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Hello, hello, hello, welcome. So feel with enough, thank you so much for being here. I can't wait to get into this episode. It's going to be kinky, wild, fun, funny. But before I do that, I have to just do the things that everyone hates and gets annoyed by. But it really shouldn't because that helps me help you. Help you. Help me. Help me. That made no sense. Please, you guys, if you could subscribe to the show, if you could read it.


Five stars. If you don't feel that it's worthy of five stars, at least give me an honest review and please share it with your friends. If you love this episode, share it. It really means so much to me and it's the reason why I can continue on doing my thing.


Also, my merchandise people have started to receive their orders and I am not even trying to to my own horn, but they really, really love it.


Fabia, you have this little crewneck. You have it.


It's very soft inside, right? Yes, I made sure of that this time around with the merchandise. So that's about it. You guys, let's get into the episode.


I cannot wait. I'm in Las Vegas right now. I am shacked up in my best friend's apartment. I have not left the apartment for three days. This is my best friend, Fabia Fabia. Baby F a b b y f baby. Yeah, that's how you spell it. You are so cool.




I mean, I would like everyone to follow me, but you don't have to. But if you just want to help me out, that'd be cool. You and I are born salesman. I do my thing in the beginning. I'm like, you don't have to. It's up to you. Just don't worry about it.


You said the same shit. Oh my God. All right. So fab. We have a lot to talk about. Oh, yes, we do. I know I said best friend before, but when I say best friend, I mean how long?


I mean, like since diapers, literal diapers. Our moms were pregnant at the same time and we're best friends. Yeah. Like we pretty much grew up together. Yes. Funny story about that is I was actually hanging out with my dad and he told me something that I did not know, but he was just like, you know, that your mom got kicked out of BYU because her and Sophia's mom decided to move. And the security guard and I was like, how am I?


Twenty years old? And I never heard of this. Oh, hold on. No one. They went to BYU. My mom did. Oh, I don't know if you were Z.


I don't think so. And the moon someone.


Yeah, they moon the security guard in college and she got kicked out of school for that, which isn't like I'm not sure it's like that.


Well, at BYU it probably is. But also what I'm thinking about is. What the fuck were we doing in college, because I want to guess it was worse than money. I mean, pretty sure we were fucking.


Maybe I'm not sure. But the other thing about our relationship is you were my partner in crime.


We definitely gone to some trouble when I see trouble.


I mean, we got into legal trouble. The other two, I have a mug shot, as do you. Mine was on a T-shirt that was being sold at one point.


Yeah, Sophia's mug shot was a little cuter than mine, and I wasn't hot enough to make it onto the front cover of the Busted magazine. But she literally had a front cover centerfold.


Yeah, Playboy's full. And it was in every gas station in Utah. Every single one. Yeah. Like I had 20 people text me. I just fucking saw you on this shit.


You say allocute and I would like to this day I highly disagree. I have a very attractive photo.


Really. Yes. My extension's I visit my you know, we don't even to talk about it. I disagree. But we got arrested together and that was our first arrest. Yeah.


We've been arrested more than once, which now saying it sounds very strange, but that's just what it is.


I mean, I think it's just like a normal part of growing up.


I mean, some people disagree. We got arrested together and that is where that mug shot comes from because we fell into a frozen yogurt shop and police showed up.


And every time I see that, people are like, what in the actual fuck are you saying? Can we talk about it?


Yeah, of course. So pretty much what happened was that Sophie and I were trying to get into a bar and I can't remember why we decided not to go. And there were like we had fake IDs and maybe we decided not to use them, but scared.


I think we got scared. Yeah.


And instead we were like, let's just go hang out in the parking lot because our friends are inside. And he had the keys to the car. Right. So somehow we're like behind a frozen yogurt shop. And we were like laughing. We lean up against this door and it happens to be open. So we kind of like stumble and we're like laughing.


No, there's literal security cameras that show us falling backwards into the shop. Well, we cleaned up against the door at the same time and the door swung open and we kind of like tumbled like we tumbled, but we like stumbled in. And then we were like, wait, what just happened? One of those heavy doors and like, closed on us slammed shut.


And the second did the sirens. Yeah. And we see sirens like emergency nine one one. The entire neighborhood could hear this shit.


Yeah, I pretty much we just broke into the froyo like we were pretty frothy all of the security on the frozen yogurt shop, like what else is there in there?


So the thing is, is people are thinking to themselves, why don't you just open the door and walk the fuck out?


We were locked in. We were running back and forth from the front door to the back door trying to get out of the store. We literally locked ourselves inside of the Froyo chickens with their heads cut off, running in circles, freaking the fuck out.


Yes, the police show up. They walk in and they're concerned and they say, ladies, oh, my God, what's going on? We were highly intoxicated and they knew it.


Yeah, they could smell it. They could smell it. We were slurring. We were probably stumbling. They're like, why the fuck are you in a frozen yogurt shop? At the time, I really thought I was like, so I was acting so sober and I was like, why wouldn't they believe me that I'm like, me too. I thought to myself, we're going to get away with this like there's nothing wrong. Yeah. The girls in yogurt.


Yes, exactly.


So they realize we're fucked up. They asked for ID us being fucking geniuses say you don't have ID because we were underage.


They are like, that's totally fine, and then when they realize just how fucked up we are, handcuffs. Yeah, before the handcuffs. So I just want to add in that Sofia Intented attempted to escape.


She literally ran away from the cops and she got like pulled those down to the ground, like you were on the gravel stomach down to the floor with a carbon tub he tackled.


This was a football game tackle.


Like I'm surprised I get a concussion to get down to the ground. I my entire body was fucked up like faith in the ground, like Smash.


So which we're laughing about. But like, I will file a lawsuit. So all kind of. You're listening.


Just keep lawyer up. Yeah. It's almost like we couldn't afford lawyers back then. Now we can like be ready, like coming for you ten years later.


