#149 Sarah Adams - Is the Pentagon Ignoring the Most Dangerous Threat of All?
Shawn Ryan Show- 1,180 views
- 12 Dec 2024
In this episode of SRS, Sarah Adams exposes the hidden realities behind global security threats and government inaction. She discusses alarming intelligence gaps, Taliban funding, Al Qaeda’s evolving strategies, and the unsettling roles of China and Russia in shaping terrorist activities. Drawing from historical events like Benghazi, the conversation challenges listeners to rethink what’s being overlooked in today’s geopolitical landscape.
The discussion also highlights Hamza bin Laden’s influence, the challenges faced by abandoned allies, and the evolving nature of terrorist tactics. Through detailed analysis and candid reflections, Adams provides a nuanced perspective on the complexities of global and domestic security.
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Sarah Adams, welcome back.
Great to be here.
We have a love hate relationship. I love seeing you and having you on the show, and then every time you leave, I'm pissed off about everything you're talking about. So we had a what earlier this week, actually, was, yeah, was this week, you posted something about the Pentagon getting pissed off at you and sending you an email that they don't appreciate you disseminating open source information and that you're not doing it through the proper channels? What is so we're gonna dive into that. That's why thank you for rushing out here.
I wanted to get that I wanted to get that immediately, and so we're gonna crank this out, what, in, like, 3 days. But, but, anyways and then we got a whole slew of other topics to go over. But for those of you that don't know, this is your 3rd appearance on the show. Mhmm. We already have a 4th scheduled for later in 2025.
But Sarah Adams, coauthor of Benghazi, Know Thy Enemy, a Cold Case Investigation, former CIA officer, Libyan crisis before, during, and after the 911 attacks, counterterrorism analyst, targeter for the CIA, senior adviser on the select committee on Benghazi, NGO official working across multiple conflict zones, including Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Sudan, known to be 10% humanitarian, 90% warlord.
That's me.
But, but, hey. I heard, you call my I heard you mention that, my new I just hired this guy. My new head of production, you said he looks like a terrorist. Please don't fucking kill him. I really, really need him here.
So if you could just refrain from that, that would be that would be great.
It's dark in here, and he walked in.
Oh, boy. You don't have his address yet, do you?
Oh, I could have it by the end of the day if
I really
wanted it.
Perfect. Well, anyways, so let's, let's just start with the Pentagon stuff. That I read your tweet, and, actually, let's start with open source information. Just for the audience, can you describe what open source info is, open source intelligence?
Yeah. I mean, a lot of people get confused about this. I've even noticed in our past interviews. Right? So, like, our Benghazi investigation, we've
collected this entirely ourselves. Right? So we
are the ones on the ground getting the Right? So we are the ones on the ground getting the information, so it's obviously not classified channels. Right? We're not
going to foreign militaries, you know, we're not going to the intelligence
community and getting this information, so it's publicly available, and we can basically share it with whomever we want because it's completely unclassified. So what we do is when we get threat information, we pass it to where it belongs. Sometimes the threat is against a foreign government, so we'll send it to maybe, like, the ambassador at the embassy in Washington DC. And then sometimes a threat is against us, and so we recently got some, threats against US embassy. So we've been reaching out to the embassies to let the ambassador know and then, of course, to let the RSO know, right, the regional security officer who would be in charge of security at those embassies to let them know.
And so when I reached out to 1 of them in Africa, I got a nasty gram back from the Pentagon that I didn't go through formal channels to share the information, which is ironic because it's unclassified, but the crazy part is they didn't ask anything about the threat. They didn't say, you know, anything about the sourcing, where we got it from. They didn't show any concern at all for the personnel at the embassy. They just cared that I gave them something.
Well, I don't I don't understand how the Pentagon would not be concerned with the safety of of Americans at an American embassy, and the only thing they're concerned about is the information that you're collecting open source.
Exactly. Remember, there's DOD personnel. There's 100% DOD personnel at the embassy I'm talking about. So that's the crazy part. Right?
Instead of just reaching out to me and saying, hey. This is really interesting information. Can we work together? You know, we'd love to hear what you have. Come sit down with our team.
You know, let's see how we can get ahead of this threat. Like, they got mad that I gave it to the state department, which is who you would give a threat to the embassy to.
What can you talk about the the actual threat that the that the Pentagon doesn't seem to think is important?
Yeah. I mean, you know, I've talked previously about Al Qaeda planning embassy attacks. Obviously, I've talked about, they're planning an attack in Bamako in Mali. So this is another location in Africa where they're planning the attack. I don't wanna give up everyone I know because, you know, then you get into sourcing.
Obviously, everyone I know I will pass to the US government, especially the state department. So I don't hold on to threat reporting, but it's just, Al Qaeda has all these waves of attacks planned. Okay? If you've read our October 7th, know the enemy report, you know this all started with the Hamas attacks. Right?
That was 1 of Al Qaeda's planned attack, and we can talk more about that 1 later. So they have kinda, like, these waves against Israel, and then they have, like, waves against Europe, waves against us, waves to create the Islamic caliphate. Right?
So a lot of the African plotting, for example, is the waves to create the Islamic Caliphate. So the Islamic Caliphate is basically, obviously, Afghanistan, Syria, that's why they've trained a lot what's going on right now, Iraq, they're in a dream world, they have India on it, and then it's like all of North Africa, and then in a future phase, it then goes up into Spain, right, like in the olden days. So it's just all their plots they have in place to to to put into motion these elements, and so their embassy plots, for example, are, they have some in Africa, and then they have some in Europe, and then they have some in the Middle East, all for a different purpose. The Middle East is to push us out for the caliphates. The Africa is to push us out for the caliphates.
And then the Europe, right, is just to go after, and then that'll go in with the homeland tactic. But the Europe is just to target the US for its involvement in the Middle East.
Do they have a what? Do they have a priority list?
They don't exactly have a priority list. Like, they're all waves and some can be concurrent. What matters is how long it takes to train attackers. Right? So the Hamas attacks was, like, less than 1500 guys.
Right? They actually initially planned to train them from August 7th, 2022 to October 7, 2022, they ended up pushing the attack a year, and so they ended up with more training, which helped the attackers because of Zawahiri's assassination. So then the US homeland, for example, they wanna use a 1,000 tariffs. Right? So that took time to put a thousand through the pipeline.
Syria, they train 10,000 terrorists to send to Syria. It takes time to put 10,000 terrorists to the pipeline. Right? So it depends on the size and the camp capacity and then the type of training. Right?
Are you putting them through suicide bomber training? That's its own camps, and that's about 20% of the camps they run. Are you putting them through advanced urban warfare? So it just depends on what camp you're going to, and then even some of the camps are, broken down by ethnicity. Like, they might not put Libyans in the same camp as they put Somalians or Syrians, so some camps are broken down if you're Arab or not.
So it really is just gonna depend on those capacities.
You know, these guys I remember well, I think it was you that posted a video of of, an Al Qaeda training camp, and they were it was almost like a display. It looked like a well done YouTube video of skills. Is that is that common?
Yeah. But that stepped out. So that
was really
Fucking good.
That's Taliban. Those are the Taliban camps. So we can't get those kind of videos of the Al Qaeda camps. As you can imagine, you can't even bring phones into the Al Qaeda camps. So, yeah, so Al Qaeda is even a level above those.
I mean, I'm gonna overlay that video for the audience to see just how sharp these guys are getting. I mean, that that's really fucking good.
But remember
When I saw that, it scared the shit out of me.
Remember, their life is they train all the time. Yeah. So if if that's all you're doing all day long, I mean, you're gonna get really competent in it, and then they have different emotions behind it too and, you know, different beliefs and the religion behind it too, which makes you more devout.
Mhmm. Mhmm. And then we had a little brief discussion about suicide, the invisible bomb vests downstairs. Can you go into that a little bit?
Yeah. I mean, you know, it's kinda 1 of those things that keep you up at night. Right? You know, when we're talking about the threats to the homeland, you know, if you subscribe to the newsletter, Sean Ryan's newsletter, go to Vigilance Elite.
So for everybody that doesn't know already, Sarah writes a weekly intelligence report, all things terrorism. It's in the Sean Ryan Show newsletter. You can go to seanrhyanshow.com. There's a sign up link. It'll be in your inbox every Monday.
So we first talked about what they call the invisible bomb in the newsletter, and, basically, it was highlighted in December, just this last December, and it was Al Qaeda's, in the Arab Peninsula, so their their branch in Yemen. Right? And they basically were showing off it's really interesting. The video got taken down right away, and then I think most people in the US didn't even see it, so, like, TSA completely ignored putting out the actual piece of the video that mattered. So the big piece of the video was teaching terrorists how to make a bomb that goes through a magnetometer.
So you know, like most airports in the world, you don't have that weird hand scan thing. You just go through a random, metal detector. So this bomb basically goes to the metal detector. Okay? So they were showing it off then.
Well, now Al Qaeda's advanced, and it's in a suicide vest. But the interesting part is it doesn't just go supposedly through the metal detector. They made it with components dogs aren't trained on to sniff. So so if you say, okay. Well, we'll up our security and put more dogs.
Al Qaeda is saying, well, we've defeated that too. And this is the type of vest they plan to use potentially in their homeland attack that's coming up. So it's very concerning because we aren't prepared for that. I mean, most of the buildings you go into, even if they have some sort of thing, it's already defeats that.
I mean, I don't think we're prepared for anything that's coming.
Right. We're not.
Do we have any preparations at all? I mean, if from what I've seen, we have no preparations. We've we're we're gonna get into more about the funding of Taliban. I mean, we're funding our own demise here. I mean, have you seen any positives?
Is anybody doing anything?
No. And, actually, Al Qaeda makes a joke out of the fact that they move the money we give to the Taliban to the camps that train the homeland attackers. Right? So So it's almost like an insider joke, like, yes, we are forcing America to fund their own attacks. So that is the plan too, that the money will go back to us and our government, and then that makes Americans also look at our government like it's an inside job.
You knew it. Right? And so Al Qaeda is gonna play that game, which is really interesting. Al Qaeda found the Building 7 conspiracy stuff fascinating, and they have actually had discussions about how can we could do ruses and bring in the building 7 people to make them blame their government more. So they're actually even looking at our conspiracies and targeting those people for the homeland attack.
So basically, those people almost back Al Qaeda as revolutionaries or rebels and heroes against our government, kind of like how how the Hamas supporters do it.
I alright. So we have a list of stuff to go down here. I think since we're on funding the Taliban, let's start there. But, you know, his you broke that news first. You broke 40,000,000 a week.
