Ryan Dempster, Army Coach Mike Viti, Ravens Frauds And MLB/NBA Playoffs
Pardon My Take- 1,187 views
- 30 Sep 2020
The Ravens lost to the Chiefs on MNF and Big Cat wants to call them frauds again. MLB playoffs and NBA Finals starting tomorrow (2:31 - 19:41). Hot Seat/Cool Throne including the Lightning winning the Stanley Cup and Adam Gase on the hot seat (19:41 - 35:05). WS Champion and 16 year MLB vet Ryan Dempster joins the show to talk to about the MLB playoffs, playing in front of no fans and who smashed Sammy's boombox. (35:05 - 76:48) Army fullback coach Mike Viti joins the show to accept football guy of the week award and talk about being tougher than all of us (79:07 - 94:11). We wrap up with guys on chicks and a sabermetrics.
On today's pardon my take, we have a twofer for the people, we have Ryan Dempster on Talk Baseball playoffs are finally here.
We're watching it right now. Lucas Giolito is throwing a perfect game through six that won't jinx.
Say it. Don't I won't say a P word. I won't jinx it.
We have also fullbacks, coach of Army Football Mike Vardy.
He won football guy of the week. He's the guy who got headbutted and stood his ground even though he was a little dazed man's man.
Pretty much like everything he says just makes me motivated to be better than I am going to do it now.
It just makes me feel like less of a man. He could get me to go to the gym once, twice. Yeah, two times in a week. If if there was a smoothie bar afterwards, if he woke me up, like if he was standing over me in bed.
If he headbutted. Yes. In bed. Yes. If he dragged me to the gym. So we have that. We have Monday Night Football recap baseball hotsy cool thrown guys on chicks. All that is brought to you by our friends at the cash wrap party. My take is always brought to you by the cash up here in the cash up studio. It's the easiest place to send money to your friends. It's also the safest. So go use the cash app.
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Right. Street violence, I'm not I'm not out to drink and I don't like you, it's pardon my 10 percent high school sports.
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Ten dollars. The ASPCA today is Wednesday, September 30th. Pfft. I don't want to do it. Wake up the guy from Green Day PFG. I don't want to do it. What. I don't want to do it but I want to do it.
You want to say that the writers are frauds, frauds, they're frauds, their fraud, fraud, frauds. I don't think they're frauds. They're fraud in the way that job rule uses the term. They are frauds from false advertising.
The Ravens are frauds and they need to beat a team when they're down ten points or beat the Kansas City Chiefs before I take them for real. They panicked. They look terrible on Monday Night Football there. Oh, the stat was eighteen, you know, with a 10 point lead on five with the ten point deficit, they can't come from behind.
There are a few spots, I think that maybe they should they should spot the Washington football team thirteen and a half points to start the half. And then they can come from behind. They can prove that they're able to maybe that's what was happening. Maybe maybe they were looking forward to a real competitor in Washington football next week and overlooking the chiefs this week. But, yeah, the Ravens are not. So they're not built to come from behind. They're false.
All right. Here, I'm going to explain it in a way that is a little bit softer, OK? They're not frauds in the fact that I don't think they're a bad team. I'm not saying they're bad team. They're a very good team, a very good team. But kind of like Oregon back in the day with Chip Kelly when they would lose to like Stanford in in in November when the games got tougher.
I still I don't know until I see it. I don't trust that the Ravens offense can work when it gets in a hole or when it plays the Kansas City Chiefs. So therefore, they are a very good team. But guess what? If you're a Ravens fan, you should actually be happy. I'm saying this because I'm not saying they're frauds. They're a bad team. I'm saying they're frauds as Super Bowl like level. You know what I'm holding them to?
I'm holding that standard. And at that standard, they fall short.
You know what you need to do? You need to compare it to another fraud team in a different sports that people can connect the dots and be like, oh, yeah, that's right. He's correct about that point and accept them into thinking that maybe they're frauds. So you might go around him saying, like, are the Baltimore Ravens, the Houston Rockets of the NFL weird, gimmicky. They're analytics Mickey Mouse ish.
OK, let's have a real discussion, though. Do you not agree that and I think you're kind of starting to feel the same way, even though I say no, I actually I'm here for the Houston Rockets comparison.
Yes. Because when I when I put those two together in my head, it's hard to make sense to me. Yeah. Because, like, by any objective measurement, the Baltimore Ravens are awesome. They are really good. And you know what they're going to do? They're going to absolutely steamroll everybody and they're going to make me think that they can beat the Chiefs and then the playoffs, the Chiefs are going to be by 40.
They shit pump all the bad teams. They again, like Oregon football, Houston Rockets teams that do something a little different. But when when the chips are down and you need and again, this is Patrick Mahomes talking about, it's OK to fall short against Patrick Mahomes, who's the best player on the planet, who, as an aside, Patrick Mahomes using. I love when a guy like Mahomes, who is the best player on the planet, is still using the top 100 lists as motivation.
And it's like, dude, we don't actually think that you're not like the best quarterback yet.
You have 500 million dollars. You're the best quarterback you are to carry good like some stupid poll.
Like I, I appreciate that you're using as motivation, but if you actually polled people with a brain, they'd be like, oh, we want Patrick Mahomes.
You've got to find stuff to get pissed off about, though. At that level, the Jimmy Butler thing, it's got to find things to make you mad. And then you go out and you play better. And I think that he's I would bet that Patrick Mahomes is going to complete a pass to, well, obviously wide receiver. He's got a running back. He's got fullback, he's got left tackle. He'll throw it to the right tackle. He might work out a way to, like, have a guard eligible play.
That underhand shovel pass was so fucking awesome. And the working man's pass. Sorry. So back to the Ravens real quick. And again, you what's going to happen? I'm going have a lot of Ravens fans be like, dude, the Bears are frauds. I agree that they kind of are. I don't think the bears are like exceptional team I. That's different than me not apologizing. I won't apologize for three. No. While also thinking like.
Yeah, this might not end so well, but I'm going to enjoy the fucking ride and we have to define what is a fraud and what is a bomb, because there's a difference between being a fraud and being a bum when it comes to sports talk radio. When you're a fraud, it means that the expectations are there and you end up defaulting on that. You end up false advertising yourself. So I don't think that the bears, they're not making any promises to me right now.
No, my eyeball is looking at the bears and I'm thinking, yeah, nine and seven.
The bears are a roller coaster that you get on. And as you walk on it, you're watching someone walk off that's like missing a limb and has a bloody nose.
And you're like, this doesn't seem safe, but I'm going to do it anyway.
I'm going to action park. Right. When you go to the Bears, you're like, I'm going to have a heart attack in the Tarzan pool. I'm probably going to get knocked unconscious in the wave pool. Who knows what's going to happen on the rope swing. And I'm probably going to die in that circular tube.
Same analogy. The Ravens of the roller coaster you get on, it's shiny. It's beautiful now or something like that. It's beautiful. It's shiny, it's state of the art. And then it doesn't really go that fast. And all of a sudden it just stops in the middle of it. You're like, wait, what's going on? I thought this roller coaster was incredible. I thought it was the greatest new thing that we've ever seen. Can they figure it out?
I just I have to see it before I believe it that Lamar Jackson, as exceptional as he is and he is exceptional, but that offense, when it's down and they have to throw the ball, I actually think, you know, what would make me take back the Ravens fraud statement is if they just committed to the run, even when they're down, because that first drive, they were going right down the field.
I don't know why Harbaugh kicked the field goal.
He should have just gone four because he seems like the guy he's been pushing. Like, go for it, go for it, go for it. That set the tone like aren't going to kick a field goal fourth and three. I mean, he was the blueprint. He was the film of the playoffs last year. If you go up big on the Chiefs, then they outscored, you can beat the Chiefs with three. But he didn't want to go up by ten points on the Chiefs because he's fucked.
And then they and then, you know, they get in that hole and it just like just keep running the ball. Just, I don't know, just keep her on the ball because you can do it better than everyone else. When the Ravens are running and they're running, well, it's in and yes. What's his name? Drop Mark Andrews. Drop passes that he shouldn't have dropped in.
A couple of things could have gone differently.
Put the chiefs have their number. Did you see the the wristband that Lamar is rocking, how many plays he has on there in the front? It's got to be I mean, it's probably like four point font that's on his racism. Say he's probably got like 50 or 60 plays. That's all there. Like something you would get like a personal pizza party. Yeah. In elementary school if you read the whole thing I did. It's crazy. And like Harbaugh, to his credit, like he he tends to stick with what works.
Right. So he usually, you know, goes for and fourth down. He does stick with the run more than most coaches would because he knows that, like, at the end of the day, it's going to be a matchup problem. If you are running the read option, they can't stop it all the time. But then you start playing against the clock and that's when you make an enemy of the clock. Then you've taken a tremendous weight off Andy Reid shoulders.
Yeah, because that's one less person that he has to do battle. He doesn't have to play the twelfth man. Yes.
All right. Let's let's look real quick, because I'm sure what's going to happen is after I say the Ravens, the frauds are going to rip off like ten straight wins, just like last year, but especially in a year when you only have one by that game became so important last night with only one by. And now you have to play more games in the playoffs. They have. Yeah, they're good. They're going to kill the Washington football team.
They're going to kill the Bengals. They're going to kill the Eagles. So the next three weeks, in three weeks time, I'm going to look like an idiot. But I'll still stand by it this time and say that when they have to start playing the big boys and they have to get out of a hole and the Steelers are going to a tough matchup this year, it's not going to look the same counterpoint.
Forget Lamar Jackson said the Chiefs are kryptonite, so he's admitting it so well. You know, he's saying that they're Superman, OK, like the chiefs are there, which is kind of weird. Now, that's something that Patrick Mahomes can look at. That'll be his motivation when they meet in the playoffs, because like Wade, he thinks that they're Superman and that we're kryptonite. I'm I'm going to Superman that home. You're Superman the way that Soulja Boy talks about.
So I'm going to nut on your back and blanket on you.
Yes. Lucas, you little, by the way, give up the perfect game right after I said it. There you go. Whoops. Bush, I don't believe in that curse. You don't talk about it. I bet the White Sox. So I would like I would like to have had him throw a perfect game.
All right. So the Ravens, what do you think in those games? So, again, Washington football team, Bengals, Eagles, third score, one hundred forty points. One hundred forty points. One hundred forty points. In those three games, they should be going to pop off the forty five points a game.
Yes, they should beat the football team by thirty points that Jason is going to be put that back. They really should try to, they should try to go down in the first half.
Why not just approve it? Because yes, you're going right. I laid the gauntlet that if they come back from a ten point deficit, I will remove the fraud.
This is a perfect time to do it. Put in RG three, it's an RG three revenge game. Have him started out. He's going to try to do too much. He might die on FedEx Field. Given what we know about that surface and his injury history. That's that's almost worse than Jordan Reid playing on the sticky turf. So RG three. She was in, throws three pick sixes and then bring in Lamar in the second quarter and then, boom, you still win by 30 and you get the fraud taken off.
Absolutely. Ravens fans were very frustrated with me. Just know that I am a reasonable man.
And if they come back from down 10, I will officially remove the fraud and start taking them seriously again. I'd also like to point out that if a lineman scored a touchdown, if the players over 300 pounds, it should count of seven. And then the extra point is one that's just so cool.
Agreed. But you can't go for two. Yes. Score nine. Correct. It's it's like a bonus point. Yes. I bet Andy Reid would probably throw to tackle like probably six times a game if that was.
