Ep 1: The Phone Call
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- 15 May 2024
Carl and Paulette Everett return home to find the back door propped open and 12-year-old McKay missing. But, mysteriously, there are no signs of struggle or a break-in – It’s as if McKay has left on his own. Soon the FBI gets involved, everyone becomes a suspect, and a golden Chrysler raises suspicion.
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A warning about content this show contains descriptions of violence. Listener discretion is advised.
Not along with your emergency.
Ma'am, this is Carl Everett. I live out on Longmont Road. My wife and I have been up to a little meeting up, and my son was here, and I just got home about ten minutes ago when the back door standing open about eight inches to a foot, you know, it wasn't. And the phone was ringing, and it was someone on the other line saying, to kidnapping my son.
And they're demanding $500,000 if I want to see him alive and well again. They're gonna call me in the morning at 08:00 how old is your son? He'll soon be 13. Okay.
Where did you last see your son?
Well, my wife is behind me in her car. She's not here yet, and she saw him last.
And I've asked myself so many times what in the world happened? Your life will never be the same. You will never look at another person the same, because they could be thinking evil, but smiling at you like they're your friend.
What's your son's name?
His name is McKay. M c k a y. Everett. E v e r e t t. What does your son look like? He's about five foot one, weighs 100 pounds, short hair, he wears braces. He got blue rubber bands on.
Okay, do you think you know who.
That might have been on the phone? Does it sound like an older person? No, it was a. It wasn't an older person. It was kind of had a raspy type voice, and it was female. And, uh, she said, well, we have your son.
Okay, we have several officers.
On September 12, 1990, 512 year old McKay Everett disappeared from his home in Conroe, Texas. My name's Art Rascone, and as a news anchor based in nearby Houston, I covered the kidnappings aftermath. It was a crime that shocked the community because of its twists and turns and how unexpected the perpetrator ended up being. It's a story that's always stuck with me. And recently, when I looked back into it, I realized I wasn't the only one. Friends, neighbors, and law enforcement were all still haunted by McKay's kidnapping, but no one more than McKay's mother, Paulette.
It became very disturbing when we thought about it in hindsight, and we, you know, we sat there and blamed ourselves for not seeing indications like that. But, you know, we thought he cared for McKay, when, in fact, he didn't care for anyone.
When I found out that to this day, McKay's mother, Paulette, still feels that justice was never truly served. I knew this was a story that had to be told from KSL podcasts. This is ransom, a story of greed and betrayal, grief and survival, and how we never know what's really going on in the minds of those around us. As a ransom listener, you're well aware the world can be a very dangerous and unpredictable place. I know it well from years of working as a reporter and covering crimes and disasters. And in fact, I've been a victim of crime as well. My home was broken into. They took all of our furniture and television. That's when I realized the importance of home security. And that's why I recommend simply safe home security. It doesn't just protect you from robberies and break ins. It also has sensors to detect those fires and floods, doorbell cameras and cameras outside to monitor all around your home and those motion detectors as well. Simplisafe has given me and many of my listeners a real peace of mind. I want you to have it, too. Right now. Get 20% off any new Simplisafe system with fast protect monitoring@simplisafe.com. Ransom there's no safe like simplisafe.
Episode one the phone call my name.
Is Paulette Everett Norman. MK was my only child.
It was September 1995. Bill Clinton was in his third year of his presidency. The OJ Simpson trial was in full swing. And in Conroe, Texas, a quiet suburban enclave an hour north of Houston, the new school year had just begun.
I cooked him breakfast, and his dad.
Drove him to school that very morning. McKay's father, Carl, took a photo of him standing outside their home. McKay tucked his dark baggy t shirt into his his jean shorts, slung his backpack over one shoulder, and gave his dad a shy, closed mouth smile.
He was twelve and a half years old at that age that he didn't want to be hugged on by his parents.
But even though public affection embarrassed McKay, he'd found a workaround using his favorite football team, the Lions, you would say.
How about those lines? Meaning I love you? And that was the last thing that McKay said to his dad.
The day McKay disappeared. Paulette picked him up after school when he got home.
He just wanted some downtime, which is understandable, you know, being at school all day. Part of our yard was wooded, and he puttered around for a little bit and I would say just, you know, take about an hour and relax.