It was going to the Taliban funded from state depart or funded from state department to all these different NGOs. Then our mutual friend, Legend, came on. He broke that it was actually 40 to $87,000,000 a week. Then, you know, we're also Scott Mann has confirmed it. Former Green Beret Lieutenant Colonel retired.
Then, me and Scott went to Vienna to interview Masood, who is the you know, ever for everybody that hasn't seen that, that's the leader of the the the commander of the Afghan resistance. And he confirmed it as well. And so we've actually put a petition out. I just looked at it this morning as 382,000 signatures. I'm gonna link the petition below again to spin that out again, and we sent that to McCall.
Nothing. From what from what I understand, not 1 fucking thing has been done. Why do you think congressman McCall hasn't done it? It's because, you know, I see these reports. He was drunk at the airport.
Maybe he's just too drunk to actually do anything, or maybe he's too busy. You know, as the other story I hear about him all the time is the insider trading shit. Has he done anything? Anything at all?
No. The problem is, it's kind of like they bring these people in front of congress, they give them 5 minute sound clips. Right? They make a little bit of news off it, but there's no then action plan
to do any accountability.
And then they say, yeah, Americans. We did what
you wanted.
We brought Tyler Andrew Vargas on. Right? But what has he done for him since it happened? Right? And this is the big problem of congress.
You know, people say these congresspeople aren't doing their jobs, but they keep voting them back in. Right? Like, we complain about them, but no one's actually holding their feet to the fire to do their job. I honestly don't think we're gonna get anything effective against, the Taliban. Right?
I mean, your congressman, you know, representative Burchard, he put the money in to stop the money the bill to stop the money going to the Taliban. It's sitting in the senate. I don't think anyone's picked it up. Nancy Mace tried to do the bill to actually designate the Taliban a terrorist organization. I heard a number of Republican congresspeople reached out to her and gave her a hard time about it.
So that's completely dead. We can't even get our congresspeople to call them it's Harris. We've been they're beheading people.
What is why? What's behind that?
My theory is we have some people who haven't thought this through because of the Ukraine war, and they think we can especially use someone like Sarajevid Khakani as a counterweight to Russia. That there's no other explanation for the amount of money we're putting into this, because it's not just up to 87,000,000 a week. That's only the money we fly into Kabul. Right? We send money other ways.
Another and 1 really great example is we fund the Taliban's political office in Qatar. That's not the 87,000,000. There's at least 10,000,000 that we just pay their operating expenses a month. Completely separate. Yeah.
We've been doing that since 2013. So this is not a new thing we've been funding the Taliban. Right? We were funding them while they're killing our soldiers.
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Where is it hung up in the senate? Have you heard any
Well, I think Who's
holding it up?
Well, I don't know if someone's holding up. Basically, a senator or hopefully a grouping of them are supposed to pick it up, and then they shepherd it through the process like they sponsor it. I don't think we've seen anyone pick it up to sponsor it.
What else should I be asking you about funding the Taliban?
You know, well, another thing is, you know, just a couple updates from last time, you know, obviously, the money hasn't stopped. But, you know, we found out so the Taliban has a supreme leader. Right? Haybatula Akunzada. And we found out his budget just for his office is 48,000,000 a year.
Think about that. It's a Taliban commander. That's just the budget for his office, like, to run, like, I mean, how much is this? How much do you spend to run this a year? So we actually basically counted kind of the bags of money that go to him, you know, from these weekly deliveries, and he's getting he gets a small cut compared to, like, Suraj Adena Khani, who probably gets 5, 6 6 times what he gets, but we're giving him about 3,000,000 a month.
So we're almost funding his entire office, the US government is, with counterterrorism dollars. Right?
Holy shit.
The the
problem with this is is we're basically playing both sides of the Taliban, and they're playing a ruse on us. So Haibatullah is what you call the Kandahar Taliban. That's just that original Taliban that Mullah Omar was in that founded the Taliban in, like, the mid nineties. Okay? Then you have the Haqqani network.
Right? Sirajuddin Haqqani. His father was Jalal Adeen Haqqani. We famously backed him during the Mujahideen era. So these are kind of the 2 of the senior leaders besides Mulla Omar's son.
Okay? And the US plays them off of each other, but they don't. We think we're effectively playing them off of each other, but they communicate almost every day through Telegram. They do all their approvals together. They share information, but they use this fake kind of, battle between them.
So when they sit down with the Americans, they can say, oh, yeah. Here's the political crisis going on between the Kandaharik Taliban and the Haqqani Taliban, and then America wastes a ton of time on that, and then they ignore the terrorism. They ignore, you know, the all the the murders going on, apartheid against the women. Right? So they're basically making us focus on an issue that doesn't even exist.
Wow. Wow. Let's
Oh, and then 1 other thing too that's really interesting. So, you know, how we have old man Jalaluddin Haqqani. Right? He's 1 of the most famous people at the time, you know. He has a brother.
His name is Khalil. Okay? So this is Suraj Adeen's uncle. So his job in the Taliban is he's the head of refugees, so he has this really interesting scheme. We've put a lot of work into it since last time I was here, and what he does is he goes to basically the pot of money that we give for humanitarian.
So this isn't the counterterrorism dollars because the money that 3,000,000 Haybatula gets is our counterterrorism dollars. Well, Khalil goes right after the humanitarian dollars, and what he does is say, I need he he collects 5,000,000 a month in this 1 that we ran down. So he goes and says, I need 5,000,000 a month. This money goes to Afghans returning from Pakistan to be resettled in Nangarhar. What he really does with the $5,000,000 is he gives it to basically another 1 of his family members, Abdul Aziz Haqqani, and he brings them and drops it off at Al Qaeda training camps, and that's a humanitarian dollars.
And so they're basically lying and saying it's going to refugees, and I guess it is. It's going to foreign fighters from foreign countries. There's Libyans in these camps, but it just goes and gets delivered directly to terrorist camps.
You know, I just how do we we've abandoned the Afghan people. We're funding our own demise.
What what would you like to see I mean, do you think we should be I feel really bad for our allies over there, you know, that we trained alongside with, we fought with, you know, for, what, 20 plus years, and we just left them out to dry, left all of the intelligence there, left the biometrics, left their addresses, left their fingerprints, left their names, and they're just getting assassinated in record numbers. And, you know, I mean, how do do you think we should be funding the NRF?
So I think we should fund a coalition of the resistance.
So if you just do the NRF, in my opinion, and I hope I don't upset people, you can't win. Right? Right? The NRF is is mostly the Tajiks. You also have to bring in the posture and resistance, and then, you know, the hussars.
Like, you need a resistance of the different ethnicities and groups. That's how the Libyans actually did it. They weren't successful. Right? So you have to have a coalition or, like, a, external government formed, and I think that's what we fund.
And then we're funding multiple pieces of the resistance because each of them have different access in different areas. Right? Each of them will be successful in different ways. Even the women's movement alone, right, has its own insider things you can take advantage of. Right?
So I do think we shouldn't pick just 1 resistance group. We should tell them, come together, and, you know, and we're here to back you.
Is there I mean, that's after my interview with Masood, I've I dug in a little bit more, and I did, and Scott did, and you did, and you guys are the ones that feed me all that information. But it it sounds like that are they working together at all yet? Because it seems very compartmentalized, and it it is they need to get their shit together. It's it's it's getting a little frustrating.
Yes. They need to get their shit together, but I do think, privately, they do work a little closer. They have a public thing they do once a year. It's a Vienna meeting. It's not enough.
I do see a little more collaboration between groups than than people see, but I do see a lot of them undercutting each other. They do a lot of gossip. Right? Like, this person works with the Iranians. This person works with the Russians.
Right? And they're not, thinking, hey, we're a united front against the Taliban, you know, like, our near term goal is to defeat the Taliban because even some of them, like, are focused on their regions, and they might not even wanna be Afghanistan if the Taliban falls. They might want their own region. Right? So we don't have a catalyst yet to even pull all of them together, unfortunately.
At least in the Libyan revolution, every single person wanted Gaddafi dead, and every single person, even the terrorists, right, were like, our goal, our immediate goal is to take him out. Right? And they all came together with that immediate goal, but we don't actually have something like that in Afghanistan. And I think that's 1 of the complaints that has always occurred over the years. There are even pieces within, you know, the Afghan community that have always downplayed the Taliban.
So when I caught the number 2 of the Taliban, Mullah Barader, right, so we caught him in Pakistan. He was in Pakistani custody. Well, when the Afghan government reached out to us, they didn't reach out to render him and put him in Bagram. They reached out and said, you need to release him. Why did you detain him?
So think of how that makes the government look at Afghans. It's like, well, you don't really think the Taliban is that much of a threat. You're asking them to release the operational leader, the number 2 of the Taliban. Right? So we still have this problem where a lot of people still sit at the table with the Taliban.
Right? Khalilzad's really great example. So we also need to do something with these Taliban sympathizers because they're gonna keep undercutting any kind of resistance, and I do think they're a part of keeping people split too. So, yeah, they all have to come together, and you know, I've honestly had said this frankly to people. So, you know, Al Qaeda's planning a homeland attack, and I've actually said to people in the resistance, if that attack happens and you guys haven't come together and you can't show us you're a capable force, we're going to Pakistan.
Right? I'm gonna call I'm gonna call up the Pakistanis and say, I need I'm gonna give you a lot of money to take out Hamza bin Laden. I'm not gonna call the resistance because you guys are in fighting. You didn't come together. So I do think they need to come up with a plan.
Even in Haiti, after those gangs took over, like, right away, they're like, oh, wait. We made this interim council. Right? Like, that matters to the west. It might not matter to the people fighting and doing tax every day against Taliban, but you need some sort of united front to get recognition.
Who do you envision would take control of that? Would it be Masood?
I would like a power sharing agreement. Obviously, you know, I I like nRF. I really like General Zia. So I I I would probably lean a little more towards him. Like I said, I don't really like to pick sides though.
I think you can have leaders across this doing multiple things. Even if you think about the Libyan revolution, you can't name a guy. You can name the guy who set up the council, Usama al Jalali, but you can't name the commanders. There was no head commander. Right?
Like, they all ran certain pieces of it, and I think that's what it needs to be.
Well, they're gonna be watching this, and they're watching this show like they're on it.
Oh, yeah. Well, you know, the terrorists watch it more. So
Yeah. Well, I found that out. They started tweeting about it, but, on x, which, yeah, it's kind of, you know, unsettling. But, you know, I mean, there's another thing that, you kinda brought up. Why is the why did the UN invite the Taliban to talk about climate change?
Do they are they what is that?
So the UN essentially wants to recognize the Taliban. Right? But there's every time they try, women show up and protest, and and so they're now trying, like, it seems odd ways to do it, and they're like, let's bring them to the table on the climate. Right? Because people agree on that.