Well, it would be great because then you would basically, you know, you get eight points if you can, although Bucker couldn't hit that extra point last night, that was an awesome play.
Also, I saw you retweeted it as well. Such a tell by who scored Eric Fisher, Eric Fisher when he went up and started using Patrick Mahomes. Yeah. Towel. That was incredible.
It was a great he just he sneaks over to him, grabs a towel, gets a little wipe off on his hands. It's like, OK, that guy's going to be catching the ball.
Yeah, he's getting the ball thrown to him. So Monday Night Football was good. Not great. I mean, everyone was kind of expecting like the best game, I think the Chiefs Rams game from a couple of years ago. It will forever ruin our brains. Yeah. Because we see the Chiefs or the Ravens or the Rams or the Seahawks in these Monday Night Football games.
And we're like, get ready for it. It's going to be epic. And we don't we didn't realize at the time that was the best it will ever be.
I think that this game was pretty good. It didn't live up to that expectation. But you're right, our brains are grading it on a curve. And since it is debate night, which I'm sure was electric, we're taping this before the debates, I'm sure changed a lot of people's minds. By the way, if you're an undecided voter, you deserve to be pushed off a building. If you don't know who you're going to vote for.
Do they exist if you're an undecided voter waiting for Rex Chapman to tell them to go out and vote? If you're an undecided voter, tweet at us and let us know, because I'm so interested in how you put on a hat in the morning without giving yourself a concussion.
I don't think they're undecided voters. I think their voters are deciding. The undecided part is whether or not they'll vote. Right. Thankfully, if you go on Twitter, you'll get enough people to tell you to vote that you probably decided to vote.
Or are you have kanban. No one should ever be undecided until the second he walks into the voting booth. I'll be a hypocrite. Everyone should vote.
Everyone vote, go vote. But since it is debate night, we should we should get to the bottom of this. Is it iller? It's ah, hell no. It's iller. Allare l'Air. He was leaving. Was really leaning on the e. It's Elad. No. l'Air. Yes Lare. Yes. Hilaire Alair allare and I need it.
Right because remember.
Well this is remember Jake got this wrong, famously got this wrong and was very upset about it. But you got it wrong. I got it wrong. But if I prepped I would have.
But you didn't prep emphasis on the capital E letter, so he did it correctly and Al Michaels was saying there and then Twitter was roasting them.
Yeah. So he's a zombie overcompensated when Hardy. He's so good.
It's so unfair that the chiefs were able to add him. It is. It is. Jerry Jones said that Jerry Jones I love it because he can't stop talking about other people's players like he was talking about how he wished that he had a more mobile quarterback. And then he went back. He was like, I wasn't that wasn't a slur against Dak. It's just that, you know, sometimes you see a slight against Andy Dalton.
Sometimes you see a cool toy and you want to. And he also said, like, man, I really wish I could have gotten a letter in early in the second round. It's like you just you just gave, like, an infinity extension to Ezekiel. Yes.
But he just collect them all to get them all get all offense. Jerry Jones going to play flag football on the defensive side, but he's going to have a Pro Bowl team on the offense. Yeah, I kind of appreciate that.
Of course. All right. So we have baseball playoffs started. We have Ryan Dempster on in a minute to talk about them. Any should we do our predictions?
We got to do our predictions. Yeah.
Indians, Dodgers. OK, I'm no playoff Kershaw playoff Kershaw. No fans playoff Kershaw. No fans. Cubs. White Sox. Yeah, Cubs.
I'm going to go with the Cubs. I really like the Cubs here. So Hank and I are rooting for the Cubs that Cubs Astros because I want to see everyone pissed off.
That would be nice. Yeah. And then I'm mad that I want I want. No, I know what you're doing. No, no. I legitimately like I don't really care that much about the playoffs this year. I root for Storyline's Yankees.
Yeah. Who comes to the ultimate pinstripes. Yeah. Maybe Chicago will say I don't want I don't I don't want the Yankee that. No, no that would that would kill you.
Way too many Yankee Doodle. The Lakers won the one titles within a month of each other being sold for.
Oh my God that would be huge. Travel would be great. Would be so excited.
Our dear friend. Trouble. It's been a big day for him, all his teams. What if this is the year? What if like do. Basketball is going to. Well, would it be perfect if it happened, because this will never obviously have an NBA final at this time. So we have the Yankees and the Lakers within a month of each other, the same month winning titles.
I might put a front runner par lay down and go Yankees, Lakers. I'll go with the Cowboys, Alabama, Alabama, football and Duke basketball this year.
I like it. We're going to talk. I like it. I like it.
So, yeah, we have that. And then the NBA finals do start on Wednesday night. I'm very excited. I think a boys we're the number one heat podcast.
Yep. This is Bonos.
We're going to get in the heat cold winter, all about the cold heat because that's what we say here. Culture, you guys. It's not the heat. It's the humility. It's we are grounded. We're ready to go tag. Jimmy Butler said that we are we're not underdogs. Jimmy Butler, as first reported, said we're good team. They're a good team. Not going to say that we're better than anybody else, but I just don't think that we're underdogs.
I don't.
So, Jimmy, much like Patrick Mahomes needs somebody be pissed off about, I guess Jimmy Jimmy just hates Las Vegas. Yes.
Yeah. Like when I when someone comes off the bench, they're, like, cheering each other up. And yeah, we finished podcast. I'm going to be like, good job, guys. OK, yeah.
The culture the culture of this podcast is changing. Yeah, I like that. Yeah. And when you fuck up a name like Clyde Edwards lair. Good job. Good effort. Yeah.
Nice try Jake. Exactly what those four years at Syracuse weren't a waste. Thank you. Right. Pretty. Yeah. Pretty cool. Medium cool. I fucking love the heat. I fucking love them. The heat. If the Heat beat the Lakers in the finals and now I can tell he's getting amped up, just hearing the possibility that the Lakers and LeBron might lose. It's not going to happen.
It's not going to it's probably if you're not going to be if you are listening to this in in Pennsylvania, I like I've reached my pinnacle of life, of just creating grudged bets. But there is a bet now on the barstool sportsbook app that's just Lakers alpha dog. You can bet who has more points. Anthony Davis. LeBron James. No, Crooge? No.
Caruso didn't make the cut. We should do a Caruso hero match up Caruso. I saw Propp the other day. It was over two threes for Caruso and it was like plus six hundred so so mean.
So I mean, he's gone back to being underrated though. Yes. So this is when he plays.
Well I think we get a lot Kuzma cuz that's the big if you're if you're a die hard Laker fan like myself you've got to be like Koo's was about to come out of his shell.
I want to see Dwight Howard just go off in these smiles. I don't see Dwight go off and then they ask him what he's going to do afterwards. I might just in Orlando for a while. Just go right. A lot of rides. Let my snakes crawl along. It is the perfect environment for Dwight Howard. Yes, it is.
All right. Let's get to our hotsy quarter and then we'll get to our interviews. Hotsy cool thrown this week is brought to you by Bud Light. Seltzer on the hot seat this week is free space in your fridge.
Oh, they have something here. They have a little. How fast can Jake read this?
Jake, you got to read this. How fast can Jake read to add hotsy quarter on Bud Light Seltzer? He's our announcer. I just texted to you Bud Light. Seltzer has three new flavors available in the remix Variety Pack. Jake, read it as fast as you can.
Rap. He's not happy. Get it. Get it. I'm still waiting for I just texted him through. I got to say, it's you can drink it as fast as Jake can say it. Hotsy cool throne presented by Bud Light Seltzer on that text.
Oh you're not. Oh you're not. Where's someone bump. The text is terrible job. I texted you. Oh here we go. I got it. I got a big catch a deal text. Yeah. All right, go.
Jayanthi calls on president but I tell there's the greatest thing ever created. It's so easy to drink. You can finish one one at the time and finish this a few seconds.
Just thought I'd be able to get a shit that wasn't powersports. Yeah, I was rolling too. Yeah, you were.
I thought I said I'll figure something out.
I was trying to get Jake to swear. He doesn't swear. Do you know he doesn't swear Billy.
Yeah. I listen to Billy. You swear. Swear battle some shit.
Some swear word. You want a beer Billy. Yeah. Yeah. So your favorite swear word. Go.
Whoa, Billy, you're cool to say that.
No, I think it's cool when he comes. No, we're going to bleep that.
So then everyone can be like what Billy say oh that's racist. Billy, how could you. Oh my God. It's Bud Light seltzer hotsy Calderon this week is broad. We're still the ad brought to you by Bud Light. Seltzer on the hot seat this week is free space in your fridge. Seltzer has three new flavors available in there. Remix Variety Pack Grapefruit, Pineapple, Cranberry all only one hundred calories, one less, one gram of sugar and five times filtered for clean finish order.
Yours now Bud Light dotcoms. Let's deliver and get ready for the games.
Heck my hotseat. I have a couple. The first one that both bath basketball related LaVar Ball is on the hot seat. Well Melo basically has to convince teams to just like drown him out and not listen to anything he says because he he's just trying to get drafted. And he just had to say, my old man. As my own man, he has own opinions, I have mine, like I said, I feel I can play on any team anywhere is a great fit because, like, LaVar Ball is talking shit about him going to the Warriors.
So that's got to suck if you're you know, you're like the number one prospect.
And the only reason you might not get drafted is because your dad, they just got they got to put them on a boat. They just have to put them like on a medium sized yacht, push them out to sea. No Wi-Fi, give them like an ample supply of whatever. LaVar Ball, I have to assume it's probably like combo's and raw meat. And it may be just like a bunch of beer or something like that. Get them out with no cell phone service and just send them out at sea for, you know, until it's an appropriate time where he can't ruin your career and bring him back.
My other hot seat, Karl Anthony Towns, took a big time ricochet shot.
Andrew Wiggins got interviewed and asked about how he feels about Jimmy Butler because you know, those rumors like he was a locker room cancer and that Wiggins and Towns were the reason he left. And Wiggins basically said that it was all Karl Anthony Towns.
He said, I feel like that was from certain people that couldn't handle certain situations. So I was just roasting Karl Anthony Towns for being soft and running Jimmy Butler out of town.
And then my thrown is Jimmy Butler's profit margins because he said he's not going to give his players free coffee even if they won the championship. Right.
He's a businessman. No disrespect to families, but, you know, money comes first. Yeah, I mean, sorry, go to start, but you've got to pay.
There's no friends and family incentives, though, like we're trying to we're trying to incentivize our boys to win this championship.
Like, no, it's about the culture that's just hard work. Pay for what you pay. It's a pay to play league. You don't change what you're doing just because you're experiencing a little bit of success. All right.
Imagine if they like if Jimmy Butler, just Jimmy Butler would just show up with hot coffee after they win and just start dousing everyone in the Gatorade that you guys will finally get it.
Yeah, the Gatorade bath is just like a giant flat white and then send everyone bills afterwards.
Also kind of stupid that they're not letting like the they're not letting MLB players celebrate with beer and champagne. And so. Yeah.
What is that. It's some bullshit. Oh, because Korona some bullshit. That is shit. That is.
What does that have to do with Korona. Like drinking it or sharing it. Alcohol kills Caronna. That's actually a fact.
Yeah that's why. Thank you Billy. Saturday. Yeah. All right.
My hotseat is Adam Gase. Adam Oh shit. That's mine too. Yeah.
I mean we probably all pull that one out, but Adam gets in the hot seat. The Jets are calling around. Apparently, according to Billy's sheet, they've made calls to several big time agents trying to find their next coach. I actually don't think that anybody who would want to coach the Jets is somebody that you would want to coach the Jets if you're Jets fan. I would not want to coach the Jets.