Hailey KaHn and her mother, Nancy, lived across the street from the Everett's. They'd often see McKay outside, building forts in the woods or even playing music in the yard.
Was it the trumpet that he was learning? And he'd be out there for hours, just the whole neighborhood. But here, the beginnings of someone learning how to play trumpet.
He was one of those kind of kids that you can't wait to see what he's going to do next. Very creative and very, just really adventurous, but just a really sweet little boy.
Back then, Conroe was the place you moved to if you wanted to live near Houston, but in more of a small town environment.
It was kind of a magical place to grow up because of the fact that there wasn't, you know, cars to run us over or, you know, we didn't think about strangers being around. And we had a field next door to the Everett's house that had blackberries, just like crazy. So in the summertimes, we would, you know, pick blackberries. It was real pretty, innocent.
There's a lot of ownership. This was, you know, a small group of families, a few families, and this was our place.
The day McKay disappeared after unwinding outside, he went straight to the piano.
He loved the piano. He would prepare for his lessons, but then he loved to just play on the piano and have fun.
McKay was a musical kid. He played piano, trumpet, guitar, and the violin.
When he was four, he wanted a violin for Christmas, and he did not like the person that I had hired to teach him violin. And he said, I'll teach myself. And so we were going on a trip one day. He said, wait a minute, and he sat down and played and he taught himself amazing grace.
Oh, my goodness. Wow. He was a prodigy in many ways, huh?
Well, he was really. My mother's side of the family are honky tonkers, okay? And so McKay would say, when I get older, I'm gonna go honking Tonkin. And so I think some of that just was natural talent.
But while music came easy for McKay, he struggled with his schoolwork that day. After McKay finished at the piano, Paulette sat down with him to go over his assignments, something they had done since McKay was in the first grade.
McKay had a slight dyslexia, and when he started school, every afternoon, I tutored, tutor, tutored, because Carl did not want him to repeat first grade, and he really probably should have, but Carl's ego was just not strong enough to handle that. So that meant, you know, McKay had to be tutored every day by me. And I just felt like that just isn't quite fair. But, you know, and Carl wasn't there to do it. He wanted to make the decision, but yet played no role in dealing with it.
Paulette was the one tutoring McKay, in part because her husband Carl, was often traveling for work. And while Paulette sometimes resented having to tutor McKay, spending so much time with him had made the two of them extremely close.
I had talked so much to him because Carl was gone during the week when oil and gas was busy. So I would talk to McKay like he was an adult.
Paulette's husband, Carl, had started his own small oil company in 1983, the same year McKay was born. And Paulette had quit her job teaching elementary school to help out with the business. For a while, the Everetts did well for themselves. They rode the oil boom of the late eighties and made good money. But by the early nineties, oil prices were down, and Carl was getting burnt out.
The idea of not having to work hard in the oil patch sounded good.
And recently, Carl had heard about a new way to make money.
Welcome to Amway and the Amway business opportunity. As you open the kit and discover the many Amway products inside that box, how about congratulating yourself first for taking your first step towards building a business of your own?
I think the draw to it was, you know, you could have the income. Coming in.
As with any opportunity, feeling uncertain right now is only natural.
Amway is a company that sells wholesale products that members could buy and then resell at a profit.
They sell everything.
But Amway is a multilevel marketing program. You make money not just by selling products, but also by recruiting more people into Amway.
You know, they sell you a bill of goods. But a lot of the people that got involved with that, they just dove.
In while Paulette was skeptical. Carl was one of those people that just dove right in. Before long, their garage was full of boxes of Amway products that Carl was trying to unload on family and friends. And Carl was also trying to recruit new Amway members. In fact, on September 12, 1995, the night that McKay disappeared, Carl was hosting an Amway meeting at a bank building downtown. And one of Carl's friends, Hilton Crawford, was supposed to bring some potential recruits.
He called and wanted to know if we were going to the meeting.
The plan was Carl would head to the meeting straight from work, and Paulette would carpool over with a neighbor and leave McKay at the house.
I got him dinner, and he wanted ice cream.
After dinner, Paulette's neighbor, Randy Bartlett, came over around 745 to give her a ride. McKay was sitting in front of the tv eating ice cream straight out of a half gallon tub.
It was raining, and I just thought the lights might go out. You never know. So I gave him a flashlight.