Now you for an attorney watch out.


So they put us in the cop car.


We have to go to jail, they put us in a holding cell like a waiting area, handcuffed to a bench.


Yeah, there was like a bar and we had, like, our hands behind us, like handcuffed to the bar. Yes, Bobby was a little pussycat, but I definitely was crying.


I wanted my mom and Sophia definitely had something to say about that.


She was not happy at the time. I was asking, where is my mom? She kept screaming at me.


She was just like, Favish, shut up. You know, I was there is a police report, you guys that we Mary not post because the whole story is shocking. It says in the police report quotation marks, Sophia Franklin looks at Bobby last name.


Shut the fuck of what else you like.


Shut the fuck up. Our lawyers are going to take care of everything for 17, 18 years old. I don't even know what a lawyer is. I watch Law and Order. And I was like, no criminals get in trouble. They need a lawyer. She kept thinking I was going to say something like criminalize it for like, we're going to go to prison because of you. Yes.


OK, so we're in the holding cell sitting there and I p yeah, I urinate. Yeah. On myself. I think that at that point we were trying so hard to like, fuck with the cops. Like we thought we were so funny that I decided to scoot after Sophia. I scoop my butt off the bench and pee as well.


And we're literally sitting there with two puddles, a pee next to us and like everybody else in the room was looking at us like, what the fuck is going on?


We're in there with actual criminals caught with meth, doing domestic violence, all of this shit. We're the two girls pissing ourselves and laughing hysterically like psychopaths. Yeah, a cop comes around with cat litter and pours it all around us.


He, like, got inertia. Yes, animals.


We were like kicking it around. We are playing with the cat. We were like laughing hysterically. Yes.


I'm pretty sure I was telling them I had to go to the restroom and they would not allow me.


And that's why if I can peed and then you in solidarity with me, women have a right to pee and criminals have a right to be upset as well.


I'm pretty sure you're telling them that you had a duty and they pretty much told you to fuck off. They're like, oh, not going to let me go to pee my pants.


And then when you did it, I'm like, well, I'm going if I can do it, to which that is, I'm proud of us for doing that.


Needed shamed and now that's abuse that they would not let me use the restroom.


Hundred percent. I wish I took a shower. I wish I did it all.


Let me use the fucking bathroom. OK then. They are about to book us into the drunk cell and the up to frisk us down and make sure we don't have anything crazy on us. I start pretending to have an orgasm. Yeah, well, Sophia, they had to check to make sure that she wasn't hiding anything in her Regina like drugs. So they're like patting her down.


And she was just like this maybe sounds crazy in my head.


I was thinking they already did a criminal offence by not letting me go pee if they even touch anything on me, sexual harassment.


And so I thought in my head, well, it's just kind of like we like what you're touching my vagina y like your your like checking my bra. Excuse me. Why why? That's very interesting. Out of all my body parts, that's where you want to talk to your doctor. You want to go. I see how it is.


It's the same thing with airport security. Like they have to touch everything. Yeah. But in my mind I was thinking harassment. You touched every part of my body, but you lingered on the vagina.


You linger like I think you stayed there for a little bit longer than you're supposed to film.


Another thing, I can bring up another lawsuit.


OK, so then we go into the drunk tank. I want to see they put us in together. No, they separated us. Cells right next to each other? Yes, by ourselves, like elated concrete, it was like cement walls, cold as fuck. Yeah, they do. They make it so cold so that you'll sober.


Yeah, but it's not like it's like torture.


But they thought they could one up us. We knew we were right next to each other.


We were smarter than the Shawshank Redemption did a whole year.


Oh I'm kidding. But we knew we were right next to each other and we did essentially a mating call every 30 minutes.


Yeah, like every second. Now, every 30 minutes, I would hear Sophia sobbing and you would say, I'm here still.


This is repeatedly for 10 hour. Sophia, are you there?


Like, we wanted to make sure that we were like in this together. Yeah. The way so then the escort me out and I remember thinking, I'm going to look back at Fab.


I have five seconds to do it because the cop is literally dragging me essentially lawsuit number three. And I look back Fabri what are you doing.


I my forehead pressed up against the glass of my hand like up next to my face and I'm just staring at Sophia with these sad little like puppy dog eyes. And I just, I couldn't believe that I was being laughed like it was the saddest moment of my life. I swear. You mouthed something to I was like, Sophia, help me, help me.


And I remember leaving thinking these fuckers will not get away with this this whole time. I'm being sarcastic because we were fucked up and we needed to be in there. But in my mind, I was thinking abuse, handcuffs, eye bruises on my wrist like you're done. Yeah.


So L.A. County Jail, let's see if that still exists.


Like I am coming back for my friend with a lawyer lawsuit with the lawyer. I have to fucking break into this bitch.


She will get out of here.


So we leave being taken to jail for your first time. And I know there should not be multiple times, but that is not the case for Fabiani. Your first time is like losing your virginity. It's a different experience. Yeah. You think your life is over? Yeah, well, we definitely were at a point where it like this is like moving to Vegas. Got to be strippers. Like we are disowned. We no longer have jobs. That was a literal conversation.




I remember sitting there looking at each other. We're done. It's just you and me, baby. We got to move change our names like the whole thing. That's how it feels. Yeah. We were like we only have each other moving forward, like who are going to be OK. But like we got to start over like new names every day.




So anyways, I was a nice little tangent. Let's talk about you for a second. All right. You live in Las Vegas? I live in Las Vegas. I have lived here for seven years now, which is wild. That's a long time and time goes by so fast.


And pretty much what happened was I was visiting all the time. I fucking loved it. I was a party girl. I thought it was like the best place in the world.


