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Hi, everybody. Good morning. Good evening. Good afternoon. Good night. Welcome to Sophia with Enough. This advertiser is someone I have never worked with before, but I am beyond excited to talk about them because I watch Forensic Files more than I would like to admit. Or maybe it's just because I'm a goddamn woman and I've had my fair share of experiences walking alone at night while simultaneously having a heart attack, thinking that someone is just around the corner ready to end my life or rob me or all of the above or anything I didn't mention.


I want to introduce to you guys Oxhorn tazers.


You heard that correctly. Tazers. This is a true story. I used to carry around pepper spray with me wherever I would go. It was this pink bulky thing that I would carry on my keychain and it would almost add to my fucking anxiety because I would think to myself, what if I can't spray it in this attacker's eyes or what if I can't get it in this bitch's mouth or whatever the fuck it is? Oxhorn Tasers. These Tasers are non-lethal.


They have a self-protection device line. They are small and lightweight enough to carry with you in your purse or in your glove compartment or wherever the fuck you want to carry it. Living in New York and especially during covid, when the streets are empty or literally anywhere in the world, I'm not allowed to carry a gun.


Can you imagine that's not happening. Oxhorn Tasers. They use an electrical charge to immobilize Tackers for up to thirty seconds, allowing you time to escape and they send emergency dispatch to your GPS location.


Holy shit, I'm about to give these to all of my girlfriends for Christmas. I'm not kidding. The Taser devices come loaded with features like laser assisted targeting and emergency dispatch, which will send response teams to your GPS location upon firing. I mean, fucking fuck with me, you little attackers out there.


I personally would just feel so much safer with this thing.


And quick fact, more than two hundred and thirty seven thousand lives have been saved with the Taser network of devices, apps and personnel.


OK, and as a self-proclaimed hippy, all about self love, peace, happiness. I don't like to promote violence, but if someone tries to hurt you or attack you or do anything to you, try and tell me. It wouldn't be a little satisfactory to see this bitch electrocuted for thirty seconds.


So protect yourself, protect your family. Fucking fuck with a bitch if they come for you, Taser is available without a permit in most ustedes get the taser poles plus or taser strike like Taser dotcom with promo code. Sophea save 15 percent now at Taser Dotcom promo code. Sophea Sophi a it spelled taser t a s e r not with a Z. Damn they feel me restrictions apply see site for details.


Hi, everybody, welcome to Sophia with Enough. My name is Sophia Franklin, and I am so happy to have you guys here. I have to quickly list off a couple things before we actually get into the episode, which are please, if you could read and subscribe to my show, grab your grandmother's android when she's not looking and subscribe. It's not going to hurt her. It's not going to hurt you.


It will only help me and leave me five stars and write a review and make me look good.


Selfish. Selfish. Yeah. Not sure if you guys were aware for any new listeners. I was involved in a very public drama and I have some people leaving me one star reviews just based on their hate for me as a human being and not the show. And I just have a lot of people after me, so make it sound like I'm fucking wanted from Interpol.


It's not that serious. I actually do have a little treat for you guys.


This is something new.


If you use Code Sophia of podcast, you will get twenty percent off all of my merchandise. It's for early access and it's starting now until Thursday at eleven fifty nine p.m. Pacific Standard Time.


So you should do it before it sells out.


And if you want, you can also follow me on my Instagram because it's been a fire lately and my Twitter and my Snapchat. Sophia Franklyn's if you the enough Frankenmuth.


Why anyways I have officially moved out of my mom's closet. I upgraded to an actual recording studio.


I have an audio engineer and there's like forty Grammys on the wall and it's just some high end shit. I'm kidding.


I am in a room downstairs in the basement of my mother's house, but it is a step up and the audio should sound great. There is no fucking furniture so I'm still sitting on the floor. I did bring a ring to make it a little bit more professional and lit candles to make it feel a little less lonely. And I don't know if you guys have ever tried chilled red wine before, but I highly recommend it.


That's really what the well, I thought is a connoisseur's.


Oh, my God, Somalia's. That's what they will recommend. That's a joke.


My impression, my 17 year old brother put my red wine in the fridge.


OK, as you can probably tell, I will be doing this episode completely solo.


I feel like I've had someone on for the majority of my episodes so far and we just need a little one on one time.


And, you know, every single person I've talked to in the industry, they told me that podcasting alone is extremely difficult.


But I'm going to give it a try. And I really think I've got this and I honestly don't even feel like I'm talking alone.


Really. I feel like I'm having a conversation with you guys, which maybe that makes me crazy. I don't fucking know or care.


