The Left Wants Revenge (Ep 1391)
The Dan Bongino Show- 1,513 views
- 12 Nov 2020
In this episode, I discuss the deranged liberal left’s targeting of conservatives post election, and their push for revenge.
News Picks:
The Democrats promised us post-election chaos, and that’s exactly what they delivered.
The insane liberals are putting together lists to target Trump supporters.
Here are 10 horrible things liberal extremists have doxxed conservatives.
The Democrats are promising more witch-hunt investigations after the election is over.
Key Democrats are promoting voter fraud in Georgia.
This is insane. The Biden team is pushing for more lockdowns?
Why is the Biden team hiring so many tech executives?
How we can fight back against the left’s tyranny.
Authors retract study showing masks are effective.
Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.
Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.
Remember that piece I told you about by Michael Lanterne about that liberal group and their plans before the election if they lost to Donald Trump for post chaos? Remember, that generated all kinds of there's nothing liberals hate more than when you expose them for their calls for chaos. They tried to blame it on us. Remember that article? Well, it's weird. All their promises are coming true. Remember their calls for post-election chaos? A chaos, they promise is happening right now.
I have listed on my show rundown today. Here we go. Now, I'm sure The New York Times and others will come out and try to blame me for exposing what liberals are doing again, and that's great. It just leads to more downloads for my show. As you try to blame me for your insanity, that is OK. But I am going to go down a list today of things liberals are doing. If you thought post election when they think they've won because they do, they think Biden is the president elect right now.
Nothing happens until December 14th when the electors meet. They don't know that they have read the Constitution. If you thought that even though they think Biden won, they were all going to calm down and go away, you are out of your mind. I'm sorry. They have doubled down on crazy. And I'll prove it to you today. Today show brought to you by expressive EPM. Ladies and gentlemen, surf the web and peace. Protect your activity online from prying eyeballs.
Go to express VPN Dotcom Bongino and get a VPN today. Welcome to Damage Show producer Joe. How are you today? Fine, sir.
Well, I'm doing quite well. Fine. Suit yourself. Yeah, good. Yeah. No, I had an adobe crash before the show which would provide right back up and running right again. So we love it. We have multiple backups here ready to rock and roll. All right, folks, by the way, one quick announcement. We do have an interview show today back again for our post-election day because the election's not yet over because they're still counting votes.
Unbelievably, Rudy Giuliani back again to tell us about all those crazy anomalies we've seen out there. And one of the president's attorneys general is back again for the second time. Rudy, for the third time. You're going to want to miss that, will air it on Friday afternoon. So you're definitely not going to want to miss that one. Taping it later today. Show a bunch of our friends. That is huge. They're going to be a long day lot.
A lot of work today. That's right. We the people, all stars. Ladies, gentlemen, this is mine is mine right here. Look at looking at beauty. The pending results of the election will no doubt cause a spike in firearm sales. They always do, sadly, you know, because everybody's afraid what's going to happen with these elections. If you're making a firearms purchase because you're worried about the future of the Second Amendment, be safe, responsible and carry with the best holster out there.
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All right, let's go loaded show today. Thanks. We the people horses, we appreciate it. Yeah, yeah. When we start live streaming, it'll make more sense. Folks coming soon, we hope. All right.
Remember that coming cuz that article by Michael Lambton. I told you the Democrats and their liberal allies were promising a bunch of post-election chaos, a street fight, not a legal one. Well, they certainly deliver. Again, I can't repeat this enough if you are under the illusion, the delusion that because the Democrats think they've won the presidency with Joe Biden, that they were somehow going to go away, celebrate their victory and focus on legislation. You'd be wrong.
Remember the movie Tombstone? Wyatt Earp is Val Kilmer, Doc Holliday. What the. What they were looking for, Curly Bill and others, he says they're looking for reckoning. Well, the Democrats are certainly looking for a reckoning right now. Here we go. I'm going to read out to you a series of headlines of things that have happened since Election Day is over. The election's not over yet. It's not over until December 14th, despite what the media who believes they somehow have a constitutional role in this election, I've yet to find.
I've been looking I have you found that your polling we have found that you haven't seen that yet anywhere. But they seem to think they declare who the president elect is, which is that's real. You can do that all you want. We'll just continue to ignore you. But if you thought they'd go away, you'd be crazy. Let's go to the headlines here and let me show you headline number one. So if you thought Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and the Lunatic Witch Hunt Brigade, which fabricated the tape, the collusion hoax, is still telling you that it spy on the president despite finding payments to an actual spy who spied on the president's team.
If you thought that was going to go away, you'd be crazy. Here's a Washington Examiner. These are all of the show notes are lengthy today. Bongino That newsletter, the newsletters, the show notes. You can read all these articles. There's a lot of articles. And here's article number one. So the Democrats, did you see this? They put out a little memo, the House Democrats. Trump increase coming, House Democrats warn three years in jail if documents are destroyed by Paul Bedard at The Washington Examiner.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Trump administration is fully aware of the fact that we have to preserve records, we don't destroy records like Democrats do. Remember those thirty thousand emails about yoga and Hillary's granddaughter's wedding or whatever it was they said they were talking about or going, remember that we got those right. We read those. Of course we have. And we still haven't seen those yet. So we're not Hillary Clinton. We have the gavel. But then this is a hammer, not a gavel.