And I got to a point where, you know, I was in my thirty year at the University of Utah. I kept changing my major, my grades or feeling. I was just like, what the fuck am I doing? And honestly, like, I just decided to drop out and move. Looking back now, if I could talk to, like, my old self, I would have been like, hey, finish the last year. Like, even though my decision was the best decision I've ever made, I would still love to have that degree.


It would be nice, yes.


But pretty much I told a girlfriend, hey, I'm going to move to Vegas. And she was just like, hold on, I want to go with you. She which is her child. Yeah. You guys like I swear, within a week it was I'm going to school in Utah. And then it was like, I'm going to live in Vegas. It happened literally within a week. Like it was it was an idea that popped up in my head.


And I was like, I'm fucking doing this. And that's how you are when you're young. You're like you're like careless. And I was just like, all right, here we go.


Yeah, but how did your family react? They supported, you know, like, my mom disowned me, like she didn't talk to you for a whole year. Like she was just like there's absolutely nothing to do in Vegas other than stripping or being an escort. But little did she know that I had heard that waitresses in Vegas, I it was like I heard.


Hockeytown waitress's made like two or three hundred K the first year they opened up and I was like, I could work a job that I love doing being at the club partying and make that much money, disgusting money.


It's like a lot of money a doctor makes.


Yeah. Yeah. To serve Cartwell a lot. Like I was like, why wouldn't I do it.


Yeah. So as soon as I figured that out I was just like fuck it moved.


And the only issue was that I didn't realize how hard it was to get said job. Like I was just like, it can't be that hard. They're just waitresses.


Oh no. There is a whole thing that goes into it to become a cocktail waitress.


Yeah. I mean, audition's you were there with me every year.


I just want to clarify that you would call me every day literally crying because the audition process is so grueling.


It really is. It's very anxiety driven, a trying time.


It makes you feel like shit like, am I not good enough? I not pretty enough. Like there's so much that goes into it. Like you literally have to wear a bikini and heels. They line you up like cattle. You go into a front of a panel of judges. There's like a spotlight in your face and they ask you a few questions like why do you deserve to work here?


And you have to tell them.


And you're standing there like pretty much naked being like, hey, hire me for this reason. And it's honestly, it's very degrading.


Like, it it's I don't I mean, looking back, I'm like, God, I hope I never have to do that again.


That is the Victoria's Secret fashion models or any model have to do that.


This is to get a waitressing job. Yeah. People don't realize how big of an opportunity it is and how many girls show up to an audition.


Thousands, thousands show up and twenty to thirty get chosen to work at each club. And thousands of you are all standing in a line. In a bikini. In heels.


Yes. Oh, my God. Yeah. And you see the most beautiful women you get there, they take pictures of you and you're just like comparing yourself to every girl. They're like, it's intense.


Oh, my fucking God. Yeah, I will say that it really messes with women's self-esteem. Yeah. And, you know, when you think of a Vegas girl, like, you know, I think a lot of people think of like, oh, plastic surgery, like big boobs. Well, there's a reason. Yeah, yeah. It messes with your head and you're like, why didn't I get hired? OK, let me go get some lip filler.


Like, let me go do get some bigger boobs then maybe I might get the job.


One hundred and fifty fucking percent. Yeah. Oh my God. You know what? I want to talk about plastic surgery.


In a moment, I'm going to let you continue, but we will revisit. OK, so auditions sucked. You didn't get the job? No. What ended up happening. So obviously things didn't work out for me how I expected them to. It wasn't the first year. It was in the second year. I'm pretty sure the third year I still didn't get the job that I wanted. And so I had to figure something else out.


Right. Did you ever think about moving back to Utah? Every day you write?


When I moved there, I was expecting to easily get this job and it didn't work. And I was just like, what the fuck am I going to do? Like, I moved here to do something that I thought was going to make two or three hundred K, and that didn't happen for me. And so, yeah, of course, I considered it all the time.


When I actually first moved to New York a few years ago, I had the exact same thing for the first year of living in New York.


Every day I thought, should I move back? I didn't think you're going to make it right. I remember thinking, so she's moving back to Utah? Yes. Yeah, somehow, some way. I just thought to myself, no, I'm. You stuck it out. Yeah. You know what it was, is I asked for a lot of advice and a lot of people told me if after a year or two, a year and a half, you still hate it, you can go home.


You have to at least give it a year to a year and a half.


I am. Are you telling me that that everybody would say the first year in New York is the hardest? Right. You can make it past the first year like you are going to end up loving that city, right? Yeah.


You can't just go home after six months. You have to just persevere. Yeah, but that was a side note. OK, so I ended up getting a job at a sports bar. I was making a hundred bucks a night. No, it wasn't the money that I was expecting to make. I thought I was making like one, two, three dollars a night at the club. No, I was making one hundred dollars working an eight hour shift.




So working at the sports bar, I met a girl and she had told me about promo modeling and how that was another way to make money. And I was like, OK, cool.


Like I was interested in it. And pretty much I ended up being able to.


I was her Korona. Girl, I was able to work conventions like I work seem to seem like a model. It was it's promo model. Yeah, it reminds me of the monster energy girls like that type of thing. Similar. And then you could also work you could work events, even the clubs who hire girls. And they would put the models like next to tables of big spenders to get them like upswell.


OK, there was a bunch of different gigs that were pretty much going on and I got into that and the money was good.


It wasn't the best money. It was enough to get me by. It wasn't like steady, but there was an upside to working these jobs that when you were doing these modeling gigs, that you were around high profile people who happen to also like to gamble and gamble.


Yeah, I remember you told me is a huge thing in Vegas. Yeah.


Like pretty much any girl, waitress, bartender model, whatever you're doing. Yeah.


If you are get an opportunity to go gamble with like a pretty much a high roller, you're probably going to leave like pretty well off. And that was the goal. Yeah. Like to this day like you feel like you want to gamble. Like I have seen girls walk out with fifty one hundred two hundred in one night. Yes. And I know those numbers sound absolutely insane and everyone listening is probably thinking like no way A is making that much money without putting out I swear on my mom's life.


