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Steve Dangle podcast with your host, Steve Dangle, Adam Wild and Jesse Blake.


Hey, how about that? Jesse, what are you wearing right now? Just explain it to the audio and to the video listeners. And hold on, let me do this for the Subwayfer listeners, too.


I don't think he appreciated that. What do you mean?


No, I don't.


That was an uncindness.


I I am wearing a scarf courtesy of Berlin. The Berlin, what is their-Ice baron.Ice baron.Ice baron. I didn't want to say it wrong.


What's he wearing?


Ice baron. Now, they were the ones with the terrifying logo we were talking about. I think it was because Franz Nielsen won a DEL Cup with it. We had a listener show up at Shoeless Joe's on Tuesday and say, I lived in Berlin. I went to the game. Please take this scarf. We're like, Dude, do you not want to keep the from when you lived in Berlin? He's like, No, I got another one. I wanted you guys to have it. So this is an official in German. German is such a hard language.


Wait, watch this.


It's a thick language.


Anyway, I was trying to see if we wrote down their name, but I don't-Nope. We're pieces of shit.


Also, someone gave us two dozen butter tarts. And just rest assured that I've had seven.


But yeah, so the Berlin Eisbeeren. Have become the Polar bears.


Well, Eisbergen is Polar bear, right?


Yes. Matt, what are you saying?


No, I was saying the Polar bears, but I didn't know what it meant in German. Got any other German lessons? I didn't know you knew more than checks.


So we have... Oh, damn.


Sorry. I gave up. I switched to French.


If you remember as well, we had a listener write in there, the video coach for them. That's the same team. Yes. And They won a Championship and all that stuff. So, yeah, you can do anything in life, including get a Berlin ice bear. I think anything.


Yeah. And I love that in German, polar bear is just the iceberg. Bear that sits on ice. Very simple. It makes sense. Yeah. We all try to make it fancy in English. They're like, no, this is what it is. What's the racoon translation?


Panda of trash. I would like that.


I want to know what racoon is in German. I do want to say this, and I want to remind you we are teaming back up with our friends, the Kingston Frontinax. Sunday, December eighth, the Kingston Frontinax will be taking on the Sarnia Sting. But the Frontinax, Sting 'Em. It's scary. You got to duck that stinger. We got the pregame skate bundle, so you can come and you can skate with us. And then or just the Game and skate bundle. Both are available on the Frontonax website, or you can click the link in the description if you- It's on sale now. And it's on sale now.


It was last episode when we talked about it wasn't on sale yet.


Officially on sale. Okay. And Jacob Battaglia. No, it's Battaglia. Even though in Italian, it would be Battaglia. Battaglia. Jacob Battaglia is going to be joining us. He's a 2024 Calgary Flames second-round pick, so we're going to get to talk to him. He's currently top 10 in the OHL points race, which is pretty cool. Tickets go on sale today, as Jesse said, and we're very, very excited to get going with that. I think it's going to be a blast. I love going to Kingston. The fronts have been so good to us, and it is the thing that kicked off some of the other OHL the chips that we've been able to do. So we're thrilled to be doing it.


It always takes one to take the dive first.


There will be a front and ax SDPN special Puck for those that buy the pregame skate bundle, and they say, Perfect for signatures. Yes. They were making a little bit of merch for Sdpn and the Frontinax, which I think is neat. I don't know if you guys remember last year, but they changed their Twitter profile and it said Front, but it was an R logo. I thought that was neat. They didn't tell us they were doing that.


If you want my terrible autograph on one of those pucks. I'll do it. I will happily ruin your puck.


Absolutely. The coolest thing about this is the pregame skate. We get to be on the ice in Kingston. That's something that we don't have with any of the other experiences we've done. Every live show, we do live show, and there's little fun stuff about it. But this one, there's a skating component to it, which is really cool.


You're just going to work the hell out of those edges, show off for everyone. I can't wait for everyone to see how good Justin's got. And Barrack.


Yeah. So last year, how it worked is we all gathered around Center Ice, and everybody did their regular laps. Every Canadian knows how to turn left, but they can't go right. So everybody went left around the circle. And in the middle, we took pictures with everybody who wanted to stop by, and Barrack the Bear was there. We didn't skate much. No, we just took pictures the whole time.


But I want to say this. I'm thinking next year as an expanded.


You get to play for the team.


I want a three. Yeah, you have to get on the ice with the team.


You're going to be the second That's the line center. You're the backup goal.


And if you get to sit there sitting yourself. You got to do another shift.


You have to keep playing OHL games until you don't get scored on.


That's right. My thinking was, so Fort William, Henry is in the area, and it's an 1800s fort.


It's the fort that kicked off my love of history when I was a kid because my grandparents took me there because they're from Perth.


And so we went to Fort William, Henry, and we saw the guards, and they're all still dressed like British soldiers and stuff like that. So what I was thinking is we could do an expanded expanded. So a pregame Adam's History Corner tour of Fort William, Henry, then the skate, then the game, then the live show. What do you think about that for next year? You know what I think?


We're so old that our grandparents used to think that was an interesting day trip for a child.


Yeah. Just go and see them shoot off their muskets.


There's an episode of The Office where Andy, when he's boss, he takes the entire office to see the Gettysburg Memorial and all that stuff. That's what this is giving. This is giving Andy trying to take the office to the Gettysburg Memorial. Have you been?


I have been to Gettysburg. How interesting was it? It was fucking awesome, man. My mom... Okay, God bless my mother. I don't know if I've told you guys this, but for a Mother's Day card once, in Grade 1, you're supposed to draw a...


Oh, no, I remember this. You're supposed to draw something for your Mother's Day card, make those.


So I drew a Union and a Confederate soldier shooting at each other, and I said, Happy Mother's Day. And my mom was like, Okay, so I guess he really likes this. So as a family road trip, her boyfriend and her boyfriend's son and I at the time went to Pennsylvania and went to Gettysburg, and she hired a tour guide and took us around to everything. And there's a farmhouse there that still has the bullet holes in You just saw it on the office. Yeah. I'm sure you've seen the tour. And she even bought us little toy muskets, and I was like, I had that toy musket forever. Man, Gettysburg, dude. Go see Gettysburg. It's crazy.


Meanwhile, there's my mom. I had to beg and plea to get a... I think it was a Super Soaker 65.


Because there might be a gun element?


Well, now they're up to Super Soaker 3 million. Just completely eliminate one of your siblings. She was like, No, you could take out someone's eye.


Yeah, you'll shoot your eye out. How well do you know Gettysburg? How well do I know the battle? Yeah. Well, it's a three-day battle. There are elements of it that I know, and then there are elements of it that are like, if you are super... They do reenactments and stuff. There are parts that I just don't remember. I'm not that sharp on it, but yes, I know certain things.


The basic, so you're not like, Hardcore.


Don't worry, Adam. I got it. It was a group of Terrans led by Sarah Kerrigan. They were actually sent to a platform to protect the Zerg from the protos, even though the Zerg... Oh, the new Gettysburg.


The new Getty's Bird from Starcraft. Yeah. Oh, well, which one are you talking? I'm talking about the original, the non-new.


Oh, that sounds- I also only know Sarah Kerrigan from The Office because Dwight dresses up as Kerrigan one Christmas or one Halloween. Yes, he does.


Christmas would be better. Christmas would be ridiculous. Hey, guys. Hope you like Sarah Kerrigan, Goss.


By the Starcraft, game you need to play, Justin.


No, no.


It's fabulous.


That's not my genre of video game.


Yeah. I'm sharp enough on it, but I will say that it halted and changed the trajectory of the war, and the union finally got one over on the Confederates, and that was the beginning of the end.


And she turned into the Queen of Blates.


No, not at that one. I'm getting- You're at now. I'll figure it out. Anyway. We wanted to say all that. We did do an event last night. We'll talk about that later. Let's talk about what's important right now, and that is graphics. Graphics are what's important right now. I think branding and graphics are important. Jesse, do you know where I'm going with this? No, I don't. There was a certain player who played a certain game for the Toronto Maple Leaps against the Washington Capitals. Hell, yeah. Or no, it wasn't against the Washington Capitals. It was against the Capitals. They got T-shirts made, and we have in made fun of other teams that have had players reach a thousand games. The Leaps haven't had many because let's be honest, they haven't had a lot of great players in their history.


Twenty-six ever. Twenty-six players have ever played their thousandth game as a leaf. In a hundred years?


That's not very nice. It's because the Leaps haven't had a lot of good players. That, too. Not until recently. Oliver Eckman-Larson. Now, in the past, we've made fun of Ritu Pect, which was the Derek Jeter. Terrible. We've made fun of the Duncan Keith one, which was D1K. Dick. Looked like dick. Then other ones have just been Square Peg, Round Hole. As soon as we wrapped up the show on Wednesday, this came out, which makes us mad because it was worse than somebody like Thomas Vannick.


Worse than any trade.


Because this is our thing.


This is our corner. If we have anything, it's this. It's graphics corner. It's 1,000-game corner. That's right.


Scratches the itch in my brain.


Yes. So, Jessie, do you have it ready to go? I got it. Okay. O, E, go.


Prince symbol L.


Now, what I like about this is O. So if you're listening to this, it's an O, and then it's an E that's also a K, and then an L. But Ack, Minn Larson, and the K in this one would stand for 1,000 games as well.


It says Eck. But the K in the E is also a 1K. That's right. It's like it's triple seption.


You know what? That little triangle on the end of it makes it a 1.


It's inception when they go to that other level in inception.


Graphic design is my passion, and I think This is the best thing ever. Not just because the leaves did it.


I think it's bad.


I think you- I like it. You like it? Pissed my ass. I hope someone confronts you tomorrow. I hope the leaves staff comes over. I hope you get your credentials revoked. That's what I That's what I hope. Look at that. I want that shirt so bad. Are they selling it?




Why not? Why not?


Isn't that great? They should sell that. Morgan.


What the fuck? Morgan, no smile, not wearing the shirt. Morgan, get a clue.


He looks like he's surprised to be in the photo.


Oel is different because he is smiling and is Oliver Ekman Larson.


It's okay.


You know who's really signed up for this is Alex Steve's on the end there. Alex Steve's right there is like, Yeah, I'm here, too. I'm also here. It is his first game this year. I will wear the shirt.


Yeah, got an A on the group project. Yeah. Yes. I am here for what I think is my ninth NHL game, and it just so happens to be OEL's thousandth game. I don't know if they made O-E-L tank tops, but Ryan Reeves made his into one. For that, he is my hero.


He Immediately received it and was like, no sleeves on this. No. No. No.


I got to show off the tats. I have recently been introduced to the world where, well, arms are bare. I didn't get all these tats for nothing. Yeah. He has a couple more than I do, though.


A couple more.


And even he avoided the inside of the elbow because...


That would be painful.


Oh, wait, no, on the left arm, he did. Oh, shit.


There's a lot going on in this photo, Broky.


No, it's fantastic.


No, it's always so happy. He is.


Nye seems like he's having a good time, doesn't he? Yeah. He just seems like he's enjoying life with him.


I'm really enjoying the dichotomy of Reilly next to Marner.


