like fifty five instead of forty five. And so like it will just blow up in your face. I just chasing it, it just never works for some reason you just can't like whenever you think you got a beat on it, you just don't. I wish that we had, we had Jake on this call right now to teach us how to pronounce the backup quarterback's name, I think, isn't it.
What, like Travis Etienne is his name. He's going to run like forty five times.
I think it's I think it's wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, which is an all time name. That's great.
That's that's one that, you know, that the announcers are going to spend over time like learning how to pronounce before Saturday. Yes.
Yes. All right. Let's time travel to our NFL preview. Before we do that, a quick word from a friend.
Yeah. I want to talk to you guys about Elijah Craig. I love Elijah Craig Berman. I'm a bourbon guy. Bourbon is my favorite liquor out there. I make no secret about that. If you know anything about me, you know that I'm a bourbon guy. And Elijah Craig is absolutely my go to bourbon. I've been drinking on the small batch recently making some Manhattans make it a couple of old fashioned spawn on the rocks. Great nightcap drink.
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That's huge. So again, I like to pour it. I like to make my old fashioned is using Elijah Craig, get a little vermouth in there, a little bitters, maybe. Look sort of cherry. If you're feeling spicy, put it on the rocks. I don't know about you guys, but whenever I get a Manhattan or any sort of bourbon cocktail, yeah, I always ask for it on the rocks and not served up in the martini glass because I'm clumsy.
I know that I'm going to spill all of it. I'm not an adult yet. I'm only twenty seven. I don't know how to drink whiskey out of a tall glass, serve it to me down on the rocks and I will drink and enjoy every single sip. So Elijah Craig is the best way to go. If you're drinking bourbon this weekend. Elijah Craig, remember him? He is the father of bourbon. Pardon. My take is brought to you by Elijah Craig, Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey.
Bardstown, Kentucky. Forty seven percent alcohol by volume. Elijah Craig reminds you to think wisely, drink wisely. If you're going to be straying from Manhattan bourbon. The only reason that you should be doing it is to drink Elijah Craig, the best bourbon on the market today. My personal favorite.
OK, so we have time traveled. We're back in studio. We just watched Thursday Night Football, you heard the intro, you heard us talk, discuss it, we're going to do our weekend preview week eight.
You can tell it in the studio because the ambulance sirens are still going on outside, you know, two and a half years later. Yeah, exactly. Thank you, Pete. So we're going to do a week, eight NFL preview and bonus bonus. Hank is going to try to seamlessly work in a real play barstool ad.
So he has to do it in conversation in continental Europe way like. That's all I know. Yeah. Just try to figure out a way.
It's going to be eight, four eights, only eight games. You have to pick this week's only eight games. You have to pick this week on the play. So if you go eight for eight and then you get Monday Night Football, correct. You get twenty five thousand dollars this week. Only this week only.
But did what did Hank just incept? You know, you're talking to the natural nice guy.
He's got it now working in naturally and people, I think great. It's afterwards. People will read it afterwards, whether it was natural or not.
OK, Hank, also, since we're handing out compliments because positive vibes only. Thank you for wearing appropriate pants today.
Thank you. And your glasses look great.
Well, my head hurts. We'll get to it on the fire first. My head hurts a lot.
So, OK, you see, you set up some nice glass. Thank you. My my head hurts. You look like if Clark Kent was.
I like the glasses. This is where Conlon's Oh. Is compliments. OK, all right. All right.
You have to try to Rosemary. No, I'll show Clark Kent Superman.
Yeah. You would know animal fucker. Whoa. Compliments. Well, animal lover. Well, that sorry. Animal lover academic.
Let's talk, let's talk some football.
Let's talk some. We ate a great slate. Yeah. I'm going to say it's a great slate. We got some old school rivalries. We got some new school rivalries. We got a couple of games worth basically going to decide a team season.
What I really like about the afternoon slate is that, yes, it's only three games, but it's a good three games where you've got your two primary ones that are going to be watching and then your third, that just kind of humming in the background that maybe you but the over on you don't really have to pay attention to the Chargers Broncos matchup. Correct.
It's just kind of going to be there and maybe you don't have to pay attention to to bear saints depending on how it goes. All right, let's do it. Hank, let's start with your team. Patriots Bills is the first game up. This is the season for the Patriots. Would you not say? I would say that many people are already going to the spin zone of the Patriots are actively tanking right now. Some are saying that Julian Edelman, it just got announced today.
He's out here.
Oh, so according to Adams chef, they don't have to run armies often. Yes, they should. They should do the straight up, like we're going to pass the ball maybe three times this game. In Adam Schefter terminology, Edelman had standard precautionary knee surgery today, like we've all had just a little preemptive, just like go in there and clean it out for a little bit. Yeah, I love I love the minor surgery. There is no minor surgery.
It's like I had exploratory Jones fracture surgery on my foot and I cleaned up the knee. Yeah. Just got a little knee issue cleaned up. So, yeah, Edelman's out. They don't have anybody on offense whatsoever playing. They can catch a ball. I don't even know. Like who are the Patriots tight ends. Is that Izzo. Is Lizzo their tight end.
I actually think they might run the army offense because I mean this is, you know, and then we'll have some unbelievable story about how Bill Belichick learned all this by watching it on his parents refrigerator with his dad because his dad coached Navy. Not sure if you knew that. So I. I wouldn't be shocked. If Ernie Adams has the triple option ready to go, they should just try to run lacrosse players.
Yeah, just substitute for football this week and see if it works out.
This, though. So this is actually kind of a dual like hat like must win because the pitchers must win because their season's on the line.
And the bills, if the bills lose to this version of the Patriots, the boogey man is just they're never going to beat the boogeyman.
But then it's like a double edged sword of Josh Allen does take the bills and whomp the Patriots this weekend. It's still kind of an asterisk swamping. It's like you haven't been in the real page, right? This is the Patriots at half mast. So I. I don't know.
This game has me type of confused, but I'm I'm excited for it just because I feel like this is an answer game. You get some answers from this game, you get some answers on what what's going to happen for the rest of the season. I just saw the Patriots might legitimately suck. Yeah, you get an answer. The bills might legitimately not be a contender. You'll get an answer.
I hope it's going to be cold. That's all. I hope. Yeah. I want to see some breath. I want to see breath coming through the face masks not going to happen. And I want to see the players take their helmets off and the head start to fifty two and rainy shit.
All right. Titans, Bengals, Titans are going to Titans are going to kill the Bengals and then everyone's like watch titans bro. That's true.
That's a fact. And I'm not saying I don't as a noted Titans respect, I'm going to say I called this last week. All right. It's going to be a woman.
Yeah. There. What's up with the one? I don't know. I said whomping a couple of times. It felt good with that. Just just watch them.
Yeah. The Titans, I don't I'm going to stay exactly where I'm at with their. Good team, not a great team. All right, Raiders, Browns. I love the Raiders in this game. Love, love, love, love them.
So we are right in the middle of that takes of are the Browns better without Odell Beckham? I don't even know if it's a team. I think that they kind of are. I've heard it so much. I've convinced myself that it's true that like forcing the ball that Baker is a better quarterback without Odell Beckham. Yes. Yes. They try to force the ball to Odell. And now Baker doesn't have to worry about that and he can spread the ball around.
So this take I feel like we get this take every now and then and it works for about a week and then it will fall apart because then you realize, oh, it's probably easier to defend the Browns when when Odell Beckham is not on the field. Oh, this all became a little bit easier to do. So Baker is going to struggle after that. But this week, maybe I like the Raiders and a bounce back spot.
The only. Yeah, I think I like the over.
I don't know who I'm going to take off. I'm betting on one team or another. But Jon Gruden said as an organization, we are on the cutting edge of beating the virus entirely. So keep your eye on that. They're going to get a vaccine. I think. I think the Raiders have gone like full on herd immunity right now. They're probably just drinking Mark Davis's blood. That's it. Yeah. Yeah, he's well, he is a bat.
He's basically you can I bet you Mark Davis has like six forms of covid circulating through his system right now that haven't been discovered yet.
Hank, thoughts went to work. Anything in. No. OK, all right. Next up, Colts, Lions on Lions.
Itty bitty little baby baby run could keep going here. I actually like them against Colts. I don't know something about the Lions. Like they just frisky every now and then.
I think that this is going to be a points factor. I think there's going to be a shitload of them left out on the field, left out on them or.
No, like on the score, they're going to light up the scoreboard. Oh, I thought you meant, like, be a friend. You're going to walk away and be like, man, how do they not score more left sorry.
Left above the field on the scoreboard. So, yeah, I think there's going to be a shitload of points, a lot of offense in this game. I, I am starting to doubt the Colts. Yeah. Why would I feel like it. Because they've had a couple of games where they've looked awesome and they've had a couple of games where they look really, really stinky. And I keep like in my brain, I keep assuming that the good version of the Colts will come out there every weekend.
