Local Hour: Stugotz's Drive To Work
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz- 1,602 views
- 12 Jan 2021
The Le Batard crew ride along with Stugotz on his ride from Jacksonville to South Beach.
You heard us talk yesterday about how dangerous we think it is that Stewart gets and has freedom, I don't even know, honest to God, Mike, as I say this, I don't know how Draft Kings is sponsoring stupidity already. I'm not I have no working knowledge and I don't think our CEO does either. But Abby told us yesterday, his wife, that she fears him with freedom. And so here we are. And this segment was supposed to start with Stewart's.
His ride into work is how we were going to do this today. And everyone is here except for Stewart.
How is it possible that he's late for simply getting into his car? It's he's he's late here every day, Mike. Every single day in the history of doing this show. I'm always here before him. We've never even met at the door at the same time. And this is a frustration and a resentment that Wilbon and Kornheiser have. Wilbon is always keeping Kornheiser waiting because Wilbon is always getting a sandwich late. Where is Stewart? Why is he not here on time?
Why is it so hard for him to be on time? And what's going to happen to this entire show and everything around us? Because Stewart is always late and he can't be trusted with freedom.
Well, you'll be happy to know that a phone number just popped into the Xoom. My guess is he had to download the zoo map, but he is there now late to his own drive into the studio segment.
So, guys, can you hear me again? Right out of time. What do you mean? Waze has to be there at nine oh two a.m.. Boys, hi. How are we doing today?
Steve, what do we got first? Maybe a little coffee stop on the way. Do you leave early enough for a little coffee stop?
No. Dan usually gets the coffee for me, so hopefully as ready as Dan and they're already doing.
So there's some confusion because Dan does this thing in the late afternoon evening where he's exclusively on iPad and we have one member of our team that doesn't have an iPhone. So group chat, text messages are hit or miss when it comes to Dan. It specifically said in the group chat, Dan, come in at nine. But Dan was actually here before you for a segment that you were exclusively supposed to feature in.
Really? OK, so anyway, Mike, this is I have no idea what you just said. Listen, I have big news. My God, to my right. I am looking at the polls. I leave my development here to the left is the ninth hole that needs MIT.
We are just merely two holes away from the scene of the greatest golf history and golf, the one hundred and twenty yard par three eleventh hole where Mike stuck a driver two inches from the top of that. Michael Bay, I love how much you referenced that.
But one of the things that I'm worried about, about Dan's presence here. Hold on. There is a rush in walking his dog. Oh, yes, they are. Yeah.
This is Russian guy walking his dog. There's an expectation when you're walking your dog that you must interact with him. And even pre covid. I never interacted with the guys, just annoy there. And now he is walking with another Russian. I mean, he's got it.
So this very clearly has its own feed.
And there is no one. No, I mean everyone everyone's walking the dog. Everyone's walking the dog.
And you and I need to get out of the way because this was one of the more popular local hours we've ever done. The container needs to drive and you're fat face in the zoom makes everybody think the default is you drive. We're getting out of the way. The shipping container. It seems as though Sucrets has already fired up and I need more.
So you guys just paint the picture, the golf course course that morning do glistening.
Yeah. So what I drive out I passed the third hole every time and it's just it's classic but it's a bit overcast today. I've already out of the development. I've made a right here at the university drive and I am passing the temple that Dad never showed up to for my daughter's bar mitzvah. But my groin area that was there was putting it up I the time of our lives. Look at the Gila. I have an ice sculpture.
I remember that like and I just for one second because I feel like he does this all the time where he tries to guilt everyone that didn't show up to his daughter's sweet sixteen.
Well, not attending a thirteen bar mitzvah service. OK, whatever.
To my wedding. He didn't go to my wedding, he didn't go to Chris's wedding. But he tries to kind of make us feel bad for not going to this bat mitzvah years ago.
Yeah, well, I just try to make Dad feel bad. I mean, listen, I understand you guys can go. It's fine. I get it. I mean, listen, it's my daughters. We're we're turning into adults. That's what the bar mitzvah is all about. You turn into an adult and dad wasn't there to see them turn into adults.
Really? Did he get you a little. He took the buyout. And so, you know, I mean, I'm very happy for my kids college to me.
Billy Chris, did he get you guys a gift? Did he get you guys a gift for your wedding? He did.
He gave me a card with. A nice chunk of quiche in it, yeah, he gave me a nice check, it wasn't signed. So then for like a week after I was like, what do I do about this? Do I go up to him and say, you didn't sign this? Because I didn't know if it was like intentional or not, because he knew I probably wouldn't approach him about giving me an unsigned check. So eventually made the awkward exchange where I took the gift card, another gift for the card with the check out of my bag and handed it to him.
And he signed it like, there you go. Congratulations. And that was it.
It was it was more like, I'm sorry, but I get it was a sort of an apology.
You thought you had me there, Danny?
I did. Well, I thought for sure you well, you haven't gotten me a wedding gift, but there it is. I did. I showed up. I was like, yes, I have it real quick.
I'll get out of the way. I do have a question, though, Stuart. Just explain it to me, because I don't understand and I'd like to know if our CEO understands. How is stupidity already sponsored by driving?