So it's just the UN's way to keep kinda opening the doors more and more to the Taliban because the intent is to recognize that government. Like, the UN is not planning anything that I've seen to basically go after the Taliban. Remember, they we talked about this previously. They gave up the restrictions on some of the Taliban senior leaders' travels. That's how Sirajuddin Haqqani got to go to the Hajj.
Right? The UN Security Council allowed that. So, yeah, this is just another step in their process to recognize the Taliban.
So they don't so this this is this has nothing to do with climate change? No. It doesn't. Everything to do with just
Come on. You lived over there. They you burn shit every day.
They burn tires to keep warm. I remember spitting in the sink in winter, and my spit was great.
Yeah. How bad
it was. So Just
not at the edges of the climate change problem. Yeah.
I mean, it sounds ridiculous, but but the but the audience doesn't know that. And so that's why I wanna bring that up. You know? It's it's it it has nothing to do with climate change. It's only to Politics.
Yep. So let's move into Hanzah bin Laden.
Let's move into that.
Yeah. I mean, since I was on the last time, the Western press finally broke, he's alive. The interesting part is the US still won't print it. The US press won't. But what happened is, interestingly, British intel leaked it to their press.
Yeah. And from what I'm hearing, they did it because they were upset that so, apparently, the CIA has been trying to curb the US intelligence community and even trying to curb the Brits, saying, Hamza's not alive. Don't talk about Hamza. And, basically, the Brits are like, screw you, and they put it out in the press. The funny part is the US press still didn't pick it up.
So the US press still went to the CIA, and CIA is like, don't print it. So it went, you know, all over the world. It was all over in India, all over in Africa, and it didn't print here.
Hold on. Why does the CIA not want that out?
Because they don't believe Hamza Millan's alive.
Excuse me?
I know.
How so?
He's, like, running Al Qaeda. He's hosting meetings, like, every week.
Why don't do they really not believe that? Or
I think they just
to cover their tracks?
I think they really don't believe it, but then they've put no effort in the last couple of years to be like, well, we should run it down and maybe reverse our assessment. And remember, the same thing happened after Benghazi. Right? We knew Al Qaeda was there in real time, and then they all went down some weird fake protesting, but then CIA never changed their
assessments when they knew Al
Qaeda was on the compound. Right? So compound. Right? So
sometimes it's almost impossible to get
the CIA to reverse an assessment. So for those who don't know, Khamzah Bin Laden is he's basically the catalyst
here. He's he's he is marrying into all these terrorist networks. We discussed this on your previous interview, but just to summarize it, he is kind of uniting them. The common goal is to come to the West, terrorize the West. How is this guy different than his father, Osama?
Yeah. Hamza is a problem. So it's really interesting. So Osama bin Laden first off, Hamza really believes in being kinda undercover and covert. Like, he doesn't wanna really go out there and be on TV or even do, like, the audio recordings.
Like, he wants to stay under the radar, hidden. He wants you to not even, like, know he's running things. So he wants a hidden hand in everything. So I told you, they're involved in October 7th. Al Qaeda is never gonna claim responsibility for it.
Al Qaeda is not gonna claim responsibility for these embassy attacks, and they have a plan for that, I'll tell you. They're not gonna claim responsibility for the Europe tax, and they're definitely not gonna claim responsibility for the US homeland attack. Very different, right, than his father. The other thing is his father Hold on.
Hold on. Why why are they not claiming responsibility?
Because they wanna keep their safe havens intact, and they don't actually care if you know it was Al Qaeda. They just wanna take it to us. Right?
Oh, shit.
It does not matter if it's ISIS, if it's HTS, if it's Hamas. They're all 1. Right? It's they're all in Islamic army, and nobody's taken this Islamic army concept seriously, but Hamza views all the terrorist groups in the world now under his Islamic army, and that's the way he views them. And he's almost like Iranian Quds Force where he's like, okay.
This is my proxy here. This is my proxy here. This is my proxy here. Like, he's planning an attack in Lebanon against some sort of US interest. Right?
It's an Al Qaeda Hezbollah plot, but when it occurs, only Hezbollah is gonna take responsibility. You won't even know Al Qaeda's involved in it. Just like Giuliani's blitzkrieg, Al Qaeda has supported that. Right? They gave him 10,000 fighters.
Right? Taliban gave him camps in Afghanistan. Are you hearing anything about the Taliban and Al Qaeda right now when they're talking about Syria? No. 0.
Did you hear their names come up at all for October 7th? No. Yeah. Hamza's killing it. So Hamza now wants to do completely covert action and let everything fall under this, Islamic army, and the really interesting thing is his father was incredibly patient.
Right? Remember, everybody knows it took him 5 years to approve 9/11, and Osama bin Laden was, like, hey, we can create the caliphate. I'm okay if it takes a 1000 years. Hamza wants to do everything in his lifetime. He wants the Islamic caliphate to be created in his lifetime.
He wants to bring all of his father's goals, you know, to fruition, and 1 of them was take it to America, right, on US soil, make them feel the war zones at home. And Hamza takes it very serious, and that's why he has gone full force on this plot. The interesting part is Hamza will approve a plot in 1 meeting. Right? Bring it in, brief it, brief this, plan you up to the embassy.
Yep. I'm good. So so he moves a lot faster, and actually, of all things, the IRGC and Iran have complained, and they're even when they work with Al Qaeda, they're like, we want Saif al-'Adl. He's more calm, cool, collected. Like, we trust him more.
We don't think he's gonna cause a big ruckus, but they're like, Hamza's a loose cannon. He's running at full speed. We don't know how to control him. So it's almost an interesting thing. So it's funny.
Right? Other governments are seeing this, and our government won't even talk about him being alive, and he's running fast against us.
Can you wow. Can you go what are his goals? So hold on. I got a lot of questions. So we have we have all these networks.
We have all these terrorism networks. Is Hamza the literally the number 1 guy?
So Hamza is the number 1 guy of what is now called the Islamic army. Okay?
So the Islamic army is Sunni Shia. It is, his father's vision. Hamza has now put it to reality in the last 2 years, and it basically pulls in every group. It's, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Taliban, Al Qaeda, whomever, whoever will agree to it. Obviously, there's a lot of negotiations going on to get people into this.
This isn't easy. Right? Like Mhmm. They're constantly giving up things to get, people to join in. So he's been very successful.
They've now trained about a 120,000 people under this Islamic army umbrella. So these new crudes are coming in. They're not basically training in an ISIS camp or an Al Qaeda camp they are, but they're coming out of it as Islamic army. So when they're doing deployments to Syria, to Somalia, to Mali, these fighters are viewing themselves as Islamic army, and the point of that is if they get detained, they're not gonna say Al Qaeda. Right?
So so Hamza set this up, and then he took, 1 of his father's old bodyguards, Hamza al Ghamdi, his name is, and put him in charge. So Hamza al Ghamdi is actually basically the commander of the Islamic army. Maybe like a month ago, FBI upped his reward. So this is funny. So Hamza al Ghamdi is worth $5,000,000.
Khamsa bin Laden, who's in charge of Hamza al Ghandi and appointed him, he's on the wanna list for 1,000,000. So we don't even have our priorities right of who's in charge, who the enemy is, what they're involved in. So, yeah, so there's the whole Islamic army piece. Okay? Now under the Islamic army falls the original goals of Osama bin Laden.
Right? 1 is to push the US out of the Middle East. That's the wave of attacks that had the Israel attack. Right? It's gonna be the wave of attacks or the embassy attacks.
Right? Because it's to push us out of, embassies in the Middle East like they're targeting US embassy Baghdad, for example. Right? Makes perfect sense. And then there is the restoration of the caliphate.
So the Syria push is a restoration of the caliphate. The Mali push, is the restoration of the caliphate. So he's just doing his father's old goals, but faster, and he's using all the other terrorist groups to make it happen. It's not gonna be Al Qaeda in reaching these goals. It's going to be Al Qaeda, ISIS, whomever.
And the way that they're dealing with it is when they're sitting down making these agreements. So when they sat down and talked about Syria and Iraq, okay, Al Qaeda now has given up the thought of I wanna own territory. Al Qaeda's thought, I wanna be the governments. Mhmm. Right?
Or I want my allies to be the government. So they more want a political power, so they sat down with ISIS. Says, ISIS, if you wanna run certain parts of Syria, you wanna run certain parts of Iraq, and they've had the same discussion with IRGC. Like, we're fine with that. Like, let's come to agreement on what that looks like.
So, so there's some really interesting partnerships going on when you'd say, oh, no. They're against each other. It's like, no. They're finding ways to compromise because they all want the same things in a different way.
You had mentioned they have a couple of different goals. Well, a handful of goals. You've mentioned Europe. You mentioned Israel, I believe. You mentioned the US.
Mhmm. What what what are where are all the targets,
and what
are the goals?
So Just
leave the US for last.
Sure. So if you talk about Israel, obviously, there was the big Hamas attack, and then they actually have a couple other waves of attacks. I know 1 of them, and I shared it. I'll probably get yelled at for sharing that 1 too. And then they wanna do what they against Israel, what they do with us, like attack the embassies.
Okay? So that's the Israel piece.
And then they want to do, attacks on Europe. But the interesting part is even their Europe attacks, they're they're still leaning towards, hey. When we go attack, Norway or whomever, we wanna attack the US embassy there. So we're still almost the target even though they're gonna do they wanna do the attack in that country. And then the last piece is they want this October 7th style attack in multiple places in Europe and then in, the US, and that's the 1 that Scott talked to you about that we had, you know, in the AQ 2.0 book, but I realized he didn't give it to you when he was here, so I'm giving you the AQ 2.0 book.
But that's really interesting. So we gave
a You worked on this.
I gave a little bit of our investigation to it. So this was put together by a European retired intelligence officer. What he did is he reached out to his huge community from working his entire career and said, what do you have on this? What do you have on this? What do you have on this?
And he compile compiled a bunch of people's investigations into this attack. So this is the best thing you can get, open source.
Al Qaeda 2.0, the upcoming attack on the United States and Europe unveiled.
So Boone and I focus on the US homeland piece of this attack, but people who contributed to the book focus on the Europe piece. Right? Because they're European.
Interesting. Could you get me connected?
Yeah. I'll put you in touch.
Perfect. Thank you. Well, since we're giving gifts, I was gonna wait till later, but I got you a gift too, sir.
Woah. You
heard about the m
phone call. Used the app, so I'm kind of excited I can upgrade to the phone.
There you go. So yeah. Developed by Eric Prince and his team, 1 of the dev guys on there.
Good. I'm gonna, like, text Eric Prince first from it because that would be fun.