But I've reached the point where now I'm not expecting the good version.
So the teams, they have looked awesome against the Vikings, the Jets, and I don't even know if you want to consider them looking awesome against the Bears. They just that game was terrible. But you could throw that in there. Those aren't exactly murderers. Well, that's not exactly the best teams out there.
Well, the league needs aren't exactly Super Bowl, you know, but they're I would say the Lions are better than the Vikings in the Jets.
So we'll see. We will see.
And the Lions are playing good. You know what? This is itty bitty baby run. This is are we sure they're bad? Yes. Colts in the Lions. Whoever loses this officially bad. Otherwise, I'll stick with my Lions, baby, run. All right. Next up, we have Vikings. Packers. Thank you, everyone who tweeted us. The Packers have lost the six six times in a row on Daylight Savings Week, which I've heard is this weekend fall forward, set your clocks forward that every weekend because I was wrong.
It's this weekend. Fall forward. Set your clocks forward to golf at two o'clock. You're setting your clock to three. Yep, absolutely. And work.
Yeah, we're jumping for it's like you can think of it this way. It's like Lombardi time or coffin time, except with the full hour. OK, if you're fifteen minutes early you're still forty five minutes late. Perfect. So fall forward this weekend.
Get ready for it. No I'm telling you that's fine. Don't set your clock and be late for work on Sunday.
Yeah. Go and do that. Try. You are everything I wish you would. Yeah. Oh wait. Now are the Packers are they on six straight up or down six against. I think on in six straight up. I thought it was against the spread. I don't know. What is it Jake.
Find it. Whatever it is I'm fall for. It happened. What, what, what happened in the game.
Aaron Rodgers doesn't do well with with clock shifting something about the crystals that Dannica would keep on the bedside table. Yeah. Threw off his whole energy.
So you got to take the Vikings against the spread. Speaking of this game, the Vikings are filed on.
Hold on so long, Hank. That's probably not good for them. Playing oh six, playing the other team.
OK, I might. So you probably going to want to eat. You're probably going to want to take that stat into your real to your play barstool app picks.
You would. Yeah, yeah. Mike Zimmer, I was just.
I know you haven't done it. Yeah. I just saying that one in five, Mike Zimmer, do you think he's ever gotten hot sauce? And I think that's the reason for one of his like twenty surgeries that he's had. I think he would, he would just will the hot sauce is I would just start to throb and slowly just squeeze the hot sauce out of itself.
Cried out real quick. All right. Rams Oh no. Sorry, Jets Chief. So sorry. Are we going to trust the daylight savings thing? Yeah, I think we have to.
Who am I to argue with the clock? Because I remember specifically we told. Twice a day, and we told a bunch of people to remind us this year, and I've had tweets all week being like, hey, this is your reminder. So, yeah, I think you got to take the Vikings money line and plus seven.
Well, so I'll put it to you this way. We were so confident last year that it was going to happen again that we told people to remind us who do we think that we got smarter over the course of last year? Because I think I got much better. Yeah. So I'm going to listen to what I had to say half past us. We'd be way smarter than future us. Yeah, we are right now.
We we buried a time capsule for ourselves. Yes. And are the smarter version of ourselves has done that. We did.
We buried a time capsule in the internet. Yeah. And it's awakening right now and it's yeah.
It's slowly woken up and it's going to be right.
I had a I had and I thought like a week and a half ago about time capsules because I feel like we don't do time capsules anymore. Maybe you do it back in elementary school where you like.
I know you bury your class gerbil or something like that along with your class picture, but has anybody ever thought of making a time capsule that's just completely bogus and incorrect and like burying it way underground and hoping that like a thousand years from now somebody like, retrieves this out of the ground? I was like, holy shit. The Buffalo Bills won four straight Super Bowls between 1980.
That's not what a time capsule is because like, they would be able to look that up, but know that a time capsule is something that you can bury, that someone will retrieve, and that will be like their primary source of what happened back then. Right.
But that is something that could be proven wrong. We never know what if it's like 2000 years from now.
I think they still know the bills didn't win a super. Do we know that's something that will forever be?
Do we know the best gladiators are from ancient Rome? Yeah, I'm pretty sure we could look it up. Right.
Could we do they keep stats on that? Yeah.
So what I'm saying is like, why don't we make a time capsule that's completely false. How the fuck would I like the idea? I just don't know how we would make it fall so we could have one that's like yo pfft.
With six foot four have some power.
No, they would know that. They would know. Yeah. That's going to go on go down in military history. Drug crisis, crixivan number one, Lachmann number two, Spartacists three car Spartacists operas.
It was over on. He was a total fraud. He was a system gladiator.
So I know. I like this idea. We've got to figure out how to make it so that, like, it's not something people could look up or you just do a time capsule that's a short term time capsule.
So, like, bury something right now for ten years, but bury it all with stuff from like nineteen seventies. We'll go we'll go Rob d'Urbervilles basement and we'll get all this fucking weird things that he's collected will bury that and we'll be like, look at this. This is what life was like. So then since I thought we just get a really high guy to go on on Earth, it and he thinks he found something incredible.
OK, so this is a prank on a high. Basically, we had to get somebody that's completely out of the loop on everything. Correct. Like the most ignorant person. Right. OK, got it. Yeah.
Because otherwise I think people would just be like, wait, none of this is right. Yeah. But if you target something like it's far enough in the future, it might, you might be able to fool them on it or Wikipedia. You're going to get better. We could target an alien civilization. That's true.
We could just launch something into space. All right. Just chiefs. So we're taking the Vikings, Jets, Chiefs, Jets, chiefs. Twenty one was the opening spread for the Chiefs, minus twenty one. The last four or 13 times that this has happened over twenty point spread. Three in ten is the favorite against the spread. So you have to bet the Jets.
So I wanted I wanted to bet the Chiefs when it was over twenty points now now that now that it's under, I want to bet the Jets. Does that make any sense. You went the wrong way. I know I probably did. But you know what I'm saying. Like when you see twenty that's like a once in a lifetime opportunity. Yeah. You want to take that absurd number now that it's just a normal nineteen and a half spread, it doesn't have the same sex appeal to such a big spread.
Although Chris Jones did say that people forget the Jets are a good football team, they just haven't won a game yet.
That's did he get that directly from Bill Belichick? I think so, yeah. I can't wait till Belichick plays the Jets and I start complimenting.
Oh, shit. You know what? I just realized this this game, if I'm Andy Reid, I'm pulling Patrick Mahomes at halftime because Greg Williams will make his name off trying to injure a guy. Like, does he have enough players to actually do that?
Look, I think Greg Williams could offer ten million dollars to his defense, be like, hey, don't let him score. And guess what? They'll still score a million points.
They can still score, but then they'll hit him like after the fact. But maybe this goes back to what you were talking about last week, which is defensive players don't really go up mahomes the way. They don't. They do. I hope that Greg Williams has learned from his past mistakes. He absolutely has not, by the way. No, but if I'm Andy Reid. I'm considering getting Patrick maybe after, like, the first quarter. Yes, don't even take him to New York, just get them all the games and kids do not take him.
Don't take him to our. Do not do to. Yes. Because then he'll miss the game. Yes.
Well, maybe do take him New York then keep yourself out of harm's way.
Yeah. Just don't let them play or just like send his uniform. You remember was that last year that it took it took like the chiefs uniforms an extra half hour. Forty five minutes like before kickoff.
Oh yeah. To get up to the Meadowlands. Yeah. Yeah. Just send Patrick Mahomes jersey up to New York.
All right. Rams. Dolphins. So the Rams going to the East Coast tour is officially starting very excited for tour. By the way, the Rams, you would think we always love to do the West Coast East Coast thing with the time change. But Sean McVay, seven and two against the spread going to the East Coast.
Yeah. So he's a good coach. He has. He can just beat body clocks. I, I think I like to I like to this weekend.
You don't know.
I just I feel sad for Fitzpatrick still.
I really do. But he's going to be a great cheerleader. I think. I think also the Aaron Donald's going to like the Dolphins offensive line is not good. They played better but they're not good. So then two is going to have to deal with that to start like that sucks.
Yeah, I don't know either. All right.
The biggest winning Super Bowl, the Rams are winning the Super Bowl. Yeah, I won on the record. Really? Yeah. Wow. But you don't like golf.
I love Jared Goff. No, you said you hated it. No. One of my best friends in this world, one of my favorite athletes that's ever existed, ever played any sport ever.
You're just reading a script of what I have said. No. Incorrect. No, we like Jared. You're the one who's always like, no, why do we have to have Mack on the show?
We watched I watched Game of Thrones, the last episode of this house. That's where bonded for life after that.
That's true with their defense is fucking nasty. Jared has the experience. He's been there before. This time he's going to get revenge.
They're going to lose their kicker, though. They don't even have a kicker. They have the best kicker in the league. He's sure he does kick a ball, right? They got rid of the elopements. Yeah. Yeah, I think they could if they needed him, he definitely could field goals and be awesome.