For a minute. Remember Hillary Clinton's Blackberries? It was like this. Remember that? Yeah.
The BlackBerry destruction thinking they must be confusing us with the Clintons. As always, the Democrats always accuse you of what they're guilty of. It is illegal to destroy government records, emails, communications. So why would the Democrats send a memo about a law that's already on the books to the Trump administration, threatening them with three years in jail? If they destroy records, why would they do that? Because, again, there's read between the lines, ladies and gentlemen, there's always a subtext to everything here.
And if you know lunatic liberals like I do, you know exactly what they're saying. What's happening here, Joe? The lunatic liberals want revenge. It's not good enough that they think they won the presidency. It's not good enough if you thought their staggering losses in the House and Senate this election, the Democrats added. And there's a sliver of a potential win in the presidency, it's not even over yet what's going to say to them, maybe we should calm down with all the lunatic stuff.
You are wrong acts. Simon Cowell, exit America's Got Talent buzzer. Now. Are lunatic base is calling for political decapitations, they want this thing, they want people to be taught a lesson. I'm not kidding. The memo was sent for a reason. The lunatic base is pressuring congressional representatives, the Democrat senators, bureaucrats on the inside, threatening them with donations and future support if not only they don't punish the Trump team, but punish them viciously. So the Democrats to keep their lunatic, you track me, Joe, to keep their lunatic base happy, I sent out this memo knowing it would leaked to the press like it did to Paul Bedard, saying, we're coming for you all.
You better not dare destroy those records. Oh, you thought this was going to go away? Dan, why are you telling us this, because, ladies and gentlemen, there's an election coming up in just a few weeks in January in Georgia, no matter what happens with this presidential election, that election is still going down and there's a midterm. And listen to me, there's no time for for whining here. Every time there's no crying, there's no crying in politics or none.
There's no crying in politics. This is our country. We still have to live here. This is not the golf game. I've used the analogy a thousand times. It's a boxing match. Golf, you quit. Nobody cares. Boxing, you quit. The other guy's still kicking your ass. And the story, you can't quit. I know you're not quitters, I know it, I can feel it, I'm reading your emails, everybody is more pissed off than anything.
There's no quit anyone. We've got to live here. If they take over, there's a material touchable impact in your life, exploding crime, your business being bankrupt, another lockdown. I'll get to that soon. Investigations that the people who worked in the Trump administration for the crime, Joe. Dreaded air quotes of working for President Trump, because that apparently is a crime now, because we now live in essentially a Third World republic, if that's what the Democrats want.
Yeah. They promised us chaos, Joe. And they are certainly going to deliver. This is like a bizarro version of that Lou Diamond Phillips movie, remember, stand and Deliver what Edward James Olmos stand to deliver the Democrats version. Oh, they're going to stand and deliver just in this movie. You wind up in the Gulag for working for the Trumpy. Maybe I'll be there next. Here's article number two. Biden team knows that, listen, in order to inflict tangible material losses on people who oppose them, whatever it may be, investigations bankrupting their business.
Easiest way to do it through the tech companies, right? Because they control everything. You're buying habits and Amazon, your social media posting. Wow, look at this article, Washington Examiner. A solider Biden transition team add several tech executives to their team there. What a coincidence that is. I'm sure it's just because of their wonderful experience in government and legislating and Amazon folks and Google folks, Uber, Google controls YouTube and all your search habits. Go Google Biden crime family and see what comes up, it'll be 6000 fake fact checks before you get to the point that the Biden family and their 10 percent for the big guy story is very real.
You think the Biden team is hiring these tech executives because they have some kind of love affair with Amazon, Google, Uber and others? Doc was right. Doc Holliday, it is it's a reckoning. I just want to just want to give up now. I'm not talking to you, Myotis, you all are the most faithful warriors, hard core folks I've ever seen. You're in this to the end, but I'm talking to potentially some listeners out there finding our show for the first time who are thinking about giving up your thinking wrong.
Because these people are not kidding around. And until we stop kidding around, the not kidding around won't stop. Gets worse. So Joe Biden had a doctor, Dr. Osterholm, on his coronavirus advisory board. Well, conveniently, now that the Biden team assumes and thinks they've won the election and they think they've been declared president by the media, which is weird, again, I read that in the case they're still looking. So, look, I haven't seen that provision yet.
Now that they think they've won, I think they're comfortable enough to get any more votes. Oh, look, we came out yesterday, but I want to Biden's advise you think this was an accident, that this leak Bunshiro dot com article. Again, all of this will be in the show notes, read all of them and send them to your friend. Biden coronavirus adviser calls for a four to six week lockdown by our buddy Matt Polumbo. Another nothing like that.
First one, Joe worked so well. Yeah, it worked. So it was just fantastic. It's stopping everything. The first one works so well, another four to six week lockdown. So in case you weren't bankrupted the first time, missed your cancer treatment. Someone, God forbid, in your family went into depression or may have incredibly sadly may have committed suicide. Your kids are losing years of education, taking away their value added abilities in the job market lately, later through educational aptitude and achievement, if none of that was wiped out before.