You It'll
be, like, what crap is she asking me for now?
But, yeah. You're welcome. For those listening, that is, that's a great way to kinda keep your data safe from big tech. Perfect. And, like Facebook, Google
Facebook. I don't even have a Facebook account right now. I'm fine. They took it down.
But, yep. So where has Hanzah been been all these years?
So we basically found out where he was in 2022, and that's when he was in Kandahar. Right? We learned that prior to that, he was in Waziristan, Pakistan, but really the chunk of the time he was in Iran, the thing is when Qasem Soleimani was killed in early 2020, he was, like, I'm not sure Iran can keep me safe if they couldn't keep Soleimani safe, and so he left Iran at that time and went to Pakistan. And so then he stayed in Pakistan till Kabul fell, and then he went into Afghanistan.
And that report that you was, that you had mentioned that the British intelligence, leaked to the press, is that where is that? Is that can we find that and overlay it right now?
Well, yeah. It's basically it then was turned into an article. So it just says he's he's now the head of Al Qaeda, he's planning operations against the west, these large scale attacks. So, yeah, I think it first was in, like, the mirror or the sun, but then a ton of news articles picked up the same thing.
So it's out there.
Yeah. It's out
there. All over all over, UK Media.
Yeah. If you just put Hamza bin Laden live, it'll come up.
What about his brother, Abdullah? Why is that what is his role?
Yeah. So the interesting part is Abdullah was the 1 in originally in all the meetings. Right? And so Abdullah is the 1 everybody hears about. They're like, yeah.
Bin Laden has an alive son, Abdullah, and then they discount Hamza because Hamza's very covert under the radar. Abdullah is interesting because a lot of people don't understand this. So you know before the fall of Kabul, when there was the fighting with the Afghan National Army, it was Abdullah bin Laden and a terrorist named Abu Iqless Almazri who were running the fronts of that war. So Al Qaeda was running the war against our allies when Afghanistan fell. That wasn't a Taliban led war.
That was an Al Qaeda led war, and so Abdul has become an amazing strategist, and a lot of people think he's kinda just this businessman or CEO type. And so now he's pretty much running the operations of Al Qaeda, and he runs all the suicide I mean, all the terrorist camps. So he is basically the terrorist who train the homeland attackers, and that's why he really matters. And he knows all the homeland attackers.
Wow. Wow. You know, I I find it really interesting that they don't even care about the credit anymore because Mhmm. If I remember correctly, when I when I was working, over there, that's that's that's all they wanted to do was easiest and biggest target of opportunities so that it hits the press, they can take credit for it, and everybody's everybody's scared shitless of them. Now they don't even care about that.
Yeah. They just wanna hurt us. Right? And the interesting part is, you know, we've spent a lot of time trying to find all the training camps for the Homeland attacks. Right?
And we've really come up with 3 we're confident. Right? They've taken advanced urban warfare that we've talked about, suicide bombing training, and then cover and and covert, training. Right? Al Qaeda is teaching them like don't even say you've been to Afghanistan, you know, like if you're, Kuwaiti or Saudi.
Never mention the word Al Qaeda. Right? When they go through these camps together, they're all giving fake names. So if we're in camp together, I don't know your name as Shah Raine. I know you as Jobob.
Right? So the really interesting thing is that matters to them. They don't want the
true record. They're using pseudo names even with a noun.
In camps. Yep. Amongst each other. They don't even trust each other to give the true name.
Holy shit. So they've really fucking stepped it up.
Yeah. And then there's a whole another piece that it's so hard to get people to comprehend that this now is gonna sound like a conspiracy theory. Okay? Now Al Qaeda, and it's been Hamza bin Laden, Hamza bin Laden went to Sana'ula Ghaffari, who's the head of ISIS Khorasan province, and said, hey. We don't wanna just claim our attacks in the US and Europe on ISKP.
We need ISKP bodies. Right? We need terrorists at that attack so when they're dead and you die d and back, you say, yes, they're ISIS Khorasan province. So Hamza Millan and Sana'a Laghafari made a deal, and there would be ISIS fighters in Al Qaeda's homeland attack. It's really interesting.
And then, ISIS will claim responsibility for the attack, and they went so far as Taliban has been feeding bits and info to the US government. So after the attack, the US government will go back into its intelligence databases for the last couple years and be like, yeah. We had a little piece on this attacker. He's ISIS. We've had a little piece on that attacker.
He's ISIS. We've had a piece on that attacker. It's ISIS. It's an ISIS attack. So US intel is gonna back it because they've been feeding the information in.
That's how well they've planned this.
Holy shit. Alright. Sarah, you're just, my mind's gonna explode. I'm gonna take a quick break here. We'll come back and and get into the rest of this.
I know everybody out there has to be just as frustrated as I am when it comes to the BS and the rhetoric that the mainstream media continuously tries to force feed us. And I also know how frustrating it can be to try to find some type of a reliable news source. It's getting really hard to find the truth and what's going on in the country and in the world. And so 1 thing we've done here at Sean Ryan Show is we are developing our newsletter. And the first contributor to the newsletter that we have is a woman, former CIA targeter.
Some of you may know her as Sarah Adams, call sign super bad. She's made 2 different appearances here on the Sean Ryan show, and some of the stuff that she has uncovered and broke on this show is just absolutely mind blowing. And so I've asked her if she would contribute to the newsletter and give us a weekly intelligence brief. This is gonna be all things terrorists. How terrorists are coming up through the southern border, how they're entering the country, how they're traveling, what these different terrorist organizations throughout the world are up to.
And here's the best part, the newsletter is actually free. We're not gonna spam you. It's about 1 newsletter a week, maybe 2 if we release 2 shows. The only other thing that's gonna be in there besides the intel brief is if we have a new product or something like that. But like I said, it's a free CIA intelligence brief.
Sign up. Link's in the description or in the comments. We'll see you in the newsletter. Thank you for listening to the Sean Ryan Show. If you haven't already, please take a minute, head over to Itunes, and leave the Sean Ryan Show a review.
We read every review that comes through, and we really appreciate the support. Thank you. Let's get back to the show. Alright, sir. We're back from the break.
I forgot to bring up Al Qaeda and Iran, who I thought were enemies, but sounds like according to you.
Well, Hamza lived there safely. Right? So it's so something.
What's going on there?
Well, the interesting thing is, you know, when we went into Afghanistan, we weren't really fighting the senior leaders of Al Qaeda. Right? They all fled within those 1st few months. Right? Bin Laden went across Tora Bora, etcetera.
So the Al Qaeda terrorist went to 2 countries. They went to Pakistan, and they went to Iran. Well, in Pakistan, the Pakistani government teamed up with us, and they got paid lots of money, and they started capturing terrorists, right, like Khalid Sheik Mohammed, for example. So the terrorists then are like, well, we're probably gonna be safer in Iran, but now if you're in Iran, you you your wives are there, your children are there, you're gonna make a very close relationship with the government as you can imagine. And so Al Qaeda made a close relationship with Qasem Soleimani, who's now deceased, but he headed the Iranian Quds Force.
And Qasem Soleimani, basically, asked 1 of his really good friends, you know, you know, another member of the military, Mohammed Kazemi, his name was, and he said, hey. Your job is to keep Hamza bin Laden safe, Sayyafo Laudel safe, and he actually was also protecting 1 of our Benghazi plotters. That's why we know this so well. So it was his job to keep them safe. So when Kasmani died, this individual moved up.
He's not the head of the Quds Force. He's the head of the IRGC's intelligence organization. So, basically, the people that harbored the man who harbored Al Qaeda is 1 of the most senior intelligence officials in all of Iran. So that's the relationship, and he comes all the time to Afghanistan. He plotted the Hamas attacks with Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and, obviously, Hamas and then internal units within Iran to include Khomeini.
Like, Khomeini was involved in the Hamas attack planning, and even Haibatullahq Minzadah, who we talked about, the head of the Taliban, he issued the fatwa for the attack, and then it was an IRGC general that did the go for the attack. Right? Like, that's how intermingled all these people have become, and we still have analysts that say, oh, Iran doesn't get along with Al Qaeda or Iran's attacking Al Qaeda. It's like, what are you talking about? They harbored him almost the entire war we had.
So these guys are super in cahoots.
Yeah. They're very, very close relations.
Are they sharing intelligence?
100%. To to where the Taliban and Al Qaeda gave, the Iranian government intelligence base. It's basically in, an Al Qaeda camp in Kandahar.
Are you
Are you so they're commingled now.
Yeah. And remember, this isn't just Iran. So North Koreans come to Kandahar. The Russians come to Kandahar. The Chinese come to Kandahar.
And they don't just meet with the Taliban. They meet with each other.
Well, wait a minute. How so how can the Russians be involved? Because there was that big there was that big mall attack from ISIS, which if all these networks are connected Right.
The thing is, just like us, Russia had to go to the Taliban to collect on ISIS and to go against ISIS just like we do. So there's 2 branches of ISIS nobody actually really understands as ISIS Khorasan Province. Okay? There's there's the, 1 we all know that's run by Sanalu Ghaffari, and he did the Abigail attacks with the Haqqani network. Okay?
There's a whole another branch that's based in, Northern Afghanistan. It's run by an individual named Gomorrah Kalimov. He is basically 1 of the main enemies in the world of Russia. He used to run the Tajikistan special forces. He defected to ISIS.
He became ISIS's minister of war. Then he got, like, detained. His death got faked. He somehow got released after the fall of Kabul, and he runs this unit now in Northern Afghanistan. And the interesting part is so the 1 that's run by Saanullah Ghafari, okay, that 1 basically emanated out of a lot of Pakistanis, a lot of guys from Iraq's side agency in the FATA, some Punjabis, etcetera.
It was always run by a Pakistani until, the last leader got captured, Amjad Farooqi, and then Sana'ula took over. So Sana'ula is, like, the first Afghan to run it, but when Sana'ula took over, he'd been a member of the Kanye network since 2012, and he was ahead of the Haqqani network in Kabul. Okay? So this branch now is controlled by Sarajuddin Haqqani. Right?
And they're the ones that jointly did Abigate. The other branch with Kalamov, Surajuddin Haqqani is giving him refuge in northern Afghanistan, so Surajuddin Haqqani is, like, funding and supporting the second branch. So the crazy part is the Haqqani branch essentially runs the 2 arms. Now it's the northern arm that's getting a lot of those central Asian terrorists. So even though Sona'ula did the Moscow attacks, the threat from Russia comes from Kolomov, and the Taliban are hiding the Kolomov angle completely from Russia, making them focus on the other 1.
It's a whole ruse.
