How The Debate Could Change Everything (Ep. 2279)
The Dan Bongino Show- 403 views
- 27 Jun 2024
Summary: The big day is here. In this episode, I preview tonight's debate and discuss the potential consequences and implications it could have.
The Presidential Debate That Could Start World War III
The White House Covid Censorship Machine
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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Who's joining me tonight? Chad, who's joining me tonight? 8:30 Eastern Time tonight. Little pre-debate show, little debate action. You all going to be here with bells on? Freaking bells on? Avita, you going to be here? She's going to be here. No bells, but she's definitely going to be. We got the whole thing set up. We had a Jerry rig, the whole studio. We're in this a conundrum right now. The other studio is almost done. So we're like, Gee and Justin and Michael, there's wires everywhere. Or they're not. There's even a dog, Lucy. She don't even know We're not going to go anymore. There's wires everywhere. Everything we like Jerry Ricken. It's like things hanging from the ceiling because we want to do the right thing for you because we love you. We're not running any spots today. Nothing. We just want to cover the second The biggest news event of our time. What was the first pop quiz audience? Yes. What? No, it was not your Flesh and blood tournament. Gee, it was not the upcoming release of some Star Wars thing.
It was the Donald Trump Twinkies trial up in New York, the first President in modern history convicted on a fake crime by a fake judge. A lot going on today. I want to show you these ridiculous rules CNN imposed. This is why I'm telling you, don't get cocky about this debate. Hey, Beam's Dream Powder. It's a science-back hot Coco for sleep but no added sugar. Go to shopbeam. Com, shopbeam. Com/bonjino. Use code Bonjino for up to 45% off. I want to show you a video CNM put together. It's pretty hilarious. Advertising the stupidity of this debate, you're going to laugh. I'm going to open up with a bang. Did you see that Tucker Carlson thing, too, yesterday? Stay tuned. Hey, Patriot Mobile. Listen, I love this company. I'm so proud to partner with them. They've been on the front lines defending freedom for a long time. Stop giving your money to Big Woke Mobile because, listen, they just hate you. There's a real flourishing, flowering, economically prosperous, parallel economy of patriots out there supporting each other. And Patriot Mobile is at the center of it. You got a smartphone? You want a brand new one?
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Maybe we're not supposed to say that, but I did. It's my decision, my company. I say what I want. It's called Bongino Inc. So I do what I want, and we make announcements just on the fly, but it's going to be awesome. I promise you're going to love it. So CNN actually put this up advertising their stupid ass rules. Listen, folks. Okay, seriously, let's do sarcastic face off, serious face off. Here. Do not get cocky about this debate. I'm serious. It's not that It's not that I don't think, and you don't think, Donald Trump can politically destroy this guy. He is a dementia-ridden, failed, corrupt, narcissistic, kid-snipping, woman-groping loser. I get it. However, he's obviously He's going to be enhanced tonight. Who the hell knows how. He's probably going to sleep 22 hours before. They're going to give him a cup of coffee before he gets on stage. He'll be able to get through the hour and a half, I promise you. We've seen it before, okay? But second, the rules are so slanted that they make it almost impossible for a guy who's the Lion King like Donald Trump, to get a point across.
Number one, there are two breaks, so Joe Biden can take a breath and who knows what he's doing, get some oxygen on stage Which who the hell knows? So it's really not an hour and a half. The breaks are probably going to be probably more than five minutes each. So it's really more than an hour and 20 minutes. And when you factor in the back and forth, Biden, think about it. Do the math. Biden's only going to have to speak realistically for probably 30 minutes. Folks, anyone can do that. Even this kid snifferer, he can do that. Also, they're saying no props. I think Donald Trump should ignore that. I think he should whip out a copy of the check. What do you care? It's CNN. What are they going to do? Kick him off the stage? Ignore that. And there's no audience because they don't want Joe Biden to get booed and hist. But this is where it's going to cause us the most damage. I want you to watch this. This is an actual video by CNN where they show you how they're going to cut off the mics. Now, Biden's going to lie.
The the entire time. That's all he does. He's a narcissistic sociopathic liar. You're not going to hear Trump no matter what, because the mic is going to be cut off. Cnn did a little demo on this. Like I said, they're proud of it. Watch this absurdity. Check this out. If we go behind the podiums, you can see two green lights. When they're on, they signal to the candidate, his microphone is on. When the green lights are off, they signal to the candidate, his microphone is off. Now, I want to give you a sense of what it will look like for viewers at home if a candidate whose microphone is off interrupts a candidate whose microphone is on. I'm standing at one podium, and I'll ask Phil to come in and take the other podium. And so let's say I'm answering a question. My light is green and I'm speaking. Phil's microphone is off and his green lights are not illuminated. His He's going to interrupt me as I'm speaking, and this is what it will sound like. My volume remains constant while Phil's interruption can be difficult to understand. Let's try the opposite. My microphone is now on.