And speaking of solo episodes, I think that we should just quickly discuss see, I literally already talking to you guys like we're having a full blown conversation. I want to let you guys know what my plans are for the show.


The show is still growing. This will be the seventh episode. It's in the very beginning stages. And, you know, in the beginning, I wanted to keep it just super close and personal and authentic to me and so that you guys had that feel as well.


And you guys had some insight into who I am as a person in my life, whatever, etc. But I think it's time to spread my wings just a little bit.


I have some exciting plans in the next few months. That's not to say, you know, my friends are not going to come back on.


They absolutely will, although that's very bad for my physical and mental health, because when you podcast with friends, you end up partying.


And I've I'm just sick of it. So just kidding. That's completely on me.


I'm. Always the one that's like, do you want to be a little liquored up to feel more comfortable? It's all on me and they will absolutely be coming back on. And I have other friends you guys haven't met, but you guys get the idea.


So let's get into the episode. A couple things. Real Housewives of Salt Lake City debuted. I don't know if you guys are familiar with Real Housewives. If you live on planet Earth, you probably should be. And you do know Roni Rhône, Real Housewives of New York. That show is probably my favorite show on television. Reality wise.


Real Housewives of Salt Lake City just debuted. And maybe I should have mentioned this. I'm currently in Salt Lake City living here. I was born and raised here. So that's kind of exciting for me. And some of you might be wondering why the fuck would they do a Real Housewives franchise based out of Salt Lake City, Utah? Couldn't tell you.


Couldn't. Thank you. Tell Telia. I'm getting Utah is it's a hot spot, it's growing, it's becoming a thing, and I watched the first episode. I absolutely loved it.


I I'm thinking, well, there was this one scene where, fuck, I can't even remember her name.


Oh, my God, I will look it up.


But she her husband is the football coach at the University of Utah. She said she is three quarters Hawaiian, I believe, and a quarter Chinese. I could be messing that up, but it was something along those lines, she said living in Utah, she is a black woman.


She said.


That is the role that I've had to take on living here, because pretty much and these are not her words, these are mine, because I can relate to some degree pretty much if you are just not a fully blown white Caucasian person.


They people in Eutaw perplexed, they think to themselves, what the fuck are you? I personally completely white passing. I am white. I mean, my parents are both, you know, fresh off the boat. Is that not politically correct to say?


I do my best, but that is essentially what they are, OK? My mom was born and raised in Argentina. My dad is born and was born in Spain, yadda, yadda, yadda.


I was considered Spanish as fuck in high school. Growing up in Utah, like very, very Spanish, which if I go somewhere else, like when I was living in New York, I'm a white bitch.


That's a whole conversation for a whole nother episode. But I really loved the episode.


And I don't know how much you guys like Real Housewives, but if you love it and want me to talk about it, that's something I could do.


So let me know, please, I mentioned something last episode. And it's a trigger word, it's Sudani, and I am not poking fun at tsunamis, I am poking fun at myself because I didn't understand the impact and destructive nature of a tsunami. I was an ignorant ass ho, OK? I watched this movie. I told all of you guys to go watch it. I received hundreds, if not thousands of DM's from people saying that movie fucked me up soon.


Armis are my worst fear, which I can relate to because now I have a severe paranoia of tsunamis and I am in Salt Lake City, Utah.


It's just a really crazy thing and I hope this makes sense. I am going to post in article the second this episode drops about a man that survived a tsunami. OK, he was in the Indian Ocean. Twenty four, I believe, tsunami some how I was able to survive. Literally everyone he knew died. He talks about the experience. He talks about the sound that is tsunami makes.


Oh, my God. I'm like getting the chills.


I just want to fucking read it. But it's too much. I'm going to post the article and you guys will have a blast. And when I say blast, I mean a blast of anxiety, traumatic feelings, stress and despair, which sometimes, you know, we are a little bit masochistic and we like to do those things.


So moving on, mental health update, I want to do an update every single week of what's going on and of my mental health. I want to go ahead and say I'm at. A seven, I guess seven out of 10. Which actually is pretty good. And why am I picking a seven?


Hmm, OK, well, there's like a list of things, but for starters, I swear to God, when the pandemic started, initially, I was all for it.


Why do I say things that can sound so fucking rude and insensitive, I, I don't mean I'm all for the pandemic.


I think it's serious. I think it's scary. I think it's horrible. What I meant is I was prepared. I felt ready. I was doing my little routine. I was working out from home and using the little resistance band thingy around my ankles or knees or whatever. I was practicing self care. I was meditating. I was going for walks. I was doing all of the things. And I was really enjoying the quality time I could spend with my family living in a house with them.