I signed Kai Forbath last week. OK, all right.
All right. Best one o'clock game. Steelers, Ravens, these two teams, no love lost throughout the record books when they go. I love it. I also this is a bit I mean, this is like this is a big time Perovic game.
Who's going to be the team that you think can go up against the chiefs? Because the winner of this will definitely come away with some shine.
You know what? If if the Ravens beat the Steelers, you have to take the effort off. No, you have to know they're not they're not losing the fraudulent tag.
If they don't, your little your little pocket pussy, the Steelers, they you have to fight.
No, no, no. Why? That's that's kind of a fraud move on your part. No, I've said it.
They have to fucking they have to win a big key to win a playoff game. Marchek So in two in the playoffs, this is a big game. They have to win a playoff game. This is big. How is that not make any sense?
This is also one of the two actual competitive games of the Steelers have left on their schedule. I just want to say it's a damn shame.
Sorry that you don't like Pittsburgh. No, it's very sad. I do like you a lot. Like everyone. You can't be like I like the Ravens and the Steelers.
I can't say. I think the Steelers and the Ravens are both good football. No, no, no. You tried to pin it on me that I'm I like the Steelers, which I do. And then you were you're about to go against the Steelers entire schedule, which you are. So just say it. You want the Ravens to win. You like the Ravens more than the Steelers.
I want Cassa. I want Pickus.
I want this ride my fucking Tebow taxand. I made a line. I've told you who I think the frauds are. Pick a side. You can't complement every team.
I will complement the Steelers. I will complement that. I will do, I will compliment both of them. At the same time. I'm a fan of them during football. I have an opinion, I'm a fan of AFC North Football having a pick and I just say I wish that this game was on at night, OK? This game should be taking place under the lights where you get like one new raven that's got the reflective visor that he's never worn before.
And Big Ben wearing the long sleeves that he wears. Sometimes that's what I miss about this game. It's fine that it's on the afternoon.
I'm just a fan of I have a pain AFC no football, no bones. Bullshit. Why is that bullshit? Because you say, like, who do you think is the better team between these two? Yeah. Steelers got a team. Right. OK, I mean, obviously game to game, we don't know. The Ravens can win and the Steelers could be the better team. No, I will say the Steelers. I think the better title, too.
I absolutely think that. But I also saw some Ravens fans being like, how much how quickly can Marshal Yanda like, gained sixty pounds so he can get back out there after because that's the biggest loss that they've had. Yep. I'm excited.
This is going to be a great game. You're right though. It should be a night game. It absolutely feels different when it's in the mid-afternoon and we have the Cowboys.
The fuck cares about that game. Just flex that shit. Oh, brutal. Yeah.
This should be at least an afternoon game at least. All right. After. Games, Chargers, Broncos, yeah, yeah, just this is my Who Cares game of the week. Yeah, this is my background noise game of the week. Yeah. This is the game that you'll forget about in the afternoon. They even started at the four or five spot, which is always the worst. This game never happened.
Yeah, unless, I mean, just it's two young guys that, you know, people get hyped about. Just a couple of young pros. Justin Herbert, Andrew Luck.
Yeah. I will say that if true luck has a great Bounceback game, OK, I'm going to care and I'm going to bring this up and I'm going to be like I told you so this guy had moxie.
All right, Saints bears this. You know what that is? Well, that's a moxey off. Yes, it is. Justin herbut against Drew love. Absolutely. Saints bears.
I truly think the bears are going to win, which is stupid.
A little little information for you, Michael. Michael Thomas is back. He was a pawn is practicing today.
Oh. But in the play Basel app it's because it's the Monday line. So it's two and a half or four and a half now. It's two and a half. Now it's four and a half cents. So if you think the Saints are going to win, you have even more chance and play. Borislav.
Oh, look at that. Good job. The line is not so much. Thank you. Oh, it moved so much since the Bears showing Michael Thomas. Now they were two and a half point favorites in the play Basel out. Now they're four and a half point favorites. So you have even more of an advantage to value that we value, that is.
So does he hate his teammates or what? He hates one teammate. I think it's chomper minimum one really strongly dislikes one person's.
So do you think. I don't. I feel like I feel like they're bringing him back and then they're going to try to treat him. Maybe maybe that'll be weird to like, bring him back for a game.
We'll just show that he's like still OK. But he he did have a legitimate injury. Yeah. And then he punched someone in the face.
He should just be on a live stream for twenty four hours if he can make it an entire calendar day without attacking a teammate. Yeah. And that's all we need to see. Like I believe that that can't guard Mike is healthy.
I just think Drew Brees outside first time the Saints are outside all year. He seems like a guy that gets very cold, very cold, 43 degrees. He's got iron deficiency.
Windy. Mm hmm. Not good for arm straight. Taysom Hill weather. Nick Foles. The wind might even help Nick Foles bring those balls back where he overthrows everyone by 15 yards. You never know. Maybe that's the key to the offense.
Why not? Is it let me ask you this. Yeah. One bad, really bad half from Nick Foles. Let's say three three interceptions in the first half is. Are we entertaining Mitch coming back?
I would hope so. But I also know that Matt Nagy, I think, hates Mitch more than anyone in the world. I think that relationship is probably pretty much gone right now.
I would say one hundred percent gone and Matt Nagy and and Nick Foles had, which is never a good sign.
So everyone saw Brian Greeces comments or heard Brian Greiss comments on Monday Night Football, basically saying Nick Foles doesn't even think some of these plays work when he gets them called in. Apparently, the quote was afterwards that they had a conversation and they're in a really, really good place right now and couldn't be happier with their relationship.
Yeah, that sounds that sounds that sounds bad. I'm so happy for them. Right. I just want them to be happy.
No, we're in a great place right now. We're like all those divorce rumors. They're just it's just noise.
No, I would say it's like they're already divorced. Yeah. But it's like we might renew our vows. It's just like, you know what? I think that they're doing really well and they're successful. I'm just so happy for them.
Matt Nagy and Nick Foles might adopt a child to save their marriage at this point. That's how bad it's gotten.
All right. Forty Niners Seahawks so excited for this game. This game also should be a night game.
Agreed. Have they ever done that? Have they ever had to Sunday Night Football games at the same time? Be and now we're just talking out of her ass. But that would be wild. I like the Niners in this.
Yeah, I think so, too. These teams.
So even the Niners, just like in the way that they manhandled the Patriots last week.
How about the Niners credit to the Niners being dead? Remember the Niners losing to the Dolphins by a billion? They were dead.
I'm going to say that I think that the Seahawks defense I would use the word I think they're soft.
I think they're Soss. So yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I'm doing right now?
I'm giving Saidee to I'm throwing shade. Yeah. All the words for Seattle's defense. No, they're really I think that the Niners come out and just absolutely take their soul from them. I'm excited for that game.
And then Cowboys. Eagles, this game sucks. It does suck. But you tanuki you and starting. Yeah, I guess. I guess so. I said it once.
Andy Dalton alai people. Yeah. No, he is starting no good. You tanuki Houston Hoochie Tanuki and he's Andy Dalton.
The law's alive. Confirmed alive. Are we sure. Concussion according to Adams. That's a hip a violation actually. Schefter confirming that he's not dead. By the way, how about Schefter doing like I'm a nerd?
I'm fucking cool. He he spelled out MRI the other day. Did you see that on a tweet? What is it? Medical.
What's the. You will think resistance here, hours for radiation. We have radiation imaging or something, he wrote it out like Cool Shafter, you fucking know.
Yeah, but MRI resonance imaging, that was a quick check. Here's here's a radiation.
Billy Little underrated storyline going into this game is the two quarterbacks, James Madison against North Dakota State University. So dhanuka against Carson Wentz. These are the two teams that always get together in Frisco every year. And North Dakota State always beats the shit out of James Madison.
And the Cowboys are 017 seven against the spread. So they would be tied for the record if they lose against the spread this week on eight to other teams have done it in history. No team has gone 019 to start the season against the spread as a football team football fan.
Which team should I be rooting for this weekend?
I feel like I'm rooting for the Cowboys because the Cowboys pose less of a chance to go six and 10.
Right Eagles. Yeah.
Let's talk this out because, yes, the Cowboys would keep the Washington football team alive. But if you're a Washington football team fan, you kind of others like a small party that probably wants a quick and painless death.
No, no, no. I have suffered many quick and painless deaths. Right.
I just my my entire life as a football fan has been like zero percent chance so that you're going to make the playoffs. So just let it happen.
I don't think there's zero percent chance. I mean, of course, there's more than a zero percent.
I think you guys aren't making the playoffs 30 percent chance that Washington football team makes the playoffs 30, 30 percent. I'd say it's like 60 percent.
The Eagles, Carson Wentz, even Jalen Hurts would probably, yeah, 60 percent, the Eagles and then 10 percent the Giants and then 30 percent US Cowboys.
