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This week in Fairfield, Ohio, a pair of severed legs lead investigators toward people who may have committed an unspeakably brutal killing for the darkest of reasons or maybe just for a good time. Welcome to small town murder.


Hello, everybody, and welcome back to small town murder.


Yay, yay, indeed, Jimmy, yay, indeed. My name is James Petraglia. I'm here with my colleague Jimmy Weisman. Thank you, folks, so much for joining us today. Again, on another wild, crazy edition of Small Town Murder. And today, let's just say buckle up, because it is an insane episode full of crazy people. And I don't even know what else to say. I'm just going to I'm not even going to give it any more of an intro.


Terrific. The top of the show is about all you're going to get because it's crazy. Thank you, guys, first of all, for everything you've done for us this week. And you know what? Every week. Thank you, guys. You guys are amazing really to you. Will you continue? I mean, we're still we're pretty we're like an indie thing here.


So, I mean, we, you know, have a good amount of listeners and stuff like that, but we just built them. So and that's because of you guys. So thank you guys so much for that and how you could continue to help and help other people to see the show. Very easy to do is to go to Apple podcast, the purple icon, give us five stars, do a review. Doesn't matter what you say, say whatever you want really doesn't matter.


It's mainly just to drive us up the charts. We don't know why it drives us up the charts. We've been asked that it's not our algorithm, no iTunes or Apple podcast, and they're funky. I don't invent anything. It dances around. I don't know what the hell it's doing. So that's fine.


Head over to shut up and give me murder. Dotcom for everything, crime and sports and small town murder. And you should of course, be listening to crime and sports if you're not because it is wild every single week. This week though, very, very exciting. In addition to we'll get to the bonus stuff. But we are announcing our show. It's going to go on sale, we think, tomorrow night. The virtual live show. Here it is, the all violent felon edition of The Prisoner Dating Game.


So we'll do it where Jimmy's not going to see the people right. Until after he chooses them. We'll do it. Then he'll see them and find out what they did and be totally disappointed by his choices. But things there will be no good choices. And that's the funny part. It's going to be a lot of fun. That's going to be October twenty ninth. It's a Thursday night, I believe it's what is it? Fifteen dollars. I think we wanted to do a pay is just whatever you want thing.


And you could do it for free if you want, or you can pay whatever you want. But apparently things aren't set up for that logistically. Yeah, we invented that. We invent. Yeah. And you would like we would have to still pay the percentage of something that was in. Yeah. We would have lost money on it basically. So we said, all right, I guess we'll do this and I don't know, whatever. Hopefully it's going to be a great show.


Yeah. Hopefully you guys will check it out, do that, will more information shut up and give me murder dotcom for everything there. Bonus this week on Patreon. Well worth your dollar here as well. First of all, you're going to get Jimmy to mispronounce your name or he's going to brutalise it. Don't worry. And he'll try his hardest to. That's the thing. But it won't come out right now. That'll be fun. And it's in addition to that, you're going to get all sorts of bonus material.


Like we said, you're going to get access to the crime and sports and small town murder this week on small town murder. Actually, a listener idea. That was a great idea. And we're going to do it. Murder houses that were for sale.


Oh, so we're going to do one real estate report of murder. This is what we're going to do.


That's the bonus episode this week. The one that I saw in Minnesota was a beautiful little house. You never know. And I was in the in the cul de sac. I had to ask somebody sweeping which house was the murder. You never know and want to tell me that she did. She did.


Does Lino Lakes there. Yeah. But yeah, this week we'll do that. And what do we say on crime and sports we're doing. I always forget by by Wednesday.


Oh the bonus one for Jesus. It's the thing, it's the sports teams from prisons. That's right.


They're doing prison teams. So it'll be that's going to be wild too, because I've seen so much weird stuff start up.


The reason the cancellation and all the bullshit that went on in between hatriot dotcom slash crime and sports and everything like that.


If you just want to be a nice person and have Jimmy mispronounce your name, you can go to PayPal, use our email address, crime and sports at Gmail, dotcom write. Right. Disclaimer quickly. It's a comedy show, guys, everybody, people, everyone out there. It's a comedy show. We, you know, that's that's all.


So people die and that's and that's terrible. We're not that's not OK for us.


We're not like that. People are dying. Great. That's not what we're doing here. They're dying anyway. Anyway, you have people, you have Dateline's and things like that are very serious and somber about it for us. You know, it kind of affects us a little differently. And we try to make jokes about it. It makes us feel better about the whole thing and hopefully makes you feel better about the whole thing. It's easier for me to sleep the night.


That's the thing. And what we do to make that OK, we go out of our way not to make fun of the victims or the victims families as long as we're assholes, but we're not scumbags. So that's how it works there. We're going to have a good time otherwise. And that sounds good to you, man. We're going to have a blast. If not, you shouldn't listen. Maybe you don't want true crime and comedy at all together.


Don't get mad at us later on, OK? With enough for the rest of you that want to have a crazy. Time let's do this from the bottom of the lungs, shout it out, shut up and give me murder. Let's do this, Jimmy.


I would love to go somewhere.


Let's go on a trip. Yeah, let's do it. We're going to the Midwest. I was a little fast. All right, let's go. Yeah, we're going on a trip. We're going to Fairfield, Ohio. Yeah. Oh, baby. That suburbs of Cincinnati. Oh, boy. I wonder if you can smell the sulfur from out there down south. And I don't I'm not speaking out of turn here. By the way, we went to Cincinnati.


We've gone there a couple of times. And I love doing live shows and said, oh, yeah, yeah, we love Bogarts great crowds. They're awesome.


But downtown Cincinnati has a certain certain in a of sulfur and zoo animals and their excrement that comes together to make a popery. Nice Kentucky loft.


It's a bit special to that area. I was going to say it's a it's a Cincinnati sentiment is what I call it. It's you know what I mean? That's what that's the scent. And I like it. Just me. So we have a friend who's from Cincinnati and I texted him, you know, before I was standing outside the hotel, my suitcase, and I'm like, just to Cincinnati, smell a little funny. And he text me back.


Oh, yeah. That's the sulfur in the zoo, because you're right downtown or you're going to smell the old timer. There you go. You'll get used to it after a while, you know, so that since this is in southwestern Ohio, thirty minutes outside of Cincinnati, it's out in the burbs. Since he knows that it's not. Oh, yeah, right. The reason that I know that is because they fly you into another fucking state.


Yeah. Because they don't want people to fly into downtown. I am not staying here and we're going to leave it right there. And that's why we like Cincinnati too, because they know it. But they don't mind if you laugh at it. They're like, I know, isn't it terrible. That's why I love people from from back there, man. They're cool as shit. So fifty minutes to Dayton, Ohio, you go north and about four and a half hours, totally the other side of the state for Brookfield Township, Ohio, which was our last episode, episode one fifty three.


So it's been a little while. It's been almost a year. This is in both Butler and Hamilton counties. So kind of crosses over area code five one three. It's a big town in terms of mileage. It's twenty square miles. So that's why it kind of laps over counties. The motto of this city, this is on their state seal and everything. Oh boy. City of opportunity.


The city of streets are paved with gold, right. I mean or this is the other one. This is kind of more of a response. Sometimes it's an addition, sometimes it's an alternate. This is more of a rebuttal. Rebuttal. It's a city of opportunity or hey, calm down, this is still Ohio.


That's one of the to chill out with all that opportunity to calm down if you've watched. Good night, sugar, babe. Same state. That's what I'm saying. Probably I'm down. Same goddamn state. Will you get rid of the sugar babe family? Let's calm down about the opportunity because it hasn't worked out for everyone.


And if there's one, there's more. There's more where there's smoke. There's fire.


That's a fire. Right, bubbling under the surface. So this area here, we'll do a quick history because the story's deep and we want to get to it fast here. But the the history of this prior to like white people coming here, basically there were several different Indian tribes here. The Ciani the Miami Indians were here, Hopewell and Eddine peoples also. They had their like prehistoric people. They built they constructed earthworks all around the city. Awesome, which is cool, is totally cool.


But most of them were removed without even knowing it by the early settlers to make oh my God, they just plowed over it to do farm fields. Didn't even notice they were there idiots. All of this amazing historical I mean, this could have been like, you know, Machu Picchu part. Well, maybe not. Machu Picchu could have been something amazing. Could have been somewhere people would come to it to see it. But instead, it's just some farms that aren't there anymore.


Now it's suburbs and subdivisions and houses and all these T-Rex skulls. Throw these in the trash. Yes, that's garbage. What is this, a mastodon of some kind? Hey, I found another one of these fucking mastodons. Yeah, just toss it. All right. It's all right. I'm tossing it, but give it to yourself, OK? There were serving food on Stegosaurus. Look, kind of fucking prehistoric clowns worthy, but dog likes pterodactyl beaks.


So you come up with any of those, throw them in the bucket. Like a pig. Like a pig here. Yeah, exactly. It's a very, very crunchy. That's the prehistoric pig here. I figured so unbelievable.


So early. Settlers here had battles with Native Americans. Let's just say they weren't ready to just give up the land. Sure. Not OK with it. Well, I mean, destroying everything. Yeah. Came and destroyed, destroyed all the earthworks. Right. So they kept the the battles, kept people from really settling here. And also it was. Cold, they couldn't build good structures because they'd be attacked all the time, so you nothing permanent could happen if only had earthworks to hang out in one account I found of it.


This is a person writing of the of being an early settler. We can find out here to go on their lands was almost certain death. I guess this is the Native American lands. And to stay in the villages without employment brought them to the verge of starvation. The inhabitants generally were stinted in the means of sustenance and depended chiefly on game and fish with such archaic agricultural products as they could raise in the immediate vicinity of the villages after they had endured these privations.


As long as they were tolerable, the more resolute, determined to brave the consequences of moving their land. They don't seem to want us here.


Ernes Fairfield, Ohio. This is the plan they adopted for safety. Was this those families whose lands were contiguous, united together to accomplish their purpose? In this, a number of distinct associations were formed for mutual protection. They circled the wagons except with houses. That's it. It's called building a camp. That's what each party erected, a strong block house like we saw in the New York episode of Amber Stillwater.


Right Blockhouse. That's the type of thing with cabins and enclosed log pickets and all that sort of shit. During the day, one of them was placed as a sentinel to watch the approach of the enemy. They had like a lookout at all times, crow's nest and a crow's nest up there.


Well, snipers, our while people were working and then at sunset they returned and they would take everything of value within the fence. Basically, they would bring it on. Yeah. Kids, get your bike in the garage. Someone's going to steal it like a motorcycle shop.


You put all the bikes out every day and then right back in at the end, like, this is amazing that we have this land. It is. It is so insult.


It's fucking weird. Hey, I came much later. Yeah. I get it. My people and get here all the fucking for now my people are the ones.


Yeah. We were like what happened. Somebody related to me. A letter like that locked away. Our people were like I'm to open up a barber shop right there. That's good right. Everybody needs a haircut. Perfect. You guys want us here. Right. All right.


No, we're staying anyway, but we'll cut your hair. We'll make good you like. So that's. Hey, I like us now. So let's get to some reviews of this. It really is.


It's fascinating that somebody can write that and be like, but I'm not leaving. No, I'm saying, what are you talking about? Bring it in. Bringing in at the end of the night. That's it. But I really like it here. I'm going to settle here. Yeah.


It's not even like it was, you know, how bad was England that they would put up with that shit? Well, no, no, England. Most of the people that came early, like people that were living in fucking huts and Fairfield weren't the wealthy people that came over. They were the people who basically, you know, signed a contract to come over to work for a couple of years because they were fucking deadbeats in England. That was those people.


So it's not sort of the England with white trash right now. It's not necessarily that England was so bad. It's that their their lineage had created such a poor fuckin situation for their whole everybody.


It is. I never got better. All right. So what do they do for a couple hundred years? Inbreed that'll help the genetic make up of everybody. Good job. Everyone's really exacerbates that. That's the problem. That's if you want there's tons of books about that historical shit. And then you got like Nelson Algren. Faulkner talks about it and he's got books about that shit, about white trash kind of things. And we talked about it in the last defense.


Jimmy is fascinated and so am I. I'll Jimmy the way because Jimmy, it's almost like going with therapists, knowing what's going on in yourself, like what makes sense, what has caused that right. Doc, please. Now I know I feel like a care on those people. That's I love.


When we'll talk about white trash, then people will get mad at us.


It's like, no, no, don't get mad at me for talking about me.


Thank you. Thank you for talking to. It's like I can say, Guinea as much as I want because I can. Because I've been called it so I Americans have their word. Yeah. It's the same mine. Exactly what drives mad at him. Her death. Deal with it. Join in and. Oh yeah. What do you want. So it's embarrassing but it's also fucking hysterical is what it is. That's it. And we're willing to say we suck.


I do my best not to be that. It just happens that I do that because it's and it's in the blood. And either way, I'm trash. You're trash. We're all trash. What do you think you are? You know who you are. You're trash just like us. So everybody, we're all in it together. Who cares? Get over here and get your pickens of this trash can. Let's hope it's all gone. Let's check on these reviews.


Let's see what people feel about very specific reviews. This is one of the most specific ground up of reviews I've ever. Everyone's got their own little beef.


It's fucking amazing. Here's a two star here. Quote, Police take some time to respond.


There are potholes everywhere, but they don't get fixed. OK, so that's a general municipal complaint that sounds like the Midwest that.


Yeah, or back east, shit like that sounds like Arkansas. So then here's to stars. It's a mostly safe. Quiet place to live, however, the city government is corrupt and considers the city above the law, the police are lazy and inept. Yeah, so that's police take some time to respond. There's potholes. Police are sounds like there's a general municipal malaise happening in the Fairfield area based on these reviews.


Hatcheck for doing no work. And those reviews were five years apart from each other. Nothing has changed. It seems like they're very similar and not by the same person. Here's a three star review. Very specific. Yes.


I don't know why you would review a whole town based on its one specific incident you had at one place. This is kind of the theme for the next few Carnavon shop for the Dollar General. Oh, wait till you see that somebody is very upset with the Asian restaurant down and they are going to take to a site about town stats to tell us about it to the limit rather than Yelp.


So three stars school system overlooks bullying. Too many students being bullied in the school system turns a blind eye to it. I know it happens everywhere, but it seems to be a common occurrence in Fairfield. OK, so you're going to go on Netsch and review the town based on some shitty fourth graders. It sounds like somebody is a pussy and can't go talk to somebody parents. Yeah, that's the other thing that dad and bully go talk to. The goddamn parents can knock that cat out, or at least you're in Fairfield, Ohio.


Let's not act like that's not how it happened.


I know that that's true. You know that kid's dad.


Go yell at him. OK, here's another one. Very specific one star. Mind you, all town's a piece of shit for this. Just for this.


Nobody in my apartment complex seems to know each other. It's an a yeah. You're a transient. I've lived in probably twenty apartment complexes. You know why? Because they're transient. Otherwise I'd say I lived in two one four eight years and one for six years. You live in them for a year and you go, I got to get out of this piece of shit sucks and into the next piece of shit. So yeah, just away from these people I don't like I'm not going to form a relationship over the next eleven months that I never see you again.


Well, we're in an apartment. Are we talking about. Yeah. And like there should be some shame here. Hang your head and walk in your shithole. And if you live in certain cities, if you live in like New York, it's different because people live in apartments for 15 fucking years. And, you know, people if you live in but in everywhere else in the country, apartments are just transient places that you buy before you that you do before you can buy a house.


It's the place you go in between divorce and your next relationship. That's like your sister's couch, I think. Yeah. You go to your sister's couch and then you have an apartment or your sister's couch in her bad apartment. So nobody. So it's mostly just like people from aged 18 to twenty five in the first place or men beyond those here. Yeah, exactly.


Rebuilding it. Right. You're maintaining it I should say rebuilding it. They're not doing because even the want to do it. Yeah. They're treading treading water, doggy paddling around apartments men doggy paddling. I could rent an apartment. Are you a male age. Thirty five to forty five. Doggy paddling for survival after the dissolution of your family. Who do we have the apartment. A one bedroom, one bath. Shame halls. Come on in everybody.


The wi fi strong. Don't worry, you'll be whacking it for weeks and weeks on there and you're going to need to because boy is your personal life in shambles. Shame closet. Would you call. Shame, shame, shame. Hold it in here. So that's hilarious. Nobody in my apartment complex seems to know each other. OK, ok. The complex never has community events and I rarely hear of any local community events.


What do you want to do, make friends? You need to get events. You don't need to be around people yet anyway. Man, your relationship just ended. You should be saying a lot. And then they hate dogs. Dog owners rarely clean up after their dogs and and don't train them not to bark.


So the whole town sucks. Your apartment complex has some shady people in it. And here's to stars. And this may be the most specific of all here. Quote, Most of the Asian restaurants have very little selection. OK, OK. And what they do have is not very good at all. No. Well, you're in Fairfield, Ohio, so they have something called chili here. And it really isn't chili. It's more of a thin, super, very runny sauce that has some finely ground beef in it.


No beans, onions or peppers in parentheses. They put this over spaghetti, which is odd.


And hot dogs, yuck to stars. The Cincinnati whole city sucks, apparently because of this. It's Ohio. That's how they eat chili. Now, some people are going to say Fairfield's not a small town because it's a whenever we do suburbs, I get ten tweets going. That's not a small town. You know what it is. I know if you live there and it feels like it's bigger or whatever, but in our technical world, it is.


We can't just. Only things that happened on farms in the middle of nowhere, you know how fucking hard it would be to find not just that, that's boring. Let's talk about Pahrump.