Now, now I'm about to fucking murder Charles Manson, everyone will be dead up in this bitch Gypsy Rose, taking out her mom.


I apologize. What I need to say is I'm I'm I'm struggling with it right now.


And it's funny because in the beginning it was good. And I feel as if the time has progressed. I have gotten way worse. I have kind of gone off the rails, to be completely honest. I was talking to my friend on the phone the other day and they said that they had in like the opposite experience.


They said they started feeling so much anxiety and all of the other things that come along with it. And then over time, they were able to acclimate and find their routine, etc..


I'm not that bitch. Is it just me or have all of your bad habits amplified and just come to the forefront?


Because I am drinking more than I usually would. I am not fucking exercising anymore. I am I have no energy. I just I don't even know how to explain it. It's just I'm not I'm like, regressing into how I was when I was in high school.


And maybe it's just because I'm living literally back in my childhood home with my mother.


And the lady has eyes like a hawk and watches my every move and tends to be a little judgmental here and there.


Mom. Just kidding, I love you, Mom. This reminds me. I'm living with my 17 year old brother and my mom, and she sat us both down because she was pissed about something we did. I don't even remember.


I think my brother threw a party. I God knows what I did. I'm not sure.


And she made a comment towards the end of the conversation where she said, I really don't know which one of you is worse.


OK, my brother, 17, I'm a 20 year old woman with a business and with a brand and a career and 20 years of life.


And she said she didn't know if I was worse or my brother. So that's pretty much where I'm at. You know that that's it, I really don't have that much more to say about it. I think when you are stuck in close quarters with the people you love dearly, you eventually start to go crazy regardless of who you're living with. It's it is what it is. And. Happy holidays, can't wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Oh, my God, I sound so pessimistic, I love the holidays, by the way, I am that bitch.


I really am.


O. I want to talk about horoscopes.


And I know that sounds very random coming from me, considering I don't know anything about it, really, I'm not an astrologist, I'm not an astrologist, I am not a guru at all.


I do know some things. And what happened is I posted a bunch of slides about horoscopes on my Sophea podcast page on Instagram.


You guys should go follow it. Sophea of podcasts.


And I got a lot, a lot, a lot of positive feedback and people asking me to discuss horoscopes.


I know I'm a cancer. The inside just never stops. Sorry, guys, I'm pulling up my co-star chart.


Did you do OK? OK, I mean, cancer, I am on the cusp of being a LEO. My moon is in Aries and my ascendent is in Scorpio. I would honestly say I do fully believe in astrology. I really do.


I know people poke fun, but. Try and tell me Aquarius is aren't crazy as fuck. I love you guys, I really do, but every Aquarius I know, they're fucking nuts in the best way, but y'all are a little bit crazy cancers, which is what I am.


I would absolutely say. I am a moody, emotional bitch. I go through 50 emotions a day. I'm just neurotic by nature. And I think that just goes so well together.


It really goes hand in hand.


Doesn't it kind of feel like everyone is a cancer or Leo though? Or is that me just being super self-indulgent? I don't know, I just feel like I always am meeting cancer or in Leo.


I don't know. That was a tangent. I also know that Scorpios are better in bed. I have absolutely heard that one, I heard that they just hold sex to a higher regard.


And that was articulated to me in a way that I really don't even want to revisit, but I guess we can quickly, I found that out by one of my boyfriends telling me about the best sex he's ever had in his past hookups, relationships, saying it's always been with the Scorpio. He names like two or three girls. And that really fucked me up. I was like, how can I be a Scorpio? How can I do it? Is there anything I can do?


That was my aspiration. For a month after that conversation, I logit was like, do I need to fuckin do some Photoshop on my birth certificate?


Actually, you know what? My ascendent is Scorpio is not my rising sign. So we're kind of in the same playing fields. Right, I think, oh, my God, this is your ascendent is the mask you present to people.


Oh. It's your mask. OK, so I'm literally like a try hard fucking Scorpio. Oh, my God, wow. OK, well, guess what, cancers are very good in bed as well. And I said I believed in this shit, but I completely changed my mind and I don't. So we'll never be talking about horoscopes again. I'm kidding, so, yeah, that combo fucked me up, I would like to clarify, he didn't tell me those things willingly.


It was definitely one of those conversations where I interrogated him for probably close to three hours on a road trip, asking him, what kind of girls have you dated?


What's like the best sex you've ever had and how was it and why was it good?


And what's her name and what's her address and like playing the whole game, which I personally find super, super fun, even though it hurts my feelings. I don't know why guys don't find it fun. You guys need to lighten up, you have a fun bone in your body, but he very hesitantly said Scorpios are good and bad. Which I'm thinking about a particular girl that he dated. Yeah, let's just get into this story, uh, if you weren't listening before, now is the time for your ears to perk up, because I'm about to talk about my stalker slash one of my boyfriends, stalkers, ex-boyfriend.