OK, yeah, maybe about maybe, maybe somewhere 20 percent. So I think I'm rooting for that. So I'm with the Cowboys. OK, but then the Cowboys would be ahead of you.
That's fine, but I have less confidence in them being able to keep it up over the course of an entire season. Yeah, that's probably true.
Plus Gruchy plus Gucci tanuki. All right. Should we do speaking of Gucci tanuki, should we do fantasy or what are we doing?
Fantasy, Daddy fantasy. Daddy fantasy daddy's.
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OK, I start on this week is spooky and spooky season, bitches.
I've got goosebumps there on your skimpiest most problematic slutty outfit and go out and get spooky. I'm going to nose. You can't get covered if you're dressed a little skimpy. Yeah. I was a cat again this year.
My name is Kim Kardashian. Stow's.
Why would to send out a pic of her feet and she has six toes weighed Perillo literally like six. No like literally six. She looks like a frog footed three.
Bill is going to want to fuck her.
She should go on Brawley's. Bailey wants to cluck, cluck those toes to death. And probably her is Le'Veon Bell, the revenge game against the Jets.
He's going to go agap like when you boyfriend breaks up with you and you look super hot and go hook up with a guy just to get the other team jealous. Yeah, on I call him Aveion is going to do to the Jets. It's Le'Veon Bell because he plays like a placebo numpad so bad.
Hey what's up Daddy is this is Carmello mascot. Oh I'm starting this weekend. Gruchy tanuki. Get this.
Whereas the tanuki all up on the screen, my cousin went to college with him and said his mom got kicked out of B.W. on parents weekend because she tried to stab the bartender because she brought in her Pekinese and they wouldn't serve the dog. A cranberry juice really fucked up.
So, man, I'm sitting with some guys who wear leather jackets or guys who don't wear leather jackets. Excuse me, because you look through history, you got to find Top Gun and Richard Deitsch, all the sexiest dudes, always wearing leather jackets all the time.
What about Buzz Bissinger, Buzz Bissinger, leather daddy extraordinaire like daddy's man, daddy's allergy. Rap on my daddy. My sleeper is guys that wear pinstriped pants.
Oh, God, nothing makes a guy like lock. Come on, say nothing. Makes a guy with no ass look like he's packing Larry Fitzgerald booty like a pair of pajamas that he bought from the 1950s Chicago White Sox to stupid bitch.
You know that. I just I just love how pinstriped pants look on such a little bit, make that ass really pop, pop and lock it. And you went and told everyone it's true.
Just love it. All right. What's up, guys? It's Tiffany or Tef. My stardom is Tony La Russa.
That is all time Zadig Vibe's.
What is Zahedi, by the way? Why do they say daddy? It's like daddy. But the end of the alphabet.
Oh, God, he's the boss, Daddy. Yeah, he's new manager for the White Sox. He's like a billion years old, but he's still asat. He's hot, he's hot. And you know what? He had Pinki that one time. So he knows he eats at. Yeah.
And total daddy move to fall asleep when you're too drunk to drive your car. Oh Daddy. My system is razorblades. Usually using them to make sure that your purpose is nice and clean. But it's Halloween so watch out for those razor blades in your candy.
You season a spooky season, but keep the push. Push clean. Keep that puss puss. Yeah. When you finish. When you finish shaving your puss puss throw the razorblades in the trash. Do not leave them out for creepers to put them in candy. You know, it's hard to do on Halloween if you just put like six packs of Smarties into your puss puss. Yes. Just kind of squirt them out one at a time. Go gobble that koocher and eat your sugar, honey.
And then I set up my sleeper is we already talked about it, but daylight savings fall forward and extra hour you lose an hour. So it's falling forwards, like when you've had a few too many martinis and you fall down drunk because you are a hot mess.
During Daylight Savings Time, when you fall forward, any guy that you sleep with in that hour doesn't count, doesn't count towards your number, you could fuck anybody up.
It could be a virgin pin striped pants. It will not count.
I have good news to fall forward and splits his head open. And time is such a bitch.
I love you. Go ahead. Go ahead to have to. Yeah. Yeah.
Well, that's very Barberini. Oh, my stardom is your mother. My system is Julian Edelman. His knee is fucked my sleeper's deli meats because everyone's saying this listeria in it. But you got to enjoy your Gabbar Ghoul even it means that gabacho flew in.
That's my sleeper. All right. Good job, Bill.
You're too fucking manly to do that. I just I, I know I didn't prepare. I mean, we told you before.
I know, but we had. Yeah.
I also agree that it is fucked up. Yeah.
It's fucked up that the US government is telling us not to eat lunch anymore. What else am I supposed to eat for lunch. Besides they said get rid of me.
Oh yeah. Because oh yes. Just salami. Right. And prosciutto but not turkey. Ham.
I think they just said lunch meats. They said, oh yeah. What the fuck dude. I will not, I will not go first. They came for the Soppressata and I said nothing.
That's bullshit.
Little follow up from from Wednesday show. Did you, did you have a good reaction online to the pants. I don't check my I don't check my mentions, but overall, would you say it was positive or negative? Listen, if I live my life based off the reaction I get from the fans of the show, I wouldn't be here. So I just try and block it out. But it was negative. It was awful.
No is negative. It was overly negative.
Hey, can I can I be honest with you? I didn't think that the pants were that bad. But the joy is nothing to me. Joy, joy. They had cast as a whole.
That will be the best part about the whole thing is that we're used to what you wear. So when we took the picture, I was like, wait, are we talking about pfft?
Or are we talking about, hey, what's also fucked up? I got set up. Hey, he bought me those pants. Yes, he jumpsuit. It was part of a joke. Can't buy me the pants and then be like, holy shit, I got to jump.
If you wore the top it would be one thing that was an ultimate setup. It was a big time setup. Yeah. If you buy me a pair of pinstripe cargo pants, which people didn't even mention the fact they were cargo pants, I will wear.
All right. Look, honestly, and this is my own fault, I like I don't take a lot of time to get dressed. I usually literally, literally pick up the first thing that's like no shoes to me. And I put it on and those pants were on the top of my laundry thing. I just done laundry and I put them on. I was like, I would never wear these to work.
But I was like, fuck it, no one's going to say anything because who really going to write? Everyone's nice. Yeah. Yeah, it's called or you're getting your fiddle. Yeah, that is a good question. Where would I wear those.
Where I was like in the summertime at a bar on a boat cargo going south on a boat.
Yeah. Well you're the only person who would ever wear pants on a boat besides Odell Beckham.
Yeah, I thought that was like when you were like painting a fence, you'd wear those. Yeah. Yeah. That's how you got it. Like the Mentos. When was the last time you went out. Big cat never existed. So don't judge me on what I am shaving.
You know, you keep trying to shame me for wearing going up and you know, going oh it's like I know it doesn't look like that. I think you did because you haven't gone out. Yeah, well, actually the last time I went out those pants were probably could.
Yeah. Yeah. Nineteen twenty. Yeah I think so. I'm in a pop music video is like yeah this is going to be sick. Why are we still talking about this play. Borislav going for one weekend only. Download it now. One weekend. Only if we got two hundred thousand contests I'll get a cat.
Oh wait wait wait wait. Record stop. Two hundred thousand contest entries. Yeah.
Overall we've got our season.
Yeah we've been pushing seventeen, we have over 100000 people that have downloaded the app so far though so they're out there.
No. So then it should be one hundred thousand of every person. I said what I said. All right.
At any point this year. Sure. Mm. This weekend for sure.
No, no. Hank was saying total at some point in this season, if we get 200000 people to play on a single weekend this weekend, there's hundred 200000 people in the contest. I will get a cat.
Okay. Can we burn the cat. You want to kill the burn the cat. No, we can burn the pants.
No, I don't want him to burn the pants. Yeah, okay. I'll wear the pants for a week straight. I would be so upset. Either he just got burned. Yeah. I'd rather be okay.
We can frame the pants and hang them in the studio again rather than that. It's such a waste of those pants. Right. Okay, I'll sign the pants and give them to a listener. No.
Third. Yeah, the listener wants that. They're like a one hundred street level meth dealers that would kill for those.
Is there a thousand dollars in the pants pocket when you give them away?
So that's valuable. All right. Let's get to Kocho before we do that.
Oh, we got you see what's on our on our table. Right.
I did see it's can't has me one. You want a candidate. Yeah. Pass for you can't defend with the boys what flavor you want. We got we got green and we got yellow. All right. I'll take a yellow. Yellow. Yeah that's my favorite. No we got candidates right here. Candidates. You might be asking Wintergreen what are candidates.
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Oh, OK. We now welcome on a very good friend, recurring guest, national champion. And now he's got a book. It is Kocho. His book is out. It's called Flip the Script Lessons Learned on the Road to a Championship. Let's start with the book. We got a lot of things we want to get to, but part of my take is in this book, is it not?