Let's definitely wipe it out now. This is not a joke. Read the article yourself. I'm not putting screenshots from the archives. I want I didn't want to I didn't want Paula to divorce me because she helps me produce a show that's very important. The voice no good. But secondly, I don't have enough enough. I have so many articles. If I went to every screenshot, I'd never get to all the stuff. Remember the headline today?
They want a reckoning. Do the tech industry do investigations through more economic lockdown's? The restaurant barely stayed open. Remember that quote from H.L. Mencken the other day, democracy, when you vote for it, you deserve to get it good and hard. Oh, we're going to get it good and hard if Joe Biden pulls this out. Oh. It's come and good and hard and by good, I mean really bad. Say, Dad, gosh, that's really bad.
Three stories, more investigations if you work for Trump. Biden hired all these tech people that can't go well, locking the economy down again for another four to six weeks. That sounds horrible. We're only hold on one second. One, two, three. We have four or five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, eleven more to go.
It's going to get worse. Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's going to get worse. It's gotten before, it's already starting, so a bunch of Trump supporters got together and said, hey, you know, probably a good idea to have a rally. I think that's a fantastic idea. So they decided to put the information on another tech Tiran site, Eventbrite. Well, Eventbrite said, no, no, you're not going to organize for a political rally on our site, an event event, so we'll call them event not so bright, post-millennial MIA Cofell Eventbrite shuts down March for Trump, page for, quote, potentially harmful misinformation.
Interesting. How political rallies are now harmful misinformation only, only if their political rallies for Donald J. Trump. You think now that Joe Biden thinks he won, this is going to get any better? So now, just to be clear, we're censoring the president on social media, we're shutting down his rallies, news websites like Event Not So Bright, which, by the way, no conservative should ever go on again. By the way, don't toy with me.
You know, my history with social media and tech companies where we're ready to, like, take down Twitter and YouTube at the same time. But Rumball don't play games with me. Should have learned that lesson last time. You may say, gosh, this sounds bad now we can't organize if we work for Trump, we could be looking at investigation. They'll be coming after us with their their their full force of the tech industry and they'll lock down the economy again.
Hey, democracy, good and hard, folks.
You get it good and hard. Check out this little gem in The Daily Caller. Again, you thought they were going to back down now that they think they won. Oh, let's just take our toys and go home. No, no, you better take your toys and start playing with them toys again. Daily Caller article. Check this, baby. I got a screenshot from this one coming up in a minute. And I want to get some other stuff in between that to show you how bad this is.
Daily Caller, Mary Margaret Houlihan, sorry, my eyesight's not that great. We have a list of pundits and Democrats plan to hold Trump supporters accountable. They're now putting together lists. Joe, where have we seen this before?
Just before the Geula fascist countries?
Yeah, yeah. Gulag, yeah. Soviet Union. Communist China. Yeah, yeah. Brings about I've actually seen lists in Hong Kong right now as the communist Chinese have disbanded their legislative council essentially. I read that story. That's Fassett, one of the last bastions of freedom left in Hong Kong. They had a list to. You see, that's what fascists do. And that's what tyrants do. With fascists and tyrants, do is it's never good enough to win, it's only good enough to win and punish, and in order to punish, you need a list of people to punish.
So who are the fascists? Well, we've always known this complete life loser. So let me show this to I mean, you want to talk about a loser at life, a total failure of absolute epic proportions, a cataclysm. Of a human being, Jennifer Rubin, such a disgrace, she can't even hack it at The Washington Post, which is an embarrassment. So Jennifer Rubin on a Twitter account put out there that any Republican now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not follow the will of the voters are making baseless allegations of fraud, should never serve in office, join a corporate board or find the faculty position or be accepted into polite society.
We have a list, she writes list, tell you what, and why don't you put this on my list, the old double barrel, middle finger. I use this finger just in case kids are watching out there at home and they don't really get that. But I'll give you the old double barrel. How about you put me on your list? Because I don't give a rat's caboose about you or your dopey list. You have an inflated sense of self-worth and you think people give a damn, but.
Don't ignore this. Because this ultimate buffoon of a human being has been given a platform at The Washington Post to put you on a list. Now, if someone goes on that list and something happens to them. God forbid. I can only hope those people remember through a legal process that Jennifer Rubin put you on that list. I can only imagine if she's sure to be monitoring and checking on a list and advertising people for targeting and there are financial consequences.
You know what? There's probably a legal process to pursue that. I'm just saying. You may say, Dan, that's just Jennifer Rubin. No, no, people with actual power have been elected to office and have influence, whether we like it or not, they're calling for less. Oh, you doubt me? Check this out. This is a people joke was who I was talking about, who's actually been elected. But this was people to judge who could get a cabinet position.
This was his old campaign manager, a deputy manager, a guy named Harry Seven, who says, hey, it was just reported that some White House staff in the Trump administration are starting to look for jobs, while employers considering them should know there are consequences for hiring anyone who helped Trump attack American values. Find out how at another last, Joe, the Trump Accountability Project. Wow, dude.
Oh, geez. Now, this guy. Part seven. This guy could be a player in the new swamp if Joe Biden wins. Because people to judge the worst spokesman in human history for the Biden administration, one of the most arrogant, pompous asses I've ever heard in my life, could potentially bring this guy back into government. And the first thing I would do is start flying immediately his emails to determine what he did with his list. And did he bring it into government?