Paulette remembers waving goodbye to McKay as she left.
I could see him inside the door waving by, you know, just a typical kid, lanky. You know, you go through that phase in life when your nose looks like it's the most prominent thing on your face. And I remember saying, you know, I've done all I can do because I went through my little mental checklist. I had done everything I could do to get him a flashlight and make sure the door's locked and the alarm system's on and blah, blah, blah. Maybe I had done all I could do on this herb for him when I got in the car and drove off.
When they got to the Amway meeting, Paulette thinks there were probably about 30 people.
Whoever showed up showed up, and who didn't, didn't.
When Carl got there, he launched into his pitch.
Just, you know, sign up people and sell, sell, sell.
After the meeting, the group got coffee at a nearby restaurant. Carl tried calling McKay at home but couldn't reach him. Carl said he was worried that maybe the storm had knocked down the power lines and wanted to check on McKay, so he left early and drove back home. Half an hour after Carl left, Paulettes neighbor, Randy, got a phone call. He told Paulette he had to leave, but hed give her a ride home. Paulette didnt sense that anything was wrong. She didnt know it yet, but shed been betrayed by someone she was close to, and her life was about to change forever. In the car, Randy told Paulette that it was her husband Carl that had called him at the restaurant.
When Randy tells me McKay's missing, all I remember doing is screaming and screaming and screaming. And when I got home, the police were there. They were already sending people out into the woods. I was on a different planet, in a different realm. Got even sunk down into the front floorboard, just screaming.
You could hear Paulette scream in its name. It was just a real eerie feeling.
That's Nancy Cahn, the neighbor that lived across the street from Carl and Paulette.
Whenever I think back on this whole situation, that is the one thing that I still can't get out of my head. It was just shrill and desperate and just pleading for him to come home if he's out there somewhere. It was, you know, a parents worst nightmare, and you could hear it in their voices.
Shortly after calling 911, Carl knocked on Nancy Cahn's door.
Maybe around 10:00 or whatever. Carl had come and asked us if we had seen McKay.
Nancy told Carl, she hadn't seen him, but her husband, Bill had seen something strange that night between 830 and 09:00.
P.M. My husband had taken trash out that night. And when he did, he saw a car go into their driveway, because our driveways were exactly across from each other. So he saw a car go in to the driveway, and he didn't think anything of it. So he put the trash can down. Then he went back to the house. I had, you know, one more bag of trash that I wanted him to take back out to the street. And so when he did, the car that he saw go in was coming out quite fast. And actually, he said it almost ran over him or ran into the trash cans as well. And then it sped off really fast. And people just didn't drive past like that. So it kind of made them think, you know, well, maybe something's going on. Then, of course, you know, when Carl came over and said, you know, McKay's missing, Bill did bring that up. He didn't get a license plate or anything, but he thought it was a Chrysler, maybe a greenish gold or some color like that. But he had seen an emblem on the back of the car in the shape of a crown, like a crown motor or something like that.
It was a tantalizing lead, a golden Chrysler with a crown sticker on the back left bumper, leaving the Everett's home. But the investigation was just getting started, and the FBI was about to arrive.
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I heard the original call go out that the boy had gone missing from.
The house sheriff's deputy Sam lynch was patrolling in Conroe the night McCabe disappeared.
And didn't pay a lot of attention to it because on an average month we would get ten kidnapping reports and nine of them would be parental involvement and the 10th one would be just a kid that didn't come home. So I didn't pay particular attention to it. I just continued what I was doing. And when deputy Ziener got on the scene, within just a minute or two, he called for a supervisor emergency. And at that point I knew that it was more than just a false call.
On his way to the Everett's, Deputy lynch alerted his superiors, who in turn alerted the FBI. Normally, the FBI only gets involved in interstate crimes, but after the sensational kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby in 1932, Congress allowed the FBI to investigate kidnappings of children twelve or younger.
I met Deputy Ziener out on the front walk of the house. He told me at that time that Mister Everett McKay's dad had said that a ransom call had been received already, had come home and found McKay gone. The back door was open and it sounded like the real deal.