Yeah. Marner is like, Hey, man, I'm super happy for you. I'm thrilled for you. He's being a good team. Reilly is like, What are we doing?


No, Reilly has always been fed up father who is sick of this, get your ass in the car. And Mitch has always been, Hey, what are we doing, guys? Let's have some fun. They are three years apart in age.


I know. Isn't that wild?


That's wild. Somebody definitely, the social media manager was like, Reilly, come over here, join this photo. And he had no idea what was going on. Who are these?


We're taking a picture with some kids?


Who are these people? What's going on? Anyway, I like this.


By the way, is there a more badass shot? That's Alex Steves. He's on the third line tonight.


Is there a more badass shot of OEL than that slap shot picture at the front there? That's like, I'm going to...


Yeah, him with the cup.


Okay. He got you there.


That's me going Joker.


Yeah, no, that's true.


I think if I'm rating this, we got to have a scale. One, it's got to be zero to a thousand, right? Because we're always writing a thousand. On a scale of zero to a thousand, it's probably sitting at six 42.


I'm going to rank it an E that's also a K. I think that's what I'm going to rank it.


No, stop. Don't be difficult. Out of a thousand. Don't be difficult.




What's your number?


By the way, Jessie, you ranked as almost as many points as Oliver Ekman-Lurison has. Oh, wow. He has 477, so I just thought you should know.


No, I didn't. That was at 600.


Yeah, that's close enough. No, it's not. That's pretty close. No, it's not. I'm kidding. I'm going to- Rounding. It's We're closing all. Rounding. I mean, what's a few hundred-What's 200 points? What's that between friends?


I'm going to give him. I don't know. I'm going to give him 795 95. 95 for his number. And also it's hovering around 800. And I'll tell you why. There's an O here. You know how easy it would have been to just put O-E-L and 1K in the O? Or to make the O one of the zeros in 1,000. They actually got creative with it, and I ship it. I stand, I will die for this logo And I want this shirt very badly. You can give me the one that Morgan didn't...


I will die for this logo.


I will die for it.


That's a little much.


Tell my family I love them. Bury me in this shirt. In Gettysburg. Tomorrow in Gettysburg, where I fought I heard this logo. Did Steve fight on Gettysburg before O'Kickel?


You fought. You fought General Lee for that. And for that, we thank you.


Adam, so wait, you know where Gettysburg is? Pennsylvania. So you know the Gettysburg address?


Yes. Abraham Lincoln. You see, that's- Four score. Something years ago.


Adam, what's your rating?


My rating is 875 out of 1,000. I think it's one of the better ones out there. What was the one we had earlier this year? There was one that was earlier this year, and I cannot remember.


Oh, it was good, too. Yeah, because of his name. Fuck.


I know. That's what I've been saying in my head for the last five minutes, trying to think about it. But that one was really good.


I'm still waiting for Kerb 1,000, honor, McDavid. I'm I'm still waiting for that because they're going to do that.For.


Points.for points. Is that a Silver Stick?


What is that? No, that's for a thousand games.


Okay, so what's the Gold Stick?


1,500? I have no idea. Silver Stick, I would imagine Saturday night, they're going to give one to OEO. The bar earlier this year was set by Mikael Backland, who is Bax, and they just use Bax as the one.


See, I give that like a 9:25, 9:25.


That's my favorite. That's my favorite one. It was very good. It was great. But yeah, OEL.


And by the way, I really love OEL. I just do. I always have. I didn't love him in Vancouver, but I always loved him in Arizona. So I love him again last spring.


Remember how harsh we've been on the Leaps' right side on D. And heading into the season, I was like, Chris Tanev is the best D partner Reilly's ever had. And since he's been playing with OEL, and I'm like, Nope, still pretty good. If Hawk and Pa is good, the Leaps might have three.


Good right shot.


Right. Like, literally three of the best right shot D of this generation of leaves.


Can I just say, though, too, for so many years, the leaves were like, oh, it's just so hard. And in one fucking summer, they did it. Brad's living was like-What if you just simply did it?


Yeah. Here, we need to fix this, so I'm going to.


And then he did. So let me tell you this, and we'll get into the game in a second. But I do want to bring up, since you bring up that particular thing, Jonas Siegel did a great article on Tanev Mekape, because during the St. Louis game, when the Leaps were playing like crap, Burbube said, Screw it. Oel, you're playing with Reilly. And Tanev and Mekabe, you guys are playing together. And apparently, the Leaps are yielding a 1.5 expected goals. That's like 1% expected goals per 60 minutes when they're on the ice, which is the third best of any pair in the league that played over 120 minutes together. They also boast an expected goals of 58% during those minutes. Love that. And those numbers are all the more impressive, according to Jonas, when you factor in competition, Because they're not shelter. They're playing, he said, a whole whack load of defensive zone face offs. Tanev and Mekabe have an offensive zone face off percentage of just 28% over those 10 games they've played together, easily the lowest among the mentioned group of league-wide pairings. So they are always thrown out there in defensive situations, and they're killing penalties.


So you dump Yany Hockenpon there. He does well. O'yells with Timmins. You have Benoît as a backup. When was the last time they had a better decourt than this. When? They can't really score. And have it count.


They can score.


They can, as we learned.


They just haven't.


It just takes a while.


And we'll get into the Caps game in a second. I just thought, Man, that's very, very cool. And They're cooking. At the time, I thought, Man, I don't know. I don't know how I feel about switching that up. But in retrospect, I see what Barube is doing because he's like, Okay, situationally on offense, I'm going to put out OEL and Reilly.


I understood the logic behind putting Tanev and McCabe together. I hated it because I wanted Tanev to be with Reilly. And who are you putting him with? Like an over-cooked OEL, this guy with no knee, Well, Hock and Pa will see. But OEL, I think, has been the biggest surprise for Leaps Nation. Anyone who's been paying attention knows Tanev's freaking sick. I don't think we knew.


I mean, if you were watching the play-off, that's true. It was pretty good.


Yeah, but a lot of people don't.




A lot of people don't. Yeah.


My question to you guys is, what do you think the thinking is? And we saw this against the Caps, and then we'll get into the game of Reilly, Hock and Pa, Ekman Larson, Timmins.


I think that's what you just roll. You can roll those three, basically. Not entirely, but basically, at five on five. And then obviously, PK, I don't think those guys really play together. But no, it makes sense. Reilly and defensive Stalwart. Prior to this season, who was his best partner? Probably Luke Shenn.


Oh, yeah. I would say.


They were great together.


Before that, Ron Hansen.


Yeah. Reilly's got to be with someone who allows him to be Morgan Wiley. There's a reason he's actually scoring this season, right? He's got to be with someone who allows him to be that. Tanev McCabe, you know what they're out there for, to let everyone else have a terrible time. Tanev is there to be back when Mccabe throws a hit at the offensive blue line, and there's a two on one. And OEL Timmins, I mean, both those guys can move the buck. And if you're going to have trouble generating offense from your bottom six, it is nice to have a third pair that can actually move the buck and isn't a total defensive liability.


I have to say, guys, and Jesse, do you have anything to add to that first? I'm sorry.


I wouldn't mind seeing Simone Benoît, get him back in the lap in that decor. I feel like he's very useful, and I'm not automatically sure that Timmermans deserves his spot.


I mean, very easy. Timmermans out, Benoît in, OEL to the right. Done. Yeah.


Easy. I'd like to see it.


Me too, because I like Simon Benoît. I know he hasn't had the greatest start. I also think part of that is... I think the only time I really notice him, and this is the sign of a good defenseman, is when he's taking a penalty, and he's just taking too many of them.


Well, last year, it got to a point where you couldn't imagine taking him out of the lineup. Yeah. That's where they were at. It's crowded back there. If you told me at the beginning of the season, Oh, yeah, they're going to put O'Yell and Timmins together, I would have laughed you out of the studio. I'd be like, First of all, how the hell is Timmins still on this team? And here it is working out. Treliving, a lot of GMs really stick to their brand. Dubas, we did many bits about how he-He loves his guys. Oh, my God, he loves his guys. Treliving is doing A lot of the same things he was known for in Calgary, the good and the bad, signing guys until they're into their mid to late 30s. Don't know how much I love that, but also building from the decor out. And it took a year. A year to build a better decor than Dubas or Lou ever put together.


I would say I would go all the way back to Pat Quinn on that. We're talking about a defense corps that back then featured McCabe, Leach, and some other-Was Danny Markov on the least?


Was Danny Markow on the leaves the last time?


They had a decor that was good. I think so. Yeah, I think so.


Bar, pretty low, but they're over it. They've cleared it. No problem.


It's amazing. It's cool to see.


The problem right now is the forward group.


Yeah. Let's talk about that, guys. Let's talk about the Washington game where, let's be honest, first two periods didn't look too good, did it?


No, but love a good chaos game.


Yeah, okay.


I love a game that makes it impossible to make an LFR video. Right. Poor Drew. It was a late start.


I'm sorry. Are you trying to get people to feel bad for Drew?


No, you're right.


Fuck him.


Late start. Go7:30 on a late start?


Well, late-ish. Well, it wasn't 7:30, though.


It's always 7:48.


No, because every time- You guys fucking start on time. Every time you go to the States, and Washington is one of the biggest defenders of this, It's like, All right, here's the Canadian national anthem. And now the real National Anthem, and it goes on forever. And yeah, that game took... There were four reviews, four. Three goal reviews and a penalty review. Game goes to overtime. It just kept going and going and going. The LFR ends up being 22 minutes long because I'm like, How do you condense the story of this game into anything less than that? Adam, have you ever known me to be concise? No.


Exactly. Jesse, actually, last night, we did this event, and we'll talk about it a little bit later.


Steve's book signing.


But I had a wrap sign. I was like, Guys, I need to wrap, but I'm going to ask one more question. And then I had to remind Steve midway through that we were wrapped. I could have kept going. He was explaining an entire playoff round by round. I was like, Steve, can we just get to the nuts and bolts of this? Anyway.


The question was about Mitch Marner, and I'm talking at length about the Washington Capitals in 2018.


I'm hopeless. That's a lot.


It is. Yeah, it is. Then that's why I'm glad we have the podcasting medium, because I'm not sure what you would have done. I have no idea. I'm not sure what you would have done.


I would have been the most insufferable person in in the office.


We'll start from the first period. Taylor Radish scores, and then less than a minute later, and I love this for numbers people, 11:12 is when Taylor Radish scored, 12:11 is when Bobby McMahon scored. But that covers up what wasn't a great real start to the period for the Leaps. And later on, Dylan Strom, who's having in a crazy year, pick him up in fantasy. A crazy year, scored later in the period. It was, however, a Bobby McMahon goal, assisted by John Tavares, who's been amazing, and assisted by Pontus Holmberg. Guys, is that a... Jesse, Steve, is that a little depth scoring?


So I was going to bring that up in the LFR to be like, Good for Pontus. He finally gets on that. Do you remember the assist?


What happened? I don't know. I don't.


He literally softly hands the fuck off to Tavares at the leaves blue line and then goes to the bench. Listen. And then Tavares goes in.


Had he not done that.


Just a bunch of nasty move. It's a very generous secondary assist. Right.


A very Thomas Cabriolet ghost assist. Good for him.


Like, whatever. Good. He needed it.


