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This week in Fruit Ville, Florida, where a body is found with the skull caved in and out of several people who may have wanted this person dead for many reasons, one suspect seems to rise above the rest until there's another suspect. And then one more. Welcome to small town murder. Hello, everybody, and welcome back to small town murder. Oh, yeah, indeed, Jimmy. Yeah, indeed. My name is James Patrick. I'm here with my co-host.


I'm Jimmy. Thank you, folks, so much for joining us again on another insane, crazy edition of Small Town Murder. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Both of our neither of us have slept a lot lately.


You could probably hear it in my voice. I've had I haven't had a day off in, like, two weeks. Couple of weeks. Yeah, it's been I haven't slept in a long time, so but I am jacked. I have a delirious energy that's really going to be fun today. Plus I took a lot of Adbul.


So all of those factors together, we're going to have a good time. And I know it's a stressful week for people the rest of the world. I don't know if you're stressful for you, but for the United States, it's a stressful week. And so we figured, you know, we're not going to go through this story today is exactly what everyone's going to need just to not have. It's just crazy.


It's it's weird, but it's it's why it's one of those just wild. Oh, my God. Only on small town murder type of stories that you're going to hear full of panhandlers. And he'll Bellary to the tenth power. I'll wait till you see it. It's going to be so much Foote's Florida. That's one thing we can all fight. Yeah. Everybody can fight and go back and forth and that's fine. We can all agree Florida is a tire fire.


So as a state, crazy shit happens there. So we're going to go down to Florida and make fun of it today. I quickly want to thank everyone for their reviews this week on Apple podcast, that purple icon that helps a lot. We don't know why it helps, but it helps drive you up the charts. Not sure why, but it's a business thing. If you want to help us out, please do that. Give us five stars.


Doesn't matter what you say, say anything you want. Just don't make it political. So there are. Do it. I don't give a shit what you say either way. Five stars though. Thank you.


That would be great. Do that also head over to shut up and give me murder. Dotcom for everything. Small town murder and crime and sports related. Listen to crime and sports. If you haven't been listening. Oh my God. You're missing out. So far so much craziness is going on there. Also listen to P.S. I hate this movie because we've had a weird groove over there too. It's a lot of fun. And first, I really, really want to thank everybody, every last one of you for the virtual live shot.


Thank you, guys. You blew us away, your enthusiasm for it. And we just we cannot thank you enough. We had so much fun. And I know, like, there's about about a third of the people said they kind of had a few audio problems or something, and some of it was the mic set up. And some of it might have been your wi fi or something because some people said it was smooth. We're not sure.


But we're going to smooth that out. We're definitely going to do another one next time. It'll be an actual small town murder, like a real live show, like we do on the road. And we'll do it that way. We're going to set up a mic set up that's going to be awesome and it's going to be wild. So stay tuned for that. Thank you guys so much, though.


Everybody having that in the bank and done and knowing what you guys will will support for us is enormous, huge gauge. And we were completely staggered by what you did for us. We want to have fun and get with everybody.


That's why we do the live shows and we want to come to you, but we really can't right now. So this is the way we can do it will come now everybody at once. So that's we'll do it. Thank you so much for doing that, though. So we really do appreciate that. And if you want to be want to get extra content, say you want to be a patriot and supporter, you can do that very easily. We have so much crazy stuff on Patreon.


Last week, it was haunted little small towns and haunted stuff for Halloween.


I'm still getting messages about haunted shit the people have seen.


Oh yeah. That people had a good time with that. Awesome. And we talked about that. The next one we're going to do next week is going to be about the Chris Watts documentary and the world or Chris, because that's kind of right up our alley. I mean, that's a small town. It's a small town murder case. And we would do the case if it wasn't such a big case. There wasn't nineteen pages. So that last week that we'll just we'll talk about it.


Yeah. Breaking it down detail. So we'll talk about it in a bonus and we'll do that. Everything like that. You can get at Patry on dotcom slash crime and sports and anybody over the five dollar level, all sorts of great bonus materials. You also get access to all the crime and sports bonus. It's great stuff. It's well worth it, we promise you that. And if you just want to be a producer and have Jimmy mispronounced your name, which any contribution will get, your name is pronounce the end of the show, you can do that as well.


Over at PayPal using our email address, crime and sports at Gmail dot com. And thank you for that also. Thank you so much. Quick disclaimer, it's a comedy podcast. Your stories are real. I know they don't seem like it sometimes because they're so insane, but somehow they're real. This stuff actually happened. We're not making anything up. But, you know, we're comedians. So we're going to make jokes. We make jokes around craziness that happens around the crazy idea, let's murder someone.


So when people have that idea, there's probably funny things happening because it's such a nutty idea. We're going to find the jokes in that that's what it is there. And what we're not going to do, though, is we're going to go out of our way not to make fun of the victim or the victim's family because we're assholes, but we're not scumbags. And there you have it. That's how it works. So if that sounds. Good to you, buckle up, if not, we warned you.


Sorry, I don't know if you don't like the show, don't know what to tell you, it's fine. But if it sounds good to you, let's let's let's release everything here, sit back, clear the lungs and shout, shut up and give me my.


Let's do this, Jimmy. All right. Let's go on a trip. I would absolutely love it. Let's go. Let's go. Travel. Let's see here. Yeah, we are. We've been all over the place lately and now we're going to go down. We were Indiana last week. I believe it's Indiana last week. It seems like six months ago. But it was last week or in Indiana this week. We're going to go on down to Florida, which are always some of our favorites.


It's whenever there's a Florida episode, everyone's like, oh, it's a Florida, it's in everybody. You know what I mean? They're very popular episodes. Everybody knows that there's going to be a lot of crazy because if you're going to sift through Florida murders and you're not going to just pick something that's not insane, you're going to pick you know, there's a lot to pick from. Yeah, I we could have done 17 cases on Florida. I could just do it in a row.


We do the next six months, not only Florida and it would be an amazing show, I swear to God. But this is Wild podcast, the tire fire, Florida. That's it. We're going down to Fruitvale, right? Wow. That's that's the Florida they dug deep. This is on the central western coast of Florida. It's basically inside. It's basically like a suburb of Sarasota. It's kind of like when we did that, that city is in Idaho and Boise.


That's kind of technically inside Boise, but it's its own small town, kind of what we got here. OK, so we're kind of we're kind of cheating it a little bit and panhandle, but like in the corner. No, no. This is down by Tampa. Down there. Yeah. Western Central Coast, South Sarasota, not Pensacola and Pensacola. That's up there. I've done up there. Yeah, well Florida's confusing anyway. So it's just like we said, it's all panhandle to panhandle welded together at the panhandle.


Tain't that's what Florida is here. So this is, like I said, central western coast right outside Florida. It's about an hour from Tampa, about five and a half hours to Greenwood, Florida, which was our last Florida episode. That was the neighbors, right. That was one sixty for that one. So, no, I kind of remember that guy. This guy was he was an idiot, if I remember correctly.


I know that was like an orange something. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


This is in Sarasota County area code nine for one seven point one square miles. And there's some water in there. Like most of Florida, it's it's almost land that you can, you know, punch through with your foot. Oh yes. Ocean. Yeah, there's not a lot under there. So cowboy boots here. No, no heels will put you right through the land. If it's not paved, don't wear heels, you'll end up swimming. So you get a lot of kind of spots of water everywhere in this swampy shit.


So there's some water here. Town motto odd. It's almost like they saw us coming, quote, come for the fruit, stay for the murder.


All right. So then I've given it, but that's it. It doesn't have a time good enough. And I got to say, this is an area that kind of it's sort of it's kind of came into existence like it always was an area. But it's kind of it's hard to explain. But it was kind of a rural area and it's kind of come into existence over time. So this is kind of where the murder was, but it's a little bit off of it.


But it's the closest place we could find to it. It's one of those. So we'll make fun of it. What the fuck? Anyway, the name Sarasota of the county is there's a several disputed legends of how the name came into account. Legend connects it with a girl named Sarah, who was the daughter of the conquistador De Soto de Soto there. I think he discovered, quote, discovered the Mississippi quite defined. Sir, I was just walking in there.


It was going to walk a big fucking river mouths like shit like I do. I could either I could try to forward it, I could try to float across it, or I could hire an Indian to help. Now, I'm not sure which I'm going to do, but my son has dysentery, right?


Shit boy swimming. It isn't ANOP. We're not shit. Cattle and cattle. Shit's going to float away and lose all our axles and wheels. It's going to be no good. I don't know why I gave a Spanish man from Spain a hell, but I think as soon as he got there, just happened. He, as he was landing is like that. It is the land. And they they landed and he's like, oh, man, look around here.


What the fuck happened? This feels right. And the kids like, I don't know, my shoes fell off of my pants is too short now. I don't get it. So yeah, some I'll take a step. There's mud all over the bar. I just cut them. Cut them up. Where are you going.


I got the all strang's hanging down ladies like that. That's what, that's what they had to cut the mud off. They cut it off now. So some people thought it originated with an Indian word, Sara Chota, which meant a land fall, easily observed the first. The map the world first came where you first saw it was in the mid seventeen hundreds, it was known as Port Sarasota, like Ezzati, and then they changed it to Sarah, Sarasota with a Z, and then it became Sarasota.


At some point here, the county was created in nineteen twenty one. And yeah, it's like I said, it's got its European roots. I guess if that's what they, they'll try to put like Spanish when it's, when it's convenient and then it's not one, it isn't whatever, when it's in the ass to pronounce, you know, whatever.


So there's a guy named Joseph Daniel Anderson. I found like I love finding these accounts from the Times just to see how boring these people's fucking lives were. How much of an entire he found his diary. Their whole lives were the Sahara Desert. Fatfat Their whole entire lives. Just they woke up. Yeah, they worked till it was not light anymore.


Somebody died of the sniffles and then they sat there and buried a child. And then that was it. There was nothing else to do, just nowhere to go.


So apparently after the Civil War, a lot of people from Georgia moved their families to Florida because Georgia had been fucking decimated by Sherman's army, you know, cutting throw it on purpose. So, you know, they moved down to move down to Florida to find better land. So one of them was this guy, Joseph Daniel Anderson. He was born in 1867 and was a child when his father moved down there. And he ended up staying down there for a long time.


And it was Southern Manatee County. This guy was. And with only hand tools, he converted the Florida wilderness into an agricultural industry. Oh, boy. He went out there with some I don't know. I that seems with a hoe in Iraq, I doubt it was by him. How do you go out and just conquer the Florida children who have been eaten by a snake, alligator or something? Pretty quickly, I imagine. Anyway, he the there was land that he ended up noticing that it produced vegetables and sugarcane and citrus and he raised cattle down there and pigs and all this type of shit.


And he and his brother, Moses brother named Moses Horse prospered in ranching. They were big ranchers until the Range of Law Act made it. So you couldn't use this like land that wasn't yours for grazing, OK, and that was that farm land. Do it on your own. Yeah. Yeah. Before that I was just open season. You could your cows could raise anywhere.


People do that still. It's pretty fucking amazing that that's a thing. You can just raise a farm and cattle and yet they just graze on nobody else. Somebody else's.


Yeah. And they, they're not allowed to, they can't block it even though there's different laws of one hundred times. And I remember and it's complaining about it in Colorado that things that wander in on his property and he's like, I'm not even allowed to fucking kill them. It's ridiculous. It's like all angry about it.


It's like I should be able to eat that if I want to eat it. This is not that cool down. Yeah. It looks like. Wanted to eat it. Yes. Why. Yeah, it's a nice tenderloin isn't a blood loss.


I was like, that's hunting. I mean he lived in the mountains and he liked shit under the couch. Yeah I guess so. So some of this is wild to sled's were used to move the farm produce and fruit and cattle to Lemonde Bay where they were transferred to boats and ships and all that shit. Some of the rack wagons were rafted across the bay like in like in Oregon Trail on a fucking raft, sent him over there and so they would ferry them all the way to Cuba.


Sometimes some of the Israelis products. Yeah. This guy also pioneered commercial fishing in the North Lemonde Bay, which had a shitload of mullet, which is.


Yeah, I didn't know that. That was a yeah. Yeah. There's a mullet fish. What does it look like. I believe with the water bottle. Yeah. That's where it came from.


That's where the term for the mullet from the fish because that's where people got down here. Yeah. Oh this is, this is the birthplace of the mullet. Just a bunch of Joe dirt swimming around the fertile cradle of mullet civilization. It is right here.


Mullet Pertamina I call the seed of life. It's all just it's all just singing Kid Rock songs.


I don't mean to laugh out loud thing with a mullet, but it's pretty fucking solid. I didn't expect that one put it that way. It just came out surprised yourself. You might have you might as well have said that. And I went all it just as surprise. I think it's the edible.


So anyway, Kid Rock, Kid Rock Look and fish singing Steppenwolf songs.


Can you like Woo Speedwagon Baby. Not great. So they these guys fished with nets which is wild and catch them with that.


I guess I was scoop it out Cooperton up.


The mullets aren't very bright in the kitchen. They're very dumb. Why they're.


I came until probably right. It's a dumb slower fish. Yeah. A little bit behind the times. The other fish are up there, it's just hanging out in the back trying to light a cigarette. It's hard for it to swim when it's dragging a 30 pack astros'. That's that's the problem that it's stole from the gas station trying to. Attracted to the guy by buying a pack of Chesterfields or whatever bullshit old school cigarette brand is using some popular song with new words.


Yeah, fucking asshole, that's awesome.


He makes a billion fucking cars, a shitload of money off somebody else's music. Good for you. You're a real originator.


Fucking jerk, you fucking jerk. Weirdo was awesome to these. The songs were funny. That's the thing. That's the thing. If you're going to do it, make it funny. And he does make it funny. That's fine.


Hit rock does it seriously. And we're supposed to be like, yeah bro. Yeah. Now write your own shit. Cool man. Fucking tired. Hey, I like how you mash together three songs.


We're pretty cool and wrote your own about how great you look like Puff Daddy's formula of you know, be cool is hard to get people to like new songs, you know how you get them to like them. You just make it a song they already like. Right. And then you just put other words on it.


About a 30 foot boat with a snowplow. It's the same. What are we talking about? Yeah, Kid Rock was like, no, no, no, no. You take it to the next level. Yeah, people like that song. But you know what? They really like this song. That song and this song, too. So I'm going to mash them all together and they're going to like it three times as much. It's an odd way of doing business.


So I'm talking about my jet ski boat. Yeah. Then I welded together. Yes. And put on a trailer with spinning rims.


Bucket what a snowplow. Fuck you kid. I know your name. What is your name. You are fifty sir. Sir, you are Sir Rock but not like in an English way. You are a rock. Yeah you are. And we only do that out of elderly respect.


Say it otherwise it's nothing to do with you being successful. Let's don't get you a lot of mister's fucking jerk. If you want the mister's you got to lose the mullet. That's the phrase that we're going with today.


So the Ringling Brothers were here, the John and Charles Ringling. Oh, that's their name. Yeah. These assholes who brought us, you know, tortured, animal tortured animals and scared children for decades, for a century. Thanks, guys. Through weird people around strength. Thanks for scaring the shit out of me. When I was six and my neighbors took me to the fucking we I went with this whole family that people live next door to my grandmother there, I swear, like there was like fourteen people.


This was a huge family and that was the parents were from the Philippines and all the kids were born here and they just had a big fucking family. And they had like other people that have moved there when somebody would move over there and move into their house and their really nice place to play football, they are cool as fuck. And they took me to the circus, these people next door. And I was fucking terrified of the circus. They had like multiple clowns and they were extras, sadistic, and I was fucking not happy about it.


So Jon and Charles Ringling. Yeah, they came in and invested in property in Sarasota. And just before that, that that was right after that it became a city. They invested a bunch in it and then tourists started coming in because it's by the water. So I mean people from up north, it's warm and there's water, they'll come there. And so with the tourism and all this type of shit and the Ringling Brothers investments, new people started coming in.


It kind of drove this area right up. And then they created Sarasota County out of Manatee County out of a chunk of it in nineteen twenty one nineteen hundred. The telephone was extended out to this town and it hadn't been before that. And it came under the ocean. Yeah, they they had to or else to run it wild.


So I have some reviews of this town and they're so different yet oddly similar. It's so strange there. Everybody here, it's almost like I don't know what it is.


If everyone has brain damage and wrote these reviews, I don't mean like I mean, they just got hit in the head with, like a ball and hammer. And then they were like, I need to write a review of my town on Nigar right now.


They did it because it's all something very specific and personal to them that it's very weird. OK, here's a three. They're all three stars will give you just a bunch of average reviews. Quote, Sarasota is an interesting place and then it varies dramatically in different parts of town. It's different in different places. Jimmy Wild and that weird, weird thing to most cities, exactly the same everywhere in town. There's no nice partnership. Partner, old partner, new bride.


Don't come to Phoenix. It's like a plaid jacket. Yeah. Yeah, mild am I. Hey, look at this. Oh, was that a gunshot. Hey, look at that house. Is that a seven thousand square foot mansion? Oh, God, duck. That happens within four minutes itself. It's crazy just driving westward. So, yes, certain areas have a sense of luxury and wealth, while others appear to be on the other end of the spectrum.