Yeah, I want to hear about that. So right now, there's forty two thousand five hundred eighty nine people, which is right about where our top is anyway. But when this was happening, there was about 30000. So it's in and things. So calm down and it's up seven point two percent since 1990. More males and females, but it's very close. Age is thirty eight, which is, you know, real close to the normal median age.


Very a lot of the stats are really typical. Middle of the road, small town, exactly the same married population, separated divorce rate, widow, everything is exactly the same as the national average. It's remarkable how middle of the road this they should paint. They should be on the east and west borders of the town. They should paint two yellow lines, just it's the middle of the fucking road. This place has everything right down to single with no children is exactly the same race of this town.


It almost lines up with national averages, actually 73 percent whites normally about sixty to fourteen point four percent black. It's normally about twelve point three, three point two percent Asian. It's normally five point three. Apparently they don't have that fucking restaurant shit together. So that's a problem. They're not authentic. All right.


Seven point five percent Hispanic, which is a little less than half the national average, but there's a few. So it's more diverse than most of the small towns. We kind of deal more representative here. The religion, 38 percent are religious, which is low. Fifty fifty is normal and it's mixed up. It's everything. A couple of Catholics, Baptists, Pentecostals or Presbyterians point one percent Jewish. Sorry, everybody, no Hava Nagila, their point, six percent Islam politics.


Then to get political numbers for about the next month. Everybody, I don't need people. People get mad at me because I give the political statistics of a town. They're like they argue with me. I'm like, I gave you a statistic, right? I didn't fucking vote that way. Or the fact I just said how they voted, then they're like, yeah, on both sides of the matter. I'm like, I don't know. I just said a stat.


So everybody emotions are running high in the US right now.


That's something that that would take a bow for the next month. Is it is it a commentary on how fucking disaster it is that you say something like that? And I laugh? Yeah, that's because it's funny. We're going to skip this part because it's fucking shitty. Well, it's also ridiculous that people get mad at me for how other people vote in a town I've never been. I get mad at me for stating it. I don't like I don't give no commentary or editorial or of like, how dare they or that's what happened.


I don't know. So what are you going to do? Economy. Unemployment rates. Right about normal. Well, you know, we'll see later on. But household income is a little bit high. Normally about fifty seven and a half thousand here it's about sixty two thousand. So it's a little bit high cost of living a little bit low. One hundred is normal, you know, average here it's eighty seven, so a little bit low and housing the lowest thing they've got.


So not bad. Housing is a seventy three and the median home cost here is one hundred sixty nine thousand eight hundred bucks. Yeah. So that's pretty low. It's great. That's not bad. Most of the houses are between one hundred and two hundred thousand bucks.


That's not bad, but it's hard to be alive. What a lot of time do you catch up to today's prices and you're in Arizona and you can't fucking buy anything like everybody and crazy.


That said, if we've convinced you, the only place for you is fair, it's a city of opportunity. Fairfield, Ohio, we have for you the Fairfield, Ohio real estate report.


Your average two bedroom rental here goes for about nine hundred seventy bucks, which is under the national average. Listen, if there's dog shit in there and nobody talks to me for the kind of money, I'll bet, well, no one will talk to me.


That's worth more to me. Four bedroom, three bath, eight hundred eighty two square foot house. Your family home here needs some stuff. It's kind of it could use an update of the carpets. Not great. It's not wonderful, but you could work with it. One hundred forty nine thousand nine hundred bucks. So if you have yourself three kids and yeah. You know that there might be a good option. Three bedroom, three bath table for every beholds.


That's a positive six hundred seventy two square feet. This one's updated and everything's new when the white kitchen and all that stuff. One hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred bucks. They're not bad.


Then I found let's say you've done very well for yourself. You you're distributing the sulfur smell somehow you own an apartment complex. Business is good. Yeah.


I found a five bedroom, five bath, another table for every Dehl four thousand nine hundred ninety seven square feet almost there. It's really nice brick. Yeah. Beautiful house, nice rolling lawn up to it. Four hundred eighty three thousand bucks. OK, so not bad in Phoenix. That would be two million.


So I'll take it. Things to do here Jimmy. I found a few. Now, one I found and I just blast blasted right over because it's the county fair, but Hamilton County Fair. But then I went over there, you know, Page or whatever, their Facebook page and their first picture. They have no to draw you in. Is this Jimmy?


Oh, boy. Let's have a look.


See, it is what the trashiest woman possible holding a Mountain Dew, which we'll make fun of Mountain Dew. But I also have a Mountain Dew because it has a lot of caffeine.


But you also like the real sugar one, the like if the Mountain Dew. But also she has her cell phone and a pack of Newport one hundreds jammed into between her tits, sticking out of her shirt. And she's not like a big girl now. She's like a skinny. She doesn't even have like a large rack to, like, really nestle them. They're just the barely hanging on. Ain't got no pocket. Right. And my hands are full with this Mountain Dew to hand in the Mountain Dew.


I got to do and the baby another. So I'm going to have to get her to hand in the dough and it's I looked it over. It looks like a pretty trashy fare. All county fairs are trashy. I'm from New York. The Dutchess County Fair is a trashy fucking mess and so unsafe.


Oh yeah, absolutely. It's a carnival mess. So I found a review of it, though, or someone said, quote, I don't know why people are haters.


I love this fair. Many vendors make you spend more money.


OK, what I'm all about the games exhibits animals in Demo Derby. I've been going every year for over ten years and I'll keep on coming back. OK, OK. No one's telling you not to relax. Fairfield's summer concerts on the green. Yeah. You got guys every few days. They have them. We got July 16th. Had what up funk. Oh boy. Twenty four Park Row the next week. Steve D'Agostino.


Isn't that the son of. Isn't that the isn't that bud from from married with children. No. No that's Faustina. OK, that's Faustine. I was close close some Italian shit after that. The clam diggers singing patriotic Americana songs. All right, hold on. Hang myself from the stage. People that call themselves like pussy words are bodge pickers. Clam peckers that clam diggers groser.


That's Groser. Yeah, worse singing America song Americana. And I love that Sandefer giant clam picker Dagur, whatever the fuck it is. Clam diggers, vile, vile.


The Parkway Diner, they sing Billy Joel songs. Wow. It's from the scenes from an Italian. Oh OK.


Yeah, yeah. Parkway Drive. And so they named their band after a lyric. Then he finally got more of a hit at the Parkway Diner.


That's the fucking line. Unbelievable. Oh boy. OK, that's interesting. The glamour girls. Yeah. I wonder if that's the 80s women's tag team champions. Anyway, I'm curious if that's Lalani Kay and Judy Martin. I think that was who that was Celtic kick with KS.


That's not. No, you can't know you are one day away from from being dangerous and being very dangerous. Don't like that.


Just play Dropkick Murphys songs yesteryear doo doo wop voodoo carnival. OK, do I don't fucking know something Hendrix.


I was going to say it's probably some Hendrix or, you know, psychedelic rock or some shit. And then finally closing out the season.


My black shirt is that I love, it's just the black shirt on the clothing and it's just wavy.


And behind him is like some D.J. doing his thing, like he hides behind a black shirt. They put a black shirt on on a House speaker and then play House music and it bounces the shirt moves with this guy like that. That's a good idea. Black shirt with a subwoofer and Jesus, that's what I'm talking. I watch that.


I mean, it's better than a minute or two clam pickers or whatever the fuck it is. So crime rate in this town, what we're interested in property crime is right about on average, just about normal and then violent crime, murder, rape, robbery and of course, assault. The Mount Rushmore of crime really is about half the national average. So, yeah, it's pretty safe.


We get that a lot of these small towns, there's a property crimes, there's kids and teenagers on shit that do a lot of that. And crackheads. Yeah. And then, you know, violent crime, though, isn't so much children.


So with that said, though, let's talk about a murder. Let's do it. OK, let's do this.


And this is insane. Insane. And I know a lot of times, you know, I'll say, hey, make sure you listen to the end.


You really, really want to go all the way through on this one because it's land mines. It just keeps happening. And you'll think, oh, this is all wrapped up.


Oh, no, it's not. I promise you. I assure you it's not. Boy, and not even to do with this case, but then it's crazy. Just fucking listen. All right, here we go. Let's go back February 14th.


Nineteen eighty seven. OK. Oh, boy. Valentine's Day. Yeah, 1987. Where Jimmy was the most romantic place you can think of, Fairfield, Ohio. No, no, no, no, no, not Fairfield. Another, just another. Oh, Chicago. Most so romantic. What else you got? France. Paris. Yeah, I've heard that. Places stealing kisses over a baguette. Forget it.


Eiffel Tower in the background. Absolutely beautiful. Beautiful. How about I got one for you. How about Cedar Grove, Indiana.


Now that's your hard right now.


Yeah. He's not like I'm a hamster cages. That's Cedar Grove.


Cedar Grove, Indiana. The hamster capital of the Midwest. So like a terrarium in here. Yeah. Oh, yeah.


By the way, sorry for Halloween. I don't mean to interrupt you, but for Halloween, before I forget, our Halloween episode is going to be in Indiana and it's going to have to do with Carnival. So and it's very like Halloween themed as well and themed mixed with fucking crazy county fairs in America. It's it's wild. There's it's crazy. I can't even describe how into this Cedar Grove, Indiana, the romance capital of the Midwest and the world, really.


And on February 14th, nineteen eighty seven Valentine's Day, there's a wedding. To this day it's cold, but it's Valentine's Day. People are crazy with dates for weddings.


They really they go out of their way. Like sometimes you're worried about whether we'll have it when it's nice. But sometimes a date is important, whether it's your anniversary or your something. Valentine's Day is one of those days. Right? So there is a church here.


It's the Little Cedar Baptist Church. And outside the church then, like the church is backed up to a little river. You know, it goes down the lawn, goes down to the river and there's a little river in the background. So it's very nice to hear the river. So these people have planned for a long time this wedding that they're having right there on the bank of the river, right right behind the church that they go to on Valentine's Day.


Romantic right before big wedding party bride all dressed in white tuxedos. Everybody's happy little cold. OK, it's February in Indiana. Let's not get wrong here.


I'm sure they have sleeves and stuff short romantic as fuck. Right? I mean, reeks of sulfur, but other than that. Yeah, fantastic. OK, what ends up happening though is an interesting thing. I don't even know how to say this.


While the ceremony is about to begin, one of the wedding guests notices something. They look down and they go, oh, there's a boot right there. Oh, no, there's a there's a boot on the shore of the river girls.


And then someone goes, Oh, yeah, look at that. Oh, my God, it's not a boot.


It's an entire leg.


Now, it is a severed leg washing up on shore. Yeah. Literally right next to your wedding.


So we're going to go ahead and annul this one. Right. That's the thing. Either you say, fuck this marriage is not or the bride is like, I planned this for fourteen. Nobody sees the larger OK. Fourteen months I plan this. Fuck it. I don't care if a kindergarten class washes up on shore. We're finishing the fucking wedding. I saw a whole 40 of them. Just all of them.


I don't care photographers over there taking pictures of my lady and you got the county corner. Scoop them up later. Shame that shit over here.


You work for the crime scene. People are me still that's come down. CSI, get over here. What is it like?


Does this mean our marriage is not my. That's where I would say as a groom I'd be like, oh I got it.


Well I understand my son, my son Joey, we, we're trying to get him baptized, you know, whatever Catholic shit, because my grandmother's still alive.


But seriously, when he was born, I don't I'm not I'm not into that shit.


Obviously it's not my thing.


But for grandma, my other kid in the devil go to hell with is all. You got to go. OK, Grandma, fine, whatever. So we had it all set to do. We're we're going to fucking dunk them and all that shit, you know, whatever they do.


So we got this guy, she was still alive. She wanted to you know, that's what they complain. Old Italian women, they're very superstitious. So it's the only reason why. Otherwise I don't really care either way. That's fine if you want to do that. I'm not shitting on it for me, whatever. So anyway, we go to do and we have this guy, he like he works at the church. He's like he's like a deacon in the past in the Catholic Church, like a pastor type of thing where he's not a priest, but he does all the priest shit.


Basically they I don't know, they ran it. Not enough priests probably. So he's like married and he has like five kids. He's an older guy, six in the 60s. He looks like he's got like long silver hair and like a beard. And he he's kind of Jesus, he looking and like, you know, in a greeting card kind of a way. So, you know, this guy seems like a nice guy. He's a you know, he's from New York.


He's got this. Sounds like Larry David's going to baptize you. Got it. So I'm like, this guy's fine, right? So we line it all up. And the day we're supposed to baptize Joey, his wife dies like two hours before. So he. And he's, you know, in tears and his wife is dead, his wife of 40 years just died. So we're like Borys schedule, you know, so we reschedule for two months later.


So two months later comes around. And by the way, Rod is Joey's godfather right back, my friend. So the day of his second christening rod is Joey's godfather, right? That's what I meant. When I say the other way, I think he said Joey is gone.


That would be weird. That's horrible. It'd be very hard to pull off. So this one reads Joey's Godfather. So this day comes around and Rod dies.


So we just said, you know what God doesn't want this kid doesn't want him. That's hard enough. Already washed his hands of them. We're done. Bucket. I think two attempts. We can't we can't afford to kill anyone else. There's enough blood on our hands from trying to get this get baptized fucking them over. How many people got to die for you to go to hell? How many people got to die, Joey? How much blood needs to be on the little tiny hands?


Let me to ask you a question.


How much as far as I'm concerned, you've killed two. You're not getting into heaven anyway. It's over with an old lady in a nice ballplayer's. We're going down. I'm sorry. A lot of people like those people. A man of the cloth wife. You murdered her. I mean, she. What have you done? She had grandkids. You understand me? You know, I said there was I think about that very, very sad people.


So that leg washes up. Obviously, this the wedding is pretty much over at this point. Once there are human severed leg washes up. Yeah. Ten feet from you. Not romantic anymore. You know, the pictures are going to be fucked up, the memories. So then they see about thirty feet away there's another like, oh, no, there are two legs. So now it's really over. Yeah. Why now? If we were going to continue, someone was going to pull your leg aside.


Now it's now we really got to get into it. So everybody hates leg day. Everyone hates it, especially when it's on your wedding day. Right now, no one wants a leg day on wedding day.


So I a Connersville state police post person, they examined this these legs and they determined that they were from a woman I don't know who was white.


They figured that out pretty. That's the easiest part. Yeah, I think she's white.


OK, we got that part between 20 and 30 years old. They estimate about five foot five and say she weighs about one hundred and seventy pounds, give or take twenty pounds.


And they said that they could not determine the color of her hair, which I mean, I would be a neat trick if you could, so I'd be pretty fucking, you know. Right. We couldn't tell what kind of hat she was wearing either. Like, clearly not. We got her legs. We're still trying to nail down the color of her eyes. Yes. Very strange. So anyway, this is sad, there's legs. Yeah, so they take the coroner, takes it to takes the legs at Indiana University Medical Center.


And the said the examination failed to determine how long the woman had been dead, although they believe that she'd probably been severed. The legs had been severed for about two weeks, they think, which they really can't tell.


But because of the water and the coolness, they really don't know how much. Yeah, you don't know where they've been because if they've been floating, too, so you can't tell the exact temperature and shit like that. They do say there are no there was no signs of scars or deformity deformities that would have made it easier to identify. No tattoos, no scars, no nothing like that on her toes. Yeah, I know. Hey, look at that.


She's nice. She's got 8000. Anybody missing an eight toed girl? Yeah. Anybody who find it pretty quick. Yeah, he did say, though, and this'll help. That victim was wearing red and white striped socks and the size eight and a half suede kind of a cowboy type boot.


I hate that. So that means there that that both of them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Although they're still. Yeah. The socks and the shoes are on the legs. That's what they said. There's a boot on the side there. They said unless someone identifies the shoes or socks, it's going to be a difficult situation which luckily boots are very. Yeah. Very distinctive. So that helps. And we'll we'll talk about that.


They said after that they found out in a six mile stretch around it to look for, I don't know, more fingers as fucking heads, the rest, whatever they the top half, I guess. I mean, so the sheriff said that police comb the area along with us. Fifty two between Brookville and Cedar Grove got no new evidence. They said high winds prevented an air search so they couldn't do that. Also, the legs were clad in tight blue jeans, not the tops of the blue jeans with sawed off.


They were sawed off about eight inches above the knee. The legs were by a power source of some kind.


They determined here tan suede boots were found there. Like we said, this is about 1:00 p.m. on afternoon Valentine's Day wedding. They said, quote, If it hadn't been for the wedding, the legs would have been there before we found them.


Yeah, well, wait a second.


Yeah, Sheriff, this guy has a job. He said, yeah, if it hadn't been for the wedding, the legs would have been there before we found them.


Yeah. In other words, we wouldn't have found them because they would have been there when we weren't right. Wow.


Imagine getting that's a police officer. Imagine he pulls you over. Yeah. I don't know what you'd like me to do sir. Is that the same guy that said we still don't know what color her hair is? Yes, I think it was. It has to be right. No, no, it wasn't. It was another there's another dummy, that word. This guy. I don't even know what to say about that. You'd be like, I'd love to follow orders, Officer, but I have no idea what you're talking about.


Your do you want me to do that is speaking weird riddle, sir.


Yeah, that's what it is. He's like he speaks in riddles. He's like a fucking it's like an ancient. That is bizarre. It's weird. So they're operating under the theory that the woman was murdered. No shit. Oh great. Great. No, she committed suicide and sort of fucking legs off and threw him down a river. Oh, that's not what happened at all.


She had a heart attack in her apartment and then she exploded with perfectly even power saw fucking wounds.


Her heart exploded so hard inside her entire legs off. She ate a lot of garbage. So was talking about, wow, this is. And then they found them on a riverbank and they found fanned out on the highway on everything. Oh, I would Siwei. Right. So basically everything on both sides of the highway is like a six mile radius around the legs. But what I would do is follow the water while they do that in the six mile run, right?


