Hour 2: The Greatest Celebrity Prognosticator Ever
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz- 1,494 views
- 24 Nov 2020
Dan Le Batard and Stugotz talk to Ron Magill and Chris Jericho. Plus, Greg Cote tries for a 3rd time to execute his Back In My Day, updating the polls and more.
Stewart's here, don't know about you, but my morning commute is filled with thinking about who won, who lost and who was going to light up the next game, the last thing I want to be thinking about are my car lights. That's why I swung by advance, not only to their experts, set me up with two Silvania Silver Star ultra headlights with the furthest down low visibility. I save 15 bucks by mail for better vision during these dark winter mornings.
Adventure Auto at Advanced Auto Parts and participating Carquest locations see stores for details all gassed on the damn Avatar show appear via the Shell Pennzoil performance. Like the animal doctor seven eight six four five six four eight three seven. Ron McGill is with us. We will get to him in a second, but not before I bury Pablo Torre, the Harvard grad. We will get to Christine Lisi in a second as well. But Pablo, you're such an amateur.
Like we had the hard network out. We have gotten coati with the pandemic almost every damn time we throw it to the Harvard grad. And what does he do? Not only does he leave like fifteen seconds for Cody to Yammer awfully saying he doesn't know, but you asked a question that could be answered in a word or two, like how did you graduate from Harvard? You couldn't get coded correctly on the Harvard network out.
I have on my computer screen in like one hundred and twenty point font the time of the hard network out. I coordinated it with Mike Ryan. We had synched up like in Mission Impossible, counting down to synchronize clocks. Yeah. And I still unbelievably, I'm humiliated.
You choked like because you stopped. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's early and I was ready to help you. I was ready to help you because it seemed clear on your face. Oh, he doesn't know that he's going to take this up ten more seconds.
Yeah. No I, I, I threw the ball and it fluttered to the ground and I choked. I don't they don't teach that at Harvard.
Man open ended question. I mean, got lecturing you during the break. Come on, Harvard. It's an open ended question. And you're asking like I kept asking Cody to think, which is always a dangerous proposition. But also he could have answered that with two words and then you would have just been staring at him, frozen in the headlights.
How is it that a guy who literally could not figure out how to answer or stop the phone from ringing ends up being the second most embarrassed person? Yes.
On today's show, totally checkmated you seven, eight, six, four or five, six, four eight three seven. If you want to talk to Ron McGill, we'll get to his questions in a second. But first, the the kazoos of Christine Lacy.
And finally, a wife has revealed how she blew thousands of dollars on vet bills after her husband blamed his efforts on the dog, the pregnant woman said her dog, Jerry, underwent expensive tests after she became concerned about his unbelievable stinky gas. The ordeal started a month ago when the wife was left horrified by a really disgusting smell during dinner and her husband claimed it was the dog.
Excellent. Put it on the pole. Have you ever been a fart on the dog all the time, yes or no? At least about everyone Batard show.
It is such a great way to get away with pinning a crime on your dog because what's your dog going to do? Just kind of wag its tail and continue to look guilty? Of course, it's not the healthiest thing for your marriage. That kind of dishonest dishonesty. But neither is that kind of gas. Ron Tsou, Miami is where it is that you find Ron McGill and you should know because Ron McGill does a great many good things for animals and his money goes straight to endowment that help the animals in a way that substantive.
Tell people. Real quick here, Ron, before we get to the questions on how it is that they could support the things that you believe in.
Well, they can contact the Zoo Miami Foundation and make a donation is totally tax to the Romney girls conservation endowment. Your money goes into an endowment and never gets spent. It just produces dividends. And that money has to be spent on protecting animals in the wild. Not a cent of that gets spent in the zoo. It's only for protecting animals in the wild, which is the reason I came to work at the zoo in the first place.
Greg Codi, do you have a question for Ron McGill?
Ron I live with a dog and a cat and I know this question applies to them. And I wonder if it applies to animals in general. Why do animals sleep so much?
