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Coming up, we're going to talk Hale Maries, the Jets in a Koma, James Hero Ball, and a lot more plus guest lines of Cousin Sal next. We're also brought to by the Ringer podcast Network, where we launched the McShay Show with Todd McShay. And Saturday night after College Football, he put up a brand new episode. Rosillo was a special guest, actually, but he played right off that college football schedule. It's on video. So if you love college football, be ready over the weekends for McShay, and he's doing that twice a week. Really good podcast. Please subscribe. Follow it on the Ringer YouTube channels as well. That's where you can also follow on Ringer Movies, the Rewatchables, because we have a brand new episode as the last episode of Scary Month. Listen, this one's for me. We had to do Myers. We've only done one Michael Myers movie, so we're doing Halloween 4, which was a movie that came out, was received tepidly, and then has gained a little bit of a cult status over the years, especially in Simmons house. But we're going to be doing Halloween 4. Be ready for it. It's one of the unintentionally funnier horror movies in a long time, and I can't wait to talk about it.


There you go for this podcast. Cousin Sal is coming up. We have a lot of NFL stuff to discuss. We're going to also talk about Yankees, Dodgers, and we're going to do Parent Corner, and obviously, Guess the Lines. It's all next. By the way, we did this live on YouTube, which we do every Sunday night. So you should subscribe to us on YouTube, Bill Simmons' channel, and you could just watch us do the podcast if you want. Some people like it. Some people like seeing the faces. Well, you're listening, so you're not seeing our faces, but you will be hearing the dulcet sounds of ProJet.


All right.


It's the Bill Simmons podcast, live on YouTube. Happy National Tied Ends Day, Sal.


Oh, I didn't even know until they tell me that it's National Tied Ends Day.


I mean, we just got to take it. You got to pay tribute to all these tight ends across America, high school, college, pro. Yeah, It's actually literally National Tied Ends Day today.


You hate the National Days. This was one of your rants a few weeks ago on PeriCore. I do. This has to be the worst one of all.


It is the worst. It brings up, what do we do with Aaron Hernandez? Do we thank him? Do we wish his family a National Tied Ends Day? I don't know. I'm going to start here, Sal. Teams under 500 through eight weeks.


Oh, good. Maybe he'll forget about the Cowboys that just lost. Yeah, okay.


Keep going. The Cowboys.


Under 500.


The The Bengals, the LA Rams, the Jets, the Browns, the Colts, and the Jaguars. All under 500, we are at eight weeks, which is almost a halfway point. We can't figure out the halfway point because it's 17-week season. But just a super weird season in a lot of different ways. But what's the out of those teams? Dallas, Cincinnati, Rams, Jets, Browns, Colts, Jags. Most surprising under 500 team.


I think I had six out of seven to make the playoffs. I have to pick one. My team, I have to say my team, I really thought we were going to have 11 wins this year, and now there's a path that leads into the ocean right now. I don't And I was going to come on and be like, I don't care. We lost. Whatever. I was going to do that pouty seven-year-old thing.


They sucked you in.


They sucked in with the comeback. They did. They sucked us in. They sucked me right back in. And I don't know what's going on with... I don't know our identity at all. I could not tell you. I don't think we could run the ball very good.


You told me before the year, runningbacks didn't matter.


I might have been wrong about that. Was that a bit? I might have misspoke. Yeah, let's chalk that up to a bit.


I was trying to be funny. Who's Dalvin Cook this week? Who's next week? Is Ladanian Thomas in? Is he still retired?


I'd kill for. Christian O'Koye. Who else?


Not bad. Anybody from the past?


Priest Holmes? Yeah, Sean Alexander would be good.


Sean Alexander would be fun.


We were trying to figure out if Zeke plays or any other team. If he would have been able to, forget about start, would he be a backup? But it's just a disaster. And I think Collinsworth hit it. We like to make fun of him. But Dak is not a threat to run. And when he's not a threat to run, you could play him like any other quarterback. It's not just isolated to him. There's a lot of the quarterbacks like that. Once you know, you could take that part of the game out of there. You could stifle them. But damn it.


So you think that's the problem, that Dax is not a threat to run? Definitely one of them.


He would take off three or four times. We should have been, at this one, exactly opposite of what I thought. I thought we were going to come out guns of blazing after the buy because McCarthy actually has a good record after the buy. I thought it would be ready. They would be pissed off. They have to show that Joe Montana thing at the start of every Cowboys 49ers game. Not that the players see it, but they should be... They just want to violate these guys, and it turned out to be both teams sucked. Then the Niners grinded us out. Then it was just too little, too late.


Yeah, it's like one of those teams is a round one loser and the other one is not a playoff team.




That's far. That's far with the Niners. The biggest loser of the day was Dwyane Wade, who had the worst statue of all time. Did you see it?


I did.


What did you think it looked like? I actually thought it looked like somebody who had emerged from a fire and lived. It was Jim Carrey's fireman, whatever his fireman, Ed, sketch. Can you imagine having a statue look that bad of yourself being unveiled? What would you even say? Thanks. There's never been a worst sports statue ever. It got rightfully killed today.


I don't even know. It was like, Goyam or something. Who was it? It really looks like a freaky, like some Lord of the Rings character or some shit. It's so funny.


What are they trying to do there? How many guesses would you have taken before you knew that was Dwyane Wade? Ten thousand. You were like, Hey, a famous athlete got a stature today. That would have taken me 700 guesses.


I would have guessed Sam Casselle like 500 times first, and then I still would have been wrong.


Well, so he's the most bummed out today. The second most bummed out is the bears.


What are we calling this?


The Hale, Maryland? What is this?


Oh, that's Yeah. I was trying to think of a name. I don't know. What's that number 29 who's now famous for not being in the play until the last second?


That was great. He apologized on Twitter already, which I thought was a good move and is not going to take the fact that his back was to the play. I've never seen anything like that. Did he think there was five more minutes in the time?


I'm not going to do the podcast for the first seven minutes. Is that all right? Then you tell me when you're doing the guests of lines, it'll turn.


The funny thing was he ran in and it looked like he got a hand on the... He was one of the many guys. I mean, there was five bears defending probably a yard of the field. None of them. We've had all this. We've million Hale Maries on YouTube. All this evidence of the most dangerous way this could go is if it gets tipped backwards and they have nobody in the end zone. It was the thing that happened when we were kids in 1976. They would show in the beginning or the Alcoa great finishes. They were like, Oh, man, can you believe they did that? It's 2024.


It's impossible. Well, I think his guy was supposed to be Noah Brown. I don't know. Maybe people are taking it too far, but I think he was supposed to shadow Noah Brown all the way down the field. Then by the time he turns around, he's like, Who the hell is Noah Brown? Then he's like, All right, I'll just go to this ball. And then you're right. Yeah, the one thing is, I don't know how much teams practice this. Do teams practice this on defense at all?


At all.


On offense, I could see. Then I guess there has to be a defense, but it's a second team, right?


Yeah. There should be three people who are just told, stand on the goal line. Don't budge. Just stay there. Don't let anyone go behind you. Our friend Kyle Brandt called it Noah's Ark. Pretty good. You like that because Noah caught it?




I don't know. Maybe there's no thing. It was certainly one of the best Hale Marys of all time. What's your favorite Hale Mary? Other than you can't count the Pearson, not Pearson, and Stalback.


And Stalback? I can't do it.


What's your favorite? Because my favorite is still Fluty. The fact that he threw it that far. It was still there hadn't been that many yet. He over threw basically everyone on the field. It was a famous game. I think it was a Friday. That was probably people like the Cordell One was a good one.


I think the Fluty was Friday after Thanksgiving. Is that right? Yeah, I think it was. Was that a thing? And that was his roommate. William was his roommate. So that was cool. I'll tell you what, I didn't think that... I don't know that Jaden Daniels did the best job of getting that ball there. I kept yelling him. At some point, he's got to step up in the pocket, right? You can't just hang out by the 30. I guess he did a good job creating enough time for all the receivers to get down there. But it was about three yards short. And then it was just nonsense. Sense. I can't kill him because it worked, but it was just tipped back flukishly.


Well, I think he forgot that he had broken ribs or whatever he has because I think he can throw it further than that. There was a great Billy White shoes, Johnson one. Oh, yeah. It got tipped and he caught it on the three or four yard line, and then he had to make a couple of guys miss and beat somebody. That was probably my other favorite one. But this one, when you talk about, usually this happens with like, shitty teams. This was It's a really important game. It's a potentially devastating loss for the bears because the bears are four and three now, but they're in that gauntlet of the division. It's going to take 10 wins to get the NFC anyway. Then you think about it for Washington, where they're six and two. They have the Giants left, the Saints, Tennessee. They play your team twice. Basically, Daniels would really have to get hurt for two months, I think, for them not to be a 10-win team. But the thing that I was shocked by was how good their defense was. They harassed Chicago for three and a half quarters. Swift finally broke a 55-yard breakdown, and then Caleb got a little momentum, but they got a goal-line stop on the fumble, and it felt like their defense ran out of gas.


But I continue to be impressed by Washington.


We needed Chicago to win because we have that first to four bet, right? We have the- The exact order Fando bet.


Yes, the exact order of big bet.


That was one of our big bets. That was the exact order of our big bet. Nfc North. We have Detroit, Green Bay, Chicago, Minnesota, and we would have been right there if they had won.


We were congratulating each other when there was 20 seconds left. A mistake in retrospect.


Yes. Then Washington is in my team's division. And yet I thought, that's crappy if Washington doesn't win this game. I feel like the right team won the game ultimately. But I also feel like, and remember, they flex this game. You think that's a little suspicious? They flexed the game.


A Hilbury in a flex.


They flexed it to late afternoon. It felt like a Week 18 game that the winner got the seven seed.


Like an MBC game.