Yeah. I would assume that's why you'd want to get on the of the sides. Well, that didn't work then. They did that. That didn't work. No traces of any other body parts, no blood and found near the church at all. Nothing found, no trails of blood. So they believe obviously the woman was killed elsewhere. And I'm saying legs were moved somewhere else. They didn't do it, you know, in the church fucking parking lot.


Surprising because that's normally where you dismember people is in the open in a fucking in a church courtyard. That's where I do it. Anyway, I don't know. All the famous serial killers do it like that.


I don't know as as the bride and groom kiss and they announce them as they're for the first time as a couple. There is a lot of noise. It's a good time to murder somebody. It is. Muffle it as they're saying. I do. They usually tell you to calm down. Can you shut off the power saw? We're trying to do our nuptials, please.


So probably fire up a Black and Decker and then you never know. So the officer said it looks like someone just pulled off the road and threw them on an embankment. He's a very sharp instrument, was used to cut. They said, I think a knife or saw might have been used because it was a clean cut as opposed to twisting it off manually with your fucking arms. These people are the most annoying motherfuckers. Obviously, we're going under the assumption she was murdered.


Yeah, she did not that she just didn't want her legs no more. That enough of this, all of them off bone. Everybody called her, cancels her whole life or something. I can't take it anymore. Fucking ridiculous. You can't call me that. Now take that. I doubt it. We were going to go with the murder right here. They say the legs were probably dumped at the site less than 48 hours before this because someone else was around there then.


So they said there was people around here that would have noticed the fucking legs. Oh, fuck. You know, two days ago. So, you know, I must have been in the last two days.


So the sheriff, they ask, what do you think? And he assumes we believe it's probably Satan worshippers. Oh, that's his immediate. This is the mid 80s where anything that happened there, like we assume it was a Satan worshipper who had a lot of heavy metal records. That would be the every statement from I mean, that's just our assumption. That's all we can go on. We're going to canvass out and search every tower records so we find the murderer.


That's the one every warehouse, every every goddamn Camelot records in every mall in this country.


We are going to search we're going to run down Sam Goody's mailing list to be right.


So the they're saying that that it might be that they're saying, you know, we've had some Satan shit around here before and maybe that's it. He says that there's incidents over the past two years, including the discovery of mutilated animals found in fields, dead animals hung upside down in trees and pentagrams painted on road signs. Remember, the kids drew pentagrams on shit in high school as a joke. They did that because they were like, ha ha. Old people hate this.


It's all it was. All the people think this means something, means nothing.


And they wouldn't even do it right now. Wouldn't they do it? You know, the wrong fucking way. They don't know any better. He says those things would definitely show signs of a cult activity or teenagers and maybe a future serial killer or just some of hillbillies, too. That's the other thing. They like to take animals apart sometimes. So they think, though, they say that. This is Tim Patrie of Trenton, Ohio, a parapsychologist who does research on witchcraft and demonology.


Oh, in the eighties.


So he's just full of shit. He's the officer said that some of the reports on animals have come from conservation officers in the rural county about 17 miles north of Brookville. But there's never been a connection made to saneness. Yeah, there's a reason for that. We've been doing some checking, but we haven't been able to put our finger on anything. We can't find out where where they're having their meetings.


He says they we can't find out where they're having them. There's guys where are there? Hundreds of them. We know it bloodthirsty.


It's like three teenagers. If they're black sometimes sometimes using the word. They is rather presumptuous, too, because it's probably singular. Yeah, it's probably not even plural. No, it's one weirdo. It's three high school kids that are chubby and have bad complexions. That's it. That's who it is. We went to high school. We know that kid. Right? It's that kid. Yeah, he's fine, you know. Yeah. That kid usually gets good grades and shit and he's fine.


So the sheriff says that the discoveries appear to have something to do with the occult. He says, quote, I don't think I don't think the kids are just doing these things. They all seem to have a meaning to them. Yeah, all seem to have a meaning to you.


So let's talk about some people. All right, with these meaningful cults, mutilated animal two years ago, varied meanings.


You know, let's talk about John Lee Fryman. Yeah, let's talk about him. Sounds like a subliminal fellow. He's a Midwestern eighties kind of guy. Wanna see a picture? I sure do. Check them out here and I'll post these on logo. That guy. Yeah, mullet kick in.


But look at the fat ass neck on this kid. He's got. He's a skinny little shit. That's really the way he leaned up against the wall. And it goes as far as the years you'll see later on. But he's very, very David Lee Roth. Well, he wishes he was David Lee Roth. Yeah.


Because you'll see that hair there is going to get pretty wispy pretty fast, which is when you see, like, you know, hey, I'm long hair rock and roll guy with wispy front hair. You're like, oh, it's over, buddy. Your persona is gone. Yeah. He John Lee Fryman was born on Christmas Day, 1962. He's a Christmas baby. Beautiful. He grew up outside around the Cincinnati area. Basically, he attended Mount Healthy High School.


So that's healthy there. Mount Healthy High School, which he left in nineteen eighty obviously after his 18th birthday. He wasn't he didn't graduate though. No, let's not go crazy here. He left after his age now he just just left once he was done.


I'm done now. They say when you're eighteen you don't have to go anymore. So I think sixteen is a matter of not going to go anymore. He was just like, I'm done. Why go that long and be done? So anyway, he left in 1980 and then from 1980 until May of nineteen eighty three, he lived at home with his parents from eighteen to twenty one grew. Was it out nicely. Took it took that big. Rush said he had in his back pocket more one fucking, you know, really brushed it off to give it a good his really did some of that for a few years.


And he lives at home, I assume, annoying his parents with his bad musical choices likely. Yeah, I would say this is in Springfield Township with his parents, David and Susan Fryman. All right. So where did he go in May of 83? I like to know.


All right. Well, how about jail? Oh, no. Hey, that's how we got out of his mom's house. I got sprung. I'm moving up. Good news. I'm moving out of my house. Bad news. It's moving into a different house. It's moving into a bigger house, moving into the big house. So on May 26, the nineteen eighty, 1983, he was arrested for purse snatching and apparently this was not his first.


They then connected him to a couple more robberies because he ends up with three counts of robbery, which is not great.


Yeah, basically the most chickenshit crimes, right. Purse snatcher, honestly. Yeah. Who are you? Pussy.


That's the type of thing where like it's like a it's like a cliche, like in an old Italian neighborhood, you'd be like that. Nobody in this neighborhood walks around knocking on ladies, overtaking the purses. I break the fucking legs. That's like the most chicken shit street crime you can think of, you know, going around stealing popsicles at a little girl's hand, that's the same thing. You'd stop a fucking Dietzel and boost its fucking load. You pussy are snatching.


I hate that the most. I do too.


When they'll see like a surveillance video of some like twenty five year old person like punch an old lady and take their purse near like I want to kill that. Yeah. How do I reach in. And then I do that.


Can you guys just not arrest him. Just give us all his address and we'll fix it. Yeah. Just show his face up there and go we're going to leave him be.


He works at the McDonald's at the corner of 4th and Fairfield if you want his next shift. Eleven to seven Tuesday pop in. I bet he works the lunch. Come on in. Get yourself. Oh by the way, double cheeseburger from ninety nine something. They're frustrated for the first two hours telling drunks we stopped serving breakfast and then pop in and beat the shit out of that guy. That dunk is happening.


Right. All right then. So when police bring him in that is. Wow Jay. Yeah. Are vicious. I don't fuck those little ladies french fries swirly. That's crazy. I will swirl your head in the hot boiling fry grease. Are you kidding me? I think it's warranted. I just think it's fucking incredible that that's your first thought. I grew up with old ladies. You hit an old lady. You deserve what you got. He just went like the most painful part of that restaurant.


I telling tell you, we go to extreme violence, if you push me is the point of violence. It's going to be extreme. That's all I'm saying. I'm going to have a good idea because people I'll stab that person. What does that I it's no, I'm creative. I'm a creative person. Yeah. I will come up with something fun, like a French fry. Really. Like you just put yourself in a McDonald's kitchen and looked around like, yep, that's it.


That's the worst one. I said, that's not going to work. What is the place on the grill knives. That's fine. He'll put his hands down a rocket. I'll burn his hands. Who cares. Fryer bang. Know where to put your house. Just right in there. And that's it.


A little out. How's that feel back. And the skin is sloughing off. Take it out. Hold an old lady's purse in front of me. Want this pair right back in. I don't care what the fuck you do. That's as bad as rape and child molestation. It's a real bitch crime. Don't fuck with old people. Leave old people alone. I hate really just just women, you know, because that's what that is. No crime on women.


Shove old men down evil. Yeah. Men don't hold men don't generally carry first there unless we're holding her for because she's. Yeah that's true. That can happen. I don't want I don't want to assume it's an old lady that my purse snatcher but I just feel like it is. But taking a purse is like you're obviously going after somebody that's weaker than you. Exactly. And that's a bitch move. And he's not a real big guy either.


Now talk about so. And he did it more than once.


Oh, yeah. Three times, apparently. So they bring him in and police are right away fascinated, fascinated with his tattoos. OK, because this is nineteen eighty three in eighty three. If you know you might have a tattoo. Right. Maybe or a lot of tattoos. You're Nikki Sixx. A lot of tattoos is like. Yeah.


What's going on with you or what are you into. This is weird. Were you in the in the fucking Navy or are you in a band or are you some sort of weird Satan worshiper. One of the three is all you could be. They said two circles. He had Cincinnati, Ohio written on his arm. That's a lot of letters, a lot a swastika, of course. Gotta have the it's got to have the swastika. Johnny Lee, his name in the case, he forgot a Maltese cross.


OK, OK. A German cross. Yep.


Harley Wings were all over his arms, legs and chest, multiple Harley things all over the fucking place.


Yeah, the the chief here, David Voss, said, quote, I took pictures of them. They were so weird, just fascinated by them.


What'd you take a look at him. And if I get my Polaroid out, my kids are going to love this. Yeah. Yeah. Iron Horsemen was also tattooed on his chest, but a spokesman for the Iron Horsemen Motorcycle Club. Said that this guy was not a member at all. I don't know who the fuck is is it nearby, like their chapter? I think they're trying to fit in, I guess. But they were just like, we don't know that motherfucker.


That's weird, huh? Yeah, he's only twenty four. And he was ends up being convicted and being sent to Lebanon Correctional Facility for the robbery in July of 1983.


He gets sentenced to wow. You sir may certainly fuck off five to 15 years. Yeah. For these. And that's good. A good judge. How generally the same feeling about a person that I do. It's not illegal for me to dunk in a fryer, but I'm going to do my best. I sentence you to one dunking in a way. Well done. I fucking constitution. All right, all right, all right. I said something cruel and unusual.


Five to 15 said, OK, I hear fine because I'm disappointed. Go on. Shit.


Oh, but as painful as facial scars, that fucking jerk fuck. So his mother, Suzanne Fryman told everybody how her son had changed from a good student and an award winner. I don't know what he won awards and flight attendants to. And then he she said when he was about twelve, everything changed, which is when I started getting shitty grades to about twelve. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess having other interests and clearly carrying my mom had the most questions about me in fifth grade.


I mean, granted, that's about the time that something horrible happened to me. Yeah. Yeah. That was when I started.


I went from A's to D like right now I'll start wearing glasses to I was in sixth grade when I got my first pair so you probably couldn't see in fifth grade. That's probably true, but I didn't even wear my where I'm in sixth grade. I wore them finally in like eighth grade that I that's when I finally broke down. And because people were getting punched in them. Well yeah. That's not going to make you not want to work.


Yeah, I'm just thinking I'm broken up, so I'm going to take my fucking eyes out.


Suzanne said it was a drastic change. We were concerned his personality would come and go. So he turned in a kind of a weirdo. Basically, he ends up getting his high school diploma, his GED, I should say, from Wilmington College while in the INS. While in the lockup here, he continued the program and was a senior when he ended up getting out. Basically, who is the director? The director of the college relations there said that said he was majoring in psychology and sociology and that he was enrolled for a one three credit internship.


All he that's what he needed to graduate. I don't know what that means. He said, from what I've been able to find out, he was a person that does not stand out in any way, a very quiet person. He was denied parole in April of nineteen eighty four. Then he's denied parole again in February of nineteen eighty five. They don't say why, but then on May 20th, nineteen eighty six, he's finally granted parole. So three years he does on a five to 15, he's granted parole from Lebanon and he's out.


He had a friend in there. He met a friend while in jail. OK, no. Well I mean not that they weren't in jail with him. He met a friend on the outside. Oh love after lockup up. Got it here. It became involved with a girl named Monica, Denise Lemon or Lemon. I'm not sure it's. Let me end. OK, so Lemon. Lemon Leemon. I don't want to mispronounce it, but don't look at Monica.


Don't look at me for this shit now.


So Monica became his pen pal. Apparently her mother says that they met while they were both visiting someone at jail. She said she says that she took Monica to meet to go visit their uncle maybe or something in jail. And he was there visiting one of his relatives in jail. And that's how they met. And then a pen pal relationship came out of that.


Somebody was visiting him while he was in jail before he was in. Oh, OK. They had met before. That's what the mother said. They had met an on a visiting day when they were both visitors got off at the jail. But then other people say they met while they met while he was in jail through pen pal shit. OK, I'm not sure which one it is. It really doesn't matter. It's probably around the same time anyway.


It's in the ballpark. So she became Monica became acquainted with him, their pen pals there. And while there is only one person outside of his family signed his roster to visit him, and that was Monica. So she visited him five times in nineteen eighty three in 1984, sometimes total. No, five times total over there too. You got it. So but spread out out over two years so you know consistently enough but whatever. So you know that's a that's a friend.


If they'll visit you in prison five time. Sure. That's something she Monica worked as a waitress at the time in like eighty six, eighty seven when he after he gets out at Bay Buskin Bakery, which is at Eighth and Walnut Streets in downtown Cincinnati, that's see that's the only place in town that doesn't smell like zoo and sulphur because it's a bakery she chose wisely. Steven, this is Monica Smart. She's just a smart one of the stories of far.


She grew up on the west side of Cincinnati, attended. Cheviot Elementary School and now Cheviot is where he was arrested for purse snatching. That's the town sheriff that said it was they were so weird, it took pictures of him. That was the Cheviot sheriff. So I don't know if that's if he met her then or who knows. But she went to gamble middle school, Western Hills High School. The principal said of her. Raymond Fink said she attended school from 82 until April of 83 when she dropped out.


But she ended up getting her high school diploma from the night program in 1987. She's 21 years old, so she's three years younger than him. So when she was visiting him, she was she was like 18. She like just turned 18 when she was visiting. She was still in high school when he met her, probably. Yeah. They were just she she stopped in April of eighty three, which is he got busted in May of 83.


So she had just gotten out of high school. Yeah. When that all happened she was also in addition to being a waitress, she's enrolled in Cincinnati Technical College as well, where she's going and taking classes there. So she's trying to make something of herself. Monica, she's, you know, trying to do something here.


So the thing is, they have had a weird relationship.


Monica and John, that started with apparently a friend of Monica's says that Monica once told them that Jon threatened to kill her. This is in November of eighty six.


Basically, Jon's performing a satanic right in his trailer. OK, he's got a trailer. He's got a back room that set up as his, quote, sorcery room. Yeah, it's what he calls it. Yeah, it's my sorcery room. Yeah. It's painted all black and they always make a big deal out of that, which I have a room that's painted all black and white. There's no sorcery.


It's fine. My son's twelve. That's only way he wants me to paint his bedroom. It's fine. Our media room is all black. It's not much of a saucer. That twelve year old. Well, he might be right now. You know what he's doing in there, Jimmy. Only thing he makes disappears food out of my pants.


Well, he might be able to jerk off really well and he goes he thinks it's sorcery. He doesn't know yet. All it takes is food to make all of this. All of it has.


So apparently this person, this friend said that Monica had witnessed John during a satanic ritual that he was performing in his trailer, witnessed him kill an owl dart.


OK, now shut the fuck out of here. The fuck. Yeah, you get an owl. Yeah.


In your possession. How do you rate that? How do you get this is OK. Yeah, my neighborhood is basically an owl sanctuary. Like, I don't know what's the most owls I've ever heard of in one place at one time. There's owls everywhere, not just owls in the city in the middle. You're right, you're right in it. But there's trees in my neighborhood and shit they're full of owls. And these are not like huge. Right.


That's the main part. These are not like you look at a little picture on the Internet. It's a cute little it's a wingspan like Jimmy, right? They have like six foot wingspan. It's wild. They're enormous, huge.


These owls around here, you hear them around? Yeah. We were shooting them out of trees with flashlights so we could see them and how big they were running around the neighborhood. James is talking to me. He goes, do you hear that howling? That's an owl. I go, oh my God, that's an owl. And then he goes, it's right there in that tree.


So I've got a bike like James, look at this. And I got my bike light out. We're flashing it out and we're running down the middle of the street facing our fire. The wings open, not fly. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


And then it's just just soaring across the sky, like, oh my God.


And in the moonlight, horrifying. And I don't know if you know about owls, but they don't just advise you the best way to eat a Tootsie Pop are fucking vicious. They don't read books. No, not wise. They're they're like sky otters. They're vicious as shit. They would rape you if they could, but instead they'll just claw into you with these razor sharp talons. They're vicious. Yeah. How the fuck do you get that under control and get it in your house?


I don't do anything. Imagine if that thing got loose in your house. I don't want anything to do with it. Imagine being in a trailer room with an owl. I do have to bust through the tin wall. You'd have no choice. They swoop down in these neighborhoods and take medium sized dogs. That's serious. They're terrifying animals. So somehow he killed an owl. Oh boy. During this and then drain the blood onto a sacrificial altar, which we'll talk about what that is in a little while, because it's disturbing.