Good for him. I know we went by the Taylor Radish goal a little bit, but that goal for me was the reason why Domi's time as center needs to end really quick. He had a bad game. Maddie, if we want to bring up the goal visualizer for that one, I just want to show you The lack of speed in this guy who's supposed to be the center, who's supposed to be covering this spot here. The pucks going around the back of the boards. We have here the Washington Capitals getting the puck in the neutral zone. You see Domi trying to trail the play and just being beat all the way up the ice. If we go back here, he's supposed to be-Who is that, Ferravari? He's supposed to be turning the other way to cover the middle of the ice, and he just isn't aware enough. He's just not fast enough to get there and be in his spot. Him not being there leads directly to the one-timer that goes out front and it kicks in.


Yeah, he's either hurt, clueless, or both. I mean, I've never known him to be a great defensive player. I do genuinely believe he's hurt. Something I would try, if you're committed to keeping Pontes Humberg in the lineup- He also didn't take away the lane, I want to say.


He had-No. Yeah. He has him. If he just could pick it up a little bit, just take away the lane and he does it.


That's what I'm trying to illustrate here. If he has every opportunity here to jump up in the play early, or when he's right here trying to guard the front of the net, he doesn't take away this pass, and it goes right off of him and into the back of the net.


I would sooner put Steve's or Homenberg at center. Steve's isn't going to be in the lineup every night. Homenberg, when everyone's healthy, is probably not going to be in the lineup every night. But I would sooner put them at center than Domi. It goes back to, Okay, we've seen this not work. And then there's the mystery box. I'm ready to go with the mystery box because this doesn't work. I like this player.


Of course. Oh, yeah.


He can play center in a pinch. I would argue they're in a pinch right now. Matthews is out there in a pinch. Let's try. They're lucky that they have a bunch of guys who can play center. Even Duhre, right? Put them at center. Domi on the right. I don't give a damn who you put on the Your theory that he might be injured, there might be something to that because he missed practice on Monday and he missed his practice today.


And Tuesday.


He missed it Tuesday. Sorry, the Tuesday ones I'm talking about then. The Tuesday, he missed his practice, then he missed practice today, and they have Willy filling in at center today.


Who also missed practice?


Yeah, on Tuesday. He's back today. So yeah, he might be injured if he has to miss this much practice, and we'll see what other solutions they have at center because it's not working if he's injured and he can't keep up with the play, and it's going off of him in the back of the net.


Injured, sick. Dude, everyone's sick.


Yeah, it's weird. I've never seen flues tear through hockey teams like they have the last couple of years.


Sheldon, he dropped the curtain. I think it was last year or the year before. Someone was like, Yeah. Do you Claim their lack of energy on the team's sick? It seems everyone's sick. And he's like, What? It's winter in Ontario. Everyone's sick. What are you talking about?


Yeah, exactly. And if you've got kids, you're definitely sick.


Or in a locker room of 30 sweaty men.


Right. Now, the thing with Domi and the thing with the lineup is, we've been saying it, they do need a third-line center. And a third-line center who's really a second-line center because Austin is the first line, the guy that can switch back and forth with Tavares, a Ryan O'Reilly type. They've needed that since Ryan O'Reilly left. They needed it before he came.


O'reilly was like, they just nailed it. Yeah. Everything they needed. Well, Except, he didn't play right deep.


I asked you guys this at our show at Shoeless Joe's on Tuesday, and I ask it again, could you make that deal now? Because I think you might need to.


You need a dance partner.


You need a dance partner, and there aren't a lot of Who's selling a great second-line center in November?


Why are you making a trade now? Because you have to. So no one's going to give you a good price. No one's going to give you what you at all.


So the other name that comes up, and I haven't seen any AHL games to corroborate this, but Fraser Mitten is a guy that they see as a future here. But I think that's a little bit of an unfair environment to put him in, especially since he's only played two games or three games at the AHL level so far this year with that high ankle sprain.


Yeah. Well, I mean, you can spend high-end assets to fix the problem, or you can, again, go to the much cheaper mystery box and see what it gives you.


He did score last His name, by the way.


Yep. I think it was Kyle Cushman said, Whoever is leading the American Hockey League in shots per game, or shots, is shooting at 4.67 shots per game. Mitten in the few games that he's played with the Marleys is at 4.67 shots per game. So he's shooting a lot. Nhl, AHL, it's not apples to apples. You can either spend crazy premium assets or you could see what you got in the kid. We've already seen that if he plays in the NHL, it's not going to completely screw him up. He did it once. He was drowning. He was out of his depth. The game I remember the most him being out of his depth last year was on the road against Florida. Florida is Florida and won the Cup, right? The beauty of the NHL regular season is you're not going to play Florida every night. Are there ways you can play him for the next few months and get you to the deadline that would be beneficial to the team?


Probably. It depends on his play, I guess.


Better for his development long term? I mean, yeah, probably playing in the AHL.


Second period- You had jumped ahead to that second goal, and you mentioned Bobby McMahon.


On that second goal, John Tavares had one hell of a game. He made Matt Roy look absolutely silly. He took him on one-on-one, and then him doing the stick Stick handling right in front of Matt Roy causes Sandine to be like, Oh, I'm going to go over there and help. And Sandine overcommits, and that leads to the one-timer for the goal. It was so good by JT. It was.


Can we just talk about how the Dangle Jinks works in all directions?


Why is that?


I was like, Bobby McMan doesn't have a point since October 28th. He hasn't scored since... I can't remember. It was like the third or fourth game of the season. Bang. First goal of the night for the Leaps.


Oh, yeah. Awesome. But if we're talking Without them lacking center depth, I appreciate what JT has done the last two weeks, and especially on the game against Washington, where he scores the OT winner, where he looks amazing. We'll get to that. But this first goal, it was all him. That was spectacular stuff. No, no.


Pontus helped.


Pontus did nothing. Let's be honest. He passed the buck to JT, and JT did everything. It's cool to see him in prime form step up when Austin is out. I want to give him all the credit in the world for that.


Can you bring up the McMahon goal on the goal tracker? Sure. I love this goal tracker because now I can show Adam exactly what I'm talking about.


What Humberg did?


What Humbert did. It's really funny.


It's really funny. No, he did absolutely nothing. You play it there.


Okay, keep an eye on 29. There he is. At the bottom? Here you go, John. And goodbye.


He goes right to the back. Imagine he hadn't, though. Imagine he had.


Oh, he didn't stay on for the plus. He doesn't even get the plus. Oh, my gosh. I didn't even realize that. He He doesn't stay on for the plus. Holmberg, you got to do the vet move where you stand by the bench just in case.


No, bullshit. Mitch is coming on for him. I don't think so. Yeah, hey, sorry, Mitch Marner. I'm going to stand here so I can get a plus. No, it's very funny. I love a good bench assist.


Yeah. I think then it really was the capital's game.


Yes. And Strom scores at the end of the period. And then ProToss, not the ones from New Gettysburg, scores in the second period. And then we get to 4 minutes or 4:03 or 4:30, wherever the hell it was, left in the third period. And you're They get at this point, good God, are they going to do this to me?


I assume you're prepping the LFR being like, I'm going to lose it tonight.


Boy, I was actually really struggling with it. Someone asked me this. They're like, How did preparation for this change from 3-1 to overtime? And I'm just like, okay, it's not the sends where you can be like, All right, you've done really well recently, but this game means something to us. Why doesn't it mean anything to you? You let them punk you in your own building. This is just like, yeah, you were on second half of back to back on the road with travel against a really good team, and you looked like the second best team. It was just a depressing loss where they were just not very good. I'm like, All right, how do I jazz this up? Okay, we talk about the reviews. The reviews, for the most part, I thought were pretty reasonable. Uh-oh. Don't know what to do with this one. And then, thank God, they made it. Things happened. Yeah. Thank God.


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That's one of the better ones you've ever done.


Thank you.


The reviews were reasonable. Let's talk about that. The goal tender interference on the leaves, I think that was pretty obvious, goal tender interference?


Not everyone agrees.


Well, they're stupid then because he literally got hit by a player. I don't know what to tell you. That is interfering with the goalie, and then the put goes in.


Is that hard? If this was end of April, and that's game five of a playoff series. But it's not. No. But if this is the playoff, I got to put money down. Steve, is this going to count or not count? I'd put considerable money down on that goal count.


I think that they're changing that a little bit. I think this year, they've called much tighter goal tender interference. Jesse's shaking his head.


I agree with you.


What about Connor Hillebuck?


Yeah, that one sucks.


That was the most agreed. Cj is so funny because he was talking about it on the CJ show, and I'm expecting him to pull out the rule book and be like, Well, actually under C137 or whatever. And he's just like, No, I think they just got it wrong.


Yeah. I think Adam's right in that the direction they're going this year is if you do anything with the goal tender, if you purposely are in the crease area, they're going to call it. I think they're trying to set a precedent here, and that's how they're going to do it going forward. But they always love setting a precedent in the fall, and then we get to January or February, and it's completely out the window.


So we know what the precedent is now. Exactly. It could change. Exactly. But if you've been watching hockey this year and you've been watching how they call goal tender in the course, you should already know that's not going to kill.


That one seemed like the standard for this year's standard.


They have a quarter by quarter. Okay, here's what the rule book is for the first 20 games.


So then the next thing is Matthew Nies.


What about him?


Do we want to talk about that? Do we want to talk about the Neilander goal? Or do we want to talk about the Nye's? Oh, the hit.


The hit was the second review. Saving the World. What's that? We're not going to Nye's saving the World on the empty net and all that.


Not that yet. No, we're not there yet. I'm talking about the callback goal. Was it a high stick?


Oh, the high stick. And then there was It was a reviewed penalty that got called back entirely. It was a high stick.


They called it a double minor for high sticking.


Oh, no, I'm talking about the goal.


Oh, that, that, that, that.


The goal one, his The click was high. Yes, I thought so, too. I was like, okay.


It was close.


It was close. Call him the ice was no goal. I guess they got it right.


There needs to be conclusive evidence to overturn a call. I always go back to that when something is really iffy, you have to stick with the one on the ice because to overturn a review, it has to be conclusive. And then where his body is, he's a tall guy. His stick is coming down from the top. It looks like, hey, he's probably right at the bar, and that's not conclusive enough to overturn it.


So if the call on the ice was goal, do you think it would have counted?


Probably, to be honest. Yeah, I agree.


I also think it's about where his shoulder is, because the high stick is above your own shoulder.


I feel like- No, it's the stick with the top of the bar of the goal. See?


If you ask a room of 100 hockey fans if it's the shoulder or the crossbar.


Sorry, crossbar is the word I'm getting- It's going to get completely down down the middle and no one will know.


Okay. At the end of it. I think that would be great. The thing to do, the very NHL thing to do is pull 100 fans, get them split down the middle, and then don't actually answer it.


Just leave it. So, yeah, that gets called back. The penalty gets called back. There's the reviews, the review, review. But let's move on. Let's move on. I want to talk about the comeback.


So, yeah, we're all agreed that the reviews were...


They probably got it. And Lawrence.


Yeah, it's fine. What do you guys think about the amount of time the amount of time it takes to do reviews. I was in the fan of like, Okay, this is annoying. It's taking away the flow of the game, but they're getting it right, so I don't care.


