Hour 1: James Dildo
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz- 1,489 views
- 6 Jan 2021
The Le Batard crew discuss Stugotz's new idea for a sports show called "Stick to Sports" and how much of a disaster Stu would be with a corporate card.
This is the down labor part, sure, we've still got Sparkasse. Someone gave me a Velcro wall to search so I could stick to support. I mean, I was listening back to that. So that's the idea, right? Just stick there. Did you just hang there and then you give a football take?
I am stuck mid-air to a wall sticking to sports.
I got I got a good hearty second laugh out of you saying I have already purchased a Velcro suit. I got them at home. And then you say I'm in the process of purchasing the Velcro. What is the process of purchasing a Velcro suit? Look, let's talk about you. Google it. Let's start there.
Let's go shopping cart just sitting in the shopping cart. I love the shopping cart. Guys, help me out here. What's the idea and how are we going to do this? So explain to me the Velcro suit, because these are real arguments that you hear on the air where they're just yelling at each other about stupid stuff because Mike doesn't believe anything Stuart says to is an idea producing machine. But he finishes nothing like he finishes and he just shouts in every direction, get me a Velcro suit.
I'm an idea guy and I leave it to you guys to help me with the execution of the idea by execution. Purchase me a Velcro suit. Yeah, I mean, seriously, the idea is for me in a Velcro suit with a co-host to jump off a trampoline into a wall that says sports across the wall.
But then are you giving a take when you land or like, I'm sticking the sportsman like I think this could work. I'll tell you why you're so built on a flimsy premise.
If you ask me, Mike, how about this? I'm not certain it is ideas.
You stick to something that says sports, but where do we go after it?
OK, I'm going to tell you what I'm thinking. This isn't this is how the bit's going to work, OK, as we're doing this ridiculous gorilla show where I'm drinking tequila early in the morning, I'm going to be slurring by the end of this. Right. Is there the risk I'm running the risk here of just simply passing out, am I not? If I just start drinking tequila now at it very early in the morning? I mean, you are you're almost halfway through that bottle.
OK, so if I pass out here, you will know the reason you just spilled a little. OK, so this is where we are because it's too early to be drinking tequila. I mean, that is a heavy pour. It wasn't having pour it right. You guys noticed that.
I like to let the audience know that we were recording this at nine fifty three in the morning, but it's good to kill it. Chris, your gift was a good one. OK, were you worried about that? Because I was.
I just went in there and I was like, give me an expensive tequila. That's not Don Julio. Nineteen forty two. Because I know that's, that's kind of what you want. That's expensive. Right. And that's too expensive.
This was close. This is really. Oh OK.
No but it is very good. Tequila, thank you for the gift. Can you get your father in line. Can you please. Dear God, no. Seriously, Chris, can you please wrangle your father because you guys help me with this. Like the real stuff about Greg Cody, he makes it very difficult. My dad makes it difficult. We know we have an entitled environment here, like how do we rein your father in and make those cameos something special, Chris, where you're producing it for the fans, the same way you're producing his podcast from a closet in his house, Chris.
I mean, I did produce him. I told him, make sure if you're put if you're selling this cameo out, it's only do that to a video. You'd be safe tweeting, you know, I mean, like, I didn't want my dad to think that he's sending these direct videos and they can't be published. Like that was the first thing I needed to produce to let him know that you could, like, do harm to your reputation.
He's going to get in trouble. No, Chris, he's gonna he's going to do something. He's the one he doesn't know. He just said the other day, rhymes with and used the wrong word.
Right. And I was going to say and people are going to try to trick him to like people are going to right there. This is sound like inappropriate stuff. This guy. You've got to be careful. No, no, that's something. Yeah. Listen, guys, that's why I'm telling you I am taking my time as I go through these and I am formulating ideas, a, I don't want to get in trouble. B, I don't want to reveal anything that I shouldn't reveal.
Meaning when someone asked me for my best dance story, I want to make sure Dad's cool with the story I'm about to tell. I'm not just going to go rat a tat tat unless it's easy and they're just asking for a hot take on the break.
Hold on. I'm a little afraid here. Now help me out with something, OK? Because, Chris, I don't want your father getting into some stupid trouble just because he's an old man. And the last mega cast we did, he didn't even know where he was because he was you know, he was whatever was happening. I am telling you guys right now, if we don't have someone seeing the request coming in for Greg before he sends them back out, we're making a mistake.
I am telling you, like, listen me, of all people, there is money waiting for me. And and I don't get it. It's all I execute what it is they asked for. And I am taking my sweet time to a make sure I do it right. And B, make sure I don't piss anyone.
All got to be careful. We really we really knew it can't just be grabbing money all over the place. That's not the way to use this unless we're going to give it to people.
