Miraculous Benefits of Eating 100-Year-Old Ghee
Sadhguru's Podcast- 1,953 views
- 17 Mar 2021
In this eye-opening conversation, Sadhguru and Dr. Vasant Lad discuss how eating 100-year-old ghee can have immense health benefits, and the role of ojas in maintaining one’s health.
This guy has tremendous healing possibilities. That gate is reaching Odiase generally or just is seen as a nonphysical dimension of energy. Your recovery from anything, injury or any ailment will be like that of. Right now in Kerala, people are claiming and we don't know how much of it is true, but I know some of it is true. People have preserved in the earth. They buried it in the earth and kept it for 100 years. And it seems that this has tremendous healing, absolute possibility that is gone.
Settle settlement settlements, hundred years shuttle version of so much. That means the guy is buried in a labor into the soil a hundred years because when G is staying in the soil for a hundred years, that much a long time. Some molecular changes happen within the gate and that gate is reaching. Odiase It is reaching stages and it is reaching Parana because ultimately the pure essence of water doescher is pure essence of Peter is stagers and cover is hodgers. And at a cellular level or just they just run, they maintain cellular metabolic activity, cellular intelligence and flow of communication.
Bronagh is a flow of communication, so each cellular level which stages they are operating and harnessing the cellular life. So this hundred years old running rhythm is the best medicine for eczema. Psoriasis, even if you take internally, it can heal peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, many disorders, even autoimmune diseases. This peranich rhythm is or just confirmed. So this promotes promotes ojars. So we just stagers brown. These are three important factors that maintain the life of a single cell.
The single cell can live longer yogic sciences generally, or just is seen as a nonphysical dimension of energy. If you because. Everything physical has come from the nonphysical, if you create a cocoon of nonphysical damage in a cocoon does not mean like this on the cellular level, every cell has a little bit of nonphysical damage, correct. Or wrap around itself. That cell will continuously regenerate itself at a pace that is considered miraculous, correct? Well, your recovery from anything, injury or any ailment will be like that above all.
First of all, you don't get sick enough to be called sick and depending on how violently you live. Right. When I say how violently. So you're living a nice, peaceful life. I live a violent life. I am on full speed on a motorcycle. So my life is seven days of the week, 365 days. There's no day. There's no night. You know, sometimes it's 24 hours work. Other days it's 18, 20 hours of work.
It's a violent life, but still have not canceled a single event because I am not well. That has not happened in the last thirty nine years. A certain amount of just kind of puts you back always. It doesn't matter. It's not that I have not been unwell. Well, I got flu. I got this, I got that many times. But no matter what's happening, I can still continue believe that. So if what you said kind of interested me, that or just is that kind of energy, which is not physical in nature and intellect, but if you are incubated in that always if every cell is intubated in that operation, you are recovery or your ability to be beyond what physical things do, do you?