It was four reasonably timed reviews, but there were four of them. That was the problem. They did get it right. I don't think you make a big deal out of it because that happens once a year to your I've never seen four. Three, The Devil's Game was crazy a couple of years ago or whenever that was. Matt Murray was in that, so it must have been a couple of years ago. Four is insane.




Yeah. I didn't really get the outrage about like, Oh, there's so much video and review and all that stuff because it's so rare that we get all of that in one game. That's the reason it stood out because it never happens like this.


It happened because I don't recall there being very much rage in the first half because it was goal against the leaves disallowed, penalty against the leaves taken away, and everyone's like, Well, you got to get it right. And then Steven Lawrence gets his goal called back. This is bullshit.


I think in the regular season, I would change this for the play-off. In the regular season, there does need to be a time limit. Okay. And I think it's like if the refs can't conclusively figure it out within 90 seconds, seconds. You have 90 seconds from the second you pick up that iPad, then the call stands. And then in the playoffs, I'm down with a five minute review to get the call right. Because I don't like looking at the 1999 finals and seeing Brett Hall's foot clearly in the crease. But, oh, no, they'd already shot the confetti guns off, so we got to give them the cup.


That's the smartest thing any in-game staff has ever done.


Just fire the confetti. Just fire the confetti. A hundred %. What are they going to do?


Clean it up?


I think that... Listen, everything that we know about replay and review stems from that moment. Dawn Cherry called it. He said, This is going to happen in a big game, and And he said it on like, Rock 'Em Sock 'Em. He's like, It's going to happen in a big game. And lo and behold, it's game six of the Stanley Cup finals.


That season was insane.


It was insane. And also the crease came out further than the actual next.


It ruined an entire video game. Oh, yeah.


It was terrible.


Remember that? Fuck, it was terrible. Yeah, because it was buggy. You take a shot from the face off dot and they'd be like, Oh, it's going to be reviewed. And you're like, Oh, this is a waste of time. And then the goal comes back and you're like, Fuck you.


I don't mind the idea at all of having different video review rules for the regular season play-off. Because the play-off is, we all know it, that's where it actually matters. You need as much time as you can to get it right. But for the speed of the game, have a two-minute limit on referees looking at their little iPad or maybe one minute. You guys probably did a good job.


You I didn't see my stream on Monday night, probably.


Why would I? I was in there for parts of it.


Did you see the part where there was a goal review?


Did you guys see that? No, I wasn't there for that.


No. Okay, so I am surprised this isn't a bigger meme, but for the goal review, for the people that were watching, Amazon showed the war room that Colin Campbell created and got him into the Hall of Fame, which is so crazy that he put a bunch of TVs in the same room. What a mind-blowing idea, Hall of Fame material. Anyway, the biggest screen in the video war room, what do you think it was playing?Friends.That's right, Steve. Monday Night Football. Oh, no. I kid you not anybody who was watching that game on Monday, you know what I'm talking about. Then you see the guy go...


Oh, no.


Dude, I'm telling you. Listen, I don't really have an issue with that because whatever. Just don't have it on the biggest screen. Put it on an iPad or something like that. You know what I mean? I don't care.


Tell me there's a screenshot of this.


I hope it's on the stream. It's on our stream.


Well, we can't see. Oh, yeah.


You can replay on Amazon Prime, I think.


Okay, then we should go back and try and find that.


It's hilarious. Yeah, it's boggers. Listen, I'm not far be it from me to tell someone else how to do their job. I do my job with the TV on, too. But it is a thing where you go, Okay, is part of the reason that this is taking an extra 30 seconds because you really haven't been watching the games that are on TV? That's crazy. Especially the Canadian National game, which it was. I think that's the It's not a leave game we're talking about here. We're talking about just any game. I think you got to have 90 seconds. If you can't, overturn it. Boom, done. Then in the playoffs, get it right, move on, because we don't need five-minute reviews in the regular season. I'm sorry, you can't sell me on it. It matters that much.


Four is a lot, but I think they did them all in a reasonable amount of time.


But make it 90 seconds. Reasonable amount of time, and I think they got them all right.


Final thing, sorry, on the reviews. Rule 37.5, Puck struck with high stick. I have the NHL official rule book from the 24, 25 season right in front of me.


Everyone, frigging, listen up. We're not doing this again.


Puck struck with high stick. Rule 37.5. The determining factor for high stick video review is where the Puck makes contact with the stick in relation to the crossbar. There you go. If the puck makes contact with a portion of the stick that is at or below the level of the crossbar, despite some other portion of the stick being above the crossbar and enters the goal, the goal shall be allowed.


So I don't want to hear nothing about a shoulder.


The crossbar, everybody.


Nothing about a shoulder. Okay.


Crossbar. Knock it off. Niza is a big boy. He was probably a little bit at the crossbar above.


Yeah. That'd be great if it was shoulder. So you could just have Victor Wimbenyama just decapitating everybody.


That would be ridiculous.


Just all the way up here. All right. So you guys talk about the comeback for a second here. I'm going to see if I can find this moment on-I was trying to find it on Amazon. Yeah, I'm trying to figure it out. But in the meantime, because I got the I'll play open on my laptop. In the meantime, let's talk about that Neylander goal. So that goes in and it kicks off a comeback. And it's not a depth scoring comeback. It's a Marner, Nielander, Tavares win the game comeback. Start with Neylander. Why did this happen? Because the Caps are a really good five on five team.


So I'm trying to remember all the goals. This one was the three, two goal. Nyes with the great steal at the offensive blue line. The Capitals were like, I mean, it's a great read from Nyes, but they were uncharacteristically sloppy down the back half of that game. And they've been really good or back half of the third period. They've been really good this season. But one game can give you pause as a management group. I wonder if this game makes them go, oh, shit. Okay. We still got a little bit of work to do. Thompson has been great. Their decor has greatly improved from last year, and this thing still happens. It's a sloppy play. Nize turns it over. Sorry, it turns over to Nize. For the second time in this game, one guy drives the net, throws on a bunch of moves, and another player is completely lost. On the first goal, they completely lose McMahon because DeVaris throws on the handles. On this one, they completely lose Nylander, freaking William Nylander, because Nijs is doing what Matthew Nye does best. 3-2. Okay, hooray.


It's not even Nize's play where he comes back. That's a great part of it. Nize deserves all the credit in the world. But Nylander also makes a fantastic play to come back and block the capitals from scoring on the empty net. Matty, if you want to bring this up here.


I think we're talking about different goals. I was talking about three, two.


I'm talking about the game-tying goal.


Oh, this is the game-tying goal. Oh, yeah.


You were talking about the one before that.


Yeah, but all good.


Okay. It's over. We're talking about different things. My bad.


No, it's all good.


We're doing it in linear fashion. There we go. Moving on to the game, tying goal. We get William Neelander. You might have to move us off the screen just so we can see Willy come back and make this play. But the pucks go in the other end of the ice. Right now, the Caps have the puck in the leafs zone, and they're charging towards an empty net down the ice. And Willy's at near center ice, but away from the puck. And what does he do? He finds his way to speed over to the other side. I forget who this is, which Caps players, but he races to the puck.


Get to center and shoot.


And before this player can get a shot on an empty net, Willy is there to make a play and just make it a little difficult on him so that he can't get the play on the empty net. That is such great hustle from a guy that we always criticize his hustle.


No. I mean, there are moments where he's bad, but when is he always the best? When it matters most.




You need him in moments that matter. But let's call it what it is. Again, when this game happened, for the LFR, I'm thinking about this from a lead fan's perspective, and it was just yippie hooray. Now that some time has passed and the more we break this game down, there is no reason the capital should have lost this game.


No. No. No. No. And Spencer Carbury lost his shit after the game. He should have. Of how upset he was at them lose it. And then now this is the nice place.


How isn't this a goal?


Exactly. This should be a goal 100 times out of 100 and out of nowhere. So we have a capital's player right in front of an empty net. John Tavares is trying to block the net so the guy with the puck by the face off dot can't shoot. But there's a guy right in the slot, wide open, ready to receive the pass for the empty netter. And what happens? Nye comes out of-Nice. Out of nowhere.


No where. I'm freaking Batman.


No where to stop this free one-timer on the empty net and save the game for the least. We got two fantastic defensive plays by Willy and Nielander back to back with a minute left. And that's the-Willian Nies. What did I say?


You said Willy and Nielander. Oh, my God.


William Nies back to back to save this game with the empty net. He was playing like he was two guys. This goes back the other way and they score. That's the effort we need constantly from these guys.


No, it goes back the other way and they get They draw a penalty. Right.


They draw the penalty, and then they eventually score. But Jessie's point stands.


No. Jessie, did that change the ultimate point you were making? Was it about the effort?


No, they make the effort, and then eventually, at least, to a goal. Eventually, they score.


No, get it right.


If the capital score here, the game is over.


Would it kill you to take 20 seconds to Google it, Jessie?


Shut up. I just want to say the leaves at times display this amazing defensive effort. It'd be nice if we got this all the time. Yes, agreed. Because the thing with Nielander is when the game is on the line, it matters, he shows up like this. But when it's zero, zero in the middle of the second, and it's a lackadaisical game, he's playing just lazy. I'd like to see this effort all the time from him. But at times when it matters, the leaves show up, and it's great to see Nye and Nielander doing this.


Sometimes he's got a little bit of Nicole Jokaj. Jesse. I saw this skit the other day. It's like, Basketball is jub, and I don't like jub. They tell me I'm pretty good.


I have isolated the clip for the replay if you want to. Just send me a screenshot.


I can't.


Why not? My computer is not working for a screenshot.


I I'm going to boomer this. Just take a picture of your computer.


All right, boomer that.


What do you mean my computer?


It won't. Every time I do one, it turns black.


Oh, so they block screenshots. Cool.


Guess what? Boomer tactics.


I like a boomer tactic. Hell, yeah.


Mom and dad have a point. Let's go.


Steve also took the worst picture of this. Yeah.


It had to be authentic.


No, give me a moment to edit a little. What do you mean edit a little? You have all of his browser stuff. You didn't even take it. Here, I'll do it again.


Why is there porn? Adam, are you looking at porn?


Hold on. No.


Okay. Oh, it's all your notes. That's so cute.


I have all my notes up.


Daily Face Off.


You do so many You're so impressive. You're both so impressive.


Send a good photo. Oh my God.


Hang on.


Yeah, why are you really calm down? Relax, Steven.


I'm concerned for the quality of the segment.


If you had done it good the first time. We wouldn't be in the situation.


Hey, Domi, if you'd cover your man. Yeah. I'm injured.


What the hell, man?


You're also a great team. Did you see, as we're waiting for Jesse to bring this up, did you see him scaring Ryan Reeves? There's a video. No. So last year, Ryan Reeves scared everybody jumping out of a box. They put Domi in the back of Ryan Reeves' car, and they were like, Oh, we're going to film something, whatever. And Ryan Reeves gets in, and he's like, Okay, what do we shoot? And then Domi comes out and goes, No. And Reeves is actually hilarious.