Yeah. Yeah, but nobody wanted the seven seed. It was just that much. Washington was better. They had 140 more yards of offense. They had like six minutes more possession, but they couldn't put it away, and then they did.


Yeah, because I was going to ask you better win or worse loss. But I agree with you. I think the right team won the game. Washington should have put the game away. I'm not really positively why they didn't, and then it ended up working out for them anyway. But I thought they were the better team. For the bears, awful loss, you let it get away, but it really would have been them stealing that game, it felt like.


Yeah, that's a terrible way to end and everything. But you give it to the 609 pound lineman to score from the two-yard line. That was bad, too. So you could point to a few things.


They were 2-12 on third down. But I mean, two huge brain farts, giving it to the lineman, that was stupid.


I exaggerated. He might not be that heavy. If he's not that heavy, please don't worry.


Yeah, your apologies. Then the Hale Mary defense. I just don't think there's any excuse to ever give that up. I know they have to practice that at some point, but there was that... What was the one when Jacobi Myers threw it backwards? That's probably the dumbest thing any team has done this decade when the Pats lost that game against the Raiders. Against the It was a tie game. It was about to go into OT, and they're somehow throwing it back.


But anyway. There's a thing. They'll let any receiver be in front of them. You're making a wall. If you're going to let everybody be in front of them, you'd be dumb to let anybody be Behind you, right? Especially left unattended. And that's exactly what happened. I don't think they practice it. I really don't.


Yeah, you're almost better off having all 11 guys in the end zone in three levels and just doing it that way. We went this long. I didn't mean to save this for later. Where the Washington fans were with the Dan Snyder era, really from, I don't know, since they won the Super Bowl and it's been pretty rocky, and we've talked about a lot in this podcast and Washington fans like Dave Chang, Nathan Hubbard, House, obviously, have talked about it a bunch. This was an unbelievable Washington football moment. This has been such a feel-good season for them in so many different ways, with the number one reason being we don't have Dan Snyder anymore, this reviled owner. Then they get this quarterback who's amazing. He's hurt. He might not play all week. He plays. We end up with this fail Mary signature moment, and you think this is the shit that happens to teams that might have a special season. I don't think they're going to win the Super Bowl, but it's the thing that happens when you're like, Oh, man, Washington's in round two. And I'm not actually surprised because this happened and this happened and this happened.


But I would say this is probably the most grateful fan base out of the 32, right?


Well, for sure. Yeah, just a turnaround. But our friend David Chang did text us when it happened, and he either said, I want to find it. Did he say it was one of the top 10 happiest? He ever been, happiest moments he's ever had? Or sports moment?


No, he said it was the top 10 greatest moment of his life.


All right.


So 10 greatest moments of his life. He said two kids, so there's three. It's James Davis, Salvarian, Two children, so there's three. I don't know.


I don't know what the other seven are. He's had some luck at the craps table. I was going to say there has to be a craps run.


It has to be one of the six.


When Washington broke the Raven's preseason win streak of 15 games, he was pretty happy then.


I don't know. Maybe trying Bianca's Garden Pizza, whatever that summer garden pizza. That's probably number five.




Oh, Lynn Sanity is definitely up there. I know for a fact that Lynn Sanity has got to be in top 10 for Oh, really? Yeah. He loved that. Anyway, congrats to Chan. Congrats to all the Washington fans. While we're congratulating people, and not in the Baby Doll Dixon way, actual congratulations. Congratulations to the Browns fans. They're begging for a new quarterback for two months. Then Watson gets hurt. Jameis comes in, who you've been calling for Jameis, I think every week since maybe week two. He comes in, he throws for 334, three TDs, has a game-winning drive with 236 left, down one, and they end up scoring a TD, has the classic just awful Jameis pass, just an absolute train wreck of a pass that the guy drops as part of the fourth quarter comeback, Kyle Hamilton. Then they win it. Now the Browns who are... We had crossed them off last week. Maybe they're not a cross-off. We got to keep them crossed.


We said we have to keep them crossed. We agreed. But I think you're right. Since you mentioned Baby doll, I think the fans are happy, but they're also probably like, what the fuck? We've all known that this team is better without Deshaun Watson. It's like a guy who comes back. He's like, I quit smoking. I could breathe again. Baby doll. Well, we told you years ago this would happen. Why did you stop smoking throughout the Marlborough Rides in 2006, it would have been so much better. But it's all about cutting bait, just knowing when. And everyone's so stubborn about when it's done.


Well, the owner, clearly, when we discussed it many weeks ago, I was thinking it's like both you and I have been married for a while. It's like when you're arguing with your wife about something, she's like, My neck hurts. I think it's the pillow. You should get a new pillow. And then they don't. And three weeks past. Did you get a new pillow yet? No, I'm going to get one. My neck hurts. It's like, You should get a new pillow. And then eight weeks later, they get the new pillow and they're like, Oh, my God, this pillow is so much better. My neck doesn't hurt anymore. You're just like, I fucking told you eight weeks ago to get a new pillow. Right. That's good. It's basically Jameis Winston. It's like, I fucking told you. Get a new quarterback.


But from a financial perspective, let's say you had some interest financially, which the Browns do. They really want this to work out because they mortgage their future, everybody's future in the whole town, whatever. I might compare it to buying a house, and then the house has ghosts, and you're like, All right, I got to put up with these ghosts. I don't want to lose money. We made friends with the ghosts.


No, that's a bad example.


No, you got to make friends with it. No. Then you're just terrorized by this ghost for months, you and your family, before you're like, All right, forget it. I'll take the $50,000 loss.


Or you befriend the ghost. That's the good version of the story, I think. Okay. It's fine. Cleveland was 8 for 15 on third down. I think they had probably 15 first downs in the first five weeks of the season. That's fine. We can't cross them off, but we got to talk Baltimore. Their defense has allowed 21 passes of 25 plus yards eight weeks into the season. It's their eighth loss in the last two minutes where they had a lead since 2022. What was interesting about this one was, even with Jameis Winston, I felt like the Browns were going to at least get a field goal and win the game. They knew when they got the ball back up down one with two and a half minutes left, I was like, Oh, they're going down. I wasn't afraid. I know the Ravens have had some injuries. Two of their starting cornerbacks didn't play today. But I just had no doubt Unless Winston threw a terrible pass, which he did, and they dropped. But I would have been surprised if Baltimore stopped him.


But listen, he threw three bad passes. He didn't throw 15, which is what Watson did all the time. You're right. Back to the Ravens, what did we say? They had given up 84 fourth-quarter points in seven weeks, so now it's 93 in eight weeks. That's too many, Bill. That's way too many. Too many? I think it's too many. They may have enough offensive weapons to keep up and win 10 or 11 games like that, but that's going to kill them in January. Absolutely.


Well, it turns out Jameis Winston is better a quarterback than Deshaun Watson. That's one of our big lessons. Cross-off teams, so we're keeping Cleveland, I guess. Pats, Carolina, Jacksonville, Tennessee, Miami and the Jets, Giants, and we're adding New Orleans this week. So somehow we're at 10 cross-off teams in eight weeks, which I think is aggressive. But I don't think any of of those teams make the playoffs.


No, it's fine. But if we did it the other way, I don't know if we would be able to pick.


Be able to come up with 10 teams. Right.


Yeah, I don't think we could. But that's good. Yeah, I think you're right. I mean, the Saints, some of these teams are unbearable to watch.


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Unless you think nine and eight can make it in the AFC, which is possible. But even that seven and two, Rodgers is seven and 14 in his last 21 start to finish starts. I don't see it. I think they're done.


Oh, I think they're done, too. I don't know why we're comparing them to... I don't even know why Aaron Rodgers is a factor. You got to take a look at this offense. Going into today, they had scored two points more than last year's Jets with Zack Wilson. So at two and six, we would have crossed Zack Wilson off. We would have said that's it. And that's why I love, love, loved your team today, plus seven. Now, they almost blew it.


You had another wisest wager. You're six and two in the Ringer Sunday pregame. Congratulations.


Thank you for knowing. But I really did like them. I mean, there had to be a little bit of a revenge thing. You have to play with some pride. I think you may have had the bet. Now, it all flipped on the... When soon as Drake May got hurt, they're like, Oh, this sucks with Peret. But it's still the Jets. This is still a dysfunctional team. I know they might have been five and three if that field goal kicker, Greg DeLegre, does his job.


He just caused them three games. He caused them four points today. The PAT was massive. It completely changed the game. Did you think in a million years, he was making the 44-yarder? In a million years?




There's no way that was going through.


It's weird, though, because guys are now in 57-yarders to the middle of the net. I Why is Greg DeLegre not good?


But also- It's weird that he's still their kicker. I thought he was going to be done last week. We assumed he was going to be the fall guy last week, and he wasn't.


I think they just look like assholes. If they fire two components in a week, they have to spread out. You got to spread out your firings.


They don't look like assholes?


No, they're good. They've saved a lot of face.


Well, Berset came in, he threw for 132, 16 for 24. It was the best he's played all season. I think they would have won that game with May. I mean, the Jets Their defense was impotent. They did one sack. They weren't doing anything. Their offense wasn't any great shakes either. But this was a disgraceful loss because the pats aren't good. The pats were somehow pressuring Rodgers. You got to give it up to Mayo. He took a ton of shit all week from everybody, including me, and he deserved it. And calling the team soft, all that stuff. That team rose to the occasion. They, in the fourth quarter, really fought for the game. You got to hand it to him. The receiver They must have had seven. I don't know how close you watched it, but they must have had, I would say seven killer- That's my best bet. I watched the whole thing. Yeah. Seven killer drops. First series, may, perfect pass down deep. I think Boutet dropped it. But The the the receivers were murdering them, and they still won. They were seven for 15 on third down with a bunch of drops.


