Local Hour: Behind The Bits
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz- 1,600 views
- 7 Jan 2021
The Le Batard crew discusses the backstory of some of the show's recent history and the backlog of Cameos Stugotz has to do.
That was a rare post game that felt like halftimes Stewart's for the first time in our show's history, we are doing two shows in one day. You've actually had some experience with this working with HACC. Yes, you did. Two days. It almost killed me. Yes. So the good thing is we're actually headed into a Friday and you'll have two shows to have two days to listen to. Part of what we're doing here is we don't want to run the risk of things changing.
And also, you heard about our security guard situation. So this is technically the local hour for Friday, even though it's a Thursday and you're getting it first. So with that, I guess one local topic, Peyton Pritchard.
OK, I'm done. All right. Right, exactly. I can get you a good price for security. I want to hear more about Manny. I would I would like to hear more about Manny, because I think Billy is doing a nice thing here where Dan is spending a lot of money on security and Billy is just simply giving him a more affordable option. And Manny, I'm not certain we need a Navy SEAL when Manny is just lurking around the neighborhood, you know?
Yeah, I'm a big guy.
I'm telling you, this is not one to be trifled with. I want I want to hear all about Manny, because obviously it's free now. Right? The freedom that we have to do the show means that we can piss a lot of people off with opinions that aren't about to one.
Right. That's a little bit different.
So while everything was going on, while I see Trump supporters breaking into the Capitol building and causing a terroristic act, I was like, man, this is a bad week to let go of security. Just I would I would love to have the peace of mind, to have security, because our last day of having security here was Monday. And then the price got back after we already agreed to have peace of mind. And I have my regrets.
And I wish maybe one of our candidates, I a I mean man, he works on the cheap, I'm assuming. Right, Bill.
And I've never approached him for this service. There's been other services that man has provided, but I've never approached him for security. I don't know what his rate is, but I wouldn't mess with him. And I you know, I'm wondering if I should even be mentioning his name, because then, you know, he may just show up there. Then you'll have to pay him. Right. But we have a Navy SEAL here.
So I think we're maybe we should maybe we should try to get our money's worth and bring the Navy SEAL in and talk to the Navy SEAL about his life, about Navy SEAL type.
Maybe it's not a bad idea.
Maybe we should do that. Yeah.
Wow. How long before those Navy SEALs are cohosting The Departed? What do you think is coming out today? And so is Manny. How about that?
I couldn't help but notice as the world burn, everyone on the show outside of D'Anna myself has joined Cameo. It was an odd time to maybe roll that out, Billy, maybe read the room a little bit. But what got you to cameo?
Finally, I finally spoke to a friend at a cinema. Timing wise, not not not great. Probably by many things, apparently. Take a little bit of time to, you know, put it together. And honestly, I was just very stressful. This is a very stressful thing. I'm not a selfish person. This is. But they're starting to pile up OK. And every time I go to do one, I think I can't do this.
I just can't do this. But I have to do this now. This is part of the new thing, so I have to do it. But the thing is, every time that I don't do one, then another one just adds on and there's a time limit. And I'm a little concerned, Stu Godse, about your popularity on Camiel, because I'm not you. I'm not nearly as popular as you are. And you told me that you were going to take care of it this weekend.
Now, unless you have different rules, I was told you have four days to do this. So this weekend, all of the ones that are already in there for you will be expired. No, no concern about how many you have built up and how possible it's going to be for you to do it. Because I see some of the ones that I've been sent on like this is a lot this is overwhelming. This is going to take a long time to do.
And I don't think that you're going to be able to do all of yours.
All right. So I have over two hundred that I have to do. I have seven days to do so. Doing just just hear me out. Just hear me out, guys.
Oh, my God. I have seven days to get them all done.
So I know you don't know. And thanks to God does told me to get it signed up like a few months ago or something like that changed in the last. How many have you done.
I have a got Billy. Hold on. You also have the option of expanding it outside seven days. If you feel like you're too busy, you could set in your settings, you could change it.
So seven days now, sue, you mess up, man, you mess up. There's no way you can punch out to hunt any way he can do. No, I knew you would do this. You're going to find out that you're your own worst enemy.