Because you don't understand, they don't sleep entire length, like we tend to sleep, you know, preferably an eight hour block, animals tend to sleep in spurts. So what happens is while you're sleeping at night, they're awake quite often. So I think in totality, you'll find that many animals don't sleep a whole lot, much more than we do, even though there are some exceptions on it. Like a koala will sleep 20 hours a day. Lions also will sleep sometimes 16, 17 hours a day.
But their activity is so much more productive than ours, burns up a lot more energy. So they've got a they've got to reserve that energy for survival from which animal produces the stinkiest for farts.
So it depends. Usually it is a carnivore because carnivores tend to eat protein and hard protein produces probably the most pungent smell when it comes to gas. So I would have to go with any of the you know, like I know cheetahs, Godwin Cheetahs do that. It's just so terrible. Good Lord, any of those carnivores are going to produce really bad ones.
Billy, your go ahead with Ron McGill, Billie. Ask him what you wanted to ask him.
Ron, I saw recently that a new panda was born and I found out that pandas are all on loan and U.S. zoos and zoos across the world from from China. So I was wondering, that seems like a common practice that different countries would loan out their animals to zoos around the world. What animals does the U.S. loan out to other zoos?
Almost everything we have here are loaned out to zoos because I understand that zoos now do not take animals out of the wild anymore. All these animals you see in zoos today, at least the younger ones are all animals have been born under human care. So zoos exchange them back and forth to maintain a healthy population within that human care realm. Now, this is a little bit different with China because zoos basically put out animals on loan without charging any money.
China, the communist country, does a great capitalist thing by when they put a panda on loan, they charge who's ever got that panda loan, one million dollars per year per panda, which is why a lot of zoos aren't able to do it because they can't afford that. And the reason behind they do that, the zoos that do do it, they do it because it raises their attendance enough that they think it can offset that one million dollar rental fee, so to speak, on the loan.
So it's of an interesting situation there.
And if you have a panda born while those pandas are under your human care, you owe them another million bucks.
Hmm. Carrie, you're on ESPN Radio with Ron McGill. Go ahead, Carrie. Hi, Ron. Yesterday, I was on the Internet looking at some animals and I came across a hairless bear and it was terrifying. And I'm just wondering how often how rare are they? And just kind of can you explain a little bit more about them? Thank you. Sure, sure. There is no such thing as a species that is a hairless bear. But just like you find in human beings and you find in other animals alopecia, which is the loss of hair, it's a genetic problem that causes of loss of hair and animals does occur and bears very, very rarely.
And certainly a bear like that would probably not survive in the wild for any length of time because most bears are found in temperate climates, which wouldn't they need the hair to protect themselves from, you know, extreme temperatures. But alopecia is something that is found not only in humans, but in animals across the board. So it's something that you can see, though, not common. Hairless Bear Fallica.
Go ahead, Chris. Hairless bear. Go ahead. Er, Mike, what do you have for Ron Magill of Zoo Miami run on Sunday?
We saw a potted Dolphins run over an unsuspecting NFL official. And I was wondering, you hear all these reports of North Korea and Russia at one time trying to weaponize dolphins? If I were an evildoer, how easy would it be to convince dolphins to do my evil bidding? Probably easier than most other animals because of the intelligence level of dolphins of most marine mammals, we've talked about this over and over on the show. These are probably the most intelligent creatures that survive in the ocean, really in the world in many respects.
And they have been known they have been trained by the Navy to to, you know, to search out mines, to go to different areas. So it is certainly not out of the realm of possibility that they could be trained to do bad things as well as good things.
Did they have a sense of morality? For example, in the Rohullah movie Streetfighter, Berocca kind of knew that what he was doing was wrong. Even though he was sort of made in a lab, there was a sense of morality. Do dolphins have the same of eyes?
Oh, by the way, Major, fine. I believe it's blanker and I confuse him with Berocca for mortal combat two who had the blade hands.
