Snap Judgment Presents: Spooked- 1,479 views
- 21 Sep 2020
David’s family has owned the same plot of farmland in North Carolina for over 300 years. As he gets older, he starts to realize that some family members have never really left...
Thank you, David, for sharing your story with the Spooked. Big love to you & Petrony!
Produced by Greta Weber, original score by Jordain Wallace
Artwork by Sanaa Khan
Congrats to our Spooked Theme Song Remix winners, Paul Kleinschmidt & Celeste Yglesia!
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Oh, snap judgment. Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray my soul will never keep the screams of those within the fire and forget it was me. Dispute. Stay tuned to to. From luminary, you've crossed over to Stuart.
I don't drink Faycal bread, pop and eat away for as my grandfather loved him, some big red pop and vanilla wafers. I don't drink. SuperDraft Japanese beer. My brother, when we lived in Japan together, he would climb like he was doing the commercials, he turned toward me, look really serious, take a long pull from his bottle.
And he'd say imperfectly accented Japanese, he'd say. Some type, you are mine. We laugh and we laugh and we laugh.
My other brother, he left the barbecue, loved to barbecue. I haven't touched the barbecue grill. Let the tongs, not charcoal, not the oven, not meet the barber. I haven't touched any of it, not once since September 24, 2019. And I just can't get any more of myself. Besides, I'm the assistant, the sous chef, not the chef, the apron doesn't even fit, right?
But, you know, even saying this out loud right now, just saying this. He calls them back. I see your granddaddy, I see you hat cocked off to the side, I see you brothers. I see you two here in the studio, arms draped around each other. Wenhold, not açaí, superdraft beer in his hand, other clicking the barbecue tongs, as you have seen since you are here, you should know I'm going to eat vanilla wafers one day, Granddaddy.
I promise I'm going to drink açaí, super dry, bottle after bottle after bottle, even while I'm flipping burgers on the barbecue grill some day. That today I can't do it the day I wish I could. I wish I could someday soon. Let me from Washington, something real soon, spooks start. So we're headed to North Carolina to plot of farmland that's been in David family for over 300 years, wide open skies, lush green trees, smoky Blue Mountains.
What's not to like? Well, I'm let David tell his story spoofed. This was a part of the country they call flyover, no one wanted to live out here because in order to live out here, it meant you had to work hard, that, you know, you were you're just a farmer. There was nothing other than farm life to you when you came out in this part of the country. You you may come to visit, but if you stayed longer than Sunday afternoon, you're expected to grab up a hoe or a shovel or whatever axe and you go to work.
We have a 200 year old farmhouse. It was built in eighteen hundred. It is built from hemlock and hard yellow pine. There are no nails in the house. It was built according to the time, in the manner of ship building with pigs, mortise and tin. And I grew up here even though I'm from Raleigh and I went to school in Raleigh and grew up there.
But a lot a lot of what I learned about life was on this farm. I used to come to see my grandfather, who lived here at the time, informed of the property, I came to see him as a kid once a month or once every two months, depending on the time of the year. And then every year in the summertime, I would come and stay with him for a week or so, which was absolutely like heaven on earth.
All I wanted to do was to sit in my granddad's lap and go out and play in the fields. We were like Tarzan, you know, we always in the woods or play in or doing something. So I loved coming down here and I look forward to it. There's nothing but good memories here. Sometime around 1972 or 73, somewhere between nine and 10 years old, and my sister would have been 12 or 13. I had come with my sister to.
Spend the week with my grandfather and late at night, all the windows and doors would be open, having no air conditioner to be a fan, go on. And I always slept on the couch and the mosquitoes used to just feast on that wake up with lumps. I'd look like Muhammad Ali after a fight or I'd have lumps all over me a bit. So we we all would go to to to bed fairly early. I can remember the television shows at the time were like Dragnet and Adam 12, an emergency.
And my aunts and grandfather loved to watch those things. And after farming all day they'd sit down and drink a coke or a tab or a Pepsi and and my ex-wife would pop up some popcorn and we'd sit around and watch the TV shows until nine, thirty or ten o'clock. And then if I wasn't already asleep, they turn off the lights and everybody would go to bed. And my grandfather would usually throw a quilt down in front of the door and lay down on the floor to get the breeze.