You're not hearing out my plan here. OK, in addition to Greg Cody interviewing me on stupidity and Carl coming on and the. Navy SEAL, OK, and whoever the you know, the D.C. correspondent we had on, that's good to talk to you didn't even care to remember his name.
What is this something Sherman decides? What is his first name? You said you were going to get high with him. I am. What is his first name? You said he's going to do the poverty. You hired him just because he's a celebrity. Who is he? What is his first name?
Ralph Sherman, of course. So he and I are going to. He's going to be on the podcast, but I am also. So I decided to save these for stupidity. OK.
Oh, my God. I can't. It's called killing two birds with one stone.
My friend is going to take so much longer than you got out of them.
So I think people would love the idea of me doing their recording during a recording like the parties have been done in one place. You know what?
You know what? Let's do it right here to download money to God. Let's do it. Actually, he has no idea how to write that down.
Yeah, I want to look at him. He has no idea why I want to do it right now. I want catus. I want him to do right now. A couple of cameos are can he do one cameo right now live? And a listener would appreciate it if we were doing a personal show for a listener. Billy, I think your timing I don't think we're making enough fun of your timing yesterday. You coming out sheepish. Who would want a birthday message for me in the middle of America on fire?
Billy Like it was just perfectly you you're limping on camera. You're not sure you want to do it? I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. You know what? I'm going to take the leap. I'm going to do it now. Let me do it while America is burning.
If I'm going to be honest with you, just in my my meager defense, I wasn't watching the news because I was just looking at the app on my phone saying, how do I record this video? No, this was a bad intro video. I need to redo this. And I was at that for about four hours. And then I sent it out and someone texted me like, it's a strange time to send that out. I go, What's happening?
You should turn on the news.
I was like, Oh, we have James Harden our staff, but there's no take these bounces at that point.
You know, Billy, I ripped out my opening my intro video one take. It took me 15 seconds.
It was oh, God bless you. That's happened to me. Billy's intro video is laugh out loud funny. You're supposed to like, sell yourself, really bring the energy to the people. It's just. Billy.
Hello. Why would you want that? Billy. Hello. This is this is my cameo. Oh you can see that. No, not only digital video. Not only did I see it, Billy, I saw it at exactly the wrong time. And you know what it reminded me of Billy? I think it's my literal favorite moment in the last 18 months on air. And I remember this is so funny that it happened on air. I had to pull mean, this is a true story.
I had to pull me out of the room. Mike Ryan was somewhere. Mike, what were you doing? What were you doing? You went on it. Was that when you were in Fort Wayne? Is that what happened?
No, Fort Wayne was a couple of years ago. And that's really the line of demarcation for when things started going south for us.
OK, but where were you the day that Billy was in charge here? Because all of this reminds me of he's been in charge a couple of times. Well, but the day I'm talking about, which produced the funny video that I'm about to tell, which is I got in trouble for something. And the first fifteen seconds of the video are Billy walking around in circles. And it's a clip that went viral. And nobody understands how scared Billy looks while I'm going in on Trump.
OK, that was for one day.
OK, so you were in Fort Wayne. It was a couple of years ago. They're all right. So you weren't here and Billy was in charge. And it's so it's not it's more than 18 months. It's twenty four months, Billy. So help me with this, because I remember, you know, the clip I'm talking about, right?
Oh, I'm aware of the clip that you're talking about. I became an unintentional meme that day.
OK, so let me tell the audience this story, because now they'll have the back story. I don't think a lot of people actually got this joke. There were a number of jokes to guts that people did not get the day with the elephant. You guys need to I need to tell that story, do I not? The day we weren't discussing the literal elephants in the room and there were twenty there were twenty Disney Dumbo's hanging in the room and nobody asked the question or got the joke.
Why is Dan not talking about the elephant in the room. That's why the elephants were in the room.
We have a lot of stories that you've been teasing to tell that I'm trying to keep track of here. There's the elephant one. There's a tarp in Ben story that we still need to hear some stock market, although this is the MENA one.
