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Game over. Fueled by Temphron Spirits, Edmonton's leading non-alcoholic beverage provider. Order online for doorstep delivery. Oillers fans, this holiday season, there is a lot to celebrate. And Temphing Spirits has you covered curating the best non-alcoholic beverages to keep the party going into the new year. As a small Edmonton based business, Temporand is rooted in community and bringing people together. Available online, enjoy fast local delivery to your doorstep in the greater Edmonton area. Whether you're hosting this year's holiday party or looking for the perfect gift, Temphing Spirits is your go to source for celebrating without the buzz. To make your holidays brighter, order your favorite non-elk drinks at www. Temperates-spirits. Com and score a fest of 15 % off with the discount code, S-D-P-N. This season, let the Tempare and Spirits online store be your secret to scoring a merry and festive celebration. You can stay connected with them at temprenspirits on Instagram and Facebook. Spoilers, fans, oilers, win the last game of 2023. Thank you so much for being here, guys. It's the New Year's Eve game. I can't believe it. Look, you start this game and it felt like it was going to be one of those trap games, right?


The Ducks. Terrible, terrible team. I see a lot of familiar names in chat, MGD. Welcome back, Travis. When I was getting ready for this game, man, Bob Stoffer, big-daddy Bob Stoffer, was talking on The Pregame Show. This just felt like a trap game. The Ducks, man, they're bad. But the Oilers, they come off of a win out of L. A. It's a difficult one. Mcinator and chat. Good to see you again. It's one of those games where maybe the Oilers will lose against the team that they should win against. But this Edmonton Oilers team is not that guy. This Edmonton Oilers team came in and thrashed Anaheim in every metric, on the scoreboard, physically, shots on net, just crushed him. Pickard out-dueled Gibson. How many times are you going to hear that in a year? It was an unbelievable night, led by the second line of Leon, Drysidal, Ryan McLeod, and the most important player on that line, Warren Fogall. A five-point night from Warren Fogall. This has to be a career year coming up for him. Does anyone believe that we lost the Fogall for Bear trade? Now, it is so unbelievable to see what Warren Fogall is doing, and it's a contract year for him.


If I'm Edmonton, I'm trying to sign them to a one-year deal every single year, right? Warren, this is what you need, the pressure in order to make it work for you on the score sheet. Half the time you look at Warren Fogel, and that 37, it's been morphing into a 97. There's some things to think about here. That McLeod-Fogel connection has been there for a little while, but when you bring Drysidal into the mix, oh, my God, they are just so dominant to quote Zach, like ridiculous, Nikko said, Guys, it is amazing. I just wanted to stop for a quick moment. It is the New Year's Eve game. It is 8:43 in oil country, and we had 20 people already. I just started. Thank you all for being here, first and foremost. We get to celebrate a big oilers win, and we'll get to the Zegas stuff, MGD. We're going to get to some of the pissiness from this Ducks team. But, McLeod starts everything off four minutes into the game. Ryan McLeod has just this weird thing where he's been on a tear and he's scoring goals so early. I think ever since he played against his brother, he has been on fire.


A man on fire. Warren Fogall already gets one assist off that first one. I mean, yes, it gets tied up pretty soon afterwards. Who else but Max Jones, right? Of course, it's going to be Max Jones. This is fourth goal of the years for Jones, and three of those four have been on the oilers. There's some guys that just do it to the oilers, right? But move on from that because Evander Cain just gift-wrapped a goal. Sometimes you need bounces to go like that. Evander Cain just tucks it in. From that point on, I feel like the Ducks just deflated the entire arena. This is a... I mean, it's a chrip on a team that's rebuilding. The Oilers were there for a long time. I feel you, Ducks fans. As an aside, you got a great jersey. That Anaheim jersey looks so sharp. The colors are great. I think it's their 30th anniversary thing. I feel like you should run with that, Ducks fans. If that's your petition for 2024, keep that jersey going. The only thing that I want to churp is the logo in the middle with the green text or the green circle around it and the white text, it's very Starbucks-y.


That's the only thing I would maybe tweak, but keep the logo with the duck head, throwback colors. It's amazing. Your arena is so bad. The entire crowd was gone out of it after the first period. Again, Oilers fans, we've gone through that, but we never give up. You will see, Oilers fans are so passionate. But if they're not shouting for their team to win, they're letting them know like, Hey, we don't appreciate it. We're giving our own team the business. It is never quiet in Edmonton. Anyway, back to the game. That first period, Pickard, we have to give credit where credit is due because there were a couple of really good chances. With stew delivering the goods yesterday against the Kings, Pickard had to come in. This is the game that you would give him, but he had to make quite a few good saves in order to make it work out. Now, this game got chippy right from the get-go, which is weird, in my opinion. The Koolak penalty where he rowed Johnston into the boards, it feels like an accident to me. I'm not Johnston, but I see him buckle a little bit before Koolak has to just push him into the boards because he's moving at that time.