I think he's the only person on the team crazy enough to do that. I wouldn't jump scare Ryan Reeves. Ryan Reeves could turn around a cold cocky. Holy shit. Domi is going to be out for about a Two months with a broken orbital because he played a prank on Ryan Reeves.


Yes, it was awesome. Smartly enough, Domi is right behind Reeves in it. Because some people, that is their instant I should just go bang.


I wouldn't have agreed to do that sketch without a helmet and a full cage.


Yeah, but Reeves can't turn around and do that, right?


Because he's right behind. Make sure he's buckled in. Yeah.




Yeah, totally. Jesse, do you have this God forsaken picture yet? I do.


There's Monday Night It's so damn big. That was during the, by the way, the LA goal to ruin Dustin Wolf's shutout. He was spectacular on Monday Night. He's so good. He's so good. He made an incredible save. It was just in the net. But yeah, when they went to the Monday night football thing, the chat went off.


I got so many questions because is it just one guy in front of a computer who's just like, Ah, goal? Is that how simple this shit is?


So he feeds the replays down to the refs, and the refs make the call because before this, and obviously, I don't want to send you another screen grab, it was a lot of work, but you see the refs both looking at the iPad together. So he is basically linking to them and running through the different angles on the play and letting them make the call, I believe.


What I'm wondering is... So he's got a screen in front of him, and it's on the master screen above the football that has four four angles. And what I'm wondering is, does the iPad get that exact feed with four different screens on it?


Yes, I think it does. Or at least I think he feeds one of them.


I hope that he feeds one of them because otherwise You're splitting an iPad into four.


Yeah. If you look at the iPad thing, there is actually just one shot. Yeah, I think it's just one. Then he feeds. He's pulling from each different window and able to basically drag and drop them in.


Yeah. No, surely they would have thought of that like, Oh, wait, no, it's actually not the best decision to have. Four angles on the screen at once. Listen, realistically, is it a big deal that football is on? No. No. Is it really funny? Yeah.


It's a bad look, too.


It's a bad look, but-Just put it on the TV that's not on camera.




Or just when the camera switches to you, just switch off the football.


Let me just say I have been behind the scenes at other places where people are paid to watch hockey, and there was a different sport on. That is all I will say. Whatever. It wasn't the NHL war room, though.


I think it's funny. And by the way, there's a lot of time, especially on Monday night, where there weren't a lot of games, a lot of time between shit you have to do. Oh, yeah. I don't watch the game. Just maybe don't put it on television.


Yeah, I would just not... Just don't broadcast it. You're not doing your work.


To be clear, that's not the ref. Exactly. Hey, man, can you get this play? Yeah. And they got it done, didn't they?


They sure did. And they made the right call.


Listen, there are plenty of legitimate reasons to pick on the NHL. Let this one go.


I'm going to pick on them. It's really funny.


So let's talk about overtime, Tavares scoring the winner and the fantastic celebration afterwards, the drag in the glove across the-One of the things that I remember, I said it to you, I'm going to repeat this story over and over again. Jesse and I are at a playoff game. They lose every time we're at a bloody playoff game. And it was game three, and they lost that freaking game. And we were there with Natalie Spooner in the Scotia Bank box.


Remember that? We were.


And I think Lindsay Hamilton from Tia-Yeah, Adam invited me because he has rich friends. I am Scotia Bank. I was at home working.


You didn't know that, though.


I was working. Anyway, long story short, we're in the box, whatever. And somebody's grabbing Tavares. Look at him. But you're John Tavares, though. Oh, okay. So I'm grabbing you. And I said to Jesse, it would be nice if he showed a little Emotion. And especially because it's the Bruins, I really I had this fantasy in my head of John just dropping the glove and hitting him.


It'd be so great.


And of course, he didn't. And that would have been a penalty. And that's the wrong thing to do. But sometimes you need a little of that emotion in the playoffs. What I saw after he scored the goal was raw John Tavares emotion.


Raw Tavares. Raw Tavares.


And that was nice to see.


I'm sure that John Tavares raw.


I'm sure that's how he eats. Mostly raw.


You know what? Adam redeemed it.


John showed the emotion, but the leading up to that, my God, what a play.


The emotions are... It's a breakaway. It's Tavares. Will it be a breakaway for long? But then I'm like, I think he's got enough. And then for some reason, as soon as he goes into Puck protection mode, I'm like, it's over. He's got it.


Why is that?


Because I don't Put money down on Tavares winning a ton of foot races. I wouldn't have in his prime, but he's a tripod out there. He's really, really difficult to knock off the buck, and he still has a great shot and crazy hands. It's just there's more to hockey than that. He is not my ideal three-on-three overtime player. I'm trying to think of the last time he had a three on three overtime goal. It might have been-You're asking us.


I don't know, man. We had a live event.


I think it was at Regular's in Toronto. He scored the 2-1 OT winner against Malcolm Suban in Vegas in a game where Suban stood on his head. That might have been his last overtime goal. Wow. Well, sorry. Three on three overtime goal. He scored a very notable one against Tampa in the in the playoffs. As soon as he goes into Puck protection mode, though, I'm like, Thompson Stoes, and he beats him. It was Yeah.


And Thompson, by the way, 7-0-1-0 until that came.


Logan Thompson and the Winnipeg Jets.


By the way, Logan Thompson traded at the Autograph table in Vegas. For a third.


Yeah. Logan Thompson and the Winnipeg Jets heading into that game, or after that game, rather, were a combined 22 and 2, and the two were both against the leaves.


That's crazy. It's crazy.


Did the Jets lose last night?


They did. They did. It's a tamper. That's no fun. The Atlantic division. The little move he made, too, you mentioned his hands. That's the whole thing about that play, is the little move to open up the five hole and then sneak it through. The dude was on fire last night or two nights ago.


The five hole opening was insane. Thompson did his best to get, I think it was the stick and blocker down. It wasn't enough.


He was too quick.


He spread him out just so bad.


Yeah, no, he beat him bad. Yeah, just him winning that puck battle and then getting to the front of the net and making sure nobody can get to him at all.


I think we might have skipped a couple steps. Wolle stopping-Oh, yeah. I was so hype about everything that I didn't even realize the save was on Alex Ovesh.


Alexander Ovesh had a point blank slap shot on Joseph Wall. What a nightmare. Wolle made an unbelievable pad save. And Wall was even shocked by the save because he looked behind him. Yeah. He looked behind himself. He was like, Oh, it's in front of me.


And what goalie school do they tell you to His goalie form was basically.


He was terrified.


His five hole was open. It's just OV happened to not shoot there. And Mitch, that's got to be all instinct.


Oh, yeah. The awareness to just chip it up. Just, wow.


There wasn't an education.




Yeah. How don't you just sit there for a split second just to go, Oh, the game's not a good idea.


Sorry. Go ahead, Jeff. I love the end from the third to when the comeback to the overtime and everything that happened because you see all of the top guys on the leaves do the things we love out of them. Like, Mitch making that play, Wall making that save, JT being vintage, JT, Nye's with the hustle, Willy with the hustle. It was all incredible stuff from the leaves.


Crazy gutsy two points.


I would also want to say this. After years of chaotic goaltending, it is so nice to have two goaltending who... Listen, I don't think Stalers is spectacular to watch in the Marty Broder showman or Dominic Hashik sense. I think he's spectacular to watch because I'm never worried. I say the same thing with Joseph Wolle. That Ovechkin save is just because he was in the right position. And that's the one thing the Leaps goal tenders have gotten really good at. Martin Jones was good at it last year. You're just in the right position for the play.


What I really like about them is they're not the same goalie.


No, they're not.


Stoller is obviously freaking huge, but I feel like he's a little bit more athletic or uses his athleticism for saves, whereas Wole is very... I was recently in the US Hockey program Cookie Cutter. Those guys are just- Robots. Hockey-making automatons. Yeah, no, it's really- I think it was probably Cuthbert on the broadcast when Wole came out to make that save.


That was the key of the positioning. It just come out as far as you can just sprint out to block off all of the angles because Ovetschian is sitting there all alone. If you're sitting back in that net, there's no way you're going to make that save at all.


And Ovi is not holding onto it. No. If the puck squirts loose and it's Patrick Cain or Timmy Panarin or all these guys with crazy handles, not saying Ovi doesn't have that, but he's shooting.




And he's shooting immediately. That's his strength. Damn. Just so good from everybody.


Somebody with more tendencies to deke might try and pull a move on Wall there. But he knew it's Ovi. He's just going to take a slap shot. He sprints down, he cuts off all of the angles, and Ovi tries to go five-fold, and it barely He gets the pad there. It was a great say.


The definition of not freezing in the moment. Yeah. I'm not just going to stay here and hope it hits me. I'm going to get after it.


What do you think would have happened if Ilyas Samsonoff was in net for that play?


I think he stays put. Or flings himself seven feet wide of the left post.


It's very nice to have these two goal tenders. Oh, my God.


It's so beautiful.


Listen, we talk about-It's nice to have a management team that takes goal tending seriously. Yeah.


We're not trying to cobble a goal tender together. We have one that we believe in who's a part of our program and one who was a pretty damn good backup who needs an opportunity to be a starter.


The year they won a series against Tampa was two flyers. It was two hope and a prayers. The bet was, okay, we have redemption Ark Matt Murray, and we have Reclamation Project Ilyas Amsinov. And one of them will work out. They were right.


They were.


For a season. And then they... Dude, who was Sam Samsonov?


But before that-Was Wolf a full-time backup last Yes.


Oh, he was. It's just he got hurt. Yeah.


And then he was a full-time starter, and he was very good. This is a tandem.


This is a tandem, and it's great. I have no worries about the tandem, no worries about the decor. If all you That's what you really need to do. I mean, centers are hard to come by, but if you got to get a little bit of bottom six depth, if that's the one thing you need, you're in a good spot.


And Jesse?


Yeah, we mentioned this earlier. We're talking about Domi, possibly being out. Willy was at center at practice, but it looks like it was just a placeholder because David Alter tweets, Craig Berube says, Max Domi will be good to go for tomorrow.


So there you go. Neelander at center, just a placeholder. Yeah. Tell as old as time, long as old as rime.


We'll see at Morning Skate tomorrow how the lines actually shake up if Domi is on the ice. Okay. Yeah. All right.


Interesting. Hey, this episode is sponsored by Betterhelp. And as we always like to talk about, sometimes November is not the easiest month.


No. I like how early it gets dark.


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The book itself?


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From Leon Dreisaitl, too. And Darnell Ners? Yeah. All goals are Leon... Sorry. All goals are Connor McDavid goals. It's just ones that he busts out a little bit more often than others. True. It's true. You're not supposed to score one-timers going full speed. No, you're not. He's so goofy. He's so fun to watch. And in a nutshell, something that I've been preaching for years, dating back to the beginning of this podcast, appreciate the all-time greats while they're playing. Yes. He is an all-time great. Cydney Crosby, when his career is all said and done, there's a really good chance he ends up as a top five scorer ever. There's a real good chance McDavid passes him sleeping. Someone asked us last night at the Kitchener event, Crosby is 390 points shy of 2,000. Do you think he does it?


37. Scores about 80, 90 points a year right now. Yeah.


One player has ever done it, and it's Gretsky, A few players have gotten close. Jogger got close. A few others.