You know, every city on Earth, you know, I guess society like everywhere.


However, overall, I would say that there's a lot of wealth in Sarasota, which. Tributes to one of its most attractive assets, the arts, there's a rich culture here, especially downtown. However, much of the population is older and thus things can move a little slowly at times. OK, now, three stars for the next one. Just by the way, no capital letters at all in this. Not a lot of clubbing type places, lots of bars.


OK, that's that's their entire take on the town, the bars don't have the music I like is what I took. Yeah, I want to dance instead. It's like, sit down, Kid Rock. Yeah, it's not. Yeah, it's not like in it.


So three stars here says, quote, Most people I know that live in my neighborhood have stayed the entirety of their lives here. However, I have seen a few people leave due to pet restrictions.


Which ones are the. That's what that get the fuck. I don't know. Some towns, some municipalities and whatever will have dog breed restrictions. Yeah, I know that. I don't know if Florida would because in Florida I feel like and you could have two machine guns and a cobra around your neck and people would be like, well, I don't see nothing wrong with that. He's just expressing himself.


You know, it's fine at that Wal-Mart, you know, like bull that is trained to fire an unarmed pit bull with a cobra around its neck. And you walk and you're carrying it on your shoulder like that with the dog, with a loaded up and Florida, they'd be like, yup, that's that's regulation. Carry on. Somebody sketch that it's going on the flag. Yeah, that's I think that should be on the flag. So. Yeah.


Do they. That's some serious restrictions if you leaving three stars for this one. I have not heard of any complaints of the employment status of my neighborhood. Oh that's the whole review.


I haven't, I don't have. It's three stars average because I haven't heard any complaint. No one's saying anything good either. I'm not hearing good things, but, you know, no, there's no complaints. And here's another three star. There are always buses going around for public transportation and there is one airport on one side of town.


Yeah, that's it sounds good. That's the whole review. Keeps it on that side of town. And there's transportation. That sounds great.


Why would you review that? Three stars. There's buses in an airport. OK, anything else? Sounds like a guy with the DUI. Is that a terrible airport? And the buses suck. There's no opinion. OK, I found another three star here. Quote, I have lived in this house for almost a decade now and it has become a very comfortable living arrangement. Are all of these people on fucking pills or what is the fucking this sounds like you just dragged several people from an OxyContin stupor and said type.


Tell us what you think of your town.


And they are like, I've lived here and it's been a very comfortable living Wattstax arrangement.


Is this cool? This is good. Can I go back to sleep now? I'm just fucking her. I don't I'm not married or nothing. It feels comfortable. It's very comfortable.


Now, people this town, it's the population has grown like in the eighties when our story took place, there was only about three thousand people around this area. Oh, just a different kind of area. It was more rural and it's become kind of more suburban now. It's nowadays thirteen thousand five hundred forty one people, up thirty eight percent since nineteen ninety. Like the most like the rest of Florida people have moved there from the Northeast a lot.


Unbelievable to me everyday. Still the people I get it leaving the snow to go somewhere where it's sunny. But how do you land in Florida when you just look at any fucking newspaper. I never go. Sounds great. I'll ignore it. Some people go, I would never you can live with anything. That's what it is. People can live with anything. So female, more females than males here, which is how chiefs have got to be, you know what I mean?


And this isn't even cheap. No, no. We'll get to it more females than males. I think that's because the population is a little older. Forty six point eight is the median age. That's about ten years more than normal. That usually means older people, more elderly people, more women. They always outlive us. So that's how that works. Married population, everything else is just about the same. Fifty fifty for married few more widows because the population is older.


But you know about the same as far as people with children and all that kind of shit. Now race of this town. Eighty five percent white, one point eight percent black. Interesting.


Not not too many. It's Florida too. So that's wild. That's wild. Two point two percent Asian and more Asians and black people in Florida town. That's just it's just odd. And ten percent Hispanic, which again, is kind of low for Florida.


So close to. It's a Tampa like that, too. Yeah. Yeah. And I've only an hour away religion. About forty four percent of the people are religious and they are mostly Catholic. Twenty twenty percent are Catholic. You got a lot of people from the Northeast and and also the Hispanic population. You're going to get more Catholics down there.


One point five percent Jewish. Hava Nagila, Hava Nagila, Hava Nagila. I don't know the words.


Hey, yeah. Yeah, that's that's been a while. It's been Jesus Christ. At least three months. A long time. Yeah, it's been a while. Point two percent. Eslam definitely not doing politics.


You know the returns from Florida. Who knows. Maybe I can Jesus could be anything. Yeah.


So unemployment rate down here is about the same as the rest of the country. Median household income. A little more, it's usually about fifty seven thousand here at sixty six thousand, almost sixty seven thousand.


All the demographics that make over sixty thousand are high and all the poor demos are low interest so that there's a lot of there's more retail and health care jobs, but there's also a lot of professional and scientific and technical jobs here as well. Cost of living out of one hundred, it's one twelve, so a little bit high. And housing is the highest of all. Housing is a one forty five. Oh my. Which is why you moved to Florida because it's cheap housing and here it's not median home cost here.


Three hundred thirty four thousand eight hundred dollars. My God. Which is crazy. And if you need this, I don't know for what if you have to move to Fruitvale for court, if it's court ordered. We have for you the court ordered Fruitvale, Florida, real estate report.


Your average two bedroom rental here is about fifteen hundred sixty dollars, which is, wow, above the average three hundred bucks or so, above the average of more than my rent here.


That's what I mean in a house that you and I found a three bedroom, two bath house, nine hundred ninety four square feet. It's a fucking mess.


It looks like the jungle has reclaimed it like it's in there.


There's at least snakes, if not corpses. It's I would you couldn't pay me enough to go in this house one hundred thirty four thousand nine hundred bucks. And he did a lot of work. A lot of work needs a new house.


It needs to be taken back from the elements. It's looks like there's trees growing through it. It's a disaster. Hundred grand. Wow. Two bedroom, two bath. One thousand seventy two square foot house. This is like the clean, nice version of this. It's like new and, you know, all washed and nice and no fluoro running through it. Two hundred twenty two thousand five hundred. So that's a small one. And then there aren't a lot of big houses here.


This is a very kind of all the houses are like eighteen hundred two thousand square feet. Yeah.


I found a four bedroom, three bath, twenty six hundred fifty eight square foot place, decent nice house, four hundred twenty five thousand nine hundred ninety bucks. That's not it. Way too expensive. So I don't know Florida. How do you know. Thank you.


Things to do here. The fruit will grow the pumpkin festival. Holy shit. Come for the pumpkin festival just ended. It was every week of October. It was still going on. Really. Oh yeah. Absolutely. Or of events. They had a costume contest every Saturday at 2:00. Local vendor craft show pony rides.


Oh my gosh. Hayrides. Oh boy. Enchanted unicorn encounter you asshole. I've been dying for an inch. I've had unicorn encounters, but they haven't been as enchanted as I would like them to be then. So I'd like to know what superglue they used that on the horse. Here you go.


Butterfly garden experience, horse drawn carriage rides. It just pluck the unicorn horn off and stick a carriage on them.


Kids fun zone, mini train ride playground pumpkin painting. Hug a goat by hug a goat for some reason. Animal petting zoo. A Zip Line. Torez Extreme Riders in the globe of Death.


Awesome. That's the guys that go fucking cage. All of that.


And then extreme riders in the globe of death that is completely go or watch these guys almost die. Death, clover or goat hog. What do you think, sweetheart? Which one do you want to say? Hug a goat and the petting zoo? Like if you go to hug that, that's five dollars over there.


You pet you hug them over here. And then the Torez wondering family circus. Wow.


It's three ring is the traditional, I believe amount of rings is the one ring. I don't know how this is all free. Yeah, this is all things except for the rides, pony rides, what rock ball and bounce houses, zip line and all this shit have different prices ranging from a buck to ten bucks. Daily activities, Jesus to all everything.


You can hug a goat any goddamn day of the week and then live performance by Bill Vinn Hodge. That's coming to you, Bill Vin Hage or Vin Hodge. Then October 17th. Very lucky they had Sarah Nelmes there. Oh, which is I mean, I'm sad I missed it. We should be in Florida for that one. And then a young, talented solo violinist does a performance in a pumpkin patch and debt.


Danny Oh, man.


There the young, young and talented.


Those pumpkins get older, you know, sit in that patch and do this. Watch out for snakes. So and then there's a children's costume contest all the week. They also have every Saturday. They also have a berry festival as well. It's just fucking berries. This is bleak. It's Barry's hand dipped blueberry cheesecake, ice cream, blah, blah, blah.


Yes. Lots of shit like that. You can bring your dogs, but they must be up to date on vaccines and all the antecedence. Right. And someone will pick it up by accident near the crime rate in this town we're interested in here. Property crime slightly high. It's about one third high, but it's a lot of tourists and shit coming through here. So that's actually not bad. And violent crime, murder, rape, robbery and of course, assault.


Don't forget about assault in the Mount Rushmore of crime is slightly high, about 10 percent high. But I mean the range of normal. So it's kind of a it's a quiet suburban kind of place.


And that's just the way it is to average Florida with outrageous pricing for houses.


Yes, exactly. Kind of. I guess it's turned into kind of a more pricier little enclave. Not back in nineteen eighty six, though, in this area. And we'll talk about this. Go back to nineteen eighty six.


Let's talk about a murder rate. OK, let's do it here.


Nineteen eighty six. We'll just. I'll start there and we'll talk about a couple of people, first person we have to talk about, he's 33 years old at the time in 86, not from Florida. It's been all over the place. He's from Kentucky. Yeah. And he lived in Ohio and he's lived all over. We'll talk about the places he's lived, but he's a man named Ireland Boyd. That's his first name. Ireland. Yeah, Ireland.


Boyd. That's a hell of a handle. How do you what do you do with them? Well, do you get you get a nickname? Oh, what you do. Because no one is going to call you Ireland in IRA.


Everybody mistakes me Jewish and I got to explain them now. I'd be like, do Ms. Ireland is weird. I know my mom's an asshole.


He's overly offended that they thought he was Jewish. Yeah, I'm one of those things. No, no. And you were going to call him Irish. Yeah, that doesn't really go. So instead they come up with a name that just suits his personality, don't go off his name, his name that everyone calls him hillbilly.


Perfect hillbilly. This is hillbilly Boyd right here. Oh, my God. So right away, we're in western Florida. Sounds like a restaurant that close to Tampa, Hillbilly Island, Florida.


Ladies and gentlemen, coming down the aisle from Sarasota, Florida, weighing three hundred and eighty six pounds. Ireland, hillbilly bone.


Do you put hillbilly after Islander before it, it's Iolanda, hillbilly boy, hillbilly island boy that I was. That's his wrestling. Yeah, he was a boxer. He'd be Ireland hillbilly boy. His wrestling name is hillbilly, I'd say probably. And then after a while, Vince is like, why are we keep saying this here? We're saying he's a hillbilly and then he's Irish and the next.


I don't understand. It's too much. What are we doing? Why are we doing this? He's either a hillbilly or he's Irish.


Let's decide which one and do it.


Kind of like a pickled gator.


Yeah, he's a hillbilly, fights it. He's got to put his overalls on and I get all excited.


Sorry to bring Vince McMahon out murder world, but it's when it suits it, it's got to do it. Hillbilly, hillbilly.


So hillbilly boy. Oh boy is thirty three years old and he is exactly what you'd expect him to be if I said, hey, I know that guy named Hillbilly Boy. What pops in your head. Yeah, that's the guy. Take that picture, frame it, keep it there for the rest of the show.


Florida Jim Dugan. Yes.


Yeah. Jim in after he just saw an alligator for hours with Jim Dugan fighting an alligator picture and excited about it and very excited about it. So hillbilly Boyd. I found a couple of things in that he did in the newspaper from when he lived in Ohio ten years earlier, by the way, in the 70s. It's pretty funny. I found him in nineteen seventy two in nineteen seventy three. He was arrested for failure to transfer his plates on his car.


This that in the newspapers. In the newspaper. Oh the embarrassed Norwalk, Ohio. Oh small towns like that will do that. Anybody that does anything they put it in the newspaper. Fucking sure. Which is terrible. Yeah. That's, that's the worst. Oh boy. And then everybody's friends. But I saw your friend got arrested and everybody's mother doesn't let them hang out with that one in my car register.


Boy Yeah. Hey Boyd. How are you. Fixed them plates up. God damn it. Jesus Christ. So I read in the Gazette.


No, I read it over in the Norwalk Reader.


It's a good article, NOROC report. It's that's what they got it. Then I found another report here from that era, which is hilarious. This is one where he says he was assaulted. And the title of the article is just quote, Men say they were assaulted, but that's it.


So I'm like, when I saw the title, I'm like this. It's like a men as a whole. Like a bunch of men are saying they're assaulted. It's like a you know, we're going to reverse domestic violence article or something from the 70s. I don't know what's going on. There's some female rapist out. Yeah. Yeah, I've been assaulted running away. Guy's gone. My dick was sore when she's done with me. I swear to God, I thought she was gonna take it off.


She just got her nails done. I mean, yeah, I liked it, but, you know, I'm sore now as well. I'm saying that's all. I just, you know, it was. No, I'll do it again. I'm not lying if you got her. No, you know, it's just I'm looking her nail got a wrinkle in the skull. So now when I sweat, it hurts. That's all for like two days probably.


It tangles. It stinks. It tangles.


How you say that tend to take some fatal had, you know, actually, I just got fired PTO. I only been there three weeks. I ain't got no PTO now on unemployment. So, you know. Well, no, actually I'm not because I quit. So in the end, because they said if you do that again, I'll fire you. And I was like, you ain't gonna fire me, I'll fire you, motherfucker. And I was like, yeah.


And I walked out and I was like, shit, I just saw that movie taking this job and shove it. I was like, my opportunities and now I'm I'll do it.


OK, so this article says two men claimed and claimed is spelled wrong in the newspaper.


By the way, Jimmy, I have a photo of the fucking look at that.


Oh, boy.


Kallum Calamine climbed two men, climbed a well, I am head of the journalism and claimed they were assaulted in separate incidents over the weekend. So let's put it in an article. Why is this in the newspaper Ireland?


Boyd told police he was attacked while sitting outside his apartment Sunday evening. Oh, see, the thing is. Oh, my God. And then they forget the D in his name in the next hour. I swear, Jimmy, it's just us.


Boy Next paragraph. Boy told the police, am I lying? It's fucking God that authors should be higher priced. This is a goddamn news. What was there? Was this like a middle school? Put this out over you looking for a Pulitzer? This is their newspaper of record from this town in of fuck me. So, yeah, I told a man, approached him and started calling him names, you know, calling him and calling him names.


More worse than hillbilly.


Wait a second. They call what could offend you, sir? You go by hillbilly, I said, sir, call them names and then hit him in the mouth shipping one of his teeth. Oh, so which is crazy because they're all the only ones that are in the back. So I just really got in there. Both of them. Yeah. So apparently, by the way, we'll find out. Hillbilly has a lot of enemies, just a lot of that.


Nobody likes hillbilly because you'll find that way. So another guy here, Richard Polla Check, told police that they think it might have been the same person person. He was pushed by a man at the park. He said the man tried to get him to fight by calling him names, the same description in the same type of approach. Some guy going around like looking for his own flight was bait.


And I'm just trying to start a fight club guy sitting on his porch, some other foreign policy, like I'm on my porch spraying people.


Oh, we're not at a nightclub or I'm on my porch. Like, what are you doing? Who does that? Who starts fights in people's front yards for no reason? I don't even know you. So he said he he the man pushed him against a car. And then an hour, about a half hour later, the man Paul Check claimed assaulted him, came to the police station and he told the police that he had pushed Poltrack against a car because Pulisic was saying things about the man's girlfriend who was nowhere near any of this.


OK, so apparently this dude thought that a stranger said, eh, your girlfriend's a fucking bitch or something, even though she's not there and you have no way of knowing if he even has a girlfriend. Yeah, and this apparently happened twice in the same time. He might have been the same guy writing this article, misspelling shit.


I'm not positive the same man is making shit up. Absolutely.


So now Ireland Boyd Hillbilly. Yeah. His wife, he finds a wife. Oh, the hillbilly finds a woman. And that is Mary Catherine Boyd. She'll be boy now. Mary Katharine Boyd, they they got together. They had been together since about nineteen seventy seven. They've been married since about eighty one ish. Eighty, eighty one they got married. So this is you know, been married about five years, been together almost ten married in Ohio and moved to Florida.


Yeah. They've been all around, they lived in Kentucky where hillbilly was born, gone and grown I guess makes all the sense you grow a hillbilly Indiana and Ohio and Texas.


Jesus before. And but those articles were from Ohio, by the way, before ending up in Florida. Yeah, I'd say before moving to Florida. But these are type of people that end up in Florida or end up wherever they are, not just in Florida. They just we ended up here. And here is a trailer park in Florida. This is where they live. They have they have children, which is, again, two children total. So two children, Hillbilly Mary Katherine Boyd, living in a trailer that they ended up in in Florida after their multistate tour.