OK, now, Monica didn't like this. I'm sure, you know, Monica's a pretty she's got a couple of things we'll talk about, but she's pretty much in the realm of normal and seems like she's got her head on her shoulders and whatever. And she says, please don't, you know, murder an owl in front of me and drain its blood. I'm not really into seeing that. So she told her friend that John told her that he could, quote, kill her, dismember her and and paint the walls with.


Blood. If she ever made him mad, so don't make me mad. Now watch me dominate nature now watch me destroy an owl. So Monica told that friend in this conversation, just just so you know, anything ever happens to me. It's probably John Fryman who did it because no one else has ever threatened to dismember me and paint the walls with my blood.


Yeah, that's a pretty specific threat. It really is. So now his parents, if you talk to Freeman's parents, they'll tell you, oh, yeah, he's a double worshipper, obviously. I mean, he loves the devil. He's totally into the devil. He's not makes no he's not shy about liking being into Satanism or any shit like that. What did you do wrong? Yeah, he goes by the name todavía t o devah when he's doing Olian, like when he's doing satanic shit, you know, I mean, he's got a little satanic thing going on.


He's like, oh, Todd was coming out. It's like, it's, it's like his drag alter ego kind of todora, you know. Yeah. That's all it is called Todd for sure. Call me Todd. So that's why he's doing satanic shit. Now, members have said that. People have said that like family members have said that basically her and Monica and Monica kind of shared an interest in the occult, but his is way more weird.


He's into I want to kill an owl and drain its blood where she's like, I like black and like that candle's pretty cool. And Shout at the Devil is a great song. Yeah, that's pretty cool.


I mean, I like Judas Priest as much as the next guy. Ozzy's all right, but it's the 80s and try to think of it.


So yeah. Like I feel like she's just kind of into like kind of dark stuff and maybe is like a Slayer fan. Yeah. And like, like candles and shit like that. But she's not looking to sacrifice things and like do satanic ritual. She's just looking to like, open it. Yeah. She's just kind of eighties goth that's all. It's all it is. So anyway her boyfriend says of her and this is now we're talking about February of 1987.


Remember, these mystery legs are found on the 14th of February. Her boyfriend, Monica's boyfriend, Dennis Witte of Cincinnati, he says that February 9th, she gets a phone call from John Fryman and arranged for John to pick her up, which is weird. Is the boyfriend like, yeah, go hang out with the weird owl murdering dude that you met in jail like that. You met when he was in jail. She was never in jail. He said that Monica had become afraid of her in December when they argued in the trailer.


And she said and he said that I'll paint the walls with your blood. Right. So two months later, he's like, yeah, I let her go hang out with him or, you know, I was OK with that and she was OK with that. So I don't understand it. She had a different he had a different interpretation to the boyfriend, said, quote, She said he threatened to kill her and write her name in blood on the wall.


Either way, both of those are bad.


So, yeah, I'll see you when you get home now. So, you know, good luck. I'm never leaving you alone with this man. No. Next is Beverley Cox. We have to meet Beverly Cox in nineteen eighty seven. Early eighty seven is twenty years old. So she's right about Monica's age. Here's Beverly. It's kind of hard to get a good look at her, but there she is there.


There's old Beverly that looks like a fucking. I can't see she looks older than she is.


Yeah, it's it's in this picture because that's that's a picture from later anyway. Like a postcard kind of. Yeah, a little bit. Yeah.


So she she is kind of as we'll talk about, she's kind of grows up one of these people, it kind of latches on to groups, group to group to kind of a person looking for something to belong to which Jesus, we all did that or good for her to because she's like you latch on to a group, he's like, oh yeah, this chick sucks and everybody likes her.


I don't wanna be around the ship.


A lot of times when you're a teenager, too, you just like you'll your interest will wane and and ebb and flow into different things. And you'll dress totally different in one school year from the next. And it's just kind of how people are. As a kid, you're looking for something and then you figure it out and then you don't change ever. Yeah. Then you have the same everything for the next 40 years. That is a great point.


So what it is sophomore to senior year, I have three or four different wardrobes. Yeah, I have the same wardrobe today that I had when I was twenty nine. You figured it out here like this is me. That's lot. I'll run this jeans t shirt don stand in the mirror. Right. You look the ball sir. It's either that or it's like there's nothing I can put on this to make it look better. Who gives a shit.


Yeah. Fuck it, I'm putting this on.


I wear the same shit I did in high school except less baggy. That's it. Everything just a little better. Sunk in a little bit, a few sizes tighter and that's about it. Otherwise it's still like a nasty shirt or something like I'm still wearing the same shirt.


So now Beverley Cox Fryman John Fryman meets Beverley Cox. Where else do young young Satanists out in the world meet at the Cottingham retirement community? Obviously. I mean, where else would they meet? OK, ok. This one's full of surprises. Yeah, it's a nice wedding and there's some legs, there's this and there's that. So this is an Sharonville Cock's began work there as a nurse's aide on October 9th, 1986. And she performed her her boss said she performed her duties in accordance with regulations and was very cordial to the residents there.


We had no problems with her.


Yeah, until they both walked off the job together. They quit mid shift together on November 16th. Nineteen eighty six. What does he do there? OK, he's a janitor or some shit, so they both quit. All right. They quit their jobs and they move in together. They literally leave their jobs and move in together. Where do they move? The Debbie Trailer Park.


Yeah. Oh, boy. Yikes.


This is in I have a picture of the train to be called Debbie's trailer because Debbie, the house fell off and somebody stole the S..


I think it's them little kids all Debbie died, so we don't care. I gave a shit around. Debbie has actually started it, but like nine people owned it since then. We just too lazy to change.


The signs are expensive.


Ever trying to get a sign made you try try to buy a two foot by three foot. That's that's our expense. The S is out of my price range. I can't buy a whole new name. One of those popular letters in the alphabet. I know there's demand for it. You ever watch Wheel of Fortune RCL any. Sir, my name is Allah Wishes. Now, I'm not made of money. I'm just not made of money. This is one twenty four Sami Drive in Fairfield and this is the trailer.




Well, well, well well. This is not great. Well window unit get the ladder a little fucking down the tongue of the trailer right there. I believe it. That is a town. They didn't even lock that off the wagon just in case they got to go. Oh yeah. But there's a corrugated steel instead of latest. That's a single wide. It's it's not great living. No, it's not great living at ideal. Yeah.


Not ideal. It's depressing, I would say. Now Debra's also into black magic. Of course, before they met she was into this type of shit. She wrote a report on witchcraft in high school, which lots of high school girls do that kind of shit.


But her former husband was a Satanist and her mother was a witch as well.


And we'll find out more. It's her dad. It's it goes back. OK, so mom's a witch, and that's how this works.


Yeah. Now, this whole thing is just getting. You think it's weird?


It's about to go. That girl's a nightmare. Oh, I already know. Holy shit. Is she alive. This is over. Oh. February 9th. Nineteen eighty seven is like we said is when Monica is picked up by John Freeman and they take off here she leaves. She left work on February 9th and told her job that she was going to another job interview at a motel in Cincinnati. Yeah. Basically here she lived in Cincinnati in an apartment with her boyfriend.


She goes home and ends up having John pick her up from her place, and that was it. Basically, they end up going, why are they leaving? Apparently, and this is from multiple sources, including the boyfriend. This isn't just John Freeman saying this. Apparently they're leaving because John is going to help Monica cash some stolen checks that she has.


OK, so, yeah, everybody's but I mean, that's that's not violent. I don't really care. It's fine. So February 10th, nineteen eighty seven. We'll get to this is the next day. OK, she is still at the trailer the next day. We don't know if she wants to be there or not. That's the thing. We're not sure if she wants to be there or not. That that part is all very cloudy. But at some point, John takes her into the sorcery room.


Yeah. During an argument and and is forcing her to read a satanic incantation that he has painted on the door. OK, this is what he's doing. He brings her in there and says, you read that right fucking now. Yeah. I don't know the meaning or don't know why or any shit like that. So she complies because she's afraid of him. She goes back and she starts reading this incantation off the wall, blah, blah, blah.


While this is happening, he shoots her in the head with a twenty five cal. Oh my God. Pulls it out, shoots her in the back of the head. What. The ship she never saw coming, never knew it was coming was in the middle of talking. He didn't, he wasn't pointing it at her beforehand. He just stuck it out and popped her while she was doing this.


Like English words like gobbledegook shit. Do we know it's it's it's it's I have it later on. It's like, you know, our father who art in hell and all that whole horseshit, so whatever. So he shoots her in the head with a twenty five. OK, ok. This is the morning of the tenth. She dies obviously she dies there. We don't know the other thing too. We don't know if that, if he killed her immediately, if she suffered and how she was that we have no idea about this because she's not talking about it now.


Is there as well. She's involved in all this shit, they hang out for the whole day with Monica's body, trying to figure out what to do with it. Fuck, how do we get it out of here? This is going to be rough. I don't know. Well, you carry that. I can't carry this. How do we do this? While this keeps getting in the way, these goddamn legs are the problem.


Oh, no legs up.


I'd be so much easier if we could just have one section and then the legs and then we could all fit it all in the trunk also. That way it'll package much easier.


So he goes and borrows a circular saw from someone and comes back and saws both of Monica's legs off eight inches above the knee. And that's that. I take her outside, they put her in the trunk, they take the legs, they take them to a separate location and she's gone. So she's a missing person. Monica Obviously, she doesn't return home at all. They can't find her. It's not until the 11th where they file a missing person report her boyfriend.


I think her father ends up because the boyfriend tells her parents she hasn't been home. They call the job. She hasn't been there. So it's you know, she's not like that. She's dependable. So they immediately call the police and they start looking for her. And immediately the first people they want to talk to is John Fryman. Yeah, because he was the last person that obviously picked her up and he had threatened her life before. So clearly.


But they can't find John Fryman.


He's not around at all until February 11th. When they do find him not at home, though, they find him in a nontraditional way. Let's put it. They find him, him and Deborah both. They pick him up on the I-40, I believe, or near the I-40, and they pick him up because he or somebody had just robbed a clerk oil company station, a gas station in Fairfield. And in one of the employees, a woman named Tammy Sue Rose, was shot in the robbery.


Cheesus, he shot her and he and she is in a coma after this, like in the head shot her and. Yeah, put her in a coma. My word. Poor gas station employee in a robbery for gas station once again. Sixty dollars.


I mean, this is fucking ridiculous for some to be one of those dangerous jobs. It's ridiculous, man. So she had been shot in the head. She ends up she'll be in a coma for six weeks. Wow. Imagine that. How horrible it is. Works at the fucking. Oh, God. I hope she makes it. Oh, my God. So. Well, we'll find out. We'll keep up with her here.


So, yeah, she the police end up picking picking them up on the road. They believe that, you know, they want to talk to them about something. There's a missing person report that they're wanted for and they just shot a person and he had robbed another gas station as well. So he didn't shoot anybody there. So, yeah, it's getting fucking crazy here. Now, they said at this point that the Connersville that the the police station state police post where they took the legs, they said they're not 100 percent sure about the about the legs.


Yet the family has identified them as hers. But we're not positive. Yeah, it could be somebody else is missing legs with the same boots that they have.


We have taken off them, yet they could be elk legs. We sure are not sure there has been a moose seen in this area. And it's possible, as all I'm saying, I want to make sure. What the fuck. So they said apparently about Monica. Apparently she didn't arrive at work on the 9th and she didn't come home. The family called friends during the night and no one knew her whereabouts. And then the father told the press that then they called the missing person report and then the legs happened.


And the father told the press that he was with her when she bought the boots. Those are her books. He's positive of it. And he gave her those socks.


So those are her socks. I have personal connection with this.


Those two articles and the the boots have identifying things on the soles of them at the store identified as theirs as well. So it's it's that definitely her fucking boots, unless they took her boots and put them on another pair of legs, it's her legs.


In that case, we've got two bodies. I'm scared. Right. Frankly, there's two torsos out there somewhere. Right. So Fairfield police said that they will begin a search for Monica's torso, which they believe might be intact. What the hell? So they said we'll give it a shot. They whatever. So witnesses here, they're trying to build a case. A friend of Deborah Cox said right the day after Monica went missing. This is her name is Louise Popi Russell.


She says that Cox gave her a jacket that she told her belonged to Monica. So she's giving away the dead person's clothes the next day. And this woman happily told police about it. So, you know, that wasn't probably the wisest decision on Deborah's part there.


So, Jesus Christ, they ended up finding relet to her relatives at home, found the telephone number of. Fryman there in her and her apartment as well, so that's kind of they put all this shit together and then they talk to the boyfriend and the boyfriend said, yes, they left with them. They said the couple said that the man told them they had been in contact with John Fryman and he had indicated they should be very afraid of him.


This was a couple that this is fucking crazy. He basically went on a social outing with someone like a double date, and he ended up threatening one of the people's lives at this date, which is not great.


Now, you know, you're going to love them. Want to hang out with these people now? Trust me, he's really nice and you don't like them.


And by the end of it, you have a steak knife up to his throat or worse, like you go out with your girlfriend's friend and her boyfriend and then, yeah, your girlfriend's like, let's go out with them again. You know, the man said that he would eat my heart. He threatened my life. Let's be honest here. I want you to have a good time. I want you to have friends. I don't want you to have those friends.


That's the thing. Those people are fucking nuts. And Fryman brought up in the conversation that he talked about was the occult. Oh, Jesus, magic. And it's like it's our first hangout time here. Now, Monica's mom is really upset about this, obviously, because she knows him. So she's like, I knew this fucking guy. I didn't tell my daughter to stay away from him. Or maybe she did, but not soon enough in her mind.


Obviously, some guilt. Every parent's going to have guilt. Not her fault at all. Obviously, this poor woman lost her daughter. It's definitely not her fault, but everybody feels a little bit of guilt.


And she said that she tells the press she didn't know that Fryman was involved in Satanism, but now she's really disturbed about it because she unknowingly, unknowingly gave him a black cat, a black cat cat.


You know what happened to that black cat? Not a lot. Yeah, he she says I didn't realize the significance.


I was going to get rid of it because of a dog in our house. So I was just given a cat away. I didn't realize he was going to fucking murder it. She the mother is a Monica's mom's a public affairs specialist with the U.S. Army recruiting battalion in Cincinnati. She says she has nightmares about the death, obviously, and has visited the dump where her daughter's body is believed to be. And we'll talk about that.


They took her to put the legs by the river and went and put her torso and arms and everything in a dumpster. The dumpster is emptied before they go to search it and it's dumped in the landfill. So they're going to have to try to search a landfill to find her. And so that's where they think she is. And the mother just goes and stares at the landfill that she's in here somewhere. This is horrible for this poor woman.


She said, quote, I feel like Bonica went on a trip and didn't come back, but I know it's permanent. Yeah, that's fucking sad as shit.


You know, thankfully, since the invention of, like, landfills and like trying to keep environmental disaster out, we've discovered this way of making a grid and keeping track of not just a big pile of garbage, but it used to be that a useless pile of garbage.


Throw it all out there. That's horrifying.


She described Monica as an achiever who wanted to get ahead by going to school for Business Administration. And wow, she is an Army recruiter and, quote, wanted to be all she could be. Yeah. So that's she's an Army recruiter. She said that her daughter was not involved in Satanism and was afraid of John Fryman. But I don't know. She tells her mom everything because an electrician who they talked to who was rewiring her apartment, Monica's apartment in December, said he found all sorts of weird, like Satan, Egypt.


And they're just, you know, she's in the dark shit. She's not like in the sacrificing thing. She's just a little goth like fuck.


And who cares about the leather jacket? And he's free now.


He found a two foot statue of a green greenish black demon with wings and horns. OK, that's not normal, but it's people have weird shit. I have never seen pendulous house. Oh, my God. That would be the most normal item in it.


I mean, it's it happens, Jonathan, that Davis of Corn owns all kinds of weird shit paintings from Gacy and shit like looks like he wants it connected to it.


That's weird. That's too much. I don't want that either.


He also said he saw books about devil worshipping and witchcraft and shit like that. But that's shit that 20 year olds and teenagers have. It's she wasn't into animal sacrifice. So anyway, they go to search the trailer. They want to search the trailer. Obviously, they got a through all of these statements, they end up getting a search warrant to search the trailer before they even find John and Deborah. So they do this and well, then they get in there and they find that they think that probably there's some devil worship going on, they say, but this is the thing she wasn't killed for as a satanic sacrifice.


Yeah, there's clearly some other reason that this guy did this, you know what I mean?


They said that an inventory list of what they found in the home showed police confiscated a skull ring, a picture of a serpent in a castle. That's like a Led Zeppelin poster who are like, you know, the Mike McGill fucking board from the late 80s.


It's a black light poster. It looks great. Yeah. I mean, let's see a magic book or a zodiac sign, a bust of King Tut.


Well, someone go to Steve Martin's house and fucking arrest him because clearly bells, not bells.


Oh, God, there's bells. Jesus, Jimmy, no, be careful.


The cells in there, apparently those like the dead. Oh, God. The candles.


Yeah, I am. I'm hold on. I got to call the FBI and Sara because we have a lot of candles upstairs.


And clearly, how many of them have since James let me know, a butcher knife, which most would have us parts of a shotgun.


Are they together?


Better handle and a trigger. And then, like, that's maybe the weirdest part.


So the size of a shotgun, a pick and a pick ax, I guess a handsaw and a hacksaw. OK. They also seized a ceramic goat's head. That's a little weird, but not really out of the.