It took, I think, over a year for us to finally find out who it was. I can assure you, for that for the duration of that year or year and a half, it drove me fucking crazy. And I try to do all of my FBI shit. And I did find some stuff, but I could never confirm it until. Yeah, like a year into it.


This girl was absolutely insane. She really, really was, and trust me, I don't like when dudes call girls crazy because they do it all the time.


I am here telling you this bitch was fucking crazy.


She would message from random phone numbers. She would send text messages from her own phone number. She would text both of us.


At one point she sent my mugshot to his dad's email and it was obviously like from a random email and she said, Hi, Mr. So and so.


I don't know if you're aware of the type of relationship your son is getting into, but I think that you should absolutely be aware of this. And it was a picture mug shot.


And I was like. Yo, bitch, that shit is on t shirt. Notches on a hoodie, that mug shot of mine is for sale, so you're a little bit late to the game.


I can deal with it to a certain degree, but when you are, you know, over a year into someone harassing you and just trying to fuck with your relationship and bashing you, it really, really, really starts to get on your nerves.


Let me tell you, and I kind of like want to pull up. I have a folder of about 40 to 50 messages she sent. And some of them were so bizarre and creepy, it sounded as if she was a prophet of some kind.


And I do have messages from her.


And I look, you want to pull one up and I've talked to my therapist about this and she said, Sophia, under no circumstances should you bring this up on your episode because stalkers are planners and it's going to rile her up and it might make her do something crazy.


But what do I have to lose? Oh, my God. This one.


She is referring to me, all the people that you have introduced her to have checked her out, please don't make yourself more of a laughing stock in this town than you already have. People are concerned and embarrassed for you, given who she is. The least she can do is be faithful to you. But she parades her various conquests around because she has she has zero moral compass.


I suggest that you listen to her problematic podcast to know what character you are associating with, something you should have done from the very beginning.


See, these are the things where I'm like home girl. Do you not think that, like, a guy does some type of research, like he's going to know what my fucking career is?


Shallow, sweet demeanor and words are meaningless when the objective is impure. It's not exaggerated entertainment. She's too idiotic to have more than one layer.


And there's a reason why she does what she does. I hope you're better than this and was a vulnerable victim. The truth hurts, but it will set you free.


I'm sorry, feel like you have to fucking love. Oh, my God, there's so many guys that are so crazy. Oh my God, I just came across one. Oh, my God, she was trying to text as if she was a guy, she sends this to my boyfriend.


And I remember because I'm laying in bed with him the next day, or when he got the text message, this is what it says, Yo bro, your girl told me to hit you up to tell you that I fucked her in the ass and she sucked my dick real good last night. Not sure why she wanted me to text it to you, but this shit is funny as hell. I think she was wasted out of her mind. She was.


She was a good pump and dump, one nighter, crying, laughing face, I shouldn't be laughing because it's so derogatory, but it's just like I'm laying in bed with him, like, why are these bitches so crazy? And that is actually a really good question, because usually when you date a man and he has a bunch of exes that are batshit insane, you think to yourself, all right, well, what's the common denominator? It's this guy I have to speak from the bottom of my heart and be completely truthful.


I obviously knew him. I dated him for years. I knew who he was as a person. And I legitimately just think that these girls were crazy.


I really, really do.


And I'm not trying to sound naive, but that's just what it is.


Or they were just in love with him or they fucking hated me. Whatever it is, I wish I could tell you, but I personally cannot relate to those things. I am a self-proclaimed psychopath.


I would never be a stalker like this to go after an ex-boyfriend, especially if he's in a new relationship and just tried to completely sabotage it. That doesn't make sense to me. That does not resonate with me in any way, shape or form.


This second, I know a dude has moved on or doesn't like me. I am out. I'm out the door.


I'm not going to sit here and try to convince him A and B, I'm not going to try to convince him by exposing his new girlfriend like it. It really just doesn't make sense.


And I also would like to mention that these women were not in serious relationships with him, they were women that he had flings with. Which goes to show what an actual fuck boy he was, though he probably had, you know, 100 girls in that time frame of however many years you're going to pick up some crazy stalker bitches at that point, a man's gotta love it.


Let's move on, guys. Glad I was able to get that off my chest. I have all the fucking receipts from all the text messages. So you guys just let me know.