I would think that dolphins like people are individuals. There are some that have more of a moral compass than others. There are some really good dolphins and there probably are some really bad dolphins. So just like you see in people, you meet a guy you really want to be your friend and then you meet another guy who's a total jerk. It's feasible that you could also have a dolphin that may be a delinquent, that may be have a malicious streak, may have mental illness.
I mean, mental illness is something true, something serious. And just like it occurs in humans, I'm sure it can occur in intelligent animals like dolphins.
Well, what do you have for Ron McGill? Pablo Áron.
Pablo. Oh, I must get out of here because we have oh, Cody, what do you have for Ron McGillicuddy? Just a. Ron waiting. I was trying to catch up with Ron. I hadn't seen him since your wedding to get out of here. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on, hold on. What do you have any good photos of me from Dad's wedding? That's what I wanted to know. What do you mean? What do you have for Ron McGill?
Get out of here tomorrow, Jeremy. Don't watch or listen to ESPN Daily tomorrow.
Cody, what do you have? No, I defer. I give my time to Pablo. All right.
We're going to commercial then right after Ron McGill checks out this video. Is there a video here for you to do the play by play?
Are you ready? Yes. OK, here it is. Oh, Lord. This is an Ebix and it's like on a dam wall. No way. Oh, look at the things you see about the people stealing what you've got to be involved. Look at this. Oh, my God. You know, and you don't know how hard that is to be sure that the people down there that would be sure that look at that table.
Oh, that is unbelievable.
The whole herd is up there and they're getting little pieces of lichens and things that are growing on the wall to eat. But think about this. Think about the balance, the total only.
So listen, when you think someone's a great athlete, look at nature. There are no greater athletes than what you find in the natural world. Look, that's insane.
These are real. These animals make stuff running on a wall as if you would run on the floor. It's crazy. How are they able to do that?
Because that's what they do to survive and they live on the mountainside. They've got to be able to walk on those cliffs. God isn't wildlife. We wonderful. It is amazing. What a great way. I want you guys to have a wonderful, happy, fruitful Thanksgiving. And I can't wait to see you guys after the holiday.
All right. We love you, Ron. Thank you for your time. And I'm not a doctor. That's right. The animal doctor, Ron McGill. Pablo, you are a horror like you are the worst dude. He did worse.
Wanted to know, like he had this whole super long lens camera at your wedding. I've never seen any of those photos.
Did you have any good ones? Didn't really get any sleep. Can you get him off? Nothing in life is free time for hitting with the high falutin music and get him out of here.
Just can you cancel him or block him on the hit that when he does something smart as an ESPN Daily listen.
Oh, no, a Jeremy Lin.
Just get out, unsubscribe or inscribe on just the worst.
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Don Lemon Tart, he is an idea guy, though, Greg is is an idea man and other people need to execute his ideas. I understand that on the same way. Yeah, I just throw things out there and hopefully someone else will execute whatever it is.
I throw out this to God who Stewardson codi say their idea man to camouflage their laziness because I'm not claiming to be an idea guy. I'm not claiming to be a facilitator. I am claiming to be someone who wants other people to do things.
This incident about our show with their style guides on ESPN Radio, ESPN Radio is presented by progressive insurance drivers who say with progressive save over 750 dollars on average, call unclick today and find out if they could save you hundreds on your car insurance. Peyton's Place Places is back for season two. The Emmy nominated series returns this Sunday, November 29th, with 15 new episodes as Manning takes you on a journey through football's most iconic moments exclusively on ESPN. Plus, sign up now at ESPN.
Plus, Dotcom getting to him. Dad, it's time for straight talk. It has brought to you by Straight Talk Wireless.
So here's the straight talk. We did a good local hour today and a good digital only hour. A lot of fun for people who love this show. And you should check that stuff out as well as the terrestrial stuff we are doing. We have not been great today on terrestrial radio. I largely blame Greg Cody, as usual on Tuesdays, but not today. Today we have a new show Killer and that show killer is Pablo Torre Schumpeter.
I don't believe we've ever hit anybody with that sound other than Greg Cody Schumpeter.
