Hour 1: Chris Long
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz- 1,418 views
- 12 Jan 2021
The Le Batard crew is joined by Chris Long to talk about the Eagles, the Belichick/Brady dynamic, and what's going on in America and Washington DC. You can subscribe to Chris Long's Green Light podcast here.
This is the down labor part, sure, we've still got Sparkasse. So we were just talking here before we turned the microphones on and very few times in my career have I ever seen a guy from sports where I've said I could work with that guy as a co-host because he could do all the entertainment stuff and isn't afraid. And I have seen very few athletes, some professional media people I've seen, but very few athletes who could do it. And Chris Long is one of them and one of a very short list, a number of different topics I want to cover with him today.
And we'll tell you about his podcast that you should be listening to in a second. But first, you've made what of what's happened with your Eagles? Because that Eagles team that won the Super Bowl is one of the best teams I've ever seen in my life. And I can't believe how quickly everything fell apart.
Well, first, Dan, thanks for the kind words, man. The media things. It's not too bad. You know, my body feels a lot better. I don't get yelled at, so it's not bad. So I appreciate that. Hey, the Eagles. Twenty seventeen. I would agree with you. We were I mean, at least in the last 20 years, you have to look at us as one of the best few teams. I mean, there was certainly some teams that had Seattle when they beat Denver, you know, they were they were kind of this renegade team.
We had a vibe kind of like that. We were just one of those teams that when you saw the bills before the Colts game and everybody sees them and in practice and this isn't the perfect way of thinking, but look at them dance and they're going to win. Like I kind of they they they made me think about our group. You know, when you see a team that's just having fun and it's clicked, that was us all.
But you guys know how good you were. Like you knew that offensive line is one of. Well, you knew better than most. Yeah. I was arguing that that offensive line is the single greatest offensive line in the history of the game. It's up there. Do they made the quarterback look like Nick Foles? Nick Foles wasn't that good. I mean, I know he was good for you guys, but. Yeah, but they made that dude.
Well, they they made a lot of things. I mean, I'm not saying they made I'm not I'm not blowing it down, simplifying it that way. But I would agree with you, Dan, that they are up there as far as the best offensive lines in the history of the game, because, you know, people will be like, what about the hogs and that sort of thing? Like no disrespect to like people from the eighties or the seventies.
I had you know, my dad is a Hall of Famer. I played in the eighties and, you know, in the nineties that the size has started to change. But like, these guys are massive human beings. Brandon Brooks, his three hundred thirty pounds with a six pack. OK, Lane Johnson is bigger than you think in Lane Johnson. I went against him in practice. Every day is the best right tackle that I ever played. And you've got Jason Peters, who, you know, he's fallen off a little bit since then.
I mean, he might be retiring, but it was a great group, Kaliciak. Yeah. And that was the engine for sure. We also had a really good defensive front and we covered some things up on the back and a little bit. But we were just we were just not going to be denied. And so I think what you had there was and I've said this before and it was controversial when I said it a year ago, but I wasn't saying it like it was a slight it was kind of lightning in a bottle, it looks like, because in the NFL, when your windows open, you either know it's going to close quickly or you don't.
And what's happened is over the past couple of years, I feel like there was a sense, maybe a little bit that, hey, we're going to be here a little bit. And this illustrates how hard it is to stay there. It's one thing to get there, but it's really hard to stay there. And that's why I think so much of what they've been able to do in New England, no matter what you think about them, even this year, they found a way to motivate guys to be competitive, not to crater and to to beat some very good teams.
They cheat, though. You thought you think they're cheaters, right? You know, I don't I mean, I don't know. I did spygate whatever you think. If they cheated there, they cheated there, but not while I was there.
I didn't cheat, but Chris had it. Chris, how does this work for you? Because I think the reason Eagles fans thought the way they did after winning that Super Bowl was because they had that position, the quarterback position secured. They had it the next decade. So it's crazy. What do you do? Yeah, and they still might. Here's the thing. Like we like Carson had a terrible year. I said that it's very you can very objectively point out that he had a terrible year.