Let's talk about sex, baby. Do I have a really good voice right now, because usually I don't. Hello, fresh, hello, hello, hello, fresh, my hello Fresh showed up the other day and there has been a little friction in the house. You know, during quarantine you're stuck with your brother or your mom or your dad or your grandma or your boyfriend or your aunt or your second cousin twice removed. Whatever it is, you are all living in the same household and tensions can rise to put it lightly.


Hello, Fresh showed up. My mom and I were so excited because the meals looked so amazing and we had this little bonding moment where we cooked. We did these steak tacos that were incredible. It had this sour cream like a Saroja sour cream. I don't remember exactly, but whatever it was, it was delicious. And we had the best time cooking together and bonding and and it was genuinely a really good time. Hello. Fresh is like fucking therapy.


One of my favorite things about Hello Fresh is that it's so easy you can enjoy cooking and get dinner on the table in about 30 minutes.


I've been there when I'm like, Mom, let's try this super fancy scallop dish with, you know, sprinkles of. You can tell that I don't cook, and this is why I need hello fresh regardless when you're trying to cook some shit. Sometimes it's difficult. The recipe says it will be 40 minutes and ends up being three hours. Hello. Fresh makes it so simple. And not only that, you save 40 percent when you use hello fresh versus shopping at a grocery store.


Let that sink in.


Plus, they have a bunch of different types of meal plans you can pick from 20 minute meals, low calorie vegetarian kid approved recipes, family size just for two people. You can customize it however you want. So guys, go to hello fresh dotcom slash nine zero Sophea and use code ninety Sophia Sophia to get ninety dollars off including free shipping. Hello fresh dotcom slash 90 Sophea to get free shipping and to get ninety dollars off. That's it. That's all you need to know and that's all you need to do.


Trust me it's worth it.


Post means not sure if you guys have heard of them, they're kind of a big deal. I absolutely love them. I use them to order all of my takeout food.


Guys, if you are like me and you are dealing with covid, which would apply to fucking everyone in the world, you are spending way more time at home and you are probably ordering takeout from time to time. Post maids is the way to do it. Because you know what? You can get your food delivered to your home without leaving the house, without opening the door, without saying hello to anyone, without having to see anyone, without having to put pants on, which I mentioned before.


I would keep Litoral pants by the door and I call them door pants. And I just had them there in case I needed to engage with someone dropping off my food. No longer do we need to deal with that. No contact delivery's. It's safer that way for covid and it's safer that way for your mental health, because if you're like me and you're a psycho, you get anxiety. Just saying hello to your fucking post means delivery person, which I love you all.


That's my own thing and my own burden to bear. But I absolutely love this. They will leave your food on your doorstep. And the thing is, it's not just food. You can get something delivered from 7-Eleven, from Walgreens. Sometimes you need jumbo tampons dropped off at your front door. Sometimes you need condoms dropped off. Sometimes you need candy. Sometimes you need whatever the fuck you need. It can be dropped off because sometimes you just don't want to leave the house, especially if you're about to have sex.


And that's going to ruin the mood. Babe, hold on two seconds. We should have safe sex. I'm in a huff post means drop off some condoms for us. Boom. Done.


Here's the best part about it for a limited time post means is giving my listeners five dollars off your first five orders in your first seven days. OK, that's five dollars on five deliveries if you download the app and use code.


So feel one hundred No. One zero zero. That's code Sufia.


One hundred for five dollars off anything you need anytime you need a post.


Postmedia. OK, sex and a little bit of dating we're sprinkling in dating here, let's discuss I have been compiling a list of things that I have learned. Over the last few years of my life in my old age and I spoke to various people about this, men, women, I've gathered things for my own personal experience.


And there are just a couple sex tips that I want to discuss. Don't have sex in your bed, in your bedroom if you are spending every night together, even if you're not.


But you guys, every single time you fuck, it's in his bed or in your bed in either one of your bedrooms after a while. I'm not saying that the sex gets boring. There's plenty of things you can do within that room to spice it up. But if you and I'm talking to you ladies specifically, if you were to take a guy's hand and said, baby, follow me and you lead a guy into literally any other fucking room than the bedroom, he is going to get hard and it is going to ramp up the sex fun.


That was a horrible way to describe it. But you guys get what I'm saying.


And it doesn't matter where you take him, you take him.


I mean, the obvious ones, bathroom counter, kitchen counter, the couch. The couch is so fun, so underrated.


But you could take this man into a fucking broom closet and he would not give a shit. It's the fact that it's just something different and you're going to have to angle your bodies differently. And it's just a new experience.


And it's as simple as moving out of your bedroom, walking out your front door. Walking out your front door? Yes, guys, it's as simple as doing it in your front yard, there is nothing more exciting, an adrenaline rush as your neighbor is watching you guys understand what I'm saying.