I'm just going to say that. Perfect. Right. Seven for 15, they'll kill for that, right? The Jets were four for 10. I I could read you. I mean, there is a stat that's spectacular, and it's funny. The Jets scored 20 plus points, committed zero turnovers, and held their opponent to under 250 yards offense. From 1940 until today, teams were 756 and 0 when they hit those three metrics.


It was unbelievable. Well, I had the Jets and the over and a tease, which was 35 and a half. And I didn't think there... It's fine. It was the Pats one, which is... It was fun to beat the Jets and make Rodgers upset. But I still think it was a good bet. I don't quite understand how the Jets didn't win. But when you watched it, they just seemed so poorly coached and so discombobular. First half, they were calling timeouts over and over again just with the ball because they didn't communicate whatever the play was in time. They had delay of games in bad spots. They just do not look like a well-coached, crisp team at all. So whatever they thought they were going to accomplish, firing solid, it didn't work.


It wasn't a good bet, though. I hate to say. Because here's the thing, you could go back and if it's in red, if everything's in red, you'll see it's not a good bet. If it's in green, that means you won. A lot of Christmas element to it.


I don't regret the bet. Even the Pat score, the Jets score, they go ahead. Percet's got to go all the way down the field. He's got to go 70 yards with less than three minutes left. The guy can't run and he can't throw deep, and he just somehow easily made plays. The Jets, I don't know what they were doing. Mike Greenberg, because this is what everyone has to do at ESPN now, is just completely overreact and do the hyperbole things and hope they can get cut in a vote into an internet thing. He did this tweet that ended, The Jets of 2024 are one of the truly colossal failures in recent sports memory, and it only gets worse from here. The Jets over and under was nine and a half wins. Yes. Nobody even wanted to pick them to win the AFC East. It was like, Can we take Buffalo's got 60 plus million in dead calf space. I can't name two of their receivers. They have injuries on the defense. Miami. Anyone who picked the Jets, he didn't feel good about it. We did in our over-under pod. I don't think this is a truly colossal failure.


None of this stuff made sense as they were doing it. I didn't understand the Devante Adams trade two weeks ago when they made it. Wasn't the Their problem is defense.


You'd have to say, because you read in the beginning of the podcast, you read seven teams that are under 500. There were a couple of those teams that were over under was nine and a half, right? Yeah. I wouldn't say the Cowboys are one of the Most colossal collapses in sports history right now, right? Would you? I mean, it's bad. It sucks.


They should be better. To me, a failure is like if the lions were two and six.




Then I'll be like, holy shit, this team has so much talent. They were almost made the Super Bowl last year. How are they two and six? Yeah, right. Same thing. The Jets is like, all of this is conceivable. Anyone who rooted for the Jets knew that this was lurking in there. I picked them in the division because I didn't want to pick Buffalo. I didn't feel awesome about it, but it seemed like conceivable. But somebody like JJ was like, I'm never taking Salah. Remember JJ was like, I'm out in the Jets, I'm shorting them. Salah is a terrible coach. I think a lot of people thought this might happen.


We knew Salah Call wasn't effective. We didn't know that Aaron Rodgers, we had no idea what form of Aaron Rodgers we were going to get.


Was he going to be able to move? Yes.


We did know how Hassan Redik was going to show up. That wasn't looking good. So at what point did you like Did this become so high? I mean, you got to add the New York element to it. A New York over nine and a half is like a twelve, basically. Right.


So that's it. I mean, you could say it's definitely there's some organizational failures to it, like the fact that they didn't get rid of Sal in February, right? The fact that they thought Devante Adams was going to be the fix, make the offense better when their offensive line isn't even that good. Roger seems pretty banged up. But I just think this was probably somewhere between an eight to a 10-win team, and they've underachieved from that. The kicker cost them three games. But I'm not shocked by this. No, it's not the most of anything. I know Jets fans who are like, I'm dreading this season. I think we're fucked. I think Roger is going to suck. They went through this with Brett Favre in 2010, remember? Was it in 2010? 2009? One of those years.


I think it's just assumed in New York that if you have a Super Bowl winning quarterback on your team, he's definitely, no matter how many decades removed, he's definitely going to have to do the same.


You know what I realized? I think, braided and now LeBron, too, because I don't know if you saw LeBron on Saturday night, but I was actually home because I went to the Dodgers game. I came home and I watched the second half of the Lakers. Lebron was was absolutely incredible. They were down seven to start the fourth quarter, and he scored 16 points in five minutes. I think he ended up with 16 points, six assists, five rebounds. He was amazing. He single-handedly swung the game. They're 3-0. But I think him and braided have completely ruined our ability to properly assess old athletes. It's like, Rogers is 40 and in torn Achilles. The odds of this going well were probably 50-50. But it's just because braided and LeBron are so incredible, it seems now conceivable that anybody can just keep going. And the history says they can't.


You're not wrong. And I almost think the 40 plus athletes need to help themselves by announcing, hey, I'm not going to be a Katie or LeBron. If Joe Flacko, she'd be like, I'm going to have some nice moments, and maybe I could take this team to the playoffs, but don't expect me tossing the Lombardi in the Tampa Bay, whatever that's called, anytime soon. You're right. They could help themselves.


Anyway, here's a game. You've seen eight weeks of the NFL season, except for the Monday night game. How many QBs would you take before Aaron Rodgers right now? This is a really interesting exercise. I'm just going to list guys, and you tell me when I stop.


Every guy I list, you would take- I'm taking them to just be a corner.


Every person I list, unless you tell me to stop, that's somebody who would take over Rodgers. For this year? Yes. Lamar, Mahomes, Burrow, Josh Allen, Stop.


No, go ahead. Keep going.


Jayden Daniels, C. J. Stroud. There's six. Brock Purdy, Justin Herbert, Jaylen Hertz, Dak Prescott, Jared Goff. Jordan Love. Now we're at 12. Matthew Stafford. Baker Mayfield. 14. Yeah. Kirk Cousins.




15. All right, now it's going to get fun. Kyler Murray. Trevor Lawrence. Yeah, I don't know.


I don't know.


All right, that's your first I don't know. You might be. Caleb Williams. All right. Sam Darnold?


Right there. I mean, some of these have to be the same. Tua? Tua? Right?


And Drake May. Yeah, so I had the same. So I had... Cousins the 15th. Kyler was the 16th, and we both would have rather have Kyler and the Rodgers. That's 16. So now he's in the bottom half of starting quarterbacks, and it's him, Lawrence, Caleb, Darnold, Tua, Drake, May, whatever that group is.


So he's in No doubt about it. You don't even have to do all that. They have something called stats and QB ratings and QBRs and all that.


I think people still feel like he's a top 10 QB, and he's just not. There's no scenario where he's a top 10 QB anymore.


He's banged up, too. I'm certainly not going to make an injury excuse for him, but he just doesn't look like... I feel like he's constantly thinking, Oh, wow, there's nine more weeks, and that's if we don't make the playoffs, and then there's more. Doesn't he have that look to him? I'm not going to make it to the finish line.


Yeah, he's like a marathoner on Mile 16, but he's got a pulled ham string.


It's the 5G. It's got to be the 5G.


He's done another magical thing. He has gotten our cousin Jimmy back invested in football again. He knows what happens on Sunday afternoons. You couldn't have said that since 2005. So congratulations to Aaron. All right, a couple more questions. Did the Falcons win the NFC South today?


Yeah, and maybe the NFC East, too. I don't know.


They beat the 4-4 Bucks. They beaten them twice. So the Bucks would have to be a game higher than them. They're five and three, the Falcons. They have the Giants left, New Orleans, Carolina, Las Vegas, and Denver. I don't really... Even if Cousins got hurt, they took Pennex 8. He's, what, 23 years old. He could probably come in and hold the fort. I just feel like this is a wrap now. Plus, Tampa, you felt the Evans Godman thing today. Even though Mayfield was good, a lot of completions, he was able to move while they had more total yards. But guess what? Really nice to have those guys.


I'm mad at us, meaning me and you. We had a plan. It wasn't even a concept of a plan. It was an actual plan that we were going to wait three weeks and then take the Falcons, and it would have been about even odds or something. And then even before this week, it was minus 2:10, and now they're minus 370. So in the south, and they swept Tampa, who's the only team that's going to compete with them in that division. I don't need to see Derek Carr's come back. It's fine.


How many countdown passes for Kirk Cousins last four weeks?


Does he have 11?




Does it have time? Yeah.


Now, imagine they have no pass rush, and Tampa was able to hang around in this game, partly because Atlanta can't do anything. Imagine if they had somehow... Not Danny, Shio Capote and I talked about this on Thursday. Imagine if they had taken one more defensive guy at number 8 instead of Penix. Yeah. Would have helped. Tampa had 432 yards today, and they lost. One other thing that happened in this game is Kyle Is he alive? Is it official? Is he in our five-year odyssey? Are we at the finish line and we can now put him in a fantasy lineup and feel okay about it?


The tight ends. I'm glad you brought this up, Bill, because it does happen to be national tight ends. It is.


Congratulations again to the tight ends.


But maybe this is something with tight ends where... I'm trying to think because Kyle Pitz, Mark Andrews, probably on a lot of waiver wires three weeks ago.


Goddard. Goddard was another one.


Goddard. Now, like Mark Andrews is a top tight-end in the league or right up there, it's very strange with them. I wonder if the two deep and everything else is affecting it. But yeah, four for 91 yards and two touch downs. You can't sit them in fantasy now.


No. There's a lot of pretty good tight ends that are all around the same. There's no rhyme or reason to starting whoever. Here's another question. I think the Bills have locked up the AFC East even more than anybody. I told you. They're four wins ahead of everyone else in the division right now. Yeah, it was one of yours.


It's us. We all have it. We have the AFC figured out. We have Chiefs, Ravens, Texans, Bills on a parlet that basically pays even odds, right?


Yeah, that's going to win.


I'm not shook by any of it, even the Ravens. I know their defense is bad, but...