But you can also very objectively point out that when a guy shows you what he showed in twenty seventeen, twenty nineteen, he was hurt in twenty eighteen. You know what that cratered roster throwing the guys that are shadow pictures in the program, like literally like Baker Mayfield said he met his guard the other night and was like oh my gosh. Like Carson who was like a carousel of receivers last year like and so him being able to do what he did in December, that gives you a reason to believe that maybe this is an anomaly.
But they have to find out quickly. Right, because they have to make a decision. And I think it's going to be a tough one. The cap could be down at one seventy five right there. And so I'm hearing some things about maybe it's not going to be as bad as we thought. It's going to be really hard to move Carson because of not other teams ability to absorb his contract, but but the Eagles ability to eat that dead cat.
So now you've got Jalen Hurts, who you might have alienated. You've got Carson who might feel alienated and you've got a training camp with a new coach and an anota with a new coach, whoever that is in a job that a lot of guys might not want to take your 60 mil over the cap, your rosters, aging, and the guy who won a Super Bowl and there's a statue of him outside the stadium. He left because in part, he wanted more control.
If I'm a coach and I'm like, you know, like if I'm a really good coach, he's got clout. Do I want to go into a situation with a guy that just left and won them a Super Bowl for the first time in franchise history? One a more control?
Chris helped me with something here, because if I come up to you and said, hey, in a few years, Doug Peterson is going to get fired, you're saying to me there's a scandal there before you're saying to me everything fell apart. Right. There's no way you would believe that you'd be talking to us that soon after that overwhelming team and that the leader of it didn't become something that more resembled Belichick than a dude with sausage fingers who's being fired four years in.
He does have big hands.
I would say that, like Belichick is, is a hard I mean, that's that's extreme because there's only one of those guys, right? Everybody else, for the most part, like coaches, they're relevant. They they they you know, you might stay stay the same place for 10, 15 years. But if you're lucky, if you get one right and I wouldn't have said I wouldn't have bet on Doug being gone within four years. But I also know how hot it is in Philly.
Like I'm one of the smartest people of all time. I got out of there before a fan like like I'm good there. And I love the fact that, like, people like me in Philly and all that stuff. But also you might have hated me if I stuck around one more year or two more years. Like this is what happens when teams struggle. Everybody gets put on the heat.
You did you did good mercenary work in both places, actually. Like, yeah, I get in and I get in and I get out. And New England, like you got in. That is New England. Philadelphia, that's some expendable shit.
Go here with a Super Bowl, go there with a Super Bowl in and out. Is that what is that.
Is that are the Super Bowls right over your shoulder? Are those two parties. Yeah, but they're replicas, dude. The thing that like people and the reason I put them back there, it was funny. Somebody the other day bust my balls and they were like, oh, cool flex. I'm like, this is not a flex to me. I was there. OK, that's the way I think about being on a Super Bowl team, especially New England, where, like, my role was like by the end of the year, my role was just the pass rush, you know, in Philly.
I felt like I was a bigger part of that. But still, I mean, like, it's they're just replicas, man, you know?
Yeah, but they're too Lombardi's. Is that a bear also behind you? And it appears to be a little Budha right in front of the Vince Lombardi. What are you going for? What is the aesthetic. We're going for there long. Explain it. It's a radio audience or podcast audience. So go ahead and describe what you're sitting in the center of now.
You're at my house is a mid century modern farmhouse for context. OK, this is I have a tremendous eye for design, but my studio, we threw the shit together like a year ago. We were like, oh, we got to we got to do a live YouTube. We're trying to live stream a game or something. And we got all this like I got printed pictures that I framed back here. I've got two replicas. I got some records I got you guys don't even see this.
I got two of these guys. What is they're going to do? It is they're in a door. What does it look like there? And it's a squirrel with a pistol.