Oh, what do you mean? I mean, easy money. I'm not going to say no to it, but you not gonna say that thing like in NASCAR. You kidding me? I mean, why shouldn't I take it?
Well, I just I think there's a bit. I know. I think there's a protocol. No, I think you probably need to get approval if you want some of it.
You don't want it. No, I don't want it.
I was doing it for the company. I mean, whatever the CEO of the company, I was doing it for them just to try to bring some revenue in. I listen here at the end of this, you're going to think I did it for me. I did. I did it for you. I'm protecting Dan from Dan because, you know, you're saying on the air all the time, you believe I want you. I want the bleeding to stop it.
So I'm trying to help out with some sales year on stupidity. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, you know. Yeah, my friend.
But you haven't told me what you got for it, and I haven't seen any of the money for it. And I don't know that there is any money for it for us or the company.
There's a billing cycle, Dad. So we will eventually send them a bill for what it is that we did and they will eventually pay us like they always have. That's the way it works. I have not instructed them to send it to me. I thought the memo and I said send 50 percent to me and 50 percent to the rest of the company.
That was Bimal. That's a good point. I don't know. Anyway, I'm on the saw grass going out about right now. Paint the picture. Paint the picture. Oh, it's listen, it's an overcast day up here. I don't know how it looks down there. Not a lot of cars on the road. There's not a lot of action on the side. It's really the most boring part of my drive. I it's just a connection to get me to the turnpike going south where, you know, most of my drivers spent and I will take you through that.
But this is going to be a boring portion of the drive, the Sawgrass Expressway.
Hey, man, there's nothing wrong with a little boring portion of a drive.
You know, you can't have the exciting parts of a drive if you don't have the boring parts due to my right to, say, a big, massive truck with big, huge cement blocks on it. I said earlier, yeah, Chris, like a few weeks ago, I said the most dangerous thing, the most frightening thing in a highway is when you pass a truck, there's a rack and cars on it all over the place. I got to tell you, a truck with a bunch of, you know, concrete blocks on it just flying all over the place.
That is also my top five things. Scariest things to pass on a highway, whatever.
The other three or three, he got debris going everywhere.
I really thought that. Yeah, I haven't thought that through, really, Bill.
You know, the ones with the little rocks inside, like the dump trucks, rocks, not super scary. They dent your hood because they're all jumping out of the top of the thing or they they slide out the bottom.
The worst about big gas trucks, big giant wobbling gas trucks. Oh, one. Yeah, gasoline trucks can't get away fast enough. So that's. Do we have anything else around outside the latest on I've ever found us again.
Top five driving behind. Yeah. Roy, have a mine anywhere near Roy. I can't keep my name on your mouth I guess some motors.
What about someone on a motorcycle. Doesn't that make you nervous. It's like, hey, I don't want to hurt you. A lot of people on motorcycles. I mean, yeah, it's annoying. It is. A whole road is theirs, you know, get over yourselves. Motorcycle guy was driving and I so I am I'm inching closer here to the want to cancel because I don't know how to use all these claughton.
So I was always screaming, oh, you got to have us tried to do the two birds with one stone thing and start banging out some cameos on your drive in.
So I did a cameo before I drove in. I sent it out because there's a timer set on these stakes. Again, if I just start if I just stop at any time during the show, it's because there's a one minute alarm that comes up that says you got to get this cambio done. So I might just be rattling a bunch off today.
Guys, what's going on with the Kammenos next to God knows how far behind is he? Because I know you guys were making fun of the fact that he didn't get to any of them until Sunday. And Billy was wondering, as was I, if you got. I was waiting for all the cheap ones to his to expire so that he could go back to charging everybody eight dollars instead of giving anyone anything for 30 dollars.
He's at one hundred and fifty nine dollars. Yes, not eighty dollars.
I know that people are so bothered by that people. So I am not going to the turnpike. How about you use your place? It was merging with the sawgrass over the oil, over the turnpike south usually go north or south. You have a choice. You keep going straight and you're on Southwest 10th Street. I'm going south. A lot of people go north. But I'm telling you, once a day I yell at someone because they try to get over to the right way.
And then I've been in for five minutes because I'm trying to drive responsibly. I really like her. It's annoying. I have Saley right now on the turnpike going about one hundred and two miles per hour. Boys make it. I fly and right now weighs as me there. Oh look, I love the game. I play with planes every morning. Always gets a great game. They give me a time that I'm going to arrive and I try to beat that side.
Yep. Waves is a very dangerous game. I know it is a terribly dangerous game where it has to be there at nine oh three and now I have to get nine to one of two minutes ahead of schedule. I need a dad. You're going to see me earlier that it just.
Oh, yeah. And you guys didn't do anything with a cameo. Like we asked them a question about Timmy.
So trying to get in about that to answer your question, he has to be he has to be behind on that because he has way more than I do.
And I have a couple that are like, you know, really what's going on with Stuart's his cameo.
The thing is that you don't know you don't know how many requests someone has. But if we believe what he said, which why would we? He said the other day that he had two hundred requests and that was on the first day. So you have to assume that he does have a lot, even though he raised his price three or four times since, that he has a ton that are now way back log that he's going to have to get to.