And we were having what I believe to be one of the top CODI shows of all time. Certainly we had some top five Greg Codi moments, Schumpeter, who had momentum.
OK, not since we continue to stay silent on the air. And Greg Cody got mad at us in San Antonio during the finals because we would just leave silence on the air for him to talk. And he you remember that among the great most memorable Greg Coati segment, one of them is me doing push ups with him on my back while we did the radio show. That is something that happened. Another one is Cody getting mad at the show and us basically leaving him hanging out to dry several times and him getting furious at the show.
And I believe we had momentum. The calling of Greg Cody was headed for an epic show. It was maybe our best segment during the pandemic, maybe our best segment of 20/20. Many are saying, and Pablo Torre ruined the show. He came in, promoted himself. He's more of a narcissist quietly than Greg Cody is. And he was dead serious about wanting to talk about. You disagree with that, Greg? You disagree that Pablo is absolutely more of a narcissist than you are?
OK, I mean, I'll accept that. But I think it's a close race. I mean, I'll run them for I don't you know, that is so funny on so many levels. Greg is upset about this.
All right. Let's do the back in my day now before Chris Jericho joins us again, kicking that college we heard. Yeah.
Wow. Oh, my. All time. All time was goal time. The goal of all time.
And now it is time to take a trip down memory lane. Here's your guy, Greg Cody with Back in My Day. Hard sell, sir. And what has happened to the beer aisle where I shop, the once familiar landscape has changed radically over the past few years. Sometimes what I see now makes me want to take my white corn ripped to shreds. Truly, it is madness. No booze used to be pretty simple. Once they were distilled spirits like whiskey and vodka.
It was wine and it was beer. Oh, there there have always been outliers trying to reinvent the wheel. Anybody remember Zema? Nowadays there's the trendy Moscow mule and it's unnecessary. Hey, look at me. Copper Cup. This is different though. Hard seltzer, a.k.a. spight. Sparkling water has established a major foothold in the booze market share since first hitting big in 2016, with brands white clothing truly leading the way.
Here's something fun to do.
Find a big fan of hard seltzer and ask them what is the alcohol in there? Not the AbbVie. That's around five percent like like beer. I mean, what is the actual type of alcohol contained in heart?
Seltzer, beer, wine, vodka, like nobody seems to know, but we chug it anyway. Look, look, look, look. Nobody seems to know what's in it. And here's why. It's a nameless, manufactured alcohol made from cane sugar that is fermented into ethanol and carbon dioxide. The flavors and carbonation added the flavors are things like lime, ruby, grapefruit, raspberry, mango, kiwi, watermelon. Sales are exploding because it's expertly packaged as the taste of summer gone by days of pre pandemic carefree bliss.
Meanwhile, Beer wept to see its market share run across the aisle. Even worse, beer relented, gave in, waved a white towel, now flavored beer tries to compete. Twelve packs of Bud Light lime looking across that aisle, meaning to bravely stare down the battalions of white claws and truly but inevitably blinking, looking away in shame.
I don't want a bastard beer that tastes like lime. Thank you.
When I first opened my brown bottle, I want to dive into the rich aroma of malt barley and hops. Please.
I want a beer that tastes like, well, beer. I want a beer.
That reminds me of my youth when I see dad pop topping a can from a six pack of orbit beer that he'd buy for 69 cents Eckert's for the days of yore when the beer aisle was the damn beer.
I'll go back in my. Yes. Don Liotard, I don't want your beak leaning over the plate, still got step back, Jack. This incident, Lilibeth our show with these two guys on ESPN Radio. Chris Jericho, he's the greatest of all time, is. He's going to join us here in just a second on the show, Pennzoil performance on Casper, the sleep company with outrageously comfortable products that are not so outrageous prices. The Undefeated presents Tiger Woods, America's Sun this Sunday, November 29th at 7:00 p.m. Eastern on ESPN.
And the ESPN at the one hour documentary examines Tiger Woods complex racial identity and the meaning of the golfer's success in America. Immediately following its debut, the documentary will be available exclusively on ESPN. Plus, sign up now at ESPN, plus dotcom.
