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Chris, what's your father saying? I know he's pissed off. He's angry at us because we just escalated things by hitting him with the hard network out. But I always intended to give him the chance to actually talk about this in the post game show. What is he saying? Is he he doesn't want to come on with us.


I said we want you on the postgame show. And he's just like, what are you going to cut me off again? And I'm like, you know, there's no hard to work out on that. You're just mad.


Like, Come on, what do you mean? I think Mike, you could call him right now, Mike, he's he's he claims he's ready to. Come on. All right.


Before we get to Greg Cody, though, Roy, what happened to you? They're like you. You got to push through that. You can't give up in the middle of it and just and blurt and. Oh, God, that like, you're drowning. Like, you've got to put.


I felt so bad that he was so excited to have the menu out in a bit of food.


Why are you telling me why are you laughing at Roy here. Why, why do you guys laugh at each other when somebody else is the one who has the disaster? Roy, are those the only words you spoke on Today show? Yes, probably.


Oh, well, Roy, it's the thought of Roy drumming and saying, oh, God, I'm gonna push through and finish your thought. You just give us the your most innermost thought of. Oh, God.


Well, then I'm going to make some actual barbecue slides.


Goes with with a hello fresh box that I received yesterday. Hello. Hello, hello. Hello. All right.


Now he's not your father's not answering Micronesians calls. He's throwing a temper tantrum. Hold on. No, Chris, hold on before. Don't call him back. Let Mike handle this. How do you feel about how your dad's reacting to all this? Like your mother? Understand how strange your father is. Your mother understands that she's raised three boys, even though you guys allegedly are only two kids, you and your brother, she's raised three boys. And somehow it feels to me like you're 65 year old father is actually more of a child than either one of you two are.


He's more immature. And the self involvement is such like, what did we do to him that was unfair during the big school?


We I don't know, like he's very sensitive and he is very self-absorbed.


But I don't like I do feel bad because I was on the phone with him in between one of the breaks. And he is he seems like he's genuinely upset. And I don't want that because he he wants none of us want that.


Right. And I know you don't, but like, I do want to get out their message.


He was very supportive of me this weekend that in the same breath he will I could always feel on the back burner like him wanting the scoop. And I told him that so that I don't feel bad about saying. But he was great to me this week.


I need to say that just I think that I think that's that's the problem. He wants a picture painted of him, of him being a great dad, which we know him to be. We know that he loves his son, but not as much as he loves his click. No, no, no. That's that's fair.


I I'm a little annoyed by the rinse repeat of this. We get all offended and hurt by it, and he knows that we're going to forgive him. It's a lot like the whole shoegaze dynamic that we have here. You are just going to keep doing it because he knows he can get away with it. And then when we try to show him and convey that, hey, this time you cut a little too deep, he gets offended. Yeah.


So, Greg, are you there with us? You know what? He's going to cut you off. There's no hard network out here you can get you can give us all of your thoughts without interruption.


I'm very hurt and angry. I think you guys just really brutally misrepresented just about everything. I think what was said about me and implied about me was was almost slanderous, false. I'm not hiding how angry I truly am. I was screaming at Christopher on the phone. I don't care if you make fun of me for loving CLECs, which is the lifeblood of me keeping my job. But when when you start implying that I'm throwing my own son under the bus for the sake of clicks, I draw the line there.


I'm honestly hurt. Nothing was done that Christopher didn't do on his decision. I wrote the story after he had announced it first on Twitter. He wanted to talk about it on the podcast. Nothing was done that didn't have Christopher's approval. And I'm genuinely upset. I think I think the show owes me an apology on the air.


OK, well, then I will. And I think he is right.


He's right about that. Go ahead. No, no. You're going to you're about to get your apology.


I am sorry that you felt like we implied that you cared for CLECs more. I just came out and said that shit like you meant to do that. I don't mean to imply it. You did it. Well, you're an asshole, OK, this is escalated to a place here. Chris, you were making faces during some of what your father was saying, because some of it is is a shade off. It's his prism, but it's not it's not exactly true.


Well, I told him I was willing because, like, remember, at this time, I thought that I had no like I didn't think I was going to be on the show anymore. So I said to him, of course, I will talk about this on the great CODI show. But I in my perfect world, I was hoping to talk about it on the back end of whatever you guys were going to do. So I was wanting to do it the next week's episode.


And, you know, I wasn't pressured. I compromised. I felt like on what, you know, some people might want. And I was like, you know what? I'll just go on this week and talk about it and not really say anything, because remember, at that time, I wasn't going to be part of the show anymore. So I was kind of like, I need I don't know, like this is I feel like this is too in the weeds.


No, it's not too in the weeds because your father's genuinely upset. And this is what people are interested in today. And we didn't talk about it on the national show and we just went for the joke, as we often do. I just don't understand how I'm in a position. After Greg Codi last night defended to the hilt the fact that he revealed information that we didn't want revealed that he now is owed an apology.


He's got a lot of nerve trying to turn this around on us from doing a good job.


And why should I assume that you don't want to reveal that you're going to be back on the air tomorrow?


Why did you put it out there? Because you knew it had a bit of newsworthiness to it. Otherwise you wouldn't have tweeted it out under the guise of a scoop, you know? Exactly. We were staying quiet. I reached out to you and told you, hey, hey, this is part of something that was planned. Just we're trying to stay quiet on this front. It was obviously more than implied. And from your direct conversations with your son, you kind of got the idea from how we approached everything and the fact that there was no show on Friday that we wanted to stay quiet on this front.