Wow. Man, these guys have really these guys have really stepped it up. Let's move into some of the some of your investigations. I saw you completed 2 more know thy enemy investigations. Let's dive into those.
Yep. So we com completed basically October 7th know thy enemy. Right? That's our most recent 1, and that was the 1 that went into the Hamas attacks. And then before that, we, completed basically the Abby our own Abby and Gate investigation.
You know, it was in we weren't gonna do either of these. And then in April, CENTCOM put out their investigation to Abigail. So what was that? 3 and a half years of doing an investigation, and there is a line in their report. Our investigation identified the suicide bomber as, and it said, Abdul Rahman Alaghuri.
That's a or an alias. And I was like, they've investigated this for 3 and a half years, and they don't know his true name. And that's when I so I realized I wanted to do this in April, and I got his true name by the time I released in August, and they couldn't get his true name, a full government body. They had 12 investigators on this panel in 3 and a half years. That's how little they investigated Abby Gate.
They also, of course, as you know, covered up the economy network was involved in it.
So is this all just to show their investigations? What what
is, like Remember, I worked in congress.
Actually do.
All the government investigations are, like, checking a box. We did something. But if you actually know how to investigate and you look into it, you can find every all these holes. Right? They did not do their job properly.
So, yeah, so we found out his name, and his name is Abdul Rauf Sangari. So they couldn't even find the true name of a man who blew up 13 of our service members. That's how little they cared, and that's what I find offensive.
What else do we need to know?
You know, for the Abigail investigation, it's really interesting. So our government did 2 things that are very dishonest to the public. 1 is they made us think this was a lone wolf ISIS bomber. Right? It wasn't.
This was a planned attack with the senior leadership of ISIS Khorasan province and the senior leadership of the Khanis. In a report, we talked through basically 12 terrorists involved. 7 of them are Khanis. 5 of them are ISIS. Right?
And it went this is how quickly they can plan an attack. Okay? The terrorist, we found out the exact date he got released from Bagram. He gets released, so we call the neo. We say, hey.
We're gonna do a neo August 13th. Okay? The US government says, we're gonna finally do a neo. They waited that long. 2 days later, August 15th, the suicide bomber, even though they don't know his real name, gets released from Bagram.
K? 3 days later, he's in Kandahar sitting in the operational meeting to plan this attack. Then 21st August, the Haqqanis choose 3 senior commanders who are gonna man the gates and let the bomber through the gates. Okay? 2 days later, they basically shift a bunch of security from Northgate to Abigail because they want more bodies at Abigail when they blow it up.
And then 2 days later after that, US puts out the threat. There's a suicide bomber threat, and then the next day, they blow it. That's how quickly they basically find out we're doing a neo on 13th. The bomber gets on 15th, and they have him at the table on 18th planning this. They killed over a 170 Afghans or 13 of our service members.
Holy. And the US government made you believe this was a lone wolf.
Do you did they do that on purpose?
I mean
Was it out of incompetence?
If I
is serious.
Can go find out where the planning meeting took place. I know who moved the suicide bomber. I know who moved Sanu'laghafari to Kabul. I know who the 3 men were at the gates, and I know the terrorist, his name is Hafizah Khanh, who told the bomber, okay. You're in a good spot, and I'll blow.
I know all that. On my own, collecting on my own, how can the US government not collect that? And if they aren't collecting it, we got a lot more to worry about.
I hope some of these new administration picks get in contact with you. I really do because you you are super sharp. What is the what's the involvement what is the connection between the October 7th mass attacks and Afghanistan?
Yeah. So the interesting part is right? So this was the other investigation we weren't gonna do. Okay? So we we put on Abigail because CENTCOM, I thought, did something very embarrassing.
And then what we knew, we knew the plotting had happened in Afghanistan, but we thought, okay. Israel is just gonna keep calling it the Hamas attacks until they wipe out Hamas. Right? That makes sense. You can't fight 3 or 4 different fronts, right, or different terrorist groups at the same time.
Well, we're getting closer to coming up on the year mark of it, and Israel still wasn't telling anyone. You know, obviously, they knew IRGC was involved, because they took out a bunch of them, but they weren't telling anybody about Al Qaeda and the Taliban, and they weren't striking Al Qaeda and the Taliban, but we knew Israel is in a series of attacks. Right? And those series of attacks include the US homeland. So we're, like, if we don't put out the truth that Al Qaeda did October 7th, then how do we expect the law enforcement and first responders in the US to be prepared if no 1 told them October 7th was the same people who are going to attack in the US?
Right? Because if you can look at those tactics, prepare, do different training, it puts you in a more resilient position if an attack happens in your community. So that was a catalyst that made us, put out October 7th. So, basically, what happened is this was a joint kind of Al Qaeda IRGC thing, and I said this is a whole bigger thing. And they did all this over Telegram for the most part.
So they had an an original planning meeting in Kandahar again, and then they had kinda, like, their second meeting up in Kabul, and then most of the rest of the plotting occurred via Telegram. And then which is crazy. Right? You'd think our governments could collect that in advance. We learned a lot of things during this process.
First off, in the first plotting meeting, it was Sayafo Aadel. He runs the military commission of the, Taliban. He's the 1 that chose the date. Do you know any what's significant about October 7th? No.
So he first chose October 7, 2022. I told you it got pushed a year because of Zawahiri, which is also its own point. Right? We struck an Al Qaeda member, and it forced them to push the attack another year. What if we kept striking them in Afghanistan during that time?
Right? It could've pushed the attacks longer, and this is why I say we need to strike the command and control of the homeland attack. Right? But, anyway, set aside, October 7th was the day George Bush announced Operation Enduring Freedom, and we basically started carpet bombing Kandahar. No shit.
Nobody understands the October 7th attacks actually have a connection to Afghanistan to begin with, and the date was chosen to do with Afghanistan. So everybody was like, why do we care about Israel? Why is that our problem? It's like, that's just the first in a series that's coming for us. That's like the test run.
Did you you put that together?
Yes. Well, my team, my my know thy enemy investigation team.
How has nobody else put that together?
Well, I don't think we're the only ones. So we received kind of a pat on the back from a foreign government that reached out to, someone that knows me, like, they realized we know each other through social media, and they told that person to tell me, your report report is spot on. That's what we have. So that's a foreign government intelligence service saying, good job, like, bravo.
Who was it? Can you
mention that? It was a European 1.
So so to say nobody has that, I I think is untrue. I hope our government has it. Right? But the dishonesty behind it would be a problem if they did, and they're not preparing America for this October 7th round of attacks that are coming here.
You you're mentioning law enforcement being proactive, and I just I don't see that happening no matter what.
Right. But but at least if so you know how budgets work and training works and everything else. At least if you say a threat's coming and the government puts out something, it gives you a catalyst or it gives you something to hold on to. Right? And you can go and say, we need more training.
We haven't even done this type of training in 6 years. Like, you can start having the discussions, but if nobody's sharing anything, and I know I don't know if you saw, but Scott Mann and I went and met with governor DeSantis and briefed this to him, and he said, I've received no threat reporting at all on terrorism from the federal government. So they're not passing anything down, to these levels. So anyone who's, like, yeah, this is all happening behind the scenes. Don't worry.
Everyone's prepared. Our law enforcement knows. Most of the country have never heard Al Qaeda's planning an attack here.
Well, actually, I'll redact what I just mentioned. It's it sounded like DeSantis actually took it very seriously. He did. Didn't he develop some sort of a task force?
So he did multiple things. He, the next day, briefed the sheriffs, every sheriff in the state of Florida and told them there's a potential threat, which matters. Right? And then, yeah, he created, like, basically, kind of an information sharing so we can get in touch with his people immediately if we found some threat info or just something useful that he could, get the state involved in or to train behind. So he he's been proactive of, like, how can I get ahead of this?
Or how can I use people like you? Right? Like, your community, Florida's full of retired special ops guys who fought these guys for 20 years overseas. Right? And he understands that, and he's like, how do I harness that?
Well, that's what I was getting at. So he did stand up. Eddie Gallagher was telling me about it. I think Scott told me about it.
Well, there's a little bit so that's slightly different, but he'll be able to utilize that. So he basically has this thing called the Florida National Guard.
And the Florida National Guard is, like will and does, could have the capabilities of a counterterrorism force. It's being trained properly that way. It has different type of legal authorities. So he has positioned the state of Florida to basically have a force that is a force multiplier against counterterrorism, and this doesn't really exist, in other states. So he though was on that train even before the Al Qaeda threat.
He just got ahead of it. Right? So he was already preparing something like this, and he now has a force with the capabilities that at least can respond, along with law enforcement, basically. So you'll have more trained bodies to deal with this faster in an emergency.
So that's I wonder if there's a way to get I mean, I'm obviously very concerned about Tennessee. I wonder if there's a way to get DeSantis to to to to have a chat with Bill Lee, the governor of Tennessee, to start standing something up like that because I thought that was genius. In fact,
wanna have my social media team cut a clip of that and try to target Bill Lee to get his attention about that because there's also a ton of special operations guys, retired, guys like me that are out now
That live in Tennessee. And, that would be why would you not do that at this point, especially with the way that federal government is, the border wide open? I mean
No. It's coming to save you.
Yeah. Exactly. Scott's book.
And you
should have
someone come on because my summer with the Florida National Guard was probably horrible, and they're probably gonna sit and watch us and, like, she don't even know what we do. Right? We do way more than that. So you should have someone come on and actually talk about it because I think it would be interesting for people to see, hey. There are other models out there.
People are being creative and innovative on this. States need to take a look at this.
Yeah. The federal government, I mean, hopefully, that changes come January 20th. But right now, it's not functioning. States better start getting involved. You mentioned something about, the IRGC targeting.
What what what is the IRGC to start with?
Basically, it's another branch of the Iranian military, but it would be more like JSOC than, like, the US army, if that makes sense. So it's certainly a good idea. US army.
And then there's different pieces of it. So the most famous 1 is the Quds Force, and that was the run 1 run by Qasem Soleimani. And the Quds Force was almost, like, special ops CIA lethal operations, like, all in 1.
Okay. Mhmm. And so are they targeting Trump?
So Trump is the 1 they blame for the death of Kasem Soleimani because he set up the team. He got the approvals. Because remember, Qasem Soleimani was a potential potentially, like, he was a Iranian military general. So the US government wouldn't put him on a hit list because they're like, that's a, you know, an official in another government. It wasn't till Trump came in and put lethal authorities that the US could go after him.
Iran knows this, so they blame his death in Iraq on Trump almost solely. So they've been planning an operation. I call it the Soleimani plot, but the US government probably calls it something different. And we came across the Soleimani plot while doing our October 7th investigation because the terrorist I told you about, Mohammed Kazemi, he's masterminding it. So it's so crazy.