My sister slip in my father's bedroom and his feather bed and I slept on the couch. One night we were doing that and it was dead quiet. I mean, you got to understand, it's so quiet that the crickets are telling each other to shush. So we're all dead asleep and. I remember waking up to Shrek's just screams of terror, and it was my sister. She was awoken from her sleep by something picking up the end of the bed and jostling it up and down, shaking her and she woke up, she could see a great figure or the outline of a finger against the window, but there was not anything or anyone she recognized.
That was the first time that we ever my sister and I ever encountered anything. As a kid, I would be laying across my grandfather's bed or across my father's bed there at the house and would have the sensation of someone sticking their finger in my back and running up and down my spine.
There's been a lot of people that died in the house, they were born in the house and died in the house, so, you know, I guess it would give you the creeps, as people say today.
But I didn't think anything of it at the time until 1995. In 1994, I built a house across the street from where I live now on a piece of property father had left me when he passed away. About five acres, and if you look out the front door of that house, it has a panoramic view of the rest of the farm. The old farmhouse is directly across the street.
Some three hundred and fifty yards I had bought for Texas longhorn calves and put them out and in a pasture.
And there was a storm coming up. And I was at the house by myself.
So I go out and look at my cows to make sure that my cows didn't freak out and jump the fences and run to parts unknown. And when I'm looking out the door, this little girl runs across the front of the old farmhouse. So I couldn't make out a lot of detail about her other than it was just a little girl. My Aunt Marie lived in the old farmhouse and at the time, one of my uncle's houses down the road was occupied by a family and they just didn't have a lot of money.
They didn't have a car.
And so my aunt used to let the lady use the telephone to call her relatives to come and get them to take them to the store or to do whatever.
And so I kind of thought the little girl belonged maybe to that family and maybe the mother was on the phone or visiting with my aunt. So as the storm got closer, I kept watching and.
You can see the lightning off in the distance and, you know, the rolling thunder and I stood there and the little girl ran around the house and she was just whirling and playing and the storm started getting uncomfortably close.
And I said, well, I need to go over there and find out what's going on because I may have to take these people home or to let them know you better get home. The storms up coming up. So I started walking across the street and a little girl came Worland by a couple of times before I ever got close to the house and. When I got down to the house, I never saw her come back around from the back of the house, she just kind of just went around the corner and I didn't see her anymore.
So I started checking the barns to see if she was hiding in the little washhouse or maybe the OPAC house or, you know, Graden room where they used to the back and stuff like that, or, you know, or were she in the house with my aunt. And about this time it started to sprinkle a little bit and I went in, opened up the front door and stuck my head in. And I said, Aunt Marie, there's this little girl playing around in the yard out here.
My aunt said, What little girl? And I said, well, there's a little redheaded girl out here dressed in yellow playing in your yard. She's not in any of the barns, and I thought she may have come in the back door here, she said, no, nobody's come in. The back door was locked in the house, in the house.
So I backed out and it started sprinkling a little bit heavier at the time. And so I started off to go back home. And I didn't want the little girl to get called up in one of my electric fences or the barbed wire or anything trying to cut across the field.
So I just kind of, you know, kept my out. And here she comes running around the end of the house. I hear this little girl giggling, just having the best time.
As soon as I said, hey, stop.
She looked at me and vaporized instantly into nothing.
Mid-State Puth. Just gone. If you've ever pulled a drop or lamp cord out of a wall socket and touch the prongs with your finger before the connection was broken, you will know the exact feeling that I felt. It was just like I had received an electrical shock. Just hit you, stuns you. And you're like, OK. Life as we know it is not going to be the same from this point on and. That has to be a ghost or anything else it could be.
Now, I know that they are real because I've seen one. Now, what do I do about who is she? That was number one. Who is she? Number two, why is she here? And number three, is she going to hurt me or make me hurt myself? I saw her on a couple of other occasions doing the exact same thing. Whirling and playing around the house, I've been close enough to see that she did have freckles, her hair is combed.
Straight back. Kind of parted in the middle. It's just flowing and free for all intents and purposes. She looks like a real nine year old kid. I was at home, I had been in a really serious car accident, I had broken my neck and so I was at home recovering from that and I had a dog named Pete. It's an American bulldog. And he was my buddy. And I was doing a crossword puzzle in a book watching some show on the History Channel.
And I heard a creaking sound on upstairs in my house and my dog starts growling and he walked into the Fauria.
I get up out of my chair and I hobble into the for you and Pete is grap. And he's looking up, so with my neck and a collar, I have to kind of position myself and hobble around and lean back and look up and there on the landing on the second floor of the House, looking through the pickets is already hit. A girl she stared at. We locked eyes, I was speechless.