Victor's microphone is off, and he's going to interrupt me. My volume remains constant while Victor's interruption can be difficult to understand. Justin just brought up a great point. They're explaining this like you all are morons. Here's what it sounds like when a microphone is not You can't really hear them. Yeah, no shit. They're perfect. Justin just nailed it. They're like, Folks, CNN has invented the on switch. Here, let's try. Look at that. We turned the microphone. Holy shit. How does that work? That's just so crazy. How does that work? We have a off switch. That's it. So bananas. We have that, too? Wow. Modern technology. Miraculous, folks. Miraculous. It is a problem, though. It's a problem because Trump is an alpha on stage. And for as much as CNN and the left-wing media tells you, oh, my gosh, in 2020, I even heard someone on Fox this morning say, I think it was Robe, Oh, the 2020 debate with Biden was a disaster because Trump talked over him. It obviously wasn't a disaster. Trump did great in 2020. They didn't steal it from him. It wasn't a disaster at all. It showed one guy being an alpha and one guy being a lion, narcissistic, sociopathic, influence, peddling, money-taking loser.
It's going to hurt him. I'm just asking you all humbly tonight. We'll be watching it, okay? Just don't get out ahead of this, man, because if you set expectations really high for Trump and low for Biden, and the guy shows up breathing, it's going to look like he won. I've already told you and given you the analogies with the needle. You tell someone with a needle, This is going to be the most painful thing ever. And it's just a pin prick. They're Okay. You tell them it's not going to hurt at all, and you stick them with a little needle like, Oh, that hurt. Don't do it. Expect a lot of this shit, too, tonight. Okay? Expect collusion. Expect Russia hoaxes. Expect the drink bleach thing. All of the Donald Trump hoaxes will come out tonight. Why? It's important we understand why, okay? I'm really committed in this show to educational content, not just entertainment, although I hope it is entertaining. You got to understand the Biden team realizes now that telling people things that aren't true, like the border is great, inflation has been tamped down, real wages are up. They understand that they've got to say it but not push it too much because it makes them look out of touch.
So they're going to try to make this debate tonight more about Donald Trump being a bad guy, Donald Trump being scum, him being a Nazi, then they are going to make it about Biden's record because they don't want to look like they're out of touch and pushing down your throat a narrative you know isn't true. Does that make sense? If you listen to what they say, you'll see how they're going to do this. All the hoaxes are going to come out today. Here's a quick one, but here's a Democrat operative on Fox already hinting at the drink bleach hoax and all these other things. They're just going to launch tonight. Donald Trump is going to have his mic quieted most of the time because they discovered the on cross switch. Check this out. Joe Biden has to remind the American people of that and then let them see the Donald Trump that told us to inject bleach into our veins and did all the crazy stuff. Those, obviously, were taken out of context in retrospect. Well, good for Brett for sticking up for the truth there. But that guy, what is his name? Jonathan Cot, is obviously an asshole.
Everyone knows Donald Trump didn't say that. Anyone can go, of course, on any video platform and listen to the speech he gave about disinfectants and COVID. The guy's an asshole. But, you know, liberals generally are. This is what they do. They can't keep the debate focused on the Biden economy and other things because the American people, polling-wise, don't like it. So it's going to become all about Trump. They're having problems, too, folks. The polling has gotten worse. I launched this yesterday to the show prep thing to insert into the show today. However, there's another poll out today, real clear average of all polls. It's even worse. Byron New York yesterday. The polling is getting bad, folks. Quinnipiak had Biden up in a head-to-head 48, 47 in May. New poll today, Trump up by 4, 49.45. Huge Trump lead amongst white men. Trump-biden tied amongst white women. Biden only 76% with Black voters. Trump at 19%. Ladies and gentlemen, the Black voter phenomenon with Donald Trump. Listen, what do we chat, folks? What do we think of the polls? They suck, okay? Do we all agree? Double middle finger to the polls. However, I'd rather be ahead than behind, right?
I mean, I'm not stupid. Even if the polls, half of them are right, you've now seen 20 or 30 straight polls with Donald Trump getting 15% plus of the Black vote. Even if a quarter of them are right, ladies and gentlemen, we're trending in the right direction. However, why do we give the collective middle finger to polls? Because folks, listen, polls don't vote, people do. And in the midterms, we were told, It's going to be a red wave. There's going to be 760 Republicans in Congress, even though there aren't even that many seats. And what happened? Squat happened. We got our asses basically handed to us. Okay? So thank you, Anita, for pinning that. I appreciate. Okay? So forget the polls. Here's the article I talked about yesterday, and we're going to get to some Supreme Court stuff, get the Tucker thing. I've got a lot to talk about. More Supreme Court rulings out today. Just really an incredible news day all at the same time. As I predicted, by the way, yesterday, the January sixth ruling from the Supreme Court on obstructing official proceeding, the Fisher case, has been delayed. I told you they weren't going to launch that before the debate, and the presidential immunity thing they held, too.