You do not have to put out to make that money. Right. A lot of these guys, it's not even about fucking it's about showing that they're wealthy.


They want to they want to show off. It's a power thing if they want everyone to talk about how like they came in and like, just blew money like crazy.


Right. Didn't you tell me you guys spent a million dollars one night at a club? Yeah, I was there and he ended up doing it multiple times.


After what in the actual fuck? That was a side note, but that is the craziest shit. OK, so gambling, you make all of this fucking money, sometimes you get lucky. It's not like every time it doesn't happen. Often it's being at the right place at the right time and getting lucky.


So I just want to see that one time when I was younger, I was walking through the casino and I looked hot and a guy asked me to gamble and he gave me a five hundred dollars.


We I didn't know this one. You never told me that idea was I don't even think I was twenty one. OK, but I'm just saying that I've been there. That's cool.


OK, it's free money and.


Well actually that's a great question. It's not just at the regular tables. No it's not. You're not playing slot machines, making money like that. This is happening in like the high limit rooms, OK, where you have to have like an insane line of credit to be able to go there and gamble. And that's where money is just kind of being like blown high limit rooms. Yeah. Thermate like behind like a passageway or can you see them?


No, they're usually kind of closed off. But I mean, anybody can walk in there. But to gamble, like you have to have a certain line of credit. OK, yeah. So an average girl can just walk in there. Yes. Oh yeah.


So ladies, if anybody's trying to gamble in Vegas, go to the high limit room. There's usually a bar in there and sit there.


I was just about to say that, like you might get asked to gamble.


I was frolicking around the fucking slot machine when I heard it was gone directly to the the, like, penny slot. Like, I'm going to fucking.


I mean, this guy has two cups filled with pennies. There's something that can happen. I don't see the potential.


So I actually ended up dating a guy and he happened to know the executive of the nightclub that I want to work at. And he reached out to him and was just like, hey, my girl would love to work here. Can you help her out? I went to auditions that year, first time with a referral. I got a call the next day. You're hired, like all I needed was a fucking referral. It is not what you know.


It is who you know is how I feel about the first three years living there that I was like showing up with no referral thinking like, oh, I'm cute enough, I'll get a job. No, you're not cute enough.


And like, you either look like a Victoria's Secret model or you have a referral. Right. Those are the only two options.


So for any of the younger people listening or even older and you're looking for a job, I would say send in the applications to random places, but your best bet is reach out to everyone you know. Yeah. And that is how long the land something like that's the ticket to success. Yeah, for sure. OK, so then what? So at this point I finally have my dream job. It took me fucking forever but I got it and I at the same time this is where there's a silver lining to things not working out.


The way that I wanted them to is during that time I became a promo model. So not only am I working at the best nightclub, I'm also making like money promo modeling. So I have two sources of income at this time. And from there I realized that there was a way to capitalize on promo modeling and that was by becoming the person who books them for the events.


So I had a friend who did that.


I asked him to teach me and I was able to become a booker. And like, if you ask anybody in Vegas, like, you could ask him about me and they would know what it is. You're one of the main bookers in Vegas. I mean, there is quite a few am I one that people know that I'm a booker? Yes.


So No. One, that's badass. But number two, when you say Booker, it's the person that will book the promo models to do whatever event.


Yes, pretty much. I'm just in charge of finding the models to work these events. And I have clients who reach out to me and say, hey, this is what I need. And I have you know, I have a lot of connections now and I have the models that I can book. So you were cocktail waitressing and then on the side, you were booking models for whatever that. Yes. So you were a hustler.


Yeah, thank you. I have to give it to you. You are a hustler, like I don't even think I could do half of the show you did. I think that I was just able to see a way to make extraverted. I was yeah, I saw an opportunity and I ran with it. And I, I think because I was in a point where, like, I wasn't getting this cocktailing job that I wanted, I was just like, well, what the fuck am I going to do about scrapie for sure?


Hello, fresh, fresh to death, hello, fresh, you guys.


It is the number one meal kit service. It lets you skip the trips to the grocery store is a subscription service where you will have meals shipped to your door. I have been a huge fan of Hello Fresh for the longest time, but I'm very excited because I have someone sitting across from me that can attest to everything that I've said. Yeah, I just want to say that it did pretty much teach me how to cook.


That's crazy. Yeah. So used to order it with your boyfriend, right. With my eggs. Yeah. We would order it and we would cook together like three or four times a week. Neither of us had ever really cooked in our lives like I was one of those people that ate everything in.


And first of all, the food is balm as fuck. It's easy to make. They give you step by step instructions. The food is fresh and I'm not even making money off of the Hello Fresh.


You're welcome. And didn't it make you feel better that you weren't wasting stuff? Yeah, I did like that. That they give you the exact portions for everything. Right.


And the packaging is all recyclable. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, it was amazing. It really is amazing. As soon as I saw that you had a discount code for that, I got pretty excited because I was like, I'm definitely ordering it again.


Hello, fresh dotcom. You're going to go to hell.


Fresh dotcom slash Sofia eighty. That's Sofia as Sofia and the number eighty eight zero to get a total of eighty dollars off across five boxes, including free shipping on your first box. Another thing is hello. Fresh is carbon footprint is twenty five percent lower since they offset their operations, which I find very important.


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A total of eighty dollars off across five boxes including free shipping on your first box. Let's get healthy, let's have yummy food.


Let's do this shit. So I want to talk about plastic surgery, which we were about to talk about earlier, my favorite topic. Why is it your favorite topic?


I could literally talk about it all day.


OK, so anyone listening that's ever had a question you should literally comment on or say, this is what I would say.