But I personally think that that's a great one.


Moving on.


This one is very personal to me. This one hit home, it's something I've never really thought about until recently, and I'm a little bit embarrassed to say it was kind of a recent observation, but. Be specific about your moaning, I'm talking about the frequency, not the way you sound, not how loud you're being, not the shit you're saying, it's literally just how frequent you are moaning or groaning or making sounds to let him know that what he's doing feels good.


They need to be spread out, and I know this sounds like I'm telling you to be performative in bed, it's actually the opposite.


It really is the complete opposite. When I was younger, I really, really thought I needed to let the guy know that he was fucking me good the entire time.


Not literally. There was not one second my mouth was shut when I was 19 or in my early 20s, whatever. The entire time I was having sex, I remember thinking to myself, OK, now make this noise. Now say this now do this like did it like in order to impress him and make it like the best sex he's ever had, you just need to be that bitch.


That's like letting him know the whole time. I mean I'd be having sex for 30 minutes and the whole time. Oh. Oh my God. Yes, yes. Oh my God. Like and it was exhausting. It really was.


So this is the thing. Shut your fucking mouth. I'm just kidding.


When you only make sounds to let him know that what he's doing actually feels good, your sex is going to become so much better for multiple reasons, really for multiple reasons.


A. It's hotter that way. It really is. It shows that you're being genuine because you are for you and for him. B, you can actually be in the moment and you're not putting on some show.


See, he will actually know what you like in bed because you're not just screaming, baby, this feels so good the entire time, you are literally teaching him what you like in the bedroom by the sounds and reactions you give him. So that's C and D. I actually think that D is maybe the most interesting, it makes the sex more exciting for him because he is ultimately trying to make you feel good.


He is trying to make you come and he wants to work for it. I promise you, it is a it is a challenge for men and it's their ego. And if they feel like they didn't have to work for it at all, it's just not the same shit. And obviously, they're like some selfish dudes out there that don't give a fuck.


I have been fortunate enough to have not encountered those people. I'm not even lying. I really don't think I've ever met a dude that didn't care about my pleasure. I know that they're out there, but that's pretty much it for that one. And you know what? If you are one of those women that the entire time you have sex, it feels so good and you want to make it known without one second of silence, then by all means live your truth.


I just know that a lot of girls think that they need to be having one ongoing, never ending orgasm for 30 minutes. And it's just not the case.


There is something sexy about silence.


I mean, not fucking silence. I mean, not you guys understand. I'm saying is something sexy when you can just hear breathing and. Your ass clapping. Paul, he's fucking you. It's just something really romantic, I don't know how to explain it. All right.


It's actually kind of crazy, though, because out of all of these sex tips, the funniest thing is you can tell if a person is going to be good in the sack before fucking them, before a lot of things, before even a FaceTime call, you can kind of tell right away.


It's like everyone has this checklist, right?


You have these boxes that you want to check off and it like builds anticipation to have sex with someone.


It's a vetting process. It is a vetting process, and the vetting process is unique and obviously case by case based off of what you find attractive or sexually stimulating. There are some girls who love guys with muscle cars.


That would not be me, that's a box that they need checked in order to be with a guy. I'm not shaming Hot Wheels, Dick, I'm sorry. It's just funny to think of a world where a Mustang is what makes a girl's pussy tingle.


But everyone has a different vetting process, whether it's to fuck or to date. For me personally, I just need a hedge fund manager. I don't know how many times I need to say. Bad joke, I it's just it's an old joke, but I will it's an ongoing joke that I will never, ever give up on.


My vetting process, I think that if I just want to fuck the bar pretty low, pretty fucking low, I'll be honest with you.


I think I care way more about the way they look if it's just a hook up.


Actually, I'm completely lying. That's a lie. I think that looks to me now at 28 years old, not as important. No. Where near as important as when I was younger. I think it's about personality.


Oh, my God. Clichs, bitch. It's true. A dude's personality makes him attractive. And I don't want to say bank account, but he he's got to have some ambition.


He's got to have some direction, some stability, something, and if he's just a fucking good guy or not.


Really, and this is for sex and dating, if I go on a date and he's rude to the waitstaff, fuck no. If he makes a joke and he calls me like, OK, like, OK, hello.


You're such a little hoe. I will laugh in the moment and I might still fuck him, but I automatically in my brain I'm like, hey, that's not someone I'm dating. Oh my God. Was that even interesting? I don't know, I think the vetting process for dudes completely different. I think they're much more visual. I will say for me, I kind of do a similar vetting process for guys I want to fuck and guys I want to date.