Carl gave lynch more details about the phone call. He said the phone had begun ringing as soon as he walked in the door. And when he answered, a woman with a raspy voice told him she'd kidnapped his son. Carl said he'd demanded to speak to McKay, but the woman said that that was impossible. She said if he wanted to see his son again, he'd need to pay the ransom $500,000 in $100 bills. The woman with the raspy voice knew that he had a cell phone. She demanded its number and told him she'd call him back on the cell at 08:00 a.m. With details about how to pay that ransom. Once he had recorded Carl's story, officer lynch examined the crime scene.
There was no sign of forced entry. The back door was unlocked and open, no sign of it having been pried on, no broken glass. It was just as if McKay had walked out of his own free will.
You know, we had taken all sorts of precautions. We had an alarm system. We had a hidden room. We had told him, if you feel threatened, go in there and lock yourself in. We lived in a very large home, a very elegant, well appointed home, and it was just an awareness of might need to do that.
Carl told the officers that McKay knew not to open the door for strangers. The year before, an alarm had gone off at a neighbor's house, and the sheriff's deputy went to the Everett's home to ask if they'd seen anything. But McKay was home alone, and he had refused to open the door for the officer.
That told us pretty quickly that McKay either recognized who it was and let them in, or they knew enough to answer and ask the right questions. We'll never know exactly what got him out of the house, but it was just a fairly sterile scene as far as evidence goes.
After examining the back door, the one that Carl said he had found left open, Sergeant lynch entered the Everett's house.
Large living room, lots of seating areas. I remember that because there were so many people in the house when we got there.
When Carl had found McKay missing, he'd called close friends and neighbors to ask them if they'd seen McKay. Most dropped everything to offer any help they could.
Probably five or six neighbors and friends were there. It wasn't chaotic, but it was a very busy, busy environment. Everyone there is a suspect, but not treated as such, because we don't want to alienate anyone. Because everyone, while they may be a suspect, they're also a witness. We would want to find out where everyone was, what they were doing, just the smallest detail. It turned out to be the smallest detail that one of the neighbors provided that helped them narrow down who the suspect was.
One of Carl's friends, John husbands, was there in the living room that night.
There were several close friends. I just remember Carl and Randy and I and Bill Cohn from across the street. It was a nightmare. This doesn't happen to real people. This is tv stuff, and it certainly doesn't happen in Conroe, Texas.
To my friend John husbands was surprised by how fast the FBI showed up that night.
Sometime about 01:00, I had come out the front door of Carl's house, and they had a camper backed up in the driveway.
Just hours after Carl called 911, the FBI arrived with a trailer to set up a mobile command post outside the Everett's home.
I remember coming out the front door, and two of those agents came from that trailer over there, and it was almost like they were looking for them. I said, mister husband, I've got a question for you. It was about the timing that I had given. They said, you said Mister Everett was not there at 07:00. And I don't remember the times, but I thought to myself, they damn well knew what time I gave them. They didn't have it wrong. They were verifying the timeline, because at this point, I don't get. I guess they knew that I wasn't involved. In other words, they tried to get me to confuse my story, because obviously, in those situations, Carl was the first suspect. I mean, there's no question about it, and everybody knew it.
Anytime there's a kidnapping, the father is one of the first suspects. John husbands remembers one FBI agent in particular seemed to be keeping an eye on Carl.
There was a guy there that was as spooky as you can imagine. I don't mean devil spooky. That guy. You look into his eyes, and I guarantee you this guy could read your mind. I swear to God he could. I don't mean it ugly. I'm thankful that he existed. But I am telling you, he was scary as hell.
I remember him. He stood in the door, and he listened, and he listened. He was like Clint Eastwood is what I thought. He had that demeanor. And you can see his mind just working. And I could tell you he's sizing up Carl. He's sizing up me.
The FBI had Paulette and Carl make three lists.
Their questioning was very systematic. We had to describe our friends who fit the profile of doing something like this.
The FBI also had to prepare for the ransom call, which Carl said was to come at 08:00 a.m. The next day.
So that night, the FBI was getting set up. They were tapping the phones and on and on and on. You know, it was just. They were getting themselves ready and making their plans to hear where to deliver the ransom money.
Carl said the ransomers had asked for his cell phone number, but calls to cell phones were harder to trace, so the FBI advised Carl to turn off his cell. Agents hoped that if the ransomers couldn't get through to Carl's cell phone, they'd call his home phone instead. Of course, there was a risk to the plan as well, that with the cell off, they'd missed the ransomer's call altogether. Beth Martin was the FBI supervisor on.