This is the Mina Kimes one where the day that I came out and said what I said about we shouldn't have to at ESPN talk about only through through athletes, we shouldn't be only using them to talk about the political issues of the day. The specifics of it were it was the send them back chant, which hurt me like in my soul because my parents are. Smiles and fear of the other is something that got us to where we are today, and so I said that that racism needs to be called out publicly no matter, you know, no matter the situation that you're in.
Like if you make me the lead Hispanic voice for America because of the power of, you know, the decade of putting us on television, if you make you can't it can't be silenced like it can't be silenced. Like you need to let me speak when there are brown babies in cages on the border. If you're going to make me the voice for that and you need to let me speak when the president of the country is sending saying, you know, send them home to people who look like me or have a back story like mine and his and his black and brown suit, in some instances you can't shut up.
And so I kicked me not out of the room that day before because I didn't want her to get in trouble because of all, you know, whatever I just told her, go outside. But Billy was in charge and Mike wasn't here. And so the clip begins. Billy tell you, take it from there.
Billy was also kicked out of the room and was in the penalty box and didn't have an earpiece in and had no idea what was going on. All I could hear from other people that something was going on but was not allowed in the room. And then I said, Bruce, what's going on? And then Bruce retied Bruce.
Bruce woke up. Wait a minute, Bruce. All right. Hold on. I need to hear more about the shit show we've been running around here.
I need to hear more about this because so it's kind of starting to feel like Dan took advantage of a situation. Well, so maybe because Mike was out of town and I sensed a weakness in the air, I kicked me out of the room and I'm like, Billy's in charge. Corporate mikes the hell out of here. Let me see if I can start some sparks here.
I was still in the room. I wasn't listening to anything. Nothing. And so, Billy, why were you in the penalty box? Take us through it.
Because the vote. No, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Because Juju and Angel are going to turn this into social media. That's going to be funny because people need to see this clip, how awkward it is of me. They need the back story because it's funny of me going in, you know, moderately, not really going in, but just saying, look, it needs to be called out, even though this doesn't have much of anything to do with sports.
Like, you can't be doing that to brown people. That's racist. Somebody you need to say that's racist. It's not even controversial to say it's racist. Just somebody say that it's racist. It's OK to say that the president is saying something that's racist here as far as these things go, that's pretty benign in terms of controversy. Right. But at the time, it was not this had not yet arrived. Black Lives Matter, everything, George Floyd dying in the street, none of that stuff had had happened yet.
You know, a pandemic had not happened yet. And so everything that happens after that becomes hugely awkward for us. If you've been watching how it is, we end up not on ESPN Radio today and that viral clip sort of started. You know what what has been forced upon us now? What we're doing two shows in one day and we're paying our own Navy SEAL.
That was 100 percent the start of it. And so. Yeah, and so now that we could put it up with the context, I want people to see the clip of just how scared and awkward that was, because what was on the green screen behind you, because the first few seconds of the clip, the director stays on you when I'm getting in trouble. That's what went viral, viral. And people didn't understand why is that guy at the beginning look so scared?
Why was the camera on him for ten seconds? People weren't the only ones wondering why that was happening, a person like me was also wondering why that was happening and what was happening, because I couldn't hear anything, but I knew that something was happening just based on the faces that I saw around me and kind of look at this face. I don't know how to describe it. So I don't know how that even happened.
I think I played a wrong sound or something. I don't know what happened that led to me getting kicked out or said to the ocean or something. But I ended up in the penalty box and I think that I didn't even know what was going on. And I may or may not have been doing like tricks for the camera. I am hamming it up, which I hope to God it was not. But that's something I would do sometimes without even realizing what was being said in the.
Whose fault was it, though? Because I heard Chris already trying to get out from under blame because he's like, we're going here now. Was it Chris's fault that no one was?
Billy was very quick, just like I didn't like, you know, I feel like everyone is just doing this thing. And I feel like Danny's look in the mirror.
That's what I think I need to look in the mirror. What do I need to know? Starts with you. Thank you, Dan.
I can't we can't take words out of your mouth once you've said them like we're sitting in that studio, like, what is what did you stop right now? This is the Daniel I want show you.