Yeah. So, yeah, things have not this isn't the most idyllic relationship. I don't think that, you know, she played house as a child and imagined this is her life. I imagine a man named Hillbilly that will drag me from state to state with my children and eventually end up in a sinking trailer in Florida. So, you know what I mean?


Like, my MASH outcome was much better than that. That's what I'm saying. She grew up like a little girl. She'd have been in the fifties like a little girl in the late fifties. I would have like, oh, what are we going to do when we grow? Men would have thought, oh, what kind of woman am I going to marry? And that's what kids thought of back then. She went out and made up her little wedding.


And she's like, No, no, take your shirt off. You're playing hillbilly. Put these overalls on like Vince McMahon told you. Do that. So saying it at all this saying it. So, yeah, this is what happened. They now where they live. This area is a lower income. It's a trailer park and the whole area is a lower income area. It's known as for the time, especially because in the eighties it's weird, the south and a lot of places, not just the south, there's a lot of places that are segregated racially, but not I'm not like legally segregated.


They're just sort of this is the way it is. So this area's a mix of people, all different people around here living in here. There's a you know, of all races and shit coming in common is no money is they don't have a lot of money. Exactly. And this whole area, trailers and apartments, that's the whole area they live in.


So they're loyal long time and for a lot not in Florida, but other now you even much hotter.


Yeah. Here just as just as hot and weird and bad.


So now with the hillbilly Mary said this is her.


Wow. Imagine this is your husband and this is how you describe him, your partner in life quote. I mean, I guess it's half assed compliment. Quote, When he wasn't drinking, he wasn't too bad.


But that's how she starts out, which is right away when he's sober is not nice, but he's not mean.


He's not the worst. So oil boy, but. He drank most of the time and used to mess up quite a bit, like I ended up in the hospital a couple times and he'd hit the kids and stuff like just when he was drinking, which was most of the time. That's our quote. So it wasn't bad when he wasn't drinking, but he drank all the time. And when he did, he beat the shit out of her and the kids.


But that was only when he was drinking. But most of the time. Yeah.


So most of the time he's a monster that beats the shit out of his wife and kids and at least two times it got so bad she needs to go to the hospital, which is an extreme measure for people who have a lot of money.


That means I was terrified she was going to die. Yeah, I have. I avoided the hospital for years because I didn't have health insurance where I was like unless I was like, I'm going to die in the next ten minutes. I was not going to the hospital because I couldn't be in debt for the next ten years. So I was like, well, if I can survive it, I'll stay home. That's how you think I've been the opposition for some time.


You know, I had a job and health insurance and I still wouldn't go to the hospital unless I was like, yeah, I can't do this alone. It's desperate.


Yeah. And I guarantee you, he wasn't too encouraging of not going to the hospital because he beat the shit out of her especially document. Yeah. One time you can say I fell down, but after that it's like you fell down again and got another black guy and a lot of door not.


No. Yeah, I don't think so. Yeah, exactly. It's ridiculous.


Oh, and also hillbilly abused her sexually when he was drunk, teletype his way with her there. In addition to that, it's like he can't get any worse. You know, he's obviously not ideal, to say the fucking least. He's abusive physically, sexually in every other way and mentally and beating the kids. But on top of that, he didn't work so well. If it couldn't get worse, somehow it got worse.


What do you bring? That's what I wonder. What are you saying you're so fucking on the edge about is the other thing. You know what I mean? That's always that's always back in the day in an abusive household.


That was the thing that the guy would say, oh, I work hard and I know what the fuck are you saying?


You know what I mean? What would be his or what would be in his demented mine? Obviously, it's not an excuse anyway, but in his demented mind, what would be his thing to say? Well, that's my reasoning for that. I do. It's just I feel like it because I'm shitfaced and so I'm going to do it. There's no reasoning for that.


My he said and as a woman, you're in that position and you're just too scared to leave.


Yeah, she explains why she didn't leave do it. Oh, my. And he would she would run out of money or he would he didn't work. And when he would when Mary Mary worked. But he would spend the money of course. So then they would run out of money between her paychecks. And when that happened, she said he would maybe work for a day or two doing day labor quote, so he could get himself a bottle. That's why he is the only reason why he's going to drink just enough to go out.


Are you going to work just enough to work a day to go out and get shitfaced that night?


Everybody knows somebody like this. I mean, if you're in a certain economic class. Yeah, I've known so many of them. I've known this guy. This guy is horrible. He's a bad guy. This isn't a guy that, you know, want to be around. And apparently this he's been like this forever, but when they moved to Florida, got extra bad because, you know, it's Florida because he wants whatever's in the water down there that affects everybody else, affects it, affected him, too.


Right. And I guess it makes you twenty percent crazier. And this guy didn't really have a lot of room to go in the north direction as far as crazy went. So things are weird and bad. Yeah. Anyway, April twenty sixth, nineteen eighty six. This is kind of the night we're going to go into in some detail now about seven thirty or eight pm hillbilly arrives home to the trailer, OK, pulls in the Mariusz home with the kids.


She's been taking care of the kids in the trailer. He comes in shit faced. I can't express how drunk this man is, comes in with a neighbor named Frank ACORN. And Frank says they've been hanging out and drinking since like noon and it's seven thirty eight o'clock. Yeah. And they're not drinking casually. They're they're drinking for results. Purpose. Yeah. You know, there's there's we had some beers and talked and watched the races and then there's a drink because I was born to get fucking drunk and that's, that's what they're doing.


Yeah. That's drinking for a record. Yeah.


Not a bad showing. It's on like a peeing every forty five minutes schedule. That's the level of drinking beer. You know that schedule.


Oh I do like pool boy. Man do I have to pee again. I'm going to wait for this commercial break.


I can't possibly the worst. Yeah. Yeah.


Too much liquid and that's why I don't get I can't do it. I don't get when people can sit and get twelve pack of beer. It's a line. I'm like all you got. You feel so bloated and full constantly pissing. It's like what am I doing. This is Tara. You could drink just a little bit. Booze and have the same resolve in the middle of our shows, I've got a best, we're like, yeah, and then we're still talking about a murder.


And I was like, oh, my God, we haven't gotten to court yet.


Oh, no, on that. Sometimes you'll just go. We've got to stop. I got to go. I got to run upstairs. I'm really sorry, James. I'm responsible here, Mark that. I'm just like mark that down. I'm not a mature man. Back in a minute. I'm a child. You're fighting for your life. That and then we'll be back in a minute. I just come back to OK, I'm back. But didn't interrupt the flow of the story.


It's not that this doesn't.


But still I'm sorry. This says it's OK.


That's great. No, it's to piss you off the piss.


So hillbilly is shitfaced and he's had, like I said, forty five minutes per schedule kind of a day. And Mary says that when Hillbilly was drunk, she says, quote, You know what was good for you? Didn't you know what was good for you? You didn't say no to him. That's good for you. No, it's good for you. You just stayed out of his way. He's looking for a reason to tee off on somebody when he's drunk.


So you that's not a life to live. No, that's a horrible life to sit and hold your breath when you hear the car coming in to hope he's not drunk enough to where you have to fucking, like, shuffle the kids out of the room quickly and, like, try to act like you're going to like that's a horrible life that's livin like a goddamn like a fucking captive. That's terrible, man. Holy shit. Apparently, she's she had said no to him in the past a few times when he had told her to do things when he was drunk and she would beat the shit out of her for it.


She hurt her bad a few times. And she said she learned over time that it was easier to agree with him than to fight with him. So he completely broke this poor woman's fucking spirit, basically with this shit. And also friends and neighbors said they would just have to at times just go, yeah, OK, Ireland. All right, hillbilly. Whatever you say, whatever you say, man, just to get him to shut the fuck up.


It wasn't just the wife. I'm talking grown people that lived around. Everybody did it. He was like a tornado.


As I mean, I get that it's an alcoholic's dream to have people submit to them.


But as a dude, how could, like, house that attractive, I don't understand is just how to serve a purpose. And it there. You mean to him. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Well, it's nothing hotter than a woman that says no. Yeah. What's so funny. What's the. Well I mean because it incites a it doesn't mean it's funny because he's not going to listen. That's going to do all right. That's not that's completely not ready for ladies and gentlemen, my partner who's going to say my partner Bill Cosby over here.


I don't know what else to say. It just makes life so much more interaction. Rape somebody.


I'm sure it does anyway. Yeah, I get what you're saying. No, you don't want somebody who's not a fucking person. Yeah. That's why you want a person with mind. When someone says no, that means they have a thought and they're going to tell you their thing. I can't wait to hear why and you engage with them. And that's kind of what relationships are supposed to be about.


Like, yeah, then you go, wow, I really like the way that person thinks. And that's why you get with that person, stay with them for a long time because you found someone who when they go no, they say something that you're interested in. Right. That's the point only. Why exactly. That's the fucking boy. That's a relationship. Unless that now is just to be a pain in the ass. Yeah, that's why I'm divorced.


Exactly. That's that's why we are we are over here with a divorce, a piece lined up for us. So there's two divorces in us. You got it. Yeah. So it happens.


So, I mean and I don't know what Mary's upbringing must have been to end up. Yeah. To choose hillbilly. Yeah. As a and then be like, this is fine, you know, I get the time is different and also the culture is different as well.


You know, I don't know if it's a I know a lot of times domestic violence, you know, has took a lot longer to have a stigma in the rural areas.


And that's just a fact. Just having a life is because there's less people around. So it was hidden more. And, you know, it wasn't a out in the open thing. So, I mean, we all have heard of these towns, these small towns that have rules that where it's it's legal to beat your wife on the courthouse steps. And that's all there's a there's towns that have these like silly arcane rules from rule of thumb. Yeah.


From all that shit.


So it's like I don't know if it's in the culture or if she was brought up in an abusive environment and then looked for, you know, that I'm not on purpose but her brain, I don't know what it is. But, yeah, he would hurt her bad sometimes. And even that, like I said, even the friends and neighbors would just stay out of his way like there wasn't even a friend that was like, go fuck you hillbilly.


Yeah, I'm not taking your shit. Everyone was just like, don't even bother. He's going to take a swing at you. So unless you're as drunk as him, you don't really want to deal with it, it's easier to just say whatever guy. Yeah, he's a big guy. He's a big guy. But, I mean, you know, not not you know, he's not Hulk Hogan.


He's not I don't know why we're bringing up 80s wrestling so much today, but that was in my head. So I brought up like I saw the big show. So I'm thinking like I'm thinking because I brought up Vince. And that made me think of like like 80s era Hulk Hogan flexing because it's eighty six right now in the story. That's where my picks are.


Big man. I go big show. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But if he's a mountain of a man sometimes if you're just cutting your lawn and he's got something to say and you're like sure man, whatever bro. He's not somebody that you just feel he's going to be a handful to deal with. If you got a problem, if he's going to want to fight with you and he's drunk. So he's not going to listen to reason or understand that he's hurt and stay down and he hits the things he loves.


He's exactly shit to this guy. Yeah, that could go terribly.


Yeah. Yeah. So it got to the point where she was just married was just at the end of her rope. You know what to do anymore. She said that at one point during this whole thing or friend said that she started to tell them that she became angry enough to wish that he was dead. Oh, she started saying that. I just wish he was dead. I wish he was gone. I wish he was dead. She said at one point to somebody, quote, I mean, my friends, they knew, you know, but I didn't actually talk to anybody till, you know, till nineteen eighty six.


So she kept it to herself. And then in like this eighty six up till April, she started talking to people about it, telling her friends about it and they were like, dude, get the fuck away from this guy, put up with it. Yeah. Take the kids and you know, stay with me, stay with your mom, stay anywhere but with this asshole.


But she, you know, she was afraid of him. I mean, that's all there is to it. And a couple of weeks are a mid-April kind of beginning of April. She had a conversation with a neighbor of hers named John Edwards. Not that John Edwards and his his nickname. He's got a nickname, of course, Ultimate, you know, and it's just perfect. His nickname. Yeah, but okay. We got Hillbilly and bud, John Edwards, John Edwards, John.


But Edwards, that's definitely not the guy that knocks of the dead. Now, you're either picturing the guy who talks to the dead, that fucking fraud or the other one left is left. His answers, cancer stricken wife or some chicken like Argents, her run away. But no, no, no, no. That was the guy in South Carolina was Mark Sanford, a different guy. He went to, like, go hang out in South America with his girlfriend?


No, no. I'm talking to this. He had what was one of his campaign staffers. There you go. Yeah. So John Edwards, you're thinking it was both of a pocket size. Yeah. John Edwards hair.


Yeah. So moved when he went. Yeah. Yeah. So either that or a guy that claims let's Bud and John Edwards both talk to the dead. The same amount is the real thing.


That's to say yes, if possible. A man the John Edwards talk to the dead. John Edwards is more full of shit than a man who ran for president twice, which you have to be somewhat full of shit to run for anything. So, I mean, you know, I mean just more than your average human. Yes. And to just be able to act like you're happy to be somewhere, I don't even mean in your policies. I just mean to go, oh, so great of everyone to come out when you're just like, why the fuck am I in the middle of nowhere with you fucking hicks?


This sucks. I don't want to be here. I want to fuck my campaign.


I went to college. Do you understand? Not me. Obviously I would. I would assume that's what someone would think if they actually were educated. I don't know. I don't know why I can't put myself in the mind of someone who's actually done the right things in life. I really can't I don't know what. I just think they must think like I did things right. So I'm having something out. A college fund. Yeah, something that somebody somebody left the house and their parents handed them a check or they knew how to fill out paperwork for loans, either one.


Either way, you got me beat. I don't know what to tell you. I don't know either one of them. So a couple weeks into April, like I said, she talks to Bud Bud Edwards.


Only thing about but of note is, well, we'll talk about but a little more detail. But Bud is a black guy, which I'm not part of, not usually part of their normal circle, but he's a neighbor of theirs. They started hanging out with him. So hillbilly apparently isn't real racist anyway.


So that's a positive, I guess, geography. Anybody could be his friend, but yeah, that's that's what it is. He doesn't really give a shit, but most of his friends are like hardcore redneck. So if they see him, whether they're like, well, you doing with him, you know what I mean? He's just like my neighbor, you know, he doesn't he doesn't give a shit. So according to her, this is what she says, marry later on, quote, I don't know how we got started talking, but I just said that sometimes I wish he was dead.


And Bud said that he knew people that got rid of people. Oh. But I said I didn't have that kind of money because I didn't. And he said I wouldn't need money. Oh, no, I wouldn't need money at all.


I know people to make people disappear. I don't have that kind of money. She's right, yeah, that's the first thing she said so far that's dead on. And he said, you don't need that kind of money because there's other ways you can pay. How's that? We'll find out. Let's see here and then we'll find out what ends up happening, because does anything ever happen as planned in the show? Never, never. So will anybody could end up dead here.


So then this night, like we said, he came home with his friend. That's how we started this shitfaced, drinking all day peson every forty five minutes he gets home. As soon as he gets home, Mary sees the headlights and grabs the kids and takes in the bed. Smart kids. Time to go to bed. Let's go, let's go, let's go. She can tell shitfaced he's been gone all day. He knows when he learned in the driveway when he hangs out with that guy he's been drinking out front of the trailer.


Yeah, he is. Schuckert, daddy's home. Is it fucking rocks back. I'm going to go. Bad guy. TV reception fucking came in, came in and goes out. Yeah. Oh I can see. God damn it. Tell Daddy to hit the house again. So she said quote, she put them to bed quote because when he was drunk like that, if they were, if they just made one little noise or something he didn't like, he would just get in and get on to them.


So I tried to put them to bed before he got a hold of them.


A hold of them. Yeah. OK, so she knows the kids are going to say talk and he's going to lash out. Yeah. After a while, his friend, his drinking partner Frank left and and the after he left, that's when John Bud Edwards. So that's when Bud and Bud's girlfriend come over. Bud's got a girlfriend named Sharon Brown and Sharon and Mary are very close. They talk all the time. That's kind of one of her main confidants.


And that's kind of how Bob got looped into this conversation, is she heard about what was he heard about what was going on. He knew anyway, he's one of their neighbors. He hangs out with them. He's seen, but he's seen hillbilly in action. So it's not a stretch. It's not like really how they see those too weird. When we went out to dinner the other night with them, they seemed I mean, they did argue about red or white wine, but other than that, I thought they seemed like a really good couple.


I don't understand. She you know, she was having fish. I get why she wanted the white, but everyone else at the table was having red sauce. So, you know, you got to compromise sometimes. Just get a glass.


You know, I was on his side, honestly, but now that I see this, this is terrible.


Now, I'm upset that I contributed drinking to beat her, then fucked up. This is fucked. So that's obviously terrible.


So they sit around. This is the two couples sitting around talking and Billy is still drinking pretty hard. They're watching a Kirk Douglas movie on TV. We never get to find that, damn it.


And I have looked, oh, my God, this was like covered in no newspapers for somehow or other. None of them are available now in the multiple newspaper archives I have access to.