Messier got close. That's what you're looking for. What reason is there to think McDavid is going to score less than Crosby? There's none. Crosby, oh, yeah. All these consecutive point of game seasons. Great. That's cool. I think if you go to a hockey game and McDavid doesn't get at least two points, you're disappointed, especially a home game. Dude, he's a murderer.


And he would have got that point against the least had he not had a four-point game earlier in the week.


Yeah, he screwed it up by scoring too much. What an animal. I saw a tweet from an Avalanche fan because McKinnon is just going off. He's having a crazy season. And they were basically like, cancel me, sue me, do whatever you want. When do we have the is Nate better than McDavid conversation?


You're canceled and sued.


Well, I mean, Nate is-Nate's amazing. In the conversation, he is no worse than second.


And that's fine.


And that's fine. There are certainly nights where he looks better. There are series where he looks better. But dude, like McDavid carves through defenses. He is an offense in and of himself. He's unstoppable.


He also had an assist last night, so he has a thousand and one points. That's six points in two games. And by the way, if you're looking at the last three, that's 10 points in three games.CJ pointed this out.Sorry, nine points.


Connor McDavid, in less than 700 games, has more points than Phil Kessel. Phil Kessel had what might end up being a Hall of Fame career, or it's at very least in the conversation.


On the edge of, yeah.


He was just shy of a thousand points, won the Master Then was part of three Stanley Cup winning teams, was extremely good on all of them. Was it three? Yeah. Yeah, because Vegas. And he's already smoked him. Jason Spetsa. There's another guy who, damn, that guy had a crazy career for a long time. Mcdavid has already smoked him. He might double him up. It's unbelievable. He's not even 30. He's not even particularly close to 30.


He's 27.


He has a long time to continue just carving through this league. And in our lifetimes, maybe not in our lifetimes, because we were tiny children for the very end of Mario Lemu's peak. But there hasn't been a player like Connor McDavid in at least 30 years.


There are only two seasons where McDavid hasn't scored over 100 points. And the first one is his first year where he broke his collarbone early on in the year. He played 45 games. And then the other one is 1920, where the season was cut short and he was three points shy at 64 games of 100 points.


What did he have the next season that was only 56 games? 105. A hundred and five.


He had 72 assists in 56 games.


They showed there was a graphic for who he scored all his thousand points against. The Canucks are... The number two team, I believe, is Calgary. I think the total is he scored 58 points against the flames. Canucks are 67.




So they're in the same division, usually. So that's why the Canucks are so high up there. But that Canadian division, that oilers team bullied the shit out of two teams in particular, because the Leaps are high up there, too, in large purge part because of that season. They bullied the shit out of the Knucks and the Sens. Oh, my God. They murdered the Sens. Matt Murray and the Sens, poor guy.


Well, you can understand why Tim Murray had such a glum look on his face when Buffalo didn't get the first overall pick. He's putting that in perspective. And I want to say this- Jack Eichel is ridiculous, and he's not close. Well, and that's the thing. Jack Eichel is a spectacular sentiment. And for a lot of his career, he's played a little bit injured and played on Buffalo teams. But he's about a point of game guy. In 550 five games, he's 539 points.


If you offered me three of him for McDavid, I wouldn't take it. And he's unbelievable. He might have a Hall of Fame career when it's all said and done, too. But no, thank you. I don't want him. This is an all time... Mcdavid is going to be in the Hall of Fame of the Hall of Fame. There's a class of... This is what we talk about when someone like Jeremy Ronick comes up. That's a guy who... Yeah, he's Hall of Famer. He could get in, and then he gets in. Do you put him in? Who are the best players of his generation.


We don't need to go too deep on this, do we?


No, we don't have to go too deep on it. I'm trying to talk about- Like Lemieux would be. The caliber of- Jogger. The only three people to beat McDavid to a thousand points are Gretzky, greatest player ever. Lemieux, second greatest player ever. Some people argue the greatest. Mike Bossy.


Criminally underrated.


Maybe most underrated player of all time.


Didn't play long enough, though.


Did not play long enough. Injuries.


Still, arguably, if you really want to be a nerd about it, the greatest goal scorer of all time. His goal totals are nuts. His goal totals are insane. He was retired.


Yeah, he only played 10 NHL seasons, and his last one, he had 38 goals. The year before that, he had 31, 38 in 63 games in that last season. He didn't have the longevity to play, and he would have been even higher on the ranks of the all-time greats if he could just have a lot of career.


Also, one of the NHL's grumpiest people.


Yes, by all cameras.


He played with all hate. He was an all hate player. He hated the pocket. Hated everyone. Hated it so much. Hated Gretzky. That guy hated Gretzky.


If he hated goalies more, he would have hit them on purpose. Yeah. But he couldn't do it.


He hates the back of the net more. He definitely had the cups, though, because he was a part of that Islanders. Oh, yeah. He had four straight cups. Do you guys want a McDavid stat pack?


Oh, my God. Hit me. I love a stat pack.


I got about eight for you.


The NHL stat packs are actually so good.


So McDavid, we all know that he's fourth fastest. Yep. He's also the fourth youngest player. Oh. Yeah. So we have Gretsky, who did it in 23 years, 328 days. Mario, who did it in 26 years, 171 days. And then Stevie Y, who did it in 27 years and 291 days. And McDavid comes in at 27, 306.


And that's McDavid broken collarbone, COVID season, COVID season. Insane.


Mcdavid hit the milestone with his 18th point of the season, the sixth time in 10 NHL seasons that he needed less than 15 games to accumulate his 18 points.


Wow. Mcdavid's prime and the end of Crosby's career are two of the biggest reasons why I will never forgive the NHL if there's another work stoppage ever.


Mcdavid has recorded nearly half of his points to date on goals that Leon Dreisaitl also was a part of. That's 44%, including his milestone, 1,000th point. Can you guys name for me the two players below Dreisaitl on points on McDavid's point Points on same goal.


Okay. So if McDavid's involved in the goal, they also were involved. So they might score, they might got an assist.


Exactly. Because we're talking about points for McDavid. So drysidal's first, points on same goal is 446. This teammate is second at 204.


Nuj or Bouchard? I was going to say Nuj. No, Bouchard hasn't been around long enough.


Nuj is second, 204. Who's third?




No. We're talking like, Nurse goals. What? No. Mcdavid assists on nurse goals.


Or that person-Or nurse assists on-or on a McDavid goal. We're talking about the points McDavid has where that other player was in on it.


There's a goal, scored, McDavid's on it, and this other player is, too. Exactly.


So it all tally up to a thousand.


I don't know if Hyman has been his teammate long enough. No, he hasn't.




I don't know. Oh, man.


I'll just say Bouchard because he's put up a lot of points. If it's Tyson Barry, I'm going to laugh.


No. Oh, it couldn't be. It could be. Hyman, screw it.


Yeah. Zack Hyman. And then after that, Darnell Ners, Tyson Barry, Evan Bouchard. Tyson Barry. Oscar Clefbaum, and Yessie Pouliarvi.


Oh, Oscar Clefbaum. We were robbed of Oscar Clefbaum.


That's the top list of the players who have been on the same goal as McDavid to reach his thousandth.


Oh, we were so robbed.


It shows you how much he's played with the same guys. The fact that Pouliarvi and Clefbaum are even on that list. Those guys haven't been oilers for several years.


Canada is the only Four Nations face-off participant with multiple active NHL players who have a thousand career points. Can you name the other ones?


One more time?




Canada is the only Four Nations face-off participant with multiple active NHL players who have 1,000 career points.


Can I name them? I mean, Crosby, for sure. Yeah. Multiple active guys.


I'm trying to think of an older-I'm a little tired. I'm going to try to figure this out, though. I'm a little worn out. Has McDavid...


Not McDavid, you stupid idiot. Mckinnon?


So Crosby is the only official answer because he's been to the team. But we're going to assume that Stephen Stamkos also will make the team, and he has reached a thousand points. So Crosby is the actual answer. Steve, you win. Claude Jérouh probably won't make the team, but has a thousand. John Tavares has a thousand. And for the US, if you really want to get funky with it, Patrick Cain has a thousand, but I don't think he's going to make the US roster.




Couple last stats. Mcdavid became the fourth player in Oiler's history to record a thousand points, while in Gretsky, Yari Curry, and Marc Messier.


To add to the McKinnon discourse, he's at 9:32.


He's very close, but he's not there yet.


Could happen this year. He's on He gets for 120 assists.


It probably will, honestly. He gets seven goals, 26 assists.


I found this one fascinating. Mcdavid also recorded his 306th career multi-point game on November 14th, the most ever by an NHL player through the game in which he hit the thousand-point milestone.


So a third of his points are multi-point.


So even when Gretzky hit his number, he did not do in as many multi-point games as Connor McDavid. Gretsky had 278 multi-point games at the time of his 1,000th career point. Mcdavid had 306. That's psycho. So that shows like McDavid goes colder more often? No.


Here's what we're missing. What? Gretsky got to 1,000 faster because he was having 4, 5, and 6.9..


You're just saying there's less games in there. Yeah. So overall, yeah.


I was trying to do the math. I'm like, How is that even possible? Because Gretszky's so cracked, then he freaking...


And so we're 80 scores. Sure. Yeah, but-80 scores were nuts.


That is the argument against Gretszky, and none of Some were even fucking close.


Yeah, no, I'm sorry. Listen, I'll listen to arguments, but like, Gretsky's the best of all time. He's still the best goal scorer of all time until Ovi passes him. End of story. Did he score it? Yes. End of story.


You got to score it to score it.


You got to score to win it.


That's a great point on the math there. Gretzky did it so quick that he has less multi-point games, but he just had a bunch of multi-point games that were so extravagant. Yeah, great thinking.


Who would quant hockey have most career three-point games, most career four-point games?


I'm sure we could find that. He must hold all of them. Yeah. Mcdavid required 58 games to go from 900 to a thousand. That's January second versus Philly to last night. Mcdavid has steadily climbed the ranks through his milestone progressions, becoming the fifth fastest in NHL history to each of his past two. Oh, he's the fifth fastest to go from 800 to 900, 900 to a thousand. And then last one, McDavid's career points per game is at a rate of 1.52, which puts him on pace to be in the range of 1,224 points by the end of the 2025, '96 season, which would propel him to the top 50 all time in NHL scoring. Before he turns 30. Yeah. So by the end of the 2026 season, we can expect McDavid to be in the top 50 of all time scoring. That's the last one.


Cydney Crosby will play two games this weekend, and it's very likely that he hits 600 goals. He's currently too shy of that. So we have another big one coming, which is exciting.


600 is very elite company. I think we talked What is it? 20 guys?


Yeah, it's very small.


Very, very small. Really elite company, and McDavid is going to get there, too.


We have a bunch of other stuff we got to get to, though.


Are you being disrespectful to one of the best goaltenders of our generation?


What's going on with Peter Morazek?


What is-Andre Vassileski also hit a milestone last night.


Oh, I am being disrespectful.


Oh, did he? Yes. Andre Vassileski became the fastest goalie ever to reach 300 wins.


Oh, I thought you I'm not going to say he became the second goalie this season to prove the Jets are frauds. Because I know that that's a Jesse Blake take from earlier this year.