Oh, OK. You say that. And yet one of my favorite bits in the last 18 months. Hold on a second, because I think, look, we've been telling you, you took advantage. Hold on. Hold it did. Hold on. It's our weakest moment.
Please. OK, no one could have SAIC's not their abilities in the penalty box. And I'm not listening.
OK, so please let me explain this to you as we do what is our second show of the day? And we head into a, you know, weird production schedule. This is actually Friday where I get nostalgic for a second, even though this is the local hour, because Mike Ryan, one of my favorite bits over the last 24 months, and we're going to rerelease some of these things we were doing in the shadows to sort of signal to the people in the audience who are paying attention, hey, look, we're trapped inside of the machine.
Help us creative people. One of my favorite things was the corporate Michael Bit. And the audience hated that so much. Hated Mike, hated everything about that. But because and I do think it was too inside, Mike, because just we knew like sort of what was happening around here in a way that was uncomfortable. And so it was.
But I don't think you've ever done a bit that people have liked less than corporate Michael and I kind of liked it afterwards, that all these hipsters are like, man, I loved corporate. Mike, where were you when I needed you? I was drowning back then. I hated corporate money that was inside. Probably should have pulled the the Christmas record a little bit.
When Chris Coady joined, I thought I thought people really started to swing back around about how Anthony ended up in our crew just by being a part of that bit is of cutting or something like that.
He did make something or was what was his name? There was there were three characters regardless. So, yeah, this is going to be a this is going to be a fun evolution. We will have a website for you here soon. A world I don't want to overpromise and under deliver. But if you're fans of the show, I think we look we're scrambling, aren't we are scrambling right now in a lot of different ways in a ways that are scary and exhausting.
And and it's been super exciting, too. We feel I feel closer to you guys. I feel so less restricted by are just things that I feel like this is going to be a really fun time of growth for our show and for just a whole lot of good things, because a whole lot of people are arriving here and they just see clearly everything that's happened over the last 18 months in America. They're like, wait, this can be a funny sports thing that's also smart and can tell us about what's going on in America today in ways that we need to hear with vital voice, with vital voices, having a platform.
I'm having a blast, man. Oh, Miss McDonough. It was McDonough. It was a coqui. McDonough I knew it.
Yeah, a classic. I ended up like floating in a pool for some reason. And one of your suits, DAN Yeah. You did so great.
Well, how did the bidding. Hold on. Hold on. Can you with a waterlogged corpse floating. Oh no, no, no. You know what I'd like to do what I'd like to do here with the rest of the local allies to let the audience fully in on the joke. Why don't you take them behind the bit, Chris and Chris and Mike, just for give them a little taste. I know. I know it's self-involved, but just take them behind the bit because that bit you guys, how did it end up with you and your waterlogged corpse in the pool?
Wearing one of my suits?
I think it started with me claiming that I could float. And then you were just like, go floating this like and then I did something as Mike. So I don't remember how I ended up in the pool. We got this. Well, it was part of the plan that we were literally going to kill off these characters. It became evident that we needed to about midweek.
But there was a whole bleed into it, though. No, no, no, no, no. But as soon as it became. Haven't you doubled down, you double down and I and I remember yelling at you in the corners, keep it up, keep keep on, keep pushing.
Well, Michael is a character that you were supposed to hate. Right. And then everybody started hating it, like really hating it to the point that it was not fun, just like being me dealing with a reaction. But the reaction was what I was looking for. We were building out Lieberthal and friends and we had this live event that I desperately wanted to sell out and thank God it sold out. So I was thinking of a creative device to not annoy the listeners with the messaging.
Like this is the reason. And we were dealing with all the stuff stuff during when I was at Fort Wayne, which I kind of understand where Billy was coming from with the cameo stuff because I was having what to that evening was my greatest time producing this show. I had such a wonderful time at Fort Wayne and after, but also tied into to us also tied into this.
Correct. Is that at that point you are underneath legitimately have a producer problem because when you leave town, all of a sudden Billy and Chris don't know this part of the job that you've spent weeks or months pulling me by a chain, keeping me off of this stuff. So, yes, you're absolutely right, you guys. Yes, I saw an opening. I saw an open mike.