Most up in the air division for you, would you go NFC West or AFC North? Afc North has Baltimore versus Pittsburgh. Nfc West has three teams now with four losses, the Seahawks, Rams, and Niners, and they're all playing each other in the future. The Niners seem like a guy gets injured every week now. It's just part of watching a Niners game. Somebody's going to limp off. But I personally would say NFC West, but what would you say?


Yeah, I'd say NFC West. Now, maybe more stupid to look at 49ers minus 130 and say, Oh, McCafee is going to come back soon. Why aren't we just jumping on this? Another team was 130. That was the Falcons. We let it go. But the Seahawks are last in terms of odds. They were at the time, right? Then two weeks ago, we were like, Oh, man, they're going to be by default. But yeah, you can get them at five to 1. And then the Cardinals could play with anybody.


When we did our Futures draft, one of the bets I liked was three NFC West playoff teams. I can't remember. It was like the odds were really good on it. I I just thought, I didn't know who it was going to be, and I'm still not totally sure who it's going to be, but something weird is going on with Arizona. They had no business whatsoever beating the chargers on Monday night. I still don't know how it happened. It was the classic, touched down, fumbled through the zone where you're like, The other team is winning now. It's a lock. Then today, it was almost a take the game off the TV, Miami has this game. Then the Arizona hung around, hung around. All of a sudden, they're stealing the game with Chad Ryland making the winning kick. The dude who literally got the pats, Drake May last year because he was such a bad kicker. So now the cards are somehow four and four and have gotten their ass kicked a couple of times.


I don't really get it. They're not bad. And you look at that box score, everything's pretty even, right? Two of it came out strong But I think there was a little bit of a nobody believes in us, nobody believes in our travel plans. They played Monday night, and then they have to go cross country, play the Sunday 1:00 PM game. And then they just stuck around, stuck around. They got the running quarterback moves the ball, and they were right there against the Dolphins who... I don't know. Again, you can't circle any team on their schedule for a win.


No. I thought their plan with Tua was... Everyone was so worried about him playing this week. It was just like, you have to throw the ball in two seconds or less. Yeah. Just make a decision quick. If it's not there, just sail it. Don't keep it. Don't hold it. Yeah, the NFC West, I have no idea who's... What are the odds in that division? We should probably do this.


Niners are minus 130, Cards plus 420, Rams plus 490, and Seahawks 5 to 1.


What do you think is the best bet out of those four?


I hate to say it, but that team we saw tonight, that was... What was that? Like a five or a six for the 49ers?


Yeah, but I'm still subscribing a year from hell for them.




Can Can I offer you the Rams?


Well, that was my preseason pick.


Just the plus 490. Now they have everybody back. They're at Seattle on week nine. If they can win that one, They'd be four and four, but they played Miami, they played the Pats, they played New Orleans, they played the Jets. Their last two games are Arizona, Seattle, Home. I could see them getting a 10 wins. The cup thing, I never believe people are reporting that. The I never believe that. I thought that was a classic, I need something for my report on TV today. I don't know who reported for it. I just don't believe it. I don't know why they would have traded him. He's got a good contract. You don't trade him unless you're one and eight and your season's over. Their season wasn't over. They had him coming back in Puka. Why would they be shopping? It was stupid.


Their defense isn't great, but their offense is really good. But their offense is really good. I mean, Puka was supposed to be limited all over the damn place. He was awesome. Kyrie Williams just scores every game. He's in the end zone every single game. It's Derrick Henry without the 160 yards.


I'm not saying the Rams are going to win the division. I just like those odds the most. It's a good number. The plus 490. The cards, to me, seem like smoking mares. Seattle has really gotten their ass kicked a couple of times, which I think is a bad sign for them. It doesn't seem like they can play two good games in a row. Metcalf.


The Metcalf injury. I hurt them, too.


Last question. Is Anthony Richardson going to still be starting in a month?


Can I give you some stats? I don't know, man.


Go ahead. First half today, two for 15. For the game, 10 for 32. Threw a pick at the end of the first half, which was one of the five worst passes of the year, and he also has one of the other five. 44.4 completion percentage for the year. So So nine passes, five of the nine, every nine he throws, are incomplete. And they're not just incomplete. I would say I was with somebody that I was saying it was like, I probably have made this joke before, but when you watch, you have a little boy, a six-year and they're trying to piss in a urinal and it's just going everywhere. That's what his passes look like. He has no idea where they're going. But it also seems like at any time he could throw a 70-yarder and hit somebody in stride. But the next one will be like, Oh, bounce one. He's He's no idea where the ball's going.


Well, that's the thing. I like looking at the halftime, the 1:00 PM Eastern games. I like looking at the halftime stats for quarterback because there's always a few that are in the 30, 40, 50 yards. And he had like 68 yards. I'm like, Oh, he's okay then. I'm like, Wait, Let me gaze. Let me just move my head to the left and see completion attempts. And he was, what did you say, 2 for 15?


2 for 15.


And they're all bad throws. I like him. Nice guy. And then he took himself out because he was tired. It's a tiring game. It is.


Tough one. I think I personally thought they should have benched him at halftime for Flacko because I thought that was a winnable game. Houston really struggles. I mean, they've been pulling out these games. They lost Diggs today, so now they don't have Diggs or Collins next week. It's basically Tankdale or Bust. It feels like they can't really protect Stroud, and they're hanging around and just outwitting these teams down the stretch. But when you watch them, it feels pretty flimsy, and I like them. I said last week to you, I thought the Texans and the packers, I wanted to see what they would look like in December when they have everybody back. They feel really gettable week to week now. I really thought Stroud was under siege. It was against the Colts. It's like the Colts have a good defense.


Yeah, the Colts play them tough, though. For some reason, they're always in there with them. But if all they have to do, I know that's not all they have to do, but they're minus 850 to win the division, they're going to take care of business there.


Yeah. Jordan Lovehert is growing. When talk about the Detroit game, that's the thing that happened in the packers game. That was another- I mean, he's won three games, and Malik Willis has won three games.




Jaguars lost again. They lost Christian Kirk. Tee Higgins decided on Friday to hurt his quad after I did Million Dollar Picks. Thanks Tee. I ended up having to try to hedge the bangles bet that I already had because I thought they were going to throw them all They got killed by the eagles.


I almost want to cross them off. I know we can't, but that is- We do this every year.


There's a three and five, two and six, three and six team that turns it around second half. We won't have... Next week at the top of the pod, we'll try to figure out who that team is because it happens every year. We know it's going to happen.


We'll be over the home for the nine games for some.


It will have to be somebody that's two and seven or three and six or three and five, like one of those records. That's fine. But the Eagles Sure. They look good. They made some plays. But I also think if you're playing the bangles with Chase, then that's it. There's also some awful Zack Taylor play calling. I can't say he's been awesome this year. Some weird fourth down stuff. The Chiefs beat the Raiders but didn't cover. The lines killed the Titans. Then the Broncos beat the Panthers by 14, covered the 14, 13 pointees that I called in on the Ringer Sunday pregame.


Browns. I didn't make fun of it.


Plus 20, over down to 31. Chiefs, and then the Broncos, covered easily. I didn't even have to sweat it.


The Chiefs were the closest, I guess.


They were up by 14 the whole game. So the Panthers are 51 and 140 the last four weeks. I don't know why we didn't get them for a worst record.


Your south bet is just looking golden. I was laughing at you. I'm like, these teams play each other. They're going to have 20 wins just playing, whatever, just with a few more. They're never going to get to... What is it? Thirty and a half is the number?


Yeah, 30 and a half. They got 12 in eight weeks, so they'd have to get 19 in the last nine weeks to beat me, like over two a week. Let's take a break for the podcast. So We did a futures draft before the season, and my number one bet was NFC South under 30 wins plus 155. You took that Detroit, Green Bay, Chicago, Minnesota exact bet plus 600, and Caleb over 18.5 interceptions with your first two. Is Caleb going to get that?


Where is he? Oh, man, he was really on track.


You might be sweating that one out.


Let me see.


Some ones that we hit, though, during this, Mahomes, Stroud, and Lawrence, 4K yards was plus 4 or 3. I think that's going to hit unless somebody gets hurt. Houston, AFC South, plus 100. I had that. It's going to hit. You had Cousins come back part of the year plus 430. Is he the favorite now?


Who else was beat him? He's got to be. Well, it was Rodgers and Cousins were up there.


Wow, you've got that. Walker for the NFC West rushing leader. All the Niners guys got hurt.


Yeah, he takes himself out a lot.


Is Timmer James, Connor? Yeah, he gets his gut hurt.


Kyrie Williams is good, too.


I had Detroit for the one seed plus 480. That's looking good. This one hurts. Hutchinson, Mo Sacks, 11:1, and he was cruising. He got hurt. Well on his way. You had Tyreek 13 TDs plus 360. That's not happening. But you had Lamb, most receiving yards in the NFCA East, plus 115. I think that will happen. Because A. J. Brown got hurt. He's like almost 200 a day.


Yeah, if neighbor stays hurt, yeah, it could be all right.


I lost on Pats being last win this team. I have The Seahawks over eight and a half with the Pats under four and a half, three to one. You had Pats' worst record, Lyon's best record, 36 to one. That's still in play. No. You need one more Panthers win probably.


No, the Panthers, you're so good with that south bet because the Panthers are going to win two more games. What are you at? 14 then? Yeah, you're set.


You had Atlanta, KC, Jacksonville, and Houston all to make the playoffs minus 160. That's not going to win. Then we could keep going. But those were Those were our favorites. One of the ones was NFC East, more wins than the NFC South, minus 175. Good. We love that one. The NFC West, three playoff teams. That was plus 550. You had Daniels, offensive rookie of the year, 6-1. I know that.


I know that.


That was a good one. But we hit a lot of these. Seahawks Playoffs plus 168. I think that's in there. Harbar, Coach of the Year, et cetera.


What are we going to do with the money? With all the money?