Vassileski deserves a shout out in our Milestone Watch segment. Vasilevski is the 40th goalie to hit the milestone. He did it in 490 games, breaking the record set by Jacques Plante, who did it in 521 games.


You beat him by a lot. What's amazing about that, too, and Vasilevski does play a lot of games, but we went through a couple of weeks ago where like, oh, Ed Belfort just casually played 75 games that year. Broder was at 80 or whatever.


Eighty-six is a funny end.


Eighty-six. You know what I'm saying? During the height of, they called it the golden era of goal 10, it was just the golden era of boring hockey. Wa, Hasek, Joseph, Broder, those guys being like the best of the best of the best at that time, late '90s, early 2000s, pre-lockout. It's amazing He's crazy with all the games that those guys won, with all the games they played, that it's Vasilevski, who's the number one. That's crazy.


Key asterisk, no ties.


True. No ties.


In my research, in my book, it screws up everything. It screws up everything.


I just want to know why you want to take away this record from this man.


He got an honorable mention on my goalie Mount Rushmore.


Oh, that's it?


Well, because his career is not done. But by the end of it, again, with guys who are all-timers and appreciating guys who are while they're playing, while they're in their prime, to me, Andre Vasilevski could retire tomorrow, and he should be in the hall.


I don't think anybody would disagree with that.


Yeah, but some people are like, he's not even 30. No, he's in the hall.


So Jason reached out last year. Jason's a listener, and his dad was diagnosed with ALS. And ALS, most people who get it will be will be gone in three years. Jason's father was diagnosed with it, and he went from being a completely active member of family, society, whatever, to now 100% dependent for all of his needs, personal hygiene, feeding, transportation, anything you could think about within these three years. He relies on a wheelchair for transportation, requires breathing support throughout the day and night. We don't know what causes ALS, and we don't know what cures ALS. That was what makes it such a frustrating disease because you get the diagnosis and the doctors go, We're going to manage this, but that's all we can do. So what we're trying to do is change that.


I met him in London, and all I wanted to do was fight for him when I met him.


Absolutely. Alssuperfund. Ca or alsactioncanada. Org/merch. And by the way, both of these are in the link in the description, so you can check him out there. You can buy shirts, you can donate money, whatever it is that works for you. Als is something that affects one in 350 people people.


And we saw it affect the hockey world very recently with Borea Salming and Chris Snow, the Assistant GM in Calgary, passed away in 2023 from ALS.


Yes, both beloved figures. Oh, yeah. People that people love. So If you can donate a few extra bucks this month, we would really appreciate that in honor of Jason and his father, Matt.


Adam? Yes. What else?


Well, I thought you guys might find it interesting to just go It's true. You know what I like? We liked branding to start the show. I'd like some stats. Do you guys like stats?


I love. We just had a ton of them. Yeah.


Well, how about some more stats? Okay. You ready? I hate the way the NHL sets up its leaders, but here we go. Currently, there is one man who's leading the NHL in goals. Name him.


In goals?


Just goals.


Caulfield? No.


One man.


That is one man. Nico Heeser. No.


Jesse, give me a guess.




No. Is it? Well, no. He's tied.


So it's not one man?


Tied for second.


You didn't say that.


Yeah, well, I didn't get to finish. There is one man, and he just signed an extension this summer for a lot less money than we thought that he should make.


Leon. Oh, a tax-free state.


You had it.


Steven, no.


Tax-free state. Tax-free state. Got a crazy deal. Scored a bunch of goals last year. We hung out with them for Pepsi for the- Sam Reinhardt. Sam Reinhardt.


Sam Reinhardt.


Sam Reinhardt has 13 goals in 17 games. Now, Drive Driesadal, Nealander, Rantanin, and Caulfield are tied for second. And I don't know what the points break are on that. But what's hilarious is Dreisidal has 22 points, 12 goals. Nealander has 20 points, 12 goals. Rantanin has 25 points, 12 goals. And Caulfield has 13 points, 12 goals. Holy shit.


Give him someone a pass, dude.


That's really like Marchanko, Columbus Blue Jackets numbers. Like, crazy. I've scored 20 goals, and I have two assists.


Brandon Peary. I'm trying to remember other guys who are even remotely close.


That's crazy. Well, it's because he's the only one on the Montreal Canadiens with any finishing ability. Maybe nick Suzuki, but truly. Suzuki, yeah. What I find hilarious about this is Pierre Lebrun said yesterday on Insider Trading that cool Caulfield is probably not going to make Team USA.


Dude, that is so stacked.


To me, I audibly laughed at my TV when I saw it because it came out of nowhere.


Yeah, it did.


It was shocking that That's just a report that he's like, You know what? This guy, not good enough. I was like, Where's this coming from?


The discussion around Team Canada is, Hey, their goalie is just going to be a bag of leaves. It's just going to a yard waste bag. And Cole Caulfield is not good enough to make Team USA.


Holy shit. Do you think that he's saying the report so that people will be up in arms and maybe they'll change their mind?


I mean- No, I think it's legitimate news, Jess. No, it got our attention.


No, I think it's news, but is it news to sway the management of Team USA? No. I'm just trying to figure out the idea behind dropping dropping the news. So here's- Does he know the roster?


Well, so CJ has projected rosters. I can send you the link, Jesse, if you care. Who do you take off this list? Matthew K'Chuck? No. Jt Miller.


That's an interesting conversation. Clayton Keller.


How's his season? And-how's his season? Minnesota standout and very good member of my fantasy team, Matt Boldy.


Oh, definitely not.


That's your right side. And he has an extra guy up front because remember, it's 23 man. Some of the teams were asking for 25 man rosters, and the league won't let them do it. At center, they got Matthews, Eichel, Hughes, Larkin, and then Vinnie Trochek as your fill in. That's so good. And then you're bringing an extra defenseman, too. Actually, the seventh best defenseman for the States right now is John Carlson. That's insane. And then you bring You bring three goalies. You bring Halibuck, Otter, and Swayman. So there's really not room for a spare right wing. Who do you take off? K'chuck? No. Miller, Keller, Boldy. What do you think?


So Miller has low-key not had a very good Start to his season. It's actually crazy how slow Petterson has started, how slow Miller has started, and how the Knux are still winning a big old bunch of games. But he kills penalties. So that's pretty key.


And he's going to be playing with- No, J. C. Miller, to me, has got to be on that team. He's too useful.


No, I'm just pointing it out. The reason we're talking about Caulfield- He's also a maniac. He is also a maniac. You need a maniac. The reason we're talking about Caulfield, though, is his recent accomplishments, right? So if you're holding up what Caulfield has done versus what Miller has done, to me, the conversation begins and ends with Caulfield.


Can Caulfield play the left wing? Well, the left wing is pretty good, too. Can you tell him to- Here's what you got. Switch to the other side.


braided Kachuk.


No. Kyle Connor.


No. Jake Gensel.


Interesting, but no.


Chris Kreider.




Chris Kreider in a fourth-line role. No way.


No, because it's funnier, because it makes Habs fans madder.


It's Chris Kreider. It also makes sense because you're taking Vinnie Trochek, I assume. So you want Kreider, too, to just have the chemistry. Sure. No. I like how you take defense pairs.


He's also young, Which every national program despises for some reason. This reminds me of Martin St. Louis winning the scoring title and then getting left off the Canada Sochi team.


And then being brought on anyway because it was an injury.


As a spare. Yeah. But the difference was like, that's Martin St.


Louis. How dare are you? Established Stanley Cup winner. It was stupid at the time, and it wrecked his relationship with the Lightning. He and Iserman were never the same after that.


So this isn't comparable Able to that. What it does remind me of a little bit is Canada's 2006 Olympic team leaving off-Crosby. I think Crosby. Pretty sure Stam... No, it wasn't Stamco. I want to say like, Spetsa and Eric Stahl were on the taxi squad or something like that. And all three of those guys were insane.


Well, and also you brought on guys. So you had Todd Bertuzzi, who was past his prime. You had Chris Draper played a role, but you didn't need to bring Chris Draper. He played a role.


He won a goal. Oh, man. But over Crosby.


Holy shit. Yeah. Todd Bertuzzi was past it at that point. They did have some young guys, but they took Shane Doane instead. They took Ryan Smith instead. They took guys who were very good, but not Crosby. Crosby's not Stan Coats.


Back to this roster. There's also no Jason Robertson, no Tate Thompson, and no Cole Caulfield.


Jason Robertson is having a bad year, though.


I guess, looking at it on paper, yeah, Caulfield probably doesn't crack the line off. Tate.


Tate should... That's crazy.


But where?


But where? You're right.


You say that, but- He can play the right wing, too.


Who's you taking out?


Yeah, exactly. Well, Vinnie would be... Honestly, I would take... I love Vinnie Trotcheck. I'd take Tate.




What a stack, Tate. I would take Tate. That's just my personal opinion, and you know how much I love Vinnie Trotcheck. But Tate is the guy for me. It doesn't mean he won't be-I wouldn't, but-you wouldn't? Yeah, I feel like-Tate has been on fire this year. He's been unbelievable.


Yeah, but Vinnie Trochek here in CJ's lineup is also the fifth center. So he's also the extra. I don't know. It's so good. This USA team, it makes sense that Caulfield won't crack it.


Let's play, If I was a billionaire and could fund things for fun, I would have a four-team... I would have an eight-team tournament, and it would be four teams of Americans against four teams of Canadians. So in theory, Americans could play Americans in the gold medal game, and Canadians can play Canadians in the gold metal game. Or you could just have conferences, the Canadian conference. Whoever comes out of that, plays the team that comes out of the American one. I would a million % do that because there's going to be so many players players left off of both those rosters that are just killers. Sweden's ridiculous, too. They could win it. Finland is ridiculous. They could win it, but they don't have the depth. They couldn't ice those four teams.


There's conversations about Rasmus Anderson who's had a great year maybe being included in Sweden. I'm like, How do you not? Maybe. Maybe. That got you. Maybe. That's the thing on our-Oh, wait.


You know why Caulfield not making Team USA is a big story? Why? Because some of the games are in Montreal.


Oh, there you go.


It's Montreal and Boston.


There you go. There's a reason for it being like news news. Yes. Yeah.


Why him in particular?


Adam, Rasmus Anderson. Because Sweden, if we talk about star forwards for Canada, star defense for Americans plus star center depth, the place that Sweden is a star at is defense, right? So with Anderson, you got Carlson, who you have to bring no matter what you think of his play.


Which you shouldn't, but you have to now because you've already named him.


You've already named him.


He's got nothing to earn it this season. It's only because he was good in the past.


All right there, Johann Garpiloff.


I'm sorry. How dare you. Ask Pen's fans how they feel about his performance. I hope he plays better for Sweden because you're going to get a lot of goals when Eric Carlson's on the ice. So throw it to his end.


Current Swedish defensemen who aren't named Rasmus Andersen, who are in the NHL, Viktor Headman, Matias Ekholm, Rasmus Dahlien, Hampus Limholm, Gustav Forzling, Jonas Brodine, Adam Larson, OEL. That's. I didn't even put Rasmus Andersen in that list.


I think you put Rasmus in over Larson.


I don't think OEL sniffs that.