So he was 1 of the key plotters of October 7th. He's masterminding, basically, assassinating president Trump. The US government doesn't have him on the FBI must wanted list.
Probably because they want him dead.
But, I mean, but isn't that crazy? He's, like, the mastermind behind a plot. Even if Trump wasn't gonna be the president again, he was the mastermind of a plot against, former US president. He's not even on our wanted list. This is a problem with our counterterrorism has just gone off the rails.
Why? Why is it is it DEI? Is what is it? What's going on?
I pray they knew he was the mastermind, but there's a potential, like, we were the only ones that found the suicide bomber's true name. There's a potential. We got lucky, and we found the mastermind before the US government. But even once we put it out, nobody in the US government has contacted us to even ask about it. And the crazy part is, we put this at the end of our report, the money going into the Soli Mani plot is phenomenal.
It's a $145,000,000 a month. So you do that doesn't just assassinate a president. So we don't know what the plot is. The US government's the 1 that says it's a plot against Trump. There's a ton of money behind that plot, so I I don't know if it's bigger than Trump.
I don't know if it's if it's Trump and some other symbols, because remember so what Iran usually does, and this is a correct assessment by the US government, they when they target someone or something, it's always equal. So, like, if you hit their embassy, they would hit back your embassy. If you kill the scientists, they would do an assassination. Right? So the US government is like, okay.
We killed Qasem Soleimani, so Iran is gonna counter by doing an assassination. But Qasem Soleimani isn't just a man in Iran. To Iran, he was the symbol of the Iranian revolution. Think about that. So he he's like, I don't know, our capital or our Statue of Liberty, He's bigger than a man.
Right? So I do think US might be underestimating how the Iranians view Kosovo, and I think that the response to him is gonna be bigger than they're assessing. I don't think it's just gonna be the assassination of 1 man.
Man. Who do you think, Elle? Who who else do you think might be on that list?
I mean, with that kind of money, like, I wonder if it's the capital.
The entire capital.
Holy shit. Well, the building, you know.
Wow. Wow. Let's move into the homeland. Why we'll move into the homeland, then I was gonna save that to the end, but I it's getting hard to concentrate because that's all I could think about. I think about this stuff all the time.
What's coming? I mean, when I talked to Scott, and I can't remember I can't sometimes I get my conversations blurred because it's is it on camera or off camera? I can't fucking remember. But Scott if I if I remember correctly, Scott told me that Al Qaeda is basically predicting that they will the casualty count will be between 5,060,000 Americans dead. Am I am I wrong on that?
So I don't know the count that they're predicting. What I do know is Al Qaeda trained and sent a 1,000 attackers.
A 1,000 attackers. When did they come through?
So they finished training and they deployed them. Now depending on how they come through, it could take different times. Right? So the fastest I've seen an Afghan leave Afghanistan and get over the border illegally is about 3 weeks. Now if you get a tourist visa in a Saudi's passport, he can fly the day after he gets his visa.
Right? So it depends because they are fine getting people in however they can get them in, and they actually prefer legal immigration as you can imagine because they want basically the attackers to sit here and wait. If they're legal, they're not gonna raise any alarm bells.
So wait a minute. I just wanna clarify. You are 100% certain that there are 1,000 plus Al Qaeda trained fighters within the United States borders?
Well, Al Qaeda says they trained and deployed a 1,000 for this attack. First off, I think there's more than a 1,000 Al Qaeda members in the United States. But for the homeland attack, that number is based on what Al Qaeda is saying, so they could exaggerate it. However, they did have about 1400 in the Hamas attack, so the number is not off from what they did in the first round of attacks.
Is there any indication of what kind of attacks these are gonna be? Well, actually, let me before we get into that, how long how old is this information?
I mean, it's ongoing. So the training's already done. Right? So Mhmm. All the training info is now old because they trained all the homeland attackers, if that makes sense.
So, like, next week, you're not gonna get info of a homeland attacker probably at a terrorist camp because it's already done.
So all this has been in the last year. So
it's been over a year it's been a year.
Because this was a continuation, so they planned October 7th first, and then they rolled into planning this after.
Are we next, or is Europe next?
I think the embassy attacks are next, in my opinion.
What are they waiting for for the embassies?
I don't think they're waiting. I think it took time to train them. They've now approved them, and they've now moved into the operational stage.
What about the US?
So the US from what we've seen, I told you about the camps. Right? That there's the advanced urban warfare. So we think it's gonna look like October 7th, but it's actually based on and October 7th was probably also based on it. It's based on the Mumbai attacks that occurred 15 years ago in, Delhi, India.
And, we believe this for multiple reasons.
What happened there? Before we dig into that.
Yeah. We talked about this I think it was my first episode. It was basically a Terrascope, Lashbury, Taiba. They did a number. It's called swarming attacks.
They did a number of attacks in the deli, at the at a hotel, the Taj Mahal, I believe it was called, at, like, basically, the train station, etcetera. The interesting thing about it, and this is why they're gonna employ it now, is those tariffs, were given kind of like latitude. 1, they could change the location they were attacking, and they could change the modus operandi they they were using. So for example, when they went in the train station, it was supposed to be a bombing. When they got in there, they said, wow.
We can kill more people just shooting them than putting the bomb together, and they shot them. Another thing that they did is in real time, information was being passed to them. So when they were in the Taj Mahal, they were being told what was on the press and what the police were doing, and they changed basically some of their movements in the hotel to make the attack last longer. Okay? So this is the part that's going to be different.
Right? So Al Qaeda always wants to innovate when it does its next attack. Right? So I've already told you about the innovation of the suicide vest. Well, do you know we really haven't had a suicide bombing in the United States ever?
There's the Nashville guy who did the strange blew himself up in the car early in the morning when no 1 was around. That's kind of it.
The AT and T building?
Yep. So we have not had a man walk up to a building with a suicide vest on the United States. Americans don't understand this. Al Qaeda knows this. Right?
So this is new and innovative, especially now you don't have to walk outside of the building. You can walk in the building because of the advancement of the vest. The other thing is in the United States, we haven't had fideian attackers. You know what this is? I mean, you you'll know when I explain it.
If you fought in, like, I don't know, Ramadi, Fallujah, you've seen these. So the concept is that Taras fights to the death. So he's not exactly a suicide bomber, but he will fight till either all of us are dead or all of his people are dead. Right? So this can go on for multiple days, you know, like the plan was from Mumbai, for example.
So we think it's gonna be a swarming attack. Right? Multiple different attacks at 1 time across multiple cities. We think there will be suicide bombers just because some of the attackers went through suicide bomber training, and they have these vests. Right?
And then we think there's these Fedayan attackers who who will carry on until they're killed. The Fedayan matters. Right? I was watching I wanna say it was, like, 8 months ago.
It's just Let me just rephrase that. So these guys are trained, and and we already overlaid the video of their training, and they are going to fight until they're killed.
There's no stopping them.
Exactly. And that matters. Right? So I was watching this video, and it was a suicide bombing in Kabul years ago. And it was the bomber blew up.
Okay? And then everyone starts moving in. The first responders move in. Right? And then another guy walks in and blows up.
We know this is a tactic. Right? But if Americans don't understand this is a tactic and don't understand these attackers are gonna fight to
the death, think about that.
So battle's going on, the attacker surrenders. Right? He might have the suicide vest, you know, we let our guard down. That man is gonna fight to the death. Right?
He might have the suicide vest. You know, we let our guard down. That man came to to die. Right? He's gonna fight till he dies or you dies, so we can't let our guards down, and they know our weakness.
Right? So we have to be very careful that we don't have more people die in the second and third order effects of not knowing their intent.
What what kind of places do you think they're gonna target?
So this is what's complicated. So Al Qaeda's preference, as you can imagine, is symbols of the US or anything that causes economic damage. Right? Capital is a great symbol. Capital was actually in I I I think the capital is a lot of people are targeting it, but the capital was in their propaganda just as 911 when they were memorializing 911.
Right? So the capital matters. I feel like bridges or any kind of public transportation always matters because it it puts cost against us, and it causes fear. But here's where it gets complicated. So remember, the terrorists might have their goal is they're gonna attack the, metro in DC.
Right? But remember, some of these terrorists are gonna be ISIS. And remember, they can change locations. The ISIS guy might go down the metro and say, I don't there's not many people down here. I'll kill 20, but there's a event going on.
I'm gonna go up there. Right? And because ISIS is a little different. ISIS just wants mass casualty. So it's going to be interesting how it works with terrorists that came from different backgrounds That is when they get choice.
So so some of these terrorist organizations are looking for very strategic stuff like US Capital
You know, basically, US governmental infrastructure and, in elites. And then on the other hand, you have what I'm used to, Sam, when we were over there. They just look for the easiest the the easiest, biggest target because they wanna kill the most amount of people in the quickest amount of time and get the most press out of it. Yeah. And so that makes me that would lead me to believe universities, churches, stadiums.
Mhmm. Farmers' markets, those type of things.
How many people how many how many fighters do you think we can expect in each attack?
Well, the 1,000 is all of them. So we're calling it it's an Al Qaeda planned attack, but within those 1,000 terrorists, some of them are ISIS because they want ISIS to be blamed. Our we have a theory on it. I hate to throw out theories. Mhmm.
We think the, actual like This
is the first time I think you've ever thrown out a theory.
I know. I know. I just feel I just tell them people like, she's crazy. I think the the more of the fighter types are gonna be ISIS because then if they're caught, you know, then they talk my sister I think of more of the suicide bombers are gonna be Al Qaeda.
Will these attacks hype do you think these attacks will happen simultaneously throughout the United States, or will they be 1 day here, next day here, another 1 over here next week?
So they want them coordinated. I don't know if coordinated means all at the same time or if coordinated means we do it Monday, we do it Tuesday, we do it Wednesday, we do it Thursday, we do it Friday, we just do 5 straight days. So but they want it coordinated. What's coordinated mean? And the other argument we have, does coordinated also mean US and Europe at the same time?
And is Europe all coordinated at the same time? So the the when they said coordinated, we don't know exactly what that means. So they could also be US and Europe at the same time, which is complicated.
Do you think Europe will see mass casualties or did I mean, earlier you kinda mentioned that you think that the that the primary target in Europe is still US embassies.
No. That's for the wave. So remember, there's there's a wave of embassy attacks, but then there's this multi coordinated attack. It's a completely separate wave of attacks. So they're gonna get the same October 7 attack in Europe as we're getting in the US, as planned right now anyway.
And they also so a 1,000 terrorists were supposedly trained for the US and deployed, and a 1,000 were supposedly trained for the Europe attack and deployed. The embassy plots are completely different with completely different trained terrorists.
Man, this is why haven't they hit yet?
Because the training takes the time. So for But the here for Israel
They're here, though.
Supposedly. Yeah.
Okay. Let me
They got here.
Let me ask, how long have they been here?
I'm not sure, but if we just do math quick. Okay? Israel, they trained 500 terrorists. Right? They got a longer timeline, but they were planning to train to train 500 in 3 months.
Right? 2 months. So they're gonna train 5 102 months for Israel. So they can for Israel, they did it really quick, but it would have been half assed. They luckily end up with a year and a half.
But then remember I told you, they had to train 10,000 for Syria, and I think that gets completely ignored. Okay? So they have this huge number, and we just saw what the effect of it. Right? So the 10,000 for Syria and some went to Iraq became the priority, and then we think the homeland attackers were in there, and then that training's done too, if that makes sense.
So they are training for multiple phases at the same time, so it takes time to get through all the training.
Man, this stuff scares the shit out of me. What do you think okay. You had mentioned earlier, you know, we just got done talking about the significance of October 7th. How many other dates are there that could that it could potentially I mean, if they're looking for that kind of, you know, symbology or whatever you wanna call it, you know, how many dates are we looking at? Is it too many to there too many significant dates throughout the 20 years that we are over there that that we just we we can't, you know, we we can't you know what I'm trying to say?
I know you said
many dates are we looking at here?
Is it impossible? Is the 360 5? Is every day of the year after 20 years a potential date, or are there some specific hard dates that you think that federal, state, local government should be looking at?
Sure. Well, I think if we just talk about the October 7th investigation we did, we actually discussed 3 dates. We discussed the significance of October 7th being the day we started operation during Freedom. Remember when I said they started training in August? They actually started training on August 7th.
They chose August 7th because that was the anniversary of the tan, Tanzania and Kenya embassy bombings. Okay? So they did choose even a historic date to start training. K? And then when you go to 911, you know the majority of Americans I don't even think the majority of the US government knows why 911 was chosen.
You'll get these stupid theories. It would start at the school year or 11 means Allah or something like that. It basically it comes from 9/11/1922, and it was basically kind of, you know, after the time of the British mandate, and that was the first day they basically took a westerner and said, this westerner, he ended being a British and Jewish. You are in charge of kind of, like, the this Palestinian type of mandate, and Al Qaeda had cared about a date from 1922, and that's why they chose 911 to attack us. So there are dates that matter.
Right? But we focus on the dates that matter to us, and we forget to look at the dates that matter to them. Right? So a lot of people say, well, it's likely then gonna happen on the day Bin Laden was killed. Is it?
When they're choosing some of like a date from 1922? So I think there's dates that matter, and I I did some work, and I forget what I picked. I think it was, like, June 5th or something, and it was some historic thing. Right? But there like you said, there's a lot to choose from, and the other thing you need to keep in mind is there's been this war going on in Syria, you know, for a very long time, and a lot of things happen in Syria that have open wounds for these terrorists.
Right? And it's why a lot of these terrorists have come together is from the war in Syria. So they could just pick a date a terrorist was murdered in Syria, for example. Right? Or even Hamza bin Laden's wife was killed in the operation to kill her father.
They could choose the date she was killed. So there's also just so many terrorist murders that they could choose dates from, you know, within the last 20 years of war. So it's really hard to pick a date Mhmm. Because then you're also anticipating something that doesn't happen. Even how 2025 is.
Right? So Al Qaeda is planning the attack for 2025, but remember I told you, Israel was planned for 2022. It got shifted a year. Now if you are following that and it didn't happen, you're like, okay, the attack didn't happen. The information was bullshit.
Right? So if if attack doesn't happen in 2025 and they push it a few months, then people will put their guard down again, and we need to be careful about stuff like that.
Yeah. That's true. That's true. I don't even know where to go from here. I mean, it just sounds it sounds inevitable that it's gonna happen.
I know. And and that's the thing. You know, it just dawned on me too. When we did October 7th, this is really interesting because this goes back to, you know, what you talked about earlier, passing threats and leads to the government, which is almost impossible. You know, people saw these Hamas terrorists planning and training in Afghanistan, and it got provided to Israel.
When we did an investigation, some people gave us the reports they gave to the Israeli government, and we used them in our October 7th investigation. So we saw some of the stuff passed to the Israelis, so they knew at least Hamas was training for some big plot in Afghanistan. And I worry, because same things are being passed to our government, and they're not taking it serious. Right? And I don't know how what happened in Israel doesn't make you think twice, right, about, hey, we're making the same mistake.
What are the I mean, we talked a lot about, you know, passports too in, in in your previous episode. Is that are they coming in straight to the US from the you know, with with US passports or passports with visas to the US, or is the majority of it going to South America and then funnel them up through the Darien Gap and the the southern border?
So in my opinion, tariffs in general just leaving Afghanistan, a lot of them are coming up through the Darien Gap to to the border, and that was there was a big push. Right? Get in the US while you can. Now not all those Al Qaeda's attackers. Right?
But they came in with fake Afghan passports. They came in with fake Syrian passports, fake Turkish passports. Those are the kind of the 3 preferences because they're easiest to get. And then you know if our border patrol agents, a lot of them haven't been overseas. Right?
If, if an Egyptian shows up the border with a Syrian passport, is he gonna know that person was Egyptian? I mean, his passport says Syrian. Right? So we have that problem, but then Al Qaeda wants to embarrass us again like they did with the 911 attackers, and they want they've trained clean terrorists, right, from, like, Saudi, Kuwait, Jordan, etcetera, and, they want them to get legitimate visas, so we can't trust our system again. So we have both issues going on.
The other issue too is a lot of these tariffs are coming up. Right? And there still is the problem of lone wolves. There is the problem of we have terrorists in this country now where those members have never been in this country. Right?
We don't have any idea what their intent is. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan is a great example. Right? They've sent terrorists from Afghanistan region here. Why?
Right? We have terrorists in this country that we don't even know there are long term plans against us because they're not never really been a focus of ours, or we focused on them with this little piece where they did a few operations or training with Al Qaeda. Right? But we don't know the intent, and maybe they just are force multipliers for Al Qaeda or the Islamic army, but we lack the understanding.
Do you think these numbers are gonna grow? I mean, we just saw what we I'm not spun up on the Syria thing, but that just it looked like we're we're we're done. And Trump said Trump said we shouldn't even be there. Does that free up? I mean, what are what are your thoughts on that?
But what kind of what I'm asking is does that free up? You said we sent 10 they sent 10,000 new trained terrorists to Syria. So now that that's kind of done, are they coming here?
Well, the good part the bad part with those 10,000, right, is there's battle's gonna continue, the Kurds. Right? There's definitely gonna be a war with the Kurds. So there's still gonna be battles going on in Syria, but remember, Al Qaeda has all these waves. So they have the caliphate wave.
The caliphate wave includes Syria, Iraq, Mali, Somalia, Burkina Faso. So those 10,000 will likely roll into either Iraq or they'll deploy to Africa. Oh, god. So they're likely not coming here just because they're in, like, the caliphate wave and they've been trained in that way, if that makes sense. It it doesn't make sense to put them with the people you've trained to do the homeland attack or the embassy attacks, etcetera, just because you have enough bodies.
And that's the thing. The number of recruits they can bring into Afghanistan, we've never seen anything like it. So there is no lack of bodies. There's no lack of, terrorist volunteering. There's this really amazing documentary.
Boone and I went and saw it, gosh, 6 or 7 months ago. It was called Jihad Rehab. Have you ever heard of this? No. It sadly, when it got put out, I wanna say it was originally at Sundance, and then there was a lot of news that people were exploiting the terrorists, like the director was exploiting the terrorists, I kid you not.
And then it got a bunch of hate and it was almost like, taken off of everything, and theater's like, we're not playing it. And so the director, she's kind of gone city to city and finances it herself and puts it out. So she was putting it some some people paid for her to come to The Villages in Florida, and I was like, I wanna see this. Let's drive up. So So we went up to The Villages, which is super happening, by the way.
I've I've heard all about The
Villages. I've never been there, and 1 night there, I was, like, I get it. 5, 10 years, I might be buying a house here.
Oh, my gosh.
It was a fun place. There was tons of people our age, so the fact that everyone's super old is also a lie. But, of course, we're, like, older now. So, anyway, so this is it's it's a really interesting documentary, but what she does is she walks through basically 4 Al Qaeda terrorists and their path, and they're now in the Saudi government's rehabilitation program, and then you walk through as they're going through that program and then how it ends. Okay?
Well, in it, they all talk about why they joined Al Qaeda and why they deployed to Afghanistan, etcetera, and they all have a different reason. The interesting part is Al Qaeda focuses on those re reasons, and 1 of them, basically, she asked him, was life easier for you in Afghanistan? And he said yes. Because the terrorists make a whole social security net. Okay?
So Al Qaeda's in the Taliban are so amazing at this. So if you go there as a foreign fighter, right, you obviously have a home. You have all the weapons you want. You get all the training you want. Right?
You get a financial stipend. And then if you're young, you can get married, and the crazy part is you don't have to marry an Afghan woman. If you came from Syria and you wanna marry a Syrian woman, Al Qaeda will bring in Syrian women. So they want you to and the crazy part is and people don't understand this. So Al Qaeda realized something they did wrong.
Okay? They, like, we didn't focus enough on 2nd and third generation, and we definitely didn't train 2nd and third generation. So when the US came at us and started especially drone striking us, we couldn't keep up and keep putting good talent in. Right? The 3rd and 4th string of external operations sucked.
I met 1 of them. Right? So Al Qaeda is, like, we're not gonna let this happen again. We want you to come here. We want you to have families.
We're gonna train your sons. We're gonna train the next generation. Yeah. We're gonna be a whole jihadi family, and we're never gonna have that failure again where the 2nd generation can't step up.
Wow. Wow. You know, another thing I wanna ask you about is China. Mhmm. China was in China was in negotiations with Taliban before we ever even left.
Mhmm. You know, huge lithium deposits in Afghanistan. I've got reports from even from my local law enforcement talking about Chinese state coming through the border, setting up all these camps all over the place. They've traced them all the way from Tennessee to Nevada. They've seen training camps where they're actually where Chinese state are actually training.
Do you think there's gonna be any coordination between the terrorist homeland attacks, and will Chinese state be involved in that?
So from what I know so there's 2 pieces to this. Can we do China and Russia? Because Yep. Russia is a big problem. You know, they're trying to counter us as we're trying to counter them.
So China's a little more of a longer game. Now China is meeting with the tariffs. The place I have an issue with China is I do think China is going to find a way to use the tariffs as proxies, but, the place I'm most concerned about is, you know, you talked about the lithium, but there's uranium mines too. So the at least the uranium mines in in, like, 2 of the provinces in the south are essentially owned and run by China. So China's in them, Al Qaeda is in them, and IOGC is there trying to help Al Qaeda basically use uranium, not exactly like you would use it for nuclear power, maybe like a dirty bomb or something.
So China, Iran, and Al Qaeda are basically in the same building. Right? So think of that as they innovate on that and grow. If we go to war, China, I do think China will likely wait and use the tariffs as a proxy against us. Now that brings us to Russia.
Right? You know, so we talked about this in our, October 7th report. So the terrorists actually decided to do the Israel attacks after Russia invaded Ukraine. They're like, it's a really good time. Everybody's focused on Ukraine, so they started the plotting in March of 2022.
When they started the plotting, the terrorists reached out to Russia and said, is this gonna be okay? And Russia's like, go for it. Go for it. Go for it. So when Zawahiri was killed and Al Qaeda's like, we're not doing this attack October 7th because the US will come and bomb all of our locations.
In Afghanistan, we'll lose our base. They reached back out to Russia, and Russia's like, no. Do it in 2022. Don't wait. I need to get this pressure off me from my war in Ukraine.
Well, fast forward to these there is information that, Russia's helping bring in some of the tools necessary for Al Qaeda's homeland attack.
Say that again.
There is information that Russia and Russian pipelines are helping bring in some of the resources that are gonna support Al Qaeda's homeland attack. And it's it's
Into this country?
Yep. To push at us for Ukraine. Just like we're doing stuff against Russia
So hold on.
Push out that against Ukraine.
So Russia is sending supplies into the United States to help with the
terrorist homeland
Their pipeline is helping move some Al Qaeda supplies in the United States for their homeland attack.
Which is probably our own fucking supplies because we left everything there. So Am I right?
I mean, it's a different kind of supply. I'll tell you what the supply is. But but it is a Russian channel reportedly that the the supply has moved through. So we have to remember, there's a lot of dirty games going on around the Russian Ukraine war. We're doing things to counter Russia and likely funding tariffs.
Russia's doing the same thing to not think they're trying to also undercut us and also get on the side of our enemy and hit us with our enemy because think about it. Al Qaeda is gonna pull off an attack. It's gonna be blamed on ISIS. No one's gonna call it Al Qaeda. No one's definitely gonna say Russia played a piece in it.
Right? So it's very smart of them too, and so there's all this kind of, like, we say we're near peer and near peer has gotten smart about using terrorists. We might be thinking Sarajuddin Akane can be used against them. And so everybody's playing this game of the terrorists now.
So we have 2 of the world's largest superpowers convoluting with Al Qaeda and and terrorist organizations.
The Taliban. And, remember, to them, they beat us. Right? Like, right now, like, Al Qaeda and the Taliban are power players. I mean, people think, oh, Afghanistan's a 3rd world country.
They're not being treated a 3rd world country. Right? The foreign our our our enemies are not treating them that way. They're treating them with respect. Right?
They're saying, what can you do for me? What can I do for you?
And Iran. I forgot Iran.
And Iran. And there's North Koreans in, Afghanistan too.
You know, also, you know, that that that makes a lot of sense with the Israel stuff. I know there's a lot of controversy about that. I didn't really understand why we're so heavily involved with that. And, but now
It's the same guys who are gonna attack us, so let Israel take them out.
That makes so do you think
Worth every penny. Yeah.
Yeah. So do you think that's why we're doing it?
Well, I think we're doing it because they are an ally. Right? I I don't think people understand that that is just the dress rehearsal, the first step to our attack. I don't think they understand it that way, but I do think people understand. I mean, Israel's taking out these guys who did the Beirut Marine bombings, so there is still a level of respect that they really are taking out some of our enemies in tears who did kill a lot of Americans who were never brought to justice.
I mean, they've been pretty damn effective from what I've seen.
Mhmm. They have been.
It's very,
We've never seen anything like this at this level, to be honest.
Yeah. It's,
it's speed.
Super impressive.
I don't even know if we're capable of that kind of shit anymore.
We're not legally capable.
I feel like we're just a fucking joke.
Yeah. I'd rather have another country do it for me. I mean, even our Benghazi attackers, half of them are killed, nothing to do with the United States. It's general Haftar, and Libya did it. US won't even back him, and he he basically, like, fine.
I'll pay Wagner Group to do it. I mean, it's bad. Right? If US would have backed him, we could have had all the successes. We don't have the spine.
What else do you wanna talk about?
It's up to you. I'm your guest.
I don't know if I can take any more bad
news today, Sarah.
What do you think about Cash Bell taking the FBI?
I mean, I'm looking forward to I mean, you know, FBI to us is a huge failure that may cause the investigation's a nightmare. We passed them the mortar team last November. As I told you, we still don't have a response. You know, I talk about how we pass tips and threats to, multiple government organizations. We pass them something I felt interesting, actionable, that they could get ahead of on ISIS.
No response. So no matter what, like, his first day on the job, I wanna bug him, and so, you know, we still haven't got our Benghazi attackers watch listed. Right? Big big problem. We're completely upset about it.
We've written, as I told you, like over a dozen congresspeople, but there's 1 Benghazi plotter, and I've talked about him in the last episode, and we did a whole report on him. We call it Al Qaeda's lord of war, and I'll say the long name again. So these heroes call him Musa bin Ali, but his name is Abdulazizim Ali Musa bin Ali, and he's from the Aldarsi clan in Libya, but he was a 2012 Benghazi plotter. I've told you this before, And he is also involved in the US homeland plot. He helped on the Hamas attacks, and he's helping in some of the embassy US embassy attacks.
And we want him put on the FBI most law wanted list. Like, they can put 1 Benghazi attacker on the wanted list already. Like, this is, like, this is ridiculous. He's continuing attacks against us, and and it's just he's completely ignored. Right?
Because he was involved in Benghazi attacks. Nobody cares, and look at all these other things he's doing. He was 1 of the big logistics guy for all these fighters in Syria, And then we act like, we didn't even know all those guys got there. Guess what? If you were following him and targeting him, you would have seen all these fighters move there.
Numerous people have been passing stuff for the US government about all these guys training in Afghanistan for Syria. They didn't wanna hear it. They said, oh, those numbers are exaggerated. We don't believe it. If this is happening, we'd see it.
It's like, no, you're not gonna see it. You lost 99% of intelligence collection. You rely on the Taliban now. You are not gonna see it. And it's like getting over their arrogance.
You know, when we were in Benghazi, we knew we had no counterterrorism collection. Right? Like, we hadn't really had any good offer. We relied on him, and then we had no terrorist sources and terrorist groups in Benghazi at the time. We knew we were sitting ducks.
Right? I don't know how we can't get smart people to be honest and say, yeah. We don't have this collection. I don't have an asset the US government, not I. I don't have an asset on Hamza bin Laden.
I need to go make an asset on Hamza bin Laden. Right? Like, I'm behind the curve. Why can't they do that? Why aren't they doing their jobs?
Well, I mean, the only thing that comes to my mind is we fucking pulled everybody out, so there's literally no intelligence collection happening over there right now.
The other problem is, and Scott said this to you, and Scott's a 100% right, the allies we abandon, like, hate the CIA. They hate huge parts of the military except maybe their their their 1 friend. They are collecting info and won't even give it to us. I talked to some Afghans, and they said, we actually passed some stuff to Israel. We'll never pass it to the United States.
Think about that. They'll pass it to Israel.
So the other part is is we abandon some quality people, and they hate us now. So we're not going we're we're not gonna get the information even if we try, because they'll be like, screw you. What we did this is crazy. So, you know, I was talking to a CIA asset that got abandoned. Okay?
And so I was like, well, what what happened? Like, what did they do? And he said, they gave me a phone number, and they said, when you get to the Cabo airport, call this number, we'll get you evacuated. Okay? It's a 1 way number.
It basically goes to a voice answering service. Right? So he's like, I called it, I called it, I called it. No 1 ever called me back, and he said, and then 1 day, they turned it off. He had no way to ever recontact them again.
They shut off the damn phone number.
Holy shit. So they would have to they would have to build completely new relationships.
And how do you at that point?
With nobody.
You didn't even give me the respect to give me a number to call in a threat once or twice a year?
With 0 footprint. Well, I don't even know where to go from here.
Me neither. You're the expert.
I'm the expert?
Yeah. You do this multiple times a week.
I just I don't
know. I mean I
mean, I'm just talking
about some country. I know. I know. It's frustrating.
You know, it just it makes me worried for my kids, like, it's what I really worry about.
Right. Because it's amazing. We only empower these terrorists for a few years, but look what they've done with it. And I think there's a real disconnect in the US. Like, the US is like, yeah.
Well, we haven't had terrorist attacks here. Yeah. Because we're over there killing them. And now they plot. They train.
We don't hit the camps. We used to bomb the camps. So Americans don't understand that those attacks didn't happen here because you and I were overseas stopping them. Yeah. Right?
And so they're like, Yeah, it's fine. And they downplayed. It's like, We've been saving you for 20 years. Nobody's doing it anymore, so you better learn to save yourself. Right?
So it's a very frustrating thing too because you can't get any support for this. They're, like, oh, terrorism is just a political thing, and they just try to bring fear in you, and it's, like, what are you talking about? So it's very frustrating.
Well, that's yeah. That's Americans. That's how they are, man. Disconnected. But, when do you think this would be kind of I wanna wrap the interview up, but when when how certain are you that we'll see something in 2025?
I'm certain we'll either have, embassy attacks in 2025 or the homeland attack or both.
Alright. Well, there you have it, folks. So Sarah Adams, former CA targeter, and, like I said, we got a love hate relationship. I love having you on. I hate the information that you bring us because it's just but, you know, we need to know it because because while the government doesn't wanna take this shit seriously, a lot of citizens do, and, you know, they're getting ready.
A lot of people are getting ready. A lot of people are yanking their kids out of school because of safety. A lot of people are are at least yanking them out of out of schools that have no no safety, precautions or or any plan at all. And, and, it's just it's, you know, it's it's important that that regular everyday Americans hear this stuff because, like you said, like Scott Mann says, nobody's coming to save you. This machine is no longer working, and, so you better take matters into your own hands.
And, and once again, Sarah, you write our, intelligence newsletter every week, comes out every Monday. Benghazi, know thy enemy. We'll link it in the description below, and, let's go get some lunch, and I'll I'll see you in a couple months.
Sounds good.
Alright. Thanks again, Sarah.
Thank you.
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