I don't know why he's so mad. He came out and he was beefing with Vinny. Like, Dejarnay, he's been amazing tonight too. The Defense Corps has been great. Cody C. C. Was passable. Everyone else was great tonight. Labuskin at the end of the period got a four-minute miner. Yenmark got punched in the face and somehow got a four-minute miner. This got so chippy so fast and I don't understand why, but it's such an entertaining game. If you are an Oilers fan, you are watching this game going, We're beating you down on the score sheet and we're beating you down into the ice. Later on in the game, the Viking fight, Eckhomee, he got spun around a couple of times, but he absolutely went toe to toe with Stroke. As soon as he turned around, he one-punched the guy. He was pulling his Saitama. I don't know, man, his beard is big, but if he showed up with a bald head and started one-punching guys, I wouldn't be against it. Goodas, he didn't want the smoke either. Like, so many guys on the Ducks were chipping the oilers, but they were not willing to back it up.


We'll get to Zegas. Absolutely chicken shit move, Zegas. Late in the game, it's like 7-2 at that point, you're going to spear McLleod when his backs toward you. When he has to face the music, when McLleod turns around, you're not even going to turtle like Chuck. You're just going to absolutely sit back and go, It's not me. I didn't do anything. Well deserved for, DrySell. Get in there, take a guy. If you're up 7-2 at that point, DrySell, you can take a couple of penalty minutes. He brings Zegas with him to the box. The end of this game was wild. I have to say, Mattias Cianmark might be the most unlucky guy today because like I said, he got punched in the face and ended up getting a four-minute minor late in the game. He gets in an unsportsmanlike when Gudas cross-checked him twice and he turns around and goes to the ref like, Hey, you're watching this. He gets two minutes for an unsportsmanlike and then 10 for the game? Mattias Yandmark. I'm hoping he just sat in the room and got the champagne ready for the boys because this was a night when everyone was doing so, so well.


Like, Drysidal, Fogall, and Ryan McCloud were amazing. They drove play the entire night. That first line as well, even though they only gotten the score sheet once on the Zach, hyman goal, they were buzzing. There's a reason why the McDavid, Nuge, and Hyman line is the best line in the NHL right now. They were not willing to give... The oilers were not willing to ease up on the Ducks at all tonight. You can see the Ducks, they got some guys that probably don't want to be there. There are some guys that are in their 30s now. I'm thinking Adam Henrick, I'm thinking Alex Kahlorn, I'm thinking Jacob Silverberg, one of my favorite players. These are guys, Sam Kerik was another name that was floated out there. These are guys that are in their 30s. They want to play hockey on a team that matters. There's a couple of guys that maybe the others even want to look into. Another great player. Darnell Nurse contributed so much tonight. I mean, not only was he pretty locked in defensively, hes dropped two on ones and such, but the pass. Oh, my goodness, the pass to dry tidal, impeccable.


Fogall drew all the attention on that play. He took all the guys with him for some reason, and the ducks forgot about dry. But Nurse found him down by the goal line, and he who know he's going to bury that one Timer. The other nurse goal or the other nurse assist with the slap pass onto Fogall, oh, amazing stuff. That got Connor Brown, his third point. You know what? If I'm Connor Brown, the last little bit has been a little bit better. I'm going to hope I take more shots. I'm going to hope one of those trickles in. You never know. Goals come in bunches for these guys sometimes. Brown and Ernie, Mcinator has a great point. They had a two-on-one amazing chance. They just don't have the finish right now. If I'm Connor Brown, shoot the buck more. Just take as many chances as you can and hope that when those gates open, the floodgates just come crashing in. Damn, Travis, Mcinator, MGD, lots of activity. I'm going to be honest, I was ready for this to be a little bit more of a chill vibe session, but now that you guys are here, I feel like I have to put on a good show.