With all the fake money, I didn't actually win. All I want is for us not to look terrible when we do these futures.


I know.


I have that NBA Superboost, OKC 55 plus wins, Cleveland 45 plus, Phoenix, 45 plus. I'm feeling great about that. They boosted that to plus 280, something like that.


We got to hit the boost. We got to treat our people right. They hang on every word we say.


We're looking out for the people. Hey, today's guest, Alliance, is brought to you by Workday. Get the whole band together with Workday and pair finance and HR on one platform for an epic performance. With Workday AI at the core, you'll make confident decisions faster than ever, and certainly faster than Bryce Young today. You'll drive flawless business and finance operations with an agile platform that constantly involves the future proof your organization. Be a finance and HR rock star with Workday. Visit workday. Com to learn more. Guess the lines. Week nine Before we do Guess the Lines, here's the playoff picture. Six win teams, Detroit, Green Bay, Washington. Philly's five and two, Atlanta's five and three. But then Chicago's four and three, Seattle, Tampa, Arizona, San Francisco, all four and four. So the MCAP is like, We're not going to know what happens for two more months. No. Afc, KC is seven and zero, Buffalo and Houston, six and two, Pittsburgh is five and two, Baltimore is five and three. It's five teams. Then you have the Chargers and Denver. Denver is five and three, the Chargers are four and three, Indy is four and four. There's going to be an awful AFC playoff team.




I think it's official. I think so. Yeah, we might be able to bet against Bo Nicks in a playoff game.


Well, that's how I felt about Chicago and Washington. Fans of both days will be mad, but I was like, look at my chops. I felt like, oh, man, who is salivating more? Me knowing I could bet one of these teams in the playoffs? Well, the two seed that is actually going to play this team in the playoffs. But yeah, Denver. Denver doesn't seem ready to me just yet. I know they beat up on the Panthers. It gets a little rough for them coming up, but their over-run, it was five and a half. They're at five already.


That could be Buffalo hosting Denver as 10 and a half point favorites, right?


Yeah, that'd be a fun one.


Mvp, Josh Allen is the favorite on Fando at plus 320. Lamar is plus 350. Mahomes is plus 450. Goff is 7:1, and Daniels is 9-1. I don't think anyone else is really in the mix at this point.


I still like Goff here. I'm still going Goff. They scored a billion points, and he didn't contribute accordingly. A guy would score that many points. But his numbers, what did he do? In the last four games, he has 13 incompletions, and they have 23 touch downs. You show that stat to the Panthers' coach, and he's like, What? What league is that? Can I get in that league? That's ridiculous numbers.


He's like, Can I get in any league? Dave Kanaeis, who fake punted from... Did you see that one today?


I did, yeah.


The desperation fake punt on a bad team that goes terribly is the announcement never knows what to do.




That's like, Oh, boy. Just when you thought it couldn't get worse for the Panthers. It's like one of those. They're just like, No.


The announcement of the Panthers, Broncos games, might not know what to do anyway, but just because they're putting that slot. Yeah, there was some Antonio peers- It's Chris Myers.


Let's just say who it is.


It actually wasn't. It was down, whatever.


Chris Myers is, I'm I'm right here.


Hey. But you have a pierce not kicking that field goal on fourth. I don't know if you want to talk about it real quick, but against the Chiefs, I think he could have cut it to 4. I They had first and goal at the one. It was like fourth and goal from the three. What do you need to see? Your team's going backwards. Bring the field goal. That was when you bring the field goal kicker out.


Pierce's field goal decisions this year have been one of the secret joys of YouTube TV's multi-view. It's either J to date is this Hale Mary or 'pierce kicking the field goal to cut it from 8 to 5 last week. That were my two favorite moments of the year. That was the best. He's so good. It's still a one-touch-down game. I have to say, I think Alan at plus 320, even though he's the favorite, is probably the one I'd bet if I had to bet any of those. Because if they're a one or a two seed, he's going to be the reason. There's no other reason.


He's excellent, and I feel like they have eight pass catchers now. He finally threw an interception. He had nine games in a row without a pick. All right.


Guess the lines. Week nine. Somehow the Jets are playing on Thursday night. I feel like this team has been on on national TV. The only bigger nightmare than being a Jets fan is being everyone else likes watching night games on television because we have to fucking watch this team again.


The schedule makers got bored or something. They put the Jets, the Stealers and the Giants, and some like Bingo hopper, and they just kept like, All right, well, just you play Thursday and you play here, and then you'll play each other six times, and we'll have you against the Texans on Halloween.


Well, this is in New York, or I guess in New Jersey, Which I don't know if that helps the Jets. I think people will be surly. I think alcohol will be served and consumed. I don't think it's going to be a happy sporting event to go to. The good news for the Jets is that the Texans are down to one receiver. Now, from what I saw today, I think they could probably run the ball with the ball on them. But I have the Texans as favorites. I have the Texans favorite by one and a half at the New York Jets.


All right, here's what infuriates me. The Texans are a lot better than the Jets. I'm not just saying because one team is six and two and the other is two and six. I also had the Texans favorite, but by three. I thought it was a little light. The Jets are favorite by one and a half. Oh, wow. The Jets are favorite by one and a half. What do you need to see out of the Jets anymore?


Well, what you saw today was a team end. Yeah, they seem like they wanted the season end, except for a couple of guys.


Can they play a K Capable quarterback and survive? I don't like this line. This makes me want to skip the week because I'm not going to do well the rest of the games if I can't hit this.


Where do you think this line ends?


Well, maybe it'll flip. We've seen one and a half slip the other way. But I don't know. Texas are favorite by one.


Jets are favorite by one. I'm sorry.


It did flip already. I'm sorry. It did flip. The Texans are one and a half. When I wrote it down an hour ago, it was Jets one and a half.


That's what I picked.


So I hit You got it exactly. All right. I was just assaulted that the Jets at one point was favorite.


You got it exactly. I feel like you're on the Jets. You did that first line.


You got it anyway. Yeah.


Sunday Marquee game is great. Lions at Green Bay. Sadly, we don't know if Jordan Love, what his status is going to be. I just picked it like he's going to play because I assume he's going to play the lines by three.


Well, so you think with Jordan Love, the lines... Well, you're going to You get it anyway. It's three and a half. But I thought Green Bay would be a one-point favorite with Jordan Love. I'm so off today. So off.


I have three watchable games, and the first one is your team because it's Falcons, Cowboys. You need the game. I'll go this far. I like watching Atlanta.


You do?


I think they're a fun hang every week. Yeah, I enjoy watching their team. I like their offense, their defense. They can't rush the passer, so the other offense is always good. Their games are fun to watch. I have the Falcons minus three over the Cowboys. I think you could throw on them. I think you could actually potentially beat them.


All right, I'm going to get this one. I said Falcons by one, and it's one and a half, but it probably will move up to a number you have. Yeah, it depends what version you're getting, right? If Cusas is in sync and Kyle Pitz is alive, and Mooney and all those guys are clicking on offense. Great. They have fun to watch. But if it's 17, 15 and they're trotting Coo out to kick a 54-yarder, that means something or doesn't, I hate that version.


Bears are the second rewatchable game. They are at Arizona. This game will be, I think, interesting and compelling. I have the bears favored by one. All right.


I get this. I had Arizona by two, and it's Arizona by one and a half.


I don't agree.


Don't a lot of people from Chicago live in Arizona? Isn't that the transplant?


Mike Wovan?


Is it? Yeah. Is it one? Yeah. I think there's a lot like that.


It's a little closer to Illinois to just like soon down there.


I don't know what the point is, but look.


Well, if you have the two residents saying, Hey, you balance it. You got to get Arizona in the summer. In Chicago, that's the most fun time to be in Chicago.


A lot of bears fans, that's what I'm saying.


Well, didn't they used to be... They were the Chicago Cardinals, right? Cardinals. Yeah. They moved from Chicago to Arizona.


Before our time, please.


Let's- Way before our time. Speaking of Chicago, there's something on Instagram of all of Walter Payton's shutdown throws.




He was by far the best non-QB thrower of anyone who did that. I was thinking, I still have him number one for any running back I've ever seen, Walter Payton. We didn't even get to see him that much in New England. I mean, it was only every once in a while, but we'd see the clips. But I just thought he was the best at everything. I don't know if there's been anyone like him since.


He was dazzling. They say Jim Brown before him. It's like the natural. But yeah, he could do it all. You know what? As a quarterback, too, let's go back to your list of who's better than Rodgers. Would you take Walter Payton or Rodgers?


Right now. Right now. Forget '78.


Right now, I would take Walter Payton.


He was so good. Who's your number one? Would you say Emmett just had a loyalty?


Well, I would, but I mean, what are we saying? Because best hang, best to watch is Barry Sanders. There's no doubt.


Yeah, but if I'm trying to win games and win the Super Bowl. Emmett close. If I had one game, I would take Emmett. If I had a whole season, absolutely Walter Payton. But I thought Emmett for one game with a decent offensive line was getting you 155 yards, and he was going to move the chains 11 times.


We'll probably forget the name, Dickerson and guys like that, but I even put Terrell Davis pretty high in terms of putting the game away.


That's the other one for me because it was a short prime. But those two years where it just seemed like he could run 45 degrees and go 6 yards a thing, he'd be the other one for me. Out of the 21st century I don't know. A lot of people would have Tomlinson here, and he never quite got there for me. As good as he was, he was better in fantasy than real life. Peterson, I don't know. Last one for the watchable, Seahawks-Rams. It's in Seattle, and I have the Seahawks by two and a half over the rims.


That's exactly what I had. It's one and a half, though. It's three, three.


Three, three. Very watchable.


I have some real I have some real losers in here, though. Go ahead.