We'll get that tomorrow, maybe next week. This is the article I talked about yesterday. Folks, this debate. Again, let's anchor ourselves here. This is serious talk. This scares me a little bit. Again, as always, we're not snowflakes here. Panic kills, panics for punks and Losers. But we've got to be realistic. Folks, the power of human beings to cause mass destruction to other human beings has never been more potent than it is now. I mean, listen, Let's be honest. We've seen regimes throughout human history cause pain and horror to others. Everyone from the Ottomans to everywhere. It's happened. Every society on Earth at some point is engaged in mass violence against another, either in the establishment of their country or the preservation of their borders or some more. But even a couple of hundred years ago, when we were slowly coming around to gunpowder and still dealing in hand-to-hand combat and swords, the ability to cause mass destruction was limited by geography. It was limited by a number of things. It's not anymore. This debate is really important, and I really, really encourage you to read this article by Homan Jenkins. Listen, he's not a Trump guy.
Put aside the anti-Trump stuff for a minute. But Wall Street Journal, the article is called The presidential debate that could start World War III. I want you to pay really close attention to this line. I'm going to move on. There's this researcher from OpenAI, this guy, Ashton Brenner. Forgive me for saying the name wrong. He was fired. He was fired, I believe, for warnings, for giving people warnings about artificial intelligence. He says a national security panic of the first order is going to emerge in the next two or three years. Two or three. Not 30. As China and the US race for superintelligence capabilities, trillion dollar chip clusters will become decisive national assets to be protected. How? With the threat of nuclear retaliation? Folks, this makes me a little anxious. This has always been a fear in my last line of work. What if China gets to this trillion dollar superintelligence first? You realize everything from a blockchain to encryption, to banking systems, to water systems, to nuclear power plants, to satellite communication. The next president is going to be decisive. Do you want a guy like Joe Biden in hock to the Chinese government, in hock to the Russian government, a guy who's riddled with cognitive problems, possibly advanced dementia?
Or do you want a guy like Donald Trump, who you may not like his tweets, But at least he's coherent and has an actual foreign policy. Folks, that article should scare the shit out of you, because let me tell you something, they're not kidding. I have heard this from a number of smart, smart people, not stupid, smart people. They don't even understand how the AI works. They don't know. They know it does something, but they don't know what. I'm also very concerned in the next four years, not just about having a dementia riddled Chinese Communist Party bribe-taking loser in the White House who will forfeit our national security in the interests of himself and his garbage can surrounding family who I can't stand anymore. Tell this guy to get lost. He is done. He's finished. Why do you keep putting this guy in front of us? I'm very concerned about the metastasizing police state, too. I've told you this a thousand times, especially after yesterday where the Supreme Court punted on the biggest freaking First Amendment free speech case of our time. It is inexcusable what they did yesterday. Absin Alito, Gorsik, and Thomas, who seem to always be on the right side of these things.
Amy Coney-Berrett, Roberts, Kavanaugh, all punted on the biggest free speech case of our time, Murphy versus Missouri. It was our one opportunity to strike back at the government pressuring social media companies to kick you and me off social media because we had protected free speech on there about COVID, vaccines, and masks. Youtube banned me from their platform after we quit because I told you masks don't work. And the government is behind all of this. Here's John Turley yesterday on the very dangerous precedent being sent by the Supreme Court yesterday, punting on this, saying, Oh, you guys don't have any standing. You have got to be kidding me. Now we go into election season with an empowered federal government deputizing social media to do what? To screw us over and steal an election again. This is serious stuff. Check this out. And what the court is saying is that we won't hear you on this issue because you're not the right litigents. Now, I have to admit, I've always been something of a standing dove. I believe that these standing decisions are too narrow because they do prevent the court from rendering a decision on such important constitutional questions.