Yeah. The very influential Joe Berl. Yeah. Rather than listen to you guys. And that was a big connection for us. Yeah.
So so, Bruce Feldman, you work with Bruce Feldman and writing this book. And I was talking to him when like a couple of weeks ago and he said that part of my take has he mentioned in this book that are, you know, Dan Burrough listening to part of my take, helped influence Joe to be like, hey, those guys are cool. They went and met with Kocho. And so, I mean, we're did we win a national winner when we get a ring, I guess is really the question.
It's all the way. So we address. OK, OK, Don, Don. I wear that ring everywhere. I send it to Derek right now. Absolutely. Yeah. Have you have you gone back and and watched film of the national title game.
You know, during the conflict when we were home I was too much TV like everybody else and all our games played and I was always eager to watch because I knew we would win the championship game. So I watched the film obviously, but I watched the game several times on and off. What a great game of school.
Yeah, it was awesome. And and obviously the morning after Big Cat, we sat down with the I'd like to apologize for our demeanor and our presence. After you after you were doing that interview, were you like these two idiots are the drunkest bunch of shitheads that I've ever sat down with?
Well, you in the audience. So that was kind of expected when in Rome, right?
I, I would love it if we can get you on the New York Times bestseller list. Yes. Would that be great? We got to get it at on best selling author. Yes. Last I saw you, you were on 60 Minutes. They they did like a profile on you. I saw them talking to your mom and your mom was like making gumbo for them. Was that did she tone that down and make like the less spicy version for the sixty minutes?
There was a else. She gave him the real deal. That's all she knows how to make a great seafood gumbo. They love I like they stay with her for about six hours. Is it going to stay there for a day or two?
I love it. I love it. All right. So the book flip the script. What can we get a good Kocho story that can entice people to go by the book?
Like, do we have any good news stories maybe from your youth or from your started coaching days?
What's the what's the story that we can get everyone like, hey, you got to have this book now because it's coach.
The reason I did the book, because everybody has a dream and my dream is different than yours. I want everybody to chase their dream. A dream was to be the head coach at LSU Tiger at six years old. I went through a lot of adversity. You know, I thought I was going to get the job at USC. We've come to find out is the best thing that ever happened happened to me. I came home and I fought to get the job at LSU.
And then, you know, you look at the inside, especially the last three days going in to get the job. There's a lot of information that I think that nobody ever knew before. And we fought to the very end and got the job. So everybody chase their dream and everybody's got a dream. My dream was to be the head coach at LSU. That's fantastic.
So what at what point after you win the national title, did it fully, fully set in that you reached your entire dream? Like, that's that's such a crazy thing. Most people, they have dreams all their life. They don't actually achieve them. It was it immediately after, was it a month after?
Has it still not happened? Has it like fully set in, like, oh my God, I want a national title, one of the best college teams of all time with LSU.
Know it's crazy. The next year we've got to do it again. So I didn't spend a lot of time in Jordan, to be honest with you. But on the way home, the people side of the roads cheering us, going to the White House, having a parade on. And the celebrations, all that was great, the way that our people treated us, but you know what? We really get to celebrate too much because we went to go and we we all cordano inside for about three months.
So it seemed like it passed by very fast. Yeah.
Did you get to have a moment with Mike the Tiger after you came home from the national championship? Did you get to show him the trophy?
Hey, you know, I always go see like I run everything our past Busquets for a reason. He's something I remember only to have them in the cage coming around the stadium. When I was a young boy, I could wait to see him come out. I remember when we came in from the University of Miami, they had him in the visitor's dressing room and he was rolling. Our players were afraid to get out of the dressing room.
Yeah, I can imagine. So they kept brings up a good point because you you know, you accomplished your goal. You became head coach at Louisiana State. You won a national championship.
From that point on, how do you like how do you keep yourself motivated to keep moving forward and to keep going out there and like having that same fiery competition that you're known for as an underdog? How do you keep that going once it's expected now for you to to win all the time?
Yeah, well, you know, we just get started. We didn't come here just to win what we want to win stubbled at LSU. Can we got to continue recruiting? You know, we had a disappointing start to the season, but our team played better on Saturday night. And we're going to take it one game at a time. That's twenty to twenty two guys from that championship team. We're going to these guys will learn how to play. Got to be patient with them.
We had four excellent freshmen, as you saw Saturday Night Play Lights out football. So the future is bright. Felicie Yeah.
D I was shocked. Did you, did you know the stat that they flashed across the TV screen when the kick return went back on Saturday night that LSU had not returned a touchdown on a kickoff since nineteen eighty one at Tiger Stadium? I was shocked by that. That was an insane stat. Did you know that, that you love this.
And our coaches meeting their opener escaped. Who knows. All the history of LSU knows every play ever that everyone here told goes back. That is the coach. We had a kickoff return since nineteen eighty one. Think you can do it tonight.
Really that night. So on Saturday night he said that. That's incredible. Before the game. Before the game. So that's the only time I had heard that.
Wow. Wow. That's like, I mean that's great. That, that gives me chills. Just thinking about that means that you got that you got that Cajun juju coming back.
You know, LSU is coming back right here after maybe a little bit slow start.
We're ready to go. Yeah. Has there been a difference and tell the truth Mondays, because I know that around here we always say we took that from you. Mondays are for telling the truth. And there probably wasn't as much truth to be told last season. When you're winning every game and blowing everybody out, have things gone like a little more a little more feisty? You have to, like, take your shirt off and try to fight anybody again, like old days?
No, no. I just tell you what we got to get done. Really want to go out to. Thanks, man. I a coach. We've got to coach the football team better as a player to stay together. They have. And I'm proud of that. I think you can see improvement our football team and hopefully see more improvement this week.
Yeah. The other thing that Bruce asked me to ask you, why does Stephen Jones, Jerry Jones son call you Hipp sled?
Ed, are you going to love this story? So on Thursday morning, I had to work out players that maybe were late for curfew or Mr. Glass or whatever, maybe it was on the run this. So instead of running them outside, we put them on the Hipsley. I was a young coach and Stephen was there a couple of times. I got a player and I was working him out. Beads of sweat was coming and. And get that some pretty good and and after the 11 one of my co-workers, I just got to Arkansas, he said, man.
You got some guts, though. Why do you know that it's. As of yet, Stephen, it plays outside like, you know, as Stephen Jones, Jerry Jones, the son wonder who's Jerry?
I don't know. But, you know, Stephen Jones didn't try to hide with the Cowboys ever since as a respected me because I didn't treat him like Jerry Jones, a son, and treated him like another football player. And he and I have a great relationship all throughout the years.
Right now in the Hipsley. That is a great nickname. I like to. Yeah. Treated no differently. Did you get were there any NFL teams that kind of like, sniffed around the bushes this offseason? They were like, hey, maybe maybe we'll give you a call and see if he's interested in and come up to the pros. Not that you ever would, but I'm curious if they if anybody asked.
No, look, no, I'm not leaving here. I'm here when I'm home. My feet, my feet a platter.
There is your goal to to just coach there until you retire, until you're like, you know, 75, 80 years old or what's that look like out of a love that opportunity.
Yeah. And love the house. How's the running in the sun going? Because I feel like ever since we talked about it, Ray Baker, a couple of years ago, I get that we get in the palm of my take Twitter account. We get tagged all the time in videos of you running around on on campus underneath Ray Baker. Just getting friends with Ray Baker. Are you are you training for something? You can run a marathon.
What's going on? Oh, man. You don't want to go through a lot of time off. And I'm single now, so a lot of time. So I decided to start running two hours a day on the weekends, working two hours and probably two hours on Saturday, two hours on Sunday in the sun at twelve o'clock. And I go run some stadiums. I think I lost about twenty five pounds. Feel better, but I love to run and now have free time and so I would really make as much as I can.
So you're running. I, I didn't notice any headphones in. Are you running with no music.
I got enough noise in my head. I don't need no music.
That's incredible. Two hours on Friday, two hours Saturday, two hours Sunday. No music. Just sitting out there in the Louisiana sun just just roasting. That's a that's a football guy. Yeah. Loving it.
What are you thinking about when you're running? Are you thinking about work? Are you do you just turn your head off everything.
Everything possible, but until I get clarity, I get ideas or ideas or retooling or thinking about my family, I think about other things. I really do. You know what? I bet a lot of people in my life people stop or take pictures. We don't get to meet a lot of people. So it's been fun.
Plus, if you drop 20 pounds, I might as well fly. Right? Take the shirt off. Yeah. Show off the six pack that you're working on. Yes. You're more than welcome to take pictures. What's your what's your Myozyme? It doesn't look like you're you're burning up the track, but it does look like I'm hoping that same you're not going to be stopped. You know, you're like a cannonball.
No, no. It's a slow it's a slow Mastronardi. I've been ridiculed for that. You know what I told them when you first and you run, you run like you want. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Like, you're you're moving. You're not stopping. You're keeping a pace that's going. If you can keep anything up for two hours, then you know, that's more than I can do that. Yes.