Scene when I got to the Everett home.
Everett was very, very concerned, very overwrought. Mister Everett was coming up and down the stairs a few times. He, too, was, you know, very agitated.
Agents were trying to coach Carl about what to do when the follow up ransom call arrived.
We were going over and over it, and Mister Ebert was just stressed out. You know, at some point, I think Mister Evbott was saying, that's an awful lot of money, and I don't know if I can get it. You know, I mean, it was just stuff that somebody who's just totally stressed out would say.
On the surface, the Everetts appeared very well off. They owned a business they'd built their own dream house. Carl even had a private plane. But FBI interviews with associates indicated the Everetts were having trouble paying bills. FBI hostage negotiator Ralph Harp took note of Carl's behavior. The mother, I know right from the beginning, she was just completely distraught. The father was. His emotional level appeared a little flat. He was acting rationally, not emotionally, but that was not enough to raise a very considerable level of concern about him. But it was noticeable. He was a businessman. He looked like a businessman. He conducted himself like a businessman to me. Looked like, you know, he was what he was supposed to be and saw nothing incongruent with who he was and how he appeared. The house was tense as they waited for the ransomers follow up call in the morning. But before daybreak, there would be a new lead. Investigators discovered a friend of McKay's had spoken to him just before he disappeared. This episode is sponsored by Betterhelp. You know, it's a given. We all live stressful lives. We need a place now and then to just get things off our chest.
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You know, you really got to do everything really fast because things change. So the whole office cooperates on something like that and does as much as they can.
Kidnappings were a rare crime, but not unheard of in Houston in the nineties.
We've had all these drug kidnappings, a lot of abductions of children, and it was just crazy. The drug kidnappings were always bad. We had a baby thrown off a bridge. It was a drug deal. They had taken this guy's baby and threw it off a bridge as a sign that things were not going to go well for the family.
Knowing twelve year old McKay was out there somewhere, terrified for his life. Law enforcement worked through the night. Officers searched the parking lots of local motels for cars that resembled the yellow dodge or Chrysler that the neighbor Bill Kahn had seen. They worked to get $500,000 in cash for the ransom, and FBI agents followed up on a new lead. As word had spread of McKay's disappearance, investigators learned that McKay's friend from school, Elizabeth, had talked to him on the phone that night. FBI agents arrived at Elizabeth's home at 04:30 a.m. Their report describes her as McKay's girlfriend, though Paulette says McKay and Elizabeth's middle school romance was short lived. But they'd remained good friends and talked on the phone almost every day. According to the FBI report, McKay had called Elizabeth at 08:30 p.m. And asked her, what's up? Elizabeth said, not much here. They chatted briefly, then McKay told her to hang on for a minute and set the phone down. As she waited, another call came, so she put McKay on hold. When that call finished, she switched back to the call with McKay, but the line was still silent. Eventually, she hung up and tried to call McKay back, but the line was busy.
The phone call between Elizabeth and McKay pushed back the last time anyone had seen or heard from him from 745 to around 08:30 p.m. It also placed the phone call just before Bill Conn had seen the car leaving the Everett's. The report says that the agent spoke to Elizabeth, her parents, and their neighbor Connie Crawford, who was also a friend of the Everett's. The agents asked them if they knew anyone who drove a golden or Tan Chrysler with a crown sticker on the back left bumper. But Elizabeth's family and Connie Crawford couldn't recall anyone who drove that kind of car. While law enforcement stayed busy through the night, investigating Paulette was agonizing.
The amount of stress when your child is missing or endangered is unbelievable. I had never experienced that kind of stress before. Have not since. I didn't know what was happening. But my left arm started pulling. I started dragging my right leg, my voice started slowing. Of course I didn't know what it was. I just knew I was extremely over the top stressed. I wanted to know what the police were doing with FBI was doing. And I was praying and I was praying to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. I just wanted my son back and I'm gonna kill somebody when I find out who it is. That's what went through mine. I will kill him.
At around 07:00 a.m. On Wednesday, September 13, 1997. The sky tinted orange as day broke. The follow up call from the ransomers was just an hour away. All eyes were on Carl as he waited by the phone. And the phone began to ring. The FBI recorded the call.