So this issue will have to wait for another day. But one of the things that many of us have been arguing for years is that the government engaging in censorship by surrogate. I testified about this in Congress, that they have made a mockery of the limits of the First Amendment by doing indirectly what they're barred from doing directly. They're using academic and corporate allies to bar and cancel and blacklist critiques on a variety of different subjects. It's going to be very frustrating for the free speech community because we've been trying to see if there will be a final decision to strengthen free speech. Folks, you understand how ridiculous the Supreme Court punting on this was? The whole idea that you have to be dramatically injured legally, financially, somehow before you can protect your own rights? This is ridiculous. The Supreme Court humiliated the entire country. I got to tell you, Amy Coney-Berrin-Cavenagh, who we defended and we fought for, as Avita said yesterday, have just embarrassed us repeatedly. How do you punt on this? What's the point? Why even take the case? Did you read the First Amendment? Is the Supreme Court aware of what it says?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech. Abridging. Abridging the freedom of speech. Read the First Amendment. You're going to tell me in this Wall Street Journal article that this guy, Rob Flaherty, who worked for the Biden White House, in an email exchange to know what Facebook was up to, that he was trying to, quote, limit the spread of viral content given its reach in immigrant communities and communities of color. The company responded three weeks later with a lengthy list of promises to Rob Flaherty from the White House. You're telling me that the White House directly is trying with social media to, quote, limit the spread of viral content, and you're suggesting that's not a bridging free speech? What are you guys doing? What's the point? Michael said it right. You got two kinds of legal decisions. The one's Clarence Thomas is for, and then all the wrong ones on the others. That's it. He's on the right side of every decision. Alito, Gorsik, the other ones you just can't trust. You will not be saved by the courts. Folks, there were two more leaks yesterday, too.
We'll get to that in a minute. The Idaho Abortion Leak came out yesterday, and I believe the free speech decision was leaked, too. I'll tell you why in a minute. Quick break here. A lot more to talk about the leak on abortion. Something's going on there? You cannot trust these institutions anymore. Not the FBI, not the CIA, not the upper-level leaders of the military, not the Supreme Court, folks. I'll prove it to you coming up. Helix, hey, getting a good night's sleep is so important in your overall wellness. That's why I'm thrilled to tell you how much I love my Helix mattress. I'm sleeping and feeling better every day. The Helix lineup offers 20 unique mattresses, including their award-winning Lux and Ultra Premium Elite collections. The Helix Plus is a mattress designed for big and tall sleepers, and the Helix Kids mattress is designed for growing bodies. Take the Helix sleep quiz, find your perfect mattress in under 2 minutes. And your personalized mattress, ship straight to your door, free of charge. Helix offers a 100-night trial and a 10-15-year warranty to try out your new Helix mattress. It's H-E-L-I-X. Every Helix mattress has a hybrid design, combining individually wrapped steel coils on the base with premium foam layers on top.
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Okay, you can be the audience on Buds Here's why I think the free speech case was leaked out in advance, and some people got it. Did you notice the surgeon general, Murphy, he's the headliner in the free speech case, Murphy versus Missouri, because he's the surgeon general, and it was about health care stuff. Did you notice that yesterday, before the free speech case getting punted is released to the public, Vivek Murphy comes out with a video we played on the show, Calling Guns a public health nightmare. What's the excuse the government's using in the Murphy case to censor people on social media? Oh, we're not telling social media to censor people. It's all about public health. You think that's an accident? They didn't want to make it look like they had waited for the free speech decision to come out and get punted to put the gun thing out because it would have looked like they were reacting Oh, look, now we can censor. The Supreme Court said so. Am I making sense? Is that too complicated? They put it out before. They put it out before because someone, I guarantee you, leaked it. And they said, Listen, you guys will be okay.
This is coming out that you guys can censor through the election. But don't put that video out afterwards. It'll look like you're reacting to it. Make sure you get it out before. I know that sounds crazy, but folks, my antenna are up. There is someone inside the Supreme Court that is leaking to the left. That makes sense? Okay, cool. I know you get it. You guys get it in the chat? Here, here's my evidence. I always bring receipts. I don't bullshit you ever, okay? Here's a Fox segment yesterday, first on the Idaho Abortion Another one that went out, leaked out right before the debate prep and all this stuff because they want to keep abortion in the headlines before the debate, and they probably want to get a question in there. Now they have more ammo. Here, check this out. This is breaking right now, and this is a story out of Bloomberg about a case out of Idaho that was being considered by the US Supreme Court. It deals with abortions and emergency abortions in that state, if they could happen. The case was being put forward. There was not a release on that case today.
It was not one of the decisions that the Supreme Court had weighed in on. However, it appears that some aspect of this case, whether it is the opinion or not, inadvertently was posted on the Supreme Court website for a short time. You see what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen? These institutions have been hijacked by tyrants and authoritarians. There's someone inside outside the Supreme Court leaking these things out to the media because they think they can use the narrative advantageously pre-debate, and they wanted to make sure it got out in time. But that's not even the most important. That's an obvious leak. The Murphy Free speech decision. The free speech decision we've been talking about, Supreme Court punts on it. I'm telling you it was leaked, too. I want you to watch this. Hat tip, Senator Mike Braun running for governor in Indiana. This is a while ago when Vivek Murtaugh, the surgeon general, was being confirmed. Mike Braun knew something here. This is going to get, again, a little complicated, but please, I'm listening. You guys get it in the chat. You're all very smart, so I'm not trying to talk down to anyone.
