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When I saw this video, I was stopped in my tracks. There's this 1 young woman in Gaza named Nadine. I met her years ago in Gaza. She's from a very educated family, and she speaks English, and has an older brother, a younger brother, loving mom and dad. And I used to sort of check-in on them and get a pulse because they were, you know, rev regular people this year.


I saw her again. I didn't see her in person. We got all these videos. I was I don't know, stopped in my tracks. She's living in a it's like a a shelter.


It looks like some sort of animal corral made of flattened cans, a canvas on top. Her older brother is dead. The house is destroyed. And I just I'll just remember that. That for me encapsulated what happened to Gaza, in this last year, and it's not over.


She's still there. She's there now.