Hopefully, you guys like the show if you are listening into this live, maybe on New Year's Day. If you like the show, give us a like, subscribe to the SDPN, we're getting really close to 100,000 subscribers. I'm hoping that we can get there in 2024. Then again, let's focus back on this game because there's only a little bit left to go. Frank Vitrano, he's having a great year. Frank Vitrano, 17 goals already, and it's going to be a career year for him. If he's willing to leave Anaheim, there's another chance here in Edmonton. We're always in need for extra wingers. But to finish off the game, Zach Hyman, Brett Kulak, amazing stuff. 7-2 victory to close 2023. So where does this leave us? Well, the Edmonton-Oilers are now 18, 15, and 1. They are riding a five-game winning streak into 2024. I'm looking at the schedule, there's a couple of chances here. The Oilers right now, they end 2023, one spot out of the wildcard spot. Now, Arizona has a three-point gap, but there is one game in hand. The Edmonton oilers have a pretty good shot. Now, the big fear is if they don't make it into the Pacific, you're going to be playing someone, either like a Vegas or Vancouver.


There are some chances there. You might run into some tough teams, but the way that this O'Iars team is playing right now, I feel like October was that one month. The O'Iars always have one month where it's a write-off. This October was the write-off, and we're all panicking, but now the Edmonton Oilers are rolling and it doesn't seem like anyone is off their game. Is there a couple of upgrades I'd like to see? Let's look into 2024. Is there a couple of upgrades I'd like to see by the trade deadline? Yeah, that's true. The biggest one, and tonight was not spectacular by any means either, is Cody C. C. He is still getting a little bit flooded. He's playing a lot of minutes with Nurse, and Nurse is amazing this year. He's been so stable, he's been so steady. There has been offensive chip-ins from Nurse. Defensively, he's been solid. Cody Cc is just absolutely treading water. If you can upgrade that, maybe CC has to come out. If you do decide to make that move for a bona fide top pairing defenseman, or at least a top four defenseman that isn't going to be pressured in as much, then that's another improvement that you can do.


Offensively, there's still a couple of questions. Now that Ryan McCloud has moved in and found a home with Leon, Drysidal, your third line center is Derrick Ryan, and I love Derrick Ryan. If you watch the show a lot, I have nothing bad to say about the guy. He's always getting crushed into the boards. He always has to sit a little bit extra each game because he's getting crumpled into the boards. But he generates so many opportunities. You just don't really want him in your third line center role. You want him on the wing or the fourth line. I'd be so much more comfortable if that was the spot for Derrick Ryan. So if Ryan McCloud is permanently now staple to the wing of Leon, Drys Tidal, you have to fill the third line center role again. And it's been years, the entire tenure of Ken Haulin, we have been looking for a defenseman on the right side and a third line center, and we're still looking for that now. Cody Cc and a third-line center, those are two things that you need to resolve right here, right now before the playoff push. Because if you go back to it, and let's say you run into the Vegas Golden Nights again, this is going to be a repeat of last playoff.


Now, I'm hoping it doesn't happen. I'm hoping Ken Haalan or Jeff Jackson makes the move. But if you don't and you have a tandem of Stuart Skinner and Calvin Pickard, again, granted they've been playing really well, and the last two games have been immaculate from both of them. Do you really have that much faith in this oilers team winning the cup? I want to ask that to chat tonight. Let's get a little bit of input from you guys. Bushard, average is more ice time per game than Nurse. Now, Travis, that's a great point. Bushard had 22 minutes tonight and Nurse was 24, though, says MGD. Here's the thing, I envision a much more liquid top four situation. That's why I'm not feeling like CC has to be your top pair or whoever replaces CC has to be your top pairing. If you can have a core of four guys on the defense side, Nurse, Bouchard, Echombe, and someone, and you rotate those minutes fluidly for the top two pairing, that's great. Mgd says, trade for Bukestat again on third center. I liked what the guy did. I feel like a tall Derrick Ryan or tall Kirsten, whatever you want to say about nick Butte, that he was great on the phase-off circle.


He did a lot of good things. But going back to him again, I don't know if that is the play. I'd like to see someone else, someone who brings a little bit, maybe more scoring touch to things. Or if you move someone... It's so hard to say. Nuge has been dynamic on McDavid's line. You don't want to touch that. Mccloud has found a scoring touch on Drysidal's line. You don't want to touch that. You really just don't have anyone that you would be comfortable switching back into third, line, center role again. If everything is magical and Dylan Holloway comes back from injury and he's able to play third line center, that'd be amazing. But maybe I'm more of a nylist. I don't think that throwing Dylan Holloway into that position is a great idea. I have full faith that Holloway might be able to find a little bit more comfort as a winger first and then ease his way like most centers do in the NHL. As we get closer and closer to the trade deadline, we're going to know which teams are on the outside looking in, who is available, and who's getting shopped.