I'm trying to think who would? I'm taking my name. I mean, Jonathan Garrett Ciano would do a Jarno. Would do it. Might do it. Patricia Yeah, he'd do it. Yeah. He's probably going to be available in a little bit.
Um, who else is going to get fired?
Sue Jackson would Jackson. He would definitely do it. Just throw people under the bus right away. Jeff Fisher, Doc Rivers still going around Doc Rivers super name. I'm just saying. Jeff Fisher.
Oh, don't do that. Why? Because he's our friend. I don't want him to have to have the misery of the Jets.
I think it's probably the worst job in America right now. Right. He's coaching the New York Jets. Yes, I would do it. I know. I know. I was going to put conditions on it. I wouldn't do. I'm not doing it.
I'm taking my name off that unless I if I could just do it, but, like, not do it, just I'll do it under the condition that I get to coach from the booth. Oh no, no. I'm saying like I'll do it but I'm not showing up to work. You'll be the name. I'll no show the job. No.
Oh Gregg Williams would do it. We should get Gregg Williams is probably engineering this collapse on his own.
We should get some, like, Sopranos type character to just be the no show job of Jets head coach.
I'll hang out in the parking lot with a giant mirror just reflecting it on myself. Tanning. Yeah, in the parking lot.
Just like Gary V. Kocho. Yeah, well, yeah, just Larrivee might be able to turn that culture around. Why not. But it's going to be positive loses this week, social media guys. But also I'm on every app, by the way. Fuck Vic Fangio. Fuck Vic Fangio. Oh. Because he well first of all, he's a turkey. Doesn't know how to use a closet coordinator. Secondly, he said that Blake Bortles isn't starting, but actually his his explanation was pretty hilarious.
He said Brett Rypien will start and Jeff Driscoll might play. That's that's a great way to just inspire your team is being like this guy's the starter, but he's probably going to stink. So Jeff Driscoll's going to be ready to go. So I don't know.
I don't know what's going to happen. I'm going to watch Greg Williams. This is probably good for the Broncos. Yep. Because Greg Williams doesn't know he doesn't have the budget to put a bounty on two quarterbacks. Right. He doesn't know if he's going to spread out his dollar.
Who am I going to who am I going to incur? And also, if you put a bounty on Brett Rypien, you're robbing Peter to pay Paul because then Jeff Driscoll comes in. Right. And you're like, wow, I really wish that I hadn't hurt Brett Rippin, right. I wish we just kept with this.
How about one other name to take the Jets job, Todd? Bulls, his defense playing well, yeah, great coach, I actually would love to see that happen to just be like Todd Bowles, our new head coach, but wasn't either Todd Bowles, our new head coach, screwed up. We Rex Ryan, our new head coach, who was the last Jets head coach, have a winning record, Rex Ryan.
Well, typos would have been no Belichick, no Rex 500.
Rex Ryan had an overall winning record. Oh, overall, I think. Yeah, no, no.
Overall, over the tenure, I mean, he had some good teams, so he might have Belichick to have a losing. Belichick had he was 500. What do you mean in coach a game with the Jets. Correct. He's right. Zero wins or loss can't drive by.
Rex Ryan as a head coach of the New York Football Jets. I'm scrolling of she's Rex Ryan. So fucking huge Wikipedia. He was forty six and fifty. Damn. Just missed. Just missed four and twelve in his last season.
Really did him in. Come on Rex. Otherwise he was right there. All right. You have a cool.
My Michael throne is JJ Watt, loving his brothers the most on the Houston Texans because Earl Thomas is not signing with the team. So you see what I did there?
Yeah, Earl was virtually guaranteed to sign with the Houston Texans. And then it just was reported a second ago that he's not after his medical examination. So I don't know what they turned up there.
But what's up? I heard you might go to the Eagles. Oh, because the City of Brotherly Love.
That's a good joke, Billy. Well done. I think that my theory about Earl Thomas is that he just went to Texas to get closer to Dallas. Yes, because Earl Thomas is wanted to play for the Cowboys ever since he got into the NFL. He's just going to show up. He's going to show up. This is you know what this is? It's like if if you're in the same town as somebody that you want to meet up with, you post a lot on social media and you're like, oh, here I am.
I'm just I'm hanging out in Texas in case Jerry Jones happens to notice the same state if he wants to give me a call. Oh, sure, Jerry, I'll drop by. Hey, Jerry, I'm just saying, you know, I was in the neighborhood seven hours away.
I don't know why they don't sign them, though. The Cowboys defense is terrible. If you want to play for them, just play for them for the minimum. Yeah, he should. Yeah.
All right. My hotseat is was also out of gas. My cool throne is the Tampa Bay Lightning. Stanley Cup champion, Tampa Bay lightning shout out there, Greg, you fucking dork. But more than anything, it worked. The Virginia model worked.
Virginia basketball losing to you. NBC then winning the title Tampa Bay Lightning getting swept by the Blue Jackets and issuing the lamest saddest are we getting divorced? Twitter message of all time last year, which I retweeted last night again, but it said this is last year before they went went on to win the Stanley Cup. We don't have any words and we know you don't want to hear them.
We understand your anger, your frustration, your sadness, everything you're feeling, we get it.
This isn't the ending we imagined and certainly not the one we wanted. Thank you for being there the entire way. There's a deep drive to left my Castellanos Menefee.
Yeah. Yeah. They want they then took this with a fly in the in the studio. Billi killed this fly. I got it. Kill the fucking fly they took.
OK, now that's going to we're going to get everything. Everything did show up the they took that which was the ultimate cock move. Apologizing for losing to a Stanley Cup champion. It's the most Canadian Stanley Cup victory in twenty five years. The team that is sort of ends up winning. Yeah. North Florida.
But yeah, that was cool them. I don't know what else to say about the Stanley Cup.
The handshake line was nice. I was a real tree and she kind was nice. There were some good games in the Stanley Cup. Oh. Did you see the coach of the lightning. He was wearing a Yuva hat. Where are you the hat and refused to go do his press conference. I was full coaching staff, so they all were just jammed up there at the press conference. That is what you never see that in the NBA?
No, absolutely not. No. Hell, no. You would never be good. Now, did Herb didn't do that? Yeah, I think so.
I think he did at one point. I think when they were saying he was like taking too much credit, he's like, well, all my assistants are going to do the press conference to look at this.
All right, Billy, my hotseat is odel. He started to video game stream and he isn't in the hotseat yet. But as soon as he does anything, you know, mess up on the field, everyone's going to be like, you should have been your playbook. Now playing video games, if you like doing anything.
Yeah, football. What is he, streamers. Nice shot. OK, yeah. So he's probably Beest probably, but I feel like he runs the wrong route. I was just going to jump on him.
Yeah. Yeah. I'd suck if everybody spammed his his chatwood just the shit emoji that was, he wasn't ruining his chat.
I was, they were saying that he was in the trash doing that. They spent the entire night doing that. This is really good.
He's all right. But you're not good. I'm. I'm terrible. OK, he's probably as good as I am. OK, so he's also terrible. Yeah. Can you is there a level in call of duty where you can get on a boat? Can you commandeer a boat?
No, that's probably why it stinks. Yeah. Yeah. And then your cool thing, ok. No, no, no. I have I why am I playing?
You know, I go on quite nice to all the waiters. He's guaranteed to get a in because he was on the heat earlier in the season and I think a lot more why I'm.
All right. Let's get to our interview with Ryan Seacrest, who who's the owner of the Cross Country Mortgage. You missed it. You missed it, Mancur. You missed it. Madden Curse is back. Why? Because Lamar Jackson, did he hurt? No, but he didn't play that well.
He lost the game at ninety seven, passing out every year. Here's a fun segment metric every year the athlete that's on the cover of Madden loses a game.
It's Mark Cuban also and was somebody that's grounds for getting Delonte West.
That was that is very, very true of Cuba. That was very cool. Move. All right. Let's get to Ryan Dempster and then we have Football Guy the week, Mike Vardy, coach Mike Vardy. This interview is brought to you by our friends at CrossCountry Mortgage. CrossCountry Mortgage combines the people first mindset with a dedication to the fundamentals of mortgage lending, which results in a fast, easy and stress free home financing experience, a personalized approach of assessing individual needs to recommend the best loan option for each customer mortgage.
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Go to crosscountry mortgage dotcom for licensing and disclosures. OK, here he is, Ryan Dempster.
Oh OK. We now welcome on a very special guests. It is. I have a lot. You have a resume that I have to go through that is fantastic, but it's missing one thing. So Ryan Dempster, 2013 World Series champion, six year MLB veteran, two time All-Star analyst for MLB Network and Marquee Sports Network, where he hosted his own late night show talk show off the mound with Ryan Dempster. Didn't put in they didn't put in here only guy in Cubs history to have fifty wins and fifty saves and also didn't put it in here.
Hall of Famer Canada, but Hall of Famer near the border. Yeah. Why? What's up with that?
Why are we acknowledging the Baseball Hall of Fame in Canada? I don't know if that's a good question. There's a lot of fine baseball players up there, I'm lucky to be in that group. That's that's for sure. That was a special moment. So you don't think you're going to be in a Hall of fame anywhere? Like maybe like, you know, your high school for something other than sports. But, you know, it was it was pretty good to be able to go into that.
Oftentime Fergie Jenkins gave me the jacket to like the greatest Canadian pitcher ever. So it was. Thanks. I appreciate that intro. Yes.
Would you say that you're your top three Canadian pitcher of all time?
I would put myself I would put myself in the top three just for statistics top, you know.
Yeah. I mean, he's got everything he's like when strikeouts, you know, complete games, the best hitting pitcher ever, innings pitched, although he won't even sniff my Grand Slams given up.
So I got him way more on what's the what's the Canadian version of Mount Rushmore? Mount Rushmore. You have like four famous moose. They talk. I don't know.
We don't really have anything. Yeah, I don't know if we we just don't we don't put our tax dollars to that. I don't know what it is.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. So we have Ryan on to talk a little baseball playoffs. I'm going to save a few Cubs specific questions for the end so that people aren't like, oh, he did talk about the Cubs. Let's do it.
Let's do a general questions first and then we want to maybe talk about each series in terms of no crowd. Obviously, everyone's used to it because of the regular season. But what do you think that has? Like what impact does it have on guys in the postseason when you need maybe that little extra juice? Who's it going to hurt? More of the pictures of the batters. And how do you see that playing out, playing in front of No.
One in these high, high intensity situations?
Yeah, that's a good question. You know, I think when I when I watched it this year and I've been in Wrigley and staying home on games and seen kind of not having the fans and what what it does, I think it benefits the young pitcher who's never been on the stage before. You know, just for the fact those guys like, you know, I remember that's like starting a first playoff game. And then when you're a young guy with a little bit experience and you're all of a sudden in a visiting ballpark and that place bounce and it gets intense fan, and you've got to try and learn to control those emotions.
And now when you don't necessarily have that, I think that it can it can maybe be a little bit if easier is the right word, but maybe a little bit easier to control those emotions, to be able to hone it in and just focus on what you're doing. But I think we've seen it across the league all year. I think there's players, certain players in the league that they love that. Right. They love the energy. When there's a big base hit, it's like I'm going to take the next base or I'm going to make the next play.
And they feed off of that. I think I think you'll see certain players. I don't know who they are necessarily, but certain players do feed off that. I think certain ballparks do an unbelievable job. Ella's ballpark and watching those games on TV, it sounds like you're watching a normal Dodger game, you know, just with the ability to, like, dial that crowd noise up at the right moment, the right time, and some people a little quieter just watching the twins game.