And so I've had to dig in and find I found these really like detailed court documents from a lot of digging. But that's how I found this case at all, because it's really not out there anywhere. So I couldn't find I looked everywhere for what movie this was, but I couldn't find a TV guide at that time. Would be nice.


Oh, I'd love August. You can find it. Yeah. Why didn't I think why didn't I think to just look that up. TV guide. I look one an hour and a half.


Don't look for them to mention it. You look for what's playing. I wish I was there. I'm sorry.


Oh I am so tired. Normally I would have thought that I've been so tired. I'm like, where's this movie? I was sitting at home, ok, banging my head against the wall. August 20th, April twenty six nineteen eighty six. TV Guide.


I don't know if it could have been on a local channel that could have been on a local but it would still be on there if you were from Sarasota Sarasota area.




Tell me what fucking movie that was or I can just look it up after the show. By the time I posted it'll be out there. So don't tweet it, but tweet it to me. No, sometimes I'll figure it out on the sea. I'll tell I'll tell you right when this is done, we'll look it up because I'm going to find it. So they're watching this.


And apparently Hillbilly made the comment that he also had a dimple in his chin, you know, like a virgin.


Yeah. Yeah, like Kirk Douglas. Oh, OK. He said, but you can't see it because of my big beard, right.


I'm hillbilly. Okay, so you just have to trust me. So, yeah. So at this point he starts this is insane. He starts telling everybody that Kirk Douglas is a real man and everybody is a pussy now and nobody is a real man anymore. But he's a real man boy. And to prove he's a real man, he's going to fuck his wife in front of you people against her will in the living room now in front of the neighbors.


It doesn't show anything. That is one of the I don't know how one plus one equals fucking sexually attack your wife in the living room in front of your friends. Like, that's a that's a lot of show me your dicks are know a lot of math equation that goes into that. So, yeah, they said this is from Mary. Quote, I. One thing led to another, and he tried to pull my pajamas off because he was going to show Bud and Cherie how a real man done it.


That's exact words recorded right in front of her company, right in front of company, he was going to do it to me and Sharon. She got up and she said she wasn't going to stay there and watch me be humiliated like that. Good. He wouldn't quit. And I tried to hang on. I really did. I just tried to hang on to my pajamas and he just kept pulling them and pulling them now.


So this is what I mean, this isn't funny now.


I mean, like you you fuck around as a couple or you'd be like, come on now, sweetheart, but you wouldn't actually try to fucking take their clothes off or try to, you know, humiliate, do something that you would humiliate them.


Kirk Douglas wouldn't do that. You know, we don't know that. I'm pretty sure back then, though, he probably could have and we could have a such a long line of people. We have no idea. But he seemed like an OK guy. But you never know. Like I said, you will never know. You never know. He could have been all over.


Everybody was flat topped it, right? Yeah. He just died. Yeah. Actually, like last year.


Remember when we killed him off at like we killed him because I was like, yeah, Kirk Douglas. But he's dead. And we started talking to people like he's not dead. Dead. Oh he's not dead. Like half the crowd. We're like he's not dead. As I get the fuck out of here, I go, he's got to be one hundred. And we looked it up. He was one hundred and two.


Like it was a good guess to think he'd be dead by now of of evil. Ah he wouldn't have made it this far. You know what I'm saying. Like for me to say is that is most of the time. Yeah. Ninety eight percent of the time. I'm right on that one. I'm going to say so. Took a guess. And really if you told me he was dead I'd be like yeah. Probably died around the same time Bob Barker died.


Yeah. When I went when. Yeah.


Yeah that's what I mean. We always get it wrong. We don't know who's dead or alive. Did he finally die. No, he's still alive. The guy is crushing. Doesn't know where he is. No, he doesn't know he's alive. No sorry about it.


But he's still pinching asses everywhere he goes.


So a little a little background on Bud here, Bud and Sharon. Now, John Bud Edwards is a guy that everybody likes, John, but Edwards has an eighth grade education. So not not real good as far as that goes, which I find that's I mean, we don't know is he comes from a family, comes from a family with seven kids and they were poor family. So we don't know if he had to work or we we don't know what his circumstances are for that.


But we do know that in nineteen seventy five, a mere eleven years earlier, he was convicted for second degree murder. Oh, wow. So, yeah, he is a convicted murderer and he's out and he is at this point on parole for the murder that he committed. So he is a a literally a paroled murderer with an eighth grade education. And he's the nice guy and right at this point in time. And you're raping in front of him.




And he's he's looking at you like he's looking down on you. Right. He's judging your bullshit behavior by eighth grade educated murder. Parolee is looking at your side. I like this fucking scumbag. Think about that. Right. That's the level of debauched shit bag hillbilly.


Was that right? Is acting like in front of everybody, you know, whatever. We don't know what's in his heart, Jimmy.


Yeah. So anyway, when it for love.


Yeah. Good God.


And all the neighbors say Bud's a great guy but is one of the more popular guys in the neighborhood as far as people liking him, trusting him. One neighbor says that I quote, First of all, there's always a bunch of fighting in the trailer park. Of course, like literally the neighbors are always doing this. Listen to this quote from one of the neighbors. Bud was not like that. You know, quote, Bud was always the one that stopped the fighting around the court.


You know, everybody was always fist fighting and getting drunk and he always stopped it.


So that's who he is. But he's the guy who's like he's the voice of reason. He's going around. Come on, guys. Come on, guys. You're fist fighting in the middle of the street in a trailer park. This is I do not miss that dude. They do.


It is constant. Oh, it's got people shouting at other people because they're shouting inside their trailer. We can all fucking hear it. Everybody up trying to watch the show.


When I lived in that apartment that we first started recording.


And it was like every night, every night, every night, I got everybody stuff.


It was fuckin insanity outside. There was people yelling and screaming and fighting. And then there was like a party in the street and then there was fucking those dudes fucking outside my window. At one point I'm like, what's going on out here? And I'm like, oh my God, there's we got to move right under the fucking right. Well, they were just fucking I don't care whose fucking men, women. It doesn't matter. They were fucking right under the street lamp.


You could move up ten feet. You're in the dark. That's on purpose. Those motherfuckers are trying to display themselves. This is crazy. This neighborhood's anybody fucking in the light when you could be fucking in a shaded area where no one could see you. There's something wrong there. Right up in my apartment. Fucked El like clockwork once a month. And they sounded like Geena Davis and Alec Baldwin pretending to be in Beetlejuice grizzling.


What is that what are they? That is they are that feels like it's on she coming or haunting the house. What's happening? Finish already. Jesus Christ I can't sleep again indoors. Endorse dressed in black, telling her to shut the fuck up the fuck.


So. Oh, my God. So anyway, they're all sitting in here. Sharon Brown leaves and it gets down to the three of them. It's bad and it's it's, you know, Mary and it's hell Billy. He's trying.


So finally, Billy kind of staggered off of her and the way that was put by them staggered kind of away and stopped at that point trying to sexually assault her.


He would have had to basically beat her, an attacker. And that was even a bridge too far, even for this fucking lunatic in front of somebody. I guess.


So he does that.


Mary says she was more than upset is the way she put it at this point, as I don't blame her for being more than upset, I'm embarrassed and attacked and all this kind of shit.


So it's at this point that hillbilly says, I want to go to the bar, we're going to the bar.


It's ten o'clock at night. And you just left there? Yeah, he's shitfaced and she is not. But the kids are sleeping. So, you know, if you want to go to a bar, I guess walk or take a taxi, but you don't have money for Uber. That's what I mean. Get a call, a taxi or something. He wants to go to the water waterhole, which is up in Oneko, which is I looked it up is about twenty minutes from here.


Wow. Yeah, it's about twenty minutes away at this bar up in Aneka, which was right in the middle of nowhere at the time. So now it's filled in a lot.


So he's saying that we're going to the water hole and that go and let's go. And she said, I'm not fucking going to the bar with you. The kids are sleeping. Yeah, this night's over like you've had enough. You're plenty of drunk. You're liquored up, you know. But he was out of booze, so he wanted to go to the waterhole. So Mary said, I'm not going. So then he says, you know, to Bud, you take me, I you let's go to the water.


All Bud's like, Oh, no, my girl just left and I got to go see my girl. You know, it's she's going to be mad if I to go out with you, I'm going to go, you know, whatever. So I'll go do that soon. He starts asking other neighbors that are hanging out outside because I guess it's probably hot. Even though it's April. It's probably that's probably like a good time to sit outside a trailer in Florida.


Yeah. Yeah. It's probably when it's cool and it's probably a good time to sit outside the trailer because it's going to get real hot in the next couple of months. So late April. So there's a bunch of people outside and hillbillies going around people.


The person, the person asking people to go to a water hole, you drive and they've all been drinking everybody around here.


So they're all everyone's fucking shitfaced. Everyone's sitting outside drinking. So they're all like, I'm drunk. I've got plenty here. I need to go to a bar.


That's the consensus of everybody. So he finally comes back and this is a quote from Mary, Jesus Christ, man.


This is we've had this is episode one. Ninety six of small time murder.


We've had a lot of crazy people, people saying crazy things, people doing crazy things. Listen to this, OK? This is a top five moment here. This is Mary quote.


And he come back and he told me I had five minutes to get my clothes on and get the kids in the car, or he was going to take the kids and just go gruesome, take the kid. Yeah, he's going to take the kids.


If you don't go, I'm in danger. The shit out.


Yeah, exactly. You're going to drive me or I'll take the kids and go crash the car industry because, you know, I'm too drunk to drive. Not I'll just go myself. And if I crash and kill myself, fine, I'll take the kids to four. That's the logic. It's to punish her.


It's to make her take him, because otherwise I'll take the kids and you know, I'm too drunk and I'll crash. And God damn what you think of that. Now you have to go crazy. And she was like, Jesus Christ, this is a fucking nightmare. He's literally saying, I'll hurt the kids if you don't take me to a bar. It's pretty much what he's saying because that more drunk to get more drunk. And then I'll drive home again with the kids and probably beat you up.


And then, yeah, I'll probably be mad that I had to watch the kids all night. You weren't there, so expect a beat. And when I get home, that's the type of life this is. This is crazy. So she said that I can take the kids and just go, quote, I couldn't let my kids out the door with him and his with him and him drunk.


He could have killed them. Yes. She's her whole thing is trying to protect her kids.


So Mary said, OK, I'll do it. So she was going to bed.


She's in her pajamas thinking about that to you drop him off there because you have to give him a ride home.


Now, she was think about that in her pajamas, relaxing in her home, not relaxing, but in her home watching a movie. And now all of a sudden she's got to get clothes on. She wrapped the kids up in blankets to take them and and put them in the car. They have a sand colored nineteen seventy five Cadillac. So a fucking boat.


Oh, it's thirteen. Old. Seventy five. Yeah, it's a big one. Yeah, my grandmother had like a seventy six and it was it's probably longer than the trailer put it that way.


Like, if you if it's a sedan. Yeah. It could be the coupe and even the Coupe de Ville. That's what my grandmother has a fucking it was 50 feet long. It just means two doors, not four. Yeah. It's still a long two longer doors. So they were just to do those Cadillacs because as long as four. Yeah.


Hers was Tutone Green so it had that was like metallic mint on top with the dark. Yeah. Bottom money, leather, green seats stuff.


I swear to God the race was going on, this was her prized possession. She kept it in the garage, only took it out if they were going to see the relatives to show off all the all the Italians, they moved over here. If they did even half OK, they'd all get like one nice car that they could bring the gathering's to show, like, look at me, I'm successful. Right? So there's all the immigrants. This is what they did.


So, yeah, that car was it was so fucking big and it had these doors because it was a coupe. Yeah. And they were so long, Jimmy. And open that on a New York street. Oh, God. You'll take out two lanes of traffic if you're downtown there like a mulberry. I slammed my hand in one of those things once. I swear it still hurts. Like for these fucking doors. You could hear when they said they were like this was like a fucking bank vault door closed like a train smash.


It's what it did. It was crazy. So she they loaded the kids up in the seventy five Cadillac to drive through the night. It's, you know, ten something at night. She drives Ireland to the watering hole to the waterhole. Now he's she's not dropping him off. She's got to go in and sit there and while he drinks with kids in the car. With kids in the bar. Oh that kids in the car. They're all going to go inside and he's going to get shitfaced and then she's going to drive him home.


These poor kids, they don't want to be here. So after he comes, he goes in after five minutes, he comes out of the bar and says that they won't allow kids in after eight o'clock. Yeah, because the kitchen's closed and we don't allow the law.


You know, he's pissed, though. He's Superman, the fucking assholes. I come here all the time. I'll let my goddamn kids in come November.


We're putting this shit out. Yeah, there's going to be a new law about bars and kids that kids can go and bars anytime they want, especially after 8:00 p.m. they're extra allowed into bars.


Then I'm going to get a law on the ballot. Says Daycare's in the bar. It's in the bar. Right.


And and bars the bill. You have to provide daycare and allow kids in any time and they can work off the drinks that their daddy have been drinking. That's also a rule. You can put them to work. And it's it's it's one drink per hour of child labor. I have two kids so I can drink two drinks for free per hour. They what I've done, I done did the math, done the math.


And it works out. It works out.


So he comes back out here. Oh my God. Saying OK, no kids in the no kids in the goddamn place after you know, obviously after eight o'clock.


So they end up cutting going to the ABC liquor store where he buys a bottle of liquor and a bottle of seven up. OK, so instead of going in the bar is like, fuck it, I'll just buy liquor and drink it at home. OK, now on the way back, he's hungry.


Hillbilly got a hankering. Yeah. So he's hankering. What does he want.


My kids of course because it's open and it's open. They got to drive through. So they go to the drive through of McDonald's and he, he causes a scene at the drive thru McDonald's. Jimmy's drunk hillbilly is such an asshole. Oh my God.


Shoutin his order from the passenger seat. Yup.


I want this bitch fucking hear me. She can hear you hillbilly, please.


She didn't answer me when I said I wanted vaginalis. Yeah.


This is hillbilly. Y'all know me. The usual police used.


So they were told because in rural areas where there's not a ton of orders at McDonald's, if you order late at night, they make you go wait because they have to make it right, because no one has been there for ten minutes. So all the food would be bad. So they can only sit there for five minutes or some shit. So please, we'll get your order.


They said no problem, five minutes if you just pull up over there.


Well, by hillbilly was not having that shit at all.


You said fast food. He pulled a Jim Kornet. Oh boy. Where we've talked about this. Jim Kornet the wrestling manager. If you want some entertainment, look up Jim Kornet Dairy Queen on YouTube and just find Jim Kornet yelling at a Dairy Queen employee who was after a wrestling show late at night.


They were driving was the only thing open in a small town.


He wants a blizzard, so. He freaks out on this lady, loses his fucking mind, right, and she says, quote, And he cuts that lady out, something awful. And he said he'd just go home and I could cook. And that's fine. I just wanted to go home. And he was so this poor.


Oh, my God. Now, everything in his life. That's a travesty he's got. That's fine. Y'all out of gas. I'll make her fine. Fucking get to work with a stick that damn shit in the ground and make I'll come up and then refine it into a petroleum product cast. Dakar's got a quarter tank. Jesus fucking Christ. We drive a Cadillac. She's lazy. Car's out of gas. Lazy doesn't want to refine it. That's what happened.


So yeah, it goes from I'm in my pajamas to now I have to get the kids in the car. We have to drive you to the bar. Oh now we have to go to the liquor store. Oh we'll stop at McDonald's. Five minutes. No problem. OK, fine. I'll just cook when we get home. Oh boy. This is a nightmare of a night and this isn't like an abnormal evening meeting. So she said I just wanted to go home.


I don't even care. I just want to get out of the car, get the kids in the bed. So it was about eleven, eleven thirty when they got home. OK, it's at this point not the point when he was at a liquor store where this product is available, it is now that he goes, oh, I'm out of cigarettes. Oh, no, I'm out of cigarettes.


So if I have your her, how do you not just go? That's it. I know I put up with enough, I put up with all. But for some reason, you not being smart enough to foresee you needed cigarettes and buy them at the liquor store is enough. And I'm done with you. It's fine. I'll roll them at home. Yeah.


I'll just, I'll just grow some tobacco and roll them for you and that's fine. It's ridiculous. So he told Mary to walk over to the gas station at eleven thirty at night to get him more.


I am exhausted. Yeah. So am I. Want a nap. Yeah. Just hearing a walk to the gas station.


Get me more cigarettes. She's like OK, I'll do it if that's what it because she's just keeps thinking if I do this one more thing that'll be enough and all will leave me alone and whatever. But there's just keeps being more and more and more. So he gives her a twenty dollar bill, she goes up, there's an alley and you walk through it. So that's do you want to send your wife through the fucking alley at midnight giving me my money back to buy this.


Yeah. And then sending me on my dangerous and then suddenly here's something that someone can steal from you after they murder you in the alley. That's perfect. Thanks you.


It's midnight. Go get your own fucking cigarettes through the goddamn alley. If someone's going to kill somebody, it should be you. You fucking idiots out my money.