Of course. Of course. Of course. Well, we also tell people. So this studio is there for the green light pod, right? Like you tell people what you're doing. So people know that you're sitting in the center of something. Chris Long is building something now where he's going to do in retirement. What's very hard to do, one of these guys who gets their identity from football, nothing replaces the gladiator spectacle of Sunday's. What can I do that will ever fill that hole?
Well, there's nothing that'll fill that hole. But here, I'm going to try my hand at entertainment here. I'm going to do what my dad did. I'm going to I'm going to try and stay close to the sport while outside the sport and missing the sport forever. But I can tell you, if you're a former player, don't try to don't try to fill that void with gambling. It's really hard, especially on the NFL. But listen, I love doing the part.
I love talking to people I love, like I love to have you guys on some time. But, you know, we're Indy. So you guys just just had a big change. I decided to avoid all of that stuff altogether. And that certainly cost me some listenership. I don't have, like, people pumping the numbers and I don't have a nice big platform. But, you know, it's nice to kind of set my own schedule in the season.
We do a pod on Mondays with Stanford, Steve Stanford, Steve and I break down the Sunday's action. We had a really fun one yesterday, previewing last night as of if you're listening, it might have been a few nights ago, but had James Laryngitis on Stanford, Steve, one of my best buddies from high school, and I decided, well, he kind of walked in one day. I was like, hey, dude, you kind of need a co-host.
And I was like, what are you saying? He's like looking at me like, come on, dude. And my boy Makan and I have been sitting here in this other chair. You can't see out of picture, are you a free agent? Are you available right now? Can we be talking off air or do you belong? Talk about it on a podcast network, you know. Yes, there's got it.
We've got a podcast network and we don't know, like you're a free agent as well. You're in the middle of freedom free.
Dude, I'm so free. You know, we do four pounds a week. So it's we're busy. We hustle, we grind. The evaluator should know that. And we're high character, you know, and I and I and Dan, I do love it.
I have replaced football with this. The grind of I didn't know how hard it was to be in the media, especially during football season. I'm as tired as I was, is when I play it. It's just mental, you know, and certainly there's days where I. What do you do there when you wake up and you don't want to talk one day? It's exhausting.
No, Chris, it's why most people don't have a radio show and a TV show. It's why it's really hard to be Stephen A. Smith the always on ness of it. I've talked to people who work hard, manual labor, and they will tell you that the doing of this is more physically exhausting. And it seems ridiculous to me, given what you did for a living, but you might be more tired now at the end of days than you used.
I never really have mornings where I wake up and don't want to speak into a microphone. But the rare times that I do, Chris, what I do is I smoke a blunt, OK? That's what I did.
Yeah, well, I like I like a joint. I go out on that porch there and you know what, though? I don't like to smoke before I talk to people I don't know. Well, it makes me like a tad paranoid of like the conversational undertones. If if I know somebody well, like I'm out there on what we're all done.
Chris, can we do this? Because I told Stewart that we wanted to smoke on air today, and I don't know if you brought weed or not, but if you did bring weed and you have weed, it'd be nice if we now you guys sound like cops right now.
We should. We should. We should. Let's get your podcast some attention here. You can go viral with a moment. Chris Long, who got smoked weed while talk. I would like to do it.
I left my it is a morning work day. I left my stuff at home. I got to go. You guys are great.
No, no. Like, listen, I mean, it's it's great. I mean, it's the best job in the world that I can I can you hit the porch and then talk into a microphone. But it does get exhausting in some days you don't like you know, what sucks is, you know, planning your shit, like planning your own pod, like on days where there's nothing to talk about, you're trying to contrive something and you can feel it when you're trying to contrive a day.
And it's just like, you know, what do you do? I don't know.
Surround surround yourself with people you like because that doesn't feel that way to us when we're doing the show. We love doing it with each other because it's like the locker room.