And they they got they got fans in the stands. Yeah. Employees. But it's pretty it's pretty cool, you know, to to see them do that. But it's such a different feel, isn't it's better to have a no.
What about you in particular. Like if you were if you were just throwing in practice and then comparing that to a playoff game that had fans in the stands, could you see like what your two seamer creep up to like ninety one ninety two miles an hour just feeding off that adrenaline.
Yeah. You know, yeah. You look at all the way up to ninety one ninety to bring the gas. Yeah. Yeah. I was fun. Now you know I can really rear back and dial for nine three. No I found as I got experience and.
That when the crowd noise gets like that, when you get a young hitter in the box, that's where you can actually dial it back a notch. You know, you can be like use the ideas like make and saw sawdust on the bad hand because he wants to hit so bad. And then you're like, how Hendricks's zir? Just pull the change up on them and twirl them into the ground. So, yeah, it's there's there's definitely I think you're still going to have your dudes.
Everybody throws one hundred nowadays. So they're, they all know how to dial it up when they do. But whether it's reached in the back pocket for a little extra grip to make sure they can get that spin rate up or whatever it is. But yeah, I don't know what it'd be like having no fans would be super weird.
So you obviously your career, you're known obviously is a really great clubhouse guy. You know, a glue guy.
You were in the bullpen. You were starting pitcher in the bullpen in the playoffs. Is it still loose or does it change completely? And everyone's like, oh, fuck, I could be in in a second in a high leverage situation or do you guys try to act like it's kind of like the regular season and goof around? Because I imagine the bullpen is pretty fun. Innings like one through five.
Yeah, you're exactly right. Like during the regular season, it's like innings one three seven, you know, like even like one through eight because nobody talks the closer after the seventh anyways. But in the playoffs, it is it's like innings one through four, maybe five years, and if you're cruising, it's good, but it just it's dialed up, right. You won one game can change the complexity of a series. So you've got to be so sharp and ready to go in and be mentally prepared once it happens.
So it definitely is a little bit more high energy, a little bit more intense, a little bit more focused. I can't be out there goofing around, telling jokes. People in the front row like I used to in the fifth. I'm going to I'm going to be ready to go in case you get called on. So, yeah, it's like being in the World Series in twenty thirteen out of the pen. Whoa. Like, you know, you couldn't wait to get down there.
You're like, how do I get down there? I don't know if the starter or what happens is the starter blows out on the first hitter. I'm going to be ready to go. So it was it's definitely a tick tick off. Everything becomes amplified. You know, your pregame warm ups, your intensity around the dugout, everything's just sharp or crisp. I always liken it to you play the regular season and in like seven twenty P and then all of a sudden, like high definition TV kicks in in the playoff times because it just becomes intense.
Was there any manager that you had because you played for, I guess, a wide variety of personalities leading your teams. Was there a manager who didn't get you or that you had to like, you know, adjust your personality? Or I would imagine like maybe Lou Piniella? Jim Leyland, like Leland to me seems like a no nonsense kind of guy. But would you have to find yourself, like, adjusting your jokes and personality around him?
Yeah, well, like, Leland was the one because he was my first manager in the big leagues. I got called up. They just won a World Series ninety seven and then they dismantled the whole team and he had to deal with us going out there and losing six days a week.
So it was, you know, I think him getting me it was more like I needed to learn how to be a big leaguer and respect being a big player, probably more so.
I probably have a few coaches or managers would be like Brian would have paid a little bit more attention or focus. So the more you might be about five hundred pitchers.
So he he would he was one. But he also put us in our place really quick, like so like I got great stories so. Now, this man wins the World Series with the Florida Marlins, he's just he's been such a great mentor to us. When we came up, we had all these rookies in nineteen ninety eight. We lost I think I was like we were fifty four and one, two, eight or something like that or fifty six.
And we were back. So we're in Houston and we're losing 16 to four. And Eric Ludwig tells a joke on the bench. And we all kind of laughed and and Leland used to smoke eaters during the game, we talk them in his in his corner of his hand here, so couldn't see them. You know, he just just and then he blows smoke out. I want some blow smoke in a Bruce framings face as he ran out to argue a strike three.
It was incredible. That was my face.
Like, yeah. Like at the. Yeah, you got it. Like if you were to talk a cigarette. I don't have a pen or something.
Yeah, no. He would try to hide it from me. From the camera. Yeah. Yeah. But, but then he'd take a big hit out of it and then just exhaled. Just this giant clown. You're like I think he might be smoking.
It was so awesome. So who are you hiding from. I just threw it. Let it hang out of your mouth and like we all know. Right. So, so he's like if I'm sideways, you guys are on the bench.
He's like looking at us and he's like and he throws it down and he goes down the tunnel and I'm like, oh boy, we're in trouble.
Like we're we're screwed right now. We're in big trouble. So we end up losing the game. Twenty to foreign and the old Astrodome, they had these like French doors, but they're like cafeteria style doors and the clubhouse. And you always wear spikes. I don't know. Maybe in case we were so bad he put himself in or whatever.
It's all of a sudden you hear this, the door breaks open. Right? He's like, if I ever see another one in pictures laugh, we're getting our asses kicked. All of you out of here so fast, your head will spin. You think I'm fooling around. You try me. Every one of you you guys state you guys shot. You think you're big leaguers, but you ain't a pimple on a big leaguers. But with the exception of a few of you and you know who I'm talking about.
I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to you. Double eight guys coming up. You're thinking you're big leaguers, wear your fancy suits walking around your clubhouse, get your spread drive in your fancy car, thinks your big leaguers. You should be in double play. You stink. You're out there. Laughter We're getting our tails kicked and all of a sudden he just stops and he just goes, guys, all lose you. I'm blown. One sixty two.
No, down like that. Not like that you're not going to do to lose in this league. So he, he and he just goes off right now you know, because I know he's talking to me, he's not talking, you know Cliff Floyd, you're not talking to Markazi. He's talking about the pictures. You're laughing. Right. So I'm just like, oh, man. He leaves and I go to get up, go stand up. And Jay Powell grabs me by the shoulder reliever.
We had this one championship team with me.
He's coming back.
He's coming back. And I'm like, OK, so all of a sudden and another thing, you know, and he just goes off again five times. Right. But he had the best line ever. And I thought this was still great. As he walks out, comes back in the fifth time and he goes, I'm going to my office and I'm smoking a cigar and I'm having a whiskey. And if I come back out here in this locker and there is anybody in here, I am calling the cops and having you arrested in person.
Major League Baseball player was such a great line. Oh, fuck. That's such a great line. What a legend. What an absolute legend. So I actually it's crazy. Looking at your career, was there ever a moment? So you were on the Marlins literally between World Series. They went in ninety seven. They win in 03. You're there from 98, 02, then you go and now you're on the Cubs in 04 when they're five outs from the World Series the year before.
And it seems like things are going that right way. Everyone knows, oh, seven or eight falls apart. Was there a moment where you're like, am I just the jinx here? Like, is this me? Is it my fault? Because I've been around teams that have been good, but I've never like never actually done it. Yes, I understand. I was like after the 08 season when things started at the playoff game and I give it the grand slam and I'm just like, oh man.
Like, is this is this for real? Like, you know, I get traded, me and Cliff get traded. They win the World Series in 03 and then, you know, that happens. And then all of a sudden we start and I'm like, now maybe, maybe I am the reason, like, they traded me. They want to come here. We can't win a playoff series. You know, you start to have some serious self doubt.
You do a lot of therapy. You talk to the right people, you try to get better. You try to take care of yourself better. But, you know, it was like in 2013 when when John Farrell was like, hey, we're going to stick in the bullpen for the playoffs, you know, and I kind of just want to be.
You sure you want to put me on the roster? Like, I think I think maybe if you just had me as, like, a guy that you, like, get the beer for the bus or, you know, I mean, that's pretty much what I did anyways the whole time. I mean, one in each series. But it definitely gives you a lot of self-doubt, no doubt about it. Yeah.
So when you're coming in and you're facing like one batter like that and you know that that might be your job on any given night, is there a danger of overpreparing and overthinking it and realizing, hey, you know, I've got I've got maybe five or six pitches. If I do my job correctly, I need to make sure that they're all perfectly planned out, perfectly placed.
You know what? You're right, though. And to like you can't as a starting pitcher, you're like you're mapping out a game plan and how you want to see the guy up in the first time. Again, in the sixth, you should be able to get him out as a reliever. It's like I need to pitch right now and I'm get loose. I need them both ready. I can't worry about my third pitch becomes great and I don't got time to set anybody up.
That's the one thing when you're relieving, you know, there's no setting up anything. It's kitchen sink. Dump it all out there. We're going to get these guys out. You know, it's it's intense pitch. I pitched eight nothing game in the in the game, one of the World Series in twenty thirteen. And it was probably the most intense game I'd ever been a part of, you know, not to lead them.
We'll take a deep breath then. Matt Holliday hit one off the turnpike and I'm like and then Jonny Gomes had the best line in the shower. Afterwards he goes, Hey Ryan, think about it. He finished the playoffs with a zero zero and nobody would have thought you would have pitched. So it's rude to give up one.
That's a great that's a great spin zone. You you showed up in the box scores breaking it. Yeah. So so these play offs, as weird as they are, we're big on. I'm a big believer in baseball and we could talk about baseball growing the sport, but a lot of baseball fans care about their team and maybe not the rest of the league. So we want to give our listeners of our show something that they can sound smart if they're talking to their friends about the playoffs.
So if you want to go through the P&L, the NFL did, some of this will be outdated. We going to run this tomorrow. There's games playing right now. But if you have, like a tidbit or a guy to look out for essentially giving everyone a cheat sheet of like, oh, I can impress everyone by being like, hey, look out for this guy. So let's start with oh, who's the one?
Oh, the rays in the Jays. The rays in the Jays. You can either give us a prediction or just something you're looking out for with the rays in the Jays, OK, rays in the Jays.
I think Tyler Glass now might be the nastiest pitcher in the league. Hmm.
That's a great line. You could sit like because people would be like, hey, Seagirt Collection, Beeber see, you know, you darvas like no Tylor Glass now nastiest pitcher in the league, like on two pitchers to like way above average fastball way above average breaking ball.
He throws a ninety three mile an hour cutter that nobody can hit you. Nobody plays in Tampa and I know he plays a lot of teams in the east so at least you get to see him every once in a while playing the Yankees and Red Sox.
But that dude is filth. I mean, that's just as dirty as it gets. And if he's on, I just have a tough time believing that the days can beat them, you know, and yeah, that's that's what I go with in that series.
I'll throw in an extra one. I mean, this one most people know. But if you wanted to sound smart, the Jays do have all the major leaguers sons. So they have Biggio, Guerrero. And who's the last one?
Oh, shit, shit. Don't give a shit. Yeah.
Ed Travis, just you just throw those guys out there and be like, hey, you wouldn't believe it.
They got a they got a nice like a thick her to right thick. Real thick.
They actually ham hock boy he looks like he's one of them. He looks like he's a backyard baseball player like from the video game. Like he's he's like smushed.
I love that though and I love the three game series. Listen if we're in twenty twenty and we're not having won sixty two, we're playing a sixty game season three game series. All you got to do is win two or three anybody at any point during the year and win two or three off of anybody. So like it's, it's sweet to see the Jays in it. First of all with all these young guys they're going to be when they continue to get pitching, I'm getting really was huge because it just kind of puts a starter in there.