So let's give maximum fanfare here to Chris Jericho. The computer is not working. We will get to the kazoos in a second because we can't go to Christine Lacy unless we have the kazoos ready. But it's been short circuited, so it gives us more room to celebrate the greatness of Chris Jericho. No one around here has ever done it better in terms of picking football games. Please ignore that there are a couple of one in four weeks in there and his most recent week is two and three.
But the gist of what it is that we do around here to prove to you that nobody knows anything is we go get a random person and go up against Colin Cowherd, who not only goes to wise guys and Sharpes and film study guys, but also the added advantage that he has over Jericho is he's picking the five best games, according to him, Jericho just picking what we're giving him. He's not choosing the games that he likes best. We're just throwing games at him.
And for nine straight weeks, he is either beaten or tied. Colin Cowherd, less champion.
Welcome to the show, Bow. Wow. Genuflect at the feet. Kiss the feet of the great champion A.W. Dynomite tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m. Eastern on TNT. He does not want to talk about that. He is not here to promote anything but his greatness. You have kicked the butt of nitro. You have kicked the butt of all the American Gladiators. Carrot Top. Congratulations, Chris Jericho. You are the greatest. Just think about this, nine weeks, nine weeks on top of the levator prediction list, I mean, I can't think of a higher accolade that I've achieved in my career and the fact of still going strong.
Yes, you mentioned a couple of less than stellar weeks, but they don't ask you how you want the games down to how many you want. And that's all that matters, is I'm back again here as the true champion of the football prognosticators, all of the so-called crows fallen by the wayside. Yes, a little, Christi. The Greek from Canada.
Yes. Yes.
Glory be to Kristie. The Greek on fire two and three last week, one and for the week before that, he is the greatest of all time scoreboard. There it is, two and three last week, one in four, if you bet. The greatest of all time. The last two weeks, you've lost a lot of money. It does not matter. He is the greatest of all time. So are you ready? Lines provided by Caesars.
Well, you will be on fire June three. I'm pretty sure three of the last four weeks have had two, one and fours and a two and three. But he is nonetheless.
You still bring me back. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Me, me coward is what's to say about it. Feels like our rules are pretty arbitrary. Are you ready.
Are you ready. Let's do it. Celebrity prognosticator. The greatest of all time. The world record.
And this time for celebrity prognosticator. Let's win some money in Washington.
At Dallas, Chris Jericho. Christie the Greek, the goat, the greatest of all time.
Dallas minus three who you got lost in Washington. Can't even come up with a name for their team. Certainly they can come up with a win this week. Dallas all the way.
Get out of here. Washington, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, a four and a half point favorite. You've been riding Big Ben this season again, one in four two weeks ago, two and three this week. You've been riding Big Ben.
Sooner or later, we're going to lose the undisputed finish vacuuming next week. Big benefits for rides again.
Oh, look at that. Raiders and Falcons. Falcons plus three at home. I'm sorry. Yes, an underdog at home. Plus three. Who you got? I'm going to go with the Falcons, I'm just in Atlanta this week, Chargers of Buffalo, Buffalo minus five and a half. You got. As Mick Jagger said, he's going to ride across the desert on a fine charge. I'm going with the Chargers, baby.
All right. Put it put it on the pole gear. Are you feeling some Atlanta this week, Miami at the New York Jets, the New York Jets, plus seven at home.
I dare you. Is there any is there in you are you there, I mean, you've been there. I'm going with Miami Dolphins man came from this week.
All right. That is not what he was daring you to do. He was daring you to bet on the Jets. It is a dangerous proposition. I know you are the greatest. Is there anything you want to say to the audience? You want to say to America, you want to say to Carrot Top, the American Gladiators, is there an acceptance speech? Is there anyone you want to thank? Because it may keep on going. But this is a historic moment, and I believe the floor is yours.
It is. I just want to thank all the fans out there that believed in me from the start. A lot of people said, Chris, what the hell do you know about football?