And there's only a certain amount of time to do them. And I don't know how you guys experience is, but it's not a quick process like it will. I will spend hours and knock out like twenty in a day and you guys are doing all right.
You guys are really doing great. I have enjoyed you guys staying in your personalities and doing them, but I haven't seen very many from Stuckert.
Oh, I've done a bunch. What are you talking about? So I understand that I was an active on jambia last Tuesday and I set my thing seven days to Bill, so. But militarizes a lot of those orders came in last Tuesday on that first day when I had my price at the lowest. And I think Bill's probably concerned about I get all the ones that are due today Don, but I am telling you I am making a pledge to the people on Gameel that I will get it done.
I am not going to leave any single person without a cameo appearance, and I I'll do it for free. That's a pledge.
That's impossible. I think that's totally you. You're not going to do it for me a lot.
But I did. And it's not to throw stones because I'm not changing and do a bunch of outfits for this. But you did kind of promise, you know, a bunch of Brave's hats, a bunch of, you know, I'll put on this shirt for this guy. I'm seeing a lot of the same outfit in stigmatises cameos. Now, you're right.
Listen, I'm trying to bring sports fanatics in as a third party sponsor. Here we go and try to sell it.
Sell your cameos. Yeah, I'm getting close to get this deal done. Now, again, keep in mind, I'm doing this for the company. Dan, I will be setting. That will promise you you're the best much. I love you, too. I listen, I am passing Pompano Pompidou Center here. You know, the rest stop area. The last what you have before that three hour trek up to Orlando, Kassovitz. But I'm not going to lie to you if I'm late occasionally.
Dan, this is the because I don't have a car right now and drive her out of my wife's car. And this is the this is the portion of my drive where I occasionally pull over for a little start, you know, say a little morning here.
I'll put it a little game and put it on the cigarettes at Lebed targe.
When God starts, I thought with I'm not going to lie to you. Does it often produce a lot?
I'm forty two dollars.
I don't think I'm not going to stop this morning because, you know, I don't want to be late. So the service plaza on my left eye cigarette right now. A little shell gas. I love a good service area. I love little pocket, a gas station, a little pizza, a little Wendy's, a little Dunkin D, you know, a store to buy starts off the drugstore. Got it all.
It really is an underrated place. The rest stop.
And you guys feel about Dunkin dropping the donuts from their name. A bull, a bold move, but I think it'll work out for them. I don't like it. Oh, well, that one.
Well, whatever they wanted for a change or whatever they wanted to call it, knock it down and put it is that allows me to see some good billboards. So I'm flying down the turnpike here and I got past midnight at 1:00. So I have two minutes ahead of schedule, guys. Two minutes driving 88 miles per hour right now.
Nice to congratulate. Bump it up to ninety five one year. What do you want me to do? Ninety five. Nothing. No, no, no, don't do that.
OK, let's go and talk to you. Have breakfast today. You gods are not yet.
That's funny. Abby may be a very, you know, nice little bagel with some toasted with butter on it. And yesterday I think the place doesn't make me anything. You made that for me and I forgot. But I got a sandwich in my bag. With your mother. With my bags passing Commercial Boulevard. I don't know why I love living anymore. We live in the Waldorf brisket sandwich. Well, a little bellboy for a while. First slider.
All right.
Overrated. Oh, I'm going to start. Wow. Yeah. Why?
It's just, you know, it's a gas station and everyone likes to think it's just like, you know, what I did right now is it to be on my left?
I have a drawer on my right. I have not one but two fuel are gay guys. I'm going to shoot the guy. I'm shooting the guy doing the shooting.
Shut the door.
Oh, well, there you go. You know, never got that dangerous in my office tomorrow. Now there's a guy in front of me and he opened up all of it, like the size of a football field, this high blob right through it. And that's what other drivers do for other drivers. Bridge, you form a little bit. You thought as your poor little offensive line in front of you. Follow them wherever they go. Those folks drive like I'm a running back.
Yeah, save some gas. Yeah.
Averaging one hundred and eighty miles per drive.
He's got to drive her to God's Devonta Smith. Real delimit. Right.
OK, I think we're all learning together why we recorded this last time and it was heavily edited because I know there's some lulls sometimes.
Hey man, it's a drive bill. I'm driving and trying to God just at to save time. And what I mean, listen, I just shot a gap. I mean. Oh yeah.
Do you want I mean, do you ever pull out of the fast lane because someone behind you is coming faster? You the guy that just stays moving slow and refuse and make them go around you?
Wow. Well, so usually it depends. So if I'm in the fast lane, I'm going to go fast like I'm there right now. I'm going eighty six miles per hour. OK, but if a guy is upset up somewhere at some point in the drive, a very long drive, I will absolutely get that left lane. I will sit there at fifty five and not go. It's not a mile per hour faster. Yeah I like that.
I like that. You have tried it and tried to Billy.
I try to box them in because I'll try to do that right next to a car in the middle way. They, they're speeding. Yeah that's good.
I'm glad, I'm glad that we're on this because I was going to ask you about driving friends and driving rivals where you go on a drive and you see the same cars and you become friendly with some of the cars and other cars, become your driving rivals and they'll drive you and then you'll see them either get a ticket or you'll see that they slowed down and then you passed and you're like, that's what you get. So I'm glad to find out that you also have driving rivals, rivals.