I'm just a week in an odd, folks. I'm just saying, if we have some lawyers out there, I don't have a team of lawyers to do this, but I know there are a bunch of people who do. I would argue that right away. I'd like to see Harry's emails. Is that list where's that list? Where did that go? Was he using government assets to target free American citizens? Because that would probably be illegal. AOC wants a list, too, by the way, she has actual power.
Let me get to my second sponsor here, but I want to get to another group that was given and ripped off America basically for 60 plus million dollars, the LENINE project, also known as the Lincoln Project. You know, they have like that guy had ties to Russia from the like. And I thought that was no ties to. Right. When you're the Lenin project's OK. But I'll get to that a second. How they think it's funny to Dock's people.
Again, I would be calling lawyers immediately. Immediately, if I were one of these people, I'll get to that in a second, let me get to my second sponsor today, our good friends. I know what you're thinking and you better be thinking it. You should be thinking it. Who's you? Paula. It's time for a date night. This is the pre chemotherapy date night. Chemo starts on Tuesday. So this day it's going to be amazing.
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His products are also available at your local target Dukat and Dotcom Promo Code Holiday Dan for 10 percent off. All right, thanks you. So, you know, again, like I told you, you thought they were going to go away. And hey, listen, we wan let's go through legislative stuff like, you know, governing and all and. Sorry, it's revenge time. They want lists, and if you're not on a list, they will dot you, you know, some folks out there don't know what doxing is.
And you know what? If you don't and I mean this, that's good, because if you've been dock's, it really sucks. What is doxxing, Demoex X? Well, doxxing is when you place someone's personal identifiers disgracefully on a social media or public platform y so people will go to their home or call them and target them. I've been docked there probably 20, 30, maybe 50 times. Probably to want to come to my house, but that's a whole different story.
Don't let that daughter. Oh, maybe not so. But we get it, it's happened to me. I have a little mechanism set up now for that. It's really sick and disgusting, and no one should ever do it, but, you know, sick and disgusting people are liberals like the Lennon Project, you know, the Lennon project, otherwise known as the Lincoln Project. They are they flushed down the toilet bowl, 60 plus million dollars of liberals who got duped to go fight Senate races and run ads in states that were not competitive.
They lost all those Senate races, lost seats in the House and barely maybe could be maybe snuck by in the presidency. Now, what would be a feckless president by. But good job. Way to spend sixty five million lenine project. You guys are really terrific. So what's the Lenine project doing? Because they need revenge. Do of course, because they're hapless losers like that. That bag of ODAs Rick Wilson, who I ran into an airport and was so malodorous I wanted to poke vapor rub or as my wife calls it, vaporise.
When she up my nose, he stunk so bad. But that's a different story. So he's a member of the LENINE project. So here from the Daily Caller piece, which again is in the show, not here, this is a this is a tweet from the LENINE project, which was forced to take this down. Quote, Here are two attorneys attempting to help Trump overturn the will of the Pennsylvania people. The Lenine project tweeted, the Lincoln Project tweeted with a picture of the attorney and what pictures do.
The tweet, which included the attorney's phone numbers and emails, added, make them famous with a skull and crossbones emoji. Wow, that sounds kind of like a thread. Yeah, that was me doing that, understandably so, people would be annoyed, I'd probably have my accounts banned, but because it's the Lennon project, a largely get away with it, I think they were forced to delete the tweet. But there's been no further sanction, I can tell at all of the Lennon project.
That doesn't sound like a threat, that's a threat. What else do you use the skull and I understand we use the skull and crossbones for if you have you ever got like a prescription for something ever. The Lenine project is you ever get like, say you have wrinkles and you put retinol on or something like that. Do you ever like on the retinol? Do you ever seen a skull and crossbones? I'm just asking. No, you haven't, of course, because the skull and crossbones mean don't touch that.
So the skull and crossbones is a symbol of what? Death, poison. That's why we don't put it on prescriptions to take if it's not poison. But you do put it on like other things like rat poison and actual poison. So why would they put that on there if everybody was going to be. Oh, listen, let's all sing Kumbayah. The Democrats now, they won. They're going to be happy. We got there. We got Trump.
He was such a mean guy with his tweets. He's out now. Everything will be good again. Don't worry. Oh, really? Really. Now we're doxing people, we're adding them to lists, yeah, this has been done before. Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Ceausescu, you know, other luminaries of death and destruction, Kim Jong UN, Kim Jong Il, Kim Il Sung, you know them, these luminaries of higher order, intellectual thinking on the left.
Khrushchev, they had less. They had less. There's always a list for the left, there's always they need a list. Because a lot of them are savage animals with not a shred of dignity, an ounce of courage or a scintilla. Of morality. Don't ever forget what you're dealing with. I warned you about this a long time ago on that show that at the time that bonkers numbers show growing so much. Ironically back then, those bonkers numbers aren't even an hour now.
But back then, it was bonkers numbers. Where I did that show about new rules, remember, new rules, we win, you lose. And I warned you that going against Trump because you didn't like his tweets was a mistake because it's the equivalent of being in trench warfare with people lobbing political, you know, bombs your way. And you're in that trench warfare, are you worried about the guy fighting next year's tweets? Listen, his tweets may be terrible.