And one time I got enough detail of her that she was wearing like little white socks that turned up on the top like a like buttercup flowers, she kind of stood back and stood up, took about two steps back, and she just vanished like she has every other time.
I went upstairs and Pete followed me. We walked up there and I looked around to make sure that I didn't blink and she stepped off in the bedroom.
While I was up there, I got a very faint giggle. And so I came back downstairs and I'm like, oh, crap, now she's in my house, you know, it's bad enough she's out in the yard and she's been bringing stuff that we figured back and forth between the houses, finding it in the yard and stuff.
So bits and bolts and hammers and tools and things, find them out there in the yard all the time. But now I got her in my house. I don't want her in my house, I want her out there in the yard and she's free to play out there all she wants to.
But I don't want her in my house. I didn't invite you in here. What are you doing in my house? This is my space. They're out there in the backyard. That's your space. Why are you in here?
I went back and opened up the front door and went back to my chair, picked up my book and went back and continued my puzzle and determined to try and go on with normalcy.
It was been about a year and a half after I broke my neck about nine, 30 quarter to 10, I laid down on my couch to take a nap. I felt crummy. Now, anybody that's got dogs. Cats'. Children, nosy roommates have all awoke to somebody standing there at the side of your bed staring at you. So I'm laying there on the couch and I get this sensation in first. I kind of thought it might be okay, but Bulldog's snore, then he was typical.
You know, he's over there snoring, so it ain't pee. So I crack my eyes and I look to the right and they're at my back door, stand on my back, back with their hands cupped around her face, looking in my back door, little red haired girl. She just standing there looking at me and she's out on the deck and I just kind of swing my feet over.
And I sat on the couch and I stood up and I was going to walk over there and kind of look back at her. And when I did, she just stood back up straight and step back a step or two and just, boom, gone, disappeared. So that got me to thinking.
OK, you know, now we're having some reactions back and forth here more than I want. And. I'm like. I'm going to have to do some of the I don't know what to do at this point. I didn't want my my wife. To say we got to sell this house and leave. This is my family farm. I don't want to be run off of my farm or my property by something that's not supposed to be there, that half the world doesn't believe is there in the first place.
Got on the computer and I started looking up ways to get rid of ghosts in your house. I was just looking for some kind of idea. You know, I'm not too much into that type of stuff. You know, people come up with all kinds of wacky stuff. But also I'm looking for an idea that something simple to try. And I found out by looking up that sage and ceremony basically recite some a couple of psalms and passages from the Bible while you burn green sage.
Well, I got sage that grows on this farm all over the place. Naturally, I don't have to go to some get rid of the ghost story. And by that I mean I can just walk out of my backyard and pull it right up out of the ground. So I went and I pulled me up. So I said, I'm going to try that. We'll see. Why can't it hurt? So I tried it and I basically told them, you know, they're welcome to stay in the yard, play all you want, you can have the old house back there.
That's where you lived. Play all you want, live there. That's your your space. This is my space. You stay out of MySpace. Because if you don't. Come on, bring somebody in here. And we're going to send you through the line to whyever you're still here if you're happy. Stay out of the house. Since that day, I have not seen anybody in the house. I have not seen her on the back that appeared in the witness.
She is not knocked on the back door. I have not found any of my nuts and bolts, screwdrivers, pliers, hammers laying in the yard she hasn't done anything to.
Alert me to her presence mischievously, since that day, I had no idea who it could be. I always thought it was somebody in the family always had because the house has never belonged to anybody other than my family members. I decided that I might be able to to get some answers to that if if I got connected with. The right group of people or paranormal investigation team or whatever to come out, I might be able to find out some answers to those questions.
I got connected with the group Inspire out of Raleigh. They came out and did an investigation and they I said all of them down on the couch in my living room. And I explained to every one of them, You're not coming to tell me where my house is, how or not? I will tell you that it is what you're here to do is you're here to tell me your experiences. And we're going to try to find out who and why.
They brought a couple of people with them, just George and Nikki and another girl. The girl was described to me as a pagan or Wiccan. She had a little thing like dowsing that she did. She had a couple of depleted radioactive rods. They had little balls on the end of them. They were bent in 90 degree angles and they were probably a foot and a half long.
She had two glass tubes in the little. Felt like a bag that she in an box she kept them in and even in the daylight when she pulled them out to show me they were glow in a purplish green color.
They were glowing, not just their color.