I am the first person to admit that I have worked on. If you think it's been done, it probably has been. If you have any questions, feel free to do me like if you want to know my doctor, I will tell you I am not ashamed of it. I think it's just like most girls do it. Most girls don't want to talk about it. And those girls me because I get stuff done.


I know who has worked on.


So when I deny it, I'm just kind of thinking in my head like I know I bitch.


I fucking study this for a living. Please.


The fact that you own your plastic surgery fillers, whatever the fuck it is, you are a rare girl that owns it and feels comfortable to talk about it.


I just think, like when you make the decision to get work done, you have to make the decision to be honest about it, because if not, as says, unrealistic expectations to people. Yes, they can't be like that. Girls so beautiful. But it's just like, no, she had a little help. And if, like, I'm not saying go get plastic surgery. If you're a happy natural and you're naturally beautiful, amazing, and you look yourself in the mirror and you're like, I'm a bad ass bitch.


Amazing. We all have insecurities.


One hundred percent. It's OK if you look in the mirror and something makes you feel bad or self-conscious every day. There is nothing wrong with fixing it.


There are more girls getting work done than you think. And I think it's important to normalize it so that girls can feel comfortable. One just not thinking that girl is so perfect. Naturally she's not. She had a little bit of help. Right.


It's when girls deny their plastic surgery that A, it sets unrealistic expectations, but B, it perpetuates this cycle that if you get something done, keep your mouth shut and don't talk about it. So then people feel it's a bad thing to be ashamed of. Yeah, I am going to add in that bell. Hardeen, OK. I mean, Bella, I'm obsessed like I made Sofia watch her vente runway show.


Fabio sends me her pictures every day.


But like, I love you. But I know you got. Yeah. You can't deny it. No. And that's the thing is that I have had friends tell me nobody really gives a shit about what you did because you're so open about it.


If you come up to me and you say, hey, how what like how did you do that. What Dr. I will go on a tangent until you talk about for an hour, but there's so many girls that have the fake, but for some reason not like everybody wants to deny that. Right. We know it's fake. Stop lying about it. You look stupid.


So you're saying because you are so open and honest, nobody cares the work you got done, people aren't sitting there thinking, do you think she did this like, oh, my God, what the fuck?


People lose interest. Right? Because it's not an interesting thing to talk about. You're not gossiping about me because I'm open about it. But when you lie. Yeah, it's like, wait, hey, that I heard her butt down or did you see it like was she denies it, but I'm pretty sure it's fake.


Everyone wants to talk about it.


But when you keep it inside like it's a dirty little secret that is hurting you and it's also perpetuating a stigma on plastic surgery. That's the right and best word there is. A stigma comes to plastic surgery. Yes, everyone's doing it. No one will admit to it.


One hundred percent. Let's knock it off. Yeah. OK, can we finally talk about sex?


My favorite topic, I will say I want to give a trigger warning because this could be sensitive material for Perciasepe, which is if you're a prude, don't listen.


But honestly, I'm about to go in Fabin. I'm about to go in. So.


Yeah. I don't know, maybe you thought your kinky and this is going to turn you off and you're going to be scared, I just want to give you a heads up.


So I want to start by talking about my very first sexual experience. I had a sex podcast for two years and we would talk very explicitly and I got a lot of heat for it. I was called a whore and a slut and a what I wrote, I mean, I call those things every day.


So I mean, as a woman who just like me is just to be expected.


Yeah. If you have a vagina, you're a whore. Yes. But you had sex with one person slut. Exactly. So I was called those things, but I was also told that I was being fake as fuck. It was all a facade and it was all talk and none of it was real. I just want to come on here and say, if I say something, I mean, if I talk the talk, I walk the walk and that's the bottom line.


So if you are my first sexual experience, I was your first sexual experience. Yeah. You and I. You were 15. I was 15. You were 14. OK, yeah. We obviously went on to date men and have sex with men, boyfriends, whatever. The thing is, is it didn't stop there.




So Fabin, I go to a club and we fuck it together.


Pretty much what happened was that we were like at the front of the like the crowd, the DJ, and we were like dancing. And they spotted us and they were like you to come up here. And I just think when two girls say, we fucked deejay, there's such a stigma connotation to that. He was a big fucking deejay. So come at me.


I mean, you guys probably have been to show, but no big deal. Yeah. Oh, my results. So, you know, the fact is that we I to some stupid whatever. He wasn't doing a bar mitzvah.


OK, that's not what we're trying to say. OK, he has some songs and I should say his name, but I'm just starting out in my show and I can't handle the lawsuit right now.


So I remember we go back to his room.


The three of us are laying on his bed and we're you and I making our. I have no idea, probably I mean, it was somehow initiated like something was going on, right, and it turned into a threesome.


I don't know if I would call it a threesome.


I think it was more like you like Sophia more than me.


So he was like, fuck you, Sophia. And I was just kind of like loungy. Like, I might have been checking my phone and checking Instagram.


I think I think he felt like I was there. Like I was I was already in there.


You were naked. I was. I think he ain't me out. I just don't know.


Those are the fucking. OK, what's going on with you?


You say lounging and it sounds as if you were in a chair in a corner or, you know, sprawled across. I was like on the bed, like with my like just sitting there on my phone checking my email. Yeah.


So it was kind of a threesome. It kind of wasn't, which I didn't really realize.


OK, you know, later I'm going to just butt in and say that it could have easily been a threesome. But this said D.G had no idea how to fuck. And it's just like if you're going to have a threesome with two bitches, like, you need to know how to go back and forth. The man needs to take control. He needs to make it comfortable.


And like not not that it wasn't comfortable more that like there's like a flow to it. Right with him. It was just kind of like it's multitasking.


It is more dangerous. Finger one girl make out with the other. Yeah. Not if you're fucking one girl. The other girl should be sitting on her face and letting her out. Yeah.