This game is so good. I when someone annoys me and I get next to a car and not letting someone to ask me, there is no greater feeling than when you have successfully blocked somebody trying to go fast.
Oh, what a free right. Yeah. It's like you're the offensive guy trying to keep your running back because you don't like it very much. Yeah. Yes. And you trying to gain negative yards instead of positive yardage. You're right.
Do you really, do you think that's ever happened with an offensive lineman. They're like, I hate this running back. I'm going to block terribly for him or just not let him through.
Yes. Why would that happen?
Because he's on the same team and he wants them to disclose their professional athletes and they'll get fired if they do that.
Yeah, but then you don't think of the history of sports that never happened. We're running back has done something so bad to one of his offensive linemen.
The guy does apply for I mean, of course, our quarterback, I believe on occasion a quarterback maybe has gotten hit because an offensive lineman is mad at him about something. I don't believe that that would last very long or that it wouldn't be obvious very quickly because it's rare that you see an offensive lineman give up four and five sacks.
I mean, it did happen to Willie Beamon. If you remember, he ran his mouth and all of a sudden he got hit on the blind side. Good point, Chris. Thank you, guys. Thank you. I've been checkmated.
I don't really mean it did happen, but will be banned from any given Sunday of funding military.
Where in and I got the ladies scream when you call it dangerous to kind of like, you know, psychology, sports and human nature, like you don't think maybe you know too well. Carson White is overpaid. He's making a gazillion dollars. I'm an offensive lineman. I'm making nearly as much. I'm tired of him. He's got very good our cheap socks. I'm going to let him get sacked. You don't need that to have.
I think you should do the car ride in and I should get out of this because all I do is ruin it.
So you go you go ahead and do your own work. Listen, if I was if I wasn't having this discussion with you, I'd be having it with someone. I mean, maybe myself, perhaps my brother.
I mean, maybe somebody I made, by the way, the God's Carson Wentz sitting pretty now, huh? Now that they got Doug Peterson out of there.
But he's like a good shepherd. Larry, you got listen that only a graduate of in university, same place I graduated.
He's a little more in his life that I you know what I mean is that we haven't seen lately back to the linemen and quarterbacks and all that. Remember, like every year we used to see like after the last game of the season or the last couple of weeks of the season, the ridiculous presence that quarterbacks would get their line. I feel like I've seen that in a couple of years, that they stop being charitable.
Did you see Kyla Murray got to each of his offensive linemen, a painting of themselves, original artwork. He got each of them. And I'm thinking they didn't like gifts. What did what did he get them? A painting of themselves. He got original artwork for each of his offensive linemen.
That was a painting that I didn't get back a lot next year. I promised my anyway, I passingly I am on the the final benzer of my turnpike portion of the drive. There's a good great God I see it. Guys everywhere look great. I am passing the Hard Rock Guitar Hotel. Have you guys been there yet.
It looks nice and I have been there and it is nice but I lost like 400 bucks in the casino.
What you've been gambling during covid was like in January.
This is like in January when I stayed there it is January eight. Oh my God, it is January. Holy shit.
I'm looking at these paintings now. Nice gesture. Totally worthless gift. Who's going to want to buy a painting of number sixty eight like you cannot possibly resell that. That really only means something to him. What an odd. I mean I get you know, it's the thought that counts but like I never think that in a gallery or in like what's it called. Like S B Sotheby's. Did you know about art. What is it called. Or they do the auction of the famous art shreds itself.
Yeah. I never see number sixty four for the Arizona Cardinals lineman art being on sale and Sotheby's, he hasn't come yet.
There's not a lot in Sotheby's. I don't think Sotheby's se what's it called.
Sotheby's USD. It's got to be southerlies. Sotheby's.
Yes, I see. During the telecast last night they showed that hard rock star hotel. I mean, listen, people get tempted by what they see on TV down here all the time. If they only knew what was seventeen steps from that hotel, which is the phallus grossest area in the United States of America or forty one, I would never spend a second there. I saw you hear my voice.
I just stay, I stay stairs go and going outside there I saw a crazy fight in the parking garage at the Hard Rock On only in Broward yesterday seemed a bit out of control. I was only in Broward.
Only dates are a gold mine. What do you think? Best case scenario, most downloads would be on this drive to work and probably is off a garage, right.
Well, I was thinking to myself, when you were speeding through the tankers and stuff, if we would air the sound of an explosion, if we would, we would have some sort of a horrible calamity.
I was wondering it to myself as you sped through gas tankers, like where's the line?
Like, what awful thing could happen that we would air, I think, to God's would like to go out that way. Nose to God's like your last words on air brought to you by draftees.
Honest to God, it's five dollars.
I've been taking notes to God during this segment and I've caught on to a couple of things.
Also, I'd like to go out. Sorry, Mike. All right.
So I've been taking notes and I came up with an idea for a bit called Stupide because I don't know if you saw Ken Jennings. His first show was on Jeopardy yesterday. And I just I've been drawing a Jeopardy board with a bunch of topics. Nice and the whole I. A year behind Stupide is you're the host and you have to grade everybody on how they deliver the answers, but since it's Jeopardy only one answer at a time, so if it's adequate for you, you award them the dollar value.