Anyway, she goes up through the alley to the station, buys the cigarettes, returned safely. Everyone's like, Oh, now you're going to die in an alley. That's not how this happens. And returns with eighteen dollars change. Cigarettes are cheap back then. So once she got back he was he's in the when she got back Buddz there. OK, so in the car. No in the trailer. OK, so she gets back in there but he must have been outside and hillbilly but get on an air bag and drink with me and a bottle.


I got cigarettes coming. You want her to go out and get you anything.


So it's more accurate than I ever faced over here. Oh she's cooking.


I took it when she got back there. Bud's there. It's at this point that hillbilly goes, let's go back out again.


Can you. I hate him, Doug. You just want to knock him out cold and go, OK, why do you have so much energy when you're drunk? That's what I mean. What have you done? This is why nobody likes him. Yeah, nobody. Because he's a fucking asshole. He's just this. You know who he is. He is exactly. Dwight Yoakam and Sling Blade.


He is Dwight Yoakam and it's exactly how he acts.


We're going to have party then everybody's going to lock it and they have the boys coming over. You sit there and listen to us play our shitty music and then yell at the guys in the band for not being better and fucking push a guy in a wheelchair, make everybody leave. And yeah, I won't say what he yelled at everyone when he leaves, I'll keep that one to myself that I use the gymkhana. That one that's probably even worse. I'll keep that one bastards.


What does it say. Oh boy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey you want really you and hard. We went hard on a couple of groups. Real, real bad. So I'm going to keep that one locked and loaded. What. Sling Blade is a great movie. I don't think why Dwight Yoakam is like that in real life. So wonderful acting on his part, but an absolute monster. And this is exactly he's Doyel. This is who Hillbilly is.


So, yeah, he wanted to go out again. She says, quote, He got in his he got in his head. He wanted to go out again. And I said I wasn't going, but he just kept right on and he said he could go without me because he had a key, but he dropped it down the side of the couch and he didn't have a key ring or nothing. And he just kept it and he just kept on and on.


Who's got a loose house? Loose car keys, car keys, just. Lucy. Lucy wanders around with the square. Yeah, no key ring and he dropped it down the side of the couch and was too drunk to find it. Like, oh, now I can't drive. Now you're definitely driving me.


And she's saying no. And he keeps going on and on. And I'm sorry to do a Southern accent when she's quoting, but the way she said her syntax is, it's impossible almost. I, I sound like I'm making fun of her.


If I don't use sort of her own accent almost, then it sounds like then she he did not do it.


Sounds like, you know, what's coming to you is not done in a non regional dictionary. That's what I'm saying. Exactly. You talk he just kept right on. Sounds like he just kept right on.


If I say it doesn't sound right, it sounds like he can't do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then he kept right on. He kept trying to say that he kept right on guy doesn't he kept breaking my fucking Corleone's over and over again, his fucking guy over. And he's like you can take me to the bottom like get the fuck out of here. You want to go to the bar as the fucking car crash and die for, like, give a fucking shit.


They don't say it. That's different. And get right on. Kept right on.


So, yeah, I kept on and on. She's visibly upset but can see this. But there also this poor bastard has to witness this. Nobody wants to see that.


Finally she said she, she just threw the keys at him and she said just go, just get out, go wherever. I don't care. But he wanted Bud to come to pay. So this whole thing happened. He got the keys. He's like, all right, bud, come out.


Bud's like, I'm so sorry. I just was outside then you I don't want to go anywhere. Like, it's midnight, you know, I don't want to do anything like that. So, yeah, hillbilly wants butt out with him though and he does not want to go out with Billy. Bud doesn't. He's not into it. However, Mary kind of was like giving him eyes like, oh please, it'll get him away.


And he apparently at that point felt bad for her. And basically she said she just thought, you know, this would be a in her mind. She looked at it as this is a good way to get rid of him for the night, you know what I mean? So this is a good time to get rid of him. Perfect. You take him out, he wants to go and he doesn't want me involved. Yeah, please go willingly.


Yeah. So eventually Bud says, all right, fine, I'll go with you. Fine. So they first go to a neighborhood poker game. Yeah.


A trailer park. Yeah.


Let's not call a neighborhood post midnight trailer park. Fucking trailer park. Poker game. It's not good. No. With a guy named Hillbilly and a convicted parolee murderer named. But this is this game is that sounds terrible. That's awful.


Humid, sticky. It's not a fair game. Somebody someone's cheating somebody.


Either way, the cards are sticky and it's gross. So they go there and then eventually, after some more drinking, bud and hillbilly return to the residence.


So, yeah, they return there now once this all happens.


Jesus Christ, this is while he when before they left he said that basically when but agreed to go hillbilly was starting to get aggressive toward Mary.


As far as I'm going to drag you, you're going to fucking go. And it was all that sort of thing. Finally, Bud said he would take him, but he said he had to put his shoes on first and Bud got up to leave to put it. Why he came over to somebody's house with no shoes on is beyond me. So once he goes to get it, he's going to get his shoes. This is when Hillbilly followed him outside and called him a liar and said he wouldn't come back.


And he was saying, you're a liar, you ain't gonna come back. And he followed him to the door and Mary followed him out to follow it out. Hillbillies. And when you calm down and then hillbilly and and hillbilly and Bob ended up ended up going to another person's apartment nearby and whatever, Mary goes back inside and Bud and they go out, OK, so they're going out now when they get back, which will say where they went in a minute.


But when they get back, Mary says that Hillbilly told me to fix him a drink. So I did OK. And then he got and then he got started up about wanting to go again. And he got up and kind of staggered a little bit. I kind of caught him. I got used to that one time I caught him and I fell over with him. He was a lot bigger than I am. But he went out the front door, the one toward the road.


That's where the car was. He told me to help him get to the car.


This is the next Jesus Christ.


So I did.


And by the time we got to the car, he was mad at me again because he went through a roller coaster of emotions, Jesus Christ.


And he said he would do it himself. He asked her to take him to the car and he said, get off. I don't need your help, you OK? I was inside, I was happy to be inside, and he said I open the door and he got in and I shut the car door and I gave him his glass, I think. So he took his mixed drink in a glass with him in the car shitfaced.


He's already drunk. Here we go. Here you go, sweetheart. And give them a glass in their fingers crossed. He runs that shit into a canal.


Yeah, she said I gave him a glass, I think. Then she says no, I gave him a bottle.


No, not a glass damn thing bottle. He left the glass. He didn't want it. He said he was going to drink it straight.


So he's like, I don't need that. That's for pussies. I'll take the bottle.


So he's going to cruise down the road in a giant Cadillac swigging from a fucking liquor bottle, just like Kirk Douglas, just exactly like Kirk Douglas swaggering around, you fucking know. And I mean, he's a man.


Just that's what Kirk Douglas did. Yeah. Got drunk and pillaged and then tried to rape his wife in front of people, jumped in the car with a bottle of gin. That's how it worked.


So, yeah, he ends up he here but ends up out there again. OK, so she sees that and he hillbilly yells to her to bring but out of drink bring about out of drink.


So she brought a drink out, gave it to him. He was sitting on the hood of the car. He didn't get in the car, he was just sitting on the hood of the car while Bud was inside the car and he walked around to the side of the trailer. Who was in the car? Hillbilly was in the car. So I met Bud's on the hood. He then he starts walking away. Mary goes back to her apartment, and that's when she could hear hillbilly yelling for Bud to come back again.


It's just this fucking nonstop shit. She said she could hear the car door shut, but she didn't recall whether she heard it start or not. She just heard a car door shut off like hillbilly got out or Bud got in or what the fuck happened? She said she went in, shut the door, put the chain lock on. Somehow, Habad wouldn't come home that night, hopefully, unless he broke the door down, which sometimes you just go sleep in the car or something, sleep it off.


And then she said she laid down on the couch and dozed off. Can you imagine that? Sleep must have been all she did was exhale.


And that's OK. That's what I'm saying. So now Bud and Hillbilly are out. Yeah. So they are out. And there's a couple of guys named Jeffrey Barile, who's actually known as Jeffrey Walters throughout this entire case, as we'll find out. And he's got an AK here.


So Jeffrey Walters, he and James Norman, you know what, he's probably just got a huge cock and goes by Berl like big ball, like a baseball player.


And I thought he always shows that. So they just call him Bertel, name a big cock.


So him and James Norman went to the Quickstop gas station around midnight on April twenty sixth while getting gas. They because they have gone out to get to pick up a TV set. Yeah.


Like Midnight in the fuck is happening. That's this, this is the area we're dealing with. This is a place where people go to go to pick up a TV set at midnight.


Shit out. You don't get a major electronic component at midnight. Usually it's just not normal.


No. And that's an expenditure that generally doesn't that's a that's a 10 a.m. to one p.m. That's a Sunday afternoon, Saturday, Saturday to purchase.


Go out and find out about the new ones. Yeah, yeah. You got to get some information. I got to I got to take some pamphlets on that. I'm going to I'm going to look for some of the stuff that I went over.


Yeah. So, yeah, they went out to get a TV and Norman, one of the guys there, Norman is Norman Walters. Norman had been drinking that night. He had had quite a few six packs of beer. Good crisis.


People are fucking animals. He drink so hard, fucking animals.


And while they were there they saw hillbilly in an old what they described as an old gold Cadillac, which is exactly what he has now. Hillbillies in the passenger seat.


Not driving it, which is good for everybody, finally made a mature decision. Bud's way less shitfaced than him, if that's the way this is, because we don't know Mary. Last she saw, but he was sitting on the hood of the car with a drink in her hand. She heard a door shut, but that was all she ever heard. So we don't know. There's hillbilly and an unknown to these two guys. Black guy. OK, so they that's all they see.


So he said hi to them because they know Bud or they know hillbilly. Hillbilly said hi to Walter's Norman there and in the driver's seat, they said was a heavyset black man with a round face. And Norman was leaning on the car like kind of leaning in, talking to Lean In is not with his head in like a cop, kind of lean in his elbow on it talking to hillbilly. And he said he paid little attention to the black guy because he didn't know him.


And who knows? So anyway, they're they're doing this. They're talking. The other guy here, the Walters' guy, he came back out of the store and he described it, described him as a black male with short, dark hair, dark eyes and a large round face. So heavyset black guy. You know, it's the basic description here. So Hillbilly yelled something out to James Norman. And Walters glanced over at the car for what he said was three to four seconds, dividing his glance between hillbilly and whoever the whoever the driver was.


So at most, he looked at the other the driver for two seconds from across a parking lot at midnight might have been faster because it takes a second to recognize.


Is that exactly?


I don't know exactly.


You spend less time figuring out people you don't know because that doesn't register just how your brain works. Exactly. Yeah, exactly.


So Norman said he knew either a new Ireland hillbilly, Boyd, and later on he will end up knowing Bud because he worked he worked with hillbilly and later on will work with. But at the Murphy's Roofing Company.


Yeah. So, yeah, they're they're roofers, trailer park roofers. So it's a tough life down in Florida. That's hot roof in mind. You want to talk about hot tar. Yeah, that's some hot tar got heated up, man. You hit it off right out of the bucket. So they worked together a little bit and he knew him as Bud, obviously. And anyway, they end up going back to the trailer now back at the trailer, this is where a neighbor hears some commotion, a neighbor named Paula, Paula Van Wormer and her son, who's a twelve year old boy, both here, some ruckus.


They hear, quote, You're a liar. Look at that. You're locking the door. You're going in. You're not taking me anywhere. And it was hillbilly screaming to somebody and throwing his hands up in the air. They said they could see out the window and walking back toward his trailer. Now, Paula said she went outside and talked to Bud, who was out there at that point, and then Bud went inside his house. And this Glenn van Wormer, the kid, he said when he was lying in bed around 2:00 a.m., he looked out his window, saw a truck pull up and heard someone say something like, come on, hillbilly.


And then he said that hillbilly got into the back of the truck and it left. So that's what the kid saw at two o'clock in the morning, which is like an hour and a half after the mother and the mother saw hillbilly saying, you're locking the door, blah, blah, blah. Then because she went outside and hillbilly was back in his place already, she talked to Bud.


Bud went back inside, Hillbilly was back inside. And then by two o'clock, he's out yelling at somebody else, not him. And then it's I'm sorry, not yelling, but he's leaving in a truck, someone saying, come on, hillbilly. And he's getting he gets in the back of a truck bed.


Glassie. Yeah. All class. I got this. I got this. Yeah. So April twenty seven the next morning, two fishermen that are there by a drainage ditch in Sarasota. Yeah. Trying to find a place to fish. They find a body. Oh that's OK. They find a body and they pull it out and it's hillbilly and they find hillbilly. The autopsy is conducted. He cause of death was brain injury due to a skull fracture due to blunt force trauma.


They said that it would have taken at least five blows with a heavy object to do it, this dead big fucking hole in a skull.


So, yeah, his blood alcohol level was zero point twenty seven to that was deceased. So, I mean, they dropped some.


So that was that's a wild amount of alcohol he was drinking. So the next day they call Mary and they ask her to come down and identify if it's hillbilly. She goes down to identify the body and she tells police that she hadn't seen him since she saw him leave in a truck. That's what she said had didn't see him since then last night, so she said that she didn't know he was. This is the first time she found out he was dead, as she found out from Detective Marki who she said she didn't believe him and did not want to believe him.


At first, she said it was not unusual for him to stay out all night drinking, and it wasn't unusual for him to leave with people she didn't know in the middle of the night. So she it was normal for her to hear a commotion, look outside and see him getting in the car with someone she didn't know at 3:00 in the morning shitfaced that was normal. And he came home two days later. That is shocking.


It's just disturbing. So anyway, she said this isn't so. She didn't know. She said when he did not show up Sunday morning, she wasn't worried because, quote, he always found his way home again, which is what you say about a cat.


Yeah, it's exactly how they always fire. She always finds her way home.


Exactly what you say about a stray cat that you've taken away and it's dog in rural West Virginia and just it's a pet.


He'll follow the creek. Don't worry about it. It's all right. He'll find it. He knows where the food is. He knows it.


So she Markit here, the detective told her she needed to go to the hospital and identify the body. So Mary went and got Sharon Brown and asked her to accompany her. Will you drive me there? You know, it's tough. So she said when she saw hillbillies body, it came as a big shock to her and she didn't expect it to really be him. Over the next few days, Sharon Brown stayed with Mary, most of the time taking care of her, taking care of the kids, cooking the meals for the kids, just keeping the house around him while Mary tries to put her, you know, I mean, even if you hate the guy, it's like still got to put your life.


That's a lot going on. There's a lot of moving parts. So it's nice of Sharon's a good friend. She's taking care of her now. Mary was shaken up. She said she really needed the help and all this sort of shit. Mary saw Bud the next day, the sun working on his car with another neighbor and just dicking around under the hood. Since Sharon was fixing meals for Mary's family, Bud would come over to eat with them.


She was there was just this is the way it was because she was already cooking. I'm going to go home and cook another meal now. So I'm cooking once everyone's fucking eaten and come over here and eat with us. Exactly. So he would go there. Mary, the the funeral for Bud is going to be our I'm sorry, hillbilly is going to be in Kentucky where he's from.


Oh Christ. Yeah. With his family up there. So Mary has to drive to Kentucky for hillbillies funeral. Yeah. And she was accompanied by Sharon Brown and another friend from the neighborhood, Kenny Hall. So they all who knew hillbilly also. So they all take a trek up to Kentucky. Yeah. Oh boy. Up to Kentucky. So yeah. Now she before they leave, though, she talks to detectives because they want to obviously know some information from her.


She was going to be the last person to see him and all that kind of shit.


So this detective, Detective Skins, she he basically was accusing Mary of the whole thing, really to the point where she he she was almost convinced that she killed him and blocked it out herself. Yeah. She's like because he said she didn't kill him and block it out. And if you notice, that's a lot of confessions are like maybe I could have killed him and blocked it out for God, because after eight hours of fucking people who know how to psychologically fuck with you, it starts to become plausible where you're like, oh, my God, could I have done that?


Maybe that's what happened. So she said she was so fucked up in the head about it. When she went home, she had to check under herself to see if there was a bloody lug wrench or something there to make sure that she didn't do it. And she said once she checked under the sofa, she knew she didn't do it. She knew this guy was fucking with her had and she got her head back together. But she was in such a weird place anyway, and she's so kind of suggestible to begin with.


And then this guy comes in and he made everything her fault.


So it's that easy for her to make it. Yeah, it's her fault.


Yeah. So a couple days later, you got Walters and Norman, the two other guys. You saw them at the quick stop. Now Walter speaks with detect that same detective and gives him the following description of the black man he saw in the car round, almost chubby face, short dark hair, dark eyes. I believe Norman will call him a fat slob as his exact. His exact word is he was a fat slob.


So that's that's how he's described to the cops. You know that, right?


So he says, quote, His cheeks were a little darker as in his as in his as in sideburns. Cheeks are a little darker as inside. Can you see it? Sideburns. Yeah, his cheeks were darker because it was hair on them. Right. That's what he said. He had a beard, you know, on his head. It wasn't the same color as his face because it was like a different because his, you know, like me, my skin white, but my hair is red, which is weird.