But he had no management skills or the financial adviser like you have no idea what the fuck is doing. Yes. You believe that he did not fuck you. He just fucked me. He just ate you out. I think there's a reason why I believe that.


And I kind of know and I mean, like, OK, if you would like to tell us, we would all love to hear you guys, guys, guys, guys.


This is actually what happened. I got tested after I don't know if we used a condom, I don't remember those years ago, but I got tested. I went to Planned Parenthood. They told me I had chlamydia. Yeah, I thought it was the end of my life. I wanted to fucking die. A D.J. gives me chlamydia.


OK, fucking star check by your name.


You are a groupie and you are a loser.


You let deejays give you a clean bill. And I wanted to die. I'm crying and I pull over on this side of the freeway and I called Sabby and I say, Bobby, you have chlamydia. Go get it taken care of. And Thabiti says, Oh, my God, OK. A couple of days later, Fab, he calls me and she says, I don't have chlamydia, I all clear. So girls, pretty much there might be a moment where you're just like we like, why am I not so involved?


You never know. It could be a fucking blessing. Look, like I wasn't the one getting fucked. I was kind of like, wait, is is hotter than me. Why not meet you?


But little did I know that I was saved your second string and I missed you because I was clear to go OK.


Yes, women, if you decide to do a threesome or I guess men as well, one person in a threesome is getting more attention. Don't go home and take it to heart because you just fucking swerve. Honestly, consider yourself like you dodged a bullet because that chlamydia situation, I was fucked up for a while.


I think it was just your first CD. I'm not going to lie.


The first time I got chlamydia, I was like this. Then I thought I had died.


I'm like, I'm never going to get a boyfriend or a husband. Nobody wants a date. The time discussing. And then you take a pill, you shit your pants, it hurts your stomach. And then all of a sudden a week later, you're like, good as new. And you're like, wow, it's literally like taking an antibiotic. Yeah.


We're not more like a laxative. Dude, I'm sorry, but when I took that pill, I was on the toilet all fucking day.


I don't remember that we are not making light of us CDs. It just so happens that that is one as that is easily curable.


If you take care of it, just wear a fucking condom. Yeah, just wear it. So ok.


Two years ago, may we revisit this key section? Honestly, after that time, I didn't know. After that we were 14. I was like, never again. After that I was like, probably never again.


And then all of a sudden we're like, wait, I know.


Here we are again. Here we are again. This time it's my boyfriend. She's such a good sound, so fucking terrible guys.


I know. Exactly. Yes, I'm making a joke. Sadie and I did fuck my boyfriend at the time. Yeah. There was also another guy involved. We'll get into that. Why do all my friends hook up with my boyfriend?


This last episode, my friend John hooked up with my boyfriend. This episode I'm talking about my boyfriend.


It's free, dead, like, come on, it's. But at least mine was consensual. I asked permission. John was just like, this man is mine.


Yeah. I love you, John. You said the same time. OK, let's move on.


People hear that and they are thinking, how the fuck would you allow that? I was a kinky ass bitch and five of you were kinky, and let me just say, Fabia, you asked me.


Yeah, maybe 72 times you are looking for more. How do you want to do that? Yes. Are you sure? Do you feel comfortable? Do you really want this? Etc.. Yeah.


So you need the boyfriend hook up and there was a fourth guy. It was a foursome. It was fun. Yeah, we were switching back and forth.


I would watch my boyfriend fuck you and I look me in the eye when you say there was this moment when I'm laying on my back and Sophie is on her back and we were like shoulder to shoulder. And Sofia's ex-boyfriend boyfriend is on top of me. And I look over to my right and Sophie and I are looking at each other. We make eye contact romantically. No, I think you just, like, bonded us together, really bonded for life like that is how, you know, kinky as fuck bitches.


OK, so we do a foursome and.


You and I left the foursome. We're like, let's make the party bigger.


Who are like this is it's like, what could we turn in to?


This is OK, but we want some real fun. We tried to recruit a fifth man.


Yes. He is so there is a man sitting on a couch outside of the room sobbing, I go over there, we are like we a fourth person?


Yeah, of course. Since when is four people enough? It's not know.


We try to get him hard. I think he took a little too many drugs.


I think he was a little too fucked up like we tried he really tried to get that hard, like it was a little limp dick.


But we put it work. It did not work out. And I swear we were making excuses. We were saying it's fine if he has a dick, we could work on it like gravity by both arms, like, come, we need you to come here, like, yeah, we need you to come to this room. Yeah. So that wasn't happening. You went on to hook up with the actual guy later, right?


Yeah, we've hooked up a few times. OK, actually I think we even maybe hooked up before so I knew he was down.


Right. So then when I saw him laying there like a starfish, I was just like, what the fuck Bobby's like. I know this is hard and I know he wants I supposed to be a writer, die for me. Like, if I'm horny, you're there to fuck.


I talk to people are disgusted. No, they're not. It's not disgusting. There are plenty of people listening that have had crazy stories like this. But you just don't want to admit it because you're scared of somebody hating you.


It's taboo. And the whole point of this podcast now and moving forward is professional taboo removal.


That is what it is. And I love that. I think it's also women empowerment. I do, too. Men can sit at a table and talk about how they nield some girl like a buck and sit here and talk about how fucked guys. OK, ok, ok.


So we do a foursome and we can talk about the details at some point, but I don't really want to focus on that.


I think I've had so many people right in especially women saying I, I kind of want to do a threesome with my boyfriend.


I don't know who to bring into the bedroom with us.


Fabien, I have a very special relationship where I trust her more than anything I have, I would kill a bitch for you.


I have said like if let's say I decide to kill somebody, I wouldn't tell anyone. I wouldn't tell my mom. I wouldn't kill my boyfriend. I want to tell anybody, like the only person who's going to know is Sophie. And she's going to, like, help me dig the hole and bury the body. Yes. And keep my fucking mouth shut and vice versa. Same thing for sure. We have a bond that Abby was very respectful going into it.


