Climate Crisis: We're Solving It?! [VIDEO]
Science Vs
- 4 months ago
- 36:34
The climate is a mess. It's hot. There's fires, floods, hurricanes — and we may have even crossed some rather scary climate tipping points. But there is hope. So today, we’re answering your questions about solving the climate crisis. We find out how you can help in the fight against climate change, if carbon offsets are a scam, whether renewables really work and what exciting new technologies could help save the planet. Our guests are Dr. Sven Teske at the University of Technology, Sydney, and Wei Sue, head of strategy at Monash University's Climateworks Center. Find our transcript here: In this episode, we cover: (00:00) Is it the End of the World? (04:21) The biggest emitters (05:24) What can you do to help? (07:07) Does recycling fight climate change? (08:42) Should you stop eating meat? (09:58) Buying an Electric Vehicle (14:54) Can you really make a difference? (17:05) Carbon Offsets (21:14) Renewables: How good are they? (26:31) Nuclear Power: The Silver Bullet? (31:21) Giant Shades in Space! (34:14) Hope? This episode was produced by Wendy Zukerman and Meryl Horn with help from Joel Werner, Rose Rimler, Ekedi Fausther-Keeys, and Michelle Dang. We’re edited by Blythe Terrell. Fact checking by Erica Akiko Howard. Video editing by T Cruz. Mix and sound design by Sam Bair. Music written by Bumi Hidaka. A huge thank you to Nick Johnson, Stupid Old Studios and Lily Kim. Science Vs is a Spotify Studios Original. Listen for free on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Follow us and tap the bell for episode notifications. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Menopause: The Myths and the Madness
Science Vs
- 4 months ago
- 42:28
Something is coming for 4 billion people on this planet, and if you've been watching the news — it's horrifying. It can attack your brain, your heart, your bones and even your vagina. So what is this fresh hell? Apparently, it's menopause. So what's going on here? What are the real symptoms of menopause? How bad is it? And is hormone therapy the miracle cure that some are saying it is? To find out, we spoke to gynecologist Dr. Monica Christmas and Professor Susan Reed, as well as epidemiologists Professor Samar El Khoudary and Professor JoAnn E. Manson. Find our transcript here: In this episode, we cover: (00:00) The Horror Show (04:12) The Most Common Symptoms of Menopause (13:00) Memory Problems and Weight Gain (19:10) The biggest screw-up of the entire medical field? (26:00) Do Hormones Cause Breast Cancer and Heart Disease? (30:12) Which Menopausal Symptoms do Hormones help with? (33:00) Supplements, CBT and Menopause (36:27) Menopause isn't a disease This episode was produced by Wendy Zukerman, with help from Rose Rimler, Meryl Horn, Ekedi Fausther-Keeys, and Michelle Dang. We’re edited by Blythe Terrell. Fact checking by Diane Kelly. Mix and sound design by Sam Bair. Music written by Bobby Lord, Peter Leonard, So Wylie, Emma Munger and Bumi Hidaka. Thanks to the researchers we spoke to, including Dr Caroline Gurvich, Professor Martha Hickey, Professor Nancy Woods, Professor Cindy Farquhar, Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, Dr Rebecca Thurston, Dr Sioban Harlow, Dr Susan Diem and Dr Yana Vinogradova. And extra thanks to Suren Jayemanne, Penny Greenhalgh, Imogen Hayes, Zukerman Family and Joseph Lavelle Wilson. Science Vs is a Spotify Studios Original. Listen for free on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Follow us and tap the bell for episode notifications. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Keto Diet: Can It Supercharge Your Brain and Body?
Science Vs
- 4 months ago
- 33:53
The ketogenic diet has been booming for years, with people swearing that it boosts their brainpower — maybe even helping with mental health — and that the diet can melt fat and make them better athletes. So does keto live up to the hype? To find out, we go keto … (plus, we do a bunch of research and talk to scientists!). You’ll hear from neuroscientist Dom D’Agostino, psychiatrist Dr. Shebani Sethi, and nutritionist Louise Burke. Also, Wendy’s mum drops in. Find our transcript here: In this episode, we cover: (00:00) The promise of the ketogenic diet (06:58) Keto and epilepsy (09:43) Can keto help your brain — and mental health? (17:06) Can keto help you lose weight? (20:36) Can keto boost athletic performance? (23:47) What are the risks of keto? This episode was produced by Kaitlyn Sawrey and Michelle Dang, with help from Wendy Zukerman, Rose Rimler, Shruti Ravindran, Meryl Horn, Ekedi Fauster-Keeys and Romilla Karnick. We’re edited by Blythe Terrell. Additional help from Eric Mennel and Simone Polanen. Fact checking by Michelle Harris and Eva Dasher. Research help from Dorea Reeser. Mix and sound design by Emma Munger and Sam Bair. Music written by Bobby Lord. Recording help from Marissa Shieh and Mary Shedden. Extra thanks to Professor Russell Swerdlow, Professor Jon Ramsey, Professor Judith Wylie-Roset, Professor Clare Collins, Dr Deirdre K Tobias, Thanks to Frank Lopez, and Joanna Lauder. And extra special thanks to Joseph Lavelle Wilson, Jack Weinstein and Ingrid Zukerman. Science Vs is a Spotify Studios Original. Listen for free on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Follow us and tap the bell for episode notifications. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Microplastics: How Worried Should You Be?
