Biggest offseason winner, biggest offseason loser. Nashville. Nashville, biggest winner. Yeah. It's obvious, I guess, because they sign the highest profile guys. They sign two first-line wingers, and they sign Bradley Shay, who on a normal team, I would say, would be a first-pairing guy. When you have Yosey there, maybe you're able to spread it two pairings. They already have Sarros, who they just extended this offseason. Usually, when you sign all the names, you get all the hype and it's disappointing. I don't think this is going to disappoint. They're that good. And they didn't just get two first-line players. They got two first-line players with a gigantic chip on their shoulders. I think they're going to be a force to be reckoned with. Who had the worst? Carolina. I do think that they lost the most, and I don't see a path to recovery. I don't even know if it was avoidable. Eric Tulsky just took over. I'm not blaming Eric, per se, but they didn't sign Pesce a year ago. They didn't sign Shay a year ago. They let Taravine and go. This might be the time where it's like, okay, it was a little bit too much to hold the line on everybody.