Now, if they can go start another one or two and they develop one of these young guys like Nick Pearson or something, who there's a force to be reckoned with because they've got the pedigree right. There with all those dads, teach them how to play the game. Yes, would it be bittersweet as a Canadian if they won the World Series this year, knowing that technically they're an American team this year?
Yes, it would be it wouldn't be bittersweet. It would just be sweet.
OK, what about let's see what other matches the White Sox and the A's are the two seven. The White Sox, obviously. All right. Actually, this is a pointed question. The White Sox were hot, great season. A lot of young talent. They've fallen off in the last couple of weeks now. Do you think that was because they clinched and a little bit of foot off the gas, or do you think there's like bigger issues that you got to be worried about?
I'm a little concerned for them, just for the fact that if you have your foot off the gas for making the wild card, then there's something wrong. You've got to be trying to win your division. You want these three home games to have to travel all the way out west and play in Oakland, which is not an easy place to play in as a visiting player against a really good team. And the A's who once again just go out there and do what nobody thinks they're going to do and continue to win when they got like one of the most exciting center fielders and in Vermont out there, or as they like to call them, laser Ramon.
No, I just I just think that I wanted to see the Chicago White Sox play the Cubs in the World Series.
I would just be awesome because that sums up twenty twenty Cubs, White Sox World Series in Arlington with no fans.
Yeah, absolutely. Yes. So I just yeah, I'm a little worried. I watched all those games. I watched the three games against the Cubs. I called one of them. You know, their offense was scuffling bad. Louise Roberts in a big hole. Tim Anderson did even look like himself. I mean, a bruise, still a bruise hammer in the baseball. But and then on top of that, pitching after Lukas Giolito. I mean, I know Dallas.
He's a veteran. I'm not worried about him. So in a three game series when you got those two guys, but if they get to one of them, it could be in some trouble.
What about the the Twins in the Astros? Is it is it going to be like a sense of relief for Houston players knowing that, you know, with virtual certainty we're not going to get thrown out because it's the playoffs? Yeah.
Yeah, for sure. I mean, that's probably a huge relief, especially the three game series. You can you can't take anything for granted, but.
Yeah, and the twins are probably thankful that they went with plastic trash cans in the dugout. So things have gone. Probably better than expected for the twins, they win their division or not better than expected, but they're a good team. Losing Josh Donaldson hurts a guy in your lineup to bring your range taters all over the place, but they mash a great on the ropes in the first and they're really, really good. They're stacked or better than people realize and so are the Astros that the tough part about it is, A, they're managed by Dusty Baker, like one of the man duties, just so awesome.
And then B, they've been there before. And if they get any kind of good starting pitching, they're capable of beating anybody just because offensively they click all of a sudden at the end of the season. And also last week, some guys were starting to swing the bat a little better. George Springer got really hot, Al, to be swinging a good down the stretch, so they got to get past the twins. So it's a tough first round matchup right there.
OK, so what about the Yankees and Indians? I actually think the Indians are going to win. The Al Qaim was nasty. Did he win? Is there a Triple Crown for there should be a Triple Crown for pitchers. He won. Yeah.
Yeah. So Eora wins.
He's still young. Award winner. That's that's a no brainer. And strikeout. So do you think how do you see that one going, that series going? And how many times do you think they're going to show us video of the Midge's? Because that's an all time moment that the Indians and Yankees, when they played in the playoffs, like however long ago, that was the. And you know what?
That's not going to happen this year unless all of a sudden it spikes up to eighty degrees. It's a little bit cooler night there in Cleveland. So, yeah, the Cleveland starting staff is is good. And they came to Chicago a couple weeks back. They lost they lost both games, but they're loaded. And Jose Ramirez firing right now kind of hit his way back in MVP contention. But at the end of the day, I mean, you see it every year.
Do the guys who get to the finals and or the last four teams stand last two teams that are usually the last teams standing? They have the best starting pitching in. The Cleveland Indians are loaded. They're so loaded that they get traded. Trevor Bauer and Mike Clevenger and we're good. Yeah, guys like five teams out there that can do that. There's not many of them. So they're stacked. They got a sneaky, good bullpen. The dude taking a lot, losing his name right now.
Number ninety nine, Rickie von Kamchatka. You know, I'm talking about you worth 99, he's got to get the haircut like, I mean, look at that, look at that guy's numbers and then watch him pitch. There was ninety eight would like a ridiculous type changeup.
It's unreal that he's like punched out 16 for nine. And they're good, they're really, really good at this score runs that that pitching staff, good pitching beats good hitting every time and they're loaded in the rotation.
James Cameron check their temperature, checked every rose. It's funny that you brought in on habit.
It's that guy's 30 and he goes full ninety nine Rick Vaughan style with the haircut and all.
What's the difference between being dirty and being nasty? Nasty is just somebody got good stuff dirty gets you out. What about filthy.
Like that guy's nasty but like sometimes doesn't know where he's going dirty. He knows where it's going and he's nasty. And what about filthy, filthy. You're winning the Cy Young. Thank you.
Davich everything. Yeah. You thrown it all together. I love remembering the game.
The men's game was it was incredible. You always remember where you were. I expected more wildlife games this year with nobody in the stands. It's of those nature's healing type things like there are no fans out there might be like a pack of wolves or at least like a swarm of bees taking over a game damages game, especially squirrels.
Yeah, the special place in my heart, because I think it was the first time and I might be dating myself that I watch a sporting event on HDTV.
Yeah. And I was like, holy shit. Like, this is real.
Maybe we should go back to the standard is there in my living room.
What the fuck is going on? All right, so let's switch the NFL, the Dodgers and Brewers.
We don't even have to talk about that. That's a come on, Brewers. Thanks for coming out. Right.
I the only reason I say I'm leaning towards you and saying yes is because they they lost Korbin Burns and he he's the kind of pure stuff that can match up against that lineup, the Dodgers, and they just smash the baseball. So you need you need to either locate incredibly well or you're going to have overpowering stuff. And they got a couple of guys with some overpowering stuff. But I just find it hard to believe that they're going to fly out to L.A. and beat those guys.
I just think the Dodgers are just like, you know, they're drooling. They're just waiting for everybody to come through there. It's the eighth year in a row they won the division. They're like, now is our time.
So counterpoint, though, playoff Kershaw or do you think that the lack of fans is actually going to be a benefit to Clayton Kershaw?
Yeah, I think I think that he's kind of he's in the last few years kind of figuring out a way to kind of get by that a little bit. I think a lot of those numbers, if we like, take them and split them down the middle, you know, the last four years are better than the four years before that. Yeah. And he's not getting nasty this year. Yeah. Did last time out, but he's really, really good this year.
So Reds, Braves, reds are red hot braves or Atlanta sports.
So we just assume that's going to end poorly. Any thoughts on that?
I think as long as the Braves don't have a twenty eight to three lead, they got a shot of winning. You know who it's been rough down there. Yes, I saw a thing the other day. It's a top ten lineups in baseball and the Braves weren't on it. And I just was scratching my head. I felt like that person should have had their Twitter card taken away. Yes. It was like a legitimate source to. And I was just like, how are these guys?
Freddie Freeman is going to win the MVP and if you statistically look at it, might be the third best hitter on the team.
That's like but that's kind of how Twitter works, though. The longer your opinions are, they they give you that check. That's a great by the way, that's a great line that we can throw out to people. PIN like did you know Freddie Freeman is going to win the MVP? He might not even be the third best hitter on the team. Like that's a sound smart at the bar line.
Yeah. I mean, you look at what Akunin is doing at the top and then Asuna, for some reason, he's just flown under the radar.
I think I saw something hit more home runs September than he was. It hit fifty one during the season. Was it the Nationals? They hit more home runs in one team, hitting all year in one month. So they're firing on all cylinders. I know that the Reds got good pitching and they got Trevor Brewer is going to be he's going to be stranded off the mountain. So I'm actually like, is any series out there? I'm excited for that one because you got hot Reds team who Joey Votto had probably the quota quotes.
That was pretty awesome to watch him say that what he said is pretty.
I can't see it on TV.
OK, all right. We're on a podcast though, so you can say it here.
They asked you can say anything. You can say anything. He said, yeah. He said something about something about them being here, but he used an X plus I was bleeped on PBS, so I was watching it.
OK, ok, ok.
And he he, he let loose on that. And I just think that they are I think that they could cause some problems for people if they get by this round, because you go back again to the Cleveland Indians who has really good starting pitching the Cincinnati Reds. Right.
So quick sidebar. I don't know if you saw, but our boss, Steve, got into a Twitter back and forth with Amir Garrett. So I want your take on this. Amir Garrett. It showed him being like he mouthed I'm a bad mother fucker. And then he threw a slider. If you say that, you got to bring a fastball.
Right. And it's kind of standard. It's like you can't do that. You know, it's like it's like sitting there doing that, like, you know, on that on the hardest shot in the NHL. Skills challenge way before that and then slip in a quick little snapshot from the top, right. You got to come full Charra. You've got to go all the way back and then just let her rip.
Yeah, you could say, like my opinion, but dude also charge the entire Pittsburgh Pirates bench. True. Without hesitation. So I'm not going to sit here and challenge that guy. He's he's unafraid of most situations and he's and he's done a heck of a job. Right.
If you say I'm filthy, I'm a filthy motherfucker, then you can throw the slider, right?
Yes. Because then you're implementing both. Yeah. But if you drop like a nasty first, then you're going to eat.
Mm hmm. Yeah.
I always love like, you know, there's like there's like the times I would do that in spring training where you just like purposely go Hey, here comes. And then you throw a Faustine fastballs hard, you could right down the middle and watch the dude park it on a berm somewhere while somebody's drinking some daiquiris out there.
Yeah, I did that. DeSoto in spring training against that against Randy when I go, hey, hit this and I drove for Seamer and he's takes it down the middle and I go, you're not going to swing. And I throw another one and he hits it.
Like for me not to be any soda goes Dude, what are you doing? And I go man, he's going to be looking for that pitch all year and I'm never going to throw that.
I've seen Trevor Balaji that he's done the like I'm giving you the fastball and then he actually throws a fastball afterwards. I respect that.
Yeah. Yeah, I think she did that. An all star game, maybe the bonds or something like that. That's fun. That's I know where you got. Why not. Let's find out what you got a mano. Come on.
What about in San Diego.
St. Louis is if Fernando Tatis does a backflip like he's capable of, do you think that all Cardinals fans will spontaneously just burst into flames and they'll all write letters to the editor like like that's Ozzies.
You don't do that? Yeah. Yeah, I, I think that the Padres or this unknown super force there, that's like I don't know if this is the year I almost like in the Padres to the fifteen comes. You know, like I feel like they're a year away, another another starting pitcher, when you lose Clevenger to the bicep man down those two guys, you need that stuff out there. St. Louis, man, St. Louis, they somehow always find a way to just be competitive.
So, yeah, it'll be fun. I enjoyed tatties just chucking some bats and swinging therriault and, you know, Machado in the background just shaking his head because he's worried he's going to get drilled afterwards. Yeah, it's that's a fun series, though. Those two teams, San Diego, they're fun to watch.
Tons of fun. All right. The Cubs, I'm going to talk Cubs baseball real quick. I've been dying to do it because I need you to talk me off the ledge. You know the team very well. You know, a lot of the guys. You obviously know David Ross very well. You know, you call games. What the fuck with the offense like, we tell me that it's going to be OK because I've this feels like the same thing the last few years since they won the World Series, where the offense can just disappear and it disappears altogether and all at the same time and all at the worst time.