That's exactly nine figurines. They could they could have been wrestling figures. It's 87. Maybe maybe he was recreating Wrestle Mania seven and putting the Hulk star and Andre in the fucking ring together. Yeah, it's February. So that happened the next month. So we got him in Bundy's Recreate an episode. Russell Manito who knows figurines and the jawbone of an animal, which I've seen leadership and people's houses very near.


That's like the inventory. They were looking for a circular saw but never found it. Later on, we found that got dumped with Monica into the dumpster. Yeah.


Now, Jesus Christ, once they finally arrest John because they're going to like I said, after the shooting, his lawyer says, quote, We're going to deal with the satanic issue the same way we'll deal with any other aspect of the case. Obviously, it's going to come up, right? Clearly, yeah, I would say so. They they they said that I also they found a this is the weird part, OK? They found a headstone like not just a slab of marble, like one they stole from some cemetery.


Oh, God. A real one that John and Deborah stole together. That's not nice to lay out, to use as an altar to do shit on. That's what they're doing. Sacrifice is on is on a real headstone.


So, yeah, fucking very weird here. There was blood all over the room as well everywhere, especially on the altar. They're going to test that to see if that's animal blood or, you know, Monika's blood. They said, quote, in one of the bedrooms, the walls, the ceilings, the floor, everything's painted black.


Oh, no, not that serious talk about just covered images of sticky like stalactites hanging. Just a dangle in the ceiling freeze like an icicle. Just disgusting. Yes. Circles, just circles dangling.


Oh, man.


The ceiling looks like the top of a cinnamon roll. I tell you what, it's just glazed.


It's disgust, shiny, nasty. So he said he's sorry. I already know it in prison.


They're going to call him Cinnabon. Oh, Cinnabon. You they're a little Zinny. Cincinnati Cinnabon as they that him since he's in a bun. So he wants to see buns. He said they got he's got a table made like a podium. And on top of the podium is a granite headstone. There are all kinds of black candles. There's a name on the headstone and it's a legitimate headstone. That's what the police officer said.


That's that part that disturbs Grossman. So it shouldn't be too hard to figure out how to return it, though. It's fucking got his name. He's got his name on and his dad died. This stuff, that's the one that I got birth and death. Both dates could be worse than any. So it says right here, father, son and uncle. So, yeah, for that. Now, after the police search this whole house, they find blood and all this type of stuff and legs and everything they say.


This is Fairfield Police Sergeant Ray Horsnell. Got to say their names and they say something dumb. Quote, We don't even know if we have a crime committed here. Oh, boy. I beg to differ, sir. I beg to differ. Once you have fucking severed human legs, there's some kind of crime committed. So I'm going to say, yes, that's right.


That man is taking innocent until proven guilty. Relvar been innocent. We don't even know a crime happened. We don't know they did it. We're not even sure that boatman's like we said, she could've had a heart attack exploded, legs popped off. We don't know for sure. You just see the legs come off with a sock, as I did. And now they arrest of Fryman and Cock's on us forty near Richmond, Indiana, by a sheriff's deputy.


Fryman was being sought for questioning in this and Deborah had the gun on her. She was holding the gun and they waive extradition and they're brought back back. They're back to the search of the trailer. Coxon Fryman deny personal ownership of any of these satanic items in the trailer. That's mine, even though it's their trailer, right. They also deny responsibility for painting the room black, even painted. We moved in and we were like, oh, cool, it's finally a trailer with a sorcery room.


You know, we answered an ad that furnished trailer, all the shit was here. I mean, it's just wild is just what we were looking for, too. I said, I want a two bedroom, one bath. Now we're going to need a kitchen, maybe a little dining area, but I need a sorcery room, dammit. So if it's already prepared that be even better. I need a two sorcery, one bath. That's how my sorcery budget is low right now.


So I'd like it to be if it's furnished already, that would help.


So I'll assemble the shotgun, I will put it well, the parts I have and then I'll throw up match and go boom and you'll think it's a shotgun blast.


So yeah, they, they this is fucking weird.


So they bring Fryman into the police and they're like, well you got to say, dude, you know, you can't deny all this.


This is a little bit ridiculous. So what they end up doing is they tell him that, they tell him that they found the rest of her body and they also tell him that they also tell him that his girlfriend, Beverly, has just revealed to them that she's pregnant. In the other interrogation, two things that are not sure if she's pregnant, you're going to be a father now. You got to take responsibility for your actions and shit like that.


So, yeah, they and then they also this is from right. From the police officer, quote, I told John Fryman that Beverly Cox had already told us that he had killed Monica Lemmon and had lured her to the trailer and that he meant to kill her. She gave you up and she's pregnant. Right. And I mean, Jesus Christ, we got the body. I'll tell you what, your grandma died this morning. I don't know if you know that, but if you want to go to that funeral, you better start talking.


That is a rather that guy just swung for the fences. Forget he really fell to the right guy because otherwise you give somebody all that information. Guys, as somebody that didn't do it, I just like all of that's false.


All that's irrelevant at this point to me personally. Yeah, no, he well, they told him all of this and this is the response. He said, quote, He meaning Fryman said, quote, Bring me a quarter pounder and a Coke and I'll make a statement. Oh, so. Yeah. Hey, Paul, just give me bring me fucking McDonald's and I'll tell you everything you want to know. Skip the fries because James won't stick my face in it.


Yes. I don't want anything to do with fry grease. He then confessed to the crime. He confessed everything and that he asked that the statement be shown to Deborah Cox because he didn't he said she didn't do shit in the statement. She said, all me, I did everything. Deborah did nothing. She, if anything, wouldn't have liked it, that I was doing it all this type of shit. So but the problem, he didn't even eat the Quarter Pounder.


It wasn't for him. No, no. The police officer said the Quarter Pounder was given to the woman he loved cocks. It wasn't for him. And so is the confession. Basically, he just he got the McDonald's for her because she like quarter pounders and then he fucking confessed and put it put it all on himself.


I said, got you a quarter pounder. I'll see you around around. Yeah. Meanwhile, you know, obviously she's in for murder and, you know, abuse of a corpse and everything else here. He also said, quote, after he gave the whole thing up, he's sitting there, I assume, eating the fries. And he says to everybody, quote, I probably made a mistake telling you guys all this. I probably should have acted crazy, huh?


They were like, yeah, probably would have been a better strategy for you. This guy would have failed the copy machine polygraph, like he would have totally fallen for it.


I found out a confession cost them for ninety nine.


That's eighty seven to ninety nine, not even for ninety nine. That's incredible. Did I ever tell you about the other way they would do that. Well, I don't think I ever did the fries and the polygraph test. Oh there's another one.


So there's the failure are loaded with paper.


All right then there's another one where the guy this is out of the homicide book where it was in Baltimore, I believe either Baltimore. It might have happened in Detroit. Yeah. The guy he was interviewing was really stupid. He thought so he brought him in and made him do. He asked him a question and he answered it.


And then he made him do a field sobriety test in the interrogation room and nose to your thing, like like he was a drunk regular side of the road drunk driving test. He didn't do well in the cop goes, you failed, you fucking lying motherfucker.


And the guy broke down, cried and confessed to the whole murder. It was like I failed the sobriety test, I'm a liar, the guy fell for the cops that came up with a spur of the moment, like, I wonder if he's this stupid and he fucking was confession. God, that is awesome. That's wild.


So February 20, 3rd, 1987, they have to search for the rest of Monica.


Obviously, that you kill this person. No. Know, pat your head, rub your tongue. He didn't do it. Can you lie and fuck?


Stand on one foot. Hop up and down. All right. And that's not bad. I believe that Hans head back to the you lie and murderous motherfucker, you fucking murder.


I knew it from Zeda ABCDs. Stop accu you lying mother fucker lying cocksucker. I knew it. I knew. And he was like, you got me.


I do that for me someday I do nevertheless.


Tell me what the Gulaga that I knew of the rainbow are.


Backwards, backwards. Viv go now.


That is awesome. Police work is incredible. First Amendment to the Bill of Rights go. Huh. That's not in. I said fucking do it you dumb shit. You're clearly a murderer.


Nope. The fifth is freedom from self incrimination, you lying cocksucker. The fourth is search and seizure. Fuck you, you liar. You backwards cocksucker. All right, so they're searching for Monica on February twenty third, which it's been out there a while. Yeah, the like we said, the boots were identified by her father and everything like that, that he admitted to placing her body in a dumpster which was emptied into the landfill. They searched through the landfill for three whole days of searching through it.


It's the room Key West Waste Inc. landfill near I to seventy five in US. Twenty seven. They said, quote, We are confident that the body of Monica Lemon is in the rumpy dump site. But after three days of exhaustive search, it was realistic to call the search on so they'd never find the rest of her.


The name of the place and the location are the most depressing place. Yes, for a final resting place, dignity, stripping words and rump key.


Yeah, a little waste center. Now you know why her mom went there? Yeah. Good to look right. Because they want, you know, wanted to get her out of there I assume, lady. Right. So they called off the search and everything like that. They said as a matter of logistics, you know, it's just difficult. And they said they must have dumped her just because that was the heavy part of the body. So you dump that in a dumpster and then you get rid of the legs anywhere, because there where he had a Fryman was driving a Ford Pinto station wagon.


Sophus Yes. So it's easier to fit in there that way. Is actually driving. Yeah. Well plus two, it's fucking he let her sit there for a day. So she's in rigor after that too. So it's really hard to get someone in a trunk if they're stiff, especially that car, especially a piece of shit Pinto right now. So they indict both Cox and Fryman. Obviously he is charged with aggravated murder. She is charged with complicity to aggravated murder.


Yeah. Clearly, the charges against them carry possible life sentences and his carries a possible death sentence as well. The Fryman family makes a statement. His parents, this is his father, which can you imagine like an old school father. He said, quote, This will be our only statement, which is exactly what the father would say. Yeah. He said, we are devastated. Our sympathy goes out to Pat, who is Monica's mother and her family and friends.


We share in their grief. We think our son's a piece of shit, basically.


Yeah, but you knew.


That's why you don't know. He's he's twenty four. We used to do fucking. You can't stop us when he was thirteen. You go, Jesus, check his room.


This didn't happen between 2003 and 2004. You know. Now he's gone on so long still what are they going to do. He's lives in his own trailer with a ceramic goat head. How are they supposed to stop that? You know, he's gone. This sucks. Like, if you did something now, people going, why your mom stop it? Because you're kind of an adult. That's why I can't stop.


It still feels like they're responsible, right? It does. And it does anyway, in the Midwest.


I mean, they all of that come on the share responsible.


You knew you knew that fucking Black Sabbath album would be bad for him. You fucking know it. But you bought it for him anyways. At least twelve.


I mean, I don't want to I want to know what the other kids after he knew the possibility that he had to go too far.


So, Beverly, let's talk about her charges for a minute because they change. Beverly Kocsis charges change. They change when she is given full immunity.


Why full immunity for turning state's evidence? Oh, God. Not only does she get full immunity, Jimmy, this is this is the craziest thing that's ever happened on small town murder, OK? She's being held from February. Twenty seventh through the trial. Isn't a. Will witness for her own safety, and so she doesn't run away and all of that while she's being held because she's a witness, a material witness and not a suspect of any time they have to pay, her staff says she walks away from this with fifty three hundred dollars and no charges against her.


None. She made fifty three hundred dollars in profit from murdering a 21 year old girl, helping sever her legs, carry her out, dump her body and throw her legs out of the car. She made a fifty three hundred dollar profit from the state of Ohio and they needed her from the state. No? Well, yeah.


If he well, all he has to do is say my confession was garbage. I just wanted a quarter pounder for my girlfriend. Unless they have her putting him in there, I guess. But they also have Monica's blood is in his house. Ballistics to this, not to mention Tammy Rose is still in a fuckin coma. So they also have him on that. They can hold him for a minute on that while they gather the rest. There's a lot going on here.


But, yeah, she's being held and being paid. Once she testifies, she is going to not only leave the courtroom a free as a bird. Fifty three hundred dollars. She leaves the country. She goes to Germany to live with her sister, who is in the military, very home to get the fuck up. Gone. So sorry, Germany. Sorry, moved me. Mean a dump that on you. Yes. She's the prosecutor said, quote, Her testimony against the defendant is vital.


Our study of the evidence shows that Beverly Cox was present when the events occurred but wasn't a party to it and that she was in that she was hiding in a closet. OK, I doubt that. So anyway, she's being held, like we said, Ronald Kraft, who is her attorney, Beverley Cox's attorney, was said she's given transactional immunity for her testimony and said that what this means is that she will not be prosecuted on and on the offense of complicity to aggravated murder.


Nothing in there. The only thing she could be prosecuted for at this time would be her failure to testify later on, which would be contempt of court or perjury. So that's it, April eighty seven, they start exchanging letters in from jail, Beverley and John to each other, you know, because they're so innocent.


So she says at this point, she's sending him a letter saying that she's renounced the devil. She's been exorcised in jail.


OK, she says in this letter that, wow, the devil, quote, the devil goes back hundreds of years in her family.


He's been a family friend for a long time. He was at my grandfather's wedding. Hey, is that my daddy's Christina? How goes. It's just it just he comes he's a family friend. He hangs around and around all the parties over Christmas Eve and bringing gifts. You know, that's where he goes to the Knights of Columbus and plays cards.


My dad, you know how it goes.


So she also said this is a quote quote, He tried to get my father, but he could not. So he went after me. The devil, you know, she's a consolation prize. She wrote also, quote, The devil had me. I was going to kill myself. She said that it took the only thing that could save her was a ceremony in the Butler County jail. Right. To finally rid herself of the demon. That's what she said.


A jail exorcism ruined her of her decades long family demon for girls.


Use the plunger, yanked him out of me. That's it.


That's a twenty three and demon. Twenty three and me demon edition. That's what it is like. How long have you had a demon in your family? And that's the twenty three to be commercial I want to say so. She says that the letter here was, she said it was the, she was the subject of an exorcism and it in her letter that she was scared and confused at the time and didn't know what to do. So she had to get an exorcism.


You know, I was right.


She said, quote, I was pounding the walls of my fist, pounding my head against the walls. Yeah, that'll do it. Pacing the floor.


My blood went blue. What's your blood is blue. First of all, I could not stop shaking. It was horrifying. She then says that a demon or spirit was in the room with her that needed to be extricated from her person. Clearly so she said that a demon or spear was in the room, quote, that was removed out. OK, OK. She blamed the previous blueness of her legs on poor circulation, which would be the more likely source of blueness in your legs rather than demonic possession and varicose veins.


Sugar. Yeah, I imagine how many people right now are like, is it covid are saying, I can't tell you how people are like I have allergies or is this like did I catch this? She's in trouble right now. Am I in trouble right now. That's the thing of my now is my circulation right here. Is that the devil I can't tell if my nose is a little stuffy or if I can't smell or taste neither one.


Yeah, none of it's good. But, you know, one's worse than the other. I think I'm breathing through Swiss cheese lungs right now. I think so proudly.


She said that her parents brought her confirmation. Bible to the jail, and that really helped her a lot. She said, quote, Dad was telling me everything was going to be all right, that Johnny couldn't do anything to me. Dad started reading me the Bible. He said everything would be explained. Evil and hell are all around us. And so, yeah, the exorcism took place on April 4th in jail while her parents and their priest visited her in jail is like a family exorcism.


You want to do that on like a Sunday family exorcism barbecue? That's what it is after the game. Yeah. You know, they go to church, you watch football and you have a little, like out like a lawn exorcism, chicken thighs, chicken thighs. You do it down by the river hoping on legs wash up. Usually that's how it works so well. FREIDEL Yeah, you know, because Jesus Christ.


So the letters went back and forth and these letters apparently convinced him to plead guilty in order to relieve her because she also sent him letters saying about her like horrible childhood, basically like, hey, plead guilty and say that you were alone.


And it'll be better for both of us because I don't deserve to be there. She told them about sexual abuse she suffered as a child. She's like said, you know, you can get what I'm saying here and and in jail, too. She said she got attacked in jail. I'm sure she did. He does plead guilty to one thing. He pleads guilty to gross abuse of a corpse, which is because he said he saw the legs off.


There's not a lot you can really do with that. The rest of it, though, he's not going to he's going to say he's innocent. We'll find out why. Why did he take the rap for this shit? So that was the he thought that she was pregnant. He really wanted. She was pregnant. Yeah. He said that he wanted her to you know, he wanted her to get out to have the baby and wanted to have a baby in jail.


That's tough and all that sort of thing. So then he said that he believed that she was being sexually abused in jail. So then he said he had to do it to get her out of jail. He said his lawyer said, quote, He read the law on capital punishment and tailor made his statement to fit it all to protect Beverley. Even if he was looking at the electric chair, he was willing to do it at that time. Now that she says that, hey, like she wants nothing to do with him, she's going to testify against him.


His lawyer says that Fryman is, quote, very disappointed in Cock's, whom he calls a very scared young lady.


Yeah, well, he really said was I should have killed that bitch.


I cut her fucking legs off. Damn it. Wrong legs. Also in April, Tammy Rose still in the hospital, shooting victim from the gas station there. She's out of her coma that's undergoing therapy. Her father, James, said the gunshot wounds suffered to her head affected her ability to recall events. She has no memory of the shooting right whatsoever. He says, quote, I'm glad they found the man who shot her. But, you know, it's not going to help her any, which is how I know exactly how I feel about that once I'm at minimizing.


Well, that doesn't help me. It's great that they're in jail, but whatever. So she's having difficulty with recall peripheral vision and balance. She does remember and identify relatives and friends, but doesn't remember anything that happened recently and expects Tammy to be released in May.