Have you have you been on the have you run on the beach since since that fall.
Since Viro viral fall, you know. No, I haven't been back to the. That was enough. That's smart.
Yeah. Just keep to the pavement now. No more chasing too. I think you were chasing a little kid on the beach and you fell. That was an all time video. That was not you for anyone who doesn't understand the joke there.
But so how how do you think have you been able to watch Joe Burrow play in the in the Projet? Have you been able to watch any any football on Sundays?
Not much, but I'll see some highlights. You're doing very well. It sucked a lot. And Joe's a competitive and was three three hard yards game out of the first rookie quarterback to do that. Very proud of Joe was going to get a support guy. Is going to be a championship quarterback, no doubt.
Yeah, I would say the the one thing you know, he has been hit a lot, but his and we talked about this on the show, his toughness will get him, you know, that locker room so quickly because he's just a tough guy who, you know, he's gotten hit so hard. Sometimes you're like, how did he just get up? And he gets up next play? And I feel like that's instant respect in an NFL locker room.
Yeah. You know, the harder you hit Joe, tough he gets. Yeah. And he's taken some hits, the loss and that that first of all, he took you know, I don't know if he'll get out of the mouth to come in. Eagles. He's one one I think of the word no about getting out and he just started on that ignites it.
Yes. It's a good quality to have like the harder they come at you, the harder you come at them over the top because you're never going to win that battle if you keep going at them. So there was that one story that came out last year about your recruiting of Joe. It might be in the book even of how you brought your own crawfish to. Was it Mike Anderson? Is that where you guys were at? Yeah. Yeah. So now that that story's out, do you find out recruits are they come and they meet with you, they sit down for dinner and they're expecting you to do something like just bring a fifty pound sack of crawfish over your shoulder like you're Santa Claus.
I I'll do it for anyone to becomes the Heisman Trophy winner. I'll give them all the support we got to Mike Elissa's don't want to crawfish. No, it's not know. So we have to call around and some other restaurants. We get it and bring it to the kids. Yeah. And it worked out fine right about right now.
But yeah, right now I know it's not crawfish season, but like if it were in season right now, what is the ETA like? How quickly could you get a bag of crawfish in your office door if you were to just make a phone call.
Oh, it takes twenty minutes to bowl. We can have it in forty minutes. Perfect. It's awesome. It's on speed dial. Crawfish on speed dial. Are you going to are you going to make your book required reading for all recruits to come in for everyone who comes and attends. Because that would be small. They'll get us on the bestseller list.
Everyone who puts on a uniform has got to read the book. Yeah this will be officer.
I think people will like it. There's no catch for people who like good stories. And there some good insight suit.
I mean I think yeah, at the very least it should be a textbook for like all incoming freshmen at LSU in the philosophy classes. That should be like the very first thing that they read. Are you going to do the voiceover for the audio version of the book? You may do that.
People ask about that. I hear about it when I get tense. I can't do it now, but maybe at the end of season I may do it.
Yes, yes, yes. So this this like, you know, coronavirus and everything when when it felt like football was going to be taken away. Tell me how like I mean, we love football. Did it hurt? Where were you? What were you thinking when it was like, oh man, we might not have a season because we've heard from different football guys across the country, like Scott Frost said he wanted to play news Pakistan. I'd imagine you had the same mindset.
Like we got to play football.
Yeah, that there was no doubt in my mind. In my mind, I want to let my mind go anywhere else. We're playing football. If I was going to it seem like we're playing football. Themselves. Absolutely. They told us that we couldn't play out alone. I did everything I could every day to prepare the football team and we did the right thing to do that. So we have a say in it. We don't blink or we didn't blink.
We put the safety of our first covid. We gave them a lot of education, give them the best care that we could, and went about our business on a daily basis.
Do you find that it's more difficult to yell at officials through a mask?
Yes, I had to get a mask where you could hear my voice, but I was the first couple of games. I was quiet on the sideline because I could go through a mask. So I got a massive Dirk. Dirk and I practice in the room I was yelling for to make sure that they can hear me yell.
You really do have to enunciate more because they can't see your lips. There's none of that. Like, you know, there's no lip reading that goes along where you can tell what somebody is saying if they're staying far away from you. So, yeah, you really got to I'm glad that you're getting practice time in on that, too. And I'm sure Derek's really enjoying just being screamed at.
Yes. Yeah, yes. We got to ask because we always have to ask when you're on still three plates bench. Was that can you still bench three plates? You know what I got? I got to tell you guys, probably good. I got to admit it. I have not admitted this. I got a torn rotator cuff the last two years, and I can only close with dumbbell press. That's it. OK, first of all, it has been about two years, so.
Maybe I can get it fixed once I get it fixed, I guarantee I'll do it again. I'll give you my labor, my my shoulder if you need one. So that means right this second, I still think you'd get it up with with a torn rotator cuff. But what you're saying is you haven't let anyone know. But, you know, if push came to shove and it's like, hey, if you were in this studio right now, we're like, here, put this up, you would do it.
But you've been a lot of pain. But you do it right.
No questions. I give it all. All right. You guys are so close that you're all the guys that know this.
I let you break the story about tomorrow that we won't we won't talk, but we don't say which one it is because we don't want to give the opponents any any hints. They'll start they'll start going after that that arm.
So we're not going to say which one is just a torn rotator cuff or did I read right that the Rock wrote the foreword to this book Set Against the Rock. Right. The the introduction to this book. Yes, I read that. So did you reach out to him personally this offseason or has he just I have to assume that he was probably in touch a little bit during your championship run last year.
You know, he and I made contact throughout the years. We're very close. Congratulations on the championship and then came the book. I knew that it would help the book if I could write the foreword and I had a great relationship. So I actually reached out to the manager. He responded to us right away. I think he did it in a day. You know, his nickname is doing. I used to call him Do It, and he's still the same humble guy that I knew when we coached about Miami.
A great young man. Great character person. Hmm.
Did you help come up with a nickname, The Rock?
No, no, not at all. You could take credit for a little credit for it. It's fine.
I helped tell for the world, but there you go. And you did. And you turned him into an absolutely. Had to take credit for it. Then you absolutely should do that. All right, Kocho, this has been awesome. I had one last question.
The final question's brought to you by Cross Country Mortgage, America's crazy good mortgage company. Go to Scotlands dot com slash take to learn more about your future home buying experience or refinancing needs. Equal housing opportunity we talked about at the beginning. But when we did interview last time, did you it was right after the national title we interviewed you and I were very drunk. We interviewed Joe Burrowes. Well, did you walk away from that being like, what the heck is those guys problem?
Like, how do you show up to an interview?
OK, oh, they I was a little about two hours of sleep still on cloud nine, but one of the game then noticed that I would be honest. But you know what? When you're in New Orleans, that's what you do. So I used to do that when I was young, too. So glad you had a good time.
I thought the the funniest part was right after we were done and you were just like walking up and down the hallway and you were yelling at Joe, you're like, get on the bus. You're going to be late for the bus. Even though he just won the national championship. It's like we're not waiting for you, Joe. We'll leave your ass here in New Orleans if you're like a prospect that Baton Rouge. Yeah, that was great. Yes.
Well, Coach, thank you so much. Congrats on the on the the book. Everyone go get it. Flip the script. We really appreciate it. We appreciate your friendship and we look forward to getting our national championship rings. That's going to be awesome.
Got a call there. He's got it. You guys do the best good times.
I go to the coach, take care of that interview.
The coach was brought to you by Nizza. In 2019 alone, 126 people were killed and 635 people were injured in collisions at railroad crossings from 2014 to 2019, there were 798 fatalities involving motor vehicles at railroad crossings. By law, trains have the right of way at all railroad crossings and the National Highway Transportation Safety Association wants you to be safe out there.
From 2015 to 2019, 1589 drivers went around a lower gate and were struck by a train accounting for 15 percent of all collisions. These deaths are largely preventable, and they're caused by risky, risky driving behaviors and poor decision making. When you approach a railroad crossing slowdown, look and listen for a train on the tracks, especially at passive crossings that don't have the arms that go down in front of you, even at crossings that do have the arms. A lot of people drive around those arms.
They're idiots. They get hit by a train. This is totally preventable. Don't do it. Well, active warning devices do improve safety at railroad crossings. They don't prevent all collisions. Sixty percent of all collisions at railroad crossings occur when active warning devices are present and functioning people ignore them apart. Maitake, we're trying to take that down to zero percent, zero percent when approaching a railroad crossing. It's important to slow down, look for an oncoming train before crossing the tracks, even if the lights aren't flashing or the barrier isn't coming down.
If you see any indication that train is coming, stop and wait for the train to pass. Don't try to race. The train train that is traveling 55 miles an hour takes a mile on average to come to a complete stop once the brakes are applied, even if they see a car on the tracks that are unable to stop in order to avoid the crash. So train can pass through a segment of track at any time. So always practice patience at highway rail grade crossings.