So one of them is, please, dot, dot, dot. And then, like, I'll go, I'll take pleas for 100. And then you're like Joe Judge. And then I just go, Joe Judge, please. You know, you're blaming the Philadelphia Eagles for not winning you a game. You're six and 10, you idiot. How dare you complain about somebody else and then you reward me if you agree. Overall, if it's agreeable to you, you give me 100 dollars.
So that's one of the things that I wrote down.
I like that.
So basically, it's it's where I would go with the judge. Could you get it right? You get it right.
Yeah, I get the hundred dollar dollar value and then we move on and I control the board. Then I'll go. Dangerous Game three. One hundred dollars. Right. One hundred dollars.
No, it's just the game. So I'll do all the work you just hosten and then maybe put it on stupidity and get all the credit for it even though their sponsors on it that no one knows how exactly we did it. And the and the production on it was kind of suspect this week.
But another thing that we, that I remember that we had over a hundred thousand dollars and also a very successful one of the things that I wrote down was to guys likes to covid shame because you did this yesterday when Greg Cody went to a beach and you're like, what is this guy doing going to a beach during a pandemic? When I think, like, the beach is probably if you're going to go out in mass scientifically one of the safer places.
Yet it's coming from someone that has no problem hopping on a bird and going to Delaware every week.
Yeah, but he tested positive for covid your mate.
Yeah. Goddamn is right. Right. Checkmated him. Wow. What a shame.
Due to I mean. Yeah, we'll play the result there.
I guess my guess is you tested negative because you've got the bodies at this point.
Yeah. And another thing that I wrote down is, listen, Stu, God cannot take any feedback because he literally is started every point in this podcast with the word listen and he himself doesn't actually listen.
And I've told them several times, you have to stop leaning on a crutch because as you age more, these things pop up and you're out here unspotted. You said that you could do Sunday Night Football without Michaels. And I'm pretty sure the first bit of feedback those producers would tell you in your ear three minutes in is stop saying listen to start every sentence. Listen, you're right.
I mean, you are passing the hard rock right now. My God, I rock. I got to tell you, like watching the game last night, that this stadium is as aesthetically pleasing as any stadium in America. It looks it looks super nice, does it not? It does.
How about the camera angles? How about those camera angles last night? That was so cool.
Yeah, that was cool. Alabama's got seven seven dash. Wow. Right. I'm getting to the the most frustrating part of my job at the end of the term by there is no more turnpike. The turnpike is over the more always. Yeah. All lanes and I-95 is there line right now.
We're going to skip it. We're going to go in that left lane, go all the way and then cut across. They'll get pulled over.
I got well if I do, I'll tell mom. Dad, I've done it literally every day. I've gone to work and South Beach and I've never gotten pulled over at that spot.
Roy, I know, but I got to survey how it works. Chris Sometimes I go left lane because I think that's a twenty six I could sell there and cross over to the right. And then sometimes I go right lane and I jump, I skip over to the left, the old skip right at the last second. But I had to see if Waze tells me if there's any cops around then it always just told me that. Yeah. So I'm still evaluating, surveying the situation there.
I am right waiting right now. It looks like the better option. Are you totally illegal?
Are you proactive? Waze guy Scott's like, will you mark a cop if you see one?
Now that I know I do that like when I'm on a road trip, I like being a team player Awais team player. I like to if I see a cop I marked that cop to the next guy behind me doesn't get caught.
He's a little behind schedule right now. It's got me there at nine oh six. Yeah. And that's because all traffic mounting up here guys.
You seem to be moving really smoothly so far though. I have right up until here, Bill, this is where it all goes to shit right here. This is where I regret where I live every single day when I get to this point, if I drive right that where I'm at because I was not in his right lane, I'd be all the way back by the stadium right now to try to get myself on the night he finds out. That's how far the.
I want you to imagine where this thing is, the junction that I think if I was waiting all the way back to the stadium, because that's how far back it is right now. I mean, I just caught about three quarters of a mile below right now. And I'm off to the belt and staying right, Chris? I'm staying. Right. I think I could squeeze a little more juice out of this one. So that's right over. There's a mobile home up there.
I told you. I told you, man did this dangerous game.
I'm good. You're good. You're in the clear. So I got pulled over that that would be good for the pod.
I took the twenty six west right lane Chris almost into the last possible second. And I'm always telling Chris this because he knows it popped over to ninety five. I probably just shaved. Let me see.
Probably just shave four minutes off my dress. No better feeling, maybe five. That's a good feeling. So that weighs about me back at nine three. I'm going to beat you ways.
I love that game to the game where you beat ways, where you do everything you can just to beat the time that is. I like you stupid computer. You don't know what's going to happen when it's like scary, accurate that they can tell you exactly what time you're going to get there.
I know, but you like talking crap doorways, right?
That should be a show actually. Hey, let's pitch this to God. You've heard a beat Shazam with Jamie Fox. Here's Beat Ways with Stu Godse, where you just go places and you put in the address and it tells you what time you're going to get there and you do everything in your power, legally or not, to beat ways.