It is not white hair like a like like a carpet. It's straight on top. But it grew from his scalp. It's I have it too. It's weird, right. My dad had it. My brother had come to think of it. My mom had it too. Oh Christ. It's a disease. I think everybody I've ever known has had. Oh my God. US poor bastard. Yeah, so he says his quote, His cheeks are a little darker, as in sideburns, but I did not see sideburns.


It's just that he may have sideburns. OK, so maybe he has just a darker possible sideburns.


Yeah, we have a pass, everybody. APB, possible sideburns possible. Not positive. Chubby black guy, possible sideburns. Well that's narrows it down. Perfect. What the fuck kind of goddamn description is that. Right. So yeah, he is placed in a room. Walters is on May 6th and we'll talk about that in a little bit here, where they bring in seven men and do a lineup. And we'll talk about this. They talk to them when they're interviewed initially.


Norman Walters, they talk to Norman for about 45 minutes to an hour. And Walters was in there for considerably longer time. Norman was upset because the detective was making him feel like he was under suspicion because, you know, no one else saw this guy and now he's fucking dead. Right. So you're saying I'm the last guy to see him alive? I mean, this guy were you know, I have a long talk then.


Yeah, we're going to talk about that. Let's chat a bit. So they have reason to suspect them. When they do, they think these they have their culprits is what they're looking at. They they're talking to him about, you know, everything. When did you see what did you see then they got to talking about. But what do you know about. But Edwards, you know anything about him? You know, that's it. So they said that the guy said that there was kind of you know, the cops seem to have common knowledge of who Bud was and what Hillbilly did in this situation.


So it just seemed like they were asking normal questions about people he knew and shit like that. So they're brought back a few days later for the lineup. And Norman knew there was going to be a lineup because, quote, they they knew that Bud was going to be in the lineup. Norman said, quote, Because they told me he was. Oh, no. So the cops told him basically we're going to put that bad guy in the lineup and, you know, so he'll be in there.


What the fuck? If that's the guy you pick out, then we got the right guy because he's saying, I don't know that guy, but I know of him. And then later on, he'll end up working with him like he's he knows him right then from working with him. Right. Because he bud just starts work right then with Norman. So he's like, I know that bad guy from work, but I don't know him from from that from murder.


Right. So he's like, you know, OK, so you don't know him for murder. Yeah. So then they said, well, he's going to be in the lineup. He's like, OK, well that's going to be the guy I recognize because I know him basically I don't know any, you know, whatever. So they ask could you pick him out of a lineup. And he said, yeah, I've been working with him for like three fucking days.


Yeah. Obviously I've spent twenty four hours with him in the last three days.


He's still wearing the group in uniform.


Yeah, we're doing eight hour shifts together. It's I could pick him out of a fucking lineup. No problem. He said, you know, I know him, I've worked with him all week and he said quote, I'm not going to be any good anyway because I can tell you right now who he is. So like, why would you have me pick him out of a fucking lineup? I know who he is. Just tell you he is.


So Norman said the black man in the car with Ireland. Boyd could have been bud, he said, or it could not have been Bud. Not sure it was dark and I didn't know him at the time. So two a.m. and it's late and we had been drinking and all this type of shit. And I glanced in. I wasn't paying attention to him. A few six packs.


Yes, not just drinking. Yeah, I'm ossified. He did say, though, that initially his initial description was of a, quote, big fat slob.


And he said that later on in comparison knowing. But now the guy in the car was probably heavier than Bud because he does it because they said well, as but a big fat slob. And he said, no, I don't look at it. I don't think Bud's a big fat slob, but the guy in the car is a big fat slob, just so you know. So Walters now, this is that this is the guy who came out from getting more beer and did a three to four second glance divided between the two.


Norman was the one leaning in the window. So if the guy leaving the window couldn't identify him, the guy glancing for three to four seconds, zero chance, zero chance. And we'll we'll talk about how horrible stranger ID like the actual percentages and how basically if you see a stranger do something, you will not know who that is.


Fuck you will. If they put a bunch of people who look nothing like them together, you will. But if you put a bunch of people together, you're going to be wrong. Probably it's a crapshoot. Your brain does not process that information. Well, it doesn't do it. It doesn't file your shit, right?


Yes. It was a mad personal crime or that right in front of your face. You will never forget that face. But if they're just robbing a convenience store might see it. And you might mix it up, too, because that's the thing people got. I'll never forget that face. You fuck up a lot, though. That's the thing. People do forget that face a lot because you think you got it in your brain. You're not going.


I'm not sure. But your brain is connecting things that don't connect because that's what your brain tries to do. It connects things. So as much as you think you know, you remember. It's the what's the fucking effect with the butterfly effect? Now, the goddamn thing, when you are positive, you've seen something that doesn't exist and the same thing everybody thinks that's what I mean. It's that your brain is telling. You know, I saw it.


Well, it doesn't fucking exist. So I guarantee you you didn't. It's the same thing. Right. But you'll fight to the death that you. Nelson Mandela. Mandela.


Fuck Jesus Christ. I'm so tired. I get. Fuck me. All right. I don't know how I pulled that out. Thank you for that, Gemmy. Good job. You asked me who is the leader on Africa five minutes ago who went to jail. Yeah, I know. Am I close?


Is it we'll get back to it in five minutes in Alaska and we'll see how bad I don't get it right.


So he said he had no reason to pay attention to either one of them. Hillbilly. Ah. But and he, quote, barely looked at the driver, noticing only his large round face and a short hair. He says, I didn't even notice his facial features. Just glanced round face, short hair, don't know him. He said the encounter was of no importance to him. It was just running a little guy at a gas station and saying, what's up?


And some guy who you didn't know was driving. You don't look into that. I got to find out what the fuck they're doing. You don't care, especially if you've had a few six packs. That's a crazy story to them. Yeah, it's a few six packs. You know what? So now within the next day or two after the encounter, though, Walters hears and reads that hillbilly has been killed. So now it occurs to him that he might have seen something important.


He's like, oh, shit, was that guy in the car? Because I think that was the night I saw him. I don't know, because I had a few six packs. He said that, you know, he didn't call the cops or anything to talk to them. He just thought, you know, if they come to me, I should tell him this. Yeah. That's basically what happened there. So. Well, that's when April 29th is when they were interviewed and all that.


They give a sketchy description of the guy, like we talked about a round faced, short haired black man, and that's all. Now, when they show him the lineup, we'll talk about that in the second. He first tells them he doesn't recognize anyone, OK, because I don't recognize anybody in that lineup.


Yeah, right. So this was a few days after the murder. So he doesn't recognize anybody in the lineup, but then they bring him back again and then he recognizes him. This is after a newspaper had come out, went saying that Bud's been arrested night. It says nineteen seventy five killer arrested in sex crime, as we'll talk about in a minute why that is so now, America, that's what this guy saw.


Now he recognizes Amazon. So Mary comes back from Kentucky. When she comes back from Kentucky, she goes right to the sheriff's department like she said she was going to goes to talk to the detective when she got there. The detective who had gone to the funeral as well to talk to the family had not come back and his flight was delayed in Atlanta. So she spoke with the detective, Fleeman, and another detective, not Maki, who was the original.


So they began to tape recorder statement at about seven thirty PM. She says later on that she doesn't specifically recall that, but there is a transcript of it and everything else. And during this transcript, and we'll we'll we'll get into this here, she says. While a lot of different things, first of all, she said that there were a lot of people who knew because she had told them that she wished that hillbilly was dead. So she goes a lot of people might tell you that.


And then she also said that there's also a lot of people have I've heard that want him dead. So like I wanted I wanted him dead and so did everybody else. So, I mean, take a fucking number on who wants to kill hillbilly, basically. So then she said she thought that, quote, she would be it would be so much better off if he was just dead because divorcing him wouldn't have helped. He would have just taken the kids and then tortured them for years.


So she said she never intended for anyone to actually kill hillbilly, though. Therefore, when she turned up dead, when he turned up dead, she was afraid the police would think that she killed him. That's how it worked.


So May 4th, nineteen eighty six is when they arrest Bud based on a description, kind of sort of a description.


You kind of just a fat slob, give or take sideburns. That's it. That's what it is. It's like a fucking short order breakfast thing here. Yeah. Yeah, it's a short order order.


That's exactly like that slob give or take, sideburns, a small coffee, hold the burns or don't hold the burns are down. Put a little put a little light on it. All right.


Extra or light onions. Your coffee, your go.


So they arrest him for first degree murder and criminal conspiracy. So yeah. Now Mary's story at this point, he says that she says Bud came back to the apartment after she had you know, they had left and he had driven apparently because she said that he. Came back and gave her keys, so the detective said, we left something out of this, I think when Edwards what did Edwards say when he came back that night? Did he tell you that you wouldn't have to worry about hillbilly anymore?


And she said no. And the detective said he didn't say that. And she said no. He just told me that he left him somewhere. He said, I just left him somewhere. He's being an asshole. Here's the keys. So that's what she says to the detective, which everybody else has probably done to the detective said he didn't say that you wouldn't have to worry about him anymore. He says it again and she says, why would he have said that?


I would have known something was wrong at that point and I would have probably called the police as what she said. So that's her initial statement. OK, now, OK, just like I said, she goes to the funeral. When she was before that, she told him that the police should get back with them right when she got back and all that sort of thing. She said, quote, And I talked to him, the detective, for a while.


And I asked him then if I did get arrested, was I going to be arrested right then? And the detective told her, no, not right now. If you do so, that's when she went back to Sarasota and all that sort of shit here. So eventually, though, that night when she's talking to the police, the statement starts at seven thirty. All this stuff happens. The detective Markit arrives back from the airport and talks with her for a little while, and then they arrest Mary at eleven thirty that night.


Well, they arrest her as well. Yeah, she told the officers, you know exactly what I told you, the description of what happened.


So later on, a couple days later, her story's a little different, slightly different. Now she says something woke her up and she went to the door after Hillbilly had left with bought and everything like that.


She said that Bud came in, handed her the car keys. Now, her statement is that he said, quote, You don't have to worry about him anymore. He won't be bothering you anymore.


That's what she said, which she didn't say at first.


That's what the cop said. No, that that's in the transcript. And then the next two days later, now she says this. So she also says that he says, quote, And then it was time for me to pay off my part of the bargain. Yeah, no money, remember? Yeah. So she said that she knew what he meant, but she didn't want to do that. She said, quote, I think I was scared by that time.


So I just I just did what he wanted. So now she says that she and Bud had sex on the couch for a few minutes.


Casey Anthony star. Yeah.


Yeah. And then, yeah. Jesus is dead, baby. DNA on you. It's disgusting. So after she said after it was over with, he left. So that's her second story. Now, none of that came up the first time. I want nothing. She she was like, what are you talking about? And of course he didn't say that, like none of that shit.


So the next day, like we said then, she had identified the body and all sorts of shit like that.


She says later on that she only told police that he left in a truck and she didn't see him again because she was scared. She said, quote, I was afraid I would end up dead or worse or my kids would. I don't I don't know just what I was afraid of. I just thought it was a good idea at the time. But it didn't work out that way. So she was like, I was just trying to cover it up.


I just didn't want anything to happen because I figured whoever killed him is going to kill me, too. So that's what she says. So she said that she told police initially she left that he left at a pick up at one thirty or two in the morning. Then later on, she said she made up the story about the truck. By the way, that's the same story at two a.m. if that kid told as well, remember that. Yeah, yeah.


She's he said back of a pickup truck, come on, Hollywood, all that shit. So hillbilly, hillbilly, Hollywood, like all Milankovitch and Hulk Hogan have it.


So according to her Ta'amu so according to her, you better than I ever listen to my ex.


That's perfect. Yeah. We have a better relationship than you had with your ex-wife. Let's be honest here.


There was never a time that she'd stop a story and go, why did I think that? I'd be like, I don't know why you said it in the first place. I mean, we have a much better relationship than any ex wife relationship. If we could tolerate having sex with each other, this the world would be our fucking oyster, you know what I mean? But unfortunately, I find we find each other physically repulsive because that's just not how our brains work.


I was blown away that you asked the question that I had the answer I love it is another Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Oh, yeah. I guess right. From like, why Hollywood? I got it starts with an H but hillbilly Hollywood still not right. Nailed it. Yeah. So hillbilly Jim over here. So so Hollywood in the back of Hollywood, the back of the pickup truck.


She said that she made all that up in her second thing and she said she was scared of. But now now she said she's scared of Bud when he first came back that night and was scared for the next couple of days. But then he just acted like he always did. So she was less afraid than the days that followed. Now, she could tell the truth, you know, that he was a murderer. So May 6th is the second line up where Walters had previously told them he didn't recognize anybody.


Remember that. But now that the newspapers come out with him on. However, now he recognizes him in the lineup, but he said he only didn't, he only said he didn't recognize him at first because he's on probation in New York and he's not even supposed to be in Florida. So he didn't want to get involved in the case. So he said, I didn't recognize him, but now I thought about it and he talked me into it.


Now I'll pick him out of the lineup, even though I've already seen him on the front page of a fucking newspaper story is an onion.


It's yeah, it's insane. This is insane. It's a whole from New York. This is nuts.


I know they grew onions in Florida, but apparently they fucking do. So then it's at that point that that's he picks John Edwards out of a lineup, picks but out of a lineup. And Mary is arrested as well, as we said here. So she's sitting in county jail and she makes a statement to a defense investigator, not her attorney attorney's investigator, a guy named Keith Steele. She said that if Boardwalk's, quote, they're going to fry me.


I'm the only one left whether I did it or not. She also said to this guy, quote, They've got to name somebody and they haven't got anybody else. They're running out of people. And, yeah, that's how she felt at the time. She felt like they were just trying to. Yeah, they don't know what happened and they're going to pin it on her because that makes sense that she hired. But it wouldn't make sense for Bud to do it on his own.


That's not as much of a thing. But if she's in it now, it makes sense. Or I did this for a quickie on the couch.


Yeah. Or a hillbilly, literally a hillbilly jumped in the back of a pickup truck, shit ass drunk, went around a corner and rolled out and smashed his head five times. Yeah, it was definitely a blow in the same spot.


The medical examiner said it was a fucking on purpose thing, but he might have went out with a bunch of people, talked a bunch of shit or smacked somebody's fucking girlfriend or something along. Next thing you know, fucking wrench to the back of the head, fucked this asshole dumping them over the McDonalds window. That's what I'm saying. That's still you know what? We didn't talk to her. Now, she might be the one suspect not charged Jim Cornetta around.


It could be him also. We don't know. So June 29th, nineteen eighty six. This is but is actually indicted on these charges. Same thing. Prosecutors are going for the death penalty. Really. Oh yeah. This is kind of a limp case for the death penalty. Think about their zero physical evidence.


Yeah, there is a revised testimony, a revised statement from the wife who is completely said the complete opposite thing. The second time is the first time, which was influenced by the police officer and two guys who, quote, barely looked at him, picked him out of a lineup after they saw him in a newspaper with a weak ass description. Yeah, one guy picked him out and the other guy goes, yeah, I work with him. I know him so.


And they are still like, you can still pick them out. And he's like, Why? I know him. There he is. I mean, you could I could draw him for you. I know what he fucking looks like I'm looking for. Here's a picture of us together. Is that good enough? I know the fucking guy. So, yeah, this comes out now at trial here. Like I said, they're going for the the death penalty now during this whole thing.


Mary, by the way, is going to plead guilty in exchange for her testimony against. But, wow, she is sentenced to I guess you, ma'am, I hate to do this because she if anyone deserved to kill this fucking guy who was hurt. Yeah. I'm not sure she did it, though. Twelve years in prison, she gets for that Lord.


So there is that right before the whole thing. Now the only defense that they really have here, because it's hard to defend something that's kind of nebulous like this, you know, like how do you defend it. I was home asleep. Well, OK, you're your girlfriend asleep. And so she doesn't know if you were there. There's no it's all mushy.


So the main defense witness is Glenn Van Wormer, who was the young man? Yeah, he's an eleven year old boy who lived in the trailer court there. And his mother, Paula Paula testified that after the card game at BJ's broke up because she was in that card game that we talked about, she went back to her trailer. That's when she heard hillbilly boys screaming and cursing at Bud. When she looked outside, she saw hillbilly and she saw Bud walking through the alley toward his own apartment.


And she said that, quote, Evidentally Bud had promised to take him to the waterhole and he was saying, you blah, blah, blah, you blah, blah, blah. You're a liar. Look at that. You're locking the door. You're going in. You're not taking me anywhere. So, yeah. She said when Hillbilly got done cursing, he threw up his hands, walked back toward the house. That's when she felt safe enough to walk outside and go knock on Bud's door and talk to him.


She said that Bud was upset and she said, quote, that he was, quote, was upset and he's not used to that. You know, Bud was always the one that stopped the fighting around the court. Everybody was always fist fighting and he always stopped it. So that's that's her. That's him. He's the guy. So she was like, no, he's not used to people attacking him. So she said she talked with him for about fifteen minutes, went back into the apartment there, went back into her trailer and then her son, two o'clock in the morning, two hours later, right before to said that he was lying on the couch, which is his bed.