That way they were emitting an aura that you could put them against your hand and see the shadow or light off.
She held the glass tubes in her hand and she put the little rods in there and she would hold him as still as possible. So she said, you can walk around in the yard and in the house with me and you can ask questions in the air. And there's any spirits around will. You know, if we tell them to point these bottles to the front four years to the back for no, then we'll stand there and you can ask these questions and maybe they'll come up and do it and we'll get some answers that way.
I asked her if the little redheaded girl was present and I got a positive response to it. So at that point. I started throwing out questions, so we walked around in the yard for a while and I probably asked about 30 questions, the questions that I asked only I need to answer to. I didn't get any wrong answers. Oh, I'm smiling. I'm smiling. I mean, I'm like, OK, well, now this is getting pretty good.
So, you know, I don't want to run. I don't want to make whatever here is tired of answering questions. So I'm going to just throw out is your name questions.
Knowing that red haired people ran on my grandfather's side of the family and the little girl has red hair, I started naming his sisters. Is your name Leona? Is your name Patroni? I'm standing there looking at the lady holding her hands, not moving an inch, not flinching, and I didn't blink and the dadgum things went positive. Patroni. My grandfather's sister, oldest sister was named Petronio, she had red hair, she was had lived in the house, she was born there and she died there in the front bedroom, the same bedroom that I got touched in the same bedroom that my grandmother died in that bed.
She died in that same ring.
So I've got a name now. Petronio So this was like the 30th question that I had asked and I had gotten 30 correct answers to it. So I put a lot of weight in that. There's no way possible that she could hit on this many ri if she were that lucky, I would have took her to Vegas. She hit it dead on and I believe Petronio was there with us in the yard. I didn't see her, but I know she was there.
Tony, I had something called pellagra, which is a condition, a lack of nice and in your diet, which comes from corn, and that's actually what ended up killing Petronio, was she refused to eat niacin rich foods. It caused her blindness as well as other conditions that she had.
We always want to know why is a lady who died when she was 42 years old showing up as a nine or 10 year old or 18 year old in the backyard? And according to the Russian Research Center, that's not unusual, it's not unusual that a lot of times people manifest themselves at a time when they were the happiest in their life. And we happen to know that Petronio was probably happiest in her life around the age of 10 because she started going blind at 11 and by the time she was a teenager, she was totally blind.
I never met her in real life. She died in 1922. The people that I would most like to meet. Are the ones that I knew in my. Because I miss them, they're gone, they're my family, if I could pick them to be able to go back and go get me a bucket of chicken and go back and sit on the front porch with my granddad and my family and, you know, have family time with them again.
It's you need to have a 200 year old horn house in your backyard. And he just so happens that it's a family heirloom and some of the heirlooms that are in it, your family members.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, David, for sharing your story with the spooked, the big love to you and Big Love Patroni. The original score for that story was by Jordan Wallace was produced by SPOOT correspondent Grétar Webber. Oh, yes, yes, that was just one step on this dark path.
More encounters, more premonition, more monsters await real stories. Season five of Spooked Only a luminary podcast, dotcom. And you want more. You want more. Some more stories you shall have.
Now, if you have a personal story that spooked you, where you touched a fourth power, a being that was not supposed to be there. Send us your story. Spooked snap judgment that there is nothing better than a spook story from a spooked listener.
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Now, doing season four, we threw down the gauntlet to Spook Nation, the Slipping Song Gimmicks contest, and received a raft of amazing submissions in return. One love to everyone who submitted their version of the spoof theme song. But just like there can be only one path through the dark forest, there can be only one winner. Congratulations, Paul Kleinschmidt and Celeste Iglesia. Without further ado, we're going out on their winning spook theme song remix. Brought to you by the amazing team.
Each one has their own personal amulet for warding off the darkness. Every single person appearance every single day except. Mr. Marquis, did you take his chances in assessment, our chief spokesman is Eliza Smith, Chris Hambrick and it went more beyond Morimoto rental.
Goryeo tailed Scott Morrison got Elliott Gates, Zoe Rick, Greg Weber, Jacob winning Santa Teresa and Ford. Fernando Hernandez and Flo Wiley. The spoofing song is by Patrick Miller, and it was the Washington. And you can keep a small fire burning. You can set up a lantern, even a candle will work. It matters not to me what you do, but that you know. Never, ever, never, never, never, ever, ever turn out the lights.
This episode of Spooked was some in the dark of night by luminary.