Of course, she asked me fifty times, is this OK?


And, you know, this is a very rare situation, though.


I want to say, yeah, it's a sensitive subject. And it's I know it's a sensitive dynamic, I think, for the most part. And I honestly think moving forward with boyfriends now, I would not involve a best friend.


No. Well, now we're getting older and we're starting to think about, like, who am I going to date? That's going to be my husband.


And like, I'm going to raise children. And you don't want I don't want to be, like, sitting at dinner with you. And he he's thinking like, oh, I licked her pussy.


Like, that was OK when we were younger and now. Yeah.


And, you know, the dynamic between me and the boyfriend at the time, we had a wild relationship. Yeah. And so it worked, but I just were laughing about this story because it's fun. He is fucking amazing. But it's funny because of who it was with. Yeah. Yeah. But for people listening, if you want to try a threesome, maybe, maybe it could work, you know, with a best friend. But I would, I would suggest no, I'm going to say highly unlikely.




It's going to either ruin your relationship with your man or it's going to ruin your relationship with your friend. Yeah. It's just not even worth going there.


You want to have a threesome, you find a girl in fucking Craigslist, you know, like go to the bar and, like, try to find someone, but don't bring in people who are close to you because it's just it's a gray area. Lines can be blurred and you just you don't want to push that limit. Yep. I totally agree. Yeah. Guys, it's 20, 20, and we're heading into twenty twenty one. Thank God, I hope I didn't just jinx it.


Knock on wood. I don't even know if that's wood. We have options now and we can pick and choose exactly what is in our hair care products.


Function of beauty. I've talked to about my hair multiple times.


I think something I've failed to mention is my hair is oily as fuck. It is an oily cesspool. You can see your reflection in it.


It's dripping. When I walk around, I'm being dramatic, but my hair gets very oily literally the day after washing it.


The human I'm sitting across from right now, I have the opposite problem.


Your hair is so dry. It is a brutal line. I mean, my hair doesn't grow.


That breaks off and I could literally go a month without washing it. And there is not a speck of oil I like. It is dangerous because my scalp is so dry.


Dehydrate no one. So you guys function of beauty is hair care that is formulated specifically for you, no matter what your hair type is, no matter if it's mine, oily or this bitch across from me dry as fuck.


They create shampoo, conditioner and treatments to fit your unique needs.


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How it works is you fill out a quick quiz.


It takes less than a minute and function of beauty will determine what the right blend of ingredients is for you. They'll ask you questions. Do you have dandruff? Is it oily? Is it dry? Do you want length? Do you want more fullness? Do you want to save your color? Then they deliver you your personalized formula right to your door. And that's just a little tiny side. No, I want to say the packaging and the bottles are the cutest thing I've ever seen.


I'm saying that honestly, you pick your fragrance, Peaches, my favorite has your name.


You got to pick your color. I actually wanted to bring up my new favorite product from Function of Beauty that I have been using almost every day. Is there hair spray, not hair spray to keep your hair in place?


It's hair mist and you will smell so amazing even if you didn't shower for a week, which sometimes I do, I'm ashamed to say it. This thing has been a lifesaver and I can't recommend it enough.


So what are you waiting for? Go to function of beauty dotcom slash Sofia to take your four part hair profile quiz and save twenty percent on your first order. That's a function of beauty.


Dot com slash Sofia spelled s o f ay ay for twenty percent off and let them know you heard about it from me. Function and B dot com slash Sofia. OK, I want to get into questions and before we get into listener questions, I my own question for you, OK?


You live in Vegas. Vegas is a different planet. It's not real life. It is fantasy land. It is like nowhere else in the world.


When you moved here, what is one thing that is completely different than the rest of the world?


One of the first things that I noticed when I moved here is that the women here make more money than the men if you are in the industry.


So waitresses like you are making more than most hosts the most buzzer's, the most bartenders, and that it's just a whole nother dynamic here because of that. Right. I think there's something beautiful and amazing about this place because of that, because it gives us an opportunity to finally shine. Do we get hate on it? Fuck, yeah.


You guys are bitter. They're like, why are they making more money? Do we get called lazy all the time.


Yes, I can really. Yeah. It's like oh they're just pouring drinks. Why do they make that much. Because they're fucking hot so shut up. But there is also a downfall to that.


And what that is, is that you can't usually move here when you're twenty one.


You didn't think you're going to be making one hundred two hundred K a year because being a waitress and instead of thinking like, hey, let me go put a down payment on the house, you're like, no, let me go get my tits done.


Let me go buy that designer bag, let me go buy a Mercedes.


So women move here and they are shocked by the amount of money they can make and they go Wild's they get they get happy.


Yeah. Like for me it's just I don't spend money on stupid shit. That doesn't matter. I'm telling you right now the material shit doesn't matter. Right. Put a down payment on a house, invest in the stock market, make sure that your assets are good and they moving forward, you're going to be in a comfortable place and then go buy the Chanel bag. I agree. Start a business.


I completely agree. I think we've talked about this.


And you said something very interesting. You told me. I know that there's an expiration date. Yeah, I moved here from day one. I was like, there is a moment where I'm not going to be able to make the money that I'm making right now because I'm getting older and it's sad, but it's true.


And you live well below your means. One hundred percent once you're in a good place. And if you want to buy yourself a fucking bag, go ahead. You need to get there first. Yeah. Don't blow your money on stupid shit. Listen to me, ladies. Be fucking smart.


Oh, my God. My mom just texted me and sent me the police report. Wait. I've never seen this before. Dude, oh, my God, I'm like skimming through it.


No, it is worse than what we just described because my mom also said follow up text saying WTS maybe will hate me.


Oh. Like she doesn't fucking know. Maybe we'll post it. We'll see. Maybe not. OK, I need to read it first because I'm not trying to have you in my life. We will see.