I just don't want to... I know what's in my head. You get it? Mike Braun is a very smart guy. He understands what I told you yesterday. Go back and watch the show if you want a full debrief. The left's new method of legal warfare on the environment, on guns, on all this stuff, is is to declare these things a public nuisance. If they declare them a public nuisance, they can drag Exxon, Smith & Wesson, all of these companies into court and sue the shit out of them, lawful, lawful style. I covered this yesterday. Whenever you hear public health threat or public nuisance, just know this, the left is talking about legal warfare against something they don't like. You understand? Good. Very simple. Mike Braun is a smart guy. Braun understands this. I want you to listen Listen to this very strategic question he asked Vivek Murthy years ago when he was first being confirmed, the surgeon general now who's responsible for all this censorship, when he asks him about guns in public health and listen to Murtaugh's It's a cancer. Doesn't sound like the video they put out yesterday. Check this out. Dr. Murphy, just a question to the point.
Do you think guns present a public health emergency? Well, Senator, I think that gun violence, like any other form of violence, is a concern to me as a doctor who's taking care of many patients who have been the victims of violence. But I think the way we approach that issue, Senator, should be driven by science. I'm grateful that Congress, as in a bipartisan basis, put funds to study the origins of gun violence and how best to address it. But I'll tell you that my focus, Senator, is not on this issue. If I'm confirmed, it will be on COVID, on mental health, and on substance use disorders. Did you catch it? Braun's no dope. You think Mike Braun just randomly threw that question in there for no reason? Him and his staff wanted to peg this guy down on, are you going to go after the firearms industry on this bogus public health thing? And he gets him on the record saying, No, that's not my priority. So what does Vivek Murthy do yesterday? Murthy puts out a video right before the Supreme Court thing launches about government censorship over public health stuff. Murthy puts out a video, Guns are a public health crisis, the exact opposite of what he just said.
Folks, the footprints and fingerprints are everywhere. They knew about it. They didn't want to put that video out about guns after the decision. So they got a leak on it. They knew they'd be protected, and they launched it before to say, Hey, we had nothing to do with the decision. We put it out before that. And Avita just brought up a great point, too. That Brennan Clapper Advisory Group that's advising the DHS and the government, pre-election on stuff, what did they declare, quote, misinformation and disinformation? Yes, ma'am. A public health crisis. Make my point. They're coming after your guns. They're coming after your social media. They're coming after anything you post on COVID or anything else. They're coming after the abortion industry. They're coming after... I should say, they're not coming after it. They're coming after to support the abortion industry. And they're going to remarkably say they're protecting public health as if abortion isn't the death cult. Abortion is death. That's what abortion is. Folks, you hear public health, no welfare follows right behind it. Mike Braun knew. Good job, Senator. You want to see that full video? You can watch it on his Twitter feed.
You We should send that to Vivek Murthy and say, Hey, you told us the exact opposite. Now, all of a sudden, you're going after guns? I got a lot more ahead, including the now exploding CIA scandal. As we now know, That some of the signers of the infamous laptops of Russian asset nonsense, we know they were CIA contractors. Holy shit. This is insane. Can you imagine this? Some of the people who signed that letter had access to secret CIA information and knew the laptop was real and did it anyway. Our government's been totally hijacked, man. Tell me again how the police state isn't real? Again, receipts coming up. We back up everything on this show. They're going to waste your freaking time, ever. By the way, who's joining us tonight? I know you guys will. It's going to be fun. Birch Gold. We recently had some monumental news no one's talking about. For the first time in our history, it's been reported the interest we pay on the national debt surpassed every individual budget item except Social Security. It's right. The US now spends more on interest than on national defense or even Medicare. It's only getting worse as big government continues to spend and spend and spend.
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Reagan was right. I'm from the government. I'm here to help are the most dangerous words in the English language. We now know our own CIA. Our own CIA has been targeting American citizens. This is stunning. Miranda Devine has his bombshell out, and she means it. Cia top officials interfered in the 2020 election by basically clearing the Hunter Biden laptop letter. Folks, leave this up a second, for these guys. Do you understand no one in the government thought that the actual Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian asset operation? Nobody. The FBI knew it was real. They'd already confirmed it. The CIA knew it, too. And yet they authorized Joe Biden's team, Tony Blinken and them, to go out and marshal up 51 dipshits to say that it was a Russian op. Your CIA stole the freaking 2020 election. Now, listen to me. I I get it. I know, guys. Leave it to me. Leave it to me. One second, please. These guys are good. They're like, Yeah. I know the word bombshell is overused. I get it. I'm with you. I hate it, too. Folks, this is legit a bombshell. The CIA we now know, knew about this.
