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Hey, guys, it's Patrick. And Sarah. Sarah, I need to know, is it still one week until Sidebar comes out?


It is one week until Sidebar comes out.


But I want more. I want something else. I want something right now. Wait, I have an idea. What? Let's release a sneak peek.


Yeah, because we're having the best time.


And we love each other, and we're so charming, and everybody needs to hear it. Okay, check it out. Come back next week for our full episode. Mike finds himself in the lobby of the suite with Donna. He's running from the police, and he takes the interview slot meant for Rick Sorkin. Donna gives Harvey the wink. This might be the one.




Okay, there's a meme.




This is an episode where you wink. I mean, this is the episode. This is the scene where you give Harvey that wink, and that became meme-worthy.


That did become a meme.


That is the thing on my phone when I go looking for the old gif. I see your face he's winking a lot. That might be like, Suits first meme. You might be, Suits first meme.


Can I have a T-shirt? I need a sticker. You're a meme. Can I have a sticker? I didn't know that we could do that thing on your phone where you can look up a gif and then send it. I didn't know it until my friend Erica, she was texting me. She was like, Sarah, you're not going to believe it. I was just texting with Noah, her husband, and she was like, I think it was Valentine's Day or something. She was like, and we were just being cute and flirty and Then I go and I search a gif, and I just put in sexy. You're not going to believe what comes up. I'm reading this. I have no idea where she's going with it. Then she sends me the one of me winking. I was like, Dear God, please tell me you did not send that to your husband.


You don't like it? Not sexy?


It's just not appropriate because I'm really close friends with both of them. It's just funny. It was funny to me. I was like, Oh. She's like, No, I I was the Beyoncé one. I was like, I think that's the better choice.


You're not particularly tech-savvy, are you, generally? But do you know how to send a gif now? Are you trying to hurt me? No, you've admitted it before. I'm not saying anything out of school. Do you know how to send a gif now? Yeah, I totally know how to do it.


You're gifting now with the best of them. I have a great gift game.


Oh, your gif game is so strong.


It's so good. Why aren't you gifting with me? Rick and I have a very special gif game, and it involves a lot of donkeys.


Oh, God.


It's a different pod. Gina has a strong gif game, too. To say. Sidebar is out next Tuesday.


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