I did something today because we had the eight early games today, by the way. I did the multi-view for the big TV. I put Green Bay, Jacksonville on its I had my own TV on the side. Then I had the other three games, Browns, Miami, and Buffalo. I had them on a three-team multi-view, but I kept clicking. That was the one I was controlling with my finger on the remote. I kept on the Browns, but if it was a commercial, it would zoom back for all three. I watched eight games at the same time. I was really proud of myself.


What a world this is, right? Yeah, so did I. You didn't mention Red Zone once. You don't need it.


Listen, Those are red zones for the kids.


They're giving us the games.


It's for people like my son.


They're putting Falaim and Yon in front of us. Why are we grabbing the mashed potatoes? Come on.


Fairly watchables. Buffalo is home for the Miami Dolphins, and I think this goes right into the Vegas zone, and it's Bills by five.


That's what I said. It's six and a half.


Out of the Vegas zone.


Well, they beat him 31-10 week two, right?


Yeah, they killed him. If I'm playing the Dolphins after watching that game, I'm playing everybody tight, and I'm making to try to hold the ball for two seconds because I think he's under direction not to. Right. Brown's home for the Chargers. You could have argued this should have been a watchable. I have the Browns favorite by one and a half.


I got this right. I had Chargers by two. It's Chargers by two and a half.


That's stupid.


I don't agree. I don't even like this Chargers team. I don't know. So you had that game on a multi view? No, that was the late afternoon.


That was the later game. I watched that game.


I When I look at that, I'm like, I feel bad for everyone who has to sit in traffic because they bought tickets to Saint Chargers. Disgusting.


I'm on some threads about there are 10 receivers picked in the first 37. Harrison, Nabors, Dunzé. The Pats had the 34th pick in the second round. Brian Thomas went 23rd. Kc traded up for Xavier worthy at 28.


You want Lad.


So five guys I really like. Ricky Pearsall 31 look good tonight. Laguette on Carolina, he's at least done a couple of things. Keion Coleman, I think, has been good on Buffalo 33. We had the 34th pick, traded back with the Chargers. They took Lad McConkey 34th. We took Jalen Polk 37th, who I think has the worst stats of any receiver who's had over 10 targets this Somehow the pats have done it again with second-round receivers. I don't know how we do it. How many-Not crossing them off, but I'm just saying I was thinking about it as Lad McConkey was the star of the Chargers game.


No, no. Did you cross him off your fantasy teams? He was on at least two of your fantasy teams, J. O. And Paul.


Not anymore. He was way a long time ago. We had the 34th pick. We traded back for the 110th pick. Traded back three spots. Spots and went from 137 to 110. So they moved to 27 spots to not have Vlad Mekonky, who just seems like he gets open and makes big plays all the time. Just trading stuff. He used to work out.


It used to work out for you all the time.


Catches the ball like everyone else in the Patriots. Washington is at the Giants. I couldn't go higher than four in this. I have Washington by four.


You get it. I said two, and it's three and a half. I don't know why I said two. That was dumb. It's five, five. This was 21, 18, right? Who won this? Washington won the first time, 21, 18.


Well, that was the one where they didn't have the backup kicker.


That's right.


And then they had to go for it.


Yeah, Washington didn't score. Touchdown.


Ravens, Broncos. I'm putting the Broncos right away on Money Line underdog alert because-Oh, wow. After a loss? Huh?


After a Ravens loss?


No, I'm not betting it. I'm just saying like that, Ravens. Ravens at home minus seven against Denver. The reason you have to do the... That's my pick, but the reason I have them on alert is it just seems like when the Ravens play a shitty team, they just decide to play shitty or a mediocre team. They rise to the occasion and get to good teams. In a game like this, they're like, Bo'Nicks, he can't throw the ball. They think they'll just show up. Then all of a sudden it's 14 to 12 with four minutes left.


I could see that. I said five and a half, but Fandel disagrees with both of us. They say this is going to be a shellacking eight and a half they went with, so you win.


I say this out of love, and it's a compliment because Fandel has been great to us, and they're an awesome I like Fandil. They rebranded those RSNs.


They did, yeah.


I was watching the Warriors Clippers game tonight, and it said the FanDuel Sports Network. It was cool. It was actually like it seemed pretty smart that they got all those RSNs. It was just like automatic promotion.


All your boosts popped up. Did you see your boosts promoted on that?


No. That sounds great.


Yeah, you're not getting paid for that? No, I didn't see it. I didn't see it. They They should, though. Why not?


I just like FanDuel Sports Network so much more than Bally's, whatever the fuck Bally's was. All right, last one for a semiwatch was eagles, jaguars in Philly. Doug, do we lose Coach Middleseath tomorrow?


This week, you mean?


What do you mean? Tomorrow is when they fire coaches.


Oh, I see. Yeah, you're right. You're right. Oh, man. I'm going to pull the plug three times. By the way, this was flexed out of the night game, right? That's how much they hate middle seat.




This is now a late afternoon game. I think this is it for him. He doesn't leave Philly. They give him a cheese steak and a bus pass, and that's that.


We'll always have him and nick Foles somehow beating the Patriots and Belichick and braided. We'll go down 40 years from now. People will just be staring at the box score going, Wait, what happened?


That kills you. That's top three for you, worst. I think if you There's probably too many Yankees shit in there.


No, the worst ones are the two Giants ones were worse than the Eagles one. Yeah. All right.


So this doesn't crack the five, I don't think.


The first Giants one, they played better than us. I know we were supposed to win, but that team was running on fumes, and the Giants played great that game. They beat the shit out of us. They deserve to win. The second one was bullshit. I don't know how we didn't win that game. That second Giants team has to be one of the worst Super Bowl champs ever. I have no idea how we lost that game. Gronk was hurt.


I lost a lot of money on both. So stupid.


I actually watched that game two summers ago, and I was just like, How the fuck did we lose this game? Yeah. Eagles Jags. I have Eagles minus six.


You're closer. I said Five and a half. It's seven.


Can we urge America not to tease the Eagles?


You won't do Eagles? No. What team do eagles?


Keep the eagles at you. You wouldn't do it. No. Really? Don't trust the eagles.


You don't think they're back on track?


Don't trust the eagles.


That's true. You did warn us because when you said, Siriani's got that swagger, and then it goes the other way, right?


Yeah, don't trust them. Poop Fecta, two games. The Bengals are home for the Raiders. The Raiders are officially unwatchable. And yet, I don't know how the Bengals can be favored by more than seven, seven and a half. So I went seven. I didn't even feel good about that.


They're good. This is where you pull away. I said six. I didn't even think they were that strong. Eight and a half is the number. That's stupid.


Jesus, they stink. I mean, talk about no pass rush, no pressure or anything. Holy shit. Hertz has to feel like... He probably didn't even get touched in that game.


No, I know. He was push-pushing from the three-yard line. He didn't even care. We saw Des Ritter come in for a play, for one play. I was like, Oh, and then, Oh, where's he going? What happened? Not that we haven't seen enough of him.


Did we have a nickname for Desmond Ritter?


Did we? What did we have? Middle seat Des? No.


It feels like something you would have come up with. Other proof fact of the game. Titans are home for the Patriots. This is a 1.5, if I've ever seen it. Titans by 1.5.


Over the Pats. That's what I said. I tried to think about it, and I gave up, and so I went to the go to one and a half. It is three. The Titans are a 3.5..


They're terrible. Jesus. They're awful. To go from Mike Vrabel to the coaching, I don't know Mike Vrabel. I thought we were friends. I couldn't believe they fired him. I thought he was a really good coach. They have this team now that just gets torched on special teams. They just give away games. They gave away that bears game week one. They did two, three stupid things every week. I agree. They had Mike Vrabel.


The stupid... I don't know what happened on the Ringer pregame show today because these guys laughed at me when I made the bills my best bet last week against the Titans, and it took them a minute to get rolling. Then this week, they're like, All right, which big favorite loses? It's Detroit, right? I'm like, No way. They can't get out of there. They're scoring in functions. It's like a college game.


Well, we're not done with the poop factor. We have our own category. One, two, three, four, five. I wrote down seven O's. It's the poop, Fekta. Saints at Panthers. Holy moly, will I not watch one minute of this game? You couldn't iPads would you have to have? You could bring in TVs, and I would throw them against the wall over watching this.


They toss you 10 iPads. The Apple Store brings them to your house.


No, not putting them on. My goal next week is to not watch a single play from this game unless it's cut into a game I'm watching where they're like, Let's go to Carolina.


We already saw it. There was a 4710 in the original. When we were talking about the Saints with the 99 Rams, now they've lost six straight.


I have Saints minus three.


Okay, this floored me. You get it again. I think you won the week at this point. I said two and a half. It's six and a half.


Well, Rahim said this on the Sunday pregame show today. Which is excellent. You should watch it on YouTube TV every week because it's on it. 11 o'clock on Sunday. It's YouTube TV. Put in your library on YouTube TV. Youtube TV, great product. Then it's right there. Rahim was like, his model had them What, 16 points? Right. Behind every other team?




Yeah. Minus 16. Which is being borne out week to week to week where they're just getting slaughtered.


Yeah, maybe that's why. I guess cars coming back. They're just so bad. They're just so bad. They're going to lose 2014 to Denver. I guess it makes sense.


Sunday night, Vikings, Colts in Minnesota.




I don't know how you start Richardson in this game. With the way the Vikings and Flora is, you have to start Flacko, but I think they're just pot committed to Richardson at this point. I have Vikings by four and a half.


Oh, I thought with that explanation, you're going to go higher. I went five and a half. It's six and a half.


Let me count.


There's no way, right? Four, five, six, seven, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. No. Fuck that. Yeah. Well, you'll put that in a teaser. I mean, the Vikings coming off a loss on extended rest. You love that.


If Flacko plays, I'm betting the Colts.




I think the Colts have been playing pretty well. I Their quarterbacks really hurt them, but I think their defenses look better. They can run the ball. I like their receivers. I just think their quarterbacks just been bad.


I think I don't like them because they have a lot of fantasy players who have let me down, and it might be because of Anthony Richardson. But the Michael Pitman, Those are a ton of second-tier receivers like Pitman and flowers. I have all of them that they just don't ever produce.


Monday night, somehow the Chiefs are home for another Monday nighter. The league is really throwing them some bones this season. Yeah. Yeah, Mike, are you playing a Monday night at home in Narrowhead? That's just...


Bring them on Sunday, Mike. Come on. I don't want to go to Minnesota. It's freezing.


Chiefs home for the Bucks. I'm going to say Chiefs by seven.


I said six. Nine and a half.


Oh, Jesus.


They're just killing Tampa. They're not the Chiefs necessarily. The odd Fandle. Just no respect. There.


They put up some lot of yards today. Yeah. Well, that's it.


Yeah, you win.


Another win for me.


Yeah, you're up. I need you on Codine. This is the problem. 5, 3, 1. You're up after nine weeks.


Thanks again to Workday for sponsoring this segment. Be a finance and HR rock star with Workday. To learn more, visit workday. Com. Yeah, I knew I was getting super sick on that last Sunday, and then I got killed. I was sick all week.


You were delirious.


As sick as I was, so sick.


I know. I had it a few weeks ago.


It sucks. I thought, am I dying? Is this just what happens when we get old? Because I was sick all the way to Friday.


I do wonder that. Yeah, I was like, Is this something I would have been able to shake off at 33? Then I'm like, No, I don't think so.


The good news is on Tuesday, or maybe Wednesday, one of those days, I couldn't get out of bed. I needed something to watch, and I'd gone through all the Soprano seasons. I'd finished season seven. I was like, Do I just run it back and start in season one? I was like, Nein. I put on that Aaron Hernández show.


Oh, yeah.


I thought it would be this terrible show that I'd be in a haze. I'd be barely paying attention, but I'd enjoy it. It wasn't bad. I liked it.




Yeah, I did. And all the stuff that's been cut out on Twitter about Aaron Hernández trying to run out and up. They pulled out the funniest stuff, the Belichick guy who's doing this crazy SNL impersonation of Belichick. Yeah.


All the reveals. The reveals are big, right? Like, we craft walks in the room.


It's a big thing. When you're watching it hour to hour. It doesn't seem as bad, but I got to be honest. I avoided the Hernández story. I knew he had a couple of crimes. Yeah.


Well, you're watching the nonsense version, though. Watch the three documentaries that are out on it.


But I didn't watch any of those, so I didn't know a lot of the background. The show lays it out, how he ends up unraveling. I don't know. It was pretty compelling. It wasn't great, but it was no better or worse than all the other stuff I watched, like the Menendez Brothers. They're all the same show. But the bonus for me was it was a typical stupid brain salad show, but it was my team. So it was the Patriot uniform. It was like, Oh, my God, that's Alex Guerrero. And then Kraft comes in and it's some actor playing Kraft and Myra Kraft's there. I don't know. I was almost unconscious, but I enjoyed it.


Yeah, I've been going back and forth between Menendez and Hernandez. And you're right, they are the same. But they need consultants, though. When Aaron Hernandez is 6 feet out of the end zone and they call it a shutdown, come on. If I want that, I'll watch the real games.


This is the agency I wanted to do forever. The sports movie, sports TV consultant agency.


How is that hard?


Yeah, they had a recurring thing. It's his brother is an aspiring quarterback because he played at Yukon. Let's just say they didn't use any CGI for the throws. I do feel like the sports scenes now and all these shows and movies are amazing because they can just CGI the crowd. You really feel like you're watching a game. They're much better. I don't know.


It kept my They're much better. The grunt guy is hilarious, too. He's good friends with grunt, which is the guy who plays him.


Oh, is that true?


Yeah. He's been his body double in commercials and everything else, so they're buddies.


I was thinking they do this based on a true story thing. That gives you a ton of leeway, right? So they could sneak two or three things in there that aren't necessarily true. Why not just have Hernández get drunk with Belichick one night and try to make a move on Belichick and Belichick. What are the lines of things you can do based on a true story?


There's been so many of these, and I don't even know. The Freddie Mercury one was nuts. When and where he was sick at the time. They really took liberties with that.


The Elton John one was supposedly crazy. Once it's based on, you can do basically whatever you want.


Yeah, like Domer dated Princess Die. It doesn't even matter anymore. It's really nuts the way they put it together.


Could he have a sexting relationship with Roger Goodell. Just throw that in there for no reason. I think so. Hey, Roger, what are you wearing today? I don't know. It just feels like I wish they would almost get crazier when they do these shows.


No one's really been successful suing on something like that. But so I wonder if you take it to the extreme.


Yeah, how far could it go? I guess everything has to be rooted in fact. But when he goes in, there's a scene where he asked Belichick for a trade, right? And it's just the two of them in the room. So there's no way to actually know what happened. And Belichick is like, We just gave you a new contract. What are you talking about? We can't trade you. But what if that didn't happen? Could Belichick sue? It's like his word against the dead guys.


Right. It's too hard to prove.


I don't know. Aaron, which one is the dead That guy.


Oh, Belichick is not the dead guy.


Belichick was pretty lively last week.


He was throwing darts left and right. I know he was.


Yeah, it was just nuts that that guy was on our team. As now we've been further removed from him, like, Holy shit. This guy was a fucking maniac.


He played a year as a murderer.




He played a full year after the murders.


It didn't take much to set him off. I'll tell you that much. Then he got this house and he had this whole wall of guns, which I know it's based on a true story. Maybe it was three guns, and they decided to have 12. But he had a fucking Tony Montana wall of guns in case somebody came after him. He was just absolutely out of his mind. They intimate that there was some CT stuff with him, too, which I'm sure is true.


Yeah, I think they took a look at his brain. It wasn't pretty.


Yeah, there's two left. So he still has a couple of murders left and some jail. So we'll see how that goes. But yeah. Good luck. I don't know. We're running out of guys like this to do shows about.


Yeah, you're right.


They're almost going to have to start running back things that they've already done. I know they did Bundy five years ago, but maybe just bring him back again.


Are you saying Step It Up athletes, we need more atrocities for the current athlete? Come on, Shohe.


What are you doing here? Yeah, I would watch nine episodes of the Shohe interpreter thing.


I would, too. That sounds great. That's going to be coming out.


I went to game two yesterday. Neither of us have done a pod since that Freddie Freeman game, which I think was the most important baseball game, probably the last eight years. Is that fair? Since Cubs game seven? Yeah, I think that's good. One of the five most memorable baseball games of this century. I felt like everybody was watching it or knew about it. It was a Friday night. Big stars, the biggest two franchises we have, and really a crazy, memorable game. Then the game yesterday was pretty good, too. Then Ohtani gets hurt in the eighth ending, and the crowd, he doesn't get up, and the crowd was like, that was it. The crowd was dead after that. It was just like, deer in the headlights. But it seems like he's going to play game three. I'm like a pig and shit watching how bad it's going for a judge. Does that make me a bad person? I don't know.


No, I don't think so. I think it's a lot of fun. But I'm going to sound like a sap here. But for that game one, the overall ratings were great and the LA ratings were superb, but the New York ratings weren't as high as they expected. And they chalk it up to, well, when one New York team is out, those fans don't care. So like, Met fans aren't watching as much of the Dodgers-Yankees. I can't get enough of it. Just growing up, seeing them having played each other in that uniform matchup and everything, I hate them both. I definitely hate the Yankees more. And the LA backdrop and everything. It just really It's beautiful.


And the Dodgers have incredible fans. I've been saying this since we moved out here. I think you took me to my first Dodger game. Did I really? 20 plus years ago. Yeah, we double dated. But the amount of jerseys I was trying to think what's the best final event game to go to out of the four sports? I actually think it's the World Series because Super Bowl, you have a lot of people who don't care about either team or they're just there. It's corporate. Basketball and hockey, it's super exciting, but it basically just feels like a bigger version of the conference finals. It doesn't feel different. It feels important, but it doesn't feel like any crazy more weight than, I don't know, game seven of the Eastern Finals. Are you saying it just feels different?


Are you saying going as a non-fan? I know you're- I'm saying whether you're a non-fan or a fan, it's just there's a different vibe to it.


It really feels so special. They have all the stuff before the game, the banners they put up, the special hats with the logos that sell out immediately. Everything about it. It's all good.


But the intensity, and I don't know, you can make a case for all those sports is intense. But when I went to game two and met Dodgers, even though they won by... It was like 6-3 bases loaded, and the fans were going nuts. I'm like, I have nowhere to hide. I want to hide somewhere. I want to be home right now. Why am I doing this to myself? That's a tough thing to match.


I wasn't driving yesterday, but we left after the bottom of the eighth because the Dodgers were up three runs. I think we would have stayed if it was a one-run game. I also wasn't in charge, but it's a two-and Half hour decision. If you stay for the final out, it's just an extra two hours. You just have to decide. If it was the Red Sox, obviously, I wouldn't have left. But I don't know of another team in any sport that has that traffic decision after. It's two and a half hours. That's like driving from Boston to Greenwich, Connecticut.


It's no picnic getting there either, no matter where you live. I think people in small towns listen to this. What's wrong with these guys? We have a team in Kansas City, and it's fine. We're in and out. You don't understand. You don't understand. It's like a nine-hour commitment, the game being three-hour. And four of those hours are definitely going to suck. So You really got to want to go.


Yeah, we left at 2:45 yesterday for the game started at 5:15. That's too late. And then the game... No, we were able to... I was with somebody that knew some secret roads. There's that whole secret road universe, too. But yeah, it's like after the game, if you leave at the same time of everybody pouring out, you're in the parking lot for two hours.


Right. Yeah.


