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I suppose we're coming to the end of 2024 now. What has been your highlight of the year so far? I mean, this has certainly been one of my highlights. The London premiere was just so beautiful. London showed up with all of the beautiful energy, and they celebrated, and they just poured love into that evening. And the LA premiere, of course, was really wonderful as well. So the premiere of this film, premieres, plural, of this film, have certainly been really special. One of the highlights for sure. Seeing you on the Pratt Rock, the Bridge, that was one of the highlights of the year. That was really special. I couldn't believe it. I was like, whoa. They had to convince me to get up there. I was like, oh. Really? And then when I went up there, a lot of the photographers and journalists were Londoners. So they were like, hey, London boy. They were really happy here. That's really.