Senator Ron Johnson is like, Well, now it explains why CIA Director Haspel basically didn't want to give us any information, wouldn't even schedule a phone call. Gina Haspel had damn well better be getting a Congressional subpoena before this election, hopefully in the coming weeks, to explain what the she was doing when the CIA authorized, even de facto authorized, to release this letter. Okay, I'm done with that, guys. I appreciate. Even CIA insiders, ladies and gentlemen, knew that this would destroy the reputation of the CIA. Here, here's an unclassified email that was released. Can you just blow that up a little bit? I see it on the screen right here. Sorry. This frustrates me. I don't think it's helpful to the agency, the CIA, in the long run. Sai. Not the name SIE, S-I-G-H. They knew. They knew. They stole the election. They knew. Folks, here's the great Cash Patel. I love some Cash Patel. Cash is on Fox. Cash was a upper-level Trump administration official. Many levels of government, ridiculously smart guy. Here's Cash Patel on Fox talking about how the CIA and FBI knew the laptop was real. They had access, and they stole the election anyway.
There's now no longer any doubt. Our government has been hijacked. The institutions will not save you. They'll come after you. Check this out. Did you just get your take on this, Cash, the breaking news is coming out of the House Intel Committee just a short time ago. They're saying the letter that called Hunter Biden's laptop, Russian disinformation, that the CIA, they're saying from the highest levels, including the CIA director, knew about that letter, and they did nothing to stop it. This is another example of exploding the lies from that letter. They said that none of the individuals that signed it had access to classified information when multiple signatories were intelligence communities, contractors with classified intelligence access. The CIA director, the top intel official in the CIA, whose office was presented the letter, had access to that classified information, including the FBI information, which verified the laptop. So Gina Haspel, again, instituted a political operation at the head of the CIA to sit silent and deprive the American people of the truth to execute a political vendetta she had. This is the IC run amok in another application, Misapplication of law in the two-tier system of justice in intelligence and national law.
Brothers and sisters, listen, I get it. I understand. I want to say this again. I understand the word bombshell in the media is overused. There's a tendency towards engagement farming and click baiting with people. I get it. We're all guilty of it at some point. I apologize in advance. We try to limit it, but we're all guilty of it. I understand. Please explain to me how this is not a legitimate bombshell. The CIA, which is not even supposed to be targeting Americans, not only targeted Americans, but targeted Donald Trump and was a key player in stealing an election that determined the course of the country. Wars broke out, inflation broke out, the border wide open. There were terrorists in the country. The CIA, who's sole job, am I wrong? Folks in the chat, call me out if I'm crazy. Their one job is what? To gather an international intelligence portfolio to help decision-makers make decisions to secure the United States. Is that an accurate sentence-long summary? Pretty much, correct? What was the CIA's role in 2020? To steal an election by creating fake information and feeding it to the media with the imprimatur of truth on it?
And Gina Haspel says nothing? Are you shitting me? This is real, man. You think this election isn't serious? You think this debate, oh, no big deal? I'm not saying you think that. Do you realize what we're up against if Joe Biden wins? This is Who's going to become SOP. The CIA is out of control. The FBI is out of control. Supreme Court staff is out of control. Military officials, out of control, teaching sex changes in DEI. That's the bad news. But here's the good news. We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change this, folks. Everybody out there is He's leading this Trump presidency all wrong. All wrong. Oh, he's only got four years. Folks, he doesn't have the pressure of re-election. He is the first President in a very long time to come into office with presidential experience. He knows where all the bodies are buried. He knows all the tricks. He knows all the scams. He has no pressure for re-election. Four years in the government is an eternity to clean the rod out. We have a real opportunity here. More good news, because I am optimistic. I mean it. Don't let this show scare you, okay?
Anxiety produces action. Action produces good outcomes. We create strong men right now. That's what we do, and women, the Magazonians out there. Folks, cutesy time is over, and you're getting a growing crop of Republicans who get this. I'm not telling you we don't still have weak needs, swampies. We do. I get it. But there is unquestionably a growing crop of Republican commentators, political leaders, electeds, even judges out there, Judge Canon and others, who actually get it and are willing to fight. Here's Anna Paulina Luna, who I'm really starting to like. She's not effing around, folks. Merrick Garland, our attorney general, disgraceful human being, doesn't want to produce the tapes of Joe Biden talking to the special counsel about his records theft. Why? Because they're probably horrible. She's holding them in inherent contempt. Like, Hey, we're going to lock this guy up. If he doesn't do something, good for you. Check this out. It's important to note that when an individual is called for courts across the country, they appear. Why should the attorney general who is supposed to be head of all law enforcement authorities any different? Garland still has time to comply with this request.