Hello? Carl? Yes, Mike. Nice. Just got word. Anything I can do or need to do or whatever, and then I'll get off the phone. No, not right now. We're waiting on a phone call. Okay. If you need anything, you just let me know. I know. I just can't believe this. I appreciate you coming. Okay? Just let me know because I'm thinking about you. Okay.
Call after call came in from concerned friends and family.
Carl? Yeah, Hilton. What the world's going on? Hey, Hilton. I don't know. I'm trying to find my son. This morning. I called Connie morning about 06:00. What the hell happened? Somebody kidnapped him last night. Are you sure? Yeah. Where you at? I had a meeting in salesman this morning, and I'm. I'm heading back that way right now. Don't see me at twelve. I'm coming to your house. I'm coming straight. All right, see you later. No, Carl. Hey, it's Ricky. Hey, Rick. Hey, is McKay not home? He's been out for the world while I'm trying to locate him today. Okay, well, Miss Jett, just call and says somebody kidnapped him. Well, we're trying to figure that out. Okay, but we're waiting on a phone call. Okay, well, I'm at work if you need me. Thank you. Bye.
But the phone call from the ransomers never arrived. Why would ransomers kidnap a child but then fail to follow up with another phone call to Conroe Sheriff guy Williams? Things weren't adding up.
It raised some eyebrows, let's put it that way.
Some investigators were beginning to question whether Carl was telling them the full story.
You always look at the parents. It's kind of like the person that finds a body. That's the person you look at first.
You know, as a parent, we found it hard to believe that parent would go to this extreme. Because the question is, what would they benefit from doing it? That was one of the main questions we had.
Maybe the ransomers had tried to reach Carl on his cell phone. Remember, the FBI had Carl turn his cell phone off. Or maybe the ransomers had somehow found out that the FBI were involved and they'd gotten spooked. Regardless, the investigation was just getting started and the Everett's house became the FBI's home base.
Each room had a purpose. It was like, commanded by the FBI. You know, the kitchen area and everything that was to feed people. The library is where we met with the profiler. If somebody just had to rest, they could take McKay's bedroom. But they used that, too, have clothes for the hound dogs to sniff. They thought maybe he felt threatened, maybe he'd gone off in the woods to hide.
The next step for law enforcement was to see whether everyone's story checked out, and that meant polygraphing people.
I kept a nursery in the home, whether we had a small child or not. And so that was the polygraph room. Kind of a box like machine with the little needle that squiggly scratches around.
And the very first person the FBI wanted to polygraph was Carl Everett McKay's father. This season on ransom.
He loved the ponies, but the ponies loveth him not.
He was like four or $500,000 in debt.
Parents in the community were locking up their kids. It really kind of had a chilling effect on everyone.
This is one of two cases that I worked in 25 years that stay with me all the time. His story has always bothered me, the fact that the story really never came out.
I was yelling at McKay, going, look at me. Just look at me one more time. And he never turned around.
This is what she told us, that Crawford knew of a person that wanted to break up from her husband. Law enforcement personnel were pretty much split down the middle over whether or not he actually did this. She wanted to stage a kidnapping to get the ransom money for her to start.
And let me tell you, if there.
Had been just a little bit more.
Evidence, I would have indicted her.
He didn't do all this by himself, did he? You know, and there's supposed to be a ransom call earlier and all that, so there's other people out there that haven't been arrested. So are they going to try to come after us?
For more information, including pictures, find us on social at theransompodcast or visit our website, ransompodcast.com. We'll have new episodes every Wednesday and bonus episodes every Friday. Follow us now wherever you get your podcasts. Ransom is written and researched by Ben Kieberk and hosted by art Rascone and sound design by Ben Kieberich, Aaron Mason, and Trent Sell. Trent also did the mixing. Special thanks to Andrea Smarten, Kellyanne Halberson, Ryan Meeks, Amy Donaldson, Felix Bonnell, Josh Tilton, and Dave Colley. Main musical score composed by Allison Leighton. Brown co created by Austin Miller, with podcast one executive producer Elie Dvorkin for Workhouse media executive producer Paul Anderson and with KSL podcasts executive producer Cheryl Worsley. Ransom is produced by KSL Podcasts in association with podcast one and Workhouse Media channel.