Right. He's the. They had one bedroom and he says that the he through the window, the window was open, he said he saw a truck pull out and heard someone say, come on, hillbilly and hillbilly, jump into the back of the truck. And when he saw hillbilly leave in the truck, he said he didn't think anything of it at the time because everyone around here is fucking drunk and crazy.


And that's normal for my place. Yeah, he said he saw a truck pull out and that was that. And so he said that he could not recall the color of the truck, but he did notice that it had a roll bar on the back. Yeah. So he got that much specifically at night. It's hard to see colors, too, especially if you're looking at a screen and there must be a screen or else he'd be, I don't know, just taken by insects, probably carried back through the fucking window in a Florida trailer court.


So November of eighty six, they have jury selection. And that's a little bit of an interesting thing. They offer, John, a deal at this point, but they offer him to plead guilty and in exchange, they'll take the death penalty off the table.


And he's like, you don't have any fucking evidence. Like, I'm not pleading to do this. We're going to trial here. So in the jury, the first group of 14 jurors was examined by counsel and before the examination, but before the examination of the second and third groups, because it's the first one, obviously, defense counsel, after the examination of the first group, moves for a mistrial. Already they haven't even selected a fucking jury yet.


There are a third of the way through it on the ground that the court refused to allow him to ask the jurors any questions concerning burden of proof, presumption of innocence, or the defendant's right not to testify because the judge says, well, that's all in the law. So you don't have to ask them, are you going to follow the law? That's the law. They're going to fucking listen to what we say that goes without saying. And he's like, yeah, but I want to make sure with their heads that, yeah, they go, well, you can't ask them that because that is a waste of time.


And yeah. So which you want to find out, we hold it against the guy for not testifying. You know, if you go well no. If the person knows anything they go well no because I mean it's whatever legally is better for him. He's going to do it no matter how innocent or guilty as it doesn't matter.


Let me ask it when there's no fucking evidence. How do you feel about that? Yeah. Yeah, I'd love to ask somebody that. Do you. Yeah. Do you feel that they need to have how much evidence do you know about shadow of a doubt.


Shadow reasonable or anything like anything. So the defense tries to exclude Jeffrey Walters as a witness because they say his ID was horseshit. He didn't say and he said, well, the first lie, it's those lineup ID they want him. And they said, well, he didn't pick them out of the lineup. He said, I don't recognize anyone the first time. Then when he saw his picture in the newspaper, he went back and picked him out of a lineup saying, like, that's not a that's not a witness.


So they the whole thing is they say you can't allow that in. You can't allow him in the court to do that because that's where it comes from. And the try the court rules that that is admissible and he can testify. So the the trial is in November of eighty six. It lasts four days. Main witnesses are Jeffrey Walters, the Quickstop guy, and Mary Boyd, who will say that she, quote, hired Bud for whatever reason.


So Walters here, he says that they talk about Walters and they tried to exclude him. Like we said, he gave his testimony. And on cross, he said, quote, They said that he he acknowledged that he barely looked over. And then he said, quote, I just glanced over and he said, I just noticed the outline of his face. He had a large face, dark eyes, short dark hair, so uncrossed, they say.


Now, when you looked up at the two people in the car, were you really being very you weren't really being very attentive, were you? And he said, no, I wasn't. And he said I mean, there was no reason to pay attention to them, was there? And he said, no, there wasn't. So how the fuck would you identify them then? OK. Case closed. So he says that the only thing that stood out in his mind was the driver, aside from the fact that he was black, was that he had a round face.


So I knew he was black that stood out and he had a round face. Other than that, I don't know. So they said, in fact, the only recollection you have of that person is the outline of his face, isn't that right?


And he said, yes, they said and you never saw or paid attention to the least the least a bit of attention to his features, such as his mouth, nose, his chin or anything like that. They you and he said, no, I didn't. His mother told me I could go now.


I could go now. Yeah, obviously you don't need me. He said, can you recall the descriptions of these men? And he said, just one. And he said, OK, what, are you OK? And why do you recall the particular description? He said, Because I had seen him somewhere before. And he said, Are you talking about where where did you realize you'd seen him before? He goes, if not at first, when he saw him later on in the newspaper, he saw it.


But then it occurred to him that it might have been the Quickstop guy and he's not sure that's when he went back. And whatever he said, no one suggested to him that this person was somebody he'd seen before. And other than the fact that he'd seen him before, there was nothing about. The line up, that was weird, so he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, cross-examination, they do have a ball with them saying, do you recognize the man sitting here today is the man he saw in the mug shot?


And he said, yes, I do. He said, Do you recognize him as the man he saw in the lineup? Yes, I do. One of one of the men that you saw, he said, yes, I do. He said, Mr. Walters, you can't possibly recognize this man as the man you saw in the big brown car last night. Can you. And that night can you. And he said just his facial features, which is not an identification.


He said, well, you just told me you didn't see his features. Now you're talking about the outline of his face.


And he said, yes, the guy was just like my ladies and gentlemen, fuck your mother. I'm sitting down. I don't know what else to say. Would you convict yourself on this?


Yeah. On redirect, though, he says that his eyes were dark, that he knew so on recrossed. He says, Would you acknowledge that most black men have dark eyes? And he goes, Yeah, OK, that's it. It's not like, you know, he was an Irish guy with jet black eyes, red hair, white skin, jet black eyes that would have stood out right. You know, black eye, blue eyes, black guy, blue eyes.


That stands out. Stick around on sticks out. Yeah. So, yeah, large face. That's all he would say. So he says so now Mr. Walters, you're sitting in this courtroom today and it's your testimony, is it not. I love when they that's when you know, you're set me up good. And they're going to argue your testimony, is it not, that the man sitting at the table, Bud Edwards, is the man that you saw in the car?


And he said, yes, sir. I believe it was after all that. Yes, sir. He goes. And isn't it also a fact that you never saw the facial features of the man, the black man, the car, aside from the round face, isn't that true? And he said, yes, it is.


So in two answers, he said, I definitely know it's him.


And yes, all I saw was a round face, complete opposite. And then this guy said, I don't know. I said I quit. Yeah, I'm going to go run a hot dog stand because I hate this. My head's going to explode. So, Norman, they say you worked with him for the next week and he said, yeah. And they said, well, what kind of guy was he? He I said, but always seem like a mellow type guy.


I mean, he didn't say much to anybody, just did his work. So they said, but you didn't recognize him. And he said no. So Mary Boyd comes up and now when they ask her, Mary Boyd says that she doesn't remember saying that she didn't that that board didn't tell her that that first conversation. Yeah. So he says that.


Yeah, but the detective testifies that prior to the interview, Mary Boyd never told him that he said anything to the effect of you won't have to worry about hillbilly anymore. So the detective acknowledged that he thought that it might have been something that he, quote, threw in there suggested, because that's exactly what the transcript said and that she picked up on and just latched on to it because that's what people do. That's what humans do. So she says that I might have done that.


She testified that Mary was is an extremely emotional person and was very distraught and seemed confused at the time anyway. So this could have very easily happened. She could have very she almost was convinced that she killed the guy. That's how emotionally just distraught she is at the time for Tyrion. Yeah, under the furniture, if you throw something out, she might think that.


I think that. Or did he say that? I must have thought that that's you know, it's like a comic going. Is that right? I hear that. Then I hear that somewhere. I didn't hear that. Right. Feels too easy. It feels too easy.


So, yeah, they said that they taped the statement. That all comes in. The defense witness is Glenn Van Wormer. Like we said, he says that he watched the whole thing. And, you know, the mother testifies the same thing. We said she saw him come on, hillbilly hops in a goddamn pickup truck, speeds off into the hillbilly night. So but they also say that over the course of interviewing him for a couple hours, he said that it might have been Sunday night after Boyd was already dead because he he saw the truck but remembered missing school the following day.


But this is months later. So he's like might have been that night. But if you remembered someone saying, come on, hillbilly, then it was probably when Billy was not dead already, but they still tried to impeach it with. That was very weird closing argument. Prosecutor says to the jury, he argued he's the prosecutor and he says, quote, And why is Jeff Walters testimony so important? He is the witness who didn't witness anything he said, because it's extremely damaging to the defendant who's sitting right over there, because it corroborates the testimony of Mary Boyd, obviously, than the prosecutor felt that Jeff Walters ID here and his testimony.


This is going to be the closer now. It couldn't be just Mary Boyd saying it because you can't have an uncorroborated testimony from a coconspirator. That's not that doesn't hold in court. That's literally you need to have corroboration. You can't just have uncorroborated.


And it's why if somebody saving their own skin exactly like Sammy the Bull had to have proof of this shit, he.


They get tapes of this. He couldn't just be like a John guy, Tom, kill everybody in there, like I lock them up. They had to get proof of it all and then testify to it on top of it. That's how it worked. So then the the trial court instructed that, quote, You should use great caution, relying on the testimony of a witness who claims to have helped the defendant commit a crime. There you go. This is particularly true when there is no other evidence tending to agree with the witness that that says about the defendant.


So, yeah, there's, you know, do you need to have it corroborated? So the jury deliberations, they deliberate for two hours and then they ask, can we review the testimony of Jeff Walters and Mary Boyd? They want to look it over. The court discussed the matter with the counsels and said that it would take a lot of time to prepare the transcript. Like how much time? They said they said it would take about six hours.


It's in shorthand right now and we'll have to like that. They said it would take about six hours and this would likely mean they would have to be sequestered overnight. So they said, therefore, you guys should just try to reach a verdict based on your memory and don't worry about it. And they went, all right. And they went back in there, talked for two more hours and then came back out with a verdict here. Yeah, they they asked him again, I'm sorry.


They when they went back in to deliberate more, the judge said to the council that they may be very close to a decision. But quite frankly, that's the crux of the whole case, those two witnesses. And he says to the counsels, so I would have to say I would have to say they must be a real stumbling block at this point to them. I mean, that was really the two witnesses. That was the crux of the case.


So they don't believe those two people. The case is over two more hours of deliberation. They come back guilty as charged. Oh, my first degree murder. How do you feel? Guilty. How do you sleep at night? Next day? Penalty phase. The defense says one of the mitigating factors was his emotional state, which is pretty thin because he's denying he did it. But in penalty phase, you can't just go didn't do it. You have to have mitigating factors either way, whether you're denying it or not.


And he says the reason I bring this up, this is the attorney, is because I think the testimony at trial for Mary Boyd and Paula van Wormer indicate that due to the continued and rather brutal treatment of of Ireland, Boyd, that was exhibited toward his wife the day that that defendant was upset, he was under kind of an emotional he was troubled emotionally by what he observed that said he just you know, he snapped battered neighbor syndrome.


He had like, you know, he saw a wife being messed with and have like a head.


Yeah. What does that when you're captive.


Yeah. Stockholm, Stockholm, Mandela, Stockholm, Stockholm, Mandela. What's the name of our new one? So he says, I think we can argue to the jury that they were neighbors for a period of months, during which time Mary Boyd was continuously exposed to this kind of degrading behavior by the victim. And that, you know, if there's any pretense at all in which to kill Ireland, Boyd, it was I mean, he didn't rob him.


He didn't get in a fight with him. He took him out the same night that he tried to have oral sex with his wife in the defendant's presence. And I think that he would that that would be sufficient evidence at least to make a colorable argument on a subject to the jury. So so they're saying he tried to force his wife to blow him in front of him. So that's emotionally.


Yeah, you shouldn't. Yeah. That makes you murder. He also said other mitigating factors, they tried to put out that he's a hard working guy. He didn't drink or use drugs to any extent other than socially. He was a non-violent person who broke up fights. He does have a murder conviction. Right. And that's the main thing. The fact I'm here that he had no juvenile offender problems and he was from a family of seven children, only had an eighth grade education, that he had been an adequate provider for his son.


He's a family man. And he helped other people talk out their problems so we can at least find the evidence here shows that, you know, Mary had pled guilty.


Also, they show that to the jury. She pled guilty in exchange for her testimony and received a lower sentence. So they said they end up the jury for a vote of eight to four, recommends that he be sentenced to death. Good fuck. OK, that's the jury's recommendation, eight to four. So immediately thereafter, the judge says he finds three aggravating circumstances that the crime was committed while the board was under a sentence of imprisonment. He's on parole for violent crime.


He had previously been convicted of a violent felony and that the crime was committed in a cold, calculated and premeditated manner. The judge finds zero mitigating factors at all to watch it. And the judge says, you, sir, may fuck off death by electric chair.


Oh, my word was zero evidence yet now, December 10th. Eighty six motion for a new trial is denied. December twenty seventh. Eighty six files for an appeal. The appeal is based on misidentification. Now, I cannot express to you enough in my. Thing I've ever read about any kind of detective work, whether it be John Douglas doing mine Hunter or the entire fucking Homicide David Simon book, which is all about identifying perpetrators that are doing something, not just, you know, did that guy have a dime bag in his pocket?


This is serious shit all of them talk about. You cannot ever depend on eyewitness identification unless that person has spent significant time with that person. Someone holds you hostage for two hours. You can probably identify them if they sexually assault you in a right in your face and you can probably identify them. If they did something for three seconds in front of you, you don't know who the fuck you saw. And it's way worse interracially. Yeah. Cross racial lines like black people cannot identify white people.


White people cannot identify black people. They don't. It's just statistically. I know you say I get it. Statistically, you don't, though. That's the thing. The worst ones of all this statistic are are black or white.


Identifying Asians and Asians, identifying anybody that's not Asian.


Isn't that weird? Has banana. They said in Baltimore they would go crazy because a lot of the the stores are run by Koreans. When they get robbed, they'd ask for a description and they'd say all black people look alike.


That's what they tell the fucking they were from Korea. They just got there. They would tell the detective, don't know, black guy. They all look alike. I don't know. No, I don't know. That's what they tell talibe.


They're like, great, I had a gun to my head on the floor of a pizza restaurant. I know that they were wearing Jordans, but I don't even know which model it. That's what I'm saying.


I remember seeing the Jordan logo, but your brain, your brain, your brain, too, will fill in shit to make it comfort itself, to know things so you can't depend on memory.


Twenty minutes later, when the cops were there, I was like green and yellow Jordans. I think that's what I mean. You got a brilliant start treating people. I couldn't even identify an item that I was wearing a color. That's fascinating.


It's it's just how your brain works. Your brain knows and recognizes things that it knows and recognizes.


And thinking about that guy I'm talking about. Exactly. Iron pressed against my. Exactly. That's the other thing, too. You're not thinking I better have a detailed description of fucking fifteen minutes. Go on.


Is that duct tape around my ankles. What are they. What's happened. This isn't good. Jesus Christ.


So also they bring up the so the defense is the to the appeal here. The Edwards case is that he basically there's that he brings up the Supreme Court. There's a big thing about quote. This is quote, The annals of criminal law are rife with instances of mistaken identification and they note Justice Frankfurters observation in the identification of strangers is proverbially untrustworthy in the US Supreme Court went on to state that the dangers for the accused are particularly grave when the witness and witnesses opportunity for observation was insubstantial.


Quick IDs, which is not great. So the decision here, they said that the accuracy the appellant is indeed a black man with a round face and short hair, like most black males, is hair and eyes are dark. Therefore, he fits the description of the suspect. Whatever weight this might this factor might carry toward establishing the reliability of the court. ID, however, is diminished by the fact that the description was so sketchy in general that several thousand black men in and around Sarasota County could fit this description fair.


The important thing is that Walter's description, like his identification, is predicated so heavily on just the shape of the man's face in the eyes of his identification, clearly could and almost certainly did play a significant role in the jury's deliberations. In particular, his testimony is believed, provided sorely needed corroboration for Mary Boyd's accusation, which is exactly true here. So they said it would be highly conjectural to say that the jury would nevertheless have convicted him solely on a co-conspirators testimony.


He said the erroneous admission of the court identification can be written off as harmless under a certain standard if the jury's unfulfilled request during deliberations to have them read back the testimony. And in light of the trials, courts trial courts expressed recognition of that. These two state witnesses were the crux of the whole fucking case, right? Literally, they have there. They also recognize that neither boy nor Walters is an ideal witness. Both were evasive on many questions.


Both made inconsistent statements, both in court and from police station to court, all of this shit. And they said they also review of these trial court. They observed their witness's demeanor. And the court cannot say beyond a reasonable doubt that the jury would necessarily have convicted him. Based just on that, they said the lineup, the people in the lineup didn't even fucking look like them. Right. They said that there was three thin faced men and one had a bushy afro.


So that's that's four out of the seven that I definitely aren't him. So that's ridiculous. And they said that Jeffrey Walters. Never told the police of his reported ability to identify him until after the line up and after he had already known him. So there's that they say he did see him in the paper. The Sarasota Herald Tribune, under the headline Murder for Sex Suspect, was convicted in seventy five death.


So that's a rough one. So they say here in both situations, court ID may not be admitted unless it is found to be reliable and based solely upon the witnesses, independent recollection of the offender at the time of the crime and is uninfluenced by the intervening illegal confrontation. They said that his own testimony demonstrates the opportunity to observe the man in the car with hillbilly Boyd was minimal. He observed the car for only three to four seconds. For these few seconds, his attention was divided.