So she will make a recovery, hopefully, you know, more of a fall than with a twenty five caliber lobotomy. Exactly. It's fucked up, messed up man self pre-trial competency hearing because he's he's going to plead insanity.


He is not guilty of insane. Fuck it. That's all I got at this point. So the prosecutor said, quote, He may be different. He may be strange, he may be unusual.


I'll get me wrong now. But different, strange and unusual do not mean he's not competent to stand trial. He's a fucking weirdo. Yeah, but and this isn't like, you know, West Memphis Three or they're just taking nothing and being like it was, say, and put these kids away. Right. They're adding, say, into actual physical evidence and confessions and things, you know, and not a confession of a scared thirteen year old with a sixty six IQ.


We're talking about an adult man who knew exactly what he was doing and exchanged information for a quarter pounder. This is unbelievable. Bit different here.


So then his lawyer, Brightman's lawyer, says, quote, The man is totally confused, Judge. He doesn't know shit. He knows what a shit from Shinola. He has no idea. Watch this shit. He has no idea. Say he doesn't know the difference. Even watch me put this shit in my hands. I say he said that shit stinks. And then I said, shit, shit. All he went for. I tell you what, Saddam is the real similar smell.


Similar. He said when a man's on trial for his life, he doesn't spend seven months misleading his defense attorney and saying he will lead the way to the electric chair because that's what he was saying at first, then changed his mind when she got immunity. He's like, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Now, hey, I was trying to lessen her sentence and talk this over. This is fucked up. So he also says a doctor testifies who is the executive director of the Butler County Forensic Center.


He says that Fryman told him that he believes there is a conspiracy against him involving listening devices in his cell, CIA involvement and lookalikes posing as his defense attorney to get inside of his brain. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Fryman said that he would lead the way to the electric chair to make the statement about the injustices. Done to him. That's what he said. Another doctor, a Cincinnati psychiatrist, testified that in his session with Fryman that Fryman claimed his girlfriend, Beverly Cox, killed, killed Monica Cox had been granted immunity.


And so he's found competent to stand trial. Prosecutors go. All right. Well, we're going to seek the death penalty on this ASOL then. So that sort of makes sense. So the specifications are the fact that he killed miss he killed Monica while in the in the process of committing a kidnapping of her because they were saying he wasn't letting her leave. Right. That was the kidnapping. So it's a stretch.


Yeah. We're trying to stretch it out. And if they make if they throw all the goat, Hagit, out there, they might be able to scare the shit out of the jury enough to make them do it, basically. So the police said that in the trial that they believed it was a gunshot wound to the head. Legs were severed after she was murdered, which is good. At least they didn't do it while she was fucking alive.


So the police believe that she went voluntarily to the mobile home because even the boyfriend said she called him to say to pick her up. I mean, there was definitely he didn't like she didn't even drive there. No, he didn't, like, get her in a headlock on the street and throw her in the back seat. But they think that he lured her there by deception and under false pretenses, that he was going to help her cash stolen checks.


So that was the that would be kidnapping. Now, the attorney for his attorney, Frank Shirvani, said that he was very surprised by the kidnapping specification and didn't think it would fly. So John, like I said, enters his insanity plea. That's his the way he's going to fucking play this.


So the trial starts September of eighty seven. Prosecutor in the opening, he says, tells everybody, look, you know how you know Stu is still isn't one thing.


Now, you put meat in his water and the flower in the flower and there there's vegetables and salt. There's pepper. It's got celery, for Christ's sake.


Kind of like what we have here. We have a little murder still with some mixture of anger, the occult black magic that I hate, the little owl in the loud blood, the owl blood.


It gives it it's like finishing with butter. It just gives it like a sheen at the end and a smoothness that other things don't give it. You know, you can substitute cornstarch or flour. Yeah, you can do that. But our blood is real. It's essential if you have you put you could people have tried Phalcon blood like you could put a foulk in blood in there. I mean it'll work but it doesn't have the same. Yeah. It's just not the same.


You know, I'm saying it's like it's like, like a gluten free some you're like, yeah, that's sort of what it is, but it's not quite there. I mean a Forkan really fucks Oprey up to date about an hour, eats the whole thing and lets the body sort it out. Just shits out eyeballs and teeth and shit. And I mean that's kind of that's different. Styles are so important to this, you know how this works.


So they said John Freeman arrived at the conclusion in his mind that he would kill Monica and lure her to his trailer, more like the other way around. Yeah, but find the prosecutor said this was in the statements. Now, the defense their case says Beverly did everything. Oh, John did nothing. Beverly was jealous over Monica because they knew each other before Beverly and John knew each other and they were hanging out. And she thought that Monica like John.


So she got jealous. They got in a fight, gave the wrong person immunity. There you go. Beverly shot her in the head. And then John's only thing was helping or helping her, you know? Yeah.


We'll talk about what he tells her, what he said. John says he wants to testify here. He's dying to testify. He'd love to. I mean, more happy.


I could not be to really tell you my side of the story, but no one. I can't swear on the Bible.


Obviously, that's not going to work for me. And I really can't take any notes of any kind. So unless it's like a satanic to both type of thing, I really I'm not really in the realm of oh, at the moment per say. Oh, so sorry. Can't testify. So that's his excuse for not testifying. It's not that he doesn't want to have the prosecutor rip his story to shreds. It's just, you know, it's an honor thing.


This is what he looks like, by the way, at trial.


Oh my goodness. What is happening. His hair is not being real. Like eighty seven Bruce Willis thing happened and where it is running toward the back of his head, it looks like he has that like xmen metal chrome thing on his head. Yeah. And then he's got his hands hempel's in the wild.


That's a mess. That's fucked up. It's a fucking looks like the green goatee. Yeah. His head blew up in prison. It does look bigger. You see, he doesn't look like a big guy. And I can see his neck is normal. It's just that picture in the sweater is bad. Yeah. So he said that. Yeah. His his attorney said that he would not take the oath, which meant he couldn't be prosecuted or cross-examined.


Prosecutor said that he couldn't be cross-examined by the prosecutor. The prosecutor, John Tulkarm called it quote, the joke of the month.


I'm mad. How dare he? So the defense attorney said the evidence will show that Fryman left Monica at the mobile home he just left. He said he went to. Little town to buy some weed, I went to buy some buds. I came back and Beverly was fucking hysterical. She was screaming all over the place. She said it's an accident and blood was on the floor. And what do I do? Yeah. So then at that point, he saw Beverly cry and he couldn't he couldn't couldn't bear witness to that.


He said he looked down, he patted her and he said, don't worry, sweetie, I'll take care of everything, OK? That's when he cut the legs off and he called her out to the Pinto. Yeah. That's why he pleaded guilty, because he said, I did abuse the corpse, but I was out getting a fucking nickel bag. I don't know what you're talking about here, Mr. Richards. That's all I'm going to do. I'll take care of this.


I got it. Don't worry. Two days later, he was pumping gas, he said at the Clark Service Station, minding his own business, pumping gas, as one does. And he said that Beverly went in to get a drink. And while he's in there and while she's in there, he's pumping and she hears he said he hears two loud pops from inside and Beverly ran out. Oh, my God, she's a monster. She's a fucking monster.


This woman chick on a leash. Oh, yeah. She's got control. Yo, bitch, motherfucker. Sorry, I have to go 70s.


So she's that bad bitch from the crowd. Wow. This is what he said, that when he when she returned that she, quote, had a smile on her face and money from the gas station. She didn't even have any remorse. She says that, you know, he says that Cox feared her, her old husband, the Satanist, and that's why they had a gun, because it was her gun that she had for protection against her Satanist ex-husband, which he helped her purchase from for a guy from a guy for forty five dollars, low quality weapon.


And when they were arrested, Beverly was carrying the gun. So that's why they sort of were like, maybe that's true. But the rest of it, who cares? Now, Patricia Leamon, that is Monica's mom. She says that she says that she's talking to the press, saying that John is playing mind games when, you know, he says Beverly did it. It's bullshit. She says, quote, He plays mind games. People involved in psychology can get people in their confidence and do things to people and do these things to people that are naive and not so used to being around jailbirds.


OK, what you mean is he's manipulative. He's a manipulative asshole. Yeah, that's all it is. And that girl's Beverley's four years younger than him. Right. So which is also a thing. That guy's a frightening man. He's a frightening fucking man who knows how many times he would do this? More like for sure. Not saying he hasn't done this more, but he would do this right after this. You got away with it if you like.


Life doesn't mean much. No, clearly not. She also the mother says she doesn't believe that her daughter got in a fight over John. She says, quote, Monica would have never confronted her and argued it was not in her personality. If they did not get along, she would have stayed away from them. She might be true. Now, during the trial, they take the jury on a field trip. Oh, God. OJ style.


Oh, no. To the trial.


Oh, Jesus.


Now, the problem with this is, is obviously the trailer is not in the same condition it was. They had the catalog move everything. Everything's gone.


So the prosecutors recreate the sorcery room. Oh, yeah.


They take all the items seized. They put them back. They set things up all in all the evidence. Oh yeah. Yeah. But they set it up how they wanted. They make a try to make it real creepy. They want the jury to be like, oh man. Yeah. But they set up like a set. Right. This is it's the same thing. O.J. lawyers did it the opposite way. They said it was all pictures of like him with like Martin Luther King and shit.


It was like, oh, look at how you know what it's how they did it. So the jurors tour the trailer, by the way. They're like, Jesus, it's fine. I got to sit in on a murder trial, but I got to go. And someone's dirty, sleazy fucking trailer to Jesus. They saw ceramic figurines of a witch, a dragon with a feline creature with bat like wings. OK, the trailer also included and they put this all in here, black candles, a Ouija board.


OK, and the topper, Jimmy, the cherry on top pictures of unicorns.


I ha pictures of unicorns. What the fuck is satanic about that? Third graders, trapper keeper fucking unicorn in my daughter's room and tear that shit off the wall. He is dangerous. Let's make sure she isn't a circular saw anywhere near a fucking house. Oh, shit.


Oh, these are pictures of unicorns.


They're creepy, mystical creatures without a horn horned horse with wings, Satan. Only Satan would make one of those winged Emily's got Ouija board pillows and shit couch in the sage burning in the bathroom. The love of Christ. I am horrified. I'm lucky to be alive, man. She's going to kill you, Jimmy. Not no doubt.


She's going to drain my blood. Oh, I would die with an owl, obviously. Jesus, who wouldn't say holy fuck. And the closet door is inscribed with. Some shit that ends with our father who art in hell. That's their big thing there. That's weird. That's what's weird. So the jurors got to go there, the prosecutors said, set about when asked if it was the most bizarre case he's ever done, he said this is this is a bizarre business.


This case is evil business. The evil here shows that this man was making a business out of being evil. Does anyone know how to talk in this fucking town, them legs? If it wasn't for the wedding, they'd have been there before we found them. Pardon, Sheriff? Also, they were there before you. Yeah. This is a bizarre business. This case is evil business. The evil here shows that this man was making a business out of being evil.


That's one of the fucking. He is the Butler County prosecutor. Oh, fuck. Fucking county. He's in charge of saying when someone should fucking have the weight of the state pressed against them.


That man the fuck out of here.


We just found four different ways to say evil and business together. That's what evil and it's evil.


And he's made a business out of the evil of business, of business evil, you know what I mean? And it's that makes it an evil business.


You know, it's evil. That's a fantasy. And there's a lot of business involved in it, too. So I won't get in everything now. September twenty third nineteen eighty seven is Beverly's testimony. She's going to come and testify. She testifies for three hours and it's pretty fucking interesting. When asked if devil worship by Fryman were discussed in the testimony later on, the prosecutor says, quote, Does a bear live in the woods?


Oh boy you Plessey just say shit when you say that everyone everyone in their head went shit. Everyone, four year olds went shikimic shit.


They all heard shit. So you said it. They thought shit, then thought about it more and thought shit again. So you actually multiplied the shit by not saying shit.


You cleaned up a very common phrase. So if you just said bear shit in the woods, they won't shit once.


Not three shits assholes also that have been like, why do you why do you use that money to say Pogrebin funny you know. Yeah. So that's clean. At least I am. I don't know. It's like well then they say I'm coming down on the Catholics.


Why is it so funny.


I pray with that man. Yeah. Not so funny. It's not funny to make funny on fun Christmas. Oh yeah. Good Friday. Rubbing up on church then.


You know it's a great hat huh. Yeah, it's beautiful. Now Beverly, when asked about Satanism she said quote, I don't believe in any of that stupid crap anymore. Anymore. Anymore.


I did for a long time now she talked about an exorcism and that an evil spirit had settled around her and that her father had been pursued by a demon. And everyone on the jury was like, are you talking to her husband? Are you innocent? And that she helped him steal a tombstone for the altar that's in real tombstone. She said she was freed of Satanism in April, about the same time she lost her love for John Fryman. You know, about the same time she was offered immunity as well.


It's pretty it's a pretty interesting the timeline to be expected.


Don't pay too much attention to that. Yeah, it's all a coincidence.


But, you know, she said he warned her not to tell anyone that he had killed Monica. Now, in the closing, the defense is going to try to put a lot on Beverly. They say, quote, Beverly Cox sits two hundred yards from this witness stand laughing because she pulled it off. She pulled off her little trick. She has made a fool of the state of Ohio. Don't let her make a fool of this, Jerry. Yeah, I half agree with that.


Yeah. He also told the jurors to discount the statement, discount the statements that John made to the police that said he did it. That's very you know, you don't want to listen to that stuff.


That's silly. He thought he had a baby on the way. You guys. It's silly stuff. I say it's a pretty mature dad decision. Have you had the fries at the McDonald's on Fairfield? No, they're really good. I'll make you talk. They make fresh ones every time and they salt them and make you say some shit. I almost admitted to killing this lady.


I tell you that right now.


So he when he admitted to the crimes, he said he was trying to protect Cox. Shravani also chided the prosecutors. That's a defense attorney. Shravani chided the prosecutors for recreating in court the satanic sorcery room. And they keep bringing up sorcery room and all you could just say broader in their motive doesn't matter at trial. So you can say we don't know why. We don't really give a shit why he definitely brought her in there, shot her in the head and cut her fucking legs off and dumped her.


So the Y is really not important here. The where matters the where. But I mean, Satanism isn't an extra charge. There's no fucking point in even bringing it up unless you're trying to inflame the jury, which I fucking hate it when they do that shit. Yeah. They take small town people are Midwestern, nice people that are scare the shit out. Yeah. They just, you know, they watch twenty twenty like all Satan's out there and then they're going to scare the shit out of them.


Why you have the West Memphis Three. Right. You know, you don't want them cutting your kids up do you. Right. Also people that go to church on the red. And they know several passages of the Bible that mean a lot to them. Yes, and that's not bad. No, it's people who go to church on the rag would laugh at that shit that this is not religion. But this may be like, yeah, this is stupid.


Obviously, they're just it's a different thing. But they they try to pick the dumbest 12 out in the jury. That's fine.


That's you. I've seen videos of attorneys in conferences going, you want to get dumb jurors. I want anybody that's too smart, right. You know, anybody it's going to be starting shit in the fucking jury room asking questions, find the guy with the drool on his chin.


That's the first one he wants to go home. Right. The guy is like a hat with a fish on it. That means he's going to want to go fishing, know he'd rather be fishing. So he's gonna want to leave early. This shit cleaned up by Sunday. He's got to do it as outworks. Now, he said they start biting around 4:00 a.m.. Yeah. So they said that the sorcery room was terrible. They made an altar from the tombstone and various statues.


He says, quote, It's a creation of a twenty four year old who's got something weird to play with it. Does it prove murder six? So he's a weirdo, basically. And the prosecutor said that the defense did not substantiate its theory of the case. And he said in his own words. And so prime and sports reference there. He's talked about Fryman statement and he said it's a perfect statement to put him in the electric chair. And it is because that's what he said during a statement.


He goes there, I gave you everything you need to put me in the electric chair. Go ahead. And then later on, maybe I shouldn't have done that.


Now, he also says, quote, Being an admitted so-called magician, he would have had to do the killing to increase his powers. This is where it gets no, it's not what it was about a black man.


He would have had to do this to increase his powers. He was trying to make his way up the pyramid as though they saw themselves, magicians trying to get people under him, you know, like the vampires pyramid scheme. This is like a social pyramid, you know, a whole multi level multilevel social scheme. You know, I don't think I've ever heard anybody say I'm a black magician. I've heard them say a practice, black magic, a black magician.


Right now. I've heard of people say that a black magician, but it is just a black guy who does magic. It wasn't. And he doesn't do black magic. It's only three of them. He's just. Yeah, he just does magic. So he said he would have had to do the killing to increase his powers like it's a fucking Wii game. Why is that, you gamers? It's an Xbox that here is going to increase his powers.


Why is magical white V? Because it's stupid. No offense, but if you like magic. But my cousin I have a cousin who I'm very close to was went to a magic camp when he was a he loved magic and I was like, what the fuck are you doing? And then it was a gathering at my aunt's house in Scranton, Pennsylvania. And all my cousins like this fucking Scranton alcoholic, any fucking lunatics that never have a shirt on in the winter.


And I said, yeah, these guys, he did a trick and thought he was all cool and like, how could you fucking do it? And he's like, well, I can't tell him they go, had you fucking do it. And everybody gets closer. And he's like, well, you take the car, start giving up all the tricks you got to get the shit beat out of him by like fucking eight of his cousins. I was never you never see a black guy go.


You want to. Yeah. Never, never see the no. And if you ask them if they want to see a truck, they're like, no, the same reaction I did. No dummy. No for what. Is it real. No. Then fuck you. Like if you're really magic, let's see. Right. I'd love to see that. So he said, you see, it makes sense that he did it. It doesn't make any sense at Cox did it because that wouldn't raise his magician status.