I think men can categorically, really put them in two separate boxes and that for a girl who wants to fuck, that's box one and then they will that for a slew that they might actually want to date. And that's box, too.


I think men compartmentalize like that a lot more than women, by the way, bitch or Sloot specifically is a great word.


It's a play on the word slut. I'm fucking Shakespeare. I'm a thespian. It's not derogatory. I think being a slut is great and I think calling it SLU is even better. So that's all I'm going to say about that one. I'm about to get into an ad, but before I do, I need to tell a little story because they just so happen to seamlessly, magically come together in a perfect way.


I had this experience with a man and we were making out and I was straddling him on the couch and he literally stopped in the middle of it and asked me if I had been to a steak dinner or if I was at a barbecue. Everyone is listening, like, what the fuck are you talking about?


He asked me that question and I said, what the fuck are you talking about?


And he said that my hair smelled as if I was fucking flipping steaks over the grill.


I wanted to die. I got very embarrassed because I know exactly what that smell was.


It was me using a curling iron and frying my fucking head off to look good for him, which we can talk about that in another fucking episode. But the point is that shit is embarrassing and function of beauty. That is the point. Function of beauty. They are known for their shampoo and conditioners.


I get the peach scent and it has been a genuine lifesaver. You can customize the shampoo and the conditioner to any fucking hair need that you have literally anything you want to help grow your hair, make it stronger. You have blonde hair, you want to protect it from damage, you have downdraft, whatever it is. Function of beauty has got you covered. How it works is you take a quick quiz and you tell them about your hair.


You tell them about the color and fragrance that you prefer, and then they put that shit together and they deliver your personalized formula right to your door.


It is the cutest thing I've ever seen. This is a perfect gift with Christmas coming up and it comes with pumps, stickers, gifts, even a detailed instructions card describing your hair care regimen.


It really is the cutest thing ever. It really, truly is. So what are you waiting for? It is time to go to a function of beauty dot com slash Sofia to take your quiz and save 20 percent on your first haircare order. That is, go to function and beauty dot com slash Sofia Sofia and let them know you heard about it for me and get 20 percent off function in beauty. Dot com slash Sofia. It's time to move on to my favorite segment, questions, advice and stories, which, by the way, please be submitting these to Sophia Franklin Dotcom.


You guys are fucking crazy, you people, you people, you bitches are funnier than me, and I don't like it, it makes me feel uncomfortable.


You're coming for my job, but legitimately, you guys are amazing. These stories you write in, even the questions, it's a great time. We are official. So first and foremost, you guys wrote on the podcast Instagram page, which you should go follow if you're not Sufia of podcast, all of the crazy things that you have done at work.


And I just need to say, holy shit, holy fuck, shit, I was dying, so I need to read a few. And, you know, the thing is, is no one is immune to being a degenerate on the job.


I had doctors writing in attorneys, any career you can think of. Everyone has written a story.


And it was kind of amazing to see flight attendants, flight attendants, the amount of flight attendants that wrote in telling me the crazy shit that they have done while in flight. Oh, my God. So let me just read a few. And this really should just be a reoccurring segment because I couldn't get through all of them and it took me an hour to narrow down my favorites.


So but here we go.


OK, so let me just start with the top rated comment from the podcast Instagram page. This girl wrote, I am a bartender, and one time we were serving frozen strawberry margaritas to children all day on accident, the frozen drink machines got switched up. It's so messed up, but like, oh, my God.


OK, next one, when I was 16, my friend and I worked at Quiznos and we decided to try acid for the first time right before closing. It hit us earlier than we thought. And we had to call our other friend who didn't even work there to come in and help us count the cash and closed the till.


These are so fucking funny.


OK, this guy wrote in, I was like insane, he said, got married, separated after two weeks, met a stripper at strip club day two of separation.


I thought she liked me, sweetie. They never fucking like you, he said.


So I let her drive a brand new car from the auto dealer I worked at Stripper Ghosts me. She disappears with the car that I loaned her. I spent the next 40 hours hunting down this car in Baltimore only to find it with chapstick melted into the carpet, which gave it a stripper scent. Didn't get fired, though. Life goes on.


Why would you loan a stripper your car or anyone for that matter, really? Like, hi, this is also coming from the girl who sold cocaine out of her coffee shop drive thru window. OK, next question, how to avoid a hangover? Hmm? I mean, every fucking day for the last 15 years, I've asked myself the same question.


Literally, nothing helps as much as making sure you are hydrated before you're drinking, during and after.


You need to be chugging water.