I like it, but it's a game I play every morning.
I need a fifth category for my Jeopardy game. Right now I have these are the categories Stu gotin as a host, I want you to, you know, give me your feedback on this. I have, please. Dot, dot, dot. We went through what that would be. I have dangerous game as a category. I have listened as a category and I have this guy really as a category. I need a fifth category. And now I thought a potent potables just as a swerve.
But I think it should really still be on brand. Is there another tic that you have that I can include as a category?
What's the thing where he like like before he gets going and being a little. Yeah.
Give me a break Mike. Give me a break.
Is a break this good popery. Zip it up. Zip it up. You be ashamed of yourself.
Oh shame dispensing shame dispensing is good too. I really like please can we play please. Right now with Stuart. Can we just do that now to the game is still in its embryonic stage so it's too early to play it.
Well we could play a game as Chris do you ever do you dare go right on this service? You know, everything's flowing into ninety five right now. There's just little service lane that is wide open to the right. Now, if you get in it, it will take five minutes off. You drive. If you get pulled over, it's a two hundred and forty dollars ticket. How do I know I've been pulled over. It does but it seems why it seems wide open right now.
Do you know what I'm talking about? I do.
That one's a little too dangerous for me and I. I have not done that unless I'm like, really? I think I might have done it like once or twice.
I'm God. Have you ever gotten in the wrong lane? So you're not in the fast lane or the expensive lane and you end up just driving over the plastic cones. How many times have you ever done that at all? Have you done it very much?
Yeah, I've done it so well when I mean, I'm not going to do it now, but I've done it several times because we used to have to be on the air at a certain time. And if I felt like we're at, you know, a Mike and Mike or go with them and go up, if I felt like I wasn't going to be there in time, I would do whatever I had to do. And yes, to answer your question, yes, I have both gone from the main to ninety five over to the expressway and I've driven over the cones and I have left the expressway because there's an accident to hop back on to the main ninety five.
I've done it both ways. Did you do what you got to do. Driving in traffic is all about it but it has nothing.
But it has nothing to do with when the show starts. OK, if I pay nine dollars and forty cents to get into the express lane and I get into that express lane and it comes to a screeching halt and everybody in the regular, the freebie people are just flying by me. I don't give a shit. I don't care what time the show starts, I am getting over that. I'm barreling over those things that I'm getting back into the fast lane.
I paid nine dollars, five cents to drive a to pay nine dollars and forty cents to go slower than the people on a second.
What's the most you guys have paid to do that. Nine dollars if it's. No, but I've seen it expensive sometimes. If it's above twenty five cents I'll wait an hour and a half and I'll go in the belly.
When the heat were like really go in, when the big three were Daudier and you would drive north to south to get to those games. I'm telling you this is what I had. Twenty five thirty dollars and I took a. Every time my son passes, the one thing my mom still pays for, for me, so I don't worry about that. Well, she went on that an accident. Have you got an accident? Yeah, I guess that's a peloton bike.
None of these peloton trucks. Jesus Christ. Gearman put it on the pole. Are you say that by going higher, you take that high of a bike to a some sort of high rise in Miami where some guy is going to go to the bike, look across a window and sees a beautiful lady on a bike doing the same exact repeat, the same thought. What a crock of shit.
Unless they want to think about this after I say, seems like you were the sponsor.
It seemed like you were unable to close the time deal with the amount of freedom you had there ripping them.
They chose Stephen A. Smith.
I mean, weren't we supposed to get some Pelton's? Guillermo put it on. Put it on the pole, please. Are you surprised at all that Chris's mom is still paying for his son passed to God? So I'm going to go get you your coffee now. So it's here. Nice and warm when you get here. Don't throw any questions to me, OK?
Thank you, Dad. I appreciate that. I am in the expressway now, guys, this is very exciting expressway and I doubt that. Chris, here's what I will also do. I'll tell you the rare time I do not hop into the expressway, so I feel like ninety five is open. And then you see someone who paid eight dollars to be on the expressway and they are sitting in traffic because in the expressway it's just too late. Yeah, there's an accident.
You will be waiting for days. So that expressway. Okay how about you have a driven past laughing at the people on the expressway who paid eight dollars. Why you are selling a law for free.
No, man, that sucker. I'm usually that sucker that's sitting in the express lane. And that's why I end up barreling over those things because I'm like, this is bullshit.
Vegas, they don't always take the expressway.
It's a dangerous game, though, because sometimes it starts slow and then, like, you think you're screwed and then it picks up and then the fast lane on the right ends up being slowed down by the by Miami. It's a dangerous game.
It's also dangerous game six thousand times today. Thank you.
That it listen, it's also margin of error. That's what it's all about. It's it's you have two lanes here. If the slightest thing happens on the expressway, it will screw up your entire day. The guy. But ninety five in the main area you have four or five lanes. And so even if something happens, you could still get through it a little bit quicker.
You know, I'm saying, what are those cones or columns or pools or whatever due to your car when you run them over? Because I'm always worried that it'll either that dent my car, but maybe, like, scuffed the paint or like do something underneath. It's really the underneath that I'm worried about the thing popping up and hitting like a hose of some kind and messing something up in my undercarriage.
I want to say what it is to me, like it's a danger my mechanic has to paint.
It has other people's cars. So, yeah, it does.
Roy, did they make them like steel or something. I did they make them so you can't run them over.
No, no, no. They're still plastic. They're just very, very hard. And I'm afraid that the thing that the plastic is attached to in the actual highway portion, it can pop your tire. So I would be very leery of doing that. Switching over. OK, I've seen it.
Chris, the first time you drove over him, you were a nervous wreck by driving over the spikes when you return your rental car, right?
Yeah, it's like having sex. Once you do one time, you're good. Yeah.
It doesn't seem to scare anyone because if you drive by, they're on lockdown. So it seems like it's safe. Yeah, I don't think.
Oh, well, I think I didn't really get the sex compared to saying it's the same as all this time. Once you do it, once you're good you see that. You see the head.
He it Dan just made will be leaving is I don't know about you guys.
I feel like it's really opened up since he left. I feel like we're freer now. We're all in the express lane. Exactly right.
Oh shit. Almost an accident. Always shit. I'm not even joking. Expressway to everyone. Stop. Holy Mother.
You guys, you know, someone that you should talk to on stupidity and hold on a second is barely over on spanger green and fire a little billboard. You really do think of this guy. Three hundred and fifty guy.
Here's what I would ask. I mean, here's the here's what I would ask the guy in the billboard, OK, maybe they could get him three hundred and fifty eight. How much are they supposed to get them know exactly how much is the attorney at all capacity or Billy Save. That's to poverty question. How long will police action here. Oh blackfin.
Let me see what's happened. It little pull over on the expressway in here. I heard that beeping fool.
You can't force you to slow down there. It was telling me just flat out right. The car stops itself. Why is the cop pulling a guy over expressway? I mean, listen, if you take the expressway to pay, what you're paying for is the right to go. One hundred and ninety miles per hour if you want to give me a break. These cars stopping themselves.
By the way, you want to talk about a dangerous game? I don't think that's a dangerous game. I mean, all of a sudden it's going to hell. I get it. When it's not supposed to happen, there's going to be like a crash.
If I want to crash or I'll stop when I want to start a little accident. Am I right, Chris? Of the main lane, little ACSI. Little ACSI. What were you telling me about step out of it.
Well, so we were talking about now it doesn't make sense because we've moved well past it, but we were talking about the traffic cones and barricades and all that. I think you should talk to Bob from Bob's barricades because Bob's barricade seems to have a monopoly on barricades. I don't know if it's just a thing down here, if it's a nationwide monopoly and the guy has to live in a castle of traffic cones because every traffic cone that I see is a Bob's barricade.
And I need to know how much Bob is worth, how he built this empire of barricades. I don't know if this is a thing that you want to talk to him about, but I feel like someone needs to talk to Bob.
Oh, he's a millionaire. He's got it. Why don't we talk to him? But why don't we all talk? I'm down to talk to you guys.
I'm I'm thinking we make a cheaper barricade.
We call Stew's barricades like that now. But I don't think, Bob, someone you want us to the barricade world. That's true.
I tend to be probably a bad ass.
Well, so let me tell you something.
The other day, well, maybe we could barter with American somehow. I don't think he needs us.
Oh, my. Bob's got it figured out right away. Chris Whittingham just sent me this article in the chat. And there is this. This Bob is not who you think he is. His name is Happy Altor. And he this he looks like a bob. Each name should be Bob looking at picture at him. But apparently Bob's real name is Happy Altor.
So long haired Bob's company, did he somehow cheat Bob out of his fortune? What happened here? How did Happy become the king of the Bob's barricade? And I would have thought happy barricades would have been a better name. OB's more related, but one of the better barricades.
I mean, that's true. Barricades are boring. Thing about the barricades, thing about the barricade games to God. So you need to worry about I was getting ice cream the other day. An ice cream truck drove around in the neighborhood. I heard it. I got excited. I ran outside to get ice cream for the first time in over a decade. Truck. I know. I think it's something we all take for granted. The ice cream truck and then you finally get to it.
It turned the corner. I then had to go around the other way to try to cut it off so that I wouldn't be running down the street to chase this ice cream. Anyway, I saw the ice cream man and he's just kind of casually driving around. He has the two big coolers in the back of his truck. He's just handing out ice cream. You know what? This seems like a nice lakeside gigged retirement gig. Just kind of drive around the neighborhood, sell some ice cream.
You know, I want to say anything, but, you know, maybe Fudgie the Whale, the numbers there, because it's all cash and nobody knows how much you're actually making. Not saying that anybody does, but you just go to a good park, you pull up, you stop, and then they come, they buy the ice cream. You're good. You go home. But I feel like there's an underworld of the ice cream truck game where people have certain parks and you're not allowed to just go to any park that you want to go to.
And I'm wondering what the dark side of the ice cream game is for. Maybe after we talked to Bob, we can investigate the dark side of the ice cream world. Just the building.
I like the idea. I like the idea of me, you and perhaps Chris and Roy, if they were just trying to solve some of life's great mysteries. And I bet you're right that this is one of them, I think barricades in an ice cream truck. Guys are good. Can we do this later? I'm serious.