Going one mile an hour, stop. One mile an hour, stop. This person wants to get in. Fuck you. I'm further ahead than you. And it's just that's two hours. And I don't know how they haven't figured this out. They make the most money out of any baseball franchise. Have they not figured out any version of trying to fix this?


And here's what's bad about it. You got happy Dodger fans who were immediately put in a shitty mood hour two of not getting offended by their weaving in and out of that, whatever, Vin Scoli Drive. And then you got the angry fans who left because their team lost, who are just on 10.


Who just want to kill anybody.


Aaron Hernandez's remake right there.


But the funniest part of all this is it's such a fucking hassle to get there and to leave. But then when you go there, it's one of the best stadiums in any professional sport.


It's out of control. It's so cool. That's what we're saying. That's what we're saying. It's so cool. Everybody should go.


No, it's... I think to me, how many must stadiums are there for you? Because I actually thought Dallas was... When we went to Dallas, I thought that was on the list for me, the Cowboy Stadium. Fenway has got to be there. Wrigley? Wrigley, for sure. Dodger Stadium.


What else would you say?


I don't say this Clippers thing right now. Lambo, definitely.


Lambo. Clippers? Put it in there only because it's so different.


I haven't been there yet. I don't have an answer.


Everybody loves it. Everyone goes wild for it.


People are pretty fired up for the wall.


Yeah, the wall, this T-shirt is being thrown by the actual athletes on a screen.


I've never been to the Montreal Hockey Stadium, but I don't know how cathedrally it feels when you go in there and how much history you can feel, but that's one I've always wanted to hit.


Well, you don't like the college ones, but There's probably four or five we should have before it's over.


College, there's like another 10, right? Yeah. I was just going pros. Yeah. College, there's a million of them. How many have you actually gone to? Probably not that many. The college ones? I haven't gone to that many either.


Not too many. Syracuse was fun because it was right by. I mean, it was loud, but not too many other than that. The Rose Bowl in Oregon was great.


How was your Halloween party?


It was good. Nephew Kyle and I, we had the same costume, though. What was it? Kyle Now, who are we? Matt Foley? It was an SNL theme, which I thought was good because it's-Double Matt Foley? Yeah, it's the 50 year. I'll send you the picture. And Don Barris' girlfriend was also Matt Foley. But yeah, we did the 50th year, and it was a good theme because it spans a lot of generations, and you got a good sense of who got to see. Like, oh, this is when you watch. Oh, interesting. You watch these. So, yeah, that was... Yeah, my nephew Kyle and I, we just stood opposite sides of the the whole night.


Was anyone the more Cowbell guy or no?


Yeah. Our friend Will Burke, that was another Cowbell guy.


All right, let's do Parent Corner. What do you got?


Let's do it. All right, so... I mean, I got so much stuff.


Is that a wrestling tournament, 6:15 in the morning, Saturday.Wrestling tournament?


Yeah, the real stuff, the high school stuff. But that's whatever. We went and he lost, and that was that. All right, here's something. A girl likes my 10-year-old Harrison. We found the note, and he was at this stage where he doesn't want anything to do with girls. He's all sports. I think sports is the cool thing. We found the note, and it fell out of his backpack, and it really did. We didn't go digging. It said, Thanks for everything. I love you. And then the girl's name, I'm not going to say. It was like, thanks for everything. What are they find a hat for?


I love you, Aaron Hernandez.


What is going on? He's getting thanked for everything.


Why do you know Aaron Hernandez?


What's everything? They take off to Aspen after school. So after we had to ask him about it, and he immediately gets defensive. He's like, I don't even know her. It's not for me. I don't care. Three things could not all three be true. And I was thinking, when I was 10 or 11, I had my first girlfriend, and my parents did this to me. And you hate it, right? And they're like, Oh, yeah, you like her, and she likes you. And where are you going to go? Are you going to go after school? Are you going to go somewhere? I'm sure my parents did it to them. But it's not the right thing to do, right? Because I'm just pushing him further away from the whole thing. If I'm making fun of him. Is there any way to make fun of the situation?


My wife and I talk about this a lot. She's like, You make it worse when you make fun of Ben. He gets mad. Right. But it all works out. I don't know how to converse if I'm I'm not making fun. I can't just become another human being.


Is there anyone else that does that, though? Do we have any friends that play it cool? I'm like, I'm just going to be respectful and not asking that. No, right?


They're probably better parents than us.


Yeah, sure.


Because we're fueled by sarcasm and ridicule as a way of parenting our kids. They don't want to hear it from us. Yeah. I don't know what it So what did you do with the note?


Did you put it on the fridge? Well, I didn't do anything. No, he ended up tearing it up, even though he claimed it wasn't for him and it had his name on it and everything. It's so stupid.


But I just remember- 10 was when Ben had that girlfriend for six months.


Ten? Yeah. Ten or eleven, like fifth grade.


Ten then, it's like a little platonic frisky. Nothing's actually happening, but you take pictures together.


But it all works out. They're okay, right? It's not going to be like, Oh, no. My father made in front of me, so I can't touch a girl until I'm 27.


Mike, I'll tell you about Harrison, man. He's already a ladiesman. He's 10 years old. He hasn't even got their puberty bike.


He has his ball sticking out of his shorts. He doesn't know left from right.


That is when a hordy 10-year-old, Mike.


We don't have control of these kids anyway, right? You send them to school as a boy, they come back a girl. The teachers could do it without your permission. It's crazy what It goes on. Happens all the time.


The boy stuff only gets worse. See, Harrison's a lot like Ben.




It's only Just wait. But it flipped, right?


I think he's in the same- Because Ben was like, Girls are yucky, too, for a minute, wasn't he?


Yeah, and then it completely flipped. But hated questioning, hated being interrogated in any way. Yeah. Gets mad all the time. We can never get information from him. Who is that? What happened with her?


Leave me alone.


My parent corner, my son really wanted to go to this Tower the Creator listening party at the Clippers Arena tonight. He never really asked me for anything. Obviously, I have connections with music and was able to help out with some tickets, but we had to use this Intuit Dome thing. Have you downloaded that app I haven't, but I heard it's not easy. First of all, it has one star on Apple, which I think is maybe high, out of five. Super hard. The person who's getting the tickets, they were trying to transfer it to him, and it wasn't working because he signed up today. Maybe there was like... Whatever. So they had to transfer it to me, and then I couldn't transfer it to him. And he was on the thing. He's now yelling at me. I'm like, All I did was try to get you with it. Now it's my fault. I don't understand why you can't. They just instantly start turning on you. And I'm into a dome hell. Then I'm like, You just log in as me. Just put it on your thing, log in as me, and you'll be able to get the ticket.


He logs in as me. It locks out the account. Now I have to change my password. I'm trying to watch Niner's Cowboys prepare for the pod. He's yelling at me. It's just going back and forth. Now I changed my password. It's on. I got to figure out how to transfer it. And it's now my wife's involved. Now she's yelling at him. And all this is going on during the first half of the game is I'm trying to figure out guest lines, all that stuff. And it's just this two-hour odyssey. And then I don't hear anything for a little bit. He's panicking. Third quarter of the game, I don't hear anything for a half hour. I'm like, Hey, did you get in? And he just replies, Yeah. No, thank you. No, thanks to No, thank you. No. Yeah. Oh, I forgot to tell you. That was really nice. Thanks. I'm so glad I'm in. I'm pumped. Hey, I know I was a pain in the ass. Sorry. Just, yeah. Three words, three letters. Yeah. That was it. That's what it is when you're trying to do something nice for your son.


Are you still mad? He's probably mad. He's a fucking dad.


I was into it dumb. So stupid.


You wouldn't have to change your password. I would have gotten in 10 minutes before.


I don't know this Intuit dome where they measure your biometrics and they take pictures of your face and nobody else can use your account and you can't transfer tickets. We might have gone too far.


It's cashless once you get in and you wave it like a wand and you just take food. I don't even think there's a concessionaire from what I was told. You take food and it knows what you took. It's like a mini bar.


It does feel like a 2006 JKL bit that you would have done. Where you You go in and you just take $700 of food and try to see how much you can get through without actually paying for all that. Whatever. I don't understand it. It's a little creepy, though. A little bit. I don't know if I like it or not. Apparently, there's 2,000 cameras in the building, and they could photograph everybody at all times. They know when you walk in. It's definitely, I guess, what the future is going to look like.


Then there's the cheering section and all that. The wall.


Durant said it was good. Yeah, he said it was all right. I'm going next week, so I'll be able to report back.


You got to report back because I'm excited about this. All right.


That's it for Parent Corner. Anything else you got?


Yeah. Thru the Ringer with Tate Frazier. He's a delightful man. Lots of fun. We got against all odds a couple of times on Ringer Podcast Network, The Ringer pregame, Same show, Sundays, and on Cousin Sal's winning weekend this Friday. I should have you guess who my guest is.Major.


Aaron Hernández?


It's Aaron Hernández.


Tower of the Crater?


Well, that wasn't fun. You guessed right away. Yeah. How about this? I'll give you three guesses, and I'll give you these two hints. He was featured. He starred in a movie about sports gambling.


Matthew McCone.


You, son of a bitch.


Well, that was an easy hint. I like Two for the money.


No, I shouldn't have said that. It's a good movie. You didn't think it was Paul Newman?


Piven was the Chad Millman character in it. Yeah, right.


I got Matthew McCone. That's fun.


So you like to for the money? I like it. Cr He wants to do it for rewatchables. He's been pushing it.


I want to watch it again because I remember... Because we're nuts, and I know the premise was a little bit out there, but I'm going to watch it again.


Cousin Sal, as always, good job by you.


Good job by you, buddy.


All right, that's it for the podcast. Thanks to Cousin Sal. Thanks to Kyle Crient and Steve Cerruti as well. Don't forget, you can watch clips from this podcast as well as the entire show on the Bill Simmons YouTube channel. New rewatchable is coming Monday night. I'm going to have another podcast on Tuesday. I will see you then.


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