I said, nothing, but I will show you. That was a little bit of luck and a few a little bit of research and a little bit of old school gut instinct. You, too, can be the top number one celebrity prognosticator in the history of Levator. If you believe in yourself and just throw caution to the wind and just pick the teams, I would say to you, like best and have a bad opponent.
I mean, that what you've been doing for nine straight weeks, what did you just give people the secret formula to going one in four, three weeks ago and two and three last week, still beating Kalakala.
That took everything away. Everything we jerko. I hope it never ends. Like I hope I'm talking to you and one of us. The last thing either one of us sees before we die is us talking about I'm still feeding Colin Cowherd with one in four weeks. Like, I want that to be a part of the eulogy I give for you or you give for me to get him up.
And you know what? I'm coming back next week. I can feel it. That's right. Although he's predicted a Super Bowl winner this year. Yes, I got I'm hot now with your hot. I guess the mole is he has got the money right.
Very hot again. Gomo two and three last week, one on one still here.
An amazing one for your mother in Jericho. Thank you for being on with us. We appreciate it. I'll see you guys next week. I mean. Don Lemon tart during the breaks, the guys are just staring at the television and he says to Asian Jaroussky, who should probably go without saying, isn't someone who can hear what he's saying because he's on television, he's not in the room. Strogatz looks at the TV and says, Whoa, that's a nice shirt and jacket combo.
Strogatz I'm crazy. This is about our show with these two guys on ESPN Radio. ESPN Radio is presented by Progressive Insurance. Watch for a launch is brought to you by Hello Fresh get a total of eighty dollars off Usenko Dan and hello fresh dotcom. I will enjoy a delicious hello fresh meal later this evening but today for lunch. Now if Abby's listening, spoiler alert. I am headed over to Joe Stone Crab after the show. I'm going to pick it up for the family.
I do not like stone crabs, but what I do love is the Joe's BLT and so I am going to have a nice BLT at the bar with little espresso and a Coca Cola. That will be my lunch today. Mike and I will drive home.
Can you speed that up a little bit, please, so that we can get to show I'm thinking about the launch. The BLT is delicious. Mike, what are you having for lunch today? Metamucil.
Yes, that is what Mike has been having lately. Thank you, Mike. Do you have anything else that you have to sponsor here in this segment? No, just the BLT. OK, at Libertador Show you're not a sponsor for the BLT. It's a hello freshie ad and it is. What are you having for lunch? Because the sales team is spending a lot of time thinking about, like, the best way to turn that into what I call sickouts on the weekends.
And we just tell each other they're going to they're going to like, I don't know, wait till we escalate into a bigger ad buy and ask them, what are you having for dinner?
Because then we're really going, you know, we're really so mad at you for giving the game away.
What are you having for snacks? What are you having for breakfast? There are so many possibilities are on the loose. And what are you having at your party? Like, there's so much work to be done, so many right now, so much content. We could do entire day long shows about about this weekend.
Get into. Think you don't like this? Well, I heard I heard Billy talking about donuts. He had a question about donuts that would fill fit in the Hello Fresh ad and might actually be better content than Stewart talking about what he's having for lunch, which strikes me as the laziest possible way to deal today with a segment is was for lunch.
I know, but how about instead of why can't Billy go to what were you talking about?
Donuts of some sort, a story about powdered donuts, that drilling again. And if you heard it a darn, there's an expiration date on these powdered donuts. And I'm wondering how far past that expiration date can I actually enjoy them? Because I was feeling a little frisky last night, but I didn't do it two weeks on powdered donuts.
So what is the what is the amount of time, Greg Coady, do you have a nomination for how how long past the expiration date? There's certain things you can't have after the like. What are the things at the top of the list? Milk. Milk is at the top. Right.
You could give milk a smell, though. Give it a smell. If it's a day past it, it still smells fine. It's you're fine. Yeah.
He's right about this quick with your right. He is so right about this, even if you're past the expiration date. But his father is thundering in because his father has yet more expertise in this area.