It's just friends around. And just no doubt you guys have a good thing. And you live in cities where you can hire like. Right. Like Cowboy, reach out to my producer and shout out to John John's remote cowboy reads here, it's great. But most days it's me and Cowboy Read like someday my co-host sells real estate for a living selling single family.
You want to work in Miami? These guys want to work in Miami. You can stay put. I love negotiate. Let's just negotiate right now on air.
I think I could do that and listen, lighting a joint around all that expensive equipment, Chris, is is very dangerous. So I don't want you to do that. And I didn't we didn't smell right. So let's take mushrooms. I mean, what do you think?
My foundation office is downstairs and if I have some bigwig in and he's like, it smells like the the hot leaf, the devil's lettuce up there, I'm I'm not going to donate, you know. So yeah, there's an upstairs and there's downstairs. You know, I wanted the penthouse. How about shrooms. They don't smell. What do you think. No they don't. No comment.
No comment. Very good. All right. I can get weed right outside. This is what we need to do as part of negotiations. Right. Chris, before we go on with this conversation and tell people more about the green light pot, what we're going to end up doing is a little bit of a merger here for a couple of days if you need content and we need content. And yeah, by way of negotiating with you to see if we can get you to be a part of the podcast network, I want we do we need to do some home at home, but I want to do drugs with you on air.
You and I will read on massive bong hits and you and I will do that. I think that would be a bad idea. No, it's not.
I talked to Dan and Eric about this. I know I'm not supposed to call them Eric because the little bastard guys get mad because they say his name's PFG. I call him Eric. Eric brought up Bong's the other day and I think Bong's are kind of like a 20 something thing. Am I. Is that a hot.
Are you too old for that. You're too old for Pongs really. You know. But I was told, I was told Bong's were the healthiest way to listen. I have no no no weed today. Yes or no. I do not have weed on me today. I don't, I don't know what I want. Let's bring it tomorrow or later this week.
Look, we are off tomorrow, but on Thursday I want to do this home and home on Thursday as part of negotiations to try and get Chris long to work as part of our podcast network. Chris Lawrence, do God's will smoke weed.
And he said no to I take it. I mean, I don't know. I don't say no to anything. I set my schedule twenty four hours out, you know. That's why Stu was trying to get me on the show and I just waited till yesterday to figure it out. So there's a chance I mean, I don't know. Check back with me later in the week. Still, I. I had done a listen.
I will bring one with me to work every day for the remainder of my life. Oh, the rest of your life. What are the laws like down there? I mean, it's my name. I am Chris. Come on.
What do you mean what are the laws like? What laws? What do you speak up you are talking about?
I can tell you guys, don't you? The Florida, they don't have their shit together right now. That Bama party with ten thousand people in Florida that was not used. We're fully operational and open for business. But that was Tuscaloosa, all those people. How mortified are you by that, Chris?
Like we've been fooling around with you, but what you see happening in America right now and you have, like, cough because he's smoking for those you can't see it. He just took a big rip.
Yeah, I know. You know what?
It's golly, dude, I wish we would all just think of each other a little bit more. I think it's pretty much that simple. And, you know, when this thing started, I get the fact that doesn't some people don't get as sick and that sort of thing. And I'm not a doctor, nor am I like overly political. And that's been something that's just been totally misconstrued because I'm one of the few people who said they don't like that big orange piece of shit.
I listen, this whole thing, we could be so much further ahead if we just thought about each other a little bit. And I totally get that. Some people are hurting. Businesses are hurting. And I heard the whole the whole riot act on the economy and that sort of thing. But there's nothing essential about that kind of party, nor was there anything essential about the Lakers parade or not. The parade, the the party outside the Staples Center.
So I don't just want to pick on the red states. You know, there are people that are just finding excuses to party right now, dude. Well, I'd like to get into where it is.
You see America right now, like you have been someone who's been vocal on the race stuff. Chris and Mike Brown was saying earlier when we were talking, like, what do those people who were storming our symbol for freedom say when you ask them, hey, what do you think of the way Kaepernick protested like you?
Well, I don't I don't ask them many things at all. Those people I've given up on conversations. That's not to say anybody when I say something like I've given up trying to reason with people like that. That's not to say that, like, somebody is going to swoop you up in a in a white van and take you away, too. So I know you like to quote George Orwell and you never read the book, but like, nobody's persecuting you.
In fact, you just stormed the Capitol, like, and walked out like it was a movie theater. So I just would say I am personally out of gas on on a dialogue. I really am. You know, it just sucks. Dude, it sucks that that well, at least we know now that that it was never about I mean, there was never any plausible deniability in my mind. But now it's very obvious. It was never about patriotism.
It was never about America. It was never about law and order. I mean, these people have stumbled over themselves and been hypocritical at every turn in the road. So I think it sucks. I used to be very patriotic. I have a hard time being as patriotic. And my patriotism always comes from a place of like the people like I love we love America. I love living here. Like I haven't moved. I love people that I meet.
I love, like the different cultures. I think we have so many good things going on. But our government is just it's it's kind of in shambles, man. I don't know. It's scary. A little bit. Not a bit.
Not a little bit. A lot of it. So out of it. So what, 80 percent of the country voted for the guy. So, I mean, you can everybody kept saying that New Year's Eve, like, can't wait to get this over with. I was like, what happened to midnight?
Well, Stan, Stan Van Gundy says we're in the middle of civil war, that this is going to continue. It's going to be the 20th. They're going to be there's going to be domestic terrorism. You see the report. Fifty capitals, armed people like we're headed towards something. It's not a little bit scary, Chris. It's I mean, it's a lot of business. It's the crisis of our lifetime.
Yeah. I mean, you we are. We are, I guess, at an impasse. I'm sorry if I sound defeated, but, you know, when people came out in droves to vote for him a second time, I kind of was like, OK, this is who we are. I mean, this has always been who we are. I hate hearing, you know, I know it's almost impossible to speak on this without somebody criticizing you.
And you could think you're saying the right thing and saying this isn't who we are. And people like this is who we are. They're they're kind of right, though. I mean, this is who we've been I mean, this this surface, because this status quo has been threatened in the least bit. I mean, just in the least bit, this is the reaction. So, yeah, the white supremacy, the you know, the the being a joke on a national or international stage because like, this is the shit you turn on TV and you and you're like, that's what's happening over there.
You got people in fur coats and Viking horns storming the. The Capitol building like that, we used to thumb our nose at like shit like that, right? This is here now, like this is us.
This is this is the thing that was crushing to me. I was talking about this earlier, Chris. As much as I'm emotional and angry and scared about all this, it's just coding. What I am more than anything is heartbroken. I knew there were race issues in the country. I did not know that they were this. I simply didn't know they were this.
Yea I don't know man. I mean it's like I grew up in the south you know. But Virginia, south of the Mason-Dixon line, you see things, I mean like you see people driving around with stars and bars and all that sort of thing, but it was always fringy like you couldn't say it out loud. And I think one of the most dangerous things this guy has done is empower people to just speak loudly about that sort of sentiment and also kind of proves that, hey, if you're thinking about being like a fascist and you want to run for office, it's possible like you can get half the country's votes and barely speak English, like you can barely get sentences out.
We saw that since the debate stage in twenty sixteen. I'm in Foxboro watching the debates, getting ready to play for the Patriots. And I'm just thinking to myself, like, there's no way I'm so ashamed that this is even on the debate stage. How do we get here? What did you make later?
What did you make of Belichick? Because that team while you were there was Trumpy was a little you know, you had Brady and Belichick and Kraft, all of them a little too chummy there.
There's a lot of Trumpy athletes and there's a lot of Trumpy coaches. And I think sometimes we they became like the poster children.
But but yesterday, Belichick, Chris Belichick said, no, no, you're using the highest civilian honor because he wasn't going to take it from a rapee orange racist turd.