We're going to hear charity. You hear it's starting to hit. I heard it. It's starting to hit Tequila's sartin. I know I'm scared I got a funny D.M. and apologies if you've already addressed this, I've kind of been in and out today. I got a DM from somebody that requested Sucrets on Cameo. But if you know Cameo, everyone is familiar with the videos that make it out on social media by cameos. Added a D.M. feature. Yes.
Where for a much lower price, you can just exchange words via a direct message with that talent. So the DRM that I got in got maybe you can confirm this because I think I may be alerting you to this. Damn that I got on Twitter says so I paid to ninety nine cents, you got to D.M. on Cameo since he was over 100 dollars when I got off work for a traditional video. But I didn't realize that he has no requirement to respond to DBMS.
I'm new to Cameo, so I didn't realize I said three dollars on fire until after the fact.
Oh, I keep the me. All right. Well, what are we going to do about all this? OK, because we got to rain all of this in response. I am scared about everything that's happening here. So if you're just joining us as if I'm doing live terrestrial radio, if you're just joining me for two and a half hours, that is going to take you a moment.
Nice reset. Thank you, guys. Oh, you want to do time and temp, I think. Can I blame the tequila and anything that happens again, I would like to point out just put a bookmark wherever you are for a second.
Mike, I've given the show. Stick to sports. So much thought, OK? Because I don't like where you're headed here, where you're Daoudi, not Mike.
I'm I'm going to ride with two guys on this, OK? Because I believe that you are going to it's the same thing I believe, with you in cameos. You've got the position we're in right now. It's so strange because here's this little cash thing off to the side. I don't know if we should partner with them. Were this big credible thing flying unlicenced through the sky right now where we don't belong to anybody and we need to be careful because I don't want Greg Cody or my father on TMZ saying some white supremacist thing because somebody tricked them like that happen to Brett Favre.
So just to follow, you say you've put so much thought into this stick to sports bit, which if I if I have segments within the sport, but so far, the premises, Velcro suit, trampoline, Velcro wall. Yes. You jump on to wall using trampoline. Yes. As sports, you stick there. Yes. End of thought. Yes. All right. So there are segments within that. Yes. To that struggle. Well, I did the metric.
No, no, let's just hold on a second, Stewart, because before you get to your segments and your failure, your failed television career, OK, because there is I never had to tell you, if you bring this, if it's new, gods can absolutely do this the same way he could do camu. You guys are underestimating Stewart's ability to play. Stukas would have been a great hot take gasbag across twenty years at ESPN just spouting opinions. If he had chosen the more traditional route, then he chose the reason you guys are underestimating stigmatises.
Because I'm telling you what, this this is going to require more care than what I'm giving you. But the bit is not just you guys jumping on a trampoline and then sticking to sports. It's then a camera going very close to his mouth and him giving you some serious, funny sports take. Yes. As to God's like he'll be doing little cameos while literally sticking to sports. It's unbelievably artistically funny with a co-host like and we're both stuck to sports and we cannot talk about anything other than sports.
I think I also have some other segments that I'm thinking about. Billy, how do you feel about this one? The ball's in your court to people debating side by side, either side by side tennis courts, and they can only talk if the ball is in their court. How about that? How do you feel about that, Bill? It's an idea, I mean, the ball's in your court for very short amount of time in tennis. So you'd have to scream like two words at a time.
That's a good point. I haven't. That's why I'm asking. Hold on, Billy, are you ready to produce two gods here? Because produce ostracods now wants to do sports bang on cameo, like when we can't figure out Billy who's the better team. OK. We have who looks better on paper, OK, and we write down both teams on a piece of paper because you know that cliche, hey, you know what you mean, reading rosters.
Yeah, but who looks better with your roster? Looks better on a piece of paper and they haven't so much thought.
How about see, that's where you go. Well, it's going to be better on paper. Can we talk about this? Hold on.
Hold on. With pictures like have LeBeau draw them out like the Kings. And here are the Lakers. Which team looks better on paper? Hold on. Hold on. Better you guys.
Hold on. You guys need to slow down here because what's just hiding here? No, it's exciting for you. My a. Hold on, Jim.
You have to be dressed as a gym guy, OK? I see what's happening here. And it's the foundation of where everything around us will crack and tumble to dust if Strogatz is given six weeks with all this power. Let's slow down what I just saw happen right now. And Mike, you need to rush to this microphone and talk to the people because he was running around with engineer Bob. But that right there, the symbolism for that is beautiful because both Mike and Billy were trying to produce two guards there and two guys is only trick is to just land on a wall.
And then you guys ask him, and now what do you got? And he's like, I'll give you this take. And you're like, OK, what do you have? That's good. And then you whisper things in his ears. You guys realize that that he you realize how scared they are. Billy and Mike, right now, the idea of you being produced on somewhere else where they have to wrangle you around about how much thought I've given this.