And we saw it down the stretch. I think they had like 13 home runs. Maybe they had a couple more at the end of the month, but they were they can't hit consistently. Give me the like. It's going to be OK talk.
Yeah, I think the last series against the White Sox, you know, it's going to be OK. And I thought that all started with Chris Bryant just dropping. I don't give a shit. Mm hmm. Think about that. Thinking about just for a second. Take that all in. There's Chris Bryant. Right. America's boy. You know, in second overall pick, you know, Golden Spike's winner, rookie of the year MVP, World Series champion, doing everything right.
You know, he's Zac Efron doing the express model adds. I mean, this guy is handsome. He answers every question perfectly. And he just got fed up. And he's just like, I just don't give a shit, Homer. I don't give a shit Homer. Like, he just didn't care anymore. And I just think, like, it set a tone not just for him, but for everybody in that locker room really quickly. And things can change on a dime.
And like you can all of a sudden see it. We're all of a sudden it's like they know they're good. And and then all of a sudden it just like it was an adrenaline shot. And they played against a team that was trying to win the division. So it wasn't like some team that was out of it. They were hit plus velocity or how hard guys are throwing. They're just hitting Tater's and Chuck and Barth's to the moon. And it just keep and and I love the fact that it gave Edge a bunch of guys who just kind of become like known as, you know, they just go about their business.
They're great teammates. They're great people in the city. Everybody loves them and just had a little bit of edge. It's almost like, you know, Rocky always play with them, just like and then he had their back and then everybody had their back. And, you know, I think they're dangerous. They get great starting pitching. They got a really, really underrated bullpen because nobody knows about them. And and if those guys start swinging the bat like they just did in this last weekend and continue that people are in trouble, man, because when you got pedigree that done, what they've done at that matches up and people are in big trouble.
Yeah, their bullpen has kind of fix itself, which is nice because it was bad at the beginning of the year. I agree with you on the Chris Bryant thing.
I actually tweeted the minute I saw it, I was like, I'm like I'm all the way back in because of Chris Bryant is swearing. It takes a lot for that guy to swear. What do you think about the magical chains? So the story goes that I think there, Mike, Napoli's chains he gave them to resow, resow gave to Chris Bryant was like, trust me, these chains, this jewelry has power. And he hit a grand slam with them on.
Do you buy into that those type of superstitions when it comes to baseball? Yes. OK, good answer.
I believe you can build things to happen. I believe you can tell your teammates things to happen, you know, just like you can go the other way where you start to doubt yourself. You start to believe in yourself. I know it's like the Tony Robbins thing, right? Like if you believe it, you can achieve it. Or it was a bumper sticker. I'm not really sure I saw that. But the fact is, is that when you when you have guys are in your corner and they tell you that, you know, it's like the old, hey, use my bad, it's got homers in it.
Oh, it's got a homerun. I'm going to hit a homer. It's like, you know, I just that steamrolls man when you're around that it is steamrolls. I watched it in twenty sixteen being around those guys. When they did that I witnessed it firsthand in twenty thirteen with the Red Sox. When we did we talk that World Series into existence, you know, we fueled off the, off the fans in Boston and the city was reeling from what they were overcoming and, and the bombing and we just like said, yeah, nobody's going to beat us.
You know, we're rolling into the hotel in Baltimore at three thirty in the morning. And Pedroia is yelling about Shrum. Walter like good Trishul. Walter is not going to work with the night game day game tomorrow. You can't get us like let it just when you exude that within your tight group. Yes. The one, Tony, to change his hands, to change over to red, over to Kirby. And he said, hey, just trust me on this.
Tell me he's not going to trust Anthony. So that's his guy, you know, automatically gives a positive thought in your head. And the more you get those positive thoughts, you know, the more good things happen. Then you reinforce it with tator that like lands on the eatons. Come on, man, like, it's good stuff. It's really, really good stuff. And then what you do is you give them to somebody else, you share the wealth, somebody else needs it for a second.
Here, here you go deep. You were the change your turn.
I would love for them to just pass it off hitter to hit her and just be like in mid at home plate as you come across it off and put it on the other guy.
Yes. Yeah. And then once a guy strikes out, that guy has to wear until he hits a home run. Now it's back in. Good luck. Yes. Yeah. You never you never handed off on a bad streak. It reminds me of that one postseason that the fight necklaces all showed up all at once. And that worked. That worked.
Players that wore those necklaces for some reason were all over my TV in the championship and the World Series. Were you around? When those first came out, remember, the guy was broken. Yeah, were you like, what, the other way? How come everyone got these at the same time? Yeah, and then we didn't get them at first because I was playing with the Marlins, you know, like we got everything, like we were like the minor league team, like the big league teams, like filed all that a box.
And we got it the following year. We were wearing puka shells instead because is like here where these are just like the fight necklaces, we pay way more and they cut your neck every itchy throat.
But hey, I shut up with one of them, so that's good.
There you go. So I feel better about the Cubs after after what you just said. Were you surprised at all the Hendricks's pitching game one and not you, Darvish?
No, I think that, you know, given Kyle's track record, you know, I know in my opinion, he's should be the Cy Young Award winner this year. And it's great to tick below that. I mean, the guy threw a shot on opening day, but strong all the way through every time they need to pitch in. Game seven of the World Series started that I love was today. He said he's probably not going to smile, probably won't frown either.
He just steady, Eddie, man. It's it's like the epitome of keeping your heart rate where you need to be so and be. You have you right behind him. And David Ross is lucky, man. He's got to aces. Those guys are those guys are really, really good. Yeah.
I mean, I love Kyle Hendrix. I love I'm going to try to do a prop bet on our sports book about Kyle Hendrix. Is he like I don't know how many times he's done it, but it feels like every time he goes out there, he's he he'll be like eight innings. Ninety five pitches. And you're like, how the fuck is he doing this? And he's just he's incredible.
All right. So I had a couple last couple questions. One was, were you pro or against Kerry Wood smashing Sammy Sosa's boombox?
Kerry would smash Sammy Sosa Boombox got.
So you do know the tricks of this question. So did he. I'm still trying to figure out who smashed that boombox, you know, who smashed it.
Come on, I didn't mean that Boombox would play the same song over and over because that usually meant that Sammy was going deep. Like, that's how that boombox works. So if Sammy and a homer like in Cool the played before the game, Kool and Gang was on for a week and usually Sammy went on to, you know, a real a role there. And we were celebrating good times. So every once in a while he put on some like Shardey and it just kind of all this, all the sleep.
But that was OK. You know, it was the high energy stuff that we really appreciate it.
So Carrie did do he did smash it, right? I don't I don't I'm totally unaware. But I have to speak to Carrie about that. I know. I'll ask around next time I'm on. I'll get back to you on that.
How the hell is like how the hell do we not have definitive proof on who smash? Why are you guys not why can't anyone say here's the other one who smashed the pipes in twenty eight and Dodger Stadium. Yeah. Oh, my God, that was a disaster. Yeah, yeah, no, as I was leaving the dugout, I need a canoe to get back up to the clubhouse. That was just an awful series.
I mean, I'm not going to sleep for a week now that that Mark DeRosa home run was and then the Cubs never led again. I remember being so jacked up about that and being like, holy shit, this is awesome. And then that was the last time they had the lead. But was it you can just say this like it was Jim Edmonds, right? Like because he's more of a cardinal than a cub.
So he's the asshole who he made out there. I think it was Wendell Kim. I don't I don't know. Windmill Kim.
All right. Final question brought to you by Cross Country Mortgage, America's Crazy Good Mortgage Company. Go to KCM lenders dotcom slash take to learn more about your future home by experience or refinancing needs equal housing opportunity.
So, Ryan Dempster, give us your World Series and your champion.
All right. Here it is, the World Series coming from the National League to be the Chicago Cubs.
Mm hmm. And coming from the American League. Is going to be the Oakland A's oh, and who's going to win?
Yeah, and I'm going to go with the Cubs in six. OK, I can't.
Is there an asterisk because of the season? Not if the Cubs. Not the Cubs. Not the Cubs, yes. If the Cubs win, that's not next for the Marlins. I'll give it to the Marlins just so we can keep that storyline going. Every time the Marlins get into the playoffs, they win the World Series.
But that was the Florida Marlins. The Miami Marlins. It's different, right? So good point. You don't have a statue. You don't have changed. Yes.
Oh, I remember. My last question. Is Lancaster the coolest guy in the world? Noodling is so awesome, man, he is so great, knows all about music, plays, guitar like, just knows everything about baseball smoothies could be announcing games. He just seems like he's like one of those guys. You're like, OK, you're just cooler than me. You're not even trying. Just like so prepared and just lights you up on stuff when you're up there working with them and he's, you know, he's like like pop trivia, current event trivia, movies, music.
I mean, do play like you said, plays guitar. Like would totally be comfortable if somebody was like, hey, do you see it in? Because, like, you know, we're missing our guitar player. And he's like, yeah, I got it, let's go. That's like he's just like I love Lancaster to death and he is just a blast now.
All right. Well, Ryan, that's been awesome, man. We really appreciate you. I have one last question. This is, um, I've been wondering I've talked to a few ballplayer's about this. They seem to gravitate towards the idea. Did it ever occur to you when you were pitching that maybe if if there's nobody on base and there were fewer than two strikes, you could just take your catcher and then put him like in between second and first base and then just throw a pitch to nobody and just being the umpire.
But as long as it went across and played, it was a strike.
You're honest. I just figured I just fix baseball to make a shift. Mm hmm.
I mean, now we're taking the shift to another level right there. Yeah. You know what? If you play in some places, you could still do it with two strikes, because if you're throwing a hitter, I mean, odds are it's going to bounce back off the ball. If you're good at fielding your position, your fleet of foot, why not? I'll go get it and throw you out. Yeah.
Plus, you get a chance to be in Joe West. That's fun.
Yeah, that would be great. Only when Joe's umpiring you do it just like that's just him or him or. I won't even say that again. Yeah, no, Joe is Joe Torre. My career had the best strikes on Tim and Tim. That's the best.
Wow. Say something nice about you. All right. Well, Ryan, thank you so much. Again, everyone could find Ryan on Dempster at Dempster, 46 at Dempster 46, 46 on Instagram at Dempster, 46 on Twitter Marquee Network off the mound with Ryan Dempster, MLB Network. He's everywhere. He's the hardest working man in baseball. Thank you so much. We appreciate it, man.
Hey, guys, anytime, man. Thank you guys for having me on and really appreciate us on.
That was great, man. Thank you. That was great. So it was Kari, though, right? We're not recording anymore. I have no clue. Yeah, I just I just like, came into the clubhouse and this thing's all broken. Yeah.
Yeah. So, yeah, it was scary though. I'll dig around and find out.
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OK, we now welcome on a very special guest. It is Football Guy of the Week. It is Coach Mike V.T. from AMI. He is assistant coach of AMI, also the fallbacks coach.
And we'll talk about some other stuff. But we got to start with why you want football. Guy of the Week.
You got headbutted by one of your players on the sideline, which was the ultimate football guy move to to head, but a coach who doesn't have a helmet on. Now, a little birdie told me that you weren't mad, that you got headbutted. You were mad that you looked dazed for a second, which makes you even more of a football guy, that you were just more pissed that you might have shown a moment of weakness.