Hey, listen, man, I and I said this before. I am not an overly political person. I just I was so relieved, you know what I mean? Because I think a lot of Bill, I really do. And I think people can have differences. And at some point and I said earlier, I'm over the dialogue with people. That's not to say I'll judge a friend if they continue to try to work on the seventy something million people.
Like if a buddy of mine is like I just can't give up on people, I'm still going to try to to reach them. I'm still going to try to have these tough conversations. I'm not going to cancel them. I'm not going to cancel that friend for engaging. I'm just done engaging. And I did not want to when I heard he was getting that that honor, if you call it an honor at this point, I was just like, God, I hope he does the right thing because I know he's principled.
I know as a coach he doesn't know. You guys are like, well, he's a cheater. But I know as a coach, like, he doesn't like bullshit. He doesn't like people that are full of shit. He doesn't like, as he would put it, assholes. And I'm not putting words in his mouth, but I'm trying to imagine why in somebody's head who I know is so smart and claims to love the country as much as he does, that he would accept this award.
And and I've just been so bummed by everybody. I've been every turn in the road. You're like somebody who has a breakout game. You're like, OK, that guy is he wears a red hat. By the way, we found some old tweets to get this bit of good news in the sports world that somebody, like, stood up, although is very late. I was really relieved because I really like Bill. Does he like Brady? Does Bill like Brady?
Yeah, absolutely.
I'm sure he likes Brady. I'm sure he really likes Brady right now.
Oh, do you like Brady? Does the politics there get in the way? I don't I don't know. But we can guess.
But I mean, do you guys like mosfet? All right. Well, we've had to break free from the Kuhnen. We've had to we've had that once that once it got so deep that you were out there doing propaganda for Trump. And I'm sitting there trying to do a moderation right before right before the election. Crowds of Cuban-Americans in this state where I was going to moderate something and Masvidal was running around doing something dangerous and I couldn't engage from from there.
No, that's an uneasy alliance that we carried because it was colorful and entertaining for a long time.
But I think that sucks is you having to make these decisions about a lot of people. Right. Like and again, it's not like they're getting snatched up in a white van as a lot of these conservatives. And I don't even have a problem with conservatives. If you're conservative and you you're like a never trump are like all that shit like, dude, this is political discourse is what makes this country great and and being able to have a view in that sort of thing.
Like but there are certain people that, you know, you know, you're like, damn, that would hurt me if you found out. And so listen, I don't know Tom's politics at this point. I know at one point he was cool with that dude and that sort of thing. But I like Tom, Tom and I, you know, I shared a great year with Tom Tom and I didn't share a great year. But I mean, what was that what's the distinction you're making there?
You tried to get close to Tom, but Tom wouldn't allow you to close what's there? No, not at all.
Like, I just I just know my place in.
In Patriot, like, you never want to say something like, you know, me and Tom like me and there's no me and Tom, even though Tom was the most regular, like, superstar go type teammate I had, I was so surprised at how down to earth he was and treated everybody in the building really well. The first day I walked in, I told this story before. He was like, I walk up and I'm like, I'll introduce myself or whatever.
And he's before I could even get to him, he's like, Hey, Chris, nice to meet you. I'm Tom. And I'm like, No shit, dude. You don't have to introduce yourself to people. But that that's simple action of and I saw him do it with so many people. It's really endearing as a teammate. But also in Tampa, look at what he's done this year. He can be the asshole. Oh, but Chris.
Chris, Chris, that. Come on. We go. Here we go. Performance art. I say I care about you, but I'm just saying, like, that's HGH, isn't it?
Like, come on, he's forty three years old. Why does it have to be HGH? The guy could barely run. If you're on HGH, don't you, like, run and jump and, you know, look jacked and all types of shit?
He's just aging differently than anyone in the history of the position. You're supposed to ace Botox, bro. You're looking at his face. You saw that George Blanda driving the other night. George Blanda didn't have avocado ice cream. You can't come back. That was a jarring picture. What was it? Why did Belichick kick Guerrero out of the stadium? Explain that one ago.