We are asking that he bring the tapes to the house and let us listen to them. But in the event that he does not, we will press forward with calling the privilege motion on inherit contempt to the floor on Friday morning. It is also important to note that if we, as a Congress, do not have the ability to enforce our investigative ability that we are essentially going to be ignored and undercut and essentially handicapped by all other branches, which would make us not a co-equal branch of government. Listen, maybe Maybe I'm an optimist inappropriately so. I don't know, folks. Listen, I've been through a lot. So have you. It's not some sob story. Who gives a shit? We all have our own stressors in life and stuff. But I'm telling you, my little battle with that cancer thing, which I try not to talk about too much because everybody's got their own problems, and no one wants to hear about mine. But if you're going to be here with me every day, I want you to understand what goes on in my head. Really changed everything. When someone tells you something like that and you think you're not going to make it that long, and then you find out you will, you're like, Things really change, man.
I hear all this stuff about pharmacological change. Oh, my gosh. Ketamine, psilocybin. I was a different person. You know what would make you a different person? Someone telling you you could die and then tell you, No, I think you'll be okay. Let me tell you something. It changes you quick. I'm optimistic, man. I'm seeing it everywhere I go now. You get people now. They're not interested in bullshit anymore. They're just not. They don't want to hear about, Oh, no, no. Those are mostly Hey, good guys. And all like the white nights coming around the corner to save us. They were all like, No, we're going to save ourselves. Power's the solution. We're going to take it. Everybody's going to get fired. We're going to rebuild the thing, and it's going to be different. Bullshit, cutesy time is over. You're seeing it everywhere. No one's taking the FBI's word on anything anymore. Oh, the FBI said so. Okay, I believe the opposite then. Oh, the media said so. What did they say? What did they say? If the media told me tomorrow, three plus three equals six, I got to tell you, I'd have to check the math because they're full of shit.
But we have a growing crop of real journalists out there, too. Yes, we do. Darren Beatty, Julie Kelly, Taibi, others out there doing actual work. Here's Julie Kelly yesterday. You still trust the FBI? This is hilarious. You see this tweet? Part of a motion filed yesterday by Walt Nauta, a good guy, is Donald Trump's assistant, by his attorney. This is how seriously Lastly, folks, the FBI took the handling of top secret government files at Mar-a-Lago. They ran out of classified cover sheets that they could stage on the floor. They ran out. So what did they do? Show them the picture, guys. This is real. This is not a joke. This is what they put. This is not a joke. I am not messing with you. This is from the official court filings. For those of you listening on Apple and Spotify, what is it, guys? It's a piece of paper in handwriting, Secret Secret Doc. That's your FBI. Guys are really on the ball, man. I guess you didn't put that in a picture because it didn't look good. You needed the fake cover sheets instead. Secret Doc, one page. It's our FBI, man. I'm sorry.
I should be crying. It's unbelievable. Nobody trusts you anymore. You have the opportunity in a Trump administration with a bunch of new people there to rebuild trust in our FBI. Rebuild trust in our secret service that got rolled at Mar-a-Lago. We have an opportunity to do that because let me tell you something. I worked there, you guys, and when I was there, you worked for us. You worked for us. If you don't like that, go get a private sector job where you work for yourself. That's what I do now. You work for the taxpayers. You don't have to like it, you can quit. But this government operates by consent of the governor. We pay for it and we give you the power. By the way, don't be surprised. A friend of mine sent this over. The reason they're pushing this Trump classified documents case, I believe they're setting up a path for Hillary, for Hillary to take the nomination if Joe Biden collapses in the Donald Trump debate. They're trying to push this Trump thing to say, Oh, Hillary's emails thing. Well, Trump did it, too. Don't be surprised at all. Hey, let's go to the Tucker thing because I don't want to miss this.
I'm sorry. Folks, what drives me crazy? What is the left-wing narrative that drives me the craziest? Well, Well, there's a lot of them. But if you're a regular P1 listener show, you know the left's infatuation with demographic destiny and replacement theory drives me bananas. Why? Because they talk about it all the time, replacing you with immigrants. They're obsessed with it. I played the supercut for you probably 50 times. All Democrats, demographic destiny, demographic destiny, demographic destiny. That's all they care about. And every time we expose them for talking about it, they accuse us of being racist, which is hilariously stupid and tells me you're scared. By the way, hat tip, James Lindsay. Put that UN thing up first. James Lindsay has us on his Twitter if you want to read the whole report. Here is an actual population division of the United Nations report on what? They must be racist. Replacement migration. Holy Moses, really? I thought that was a racist, Republican, Nazi thing. There's a full report on it. Go look at Lindsay's Twitter feed. Is it conceptual? Is that a concept? Go look. You could see the whole report yourself. I thought this was a racist thing.