As I said, he could be a business cheat. He could be a terrible guy. He could be tweeting out awful jokes. When the political bombs start coming in and you're in that trench. And the bullets are whizzing by your head, you don't give a damn. You fight back, you can handle that crap later. I warned you that about Trump. And now where the Biden team thinks they won and if we do lose, we're going to get democracy again, to quote Menkin good and hard.
All those fake Republicans out there, I don't like his tweets. Yeah, you like getting dock's you like being put on a list. You like tech companies, Takio, you think they're not coming for you? No, no, I'm safe. I said Trump was bad once. You are really. You sure about that? Famous last words. Before the guillotine comes down, a new. Reminds me of that video, remember that video we played of those those dopey kids in Washington, D.C. with the Black Lives Matter rally?
Remember that video we played there? Like, Yeah, we're with you, and then they throw the rock and break their windows. Remember that night I'll be somewhere with you and we're with you. My last words under the gittin. I'm with you. You don't even get the up. Good luck with that, folks. Now, Dan, all right, thank you. Thank God it's done. Oh, no, no, no. The reckoning is not done.
You know, that was done. You thought tech tyranny investigations, economic lockdown's lists, stocks saying you thought it was over. Sorry. Here's more. Remember these doxxing episodes, they've got a lot of experience doing this, a great article on Red State today in case you think they're not experienced doxxing and getting your personal information out there so you can be bankrupt, firing at people, showing up at your house, terrorizing you and your family, shining laser lights in your window.
Red State has a great article up about all these episodes have left this doing this in the past because they love doxxing people, including with their media allies. Jeff Charles, here are ten despicable ways. Far left extremists have dock's conservatives. I'll just give you a one here where the media plays in because the media loves this media. No, Dan, they're all about free speech and journalism. Sorry you thought that. Check this one out. Remember the case of Kate Cronin, Fermín, an assistant professor of human rights, that's hilarious.
At University College London last year, she wrote a piece for The New York Times in which she called for the doxing and humiliation of federal employees. She even went so far as to create a list of people. Here we go with the list, Joe serving with the US Border Patrol so that progressives could find ways to punish the man. They love their lists, don't they?
Mm hmm. Border Patrol cops. Police officers, law enforcement and these corrections officers. Military folks want your name on a list that's not going to happen to me. Oh, sure, just wait. We're done. Sorry, just kidding. There's one more now they're just outright promoting fraud the last year, like they used to do that voter fraud semi openly because they know the media won't report. Now they're just actively out in public calling for voter fraud.
What have I told you about the left? They were going to double and triple down. They want a reckoning now. They're just openly calling for fraud for the January 5th. Twenty twenty one coming right up, Senate election, both of them in Georgia, the one I've been warning you about. For that, we lose these two Senate seats. We're in a world of trouble. No matter what happens with the presidency. We've got to win those epic times.
Jack Phillips. Democrats suggest people move to Georgia to vote in elections, experts issue warnings. Folks, in many cases, that's illegal. Unless you're a resident of Georgia under certain conditions, you can't move to Georgia to vote in an election for a week and then move back. So they don't give a. They don't care, they've been involved in. All this Joe Biden, the head of the the COPO, the Biden crime family, talk about last man fanfare, it's all bold stuff.
He didn't mean a word of it. He is going to hire people, tech people and others to double down and come after you. Don't worry, I'm going to tell you how we fight back in a minute, we're not powerless here, but I got to set the terms of the battlefield first. So you understand we're in the trenches right now. This is no time to be worried about the guy next to you. Helping you fight back and it's tweet six months ago, you can talk about that later, not now.
Moved to Georgia. But that's illegal. Because we don't promote illegality on the show, let me be crystal clear, don't do that unless you are legitimately moving to Georgia and can legitimately vote. It's a shame we have to say this on the show, but please don't do that. Left this unreal, then we have to do like segments on the show. Please don't break the law and vote illegally. I mean. This is absurd. That we have to do these segments.
All right, I'm going to get to how we fight back. I got one article in the Atlantic I want to get to. Before that, let me get to my third sponsor. This article is really, really important because I want to again highlight the reckoning coming and the deranged lunatics Biden is surrounding himself with if he wins this. Ladies, gentlemen, today, so today's show, excuse me, brought to you by friends again. So what's next year's technology for skin?
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All right, so I laid down kind of the terms of what's coming our way in this trench warfare. The hot stuff coming at us because the Democrats need revenge. But I want you to understand that the people Biden is surrounding himself with the lockdown crowd, everyone is going to have real damage there. They don't value human life like you do. Oh, my gosh. Well, that's a bold thing to say. I didn't say it. Zeke Emanuel said it himself in an article, I'll take my word for he actually wrote this in a piece in The Atlantic.
You know, Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm Emanuel's brother, he never let a crisis go to waste. Guy's brother, far left radical. One of those guys who was a big proponent of Obamacare. Remember him? We used a lot of his stuff. Really? He wrote a piece in The Atlantic a little while ago. This is Biden's one of Biden's key guys, health advisors, coronaviruses. Why I hope to die at seventy five. Hey, brother, good luck.
I don't share those sentiments have added, babe, not me. By the way. Biden, 78. Just saying. But he says he's one of his advisers on coronavirus, pretty sick, disgusting. I'm not kidding. Why? Why? I hope to die at seventy five. The guy's seventy 78. I believe me, I'm sure Joe Biden, I assure you, does not feel the same way. I absolutely know I don't know Joe Biden well, but I assure you he doesn't he doesn't agree with that article.