No, but I'm just saying that's a collection of sweetest defensemen. So let's say, Headman, Eckholm, Dauleen, Lindholm, Carlson, Forzling. That's six.


And Anderson's the spare.


Good Lord. Is Anderson He's been beating out Brodian?




I think he's better. Okay, then he's the spare.


I think he's better this year. If we're going on recency, because that's all these teams, too, have been talking about. I think Anderson is a better player. I do. That's an exact, man. It's a good team. Holy shit. Canada is going to have some trouble, man.


Dude, this is going to be a great tournament.


Oh, yeah. Maybe not for Canada. Perhaps. I don't know how it's going to go.


You need a goalie to get hot for literally a week.


And here's what's going to bother Montreal Canadians fans, because nick Suzuki, according Chris's projection, is projected to make it as the fourth-line center and Wyatt Johnson potentially as the fifth. So you'd have McDavid, Crosby, Point, Suzuki, Johnson. That's crazy. On the right wing, McKinnon, Reinhardt, Mitch Marner, Mark Stone. That's an insane right wing. That's crazy. Left wing, Hyman Marshan, Hagle, Bennett.


Canada's not that good.


What? That's insane.


In comparison to Team USA.


I like Canada's defense a lot.


I mean, Hyman hasn't been the greatest recently. The left wing is the one where I go, Oh, that's a little disappointing.


Dude, I don't know, man. I like... That's a lot of hard.


Okay, read out Canada's left wing.


Hyman Marshan, Hagle, Bennett.


K'chup, Connor, Gensel, Kreider.


Yeah, okay. I'm taking that. They win that one.


Center. Mcdavid, Crosby, Point, Suzuki, Johnson.


Matthews, Eichel, Hughes, Larkin.


Now, on the right wing, they have McDavid. I'm sorry, McKinnon. Yeah.


We haven't got... Yes, but we haven't got there yet.


Right. No, no. But I'm saying, McKinnon, add to the center depth. You can simply, at any moment, be like, Oh, I'm putting McKinnon there. Yes.


Yeah. Right. So then right wing, McKinnon, Reinhardt, Stone, and Marner.


And then the USA defense, it's better than Canada's.


Well, you got on the left side, Taz, Theodore, and Morrissey, and the right side, Kehl Mccar, Petrangelo, Evan Bouchard, and McKenzie Wigger.


Hughes, McAvoy, Slaven, Fox, Werenzky, Faber.


I think you're not putting enough respect on that Canada group.


Yeah, I think- That's a good group. I don't know.


I'm a little- It's a good group, and two of them play together.


I'm a little...


I feel like- I'm taking USA Canada.


I'm feeling like Canada has got a whole lot of offensive defensemen there.


It's guys who can play both. Makar's defensive shots are so underrated. I mean, Makar.


They're underrated. I'm not talking about Keel in the car. Right. Okay. I'm talking about Evan Bouchard. Yeah. No. I'm talking about- He's a spare to me. I'm talking about, well, is it him or Mckenzie Wigard? Do you not put... Listen, you can say what you want, but Canada has got a questionable goal Aultending pool. Binnington, who's not been good. Aiden Hill has been okay. Kim Talbot, who's Kim Talbot. He's been pretty good. Yeah. I don't know how Binnington is supposed to be the projected starter. I just don't get it. But I I like potentially looking at bringing on a guy who might have the best expected goals against in the entire NHL of the last three seasons is a guy named Chris Tanev who could potentially come in and play right D and be shorthanded and zone exits and all that stuff. Listen, I know that it's not going to make me popular in Edmondson or Calgary.


He's in the conversation.


He should be. I think they need a little more. I think you're going to have to understand what you are, which is you can't rely on your goal tenders to bail you out like the other teams can.


Bouchard, to me, is like Subin on the 2014 team. He's there because he deserves to be, but also So where are you using them?




Oh, man, we need them on the power... You know, if...Hale McCart.Hale McCart, right? Yeah. Just thought we'd throw that out. Yeah.


19 assists in 17 games to Hale McCart.


Oh, man. No, No, this is going to be... I love that they've inserted this into the hockey schedule.


Oh, it's awesome.


It adds some flavor. I don't know how anybody's beating Connor Halebuck with that defense in front of him, and Matthews, and Eichel, and Jack Hughes.


I agree with you, Jesse. To me, it's close, and then you get to goal tenning and you're like, oh, they're dead.


Yeah, I don't know. I look at the overall roster of Team USA, and I say they got to be the clear favorites.


I got to call Doug Armstrong and just tell him, Listen, man, I know you love Binner.


Is that a thing you can do?


No, I actually can't. But please, let's not start there. Let's not start there.


Be like, Adam, first of all, how did you get this number? Second of all, I don't think you know him well enough to call him Binner.


That's true.


Have we ever seen McDavid and McKinnon play together?


Team North America.


They were on that together. Because that was Matthews, McKinnon, McDavid.


It would be sweet to see if they needed a goal or something. It's like Crosby, McDavid, McKinnon out there.


Do you remember the other player on the Matthews, McDavid line?


Marner was there, but probably not on that line, right?


No, I don't know if Marner was there. Was Marner not on the team? I don't think so. No, he wasn't. In retrospect, it's crazy. But he was so young. So was Matthews.




No. Remember? He's right shot on a Canadian team. Winnipeg Jets.


Who was it?


Mark Shifley.


Oh, yes. By the way, Matthews had not played a game in the NHL. No. So that's why.


And we were all like, okay, it's because the tournament's in Toronto, whatever. And then he has that insane shift against, I think it was the Sedine's where he's dangling them on his knees. Dude, that tournament was so good.


Moving on to the next thing because we got to wrap this up here. Utah HC jerseys are going on sale for the first time today. The first batch will be available at shop, or nhlshop. Com and at the team store at the Delta Center. And Apparently, the lineups are huge for them. And what's cool about this jersey, much like what the PWhL has, is this will be a collectible item at one point because this is a one-year jersey. This is not how this is going to look in the future. They are going to have a team name. So as boring as they somewhat are, look at that lineup. Oh, my God.


Holy sokes.


People want them.


Oh, wow. It just keeps going. Holy shit.


Fanatic is like,.


By the way, that is just the cast of Sister Wives. Stop. Yeah. I got mad here. That's good enough. That's crazy.


I didn't know that they weren't on sale yet.


I know.


Well, to give you an idea of how not ready. Everyone's like, What do you mean they couldn't have come up with a proper team name. It's November, and they're finally selling jerseys. Finally. They didn't even have that ready. How is the team not just skating naked?


Well, I think they prioritized.


It's harder than we think. That is insane.


It's really cool to see the amount of people that are willing to line up and go support the soccer team. Yeah, absolutely. Just in the middle of the day, just to go grab a jersey. It's really cool.


Imagine he got this 20 years ago. It's so crazy.


Gary Bettman is on season 20 of this video. He's just watched it 40,000 times.


Oh, yeah. Dakota Joshua made his return from cancer treatment. I just thought that was worth a little bit of a little round of applause. We're very happy for Dakota Joshua. Toronto Mapleleaf draft pick and got away. But spectacular player for the Knux last year. And it's Rick Tucket said, It's like making a major trade. He's a big kid Did. It's got great hands. Obviously, played really well for the organization, especially last year. So we are very excited to have him back. He's gone through a lot of stuff. I love the way he's dealt with it. We're just happy for him.


Absolutely. Every team could use Dakota Joshua.


Are we doing a press conference today?


I have an NHL car watch, but we can save it for Monday.


Okay, so let me just say this then. Let's save it for Monday. I just want to say a quick shout out because we did the event yesterday in Kichner, and Craig Custens from The Athletic was there, and Steve Dangle was there. And if you were there, we just wanted to say thank you, Steve. We did a quick little Q&A, basically, and a little chat about the books because Craig's got one coming out, or it's out, and it's called The Franchise, and it's all about winning. He does interview Kyle Dubas, and he does interview Lou Lamorello, and he does interview Brad for a living. So I think you'll be fascinated if you're a lead fan, and then beyond that, obviously, a whole bunch of others.


And just so people are clear, this wasn't like an SDP live show or anything. It was Steve book signing that off the top of it, you guys were at the library and you just did a chat with Craig Kunstens.


Steve and Craig Constance.


Sorry. A joint book signing with the two of you guys. That Adam hosted. Yeah, and Adam hosted it. Yeah.


So there'll be an hour long conversation available on the feed at some point.


Yeah, we're going to post it because they let us record it and everything. So We'll post it to our feed and you can go back and watch it. Yeah.


All right. It was very, very cool.


Adam, Movember.


Oh, in Moveember. Hi. So my Moveember page. Listen, I'm working this mustache for you and I need you to donate for me. All right? I need you to come through for me. For men's health care causes, obviously. Look at that. Do you like it? Is it working yet?


It's working. Is it? It's working.


Jesse, what do you think?


I love it. Go back to Adam. Yeah, yeah. No, it's working for you. Does it work for me? Should I keep it? You look like you'll bust some teenagers for underage drinking in the '70s. It look like that cop.


But I let them walk home and I tell their parents.


Clean it up here, guys.


Come on, Guys, we can't be doing this.


You look ready to yell at me at my baseball game.


Do you have a sunglasses?


Not on me.


If you had your aviator. I don't. Okay, next episode, you got to bring in your aviator.


I think I've got gold aviators.


Oh, that's going to be good. I'll look for them. How big is the flag in the back of in your truck? That's good stuff.


We got to get you a police uniform, too.


Yeah, this is a kind mustache. It's not a I've made politics my personality mustache. You know what I mean?




I want this mustache to be one thing It's like this is a man of distinction.


It's not just rewarding your mustache. You are donating to valuable cause.


Well, it's not just a testicular cancer, which Moveember started out as, but it's buried on the last episode. It's mental health. It's a whole bunch of other men's causes, and men are stubborn about that. I don't know if you've heard. I would love, as this mustache grows in, for a few donations, if you could. The Movember link is in the description.


Here is my pledge to you, Adam, and I hope this gets you off your wallet. I pledge a crisp $100 bill.


Hey, there you go. Steve? No problem. We talked about Dakota Joshua and then Movember. He was diagnosed with testicular cancer. That's the surgery he underwent this summer. There's an amazing comeback story, but it just happens to everybody. It's amazing. Nhl player right there.


It's so many players, so many people at a young age, like Phil Kessel. It happens to Phil Kessel. He was like 19. Yeah.


How old is Joshua? Early? 28. 28? Okay. There you go. Yeah, no. That's A very young man. It's old for hockey players standards, but in the grand scheme of life, that's a very young man, and that hit him just out of nowhere. Yeah. So this is Move members for a great cause.


Absolutely. So check that out. And you know what? We'll wrap it up today. Lots of fun this week. It was crazy. We had live shows, we had book signings, we had streams where we saw the NHL War Room and they're watching Monday Night Football. There's so much going on.


I'm on cameo again. I'm not busy enough. Let me get back on cameo. You're doing your stream tomorrow. Doing my stream tomorrow after a book signing at Yorkdale Mall. I'm not busy enough.


The Steve Dangle podcast.


Follow the guys on Twitter @steve_dangle, @AdamWYLDE, and @jesseblake.


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