You put it out there because you knew it had some stickiness to it so that it just doesn't hold water to me.


Greg, excuse excuse me for trying to promote the show. I oh, come on.


Trying to promote the show on the heels on the fighting the coattails of the number three overall. Roy Roy, you just howled and applauded at the amazing miss. This is my entire relationship with him. Roy, I love him so much. My entire you just how old excuse like you see how he pivoted. Right. Excuse me for trying to promote your show on my third rated podcast. That is higher than your podcast while you guys were off. Chris, do you feel like we owe your father an apology?


Your father's demanding an apology here.


I kind of see both sides. This my dad wanted like he had my best interests at heart. I know that with a thousand percent certainty. But he also needs to look in the mirror a little bit here in that whether it's to keep his job or, you know, narcissism, he is obsessed and he jokes about it with himself, talking about his podcast every week. He's obsessed with numbers and he likes Saul. He saw the blood in the water and saw the potential for these numbers.


I'm not saying he put that ahead of me, but he saw that and that was there. And if he's going to completely disregard that, then he's wrong here. But I do think he he needs to like it needs to be said that he like he was always like willing to listen to me on this. So, like, I do see both sides of this.


Greg, is some of that fear from this standpoint at any point did you say to yourself, man, this is a tough weekend, tough time for my son? Like any dad, I'm going to be like good dads. I'm going to be there for him, kid. So give him a good talking to try to help him out wherever he wants to go. But did you process at all? This would also be a great way to get him on the podcast for clicks.


Of course I did go. I did. And I'm not denying any of that. Look, this has been like a record setting week for the podcast because Christopher was on talking about it for the first time in the story I wrote. Got a lot of eyeballs because of the popularity of the show and because of how beloved Christopher is. It turns out and those were great byproducts for me. But the idea and for Mike to see completely the idea that I'm going to put my son's interests and what he wants and what I want for him above, you know, that I'm going to put clips above my own son.


That's important to me, OK? And you're right. And I'm attracted by it. Greg, you have every right to be offended by that. And quite frankly, you didn't hear from me when you put out the podcast. I leave it to you guys to decide how to handle that. But in regards to yesterday and trying to scoop everyone by announcing we're back as we're still working very hard behind the scenes, some come to some sort of solution that keeps most people happy.


And that saying within the context of the fact that your son got let go, you know exactly what you did there. And I'm not here to hear anything other than that.


You can hear whatever you want. I think it's such a minor deal, the fact that I. Is a minor deal to you, it's other people's lives, other people's careers, other people's text messages and email chains that you don't have to worry about. I don't know what to say to that. I mean, just like acknowledge the fact that, you know, you could always get away with it and that's why you always do.


It's classic narcissism when it happens to you. It's not minor. When someone else says it bothers them, it becomes minor. Like you're sitting here telling me, honest to God, this is something that's happening now. It's not just that you got your clicks, it's that this show cares about your son super deeply. Didn't want to lose him in any way. He's back on the air today after being laid off. And your demanding an apology from me?


I'm not. First of all, I'm not demanding anything. I'm feeling as if I am owed an apology just for the way that you all represented me on the air in you. At one point you invited Christopher to say, Chris, tell us how much of an asshole your dad was over the weekend. And I don't appreciate that because I was not an asshole to my son over the weekend. I was the father that I needed to be. I was hurt that he been laid off to the point of tears.


And I did everything as good as I could from a fatherhood standpoint. All right. I was not portrayed like that on the air. All right. For the reclose. All right.


So for the ride, just for the record. No, it's just his voice giving up. For the record, I just want to stated clearly to everyone listening, OK, Greg Cody was not an asshole to his son this weekend. Greg Cody was only an asshole to his friends and his son's boss. That's it. His son's new boss. He was not an asshole to his son. Billy, do you have any thoughts on that?


Sorry, Greg, I apologize. On behalf of everyone, it seems like this is just not going to end until. I'm sorry. I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry if I did something that upset.


I praised the move. So I don't know what you want from me. Well, Billy, what you did is keep his son's job.


That's what you did you. Because it could have been any one of us. Right?


What do you mean it could have been anybody in the shipping container?


Roy, you thought it was going to be you, didn't you? I mean, of course, I did, in fact, some of the fans on the show wished it was me. So does that as well admit it, Tony, you were seeing the blood in the water and you're like, this is a moment for me. This is my chance right here. What's my moment?


What's it might have, right? What am I doing? It might have been Roy had the Hello fresh thing happened last week.


All right, Greg, I just got a couple of extra rounds of golf I like. You really shouldn't talk to your son's boss this way publicly. I don't know what to do. I am a human resources department that I could go to to to say that Greg Gote is running me as his son's boss, his son's new boss. What else do you have to say, Greg? But we'll let you have the last word. You finish the post game show however you want.


I am assuming the last words are going to be the Greg Cody show featuring Greg Cody. Go ahead.


The name of the podcast is actually The Great Codicil with Greg Cody not featuring.


And I'm going to get over how angry I am. But as long as you understand how angry I am and that and that I do a show on ESPN Radio live in a racist country.