All right. Let's move on to listener questions. So this is a story, not a question. And we can comment. This girl wrote in I was hooking up with this guy for about two months and he took me on vacation one of the nights we went out to eat at a restaurant. Everything was amazing. Rainbows, butterflies. We started walking back to the hotel room. I felt the biggest urge to take a dump, she says.


I felt the biggest urge to dig a dump in my whole life. And I was trying so hard to stay calm.


He's talking about like cracking jokes, making small talk. I look like an owl trying to find a bathroom. We are getting closer and closer to the hotel room, and I just knew I had to say something to save face.


So I literally tell him, hey, can you stay and sit here for a bit? I have a surprise for you and I will tell you when you come in. He literally sat there like a good boy while I sprinted to the room. This is what I'm trying to emphasize. I sprinted to the room to do my business, took a mini shower and put some sexy lingerie on, which was a surprise, then invited him back in.


I literally turn the situation around and save my dignity. All I have to say is genius.


So, yeah, I. I have never thought to do this, that was such a quick on hand moment. How many times have you had multiple share and every girl listening has had that moment?


Yeah, like, how am I supposed to poop? I mean, everybody should have popery.


Yes. But I mean, sponsor me. But yes. But pretty much we've all been in that place. So we're like, how am I going to poop in front of this guy. Right. Another thing that we should touch up on later on is that like pooping is OK and we don't need to be scared.


Yeah, we still are with, like, a sexy night on vacation.


It's a little hard to just go take a you don't want to be like, hey, baby, I'm going to go shit my pants and I want to go clog the toilet.


But I had my lunch with a plumber.


I'm going to use this advice moving forward because that's always something that gives me so much anxiety. And like, how am I supposed to get away with the poop?


Yeah. On top of that, if you don't have sexy laundry, you don't need to imagine you just got naked.


You just laying on the bed like here and you're just Burrough's naked and you say, hey, baby, come in.




He's not going to know the difference of whatever. No, you fuck you and you're good to go down. What a fucking genius. OK, moving on. Next question.


My husband and I have been working remotely and quarantine together for the entire time of Corona. He asked me for a space because we had been arguing. So I stayed somewhere else for five days.


When I came back, he asked me to move out and is already seeing another girl. She, of course, is younger and hotter. I moved out a week later and he told me that he had already filed divorce papers. He told me that if I wanted any kind of relationship with him, that I should sign the papers saying that we both keep our own assets and nothing else. He gets to stay in our home with our pets. I moved across the country for this guy.


And he completely disposed of me overnight. I'm a resilient girl, but what the hell do you suggest I do?


First thing I want to say is fuck him. He's trying to threaten you with if you want to be in my life and have a relationship with, you know, he is divorcing you. He has moved on. There's no relationship. He's trying to use that as a way to get you to sign the paper. He's holding it over her head like you're not signing the paper. No, I'm a very type of person where it's just like what mine is mine and what's yours is mine.


And if what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine, I.


What do you mean by that? I think that if you ask if personally, if I even put a penny, a dollar into the mortgage, that is no longer your house.


That is our house. Yeah. And in a in when a divorce happens, OK, you sell the house, you split the profit. Yeah. This guy is trying to brainwash you into thinking that like, oh, I'm going to save your life if you do this. No, fuck him. Yo, go get a lawyer lawyer up, get half of that house and you better get the dogs as well.


Yeah. OK, next question. I've been talking to a guy and whenever we are together, it's amazing. But he's going on trips with his family and friends and when he's on the trip, he does not talk to me at all. No text, Snapchat, anything. Do you think this is a red flag? I don't want to be the girl who he hits up whenever he's in town. What do I do? Is that a red flag?


I've had this happen to me before. Love this. I had this guy that we would text and he was around and we would hook up and I felt like everything was great. But then he would go on a trip or like he'd be with his family and then disappear and would disappear. Looking back.


No, no, he doesn't like you. Yeah, I'm sorry. That's harsh, but he doesn't fucking like you. It sounds so harsh, but when he has shit going on, you're not a part of the picture. Have you met his family? Have you met his friends? Probably not. One hundred percent agree.


I think he can keep it a thought if he ignores you in any capacity. He's just not that into you. A man who likes a woman will make it known in any way, shape or form that he needs to, you know, when he likes you. If you're questioning. He doesn't. He does not. Yeah.


And I've learned that the hard way.


And you have to like we're at a point where I'm turning twenty nine soon and I fucking know if a guy likes me, we try to make excuses, they just fucking like us and moved on and that is it.


And don't feel bad about it. I don't feel secure like not every guy is going to fucking like you, but then you're going to be one guy and he's going to fall in love. Yeah.


Bottom line. All right. I think that that is enough for today. For tonight. Thank you so much for listening, Thabit.


Thank you for coming on. I have a feeling you're going to be coming on again.


Oh, you're welcome. Because I'm pretty sure I just laid it all out there and I'll get to see a penny of it. So you fucking owe me.


I'm greedy as fuck. Have you not heard the news? I want free merch for the rest of my life.


I can absolutely hook that up. It's got and there you can take advantage.


OK, guys. Fabia, love you. Follow us on our Sociales. Mine is Sophea Franklyn's. If you have an F Franklyn with a Y, you have a lot of fun on there.


I get drunk and will post stories and Fabia Fabien's baby follow us on our Sociales comment and DMAs. How you felt about the episode. Yeah. And you know what? The most important thing I'm going to say is? Go vote yes. Go vote. Voting is such an amazing right that we have. So why would you not use it? Yeah. Like do a little research. Don't go in there blind. Figure out what's important to you, but just go vote.


Yup. I completely agree with that. I love you guys so much. I will talk to you next Thursday and then the next Thursday and then the next Thursday until we're nine years old. And that's that. I love you guys. Bye bye.