On a serious note, very serious note. This guy could be a public policy adviser for a potential president of the United States if Biden is to win this. Ladies and gentlemen. This is this the chasm, not this, not even the split, but the chasm, the Grand Canyon wide chasm between us in the left. Conservatives see every life as a gift. It's not some commodity to be traded. It's a gift, it's a gift from God.
Jesus Christ, I profess my faith loudly and do a proudly on the show all the time. And that gift has a value like every gift. As value. And ladies and gentlemen, I can tell you that that value. It's really, really hard to determine. For people who haven't had. A reckoning themselves with their own mortality. You know, everybody makes. At some point in your life, some cheap statement about life, I've had relatives of mine who smoked, I going to say who it's not important to this, but very close relative.
I smoked her whole life. And when I told her it was going to kill her, she said, well, I could get hit by a car tomorrow. People say stuff like that all the time. Candidly, folks, in a moment of self-deprecating honesty, but important for the segment, I've had those moments to realize, gosh, is it even worth any of this anymore?
I did. And then when you find out that there may be an expiration date at the bottom of your foot. That stuff changes real quick. And all of a sudden, that life you put a value on in pennies becomes worth trillions. People will do anything. Anything to survive when they see their life disappearing right in front of their eyes, evanescent into the air. Anything. Rahm is Rahm's brother here on Ziko. He may not have had that moment.
I hope he hasn't. I mean, that I hope he hasn't gotten that call from a doctor one day saying you have a terminal disease. I hope and pray he never finds himself in a situation where someone pulls up on him in the street in a robbery and he has that moment in front of him, I assure you he would do anything to survive. But I had that call. With a disease that's thank God, and I'm not using his name in vain, I mean, thank the Lord with a capital T and a Capitol Hill thank the Lord is treatable.
But make no mistake. It is a deadly disease, and if left untreated, you will die. And when you have that moment, you see the world totally differently. When I was coming home from New York, after I had that tumor removed from my neck, we were in a car coming back from the airport. And I was driving down the local highway here, headed back to my house in the back seat, looking out the window. It was daytime.
It's a clear day in Florida's beautiful, about 75. And even the trees look different, I don't mean look different, they were still green and brown and every color a tree is. I mean, when you're here on Earth and you value your life and you don't see your life as being taken away from you any time soon, you see yourself growing old with the trees and growing old with the neighborhood. Like, oh, gosh, this is going to be cool in ten years is going to be all kinds of development here in this house is going and we're going to prove this and those trees are going to get nice and big.
And when you have that moment with your own terminology, your own expiration date, and you see it in front of you. You say to yourself. I'm not attached to this place like those trees are. I'm not going to see that tree. This was before I knew this disease was treatable. You see these items in these objects as attached to a place you no longer have an attachment to, and let me tell you something, you will do anything to survive.
Who the hell are these losers, Zeke Emanuel writing an article suggesting to the public that life is so valueless that at 75 you should just wrap it up because you're going to have a couple pains in your joints. These are the people Joe Biden chose to surround himself with. Don't ever forget that. This is what you want every second of your life is valuable. I don't care how many arthritis pains or heart attacks or strokes you've had, God forbid every second is valuable and is a gift.
All right, you need to take a little mental break after. I want to importantly, I want to leave you. That's how we Fight Back segment, because it doesn't do you any good to talk about all the damage being done and the threats being made towards us if I don't give you a way out, because there is let me get to my last sponsor, folks, and we'll get that. I appreciate your patience. I just really need to.
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Steamfitters. Truckers'. Soldiers, police officers, corrections officers, firemen, all you heroes out there. They don't quit anybody, I'm telling you, I'm not. This isn't like hyperbole to do like a rah rah routine. It's a fact. I was at church this week in the parking lot, everybody's like, what do we do? Who do we who do we donate to? What do we do? We do another parade. What do we do?
Do we not they're not they're not kidding. Nobody's giving up at all. So how do we fight back? Well, I discussed this article last week, and I want to just briefly, I don't like discussing articles twice, but this one matters because it had some great points in it. The articles from the American conservative be in the show notes again. And it's titled How the Right Can Organize Like the Left by David Hynes. This is a spectacular piece, I must warn you in advance.
It's not for the faint of heart. I don't mean there's anything crazy in there. I mean, it requires things of you. That if you're. Which you aren't in my audience, but if you're out there on the just fringes of politics, you only get involved and you think could benefit you and you're not really too into this whole life, liberty, pursuit of happiness thing. This article is probably enough for you because it requires you to do things and not just talk about them.
Most of the people in my audience are ready to do a whole lot to get their life, liberty and their happiness back. But the point of the article teaching people how to fight back against this coming reckoning, the left is planning less, censoring bankruptcy for you, doxxing? Oh, yeah, it's all down there. I showed you the articles. We don't need to talk about it right there. I can prove it to you. There's one lesson we can take from the left on how to fight back against this is don't ever forget this axiomatic truth that pressure is power.