I think there's going to be a lot more to go on at this point. Mark says Barry is available. I'm sorry, Mark. I don't want Tyson Barry. He was apparently a great guy in the room. Amazing for the team's chemistry, amazing personality, does a lot of social causes that are great. But Tyson Barry is not what we need. We need someone who can take top 40 minutes and roll with it, and I don't think that's Tyson Barry. Yeah, the road trip, Travis brings up a good point. It was technically a three-game road trip to Cali. They won all three games. But really, it's a six-game road trip. They went to New York area, they went to the three teams. In the end, this six-game road trip is five and one. The Oilers are rolling into 2024, and it's still entertaining. I'm not clamoring like we were last trade deadline for moves. I don't think we're in the same position as we were during the trade deadline last year, but you still hope for a little bit more. Like a Lars type, MGD hit the nail on the head. You need someone who's defensively minded, who really just hammers down that defensive, stallwort type of play in the top four.


If they're able to chip in a little bit offensively, if they're able to at least advance the buck, move the buck, that'd be great. But if you're just going in, as is right now with Cody Cc, it's not happening. I don't think we're going to get quite as far this year. Larsson, yes, he has his personal issues. You need a Larson type. I don't think Larson himself will be willing to come back. But hey, never say never. I mean, Seattle right now is below us. We just leapfrogged him. There's a couple of players in that lineup. I wouldn't mind Jordan, I believe. We've talked about it earlier on in the shows this year. I wouldn't mind a Jordan Neberley. I wouldn't mind an Adam Larson back. I wouldn't mind, honestly, Kylia, a Yamemoto, I missed the guy because when you look at Connor Brown and the production that he's had, yes, he's picking up a little bit and we gave him a little bit of props today, but that has been so disappointing. Going from Yamemoto and Kirsten to like, Brown and Ernie. They played well tonight. Night. I don't want to end the year shitting on Ernie and Brown.


But let's just try and be positive. Going into 2024, on a win streak, no more shitting on Adam, Ernie. I love you, man. You scored a goal. You have more goals than Connor Brown. Connor Brown has a couple of points tonight. Adam, Ernie had some chances tonight. They weren't absolute black holes. We take it, we move on. Even though it was the Anaheim Ducks, no, positive. We move on. We move into 2024. On a good note, MGD says, Be careful what you say about Zach's friend, Adam Ernie. Zach's friend? Or Zach in disguise. If I have to miss the show because of some mysterious assassination attempts, you'll know why. Let's talk andlet's talk a little bit about a recap, so you say, like a 2023 recap. Obviously, oil country has been up and down in the last couple of months. But if we were to look at the entirety of the calendar year of 2023 as a whole, I thought about it, I thought about the biggest news stories, and I broke them down into five to six big moments. I want to see if you agree with me, OilCountry. Let's travel back down memory lane for a little bit.


Coming in at number six, I want to talk a little bit about Jeff Jackson, Connor Brown, and Chris Knobloch, because you can see very clearly that this oilers team is now Connor's Treehouse, right? Mcdavid's Treehouse. You have so many guys that are related, affiliated with Connor McDavid, I'm not a huge fan of it. I know some people are a little bit more enthusiastic about it. They're hoping this is a reason for Connor to stick around. Unless Connor McDavid is asking for it himself, and you know he would never go public about that, if he's asking for his junior coach to come in, if he's asking for his old teammate to come in, if he's asking his agent to really just hunker down and probably become the next general manager of the Edmonton-Oilers, you would never hear about it from Connor McDavid himself. I just feel like this is a missed opportunity. Me, if you have better people available, whether they're in the system, whether they're outside, going for people that Connor McDavid knows and not the best person for the job is something that concerns me a little bit. I want to know what you think.


Speaking of Connor McDavid, my fifth biggest story of the year is Connor McDavid's 153-point season with 64 goals. I don't think we're going to see a more dominant player than Connor McDavid for the next 100 years. He has been so spectacular, and I don't want to harsh on any of the generational talents like Celebrini, like Badard or whatever, but Connor McDavid has been such a dynamic player. They went in the middle of the game over some of the awards he's won. They went over the Ted, Lindsay, the Art Ross, all these individual awards, the Canadian Walk of Fame. All of that pales in comparison to the fact that Connor McDavid is still entering his prime. He's not anywhere near the downscale. You have guys that are playing longer and longer than ever before. That is astounding. Whether Connor McDavid decides to play as a lifetime oiler or go on to another team, hopefully after he wins a cup here, I'm all the way team Connor Mcdavid. He is the greatest of all time. Mcinator, he is the goat. It is unbelievable to see what he is doing. As Oilers fans, we watch him every night and we probably have a little bit of, not fatigue, but we watch him so much that we aren't able to appreciate what he's done, what he's doing for this game.