I'm going to do it. We'll come up with a name, but it has to end with blah, blah, blah. Investigate.
So after I'm on the causeway right now, the next stop asking me if you guys don't know you are set up or anything.
Yeah, yeah, I have one. Right.
I saw a B.B. King. Wow. Nice, nice. I think it's the Little Mermaid house. Little Mermaid.
Well, that's about it. Just to put a bow on the barricades thing. Apparently he calls it Bobs.
Just because Bob is a name that people seem to like, that's his reasoning for it.
It also goes with barricades. Right.
All the research, you know, you're kind of ruining the undermining the interview that we do because we're seeing a first. But what's the last time you guys were on the causeway?
I'm thinking about it last week, last week and the home stretch. Once you get on the causeway, it's all it's all downhill from there. Stuart's still got Topham. Do you make a little pit stop at that Burger King on the way in?
If you got time, usually way home, press the way out. I run for a chicken sandwich and cheese right down my throat.
Little secret snack. Well, it's lunch.
What's your go to breakfast from a drive thru, not Starbucks includes.
I'm embarrassed to admit, you know, I didn't make about. Shoes, probably. I didn't know what to make crittle was until like two years ago, really. I got breakfast burrito from McDonald's, really? Breakfast burrito. I used to love the city. Mitty's different. Yeah, but they change quickly, forgotten.
And only I am tempted to go through that B.K. only because I forgot the bagel. My wife.
That was nice of her to make that for you. It was great.
I think I giltner into it yesterday and then you leave and she just sees it sitting on the counter.
She already me for text. As soon as I get done with it, I am going to get laced up on text by the highway. Really. You complain about it on the air that I make to leave it here. Guys, I have another question.
Just thinking about the drive thru because you say you were going to go to Burger King. I thought, you know, Burger King hash browns, not the best option for the McDonald's hash browns. So not for breakfast. For lunch. If you could make a perfect fast food meal made up of individual ingredients from different restaurants, what would it be like? So, for example, McDonald's. Great question. McDonald's has great fries, but they do not have great coke.
Their soda, for whatever reason, tastes a little bit off. I like susceptibilities like McDonald's.
McDonald's has by far the better food and soda. That's what.
No, Billy just said the opposite. I agree. I was, um. I was honest to God, since I have always thought that McDonald's has a lead coke, no ability saying the Burger King has a better balance.
He's saying that McDonald's doesn't have good Coke. OK, all right. I mean, I don't know. But like, I think that goes good. But anyway, go ahead.
I used to like the high orange at McDonald's and then they got rid of that for some reason. I don't know.
There's something about the mixture, although we're not talking about these modern terrible. No, no, no. Don't mix all the drinks together. I hate those. No, no, no, no, no. That's one area where technology has failed us. I love those machines.
The machine is it has it has great qualities that I love. Great Welches.
Yeah, but you're great welched tastes like orange welch. It tastes like apple welch. It combines all the well you know you got to push it right now. You push the button first, you let it trip down a little bit, you clear out whatever the person before you did and then you're fine. Dangerous game.
Can I address this with Bill real quick? Because this is such a great question, because I think the chicken sandwich, a Burger King is far superior to the one McDonald's or the McDonald's fries are far superior to the fries.
You get a Burger King, you know, if you throw in Arby's or checkers, I feel like they have better fries at McDonald's. If you're doing the standard fries, I think I would do OK. How about this? Oh, those are seasoned fries.
I'm working on a cheat. I'm I'm working in a cheesy gordita.
Crunches Well, if I'm doing like the big three, big four where you can only do like one or two things for each, I think I would do a whopper or double whopper, whatever you choose. I think I would try Donalds fries, I do Wendy's chicken nuggets and then I'd get soda from day one.
I'd say I'd save my dessert for Wendy's with a frosty salad.
Oh, you know what I might do him? I could have steak and shake for a patty melt though.
I think if you love a dog every I yell something.
Adam McCullom.
Oh, there's this guy right next to us. The clue and there's all the Ohio State bird dog is the Elzbieta Iowa State Parks.
You guys, Greg Cody, Greg Cody just joined the Zoome. Also, I had to go by last week in and out to pick up my computer. And I, I noticed something that was surprising. Slash alarming. The hotel next to the Clevelander still had all the racks set up for Super Bowl merchandise last year. It looked like I don't know if you guys have caught on to that time, just seemed to stop at that hotel where I guess it's not open anymore.
And all the racks with the Super Bowl teams of the Super Bowl logos was still on it. There were empty racks, but it's still just said time just. It is.
Yeah, that that was set up for a while. And let me tell you, I mean, timing is everything in life. I'm going to walk into that thing and I'm going to tell it like you're going I'm going to buy one and get two free. I mean, this is the lowest point for Ohio State merchandise, the guy. So this guy better give me a serious, serious discount. I'm going to actually go negotiate with him. I mean, what are you going to do?
As I'm in the garage, I go that way. I kick your ass. I know it. Do you have your domino three? I got rid of some of that.
I get that now. You got something. All right. I'm going to celebrate with a dart in the garage, OK?