And recently, the FAA has been investigating several rail crossing collisions, derailments and other rail related malfunctions. It's made headlines across the country. So train safety messages are particularly important for you guys to listen to. So please stop. When you come to railroad crossing, look for a train.
All right. Let's finish up the show. We have, by the way, I just saw we should have mentioned it.
Do we think the gardener, Minshew, maybe smashed his own hand like he told us?
Absolutely. So that isn't the play for Jaguars anymore?
Absolutely. So Nathan Peterman are not Nathan excuse me, Mike. Mike Glennon. I interchange them as former Raiders backups. Mike Glennon, I guess, is going to be starting.
Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. Garnishments you has a fractured sprained ligament in his thumb, a fracture and a sprained ligament in his thumb. And it just seems very interesting because he on our show told us the story about how he smashed his own hand with it with the hammer after getting really, really drunk so that he could what was it so he could read you what you want to take a medical read.
So maybe he thinks he can redshirt this season. Possibly. Yeah. Mean again, I don't know. But I'm just I'm upset because Guardsmen's, who was what you tuned into, we wanted to watch the Jackalopes and going from Minshew to going to, you know, to win. And it's like I mean it's like going off cocaine and picking up computer.
McLennon will be interesting for a game just to see like what's going on with it.
It'll be interesting to watch, like, run off the bench onto the field head bobbing around so he'll do something funny.
I don't interesting. Don't don't don't confuse interesting for good. I'm not saying my gun is good. I'm saying interesting in that it's like it's like seeing a car accident on the highway. You're like, oh, I just want to see like, you know, rubbernecking. You're going to rubberneck my glove.
I even think a car accident is giving it too much credit. I think McLin, it's just like it's like seeing an unusually large squash at a farmer's market.
Yeah. It's like, oh, that's interesting.
And then you just keep going. All right. Fire first of the week to wrap up. I think we've got some good ones this week, Hank. No, you're not. You. Yeah, I mean, I know you go first, but we have some good ones before he died.
Everyone knows my fire fast, my real fire fast. We talked about it ad nauseum, ad nauseum.
My other one is also Playbox related. So what's your real father? It's why war has brought us so much joy, though.
Yeah, it really was great. Who bought the pants? I did. They're nice pants. Were you drunk? No. OK, you guys don't understand fashion because you don't have a social life so.
Oh I understand. Pfft. Yeah he is blind. That's why he's wearing sunglasses. He dresses blind every day. What's wrong with this.
So I'm not and he doesn't wear shoelaces like the people I'm talking to are not the people I'm worried about in regards to fashion.
So once again that was perhaps part one, Firefox's part two, a kid one, the twenty five thousand dollar play Basel contest on Friday. I was pumped about it. Then it turned out it was a kid that fucking worked here.
That was a fire. My third insider trading, not insider trading. Like when that one guy that worked for or used to win all the yes.
Leap out those two words. We have the eggs we have in the rules and conditions of the app that employees are allowed to play. They are not allowed to win. This kid thought he won and thought he was winning the twenty five K, so he had to find out. He thought he won twenty five thousand dollars and had to be like, hey man, congrats. You don't win shit.
Well they should have given to the second place winner who also worked here. Yeah. No there was no no no you guys I'm not talking, I'm not talking about that.
Twelve people got split the second place contest.
I just my third bypasses. I got off the train today. Think he was twenty eighth street. It was twenty third street is pouring rain. I had to walk from twenty third street to here. Oh my God. Are you OK? Yeah. I was wearing green jacket.
I actually went to our old office and I put in the Uber 17th street. It's twenty seventh.
How I like that.
I don't know. You know he pulled up and he's like all right we're here. I was like, no we're not. The worst is when you tell an Uber to like pick you up at your house. But for whatever reason, the location has you being like five blocks away. A few blocks away. Yeah. And then you feel embarrassed. So you just get out of your front door and jog. Yeah. Or walk days ruined. No judgment.
Is that just three of them. Yep. OK, my professors. I died. You died. I died on. Would that be one Wednesday. On Wednesday morning. I died right after excuse me. Right after we got done recording part of my take on Tuesday night, early Wednesday morning when the World Series was over, I let Leroy out, come back inside, go to sleep. My Walpeup tells me I go to sleep at I think it was like one fifteen and then I just didn't wake up.
I guess I forgot to set an alarm. But usually my body is so finally in tune with the circadian rhythms of the world in the sun that I'll wake up at like nine o'clock, nine thirty nine forty five at the very latest if I go to bed at like two o'clock in the morning. In this case, I didn't wake up, I just kept sleeping. Leroy didn't wake me up to go outside. He was still snoring by my side.
I roll over, I look at my phone. I'm thinking, oh, I woke up before my alarm went off, it must be seven thirty or eight o'clock in the morning. Nope, my phone says that it's 12, 10 in the afternoon. And I woke up at 12, 10. I just had like a list of dozens of text messages from Big Cat, from Liz, from everybody just being like, are you dead? Are you alive?
Because I missed radio from Jeff. I, I slept all the way through radio, looked at my phone. There's no I was so rested because I had ten hours of sleep, which I'd never get in my entire life. I was so rested. But I look I wake to that phone and I immediately feel like I had the worst night's sleep of all time because of all the anxiety.
So all day on Wednesday, I felt like I had died. And I was it was just like I was a ball of anxiety all day. I still haven't recovered.
Did you? Yeah. I mean, I would be very anxious. You Iljimae was like I didn't even think about it until because we don't see each other in the morning on Wednesdays. So I didn't think about it till Liz texted me was like, hey, have you talked to Patty as a call? And then I look at your Twitters like, oh, he hasn't tweeted. Oh, this is weird.
I, I still can't believe you did it. I know. I can't believe you slept out late like I would never I've never, ever be able to sleep all the way till twelve.
I've never slept that late. I don't think in my entire life have I gone to bed and slept for a solid ten hours.
She's ever it was crazy. So I don't know. I blame the weather. The sun never came out. I'm basically blaming everybody but myself for not setting alarm. But it did shock me. It was like a wake up call. In a weird way, that's kind of ironic. But I was like, you know what? I need to have an alarm that is set for every single day of the week, because usually I just change my alarm time by what I have to do the next day.
But then I realized, you know what, for the last like two years, you've had to get up by nine o'clock kind of at the very, very latest. So why don't you just make that an everyday occurrence during the week? So now I have two alarms set, one for nine o'clock, one four nine fifteen.
I think you just turned twenty eight. I think I just did. I think you turned twenty eight years old. That's a little sign of maturing. But seriously, like I felt, I felt so bad. It was, it was awful.
Yeah. No that's, that's scary. And people were like are you ok. Is everything all right. You know what the worst was. I got like five or six. Techs are just people like saying face to face. Like, this is so unlike you. Yeah. And I was like, fuck, that's that's like your parents telling you that they're disappointed.
Yeah. Yeah. So it was scary. I know. I go I guess I guess I was just tired. Yeah. It was, it was very weird. What, what. Billy here Billy looks like many compounding factors to this.
This is, this is what I've had to deal with which it makes me feel guilty. Yeah. But I don't have anything to feel guilty about.
It sounds like you need an alibi.
I didn't have anything to drink. I didn't take any medicine. I didn't have any Nyquil. You're not a drug guy. I'm not. I'm actually that's the other thing. You're not a drug. I'm literally not a drug right now.
I can drug I can show you not a no no melatonin, no like vitamins, no supplements.
Just not I can show you my Walpeup because my work because it did track on on Wednesday night or Tuesday night. And then when it had me waking up, my heart rate immediately spikes to like one twenty because that's when I look at my phone.
You know, a great alibi would be putting your group on a dog that sleeps all the time.
Yeah. You think then going in and kicking them more awake and being like, hey, wake up.
You think do you think my head register on a dog, huh?
Yeah, why not. Why not? By the way, while you pull that up, I totally forgot. Hank, you ready to grade my can't lose Parli. I totally forgot to give it.
Can't lose Parli one last week plus three fifty. Hank even said he's in on it this week which I know is a lie.
Well I'll be I'll tell you the honest. Right, OK, tell me the honest chief's money line. Yep. OK, eagles money line.
No I guess cowboys. Maybe not. Whoa.
Packers. Yeah.
Daylight Savings. Daylight savings. Yeah that is true. You're actually your Titans money line. Mm.
Yeah, it's the Bengals and then the Steelers adjusted to plus seven and a half. Maybe not really. So now I'm out, I'm out. Wow, it's past two seventy five. We're going to boosting the barstool sports book app. I think it's can't lose. Show me where I put the. It's a banker up on Leroy.
It's a banger of and I can't lose. I looking in my heart rate steadily declines over the course of the night until you get forty eight beats per minute because I'm in great shape.