Science Vs
- 4 months ago
- 39:00
Microplastics have been turning up in our blood, our lungs, and even our balls! But exactly what are they doing to us? And what about all the chemicals in plastics — can they mess with our hormones? We talk to reproductive biologists Prof. Patricia Hunt and Prof. Fred vom Saal, and pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Anne-Simone Parent. Find our transcript here: Chapters: In this episode, we cover: (00:00) Pat’s mice (06:26) Our plastic world (08:03) What do microplastics actually do in our bodies? (11:53) Plastics contain endocrine disrupting chemicals (15:06) Endocrine disruptors and…obesity?! (20:38) Are they funking up our junk? (29:23) Are we really eating that much microplastic? (32:50) What should we do? This episode was produced by Rose Rimler, with help from Wendy Zukerman, along with Meryl Horn, Ekedi Fausther-Keeys, and Michelle Dang. We’re edited by Blythe Terrell. Fact checking by Erica Akiko Howard. Mix and sound design by Sam Bair. Music written by Bobby Lord, Bumi Hidaka, and Peter Leonard. Thanks to all the researchers we spoke with for this episode, including Dr. Meiru Wang, Dr. Roger Kuhlman, Dr. Christopher Tubbs, Dr. Giusseppe Paolisso, Prof. Jerry Heindel, Dr. Laura Geer, Dr. Mohan Qin, Dr. Haoran Wei, Dr. Thaddeus Schug, Dr. Thava Palanisami, and Dr. Xiaozhong Yu. Special thanks to Miah Foster and Diana Kenney. Science Vs is a Spotify Studios Original. Listen for free on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Follow us and tap the bell for episode notifications. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Time the Protesters Won
Science Vs
- 5 months ago
- 36:15
A group of teenagers and college kids were fed up with the lousy healthcare in their New York neighborhood. So they came together as a group, calling themselves the Young Lords, and fought the system head on — a fight that still resonates today. Sid Davidoff, Mickey Melendez, and Cleo Silvers share their story. [REBROADCAST] Check out the full transcript here: In this episode, we cover: (00:00) David vs. Goliath (05:01) The garbage offensive (10:20) Taking on lead paint and hunger (13:54) The tuberculosis offensive (17:08) The fight for Lincoln Hospital (28:39) The aftermath of the takeover This episode was produced by Wendy Zukerman, with help from Rose Rimler, Meryl Horn, Michelle Dang and Lexi Krupp. Editing by Caitlin Kenney with help from Jorge Just. Fact checking by Diane Kelly. Mix and sound design by Peter Leonard. Music written by Peter Leonard, Emma Munger, Bobby Lord. The archive for this story came from Pacifica Radio Archive, and the documentaries: El Pueblo Se Levanta, and Palante, Siempre Palante! A big thanks to Denise Oliver Velez, Dr. Darrel Wanzer-Serrano, Iris Morales, Walter Bosque Del Rio, Professor Jose R. Sanchez, and Professor Lloyd Novick. An extra thanks to Blythe Terrell, Amanda Aronczyk, the Zukerman family and Joseph Lavelle Wilson. Science Vs is a Spotify Studios Original. Listen for free on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Follow us and tap the bell for episode notifications. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Have We Crossed the Climate Tipping Point?
Science Vs
- 5 months ago
- 40:07
Headlines are screaming that the world is about to reach a climate tipping point, which feels like a point of no return where the climate is screwed and there's nothing we can do. But it turns out, that's wrong. These visions of a climate apocalypse don't align with the science. So what exactly is going on with our climate? What even is a tipping point? And are we really about to lose control of the climate? Comedian Michael Hing joins us for a journey with climate scientists Dr. Ed Doddridge, Dr. Seaver Wang, and Dr. Sarah Das, as well as Dr. Felicity McCormack, who's at the Australian Research Council Special Research Initiative Securing Antarctica's Environmental Future at Monash University. Find our transcript here: In this episode, we cover: (00:00) Fire in the hole (06:14) What is a tipping point? (11:04) Is Planet Earth "tipping"? (17:00) How do we know when the ice sheets tip? (25:04) When will the ice sheets tip? (27:34) Have we lost control of the climate? (31:58) Why tipping points are the distracted boyfriend meme (35:30) The good news! Send us your questions about How to Solve the Climate Crisis!! Insta: @science_vs Tiktok: @wendyzukerman Send a voicemail or video to Or! If you're in the U.S., you can call 774-481-1238 This episode was produced by Wendy Zukerman, with help from Meryl Horn Rose Rimler, Ekedi Fausther-Keeys, and Michelle Dang. We’re edited by Blythe Terrell. Fact checking by Diane Kelly. Mix and sound design by Sam Bair. Music written by Bobby Lord, Sparse Movement, Bumi Hidaka and So Wylie. Thanks to the researchers we spoke to, including Professor Andrew Dessler, Professor Christina Hulbe, Dr David Armstrong McKay, Professor Tim Lenton, Aditya Lolla, Dr Elizabeth Maroon, Dr Jan Nitzbon, Professor Johannes Quaas, Dr Jonathan Leung, Dr Kirsten Schell, Dr Madi Rosevear, Michelle Dvorak, Dr Robin Lamboll, Dr Zeke Hausfather, Dr Sam Krevor, Flowra Zhang and others. And extra thanks to the Zukerman Family and Joseph Lavelle Wilson. Science Vs is a Spotify Studios Original. Listen for free on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Follow us and tap the bell for episode notifications. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit