Shawn Ryan Show- 149 views
- 13 Dec 2024
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About 6 months ago, I got a call from a good friend of mine. A lot of you know him, DJ Shipley, former ST 6 dev group guy. And, he was really concerned about something that was happened to a very good friend of his. The US Navy was basically gunning this guy down and, was gonna ruin his entire life, pull his rank, take his retirement, and and his dignity and everything that he has. And that man, you guys know, is US Navy captain Brad Geary.
Served a dev group for a long time, was commanding officer at BUDS Naval Special Warfare Training Center. That's where SEAL training happens. And, DJ asked me to give him a voice. So I called captain Gary, and you guys know the rest of the story. We did the whole interview.
We brought his attorneys on. We uncovered all of the evidence that the navy refused to look at and did conducted investigation after investigation until all of the evidence was covered up that it was not his fault. We're talking about the the the rest his soul, the Kyle Mullins investigation, the BUDS candidate that died in BUDS, unfortunately, likely due to performance enhancing drugs. But they took all the evidence that he was on performance enhancing drugs and, got rid of it. They just reinvestigated it until it was gone, and then they tried to pin captain Brad Gary to the wall.
So today, this letter came in, and I was the first 1 notified. From chief of navy personnel to captain Bradley Geary, commander Navy region Southwest, commander naval special warfare command. Notification of administrative show cause, dismissal. 1, following the show cause decision in reference a, you elected to appear before a board of inquiry. Since initiating this process and through legal counsel, you raised numerous manners to commander Navy Regent Southwest, which resulted in my decision to grant a continuance to afford you more time for preparation to ensure the additional information you requested would be available in sufficient time prior to the BOI.
2, since granting your last continuance, I have reviewed your case again and after careful consideration determined that you are no longer required to show cause for retention in accordance with reference b. Case dismissed. So I talked to captain Gary today, and, he is obviously in amazing spirits. He's gonna get his retirement. He's gonna keep his rank and his dignity and his honor.
And with everything that guy's been through, you guys saw the episode. He's just a real American hero, and he did wanna say him and his attorney, Tim Varletore, conference called me and said, do you know what the catalyst of this was? You know what the changing of the tide was? It was the Sean Ryan show. We got that out.
It got well over a 1000000 views in no time. We rushed that episode out as fast as we could to get the attention. It was a major gamble that coulda had some severe consequences for captain Gary, but he wanted to roll the dice. And, I told him I will give him my best, and I'll be damned. It worked.
And, he wanted to give a personal thanks to his legal team starting with Cash Patel, the future FBI director. My attorney, which I called to get on Brad's case, captain Gary, Tim Parlatori, and then his original attorneys, Davis Yance and Mark Yesup. After the interview and after I after we interviewed him, I got all I called everybody I knew in congress, and, Brad wanted me to, thank these congressmen too, but I wanna personally thank Eli Crane. Man, you have pulled through so many times for me and just continue to do the right thing, and you're not bought out by these fucking people, these these lobbyists, or whoever the hell is paying the rest of the congressman. But, Eli, I love you, man.
And, so big thanks to congressman Eli, Brian Mast, Nick Laloda, Morgan Littrell, Corey Mills, and 2 senators, Mark Wayne Mullen and Toby Tuberville. Thank you, gentlemen, for coming to the aid of captain Brad Gary. Gary. And Brad wanted to say 1 last thing, and I tend to agree with them. Thank you, Jesus Christ.
And I wanna say thank you to my team for turning that episode into what it did and all the attention that it got. Man, I'm gonna tell you guys something. So many times, I hear people say when when we are sick of our government and we're sick of what's happening in this country, I hate it when people say, well, what can I do? Well, let me tell you something, man. I started this show in my attic with my wife, taught myself how to film, taught myself how to edit, taught myself how to run sound, and look at where we're at today.
Look at what happened. This is because of 1 small team. When we did Gary, when we did captain Gary's episode, there were 4 of us, man. 4 people. And look at the impact that that had.
So if you don't think you can make a difference, you are sadly mistaken because each and every 1 of us with a little bit of effort and putting your energy towards the right things can make a massive difference. Captain Brad Gary, congratulations, brother. I love you, man. Congratulations to you and your family. Cheers.
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