Why does he want to take the blame for it? If she has immunity, he would be putting the blame on her because she's going to go free anyway. So they said holding up a Bible. He said this to the jury. This is during his closing. The prosecutor, he says he went against that ancient law.


Thou shall have no other gods before me. So now he's mixing up my fucking shit. You know, this is stupendous. Dangerous moderation in dealing with wickedness only adds foolishness to the crime. Find him guilty as charged.


I don't like that sort of defense.


All the defense says, well, the devil didn't make this man do this. I can't help but feel that Beverly Cox has made a fool of the state of Ohio. That's what he says. Now, the verdict comes down here. Do they believe this?


And they think they believe here, Arthur, she's scared to death. They're guilty of everything. He did it all. He did it all. He's guilty of the Kennedy assassination. Both of them, as a matter of fact, Robert. Right.


You know, I think they're charging for the laundry bill for Jackie O's. It's true. I think they they were they were pinning the the flight that landed in the field in Pennsylvania. So I believe that he was the one who tried to hijack it. I think they they said that 9/11. So September 24th, nineteen eighty seven is sentencing. And yeah, during sentencing, he talks, he does his little spiel, trying to save his life and he talks about.


He's got an inverted swastika inside of his bottom lip. He's got a swastika in his mouth. Yeah, in his mouth you can have a swastika in your fucking mouth inverted. That means it. So I guess when you look at it, that you pull it there. OK, I get it.


But inverted implies like upside down or backward. Yeah. You can't make that upside down, you know what I mean? Well, it's kind of the same, I guess. I think it actually has. I mean, yeah, it's the legs go to the right because I'm not a Nazi. I do know that that shows how I'm not up on my Nazi culture. I got to be honest with you. I've watched television, movies. Yeah. I just can't place it.


My the legs is going to the right. So yeah, I remember seeing it because my grandfather was in World War two and he had in his gun case up there, he had like those fucking knives that those Nazi soldiers used to carry because I guess they pick them up over there for souvenirs soldiers during the war too.


So he had a bunch of these like little hand knives that the handles are like, well, they have a fucking swastika on the handle.


They're given to the soldiers to whatever. So he he had, like, fucking five of them up there. You guys, he collected them in.


Very interesting, though, to look at. I was like, whoa, that's crazy. That's the you you killed a Nazi for that neat, you know, I mean, that's pretty fucking neat and an inverted meaning backward.


I guess if the legs are going the opposite way on your lip, that doesn't mean anything. Well, I mean, put it this way.


He said he did it backwards in the inside of his lip as a as a tip of the cap to Satanism, where the pentagram is inverted and the cross is inverted, things are inverted. So because it's he's underneath, you know, obviously clearly. So he said that's why he did it. It's it's just a it's mixing it's mixing Naziism with Satanism. That's the thing. You know, I mean, you got two different groups. They're very disparate.


They don't have anything in common. You want to bring them together, I figure double your audience. Tell me the devil worshippers and the Nazis, really, if you put them together, he's like, we could all get along just great. I mean, there's room for everyone. There's room for hate. Yeah, there's room for more.


No room for more hate. It's just going to be a wonderful time. He called the swastika not a swastika, but he called it a wheel of life. Oh, boy. You know, he's from Tibet, right? From ancient Tibet. Yeah. It's about a thousand years ago. So clearly to him, it's got a different meaning. He's not from fucking Ohio. What was invented is a side of religion that I don't give a fuck. That's not anymore.


Yes. Shut up, you fucking supremacist asshole. So he says it's a good sign, not a bad one is explaining to the jury. He also acknowledged because they asked him that Todd is his satanic name. I mean, I have that. But he said that Cox also was in the Satanism way before he matryoshka. I didn't get her into it, for Christ's sake. He said, quote, I just catered to this woman's madness, that's all.


I was just doing what she while I was looking for pussy man. Yeah. You know, I'm saying sometimes you put up with some crazy for the crazy because I tell you what, you get her in the bedroom, right? Hammer, I tell you something I said. Yep.


The devil made you do something, girl, because God damn you, I don't love you had the devil inside you bitch.


You got me in there you want I'll climb right up in there with him. He said that Deborah once told him that a psychic once told her there would be a tragedy. He said, quote, She said she and another person would be arm in arm with a mutilated body between them, Bill. That's what she told him back in the day. The prosecutor in closing said, Jesus, he really loves us, said, quote, Todd the magician, Todd for Todd with the prince of evil deserves to die.


OK, so the judge asked him if he had any last words to say for himself here before sentencing. And he said, I don't think this is a good one, sir. I can only maintain I did not commit these crimes. Don't judge them. All right. Then by the jury comes back with their recommendation and the judge can't go over that. OK, so that's how that works. The judge has something to say himself. He says this is good because this is why we have this here.


While indeed Beverly Cox may have had some culpability, I believe these crimes originated with you and she had very little to do with it except for the gross abuse of corpse.


You, sir, may fuck off. It's it's basically life in prison is what he gets here.


We'll talk about it.


It's it's like thirty five, thirty years for one thing, and then twenty five years and then six years of something else and it's all consecutive. OK, basically he's eligible for parole after 61 years and so at this point it's twenty, thirty five.


He's eligible for parole. So that's what he's got going on. So that's not great now at all. 61 years when you're twenty. So when he's eighty five he'll be eligible for parole. Wow. I wonder if it will still be in kill dead. Right.


I don't live to live in there. You want to find. What happens to him in prison, because let's talk about that, because he's got this is not over. I mean, he hooks up with another serial with with another horrible murder and gets attacked in prison.


Let's talk about, you know, quickly here with the the reactions. The prosecutor said this man's got a minimum sentence of 70 years. It's really 61, but fine. He'll never get out in his lifetime. He'll be 85. Fine. You want to feel good about yourself?


Prosecutors proud. He's just he likes he's very hyperboles hyperbolic motherfucker. He says he'll never be a menace to society again. Well, that might be because 85, I'm sure he's not going to go wild. And at that point in time, so the defense said the jury saw a woman who got who was going home so absolutely free with her wits, who has some involvement in this. I don't think the jury could tolerate putting John in the electric chair and putting Beverly on a plane to Europe.


She says that's why the jury didn't vote for death, is because they know that both of them did it. And this she gets to go free and gets fifty three hundred dollars. He's going to get the electric chair right. There might be a little not right.


So this this is one of those double standards of of we always say there's a lot of sexual like gender double standards and it goes both ways all the time. This is one that's on us that we got more of two of us commit a murder. They'll ask you to testify against us in exchange for immunity. Well, before they'll do that, we're not sorry about 70 cents on the dollar. Enjoy your freedom. We have that anyway. So as long as you're not involved in a murder, I guess it doesn't matter.


But anyway, that's the only thing. That's that's what we got. So otherwise, fine. So they said that the jury may have been less likely to give the death penalty because the also that she was lured there under the pretense of cashing stolen checks. So they might have they think they might have felt like she wasn't as innocent of a victim as bullshit. Stolen checks is nowhere near needs to be murdered and dismembered and shot in the head and legs removed.


Asinine for stealing. She deserves the maybe probation. If the court wouldn't do it. He can't. That's what I'm saying.


Maybe probation, not just horrible abuse of murder. So Ronald Kraft, who was Cox's attorney, says he's satisfied with the job that he is no shit.


I got her paid and no jail time, nothing. I'm pretty good at this. Very pleased. The jurors said that the jury, our jurors, that the jurors were split initially on the sentencing and had to talk things over. Then they deliberated for three hours on the death penalty before reaching a recommendation of thirty years in prison before parole eligibility on the two counts.


So that was that.


Now, John himself, he says, quote, I'm happy not to get the electric chair. Yeah, obviously. But I'm extremely upset to even get convicted because I did not do this. He's pissed. He said if that jury would have believed I did this beyond a shadow of a doubt, they would have given me the electric chair. I believe that Beverly's testimony gave them an insight into what really took place, like they know they fucked up and whatever.


Now, the fact Monica's family, her aunt, B.J. Hausler, said she was satisfied with the sentence because she believed her niece would be satisfied with the sentence. She says, quote, She did not believe in the death penalty, but I think she'd be happy that he's going to be an old man in jail. She wouldn't want him to be walking the streets either. Yeah, that's fair. Now, August nineteen ninety, there's an appeal. The appeal basically is over, saying that the the it was an incompetent prosecution.


They said recreating the sorcery room was the biggest one. That was a big you know, that's that is rough man. That's what I don't like that at all. That's a real they did not necessary and definitely inflammatory hanging out or anything. I'm sure they did. All sorts of animals are killing on themselves. Officers killed like five or six little woodland animals and just line them up around the room. They need to really make it real.


Can somebody behead a squirrel while we bring juror number eight in? I want the other four to hear it squeal. No shit. I really need to hear them.


Damn it. I need 12 of them. Twelve little animals. They said that they did this to arouse the jury sense of horror regarding the defendant's lifestyle. He wants his conviction set aside. New trial, the appeals court says, I don't think so. Denied. Fuck, fuck. Back off again, sir.


Now, here he is, by the way, when he's appealing even less er now he keeps that fucking creepy face. He's a creepy big er mother. His mouth is crooked. He's got a weird he's kind of not an attractive man. Oh he's fucking. And he gets worse with age. Looks like he got to being in devil worship. I think it looks like the bad guy from Total Recall a little bit. Yeah well I could see that he could call now nineteen ninety seven in prison actually in ninety three it happens but in ninety seven is when the trial happens.


John is attacked in jail. Really he's attacked. Apparently there is a group of Muslim dudes, a group of black Muslims led by a particularly Karlo Sanders who's a particularly bad mother fucker who has a trial in ninety seven for starting riots multiple. Murders, all sorts of shit in prison, apparently this Mr. Sanders thought old Mr. Fryman had ratted on one of the other Muslims, so he ordered some of his guys to go stab the shit out of him.


So they go over and they stabbed the fuck out of him. They thought that he had tipped off the guards about a knife that someone had in their cell. So a riot starts basically over this inmates. When the riot starts, they go and unlock his cell and go get him out, which is a bad thing. They get the keys. Yeah, they pulled John out and began beating him. He ran and staggered for the exit, but he was beaten to the floor.


This is the one we let him take over here. He says, quote, I saw Hasan pointing at me and say, get that motherfucker, kill that white motherfucker. He said he ran down the stairs. He had a knife in his hand and he jumped up and kicked me in the chest, then stabbed him in the arm, severing several tendons and leaving the shank in him. Basically, he's what he says. He ended up he played dead as what he did.


He went down and played dead with an arm wound.


And when they found him, he had an officer's badge pinned in his forehead. Oh, my.


Yeah, that's rough. And an American flag wrapped around him. And it looked just like he was dead. They, like, wrapped him up in a flag, like, there's your fucking there's your helper and gave it back. Yeah. So that was that. Now he ends up getting a large settlement really from this. Yes. From the state for being attacked in prison in this way because without however there was some sort of incompetence in the jail system.


So he ends up with a large settlement. How much? Well, it doesn't really matter because 2014 comes around and we'll talk about the the Monika's family because they sued him for wrongful death in nineteen eighty eight and they want a million dollar judgment against Succot.


He had no money, he had no way to pay it until March to the face to pay her back happened and he pays her back, gassed up.


Now she comes out in the paper saying in 2014 that she is upset that there was no death penalty in nineteen eighty seven because she wishes that he had been killed in the electric chair. And she says how much he supports the death penalty and all this type of shit. Now. Twenty, fifteen. He finds a friend. The friend is a girl named Crystal Gayle Pike. She's on death row in Tennessee. Nice girl. She's up for appeal in twenty fifteen, but John puts a stop to her appeal.


I want to know how well they exchanged letters for a long time in these letters. She's in jail for murder and we'll talk about what she did. But in the letter she talks about how much she likes blood. She said it's quite beautiful before it turns brown. Yeah. And then she says in a letter that it's sprinkled with, she she sprinkled her own blood on the letter for him. Here's some blood for you.


Yeah, but by the time it gets here, it's Brads Brown, you asshole. She also writes about how much she like to inflict pain and see others suffer. She said, I love the feel of life then lack of then lack thereof in my hands and me just knowing the pain I can cause after accepting so much and they will all know it's me. She also says, quote, I like to see blood and brains, fatty tissues and wide open ripped flesh.


What is why is this allowed beyond the bars? I am why? I don't know who's not monitor.


Right. She also writes, I'm unlike all others Johnny referring to there. She refers to him as her soul mate, my best friends.


She was the ringleader of in the torture murder of a nineteen year old named Colleen Slimer, who she believed liked her boyfriend, I believe, liked her boyfriend. It took place in an isolated section of the University of Tennessee's agricultural campus, was known as the Job Corps murders because the attackers were students at the Job Corps Center. She was cut, slashed, beaten.


Pike stabbed her for 45 minutes. Oh, my. Forty five minutes of consistent stabbing, just took a break for a minute, went back to stabbing and her boyfriend was there and all this type of shit and then before finally bashed her skull in with a chunk of asphalt. Wow. And then during all this, while she was still alive, though, carved a pentagram bordered by a circle into her chest while she was still alive. And then before she left the scene, she reached into slimmers broken apart, had and took a piece of skull as a souvenir that is fucked up.


This lady is a fucking scary person. They said it's it's not clear how they ended up hooking up together, but they did in their first letter and the first letter dated September 11th, Pich says that they wrote for the last year. That's the first one they found. I have had to put a harness of sorts on my power, she writes, because she said that there are many people who deserve to feel her wrath. She says, I feel we were going to be very close, very fast.


Then she says she wonders if she's ever going to, quote, really be myself with you and complains that corrections officers had taken away some shit she had in a bag that she had. She said inside, however, were things I hold dear to my chest, including blood from six different people. Oh, she keeps blood from people creepy.


The October that year, she describes a series of rape and abuse incidents that she claims occurred to her in prison and throughout her life and all sorts of stuff like that. And she describes the pleasure she got out of beating other children when she was younger. She liked to beat up other kids and hurt them after people would hurt or feel good. Now, the October 6th letter is opening with Johnny.


Yes, I do love you. And this is in her own blood.


She wrote this. Oh. Oh, yeah. Johnny, I do love you in blood and blood.


Then she writes, See, I have an innocent baby face the face of an angel. It disguises me to a lot of people. I need my horn, so I'll have something to hang my halo on. It surely would fall off without it. Then she says she's she's dealing she's having a she's dealing with demons right now. So she doesn't talk to you all the time. She's got a lot going on with demons. Yeah. She says quote, I used to have three but now I only have one.


She said the other two were weak. But I do wish you'd remove this one. Can you help me out? I know you're like a demon guy looking like an owl. Maybe she said, quote, He's big and tough, but he's stupid and he's holding me back. So, you know, in the next paragraph she writes, If you remove it from my being, will it stay around me or feel betrayed and leave all together?


She calls framing a beautiful creature and asks him to, quote, make love. To my mind, this lady's an asshole. She wants him to write fucking between prison. And pretty much that's growth. The last letter of the group they found was Pich writing that she seriously loves Fryman and signs it eternally. Your princess crystal gal. OK, now she really says in all these letters she she trusts him and she opens up to him. That was fucking stupid because when her appeal comes up in twenty fifteen, Johnny sends eight of the letters to the Knox County Assistant District Attorney General Bill Crabtree just after Christmas.


He he he was the one who prosecuted her and was handling the handling the appeals. He says, quote, figure all these things are of more value to you than me. That's the greatest first fucking good thing he's done in his whole life.


He said, you see, Mr. Prosecutor, dude, did he really write really? This is a quote. It seems as if the prosecutor dude, he's like, well, fuck it, he doesn't care. He's not asking for anything. He's just like, listen, I'm going to act like Mr. Prosecutor, dude. I'm going to act like I'm specially in. Here he goes. You see, Mr. Prosecutor, dude, I'm down in prison for satanic murder.


They say I still practice magic. He says he was convicted. He talks to the guy. I'm in here for this. He said I was convicted for, quote, killing one of my witches, though the body was never discovered. Rather, they only found a pair of legs that have been severed from the body behind an abandoned church in Indiana, wasn't it?


Not that he was in fucking churches out of that wedding. Then he gives all the letters and he said he goes on at the end to write, quote, Crystal loves me. Go figure, huh? Fuck. And he said, quote, He said that he wanted Fryman wrote that Pich wanted him to attack the prosecutor with black magic. And he said, I've decided to go after her foolish girl that she is. And he also finishes at the end.


You have a nice day, Mr. Crabb. Mr. Crabtree or whoever whoever the hell cares in this case, he's just like, take that. It helped a lot, by the way. I'm sure I totally fucked her completely. Now, later on, one of these letters is for sale on serial killers car dot net. And this letter that he writes after he turned her letters over to authorities. And it's like a shitty kind of apology. It's four pages front and back now.


I have it here. The picture of it. Very nice. And writing he's got, by the way, Krista. Oh, I can't it's so hard to read. It's like calligraphy. What happens when something fall?


I'll I'll post it but if you guys can read it, that'd be great. But it's it's beautiful today. I read that. Just ask Jesse.


I see some I don't know what the fuck that is, but. Yeah. So he sent her that. It's a very like shitty sarcastic apology like sorry. Not sorry for your scum anyway. What do you care. Suck it basically. Yeah. You're, you're trusted a piece of shit and I'm a piece of shit. Go figure. Huh. Like that's basically what he's saying here and. Yeah. So she's on death row. He is still in prison remaining there at the Toledo Correctional Institution as of now I suppose they're his birthday is Christmas.