Happy New Year to you, Andrew, as well. Great to see you guys in chat talking about, Oh, yeah, Connor McDavid. It has been absolutely wild. We'll talk a little bit about Leon, Drysettle as well. This last season for McDavid, Drysettle, and Nugent, Hopkins has been amazing as well. 300-plus point getters on the same team. Amazing. Simply spectacular. Now, obviously, they're hit a little bit of a regression this year. There's some things to be said about some injury, troubles, McDavid and Drysettle. I feel like they haven't started this season healthy. But the fact that we are still able to watch these and Nuggets is still producing. It is amazing. I can't wait to see what they're going to do in 2024. Speaking of 2024, we're going to move on to what I consider one of the biggest stories last year, the arrival of Matias, Eckhome. 2024 trade deadline, I don't know if Ken Haalen, if Jeff Jackson, whoever is going to be able to pull off as significant of a trade as the Eckhome one was, but it was so amazing. If they're able to elevate this team this trade deadline, it would be just unbelievable.


We, if you're a long-time listener, last trade deadline, at home wasn't even in the consideration. We were gushing over guys like Carlson. We were worrying about the efficacy of a guy like Gavrikov. There were so much turmoil in oil country. The Eckhome trade, the 4% retention that allowed them to get nick Bugstad at 50% retained, and the lasting effect of that trade is definitely one of the biggest stories of 2023 for me. Man,ckhome has not only come with term, he's incredibly healthy. There was only a little bit of stint in the preseason this time when he had to sit out. But he's been producing as... Not just as advertised. He's been producing way above advertise. He has been physical tonight. He got into a fight. He has been joining in on the rush. Maybe that has to do with the situation with Paul Coffey and the coaching staff right now, but he is creating chances. He's a defensive stallwart. He's able to provide physicality. I could not be more happy with the arrival of Echom, especially with the effect it has had moving out Barry on Evan Bouchard. Evan Bouchard, this season, after the trade of Echombe and then the development of him on the power play and as a bona fide, I think, top four defenseman now, there is no question that Bouchard is, if not already elite, on the line of entering elite defensemen, Bouchard's game has gone up miles and miles with the arrival of Eckhome, the opportunity of leaving Tyson Barry down in Nashville, where he's not really getting minutes right now.


We've talked about earlier in the show, Tyson Barry is a trade deadline target right now for some teams. Some folks thought that Bouchard wouldn't be able to step into the role of Barry, and I just... They couldn't be more wrong at this point. Another big story of 2023, and I hope you guys are taking notes. I'll recap it in the end, but I want to see you tweet it to me or write it in the chat, your order, comment it later on in the video. I want to know your ranking of 2023, Oilers Moments. The next one I want to talk about is the playoff series. Now, LA, that series was so funny because I was in Japan. Personally, I didn't get to watch a lot of the games, but I heard all about the chaos of that L. A. King series. The biggest thing, the biggest takeaway from that series has been the fact that L. A. Was playing this stupid trap system. They were so defensive. It was incredibly boring to watch. But the Oilers were able to break through it, playing Oilers style hockey. We saw a little bit of a deviation from that early on the season, but now that we're back to it, you can see, Oiler's style hockey prevailed in that series, and Oiler's style hockey is prevailing now.


There's something to be said about maybe a tweak here and there, most reliably our number one topic, which we'll get to. But Oiler's style hockey is to generate chances, is to play with speed and to win hockey games by beating your opponent on the score sheet. Now, in the Vegas game, the teams were so even. The first four games went back and forth. Game five and game six were tight, tight games. If someone were to tell you that the Vegas series was lopsided, you can confidently say to them that they weren't watching the Oilers intently because those were incredibly, incredibly tight games. The oilers had a couple of guys that were showing up and a couple of guys that didn't. Most notably, I mean, Hopkins was a little bit quiet, but you had guys like Kirsten chipping in. You had guys like Derek Ryan chipping in. They were nick Bugsted. They were doing things. It's just that they weren't quite to the level of a March or so of a Carlson, of a Barbashev. On the back end, you had a couple of guys that were probably not the most confident defensively. Vinny de Jarnay.