No, no, Dan powers Senate seats and congressional seats and the presidency, it's a form of power, Alexion power, electoral power, the power to vote. But ladies and gentlemen, the real power the left figured out a long time ago is the power of pressure. You don't believe me, why do you think they're doxing people? Why would it be why would a leftist group like the Lenin Project put out people's home addresses, phone numbers, whatever their for their names and photos, why would they do that if they didn't think it would damage people and ruin their lives because they know it will create pressure to have those people fired?
And don't forget the axiomatic truth pressure is power. So how do we create pressure and power through pressure? Well, ladies and gentlemen, power and pressure are products of numbers. Let's go to the screenshot from this piece again, I included some of these last week and you should read this piece. It's worth your time. Quote, If you want to actually produce change, you can't do it with debates. You can't do it with pundits. And you can't do it by sitting at home and assuming someone else will do something.
You have to learn to build a team and work is part of it, and your team has to learn to be part of larger teams, you must, in short, build the community here. Folks, I've said this to you before. I love this show. It's my entire life I ran, I've been an activist. I've been a part of groups, many groups. And I say to you all the time about this show, I love this show, it's my life, but this show is meaningless.
If it doesn't spur people to action, you have to do. Things have to be done. Things I told you I do, I do. I want to go up and support those New Jersey guys went up there and worked out there and told that guy he get a tattoo in North Carolina. I still got it on my back. It's a tattoo. Then go away. Sometimes I wish I could do more, unfortunately, now I'm a bit limited, kind of tied to a schedule of stuff.
But that's going to change in a few months, too, as I get out of this, we have to do and I got more due planned. But pressure. And the power of pressure is only created through numbers. Ladies and gentlemen, if you're not organizing locally, you have to be. And if you don't want to understand that that pressure from the left is never going to stop because they understood this a long time ago. There's really no excuse at this point to not be a member of your local Republican club, your local Tea Party group, your local conservative group, there's none I can't make it out on their meetings Thursday nights.
Well, I'm sorry, then. You're not really interested in changing things. It's your prerogative, it's a free country. But then pressure those groups to start allying with other groups. We have groups down here that that are unbelievable, we won Florida, the Trump the Trump crew won Florida by almost four points. That's a landslide in Florida. We have a group in Palm Beach County Club. Forty five, you go to a meeting there is this.
Fifteen hundred people in a room. They reach out to other groups. Power to pressure, pressure is power and power and pressure are always products of numbers, make yourself one of those numbers in a group that allies with another group and do it today. This is no time to take our toys and go home. It's time to double and triple down. So if that's the most important takeaway, the pressure is power and power comes through numbers. Here's.
The second most important thing may be equally as important. Ladies and gentlemen, you need to learn that actual material losses matter. Check this out. The left figured this out a long time ago, the words every conservative elected official needs to have emblazoned on his or her wall in letters four feet high and on fire are, quote, actual material loss.
Hard lefties understand that if you want something, if you want someone to change his behavior, you have to be able to inflict actual material loss on them.
Not devastating, bondsman's, not status hits, not embarrassment, actual material loss for politicians, this means votes for other people. Usually it means money. Folks, we got a primary season coming up right around the corner now. Dan, we just had an election year, folks. The midterms are in twenty, twenty two. The primaries, people will start announcing their candidacy for the congressional and Senate seats at twenty twenty two, I'm guessing, and probably six months, maybe less.
For some, I announced right after the election when I ran, we almost won that thing, I ran for almost two years. This is the time now in the primary to let people know you are going to vote and get those conservatives and fake Republicans on the record right now, that if their behavior doesn't change, that that vote and your numbers are going to inflict actual material loss through votes on them. Don't be quiet. You have their emails, you have their phone numbers, they work for you, we can responsibly make contact with them every day if we need to.
They work for us, not the other way around. Your vote is an actual material win or an actual material loss for them. The time to let them know about that is in these primaries, because once the rhinos get through in the primaries, we're stuck voting for them later because the other option is catastrophic. I would never vote for a Democrat. But second, the actual material lost, the Democrats figured out a long time ago to inflict on people outside of votes in politics because we're not all elected officials, votes don't matter to me not running for anything.
Is the boycott and the doxing and the list gathering. Well, ladies and gentlemen, you have money to. Matter of fact, I believe last time I checked that seventy one million people, that's a whole lot of folks voted for Donald Trump. Matter of fact, I believe it's the most the largest amount of Republican voters to vote for Republican candidate for the presidency ever. Last time I checked, the data was pretty conclusive. Seventy one million people. My gosh, that's a lot of money.
We all made ten dollars each would be seven hundred and ten million dollars. I'm assuming we all make a whole lot more than at. Companies want to mess around, Eventbrite wants to cancel your stuff. Hold a Trump rally. You can speak up to. You know, I'll tell you for. Years I I spoke out against boycotts on our side because I thought they were foolish and stupid. Yeah, I remember. Yeah, I know you remember that, right?
Yeah, I woke up. New rules, folks, we win, you lose. But boycotts, boycotts are unethical. They are, are you sure? So you're suggesting to me if a company makes an unethical decision like canceling a Trump rally, we should go back and support them with our money anyway. And that's ethical. No, that's just stupid. Do you know I'm not kidding that I have not walked in a target in four years. Target store.
My wife's laughing because she knows it's true if the last morsel of food on Earth was for sale in a Target store. I'm telling you, I would skip it.