Well, I have a life hack that works with a lot of powdered donut type foods, which is if you briefly microwave it, it softens it. It gives it new life, OK?
That microwave gives new life. Put it on the podium. Lieberthal So does the microwave give new life?
So it brings it back to where it was before the expiration date.
Yeah, well, you should totally put milk in the microwave and see how that goes. No, no, not milk. Sour milk.
What else is in the powdered donut type food category in terms of honey honey bun, the things that can wait a while, that you don't feel scared to go like ten days, like you can't go ten days on poultry or or turkey, you got to be real careful.
But you can't get a muffin right. Can you go.
Yeah, well the muffin is just going to be it's just going to be dry or something is it not. It's not going to be a horror, maybe a textural horror. You throw it in the microwave though.
Yes. And you give it like it is the best way to give something to give something. Like as you nuke it. Yes. You kill whatever bacteria it is with radioactivity. And then you go about eating. You're totally living food. That's right. At Libertador Zagorski at LeBreton Show on Twitter is how you vote on the polls. What do you have?
Here's the Twitter poll at Libertador Show is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs. Build your winning team today. Go to LinkedIn dotcom slash sports.
Before we do that, I forgot to go to Christine Lacy from before because of Chris Jericho. My apologies. After saying not happening, after saying that nothing takes precedent or what, we had to find out what you know, what the guys was having for lunch. The tourist fields. Christine, I'm sorry.
Please continue my. And finally, dogs can see sadness in humans and often attempt to make their owners happy by initiating cuddling.
Oh, I meant to ask Ron McGill whether humans are the only animal that cries from emotional sadness. And I forgot. I would imagine so, but I'm not totally sure.
I've seen heartbreaking videos on YouTube of animals crying, basically crying about other animals dying in passing. I know elephants grieve and have sad fact after the show.
Want to come in here. Will kick off our weekend. Right. All right. I would love to eat that grief headed into Thanksgiving at Libertador Show on Twitter. Go ahead. You're having grief for lunch? Yes. I would have a weeping turkey for lunch. Thank you to hello. Fresh for sponsoring the show.
Did you know that Bino Cook's name was Carol? 95 percent of the audience said no, we got one comment in an hour mentioned who's Bino cookes, a plural. There's a segment there. Well, that's a hello fresh segment.
You know, cooks more famous gas medication, gas X Urbino. Sixty eight percent of the audience said, yes, you know, ever blame the fault on your dog, do it all the time. I'll do it tonight. Seventy six percent of the audience said, yes, I'll do it today.
I regret at some point are you feeling some Atlanta this week, 69 percent of the audience said no.
Those are the bulls. Nice. Can we please marvel at what Chris Jericho has done to Colin Cowherd?
As we are, we are par for what Colin Cowherd has done to himself and his legacy of boys in five years. He is like your money on fire. He is picking his favorite games of the week. He is under 500 Chris Jericho, who admittedly knows nothing and picks teams based on which cities he likes best. That is, the formula has at least tied him for nine straight weeks and has beaten him most of the week. Kodi, you are someone who has been predicting game for a long time.
You still have your on your wall in your office.
When Charles Bricker of the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, when 016 picking games against the spread.
Charlie Where is that? Greg Where is that right. As your rival Charles Bricker of the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel went 016 in one week, I remember where I was. I was on an airplane and I did a double take at it and I'm like, Oh, you've got to talk about this right now. But Brigger went straight into hiding, didn't even mention it just the next week, went right back to picking games as if he hadn't gone on sixty.
I'm looking at that thing right now. And he actually went on fourteen that week against the spread and his season record straight up with fifty two and fifty. So he was struggling a little bit, but I'm on a run in my Haroldswick picks.
Oh wait a minute. He's been what he's been wanting to talk about this for a while, how well he's doing picking games as if he knows something. We just proved that you don't know anything that no one does know.
I do a lot of research. I I'm twenty and eight two zero and eight eights over the last year show on ESPN Radio.
All right, bye.