Mike Mike was gone the other day and had been pulling on the chain around my neck hard as corporate. Michael And it wasn't Mike's choice.
To be clear, though, you would have said a lot of the things you said that day. Had I been here, there was no stopping you. And I think we all took the temperature of the room. The only thing that I would have pulled back on was the the pointed criticism at ESPN, whether or not that would have happened if I were here, who cares? It happened and we're all better for we all came out on the other side.
That was the start. I think Chris Cody was the end. And now we're doing our second show today. But Michael was this device that I created just to get corporate messaging out there and also just be a bad guy as we were bumping against all this stuff. A lot of people got it, but a lot of people didn't and just hated what was supposed to be healer. And I was like, wow, this is great. I got real heat as a wrestling villain.
This is amazing. I'm not a popular villain. Everyone hates me. And then day two, I was like, oh, my God, it's too much. Yeah, like Billy hated it. Like it was just not popular in my stupid Billy you.
I didn't know that, Billy. You hated corporate money. I think in defense of me and Billy, we still don't get the bit. And yes, I will tell you, at midweek I had a discussion with Billy about how much indeed we did hate corporate Mike.
And I'm sorry, I didn't know.
I remember just hating it and everyone was in God's hands was like, what's happening right now? And then everybody's going along on this bit. And I'm like, OK, well, here we are. I don't know what we're doing tomorrow, but I guess we'll find out when we get there.
To Billy's credit, every day, he was speaking for me along with the audience. Yeah, he was speaking for the audience. And it was just like it was it was pretty toxic. But the whole vision was to have a lackey and then build out this wrestling stable and then kill them off. I probably should have had the sight gag of Chris because Chris played it great. He was just like that because he was still an oath. He was OWFI.
Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris.
In the corporate shirt and tie. I never looked better.
I think that smile on his face, it made me so happy. You you trying to fit in the corporate culture.
You look at the least corporate person if you're a corporation, if we're going to break down how the bit what it should have been, Chris, from the beginning, it should have been corporate, Chris, and then it would have been like, oh, he's just kind of bumbling guy that's trying to keep control of the situation.
But there's no real control here as opposed to the bumbling guy who is trying to keep control of the situation by pulling on my chain all the time, by inventing a magic crate of content and all the other devices, the bells and whistles that would make me that would make me sniffing another direction like a trained dog that didn't want to get near anywhere near the fun.
I really wish people were if there was a disconnect between the people that were just listening on podcasts and the people that actually got the sight gags, too, because we played in that visual sandbox quite well, holding up notes. I had feedback for you during the show. I was asking you to talk about watching.
I think that's what got lost. I think what got lost is right there. The difference between we were doing a show for a podcast audience or radio audience and a television audience. I think the people who liked it were the people who saw you holding up that stuff, letting only them in on the joke. But you know what I think would be valuable, Mike, going forward here, because I've always done this wrong in trying to build out our show.
Right. Stewart really knows radio. We as a group have really learned how to do radio over twenty years in a way that is pretty effortless for us in terms of just we sit down at the microphones and we go and we can figure out a way to make it entertaining for you or decent or sticky. In the ways that it is and I have found that as we've headed down this path, some I have to often explain the joke, I explain the joke too much and it gets in the way because people who are on the inside of joke don't want it explained, even though once upon a time they were on the outside of the joke and then hated us and then demanded that it be explained.
But then they don't want other people to do it. And so I'm constantly explaining jokes to my detriment to include more audience and cast a wider net. Now, that net is right here. It's right here. And I think those people would really delight in hearing like the behind the scenes stuff on. Now we can tell the stories that actually explain the joke because, a, I mean, I'm in a room after the building, the viral video, and I'm in trouble and in the news and newspapers are writing, you know, it is Dan Liotard being punished.
I'm just silence the I'm silent the whole time. Silent, silent, silent, silent. And then our first day back, there are 20 Disney Dumbo elephant in the room, 20 of them, Dumbo, Disney, the elephant in the room. Don't get it. No. Nobody did. Nobody did it, such a good job. But what's the joke?