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Have had nightmares. I have a nightmare that I walk out into the corridor and there's dead bodies, in body bags on trolleys. I think the worst thing about the adequate facilities is patients will and have come to harm. We're in the middle of a flu season, so lots of respiratory illnesses at the moment, and we had over 11 people on oxygen below on their trolley. We had deteriorating patients.


We had a stroke patient. We had a neutropenic sepsis or someone with cancer who was extremely extremely well with a systematic infection. And then, by the time I managed to go around and check the oxygen, before I could even do so, a relative said to me, my, my mom was really struggling to breathe. And I went over to her, and she was almost in a respiratory arrest, so her oxygen levels were so low that she almost needed resuscitating. It was me, 2 nurses, to 30 year old patients in that corridor.