If you know you, you are going to a party. I want you with one of those fucking gallon water tanks, whatever the fuck they are in the gas station chugging that down. That's the most important thing. I mean, aside from, you know, not taking 10 shots of what what the fuck was that vodka called Popoff?


Oh, my God, I remember that shit, um. If you don't do those things, if you wake up the next day and you find yourself. Hung over as fuck. I do actually have a few things that you can do. One of them is really not OK for me to recommend on a podcast, but it would be take a Xanax of sorts or Klonopin if you can, and sleep it off.


But I do not condone that. I'm just saying, like, if you have the prescription, do it.


Hmm. And aside from that, this is what you can do.


Pedialyte, Pedialyte is amazing because it just helps hydrate you.


I've been so hungover before where I can't keep water down and it's just hard for me to even drink water.


Sometimes you feel nauseous and oh my God, these are my favorite things. And I've been telling my friends all about them. This is not even an ad.


What are they called? Oh, I think I wanted my purse.


Oh, my God. Tums chewy bites their antacid. They just help with your stomach feeling like a sour stomach or like your stomach is churning. These have been a complete lifesaver.


Rest, water, food.


A lot of people say get a huge greasy meal in the morning.


I totally disagree. The next day I only want fruit or salad or sushi.


Don't ask me why. Probably because I'm dehydrated. I don't fucking know. Those are my tips.


I know people that smoke weed criminals. I've heard smoking weed helps. That's just not really my drug of choice, but that's what I've heard.


I think those are those are some pretty good things you can do. I also know for some reason I get horny when I'm hungover and I don't know why.


So have sex and rest and drink water. Am I right? OK. Let's do a more serious question, and this will be our last question. So a few months ago, I lost both of my parents in a tragic accident. Holy shit. My boyfriend and I had a great sex life before, but he's so scared to initiate anything at night right now because he knows that's the hardest time of day for me because of the PTSD and anxiety. Do you have any suggestions on how to bring back the crazy sex we used to have?


Love you and I'm always supporting you.


Oh, my God. OK, well, that should just mean emotional for multiple reasons. I am not a sex therapist. I'm not a counselor. I'm not a psychologist. So first and foremost, take my advice with a grain of salt. I actually would totally recommend talking to a professional about what happened. As far as the sex goes with your boyfriend. I think it's OK. To not have sex right now, if you are not feeling it or if he is even feeling timid about it and doesn't feel like it's right, there is this underlying pressure that so many couples feel to be having sex all the time.


You don't need to. You really don't.


If you want to take a few months without doing it, don't feel bad about it. You really don't need to feel bad about it. This is supposed to be your partner and your best friend at the end of the day. With that said. If you do want to engage in sex. I think that sex can be very emotional. I think that you absolutely should.


I think it could be healing in a sense, because there is this closeness you feel with your partner.


There is a release, literally a release when you have an orgasm that just, you know, with your serotonin levels and endorphins and whatever else and just connecting to your sexuality is just good all around.


I also do want to say, though, you may have sex and you might end up crying, you might end up upset because sex is emotional and all of these emotions are coming up and you don't really know what to expect when you go into the bedroom with this guy.


But you said he specifically is so scared to initiate anything at night, maybe try having sex in the morning.


That sounds simple, but maybe even just that will make him feel more comfortable. And, you know, I think you need it sounds to me from this message like you are ready to jump back in.


You said, do you have suggestions on how to bring back the crazy sex we used to have?


You will definitely get back to having the crazy sex. I can assure you that. And the mourning process is different for anybody.


If you feel ready to have sex, let him know. I don't want you to be timid or scared of initiating sex with me. I really don't. I can handle it. And if for some reason I can't, we will take care of it then in their bottom line. Trust me, I you know what, I have not experienced loss like that. I'm very fortunate enough in that way. I have had sex where I ended up crying for different reasons, for multiple reasons.


And sometimes it's kind of a beautiful experience, to be completely honest.


So I hope that that was good advice. I really appreciate you writing in that message.


It touched my heart genuinely and I'm thinking about you and I think that that's the end of the episode.


I have had multiple people ask me, you know, what are your listeners called? You guys are not called anything. You are human beings that are just listening to a fucking show. But if you guys want to do that, I think it can create this sense of community. And it is fun. And I mean, I personally love it. You guys tell me what you're thinking. Someone deemed me super troopers. Sloup gang SWAT team. Got it.


It's like SWAT team Sophea with an F acronym team.


I don't know you guys let me know. I love you guys so much. I will be seeing you next week for Thanksgiving. I think I'm going to have a special guest on and that's about it. You guys. There's also a merch sale, so you might want to check that out. So if it Franklin Dotcom. OK, guys, I love you so much for buying.