Yeah. So there he is. And he'll probably die in there. I hope so. And if not, then he'll get out when he's way too feeble to for it to matter to anybody. But Chris is not going anywhere either, which is lucky. No. She's at least going to stay in prison, though. She had the death penalty and those letters did not help her appeal at all. They were like, oh, she loves to see open flesh and brain tissue.


She wrote this last month like she let her out.


She said, brain matter. That's that's too much. That's too much fatty tissue. That's what she said. It was fucking disgusting. So that everybody is Fairfield, Ohio. That's one of the wildest goddamn cases we've. That's too much. It's a lot. It's a lot. But I mean, it's not Rulo.


Not too much lot. It's just a lot of crazy. And we feel terrible for poor Monica Mann. She had a terrible her family that just sucks Beverley's.


And while she was in Germany, who knows her knows where she is. She took her fifty three hundred and went overseas, for fuck's sake. We don't know what the hell she did. She got paid to murder a woman.


That's not a German metal music. I'm sure she was forced to be super. Oh wait. She's an angry witch today.


Totally. She's got like aggressive piercings in places that people don't have piercings. I never saw anybody Pierce. They're fucking the inside of their elbow before. It's a weird one.


Corset on her belly. Very strange piercing you got there. I don't get it.


But that as Fairfield, Ohio. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, I know how you can tell us.


Apple podcast. That purple. I can't get on there. Let us know how much you enjoyed the show. Let everybody else know. More importantly, it helps drive us up the charts. Also, it's true. Crime Week on Stetzer podcast. Small Town Murder is featured this week. So check us out on the air and also check out all the other true crime shows that Sicher has to offer this week. They're featuring on tour this week. Thank you to Stetzer for doing that.


Very nice of them. Go to shut up and give me murder dotcom for everything. Crime in sports and small town murder. Listen to crime and sports. I'm telling you right now it is fucking hilarious. Don't care if you like sports, it's almost better. We never argue with people who don't like sports about the show. We only argue with people who are crazy sports fanatics. It's almost better that you don't like sports. Listen to the show and make fun of criminal athletes for fun over there.


It's good time. It's so much fun. I leave here and I smile. Absolutely. Yeah, it makes me tonight I'm going to think about finding legs some.


Oh, now they're going to wash up everywhere. So yeah. Get on there. Do all of that. When are we that. So shut up and give me murder dotcom. Get all your stuff there. Crime and sports. Small town murder right here. I hate this movie over the weekend as well. We make fun of bad romantic comedies, all that stuff going on here. Also the virtual live show. Yep. October 29th, Thursday tickets go on sale tomorrow.


Or if you're listening to it, the day this comes out, Thursday, the first if you go to shut up and give me murder dotcom, there will be some. So we'll figure out a link to that. Don't know what time that'll happen tomorrow. Tickets are going to be fifteen dollars. We didn't want them to be we wanted them to be less than that. But that's it just has to be that. I'm sorry. That's the way it has to be to make to us so we can actually pay for the service and do all the stuff.


And that's the way it is. We wanted to do pay as you want, and that way you could have given whatever you could afford. As we know, a lot of people right now are hurting and shit like that. And we kind of wanted to we want to make it affordable.


Possible. Yeah. To to wear. Yeah. Twenty dollars felt like too much. Too much. Even ten dollars. Feels like you can watch it on a computer and watch with a bunch of people. I mean it's still only fifteen, still only fifteen. It's cheaper than a ticket to our live shows. That's the other thing too. We can't do. So we can't really make a living on that at all this year. So it's nice to do something like this.


And if you want to support the show and thank you for watching whoever absolutely clear that fun you do, this violent, all violent felon version of the prisoner dating game, it's going to be so much fun.


So look for that out there and everything like that. Follow us on social media. We are at murder small on Twitter, at small town, part on Facebook, at small town, murder on Instagram. If you want to be a producer of the show, you want to be one of the people who in a few seconds here is going to have their name butchered by Jimmy. You betcha. You can do that very easily. You can also get access to all the bonus material this week.


A couple of great shows for you. The crime and sports bonus material is prison sports. It's not and no stats at all. It's just crazy teams. They tried to do in prison and why didn't they work out right? What were the reasons? What did people do? Someone beat someone to death with a softball bat. And that's the end of that. It's going to be wild. We're going to do that in the small town. Murder one.


We are going to do basically the murder house real estate report axilla. We're going to go through we're going to talk about WERD murder houses that were either are for sale now or wharfs for sale. And we're sold. And here, like what happened to them, I need to know prices. Yeah, that's the thing. How much less of a dip. And now we're going to do Amityville. We won't do that one. Obviously, these are going to be ones you never heard of.


Probably. And somebody owns that right now. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's right.


On the water. That's a nice name for somebody that listens to this. Lives around there. No they're there aren't owns it.


OK, maybe I put something in there like that. Absolutely. Somebody whose family lives in it. Yeah.


Either way you can do all of that over at Patreon dot dotcom slash crime and sports. Anybody above the five dollar level is going to get access to that wonderful, wonderful bonus material. And also, if you just want to make a donation, be a nice person, have good karma and have Jimmy destroy your name. You can die. We appreciate it. You can do that over at PayPal using our email address, crime in sports at Gmail dot com.


That said, Jimmy, I'm sorry. I need it. I need after that story and all this crap, I need some good news, positivity. Give me the names of the people who make me feel better than anybody else. Who are they, Jimmy? This week's executive producers are Christopher Piper.


I think that's it. Did I do that right? I did. For Michael Pinetti. Michelle Wolfert. I know I'm going to tell you the name of Chuck knocked it out of the park. Mitchell is that Mitchell? Yeah. Mitchell Fisher, Becca Beedi, David Jacobs, Laura Maloney, I think. Or Malone, JP Cerca three. I don't know what that means. Jen Cowherd. Chris Crowe, Caitlin Tur Wielangta to Williger. Chloe Ross. Natasha Harris.


Holly B Dillon Christian. Natasha needs Zilkha Andrew Werner. Word Reagor. What did I do. Widra I think Wardour you know obviously Tracy Mitchell. Holly more Jackie stuck up Jordan Bennett of course and Jordan and her husband Simon. Thank you guys so much for everything. You're Canadian friend. You're fucking amazing to us, for Christ's sake. Yeah, but they live in Canada. Well, technically, yeah. And Jordan still says he's never going to be Canadian no matter how much he wants to be, which she still technically British, isn't she?


And I guess our Canadian. She's on your money. Yeah. Whatever that is. That's exactly. And then of course, Christiane Castaldi, who's been around for seven years with this shit. You guys are the best. George, thank you so much for everything you do truly from the bottom of our hearts.


Other computers and computers. No contributor's this week are Shane Steak Leather. I think Michael Begley, Caleb Doherty and Meghan welp. Is that right? Christian Self and ASIO. Mario ASIO. Right. Kay Giles's. No, that's not right. It's CARGILE. See Cindy Rodriguez Sylvere in Sylvan. So what. Sylvian Martelle I think. Kyle Gilbert. Danny Marshall. Megan Wakefield. Alex Freidel Freital of Alexandria by Big Samantha Simons. Paul West. Kelvin Williamson.


Diane Calver. Martha Radley's. Katie Swann, Rebecca Riley, Brady Brady Corke Chaulk. Kimberly Noch. Kimber Jones is making noises now. Corky Cox basically what a name as a nation is making. Kimber Jones also Kimberley with no last name.


John Nope. That's Joe Jones. Junior Junior. I don't I don't know. Not sure what it means for Michael Harvey, Nicky Bertsch, Ford Bitch Birchfield, Jordan Hall, Tina Chris, Troy Marshall, Joslyn Dolphin, Kendall Pearl, Sebastian Bracamontes, Brandi Schlomann. Don't say Dulci Hall, Sarah and Docx Dogs. Let's Doce right. Those Spanish to Adam Alexander, TJ seven, Kyle Pryce, Brendan Straten, Joey C. Young. Autumn Vasher, Karen Parker Holt.


Robert with no last name. Stephanie Aikin. Kaitlyn Foley. Arkana What. Isaac That's it. Dan with no last name. Justin Hoffe for race for AC Antley for AC Faraci.


Hey probably not. Yeah maybe though it sounds good. I gave it a fucking high confidence possible way you can read it. Chris Vayle Tyler buzzer reste Cordele. Jon Hatti it here at Ben Scania Grenache Rachael Ray call Cristie Bob Anwari Phillips. Nicholas Timkin. John Watson Charnwood no last name. Casey Locke. Jessica Draper Romesha. Whyatt Roosen Triana Quinson. Devin Ripply. Alexis Cornell Karate Evet with no last name. Gina Creg. Seth Leard. Charlene Payne.


Sarah Edgar. Mr. Asian to you Gwen. Krauss, Cameron, Borek, Wendy Middleton of the obviously the black in my. Clearly right, Mr. Asian to you. What it's like a Yahoo screen name caught on 4chan to catch a Predator.


Kerry Warde, Aaron Graham, George Michael Reese, Junior Parker Satterfield, Alex Hayes, Hannah Cushing, Sarah Evers Stalk Melanie Flynn, Jane Burns, Ashley Barrett. Caitlin Dunn. Audrey Murphy. Brittany Baker. Jennifer Ragger. Kristen Christian Ledman Lindman. Trevor Kuralt.


Ryan Willis, Sabeen. Sabrina Martinez. Wesley Coast. Tracy Madison. Paula nope. That's Paul Powell. I'm sorry. Paul, Stephanie Yarl's. Caitlin Huffman. Bryant Sanker. What does that Sangamon. That's not right either. Cynthia would no last name. Other producers continuing Ahana weeks. Jamie Lynn Litten. Nope. Laura Laura Flattener. Kelsey Morde. Keisha Tinsley. Adam. Nope. That's Amy Patterson. Cassandra Dodd. Tyler Bookit. Stormy Williams. You know obviously.




Molly you guys know what Brandi Miller, Zoe Coleman, Jorge Santos, Angie Angie not O'Brien. Yep. Angie O'Brien.


Yeah. That's not a Nigerian. Jennifer Berger.


Michelle Reese Kennedy. Maury was her name. What is this like. It is it's Angel. How the fuck how would he not know that Wade Johnson. Kennedy Morea said that Fiona Young, Cassie Hicky Hulk. Hulk Rooney. What top to Porath. Yeah, top top if I don't know what I did. Marquel Bengalese. Ashley with no last name. Patrick Burns MJ Tori Ingram. What does that beina. Dana Rutter. Todd Warnke. Sarah Knudsen.


Allina Llorens Lauryn's Deonna. Nope. Dina Rod rude fuck. Amanda Nichole's Nickelson Broch would no last name. Cameron Great Blue Valentine Valentine Hannah just or Joester. I'm terrible with those inUS Amanda Hirsche Simonetta George Polke Slam Mallory Trius Triste Michelle Barnes. What is what is this. Chris Sammons. Nope. Mary or Oregon or ten grand shit. Should like his designer Michelle cause ah Michael Kors.


Oh the purse only shot glass wijffels. Yes wife makes great handbags. Julie-Anne Penington. Amanda Hamilton. Megan Johnson. Kristen what does this little Abbo Felicia call. Ruth Fox. Dave Gradkowski Gordievsky, Kelsi Turner, Frenk Mihalic Mihalic Danielle with no last name. Jordan Craggs. More a Matvey. Brian Ford or what is that. Bailly Young Jussara I low elo no Iloilo.


Oh Matthew Roberts. Karen would no last name D minus like my grade point average.


Mark Foster Allyssa Alyssa Leg Irini David Cornrow Laura. What is this. Ereira Stephanie Cayzer Amber with no last name. Jennifer Webb. Nanae or Arnold. Hugo. Oh no you won't. There's no way I'm doing that right. Only Yoky que sorry. Yeah. You go back. Piece of shit. I'm sorry. Angel Pépin it's Richard Roe Dahmer. David Dixon. Ellen Ian. Fuck West CalFed. Yep. Alicia OLeary. Joyce Koon. Emily Donaldson.


Brian Bryant. Bryant. That is just not nice. Angie Angie Collins, Jade Daniels, Jane Rogers, Freddy Jones, Kev Wood or Keith maybe could be Keith pro bono. No.


Yeah. More common. Amena Amena Solli it's to us is.


That's why I did that. Colin and Shannon Broer Jonathan Wylder. Aaron Bolling. Doug Lewandowsky. Jordan Pocket Pocket what. Rockefeller. Rockefeller God damn it. Heidi Monnin Paper V No Noah Repond. Nicole Richardson Nysa Eddings Brian LaBeau. Quincy West Caitlin Cameron Austin Nearing. Tammy Anderson. Daniel Subcounty. Nice. Nicely done Jimmy. I'm going to see I'm going to encourage you. I'm really not appreciating the patronization because I know it is. That's not even a reward is patronage.


That's all it is. Thank you. I appreciate, I appreciate that.


That you know what I mean. Yeah. Brent Graham.


Ronnie Sparkle. That's not right. It's Sprouse. Frankie McCall. Like I said, that Holly and Ronnie Sparkle from that sorry. Ronnie Ronnie Sparkle though. Holly hatchetman stuff with no last name. Patty Soto. Rebecca Paul. Ivy Lopez, Andrew Wardrop, Thomas Smith, Jeremy Sterckx, Malikai, before Lisa Party, Carpati, aka Amy would no last name, Rebecca Rose DeLuca would no last name bent wheaty. I hope that's Jeff's boy. That'd be amazing.


Jennifer Gooch, Lisa Grave Ginger Ginger. Eric Kinyarwanda. Last name. James Marter. Cody Ennis. Blake Cox. Kristy Clifford. Paula Platner. Ashley would no last name. Lisa Ward. Liz Vasquez. Nathan Kalfus. Jessica Teague. Katie Dougherty, Alexis Murphy. Peyton Meadows. Monica what the Nomaka know. And a little hazy hail. I don't know what that is. Michael heard Latasha Campbell, Xavier Perry, Selena Shmita, Melissa Atchison, Ross Sparks, Cameron Kashiwabara Isabelle with no last name, Jessica Walker, Lisa Marie Jacobs, Mandy Knight, Jade Albumen, Buchanan, Buchinsky.


Say that's what they say. And Streetfighter and Riu. Oh you can. What do we got here. Gavyn Kinki Ron Christie Loafer Tara Croggon Jennifer NIPP Stephens. It is because we said Jennifer's could go by Nips.


No that's that's right. That's what I got it. See when she went hard to argue and love it. Madison with no last name. Kim with no last name. Maryann McMillan. Joey Peshek what. Dakota Harington. Sarah Crawford. Brenda Jacoway, Jack, Jack, Aaron, Vito Tamron Tamron and Damian Tara. Tara what. That is too many A's and three names and that Betteridge Nicholas Kouts. That's Destiny Jones. Tamara Nelson. Ben Storey, Bob Vickers, Laura Goff, Stephanie Peterson.


Amanda Gillis. Gote de La. What. You put a one in here and you want me.


How do you how dare you get mixed numbers in there. Throws them all out. One Yoovidhya that sounds gross. Joke with no last name which is great. Lillian Hempel Esposito. Scott Osborn. Sarah Sooraj. Happy Birthday, Stacey Ray Boardman, Janice Hill, Courtney Booker, Nick and Natasha Lukšić. Moaner McClain. Happy anniversary. Obviously Cricket and Liden Hillyard. Obviously I don't know why that's obvious.


Janice, who has a surprise for your shit. The guy obviously everybody.


David Bradin, Fabián Brosnan's Biogen's. I think that's a J. It's probably not. I'm ruining everything all day. Moanin McCain era holiday. Aaron Holiday. Delia Hunt Wub. What warbirds you wub D d. Sarah G. Austin Strickland, Nancy Dalle Rice. Mel Stober, Mousseau Shadyac.


He was a pop and Rheinhardt gadzooks fucking broke up about. I'm really sorry hang in there. But Katie Del Asanti wrote a nice email. Kristen So Lesinski Tiffany Capozzi. James Graben I think Melanie Flynn. Calvin Jones I think I said David Brillion home stretch Gardet unique consultant Peter Croft, Courtney Marshall, Hannah Simmons, Ashley Veoh Spencer Luttmann, Theo Von's Mullet and Ray Portillo had a birthday last month and I fucking blew it and missed it. Also, John Harris, I had a beer with him up in Indianapolis.


He had a birthday and his wife wanted me to remind him that he had a birthday.


I think that's it. Let me make sure I got one last note and. Yep, that's it. Cody and Casey had an anniversary. The Ennis's. Congratulations. Happy anniversary. Thank you all for everything you do. Well, thank you. Truly. Thank you, everybody from the bottom of our hearts. Seriously, we mean it and we cannot do this without you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all that you do for us.


Yeah. And we just we really means a lot to us to make those Patriot episodes something special. Right. And something really funny. We don't just mail it in. We're phoning it in. We're seriously looking to make those. Those are the most fun to put together because there's no kind of pressure of murder. And it's just like this fun comedy show, basically. So giving you something back, giving you something back. So thank you for everything that you've given to us.


Jimmy, what if they wanted to give you something like some shit? How could they do that?


You can. Oh, happy birthday, Zack Allen. Sorry about that, Zack. Happy birthday. Thank you. Yeah. Just thank you guys for reaching out so much. This past week, last we had talked about having all kind of issues and so many people wrote giving advice about how to sleep. It didn't work. But I'll keep you posted. Unsolicited medical advice. I did talk to my mom and try to get to the bottom in the root of all this issues and the problems that I have.


But I'll keep you posted on that progress as well. So thank you and thank you. You've found me so you don't need to know. But thank you. Did they find out we're out of luck and know where to find us? That's all good. Do that. Keep coming back every week. Thank you guys so much for everything you've done for us. We're nearing 200 episodes. I believe that's because of you guys. Thanks for everything. And until next week, everybody, it's been our pleasure.