Guerrero, I don't know any. Guerrero, the dog whisperer. The Doctor Tomstad. Oh, Alex Guerrero again.
I mean, Tom, there's no me and Tom. I just observed Tom. I don't know, probably because like in the NFL, trainers or trainers work for they're not bad guys. They work for the team. And I've got trainers. I'm still really tight with shout out to the the Rams training staff, Reggie Scott, Byron Tyler, all those guys. We're still in a fantasy fantasy basketball league. So I love trainers, bro, but they work for the team and Alex Guerrero works for Tom.
So eventually that's going to come to a head. I mean, when you're trying to diagnose something and be very protective of your client and the trainers like, nah, do that's we can't have him sitting for four days in practice. I know it would be the best thing for his body. There's always this thing going on between people's gurus and the training staffs all over the league. But where that got awkward was, you know, Tom is the goat.
So like, obviously Tom's going to come Tom's guys coming to work with him. And, you know, this place is like Fort Knox, you know, like that place has no windows.
Dude, we'll get you out of here on this. And thanks again for the time. Green light pod. You should check it out because I enjoy what this guy finds himself thinking about. So one last serious question, you guys. You're watching the symbolism of American freedom being stormed in our capital. And you've done a lot of thinking on the race front. You've been a white guy in a lot of black rooms. So I'm guessing that has imprinted you in some ways.
So when the police are allowing those people into the building, which of these choices is Chris Long selecting? They are doing that because they've been ordered to do that or they're doing that because when they see white faces, they don't see white faces as threatening until they're bashing in the skull of a police officer with a fire extinguisher or both. What what are the options there on how those people got led into that building, given what that building is meant to protect?
Well, first and foremost, I do believe that Trump told them to stand down now, whatever that means, you know, you draw your own conclusions. I think he wanted that to happen, which is what makes him so dangerous and vile and un-American. But I also think a lot of those cops were probably just fine with that. And I think a lot of those cops, as you could see in some of those videos, were or even kind of on the same team.
And the irony of the whole thing is your let me say this first. If you don't believe in white privilege, I know that some white folks get tired of hearing it because they take it as some, like, insult. I don't take an insult. I'm a good guy. I have a privilege. Like a privilege doesn't mean the privilege to me is looking at and saying, I want everybody to be treated like me. I'm not getting treated the wrong way, you know what I'm saying?
Like, there's nothing wrong with the way I'm getting treated. That's just how everybody should get treated. So I don't walk around being guilty about it. But I think so many people get so they feel so attacked, like, what did I do? Defend, you know what I mean? Yeah, they're defensive and I'm not in no one's insulting you. That was the meme for white privilege, dude. That was literally the meme that was like if you're tired of hearing what about isms and you're tired of hearing like, well, what would happen if this happened if a cop was encountering a white guy?
What if a white suspected this? That was like. The Super Bowl of those of those scenarios, I mean, literally, there's no place I could imagine walking into and feeling safe, and I'm not one of these dumb white people that's not afraid of police. I'm afraid of police. OK, like when they're behind me in my car, I just like what is going on here. Maybe it's the thing with Stewart's, you know, the drugs.
I probably I mean, but I think I think it was a bad day if you didn't believe in that. And hopefully a lot of people woke up to it. The fact that, like, all these people just walked in and the irony of blue lives matter flags and you're like crushing police officers between riot shields. And I'm not somebody like when David Dawran got shot, I thought that was. And and I don't think people I think some people were so afraid of this political and ideological tug of war that nobody said that was wrong.
That was wrong. But I'm here to say it was wrong for those people to crush that dude, to beat the guy with a fire extinguisher over the head, like, what are we doing, dude? You're killing cops with blue lives matter flags and American flags, walking with a guy with a stars and bars state capitol. Like what? What are we doing here, dude? You're saying you don't like America. You've never liked America. You just like white America, dude.