No doubt Mike Johnson and I are kindred spirits were cut from the same mold. He's a blue collar salt of the Earth kid. He's one of our team captains. I was a former team captain. We were starting to get things rolling on offense. It was a media time out and I was fired up and I misread the chessboard. Then it was probably more my lack of athleticism shown up in that moment and took a good one.
Did you have to go into into the blue concussion tent afterwards or did you take a protocol because it looked like you were, you know, standing eight count there for a while?
It was the first time I've been knocked out on my feet. I've been knocked out before. If I took one more step, Coach Malcolm was behind on that one and I took another step out and down. I was like I was I was more disappointed on, number one, that it happened. And I reacted very softly for about ten seconds. And then no finding out afterwards that more than just the immediate arm football huddle knew about, it was a little bit straining.
So, yeah, it was viral very fast. What was that like? When did you realize that you had been captured on camera. You know, just checking in with friends and family after the game and your phone lit up, are you OK? From my mom, you know, my wife, my sister. And then, you know, when when your mom, sister and wife are checking on you after a game and you know, you know, it's probably went somewhere pretty fast.
Well, so you got a nice shiner. We're looking at you right now. You have a nice shiner. Yeah, that's that's a nice looking black guy.
I do. I think that is a moment where you probably are like, man, I wish I was tougher and I watched it. I was like, I would be out for weeks and weeks and weeks. Like that would have been we would had to cancel the podcast. I would have been in a hospital bed and, you know, really milked it. So so for the general population, I'd say you're the toughest guy for the weekend after that.
Appreciate that. I think the worst four letter word, Coach Mulkern, says this all the time, and I concur that you can be called in. The English language is soft.
So, yeah. So, all right. You're not I mean, you're. Yeah, you were you obviously are not soft for many, many reasons. I also want to talk about your legacies, a live foundation. So you did a tour in Afghanistan when you came back trying to figure out what the next step was after Army, you walked across the country, is that right? You walked across the country for, you know, families that lost military members overseas.
How long did it take you? And also, like, were you tired? I'm tired just thinking about it.
So back in 2014, you know, some advice. If you ever get to walk across America and you walk both coast, you always get short of the coast. I actually walked from the entire West Coast and across the southern part of the United States and up the East Coast. And the reason for it really, it's not so much that's so much the journey, but the message to get to get, you know, the families of our fallen and the warriors who lost their lives during the global war on terrorism.
I wanted to walk one kilometer through their hometowns, meet their families and introduce America to our our nation's gold star families and honor the legacies of brave men and women who gave up absolutely everything for our freedoms and liberties. And, you know, as a combat veteran, those are the least we can do, is find ways of service. People, when we get back to our normal, is to continue to bring them forth in the present. And really, that's that's what that mission is about.
That's what Legacy Alive is about. It's about honoring our nation's Gold Star families, because really they're footing the bill for for 15 plus years war. Not that I think mothers, the fathers, the children, and those are the people who we need to rally around. And that that was the mission. It took two hundred thirty two days. It was a very, very, you know, tiring event. And more mentally and emotionally, when you meet the families and they're sharing with you intimate details of how it's, you know, forever changed the course of their life, that's something that it'll change you.
And ultimately, I think that's a big reason why I'm back at West Point and coaching the guys. I get the coaches. You know, football is our vehicle. Football is the greatest leadership laboratory we have, I believe, to teach young men what service is going to look like to prepare for an opponent who is preparing to defeat you, to keep their composure, to exercise leadership, agility, emotional awareness and just the training that goes into it.
And then the execution. They get immediate feedback. They have to work not just by themselves, but amongst the team. And it's a neat thing to see it full circle. And, you know, that's that's what that's what the journey was about. And not just for getting those men and women that was such a football guy quote.
We're going to quote that the football is like the greatest laboratory for teaching, you know, the youth.
So let me get this straight. You ran up the score on walking across the country. You walked down one coast across the country and up the other coast. You ran up the score.
I ran up the score because we you couldn't do it. A straight shot. Elliott in New York would not have got it done. I carried a flag with me and wrote the names on that flag of each person I was walking for that day. And the nearly seven thousand people in that flag just took a longer course.
So that's why I agree that I think one of the most patriotic things you can do is take care of the people that that have lost at all and take care of their families when they're not around to do that. So thank you for for kind of taking that upon yourself to bring awareness to that. I have to imagine that also, you know, finding and finding people who've dealt with a significant loss like that gives you a perspective of like, you know, I'm very lucky to still be here.
And here are the things that are important that we can do to honor the people that are no longer lucky enough to be around.
I couldn't agree more. The families, our Gold Star families, we have a family reunion every year at Army Navy. We have events all over the country and they are family, you know, whether it's them losing a son or a daughter, a husband, a wife, brother, sister, that's what Legacies Live is about. It's those social settings that they no longer have. And really, when you're in the military and you lose someone that you've been around the military for fifteen, twenty years, your your life, your identity is almost taken from you when you lose your service member.
And the military is a huge family. You know, a it's a brotherhood and sisterhood, but we always it's a community as well. And that's what we try to provide as a social network and a community for our Gold Star families.
I think that's great. But just from a logistical standpoint. My, my. Brain wanders to the idea of like, OK, I'm picturing myself on the open road walking all day.
What was the bathroom situation like inside of the road? You know, behind it, behind a tree, anywhere you can find it? You know, there's not a lot of rest stops or anything like that in the American Southwest. And, you know, no big deal.
I mean, there's nothing more powerful than pissing outdoors. So you just basically did that for 200 plus days. So that's the dream. Yeah, that is a dream. Sort of bring it back to football real quick. You played it army. You coached the fullback tsunami. We were talking briefly before we started. Is there any better feeling in the world when the triple option works and, you know, there's nothing the opponent can do to stop it?
No, it's it's you know, there's a reason why this offense has stood the test of time. Right. And, you know, it's poetry in motion when you watch it, but it's one of the most violent offenses. You talk to defense after they can't figure it out and they don't know what's going on. It's a very aggressive offense. So it fits, you know, the type of the type of players that we want in this program. Tough guys, humble guys, intelligent guys, guys that don't care if they get the ball thirty times or once.
And, you know, that's what it's about. I don't think there's a greater offense on the face of the planet. And you can see it kind of coming back. Watch the Ravens are doing yeah. Scheme in it and it's just coming from the gun and it looks a little bit more sexier and it's just window dressing. So but when it comes down to it, it's controlling the line of scrimmage. It's making the right reads. It's working in harmony, it's working as a team.
And that's why I love it.
Have you ever thought has a coach ever thought about putting in, like an air raid package and fucking up the opponent? Because I've always thought that army you spend so much energy getting ready for the triple option. If you guys came out with five wide and was like, yeah, we're just not running.
The triple option today has, I think, crossed his mind. I think our fan base would revolt. Yeah, yeah.
That's not a fan base that you have to entice to revolt either. No doubt. No doubt.
So I think it's a culture thing, too. I mean, it's like it's a scheme. The schemes got to set the school, the culture of the school and what you know, how you win. I think there's there's a formula every at every school. And there's nothing wrong with with what we got and how we do it. And I don't think we'd ever change it or experiment with anything else.
When you guys call pass play, is there a part of you that just kind of like cringes up real quick and you're like, no, what? We coward's way out? Come on.
No doubt you throw the ball right. Three things can happen and two of them are bad. Yeah. Pass an interception. Ah. You know, like so what if that simple it is.
It is. Do you think that you have the most masculine job title in America. Fullbacks coach at Army.
Yeah. Coach Americans backs. I mean I call in the war state of war horses and. Absolutely. Show me, show me otherwise. I mean these guys are, you know, broad shoulders, square job clenched this guys who are getting after playing FBS level football for four years and then they're going to go fight and win our nation's wars. Yeah, yeah.
We've got we do an annual award here called the Luman Trophy. And Slocum was on he was on the short list last year. So we look across the country, we try to identify the best fullbacks in college football. Do you have any that you think that maybe we should be keeping our eyes on? That's probably bad for you. Just obviously, you know, got a you got a helmet to your orbital bone.
But like, who are you looking at when you think of the nation's top fullbacks right now, all four of ours that we have just you know, most guys, they look at the fullback position. It's a unit for us. We rotate four guys, the first twelve plays of our game on Saturday. We played five fullbacks. You know, it's not just, you know, we got Satur McCoy, we got Kateryna got Anthony Atkinson, because you can all four of those guys are going to get carried around play.
It's just what it is. It's a unit in our program. It's a unit. We don't call it a position group. It's a unit. And, you know, you look back all the way to sixteen, we really started creating the unit. That's where we're better when we're playing three or four of those guys. And each of those guys have a different skill set and we pride ourselves on it.
It was slumped to last year. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So I had one last question. We are with our football guy the week coach VTE from AMI. So obviously Army Navy. We are we've been to a few of the games the last few years. It is a bucket list game. If you're a sports fan listening right now, it is such an experience you just have to try to get to to it at one point in your life. But I know there is bad blood between Army and Navy. Now, do you guys, though, like in the back of your head, do you root for Navy when they're not playing Army or is it just always we want Navy to lose?
Hmm, that's a good question, though, because they're military, the Navy's playing BYU, do you?
But I bet I respect the fact that Navy does much of the same things we do after, you know, for those four years. It's a different it's a different story. OK. OK, there's guys that have served in the Marines, guys who walk the walk and done the damn thing. And those are some of the finest men and women I've ever could ever tell you about. Guys that I just had Ultra's that for these four years, though, were never on the same team.
OK, it's just it's just that simple. And we're competing for the same thing. And, you know, I think there's a mutual understanding and respect is there? But there's a mutual understanding about what it's about over these four years. So but afterwards and after the service side is complete, I think that's you know, everybody wants to tell the very nice, warm and fuzzy story that they're on the same we're not we're not until it's over. Like, that's until the server side is on to like that.
That's in me. After you play army football, after you serve your country, that's when you become an army West Point football player. Until then, you know what I mean? You're you're standing on the shoulders of giants. Right. So I think after that walk is complete metaphorically for each of each of those schools through three, four years of playing Division one football at a Tier one institution until your service is done, then you can look each other in the eye and and kind of, you know, value your head and and have a mutual understanding not.
Not yet. OK, that's a perfect answer. What about Air Force, if you like, Air Force gets left out of this conversation. What do you just kind of shoot?
Well, I mean, let's call it what it is. I love it. I love it. Oh, man.
Well, Coach V.T.. Thank you so much. We appreciate it. You are football guy of the week. We'll do. We do. End of the year award. So I'd say that you're probably in the running here already for that maybe we'll have to have everyone show up and, and wrestle and then you can win it that way. But we appreciate your time. And I mean, again, the fact that you took a helmet to the face and you're like the worst part about it was that you showed 10 seconds of weakness, your boss.
Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. So honored to be on your show. And thanks. Thanks for the award. All right. Thank you. Thanks, man.
Have a good one. That interview was brought to you by Roman swipes, most guys have tried ways to last longer in bed, but thinking about baseball doesn't always work, especially when it's the playoffs. That makes me nuts quicker when I think about baseball. So take that one off. The board doesn't work. The only thing that does is Roman swipes. It's the secret to longer lasting sex. Roman swipes are clinically proven way to last longer in bed.
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All right, let's finish up.
I've got to hurt or injured that we should get around. Oh yeah. OK. Hurt or injured Tennessee Titans. OK, so I think what three of their players tested positive for covid eight.
I think five of their staff. So combined with three of the players, that's eight billi. That's good speed math on your part.
But they don't know if they're going to play this weekend. They're not allowed in the facility. Yeah. Oh, I think the Vikings aren't allowed in the facility. They might play Monday night. They might play Tuesday night.