You swap it real quick. Yup. To Leroy before you let him out. Yeah. Always a big feature in this story. Probably true.
I blame him because he was sleeping right next to me. I agree. I agree. It is suspicious. It's very silly. You are very soss right now.
All right. My sorry. My five first two of them.
Wisconsin's football season is over. Pretty much that sucked. And then the other one was I have a life insurance test this afternoon and I haven't been able to use weed, nicotine or anything. All we ever know.
We haven't been able to use nicotine all my life. Thirty five years I have not been able to use any of those things. That sucks, man. And you were going actually this week. It sucked more than ever. You have usually it's. Yeah, it sucked.
You have to wait until after your test to use nicotine for the first time.
Yeah. And you were planning on using it. I'll probably hate it this week. Yeah. Yeah. Genea, lower your blood pressure for it. Yeah.
I mean I have literally like four hours dude will take a ton of organizing right now.
Right now. Yeah. Yeah that's right.
This second. Yeah. What is Organon.
It's, it's actually really good for vascularity and lowers your blood pressure.
I was going to drink a shitload of water. Yeah. For the best anyway. Dr. Bailey. Yeah. Billies way too interested in my life insurance by the way. He definitely wants to kill.
Well I wonder what he was doing. Oh his sleep time. What time. I don't know. There's something weird. No, no.
You got, you got a life. How to explain this concept. You think I was. What do you think I was doing. Trying to connect those dots. Keep going.
You know, if you if if big cat disappears and then you disappear in, hey, it would be a really good life insurance scam if you two.
But what does that play with him, Bill? Are you say you're just playing. Both of us know maybe you slipped something into my Red Bull that you purchased for we're going to disappear and do a podcast together.
Mm hmm. Huh? Huh. OK, Jake, what's your fire first?
I have two as well that you suck in announcing my first today. You suck today.
My first is that I let this is down by saying the wrong score during Kornel. I felt bad. Stamets it Jake has been really down that terrible.
Yes. Is, you know, bring them back on your side.
What little swearword. Know what was going through your head when that how pissed. What did you say to yourself. Like I power through. You can't let the viewers know that you're mad. What did you did you did you screw something up? Did you fuck something up? Did you forget what you did you did you mess it up. Mess it up. Yeah.
Did you make a mess of yourself. Horse mess. Did you mess your pants. I was just like it sucked.
We got a mess problem. Yeah but you power through now is Jenga Monday. Debra Messing. Yeah. We'll be there. We know I'm not all over overall. Oh yes I'm participating.
Yes. Oh my second Firefox's. I'm really starting to get worried about college basketball. Eight preseason tournaments got canceled in Orlando.
What's why. Because they just axed the Disney bubble.
Fuck it. But on March Madness this year. I know. Well, I'd be very happy.
It's going to be weird because if they have to play so many games, right, if one team gets an outbreak, they basically have to forfeit for conference after twelve weeks, that might be the next step.
I'm finding Austin Sweeney out the Big Ten challenges right now.
So hopefully John Rosene like, listen, John Rothstein, I love him. I really do. But he will just keep tweeting through this. He'll tweet, they'll be everything will be canceled and he'll be like Old Dominion just added Kansas on their schedule.
Yeah. No, John, it's not happening. It's going to be it's going to be like election night, right. Yeah. Like there that a goat rodeo. Yeah. Florida's election returns are going to be coming in. He's like big news. Murcer just landed a grad transfer.
I actually do like this. Just came to me. I when we were in West Virginia on Friday, I was getting like we had like runners who picked me up from the hotel. And he was like, yeah, I drove once, drove John Rothstein like three hours from, like, I can't remember where he went from two. And he's like, yeah, I pitched him a bunch of me. He didn't like any of them. I was like, yeah, he's picky about he's got to come up with the money.
So it was a great guy, but he was like it was very funny. Like I just pitched him rustiness.
I just can't believe that John Rothesay never had to travel three hours anywhere like outside of the Upper East Side.
Maybe it was just Philly to New York City. It was like, yeah, ours. But it was very fun. It was definitely feel it was very nice. And he was just like, yeah, he was a really nice guy. But I tried to pitch him and he was not happy. And I was like, Yeah, that's just Rothstein. Here's a free idea for the NCAA.
Why don't you just start the tournament now to coach? Style, where it's like every team 17, you start it now and then that builds in almost unlimited by weeks until you get to the end of March or just started right after Super Bowl.
So we'll do it like a two and a half month.
Don't know if that's going to be enough time. It might not be enough time. All right. That's it. Yeah. You really fucked that up, though. I know. I take full.
Are you going to feel sleep tonight like you're actually upset? Yeah, I'll.
I'll sleep on it, OK.
Jake's going to sleep last night if you're like legitimately upset.
So can you give him a wellness check like it wasn't his fault.
He was really my fault. And I don't want to say it, but Jake is is I don't care.
And Jake is like really upset about it.
We're people, which I said in the comments.
Oh, yeah. Oh, all right, Billy, go ahead. Uh, excuse me.
No, my dog puked on me before I had to give a presentation. You got to let him eat it. Yeah, I know.
Dogs see this weight or my dog's boner. This is a yes. We've all said no. He's never wanted to see anything more in his life.
He is now saying yes. Song. Yes, Billy, you don't want to think yes, Julia, you don't even like have like a dog.
Oh, Billy, my dog's dick is bigger than yours. You got my dog's dick bigger than we've ever said. A glorified ferret. Oh, shit. Hey.
Oh, all right. Fine. Let me see it. Oh, yes. Yes. No, do not send it to me. Dog barking You I'm blocking you down. A dog just tweeted out, hey, hey, what a treat it out.
Hank tweeted out, if it's good for us, good for everyone. We like to say, can you do it open for a surprise?
Dude, it's fucked up.
What the fuck. Oh. Oh, my God. What? It's like a slipped, you know, so it's worse. It looks like a giant.
That's so disgusting. Why do you say where I thought it was a shit. So wait, what are you going to do about what's going to come on. No, no, no dude. It was this this one by the way, this is all happening in the last like four fights of rough and rowdy like it was this all these just boned up. He was Beaune the fuck up. And I'm like trying to bring girls. I think it was right when the horse came out.
This is what I don't know. I mean, what's that?
Or this is what a dog with a bone is supposed to look like. No, I don't want it. No, Billy, stop selling dog boners. That's what's supposed to look like.
What the fuck? Yeah, your dog's got handicapped.
Looks like he's in pain. Oh, yeah. It looks like there's looks like he's in pain. It's like there's a giant eel grabbing his crotch.
Oh God I hate those.
Actually that might actually be worse. That might be worse. That like seeing his boner might be worse than your pants like that. You finally have one thing that's worse. Is that why they call them wiener dogs?
Boner dogs. Yeah.
Is every wiener dog have like a huge hog like that.
This was I mean, it was it was it was stunning. It was stunning. Shocking, stunning, demoralizing.
Do you have envy now? Are you, like, mad at it?
No, I was just like I mean, it was more like Reia had said that had happened to her.
She was like Norman's whole dick was on my leg and I oh, I laughed it off being like, oh whatever.
Like, you know, little dog, little dog bone. Not a big deal if you're over over being overdramatic. And then I saw it was like, holy shit, that was on your way.
How did he did you like to the panel look at it like he was like, like crying for a second was like and I like doing it, especially when you're giving him gonna give them really fucked up, give him relief.
I put like baseball on TV or so. Yeah. What do you think what do you think about Billy just saying that Norm is not a dog and Billy's worst.
I mean, it's still you have like a I got eight.
I guess you would jerk off normally, but yeah. You've got to have like with the whole fucking fucking animal. Well, yes. Stop, stop that. No, no, no. Why do you get why do you get the hedgehog, Billy. What if you got back on stuff. Interesting. I got it. I got fourteen. Interesting Billy. Seventy four. Seven motherfucking teen 74. I gave a bitch. Thirty nine. Sorry. Go ahead anyway.
Seventy four fucking freak.
No you get the fuck out of here that we got stadium fuckers we got. Yeah that's right. That stadium the stadium consists. How old was and stadium. It's eighteen who. Thirty nine. But anyway Danny Woodhead. That sucks.
Yeah that sucks. You didn't pick Danny's number. I always pick eight though. That's my no you always picked on August 30th. Chimpanzees commit cannibalism.
Also Moscow banned monkey picked coconuts. No more monkey business. I was saying no fuck you do does my life damn all day of you guys talking. I don't know what to say on, say, today's day to find shying away. Be coming for your love, shying away. I'm looking for your lover. Take on me, take me. Oh, geegaws. Needless to say in it for Mr.. His Uncle Sam, to me, is the better to be safe.
So. It's better to be safe than sorry, take on me. Take Leah. Ichiko. Couple things that you say just recently. You all got to enjoy you anyway. Take on me, take me up.
I'll be gone. I'll be good enough. It's pardon my tape presented by barstool sports.