You know, I will never, ever buy a Nike product again in my life. Seventy one million people voted for Donald Trump have a whole lot of money. You can inflict actual material losses, too, and a whole lot of them. You can also do boycott's. It's a buycott, so when the left wants to boycott a Hispanic restaurant owner who supports Trump, come on down, let them know we know what actually happened. I could give you the guy's name, but I'm running out of time.
What did we do? We conservatives showed up and made the guys the most money he's ever made and probably a month long period in his entire life, restaurant could even get in if I make a four hour wait to get anywhere we can do that to. Remember the Chick fil A boycott, I think a chicken for like six months after that? True story cost me a lot of time waiting on chick fillet lines, but they make it go quick.
You can buycott and you can boycott, too, and 71 million people have a whole lot of money and influence to do it, they want to inflict actual material losses on us. Boycotting conservatives will you can pay that favorit back. I'll say one more thing. The only part of this article I disagree with is don't give up the ideological debate. He's very down on debate in that town on the but kind of damp, I don't I don't agree with that.
I don't agree I agree with him wholeheartedly that the do matter, the do always supersedes the talk. If the talk doesn't motivate you to do something, it's all for naught. One hundred percent agree. But I don't downplay winning the ideological argument either, and you may say, Dan, that's a waste of time. I'm on Facebook debating liberals and they're all nuts. Yes, folks, they are. Joe, like you've heard the story a thousand times.
You know, I know where I'm going, but. Ladies and gentlemen, I was at a conference once talking to a really brilliant activist, a Republican activist who knows the street better than anyone, and he said to me, You're not debating the liberals on Facebook. They're lost. You're debating the third person who's reading the stuff you're posting on Facebook against the liberals. There's always a sane, rational third person who hasn't been swayed yet, who's watching what's happening.
You're not debating the liberals when you debate the liberals, you're really putting on a show for the third person listening who's going to realize later in the end you were right because liberals never have facts on their side. I'm going to play a clip of this in a minute. I was at the Baltimore County Fair when I was running for the U.S. Senate, Maryland. I had a rather loud, boisterous verbal disagreement with a school teacher who was against school choice, which I found kind of ridiculous, claiming she was in it for the kids.
Yet the kids want to get out of her school or a school that works and she doesn't want them to really hear it for yourself. Sounds like to me. But I won the debate, I don't say that because it's me and because I have some big ego, I won the debate because she can have an answer to any of the facts. I proposed her about dropout rates, school funding, not going down after school choice is implement. She had all the facts wrong.
Doesn't matter. Lady ran away in a huff. I think she probably called me a racist homophobe, transphobia, xenophobe, phobia phobic. I don't remember. You know, that's what they do when they lose. And I don't have any. They're just angry people. But I kid you not about 10 minutes later. The guy or woman, forgive me, I don't remember the Dietz's was a long time ago, came up and said Aydan. I listen to that whole thing, you know, I was a big, like a.
school choice guy, but you know what? You're right, and I'm telling you, it wasn't the exact words, but that's exactly how it went down. I didn't even know the guy was listening. And when I went to that activist forum later and the guy said that you're always debating the third person, I never forgot that moment. Don't give up the debate. The facts are on our side. Life does begin at conception. Parents should pick where their kids go to school, you can spend your money better than the government every single time.
You know more about your health care than a government bureaucrat does. These are just facts. Listen to Tommaseo with with Dave Rubin, who I have a lot of respect for, Thomas Sole is my ideological lodestar. There's nothing my life would be totally different without the writings of Thomas. So here's Thomas Dolan. Dave Rubin showing a brief 30 second clip. Tommaso, who used to be a liberal, a hardcore liberal, talking about how liberals, those third party may be semi leaning liberals or sometimes even real liberals themselves see the facts and sometimes they have an awakening to check this out.
You were a Marxist at one time in your life. Most people will find this hard to believe, but it is true, but it's not that unusual.
Most of the leading conservative thinkers of our time did not start off as conservative. You've got a couple like Bill Buckley and George Will. But I'm mean, Milton Friedman was it was it was a liberal and a Keynesian as Hayek was a socialist. Ronald Reagan was so far left at one point the FBI was following him. So then what was your wake up to? What was wrong with that line of thinking, eFax?
Todger leave you on a good note today. There's going to be a lot of people waking up in the next few years because facts do matter and as the Joe Biden led soon to be coming, inquisition of doxxing lists and everything else hits him right in the face and tangible material losses are inflicted on them. They're going to start looking at the facts in an alternative way out. Be that person they find as they're looking for an exit ramp off that highway, be waiting for them with the facts and open arms fights not over this country's ours, we still have to live here.
At the end of the day, this fight has just begun. Regardless of what happens in this presidential election, sooner or later, we're going to have to dust off, stand up and take our country back because it's ours and our kids live here, too, and we owe it to them because it was given to us. Thanks for tuning in, folks, this is an important show today. Spread it around, if you would mind. I appreciate it.
We really need to motivate people to action. It matters. And thanks for your support. We had a really great week this week. Please subscribe to the show at Rumball. Rumble, dotcom Bongino, it's really important. Subscriptions Matter US Apple podcast as well, and you can always listen up on Thanks a lot. I'll see you tomorrow.
You just heard Dan Bongino.