Please credit Pat McCaffrey for the huge breaking news. Yes. That he said that he knew before everyone but didn't say anything. So credit helps him. Yep. But yeah, this is we knew this was going to happen, right? Yes.
I was saying, if you don't have a bubble, it's going to happen. Well, I was saying in tell me what you think about this.
I, I guarantee that there has been a NFL player that has played a game this year with coronavirus and it might be on the Titans.
Right. But like they I think the NFL plan was, let's just keep it all like hush hush until a team has a lot.
And unless there's an outbreak right. To go three weeks with zero positive tests. And that's insane.
And I'm not a testing expert, but I'm pretty sure that you can test like the day of a game and you can then contract the disease or you can start like becoming contagious for it later on that day after you've tested negative. So it was going to happen at some point. I just I think that the Titans should probably refund everybody that bet on the Vikings MONEYLINE last week.
And if they did have a player that played with the virus, I think it's the least that they could do is just help help people out. Yeah, but now the biggest tragedy is Mike Zimmer is not allowed to go to the football facility this week. And I don't I don't know he's going to do.
Yeah, he's probably I would imagine Mike Zimmer just goes out into his garage and just punches like a cement wall.
Yeah, I imagine that Mike Zimmer just he'll go he'll find a nearby high school football field. Yeah. He'll just go, like, sit on the 50 yard line feeding the ducks. Right. Just see just what with a whistle, just blowing his whistle to dock and crying his good eye.
And then we also. Do you want to do the sabermetrics real quick and then we'll do guys on shift. Yes. It's sabermetrics was crazy. So Hank sent this to us. It was that because the. What was it? Tell it to us.
Hey, I'm pulling it up, but it won't pull up. Rondo and Jared Dudley were Shaq's teammates, so that basically ensures that so is LeBron. So that's what I thought that we were talking about, was law.
I guess him to it basically ensure it ensures that Shaq has had a teammate that's played in the NBA finals dating back thirty eight years. Yeah. And nineteen eighty four.
Since Udonis Haslem is never going to retire, that's going to extend for another ten years. That's crazy.
Nineteen eighty four. So Shaq. Yeah. We'd have to go through like all the rosters and see who's going to carry this on.
I guess LeBron. LeBron for right now he's, he's the Kevin Bacon of NBA Finals connected in some way to everybody. LeBron would be one. Yeah. I think it's like LeBron and Udonis. Yeah. Who did it last year for him.
That's the question. Oh, last year. I don't know. I'd like to see a list. Someone give me a list. All right.
Well, we'll figure that out. We'll get more stats. Does it count the national team?
I don't think so. I don't think so. Egi maybe I'll think about that. I wish we had a stats guy or something. All right. Hey, guys. Watching baseball.
Hi, guys. I'm dating a guy on the set, guys, in the first four words.
Hi guys. Guy I'm dating mentioned having children and getting married on our second date. I was a little weirded out, but ultimately let it go thinking he just wants to get married and have kids someday. It wants that to be clear. Well, now that it's been a week and he's constantly talking about our children and marriage, I really like him. But this is freaking me out. I would rather have a demon snatch a fetus from my womb than have a child in the next few years.
Is this something guys sometimes do because they think a girl wants to hear about marriage and kids? Or should I be concerned this man is going to poke a hole in the condom help? What should I do?
You should tell them that you're really into babies, too. But you want a guy you want to you want to have it like that movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger, JR. Yes. You want the man to take a big responsibility, so you want him to get pregnant? I like that. So he what do you say right away? He was like, I want to get married. Second, second date. That's kind of a baller move. Heart wants what the heart wants.
Let it happen.
Or you can just be like, well, that sucks because I'm just really into blowjobs and nothing else. Right. Let's see what he says to that. That works, too. That's a great way to drive a guy away.
Maybe Jonas Jerebko I was thinking. CJ Miles. Danny Green. Danny Green. There we go.
Danny Green hippocampi. We're the first guys on. Trick question was I was not listening whatsoever. I was trying to fucking find the Shaq teammate.
Serious question that chicks need an answer to. Why will my boyfriend let me touch his Gooch. Mm hmm. Very ticklish.
You can't. Yeah it's a no fly zone. It's also probably smells bad. It's also scary. Smells very bad. Yeah.
You never know. Yeah. And they're either right. You're just saving stuff. You're an inch away from a dark place, Death Valley. That's on the fault line. It's football season.
The gooch's are a no fly zone during football season sepoys especially Buzby and Belly Football. I've recently gotten an IUD and started letting my boyfriend finish inside me last night. It's so hard, he said.
I thought I thought she was talking about like a roadside bomb for a second class. Now I get OK. See, for last night when he did cream off, I blurted out filling up the gas tank one began.
I was weird or should I laughed it off. Oh, that's fucking funny. Yeah, it's funny. It's like calling an audible when you switch positions that fucking funny. If you can't laugh in bed then I'm, I'm straight out of luck because I'm not going to make you scream. That's fucking for you.
All right. This is maybe the most important on chicks ever. Sepoys especially big cat daddy. As a girl in her early to mid twenties, I have a curiosity I can't shake.
Is Billy football bankable? Yeah. Work what. I want to punch him in the face, but maybe both at the same time, I think.
Thanks in advance for your advice. Sincerely, I just got to know, I think probably both Billy's for sure bankable.
I don't like being objectified. Well, Billy like got a guy.
Got a guy. Billy like I'd bang you.
I think everyone being worried about. No, don't. So it's just for this. Billy, I think that you'd want to bet if you want to marry Jake, you'd want. Yeah, yeah. You definitely want to marry Jake. Bang Billy. Kill Bubba. That's easy.
Like Jake. Like Jake is the one that you that you Jake you spend the rest of your life with Billy. You just anal you anal.
Billy want to build this not jelly football.
You want to experience things in the bed with you.
Have you ever thought you could experience you. I put up a lot. He's a rebound guy. Yeah. I'm not a big time rebound guy. What does that even mean. It's good.
You're like, yeah, you see Billy at the bar and you're like, I got to get over. That guy's above six tall. Yeah.
Ben Wallace in shorts. Yeah. Yeah. Great legs.
We need to get new shoes. By the way. I'm going to buy you a pair of shoes. I saw your shoes getting roasted the other day. I like what size shoe do you I buy. What size shoe do you wear. Fourteenth. I buy that girls.
What size do you wear. I buy twelve takes twelve. Oh pretty good.
I buy uff ones in bulk and then I trade them out like Dr. Dre so. Well so where's the train shoes. Do you wear well.
My next formal. You don't, there's no way you buy in bulk. Yeah because I buy a couple. Well where is the next pair. The next pairs coming.
My next formal attire that I don't walk.
Well I put the new one.
I haven't worn through these yet so I say they have. Yeah they're also Grosseto. Yeah. It's pretty nice. All right. We're going to gain weight.
I'm not bankable. Yeah you are. You know you're fucking well I think you're a treat your snack. You would want to punch Billy before you banged him and then afterwards you want to punch yourself. Hmm.
This is just what I recently discovered. A trick from on a spit and Billy's mouth. This is I recently discovered a trick from tick tock regarding fart bombing.
So when a girl is new to seeing or dating a guy, they naturally are embarrassed to Fatah pooper on them. Sometimes when girls are peering mudflow, a fart just sneaks out and could potentially be loud, a.k.a. a fart bomb. Tick tock has taught me that taught me fold some paper and stick it in your butthole to prevent that guys be turned off. If you overheard a girl fart bomb into the toilet when you first start talking to her, I think sex with love boys.
I think the alternative like seeing a girl crumple up a piece of paper and jam it into her ass while she's peeing is less sexy than hearing her fart fart bomb. That's just funny. You're just talking about farting while you pee like Jeff Van Gundy.
Hi. Caking company. My boyfriend is a hardcore AWOL and Blake kept Costain recently when we were watching the.
So open together, I briefly mentioned how strong saying how strong he is saying wait, but I think I copy paste this one I, I recently watched the U.S. Open together.
I briefly mentioned how strong he was and he got mad saying anyone can look like that. Is he insecure of himself or is this a justified response?
Things I would say is true for anyone and anyone that can. But like no one has. Well, no, not anyone. There are certain people that it just would never in a million years look like, wait, I think I'm beautiful.
I think I know what happened. This is during the U.S. Open, you say? Yeah, she accidentally said that about Bryson. Blake was in the U.S. Open. She probably looked at Bryce and thought he was strong.
And then he rightfully said that anyone can look like creatine. Never heard of it. If they just take steroids and drink protein shakes. Loach's you write and just go swimming in salt all day long and get stung by 40 bees that you then complain to a rules official about the poor twins.
They just are so sad. They were like, there's such a sad franchise.
Like there is one, one is one nothing.
I thought they were going to beat the Astros. Didn't they use that pinstripes and they've just completely imploded in this ninth inning.
Am I am I making that up?
Did not the courage document because they would get her back behind home plate right now from Little Big League.
Oh, yeah. I said that pinstripes are not they're just such a sad it's just sad. I actually thought that little big league could happen to me one day when I saw it, even though my parents didn't own a professional sports team at that.
And Rookie of the Year rookie year could have Gardner. Yeah, it still could happen.
You just break your arm the right place. All right. Last one is a follow up from last week. My boyfriend and I took his advice from last week's show and started gambling together on the same game. So we were never against each other because I was so hot. We won with all my picks. But unfortunately, I had a tough weekend and now my boyfriend is mad at me because he said, I'm making lose on purpose.
Can you explain? It's all my fault. For reference, I had Falcons minus three in the over and the Chiefs game. Hmm. How do I make him not mad at me? Those were the right bets.
Give him a winner. Tell them that they were the right bets because they were the chiefs overshared, hit. And by the way, I went back, I looked at the tape of the field goal to in the first half, that ball was in reality, the ball went over the upright. They didn't show either from below angle. If the ball goes over the upright, I. I thought I thought that it counts. It's bullshit that surprised more.
People weren't like saying that in real time. They showed the replay and they showed him reacting.
And I was like, yeah but look like what happened was Booker said it was good. He put his hands up and then the ref on the field is like, I'm not gonna get shown up by a kicker, by a camera ref. This is the only person that I can compete with in terms of how cool I am. So he was like, no, it's like when when you run to first base on ball for the umpires, always going to call a strike on that.
You don't want to show him up. That's what happened. Yeah, it's bullshit. That is bullshit. Fuck that count as a win. Tell him. Tell him I said that counted is a win.
All right. That's our show. We'll do a no real quick before we go. I love you guys. You got to start to hear our. I did I funny.
I was on his show. That was all dogs go to heaven anyway.
Puma's mountain lions and cougars are all different names for the same big cat.
Hmmm, that's fascinating. So Puma is also a cougar. Yeah. And a puma's mountain lion. Sweet shopman. Sweet. Yeah.
Big time out. She's definitely a cougar.
Mm. And a puma. Mm. And a mountain lion. All right. What do you got. Numbers. I'm going.
Eighteen twenty five. Seventeen twenty three. I can't, I can't not say I can't. I'm so rattled to not say seventeen. What is it, 90, 90 trash, no trash, no way. What do you mean, put all in them? No, we didn't put them all back in there. So it's rigged.
It is rigged.
Mean. Don't I, your loved ones, decisions made in today's day, John. Another shot. A of fleeting love gave me the. They say to me. So they say it's better to be safe than sorry. He's saying you always got to remember how many lives in many.
Not paying me about.