He's going to he's going to build a side business in Kenya that allows him to branch off and run away from all the negotiations that he needs us.
He needs us for reasons just displayed.
Oh, you wanted to take there. So what would happen there? How would how would the if indeed the Velcro suit ends up here? Tell me what's happening with the Velcro.
What is the price? He said, I'm in the process of purchasing. So you lied about what is the process going?
Are you. Is it in your cart and you're waiting for a credit card number? What is the process of purchasing a Velcro? So you go to Amazon, you go to the search bar, you put in Velcro suits, you find a couple, you put them in your shopping cart and you get around to paying for them when the idea is ready to go. Where exactly are you in that process about the shopping cart? Yeah.
Yes, I see it. Know, I'm hesitant to show you my job because there are some private items in there. I don't want you and I know I don't want you to see what me and Abby are doing. That is that's what's in the shopping cart.
Did you guys forget season one of Bucket of Death where you guys allegedly ordered a dog house to go to his house that Charlie was supposed to sleep in overnight? And he said the dog house is coming, the dog house is coming, and he never actually ordered a dog house. And we waited like a year and a half. And then Charlie even left the show. And that was never paid off because two guys was in charge of getting a dog house that he then told us, oh, no, I have a I have a shipping number.
I have a confirmation number. And he never bought it.
It's in the shopping cart. All right. Well, it's taggants. What are we going to do here? OK, because we're this careening flying saucer just belching and farting content all over the place and they've made us in the last couple of days. All right. We're the number one podcast in sports in America.
I thought we were a pirate ship. Now we're gonna make a flying saucer experiment.
I yes, you get on that right away. My might get Angel on my brother on that is this rocket ship takes takes to the sky. But Billy, you could actually produce two gods well on all of this stuff. But if it weren't that he owes so many grid of death punishments, we could do five great videos of you guys just finally paying some of his grid of death penalties that he he escapes ESPN without having to pay. How many of them are there?
How many grid of deaths is stuck? That's not actually done.
Well, like my entire time, my family's falling apart and that's in the past or moving forward, I think a poem or something like that. I mean, forget the grid of death. Here's what I need, though. I need a corporate card.
Like if I had one of those, did a corporate card I would purchase, I would empty out the card, I would buy the Velcro suits, I would buy the ball gag. I would buy the Velcro wall that says sports. I would buy everything. I need a pot of dirt so I could stick my hand into the dirt. I would buy everything. I need a double seven dildo. I would buy all.
I would have to have the card. Corporate card. Well, why did not have a dildo joke falling out of the sky? Mike, thank you. You you heard the one you gave me the dildo. I didn't even see him do it now. Now, Mike heard the first one. I did.
He heard it. I have to go back because I don't think he delivered it right. Did you call it a double sided dildo? Because that's what I fed, you know, hold on. I don't think I was the first studied dildo. I said, you double sided building seven, double seven.
What is the first seven billion I did here? Right. But what is the first thing I said that triggered that for the ball gag?
What do you mean the ball gag? He was like, well, I need a corporate card to empty the cart. And in there, because he previously said that he's like, I don't want you to see what ab. You mean that's for you, right? All right. So his name is so we started building out. I fed him double sided dildo and he said a double seven dildo.
Wait a minute. What do you think? A penis told the seven. Oh, God. But I am telling you what I said is a double seven. Wait a minute, guys. We just slow down for a second. You did what just happened in the production of content. This pirate ship flies through the sky. You guys fed? I'm just sitting around here filibustering, waiting for who's got the joke? Who's got the joke? Who's got the joke?
Where's the joke? And all of a sudden out of this guy, because we've been liberated from all the shackles falls a dildo. And so the line travels. Mike's talking to engineers back there. It travels to got his ears and it doesn't come out. And it doesn't matter because the dildo is the joke that land and I don't care whether it's double studded, double seven, double edged.
It was the dildo that landed I mentally and picturing a dildo falling out of the sky, a double double-sided, one landing on a table, flopping around like a fish for a little bit.
I have a double. All right. So what, Billy? What did you know what you guys. Billy, what did you think he saw? I'm certain there's a double seven dildo out there somewhere.
I mean, were you also trying to feed him the dildo joke? No, no.
I was a corporate card chokers. Yeah, Billy got me. Yeah. Yeah. You heard seven. How about you, Chris? Double seven.
I thought you said double seven dildo.
I wish I had my friend is a very different kind of dildo. Do we have any back story that anyone can give me on what the proper phrase is? Because I'm not dildo familiar. Dildo, James Dildo, there's the title of the podcast. Oh, yeah, I'd love to go to our clinginess.
I like dildo, dot, dot, dot, James dildo and shaken, not stirred, I guess.