It's literally called Replacement Migration. That's a report. Did you miss this thing with Tucker yesterday? This is just one of the most epic takedowns of a dips reporter you will ever see. Why am I talking about it now? Because it's about exactly Look at this. Tucker, me, and some other conservative people have taken on this replacement theory, demographic destiny thing because it's the Democrats goal, and we're not going to let them get away with it, so they come after us. Here's a reporter trying to hit Tucker on it, and Tucker just dropping a debate anvil on this reporter's head. This is just glorious. Check this out. Very much for your address today. You talked a little bit about immigration, and in the past, you've talked about how white Australians, Americans, Europeans are being replaced by non-white immigrants in what is often referred to as the great replacement theory. This is the same-Have I said that Whites are being replaced? I don't think I said that. Well, it's been mentioned on your show 4,000 times. Really? When did I say that? On your show at the box? I said Whites are being replaced? You have said that before.
Really? Yeah. I would challenge you to cite that because I'm pretty sure I haven't said that. I said native-born Americans are being replaced, including blacks. Native-born Americans. Native-born Americans. Americans Black Americans have been, African-Americans, have been in the United States for, in many cases, their families over 400 years. Their concerns are every bit as real and valid and alive, to me, as the concerns of white people whose families have been there 400 years. I've never said that Whites are being replaced. Not one time. And you can't say it. I believe that's untrue. We just met, but when our relationship starts with a lie, it makes it tough to be friends. Folks, Avita and I are both watching that. This is just a master class. Now, To be fair, that goes on 10 minutes. I say to be fair because I don't want to cut it off. However, if you want to watch the whole thing where he just completely dismantles this woman entirely, it goes on for about another nine minutes. Daily Caller has it. It's all over social media. It's on truth. It's on X. You can see it. But this is why you understand why they are so eager, eager to make this conversation go away?
Because it's real. If it was fake and it was really some ridiculous racist thing, they would have already let it go. Replacement, migration, is their goal. That's why the border is open and you get complete life losers like Mayorkas, our DHS Secretary. Watch this short clip here. Still claiming, despite the fact that NBC news, yes, NBC, You mean the communists? Yes. They did a full report on 400 illegals here who were basically sponsored by a terror-related group. Here's Mayorkas like, Oh, no, there's no evidence for that. Check this out. With respect to the people from Central Asia, we have no evidence that they are individuals plotting to harm the United States. That is inaccurate. Then why are they being detained and deported for being sponsored by a terror-related group? Folks, there is no amount of terrorism, death, destruction, rapes, murders they will not tolerate to advance forward their demographic destiny, replacement, migration theories. They write about it all the time. That is why they are so afraid. And this new, conservative, MAGA, libertarian movement going forward, LUNA, Tucker, the Trump movement going forward, nobody's taking their shit anymore. You tell us not to talk about something.
We We talk about it twice. Hey, a couple of quick notes. Folks, if you have your business on the cloud, I'm respectfully asking, I'm an investor in Rumbl. You give us a shot over at rumble@rumbl. Cloud. We are the tip of the Here in the parallel economy, you run the risk of being taken down by these people. I lived through it firsthand, not by Rumbl. So rumble. Cloud, give us a shot over there. And please download the Rumbl app. It is the haven for free speech online. Give us a follow. Give us a follow on Apple and Spotify. And I will see you here tonight. Me and Avita will be starting at about 8:30. Give us a little bit of leeway, 8:30, 8:35 or so. We're going to get everything going. We had to jerry rig the studio. I'm just being honest with you. I don't like to bullshit you because, again, we're in the middle of a huge move to a bigger studio, but I promise we're going to have a good time. And don't worry, we will be back here tomorrow, regular time, 11:00 AM, going to be live. We'll be on a radio both days.
Nothing changes. Tonight is just additional. One favor, though, please don't go. Don't No, not yet. One favor, please. Spread the word. I'm seeing a bunch of people on social media saying, Don't watch these other places. Watch it with Bonjino. We would love to have you. We're going to be adding a lot of commentary to it, doing some fact checking. It's going to be a lot of fun. Watch us here tonight. We're expecting a huge crowd. We'll see you back here later. I'll see you on the radio show in a little bit, back here tonight and tomorrow at 11:00 AM, tonight, 8:30 or so. See you there. Thanks for tuning in. You just heard the Dan Bonjino Show.