Exactly the shit we said barely saw the outline of his face, he said. Appellant is thus entitled to a new trial at which Walters will not be allowed to identify him. Oh, and we reverse and remand for further proceedings.


Go ahead. Right now they would have to retry him without the witness, without any. So now would just be Mary Boyd saying we kind of winked and nodded and then he fucked me on a couch and that was the case. Didn't agree on a price a time away, a way out, a plan. None of that shit. We that's all it happened. And that's what they have to rely on. So he goes home. They couldn't retry him.


They had nothing to retry him on. Uncorroborated codefendant or uncorroborated.


And he'll do no justice.


Not while I mean, it is kind of justice. Fuck hillbilly. I think that is we always say we never like you know, we don't we don't, you know, make fun of the victims or whatever the victims families. But, you know, this guy's a fucking asshole. I'm sorry. I know he's dead. It's disrespectful, but he was a dick to everybody, beat the shit out of his kids and beat the shit out of his wife.


He fucking was a menace to the whole neighborhood to say, try. We try. We did our best.


We've had a few leyline in West Virginia, some scumbag. That's when someone's an asshole. We're like guys, kind of an asshole. I mean, he was a dick, right? So I don't know that.


Sad for me, he was an asshole for everyone. So I'm kind of fucking fucked this guy. I have no closure. No, no closure.


Mary, when did time in prison I mean, probably did half that time, but I did six years. I mean, he did like three years before the appeal and I'm sure they kept him for a while before they ended up having to dismiss it because they weren't going to refile based on did he have any other problems after this? I don't know. Couldn't find anything. There's a John Edwards is a very common name. His and it was really difficult to figure it out.


Once he got out of jail, I was like, oh, he's gone.


He just disappeared. That man's in the wind. And he's I'm sure he didn't really want to be out there either. He's being accused of murder and all this type of shit.


So that said, hope you enjoyed that hope. That was a mine. Just a cleanser. You know, enough questions. Yeah, that's good. You got enough questions. We'll give you more. We got more.


But honestly, hope that was a little cleanser and a little mind palate cleanser for you guys there. And if so, help us out. Get on Apple podcast. That purple icon. Give us five stars. It helps out tremendously for some goddamn reason. Just us. I don't know. Say anything you want. Just type something in there. I don't give a shit what you do, so just please.


It helps go to shut up and give me murder. Dotcom for everything. Crime and sports and small town murder related. Listen to crime and sports. I'm telling you guys listen to the goddamn show. Don't you trust us? We're here for you. Every week we bring you quality stuff. We're not saying that you owe us anything for that. We owe you, if anything, for listening.


But just trust us. We trust each other. We trust each other. It's each other. Really fucking funny. Really funny.


It's a good time. We have a great time, Jack. Yeah, crime and sports is so much fun. Check that out. Do all of that. You should also follow us on social media. We are at murder small on Twitter, at small town pot on Facebook and at murders are at small town murder right on Instagram. So follow all of those or you could just use the old that crime and sports, crime and sports Gmail dot com for the email there.


Do all of that. You should also become a patriot and donor. And this isn't just for us enough. We really try to put good stuff on patch. We work hard, we work hard on it. We don't want it to be garbage. We want those shows to be just fucking wall to wall laughs and crazy shit. And if you have not been on Patreon last week, we did haunted houses in small towns. Made fun of that shit.


This week we're going to do the Chris Watts documentary, which will be very interesting. We'll talk about that whole case because that's right up our goddamn alley. Yeah, well, that happened. I'm like, oh, other people are going to talk about this. This is whenever any tragedy murder happens in a small town. I feel ownership over it. I a tweet. Don't you fucking dare you people don't you know we exist. This is our thing.


Should be the end of the AP article and this one is for.


Yeah. These two. Yeah. Which is really a disturbing way to look at it. I got to say that's disgusting but. I don't know, it's like a weird that we're not even chasing ambulances, we're chasing horses just fucking worse, I guess so I guess they're already dead. What are we going to do about it? So anyway, yeah, but we're going to do that and we'll have a fat guy was an asshole, so we'll have a crazy time with.


That's a wild story. Awful story. It is. And also, Jimmy will give you a shout out here. We'll give you a shout out. I'll mispronounce your name. You'll be a producer. We're going to talk about in just a moment. You can get everything like we just mentioned. If you're over the five dollar mark there, any mark will get you a shout out. Sure. The all the bonus stuff, five dollars. That is Patreon dotcom slash crime and sports.


And you can do that. Or if you just want good karma and a shout out to have your name fucked up, you can do that as well. Over at PayPal using our email address, crime in sports at Gmail dot com. And that said, Jimmy, God damn it, I you know, it's been just crazy.


And I need to hear just nice, happy things. I need to hear the names of, honestly, some of my favorite fucking people on Earth that would never take us out in the middle of the night and smash our skulls in with a lug wrench. Please, Jimmy, hit me with those names, but not a wrench. Right now, this week's executive producer, Danielle would no last name.


Tyler, no Miller. I think that's right. Gavin Zambello. Yep. Nice Bert. One zero nine four might be his address. I don't know. Ashley would know. Last name. Carrie Gage. Drew Bittner. Nope. What does that have to do? Bittner I think God damn it, Buthayna. Wow, I'm a terrible fourth.


We're like five names and I write so terrible. Shantell George Brianne. So Lou, I think Katie Howell. Nope, that's Haley or Hale Capuzzo. Sally Sara. Chuma Tyran with no last name. David Misner, Nicole and Ashley Thompson. Austin Ford. Kelsey Hiebert is sticking around. You got her super. I got her. Don't. Yeah, really.


I thought I'd wandered the city. I feel bad too. She just disappeared. Wandered off into the Chicago streets that night for Sam Halfling, Madison, Madison, Lily, Shannon Rogers, John Zadow, Michael Dietrick, Aaron Cyc Sync Vich Elizabeth Wolfinger, Wolfinger, Jordan Bennett, of course, and Donnie Kane. Thank you guys so much. I can't do without you. Other producers this week are Terri Money, Antonio Menzies menaces. I don't know if that's a tough one.


Taylor Phillips. Adam would no last name. Heather would no last name. Dezi at Bhullar Bullock. What is it yet? What did you do?


I don't know. Warner Swope's, Savanah Showalter, Brendan Boyle, Jessica Durden, Brokamp, Mick Quinn, Elliott Bressler, Deborah Waddell, Joel then Archdale. JD Bricker Lucas folks. Justin List. Zachary Lee. Benjamin Page. Not here. Is that right? Damien Smith. Stephanie Donovan. Pat Fox. Leonard what is this. Tenley Well, Sabeen Sabeen Back Bench told back told Lya creator run the switch as Michael Muis, Lucy Carter, Roseanne Baja's he donated twice.


Yeah, I think it's Ron Bajaj. I saw he was like laid up or something. Yeah. He sent us the hospital stuff because he's got a big heart. I feel bad for the guys. Thanks for hanging with us, brother. He's amazing. Thanks Analise.


To Pill Duppy. I'm sorry. Analyst some so bad at that. Sarah asked a four off. What now. Stephanie Heron and Billy Johnson.


Holly Johnson. Barry Jimmy can get that on it.


Michael Webber or Webber. Samuel Nope. That's Samuel Ruby probably Jackson.


Ronnie Kumar. James Robert. Zach Taylor with an axe. Zach that's I think. Is that cool. Zach's it's AC. That's Zach. Right. Not on this planet now, but thank you for your phone call or not. Amber. It's cooler than regular. Zach, I guess what it's like let's take a name like Zach, which is meant to try to be cool, really cool it up. You know, Rock Star is probably James Taylor's kid, probably.


That's why Amber has named Nathan Simon, Derrick Cooper, Trey Hauge Torres, Andrew Young, Luis Fernandez, Jessica McKinney, Anastasia Berg, Imer Berg Meyer, goddammit. Mike Hymes. Stefan. Nope, that's Stef Davis, Brian Dickson, Kristen Hekker, Aaron Five-fold, Fifield's, Dustin Thornton. John would no last name. Jun He Kim Jana Rae. Jonathan Head Sue Tuft's. Sam Hune. Andrew Santo's. Nicole Winkel Winkel Seth what renk wink rinkel.


I don't know what it it Stephanie with her last name. Amanda Short Amy Nicole C that's Sean. Sean Baner you stay Sean. It's up on the more Horsman Right.


Narelle O'Connor ro with no last name. G with no last name. Sean McConnell I think Nelson. Brandon Filho. Brandon no fuck. Paul with no last name can't. Talking about currently boy, Michael Scott, Pat, Benmont Bement, Brendan Jones, Chance Ferguson, D minus sonas, Montgomery, Aleesha with no last name. Treu Sarro, Tyler Jorgensen.


I'm so bad at this myself.


Heather Watson, Alex EAMS. Robin Meyer, Nick Porter, Michael White. Shelbie would no last name. Michel Hilson. Mike Raby Rabe. Maureen Moran what. Justin Hansen. Felecia with Skewness. With Wind Skewness. Leland Davidson. Was that Talbot. Tonya Garcia. Andrew Moore. Ashley Danforth. Chris a blank up on Corsia. What did I do. Justin Elliott. Jud Rachel Deen. Michelle Mesut Majerus. Steven Fabel. What. Ben Brown. Michael Bright.


What you got there. Say again. Azazel. Jamie English. Yes. Lucas Weyman Way man. Kassy Devine, Georgia with no last name. Katleen Gruninger. Tracy Aynesworth, Nancy. Nancy McKie, Kate Smith, Blake Dove, Alice Alyssa, Alyssa Judds. You can't do Z. That's not words, right? What is that. Somebody from Czechoslovakia listen to God Bless America. Lady gave us money. That's very nice. Thank you.


Alicia Haskins, Corey White, Kristi Brianne. Amanda Scheurer. Heidi Hass. Jesse Dominic Fantini. Katie Rose. Morris Cole. Rachel Lamarre. Dominique Jackson. Yes. Carl Lively. Lynn Wabo Caira. Outkast Corn. Kornfield Lee. Jim Comey. Johnny Depp. Joshua what a Hezi. Brian Martin. Daniel, Daniel Bellucci. But Danielle, I don't know, I think it's a guy and I'm fucking his name up. I'm sorry. Or it's a I don't know I'm an asshole.


All right. I what it a whole tonight.


And Nicole Merchant. Zane Hall. Christine Koskela, Martin Martin, Martin Knighton Knightsbridge. Teresa Brocton Brockmann, Catherine Barazani, Sarah Vidal, Jami Barthel, David Koopa, Albert and Avilla, Chiara Heinrich's and Morgan. Amanda would no last name David. No last name. Lieben Ossman Ryan Putes Tyler Carter. Sherry Sherry Bauer. Sheena Elliott Ryan. Harold Ayna Kuzak. Yeah. What. Yeah. Mark Phaidon. Kevin Blaylock. Mandy Brown. I'm really hitting the brakes d d Webb 007 a'la Indigo Rob would no last name.


Vinny Lester. Brian Leel. Matthew Troy. Glen Glen. New Page. Yeah. Deep breath. Here we go. Nicole Danzon Day Mackenzie March. What time are Joce Emergency for Sochi.


That's what it is. Same day. Same time. Just after lunch with the Daily Mail back with no last name. Stephanie Derry Black in the Day podcast. Kansi with no last name. Desmond Nelson. Carolwood no last name. Brian Lemper. Sara Adare. Angela Gillmer. Misti Boyd. Thomas Ward. Andrew Battaglia but Tagliolini.


Heather Petersen Listserv Srna Whisky Solinsky. Lauren Okelo Surrender. Is that Sarandos Lindsay. What. It's got to be a first name last. Right. I don't know. Maybe Phil Irving. Mike Sheahan. Doug Manning. Ellen Madley. Jonathan Huling. Ashley with no last name. Don Brait. Branon Kealey. Nope. Khaleel Kelly. Kevin Stanley. Tim Pendle M-m gun logger. Gun person what. Daniel Morgan, Mona Pamona and that CMO Miss KMO Semo Sammo.


Now we pronounce County Sheriff's Office. Hello. Oh I don't know. Catherine Soondae Jesslyn Jesslyn Rheinhardt. Koreen Ryan. Andrew Betts. Augustus Lerma. Melanie Meline. Mitch Baatar. Jacqueline Hewett. Kendra Andrea Jones. Taylor McMorris BECC Waters Force of Nature podcast. Margaret Fellner, Brailey H. There's no last name, just H. That's what that is. Katerina Apple Enova and owns James Burroughs. Scarlet Hornby's Junior Lindsay Shaheen. Anthony Verdie. Congratulations Garland artist Anthony Verdine.


Chelsea Romper Room Sia. What did I do? Christine Hansen RJ with no last name. Norene Jones and Janki. Anna Janky Janki.


Sarah Romano, Lisa Arrowsmith, probably the best daughter they had, a daughter, one daughter.


Now you never know Louise or Louise or Yalina, Mike Rabe, Hamilton, Lucas, Russell, Jason Copeland, Daniel Erhard what Charles Konk, Steven Tyler, Kanye West wife.


Kim Jim Jaja JMJ. Ninety-One or Ryan Howard. Julie Magic Combe Corera. What is this? Nicholas Kerstein. Ben Bird. Robert Milligan. Andrew Hunte, Jamie Dimon, Dimon Damon Now Chris Carrados Corazza Larsons. Probably that Matthew Matthew Lytes or Lites Maria Hurt Olafson Homestretch Nicholas While Chayefsky, Santa Salsano, Sanaullah Suey and Lentini. That's not right either. Hannah Elliott. Ronnie Kumar. Katarzyna Katerina Nield. Zorka Christina. Nope, that's Christine Hudson, Cole Hynson, Peyton Meadows, Alicia Stanback, Tracy Appel, DeMar Demorris Daja Morris.


I'm never going to get it right. Doesn't mean it doesn't matter.


Amanda Knight. Jordan would no last name Aaron well, Santino Wolf Susanne's townies. Rachel Carskadon, Steve Schnell. Thank Steve, Steve, Jeff Cirlot, Salangi Salangi. It's Italian. He's going to fuck that camera and close and I'm way off. Matthew Wilkins, Matt de Joanna, Joanna A'Hearn. Happy birthday, Jen Armstrong and Aaron. To Brendon Abell, Susan Ologists. Happy Birthday. Tracy Mullet's Susan Rolet, Mashi Blade, Marissa Cole, Lacy, Sweet Creation's Catherine Glancy, Tracy Jacobs, Mark Jean-Christophe Oliver Oliver, Mindy Ciampa, Tracy Aynesworth, Alexander Bhogle, Matthew Great Granddaughter Graser Tamla and Harlina.


Johnathan Rice. Alexander Bullock. Christina Brayton. Alicia nope. That's Alex Fisher, Yemeni's Stacey Kathleen Coomber, Viada Logue. Sam Samuelson, the suck up. Marcia McCorkell. Happy birthday to Nia from Joey Pevar. Nick, happy birthday. He said he loves her, but I could have just said from Joey because there's no Pavano other hardware Hausfeld or TV Marsia McCorkell.


I said that Tyler Ryan, Vivianna, Alex Hopper, Aundrea Symbolic Adderson Hendriks allicin with CSI again. What's the pancake pensky. Yeah, sure. Michael Johnson. Michael S. Johnson. There's a ton of those. Paul would no last name. Janice Hill. John Helmes, Chloe Campbell, Thomas Smith, Carter Harris, Melissa Arthurson, James Marter, Diana Grimes and Tuesday Bruce Crew, Jude Kendall and obviously all of our other patron supporters, but also Shelley Aldridge.


Robert's birthday is today from ah, this week. She's from Gun Barrel, Texas Anberlin. Thank you, Karina Sadil, Emily and Nick. Happy anniversary. Elizabeth Smith and Clay Thorson, his wife. Thank you both. So everything you're amazing. Give me a big hug and a kiss. It's either their anniversary or it's her birthday. Because, you know what I did is not write it down perfectly. Thanks, Clay. You're amazing. And all of our Patrón supporters.


You guys are amazing.


Thank you, everybody, so much. Thank you, guys. So we were just saying that the the case that we were just talking about, they think Jimmy said they think it was a logger, actually. So, yeah, that kind of shape. You know, something that's in the back of a pickup. Sometimes it seems like it's sliding around the back of the cab. When you hit the brakes, you know, that works. The light goes yellow.


What if somebody wanted to slam against your cab, Jimmy? How could they get a call to find me?


That woman sucks JSM and sucks on Twitter and Instagram. Thank you guys truly for everything that you do. It's it's mine. It's fucking it's really scary how much support us. And I and I really appreciate the fact it's a lot of people that we don't want to let down. So we work really hard to continue that. Even bigger fact.


Yeah, yeah. We're going to watch it now and you can find me at Gympie is funny or you can just copy and paste from the show. You know how to fuck the fucking people. You know how to find people if you want to look them up. Oh, thank you guys honestly for everything. You you you've kept us going and you've you've always been there for us. So we're always going to try to be there for you. We can't fucking wait for every episode.


We're excited for it and we're still excited for next week and until next week. Everybody, it's been our pleasure. My.