It's helped his game immensely. You look at this season's Vinny de Jarnay, and you can see how he grew and developed out of that Vegas series. He is playing insane right now. And Philip Roburg, he played a couple of games in that Vegas series. Obviously, he's not in a great place right now. He is playing in Bakersfield. They had a couple of chances to prove themselves against Vegas in that series, but they couldn't quite stack up to it. But now that they have the experience, Vinny de Jarnay is looking like an amazing third-pairing defenseman. One situation in the coaching side of things, Woodcroft simply got outcoached. He wasn't able to adapt as well as Bruce Cassidy. Now, assuming the oilers get into a playoff spot, we have Coach Knobloch. Obviously, he's never been here before. If there's a chance to see how he reacts to these playoffs, my bet is on the fact that the Oilers leadership team seems like they are giving advice to Knobloch, and that Knobloch is a lot more open to it. My hope is that Knobloch is able to will this team by working with the players into a deep Stanley Cup run.


But the most important thing in that Vegas series was the arrival of Aden Hill. That ties into my biggest story. My biggest story of2023, Edmonton-Oilers, and that has been the gold hending. You've heard it so, so many times. How many games do you come in here into the postgame and you hear Zach and I or Avery, talk about the goaltending and how it's lost them the game? Campbell and Skinner, they had their moments. If you look at Campbell during the playoffs, he didn't get any starts. I feel like he should have because he was good in relief. Mjd is worried about my mic. Sorry if you got a loud spike in that last couple of minutes. If you look at Jack Campbell during the playoffs, I would have thought, You know what? Give him a chance. And so many of us, including Zach, noted Campbell Hater, when this season started, we were so willing to give him the net. Stewart Skinner had a really amazing run as a rookie during the regular season, but he struggled so hard in the postseason. Now, in the 2023, 2024 season, you have this regression of Stewart Skinner during his sophomore year.


He's not quite willed. He's gotten a lot better, but he isn't that quantified number one goal yet. Jack Campbell, with all the faith, all the good faith of O'Lears country, is finding himself on... Why is Kyle... I came into chat the moment I started talking about Jack Campbell. Of course, man. How are you doing? Jack Campbell is finding himself on waivers and in the Bakersfield-Condor lineup. Granted, he had a good last game, but with $5 million on the book. The resolution of Jack Campbell and Stuart Skinner, and now I guess Calvin Pickard, in net, is the biggest story of 2023 in my mind, and it will continue to be a storyline in 2024. I don't know, that's my interpretation. If you disagree, I'd love to hear it on Twitter. I'll recap a couple of the storylines that I have mentioned. The arrival of Jeff Jackson, Connor Brown, and Chris Knobloch, the pivot towards keeping Connor McDavid at all costs. The career year, that's point number one. Point number two, the career years of Connor McDavid, Leon Drysettle, and an amazing performance by Ryan Nugent-Hopkins. Number three, the arrival of Mattias at home and the amazing production of Bouchard stemming from that trade.


Number four, the playoff series with LA and with Vegas, another just heartbreaking loss to the eventual Stanley Cup champions as the others await their turn to try again. And the final news story, the fifth news story of 2023, the goal tending and the lack of a bona fide number one goalie. Those are the five stories that I would like to propose as the biggest spoiler stories of 2023. If you don't think so, shoot me a tweet on Twitter. It's @S-L-Y-E-G, on the behalf of my friends at the SDPN, on the behalf of the Game Over Edmonton crew, Zach, Will, and Avery, Louis, McDougal, What is Twitter? Isn't that X now? You know what I mean, you mechonator. We wish you a very, very happy 2023, a very, very happy 2024. I'd like to personally thank you all so much for watching the show in 2023. We're constantly, constantly trying to bring you better and better content. 2024 is not only a big year for the Oilers, it's going to be a big year for this channel. So once again, if you like what we're doing, drop us a like. If you like what we're saying and want to hear more of it, subscribe to us on your favorite podcast channel on YouTube.


Once again, the STPN channel is so close to 100,000 subscribers. I'd like to thank you all for being here on New Year's Eve of 2023. If you are going out afterwards to enjoy yourself like I am, please find ways to get home safely. Remember, 2024 is going to be a good year for the oilers and a good year for you. I give you the best of my blessings, and with that, we're going to end the show tonight. Thank you all so much for being here. For the last time in 2023, play La Bomba, baby. Good night. Game over.