Like, it's just so clear. You just hold on yourself, the whole group. So at least now we know that the Red Hat is not like to me that red hat is no longer and I don't care who I piss off saying that's like that Red Hat is no longer like you don't have plausible deniability anymore, like you are literally anti-American. And if you're walking around in public with that hat, I'm not I'm not asking people to do anything about that.
I'm just saying I'm looking at you as a traitor as I always have. But now I can be like, hey, traitor, like, you know what I mean? Like, you can't even deny it. Chris, how does that all look differently? I know you got to go, but how does that all look differently if the crowd storming those gates is a Black Lives Matter crowd? Because I think people would have been black bodies would have been stacked up in front of us like firewood.
I believe that about it. No doubt about it, man. Like no doubt about it. And, you know, people are so tired of hearing this conversation. Will, if you're tired of hearing this conversation, then do something and use your voice and use your privilege or whatever you want to call it. If privilege bothers you, use another fucking word and do something with it, because it's just it's a meme. The whole thing's a meme. Like, it's just it's what are we doing?
What who who are we? Do you think we're like a thousand years old as a country? We're like two hundred and something years old. Man Right. Where are we? Did I lose track of how old we are. Yeah. Two hundred something. Correct. Two hundred.
Something is accurate. Yeah. We're like two, two hundred and fifty years old or something. Countries are not like it's not automatic that countries don't implode, you know, on top of themselves. Like look at history, look at history. I mean I'm no scholar but goddamn Wikipedia man, it's, it's, it's not looking good for us right now. And that's OK to say out loud.
Oh, but it's terrifying. It's I mean, no, it feels like this is how freedom crumbles like that. And when Stan Van Gundy is coming on here, Chris, and saying, hey, we're in a civil war, this isn't going to stop the twentieth, it's not going to stop the sixth, like this is the first of acts like these because of the racial strife in this country.
Absolutely, man. And yeah, and you said, like taking freedoms away. Like the thing that the irony is the thing we are so like we're freedom of freedom fetish, like we love it. Like we just scream freedom. And we were like and I've worn the American flag onesies on Fourth of July and shit. I love you know, I love I love the flag. And, you know, because of the ideals that I imagine that what we could be and the diversity we have in this country.
But if we're not doing right by people that that we're proud to call fellow countrymen and country women, it's like it's it's pointless. All that shit's a facade. It's all a facade. And it always has been. If we don't step it up, it always has been. Kresh we're we're two hundred and forty three years old. Yeah.
So I was off by about seven and younger than Greg Codi. In other words, Chris, thank you for being on with us. Anything that people need to know about the green light pod. This is all going to go viral, Chris. It would have gone so much more viral if you and the gods had been in the middle of smoking marijuana. While I was asking you, let's watch viral today.
Do you see don't underestimate what a pro I am. What I'm going to do is be like you guys on me. You got to come on my pot and smoke marijuana. All right. So I get the viral moment, guys. Come on the green light pod. Check it out wherever you consume your content. And then also, I got to plug my charity, Chris Long, Foundation Waterboys Dog. Check us out. We do a lot of clean water work and, you know, a good year if you have the means and you are looking to donate because I know it's hard to donate to.
Give us a little. Pick me up, because it is it is hard right now running a foundation. Well, Chris, I will donate as part of a down payment toward negotiating with you off air and free agency. All right. So if you get Migranyan your information, I need to figure something out.
Send me your jet. Jerry Jones. What are we doing here? Come on. You got to you got to wine and dine me here. I haven't been out. I've been out of the house in a while. My contribution is weed again. Yes. There you go. Thank you.
Take me to Wet Willies, guys. All right. I don't even know if they'll open again. What will? I know it's still here. It's a couple of blocks from us. It's open right now. Yeah.
You're get to call a cab. All right. Go get one of those right now. In fact, you know what? We're going to do that. The next segment. We're going to get a call, a cab.
Let's go over there to the third segment is going to be real sloppy. All right, guys.